The Delta Chi Quarterly - Volume 118, Issue 4

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Volume 118 | Issue 4 | Winter 2022


ACROSS THE BOARD Bringing Delta Chi to You

IN THIS ISSUE Founders’ Day of Giving

| Week of Service 2022 | Growing the Brotherhood of a Lifetime

Inside the Quarterly

Volume 118 | Issue 4 | Winter 2022


4 Founders’ Day of Giving

For 1,890 minutes, the Delta Chi Educational Foundation hosted a litany of donor-driven initiatives and events leading up to and continuing through Founders’ Day with the central goal of raising funds for the Fraternity.

6 Week of Service 2022

In celebration of 132 years of promoting friendship, developing character, advancing justice, and assisting in the acquisition of a sound education, members of Delta Chi from across North America came together to give back to their respective communities during Week of Service.


Across the Board

Born out of a robust plan to enhance the alumni experience came the creation of multiple alumni-focused events, taking place in three major hubs across the United States; New York City, Dallas, and Chicago. With no collegiate chapters in the immediate vicinity but a steady presence of alumni, the plan was designed with the intention of reconnecting members with the Brotherhood of a Lifetime.

the Brotherhood 10 Gofrowing a Lifetime Despite not a single NIC member organization anticipating more than a 20%-increase in new members for f all 2022 compared to the previous year, Delta Chi accomplished just that. The Fraternity saw a 23%-increase in new Associate Members, with over 1,580 men joining the Brotherhood of a Lifetime.


Master Property Program


Campus Scene

FROM THE “AA” Modern-Day Elf on the Shelf... the Fraternity Volunteer/Advisor The best gift the chapter can receive


ince 2004, Elf on the Shelf has been a family tradition—both loved and tolerated—throughout December.

the mentors, coaches and accountability managers who help ensure success and a life-changing experience for members.

The creators of the magical Elf say he “helps Santa manage his nice list by taking note of the kids’ behavior and reporting back to Santa at the North Pole nightly. Each morning, the Elf then returns to its family and perches in a new spot, waiting for someone to spot them.”

While we may not decide what gifts our collegiate brothers receive this holiday season, mentoring and accountability are absolute must-haves, as they help the chapter and its leaders follow through and stay true to their goals and ambitions.

My daughter, Emily, used to love waking up and racing around the house looking for our Elf. Looking back, it’s amazing how well behaved she was in the days leading up to Christmas because of an Elf on the Shelf. The Elf became our accountability manager and produced results that would have made Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, proud.

Even more important, research shows that the connection men find in fraternities can create a strong sense of belonging and lead members to have more positive mental health than other students. Because of higher expectations—in part laid out by alumni volunteers— as well as the support and network fraternities provide, members experience greater gains in learning and graduate at higher rates than their peers. The higher sense of support men receive in fraternities has also been tied to lower anxiety and depression levels.

As a former “BB” and Alumni Board of Trustees member for 24 years, occasionally I felt like a live-action Elf on the Shelf, watching our members’ behavior and reporting who has been naughty and who has been nice. The magic of fraternity and sorority happens because of the volunteer, and it doesn’t matter if we are “perched” in the living room, checking in via Zoom, or sitting across from our young brothers at the dining room table. Volunteers are

During this season of giving, serving as a “BB” or on the Alumni Board of Trustees or House Corporation is the best gift a chapter can receive. When you are making your New Year’s resolutions, consider giving back to our fraternity as a volunteer. Our young brothers need and deserve your support. THANK YOU for all you do to ensure our members are living up to the values and expectations of our fraternity. Happy Holidays! In the Bond,

21 Kansas State Student Ambassador 22 Keeping in Touch Farewell and Parting 24

The 2023 Cornerstone


Delta Chi Quarterly

Patrick Alderdice, 54th “AA” Ball State ’92 New Founder

x Master Property Program for Housing Corporations Made available through Delta Chi’s new partnership with Favor & Company, the Master Property Program & Master Liability Program benefit housing corporations by providing the following:

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Delta Chi International Headquarters

To qualify for coverage under these policies, housing corporations must purchase the property insurance from Favor & Company through the Delta Chi Master Program. Favor & Company has been serving complex insurance needs of college-based fraternal organizations for over 35 years.

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Friendship | Character | Justice | Education




Founders’ Day












ctober 12th signaled the kickoff of the fifth annual Delta Chi Founders’ Day of Giving, hosted by the Delta Chi Educational Foundation. For 1,890 minutes (approximately 31.5 hours), Peter Lane, Senior Director of Development, and Jason Sisk, Director of Annual Giving, hosted a litany of donor-driven initiatives and events leading up to and continuing through Founders’ Day with the central goal of raising funds for the Fraternity. The event featured unique content and live virtual tours of the Delta Chi International Headquarters, along with interviews and testimonials from members across North America. Broadcast via Facebook Live and YouTube, the Foundation staff were extremely successful in generating awareness and meaningful growth through the campaign, amassing $236,029, a 15% increase from their 2021 totals. The event featured various giving challenges, which included a 10-for-$10 challenge to collegiate members and chapters, and a 10-for-$100 challenge to alumni members and chapters. It also featured a two-hour flag challenge, which awarded the highest giving chapter during a period of time with having their flag flown over the International Headquarters. In total, 478 total fights from 398 unique donors were made, which included 115 new donors, 105 participating chapters, and 29 chapters raising at least $1,000. Several donors offered matching gifts, meaning they would match a giving amount up to a certain level for each donor that contributed to Delta Chi. Undoubtedly, several members demonstrated a commitment to the 10th Basic Expectation of the Fraternity, to “Sustain my commitment to and involvement with our fraternity throughout my lifetime.” On behalf of the Fraternity and the Educational Foundation, we sincerely appreciate the investment donors made in the growth and development of the Fraternity’s future.


Delta Chi Quarterly

Overview Total Raised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $236,029 (15% increase) Total Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478

(29% increase)

Unique Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398

(20% increase)

New Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Chapters Participating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

(5% increase)

Chapters That Raised Over $1,000 . . . 29

Top-10 Fundraising Chapters Embry Riddle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,530 / 48 gifts Huntsville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,391 / 6 gifts LSU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,117 / 6 gifts Georgia Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,813 / 19 gifts Ball State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,887 / 15 gifts Oklahoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,198 / 4 gifts Auburn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,117 / 17 gifts Kennesaw State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,770 / 6 gifts Georgia Southern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,742 / 12 gifts Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,666 / 2 gifts

Matching Gifts Anonymous Donor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,000 David Cloutier, Embry-Riddle ’92 . . . . . $15,000 Patrick Alderdice, Ball State ’92 . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Thomas Raad, South Florida ’07 . . . . . . . . $1,000 Thomas Edmunds, Georgia ’78 . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Anonymous Donor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500

Flag Challenge August Chapter

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education




n celebration of 132 years of promoting friendship, developing character, advancing justice, and assisting in the acquisition of a sound education, members of Delta Chi from across North America came together to give back to their respective communities during Week of Service. Taking place every year during the week leading up to Founders’ Day (October 6 – 13), Week of Service is an opportunity for members to share the Bond while committing to being men of action for the betterment of others. It is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the high character and caliber of men that make up Delta Chi and show what it truly means to be a part of the Brotherhood of a Lifetime. Displayed are just a few of the many service events that took place, highlighting efforts across North America.

Service organizations are all around us. Some carry a simple mission but yield substantial results. The Washington Chapter paired with BeautifyUdub, a campus-based organization that is committed to spending 30 minutes every week removing trash from the University of Washington campus.

MANHATTAN, KANSAS Identifying local resources or campus-based organizations is an easy way to assist with critical service needs. The Kansas State Chapter teamed with Students for Environmental Action, whose goal is to promote awareness of environmental issues on campus and within the community by bringing together students and community members for conversation, protection, and improvement of the environment. Together, they performed an essential campus clean-up project on the Kansas State campus, removing trash and debris.

DENVER, COLORADO Service opportunities are not only beneficial to the community, but can be a pivotal cog in maintaining physical and mental well-being for participating individuals. The Denver Chapter took advantage of beautiful conditions and the rich, vibrant colors of the fall by getting outside and providing service at Garfield Lake Park. They worked on revitalizing trail paths for the public.





Make sure to highlight your service events on social media by using #DeltaChi or tag us 6

Delta Chi Quarterly




Sometimes service is as easy as spreading knowledge. Members of the Hayward Chapter at California State University, East Bay gave back to their university and community by providing campus tours to students of Eastside College Preparatory School from East Palo Alto.

Partnerships and efforts made now can cement opportunities for years to come, allowing chapters to continue to make an impact. The Northern Arizona Chapter adopted a section of the I-17 highway, just outside of Flagstaff, Arizona, and continue to keep that portion of the road pristine by removing debris and trash on a regular occurrence.

Investing in the future through providing service to youth can create a meaningful and lasting impact that both enhances the public perception of your organization and possibly creates a pipeline for future Delta Chis. Collegiate and Associate Members of the Texas Tech Chapter participated in the Centennial Elementary fall festival, donating 130 sippy cups and over $100 in toys to the Early Learning Center of Lubbock.





Service can manifest in the simplest of ways, often without the need to look far. Despite its simplicity, it can have a lasting and immeasurable impact. Alex Brown, South Dakota State ’05, walked around his local community and stocked neighborhood “little libraries” with children’s books, helping to extend free access to literature for youth. Little libraries are free book-sharing boxes where anyone may take or share a book as part of an honor system established by the Little Free Library, a 501 nonprofit organization.

Whether it’s two people or 200, any amount of community service is meaningful and impactful. Members from the Wisconsin Chapter volunteered at the River Food Pantry, South Central Wisconsin’s busiest food pantry that provides free groceries, prepared meals, and mobile meals. They took part in a program called “Pantry Xpress,” which distributes curbside groceries and meals to those in need.

Service opportunities, campus involvement, and establishing a positive social presence can all be intertwined to enhance the efficacy of a chapter’s commitment. The Gannon Chapter took part in “GIVE” Day, a service opportunity with the University dedicated to the betterment of the Erie community. The Chapter went to Presque Isle State Park, a 3,112-acre area, and served as “Weed Warriors,” extracting invasive plants that damage the healthy ecosystem along the beach terrain.

The experience of service and giving back can be two-fold; you can get as much back as you put in. The members of the Syracuse Chapter volunteered at Brady Farms, whose goal is to provide affordable, fresh, locally grown produce to the community. The Chapter helped with general upkeep and maintenance while also learning about organic methods of production and food sustainability.

NORTH EAST, PENNSYLVANIA Volunteering with local organizations can double the impact of any service opportunity. The Gannon Chapter volunteered with Immanuel United Methodist Church in North East, Pennsylvania. They were able to help clean up the church and also collect clothes for lesser fortunate families in advance of the coming winter months.

SMITHFIELD, RHODE ISLAND STARKVILLE, MISSISSIPPI Contributing to the success and betterment of a respective campus and other organizations is an excellent way to take part in Week of Service. The Mississippi State Chapter banded together to lay down new flooring for the newlyrenovated Humphrey Coliseum, the home of the Mississippi State men’s and women’s basketball teams.

The beauty of community service is not always measured in just the immediate impact, but the resonance it will have going forward. The Bryant Chapter helped out their local community by getting outside and cleaning up a local hiking trail in the Smithfield area. More importantly, the group plans to continue with this service opportunity in the future, committing to making a difference year-after-year.

BLACKSBURG, VIRGINIA Tying a service event to a larger effort can maximize the impact of contributions. The Virginia Tech Chapter took part in Greeks Giving Back, a large-scale community service event in which affiliated students are dispersed to serve citizens and neighborhoods within the Blacksburg and Christiansburg communities. The Chapter was tasked with yard work at a variety of local homes, helping to create a meaningful impact for several families in need.




Looking inward and finding what the chapter and its members are passionate about can help in capitalizing on welcome service opportunities. For the San Antonio Chapter, they leveraged the experience and relationships of brother Dennis Pendley ’23 to host a food drive for the General’s Store, a supplemental food provider to those in need from the Texas A&M-San Antonio community.

Possibly the largest collaborative event in 2022, members from the Georgia Tech Chapter, the Kennesaw State Chapter, the North Georgia Chapter, and the Atlanta Area Alumni Chapter met up in Smyrna, a suburb of Atlanta, to do work at Teasley Elementary School. The large group spent time completing multiple tasks, which included painting the interior of the school and building garden beds outside.

Creating partnerships with other organizations that have a focused mission and impact is a simple, yet effective, method of discovering service opportunities. The Florida Chapter capitalized on this by teaming with the GROW HUB in Gainesville, which cultivates, empowers, and assists adults with disabilities for sustainable living through education, training, and employment. The Chapter helped out by completing various agricultural projects.

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education



hen Ross Dickneite, Central Missouri ’19, joined staff as the Director of Alumni Engagement & Relations at the Delta Chi Fraternity International Headquarters, it was part of the Fraternity’s strategic vision and renewed focus on alumni engagement. In announcing its new set of strategic initiatives earlier this year, the Fraternity has honed in on engaging and connecting with some of Delta Chi’s most underserved members; in particular, its alumni. While Dickneite developed and implemented a robust plan that addresses several facets of the alumni experience, one of the initiatives was rather simple in nature; bring Delta Chi to the members. Spawning from this simple concept came the creation of multiple alumnicentered events, taking place in three major hubs across the United States; New York City, Dallas, and Chicago. With no collegiate chapters in the immediate vicinity but a strong alumni presence, the plan was designed with the intention of reconnecting members with the Brotherhood of a Lifetime.

Created as a firstof-its-kind event with no prior experience, Dickneite, in collaboration with Executive Director Jerod Breit, took his venture on the road and debuted in New York City. With nearly 7,000 members living within a 50-mile radius, the Big Apple posed as a perfect central location for the inaugural event. Hosted at the Juniper Bar on 35th Street, the Fraternity saw nearly 70 people register for the alumni reception, leading to a diverse turnout of members from all walks of life. 30 chapters were represented, which included graduating classes ranging


o t i h C a t l e Bringing D


R I ’9 9 DAVID FO STER “I honestly didn ’t on Tuesday nig know what to expect ht went to the NY , but I’m so glad that I C I really enjoye Delta Chi alumni event. dm for the first tim eeting some brothers e in addition to getting reacquainted w members who ith some fraternity m I’ve had the pleasure of seeing in th e that this is the past. I really do hope start of somet hin Everyone appe ared to be ha g good! time, making vin new connectio g a great ns based on the common bond we shar e. Of course, I’m looking fo rward to the next event and building up New York is a on this recent success. big place. The possibilities for Delta Chi he re are endles s.”


Delta Chi Quarterly

UP NEXT from 1959 to 2020. The event yielded both new connections as well as the reestablishment of old friendships, some living mere miles away from one another. “It’s been 20 years since I’ve seen some of these guys,” Elan Etstein, American ’98, said. “Come to find out, I’ve lived 15 minutes from them this whole time.” For members that recently graduated and are making the


ANTHONY DELL’ISOLA “I still keep in touch with my Illinois State brothers after over 40 years. When I found out about the event, I knew I had to make the trek from Brooklyn to be in attendance. Delta Chi has been a part of my life everywhere I’ve gone.”


JUSTIN GOLDSCHMIDT ing this “Thank you so much for putt profoundly event together and for your happy persuasive invitations. I’m so d phone that I came. We all exchange on - this numbers and LinkedIn informati orking!” was a great opportunity for netw


o You

transition as new alumni, the event came as a welcome experience.

“Seeing so many alumni from different chapters and different generations showed me that Delta Chi really doesn’t end at graduation,” Cooper Shapiro, Florida State ’22, an aspiring movie director said. “There is still a whole lot more to experience and enjoy.” Guests were welcomed at the event and hors d’oeuvres were served. Brothers were treated to an evening of food, fun, and camaraderie, many of whom hadn’t connected with the Brotherhood in a long, long time. “I have lived in New York for 29 years and this is the first Delta Chi event I’ve been to,” Aaron Koch, Iowa State ’90, said. “This has been a great time and I’m really looking forward to more events like this in the future.”

Chosen as the second location for the continued outreach and engagement effort, Delta Chi has plans to host an alumni event in Dallas, Texas at Celestial Beerworks on Butler Street. Home to nearly 2,500 alumni, Dallas presented the perfect opportunity to combine good weather and brotherhood during the early winter months. Having not yet taken place at the time of writing, Dickneite and staff were thrilled to have a litany of unique gifts and opportunities for attendees, including a one-of-a-kind Delta Chi belt buckle, a Delta Chi football, and a handmade wood-burned Delta Chi sign. Over 60 members registered to attend with many more anticipated in the days leading up to the event. The Fraternity is thrilled to host the largest known gathering of Delta Chi alumni in the Dallas-Forth Worth area in recent memory. Alumni Event – Celestial Beerworks 2530 Butler Street, Dallas, TX Thursday, December 8, 2022 | 6:00pm


Having successfully planned events in two major hubs of underserved Delta Chi alumni, the Fraternity is already looking toward the future and targeting opportunities to host events and increase lifelong engagement for as many of the brothers of Delta Chi as possible. Delta Chi is excited to announce that in April 2023, the Fraternity will be heading to the Windy City to host an event for alumni in Chicago, Illinois! Finalization of details are still pending and will be made publicly available at a later time. With thousands of alumni living in the area and a steady stream of young alumni moving there for work after completing their education, Chicago presents a fantastic opportunity for an alumni event. The Fraternity looks forward to welcoming brothers from all chapters and generations as we continue to connect with alumni, old and young, in underserved regions. We can’t wait to build on the success of our first two events by continuing to raise awareness, drive attendance, build relationships, and grow the Brotherhood of a Lifetime all over North America.


The list of cities that we hope to host alumni events in is constantly growing. The initial feedback from these events has been nothing short of phenomenal and the Fraternity has no plans to stop hosting events anytime soon. With an initial commitment to hosting up to four events per academic year, the Fraternity will continue to strategically determine the best way to reach as many alumni as possible and provide opportunities to engage with the Brotherhood of a Lifetime!

Attendees were eager for further opportunities to connect and enjoy the Brotherhood of a Lifetime. Each alumnus in attendance was gifted a Delta Chi shirt and tumbler in parting.

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education



rior to the start of the 2022-2023 academic year, the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) issued a survey to its member organizations, tasking executive leadership with providing information and projections regarding anticipated recruitment returns for the fall semester. Among the considerations in requesting this information was continuing to evaluate the overall impact COVID-19 has had not only on the industry, but also higher education. Despite most campuses loosening nearly all restrictions or limitations that were enacted during the pandemic, higher education enrollment and student involvement continues to be monitored to assess how, if at all, it has suffered since spring 2020.

In projections for Fall 2022 compared to Fall 2021, over 17% of organizations anticipated taking a loss in new member recruitment, being down 0% to 10%. 30% of organizations projected they’d be on par with the previous year, while roughly 44% anticipated an increase from 0% to 10%. Less than 9% of organizations projected an increase between 11% and 20%, while no one in the industry thought they’d see an increase beyond 20%. These numbers help paint the picture of why Fall 2022 was so remarkable for Delta Chi. 10

Delta Chi Quarterly

Despite not a single NIC member organization anticipating more than a 20%-increase in new members for Fall 2022 compared to the previous year, Delta Chi accomplished just that. The Fraternity saw a 23%-increase in new Associate Members, with over 1,580 men joining the Brotherhood of a Lifetime. Compared to the spring semester, the Fraternity saw its average chapter size dramatically jump from 44 to 48 over its 111 chapters. The Fraternity met its recruitment goal by 101.5%. The success the Fraternity enjoyed is due to the countless hours spent by our collegiate members preparing for and executing their respective recruitment plans and the assistance, advice, and guidance they received from alumni members and volunteers. The coaching model implemented by the International Headquarters assisted in ensuring each chapter had a direct point-of-contact they could turn to for assistance in day-to-day operations, accessing resources, receiving feedback and training, and ensuring they had all the tools they needed to be successful. Unofficially, Delta Chi had one of the highest if not the highest increase in recruitment in Fall 2022 compared to the previous year. We could not be more proud.


Collegiate Chapters Average Chapter Size


Collegiate Members New Associate Members Increase in New Associate Members COMPARED TO FALL 2021

Met Intl. Fall Recruitment Goal by


57 55 52 49 46 38 37 35 31 29

Alabama Missouri State Florida State LSU Missouri Illinois State Clemson San Diego State Illinois Embry-Riddle & Louisiana Tech

111 48 5,288+ 1,582+ % 23 % 101.5

LARGEST GROWTH Percentage August to Present

150 144 138 113 111 100 100 92 82 79

% Hayward % Kingsville % Alberta % Appalachian State % North Alabama % Jacksonville State % Case Western % Kennesaw % San Antonio % Tarleton

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education



Campus Scene Adelphi – Shamar Ridley This semester, the brothers of the Adelphi Chapter have been active in fundraising for the V Foundation for Cancer Research. We started off the semester by having our first-ever Delta Deadlift, where brothers would ask for donations and would match that by completing deadlifts, squats, or bench press. It yielded an amazing turnout. We also had our annual Dare-a-Chi, where we asked for donations and brothers took part in various levels of dares. The dares included a pie in the face, ice-cold bucket soaking, and many more entertaining challenges. As dares were fulfilled, the day was full of smiles and laughter.

November 5th, a mid-November golf tournament between all the fraternities and sororities, and an alumni tailgate the week of homecoming. We give thanks to our active ABT Board and active alumni presence for giving us all the tools we need to continue to grow and expand our chapter.

Alabama – Luke Baldini The Alabama Chapter continues to implore members to value the importance of a good handshake and how to present oneself properly. After the initiation of 54 new members, multiple LinkedIn and resume building workshops were held with the help of active brothers to ensure the continuation of our values. The Chapter is up to 148 active members and has increased its senior retention from eight graduates last year to 24 this year. As a result of our initiative to continue to grow every day as men, the collective grade point average has seen a 0.4-point increase across the Chapter after implementing mandatory study hours for each brother. We are proud to say that 35% of our chapter held internship positions this summer in eight fields of work, including our head of academics, Matt Blair, who worked at the Lockheed Martin Corporation this past summer. Two new members increased their campus involvement by joining the University of Alabama First Year Council and another two new members were appointed to the Lobby Board this year. After the passing of our beloved brother Garrett Walker last fall, we felt the need to create an event that would honor his legacy. On October 27th, we held the first-ever “Walk for G Walk”. The walk around campus raised $3,782 for the Garrett Walker Scholarship Fund. We partnered with the IFC to promote and do our part in a new philanthropy organization, “Greek Gives,” which delivers all the left-over food from the fraternities to local soup kitchens. Our chapter will continue to look for more opportunities to be involved on campus in any way we can, promoting the values that Delta Chi embodies every day.

Atlanta Area Alumni – Jon Sattler The Atlanta Area Alumni Chapter has been very business since the last Quarterly came out. We’ve continued our monthly Brothers’ Night Out, held our annual family picnic, and provided community service by painting and doing landscaping at a local elementary school for Week of Service. We held the largest Founders’ Day celebration across the country, with over 100 brothers in attendance. Our alumni chapter also raised the most money of any alumni chapter for Founders’ Day of Giving. For the third year in-a-row, we participated in the annual CHOA golf tournament to raise money for Children’s Health Care of Atlanta. We also presented a check for our local philanthropy, the Midtown Assistance Center, in the amount of $1,500. Looking forward to our annual holiday party in December!

Anchorage – Austin Pahel The brothers of the Anchorage Chapter were heavily involved on campus during the fall semester, which gave members chance to see how much fun can be had even while other activities around campus are still catching up after the pandemic. The brothers have given back to the community by volunteering for Healthcare Providers Service Organization events. We will continue to build bonds and foster a good understanding of what it means to be a Delta Chi.

Auburn – Tommy White

After an incredibly successful recruitment period, the Appalachian State Chapter increased membership by 80%. Our recruitment chair did an excellent job organizing and advertising all the events that the Chapter hosted. On top of the largest Associate Member class in the last four years, we expanded our alumni outreach tremendously. On homecoming weekend, we hosted an alumni tailgate where many old friends were reunited and new connections were formed. It was great to see some of our founding fathers back on the mountain and having a great time. Looking ahead, we aim to recruit another large Associate Member class in the spring semester as well as host a variety of philanthropy and fundraising events that help out our community and increase our already large campus presence.

The Auburn Chapter maintained momentum through involvement in local schools, philanthropy, and another triumphant recruitment season. A few leaders in the Chapter went above and beyond this semester by collectively recording 300 volunteer hours. Brother George Chamblee is a volunteer for the Auburn High School Basketball team and Brother John Simpson is a volunteer for the Auburn High School Wrestling team. They volunteer daily with local high schoolers and have contributed to the success of both programs. The Chapter has also impacted the community through participation in Beat Bama Food Drive. Beat Bama Food Drive is an organization that partners with The East Alabama Foodbank to collect more non-perishable food items than the University of Alabama. In addition to numerous brothers being members of the club, the Chapter won the Greek life competition by raising the most money out of all fraternities on campus. Lastly, the Chapter initiated 22 new members this fall. The sizes of new member classes are steadily increasing and the chapter is excited to bring this momentum into the spring recruitment season.

Arizona – Troy Cornell

Augusta – Matthew Metty

The Arizona Provisional Chapter is thriving! We went through our first round of fall recruitment and brought in nine new brothers, bringing us to 31 members. We maintained having the highest average GPA on campus among fraternities (average of 3.6). We started off the year strong, hosting brotherhood events at local restaurants and the gym. We furthered our connections on campus by hosting social events with other fraternities. Our sights are now set on a formal planned for

From recruitment, to philanthropy, to community service, and more, the Augusta Chapter has seen several improvements this semester from previous years. We successfully pinned 13 Associate Members, which is a 63%-increase from last fall, increasing the size of our chapter over half its current size. In support of the V Foundation for Cancer Research, our chapter held events such as “Clippers for Cancer,” which raised over $700 alone, and “Dunk-a-Delta” with Alpha Delta Pi.

Appalachian State – Lachlan Jeffs


Delta Chi Quarterly

Our chapter is eager to keep supporting our philanthropy with even more events planned later this semester, such as a percentage night coming up in the near future. So far, the Augusta Chapter has volunteered a total of 75 community service hours through events such as “Clean-Up McDowell” and an IFC River Cleanup. Additionally, our chapter won the International Founders’ Day Flag Challenge. We are looking forward to continuing to surpass expectations this upcoming spring.

Central Missouri – Daniel Zhogan While there were some challenges at the Central Missouri Chapter, there have been many more successes. As a chapter, we were able maintain the largest fall recruitment class with 19 new initiates. We won the Alpha Phifa tournament and placed first in both the Spirit Window and blood drive events during homecoming. For Camp for the Cure, we had one of our best years, as we were able to raise over $700 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research. We are looking forward to the rest of the year and the accomplishments that may come with it.

Chapel Hill – Shane Nadj

Behrend – Kevin Lee It was an honor for two of our brothers to attended Convention this summer as they witnessed William A. Williams, our “BB”, be awarded the title of “AA” Emeritus. Our chapter had the most new members of all the fraternities on campus, which was a 50% increase from the previous Associate Member class. Our chapter has set a goal to keep all brothers active on campus with other clubs and programs that are offered. We had a great Founders’ Day celebration with alumni and brothers from the Gannon Chapter. Finally, a special shoutout to our chapter’s president, Michal Bosek, who was elected Chief of Staff for Student Government.

The Chapel Hill Chapter picked up right where we left off in the spring, thanks in large part to the non-stop work done this summer by chapter leaders. We had a strong recruitment class of nine members, tying the 2021 fall class for our largest recruitment class ever. We have seen vast improvements in event planning this semester, having already held more philanthropy, brotherhood, and alumni events halfway through the semester than ever before. In the coming weeks, we plan to start our open recruiting program, initiate our fall class, and continue holding successful events. We would like to give special thanks to Nathan McCarley and Aidan Spelbring for their never-ending devotion to the organization and success of the Fraternity. With the collaborative efforts of the executive board and chairs, we are dreaming big at Chapel Hill - our vision is to end the school year with 50 members. We are incredibly excited about our chapter’s progress and the initiative shown by our new members, and hope to continue these efforts to reach new heights.

Bryant – Declan Croston This semester, the Bryant Chapter initiated eight Associate Members and are proud of these men as they begin their journey of lifelong brotherhood. We hosted over 40 alumni at our annual homecoming tailgate and were happy to share the Chapter’s various successes with them. We hosted our annual golf outing, raising over $3,500 for suicide prevention. We were happy to welcome both alumni and family members to this event for a great cause. The Chapter took a day to clean up a local hiking trail for Week of Giving. Looking towards the future, we are enthusiastic about our family and friends’ weekend where we can share our bond with family members. We are also having our executive board elections in the coming weeks and are excited to bring new leadership perspectives to our chapter.

Cal Poly – Cal Brown The fall quarter has gone well for our chapter. We had a recruitment class of 26 stellar young men worthy of becoming fully initiated members. We had several successful mixers with fellow sororities on campus. Members of our chapter collected numerous service hours by helping with “Mustang Move-In,” a move-in day service event where incoming freshmen receive assistance moving into the dorms. Our biggest philanthropy event of the year, Carving for Cancer, took place in October. We had 100 collegiate members present, as well as almost every sorority on campus represented with a team competing in the pumpkin carving competition. We raised thousands of dollars for the V Foundation for Cancer Research and had an amazing day.

Case Western – Jared Heller After a large drop in membership due to graduation, our executive board developed a strong recruitment plan this past summer with the guidance of alumni members and we are happy to have doubled our chapter. We had an amazing AM class that exemplifies our core values as a chapter and have enjoyed welcoming them this semester. This semester has been filled with some great brotherhood events like bowling, game nights, movie night, and a hockey game. We increased our focus on academics this semester with weekly study nights and introduced an alumni mentorship program. Philanthropy and service are priorities as we begin to plan next semester and look forward to continuing to build our chapter and enjoy all the time together at Case Western Reserve.

Clemson – Ben Axelsen The Clemson Chapter has had a wonderful semester so far. Once we finished recruiting an amazing Associate Member class, we cheered on our intramural soccer team as they became league champions. Our homecoming float was certainly one to be proud of as well. It celebrated Clemson’s movement through time, turning from grayscale to full vibrant color. One of our Associate Members, Oskar, led the Chapter in cooking the best awarded chili in a competition between Clemson fraternities. We have raised over $500 towards philanthropies both on and off campus. I am also glad to report that we have continued our relationship with a local shelter, Anderson PAWS. Brothers go out to help the shelter dogs relieve stress and take a vacation from their kennel. As we move towards the end of the semester, we look forward to fully decorating our house in the holiday spirit as well as enjoying some more Clemson football.

Colorado – Michael Noack The Colorado Chapter continues to break new ground this semester. We had our first Founders’ Day with brothers from the Denver Chapter. We grilled burgers and had an all-around good time. In addition, we had our first family weekend event. The football team won its first game of the season, which some of the brothers were present to witness. Afterwards, the brothers and their families met up for another grill out. It was a wonderful opportunity for everyone’s families to meet each other and for the families to learn about their son’s collegiate experience. While not our first time around the block, our recruitment chair Tomas planned several amazing recruitment events, from dinner to minigolf, bringing in three new Associate Members. Our AMC, Montgomery, started new member education and has done a great job educating our new AMs. It’s crazy to think that there are only five weeks of school left until finals but there is still time for more bonding and brotherhood.

Colorado State – Maxwell Setzer We started the semester with an incredibly successful recruitment, nearly doubling our membership. We are excited to foster their growth into being successful leaders. During homecoming weekend, we welcomed alumni back to campus and spent time with our brothers’ parents. We held another successful initiation week and it was great to bring our new members to the Stanley Hotel to stand in a historic Delta Chi location. Our brotherhood retreat provided another great opportunity for bonding and some strong reflection. We ended this semester with more brotherhood events before going on winter break.

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


for Cancer Research. We are doing really well with our mental health department and raising awareness for our campus. We have more upcoming events and brothers are motivated and determined to carry out Delta Chi’s values!

Eastern Illinois – Christain Walls The fall semester for the Eastern Illinois Chapter was a blast! We started out the year by immediately recruiting when we got on campus and also preparing to host the Region V Regional Leadership Conference next semester. We held Pelt-a-Chi for the V Foundation for Cancer Research raised over $150. Our homecoming week was amazing, with multiple alumni coming down for our first-ever tailgating event. Thank so much to Francis Fagen and Jeff Rice for helping organize this event. We are excited to initiate four brothers in the next week.

Cornell – Eric Hoyt

Eastern Washington – Chris Gomez

This semester, the Cornell Chapter brought in six new members as a part of our fall class. The Chapter held multiple philanthropic events, including a 3v3 basketball tournament with other Greek organizations on campus. Other events are also in the works, with Roll the Knoll now planned to happen in spring 2023. We also would like to acknowledge the accomplishment of alumnus Ravi Patel ’22, who, along with other students, started the Maven Society, which promotes the artwork of Cornell students such as our chapter’s own Sebastian Shin ’23. Ravi’s brother Neal Patel ’25 is also a new chapter member.

The Eastern Washington Chapter has been busy working with alumnus Von Swan to fix up the house and we are very proud of the progress. Our “A”, Jordan Mitchell, is on the EWU hockey team playing forward and wearing jersey number 2. Brother Drake McDonagh has made the honor roll for the spring 2022 quarter and is looking to be part of it again this fall. We are proud of all the brothers’ accomplishments and with an Associate Member class of eight this quarter, we are excited to see what they accomplish as well!

Creighton – Brian Martin

Right before the fall semester started, the brothers of the Edwardsville Chapter had a retreat to set goals for our executive board members, chairmen, and the Chapter as a whole. After the retreat, the Chapter was ready to have another successful year and continue to grow at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. We recruited nine high quality men during fall recruitment and the Associate Members are already making their mark and have a bright future in Delta Chi. During Jimmy V Week, we had multiple events to raise money for cancer research. Monday was a pumpkin smash event, Wednesday we sold cookies and tea, Thursday was our annual Puppies and Pie event, and Friday was a profit share with Texas Roadhouse. By the end of the week, the Edwardsville Chapter raised over $2,110 dollars! Two weeks prior, the Chapter also had our annual dunk tank event and we were able to raise $800 dollars from that as well. So far, this fall semester has been great for the Chapter and we are excited to see what the rest of the semester has in store for us.

Not much development has happened with our alumni relations this semester. Instead, we have been looking forward to the next semester. A parents’ weekend is in the works with a chili cookoff. We are also in the process of putting together our first newsletter for our alumni since this is the first semester that we will have enough alumni to justify a newsletter.

Denison – Colson Stutz This semester, our chapter decided to have our philanthropy event be quite an ambitious undertaking; CHI-Chella. This entailed an all-day music festival with live bands from 2pm to 6pm and two DJs for the nighttime. This took place September 17th at our outdoor space at Schaff House on Denison’s North Loop. This is an event we had been planning since mid-summer, and our brothers showed their commitment by tabling throughout the semester until the day of the event selling t-shirts. The money raised, along with dollars generated from food sales, was donated to the V Foundation for Cancer Research. Live music has the power to bring people together like nothing else, especially on Denison’s campus. We are very proud of all the performers, especially our own Evan Lenahan, Mick Smith, and Harrison Copeland, who played in the student bands. These brothers and the Chapter as a whole demonstrated their commitment and passion for philanthropy.

Denver – Jack Saroni Throughout the fall quarter, the Denver Chapter upheld our devotion to service and brotherhood. Despite losing a large number of graduating seniors, we made up for it with a strong recruitment class that already dedicated itself to the values of Delta Chi. We just completed a service event at a local park where the Chapter spread gravel to improve a mountain biking trail for youths. We’ve held several brotherhood barbeques and date dashes, with many more planned for the winter and spring. The Chapter maintained its commitment to a sound education by holding the second-highest GPA on campus at 3.36.

Duquesne – Justin Graham Fall 2022 was a great semester for the Duquesne Chapter. We completed a lot of fundraising for the V Foundation for Cancer Research this semester. One of the fundraising events was a joint effort with the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority at Duquesne, where we sold pizza and had therapy dogs on campus for students to take a break during midterm week. We also raised money by selling tickets to a Pirates baseball game for Greek night, in which part of the proceeds were sent back to us to be given to a charity of our choice. Throughout the semester, our chapter participated in two “South Side Cleanups,” which is a great way to give back to our community and keep our area clean for all residents. The organization that runs the cleanup is always very thankful when we show up with many of our brothers to participate in the community service event. We try to schedule these cleanups a few times throughout the semester and I anticipate we will likely do it once more before the semester is over. We are currently doing a fundraising event with BeReal, where the company will donate $8 for every person we get to sign up for the app and post their first BeReal. It is a great way for our organization to raise money for the V Foundation for Cancer Research. We had a great semester at Duquesne and are excited for what we can do to continue providing service for our community and raising money for charity in the future.

Edwardsville – Charles Drake

Embry-Riddle – Matthew Gorenstein The focus this semester was to recruit as many values-driven PNMs as possible. Before the semester began, a chapter retreat focused on what it means to be a Delta Chi in our community and to set the foundation for how we navigate our future. After strengthening recruitment skills and dominating our IFC’s recruitment week, we amassed a recruitment class of 29 men. Our chapter has adopted more ways for Associate Members to participate, allowing them informal votes in chapter meetings and participation in brotherhood events. More methods are in discussion of how “big brothers” can assist more in the transition from AM to initiate than in the past. Collectively, we are on a mission to raise the Chapter’s GPA by following our newly implemented academic growth plan. This semester, some of our members went to Topgolf for some light-hearted competition, apart from more contested, competitive, and eventful brotherhood events on the courses. Our philanthropy committee is in full swing, as we organized a day of cleaning Beville Road, which spans a mile from the house towards Williamson Boulevard. Our city commissioner was there for support and we greatly appreciate her contributions. Our philanthropy committee has been made strides to re-introduce our philanthropy week next semester, supporting the V Foundation for Cancer Research. We formed an RLC committee to prepare for the upcoming semester.

Florida – John Moricle The Florida Chapter saw continual growth and improvement in nearly every aspect of the Fraternity. We couldn’t be happier with the impact and bonds that our brotherhood has created. We welcomed 17 new brothers into the Chapter during fall recruitment, bringing our total number to over 50 members. This has continued the trend of rapid growth that we saw in previous semesters. In addition to growth, our engagement efforts have also seen significant strides. We have already more than doubled our fundraising for the V Foundation for Cancer Research from this point last year. On top of fundraising, the Chapter participated in multiple beautification projects, doubled down on support for Dance Marathon, (the largest student run campus organization), and paired with Alachua County Animal Services to continue our support of their shelter program. Around campus, we continued getting involved in every facet of student life. Brothers Grant Sherman, Patrick Lama, and Zachary Nation co-founded the Real World Engineering Club, which has grown to over 40 members. Our intramural teams have seen their most competitive season yet, making playoffs in both football and indoor volleyball. We look to continue to improve our chapter and promote the values of Delta Chi for many semesters to come.

East Stroudsburg – Jordan Drew

Florida State – Caedon Parrish

Our chapter has been excelling and breaking goals so far this semester! We partnered with Big Brother Big Sister of America and helped them raise funds at one of our football games. Last week, we raised about $2,000 for the V Foundation

The Florida State Chapter had a strong fall semester, adding 55 new members into the brotherhood, the most-ever in a new member class. Our on-campus involvement has been superb, starting with our intramural basketball and softball


Delta Chi Quarterly

teams each winning their championships and our intramural volleyball team finishing as runners-up. We continue to emphasize the importance of giving back philanthropically, collaborating with several campus-wide philanthropies including Relay for Life, Best Buddies, and Light the Night Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We have already held several of our own fundraising events for each of these organizations on top of their own events. Due to how many of our families and friends were affected by Hurricane Ian, several brothers took it upon themselves to coordinate a canned food drive with the other Greek organizations and our homecoming pair, Delta Delta Delta sorority. On top of our own philanthropies, we also participated in each sorority’s philanthropy competition. This year, we placed third in Pi Beta Phi’s All Fraternity Row competition, one of the largest sorority competitions on campus, and our Chapter “A,” Kaleo Fowler, was crowned Kappa Alpha Theta’s Mr. Casanova for his and the chapter’s fundraising efforts to support CASA. Something else we take pride in from this semester is the creation of our FSU Delta Chi Hall of Fame, which is awarded to alumni that provided “immeasurable contributions to the growth of our chapter” during their time as brothers and since their graduation. The Florida State Chapter already has a lot to be proud of this year and we still have more than a month left in the semester.

Georgia Tech – Hrydesh Patel This semester, the Georgia Tech Chapter had another successful fall recruitment with 26 Associate Members joining the brotherhood. Our new members have acclimated well, with 100% participation in homecoming and intramural competitions as well as getting involved in other organizations across campus. The Chapter held our 11th annual pig roast during Parent’s Weekend in early October, raising over $4,500 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research. We look forward to growing our partnership with the local winter shelter and volunteering at community gardens and elementary schools in benefit of the Atlanta community. Lastly, the Chapter would like to congratulate our seven graduating brothers this semester and wish them success in their professional endeavors.

Fredonia – Austin D’Amico This semester has been a busy and eventful one. We have been excelling at community service, having groups of brothers go three times a week to Greystone Nature Preserve where members eliminated invasive plant species, tended to animals, and prepared the nature preserve for winter. Brothers also attended Friendly Kitchen, whose goal is to provide families in need with warm meals year-round. At Friendly Kitchen, brothers were tasked with washing dishes, serving guests, and making sure that the kitchen and dining area was spotless upon closing. Our relations with organizations on campus and campus in general has improved greatly, which is linked to our outstanding efforts in community service. Our chapter is planning a large philanthropy event in November, called “Miss DChi”. This has been an event that brought great success in the past that we have not been able to do in the last couple semesters due to COVID restrictions. Our chapter has been working hard this semester at improving our chapter as a whole and are excited to see what the spring has in store for us.

Gannon – Luke MacKenzie This semester, our chapter has been tremendously successful in growth and participation in various service opportunities. We participated in “GIVE” Day at Gannon, where the University dedicates to serving the Erie community. Our chapter went to Presque Isle State Park, where we helped a group called the “Weed Warriors” in the extraction of invasive plants that damage the healthy ecosystem along the beach terrain. As a chapter, we are proud of our growth within the past calendar year, as we gained double-digit members compared to the previous year. Their participation within the Chapter or on Interfraternity Council has been a great benefit to the success and well-being of our chapter. Aside from “GIVE” Day, we had multiple service events, such as cleaning a local church parish center in Northeast, Pennsylvania and helping out at a Halloween event at the Soldiers and Sailors retirement home in downtown Erie. I would like to extend our appreciation to our chapter advisor and acting “BB,” Mr. Bill Williams, who never hesitates to help out in any aspect and always gives us the support we need. Thank You!

Hamilton – Christian Hernandez Barragan The Hamilton Chapter took strides to uphold the values of Delta Chi and create a positive environment for all members while being an important and well-respected asset to the College. We established a diversity, equity, and inclusion chair that will help push our chapter to be a more inclusive and aware organization. Additionally, we participated in a walkathon alongside other Greek organizations. The money raised was donated to One Love, a nonprofit that empowers young people with resources to recognize healthy and unhealthy relationships and create life-saving prevention education in their communities. Our chapter is excited to come up with more ways to be a well-rounded and exceptional organization that can lead by example.

High Point – Elijah Spies The High Point Chapter had a successful semester. We pinned 15 Associate Members, bringing our total membership to 67 - our largest membership ever. Our provisional chapter recently moved into our new house in Greek Village. This new facility has been incredibly valuable for us, serving as a place for recruitment and brotherhood events, including annual favorites such as Family Weekend and newfound favorites like our Pink Out event, which raised $1,400 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research. Our members have been dedicated to service this semester, volunteering weekly at Second Harvest Food Bank. We recently elected our new Executive Board and we look forward to seeing them take the reins. Lastly, our chapter is excited to host RLCs for Region IX next semester.

Huntsville – Robert Zecher

Georgia Southern – Clay Werntz Our chapter had an outstanding first semester for the 2022-2023 school year. We have been striving to excel in many ways, which has proven to be beneficial for us as a chapter. Each brother obtained a minimum of three service hours, with many brothers going beyond that. Our fall recruitment numbers improved by three, with more men looking to join during the spring semester. Planning for the spring recruitment has gone very well, with many interested PNMs. Academically, our brothers earned the highest IFC/PHA GPA, outperforming every other fraternity and sorority on campus! For philanthropy, we’ve had percentage nights and sorority philanthropy weeks, along many other smaller fundraisers. During these weeks, we managed to place in two of the competitions for how well we were able to raise money for both respective philanthropies. Looking forward, we can see that our chapter at Georgia Southern will continue to grow and strive to meet bigger and better goals as time goes. But when our time comes to graduate, we know the Chapter will be left in good hands.

Our chapter has been incredibly blessed in our efforts this semester. We welcomed 19 Associate Members this fall who already have begun participating in chapter events, showing true leadership and cooperation with both each other and the Chapter. We orchestrated and launched an annual philanthropy event named JimmyV-Ball, large-scale volleyball tournament open to the public. We had the pleasure of partnering with a company known as Rally V-Ball to assist in the registration and streamlining of the entire project. This year, the tournament raised approximately $3,000 and we anticipate this number rising in future events. Additionally, our Associate Members, in conjunction with our philanthropy chair, have planned a cornhole tournament this weekend to benefit the V Foundation for Cancer Research. Since the beginning of the spring 2021 semester, our chapter has raised approximately $13,000 for the V foundation as well as committing a collective 1400 hours to serving our local community. Our chapter earned the highest cumulative GPA of all student organizations on campus last spring at 3.361, with a total average of 3.462. We had the honor of celebrating the 45th anniversary of our chapter this Founder’s Day. We put countless hours into planning this event and hosted three fantastic guest speakers; Ronnie Hebert, the current Dean of Students, Brian Godsy, a founding member of the Chapter, and Aaron Ott, the current retiring “AA”. We hosted over 150 guests and reconnected with many alumni. We used this opportunity to invite many alumni to future events and collect contact information to update our registry. Currently, we are working to design a website for our chapter, which we plan to launch within the next month before this term comes to an end.

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Kansas – Joey Hellen On October 24th, we initiated 24 new members into the Chapter. These 24 men have exemplified the characteristics it takes to become a Delta Chi. We celebrated on the front lawn and then visited a house favorite restaurant, Dempsey’s.

Kansas State – Chase Erickson

Illinois – Ryan Way The Illinois Chapter had a busy semester. We recently welcomed an Associate Member class of 31 and are excited for them to fully initiate soon. We also recently hosted our homecoming weekend at the chapter house and welcomed back many alumni and were extremely happy to see so many faces, both new and familiar. We raised money for house improvements through generous donations from our alumni and a gift basket raffle. We were thrilled to welcome back alumni Larry Gies ’88 and Greg Heckman ’84 to the house. Gies is the namesake for the University of Illinois College of Business and founder of Madison Industries. Heckman is the CEO of Bunge. We are looking forward to a few weeks from now when we will be electing a new executive board to take over. Overall, we had a very good semester and we are looking forward to more to come.

Illinois State – Brian Williams

The Kansas State Chapter reached a new milestone in its history. We recently acquired a new chapter facility at 801 Moro Street. It was an apartment building that we bought and renovated to become our new home. Renovations to one of the units turned a three-bedroom apartment into a common area equipped with study spaces, a large conference room, a living room area to accommodate brothers for watch parties or other activities, and cabinet space to house various chapter awards/memorabilia. We are all very excited to begin using the space to its fullest. We also reached 60 years on campus. Our 60th anniversary weekend welcomed over 120 collegiate and alumni members to Manhattan for a ribbon cutting ceremony at our chapter facility and a banquet dinner at the alumni center at Kansas State.

Kennesaw – Philip Corrao The Kennesaw Chapter had a successful fall semester. With a recent initiation of 19 brothers into the Chapter, it is the largest we’ve experienced since recruitment in 2019. We had the largest amount raised during our Jimmy V week, topping $3,000. The week consisted of a car wash, Pie-a-Chi, and t-shirt sales on the green. We also helped out one of our ABT members, Sean Conrad, with touching up paint and a landscape clean up at his children’s elementary school. Our chapter was also honored with being able to attend the largest Founders’ Day meeting in the country with over 100 members in attendance. We are super proud of how our semester turned out and are excited to see what the next one can bring us.

The founding father class currently stands at 37. While recruitment has gone better than expected, the bonds between brothers have been even more fantastic. We are only weeks in and it seems like everyone has already become incredibly close. This founding father class exemplifies Delta Chi’s core values. While the internal bonding has gone well, externally Delta Chi has already begun to make a name for themselves on the Illinois State Campus. The new members have started introducing themselves to the community by setting up multiple philanthropy events. The future is bright for Delta Chi’s new chapter at Illinois State.

Iowa State – Connor Ferris Things are going well at Iowa State! Recruitment has been great this semester; we’re currently up to 19 Associate Members and we just initiated 13 of them. Our new house (203 Ash) we acquired last year received a brand-new paint job and some improvements inside over the summer. It’s truly becoming our home. We’ve had a lot of fun brotherhood events this year, including mini golf, PowerPoint night, and tournaments. Brotherhood and involvement are at an all-time high. We hosted a parent’s tailgate at our house that had a wonderful turnout. Our chapter is quickly growing at a rate we’re very pleased with. In a few days, we’re hosting our alumni weekend to celebrate Scott Klinefelter’s many years of service to our chapter and to catch up with our alumni over a tailgate for the West Virginia game.

Jacksonville State – Jacob Dease

Kent State – Kenneth Strait During the semester, the Kent State Chapter experienced its largest recruitment attendance in several years. Thanks to the current “A”, David Kupka, and his efforts to bolster a more positive recruitment plan, as well as the help of Taylor Anzivino from IHQ who took the time to come to Kent. Through this, the brothers have been keeping up with weekly brotherhood events, in which they engage with different students on campus, such as late-night volleyball, bowling, or even visiting a local comedy night. They’ve met a plethora of fun and exciting individuals. As the semester begins to wrap up and the new Associate Members learn what it takes to become a Delta Chi, the Kent State Chapter is now looking towards initiation later in the month and is excited to truly welcome the new members into the Brotherhood of a Lifetime.

This semester, we made great leaps with our fall Associate Member class. We had 21 new members join our fraternity this fall. We are in the process of having our annual drawdown fundraiser. We also had the State of the Chapter with our alumni this past homecoming. Our State of the Chapter keeps the alumni informed of what is going on within the Chapter each semester. We went over fundraisers we had, philanthropies we have planned for the future, and overall grade point average for the Chapter. We currently have a chapter size of 44 members and have a few brothers graduating at the end of the semester. This has been the best fall semester we have had in the recent years and we plan to continue improving each semester.

Johnstown – Tyler Plazio This year, we started off with a recruitment class of two Associate Members. We currently have 15 collegiate members with 11 brothers living in the house. This year marked our 50-year anniversary on campus. To celebrate, we invited many alumni to campus and had a formal banquet dinner. We had several community services projects and many members became orientation leaders, welcoming new freshman to campus. This also worked as a great recruitment tool for our upcoming spring recruitment. We volunteered with Slap Shot, a local hockey tournament in Johnstown, along with several other events for community service. Philanthropy events are currently in development and overall, this semester has been going well and the spring is looking even better.


Delta Chi Quarterly

Kettering-A – William Bolton During the last term, we had a couple of goals; bring our numbers up and increase campus engagement We focused on enhancing recruitment and were able to double our member number in bids returned. We also reached our second goal of increasing campus engagement. Compared to the previous term, 60% percent of our members are in leadership positions in various clubs or activities on campus and we are planning to increase that number. Our third goal was to raise more money for the V Foundation for Cancer Research than in previous years. We succeeded and raised $5,285.69 through our bi-annual head shave event.

to boast significant campus involvement from all our brothers. Our community service and engagement involved numerous events this semester, most successful being our first annual 3v3 basketball tournament benefitting the Testicular Cancer Foundation in honor of one of our brothers. We were also successful in Hawkathon, a dance marathon organized by Lehigh’s Office of Student Leadership Development benefitting the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Many of our brothers also competed in intramural and club sports across campus. We are proud to say we took home the intramural soccer and flag football championship and the club lacrosse team, consisting of 11 Delta Chi members, finished 5th in the nation. Overall, a great semester for Delta Chi at Lehigh filled with many accomplishments, memories, and impacts in our community!

Kettering-B – Hunter Thompson During the semester, we celebrated being recognized with awards at Convention. These include the Outstanding Chapter Program award and the Core Competency award for ‘Develop Character’ and ‘Advance Justice’. We also congratulate brother Adam Nowiski for being awarded the Marge Lee Outstanding “C” Award and ABT President Phillip Moffat for being awarded the Meritorious Service award. Our chapter is proud to have raised $2,969 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research through philanthropic events with 100% Greek life participation. Our chapter is making strides to uphold justice by laying the groundwork for a justice committee, which will focus on community outreach and engagement.

Kingsville - Justin Cayetano Cappadona This semester has been a breeze for the Chapter and the accomplishments have been plentiful. Starting with philanthropy, we kicked off the semester by helping dorm residents move in, many of them being new to college. After that, we were asked by the Theta Phi Alpha Women’s Fraternity to help them with their annual philanthropic event, which was a fall festival in low-income neighborhoods included with food and games. Our most recent event included a trunk-or-treat with the community. Turning towards campus and Greek events, we held different events with different Greek organizations such as Greek Summit, hazing prevention week, fall carnival, and Greek Week where all the Greeks on campus got to interact with each other. The week of Founders’ Day was also the week of our campus’ homecoming. We took that opportunity to invite all the alumni for a fantastic Founders’ Day banquet and got to reconnect with them. Lastly, our chapter had made huge achievements this year, recruiting 26 new members followed by two collegiate members making the Order of Omega organization, increasing our member involvement with them to five members. Lastly, our brother Jose “Whapo” Ramirez won homecoming king this year. Overall, this semester was one to remember!

Lake Forest – Parker McElroy The Lake Forest Chapter had an eventful semester. One member helped restart our Inter Fraternity Council on campus and is taking action to help better Greek Life overall. We had a volunteer night at Feed My Starving Children, where we helped make meals for families in Africa. As a chapter, we packed 16,200 meals which feeds 44 kids for a year. We had a successful recruitment at the beginning of the semester which yielded eight new members. We had an alumni event during homecoming weekend where we had a handful of alumni come back to campus and attend our home football game. We have stayed involved with other Greek organizations, doing fundraising events and going to events hosted on campus.

Little Rock – Maddox Barefoot We did a pretty good job with recruitment this semester. We did a Cheese Fries with D-Chi’s event where we were selling cheese fries on campus to help raise money for our chapter and the V Foundation for Cancer Research. We helped out at the local garden to help the community and build a strong relationship with them. We got the title of intramural soccer champions during the semester, playing against seven different teams. So far, it has been a pretty successful semester.

Livingston – Alex Dollar This past semester, the Livingston Chapter hit the ground running, becoming the largest fraternity on campus. With our commitment to community service in mind, we started the semester by devoting time to the Sumter County Dog Rescue and other local organizations. We celebrated V week with a full slate of events geared towards providing awareness and raising funds for the V Foundation for Cancer Research. The events consisted of a coin drive, bake sale, pie-a-chi, and our annual Walk-a-Thon. Walk-a-Thon is a 28-mile walk to Livingston. Participants collect donations for each mile they walk. Our chapter raised over $1,400 this year. Homecoming was our next big project. After a bunch of hard work from the brothers and Associate Members, we placed second in Serendipity (our campuswide talent show) and won our homecoming float contest.

Long Beach – Maximillian Tommey The Long Beach Chapter had a successful fall semester. At the beginning of the semester, we held our annual camping trip at Kern River with over 50 alumni in attendance. We introduced our Delta Sigma class, a total of 35 Associate Members. With initiation coming up, we plan to initiate 20-25 Associate Members into the Brotherhood of a Lifetime. We also had another successful philanthropy week, raising over $2,000 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research. As the semester comes to an end, we look forward to electing a new executive board that will lead us into another successful semester. The Long Beach Chapter will also celebrate its 55th anniversary in January 2023. Great things are to come! Born proud, raised proud.

Marquette – Donovan Ahern The Marquette Chapter strongly started recruitment with high turnout numbers. Our chapter welcomed seven Associate Members with 100% bid acceptance. In October, we partnered with Marquette’s Kappa Delta Chapter to serve hotdogs and show off our four-legged friends at Delta Dogs, our philanthropy event that raised over $170 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research. We look forward to a great wrap-up to the semester and anticipate more success this spring.

Massachusetts – Jefferson Wermuth

Lehigh – Phil DeLise The fall semester has been a great one so far for the Lehigh Chapter. Coming off a rewarding spring last academic year with our chapter winning many accolades, we are motivated to keep improving. Over the summer, we received the Outstanding Chapter Program Award from the International Headquarters, as well as a Core Competency award. Two of our brothers also received personal awards - Phil DeLise received the “E” Key Award which recognizes accurate, timely, and compelling content submitted for the Quarterly, and Michael Hurst as the Lehigh Chapter Luminary for his exemplification of Delta Chi’s ideals and overall involvement with the Fraternity. With everything on campus back in full force, we are proud

This semester, we enjoyed the first COVID restriction-free semester in two years and a full return to normalcy at UMass. We recruited a solid class with eight Associate Members. We look forward to vastly expanding our philanthropic contributions and maintaining our high academic presence, holding one of the highest cumulative GPAs on campus. We recognize and are proud of our recent alumni who continue to provide their services to our chapter and chapters abroad, in particular Miles Washburn, Josh Klein and Darrell McTague.

Miami – Aidan Scott This semester, we had many accomplishments as a chapter. We had a mental health retreat in Kentucky at Red River National Gorge and we won the intramural soccer league. During Greek week, we won a dodgeball tournament as well as a puddle pull tournament. We are on pace to complete 900 service hours collectively. We had many successful brotherhood events, including cookouts.

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Montclair – Connor Furst During the fall, our chapter’s success continued. We are currently in the process of initiating our new Associate Member class of six, one of the highest classes in recent years. We had our university’s homecoming event, which we won (back-toback years). We hosted a successful alumni relations event and we raised money for the V Foundation for Cancer Research by doing a campus fundraiser.

North Alabama – Parker Murphy Minnesota - Chase Hodkiewicz During September, the Minnesota Chapter celebrated homecoming, with this year’s theme being Goldywood, a gopher-themed pun on Hollywood. The Chapter paired with the sorority Alpha Gamma Delta and fraternities Sigma Pi and Alpha Tau Omicron to do a Top Gun theme, “Top Goldy”. Brother Ben Trusiak was the homecoming chair for the fall semester and the leader of constructing a 24’x24’ pomp consisting of 57,600 pieces of tissue paper. The design of this year’s pomp can be credited to alumnus John Busch. Thanks to Brother Trusiak and the Chapter’s countless man hours, as well as additional help from the Greek pairings, the pomp towered on Fraternity Row and tied for first place. The tie marks six years in-a-row that the Chapter has had a first-place pomp. On September 30th, the house was filled with active members and alumni with their families enjoying the house, pomp, and University Avenue Parade. The next morning, the front porch refilled with actives, alumni, and a philanthropy dunk tank to raise money for the “B Positive Foundation,” benefitting pediatric cancer research. Overall, the week was a great success as the Chapter grew relations with other Greek houses on campus as well as many collegiate and alumni members meeting, connecting, and swapping stories of all that the house has lived through.

Mississippi State – Gavin Myers The Mississippi State Chapter had many successes this semester. For Week of Service, we collected over 650 cans for our local food bank and helped lay new flooring in the Humphrey Coliseum on campus. We raised about $4,000 for philanthropy this semester. In an attempt to help the Chapter succeed academically, we edited our bylaws and limited our number of social events per semester. Another success we had this semester is collecting a large amount of debt from inactive members. Finally, for fall recruitment, we had a 50%-increase in Associate Members pinned from the previous fall recruitment class.

The North Alabama Chapter had a wonderful and successful semester. We recruited many new Associate Members, almost doubling our chapter’s size. The Associate Members bring so much to the Chapter and we are proud to see them grow. We recorded a chapter-record in service hours this semester with 70+, helping with college move-ins and at the animal shelter during a service mixer with the Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. We raised almost $300 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research through the Delta Chi Donation Dash with fun activities like Pie a Delta Chi and College Dorm Room Care Packages. We also improved chapter participation by offering incentives for good grades and paying dues in a timely fashion. As a chapter, we improved with better organization of chapter notes and better parliamentary procedure. We had fun brotherhood events such as our annual dinner after pinning and big brother ceremonies, our successful new alumni dinner around homecoming, the homecoming parade and tailgates, and visiting haunted house attractions in Tupelo, Mississippi, as well as our big brotherhood retreat in December. We reached many goals and are shooting for so many more. We cannot wait to see what the future holds for the North Alabama Chapter.

Northern Arizona – Jack Cowen The fall semester has been a huge success so far for the Northern Arizona Chapter. We had an Associate Member class of 13 upstanding individuals, forming the Gamma Alpha recruitment class. As a chapter, we hosted and ran seven community service events in Flagstaff, either with a sorority or our bothers. This past year, we adopted a three-mile section on the I-17 outside the city of Flagstaff in the name of Delta Chi and have enjoyed doing our part to keep the highway clean. In addition to the different acts of community service, we hosted and planned a few different philanthropy and fundraising events to support the V Foundation for Cancer Research and help achieve victory over cancer. We are going to donate at the end of the semester once we finish all of our events and we couldn’t be more excited to see how much we raised. Overall, we have served the city of Flagstaff and Northern Arizona University well while representing Delta Chi and we had a great time doing it!

Missouri – Josh Shuman As the fall semester winds down, the Missouri Chapter is expecting to bring a 39-Associate Member class into the Bond. Another highlight includes the Chapter winning their third-straight homecoming competition with the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma. We are proud to bring such high standards to one of the most storied traditions in Missouri.

Missouri State – Mitchem Smith-Miller The men of the Missouri State Chapter are enormously proud of our accomplishments. Over the past year, we vastly improved our academics, brotherhood, philanthropy, and other aspects of the modern fraternity. We are well on our way to showing our campus and those around us what it truly means to be a Delta Chi. This fall semester specifically, the Chapter found remarkable success in our endeavors. Our recruitment committee worked hard over both the summer and formal recruitment period at Missouri State. Their dedication and persistent efforts yielded the largest Associate Member class in recent years. This class is composed of 45 young men. As I am sure every Delta Chi knows (or knew at a time), the white carnation’s symbolism is “True Love.” To the Missouri State Chapter, this also means our annual White Carnation Banquet. At this event, we host an alumni/family event to show our “true love” for our fraternity of choice; Delta Chi. Last year’s White Carnation was the first in many years due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Because it was the first in a while, we had numerous reasons to celebrate and reconnect. Two of the more notable reasons to celebrate were the success of our sweetheart week and Pie a Delta Chi. From these events, we raised a grand total of $6,500 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research. In the speeches made at White Carnation by chapter representatives and University President Clif Smart, we reaffirmed to everyone in the room what it meant to be a Delta Chi; a man of friendship, character, justice, and education. We also celebrated growth and updated alumni on the state of the Chapter and the University. The men of the Missouri State Chapter have eyes set on the bright future we are building for ourselves.


Delta Chi Quarterly

Northern Illinois – Samuel Hotze We went into this year with 30 members and managed to recruit 24 more guys to join our brotherhood. Through hard work in recruitment, we were recognized by the President of our university and thanked for our service on campus. We also had two major events; our car smash for the V Foundation for Cancer Research where we were able to raise over $1,000 and our homecoming alumni event, in which we had a record number of alumni come and enjoy homecoming with their brothers, new and old.

Omaha – John Voner The fall semester brought the four pillars of Delta Chi to the forefront for the Omaha Chapter. This semester saw the Chapter come off of a very successful trip to the International Convention in St. Louis, where we were awarded with a President’s Cup and an NIC Distinction award. The semester also reintroduced the formal recruitment process for all IFC fraternities operating at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. With such little experience recruiting at the formal level, there were reasonable concerns going into the start of the process. Nonetheless, the Omaha Chapter is proud to report that we found 18 new members, making up the Eta class who embody what it means to be a Delta Chi. We are confident that these new members will honorably carry the baton passed by the aging classes ahead of them. In addition to a great recruitment cycle, Delta Chi was also delighted to host an outstanding semi-formal event, held at the Omaha River City Yacht Club. Our chapter managed to set ourselves apart from other Greek organizations with consistently exceptional grades, philanthropy efforts, and university outreach. We can’t wait to finish strong next semester!

and littles. We’ve definitely noticed the payoff of taking things slower and plan to continue doing so going forward.

San Diego – Hayden Bost

Oregon State – Charles Lindemann This year, our chapter has experienced success because of our hard work. Our chapter recruited 16 new members since last spring. Our alumni raised over $1,200 for renovations on our house. This allowed us to make major improvements to the chapter house, such as repainting major components and fixing integral structural aspects. In addition, our chapter had great success in community engagement by hosting philanthropic events in support of the V Foundation for Cancer Research, raising around $5,000 in the past year and a half.

Highlights from the spring semester include our Dunk-a-DChi and the Regional Leadership Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. We raised over $2,500 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research with $500 from Mikael Stewart, one of our alumni. RLC in Las Vegas was a hit - we made lots of memories and gained stronger overall connections with our brothers from across Region II. The fall semester has been amazing so far, as we initiated over 30 members who have shown promising character and the ability to lead our chapter to greater success. We plan on hosting a thrift store at our house and another Dunk-a-DChi event to support the V Foundation. For alumni events, we had an alumni-recruitment barbecue event and we are hosting a homecoming tailgate at our chapter house with brothers from UC Riverside attending.

South Dakota State – Benjamin Scaturro Over the course of the semester, we had success with our recruitment efforts, adding five Associate Members. Our campus involvement has been higher than in previous semesters, with a number of our brothers serving as executive members of clubs, participating in extra-curriculars, and hosting on-campus wellness activities like dodgeball, kickball, basketball, and wiffleball. These events have opened us up to a new wave of potential new members for the upcoming semester. On a more serious note, the brothers have noticed and acknowledged a disconnect between each other and have decided to focus on strengthening the existing brotherhood in an effort to raise morale and build better comradery as brothers.

Southeast Missouri State – Derek Tettaton

Oshkosh – Zach Herriges This semester, the Oshkosh Chapter doubled in size. We strengthened our brotherhood, especially with the return of Evan Brandt, who has been a guiding light in our success this semester after he had to leave school his freshman year in 2020 due to COVID-19. Our former president, Chris Healy, has returned as well after the passing of his mother in late spring 2022. The chapter had hit some really difficult spots over the last few years, but the new group of recruits has revitalized the Chapter and began the founding of what can only be described as a rebirth and a rebuilding. Alumnus Troy Quevillion, former chapter president, once said, “A Delta Chi never quits. From the ashes we rise from the fire like a phoenix.”

Quinnipiac – Jack Hernandez This is our second year as a provisional chapter. We held our first fall recruitment and recruited 15 Associate Members. Our brothers attended philanthropy sporting events from the sororities Alpha Delta Pi, Chi Omega, and Pi Beta Phi. Our teams won all three of the events and had the chance to donate our winnings to the V Foundation for Cancer Research. We raised $550 which went to the Delta Chi Educational Foundation. We have been busy planning for I-Week and our initiation will be on November 12th. We look forward to growing the brotherhood at Quinnipiac and this is just the beginning!

Rutgers – Sahil Patel The Rutgers Chapter expanded its connections across campus, advanced philanthropy and service opportunities, and developed stronger relations with the university. The semester began with brothers volunteering for move-in week, where they earned service hours for assisting incoming freshmen moving into the dorms. This was a great opportunity to assist underclassmen by offering academic and campus advice to students that were looking to better situate themselves amongst the Rutgers community. As the semester progressed, we organized and participated in philanthropy events accompanied by other Greek organizations, such as the Delta Gamma Sorority. Delta Gamma hosted their annual anchor splash weeklong event and Delta Chi took first place with the most proceeds raised for the Service for Sight Foundation. The Chapter is working with the Embrace Kids Foundation and had the opportunity to reconnect with the RU4Kids family. An alumni networking event is also in the works for the Chapter. This event would be a great opportunity for collegiate members to contact alumni, review resumes, receive major-specific advice and career opportunities from working graduates. This event will be held based on the availability of alumni and the goal is to have alumni from a variety of majors and fields of study be available in-person or virtually during an upcoming weekend.

The Southeast Missouri Chapter had a successful recruitment this fall semester. From using new techniques learned at the 62nd International Convention in St. Louis, we were able to give out 13 accepted bids. We expect to initiate all but one, with a tremendous retention rate. During the fall, we helped an alumnus from our chapter by providing members to assist in running a charity tournament event. This event was designed to provide monetary assistance to local youth in the community. This year, our chapter won back-to-back homecoming championships, pairing with Alpha Phi and Theta Xi. With a few weeks left in the semester, we plan on fulfilling our obligations of upholding the Basic Expectations and our education.

Southern Arkansas – Trent Smith This semester, we had an associate member class of three, which grows our chapter by 50%. We have new posters, wooden letters, flags, and flyers that have made our tabling much better. We will be doing a mixer with a sorority on campus very soon. Members have involved themselves on campus more than ever and are being a great image for our provisional chapter.

St. Louis Alumni – Jim Sheahan The brothers of the St Louis Alumni Chapter had a great time meeting old and new members when we celebrated Founders’ Day on October 13th. This year, the Chapter held a Top Golf event and several alumni attended the International Convention held in St Louis. Our membership is growing and we look forward to more events where we can continue to promote the values of Delta Chi.

Syracuse – Jacob King Our Fraternity has had many great successes this semester. Upon writing this, we will be accepting our new recruitment class by the end of the week. We took part in many philanthropy and service events on campus including Greek-or-Treat, where all Fraternities and Sororities of Syracuse University came together to give candy and play games with children wanting to trick or treat. Lastly, our brothers grouped together to participate in a community service escapade to Brady Farms, where we helped with general upkeep and maintenance.

San Antonio – Riley Robertson This semester was definitely one of growth, if nothing else. With a lot of new officers, we admittedly started the semester a little rough but it all started to click. This semester has seen a new group of young men who are all excited and eager to join the Brotherhood of a Lifetime. We’re also excited to implement and see how our new big brother and little brother program will go, as we recently assigned bigs

Tarleton – Hatcher Heavyside The fall semester has been great for the Tarleton State Chapter. With nearly all of our classes going back to in-person, we are very pleased that members have

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stayed committed to the brotherhood no matter the circumstances. One of our chapter goals was to continue to find ways for our alumni to be more involved as well as recruit the newest leaders of the Fraternity. This semester, we had a great alumni presence at Tarleton’s homecoming week and we had a wonderful alumnus cook great food for us. It was great meeting and catching up with all of the alumni that came. For fall recruitment, the Chapter recruited a great group of Associate Members who are already making great strides to become the leaders of the Fraternity in the near future. For community service, the Chapter participated in the Texan Round Up, where we helped the city of Stephenville pick up trash, plant flowers, and much more. This semester, two groups of brothers got very lucky with an amazing Round Up site. The city clean-up allowed us to help the community and work with other organizations to achieve a common goal. With times returning to normal, we are continuing to live out the core values and expectations of Delta Chi.

Texas Tech – Braden Clark The Texas Tech Chapter had a fantastic start to the fall semester. Through new member recruitment, the Chapter added 14 new members to the brotherhood. The new Associate Member class is a fantastic group of young men. Starting this past summer, the Chapter was able to make much-needed renovations and improvements to the house, which included the bathrooms and installing a brand-new sports court in the back yard. In addition, a new fence and landscaping was put in. The Chapter has participated in numerous philanthropy and service events this semester. We hosted a 3v3 basketball tournament in support of the V Foundation for Cancer Research, raising over $2,000. Multiple service events have been conducted including a dog adoption event co-hosted with Alpha Xi Delta, a co-partnered donation drive supporting Early Learning Center of Lubbock with Alpha Delta Pi, and multiple members volunteering at Centennial Elementary’s fall festival.

UNLV – Sebastian Shaber This semester, our chapter did an amazing job of increasing our presence on campus. We’ve shown up to a variety of events on campus, including homecoming activities and sporting events such as football, soccer, and volleyball. While being more active on campus, we have also been committed to taking part in a higher number of sorority philanthropy events than in recent years. Our chapter has increased alumni involvement in all phases. Being a younger chapter, this has been a challenge in years past. It is a challenge we have steadied and we’ve begun to change the narrative.

USP – Michael Thompson This semester, our chapter has been taking campus life in stride. At the organization fair, we made over six gallons of cold brew coffee and had a blast giving it out and chatting with students. We held many events for both philanthropy and fundraising, including our Splatter it for Cancer event, which raised $240 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research. We held a Sausage Party (Hotdog Sale) fundraiser, which was quite successful as well. We went 0-8 in intramural volleyball (we’re more of an academic chapter), but nevertheless had a blast playing and meeting the other teams on our campus. We’ve also participated in events like our local Trunk-or-Treat and held numerous movie nights for fundraising. Every Saturday, we hold neighborhood cleanups, in which we clean up the area around campus. Other than that, we look forward to the rest of the semester and heading into the spring strong.

Virginia Tech – Ryan Wilson The Virginia Tech Chapter returns to campus seeking new ways to improve. Despite receiving our third-consecutive President’s Cup, there is always room to grow as an organization. As the semester began, we recruited 16 gentlemen with a 92% bid acceptance rate. To get 11 hours of community service per member, we participated in the YMCA Food Drive, Greeks Giving Back, and Meals on Main helping to provide 448k meals per year. We participated in four other organization’s philanthropies, totaling nine this calendar year alone. In our own philanthropic efforts, the Jimmy V Race for the Cure made another appearance. We hosted our favorite “Pie a Chi” event where brothers took pies to the face to fight cancer. And our main event, the Amazing Race, got participating organizations together in a race across the Virginia Tech campus. We raised over $6,500 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research and plan to keep increasing that number each semester. Our brotherhood will continue to do right by our campus and community to extend our values for years to come.

West Chester – Joshua Lancellotti

Tri-State – Nathan Widman The Tri-State Chapter had an excellent showing at Trine University’s annual homecoming weekend. Brothers and alumni enjoyed connecting with each other for the future success of our chapter and we had a great time at the tailgate for the football game. Over homecoming weekend, many brothers competed against other social organizations in various events. For the second year, our chapter was the winner of the biggest homecoming event, Tour de Trine. Brothers took turns driving tricycles around a course and racing against other people to see who the winner would be. Later that day, Delta Chi ran a silent auction which exceeded our philanthropic goal of $500 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research. We are excited about volunteering for the Angola Parks Department and participating in our annual trip to northern Michigan to help close a summer camp for the winter and gain many service hours for the chapter.

Truman State – Jacob Edwards The brothers of the Truman State Chapter had an exciting and busy fall semester. After winning a third consecutive President’s Cup, the “E” Key Award, and the Outstanding Collegiate Leadership Award at Convention this past summer, the Chapter has kept the pedal to the metal, recruiting an Associate Member class of 19 distinguished individuals, the largest recruitment class in two years. In addition to the prestigious awards we received at Convention, we also received the NIC Chapter Award of Distinction for the second-consecutive year, which is only given to a select few fraternities nationwide. We also hosted our annual philanthropy, Rave to Save, back in August and raised over $1,500 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research. We also lead all of Truman IFC in GPA, with a whopping 3.61. We placed first overall in Truman State’s Homecoming this year, with one of our members winning Homecoming Royalty. Our members have been more involved on campus this semester, with over half of our members holding leadership positions in other organizations, including Blue Key Honors Society, Pi Alpha Delta, Pi Sigma Alpha, Beta Alpha Psi, Student Ambassadors, the Student Activities Board, Student Government, and the Funds Allotment Council. This coming spring, we will be hosting our 45th reunion and the chapter is looking forward to connecting with our alumni and celebrating our chapter!


Delta Chi Quarterly

The West Chester Chapter had many successes throughout the fall and grew increasingly close with one another. Among the successes were brotherhood events, which bring members closer to one another; something we always value. Another success we had was bringing in a great Associate Member class and watching them grow as people during their process until they are fully initiated into Delta Chi. There are definitely going to be more successes throughout the chapter and we are extremely excited to see our fraternity grow even more.

Whitewater – Matthew McCormack The semester has been busy for members of Whitewater Chapter. We extended 24 bids to 23 freshmen and 1 sophomore. Following this, the brothers put together another successful Founders’ Day Gala, where we celebrated our third President’s Cup, the Delta Chi Bracket Challenge trophy, and numerous other awards. We received valuable information from “DD” Mark Sexton, who came out of his way to celebrate with us. We had our semesterly golf outing and raised over $3,600 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research by selling hole sponsorships and event shirts. Most recently, we held a family day, where we invited families of collegiate members to come and interact with us during a day full of yard games and good food.

William & Mary - Elias Hairatidis We had a productive semester connecting collegiate members with alumni. We hosted a successful event during homecoming, with over 20 alumni from a wide range of graduating classes in attendance. The event connected multiple members with professionals in several career fields. We hosted a philanthropy drive for the V Foundation for Cancer Research, which raised thousands of dollars. As a chapter, we have continued to lead by example with over 700 collective community service hours and we are aiming to break a 1,000 by the end of December.

Wisconsin – Bobby Stephenson We had a successful recruitment this semester, bringing in 23 quality young men who are in the process of new member education. We put together and hosted a formal event attended by collegiate members and 42 alumni to celebrate our chapter’s 100th anniversary. The event went seamlessly with nothing but outstanding feedback. We now have our chapter’s formal, brotherhood, and initiation to look forward to until final exams consume our time. Lastly, our philanthropy chair has been hard at work doing fundraisers with local businesses and partnered with a sorority for a very successful bake-sale that sold out and maxed our profits for the V Foundation for Cancer Research.


Ethan Brown Kansas State 2024 A chieving one of the highest honors possible for an undergraduate student at Kansas State University, Brother Ethan Brown ’24 was one of two students chose to represent K-State as a Student Ambassador for 2023, as announced on October 29, 2022 during halftime of the homecoming football game against Oklahoma State University.

“I am so honored and excited for the opportunity to represent Kansas State University,” Brown said of his selection. “Many thanks to everyone for their encouragement, advice, and support. I appreciate you all more than I can ever possibly express.” Established by the K-State Alumni Association in 1977, the Student Ambassador program elects two students each year to represent the student body at Alumni Association events throughout the state and at university activities. Selected by a student vote from a group of six finalists, the ambassadors serve one-year terms and receive the Kirk Family Student Ambassador Scholarship, which amounts to $2,500. They also receive an official Kansas State ring from the Alumni Association.

Ambassadors historically are selected based on a wide-ranging spectrum, with a particular emphasis on academic excellence and extensive involvement in volunteer and philanthropic activities. In addition to the litany of service and philanthropy opportunities afforded to him as part of his involvement in Delta Chi, Brown also serves as campus access director for the Student Governing Association and as vice president of allocations for the Student Foundation. Brown joined Delta Chi in fall 2020, initiating on November 1. He is currently a junior marketing major with an anticipated graduation date in 2024. “I ran (for student ambassador) with the goal of spreading the message that Kansas State will do whatever it takes to help their students overcome possible barriers and help them thrive in their education. Throughout my life, I have been challenged in terms of accessibility. K-State has always cleared a path for me to take advantage of the opportunities both in the classroom and in organizations I’m involved with.” We extend our sincerest congratulations to Brother Ethan on his tremendous accomplishments. He truly embodies the values of Delta Chi and continues to be an ambassador not only for his university, but for the Fraternity. Thank you for leading a valuesdriven life, being a man of action, and setting the standard for others to follow.

“ If there are two things I love, it’s Kansas State and Delta Chi!”

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education



Those Who Have Passed These men have lived among us for a time, and we have been honored to call them brothers. Now they are gone and we bid them a fond farewell at this parting. Alberta Krishna Tailor ’98 September 1, 2022 Auburn Ernest B. Crutchfield ’59 August 21, 2022 Ball State James A. Robbins ’68 October 26, 2022 Kenneth Krupp ’93 Denison Todd Huth ’92 September 29, 2021 Eastern Illinois Samuel P. Bell ’00 September 9, 2022 Embry-Riddle Gregory Lawton ’72 August 19, 2022 Gorham State Thomas J. Nadeau ’92 September 3, 2022 Indiana Robert Antonacci ’41 January 2007 Daniel C. Kuzman ’53 August 23, 2022 Larry D. Lynch ’77 October 12, 2022

As part of Delta Chi’s ongoing partnership with PCI for the Delta Chi Oral History Project, we were made aware of several unreported members who moved on to the higher court. Many of these records are lacking official dates of passing. We appreciate your understanding for the volume of records and partial information.Tell your brothers you love them and give them a hug because it’s impossible to know what tomorrow holds.


Delta Chi Quarterly

Iowa John R. Burrows ’54 July 18, 2022 Charles H. Blunt ’59 October 24, 2022 Lehigh Russell B. Mallett, Jr. ’56 March 3, 2022 Aleksander H. Sajewski Louisville David B. Layten ’83 August 27, 2022 Michigan State Brian J. Murphy ’88 September 28, 2022 Mississippi State Rev. Jimmie D. Cain, Jr. ’88 September 29, 2022 Osgoode Hall John T. Clement ’55 George E. Creber ’49 Eugene B. Fedak ’62 Rodger A. Gordon ’50 Robert G. Lush ’64 John B. Webber ’59 Oshkosh Harry A. Putz ’69 John P. Schneider ’70 Parsons Edwin N. Vinson ’66 Penn State Michael J. Donahue ’88 October 20, 2022 George W. Myers ’57 John W. Ronemus ’63 Charles P. Stachel ’55 William C. Stettler ’49 Purdue Ronald N. Sheptak ’67 September 14, 2022 John K. Duchardt ’64 Robert G. Hartley ’57 Thomas E. Redick ’60 Herbert H. Steinmann ’54

Radford Thomas P. Hoey ’97 October 22, 2021 Rollins Robert N. Peck ’53 June 23, 2020 Federico E. Rivero ’65 S.M.U. David T. Bettler ’66 Don A. Dozier ’53 Arthur A. Higgins ’56 Homer F. Jenkins ’52 Burch B. Lovely ’53 Lewis F. Watson ’57 Lee V. Williams ’49

UCLA John E. Fuschetti ’53 Emmett L. Smith ’58 Gilbert W. Torrance ’52 Albert Wettstein ’58 Union Stephen J. Criswell ’62 Norbert E. Gelston ’68 Ralph G. Manies ’58 Richard C. Royce ’53 Richard P. Ruid ’69 Virginia Tech Gerardo J. Mayen ’00 Noble L. Moore ’91 Christopher M. Trimper ’99

Southern California Kenneth M. Fritts ’75 Bitner R. Winckler ’64

Washington Themo P. Demopolis ’50 Robert R. Fitting ’68 Harold D. Lent ’60 Lynn H. Molzan ’59 George A. Nordi ’60 Sherrell L. Osborne ’60 John S. Risley ’64

Southern Illinois Donald G. Canedy ’50 James W. Huberty ’64 James A. Keiner ’62

Washington State Joseph E. Gortner ’54 Edward F. Jenkins Alfred L. Schy ’58

Stanford James E. Eckles ’62 Daniel H. Girdner ’54 Donald W. Johnson ’52 James L. Powell ’53 Sheldon D. Sicotte ’52

Wayne State Delbert D. Harris ’67 Ted W. Hight ’68 Douglas S. Raddatz ’59

Tennessee Leslie E. Neuhaus, Jr. ’71 July 4, 1997

Western Michigan Ronald Bolenbaugh ’60 Gregory A. Brown ’59 David L. Erlewein ’65 Marshall Goldman ’58 Allen L. Jacobson ’61 Clyde C. Marshall ’61

San Diego Owen C. Christensen ’69

Texas William T. Malone ’58 Karl B. Putnam ’70 Michael L. Rachlin ’66

West Virginia Tech John D. Jones

Texas Western Michael V. Sharp ’64

William C. Morris Charles T. Patton ’63 Wayne W. Pearce ’69 Donald L. Starkey ’58

Troy State Steven R. Boone ’70

Whitewater Dan Sawicki ’77


Important Milestones Appalachian State Born to Brother Matthew Harris ’07, a son, Conner Williams, on August 25, 2022. Born to Brother Charles Z. Reyes ’09 and wife Rebecca, a daughter, Hazel, in September 2022. Arizona State Brother Jason Michael Walker ’05 married to Amber Grayson on June 4, 2021. Auburn Born to Brother Joshua R. Haber ’13 and wife Alysha, a daughter, Odeliah Renee, on October 28, 2022. Ball State Brother Thomas Kuhn ’69 has retired and is now residing in Three Rivers, Michigan. Central Missouri Born to Brother Brandon M. Hargrove ’06 and wife Amy, a son, Jack Robert, on May 13, 2022. Brother Jordan B. Kaiser ’20 was pinned as a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps on September 9, 2022. East Stroudsburg Brother Jason G. Kanevsky ’14 married to Rachel Fuehrer on October 9, 2022. Florida Born to Brother Michael J. Garitty ’10, a son, Jordan James, on August 24, 2022. Florida State Brother Summer Silverman ’83 became a Certified Nurse Practitioner at Trailside Health in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts on November 3, 2021. Fullerton Born to Brother Eric R. Felix ’07 and wife Jacklyn, a daughter, Ruby J., on November 4, 2022. Indiana Congressman James E. Banks ’01 was re-elected as the Representative for Indiana’s 3rd Congressional District following the November 2022 elections.

Jacksonville State Brother Jared M. Davis ’18 engaged to Madelyn Adams on October 22, 2022. Kansas State Born to Brother Morgan T. Holmes ’17, a son, Ty Richard, on June 23, 2022. Born to Brother Taylor C. Shanklin ’17 and wife Varsha, a daughter, Sophie, on June 24, 2022. Born to Brother Heath P. Lilek ’14 and wife Jillian, a daughter, Collette Rae, on July 21, 2022. Born to Brother Colin J. Barr ’16 and wife Megan, a daughter, Maren Teresa, on July 29, 2022. Brother Andrew W. Woolley ’15 married to Jessica Thomson on August 14, 2022. Brother Tim Kolling ’92 was awarded the Radio Wayne as the 2022 National Marketing Consultant/Streetfighter of the Year, as announced at the 20th Radio Ink Radio Wayne Awards in Miami, Florida at the Radio Masters Summit. Congressman Tracey R. Mann ’00 was re-elected as the Representative for Kansas’ 1st Congressional District following the November 2022 elections. Long Beach Brother Roberto J. Garcia, Jr. ’01 was elected to the United States Congress as the Representative for California’s 42nd Congressional District following the November 2022 elections. He becomes the first LGBTQ+ immigrant elected to Congress.

Southeast Missouri Brother Kenneth L. Stilson ’84 published the 13th edition of his classic book, “Acting is Believing,” which ranked as the number one acting book in the world. His new book is published by Rowman & Littlefield in Maryland and includes a foreword written by two-time Tony Award-winning actor, Norbert Leo Butz. Brother Stilson is the Founding Chair of Dobbins Conservatory of Theatre & Dance at Southeast Missouri State University and Executive Director of the Lanford Wilson New American Play Festival. He co-edited two recent publications of “Lanford Wilson New American Play Festival Short Plays,” and wrote the libretto for the recent musical, “An American Hero: A World War II Musical,” which was produced OffBroadway and was the winner of the Best of Festival Award at the New York Musical Festival. Born to Brother Matthew R. Schellingerhout ’13 and wife Sarah, a son, Gehrig Ryan, on June 24, 2022. Texas Tech Brother Jonathan Medina ’16 was promoted to Vice President, Consumer Banking & ME Market leader at Bank of America Merrill L ynch in Fort Worth, Texas. USP Born to Brother Ryan W. Carney ’15 and wife, a daughter, Brinley Kay, on May 29, 2022.

Missouri Born to Brother Justin R. Cowan ’17 and wife Madi, a son, Bobby, on August 26, 2022. Northern Illinois Brother Evan J. Kirk ’17 married to Morgan Fink on October 15, 2022 South Dakota State Born to Brother Anthony P. Sutton ’12 and wife Stephanie, a son, Elijah Dwight, on June 7, 2022.

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introducing The New

DElta Chi CornerStone Inspired by the 1964 cover of the Delta Chi Manual, the 2023 edition of the Delta Chi Cornerstone features a white cover with the Associate Member Pin, Delta Chi Badge, and the Alumni Rededication Pin in gold foil ink. The contents of the book reflect the Fraternity’s 62nd International Convention and subsequent elections, awards from the 2021-2022 academic year, and for the first time, the Barrister Capital Corporation. To own the newest iteration of the Cornerstone, visit

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