2018 Winter Quarterly

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QUARTERLY Volume 114 | Issue 4 | Winter 2018

MASON’S MEDCAMPS MISSION IN THIS ISSUE Paul Lin: A Point of Pride | New Executive Director | Campus Scene 1

Delta Chi Quarterly

Inside the Quarterly

Volume 114 | Issue 4 | Winter 2018


4 A Point of Pride

Paul Lin credits Delta Chi with learning social and business skills, leadership opportunities, and much of his professional success.


Mason’s MedCamps Mission

Mason Andrews set three aviation world-records on his way to raising $30,000 for MedCamps of Louisiana.

The 10th Executive Director of Delta Chi Jerod Breit has been named the


new Executive Director and CEO.

Campus Scene 11


2 Letter from the “AA”

3 Philanthropic Giving Programs

9 Volunteer Training Program 23 Farewell and Parting, Keeping in Touch


Top-18 Accomplishments in 2018


aving visited more than 100 chapters and colonies, I am constantly asked, “How is Delta Chi doing overall?” I am grateful that we have the opportunity to see many of the positive ways that Delta Chis are living out our values and making significant contributions. As your “AA”, here are some of the facts I am very proud of from the past year: 1. Growth - We shared our brotherhood with more than 5,700 undergraduates this fall and 6,300 undergraduates this spring at 118 chapters and colonies throughout North America. We saw an average chapter size of 50 members, an increase from where we were 10 years ago. 2. New Chapters - We welcomed the Texas A&M Kingsville Chapter, which chartered in 2018. We look forward to four to five new charterings in 2019. 3. V Foundation - In the last two years, Delta Chi has raised over $425,000 for cancer research, a $325,000 increase from the first two years the V Foundation became our philanthropy focus. 4. New Fraternity Staff - We welcomed Nicki Rowlett as the Director of Education and Leadership Programs, Ben Ely as Director of Communications and Publications, CJ Hoffman as Director of Fraternity Services, and Kenny White, JC McGeary and Manny Macias as Leadership and Expansion Consultants. 5. International Convention - The largest convention in our fraternity’s history was held with over 625 attendees. 6. New Volunteer Training Program - Training was provided to over 70 alumni advisors at Convention for the first time, including information about trends in higher education as well individual experiences in the field. 7. New Colonies - We rejoined the Chico State community in spring 2018 and established a new colony at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. In fall 2018, Delta Chi re-established its roots at Virginia Tech and joined new communities at Texas A&M University - San Antonio and The University of Alaska in Anchorage. Our new colonies boast an average GPA of 3.23. 8. New Founders - Three Delta Chis achieved New Founder status for their contributions to the Fraternity and Educational Foundation, the most ever in a single year: Patrick Alderdice, Ball

State, ‘92, Rod Arnold, Texas A&M, ‘88, and David Cloutier, Embry-Riddle, 92. 9. New Board of Regents Members - Josh Klein joined the Board as a representative for chapters in Region II, Mark Sexton joined representing chapters in Region IV, and Mitch Fender now represents the chapters in Region VIII. Thank you to Chuck Wade, Matt Gorney, and Ron Stowers, who ended their Board service with more than 10 years of service. 10. Alumni Chapters – Started new Alumni Chapters in Atlanta, Colorado Front Range, San Diego, West Virginia, and Baton Rouge. 11. Risk Management Assessment - The proactive risk management sessions online and innovative way of conducting sanctions has helped over two-thirds of those chapters with past violations of the Fraternity’s Risk Management Policy from suffering a recurrence, including an overall decrease of 44% in violations and 77% decrease in hazing allegations. 12. Strategic Plan - Staff has made strides on the Fraternity’s five-year strategic plan, which will guide our overall direction on diverse fronts. For more information on the plan, please see the Delta Chi website. 13. New House at Georgia Tech - Dedication of our new and rebuilt chapter house was held in Atlanta. 14. Barrister Capital Corporation – The corporation provided management of a new Delta Chi chapter house at the University of Missouri and purchased the former Delta Chi chapter house at Illinois State. 15. The DCEF ECHI program - The Educational Foundation was able to support the opening of the new Georgia Tech house and ECHI programs continue to support recent construction and improvements at Embry-Riddle, Louisiana Tech, and Cornell. 16. Two President’s Cup Chapters - For overall excellence in all areas of chapter programming, these chapters earned the highest award available in Delta Chi: Tri-State and Kansas State. 17. Chapter Anniversaries - Hofstra (10th), Kettering-A (10th), Whitewater (10th), UMass (10th), Tarleton (30th), Truman State (40th), Jacksonville (50th), Long Beach (50th), Valdosta (50th), Washington State (75th), and Northwestern (125th since the chapter first appeared on campus). 18. Chapter Scholarship Accounts - The DCEF awarded 10% more recipients with scholarships and grants in 2018 than in all of 2017. Over $64,000 has been awarded to students.

SAVE THE DATE! DELTA CHI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CALL Wednesday, February 6, 2019 8:00 pm ET Call-in Number (877)229-8493 ID: 115006

This list could go on and on. When we reflect on what we accomplished in 2018, we should truly celebrate these successes. However, 2018 is now history and our focus shifts to making 2019 more successful. Before going to bed tonight, ask yourself, “What have I done for Delta Chi today?” If the answer is nothing, stay up a bit longer and do something that moves the Fraternity in a positive direction.

Aaron Otto “AA”, International President Kansas State 1998

PHILANTHROPIC GIVING PROGRAMS HERITAGE SOCIETY The Delta Chi Educational Foundation has set a goal to record $1 million in planned-giving by the 2020 Convention; documenting 100 donors who have set aside $10,000 or more in the form of bequests, life insurance policies, estates, Last Will and Testament, etc. The Leave Your Legacy Campaign is focused on unrestricted or endowment funds only. Members of our Heritage Society will be recognized in our Annual Report, at Convention, on our website and with an Official Heritage Society Certificate to display proudly. Upon passing to that higher court, a Delta Chi grave marker will be bestowed to your family. Simply send us a copy of your documentation stating The Delta Chi Educational Foundation as a beneficiary, for the General (unrestricted) or Endowment Fund, in the amount of $10,000 or more, for us to keep on file.

•Example: $25,000 given to the Endowment Fund, at an average 4% annual spend, will generate $1,000 annually, which is effectively a Trustee Society membership every year in perpetuity. For more specific information, contact our Director of Development, Peter Lane, at plane@dcef.com


Delta Chi Quarterly

The Delta Chi Educational Foundation recognizes we have many donors who care most about housing facilities. Indeed, Housing is a major symbol of strength and a key component in long- term sustainability of our chapters. With this in mind, we’ve created the Builder’s Guild. The Builder’s Guild represents an exclusive group of donors who’ve given generously towards the construction, maintenance, or renovation of Delta Chi’s housing facilities: •One-time gift greater-than-or-equal-to $5,000

(USPS 152-660) Published quarterly in Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity Editorial and Business Office P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church Street Iowa City, IA 52244 Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244 and at additional mailing offices Printed by Royle Printing, Sun Prairie, WI

•Lifetime gifts greater-than-or-equal-to $10,000 Donors will receive recognition in our Annual Report, at Convention, on our website and a customized, commemorative brick to display proudly in their home or office. Donor recognition for this sector is not limited through the Delta Chi Educational Foundation, but it is the easiest for us to track. If you know someone who is deserving of this recognition that is not on our list, please contact us, so we may be sure to thank them and acknowledge their contribution

Address Changes Send all notices of address changes to: Delta Chi International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 319.337.4811 Fax: 319.337.5529

Director of Communications and Publications Ben Ely | email: bely@deltachi.org Website: www.deltachi.org/quarterly

Copy Editing Support

ARMY OF DONORS: JOIN OUR RANKS, DO YOUR PART Within the next three years, by December 31, 2020 – We aim to generate $500,000 annually for General Fund: •250 donors giving $1,000 each year (Trustee Society) = $250,000

Anne Schulte | email: aschulte@deltachi.org Jerod Breit | jbreit@deltachi.org

Please Help Delta Chi Save Money! If you would like to receive the Quarterly electronically instead of in paper format, email quarterly@deltachi. org and let us know. This will save Delta Chi both printing and postage costs.

Privacy Policy

•1,000 donors giving $20 each month = $240,000

Please visit www.deltachi.org to view Delta Chi’s privacy policy, which contains various “opt-out” opportunities for our members.

•600 students (10% of actives) giving $18.90 each year (1890 Society) = $11,340 A gift to the General Fund services Delta Chi’s areas of greatest need. The General Fund pays for 70% of the “A”’s Academy, and 50% of the Emerging Leaders Academy, in addition to numerous individual scholarships, and a small portion for Foundation operations.

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


Paul Lin:

A Point of Pride Written by: Peter Lane, Foundation Director of Development

This is a story about a remarkable Delta Chi and his firsthand accounts of helping break the color barrier in historically white fraternities. As an Asian-American on one of the most progressive campuses in North America during the early 1960s, Brother Lin’s story is a compelling one; his life is an example of the extraordinary men we have the privilege of calling “Brother” and the positive way his Delta Chi experience made a lasting impact on his professional success and personal relationships.


t was the spring of 1960 at the University of California, Berkeley, an epicenter of radical ideas in America. Delta Chi’s chapter merged with a local fraternity: Abracadabra (the origin of the odd name of Delta Chi’s chapter at Cal). Without knowing it, Paul Young Lin became not only a member of the first Associate Member class of the newlymerged group, but also one of the first non-white initiates on campus and in all of Delta Chi.


Delta Chi Quarterly

“I was not an activist in any sense; went to school and got good grades,” Lin recalls of his experience. “I did not know at the time that it was a big deal. I am Chinese and was brought up in Berkeley; my father was a UC professor.” In fact, Lin would not know anything about the significance of his race and pledging a historically white fraternity until a few years later when, as he recalls, a representative from Delta Chi’s Headquarters came to campus and congratulated Paul on his achievement. “At that time, (race) played almost no part. I had no idea there was any prejudice or discrimination. In high school I was valedictorian, I ran track, and I never noticed there was any problem. When I joined Delta Chi I did not know there were any issues.” As part of the research for a graduate paper in 2009, Ryan Barone, Colorado State 2007, determined that Lin was one of the first non-white members pictured and/or mentioned in The Quarterly. Barone’s research focused on historically white fraternities, specifically Delta Chi’s and Sigma Chi’s White Clauses in their Constitution and By-Laws regarding membership qualifications. Over the course of 37 pages, Barone chronicles the internal debates during the 1950s that took place in both organizations and the compromises that were reached. Discussing his Delta Chi experience, Lin noted, “Basically I ended up being a leader and had no problem after that. I held just about every office in the chapter; “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, and “E”.” Lin was later surprised to learn of the contentious nature of his initiation.

Brothers from the Abracadabra Chapter came together for a 50-year reunion.

“I found out afterwards that Abracadabra wanted to recruit me, but it only took one (person to vote no), and it turned out one member of Abracadabra (rejected) me. When Abracadabra and Delta Chi merged, this guy quit, and then I fit in with the rest of the Fraternity. It was at least a semester before I found out all of this stuff.”

completed and published a 700-page textbook, Essentials of Electric Circuits, designed for the first-year electronics student.

Having acquired important management skills as a college administrator, he returned to W-J as a manager and advanced to the position of Vice President in six years. Lin acknowledges that within Delta Chi, at Berkeley, and While at W-J, he designed a management training course, also nationally, the politics of race were volatile beyond his which garnered the attention of Fortune magazine. Later, awareness at the time. he lectured on management strategies at Intel Corporation and Hewlett Packard’s management He was born in Shanghai, China seminar. Lin developed several and moved to the United States management courses; one of his “I have so much to thank Delta when he was five years old. He favorite tactics for engaging his grew up around success and around Chi for; I’m ready to give back students, “Do you really want to be Berkeley. His father, T.Y. Lin, was a a Manager?” often sparked some of to the organization that gave professor of civil engineering at the the best discussions. University of California, Berkeley, so much to me.” who went on to become a worldLin remains in contact with his Delta renowned structural engineer. He Chi little brother, Brian Austin. pioneered prestressed concrete, founded his own structural “He was the best man at our wedding,” Lin recalls. Other engineering company, and won the National Medal of brothers he stays in contact with are Jim White, Wayne Science presented by President Ronald Reagan. Spruce, Steve Bilyeu, Ray Grinsell, Tom Alexander, Marc Hynes, and Jim Smith. In 2014, he organized and hosted a Lin credits Delta Chi for learning important social and 50-year reunion at his home in Palo Alto, California. leadership qualities, which contributed to his successful career. However, the most important thing that happened He credits his experience in Delta Chi, learning social and through his fraternity experience was meeting his wife, business skills, leadership opportunities, and campus Lois, at a chapter social event. They dated steadily through engagement with much of the success he had in his college and were married a year after she graduated and professional career. Likewise, both Lin and his wife Lois after Lin received his master’s degree. They’ve been married credit Delta Chi for introducing them, which has led to for 51 years and have three children and six grandchildren. lifelong happiness. Now in retirement, Lin has time to reflect on the things that matter most. After receiving his BSEE and MSEE, Lin went on to have a career in Electrical Engineering. He initially worked for “I have so much to thank Delta Chi for; I’m ready to give Watkins-Johnson (W-J) and other companies as an engineer back to the organization that gave so much to me.” designing microwave surveillance receiver systems. He then To read more about Paul Lin’s career achievements, please taught college, technical courses at the College of San Mateo, visit www.dcef.com, which includes Lin’s Do You Really Want and rose to Director of the Technology Division, leaping to be a Manager questionnaire. more senior professors due to his style and approach. Lin had a knack for teaching and motivating others. In 1981, he The Abracadabra Chapter House in the 1960’s.

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


a n a i s i , Lou



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Delta Chi Quarterly


or the average student, college is a time of trial and error. It is a time riddled with obstacles, challenges, and the daunting task of creating a path for the rest of your life. That is part of what makes the fraternity experience so special. Young men who abide by the core values of their organization are challenged to help others and improve their local communities during this critical time of growth. Delta Chis are no exception. Through thousands of community service hours and numerous philanthropic events, nothing is left up to debate; members of Delta Chi consistently find ways to leave the world a better place than the way they found it. While every contribution is special and deserving of recognition, occasionally someone will do something so special, so incredibly rare, and so much bigger than himself that it stands out. And to do it as a teenager, so new to the college and fraternity experience, with the dedication and commitment to better others, well… that’s just unheard of. Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


Members of the Louisiana Tech Chapter helped welcome Mason Andrews (center) home from his 76-day trip.

Unheard of is the perfect way to summarize the accomplishments of young Mason Andrews, Louisiana Tech ’18. As a matter of fact, his accomplishments this past fall are recognized youth world records, with one being a Guinness-certified world record. Andrews became the youngest pilot to complete a circumnavigation of the Earth, touching down in Monroe, Louisiana on October 6, 2018 to cap a 76-day flight around the world. His reasons for spending over two months completing his trip, however, are bigger than the world records themselves. The ultimate purpose of Andrews’ trip was to raise awareness and funds for MedCamps of Louisiana. Outside of flying, Andrews’ passion in life is working with the children at MedCamps Left Top: Brother Andrews poses for a picture while mid-flight. Left Bottom: Andrews poses with Ruston, Louisiana Mayor Ronny Walker and Louisiana Tech President Les Guice as he is presented with a plaque and check from the Louisiana Tech Foundation. Middle-Top: Andrews poses with Congressman Ralph Abraham, who was on-hand to welcome him back from his trip. Middle-Bottom: Andrews speaks to the media following the completion of his flight. Right: Andrews poses with his father, Jeb Andrews, Louisiana Tech ‘87, at the Chapter’s 30-year chartering anniversary.


Delta Chi Quarterly

of Louisiana, where he is in his third season as a counselor. “MedCamps of Louisiana serves children with developmental disabilities and physical disabilities; things like down syndrome, spina bifida, hearing, speech, and visual disorders, as well as other physical disabilities,” Andrews said of the organization. Founded in 1987, MedCamps of Louisiana has grown substantially from when it started as a one-week camp for 13 children. It now boasts over 350 children per 10-week period, at no cost to the campers. The camp serves children with more than 16 chronic illnesses. “I first learned about MedCamps of Louisiana from a family friend whose son is a camper at MedCamps. He’s been a camper for many years, he’s a great kid, and I decided that I wanted to be involved in this program that provides a summer camp for these children completely free of charge.” Andrews found his opportunity to be more than involved with the program when he was coming up with vacation plans with friends. In the process, he found a way to set a world record. “The first time I thought about breaking an aviation world record, I was talking with some

friends about flying over, across the Atlantic, to see their family for a weekend vacation. As I began to think about it, I realized I’d probably be the youngest person to ever do something like that. In my research, I found that to be the case.” Andrews identified that the then-record holder was an Australian pilot named Lachlan Smart. By the time Andrews completed his journey, he was 71 days younger than Smart was when he completed his own trip in 2006. “My original plan was to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and break this world record. I was going to do that for MedCamps as well, because MedCamps is something that’s very important to me and doing something like this with a lot of attention and a lot of outreach, I thought that it was a great thing to tie together.” Through sponsorships, local media coverage, a GoFundMe page, and other various contributions, Andrews was able to raise an astonishing amount for MedCamps of Louisiana through his record-breaking adventure. “He didn’t have to bring us along with him, but he did,” Executive Director of MedCamps of Louisiana Caleb Seney said. “Because of him, we’ve raised $30,000 for MedCamps in his honor.”

By the time Andrews touched down in Monroe, he set three records according to the rules set forth by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI); youngest pilot to circumnavigate the world, youngest pilot to cross the Atlantic Ocean, and youngest pilot to cross the Pacific Ocean. His accomplishments, however, didn’t come without risk. For more than 10 hours, Andrews flew through a sandstorm over Saudi Arabia. He was grounded in Subic Bay, Philippines due to three typhoons – two of them category five – for more than two weeks. While flying between Subic Bay and Naha, Okinawa, his radio went out. Trying to navigate away from bad weather, he accidentally drifted into Taiwan’s airspace and was intercepted by an F-16. Despite the tribulations he faced, Andrews was able to complete his trip unscathed, landing his Piper PA-32 Lance, which he named the Spirit of Louisiane, in Monroe. “(My) airplane is called the Spirit of Louisiane, honoring Charles Lindbergh’s Spirit of St. Louis and his 1927 solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean,” Andrews said of his plane. “I have a tremendous connection to this plane, because it’s the plane I’ve flown the most in my flying

career. It’s my dad’s plane and I’m very comfortable with all the systems on the plane. On a journey like this, it’s very important to know the aircraft you’ll be flying. I had many hours, almost 200, flying this specific aircraft and I know it well.” Roughly 1,000 people were on hand to greet Andrews when he landed safely back home, with approximately 20 kids he worked with at MedCamps of Louisiana there to complete the hero’s welcome. The Louisiana Tech President, Les Guice, was also on hand to present Andrews with a $10,000 scholarship from the Louisiana Tech Foundation. Despite being gone for 76 days, Andrews continued his schooling through online courses at Louisiana Tech, where he is majoring in Professional Aviation. In total, he accrued 180 hours of flight time, bringing his total hours to the halfway mark of the 1,000 he needs for an airline transport pilot rating.

Whatever Andrews chooses to pursue in his future, he’s already emerged as one of the best and brightest in the world. On behalf of the Delta Chi Fraternity, we tip our cap to Mason Andrews; three-time aviation world record holder and the finest example of a Delta Chi imaginable.

To learn more about Mason’s journey and MedCamps of Louisiana, visit: www.MedCampsMission.org

So, what does a kid, who before his 19th has already set three world records and raised over $30,000 for an organization, do next? “I will be attempting another aviation world record. No details yet, but there are more plans in the future.”

A wo rld of fun for

kids wit h spe cia l nee


VOLUNTEER TRAINING The 2018 Delta Chi International Convention saw the launch of one of our newest initiatives, the Volunteer Training Program! Over 70 alumni volunteers came together to interact, learn, and engage in topics designed to support volunteers in providing a positive experience for our members and organizations.

“The participation in our Volunteer Training Program at Convention exceeded initial expectations. It was fantastic seeing so many committed alumni volunteers coming together to learn new strategies to support our undergraduate members and organizations.” -Alex Brown, Director of Alumni Engagement As part of Delta Chi’s Strategic Initiatives and commitment to providing the best experiences possible, the Volunteer Training Program is designed to provide ongoing educational opportunities to our volunteers, including advising, resources and support, risk management, and leadership development. Delta Chi will be providing the Volunteer Training Program at all 2019 Regional Leadership Conferences.

Looking to get involved? Delta Chi’s Regional Leadership Conferences (RLCs) are a great way for all alumni to participate, learn new skills, and connect with brothers across their region. You can find more information about each of our RLCs on the Delta Chi website by searching for Regional Leadership Conferences.

We hope to see you there! Friendship | Character | Justice | Education



The 10th Executive Director of Delta Chi

Interim Executive Director and Central Missouri ‘04 graduate Jerod L. Breit has been named the new Executive Director and CEO of Delta Chi.

“Jerod’s strategic vision, operational experience, dedication to our Fraternity’s values and passion for service made him the hands-down choice to guide Delta Chi at this critical moment in our history.” - Aaron Otto, Kansas State ‘98 and Delta Chi International President


fter an extensive and lengthy search led by Sterling Martin & Associates, the Delta Chi Fraternity Board of Regents proudly announces the selection of Jerod Breit, Central Missouri ’04, as the Fraternity’s 10th Executive Director and CEO. “I am honored and humbled for the opportunity to continue a life in service to others,” Breit said. “I am ecstatic to have the opportunity to serve during the next chapter of our historic chronicle that is our beloved Fraternity.” Breit attended the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, Missouri, graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice and Business Management. He was initiated into Delta Chi on November 10, 2000. “The day a small contingent of Central Missouri chapter brothers knocked on my door, unannounced, and with inviting open arms, I knew then, regardless of nerves or shyness, I was going to have a home away from home.” Upon graduation, Breit worked in business management, sales and marketing for Applebee’s International, SYSCO Foods, and the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. “I have worked with some great teams, but the Delta Chi Staff takes the gold and I’m grateful for their dedication and devotion to the betterment of our brotherhood.” Breit began his service to his community, joining the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department in 2007. “My time with the St. Louis Police Department allowed me to serve the community in which I lived by helping those in need when they needed it the most.” Breit served in a variety of assignments and was one of the Department’s most highly-


Delta Chi Quarterly

decorated Officers. He was appointed to the Intelligence Division as a Detective in the Office of the Chief of Police in 2013. Shortly thereafter he joined the Mayor’s Protection Detail. “As a Patrol Officer, I was assigned a partner and it didn’t take long for us both to realize we were not only partners on the streets of one of the most dangerous cities in the country, but brothers in the bond of a lifetime. Brother Joe Morrell, Kansas City ’05, was not only a brother in the blue, but my lifelong brother in the bond” Breit joined the Delta Chi International Headquarters in January 2017 as the Director of Member Safety, implementing a violation reduction strategy focused on enforcement, outreach, innovation, and education. His innovative program reduced overall violations by 44%. Incidents of hazing across Delta Chi’s 118 chapters and colonies dropped 77%. “We must all focus more on the things that put our brothers and chapters at risk and in order to do this, now more than ever, we need men who will stand up against that which we know to be wrong and dangerous.” The Delta Chi Executive Committee appointed Breit as the Interim Executive Director in August 2018 and he swiftly began moving forward, promoting Delta Chi’s Strategic Initiatives aimed at growing the Fraternity while creating stronger ties with the alumni base of almost 100,000 living brothers. “The selection committee had a number of very qualified applicants,” Aaron Otto, Kansas State ’98, and Delta Chi International President said. “Jerod’s strategic vision, operational experience, dedication to our Fraternity’s values and passion for service made him the hands-down choice to guide Delta Chi at this critical moment in our history.”

Jerod L. Breit has been named the 10th Executive Director of Delta Chi.

Outside of his career, Breit is deeply devoted to the American Legion Boys State of Missouri, a government and leadership program for the youth of Missouri. This “Democracy in Action” experience promotes citizenship, service, and the support of our nation’s veterans and tomorrows leaders. Breit attributes his membership in Delta Chi and service to Missouri Boys State as the two things that have helped shape him as the person he is today. “Civic engagement is key to a healthy community and as a brotherhood, we can do more for those communities in which we live,” Breit added. “The opportunity to impact others is one worth taking.” This is an exciting time for Delta Chi. The Fraternity is in the middle of implementing a five-year strategic plan aimed at cultivating a lifelong, values- based fraternal experience while focusing on alumni engagement, education, growth, and civic responsibility. As part of this process, Delta Chi recently announced plans to move its international headquarters to Indianapolis, Indiana. “Relocating our International Headquarters to Indianapolis is very exciting and comes with many benefits, but we will always remember 314 Church St. as a place where so many devoted time and effort into making Delta Chi what it is today and we look forward to writing a new chapter in our story which will be told for many years to come.”


Campus Scene Alabama | Mike Bennett

Alaska Colony | Keon O’Brien

This Fall, the University of Alabama Chapter has welcomed 38 new members. We have recruited young men from across the country, with new members coming from 15 different states. Members of Delta Chi are active in student organizations across campus. We have members representing five different colleges at the University of Alabama, including the College of Arts and Sciences, the Culverhouse College of Business, the College of Communication and Information Sciences, the College of Engineering, and the Honors College. In the past year, we’ve worked very hard as a chapter to continue increasing our philanthropy efforts. We have held two successful events in the past year, including the “Jimmy V Open Pool Tournament” and “V for Valentine’s Day”. Our pool tournament raised $2,146 and our “V for Valentines Day” event raised $6,600, both benefitting The Jimmy V Foundation. We’re looking forward to another strong year of philanthropic contributions. We have enjoyed another successful Alabama football season, with a record of 13-0 and an SEC Championship. Roll Tide.

Delta Chi hit the ground running in the first semester at the University of Alaska-Anchorage. We recruited 21 founding fathers and quickly got involved in the community. We volunteered at the food bank, at Trunk-or-Treats in Anchorage, and campus events. New to the Greek community, we are all excited to grow more and more as we help better ourselves, our colony, and the community. We would like to thank headquarters for expanding to our campus, as well as Divante Hamilton and Logan Rivera for being awesome and helping set us up for success.

Arizona Valley Alumni Chapter | Trey Granger

Alberta | Nick Smith The Alberta chapter is excited to welcome 11 new Associate Members this fall. They, along with the initiated members, have taken it upon themselves to strengthen our brotherhood. We also celebrated Founders Day with an alumni dinner and participated in Delta Gamma’s Anchorsplash. We gave back to the community with a blood drive. The Alberta Chapter would like to congratulate some of our alumni for some major accomplishments: Matt Wagg, Kristopher Banner, Mario Ivanov and Chris Morrow for their recent engagements and Bennett Polack for the birth of his son Amaaran Billy Nulliah Polack.

The brothers of the Arizona Valley Alumni Chapter celebrated Founders Day on Saturday, October 13 with a special twist; a dinner that raised over $130 toward the Delta Chi Educational Foundation (DCEF). Partnering with The Counter restaurant in Downtown Phoenix, 20 percent of all food sales were donated to DCEF, which was trying to raise $120,000 during Founders Day. As a fundraiser, the dinner was open to non-Delta Chis and promoted to friends, family and other Greek organizations in the Phoenix area. Combined with contributions from chapter members, the Arizona Valley Alumni Chapter donated over $500 toward this effort. Chapter representatives Trey Granger and Jason Michael Walker also participated in DCEF’s Facebook Live event to highlight the fundraiser and celebration. For many, it was a rare chance to experience the Downtown Phoenix nightlife.

Auburn | Alan Hancher This semester, our chapter has experienced a lot of positives and look to continue that trend next year. One notable event came when the brothers hosted many alumni for the annual Alumni and Parents Tailgate. This year, the chapter had its largest alumni turnout in years.

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


The high attendance allowed current students to establish connections with alumni that had not been to the house since their collegiate days. On another note, our recruitment process and Associate Member Program has changed for the better. Our members understand that the future of Greek Life is changing and as fraternity men, we need to be more aware of our actions. That is why our chapter has decided to adopt three core values; Scholarship, investing in our lifelong family, and managing a successful fraternity. These three values have allowed old and new brothers to take the next step in contributing to a successful chapter environment.

Central Missouri | Marcus Minnick

Cal Poly | Ryan Cavanagh On October 27, 2018, the Cal Poly Delta Chi Chapter hosted our annual Carving For Cancer philanthropy event. This was a special year, as we were able to share this event with our mothers during our inaugural Mother’s Weekend. As almost all our members have family and friends who have battled cancer, it was a great experience to be able to share our passion for the Jimmy V Foundation with our families. The event showcased 6 teams competing to carve the most creative pumpkins (including a team of moms). After a great morning reflecting on the importance of these events, we were proud to donate over $1,700 to the Jimmy V Foundation.

Case Western Reserve | Vishal Shah What a semester our brothers have had! We have been extremely active both in and out of the Greek community. As a chapter, we initiated seven promising brothers who have already become an integral part of our Fraternity. Our brothers placed fifth in our campuswide Greek Sing competition with our original song about values with a “Price is Right” twist. In the Greek community, we also won second place in Kappa Alpha Theta’s KATwalk event with our 90s cartoon runway theme. Off-campus, we made a strong impact by volunteering at numerous service events. Whether it be at a local beach cleanup or at the Ohio City Bicycle Co-op, we had a great time giving back to the community as a brotherhood. For our post-initiation celebration, chapter adviser Dean Wolcowitz graciously hosted a Friendsgiving dinner for active brothers and alumni where we enjoyed an evening of great food and great company ahead of the holidays. We wish the best of luck to our four graduating brothers and look forward to what the new semester brings to our chapter.


Delta Chi Quarterly

Fall 2018 has been a successful semester and what we all believe to be a stepping stone to a greater future. Throughout the semester with hard work and help from both the active chapter and alumni, we have accomplished better recruitment, philanthropy, and have high hopes for a chapter house. Although we only placed fourth in Homecoming this semester, brother Ross Dickneite represented our chapter greatly with his dedication, optimistic attitude, and selflessness by taking second place. Thanks to our recruitment chairman Zach Jaso and the efforts of the entire chapter, we achieved higher recruitment numbers than the previous year, adding more outstanding men to join the brotherhood of a lifetime. We also excelled in our philanthropic efforts with our annual “Date Night Auction” and “Camp for the Cure,” raising more money for the Jimmy V foundation than the previous year. Our “BB” Joshua Baker has been taking time out of his busy life to go above and beyond the call of duty of his position by working with Barrister to obtain a house for the Chapter. It is our hopes to have a new living space for the betterment of our chapter by fall 2019. We sadly say goodbye to a few of our members who are graduating, but also wish them good luck in their future careers. College is just a small part in what makes us successful in life. We look forward to seeing our brothers do just that and succeed in their jobs as they represent the character of a Delta Chi man and what we aspire to be.

Central Oklahoma Colony | Dakota Weinette The Central Oklahoma colony recently welcomed the Beta class Associate Members into the lifelong brotherhood. Ben Politte, Ryan Reece, and Linus Hodges were initiated into the colony, with all three also having been recently elected to the colony’s executive board. Brother Reese will serve as the new “E”, Brother Hodges as the “F”, and Brother Politte as the “C”.

Chapel Hill Colony | Liam Bendezu

Colorado State Colony | Kyle Johnson

Chapel Hill had a busy summer and fall as it began to cement its place among the numerous chapters and colonies in the Fraternity, as well as move into the greater Greek community at Carolina. Chapel Hill sent three brothers to Denver for the 2018 International Convention this August, the colony’s first major opportunity to interact with brothers across North America. The brothers were joined by the colony’s “BB,” Jeff Clemons, on the trip. Chapel Hill was proud and surprised to take home two awards from Convention for financial management and academic success. The colony looks forward to earning additional awards at future Conventions as it develops into a thriving chapter. The early fall saw several changes in leadership for the colony following the resignation of “A” Frank Gilligan, who chose to step down in conjunction with the upcoming launch of his start-up. In a close snap election, Yates McConnell won the presidency, catapulting the colony into the semester followed by a philanthropy event with UNC Tri Sigma, Mountain Weekend, and a Parent-Alumni reception following initiation. The colony is moving into the spring semester as optimistic as ever, aiming to have a large AM class, kickstarting a signature annual philanthropy event and getting engaged with community service organizations.

This was another strong semester at CSU. This summer, Collin Meyers and Kyle Johnson were selected to represent the Colorado State chapter at convention in Denver, with both gaining substantially from the experience. It was great to meet all the incredible brothers from around the nation and bring back some knowledge to share with the rest of the chapter. It was nice to meet some of the local alumni as well. We were fortunate that CSU homecoming was held on Founder’s Day this year, so we tailgated to celebrate the occasion. We are also very excited to have some new brothers close by at the University of Denver. We look forward to working with them in the upcoming years and hope to have some all-Colorado Delta Chi events with actives and alumni alike. Overall, this semester was another strong one, but it wasn’t without challenges. As such, we all spent a lot of time focusing on brotherhood and really strengthening our bond as a chapter. We are optimistic for our future and we can’t wait to see how

Chico State Colony | Nicholas Lyons Hello Delta Chi brothers across the country! An arduous yet tremendously rewarding journey is the best way to describe this semester. Many advancements have been made in achieving our goal in becoming a chapter and brothers are ecstatic at the prospect. Greek Week was a success, as we had two brothers go to Cornell University for the Emerging Leaders Academy and had a blast planning brotherhood events and socials. We have welcomed four new brothers into our brotherhood and we have also elected all new members in every executive position and are very excited to see where they will take us this upcoming year. While the Camp Fire has devastated our local community in recent weeks, brothers here at Chico State have been saddened yet determined to help our fellow man in need. From packing lunches for our local homeless population to simply checking in on each other’s mental health, we are still standing strong and are eager to push forward and achieve our goals together.

next semester goes.

Cornell | Aneesh Agrawal The brothers of the Cornell Chapter were very active this semester, especially in athletics, arts, and philanthropy. Nine of our active brothers were part of the Cornell Sprint Football team, including key returning starters and one exciting newcomer. The season went very well and Cornell ended up with a 5-2 record to finish second in their division. The Sprint Football games have been a great way for us to bond this semester and show our support for fellow brothers by coming to games. Additionally, three brothers play on the Cornell Mundial Club Soccer team. This elite team features many former high school recruits and has powered through all the way to Nationals. The Cornell chapter also features many brothers interested in art, music, and fashion. With students majoring in Fine Arts, Fashion, and Architecture, we always have many great designs and ideas for banners, event covers, and fraternity apparel. Furthermore, one of our brothers has released his own rap album featured on Spotify and Apple Music. His album has received great reviews and was performed at our philanthropy event, Roll on the Knoll (ROTK). ROTK was a tremendous success this year, with over $2,500 raised for the Jimmy V Foundation for cancer research. We’re looking forward to another great semester in the spring and an exciting new Associate Member class.

Delaware Colony | Daniel Intriago Brothers of the Delaware Delta Chi Chapter participated in Kappa Alpha Theta’s 5k race benefitting CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). CASA trains volunteers to advocate for abused or neglected children. Thanks to all the brothers who participated and thank you especially to Kappa Alpha Theta for hosting an awesome event. Brothers also participated in Alpha Phi’s annual Alpha Phifa soccer tournament. The event raised money for The Alpha Phi Foundation, which is dedicated to supporting leadership development, academic excellence, and women’s heart health. The brothers of the Delaware Delta Chi Colony took first place at Alpha Phifa. Finally, Brother Jon Rego participated as one of our UDance representatives at the Reps for Ransom event this semester. UDance representatives dress up in costumes of their choice and are “trapped” behind bars outside one of the University of Delaware student centers. Members of the Colony, students at the University of Delaware, and brothers of the Delaware Delta Chi community stopped by and donated money to each organization’s representative to pay their ransom. Thank you to Jon Rego for standing in the cold weather and thank you to everyone who donated!

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


events at end of the semester, and eventually our own brotherhood retreat in the Spring. The Duquesne Chapter of Delta Chi has never been more successful than it currently is. We are the largest on campus and are defending champions in the Greek Sing/Dance competition, as well as reigning Greek Week champions. We are looking forward to continuous growth the rest of the semester as well as next year. The bond of Delta Chi is strong, but we are always figuring out how to improve in every aspect.

Denison | Jason Craig The past two semesters have been excellent for the Denison Chapter. We have made several improvements to our chapter, focusing on three areas: philanthropy, alumni outreach, and our pioneered Sexual Respect Chair. This past semester, we started the first Annual Jimmy V Week. It was a week full of activities that consisted of an open mic night, a pumpkin carving event, a coffee and donut sale, a social media shout out, and a movie night. It was wildly successful as we were able to raise over $600 to donate to Jimmy V. We anticipate continuing the Delta Chi Jimmy V Week for years to come. For our alumni outreach, we have engaged in city meet-ups across the country to continue connecting with our alumni. We have already hosted in Columbus, and are looking to move into New York, Boston and Chicago. Finally, three semesters ago, we were the first fraternity to create a Sexual Respect Chair. We have laid the groundwork for the position with other fraternities, while engaging with sexual respect groups across campus to make it an even safer place. We are thankful for our continued support from the brotherhood and look forward to a great semester in the spring.

Eastern Washington | Shaemus Houlihan This quarter was successful for the Eastern Washington Chapter. Some of the events we held included our Week of Service and our philanthropy event. For our Week of Service, we helped our Greek community, the campus, and the city of Cheney. We picked up leaves and raked the yards of the sorority houses along Greek row, and then we picked up garbage on campus and along Main Street in Cheney. For our philanthropic event, we chose to do “Pie-a-D-Chi,” and it turned out to be a blast despite all the guys’ faces felt that they were going to freeze off in the early November weather. We ended up raising over $300 and we are very grateful to the community for showing their support. On top of the events we held, we have had several men who have expressed interest in joining the brotherhood during winter quarter. While this quarter proved to be a big success, we have even higher hopes for what is to come next quarter.

East Stroudsburg | Zack Meister

Duquesne | Jeremy Schmitt The Duquesne Chapter of Delta Chi recently initiated a class of seven young, enthusiastic men from the Beta Eta Associate Member class, one of largest fall classes in recent memory. These men showed courage, determination, leadership, and a positive mindset which is what led them to joining a brotherhood of a lifetime. Our philanthropy this year has continued our partnership with Circle K and prepared us for our big event, “Hit the T for Jimmy V.” Our success in recent years with our philanthropy events have us all excited on what is to come this semester and the rest of the year. Our presence is continuously felt around campus as well. Our former “A”, Alec Christensen, has taken office in the Student Government Association as Vice President, and our own Eric Chatterjee has done a tremendous job as our student body president. Our chapter is looking forward to becoming more involved in the community next semester when we participate in the “Waste is Whack” and “Spring Clean Up” events. These are two of the more memorable events we attend throughout the year – giving back to the community and assisting the less fortunate. This semester, the brothers have been bonding through multiple brotherhood events including bowling, escape rooms, a trip to Top Golf, and even having our own Thanksgiving celebration. We are looking forward to more


Delta Chi Quarterly

The fall semester for the East Stroudsburg Chapter has been exciting. We started with ambitions of raising more money than the previous fall and our efforts have proved successful. Our first event, ShaveA-Delta, raised over $600 dollars towards the Jimmy V Foundation. Brothers competed to raise the most money for their head to be shaved, our $500 goal was met, and all participating brothers shaved their heads. The brothers worked together to host the 2nd annual Miss Greek pageant which included every organization in Greek life and raised over $1,200 for the Jimmy V Foundation. As the leaves began to change, the brothers hosted their parents for our fourth annual Pig Roast, which brought families from all over the region to enjoy a day filled with food, music, and memories. Lastly, I would like to welcome our new “BB” Peter Gass. Pete has hit the ground running and has already established a scholarship award towards tuition to be awarded to an Associate Member who embodies the core values of Delta Chi.

Ferrum | Christian Haley Fall 2018 has been a busy one for the men of the Ferrum Chapter. We’ve put a particular emphasis on our community service and philanthropic efforts this past semester and made it one of our best semesters yet. Hurricane Florence came through the state of Virginia in September, causing classes to be canceled for several days, but the Delta Chi men were proud to serve our community by packing food for those in need even when others were heading home to avoid the nasty weather. We also surpassed our semester goal for money raised for the Jimmy V Foundation and had a great deal of fun hosting fundraising events around campus for that endeavor. Several of our brothers also had the honor of traveling to Virginia Tech to aid in the

initiation of the newly formed colony. We were very fortunate to be able to participate in that experience and very much look forward to seeing our new brothers in Blacksburg do great things. The fall semester has been one of the most successful yet for our chapter and we can’t wait to transfer that momentum over to the spring.

Fullerton | Bryan Kueter Florida State | Ethan Hoffer The Delta Chi Chapter of Florida State University has had a very successful fall semester that we can say we are very proud of! Going into the semester with the third highest IFC GPA on campus, we set high standards for ourselves. To start off our fall semester, we recruited one of the largest Associate Member classes our chapter has seen yet. We are very proud of their involvement and commitment to our Fraternity. We were humbled to spend a night of reflection listening to the parents of Andrew Coffee speak to the Florida State Greek community about taking a stand against hazing. Our chapter vowed to echo Mr. and Mrs. Coffey’s voices as well as other parents who lost their sons due to hazing and fraternity related incidents. After areas of Florida were drastically impacted by Hurricane Michael, we organized an effort to receive donations to provide relief to those who were directly impacted by the tragic storm. Our chapter has already begun fundraising for Relay for Life this year, with almost $1,000 raised towards our goal of $3,500 and plans for our second year of 100% brotherhood involvement. After hosting our third annual philanthropy event, Pups and Pies, our chapter raised around $3,500 for the Jimmy V Foundation to support cancer research after receiving one of the largest attendances to our event yet. We are thrilled at the energy here this semester and are eager to see how we can better ourselves and our chapter in the near future.

This past fall has been one of the most successful semesters the Fullerton chapter has ever seen. At 76 members strong, we have made great improvements in things such as recruitment, philanthropy, alumni relations, and public relations with our school and the local community. Thanks to our recruitment team, we had the highest bid acceptance rate in all of IFC and we had the pleasure of initiating 19 exceptional men. During our philanthropy week, our chapter broke a personal record by raising $3,600 for the Jimmy V foundation. This was also the first year we held our now annual alumni deep sea fishing trip, which was a huge success. Finally, our chapter won five out of eight excellence awards given to Greek organizations by Cal State Fullerton. We were recognized for things such as most improved chapter, leadership, brotherhood, and best alumni event. Looking to the future, we plan on continuing to succeed by surpassing these accomplishments.

Gannon | Aaron Bunting

Fredonia | Nakib Kabir The Fredonia Chapter enjoyed a very successful semester this past fall. We initiated seven new members from the Beta Mu Associate Member class, each of whom are extremely excited to make their mark within Delta Chi and the surrounding Fredonia community. “B” Zach Wisbey coordinated several community service events including the White Can Drive and the Mini Maker Faire. Brothers collected donations for three days and donated all the proceeds to the Lions Club. The proceeds were used to help those who are blind and hearing impaired. The brothers helped at the Mini Maker Faire, which highlighted a number of unique projects and experiments. Finally, the Fredonia Chapter hosted its ninth annual Miss Delta Chi pageant. Sean Bermingham organized and coordinated the talent show, which brought out the Fredonia community. With the help of eight contestants and a number of representatives from other Fredonia groups, we were able to raise over $1,000 to donate to the Jimmy V Foundation. The brothers of Delta Chi look forward to building on this semester.

This semester, the Gannon Chapter got involved with the Martin Luther King Center. The mission of the King Center is to improve the conditions of work, play, study, health and living conditions of the people of the city of Erie, Pennsylvania, and those residents of the Bayfront area through an effective program of social services and action. This fall, the Gannon Chapter of Delta Chi reached out to the King Center in hopes of helping the community and showing what the program has to offer. Brothers went door to door spreading knowledge about the MLK Center and what they have to offer, as well as helping with yard work around the property.

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


George Mason | Evan Caldwell This semester, the George Mason Chapter focused on community service by working closer with Mason Life, a program for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The chapter hosted a barbecue in November for parent’s weekend and saw 22 brothers volunteer for KEEN, a program to help children with special needs through sports and assisting in the creation of a positive environment. During the same weekend that the Mason Life Barbecue was happening, five active brothers and the “BB” went to Virginia Tech to help initiate the 72 Founding Fathers, which in turn helped the chapter learn more about ritual and reunite with a past Mason alumnus that helped reestablish the Virginia Tech chapter. To conclude the weekend, the chapter held a highway cleanup. Despite not having a Jimmy V Week, the chapter raised over $600 in philanthropy funds with smaller events, an unprecedented amount.

This semester, the Georgia Tech Delta Chi Chapter had a great fall rush and got 19 new associate members. Their involvement within the chapter has been incredible. They held a Brotherhood Game Night for the brothers, hosted a Masquerade philanthropy event, and raised money for lights for the newly renovated patio. Moreover, they have become leaders on campus, getting involved in many organizations. On another note, the chapter has really | Anthony D’Achille improved in terms of philanthropic involvement and community service. This fall we had our most successful Pig Roast philanthropy event in history, with hundreds of brothers, alumni, This semester, the Georgia Tech Chapter had a great fall recruitment friends of the fraternity, and family members attending. We also had a community service mier and took in 19 new Associate Members. Their involvement within the with Delta Sigma Theta to make dog toys for a local shelter. And last but not least, we have 9 chapter has graduating been incredible. heldthea best Brotherhood Night, awesome brothers this Fall andThey wish them in their future Game endeavors!

Georgia Tech

hosted a masquerade philanthropy event, and raised money for lights Moreover, they have become leaders on campus, getting involved in many organizations. The chapter has really improved in terms of philanthropic involvement and community service. This fall, we had our most successful pig roast philanthropy event in history, with hundreds of brothers, alumni, friends of the fraternity, and family members attending. We also had a community service event with Delta Sigma Theta to make dog toys for a local shelter. Finally, we have nine awesome brothers graduating this fall and wish them the best in their future endeavors.

Thefor newthe AM class canrenovated be seen below: newly patio.

Georgia Southern | Cole Chambless The fall semester was highlighted by brotherhood and reunion. We initiated another excellent class filled with seven promising new Associate Members. Next, we had an extremely successful athletics season, finishing third in both intramural football as well as indoor soccer. Our chapter hosted a brotherhood Thanksgiving dinner, with each brother bringing a dish. Celebrating the spirit of Christmas, we hosted a canned food drive at our fraternity house, bringing in 200 cans that were donated to Pittman Park Methodist Church. The highlight of the semester, however, was that this year marked the 50th anniversary of our chartering at Georgia Southern College in 1968. Our chapter proudly hosted 50 years-worth of alumni and their spouses alike. The semi-formal event took place at Forest Heights Country Club where we displayed countless pieces of Delta Chi history from throughout the years. The event was highlighted by individuals that have played vital roles in our success, as well as Congressman John Mica (University of Florida), who initiated the first Georgia Southern Delta Chi class. We used this event to raise money for both our philanthropy and chapter scholarship account, putting on a silent auction that collected well over $1,000. This was a great event that allowed Delta Chi members throughout the years to connect and share their countless stories of brotherhood. Next semester we would like to build off the turnaround football season we’ve had by inviting all alumni to the annual Blue and White football game in April. Thanks to new coach Chad Lundsford, our football program had its most successful season in years, highlighted by beating and storming the field against rival and 25th-ranked Appalachian State. School spirit has been at an all-time high and we would like to carry over that spirit into the new year. We look forward to the spring semester where we are aiming to further strengthen the bond between active brothers and alumni, as well as have our most successful semester yet in philanthropy.

Hobart | Nick Ludorf This semester, the Hobart chapter enjoyed growth in many areas of our brotherhood. We were very happy to initiate four new Associate Members into the bond and look forward to their contributions to the brotherhood. We have grown our philanthropy significantly as we have already rung bells for the Salvation Army and volunteered at our local elementary school to educate students on the importance of reading and advancing their education. We have grown our campus engagement by tabling at our involvement expo to attract more prospective members. In sports, we had a surprising run in the flag football playoffs despite less than stellar results at the preseason brotherhood combine. Although our playoff run came up short, our hard work did not. We took our talents to the floor hockey championship and secured our second consecutive title for Delta Chi. We look forward to being reunited with our families for the holidays and our brothers that were abroad next semester.

Huntsville | Jonah Estrada The Huntsville Chapter has continued building upon the successes of the previous year in alumni relations. This year we hosted our 41st annual Founders’ Day banquet at the Huntsville Country Club. The event was a great success! Brother Joe Pickett (‘66), a founder of the Troy Chapter and previous “BB” of the Huntsville Chapter, was awarded the “BB” Emeritus Award at the event, while Brother Ricky Jenkins was awarded the Alumnus of the Year Award. We were also honored to have our Founding Chapter “A”, Brother Fernando Arias


Delta Chi Quarterly

(‘78), in attendance that night. Most recently, we had four brothers participate in the Alumni Ceremony. Our chapter, due to successful recruitment and retention in the past few years, is preparing for the first large group of seniors to graduate this coming spring and we expect many more will participate in the Alumni Ceremony in 2019. In November, we Alumni Initiated Brother Travis Stuart, the father of our undergraduate brother Ian Stuart. The Huntsville Chapter’s alumni base is growing at a rapid pace, and we are excited for the boundless opportunities to express the true meaning of a brotherhood of a lifetime.

Kent State Colony | Logan Stockton On the morning of September 29, the Kent State Delta Chi Colony held their first-ever philanthropic event in the fashion of a 5K race on campus titled the Jimmy VK. The event was a great success, as members partnered with local businesses to raise almost $3,000 with about 80 runners registered. All brothers and Associate Members were out to help that morning, later returning to campus in the evening for the colony’s first annual Special Needs Dance. The event was a homecoming-style dance for local community members on the spectrum, with around 80 signed up to participate. The members and guests had an amazing time and a great turn out. The colony hopes to hold similar events every year and improve on them in the future.

Illinois | Anthony Haloulos The largest fall day of service at the University of Illinois is iHelp, an event sponsored by the University and one that our brother, Jeremiah Kennedy, helped organize as the event’s logistical coordinator. iHelp has over 30 community organizations with volunteer projects split over 1,300 volunteers that show up to complete said projects. The Illinois Chapter recorded over 100 service hours during this event, not including the countless hours of hard work Jeremiah put in to make the event a success. It was a day that was enjoyed by many and tremendously supported the Champaign-Urbana community.

Johnstown | David Harris This fall, the brothers of the Johnstown Chapter strived to accomplish many of our goals. Each brother of the chapter has already logged an outstanding 33 hours of community service in hopes of once again claiming the “Organization of the Year” award. These community service events included the annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s, volunteering at a local Slavic festival, lending helping hands during the “Slap Shot” hockey tournament, and assisting a local church during a food drive. The brothers of the chapter have also been diligently working on raising money for the Jimmy V Foundation through numerous philanthropic events. The Chapter, through the great work of myself, our “A”, the Regent, and Vice Regent, has successfully rebuilt our ABT and are hoping for many successful years with the members.

Kansas State | Jack Dunfield Fall of 2018 was full of fun and brotherhood at the Kansas State Chapter. We started off strong with one of our philanthropic events, Hoops for Hope, which raised over $3,000 for the Jimmy V Foundation. Following our event, we were excited to welcome over 30 alumni back for Founders Day, during which we received our fourth President’s Cup. A few weeks after we placed second overall in Homecoming with our partners Zeta Tau Alpha and Alpha of Clovia. To round out the semester, we initiated 21 young men into the brotherhood.


| Christopher Paruch

During our semester we decided to improve our dilapidated landscape that surrounds our house. A few brothers were able to redo all of our garden beds over a couple days before the semester started, giving the house a new and cleaner look outside. We had a pretty successful semester academically, in which one-sixth of our brothers received a perfect 4.0 GPA. This is our second year continuing Delta Fried Oreos, where we raise money for Jimmy V selling fried Oreos to other Kettering students. As a chapter of 30 brothers, we were able to recruit nine outstanding men (soon to be Associate Members) and are looking forward to next semester with them. In addition, we are in the beginning stages of improving our alumni relations, finding more ways for alumni to be involved in the chapter. Most importantly, Kettering-A and B came together to plan for our 20th Anniversary that will be happening in May of next year. Both chapters are excited to see new and old alumni attend.

Kettering-B | Jason Miller The fall term was incredible for the growth of the Kettering-B Chapter. While being one of the smaller fraternities on campus, we have not only kept up with, but exceeded the average number of bids compared to other Greek organizations. We also participated in a large food bank philanthropy event with several other houses. Kettering-B still proudly holds two seats in IFC, including IFC president and student activities. We continue to update our chapter house as we grow. We currently have multiple room renovations planned and a new roof being installed. We are looking forward to a big Associate Member class in the spring and will continue taking leaps to keep up our incredible brotherhood.

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


Kingsville | Michael Cardoza

Long Beach | Mason Huber

On November 3, 2018, we held our chartering banquet and were installed as a chapter after two years of being a colony. Almost a week later, we won our Greek-week event for the third time in-a-row. We have also kept our grades high and have maintained our position as having the highest GPA on campus.

The brothers at Long Beach State University had another successful semester. We will be having a total of five brothers obtaining alumni status. Throughout the semester we had many events in which we all grew closer to each other and to our newly initiated brothers. This semester we held multiple events in order to raise as much money as possible for the Jimmy V Foundation. A couple events included “Pie-A-D Chi,” which was held on campus to help spread awareness, Marlet Madness and Nightmare on Grand Avenue, which was Halloween themed and included ice cream, treats, finger painting and a photo booth. This semester, we were able to initiate a total of 24 new members with the help of Brian Lafond and Robert Munoz. Despite this past semester being very busy for us, the Long Beach Chapter showed incredible acts of character, strength and ambition from its members.

LSU | Cameron Pelitere

Lehigh | David Walsh This fall semester, we had a successful recruitment of four members, making this the biggest fall recruitment class of our recent history. We also hosted our Regent, Gene Doris, and had a productive discussion about our chapter with him. We had success with alumni relations, holding two incredible events. Looking toward the spring, we are again making a heavy push toward recruitment in order to fill the new chapter house and increase our overall membership.

This semester definitely tested the LSU chapter of Delta Chi, but we know we will bounce back stronger than ever. Blake Winchell has taken over as “BB” and Dr. Phillip Allen is the new ABT President. We have also begun to integrate a new executive board, led by Taylor Stirling, “A”, Oscar Jaime, “B”, Jacob Ray, “C”, Michael Hubbell, “D”, myself (the “E”) and Jackson Buehler, “F”. We would also like to welcome the seventeen new initiates from the Alpha Epsilon class. This class has proven they truly know what it means to be Delta Chis. We would like to wish fall 2018 graduates Hunter Bagley (2016-17 recruitment chair) and Alex Giffel (2018 house manager) good luck in their future endeavors. We also hope Clayton McGee and Justin Goings enjoy their semester abroad in Madrid. We are eager to continue building a brighter future and a great chapter here at LSU.

Louisiana Tech | Mason Bamburg

Little Rock | Nick Feeko The Little Rock Chapter and its members are proud to say we’ve made great improvements this past semester and have continued our previous successes in certain areas. First, we have grown by adding nine quality men to our brotherhood this semester. These men have already acquired positions within the Fraternity and have expressed high ambitions and energy toward the workings of the Fraternity. We have also maintained and grown relations between our chapter and the university, creating a positive and effective line of communication. Along with this, we had the highest GPA among IFC fraternities. Many of our members are still involved on campus and new members are getting involved as we have had 3 members join our IFC board in the recent election. GO TROJANS!


Delta Chi Quarterly

Our quarter began with the welcoming of 25 Associate Members. Since September, the chapter has raised over $2,100 through fundraisers and philanthropic events. We would also like to recognize brother Mason Andrews on breaking the Guinness World Record for being the youngest solo pilot to circumnavigate the globe, along with breaking world records for being the youngest solo pilot to cross the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans while raising awareness for Med Camps of Louisiana. We also hosted a successful alumni homecoming event and are planning to have a banquet in the winter on February 16, 2019.

Marquette | Charles Angevine The Marquette Chapter of the Delta Chi Fraternity has been working tirelessly and is ready to hit the ground running once full chapter operation resumes next semester. Close work with the new Greek coordinator, profitable philanthropy events, positive outreach on campus, and the election of several members into Marquette’s Interfraternity Council are all demonstrative of the hard work this tight-knit chapter has put forth this year. Members have placed an emphasis on hard work, positive inter-Greek relationships, and brotherhood, the core values of any good chapter. With lots of work done and much more to come, the brothers of the Marquette Chapter are fully prepared to face the challenges and reap the rewards of running a successful, effective, and fun fraternity.

Massachusetts | Roberto Martinez This semester, our chapter was happy to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our return to campus. To celebrate, we hosted an anniversary banquet at a local venue with dinner, dance and speeches. We had over 100 people in attendance which included over 50 alumni. We were also grateful to host Retiring “AA” Miles Washburn, “DD” Ron Martin, Region II Regent Josh “Spiff” Klein, and Region VII Regent Jack Rodican. Our chapter worked hard over a year on this event and we were happy with the turn out.

Montclair State | Jason Kunzman

Minnesota | Peyton Riebel The University of Minnesota chapter hosted its annual fundraiser “Pelt-a Chi” to raise money for the Jimmy V Foundation.

Missouri | Alexander Lakin This semester, our chapter at the University of Missouri - Columbia saw many accomplishments. First, we are extremely proud to announce that with the aid of the Barrister Capital Corporation, our chapter moved into a new house on campus that has been viewed as a much needed upgrade in housing and something the entire chapter is ecstatic to have accomplished. We are also proud to announce brothers Hayden Seidel, Austin Klarsch, and Ethan Triebsch have been elected to the IFC Executive Board. We initiated our chapter’s largest ever Associate Member class of 36, all of whom have shown great love and admiration for the chapter and Fraternity as whole, many of whom have already run for internal positions within the chapter. We look forward to another great semester in the spring with many new accomplishments to come.

The Montclair State University Delta Chi Chapter has had one of the most successful semesters in the past four years. As the month of September ended, brothers started planning for their annual White Carnation Event. Instead of White Carnation Queen being a one-day event, we decided to make it a week. We had a variety of different events during the week such as dodgeball and Pie-a-Delta Chi. White Carnation is an annual event where a variety of participants compete to become Delta Chi’s White Carnation Queen. This year’s winner was Alyssa Brady from the Montclair State University Dance Team. Delta Chi was able to raise over $3,000 for the Jimmy V Foundation. November was the month of giving. The brothers focused even more on community service and helping the community. We wanted to focus more on brotherhood bonding. We felt like the bond between brothers is one of the most important things that keeps the fraternity running. As brothers, we decided to have a movie night, football nights, and more. As December hit, we had study sessions every day to keep our GPA up. We are looking forward to seeing how the future months go and see where the brotherhood takes us. Born Proud, Raised Proud.


| Carrick Scripa

This past quarter, the Northwestern Chapter held a variety of events for both brothers and the greater Northwestern community. We held our annual fundraising event, Delta Chai, in which the chapter sold a variety of warm beverages and pastries across campus to raise money for the Evanston Public Library. Additionally, brothers participated in a variety of service events, including working with the local forest service to clear brush and organizing Halloween activities for Evanston residents at the library. Finally, brothers participated in several chapter activities that included paintball and our annual Thanksgiving dinner at the chapter house.

Missouri State | Brendan Willie We are finishing up our first semester of living in a brand-new chapter house on Greek Row that houses 26 members. Our chapter has 103 active members after initiating 35 members of the Alpha Kappa class and we are looking forward to a successful Spring recruitment. We were excited to have our “A” Andre McIntyre be crowned Missouri State University’s Homecoming King this year, marking two years ina-row a Delta Chi has been crowned. During our Jimmy V week this semester, we raised over $2,200 and have big plans in the Spring to make this a record-setting year for Jimmy V donations from our chapter.

Ohio State

| Yoni Wechsler

This past month, the Ohio State Chapter of the Delta Chi Fraternity elected our new executive board for the upcoming year. The brothers who were elected to chapter leadership positions are as follows; Eshaan Chawla “A”, Kyle Cooper “B”, George Quay “C”, Nick Signore “D”, Yoni Wechsler “E”, Kyle Zeller “F”, Joel Shambaugh – Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


Recruitment Chair, Brandon Dobos – Associate Member Counselor, Spencer Pouliot – Social Chair. I have no doubt that the excitement and passion for success the newly elected executive board possesses will translate into our chapter accomplishing great things and I look forward to working with everyone this upcoming year.

Oregon State

| Jeffrey Lofurno

I am excited to be able to report a continued growth since the last Campus Scene. Two weeks ago, we initiated 19 high-quality gentleman, an increase of five from the year before. Recruitment was once one of our largest challenges and it has been amazing to watch the skills and effort drastically increase among our chapter. We are also very excited because this year was the first stage of our house renovation. We have a new and improved sleeping porch, but what really has campus talking is our redone sun deck. Bent Mikkelsen is heading the project and transformed our sun deck which only legally qualified to be a roof, into a rock-solid, cement flooring with a beautiful paint job, along with several other additions. We hosted our Founders Day on it this past October and experienced the highest alumni turnout in years. He plans on doing much more so we can’t wait to see what he has up his sleeve for our house! We have many highly motivated men, so I speak for all of us when I say, “I can’t wait to see what 2019 brings.”

Oshkosh | Tim Lange The Oshkosh Chapter celebrated its fifth anniversary on October 13. Despite the many challenges associated with running a chapter, one thing has become abundantly clear; the Oshkosh Chapter is here to stay. To quote former “A” Troy Quevillon, “Delta Chi’s never quit.” Most people’s initial thought on Oshkosh is likely, “Where is that?” While it is true that Oshkosh is a relatively small city, it has a long and proud history for the brothers of Delta Chi. This past summer, our chapter celebrated its 51st annual summer get-together. It was an eventful weekend full of tales of old times, hopes for the future, a lot of barbecue, and new memories that will not soon be forgotten. Coming into the new school year, the chapter had a lot on its plate, starting with the election of a new “BB”. Long time “BB” Cody Yelk decided over the summer it was time to step down. The new “BB” for Oshkosh is brother Austin Stacey. Austin is a chapter Founding Father and former “B”. His dedication is unrivaled, and he is doing an amazing job so far. This semester, our chapter continued to build its relationship with the local Masonic Lodge, helping them run some of their events. It is always a fun time when the men of Delta Chi and Free Masonry work together. Recruitment for the fall semester went over well, as the chapter grew by a little over 58 percent. When asked what they wanted to see from the chapter, the Associate Members


said they wanted more chapter growth, expanded involvement in the Oshkosh community, and large-scale service events. Needless to say, the future of the chapter is in good hands.

Delta Chi Quarterly

Penn State | Leonard Fontes This semester our brothers reached new milestones and achieved amazing goals for their community. This past October, Brother Brian Huntley, our chapter’s philanthropy chair, set a goal to raise over $1,000 for an organization that feeds low-income families in Centre County, Pennsylvania. With the help of his brothers, friends and family, Brian exceeded this goal and positively impacted the lives of multiple families across Centre County. In addition to this, Brian raised awareness for his organization by being the only Penn State Student to repel off the Hyatt Place/Fraser center which sits in State College at a towering thirteen stories high. Truly amazing! Brother Tom Tillison, our past “A”, showed his courage this semester when he raised over $3,000 for Home Base. Home Base collects money with the mission of bettering the quality of life for veterans. Having served in United States Marine Corps, Tom was passionate enough to run the 2018 TCS New York City Marathon in support for Home Base this past November. Our chapter was proud to have taken third place in the Penn State annual Greek Sing competition in November as well. Our practice and hard work resulted in an excellent score, and although we did not take first place, we are more than satisfied with the efforts put forth by our house. Finally, our chapter is proud to announce the addition of 16 new members this semester. With a new “A” and “B” beginning their terms next semester, our chapter is excited for everything that’s to come this spring.

Pittsburgh | Brent Oleksak We had an amazing semester for recruitment. We welcomed 12 new gentlemen into our brotherhood, making this Alpha Eta class the largest fall semester class this chapter has seen since the University of Pittsburgh established deferred recruitment for freshmen. Our annual V Week for the Jimmy V Foundation raised $1,000 in October. In the face of the Tree of Life Massacre, our chapter pulled together to host a pancake dinner at our house to benefit the synagogue. Our philanthropy chair and community service chairs made over 1,000 pancakes and we hosted 250 guests, and we are incredibly proud of our chapter for leading the way on Pitt’s campus to aid the synagogue. Additionally, our community service chair, Isaac Kravatz, deserves praise for his help getting the chapter involved with Pitt’s Challah for Hunger organization to bake challah bread for the synagogue. When the city needed to come together, Pitt Delta Chi stepped up. We have had a very involved semester in recruitment, in philanthropy, and in the community, and we couldn’t be happier with our work.

Sacramento State | Jacob Jensen This past year, the Sacramento State Chapter of Delta Chi took first place in Greek Week for the first time in chapter history. For the fall semester, thanks to a dedicated chapter and a helpful philanthropy chair, the chapter was able to raise over $3,000 for the Jimmy V Foundation.

San Antonio Colony | Lawrence Summers Purdue | Will Kretzler During the fall semester, the Purdue Chapter initiated 19 new members. During the football season, we sold parking spots for the Jimmy V foundation. We have also put an emphasis on our community service with our annual highway cleanup, ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, and volunteering at Food Finders Food Bank. We have also focused on creating a stronger brotherhood through paintball and our annual camping trip to West Virginia. Finally, our newly elected executive board is looking to bring some unique ideas to improve our chapter in the upcoming semester.

Delta Chi consultant Manuel Macias began the recruitment process for the first group of men into Texas A&M University-San Antonio’s (TAMUSA) newest fraternity. With the help of our Resident Consultant, we were able to establish our Founding Father class of 12 men. Traditions were created on campus from the beginning, such as picking up trash on our campus on Founder’s Day. Throughout the semester, we had the opportunity to attend our sister school, Texas A&M UniversityKingsville, to share their support at their chartering banquet where we were able to meet with the brothers of the Kingsville Chapter and meet with Delta Chi Headquarters Staff and our International Officers. With optimism abound, the Colony began an action plan for our own chartering, starting with the founding Executive Board of our colony. On November 11,2018, the Colony held a retreat to discuss the plan for the following year. The Colony partook in team building activities and set goals and objectives which we aim to complete. We held our first initiation ceremony on December 1, 2018.

San Bernardino Colony | Roberto Solis

Radford | Patrick McGovern During the fall semester, the Radford Chapter successfully recruited new members who exhibit all the qualities of respectable Delta Chi gentlemen. The Chapter held our fall philanthropy week benefitting Cystic Fibrosis research. The biggest part of the week was the “Miss Radford Pageant,” which is a talent contest between sororities. This week was a huge success for the Radford Chapter and we are proud to have donated over $2,000 to Cystic Fibrosis Research. The Chapter helped the “Radford Gives Back” canned food drive by providing food to local families in need and actively supported different organizations philanthropic efforts.

After taking one of the largest groups to Convention this past summer, the San Bernardino Colony put its mind on the fall quarter. This quarter, we recruited our biggest class yet. We participated in different philanthropic events, intramurals, and community service events, in which brothers helped paint a school, among other tasks. Thanks to the attendance of some brothers to a Leadership Symposium, the Colony received an award that helped other philanthropy events. We celebrated Thanksgiving with an awesome brotherhood event with a lot of food and a good football game. We closed the quarter with a pizza night and a Secret Santa event to give a good send off to graduating brothers.

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


Southeast Missouri | Nolan Drake

Tri-State | Taylor Breidenbach

The Southeast Missouri Chapter hosted a successful fall recruitment. The 24-man chapter searched for men who would be eager to aid the Chapter in growing during this time of reconstruction. The chapter initiated 15 men who are enthusiastic and ready to take on the challenges placed before them. However, this was not the only highlight of the semester. The Southeast Missouri Chapter also had a triumphant intramural semester. Their men’s intramural basketball team took first place, along with their co-rec basketball team winning both the co-rec league and the homecoming basketball tournament. The chapter will use this upward trajectory to propel them into having a prosperous spring semester.

As the Fall Semester of the 2018-19 school year came to a close, the Tri-State Chapter has made great strides towards excellence and achieving its goals. We will be graduating two brothers this semester, leaving our chapter at 50 active members. Our fall Associate Member class consisted of eight dedicated, intelligent and hardworking individuals. Our chapter has held many philanthropic events, including “Puppies, Pies, and D Chi’s,” as well as planning a bowling fundraiser in the spring of 2019. We’ve raised $2,000 so far for Jimmy V and have logged over 500 hours of community service. We have been actively planning for our 50th Anniversary in the spring of 2019, which will be a monumental step for our chapter. We will also be hosting the Regional Leadership Conference for Region V in 2019. With all these great strides, we are also refurbishing our entertainment room with new furniture and electronics to promote internal goals for the brotherhood.

Riverside | Andrew Del Valle Our brothers had the amazing opportunity to meet the alumni of the San Diego State Chapter. We welcomed these men along with their families with open arms and reminded them that this truly is a

Southern Illinois | Chris Trojanowski This semester, our chapter partnered with the Sigma Kappa Sorority and the Sigma Chi Fraternity to build a homecoming float for the homecoming parade. We held our semi-formal, initiated five new Associate Members, and stepped up our philanthropy efforts by doing two fund raisers for Jimmy V. We ended the semester by electing a new executive board that will continue to grow and develop our chapter here at southern Illinois university.

Texas Tech | Daniel Balli The 2018 fall semester was one for the books for the Texas Tech Chapter. We started the year off great, securing an Associate Member class of 48 young men through fall recruitment. We are immensely proud of the strides the Alpha Eta class has made along their journey to initiation and are eager to see their contributions to the chapter as initiated members. In addition to recruitment, the Texas Tech Chapter managed to raise over $400 for the V Foundation through a barbecue organized by Brothers Evan Harrison and Billy Jacobsen. In addition to the barbecue, the chapter managed to raise an additional $200 through giveback nights at a number of Lubbock eateries such as Schlotzky’s and Hub City Wings. We look forward to what’s to come in the 2019 spring semester and can’t wait to host our Region III brothers for RLC this Year.


Delta Chi Quarterly

brotherhood of a lifetime.

UNLV Colony | Jacob Funaro The Delta Chi Colony at University of Nevada Las Vegas had a great fall semester. We just had our biggest Associate Member class of 15 this fall. We have made an impact on our campus by having six brothers get elected to student government and three brothers get elected to IFC. For Founders Day, we had a picnic and a softball game with our alumni and even met a couple brothers from the Alberta Chapter who were in town for the weekend. We look forward to doing even better next semester in recruitment.

USP | Kevin Akey Our brothers donated 12 bags of various dry food items to those less fortunate. All the active brothers went out and bought soup, pasta, bread, beans and other items so that others could enjoy a nice Thanksgiving meal. Poverty and homelessness is an unfortunate issue that resides in West Philadelphia. With the brothers generosity, those affected by these horrific struggles will be able to have a nice meal donated to them throughout the holiday season. We’re looking forward to next semester in recruitment.

Virginia Tech Colony | Abubakr Tahir Delta Chi arrived once again at Virginia Tech this fall and initiated 67 Founding Fathers with the guidance of Leadership Consultant Kenny White. The Brothers of the Virginia Tech Colony are eager do fraternity right and positively impact our campus. The Colony has participated in various philanthropic events and giving back to the Blacksburg community this semester. We’d like to extend a thanks to the Leadership Consultants, our awesome alumni, and the brothers of the Colony that are eager to live out the values of Delta Chi. We are excited to lay the ground work for the future!

We also had our inaugural Alumni Cookout, which was extremely successful. We would like to say congratulations on graduating this semester to the following brothers: Melvin Chicas, Shane Bell, and John Mark Morales.

Whitewater | Anthony Sapyta Wilmington | Ivan Browning This past summer and semester have been very successful for the Wilmington Chapter. We were recognized as having one of the largest delegations attend the 61st International Convention. During the fall semester, we initiated our largest Associate Member class in the past two years, as well as helped initiate the new colony at Virginia Tech.

The Whitewater Chapter had a huge fall semester, growing our brotherhood by initiating 18 Associate Members. The chapter celebrated its 10th and 50th anniversaries, recognizing 10 years since our re-chartering and fifty years since we were first established on campus. This was the biggest event we’ve hosted we’re honored that “AA” Aaron Otto, “BB” Mark Schramka, “DD” Ronald Martin, Region V Regent Nik Kern, ABT President Michael Covey, and over 140 brothers and guests were in attendance. We appreciate all the support and we are excited for many more years to come.


Those Who Have Passed

These men have lived among us for a time, and we have been honored to call them brothers. Now they are gone and we bid them a fond farewell at this parting. Abracadabra John Bernard Botman ’37, October 8, 1951 Alabama Charles Bryant ’83, September 10, 2018 Arizona Jay David Meinema ’59, October 27, 2016 Central Missouri Michael Edward Loehring ’03, October 13, 2018 Columbia Ernest Merrill Devoe ’34, April 10, 1974 Norman F. MacKenzie ’36, January 15, 1994 DePauw Frederick Louis Bergmann, December 28, 2013 Steven L. Blakely ’87, December 4, 2018 Gannon Stanley P. Pekelnicky ’71, August 24, 2013 Huntsville David Matthew Keener ’16, October 26, 2018 Idaho Hugh W. Keith ’55, June 24, 2018 Illinois Nick Thomopoulos Ph.D ’53, December 23, 2017 Bryan Reigart ’02, September 16, 2018 Chris Bogenski ’00, September 27, 2018 Iowa State Lewis M. Kirgis ’41, August 30, 1996 Charles W. Mounce ’52, August 26, 2012 Thomas W. Treneman ’55, November 10, 2014 Kansas Donald M. Gates ’55, N/A Frank D Lane ’48, October 25, 2018 Kentucky Alexander Grech Jr. ’50, November 1, 2018 Minnesota William J. Garrity ’42, August 18, 2003 David J. Kolander ‘58, October 11, 2018

Oklahoma Charles D. Bodine ’41, December 10, 2009 Mark (Marcus) Henthorn ’65, March 29, 2018 Oregon State Robert J. Hadraba ’57, October 27, 2018 Pennsylvania John G. Ledin ’42, March 13 1998 Eric Charles Mehnert ’45, August 17, 2013 Penn State Charles Frederick “Fred” Brown ’68, Sept. 20, 2018 Raymond Lee ’46, N/A William E. Reimer ’45, October 3, 2018 Purdue Gilbert Oliver Terlicher ’51 Rollins Thomas M. Chilton ’54, October 17, 2005 South Dakota State Robert Wiley Cress ‘10, December 6, 2018 Southeast Missouri Brett Matthew Nabe ’07, October 12, 2018 Southern California Chester C. Halsey ’39, November 30, 2009 Orville H. Heinicke ’43, August 10, 2015 Stanford Vern Cleo Jones ’49 Temple Victor W. Kasacavage ’92, February 15, 2013 Texas Woodrow W. Bean ’40, August 15, 1995 Troy State William Harmon Sanders ’06, September 18, 2018 Washington Eric C. Brateng ’79, August 2, 2017 Arthur E. Holt ’57, September 13, 2018


Milestones East Stroudsburg Born to Brother and Mrs. Patrick Doyle, a daughter Ellie, on November 14th,2018 Kansas State Born to Brother and Mrs. Andy Hanson ’99, a daughter, Amelie on June 5, 2018. Born to Brother and Mrs. Steve Brandjord ’06, a son, Jonas on October 19, 2018. LSU Born to Brother and Mrs. Nicholas Marinello ’10, a son, Joseph Paul on November 18, 2018. Ohio State Born to Brother and Mrs. Bobby Kovey ‘03, a daughter June, on November 29, 2018 South Dakota Born to Brother and Mrs. Ben Wise ’11, a daughter, Elizabeth Laurence or “Ellie” on November 20, 2018. Western Carolina Brother Benjamin Lee Sheehan ’08 married to Ali Cundari on October 19, 2018 Brother David Byron Keener III ’06 married to Cady Nell West on November 10, 2018 West Georgia Born to Paul and Nichole Whatley, a daughter Annaleigh, on November 9, 2018

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


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Start Collecting the Newest Delta Chi Coin Series Looking for a gift for your favorite Delta Chi? The Fraternity has started a brand-new series with the International Convention coin!

This International Convention commemorative coin series features the Convention logo on one side and a Founding Father on the other. The coins will continue featuring a Founder at each of the next 10 Conventions. If you want to collect the entire series, contact headquarters to get one of the few remaining International Convention coins featuring Owen Lincoln Potter, our first International President. For more information, please send an email to info@deltachi.org, or call (319)337-4811

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