The Collegian -- Published Dec. 12, 2014

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Issue 7 • Friday, Dec. 12, 2014 •




Video shows teacher with Delta connection dragging student By Richard Reyes

Athletes with scholarly GPAs PAGE 8


ACTORS STUDIO: Harvey Jordan giving intructions to his students about finals.


Drama professor to retire at end of school year By Richard Reyes

Delta gets jazzy with talented performances PAGE 8

Dell’Osso is place to go for family fun PAGE 8

UPCOMING Stockton Symphony presents ‘Holiday Pops,’ 6 p.m. Dec. 13, Delta Center for the Arts Board of Trustees meeting, 5 p.m. Dec. 16


Lights. Camera. Action. For 23 years Delta College Drama Professor Harvey Jordan has taught students these commands to students. Next semester will be his last. Jordan will retire at the school year’s end. Recently Jordan produced Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” giving it an urban touch up. “It had been on my mind for a while, I have done many, many Shakespeare (plays) and I never done Romeo and Juliet,” said Jordan. “It has been on my mind and I felt like I wanted to do it this last year because I wanted to do a big show that had a lot of roles.” Twenty-eight roles to be exact. The largest in a single play ever here at Delta, said Jordan. Jordan’s teaching career began in the 1980s at Chicago’s Steppenwolf Theatre Company, which was started by Hollywood actor Gary Sinise, who is popular for roles in “Forrest Gump” and “Apollo 13.” Jordan soon left Chicago area and

landed in Stockton, bringing East Coast theater life to the West Coast. Jordan opened an acting school called “American Blues” on the Miracle Mile which he ran for five years. “I always been committed to intense and very intimate theater, and there wasn’t a lot of opportunity to do the kind of shows that I wanted to do at Delta College, so I established my own acting studio for a while,” said Jordan. During this time, he met Paula Sheil, then a reporter for The Record. “I was writing about arts and I was doing very little theater during that period. So it made me crazy, because I was excited about what Harvey was doing,” said Shiel. After leaving the newspaper and taking a full-time English position at Delta, Sheil and Jordan later collaborated on five plays. “Through Harvey’s guidance, I proved to myself that I could do the harder roles,” said Shiel. While not many have understood Jordan’s passion for his teaching style, he believes he must give 110 percent when

See JORDAN, Page 8

In November, a video of a Stockton Unified School District physical education teacher dragging a 14-year-old student into a pool went viral. The video, said to have shot by another student, was recorded in August. That teacher, Denny Peterson of Edison High School, is seen in the video grabbing the girl by her limbs. The girl screams “no” repeatedly and also tells onlookers her top is falling down. Peterson, described as a 10-year employee of SUSD by various news outlets, is also connected to Delta College as an assistant baseball coach for the Mustangs. Since the 90-second footage showing Peterson went viral, SUSD put him on paid administrative leave. Initially, Peterson had been reassigned to another school. Gilbert Somera, the Stockton-based attorney for the teenage girl’s family, said the girl’s mother came forward because she was upset more hadn’t been done after the incident. Since then Peterson has been charged with corporal injury to a child. As late as Nov. 21, Peterson was listed as the assistant baseball coach on the Delta Athletics website. The biography has since been removed from the Delta Athletics website. As of Dec. 10, Peterson’s teaching biography was still up for the Delta College website as Kinesiology instructor within Humanities, Social Science, Education, Kinesiology and Athletics department. He’s listed as an Associate Adjunct Professor who teaches health education courses. Delta Athletic Director Daryl Arroyo declined comment. A representative of the Human Resources Department also declined com-

See PETERSON , Page 8

Vasquez newly elected trustee for Area 4 board seat By Gaby Muro

Newly elected Board of Trustees District 4 representative Richard Vasquez credits his experience as a member of an arts committee and the Pets Advisory Committee for his successful campaigning. Vasquez says he spent five years on both committees building experience, but admits he was intimidated when running against incumbent and now former Board President Taj Khan. Vasquez was elected to the

seat during the November election, but the results weren’t finalized until weeks later. Vasquez said he hopes to improve Delta’s quality for students, staff and the college itself, saying in an email interview he will “continue to seek opportunities to help improve my role as a trustee for Delta College.” But how does a student defeat a seasoned board member with more experience? Vasquez admits he did most of his campaigning in Lodi and adver-

See TRUSTEE, Page 8


SWEARING IN: Richard Vasquez is sworn in to the Area 4 Board of Trustees seat on Dec. 9.



Issue 7 • Dec. 12, 2014 •


Ways to manage stress during finals week By Sven Jacobson


ith finals time around the corner, now is a good time to talk about stress. You know stress. The feeling you get in your stomach when you think your whole life is going to crumble down around you. Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Not all stress is bad. Without stress, people would be hard pressed to accomplish anything. There are many helpful tips out there for dealing with stress, so I thought I’d throw my hat in the ring and give you mine. Here’s five helpful tips to help you manage your stress for finals week. EAT HEALTHY I learned from a very early age that I’m a stress eater. As soon as I felt the overwhelming sense of anxiety I would

practically run to the refrigerator. But I learned something to help me cope. At least if I was eating healthy, I could binge. Now I swap up Cheetos for celery when I’m feeling stressed. GET A STRESS BALL Those magical little foam rubber filled things. Mine has a smiley face on it. When I feel stressed, I mercilessly pound it into a pulp. STEP AWAY FROM IT Sometimes stress can be too much to handle. When I study, I like to keep distractions at bay, but during those long study sessions, it’s sometimes good to step away from the act for a minute. I keep a loaded Nintendo 64 near my desk for these circumstances. I take time away from studying to play a little Mario Kart 64. There nothing like smashing your sister with the blue shell when you're stressed.

GET GOOD SLEEP It can be difficult to sleep when you’re stressed out. Your mind is going a mile a minute, trying to remember facts or dates, whatever the hell a hyperbole is or how to solve an antiderivative of a function. My way of dealing with this is simple. Find the most boring audio you could think of, and listen to it until you fall asleep. For me it’s C-Span. I’ll never understand how people could make some of the most important conversations in our country more boring than watching paint dry. STAY AWAY FROM MORE STRESS Don’t call your boyfriend or girlfriend. Tell them to leave you alone for a few hours. It’s not going to kill you. I promise. Turn your phone off and go to your happy place. If all of that fails you, just remember the words of David Mamet: “We must have pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of pie.”

Student shares tips that provided success during Delta tenure By Jaime Garcia


inals week is the time of the school year where every student is on edge because it’s the time everything comes down to the wire. It comes down to everything a student learned from the entire semester to put skills to the test and see what was learned on one final test. What are students doing to get ready for these important tests? They’re getting ready to stay up and study their brains out to just get ready. Here are some tips to help ease stress and get ready. 1) Stay energized by getting sleep. Just the basic eight to ten hours a day to help you stay awake and stay focused during study time. 2) Don’t spend countless hours at odd times in the night trying to study. Instead study for a couple of hours then take at least a ten-minute break or more to just relax. Don’t think about work. When the break is up you can return to studying with a fresh mind. 3) Create flash cards as a study guide or notes as a substitute. By doing that you’re quizzing yourself like you are tak-

ing mini tests that can help you remember information you have been studying. 4) A study group can prove most effective when it comes studying for finals or any test if you have the right people. When it comes to a study group the members can help each other study by talking about information that you’ve had trouble so you can develop a clearer understanding of the concepts. The study group helps create less stress and helps make studying easier. 5) Take your time on the problems or book. Don’t jump from one problem or book to the next. Stick to it then move on to the next to help remember what you studied. 6) Take a mini practice quiz or test when you’ve completed studying to see how your studying is coming along and to see how the information stayed with you. 7) Relax and let what you’ve studied and learned sink into your head. Don’t think about your test to help relieve the stress. Give outside distraction a pause for a moment. These strategies helped me be successful with my finals in my years at Delta College. So hopefully these tips are a big help with you and your current and future studies. Good luck fellow Mustangs on your finals.

FEATURE EDITOR Eleanor Mafi SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Orlando Jose SENIOR STAFF WRITERS Santana Juache STAFF WRITERS Jaime Garcia Sven Jacobson III Vorani Khoonsrivong Kathryn Krider Midori Morita Megan Maxey

Zachariah MercesSpindler Gaby Muro Nicole Pannell Jake Souza Aidet Ulloa

ADVISER Tara Cuslidge-Staiano ADVERTISING The Collegian offers display advertising at competitive rates. Contact us at (209) 954-5156 or LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters raising issues and opinions are encouraged, but shouldn’t be taken as a reflection of the opinions of the staff. EDITORIAL Unsigned editorials reflect the position of the entire Collegian staff. Comments, letters and editorials with a byline represent the opinion of the writer. This paper doesn’t endorse or represent the opinions of the adviser, the Mass Communication department, the Fine Arts Division, the printer or Delta College administration. MISSION STATEMENT The Collegian is a student run First Amendment newspaper that prides itself on a commitment to the students of San Joaquin Delta College while maintaining its independence. We reinvigorate the credo that the newspaper speaks for the students, checks abuses of power and stands vigilant in the protection of democracy and free speech.



Issue 7 • Dec. 12, 2014 •

Looking beyond Asian American stereotypes Writer wants population to go beyond preconcieved notions By Vorani Khoonsrivong


ith recent events about racial and political uprising, I started to think about stereotypes, specifically the Southeast Asian American stereotype. Society often depicts Asian Americans as people who look and talk the same, are one or a combination of Chinese, Korean or Japanese ethnicity and are the “Model Minority.” As the “Model Minority,” Asian Americans are affluent, hard-working individuals with prestigious degrees. Here’s a newsflash: contrary to popular belief, not all Asians look alike, not all Asians are one or a combination of Chinese, Korean or Japanese ethnicity and not all Asians are doing socially and economically well. It’s a strange, yet constant issue Southeast Asian Americans face with at least once in their lifetime — and it’s an issue that’s affecting the Southeast Asian American community in a negative way. While flattering and applicable to some Southeast Asian Americans, the Model Minority theory doesn’t fully represent us as a whole. There are obstacles and struggles Southeast Asian Americans encounter on daily basis that negate the Model Minority theory. Assimilation is a prominent issue Southeast Asian Americans struggle with. The severity of how it affects the Southeast Asian American community depends on two ideas: behavioral and socioeco-

nomic assimilation. According to Asian-nation. org, behavioral assimilation occurs when the individual decides to integrate into to the social norms of the host city. For example, I am a first generation Khmu and Cambodian American. My parents immigrated to the United States in the late 1970s and went through different stages of assimilation but were fortunate to balance both American culture and their respective cultures. As a child, my parents exposed me to both of their ethnic cultures and American culture. Initially, I accepted Khmu, Cambodian and American culture but as I got older, I began to favor American culture. I became embarrassed by my ethnicities and viewed the customs and traditions as abnormal and barbaric. Today, I continue to struggle with acknowledging my Southeast Asian ethnicities, albeit a smaller degree. The constant struggle between accepting or denouncing one’s culture has caused a rift in the different generations of Southeast Asian Americans. While one generation accepts being Southeast Asian, another might denounce it. This generational gap causes a lack of understanding that hurts both generations. If the older generation and the newer generation are unable to have a mutual understanding of their culture with one another, it immobilizes them to move forward. Ultimately, this clash could cause the ethnicity to die out.

Many Southeast Asian American families immigrating to the United States were poor and ultimately stayed poor, settling for low-skilled jobs. If you’re from Stockton and have Southeast Asian American friends, then you know many Southeast Asian Americans reside in the same community with the same socioeconomic background. The less-affluent Southeast Asian American neighborhoods often have high crime and gang-related activity. With many of the parents working, their children are left unsupervised, exposing them to a rebellious and dangerous lifestyle. While there are resources available, many of the less-affluent Southeast Asian Americans don’t know about them. This is prevalent in the education system among Southeast Asian American students. While some students have the ability to succeed, others are unable to because of a lack of financial and parental support. In the end, I can’t speak for all Southeast Asian Americans but I can say this: I am proud to be Khmu and Cambodian American. To all my Southeast Asian Americans brothers and sisters, now’s the time for you to be proud too. It’s time for Western society to wake up and acknowledge us as a group of people that doesn’t look or sound the same, that isn’t one or a combination of East Asian ethnicities and isn’t represented by the Model Minority theory. We’re different. And that’s okay.

PILLOW TALK 101 With Jermaine Davis

Dating during the holidays Can make or break new relationship


he most critical time in figuring out where a new relationship is headed comes during the holidays. Couples in new relationships use this time of year to get their families more acquainted and familiar. Thanksgiving can be one of those “deal or no deal” type of situations. Often times it’s the family who suggest bringing your significant other to interact, so they can get more of a feel for the person you’re spending time with, and if the two are compatible. If you can survive meeting the family after Thanksgiving, trust and believe you’ll be expected to be present come Christmas. This is when you know things might be getting serious. Now you have to consider a gift to buy or if you’ll be buying a gift at all. If this is a new relationship that’s developed over the past two months, there’s no need to go over the top with outlandish gifts. Save the big presents for later on in the relationship, assuming you make it past this year. Keep It Simple & Sweet (KISS) on the first go round. One thing you definitely want to avoid is buying an expensive gift and the relationship suddenly fizzles out before Valentine’s Day. Throughout the time that you’ve been together, if you were paying attention to detail, you’re significant other more than likely has dropped hints about their like, wants and needs. Whatever you choose to get make sure it’s something they’ll like, instead of just trying to wing it by getting something you think they might like. It’s best to be sure. Hopefully by New Year’s Eve, as a couple the two of you will have an understanding of each other and continue to build. Plan road trips, go to concerts, and attend festivals like most happy couples do. On the flipside, if you can’t manage staying together after the holidays, don’t beat yourself up about. Worst come to worst you’ve made a new friend, experienced new things and learned a valuable lesson from your experience that you can apply to the next relationship. On Dec. 31, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. will you or won’t you be wrapped in the arms of the one you love?


Professor offers tips for success


few more helpful hints to study: On Issue 2 of the Sept. 26 of Collegian a few tips were mentioned as how to be a student. Here are the remaining’s of those tips. It always helps to study the material before you go to the class. You understand them better. Make sure you study the previous material too. Everything is connected, all of your lectures, all of your classes, and you need to make those connections. I ask my students to read their notes every day from beginning to the end, even the days that they do not have class with me, including weekends. I was getting my Master in Murray State University in Kentucky and I took

a course called “Virology.” Three units and four lecture exams and nothing else, no quizzes no lab, no papers, nothing. I got 62 out of 100 in my first exam. That is a D. Keep in mind in graduate school you must maintain a 3.0 average. I said to myself “OK, I will redeem myself and do better in the next exam.” I did better, I got 63. I got nervous so I went to the professor and asked him what I was doing wrong. He said: “Amir do you read your notes every night from beginning to the end, every night.” From that day not only I did as my professor asked me to but I also read the text book and added information from text into my lecture notes. I rewrote

my lecture notes. I redeemed myself and pass the course with a B. This method of studying worked for me and with this method I was able to graduate from Murray State and University of Tennessee. So, to wrap it up for you guys take these few steps and you can go to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Berkeley and any school you want and get any degree you want. It is not hard to do it just needs tender, loving, care, TLC: 1. Read your lecture notes every night from beginning to the end, even the days that you do not have that class. 2. Rewrite your lecture notes with nice hand writing and fortify them with materials from text book. 2. Pay attention to the lecture that is the short cut to your education, i.e. you study less at night.

3. If your professor do not make up questions for you at the beginning of the lecture you make up some essay questions for yourself and write the answers to the questions and make sure you know the answers before the exam. 4. After lecture write what you remember and then compare your answers to lecture notes, what you missed is in the exam. I will tell you later how to prepare yourself for group studies and a few other tips that can get you to Harvard and Yale. Until then good luck, even though you don’t need any luck, because you are good at what you are doing (studying).

— Amir Assadi-Radi Delta College Professor



Issue 7 • Dec. 12, 2014 •


Healthy choices can prevent colds during flu season By Alexis Bustamante


DELL’ OSSO FAMILY FUN: Valley residents go out of the normal Lathrop element for some fun in the snow.

Holiday, snow fun at Dell’Osso By Megan Maxey & Midori Morita

Winter in San Joaquin Valley doesn’t always fulfill the stormy and white expectations of the cliché holiday season. The Dell’Osso family recognizes this and gives people in the area an opportunity to enjoy winter activities we normally don’t get to experience in San Joaquin County. Dell’Osso Family Farm takes a new shape during the holiday season from now through Jan. 5. “Holidays on the Farm” has lots to see and do. A number of activities including “Snow on the Farm,” “Lights on the Farm,” “Santa’s Village” and “Ice Skating on the Farm” will transport visitors to a Winter Wonderland. The farm’s main attraction during the holiday season is the man-made snow hill. Customers purchase a reservation for a 90-minute session in which they ride tubes down a slippery slope. The hill is safe for children to ride alone if taller than 48 inches. Single, double and small tubes are provided for all in attendance. Along with the snow hill, children can also enjoy some snow in the Farm’s snow pile.

A machine spews snow constantly while children and adults alike play in the snow pile. Families from around the San Joaquin County area can purchase Christmas trees from the farm. Along with trees, the farm also sells Christmas décor and treats. Holidays on the Farm holds the largest outdoor light show in Northern California. Visitors can see it by open-air hayride, tram or in their own cars. Dell’Osso isn’t just fun for the thousands of families that attend. Employees also join in on the fun by providing these families with a safe and friendly environment. Nicole Stevenson, a Dell’Osso employee, has been working on the farm for five years and enjoys seeing the joy on children’s faces when they come to the farm. “I basically get paid to have fun,” stated Stevenson. Many people don’t know the Dell’Osso family works side-by-side with all of their employees. “Everyone here is like family. We all get to know each other, and the Dell’Osso family is amazing,” Stevenson said. Year after year, the Dell’Osso Family Farm continues to deliver nothing less than the best, attracting more families with fun-filled attractions every year.

With the cold snap, everyone can now feel the season changed. Now it’s time for a prolonged flu season. It’s also time to avoid getting colds by taking some minor precautions, including taking showers at night or blow-drying your hair in the morning. Good health habits can also prevent illnesses. Preventing the flu many places offer free influenza vaccines. Walgreens and CVS also give the shot at a low price. Wearing appropriate amount of clothing and sweaters can also help. Washing hands is important too. The college lifestyle means we are surrounded by thousands of students compared to hundreds in previous educational institutions, that increases chances of getting sick. Researchers found out an average desk carries more 400 times more bacteria than average toilet seat, according to the study of University of Arizona germ guru Dr. Charles Gerba. A keyboard also carries about 200 times more germs then a toilet seat. Do you know how many germs a toilet seat carries? About 50 germs per-square inch, according to the study. There are also homeopathic methods for preventing colds. Garlic helps boost the immune system and fight viruses. It has been used for medical purposes through history. According to Garlic Central website, garlic has been used as a natural antibiotic since the earlier twentieth century. Eating foods that contain Phytochemicals – “Phyto” means plants – and the natural chemicals in plants give the vitamins in food a supercharged boost, according to WebMD.

Holiday traditions differ for people in month of December By Megan Maxey & Midori Morita

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, as some say. The weather is colder, holiday songs play in every store and lights light up the night. Even though some enjoy winter celebrations, many people dread the season. The lines at Target are way too long. Christmas songs get repetitive. And you’re forced to see that one family member always asking you about your love life. “Working in retail is horrible this time of year,” said Oliver Johnson, who has worked in retail for almost two years.

What those people don’t see is the month of December holds so much more than retail sales and holiday songs. Families from all over the world celebrate different kinds of holidays around this time. The San Joaquin area has a proud diversity of people and holidays. Some decorate Christmas trees, others celebrate eight days of Hanukkah. There are too many traditions to count. Abbey Baer, a Jewish college student, said holiday celebrations and traditions are important in a religious setting. “I always look forward to celebrating Hanukkah with my family. It’s a very important holiday with many traditions. Hanukkah is much more than just

eight days of presents,” stated Baer Traditions include decorating your home, making meals with that one secret family recipe, taking a trip with your siblings and many more. “Every Christmas we make tamales. It is usually the women in our family do it,” said 18-year-old Rosita Trevizo, who celebrates Christmas every year with her parents and three siblings. No matter who your background or religion, the holiday season means being thankful for the people in our lives. “I love spending the holidays with my family. We have an ugly sweater contest and decorate treats on Christmas Eve,” said Johnson.



e e e e ee e Issue 7 • Dec. 12, 2014 •


HOLIDAY GIFT IDEAS: Presents that won’t break the bank By Aidet Ulloa

The holidays are a time of giving, not necessary of spending as some businesses lead you to believe. But who said gifts had to be expensive? FOR THE MOVIE LOVER Taking a popcorn box that isn’t used, you can add items including candies, gift cards and popcorn. It’s simple, yet creative gift that will cost you about $20 to $30 depending on the amount of the gift card you purchase. It also works as a last-minute gift for anyone. FOR THE BEAUTY GURU One can never go wrong with makeup. If you know someone who is into all things beauty, a makeup set is just the thing to get them. Many department stores have these gift sets already available and ready for purchase for the holiday sea-


son. Depending on the brand and store these presents can cost around $10 to more than $50. FOR THE CHILDREN Children love toys. It’s rare to find one that prefers clothes over toys. With today's generation living and growing up in such a technological era, a video game would be ideal. Video games or anything “Frozen” are ideal gifts, especially for those who are kids at heart. FOR THE TECH SAVVY Maybe you know of someone who recently got a new phone, or a new computer. A super easy gift idea is to create your very own starter pack for them. Add earphones, a charger and a USB cord. Then add a case with their favorite team, artist, before color and then voila, you have the perfect starter pack for that special someone.

By Ryan Quijalvo,

FOR THE ‘NOT SO SPECIAL SOMEONE’ What do you get someone who you don’t know personally, say a teacher, favorite doctor or classmate? A do-it-yourself hot cocoa mix. For this simple and delicious treat you just add hot cocoa, marshmallows and chocolate chips to a mason jar. Pair up the mix with inexpensive Christmas mugs and there you have it. ‘I RAN OUT OF TIME’ Although there are many gifts guides out there, this one included, many people ignore them and wait until the last minute. In this situation gift cards are the way to go. Inside a mason car, add a toilet paper roll and fill the outside of the roll with M&M’s (green and red work best). Then simply add money or a gift card to the center of the jar. Simple and inexpensive enough.



Issue 7 • Dec. 12, 2014 •

Mustangs make the grade, despite heavy workload By Eleanor Mafi

As the fall semester is coming to an end, Mustang athletes know even though the season is over, finals are coming up. Most people at Delta might think athletes have it all, but in reality they are students walking around getting their education like everyone else. However, student-athletes are students that have more responsibilities after class is done, as academic comes first, especially at Delta College. Every year, after spring semester Delta College recognizes the athletes that have cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher at the Athletic Torch of Excellence Scholar-Athlete Awards ceremony. Forty-percent of athletes on campus were recognized for there 3.0 an higher GPA. Athletes that go above and beyond reaching a 4.0 average receive a special MVP award. “I can’t really say that I have a special

quote. But it is always very pleasing to me, to see our Student-Athletes progress onward to achieving one’s lifetime goals,” said Athletic Counselor Randy Gaines. “It also makes me feel, as if maybe I had just a little to do with this persons Academic or Athletic achievements.” Last year, four Mustang athletes from different sports were honored with the prestigious award. Baseball player Zack Perugi, Men’s Cross Country runner Rigo Carrasco, Softball player Alyssa Magana and Men’s Track & Field athlete Curtis Ericsson. Most athletes want to continue their education and athletic careers, which leads them to sign letters to attend to four-year colleges. “I might stress that this could be the first step toward changing ones life and every Athlete must realize that they are more than just a Athlete. They are Individuals which have the ability to do great things in this life,” said Gaines. The number of signing athletes is


IN THE ZONE: Student-athlete Nishalina Buksh putting in work off the court. moving on is down from last year. “Not too many have signed this time of year, but last year we had about over 50 student athletes,” said Athletic Director Daryl Arroyo.

With the end of the fall semester coming up. Mustang athletes are no longer studying game film, but are now hitting the books to study for finals.

Rumors of Mayweather, Pacquiao finally getting in the ring

By Zachariah Merces-Spindler


ayweather versus Pacquiao 2015? For six-long years Fans have watched and heard all the rumors fade into a fanatical

dream. Once one of the greatest fights of all time is now surely impossible with Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao on verge of retirement, right? But actually, the fight is closer to becoming a reality than ever before. Starting with the news of Freddie Roach (Pacquiao’s trainer) being contacted by Mayweather’s promotion team asking for a rematch clause in the potential fight. That’s a pretty big step after all the limited talking being reported for more than six years between the two camps. Shortly after the news was dropped and all the chatter had been ignited again, Footlocker released a commercial for their biggest event ever, starring one Manny Pacquiao.


The commercial showed Pacquiao overhearing “what we all want is finally happening,” and Pacquaio misunderstood, thinking that they meant Mayweather was finally up for the fight, as he began to dancing upon the ring with excitement. Smart right? It’s the Perfect plan to pile on pressure for the fight to happen. Pacquiao’s camp has been very vocal about wanting to fight Mayweather Jr. Now to Mayweather’s camp. There hasn’t been a lot of good talk in the past such as Mayweather Jr. asking for Olympic drug testing, retiring for a year and then asking for 75 percent of the purse from the fight. Most have stated this is all due to Mayweather Jr.’s disdain for Pacquiao’s promoter Bob Arum and refusal to negotiate with the man. However, in the year 2014 a lot of interesting interviews occurred along with negotiations with Freddie Roach. “The fight is going to happen. That fight’s going to happen. Trust me,” said by Floyd Mayweather Sr., father and trainer of Mayweather Jr., in an interview

on Mayweather Jr. has expressed his irritation with his father for speaking out about the situation when he’s not exactly in the loop of his promotion team. “Floyd wants to fight him real bad. That’s all he talks about, fighting Manny Pacquiao,” said by Sam Watson, an advisor to Mayweather Jr.’s manager and promoter and close friend of Mayweather, who spoke out in an interview with about the potential fight. Nothing is etched in stone, but that doesn’t mean it’s far off. The word around the boxing world and the two fighters’ respective camps is the fight has to happen, and that it can happen especially with boxing’s current climate. And if you don’t understand how badly people want this fight, an United Arab Emirates group have volunteered to put up $150,000,000 to put on the fight in Abu Dhabi. It’s no longer ridiculous to think Floyd Mayweather Jr. versus Manny Pacquiao will happen, and to channel the foreseer Ali, it will happen in 2015, perhaps even twice.

Interested in advertising? Call or email us today for a rate sheet. Maximize your business or club’s potential by placing an ad in the campus newspaper for Spring 2015.





Issue 7 • Dec. 12, 2014 •

Upcoming year to bring onslaught of movie sequels By Nicole Pannell



JAZZ FESTIVAL: The Pacific Mambo Orchestra, originally from San Francisco, brings the crowd to its feet.

Delta gets jazzy with annual festival By Robert Juarez

On Dec. 6, jazz bands from middle schools to the college level were on hand at Delta College for the 15th annual Delta Jazz Festival. The Holt Building was packed with musicians lugging instruments from the flute to the electric guitar, followed by supportive parents and relatives. The festival was a one-day event, but preparations started months ago. This is especially true for Brian Kendrick and his team who put the event together. Kendrick is the professor of jazz studies and has been running the Delta Jazz Festival for the past 10 years. Kendrick’s passion for jazz music and the festival showed. When asked what makes jazz distinct from other forms of music, without a slightest hesitation Kendrick answered: “improvisation” and “self expression.” "Improvisation is the heart of jazz," said Kendrick, gleefully. He went on to say the beauty of

jazz is that musicians can “shape their own sound.” With hundreds of musical students performing, Kendrick was asked what students can take from the festival experience to assist them in their growth as musicians. Kendrick said students get a better sense of the work ethic and also valuable feedback from some of the older, experienced musicians. More than 50 bands participate. Performance venues varied from the Tillie Lewis Studio and Theatre to the Muller Studio Theatre and the Warren Atherton Auditorium. The bands competed throughout the day for awards. There were a variety of winners for an estimated two-dozen awards but bands from Folsom were called to the stage the most. The awards ceremony ended the day for the young musicians, however, there was still one more performance. The grand finale was the performance of the 2014 Grammy winning Latin jazz big band, The Pacific Mambo Ochestra.

Prior to their performance, band leaders Christian Tumalan and Steffen Kuehn answered a few questions. When asked if they believed any aspiring musician from Delta had a realistic chance of making it in music Tumalan quickly answered: “100 percent.” Tumalan went on to say in order for students from Delta or Stockton in general to make it, they “need to be committed 100 percent.” Tumalan and Kuehn have the history to back it up considering both originated from small villages with nothing around, one from Mexico and the other from Germany. “Odds were stacked against me,” said Kuehn. Tumalan and Kuehn have come a long way and the talent showed as the band sent the audience home happy later that night with an exciting performance that turned the auditorium into a dance party. The Pacific Mambo Orchestra did its part in ending the festival on a high note.

race yourself, the sequels are coming. While 2014 seemed to be the year of the super hero movie, 2015 has the potential to be the year of the sequel. Some major and questionable sequels are out in the upcoming year. In January, we are promised “Taken 3” (Why isn't one of his skills kidnap prevention?) and “The Woman in Black 2: Angels of Death.” In February, “Hot Tub Time Machine 2” and “SpongeBob: Sponge Out of Water” hope to make splashes at the box office. In March, we see our first book-based sequel, “The Divergent Series: Insurgent,” and more for the horror fans, “Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension.” April offers up something we hoped to forget and someone we want to remember with “Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2,” starring Kevin James, and “Furious 7,” starring the late Paul Walker. Two of the most anticipated sequels of the year debut in May, “Pitch Perfect 2” and “Avengers: Age of Ultron.” June pulls no punches by giving us “Ted 2,” “The Transporter Legacy,” “Jurassic World” and “Insidious: Chapter 3.” July is heavy on the muscle, offering something for both sexes in “Terminator: Genisys” and “Magic Mike XXL.” Movie goers have a choice of martial arts or murder in August between “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon II: The Green Destiny” or “Sinister 2.” Things slow down in September with “Hotel Transylvania 2,” being the only sequel. Chevy Chase returns to take us on another National Lampoon “Vacation” in October while terror takes on the UK in “London Has Fallen.” James Bond, Katniss Everdeen and Jason Voorhees battle it out for box office bucks in November with the releases of “Spectre,” “The Hunger Games: Mokingjay Part 2” and “Friday the Thirteenth” sequel. Naughty or nice, December is a force to be reckoned with, gifting the silver screen with “Mission Impossible V,” “Kung Fu Panda 3,” “Inferno,” and arguably the biggest franchise of the year, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” It looks like the return of these stories will have many of us returning to the theaters in 2015, signaling high returns for studios wallets.

As fall semester ends, Netflix streaming will likely increase By Zachariah Merces-Spindler


etflix has become a powerhouse for live streaming entertainment. Now with winter break approaching, Netflix will be in frequent use with plenty of free time ahead. So allow this list to assist you in finding a new television series to binge on or perhaps some movies to enjoy. SHOWS WORTH WATCHING “Psych” is a fantastic blend of mystery and comedy. A Santa Barbara “psychic” detective and his best friend Gus get into heaps of trouble solving mysteries. Main character Shawn Spencer keeps

his peers fooled by pretending to have psychic abilities. The show had a seven season run accumulating 121 episodes. For sports or documentary film fans, just search “30 for 30” for an extensive amount of films from the life of sports. ESPN’s sports documentaries are made by sports fans telling tales from unforgettable moments in history. You really can’t go wrong with any of the selections. For the readers of the younger generations, “Cheers” is an oldie but goodie. It’s set in a Boston bar, owned and ran by former Major League pitcher Sam Malone, where everyone knows your name. With 11 seasons, there’s plenty to see, lots of laughs and a few tears.

If you’re missing education and still have desire for learning, begin the journey alongside Neil deGrasse Tyson in “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey.” It’s a reimagining of Carl Sagan’s 1980s original “Cosmos: A Personal Voyage.” The 13-part series takes the viewer through a journey of space, our place in the universe and the great minds who helped progress our understanding of the cosmos. It’s visually stunning and easy to grasp with a great guide. MOVIES UP TO SPEED One to start with is “Stretch.” Not an easy film to explain, but it’s a tale of a limo driver who’s had a rough go of life, and in a deep $6,000 gambling debt.

On this fateful night the main character picks up an eccentric billionaire man-child and the madness follows all as the limo driver agrees to do the billionaire’s bidding to pay his debt. The film was written and directed by Sacramento native Joe Carnahan. The heavy, but light hearted independent drama/comedy, “A Long Way Down” in which four strangers ascend a tall London building to end their lives, but all interrupt each other and decide to live instead is another to watch. A pact is made and a bond grows. There’s twists and struggles along the way. Actress Imogen Poots’ performance in this film is riveting and spectacular — truly superb.



Issue 7 • Dec. 12, 2014 •

President’s executive action doesn’t fix immigration for one student By Alexis Bustamante

In early December, President Barack Obama announced executive action to fix an immigration system he said is “broken.” The action allows immigrants temporary stay “without fear of deportation” as long as the individuals are parents of United States citizens, have been here for more than five years, pass a background check and pay taxes. It’s enough for some undocumented residents, but still doesn’t fix the issue. Consider Delta College student Jessica Cabrera, who the new action wouldn’t help. Cabrera was born Ixtapa Zihuatanejo Guerrero, Mexico in

1993 to a single teenage mother. In 1998, Cabrera and her mother came to Stockton to live with her grandmother, who had been here since the 1980s. Cabrera is undocumented but previously allowed to stay as a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals representative On June 15, 2012 Obama announced DACA, which is a Federal temporary relief program allowing undocumented youth who were under the age on June 15, 2012, who entered the U.S. before the age of 16, have a GED or high school diploma a temporary work permit, Federal identification and a protection from deportation. “DACA does not grant Amnesty, nor does it grant citizenship,” said Cabrera.

JORDAN: At Delta for 23 years continued from PAGE 1

it comes to production. “It has always been my commitment to make all of the shows I do as high level as I can possibly accomplish,” he said. Student Antwan Mason said Jordan refines the talents of those he works with. “He amplifies the skills you already have,” said Ma-

The new executive action wouldn’t benefit students in Cabrera’s situation because she has no U.S. born children. Cabrera said Obama’s new mandate is a message is directly for adults with citizen children or permit resident children. Her mother will not qualify because she has an order of deportation due to her entrance at the border, even though she could be granted citizenship through Cabrera’s siblings. Cabrera’s mother may not be able to apply due to her deportation order. For Cabrera, nothing changes with Obama’s action. She’s still in limbo. “My DACA work permit expires in March, I have to renew it,” she said.

“Since Obama did DACA as an executive action (and since DACA is not a law but a policy) After I renew in 2015, I am not

sure when I will be able to renew again. The DACA policy can be removed by the new president.”

tion of “Death of a Salesman. He will play the lead role. Shiel has set up a scholarship in his name. “It’s the Harvey Jordan Tribute Scholarship,” said Shiel. “I wanted tribute to be in there and his name will come up when students look up scholarships.” When asked about his legacy, Jordan sums it up easily. “I guessing I will be remembered the most for producing a lot of very challenging provocative theater, and always trying to produce shows at the highest level, even if it is in a ferocious way,” he said.

PETERSON: Recruited for Mustangs


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ment. The Collegian submitted a California Public Records Act Request on Dec. 2 asking for specifics on Peterson’s hiring date and current status as an employee, salary and titles held. The request was submitted to Human Resources for response. Delta College is still within it’s 10-days to reply as of newspaper publishing. In his now-removed profile from the Athletics department website, Peterson is described as working at University of the Pacific for three years before

beginning his tenure, in 2005, at Delta College. His job was coaching pitchers. “He has established himself as one of the top pitching coaches in California Community College Baseball,” according to the now removed biography. Somera said he hopes the incident leads to conversations between parents, their children and peers to find solutions to how an event such as this can be avoided. As of late November, the family hadn’t sought legal recourse in the case, Somera said in a previous interview.

TRUSTEE: Underdog won the race

Up to $5,000 Award

continued from PAGE 1


Applicants must meet eligibility requirements and be formally accepted to National University. Funds paid in accordance to the scholarship terms. Some restrictions may apply.

FAMILY TIME: Jessica Cabrera and her mother.

son. “And he just makes them ten times better and that is one thing I really like about him.” When reflecting on his work, Jordan recalls the one play that couldn’t be finished. “We did ‘Macbeth’ here a couple years and this production could not be completed the guest artist actor who was playing Macbeth fractured his foot on the first night,” he said. Jordan also goes on to say that one showing of the play was as good as collegiate theater should be Jordan’s final play at Delta will be Arthur Miller’s adap-

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COURTESY OF JESSICA CABRERA © 2014 National University_1393

tised himself through precinct walks. He discussed his thoughts and opinions about the issues facing the college with the community, using the feedback to direct his campaign. “I felt confident because of my experiences with other elected political officers,” Vasquez said. Being a younger representative, Vasquez said he believes being a student was one of the main reasons he was elected. “I can develop a longer foun-

dation as a trustee for the college,” he said. His future plans include providing a voice for seeking land in Lodi for the college to expand. He is also interested in proposing a new registration system, and eliminating the print card system. Vasquez understands these projects will take time and commitment to accomplish. “I’m glad I won and now can focus on my path in politics,” he said.

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