Winter 2013 Quarterly

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Quarterly DELTA CHI


Brother. Leader. Friend.


From Brother to Captain


Meet Justin Sherman Page 6

New Executive Director

Central Missouri ’08

XXX In The Bond

How Strong is Our Rope?

Inside The Quarterly Volume 109 Number 4 Winter 2013

In The Bond


Raymond D. Galbreth


Justin P. Sherman


Captian Michael Elliott


Fall ’12 Campus Scene


Lifelong Donors


Coast to Coast


The 1890 Society


Keeping in Touch


Men at War


Farewell & Parting


Delta Chi Quarterly (USPS 152-660) Published quarterly in Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity Editorial and Business Office P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church Street Iowa City, IA 52244 Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244 and at additional mailing offices Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc. Fulton, MO. Three-year subscription $35 Five-year subscription $50

Address Changes Send all notices of address changes to: Delta Chi International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 319.337.4811 Fax: 319.337.5529 Editor: Justin P. Sherman, UCM ’08 Assistant Editor: Mick Dean, TSU ’08 E-mail: Website:

Layout and Design Drew Dallet, Kent State ’93 Boom Creative, Inc. E-mail:

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When we think of a fraternity, we think of Delta Chi. It is safe to say that we are a good-sized fraternity with over 125 chapters and colonies, over 106,000 initiated members, with representation in the United States and Canada. However, my question to you is this… How strong are we? Sure, we have been around for 122 years and like to brag about our successes, but does that really make us a strong fraternity? Not necessarily, in my opinion. I like to look at a good, thick rope as an example of something strong. It is made up of many threads, all intertwined. These many threads combined hold anchors; secure large ships to docks; pull large, heavy vehicles and secure items to ships and trucks. I think that Delta Chi as a whole could be compared to a strong, thick rope. Each chapter or colony represents a thread of that rope. When our chapters and colonies are operating well, representing themselves in a positive way in their communities and on campus, working hard to get good grades and being financially responsible, and of course having good alumni involvement, the rope is strong. Every time we expand with a new colony, the rope gets thicker and stronger. But, that rope can weaken and weaken quickly. If a chapter

or colony makes some poor decisions, for example: hazing, violating alcohol policies, (either Delta Chi or the college or university policy), is not financially responsible, does not focus on grades, has a series of bad recruitment periods, or has a lack of alumni involvement, the rope can weaken. The rope loses a thread by a closure of a chapter or colony. This hurts all of Delta Chi, because we become weaker as an organization. Every semester the Delta Chi rope engages in a tug-of-war. Temptation, peer pressure and bad decisions put a real strain on the rope, causing threads to unravel and snap, making the Delta Chi rope weaker. Pulling on the other side are expansion, philanthropy, grades and strong recruitment, making the Delta Chi rope stronger. It is really amazing how hard it is to make the rope stronger and how easy it is to make it weaker. Weeks or months can be dedicated to opening a colony, (making a new thread), and a thread can be snapped with one poor decision. At the end of the day, it is up to you how strong Delta Chi will be. I challenge you, as undergraduates, to keep the rope strong. Make good decisions and don’t jeopardize the thread for which you are responsible. You are your brother’s keeper. You are the future of your chapter or colony; in fact you are the future of Delta Chi. Don’t let the rope get weaker on your watch. As an alumnus, I challenge my fellow alumni to help the undergraduates take care of the thread with which they, and you, are entrusted. Help them to practice the values we preach and to make good decisions. Understand what is going on inside the chapter or colony and earn the trust of the undergraduate, so you in fact will be respected and listened to. I think our Delta Chi rope is strong but can still lose its strength very quickly. I would hate to see the rope snap one day in the future because of poor decisions or lack of involvement. We, as brothers of Delta Chi, must commit to taking care of our Fraternity and ensure that our “rope” remains strong. We must always be focused on strengthening this rope and preventing any thread from fraying and risking the overall strength of our “rope.”

policy, which contains various “opt-out” opportunities for our members.

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Miles Washburn, “AA” Massachusetts ’87 52nd “AA” Life Loyal Member

Raymond D. Galbreth

BROTHER. LEADER. FRIEND. Most know and refer to him simply as “Ray.” Brother Raymond D. Galbreth, Missouri ’69, faithfully served as the Executive Director of Delta Chi’s International Headquarters for over 33 years. Ray’s duties included overseeing the daily operations of the Fraternity and Educational Foundation, hiring and training Delta Chi’s Leadership Consultants and other support staff, and representing the Fraternity at events and conferences. Additionally, Ray has served as Editor of the Quarterly during his time as Executive Director. He kept in his desk drawer a copy of every issue he produced, and he could easily recall what went into each story and issue when asked. The cover of each issue was special to Ray. Each cover represented an individual or a chapter’s achievements, and, when speaking with Ray, you learned that he really was proud of each cover and those individuals on it. Having overseen the creation of over 100 issues of the Quarterly, one might think Ray would tire of the magazine and coming up with new story ideas. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Ray’s passion for making the Quarterly the best it could be never wavered. Ray’s accomplishments and impact during his tenure as Executive Director would be impossible to summarize within a feature story of any length in the Quarterly. Rather than trying to summarize Ray’s career accomplishments, the Quarterly would instead like to share how truly widespread Ray’s impact has been within the Fraternity, through the words of our members, friends, and family.

Growth During Ray’s Tenure: 1979 - 2012 Total Initiates

Active Groups

1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1979 1990 2000 2010 2012

1890. 1900. 1910. 1920. 1930. 1940. 1950. 1960. 1970. 1979. 1990. 2000. 2010. 2012.

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. Founded . . . . 858 . . . 2,157 . . . 4,285 . . . 8,413 . . 11,940 . . 16,424 . . 22,484 . . 32,661 . . 40,586 . . 61,398 . . 81,474 . . 99,049 . 103,081

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..1 . 10 . 21 . 21 . 36 . 34 . 39 . 44 . 69 . 79 120 116 124 125

Operating Budget 1979 - 1980. . . . . $216,000 2012 - 2013. . . . $1,820,000

Doug Galbreth Iowa 2004 My father has been the Executive Director of Delta Chi for over 30 years. During this time we have seen significant growth in the number of chapters, increase in membership in chapters, and leadership development programs. In fact there are many people who are Delta Chis today who would not be part of the brotherhood if not for the hard work and dedication put forth by Ray Galbreth. He has always given so much of himself to a cause that has meant so much to so many. His level-headed, disciplined approach to encouraging positive change, solving difficult problems, and holding people accountable for their actions has lead to Delta Chi becoming a premier fraternal organization. Ray’s drive to improve Delta Chi and advance the Greek movement as a whole has led to numerous prestigious awards and recognitions, but these awards have never been sought out by Ray. His persistence and desire to succeed have set him apart as a true quiet professional. “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence, determination and hard work make the difference.” - Calvin Coolidge



Raymond D. Galbreth

William P. Bernier

Paul Bohlman

Dear Ray,

Few people have given of themselves to Delta Chi as much as Ray Galbreth. He has been a beacon through good and bad and has been an inspiration to many. He has instilled a value system in a generation of staff who have in turn transformed countless undergraduates throughout North America. He has held the torch high, and Delta Chi is better for his steadfast leadership and commitment.He has been the embodiment of Delta Chi.I am proud to call him “Brother” and even more proud to call him “friend.”

Executive Vice President, Sigma Tau Gamma I salute you brother Galbreth. You are the quintessential fraternity man. I first knew you, although only over the telephone, as the faculty advisor for the Alpha Phi Chapter of Sigma Tau Gamma at Southeast Missouri State University. They needed help. You helped. Alpha Phi Chapter is now at nearly 80 members. They will celebrate their 60th Anniversary in December. A large alumni turnout is expected. Of course, your admirable loyalty to Delta Chi drove you to transition into founding a new Delta Chi Chapter at Southeast Missouri State University, to be involved nationally as a volunteer, and then to accept the top professional leadership office. Good for you. Good for Delta Chi. Good for all of us who care about college fraternities. From the beginning we knew you were smart. You asked the right questions. You were organized and task oriented. As time went on you became the sage of the FEA. All of us look to you for wisdom. A few of us have been privileged to become the closest of friends in the Missouri Guild. After a time, we wised up and included our spouses in our gatherings. Janet is a joy. But, you already know that. We’ve shared laughter and tears. It is what people who care about each other do. Wendy and I join your many friends wishing you and Janet the best life has to offer while basking in the knowledge that you have made more than a little difference in Delta Chi and all of its fellow organizations seeking to serve young men and women.

Ohio State 1970

Fraternally yours.

Ray’s Milestones


February 20


Taught at Southeast Missouri State University

Initiated into the Missouri Chapter of Delta Chi

1971 Completes MBA


Graduates from The University of Missouri-Columbia 4



1976-79 Advises the Southeast Missouri Chapter

Ray meets Janet

1977-78 Elected Regent Region IV



Acting Chairman of the Management Department, SEMO

1979 Ray begins work as Executive Director for Delta Chi

Raymond D. Galbreth

Richard McKaig

Corey Shigematsu

From the days when his hair was fuzzy to his classic “warm fuzzies” presentations, Ray has been devoted to Delta Chi. Not only is he a giant in our fraternity, but he is also recognized across the interfraternal world as an educator and role model. Our standing and respect as a fraternity is a direct reflection of Ray’s leadership. Janet had her own successful career and still found time to support Ray’s seven-day-a-week role with Delta Chi. There is no way we can truly repay the debt we owe them both.

Dear Ray,

Ball State 1966

Southern California 1997

I contemplated making this simply a two-word message. I knew that you would know my meaning. There is something to be said for things left unsaid. And yet, it seemed like not enough. Then again, I do not know what would be enough. How do you thank someone who has made such an impact (both realized and unknown) on so many lives? If I were to say that Delta Chi owed you a debt for being its caretaker all of these years, I have a feeling that you would reply that you have received as much as you have given and that the ledger is square. I would know what you meant. Then there is the influence you have had on my life... Second only to my father, I use lessons that you taught me on a daily basis. The exploration of my own character, both my strengths and my flaws, I owe to you. My appreciation and gratitude are too immense to characterize. How does one describe the indescribable? So, in the end, I guess it all comes back to two words, yet it still feels like it isn’t enough. Thank you.

2004-09 FRMT Board

February 14

1981 Son Doug is born


1992-93 Fraternity Executives Association President

Receives “Delta Chi of the Year” Award

1986-94 Fraternity Executives Association Board


Receives the NIC’s Gold Medal

October 20

2000 Son Doug initiated into Iowa Chapter of Delta Chi



XXX P. Sherman Justin vcxvcxv

Meet Delta Chi’s New

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Finding Delta Chi’s next Executive Director hasn’t been on an “AA”s’ to-do list for nearly 34 years. In fact, Delta Chi has had only seven men serve as Executive Director since a Headquarters was established. With Ray Galbreth’s planned retirement, Former “AA” R.C. Damle, Texas ’01, made sure that Delta Chi’s success would continue for years to come. “My entire focus as “AA” was preparing for the future,” said Damle. “Initiating the hiring process for Delta Chi’s eighth Executive Director was no different. I decided to start early and get Board approval for the logistics of the search committee and hiring process so we wouldn’t have to worry about those aspects during the transition to the next “AA” after Convention.” Delta Chi Law states the the Executive Committee (“AA”, “CC”, “DD”) is responsible for hiring an Executive Director. Damle decided to create a search committee consisting of the Fraternity’s major stakeholders whose goal would be to present the Executive Committee with two or three candidates for a final decision. Damle established the committee with the following individuals: Regent Jeremy Bishop, Oregon State ’99; Regent Tom Carroll, Hayward ’98; “AA” Miles Washburn, Massachusetts ’87; Former “AA” and former Headquarters Director Steve Bossart, Kent State ’90; Educational Foundation Vice President Don LaPlante, Southern California; and himself as Retiring “AA”. Interested applicants submitted letters of interest along with a résumé, salary requirements, and any additional information for consideration before October 31, 2012. The committee received over twelve applications, which it randomly split into two pools. With each half of the committee responsible for one pool of candidates, initial interviews began on November 13, 2012. Recommendations allowed candidates to move to the second round of interviews, which were more technical. Candidates interviewed for the second round with the other search committee members with whome they hadn’t yet interacted. “We were looking for someone who had given thought to how he would execute the vision of the organization and could do great things for Delta Chi on day one. We needed someone with an understanding of our position within the academic community and our various strategic initiatives that will impact our organization,” Damle said. Two candidates were selected to interview in person with the Executive Committee in Chicago over the weekend of December 15, 2012. The rest is obvious: Justin Sherman was chosen to be Delta Chi’s eighth Executive Director. “From the beginning, Justin Sherman stood out from the rest of the candidates,” said Damle. “He had done his homework, had ideas, and knew what he would do to get where we needed to go. He gave us a roadmap of how he would accomplish our goals from day one, and, I have to admit, I was impressed with his energy.”

We were looking for someone who had given thought to how he would execute

the vision of the organization and could do great things for Delta Chi on day one. ~ Retiring “AA” R.C. Damle



Justin Paul Sherman Central Missouri ’08 B.S. Broadcast Media, Minor - Criminal Justice

Delta Chi Headquarters Experience 2008: Leadership Consultant 2009 - 11: Director of Chapter Services 2011 - 12: Director of Fraternity Growth and Advancement Central Missouri Chapter Experience “A”, Fundraising Chairman, Brotherhood Chairman, Social Chairman, Homecoming Chairman, Historian Chairman University of Central Missouri Campus Involvement IFC President, Student Funding Committee, Greek Week Co-Chair, Parent Orientation Speaker

Justin P. Sherman

We had a chance to speak with Justin... What interested you in applying for the position? I have to be completely honest: the thought of applying for this job terrified me. I was fully aware that Delta Chi’s next Executive Director would be at the helm for some exciting but challenging times. I saw this as an opportunity to continue providing support for our chapters, alumni, volunteers and staff and leading Delta Chi into a new era. I made a deal with myself: If I could not fully see myself being able to give 100%, then I was not going to apply.

How did you prepare for the interview process? I knew that it would be essential to bring a solid game plan to the table with many new and invigorating ideas. I went into each interview with a positive mindset and vision for the future of our fraternity.

How would you describe the current state of Delta Chi? Our chapters have done so many great things throughout our rich history, and I’d describe our current state as pretty good. Delta Chi can always improve, though, and it will with the cooperation of our student members, alumni, advisors and friends of Delta Chi. Together, we can easily improve the Delta Chi experience by a factor of three! I look forward to working with stronger chapters, spreading Delta Chi to more campuses through continued expansion, and reviving the emphasis of “a sound education” so that together we’ll be able to show this world why Delta Chi is one of the greatest fraternities!

What personal strengths do you feel you’ll bring to your role as Executive Director? I think people would describe me as a critical thinker and considerate person. I think these are two very important strengths to have in this role. This job requires a great level of creativity; you always have to be on your toes.

Tell us a bit about your previous time on staff. What have been some of your memories, major accomplishments, challenges, and learning moments? My fraternity experience in college was all about my chapter. I was not a fan of the Headquarters just because I had many misconceptions. Unfortunately for me, that didn’t change until my senior year of college when Karl Grindel, Central Missouri ’01, reached out to me about being a Leadership Consultant. I owe Karl Grindel so much for believing in me and giving me a chance. When he called, he ended the conversation saying, “Don’t make a decision you will regret for the rest of your life.” Today, I am glad to have made that decision, and I most definitely do not regret any of it. I began working for Delta Chi during the summer of 2008 as a Leadership Consultant. One semester later,

I found myself in the role of Director of Chapter Services. With a plan to return to college, I didn’t see myself in that role for very long. Three years later, I became the Director of Fraternity Growth and Advancement. Some of my best memories go out to the Kansas State Colony and Whitewater Chapter. I was bestowed the honor of being able to work on both of those expansions. I walked onto both of those campuses not knowing a soul and walked away with brothers and great friends for life. Working for Delta Chi truly tests you as a human being. As soon as you walk in the back door of our Headquarters, you’re both working and living with the same five to seven brothers. If you think living in a fraternity house is interesting, come work for us! Although it was sometimes difficult doing that, I made best friends with some really great people.

How about your undergraduate experience (Delta Chi & campus involvement)? What did you learn about leadership and working with people? I walked into the Delta Chi house during one of the first weeks of school in 2003. One of the first men I met was Peter Glickert, Central Missouri ’05. Within an hour of meeting him, he walked me through the associate member process. By the time I walked out of that house, I knew Delta Chi is where I belonged. As a member, I served as “A” and “C” for my chapter, and I ended my senior year as the IFC President. The biggest lesson I learned in college was you must give people a chance, which is definitely easier said than done. My Chapter’s ABT and UCM’s two Greek Advisors, Libby Anderson and Alan Nordyke, gave me the chance to screw up. Trust me: I had my moments. However, at the end of each day, the world was still turning and our chapter was successful and functioning. This has become part of my leadership philosophy today, and I am very grateful that I had the chance to be surrounded and supported by amazing people in college.

Who is your biggest role model?

What’s your favorite quote? “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.” - Tim Duncan. This quote encompasses my life, as I am always trying to improve myself - physically, mentally and spiritually. I actually hung a large poster board in my bedroom with that quote so I can read it every morning. It is my job to give Delta Chi my best so that it can become the best.

What are your favorite hobbies? I am extreme about fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. If I am not at Headquarters, you’ll likely find me at the crossfit gym training for an upcoming competition. I have completed three Tough Mudder events and am looking to participate in two more this summer. I am also a fan of food challenges. The way I see it: food doesn’t challenge me; I challenge it. If you’re traveling with me, you might find yourself feeling like you’re on an episode of Man vs. Food. I have failed a few times, but that’s about as rare as a blue moon.

What does brotherhood mean to you? Brotherhood is whatever you make it. Unfortunately, this can be good or bad. I remain very close with some of my Central Missouri Chapter brothers: Brandon, Trent, Johnny, Travis and Laine, and I’m also very close with many other Delta Chis all across the world. These friendships weren’t instantaneous. Each of us has to be willing to give in order to receive the lifelong benefits of “fraternity.”

What do you feel it takes to build a successful chapter? My mind is continually blown by the amazing brothers I have met all across the United States and Canada. We truly have great people in our fraternity who have done, and will do, amazing things with their lives. A successful chapter has to have men who desire to be true “fraternity men” and want to make this world a better place. A chapter can either be a group of men who get together to drink and have fun, or it can be a group made up of gentlemen who wake up each day with the desire to positively impact the world.

My biggest role models are my parents, Ed and Shirley Sherman. I owe them everything for who I am today. My parents have always supported my decisions growing up. I have seen them build a family and successful lifestyle from nothing. They are the two hardest working people I have ever met, and, yet, they always do it with smiles on their faces. I am a first-generation college student, and when I went to college, my parents were very reluctant to give their blessing for me to join a fraternity. Three years after I was initiated, I was able to witness the initiation of my father as an alumnus of Delta Chi. WINTER 2013


Captain Michael Elliott

FROM BROTHER TO CAPTAIN Captain Michael Elliott, Alabama ’83

Brother Captain Michael Elliott, Alabama ’83, is the Commodore of the Destroyer Squadron One of the United States Navy Pacific Fleet. Brother Elliott was born in Madison, Wisconsin and graduated from Alabama with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. He was commissioned as an officer is the United States Navy in 1987 at Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. His career in the Navy has been impressive to say the least. It has taken him around the world literally and to specific places such as: Florida, Norfolk, San Diego, San Francisco, Philippines, Western Africa, Gulf of Guinea, Southeast Asia, Persian Gulf, and Arabian Gulf. His tours of duty saw his participation in Operations Southern Watch (Iraq), Desert Strike (Iraq), Desert Shield (Iraq), Desert Storm (Gulf War), Vigilent Sentinel (Iraq), Earnest Will (Persian Gulf), Sea Soldier IV (Gulf of Oman), and San Francisco Fleet Week 2009 (San Francisco, CA). Throughout his career he has also earned a Master of Arts Degree in National Security and Strategic Studies and a volume of awards that would make the Nobel Peace Prize blend in, including Legion of Merit, Meritorious, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, Navy and Marine Achievement Medal, Battle Efficiency Award, and Rear Admiral Bresnahan Leadership Award. The following are a few questions answered by Captain Elliott on how Delta Chi was a vital part of his life and career in the Navy.

How did you join Delta Chi? I had pledged another Fraternity my freshman year, mainly because of the attraction to the sports and intramural athletics, which were pushed hard during rush. That appealed to me at the time. However, that soon wore off, and the type of people were not who I wanted to associate with in a fraternity. The next year, sophomore year, I went through rush again. A few people in Delta Chi really impressed me: Ernie Kennamer ’80, Don Rockwell ’80, Morris Seymour ’82 and a few others who actually sat down, talked with me, and invited me into the house to come back and get to know them better before making a commitment to pledge any fraternity. It took me less than one day – I knew these were the guys I wanted to consider as Brothers, not only for college but for my lifetime.

What life skills did you learn from Delta Chi? I learned to work for a common purpose and to be tolerant of where folks grew up, how they were raised, and their opinions. I also learned how to “agree to disagree” in order to accomplish something. We all had to put aside our personal opinions and work for the common good, that being Delta Chi. I learned how to become a part of a family of over 100 young men who look out for each other, care for each other, and put the interests of others first for the betterment of the entire group. I also learned how to get along with people from all different areas of the country, different upbringings, and cultural differences. Being a Yankee among die-hard southerners – that was challenging. But, looking back on it, I would not trade that experience for anything. I think all of 8


my brothers learned a great deal from this “living” educational process.

What skills do you believe fellow brothers should know in order to be successful in life? Delta Chi taught me three things that’ve been key: Never give up; Hold on to your dreams; and Do not allow anyone to say you can’t accomplish something. I’ve also learned that we should be tolerant of one another. Never marginalize someone based on where he’s from or how he was raised. Finally, set goals and do everything possible to accomplish them. In many cases, the end result of your goal isn’t as important as what you learn along the way.

What ideals of Delta Chi still resound in you today? I first learned many of the core values of the Navy - honor, courage, and commitment - in Delta Chi. I’ve been in the Navy for 25 years, and these values have served me well throughout my career. In fact, I still find myself reciting our Preamble when aboard ships, and I look to it for guidance in how I lead my sailors each day.

Knowing what you know now, if you could go back to your undergraduate time, would you do anything differently? I would spend more time getting to know each of my fraternity brothers better. We had so many interesting brothers at The University of Alabama, and it would have been great to learn more about them.

When did you find your interest in the military? I knew I wanted to be in the Navy since I was a young boy, about six or seven years old. While watching old war movies, the Navy always appealed to me the most. My favorite movie, Mr. Roberts, is actually how I patterned my leadership style.

What has been your biggest surprise since arriving in the Navy? I was surprised and am encouraged every day by the incredible quality of people wearing the uniform. I’ve also learned that the Navy is more than a job or career - it’s a lifestyle.

What’s an average day like for you? There’s no average day when commanding eight navy ships. If explained in one sentence it would be: We prepare our eight ships to go into harm’s way and bring harm to those who try to harm us.

What are some of the challenges you experience as a Naval Officer? In many instances it is like being in a fraternity bringing people with different education levels, upbringings, motivations, and backgrounds together to work toward a shared vision and set of goals. It’s challenging to earn everyone’s trust, support, and buy-in.

What are some of your more memorable experiences in the Navy? I’ll always remember the day I was officially commissioned in the Navy, Desert Shield/Desert Storm, rescuing the Achille Lauro cruise liner, the

Captain Michael Elliott

day the ship I was on launched tomahawk missiles on two separate occasions, being deployed to Western Africa while in command of a Frigate in 2007, and hosting my father’s Destroyer reunion onboard my ship in Mayport, FL. I have so many fond memories of different events in my Navy career, it’s difficult to just list a few.

Is there any fraternal advice you’d like to share with your Delta Chi brothers? To alumni, keep in touch with your brothers. I talk with my pledge brothers and many other brothers monthly. I’ve even visited campus on a few occasions over the past five to ten years. Don’t ever lose touch with your college days, college friends, or fraternity brothers. These are truly friends for life! My Delta Chi brothers are my closest friends in the world, and they always will be. To student members, apply yourself in school. The civilian and military markets are quite competitive. While a good GPA won’t necessarily guarantee

you a good paying job right out of college, it can be what sets you apart from others competing for a particular job, promotion, or career path. Also, be sure to develop your communication skills. This will follow you for the rest of your life. Communication skills are even critical to one’s success in the Navy. Also, take an active role in Delta Chi from the beginning. Get to know your brothers and live in the house. These are times you can’t get back after college. Make sure you’re enjoying yourself and experiencing everything Delta Chi has to offer while you’re in college.

You’ve achieved a great deal in your life. Do you have any plans for the future? I want to continue to accomplish everything I can while I’m in the Navy. After that, I hope to get into golf in some capacity - either as a professional in the PGA Golf Club Management area or in a teaching capacity for younger folks. I might even try to coach or volunteer at my old high school in Madison, WI.

Written by: Zachary Rolfe, James Madison ’12. Interviews with Captain Michael Elliott were conducted via email by Zachary Rolfe between September 2012 and November 2012. Zach served his chapter as “E”, Formal Chair, IFC Representative, and Philanthropy Chair. His current involvement includes serving as an Alumnus Member of the Publications Committee. He currently resides in Dumfries, VA. He enjoys traveling, history, and sports.



XXX Campus Scene President’s Cup 2011-2012

Award of Excellence 2011-2012

President’s Most Improved 2011-2012

Certificate of Achievement 2011-2012

Manpower, calculated as 000 of January 14, 2013



Chapter/Colony GPA 0.00 Spring 2012


Cody Kermanian ’15 “E” Brothers at our annual alumni football game

Appalachian State



Justin Kirschenblatt ’14 “E” On November 18th, we initiated 16 men into our brotherhood. We also held a Parents’ Day event that was well attended by our parents and siblings. Our Quarters for Cancer event raised funds for the V Foundation. Finally, David Gordon ’14, our former “A”, was elected as IFC President.




Gino Ferrario ’15 “A” Elect Brothers decorate the house for the holidays

We’ve reclaimed the top position in our Greek community by earning the highest GPA average among fraternities. Our brothers collectively earned a 3.52 average, whereas the all-mens’ average was 3.25, and the Greek average was 3.28. At the same time, our brothers continue to serve in student government, participate in club sports, and engage in various community service programs around the Berkeley area. Also, our intramural soccer team won the coveted Diamond Cup Tournament this fall. We hosted our first annual Homecoming Alumni Breakfast. This event, together with our traditional Alumni Dinner, raised a record amount of funds for housing improvements. We continue to see strong support from alumni at our events and game day festivities.


113 2.84

Zac Cochran ’14 “E” Our continued recruitment success means that our chapter now boasts 113 active brothers. Additionally, we’ve improved our average GPA by nearly a half-point. Our next priority is having more of our brothers actively involved in leadership positions on campus, while maintaining our continual academic improvements. This fall, we raised over $3,000 for the Ronald McDonald Foundation, and our brothers also completed 600 hours of community service through various projects.




Bryan Tran ’14 “E” We welcomed the largest associate member class our chapter has seen in recent memory, and these new brothers have already taken on many responsibilities within the Chapter. Our members have maintained a high level of campus involvement, with several brothers holding executive positions in prominent clubs and organizations on campus, including IFC. Also, we collectively donated 270 lbs. of food to our local food bank. We’re looking forward to continuing the growth of our presence on campus with the remainder of the academic year.




Eric Langer ’13 “E” At our Greek Awards Banquet, we brought home five of the seven awards presented: Best Risk Reduction Program, Best Campus Program, Outstanding Chapter Advisor (Ted Schmitt ’95), Outstanding New Member (A.J. Custard ’15), and, most significant, Chapter of the Year. We raised over $1,000 for the V Foundation at our first annual Brother Auction. We ended our fall semester with a successful Alumni Weekend and a brotherhood retreat in the mountains of West Virginia. We’re looking forward to carrying this momentum into the spring semester. 10


We welcomed 30 men into our chapter this fall. We hosted our first “Grab A Date,” where brothers were given short notice to find a date for a social gathering. We also decorated the house for Christmas and made cookies for a retirement community. We’re looking forward to the spring semester, where we’ve already planned several community service events.

Arizona State

113 2.55

John Greenspon ’13 “E” Braden Clark ’13 planned our most extravagant fall formal yet. Brothers and dates enjoyed zip-lining, wine tasting, and a delicious formal dinner on the beautiful Catalina Island. The whole experience of traveling to Long Beach to catch our boat to the island and having all brothers able to spend the weekend together made a lasting impact on our brotherhood.




Ben Dixon ’13 “E” This fall, we focused on increasing alumni attendance during our Parents’ Weekend. As a result, we’ve seen a greater turnout at all of our planned events, and we’ve seen an overall increase in the number of alumni who come back to visit. Along with this, we’ve begun an effort to restore damaged composite photos from past years, so our alumni can come back and see their photos in our house for years to come. Our goal is to have most of our composites restored by the end of the spring 2013 semester.




Matt Herren ’11 “E” We welcomed eight associate members into our brotherhood this fall, while also maintaining the top GPA among fraternities and showing continued support at our school’s sporting events. We held a car smash that raised over $500 for the V Foundation. For the event, we stripped down a 1987 Ford Bronco to its frame, removing the seats, engine block, and windows. We painted our letters on the hood and invited students to blow off steam with either a sledge hammer or bat. We also hosted a Thanksgiving Turkey Fry for our brothers and the members of Alpha Delta Pi, Zeta Tau Alpha, and Alpha Sigma Phi. We fried five turkeys this year and donated one of them to the Ronald McDonald House. We’d also like to show our appreciation for the work Nick Stitt ’12 is doing as a Leadership Consultant this year!




Derek Krzysiak ’14“E” Through continued service to the Erie community, focused recruitment goals, and increased participation of our brothers, we’ve been able to achieve many of the goals we set at the beginning of the year. We continued our participation in Penn State’s THON, raising a record amount for our chapter. We also continued our time-honored tradition of volunteering at His Shining Light’s 14th Annual Free Thanksgiving Dinner held at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center. In order to keep service as a prime point in our fraternity, we also

Campus Scene implemented a minimum service hours requirement. We’ve seen a dramatic improvement in the public image of our chapter through recruiting student leaders on campus. This fall, we recruited the President of the Asian Student Organization, multiple SGA Senators, and several outgoing, social members. This semester has truly set the pace for our chapter. By continuing our pursuit of the goals set forth at our chapter retreat last spring, we have instilled in our brothers the ideals and attitude needed to succeed for many years to come.

Cal Poly



Riley Kuhn ’14 “E”

Chapter’s new house

After several years without a chapter house, we now have 28 brothers, including all of our executive board, living in a new chapter house! We began the year with over 100 brothers, and this new house has been instrumental in keeping everyone close.

California University – PA Brothers pose for a photo with associate members




Greg Corso ’15 “E” Following a very successful recruitment effort this fall, we welcomed five men into our chapter, we’ve been working hard to extend our efforts into the spring semester. We assisted Yoni Levy ’14 in Alpha Epsilon Phi’s “Greek God” event that benefited the Elisabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation and Sharsheret. We raised $1,200, and Yoni brought home third place. We’re proud of our accomplishments, and we’re looking forward to raising the bar next semester.

Bowling Green



Jeffrey Williams ’13 “E” We welcomed 14 associate members into our brotherhood this fall, and we’re not planning on slowing down our recruitment efforts in the near future. During Homecoming, we welcomed alumni back for a tailgate before the game and a lunch at our on-campus house. We’re actively preparing to set new chapter records for money we raise for the V Foundation at our upcoming Powder Puff Football and Delta Chi Gladiators philanthropy events.




Michael Aisenberg ’14 “E”



Eric Myers ’15 “E”

This fall we welcomed three men into our brotherhood as a result of our rush week events. Six brothers now happily reside in our new chapter house. We hosted our annual Pie-A-Chi philanthropy event and also participated in events for the community food bank and Hurricane Sandy relief efforts. Also, a number of our brothers participated in Phi Sigma Sigma’s “Buy-A-Guy” event to raise money for the National Kidney Foundation.

Case Western Reserve



Christian Wargo ’13 “E”

The men of Case Western Reserve University celebrated a huge milestone in the history of our Colony this past semester. On November 10, 2012, brothers with their dates and families, local alumni, and campus and fraternity dignitaries gathered at Windows on the River in downtown Cleveland for our Chartering Banquet. We were joined by “AA” Miles Washburn and “DD” Aaron Otto, along with past “AA”s Bill Williams, Steve Bossart, and Tom Horowitz, as we enjoyed an evening of speeches, social excellence, and brotherhood. As a two-year-old organization, we are so very grateful for all of the support we have received to make this chartering possible in such a short amount of time. Many thanks go out to everyone who joined us at the banquet and for their continued support of the Case Western Reserve University Chapter. For more information about Case Western Reserve’s Chartering Banquet, please see pages 10-11.

Central Michigan



Alexander Coulter ’13 “E” We raised nearly $1,500 for the V Foundation by hosting several events this semester. We also celebrated our 30th year on campus this fall.

Central Missouri



Jackie Parres ’14 “E”

Brothers pose for a photo for their holiday card

We finished our fall semester with a great on-campus event. We organized a study session for finals for potential new members and friends in our University community. Attendance was great - we filled an entire lecture hall in the library for two days. The event allowed potential new members to see that brothers cared about their academic performance.

Brothers pose with their intramural soccer championship shirts



XXX Campus Scene As a chapter, we have set and hit all of our goals in recruitment, philanthropy, and scholarship. We brought home first place in intramural soccer and second place in softball. During Homecoming, our brothers brought home first place among Greek organizations and second place overall. Our associate member class this fall was larger than any in the past ten years. We’re looking forward to carrying this momentum forward into the rest of the school year.

Charlotte Colony



Jeremy Bethea ’14 “E”

We participated in several events hosted by other Greek Life organizations, and we finished second amongst fraternities in Lambda Chi Alpha’s annual Watermelon Bash. Brothers celebrated Founders’ Day with “AA” Miles Washburn, OWC Member Patrick Phelan, and many area alumni. Finally, our brothers earned the highest GPA among IFC and PHA organizations this semester.

Cincinnati Colony



Paul Reitz ’17 “E”

We’ve been quite busy, as The University of Cincinnati has converted from quarters to semesters now. This fall, we logged over 70 hours of community service through adopting a local park, assisting with the Spinal Bifida Half-Marathon, and various other projects. We’ve also made an effort to participate in more philanthropy events hosted by other fraternities and sororities on campus. In an effort to connect with more Delta Chi alumni, we hosted two events this fall. We attended a local Renaissance Fair on Founders’ Day and hosted our first ever Thanksgiving dinner for family and alumni. With the help of our new Faculty Advisor, Professor John Maddux, our chapter adopted a new scholarship program. Finally, we also initiated seven men into our brotherhood this fall, and we have four more men lined up to join next semseter.





Zak Brodstein ’15 “E” No submission received as of 1/24/2013.

Corpus Christi



Kenny Chou ’13 “E”

Brothers and alumni celebrated Founders’ Day at Cole Park with a bbq and mix of outdoor sports. We hope to continue celebrating Founders’ Day in the future with a banquet. On Halloween, brothers volunteered on the U.S.S. Lexington by dressing up in costumes to entertain children. We raised over $1,400 for the V Foundation at this semester’s “Don’t Drop the Ball” event. Our semi-formal, held at XS Lounge, was a success, and we’re looking forward to holding future events there. We also selected a Sweetheart this semester. Kimberly Garza, Alpha Gamma Delta’s current President and SGA President, is also the daughter of Santiago Garza, Corpus Christi Alumnus. We’re honored to have Kimberly as our Sweetheart.




Mike Solarsh ’13 “E” We welcomed four men as brothers this fall and raised over $1,000 for the V Foundation through our own events. We also participated in Pumpkinfest, Crop Walk, and Relay for Life. We set up our annual “Pie a Delta Chi” booth at the YWCA’s Safe Halloween, where children were able to throw pies at brothers in exchange for candy in a safe trick-or-treating environment. Finally, our intramural soccer and volleyball teams reached the playoffs.




Justin Powell ’14 “E”


Weston Peters ’14 “E” To begin our fall semester, we rented chartering buses for the Clemson vs. Auburn Chick-Fil-A Football Kickoff event in Atlanta, GA. We also hosted three mixers throughout the semester with other sororities and fraternities on campus. In October, we participated in Zeta Tau Alpha’s annual “Zeta Big Man on Campus” and raised money to support breast cancer research and awareness. We initiated 13 men into our brotherhood at the end of the fall semester, and we’re looking forward to another semester of events and achievements in the spring. Sadly, also in October, our brotherhood endured the loss of Tyler Sands ’13, something no group should have to experience. Our hearts and prayers go out to the Sands family, and may Tyler rest in peace.

Coastal Carolina



We planned and executed a successful fall rush, and we initiated the men of the Upsilon associate member class in January. We hosted our annual toy drive for Toys For Tots. We teamed up with the men of Alpha Gamma Omega to collect toys from students and members of the community. On the final day of our toy drive, we also hosted a hot chocolate social for the student body and anyone in the Davis community. We’re looking forward to hosting an Earth Ball tournament in the upcoming term.




Gus Stout ’13 “E”


Roman Elliott ’15 “E”

Brothers pose for a holiday photo

Our annual “Rock Beats Cancer” rock-paper-scissors tournament raised $430 for the V Foundation. We’re looking forward to seeing our brothers who are studying abroad return for a productive and fun-filled spring semester. Chapter officers pose for a photo for the fall recruitment video

We began our semester with a brotherhood bbq event. Twenty men signed on board to be a part of our Pi associate member class. We then participated in the Myrtle Beach Chili Cook-Off and an American Heart Association walk. We brought home first place during Homecoming, and our chapter adopted 38th to 64th North Avenue on Myrtle Beach for beach cleanups. Our new ‘1890 Club’ began welcoming alumni donations to contribute to our scholarship fund. Our “White Carnation Queen” pageant raised a total of $775.00. Finally, brothers completed 1,076 hours of community service this fall. 12





Brendan McGinnis ’14 “E” In October, we attended the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium, where our “A”, Steven Chapman ’13, lavaliered his girlfriend. Zach Zeigler ’13 is the current SGA President, and he also was recognized as Homecoming King. Alumnus Roni Shwaish ’05 recently gained his U.S. citizenship. In an effort to connect with more alumni, we sent out holiday cards and also began an electronic newsletter. Finally, Atilla Mihalik ’12 and Tommy Moreno ’14 were initiated into Order of Omega.

Campus Scene East Carolina



Jonathan Colbert ’13 “E” On Founders’ Day, we invited our alumni to celebrate the 20th anniversary of our chapter’s chartering. We hosted a pig roast before the home football game. The weekend had an excellent turnout, and we’d like to thank all the alumni who gave support to the Chapter.

East Stroudsburg



On October 24th, we hosted our first annual Earth Ball tournament on campus. Earth Ball pits teams of eight against each other and is a soccer match with a giant, eight-foot-wide inflatable ball. The winning team has its name engraved on a trophy housed on campus. For the inaugural event, six organizations submitted teams, and Delta Chi brothers served as referees. Sigma Sigma Sigma beat Pi Kappa Alpha to become the very first champions of Earth Ball at Embry-Riddle. To promote this event in the future, we’ve created a video chronicling the event. To view the video, scan the QR code!

Austin Lenker ’15 “E”

Our recruitment efforts yielded seven new members this fall, which assisted in balancing the number of men we lost to graduation the previous spring. Hurricane Sandy affected many peoples’ lives in our region, so we’ve been doing our part by fundraising for the Red Cross’ Sandy Relief Effort. We’ve received donations from alumni, undergraduate brothers, family, and other students on campus. Our Founders’ Day and Homecoming events were great successes. On October 14th, most of our brothers volunteered at the Special Olympics on campus. We have also fielded teams for intramural football and indoor soccer this semester. We held a “Pie A Chi” event at Texas Roadhouse to raise money for the V Foundation, and we’ve also spent considerably more time attending campus events to get Delta Chi’s name out on campus more.

Eastern Illinois Colony



Nicholas Almanza ’15 “E”




John Rausch ’13 “E” This fall was an eventful one for our chapter. We celebrated Homecoming with the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma. We hosted this year’s largest Founders’ Day dinner. At the event, we initiated former Congressman Dan Mica into our brotherhood prior to dinner, and we honored the accomplishments of all the chapters in Florida during the banquet. Alumni from all over the United States were in attendance, including “AA” Miles Washbrn, “CC” Keith Shriver, and four members of the Order of the White Carnation. Our chapter has been very active in raising money for The University of Florida’s Dance Marathon fundraiser, and we set the bar among Greek organizations for money raised throughout the majority of the semester. We’re also looking forward to hosting our annual Earth Ball event in the spring, where we’ll raise funds for the V Foundation. Brothers have also given back to our community through participation in a Greek Blood Drive and our Adopt-A-Highway program. Finally, we’re actively preparing to host Region VIII’s 2013 RLC. Go gators! To see photos from the All Florida Founders’ Day event, turn to page 25.

Florida State Colony



Jack Poteat ’13“E” Alumni Awards Dinner during Homecoming

We recruited and initiated seven men this fall. During Homecoming, Christopher Desmond ’94, Jaime Martinez ’84, and Carl Mito ’72 were recognized with awards from the University (scan the QR code for more info). We also presented our sweetheart with an award during Homecoming. We’d like to thank our ABT for inviting our colony members to dinner for a night of brotherhood.

Eastern Washington



Kelly Beck ’14 “E”

We’ve focused our efforts on gaining more alumni involvement and outreach. During Homecoming, we welcomed over 40 alumni back to Cheney to visit and see the house. We raised over $500 that weekend for improvements. We know that our brotherhood bond will strengthen as we reconnect with more alumni. We also raised over $200 for the V Foundation during our Homecoming events this fall.



Gregory Smith ’15 “E”


Brothers outside Captain Anderson’s Restaurant in Panama City Beach during their semi-formal

After a successful recruitment effort, brothers turned their efforts to bringing home second place at Homecoming and third place in the Dance Marathon Flag Football tournament. Dylan Kilby ’13 received FSU’s nomination for the prestigious Marshall Scholarship. In October, we entertained our parents, alumni, and significant others at our house for a luncheon and tailgate, and we presented awards to a few of our outstanding parents and alumni. Finally, in November we traveled to Panama City Beach, FL with our dates for an exciting Semi-Formal Weekend.




Greg Minchak ’13 “E”

First Earth Ball Champions

We celebrated our 21st anniversary banquet at the Clarion Hotel Ballroom, with over 70 brothers, dates, and alumni in attendance. Brothers participated in Operation Breakfast Rescue, where they sorted various donated breakfast foods to be given to local food pantries. Our 4th annual Miss Delta Chi Pageant featured 12 lovely participants who shared talents, answered an array of questions, and discussed how cancer has unfortunately touched their lives. We raised over $650 for the V Foundation and had over 130 people in attendance at the event. Before the end of the semester, we sparked the holiday spirit and teamed up with the women of Sigma Gamma Phi to participate in Miracle on Main Street, where we created crafts with young children and took photos of the children with Santa Claus. WINTER 2013


XXX Campus Scene Fullerton



Scott Carlson ’12 “E” Our fall semester has been extremely eventful and successful. We hosted our annual Greek Goddess week, where contestants from each sorority participated in a variety of fundraising, athletic, and spirit events. All proceeds from the event were donated to the V Foundation. We held an alumni bbq at the house on Founders’ Day, and brothers and alumni attended the women’s volleyball game afterwards. On Thanksgiving morning, we held our annual Turkey Bowl football game, where student and alumni brothers play against one another. Our intramural football team finished second, and our basketball team brought home the championship. Brothers are looking forward to dominating Greek Week athletic events in the spring. While doing all of this, we’ve also continued our efforts to improve our academic performance. We held frequent study hours in the library and used the common areas of our house for studying before midterms and finals.




Sheldon Miles ’15 “E” We hosted our third annual volleyball tournament to benefit the V Foundation. Our local sponsors and participants made it possible to raise $600 for cancer research. During Homecoming, we also were recognized for having the best banner.

George Mason



Lake Smith ’12 “E”

in northern Georgia, where we set goals, played our annual brotherhood football game, and enjoyed wonderful campfire food. We had a fantastic attendance for the Homecoming game against BYU, which featured a crawfish boil and alumni awards presentation. The Chapter also hosted a pig roast to raise funds for the V Foundation. We’re all looking forward to having our spring formal in New Orleans and another brotherhood retreat in Gatlinburg, TN.

Gorham State



Luke Smith ’14 “E”

Teaming up with the women of Alpha Xi Delta, we hosted our 4th annual bone marrow drive for the Save Giovanni Foundation and DKMS Americas. Save Giovanni was founded by Michael Guglielmo to try to find a bone marrow match for his son, Giovanni, suffering from a rare genetic disorder that attacks the immune system. This year, we added 171 people to the national bone marrow registry, beating our previous record of 163. We also raised money for our annual Polar Plunge for Camp Sunshine, an organization that helps children with terminal illnesses.




Ronald German ’13 “E” We began the year with a 3-on-3 basketball tournament to benefit the V Foundation and brought the semester to a close with our customary jaunt to Laurie’s for the best chicken wings in Oneida County. As a relatively new presence on Hamilton’s campus, we sought to further ingrain our values of acceptance and openness by hosting many campus-wide events.




Ben Hill ’12 “A” Our annual broomball event saw a great turnout and was a fun night on the ice. At our annual Turkey Bowl football game, our active brothers beat the alumni for the first time in recent memory. The feeling of brotherhood is at an all-time high thanks to our weekly F.A.R.T.s (Friday Afternoon Recreation Time), where we play a different sport every week.




Christopher Lansing ’14 “E” No submission received as of 1/24/2013.

Pumpkin carving with Gamma Phi Beta

Our recruitment efforts netted us 14 new members this fall. We held a highly competitive pumpkin carving contest with the women of Gamma Phi Beta in October. We’re looking forward to beginning the spring semester with a group of young, motivated brothers.

Georgia Southern



Michael Garcia ’13 “E”




Nick Romero ’13 “E” We participated in the Making Strides breast cancer walk at Jones Beach. After Hurricane Sandy, we dedicated our time to helping the community recover, including some of our brothers and alumni whose homes were devastated. We donated clothes and food to various organizations, and we made our doors open to brothers who needed help or a place to stay. Since the hurricane interrupted many of our planned events this fall, we’re actively planning to have most of these events in the spring.




Keith Lowe ’10 “E”

Georgia Southern “Steak out for Cancer” philanthropy dinner

We welcomed 12 new brothers into our bond this fall. We partnered with Steak-n-Shake to hold our inaugural “Steak Out for Cancer” philanthropy dinner, which raised $1,200 for the V Foundation. During Homecoming, we celebrated the tenth anniversary of our colonization. “CC” Keith Shriver was a guest speaker at the event.

Georgia Tech



Samin Odhwani ’12 “E” We welcomed 20 associate members into our chapter this fall, bringing our manpower to over 100 men. We conducted a brotherhood retreat at a state park 14


We welcomed eight men into our brotherhood as new initiates this fall. Brothers worked 11 events at LP Field throughout the semester to contribute to our goal for the V Foundation. We celebrated our 35th anniversary on October 15th and had three founding members in attendance for our Founders’ Day Formal. Alex Capps ’12 currently serves as IFC Vice President, and Brian Roy serves as IFC Secretary.




Matt Neufeld ’14 “E” Brothers have focused their efforts on helping others who are less fortunate by participating in many philanthropy events, ranging from charity dinners to sports tournaments. One of our teams brought home second place at “Theta Hoops” this semester. We’re also preparing for our “Ms. Greek Illinois” pageant, where we’ll be looking to crown the most philanthropic woman on campus. The event will be judged by Ms. Illinois 2010.

Campus Scene Illinois State






Josh Engel ’14 “E”

Jake Winkler ’13 “E”

In September, we celebrated 100 consecutive years of Delta Chi brotherhood at The University of Iowa. Additionally, our intramural flag football team made it to the playoffs. We initiated 17 men into our bond this semester, including two legacies: Michael Gorny and Anthony Meno.

Brothers pose for a photo outside the house

Our recruitment efforts yielded 26 associate members, the largest number since our chapter’s founding. With this, our manpower is also the largest since our founding. During Homecoming, we planned a ceremony for our alumni to see our recently earned President’s Cup. We also teamed up with the University to host a game day celebration for the entire campus to attend. Mario Bovino ’14 was elected IFC President, and Jake Donnowitz ’14 was elected IFC Vice President of Operations. Due to the hard work of Phillip Shaw ’13, our Membership Development Chairman, we’re well on our way to achieving our goal of 90% RSO involvement within the Chapter. We also recently changed our by-law requirements for community service, from three to five hours per semester, and our GPA requirement, from a 2.0 to a 2.8.



Dan Cupril ’86, Steve Goldstein ’82, Jeff Stewart ’85 (sitting), and Jeff Engel ’86 attending Iowa’s Centennial celebration.

Jacksonville State



Justin Mallicoat ’15 “E”

We welcomed ten men into our chapter this semester, and we raised over $8,000 for a scholarship in memory of Justin Sollohub ’05, who died in the line of duty in August 2011. Our float also brought home first place for the sixth consecutive year, and our brothers also raised money for the V Foundation.

James Madison



Jordan Ardakanian ’15 “E”


Charlie Burdick ’15 “E” We’ve been volunteering frequently in our community this semester. Brothers participated in a canned good drive on Halloween to assist less fortunate families, and they also organized a community clean-up with the women of Theta Phi Alpha. We’ve also drawn up the blueprints for our huge Ms. Greek UI philanthropy event, and we’re looking forward to hosting it in the spring. Also, Jakson Alvarez ’13 was selected to be part of the IFC.

Iowa State Colony



John Kraus ’15 “E”

This fall 43 men were initiated as Founding Fathers of Delta Chi’s newest colony in Region IV. We’re continuing to expand our presence on campus, and we’re in the process of planning a large philanthropy event for the spring. We’re looking forward to a bright future for Delta Chi at Iowa State.

Brothers and guests at the fall AM Pinning

Our brothers have excelled in recruitment, as we welcomed 18 associate members this fall. Our manpower is at an all-time high. We hosted mixers and events with nearly every sorority this semester, and we’ve also participated in a number of philanthropic events. Before Thanksgiving, we executed a food drive on sorority row to assist those less fortunate. Many of our brothers play bingo weekly with senior citizens and volunteer at our local Boys and Girls Club. We’re also actively preparing a week-long philanthropy event, where all funds raised would benefit the V Foundation. Our intramural dodgeball team brought home the championship, while our basketball and football teams each made it to the semi-finals.




Brice Overdorff ’14 “E”

Quarterly Exclusive - Read about Delta Chi’s Colonization in ISU’s December Greek Life magazine.

We kicked off the year by celebrating our chapter’s 40th anniversary during Homecoming. Alumni gathered for a dinner on Friday evening where Pennsylvania State Senators John Wozniak ’78 and John Rafferty ’75 presented a Senate citation acknowledging the Chapter’s accomplishments over the past 40 years. On Saturday, we hosted our annual pig roast for campus and also a memorial event for Brian Gindlesperger ’12. At the memorial, a plaque was presented that will be placed on campus. T-shirts in his memory were sold, with benefits going to the Wounded Warrior Project. By the end of the semester, we have already met 80% of our biennial fundraising goal for the V Foundation, and we also initiated seven new members. We’re also looking forward to continuing our streak of earning the highest GPA among fraternities for the third consecutive semester. WINTER 2013


XXX Campus Scene Kansas




Matt Smith ’15 “E”



Don Eben ’12 “E” This summer, we welcomed nine men as associate members. We hosted our second annual housing project, this year focusing on digitizing our chapter records. We continued our traditional annual LAN party and set a new record for attendance this year. Our brothers continue to volunteer at our local soup kitchen and CRIM Festival of Races. We’re all excited for our winter term, when we’ll initiate our largest new member class in recent years.




Douglas Dinwiddle ’13 “E” Our recruitment efforts have led to six men accepting bids to join our brotherhood. Joe May ’14 was elected our new “A”, and we’d like to congratulate Brad Jordan ’12 on his engagement to Annmarie. We’d also like to extend a healthy congratulations to our recent graduates: Jacob Yonker ’13, Cameron Janiga ’13, Paras Sethi ’13, Brad Jordan ’12, and David Hayden ’13. American flags outside our chapter house to commemorate the lives lost on September 11th

We participated in our annual Harvest Week philanthropy event, which raised $5,000 for charity this year. This semester also saw the implementation of a new associate member program, which focuses on Delta Chi’s four core values and our 11 basic expectations. On September 11th, we placed 2,996 flags on our lawn as a tribute to the lives lost eleven years ago. For more information about this activity and the media coverage it received, reference the “Coast to Coast” spread in the Fall 2012 Quarterly. Our intramural soccer and volleyball teams each reached the semi-finals, and our team in Delta Delta Delta’s flag football tournament brought home a second place finish. We’re looking forward to building on these successes during the remainder of the academic year.

Lake Forest



Eric Haun ’14 “E”

On October 9th, a time when the U.S. Presidential election race was rapidly becoming a topic of interest, our colony hosted our first ever Political Debate to spread awareness of the election and also provide an access for K-State students to learn what each political party’s candidate stood for. Featuring representatives from the Republican, Libertarian, and Democratic platforms, the evening was centered on questions drawn from the first presidential debate between President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, as well as questions submitted by K-State students. Following the planned questions was an open forum in which audience members could ask questions of the representatives. The Political Debate received campuswide recognition, with the event being featured on the front page of the school newspaper the following day.




Matt Mitchell ’13 “E” We teamed up with a sorority on campus to host a dunk tank event to raise money for the V Foundation. Overall, the event was a huge success, and we’re working to make this an annual tradition. 23


Charles Caudle ’14 “E” Our brothers won the Serendipity Talent Show, winning the skit award and the individual/group vocalist award. Also, during Homecoming, we placed second overall and first among Greek organizations in the float competition.

Long Beach



Rain Gregorio ’15 Our “Gamma” new member class was 19 men strong this fall, our largest in recent history. Our recruitment efforts included an alumni barbeque, Dodgers game, and a dodge ball tournament. We held our annual “Del-Tiki” dance-off at Will Rogers Middle School in Long Beach, CA, where we raised over $1,500 for the V Foundation. The competition featured teams from different sororities on campus. Attendance exceeded our expectations, and the support given from alumni, families, and friends was heart-warming. Brothers also participated in a clean-up in a neighborhood garden.

On October 13th, the Kansas State Colony hosted its first annual Founders’ Day dinner and awards ceremony. With just over 40 brothers, alumni, friends and family in attendance, the evening was one to remember. Special guests in attendance were “DD” Aaron Otto ’98, Regent Matthew Gorney ’06, and our Greek Advisor and keynote speaker, Jenni Jones. Mrs. Jones discussed the importance of alumni relations and its positive outcomes. She also discussed the significance of campus involvement, noting that “[Delta Chi] appears a lot larger than [it is] in terms of member size on Kansas State’s campus.” We were very pleased to hear such positive feedback and hope to continue our work on campus.

Louisiana Tech

To see photos from the event, turn to page 25.

Under the leadership of Aric Green ’13, our recruitment chairman, we recruited and initiated 14 men this fall. Our members to participated in the 26th annual “Take Back the Night” candlelight vigil to honor those who’ve lost their lives to domestic or sexual abuse. In September, we also hosted a successful alumni weekend with many alumni in attendance.




Alex Raybuck ’13 “D” Brothers to hold the highest GPA among fraternities for two of the past three semesters. Matt Clark ’12, Brian Wilmerding ’12, and Noah Stallworth ’12 recently graduated, and three more brothers will graduate at the end of the spring semester. Additionally, our founding “BB”, Keith Shriver, currently serves Delta Chi as “CC”. Kennesaw Chapter Operations have ceased until October 1, 2013 due to University sanctions regarding the Fraternity’s risk management policy. 16


We hosted a résumé workshop for our entire student body, with Delta Chi alumni representing various professional fields offering advice on how to craft a résumé, apply for internships, proper networking strategies, and job preparation.

Livingston Kansas State Colony


Fendey Jean-Baptiste ’14 “E”




Ernest Diaz Jr. ’15 “E” Our recruitment efforts allowed us to welcome 23 associate members this fall, the second-largest associate member class in our history. We also celebrated the 25th anniversary of our chartering this fall, with many of our founding fathers in attendance.




Bradley Guin ’16 “E”




Kole Dudley ’15 “E” We hosted our “Jimmy V Spike Out Cancer” fundraiser this fall. At our Greek Awards Banquet, the Chapter received the “Brotherhood of the Year” award, and Jacob Moe ’14 received the “President of the Year” award. Also, Jacob Moe was named IFC President, and Drew Danforth ’13 was named IFC Marketing and Relations Chairman.

Campus Scene Marquette



Jim Correa ’15 “E”




Jim Grundy ’13 “E” It’s been another fantastic semester for the Missouri Chapter. We opened our new house, complete with a renovated formal room and dining room, as well as two new media rooms and study rooms. These new renovations have allowed us to create more brotherly interaction through common areas without the hassle of private apartments. For the first time in many years, we also were able to proudly display our letters on the house for all to see. The chapter is proud to announce 22 new members in our newly initiated Beta Gamma class. These men embody the Delta Chi characteristics of scholarship, friendship, character and a stout observation of the law and have already contributed to the chapter through athletics, academics, community service and Homecoming activities.

Thanksgiving dinner at the house

This fall we held many brotherhood events, including a paintball trip, Thanksgiving dinner, and an active vs. alumni football game. We also brought home fourth place for Greek Week this semester. In November, several brothers participated in Movember by growing mustaches to raise money for men’s health issues. Additionally, we initiated seven brothers this semester.



Throughout the Homecoming Competition, the chapter paired with the men of Lambda Chi Alpha and the women of Alpha Phi to give a stellar skit and dance during the Greek Talent competition. Also, the Delta Chi In-Between Act won “Best IBA” of the night with an a capella performance of “Some Nights” by Fun. Delta Chi competed in sand volleyball, football, soccer and basketball throughout the semester. The chapter took home the sand volleyball Greek championship and finished second in the Greek flag football league.


Jeffrey Dickerson ’15 “E” At our third annual Spaghetti Dinner, organized by Brandon Alexander ’14, we raised over $350 for the V Foundation. Soon after we initiated eight new members, five of them ran for officer positions in the Chapter. After officer transition, we’re looking forward to a new year and future endeavors.




Joseph Scarpati ’14 “E” We welcomed 12 new members as part of our Beta Delta associate member class this fall. On Founders’ Day, our brothers and alumni, including several founding fathers, also celebrated our 25th year as members of the Maryland Greek community. Our flag football teams brought home two different fraternity league championships, and we also placed second during the Homecoming flag football event. Also, our annual “Delta Chi Movers” raised over $1,750 for the V Foundation.

Massachusetts Colony



Julian Pinto ’12 “E”

We welcomed four men as associate members this semester, and all four have already stepped up to the plate and taken on committee positions within the Colony. We hosted a bake sale to benefit the V Foundation, and we held our annual Homecoming BBQ for our alumni in October at Gillette Stadium. Brothers from nearly every era of Massachusetts Delta Chi were represented, and even “AA” Miles Washburn ’87 was able to join us for some burgers and UMass football.




With our new community service program in place, our brothers have completed over 250 hours this semester. From this, we’ve become not only more involved in our community, but we’re also able to give back to the city of Oxford. We’re looking forward to seeing our alumni back in Oxford for the Kimball Classic on April 20, 2013. 53


Garrett Stephens ’14 “E” No submission received as of 1/24/2013.

Michigan State

Philanthropic efforts were well received by the Greek community, as we participated in Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Kappa Kappa Gamma’s philanthropies. The chapter won Kappa Alpha Theta’s “Quarterbacks and Flapjacks” flag football tournament. Brother Tristan Welsh took the crown as King of Gamma Phi Beta’s “Crescent Classic” philanthropy as the chapter took second in the 5v5 soccer tournament. Brothers also participated in 18 holes of golf for Kappa Kappa Gamma’s “Kappa Classic.” We are proud to announce a couple of events coming up for next semester for the Missouri Chapter. The Chapter will be hosting the Region IV Regional Leadership Conference in February and will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of our latest charter on March 8, 2013. All alumni are encouraged and welcome to attend these events. It’s been a year of change, growth and learning here at the Missouri Chapter, and we invite you to continue to be a part of this amazing experience.


Taylor Freking ’14 “E”


Community service is another area that defines the Missouri Chapter. We are committed to not only building the next leaders of Mizzou, but also the next leaders of the entire Columbia community. Events included two cleanups of our stretch of highway, courtesy of the Adopt-a-Highway program, as well as two trips to the food bank helping to package meals for families in need.



Kyle Collins ’13 “E”

We’ve focused on getting more involved with a number of events and activities on campus and in the Greek community. We won Pi Beta Phi’s wing eating competition and Sigma Chi’s “Fight Night.” We hosted our third annual car smash to benefit the V Foundation. Also, we welcomed our alumni back in October and would like to thank all who were able to make the trip back. We’re looking forward to our alumni golf outing, to be held April 13, 2013.



Joe Jackson ’13 “E” With 25 initiates this fall, both manpower and brotherhood are at an all-time high at the Minnesota Chapter. We firmly believe the sudden burst of campuswide Delta Chi charm is what has assisted us greatly in bringing home second place during Homecoming and attracting enough participants for our annual 5k race to donate $1,000 to the V Foundation. We continue to be leaders on campus, with brothers serving on IFC and as Directors for a new campus-wide peer monitoring and risk management program. Our intramural hockey, football, and ultimate Frisbee teams reached the playoffs. Our associate member cabin retreat polished off another very successful and enjoyable semester.

Mississippi State Colony



DJ Miller ’15 “E”

After a successful recruitment effort, we welcomed around 20 men as associate members this fall. Next, we began our first full semester learning how to establish and run a Delta Chi Colony. We owe a debt of gratitude to our alumni, who selflessly gave their time, resources, and experience to make sure we’re prepared. After solidifying goals, leadership positions, and the associate member program, 20 men were initiated on November 2nd with the help and guidance of the North Alabama Chapter. The next day, we hosted a WINTER 2013


XXX Campus Scene large alumni reunion where old and new generations of Mississippi State Delta Chis were able to reconnect. We’re looking forward to moving into our newly purchased on-campus house next fall, thanks to our alumni, at which time we’ll also be celebrating the 50th anniversary of Delta Chi’s original founding at Mississippi State.

Missouri State



Becket Duncan ’13 “E” Our brothers have nearly doubled our manpower through our recruitment and retention efforts this fall. Brothers also recorded over 200 service hours, and our associate members participated in the first annual IFC/PHA New Member River Clean-up. During Homecoming, we placed among the top five in points and had a great showing from many alumni who were able to make it down for the weekend. Our involvement continues to grow, with brothers being inducted into Phi Sigma Upsilon, Emerging Leaders, and IFC.




Brothers pose for a photo before their step show performance

Northern Arizona

Kyle Pukenas ’15 “E”



James Waldrep ’12 “E” Our first annual Halloween Bash raised nearly $1,500 for the V Foundation. Our brothers also won a local yogurt shop competition where we earned additional funds for the V Foundation. We initiated 15 men into our brotherhood this fall, and involvement among brothers is very strong.

Northern Colorado



Stephen Love ’15 “E”

We held a very successful fundraiser at the Fritzer Corn Maze near Greeley, earning over $2,000 to assist with operations for the semester.

Northern Illinois

Brothers and new initiates after a diner trip



Richard Balauag ’13 “A”

New Haven



Anthony Dos Santos ’13 “E”

We teamed up with Delta Zeta for Homecoming and brought home first place at the “Yell Like Hell” competition. We initiated 25 new members into our brotherhood this semester, doubling our manpower. Jake Emrick ’15 serves as Vice President of Recruitment for IFC, the first of our brothers to be elected to the IFC Executive Board. We’re also working to have more brothers involved with and holding leadership roles in many campus organizations. We’ll also be participating in Tugs for the the first time this spring.

Northwest Missouri



Kyle King ’15 “E”

Brothers assisting with Sandy cleanup efforts

We completed nearly 300 hours of community service, primarily through assisting those affected by Hurricane Sandy. We traveled to New York to help those hit hard by the storm and help them either clean up their properties or gut their houses so that they could be rebuilt. We also hosted another successful blood drive for the Red Cross, collecting ten gallons more than the minimum expectation. Our 31st annual White Carnation Formal was also a success, with over 120 in attendance, including 50 alumni.

North Alabama



Tim LeVan ’14 “E”

We participated in a step show to help raise money for United Way. Our theme was “Mad House,” and we dressed up in skulls and bones. We brought home first place during Homecoming Week’s window-painting contest with our “Terminator” theme. During our “V-Week,” we raised $400 for the V Foundation by selling paintballs to be shot at brothers. We were able to donate another $100 after winning UNA’s Big Ole Chili Cook-off. We also held our annual “Cabin Fever” trip, where we rent cabins in the woods for our brothers and dates to enjoy. Finally, at the end of the semester, we initiated ten men into our brotherhood. 18


Brothers and alumni outside the house during our weekend of renovations

With the help of our alumni’s generous donations, we were able to renovate our 122-year-old chapter house. It was a busy weekend full of a lot of hard work, and both undergraduates and alumni were able to work together on the house we’ve all shared great memories in. We also hosted our 25th annual Fall Fall philanthropy event, with this year’s proceeds going to the V Foundation. Our total donations from the event’s 25-year history now exceed $40,000. Additionally, one of our brothers now serves on the IFC Executive Board for the first time in four years.

Campus Scene




Mark McLoughlin ’12 “E” We’re happy to report that our “Delta Chi Movers” philanthropy held at the very end of the spring raised $2,926 for the V Foundation. This event also received the “Outstanding Philanthropic Event” award at our campus-wide Greek awards. The success of this event made us proud and, at the same time, elevates our goals for the future. One of the event’s “customers” commented on this year’s event: “The boys didn’t complain at all and even though I felt like I had a lot of stuff they were very enthusiastic about helping me, even though they had to move my stuff down three flights of stairs and up three flights up stairs. They were wonderful and so pleasant. I’m not sure I would have enjoyed this service as much if it had been done by another fraternity.” At the Greek awards, we also received the “Best Recruitment Initiative” award, due to our 26-man recruitment effort last year. We’ve set the bar high for this year, and we’ve been actively preparing for our winter rush effort. Our fall recruitment events included Whirlyball, 1970s-style rollerblading, a road trip for the NU-Michigan State football game, a Super Smash Brothers tournament, and many dinners at the house. Additionally, we took two trips in the spring: a tour of Milwaukee complete with a Brewers baseball game and a canoeing trip at Wisconsin Riverside in Spring Green. We capped off the spring term with our formal at Chicago’s Hard Rock Hotel, which was a night to remember for all. This fall, we solidified goals as a chapter in October during our annual chapter retreat at Tippecanoe State Park. After the retreat, many brothers painted up and made NU Athletic’s homepage from their front row spirit at the NU-Indiana game. We also teamed up with Gamma Phi to bring home first place during Greek Week, which included a talent competition, stroll contest, and foursquare tournament. Finally, we welcomed about 30 alumni back to campus for our Homecoming mixer in October, which marked the largest gathering of Delta Chi alumni since our return to campus in 1997.

This year, we’ve set a goal of $150,000 before the main event in February. We’ve already raised $65,000, and we’ll keep working hard to meet our goal. Homecoming was also very successful, with the Class of 1962 returning for its 50th anniversary and countless other brothers making the trip as well. We’re looking forward to welcoming more alumni back in the spring for our golf outing.




Joe Molisani ’15 “E” We followed up last spring’s 30 signed bids with another 21 this fall. Our AMC, Mitchell Stein ’15, improved upon our AM Program to add new events that taught both brothers and associate members what it really means to be a part of Delta Chi. Our brothers participated in a number of community service and philanthropic events throughout the summer and fall. Robert Snyder ’14 and Ari Hamilton ’14 spent their summer in Africa on a service trip. Many brothers back home assisted with a youth baseball league, working a concession stand and umpiring games. Over 30 brothers also participated in Pitt’s “Make A Difference” Day, where they cleaned up local areas. We were able to raise nearly $1,300 for the V Foundation this semester, with much of the money coming from attendance-based rewards for campus events. Andrew Wearden ’15, Marty Haschak ’15, Michael Murphy ’15, and Joe Molisani ’15 also brought home the “Best Taste” award at the No-Cook Cook-Off for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Finally, one of our biggest highlights was seeing so many brothers return for Homecoming for a weekend of festivities. We hope to continue these successes in the future!


131 2.93

Mark Rickabaugh ’12 “E” We’ve focused on improving our alumni relations in order to create a stronger bond between our undergraduate and alumni brothers. We held our first ever 50th anniversary dinner for the Class of 1962 at the house during Homecoming. The whole class was able to attend, and many hadn’t seen

Ohio State



Mickey Keating ’14 “E” The newly renovated Reynolds Lodge made the 2012 Ohio State Delta Chi Homecoming cookout even more special, as Delta Chi alumni representing five different decades stopped by to meet up with old friends and share even older stories. Brothers paint up to show their school spirit



“This is certainly an exciting time for the Delta Chi Chapter at Ohio State. We hope to keep our alumni engaged with regularly held events and more information in the future,” said “BB” Chris Heiberger ’88.


Tyler Vinson ’13 “E” At our annual alumni softball event, the alumni beat our student team 3-0. Also, we’ve continued to make scholarship a top priority among our brotherhood so that Delta Chi will remain one of the top fraternities for grades. Our goal is to have Delta Chi eventually be the top fraternity academically at The University of Oklahoma.

Oregon State


Highlighting the Homecoming festivities, a rededication ceremony was held to recognize all who gave their time, talent and contributions to this summer’s renovations. Throughout the day tours were given to showcase many of the new improvements that have been made to the house including the new heating and cooling system, the redesigned bathrooms and the redecorated living room among other things.

A special presentation was also made to recognize Ted Nemeth ’98 for all of his work in making this summer’s renovations happen and working through many different obstacles and meeting some very difficult schedules. For his service to the Ohio State Chapter, Ted received a Meritorious Service Award.


Dustin Willett ’14 “A” We welcomed 18 men as associate members this fall after a successful recruitment effort. Brothers won Chi Omega’s 9k Philanthropy, and we also did very well at Delta Gamma’s Anchor Splash. We’ve welcomed a new Faculty Advisor, who is already helping us utilize campus resources to improve our individual and chapter GPAs. We’re looking forward to hosting Region II’s RLC and also hosting our own all-Greek philanthropy this spring.

Penn State

113 3.29

Peter Cacace ’14 “E” We’ve been hard at work raising money for Penn State’s THON, which contributes money to the Four Diamonds Fund for the fight against pediatric cancer. Last year, Delta Chi and Kappa Kappa Gamma raised over $120,000.

Brothers and alumni pose for a photo outside the house



XXX Campus Scene our new house that we moved into in 2001. At the event, four brothers from the same family were able to be together for the first time in over 15 years. Brothers and alumni attended the Homecoming football game and spent most of the evening at the house for dinner and conversation. One alumnus donated a replica of the Old Oaken Bucket, complete with a golden “P” and “I” – symbolizing Purdue and Indiana University – in remembrance of his brother’s passing.



South Dakota State



Spencer Gladis ’15 “E”


Ryan Markwood ’15 “E” Our annual “Little Miss Radford” Pageant raised over $2,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation this fall. We also hosted events to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project and the V Foundation. Brotherhood trips this semester included a retreat to Gatlinburg, TN and day trips to Great Dismal Falls and the Cascades.

Rhode Island



Matt Carvalho ’15 “E” We welcomed nine men into our chapter this fall. We also created a Facebook page to keep in touch with more of our alumni. The page features many old photographs as well. We’re looking forward to Greek Week in the spring, and we’d love to have any alumni come back during that week. We’ll have more information about spring events on our Facebook page.

Riverside Colony


Associate Members pose for a photo on campus

We initiated one of our largest associate member classes to date, and we’re working to raise funds for a house expansion project, which would increase our house’s capacity from 13 to 26. We continue to be a major influence in student government by maintaining the Presidency and nine voting seats. Brothers have also been extremely active with our University’s 100th Homecoming, and we’re on our way to meeting our goal for the V Foundation!

South Florida



Brad Ellis ’14 “E”


Renz Canapi ’13 “E”

Delta Chi and Delta Delta Delta’s first place Homecoming float

Brothers pose for a photo after Earth Games

Brothers collected over 1,900 cans of food to donate as part of a joint canned food drive by all IFC fraternities. We also adopted a local street and have worked to keep it clean. We participated in many campus philanthropy events and also hosted our own. In December, we hosted “Earth Games,” a friendly competition between Greek organizations on campus that raised over $600 for the V Foundation.




Nick Perrone ’13 “E” While Rutgers University shut down because of Hurricane Sandy, our brothers were still able to complete nearly 300 service hours this fall. We also participated in Sigma Delta Tau’s dodgeball tournament and Delta Gamma’s Anchor Man competition, where Michael Baran ’13 brought home first place. During Homecoming, we raised over $1,500 for the V Foundation through alumni donations.

Sacramento Colony


We hosted our first successful fall philanthropy, “Jimmy V Awareness Week,” where we hosted several “give-back nights” at local restaurants and sold $1 V Foundation logos to hang inside the Marshall Student Center. The week raised almost $750 towards our two-year goal of $15,000. We also participated in eight local philanthropy events this fall and hosted two alumni events. Brothers set a record this fall by making Delta Chi the first student organization to win Homecoming three years in a row. Additionally, our intramural football team finished with the best record in the fraternity league.

Southeast Missouri




We welcomed 18 men into our brotherhood this fall, and we brought home second place during Homecoming for the second year in a row. We’ve raised over $500 for the V Foundation so far through our raffles, chili cook-off, and yoga pant sale, and we hope to continue with more ideas in the spring. As we grow, we’re excited to keep our momentum going.

Southern California Robert Becker ’14 “E”


Joshua Fakhri ’12 “E”

Mike Austin ’13 led our recruitment effort this fall, which resulted in 14 men joining our brotherhood. Mitchell Cukr ’15 won Delta Gamma’s sweetheart competition, and brothers placed third in their swimming competition. We brought home second place and raised over $100 for Sigma Kappa’s Hot Shot event, which raises money for Alzheimer’s research. Our brothers also raised over $250 for other philanthropic organizations while participating in various events on campus.


Marc Erlanger ’15 “E”

Alpha Phi wins Delta Chi’s Sorority Shootout



Campus Scene We hosted our third annual Sorority Shootout, a three-on-three basketball tournament between various sororities on campus. This year’s event raised nearly $3,000 for the V Foundation. Our brothers also won a new foosball table by winning Alpha Chi Omega’s flag football tournament. We also teamed up with Sigma Delta Tau for this year’s Homecoming activities. We finished out the semester by initiating 16 new members into our brotherhood.

Southern Illinois



event was a huge success. We’re actively preparing for our Alumni Weekend, to be held April 12-14, 2013. The weekend will focus on some of our oldest alumni, who graduated as members of the Delta Chapter of Beta Phi Theta more than 45 years ago.

Troy State



Austen Faulk ’12 “E”

David Schau ’14 “E”

Nine men accepted bids this fall, and we’re looking forward to initiation in the spring. We teamed up with the Southern Illinois Dance Company for Homecoming, and we were able to celebrate Founders’ Day at the same time this year. On Founders’ Day, brothers were able to have dinner with Emil Spees ’57, one of our chapter’s original founding fathers. David Schau ’14 was named Delta Zeta’s Man of the Year, and Cooper Kerins ’14 was elected as IFC President.

Spring Hill Colony



Cory Cianciola ’13 “E”

Delta Chi bell ringers

Our brothers all pitched in to help raise over $10,000 for Dee Hughes, a local softball coach, to help offset her living expenses and medical bills during her fight with breast cancer. Several brothers also volunteered with the Salvation Army and “rang the bell” to raise money for those less fortunate during the holiday season.

Brothers celebrating a successful step routine after Delta Gamma’s “Stomp the Hill”

We initiated four men this fall, bringing us closer to our goal of chartering. Our Earth Ball tournament, moved to the fall for the first time, was a big success with every fraternity and sorority participating. Our brothers participated in Delta Gamma’s Stomp The Hill step show, Delta Gamma’s Anchor Slam basketball tournament, and Delta Delta Delta’s Score-A-Cure. Kevin Bockerstett ’13 was initiated into Order of Omega, and Mark Brink ’13 and Kevin Jenner ’14 were admitted into Alpha Sigma Nu, the greatest honor for students at a Jesuit college. Additionally, Edwin Burgess ’13 was selected as a Student Government Senator.

Stephen F. Austin



Brian Koeppen ’13 “E”

We welcomed eight new members into our brotherhood this semester, including one international student from Australia. Our brothers visited the LSU Chapter and also held a weekend brotherhood retreat in Galveston, TX.




Christian Perez ’13 “E” Our brothers serve in many organizations on campus, including Alumni Ambassadors and Orientation and Freshmen Programs. Our involvement has assisted with our recruitment efforts, and we’re looking forward to initiating a large group of new members soon.




Stephen Anderson ’15 “E” After welcoming five men as associate members this fall, we set up and volunteered in many fundraisers for the V Foundation. Brothers participated in intramural flag football and also hosted an alumni weekend. The weekend saw a great turnout, and our associate members were able to meet many of our alumni.

Texas Tech





Nathan Dyer ’14 “B” When the University’s Office of Fraternity and Sorority affairs mentioned Greek Day at Destiny USA, a local mall, Delta Chi jumped into action. The goal was to raise as much money for the Salvation Army as possible in the traditional way—ring a bell in front of a giant red kettle and spread holiday cheer. “The traditional red kettle is an integral part of the Christmas scene, with millions of dollars donated each year to aid needy families, seniors, and the homeless, in keeping with the spirit of the season,” notes. Stationed in front of the entrance to Macy’s, nine brothers braved the growing evening cold on December 1st, 2012, proudly wearing letters and camouflage Santa hats. While groups of three brothers at a time rang bells at the red kettle and greeted passers-by, other brothers travelled through the mall to fill customers with holiday spirit and encourage them to be generous to the less fortunate. “It’s these experiences that bring our brothers together,” Philanthropy Chairman Andrew Erickson ’15 said. “I am continually astonished by the generosity of my brothers and how deeply they care. It’s not something you see every day.” Some brothers, such as Tyler Grable ’15, donated to the kettle, and the community really came together to help those in need. There is something about the joy of giving that draws people, Greek or not, together. “I don’t know how we’ll top this year, but I hope we’ll be back again,” Erickson said.


Chase Yull ’15 “E” Our annual Capture the Flag tournament had over 100 participants, which allowed us to raise nearly $1,000 for the V Foundation.




Robert Mauck ’13 “E” We welcomed four men as associate members this fall, and brothers focused on re-igniting the sense of brotherhood in the Chapter that many felt had been lacking in previous terms. We hosted a brotherhood lock-in, and the

Delta Chi bell ringers “make change happen”



XXX Campus Scene Truman State






Joe Mernaugh ’14 “E”

Dane Holmes ’13 “E” Chris Pavlack ’14 set up a fundraiser at Colton’s, and the Chapter raised $135 for the V Foundation. Andrew Baer ’14 led an initiative to revise our scholarship plan and implement it into our by-laws. Taylor Mason ’13 was selected for Homecoming Court, and we brought home first place with our Homecoming float. Dane Holmes ’13 participated in the “Ugly Man on Campus” pageant and placed second, which also helped us raise more money for the V Foundation. Chris Gross ’15 began working in the admissions office, giving tours to prospective students and advertising Greek life involvement. We’d like to thank Ben Williams ’05 for his time on our ABT, as he’ll be moving to Arizona soon. Additionally, we’re looking forward to celebrating our chapter’s 35th anniversary in the spring.



Brothers prepare the ball for Earth Ball


Tom Devenny ’15 “E” Joe Kenny ’15 organized a fundraiser on campus to benefit those affected by Hurricane Sandy. The money raised went to organizations in Joe’s hometown of Long Island, NY. We also hosted a week-long series of events dedicated to raising funds and awareness for the V Foundation. The week included presentations by doctors specializing in cancer research, a free-throw competition, a basketball tournament, and a number of other basketball-related activities.




Jarrod Baskin ’13 “E”

During our spring quarter, we won intramural championships in basketball and softball. We also added Earth Ball to our “Sunsplash” philanthropy, and donations to the V Foundation rose significantly. In the fall quarter, we welcomed 24 men as associate members. Brothers won Alpha Chi Omega’s “Are You Man Enough?” philanthropy, which raised money for women’s shelters. We opened our doors to all Seattle-area alumni for Founders’ Day, and hope more Delta Chis from beyond just our chapter will be able to attend in the future.

Washington State



Matthew Small ’15 “E”

We hosted a week of philanthropy events that culminated with a live comedy show on November 30th. We raised money for the V Foundation by selling tickets to the show, bracelets, and 50/50 raffle tickets. We also collected used clothing from our Greek and local communities to donate to our local Goodwill.

West Chester



Scott Grogg ’13 “E”

Brothers after a flag football win

We hosted a wiffle ball tournament that raised $400 for the Ball Parks 4 Him Foundation, which assists children 5-18 years old who lack the funds to play team sports. Brothers also participated in Zeta Tau Alpha’s Big Man on Campus, and we teamed up with Chi Omega and Sigma Alpha Epsilon to win Homecoming. Finally, we’re actively preparing for our spring philanthropy event.

Virginia Commonwealth



Peter Giambone ’14 “E”

We celebrated Founders’ Day the weekend of October 12-14, where ABT President Aaron Gilbert ’02, “BB” Daniel Shriver ’09, and Jay Cohen ’93 organized a pig roast for the V Foundation and a night out in Richmond’s “Shockoe Bottom.” Many alumni were in attendance, including several of the Chapter’s founding fathers and over a dozen former “A”s. Our outdoor soccer team won the Greek League Soccer Championship, with a 1-0 win in the final match against Pi Kappa Alpha. We hosted a Brotherhood Auction where brothers performed solo or duo dances in order to have audience participants bid on them. The money raised went to the V Foundation. Additionally, our brothers helped out with the Deep Run High School statewide band competition.



The annual Alumni Football game

We welcomed 12 men as associate members in our Theta class this semester. We held a bbq for Founders’ Day at our house, where great weather allowed for all to have an amazing time. Our third annual “Quarters on the Quad” event raised $270 for the V Foundation. We’re also planning to help out the West Chester Senior Center by helping the Abbѐ Society collect non-perishable food items. We finished the semester by hosting our “DX Factor” event, a singing competition run like The X-Factor.

West Georgia


Rizki Aljupri ’12 “E” Brothers organized several recruitment events, such as laser tag, a movie night, and late-night breakfast during the first two weeks of the semester. Our recruitment efforts allowed us to welcome seven new members into our brotherhood this fall. We’re working hard to build a 30-man chapter by the end of the spring semester. For Homecoming, we teamed up with the Alpha Delta Fraternity and Alpha Phi Sorority to bring home second place in the float competition. Brothers also volunteered throughout the semester at Harvesters Topeka, a local community food network. We’re looking forward to celebrating the 5th anniversary of our chartering in March. 22



Charles Lowery ’14 “E”

Brothers outside the house


Lifelong Donations Brothers invited their families to campus for our 9th annual Family Day event, which featured a silent auction and slide show this year. We also hosted two philanthropy cook-outs with Delta Delta Delta and Sigma Kappa. We wrapped up the semester by initiating 14 men into our brotherhood.

West Virginia Tech



Robin Davis ’12 “E”

This semester, our brothers contributed 18 service hours and over $400 in donations for charities, such as the Conquer Chiari Walk. We also brought home third place in the inaugural Campus Cup competition, and we’re working to help sponsor a state-wide Greek unity conference. Additionally, Robin Davis ’12 serves as SGA President.

Life to Date Giving Club Levels of Living Members New Founder . . . . . . . . . . . $100,000+ Knight Errant . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75,000+ Martlet Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50,000+ Hand and Key Club . . . . . . . . $35,000+ Order of the Scimitar . . . . . . $25,000+ Leges Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000+ Order of the Shield . . . . . . . . $10,000+ Tie of Brotherhood . . . . . . . . . $7,500+ Sir Edward Coke Club . . . . . . . $5,000+

Life to Date New Founder

($100,000+) James Dodson, OK ’58 Bob Hendershot, PUR ’72 Steve Michels, MARQ ’87 Roy Payne, Jr., COR ’52 Miles Washburn, MASS ’87 David Weber, COR ’68 Patrick Weber, OK ’87 Phil Yang, ABRA ’80

Knight Errant

($75,000+) Mike Carroll, AUB ’71

Martlet Club George Whiteman ’14, Robin Davis ’11, and James Fincham ’12 at the Conqeur Chiari Walk

($50,000+) Tim Crown, KS ’86 Jon Mellen, ID ’60

Hand and Key Club

Western Michigan



Cameron Kraepel ’15 “E”

Our members completed over 400 study hours and attended 52 academic success seminars as part of a new program started by the IFC’s VP of Education. We are striving to set a good example for other Greeks in our community. We’ve also been working with small businesses through their loyalty programs to increase our philanthropic opportunities.




Andy Johnson ’13 “E” For the third straight year, our brothers brought home a first place finish during our Homecoming Variety Show. We participated in Sigma Sigma Sigma’s kickball tournament, Alpha Sigma’s “Trains for a Cause,” and Delta Zeta’s 5k Turtle Race. To raise money for the V Foundation, we sold bracelets and participated in various fundraisers. We also assisted with rebuilding our University’s daycare playground and also supervised children during parentteacher conferences. Our intramural basketball team made it to the playoffs, and we finished the semester by initiating six new members. We’re looking forward to hosting Region V’s 2013 RLC.

William & Mary



Brendan Carrick ’15 “E” We welcomed 16 men into our chapter, bringing our manpower to nearly 60, the third largest on campus. We’re looking forward to moving into our brand-new on campus fraternity house, where we’ll have 17 brothers living in the house. To see a floor plan of the house, scan the QR code. As we move closer to the 10th anniversary of our colonization next year, we’re looking forward to what else our young chapter will be able to accomplish.




Austin Myers ’14 “E” This fall we started our “Bald is Sexy” campaign to raise cancer awareness by shaving our heads. Thirteen brothers shaved their heads and accepted donations for the V Foundation. In November, we hosted our second annual mini-golf tournament. The event was extremely successful, and the proceeds were also donated to the V Foundation.




Zohaib Mardhani ’15 “E” Following last year’s 13 new members, we initiated another 11 men this fall. We’re looking forward to organizing a bike-a-thon with the Alberta Chapter to raise money for the V Foundation.

($35,000+) John Lars Elfervig, LATECH John Mica, FL ’67 Gary Monk, AUB ’65 Lee Berlin, COR ’58 Gregory Heckman, IL ’84

Order Of The Scimitar ($25,000+) Paul Bohlman, OHST ’70 Raymond Borelli, IL ’58 Edward Fusco, EMBRID ’73 Greg Hauser, MIST ’75 Forrest Hoglund, KS ’56 Donald Thorp, IL ’85 Steven Wymer, IL ’85

Leges Club

($15,000+) Rod Arnold, TXA&M ’88 Francis Bradley, TX ’89 Donald Farley, COR ’55 Ray Galbreth, MO ’69 Monte Johnson, OHST ’69 Don LaPlante, SCA Chuck Mancuso, FLST ’84 Jim Marascio, Bryant ’93 Michael Moriarty, OSH ’71 Michael Moskos, DEP ’85 Aaron Otto, KSST ’98 Barry Peters, WMICH ’89 Patrick Phelan, EMBRID ’72 Joel Plotkin, MARY ’89 Kirk Price, EMBRID ’71 Jonathan Sattler, APST ’87 Marc Solondz, IN ’87 Steven Sparling, WMICH ’88 Norman Strasma, DEP ’55 John Tunila, UCONN ’81 Dean Wilkerson, LATECH ’92 Chad Wolett, AZST ’94 Mike Woolbright, LBEA ’86 John Ziegler, Jr., LATECH ’01

Order Of The Shield

($10,000+) James Ascher, KS ’52 Brian Blankenship, GATECH ’98 Lawrence Clarkson, DEP ’60 Bobby Dewrell, TROY ’95 Dale Espich, DEP ’51 Ralph Fabozzi, EMBRID ’73 Larry Gies, IL ’88 Steven Henslee, OKST ’75 Jeffrey Jochims, IL ’89 Richard LaGore, WMICH ’64 Lee Lahr, DEP ’52 Alan Niemann, OKST ’82 Paul Picciani, UCONN ’89 Keith Snook, LATECH ’96 Ken Sousa, Bryant Thomas Stovall, MSST ’67 Gene Tanner, IN ’55

The following list represents lifetime donations to Delta Chi (Foundation and Fraternity combined) of at least $5,000 as of 08/31/2012. While space prohibits our listing all of our donors, Delta Chi also wishes to thank all of those who have, through the years, have contributed to our efforts to better serve our chapters, colonies and members!

Eugene Thompson, ID ’46 Wally Tiedemann, EMBRID ’77 Jimmie Underwood, KS ’51 Frank Voris, IL ’61 Robert Wilson, IL ’58

Tie of Brotherhood ($7,500+) Patrick Alderdice, BALST ’92 Howard Baulch, S.M.U. ’76 Alan Bermensolo, ID ’76 R. C. Damle, TX ’01 David Entzminger, ID ’76 Geoffrey Farmer, OHST ’71 Brian LoCicero, MARQ ’88 Edward McCallum, KS ’56 John Melvin, OHST ’55 Joseph Neirinck, BALST ’63 Edward Park, GATECH ’97 Robert Riddett, LEH ’74 Phillip Ruppel, SIL ’65 John Tate, ID ’64

Sir Edward Coke Club ($5,000+) Mark Abolt, IL ’81 James Alex Jr., OREST ’74 J T Arenberg, IL ’47 Kevin Beardsley, KET-B ’01 Jonathan Beinke, GATECH ’94 Peter Bix, EMBRID ’80 Boyd Boehlje, IAST ’61 Smith Boyd, LIV ’74 John Brogan, IL ’36 Van Campbell, ID ’78 Richard Chenoweth, IL ’58 Scott Christensen, IL ’84 Carlton Conrad, MIA ’64 Brian Crawford, GATECH ’92 John Dorner, ILST ’91 David Drews, GATECH James Duggan, IL ’91 John Edenfield, GATECH ’06 Richard Geiger, IL ’78 John Gioffredi, IAST ’78 Thomas Glasgow, MIST ’68 Carl Goltermann IL ’50 James Graham, IL ’81 Frank Graves, TX ’55 Jeffrey Hainline, IL ’77 Martin Hall, GATECH ’93 John Hatmaker, MSST ’79 Thomas Hogan, IL ’81 George Hopkins, IAST ’61 Richard Kauders, COR ’69 Peter Korch, JOHN ’84 David Levine, IL ’84 Kenneth Lies, IL ’81 Jeffrey Long IL ’74 Raymond Mathews, IL ’76 Roger McAlister, DEP ’75 Timothy McCarty, IL ’89 Harold Missimer, PAST ’66 Max Mohler, IN ’60 Thomas Monroe, MIST ’47 William Odell, IL ’80 W. Jerry Perkins, OKST ’68 Donald Petit, STAN ’36 Mark Putney, IA ’51 John Schmidt, IL ’82 Mahmood Sheikh, ID ’01 Timothy Riedling, LOU ’89 Mark Schramka, NWTRN Elliot Shubert, UMKC ’66 Bryce Sides, IL ’56 Bill Tallman, EMBRID ’95 Thad Tatum, S.M.U. ’68 Jesse Uhlorn, ID ’02 Gerald Unks, IL ’58 Steve Westfall, ID ’75 Paul Whitman, MSST ’97 Jeffrey Woods, MO ’89 Ken Young, AUB ’69 Michael Zung, TX ’92

From the Past The following is a list of departed brothers who had reached at least $5,000 in giving to Delta Chi (Foundation and Fraternity combined.)

New Founder

($100,000+) Fred Hammert, OK ’60 Gene Johnson, OKST ’58 Joe Lacchia, MIST ’25 Duane Meyer, HOB ’58 George Obear, DEP ’30 Clayton Roberts, FL ’31 Bernhard Shaffer, PAST ’25

Martlet Club

($50,000+) Donald Isett, KS ’28 LaVon Linn, NEB ’38 Francis Zwickey, MIST ’24

Hand and Key Club ($35,000+) Marsh White, PAST Joe Gerdes, MIA ’38 Victor Johnson. PUR ’32

Order Of The Scimitar ($25,000+) Carl Benson, PUR ’32

Leges Club

($15,000+) Fred Brooks, ABRA ’40 Earl Drew, IL ’29

Order Of The Shield ($10,000+) Philip Barbour, COR ’20 Henry Jackson, WA ’34 Carl Brehmer, AZST ’60 Douglas Holsclaw, AZ ’25 Chauncey Cook, TX ’30 Lyle Lynn, IA ’34 Clyde Andrews, IL ’30

Tie of Brotherhood ($7,500+) Chris Johnson, KY ’77 Arthur Elliott, MIST ’38 Michael Pucin, IL ’31 Francis Plumly, PAST ’46 Charles Valder, AUG ’82

Sir Edward Coke Club ($5,0-00+) Solon Gilmore, KS ’46 Milton Rose, IL ’29 Ken Snyder, IL ’30 Ivan Davis, IL ’25 James Page, AL ’53 Luther Hoy, PAST ’38 Charles Marshall, IL ’51 John Arens, PAST ’37 Robert Kaiser, OHST ’51 Charles Honig, TX ’40 Charles DeLong, IL ’26 Dean Sweet, OHST ’49 Ralph Smith, S.M.U. ’32 Harry Allgauer, PUR ’52 Oliver Christman, PAST ’20 Travis Freeman, IL ’47 Tom Chisholm, S.M.U. ’47 Frank Granat, WA ’51 Alvin Kessler, LSU ’50 Gordon Jones, SCAL ’51 Albin Ahlberg, C-K ’20 Peter Fromm, SAC ’69



XXX Regional Updates



Wayne State Reunion

Delta Chi Lands on Antarctica

Chuck Childress, Wayne State ’65, and his wife, Dona, organized the 2012 reunion for members who joined between 1957 and 1971. Despite not having an active chapter on campus, alumni hold a reunion approximately every five years. Pictured in this photo are brothers Peter Henderson ’68, Jim Podgorny ’66, Russ Maranzano ’67, Bill Overton ’66, John Notaro ’66, and Chuck Childress ’65 as they sing the Bond of Delta Chi.

Alex Jerasa, James Madison ’10, brought Delta Chi’s official burgee flag to the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, 9,300 ft. above sea level, on Antarctica on November 13, 2012. Jerasa reported that it was - 60F with the wind chill that day.


5 4



Regional Updates


Charlotte Colo

All-Florida Founders’ Day


West Cheste r

October 13, 2012


An international day of celebration!



Corpus Christi

Kansas State Banquet






Delta Chi


Your undergraduate support helps provide chapter and colony scholarships, housing initiatives, “A”s’ Academy, and other regional and international educational initiatives.

The undergraduate chapter with the highest percentage of annual participation receives a trophy and will be recognized at regional and international events.

donate TODAY keep GIVING Give as little as $18.90 and receive a decal to show that you’re behind Delta Chi’s educational programs.

Donate four consecutive years and you’ll receive a special gift.


©2013 The Delta Chi Educational Foundation. All rights reserved.


Keeping in Touch Alberta Born to Brother and Mrs. Guillermo RecinosMelendez ’10, a son, Theodore Kingston, on September 4, 2012. Appalachian State Born to Brother and Mrs. Brian Davis ’05, a daughter, Charlotte Bronwyn, on October 4, 2012. Augusta Brother Daniel Fachler ’08 married to Amanda Queen on September 16, 2012. Brother Eric Michenfelder ’08 married to Kymberlea Henricks on March 24, 2012. Cal Poly Brother Marcus Dunning ’00 married to Kristin Eichholz on October 13, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Eric Booen ’05, twin sons, Tyler and Jacob, on October 21, 2012. Corpus Christi Born to Brother and Mrs. Manny Diaz ’13, a son, Orlando, on October 22, 2012. Cortland Brother Brandon Schwarz ’07 married to Alisson Ammirati on November 10, 2012. Brother Nick Courtemanche ’08 married to Stephanie Wylie on September 29, 2012. Brother Michael Zitelli ’08 married to Jacklyn Serpico on October 12, 2012. Brother Craig Sollenberger ’09 married to Katie Trimble on October 6, 2012. Embry-Riddle Born to Brother and Mrs. Boyd Kelly ’92, a son, Alden, on December 1, 2012. Brother Christian Wilder ’12 married to Tara Khosrownia on October 13, 2012. Florida State Brother Dr. Darwin Noel Ang, MD, PhD, FACS ’94, named Medical Director of Trauma Services for Ocala Regional Medical Center. Georgia Southern Brother Peter Lane ’07 married to Krisi Eikey on September 28, 2012. Brother Clayton Cunningham ’10 married to Nichole Manning on September 29, 2012.

Gorham State Born to Brother and Mrs. Chris Foster ’98, a daughter, Mae Constance, on August 10, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Jon Taylor ’99, a daughter, Avery Louise, on May 27, 2012. Brother Brad Rudolph ’07 married to Megan McCullum on September 22, 2012.

South Florida Brother Nick Sullivan ’08 married to Colleen Hennessey on June 2, 2012.

Kent State Brother Brett Norris ’07 married to Julie Savacool on April 21, 2012. They also welcomed a son, Troy Ryker, on February 2, 2013.

Born to Brother and Mrs. Zachary Bridgewater ’10, a son, Carter Edward, on November 3, 2012.

Kettering-A Born to Brother and Mrs. Mark Kenworthy ’00, a daughter, Meagen Rae, on January 1, 2012. Brother Stephen Weber ’07 married to Jenifer Purcell on June 16, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Josh Johnson ’00, a son, Elijah Carter, on June 14, 2012. Brother Jeff Golden ’10 married to Heather Schuder on June 9, 2012. Brother Cris Raprager ’12 married to Elicia Tuberville on June 16, 2012. Long Beach Born to Brother and Mrs. Erik Chantarapan ’95, a son, Jaxon Reilly, on November 4, 2012. New Mexico State Born to Brother and Mrs. Joshua Lipe ’00, a daughter, Kenzington Aleese, on October 20, 2011. Born to Brother and Mrs. Mark Tomada ’03, a son, Stryker Modesto, on October 19, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Keith Spolar ’04, a son, Luke Ryan, on July 1, 2012. North Alabama Brother Eli Cockrum ’13 married to Brittany Morrison on June 16, 2012. Northwestern Born to Brother and Mrs. Mark Brandau ’05, a son, Luke William, on August 3, 2012. Ohio State Born to Brother and Mrs. David Routh ’01, a daughter, Evelyn Harper, on September 18, 2012.

Southeast Missouri Bruce Skinner ’96 has been promoted to Assistant Vice President of Student Services at Southeast Missouri State University.

Southern California Born to Brother and Mrs. Kyle Wachholtz ’96, a daughter, Leighton Judith, on November 7, 2012. Truman State Born to Brother and Mrs. Mick Dean ’08, a daughter, Charlotte June, on October 20, 2012. Virginia Commonwealth Brother Cameron Gilbert ’96 married to Margaret Atwood on September 22, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Robert Lewis ’96, a daughter, Kaitlyn Emily, on June 7, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Brian Stalnaker ’97, a son, Brent Mason, on November 6, 2012. Brother Dan Collins ’00, married to Liz Sweeney on June 30, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Dan Keopradit ’00, a daughter, Addison Nalee, on December 11, 2012. Adam Barnett ’01 married to Michelle Jorge on June 2, 2012.

Brother Chris Martinez ’05 married to Nadia Baramki on June 9, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Brett Mills ’05, a daughter, Mackenzie, on November 1, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Matt Evans ’08, a son, Landon, on June 7, 2012. Born to Brother and Mrs. Aaron Smith ’08, a daughter, Shelby Rae, on November 26, 2012. Windsor Brother Jeff Gerrad ’95 married to Janelle Roque on October 13, 2012.

Men at War. We Salute You! We salute our brothers who choose to serve their country. For brothers who have served in an active combat zone, Delta Chi has a lapel pin to recognize their bravery. To inquire about our “Men at War” lapel pin, or share photos, news, and updates about brothers serving in the military, please email

Troy State

Thomas George ’11 is currently deployed in Afghanistan. Adam Jones ’12 is currently deployed in Afghanistan.

Correction Notice

Born to Brother and Mrs. Rob Copeland ’03, a daughter, Lilly, on June 9, 2012.

The Fall 2012 Quarterly had several corrections. Changes have been made to the Convention Attendee List.

Born to Brother and Mrs. Kevin Lamb ’03, a daughter, Shelby James, on December 10, 2012.

The Fall 2012 Quarterly had several corrections. Changes have been made to the Convention Attendee List, and all V Foundation donation totals are now listed in the online edition of the Quarterly. Visit for more details.

Born to Brother and Mrs. Josh Daniel ’05, a daughter, Bridget Clair, on December 3, 2012.

Farewell & Parting These men have lived amongst us for a time, and we have been honored to call them brothers. Now they are gone and we bid them a fond farewell at this parting. Abracadabra

Conrad Pearson ’51, May 24, 2012


John Thomson ’50, January 13, 2012


Doulgas McPherson ’53, July 14, 2012


Benjamin Franklin ’50, October 10, 2012


Ricahrd Pruitt ’53, August 27, 2012 Sidney Coats ’56, August 28, 2012 Gregory Shackel ’57, February 18, 2011 Glenn Woike ’66, August 18, 2012

Eastern Illinois


Scott Gray ’84, October 22, 2012

Fletcher Abbey ’51, April 12, 2012



Northwest Missouri

Bonnie Briley ’71, November 25, 2012 Eddie Ashlock ’83, December 10, 2012

Oregon State

James Walsh ’79, November 5, 2011

Alex Schuster AM, December 16, 2012

Georgia Southern

Lake Forest

John Larkin ’45, November 9, 2012


Arthur Christman ’44, November 16, 2012 Former “A”, WWII Veteran, Army Gold Medal for Exceptional Civilian Service Robert Isham ’61, November 14, 2012

Zachary Morgan ’11, December 1, 2012

Gorham State Ralph Hanson ’05, November 18, 2012


Charles Mann ’50, March 18, 2012 Jesse McDonough ’11, December 15, 2012


Bruce Koch ’52, March 12, 2012

Richard Allen ’71, October 31, 2012 Kevin Sellner ’90, October 4, 2012



Brian Gindlesperger ’12, June 4, 2012

Fr. Arthur Humphrey Alumnus, November 24, 2012

Penn State

Western Michigan

Gary Walters ’58, August 21, 2012 Donald Yardley ’59, July 27, 2012 Luke Vincent ’10, October 21, 2012



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CHAPTERS: 114 Abracadabra

East Stroudsburg


Eastern Washington “EWU DChi Alumni”

Alberta “Delta Chi Alberta” American “Delta Chi American” Appalachian State Arizona “Arizona Delta Chi Alumni” Arizona State “The Delta Chi Fraternity at ASU” Auburn Augusta “Delta Chi Augusta Georgia Alumni Chapter” Behrend “Delta Chi the Behrend Chapter” Binghamton Bowling Green Bryant “Delta Chi Bryant” Cal Poly “Cal Poly Delta Chi Alumni” California Univ-PA 317 Green St., California, PA 15419 Central Michigan “Delta Chi Fraternity Central Michigan University” Central Missouri Clemson “Clemson Delta Chi E” Coastal Carolina “Delta Chi Coastal Carolina Chapter” Cornell Corpus Christi Cortland “Delta Chi Cortland Fan Page” Davis Denison Duquesne “” East Carolina “East Carolina University Delta Chi Alumni”


Northwest Missouri




Ohio State

Florida “Florida DX Alumni”

Lake Forest

Oklahoma “Oklahoma Delta Chi”

Fredonia “Delta Chi-Fredonia Chapter”


Oregon State “Delta Chi The Oregon State Chapter”

Fullerton “Delta Chi Csuf”


Penn State


Long Beach “Delta Chi Long Beach Alumni Association”


Embry-Riddle “ERAU Delta Chi”

George Mason “Delta Chi GMU” Georgia Southern Georgia Tech Gorham State 23 Preble St., Gorham, ME 04038 Hamilton “Delta Chi- Hamilton Chapter” Hayward Hobart Hofstra “Delta Chi Fraternity, Hofstra Chapter” Huntsville Illinois Illinois State “Illinois State University Delta Chi Fraternity” Indiana Iowa Jacksonville State James Madison Johnstown Kansas “Delta Chi The University of Kansas”

Louisiana Tech LSU “” Mankato “Delta Chi Mankato Chapter” Marquette Marshall “Delta Chi Marshall Chapter” Maryland “Delta Chi Maryland Alumni” Miami Michigan Michigan State “Delta Chi Michigan State University” Minnesota Missouri “Delta Chi Missouri Chapter Alumni” Missouri State “Missouri State Delta Chi” Montclair New Haven “Delta Chi New Haven Chapter” North Alabama “Delta Chi Fraternity North Alabama” Northern Arizona Northern Colorado “Delta Chi at Northern Colorado” Northern Illinois “Northern Illinois Delta Chi Fraternity”

Purdue “Delta Chi at Purdue” Radford Rhode Island “Delta Chi - The University of Rhode Island Chapter” Rutgers “Rutgers Delta Chi” South Dakota State “SD State Delta Chi Alumni” South Florida Southeast Missouri “Delta Chi - Southeast Missouri Chapter” Southern California

USP Valdosta “Delta Chi Alumni Valdosta State” Virginia Commonwealth Washburn Washington Washington State West Chester West Georgia West Virginia Tech 621 First Ave, Montgomery, WV 25136 Western Michigan “Delta Chi WMU Alumni” Whitewater “Delta Chi Alumni Whitewater Chapter” William & Mary Wilmington “Delta Chi UNCW Chapter” Windsor

COLONIES: 11 Case Western Reserve Charlotte

Southern Illinois “SIU Delta Chi Chapter”

Cincinnati “The Delta Chi Fraternity Cincinnati Colony”

Stephen F. Austin “Delta Chi at Stephen F. Austin State University”

Eastern Illinois

Syracuse “Delta Chi Syracuse”

Florida State

Tarleton “Delta Chi @ Tarleton State”

Kansas State

Texas “Texas Delta Chi Alumni” Texas Tech “Delta Chi Texas Tech University” Tri-State “Delta Chi at Trine University” Troy State “Delta Chi Fraternity Troy Chapter” Truman State “Truman State Delta Chi”

Massachusetts “UMass Delta Chi Alumni” Mississippi State “Mississippi State Delta Chi” Riverside Sacramento Spring Hill “The Delta Chi Fraternity Spring Hill College”

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