Volume 114 | Issue 2 | Summer 2018
“ REACHING NEW HEIGHTS” August 1-5, 2018 Denver, Colorado
IN THIS ISSUE Campus Scene | Risk Management Updates
Inside the Quarterly
Volume 114 | Issue 2 | Summer 2018
4 Convention Preview
The 2018 Convention in Denver is quickly approaching. See what’s in store as we prepare to “reach new heights” in the Centennial State.
6 Risk Management Updates
8 Campus Scene
Catch up with Delta Chi chapters across the United States and Canada.
2 Letter from the “AA”
23 Keeping in Touch, Farewell and Parting
24 Expansion Updates
FROM THE “AA” Promises Made; Promises Kept.
romoting friendship, developing character, advancing justice and assisting in the acquisition of a sound education are not just phrases within our Preamble. They are the mission statement to the Fraternity’s strategic plan. In the past few years, Delta Chi focused on strategic initiatives targeted to specifically improve our Fraternity in a number of critical areas and to guide us in preparing for Delta Chi’s future. In the past two years we implemented critical parts of the strategic plan by: • Hiring staff dedicated to Growth and Alumni Development. This resulted in almost ten new colonies started in the last two years, with five more slated for 2018-19, and the creation of programming for the more than 30 alumni chapters across North America. • Enhancing the Fraternity’s training and education portfolio by: – Introducing officer training tracks at RLCs; – Creating the Emerging Leaders Academy for upcoming sophomore and junior leaders; and – Developing an alumni advisors certification program to better equip our volunteers to meet the needs of today’s student leaders. • Creating new housing options, such as the acquisition of property, through the introduction of Barrister Housing Corporation. • Helping undergraduates and alumni advisors better manage risk through proactive educational tools such as Greeklife.edu and the Open Door Webinar series. Going forward, we need to continue to execute the Fraternity’s strategic plan by: 1. Completing implementation of Delta Chi’s housing initiative; 2. Providing additional resources to alumni advisors to better assist our chapters/colonies; 3. Establishing and providing additional support to alumni chapters, thus providing another opportunity for continued
participation in the brotherhood of a lifetime beyond graduation; 4. Updating our Associate Member Program to enhance and maximize our members’ learning experiences; and 5. Continuing to search for best practices on how to reduce our risk management and associated costs. Some have asked: what is the future for fraternities? More than ever, our future rests not only on implementing our strategic plan but on living consistently by our values and expectations each and every day. Every member, both undergraduate and alumnus alike, is essential to our roadmap for future successes. I maintain a heartfelt belief that Delta Chi changes lives for the better when we live by our preamble and ensure those great advantages are supported through sound management practices. This focus guides my efforts to ensure that our Fraternity is not only relevant but vibrant well into the future. It has been my honor to serve on the Board of Regents for 13.5 of the last 15 years. As I come to the end of my term as “AA”, I wanted to wholeheartedly acknowledge the undergraduate and alumnus leaders and the staff who have helped make possible the successes of these last few years. I want all Delta Chis and friends of Delta Chi to know how thankful I am for your efforts to make each chapter the best fraternity on its campus. In that spirit, I am pleased to announce that the Fraternity now has a special new way to recognize those investing in our future with a special recognition pin/ necklace. If you have a house mom or parent serving on an ABT or brother who deserves a special acknowledgement for his service, you can now give him/her this special lapel pin or necklace as a small token of our Fraternity’s gratitude for his/her efforts. As a fraternity, we are an organization of relationships that are focused on helping each other, helping ourselves, and having a good time. We must never forget our work is not solely focused on “ourselves” or on the “now” but is instead focused on our collective future. As past “AA”, Billie Bride said at the 25th International Convention in Estes Park, the most recent convention in Colorado before 2018, “I thank you and all of Delta Chi for the great honor which was done me and I am always ready to show that appreciation whenever the opportunity is offered. The Ship of State may shattered be; The stars fall from the sky; The mighty oak a fallen tree; But ever – DELTA CHI.” In the Bond, Aaron Otto, 53rd “AA”
Kansas State 1998 Life Loyal
Delta Chi Quarterly
Delta Chi Quarterly (USPS 152-660) Published quarterly in Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity Editorial and Business Office P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church Street Iowa City, IA 52244 Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244 and at additional mailing offices Printed by Royle Printing, Sun Prairie, WI
Address Changes Send all notices of address changes to: Delta Chi International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 319.337.4811 Fax: 319.337.5529
Director of Publications Jake Tomlin, Florida State ’15 E-mail: jtomlin@deltachi.org Website: www.deltachi.org/quarterly
Layout and Design Drew Dallet, Kent State ’93; Boom Creative E-mail: info@boom-creative.com www.boom-creative.com
Copy Editing Support Anne Schulte
Please Help Delta Chi Save Money! If you would like to receive the Quarterly electronically instead of in paper format, email quarterly@deltachi.org and let us know. This will save Delta Chi both printing and postage costs.
Privacy Policy Please visit www.deltachi.org to view Delta Chi’s privacy policy, which contains various “opt-out” opportunities for our members.
Friendship | Character | Justice | Education
August 1-5, 2018 • Denver, Colorado
Convention is the ultimate governing body of the Fraternity, a catalyst for strengthening the bonds of brotherhood, and a singular opportunity for selfimprovement. Delta Chis and their guests are invited to participate in our 61st International Convention and together see the bright future of the Fraternity. Register today at deltachi.org/convention18
Delta Chi Quarterly
Denver photography courtesy of Visit Denver, Bryce Boyer, Steve Crecelius, and Rich Grant
Saturday 8.4.18
Friday 8.3.18 Kimball Classic Golf Scramble 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM DCEF Trustee Society Experience 8:00 AM - 2:45 PM General Session: Keynote Speaker 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Educational Breakout Sessions 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
Thursday 8.2.18
General Session: Luncheon 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM
Regional Caucuses 7:45 AM - 9:00 AM
Educational Breakout Sessions 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
Opening Processional 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM General Session I 9:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Wednesday 8.1.18 Registration/Exhibits 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Pre-Convention Session: History of the Ritual 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Meetings & Focus Groups 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Opening Kick-off Celebration 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Awards Reception 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
BREAK + Group Photo 11:45 AM - 12:25 PM Working Lunch / General Session I 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Executive Committee Candidate Caucuses 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM General Session II 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM BREAK 5:30 PM - 7:15 PM General Session III 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
General Session: Keynote Speaker & Awards 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
VK Run/Walk Benefitting the V Foundation for Cancer Research 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM Community Service Breakfast 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM DCEF Annual Membership Meeting 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Volunteer Alumni Training Program 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM Educational Breakout Sessions 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM General Session: Luncheon 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM Volunteer Alumni Training Program 2:15 PM - 4:30 PM Educational Breakout Sessions 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Denver Area Excursion 4:30 PM - 6:45 PM
Educational Breakout Sessions 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
General Session: Chapter Reporting 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Alumni Rededication Ceremony 4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Focus Groups 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Non-Denominational Mass 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Receptions 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM DCEF World of Bourbon Event* 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM * Special care has been taken to ensure all risk management policies are in effect.
Private Receptions 6:00 PM - 7:45 PM “Reaching New Heights” Reception 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Banquet 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Risk Management Policy The Risk Management Policy of Delta Chi Fraternity includes the provisions that follow and shall apply to all Fraternity entities and all levels of Fraternity membership.
Alcohol and Drugs
1. The possession, sale, use or consumption of ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, while on chapter premises or during a fraternity event, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the chapter, or at any event an observer would associate with the fraternity, shall be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, province, county, city and institution of higher education, and must comply with either the BYOB or Third Party Vendor Guidelines adopted in the Social Event Planning Guide and recommended by FIPG. BYOB is defined as one (1) six-pack of 12-ounce beers or one (1) four pack of wine coolers brought by a member or guest who is legally able to consume an alcoholic beverage.
No chapter, colony, member, associate member or alumnus shall conduct, participate in nor condone hazing activities. Permission or approval by a person being hazed is not a defense. Hazing activities are defined as:
2. No alcoholic beverages shall be purchased through or with chapter funds nor shall the purchase of same for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name of or on behalf of the chapter. The purchase or use of a bulk quantity or common source(s) of alcoholic beverage, for example, kegs or cases, is prohibited. 3. OPEN PARTIES, meaning those with unrestricted access by non-members of the fraternity, without specific invitation, where alcohol is present, are prohibited. Any event with alcohol present that can or will be associated with the fraternity requires a guest list prepared 24(twenty-four) hours in advance of the event and submitted to the Colony “F” and Social Chairman. 4. No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor (i.e., those under legal drinking age). 5. The possession, sale or use of any ILLEGAL DRUGS or CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES while on chapter premises or during a fraternity event or at any event that an observer would associate with the fraternity is prohibited. 6. No chapter shall co-sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor or any commercial establishment with alcohol, at which alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. This includes any event held in, at or on the property of a tavern as defined above for purposes of fundraising. However, a chapter may rent or use a room or area in a tavern as defined above for a closed event held within the provisions of this policy, including the use of a third-party vendor and guest list. An event at which alcohol is present could be conducted or co-sponsored with a charitable organization if the event is held within the provisions of the organization and college or university policy. 7. No chapter shall co-sponsor, co-finance or attend or participate in a function at which alcohol is purchased by any of the host chapters, groups or organizations. 8. Alcohol or any illegal substance shall be prohibited during any recruitment or rush activities. No recruitment or rush activities associated shall be held at or in conjunction with a tavern or alcohol distributor as defined in this policy. 9. No chapter, colony, member or associate member shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in “drinking games.” The definition of drinking games includes but is not limited to the consumption of shots of alcohol, liquor or alcoholic beverages, the practice of consuming shots equating to one’s age, “beer pong,” “century club,” “dares” or any other activity involving the consumption of alcohol which involves duress or encouragement related to the consumption of alcohol. 10. No alcohol may be present at any associate member activity, event or; before, during or after the ritual of the fraternity. This includes but is not limited to activities associated with “bid night,” “big brother – little brother” events or activities, “family” events or activities, traditions, ceremonies and initiation.
Delta Chi Quarterly
“Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol, paddling in any form, creation of excessive fatigue, physical and psychological shocks, quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside or inside of the confines of the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste, engaging in public stunts and buffoonery, morally degrading or humiliating games and activities, and any other activities which are not consistent with academic achievement, fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution or applicable state law.”
Sexual Abuse And Harassment 1. The Delta Chi Fraternity does not tolerate or condone sexual harassment, stalking, domestic violence, dating violence, or sexual assault, or sexual violence as defined by Delta Chi Law. This is to include any actions, activities or events, whether on chapter premises or an off-site location which are demeaning to women or men, including but not limited to verbal harassment, sexual assault by individuals or members acting together. 2. The employment or use of strippers, exotic dancers or similar, whether professional or amateur, at a fraternity event as defined in this policy shall not be allowed.
Fire, Health And Safety 1. All chapter facilities shall meet all local fire and health codes and standards. 2. All chapters shall post, within common areas, emergency numbers for fire, police and ambulance and will have posted evacuation routes on the back of the door of each sleeping room. 3. All chapters shall comply with engineering recommendations as reported by the insurance company or municipal authorities. 4. FIREARMS AND EXPLOSIVES. No firearms or ammunition, including airpowered weapons, or explosive or incendiary devices, including fireworks, shall be possessed, stored, or used in any chapter facility or at any chapter sponsored event, except as authorized by law enforcement officers. 5. Candles will not be used in chapter facilities or individual rooms except under controlled circumstances such as initiation.
Gambling Gambling or games of chance in any form whatsoever shall not be permitted in any chapter facility or at any chapter event except as permitted by all applicable laws of the state, province, county, city and institution of higher education.
Education Each chapter and colony shall annually instruct its students and alumni/ alumnae in its risk management policies and practices both of the Fraternity and higher education institution. The undergraduates and key volunteers will receive on an annual basis a copy of the organization risk management policy and that a copy of the policy be posted on the organization website.
Good Samaritan Policy 1. INDIVIDUAL. If a member assists another person in obtaining immediate and appropriate medical care related to the use or consumption of alcohol, drugs, or to another medical emergency, then that member, as well as those who are assisted, will not be subject to individual disciplinary action by the Fraternity with respect to the incident. This is the case even if the member who is assisting was a contributing factor to the emergency, so long as the member did not intentionally cause any physical injury. To be eligible for the benefit of this policy the member must fully and truthfully cooperate with any Fraternity investigation
Correction Action Levels What follows is a list of chapters that are or were on Corrective Action for violation of the Risk Management Policy during the 2017-2018 Academic Year. That is not to say the chapters on the following list are “bad” chapters. The bottom line is that some members of the Fraternity are engaging in dangerous activities and taking unnecessary risks to the health and safety of their members and guests. Each and every chapter needs the involvement of dedicated alumni who can help the student members discover that there are alternatives that can meet both their long and short-term needs. Finally, each and every member of Delta Chi needs to periodically reflect on Delta Chi’s values as contained in our Preamble: Promote Friendship, Develop Character, Advance Justice, and Assist in the Acquisition of a Sound Education. Level 1 — Level 1 Corrective Action shall include, but is not limited to, ordering that the chapter cease and desist from the conduct in the future and be in accordance with the requirements of Delta Chi Law and the Risk Management Policy of the Fraternity. The Chapter shall be required to submit to the Executive Director a written statement that all prohibited conduct has been stopped. The statement shall be signed by the “A”, “BB”
regarding the incident. An individual may benefit from this policy more than once, though repeated use of the policy may receive stricter scrutiny. 2. CHAPTER/COLONY. A chapter that seeks immediate and appropriate medical assistance for a person in need related to the use or consumption of alcohol, drugs, or to another medical emergency, may be eligible for mitigation of the level of corrective action imposed for violations of Delta Chi law and this Risk Management Policy. To be eligible for this potential mitigation, the chapter and its leadership must fully and truthfully cooperate with any Fraternity investigation regarding the incident. A chapter may benefit from this policy more than once, though repeated use of the policy may receive stricter scrutiny.
and such other members of the chapter, as specified in the report, that were involved with or had supervision over the conduct in the violation. Level 2 — Level 2 Corrective Action shall include, but is not limited to, all provisions of Level 1, plus the chapter shall submit a written plan of procedures and/or activities that comply with the Fraternity’s Risk Management Policy covering the activities in the violation. The plan shall be updated at least twice per year for the period of corrective action. Level 3 — Level 3 Corrective Action shall include, but is not limited to, all provisions of Levels 1 and 2, plus supervision of the activities of the chapter that were involved in the violation by a person or persons acceptable to the Executive Director. Level 4 — Level 4 Corrective Action shall include, but is not limited to, all provisions of Levels 1, 2 and 3. Chapters under Level 4 Corrective Action shall either be placed in conservatorship, as provided in Delta Chi Law, or shall operate under the direct supervision of the Executive Director. Level 5 — Level 5 Corrective Action shall require the suspension of the charter and the cessation of operation of the chapter, as it then exists. Re-establishment of the chapter shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Board of Regents after a minimum one-year period.
Chapters on Corrective Action for Violation of the Risk Management Policy As of May 15, 2018 Chapter Iowa Arizona State Abracadabra Truman State Behrend Clemson Appalachian State Kansas SE Missouri Georgia Southern Ohio State Fullerton Adelphi Auburn Long Beach Adelphi Hayward Huntsville Michigan Cal Poly Jacksonville Florida Missouri State Northern Illinois Tarleton Lehigh Gannon Texas Tech Texas Indiana George Mason
Level Violation IV Alcohol / Hazing III Alcohol III Alcohol II Alcohol IV Hazing II Alcohol / Hazing III Alcohol II Alcohol IV Alcohol II Hazing II Alcohol I Alcohol II Alcohol IV Hazing IV Hazing II Alcohol I Hazing II Alcohol III Hazing I Alcohol III Alcohol / Hazing II Alcohol / Hazing I Alcohol I Alcohol I Hazing I Alcohol II Hazing II Alcohol II Hazing II Alcohol II Alcohol
Release 12/31/19 12/31/18 5/31/19 12/31/18 5/31/19 1/20/19 12/31/18 12/31/18 5/31/19 12/31/18 12/31/18 12/31/18 12/31/18 12/31/18 5/31/19 12/31/18 12/31/18 12/31/18 12/31/18 12/31/18 5/31/19 5/31/19 12/31/19 12/31/19 5/31/19 5/31/18 5/31/18 5/31/18 5/31/18 5/31/18 5/31/18
Chapter Level Violation Alabama II Alcohol LSU II Hazing Florida State II Alcohol Troy I Alcohol Northern Arizona II Alcohol Lake Forest I Alcohol Michigan III Alcohol Washington II Hazing Missouri I Alcohol Kansas II Alcohol Iowa II Alcohol Abracadabra II Alcohol Long Beach I Alcohol Rutgers I Alcohol Southern Illinois II Alcohol / Hazing Sacramento II Alcohol Central Missouri I Hazing Adelphi I Alcohol / Hazing Georgia Southern I Safety Auburn I Alcohol Michigan State I Alcohol Livingston I Alcohol / Hazing Cal Poly I Alcohol Mississippi State II Alcohol Illinois State II Alcohol Purdue IV Alcohol Arizona State III Alcohol Cornell I Alcohol Denison I Alcohol Case Western I Alcohol
Release 5/31/18 5/31/18 5/31/18 5/31/18 5/31/18 5/31/18 5/31/18 5/31/18 5/31/18 5/31/18 5/31/18 5/31/18 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17 12/31/17
“Through courage, consistency and commitment from all levels of the organization, throughout the fraternity, we will continue our prevention efforts to lower risk to our members and increase the number of successfully operating chapters and colonies.”
Friendship | Character | Justice | Education
Campus Scene Adelphi | George Economou On April 12th, 2018, our chapter hosted a second annual event called Dodge Cancer with Tri Delta. This collaborative event was hosted in order to raise money for both our philanthropies, The V Foundation for Cancer Research and St. Jude. The event was a dodgeball tournament open to all students at Adelphi University, and many students in various organizations competed in order to support these causes. We are extremely proud of our brothers and the sisters of Tri Delta for hosting a very successful event, which raised $447 for our two philanthropic partners. We are looking forward to hosting this event for many years to come.
Mustard Seed. We also participated in another blood drive and Bell “Let’s Talk” campaign for mental health. Inter-fraternally, we competed in various events, with our strongest showing being a second place finish in the IFC’s Greek Week. We made time to recognize our families by celebrating Grandma Payne’s 83rd birthday party as a chapter. The Alberta Chapter looks forward to a relaxing summer and another eventful upcoming school year. Lastly, we’d like to congratulate our graduating members: Chris Morrow, Juan Trujillo and Vlad Kuszniryk, and thank them for their dedication to our chapter.
Augusta | Arman Qureshi Alabama | Michael Bennett The Alabama Chapter has around 100 active members. We’re very proud of our recent philanthropy efforts, led by our philanthropy chair, Jake Eagle. This academic year we raised over $11,000 to benefit The V Foundation, over $3,000 to benefit the B+ Foundation, and over $1,200 to benefit the Tuscaloosa Animal Shelter. We raised this money by holding events such as golf tournaments, pool tournaments, basketball tournaments and social fundraisers. Our chapter has also logged over 250 hours of community service this year. Our goal for the near future is to become one of the leading Delta Chi chapters in funds raised for The V Foundation. In 2018, we were also fortunate to celebrate a National Championship for the Crimson Tide and look forward to another next season. Roll Tide!
The past semester has included a string of accomplishments for the brothers of the Augusta Chapter. Starting the year off strong, we held another fun Alumni BBQ following pinning to kick off the associate member’s journey into the bond of Delta Chi. At RLC 2018, the brothers traveled to the Kennesaw Chapter, where we secured a bid to host Region VIII RLC in 2019! The brothers traveled to Myrtle Beach during spring pause, hosting the 2nd Black Martlet Formal. Returning from the beach, we held Delta Chi week, leading up to the 6th Annual Jimmy Jog 5k race for The V Foundation. This year was special, as we held the first edition of a 10k race. Overall, the Augusta Chapter raised over $4,000 for cancer research. The brothers also took home three campus awards. These include President of the Year to Paul Kelton, Fraternity Man of the year to Arman Qureshi, and Greek Scholar of the Year to Mehul Mehra. Having successfully pinned and initiated four new brothers into the bond, the Chapter manpower remains strong going into a highly anticipated fall recruitment.
Alberta | Nick Smith
Behrend | Taylor May
The brothers from the Alberta Chapter had another overall successful semester. We initiated seven new members into the bond, and most have already taken on leadership positions. Philanthropically, our We Want Your Pants clothing drive brought some laughs around campus due to our obscure attire. In the end we collected 30 bags of clothing to donate to the
During the spring semester our chapter proudly welcomed four new members into the brotherhood. This brought our chapter back up to 31 active members. We have had a tough semester filled with determination and brotherhood. We received the Brotherhood Cup Award for participating and being the most active fraternity on campus. Along with this, we won our
Delta Chi Quarterly
fourth consecutive Greek Week, placing first in nearly every event. Along with our physical successes, the chapter has been making great strides in our academic success over the past year. We have been striving for academic success, which has boosted our fraternity GPA above the all-men’s average. We also had a very successful 28th annual White Carnation Formal at the Peek n’ Peak resort that saw a great turnout from our alumni. Our current chapter “A”, Andrew Sanford, reflected on our year by saying, “Our men have worked harder than I’ve ever seen them work. I want to keep this momentum going into next year. With the right amount of morale and determination, anything is possible!”
alumni base, that we were able to accomplish so much over the past year. Moving forward, we will miss our graduating brothers very much. They laid the foundation for our chapter to achieve ultimate success during their time at UCM. We wish them all the very best in their future endeavors and look forward to the roles they play as alumni in the Brotherhood of a Lifetime.
Central Oklahoma Colony | Sam Watson The Central Oklahoma Colony had a great spring semester. We initiated two associate members to form our Alpha Class! We had our first philanthropic event, a car smash to raise money for The V Foundation. Our first brotherhood retreat was successful in helping us form stronger bonds with one another. It helped all of us focus, connect, and really understand what Delta Chi is all about. We have great plans for our future on campus!
Chapel Hill Colony | Liam Bendezu
Bowling Green | Brandon Luthman This spring, the Bowling Green Chapter initiated 13 associate members from the fall and pinned an additional four. This made our chapter one of the largest on campus. We had an exciting spring semester, when we raised over $500 for The V Foundation selling walking tacos in downtown Bowling Green. We sent five brothers to the Region VI Regional Leadership Conference at Kettering University in Flint, Michigan. They all appreciated the experience and had a great time with fellow brothers in the region. With the academic year coming to an end, we congratulate our graduating seniors and wish them the best in their future endeavors.
Delta Chi arrived at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill this spring and has already initiated 26 brothers. Guided by Delta Chi’s values, the brothers are committed to making an impact on campus and positively contributing to Greek Life at UNC. Despite our short time on campus, we have already begun participating in community service, building the brotherhood, and preparing for fall recruitment. The Colony would like to extend its thanks to the leadership consultants, alumni, and brothers who have helped lay the foundation for the future of Delta Chi at UNC. The best is yet to come!
Chico Colony | Nicholas Lyons We are ecstatic to announce our debut back into Chico State Greek Life as the Founding Fathers of the Chico Colony. Throughout the spring 2018 semester, a group of 52 young men were chosen by fraternity growth specialists to start the journey from colony to chapter anew. Enthusiasm has been bursting at the seams with eager and diverse individuals all seeking to contribute their unique views and sets of skills. We have been led by Leadership Consultant Davis Millard, and thanks to his guidance and teaching of Delta Chi, the brotherhood is ready to revive a legacy. On April 28, 2018 the members were initiated into the organization. Already we have gathered to volunteer in cooperation with California State University Chico to pass out water bottles to citizens passing by as they celebrated Cesar Chavez weekend. Delta Chi has also worked with Sigma Kappa during its National Service Day while cleaning up the streets of Chico. The various committees that have been established among the brotherhood are all currently brainstorming and outlining ideas to propel our image and influence in the upcoming semester. We are beyond excited to start this new journey together as brothers of Delta Chi!
Colorado State Colony | Kyle Johnson
Central Missouri | Ross Dickneite This past year, our chapter has reached a number of major milestones. We captured first place in Greek Week, thanks in large part to Brother Layne Davis who represented our chapter as Greek God. At the End of Year Greek Awards Ceremony, we took home seven of eight fraternity-specific chapter awards including Outstanding Public Relations, Outstanding Member Education, Outstanding Campus Involvement, Outstanding Social Responsibility, Outstanding Scholarship, Outstanding Philanthropy, and Outstanding Community Service. We were also incredibly honored to receive the 5-Star Fraternity of the Year Trophy. This is an award that is given to designate the best overall chapter on campus. The winning ways carried over to the ball field, as we used a complete team effort to capture the intramural softball championship. It was through the hard work of each and every active member, in addition to the contributions and unwavering support of our
It’s been another busy semester for everyone at Colorado State University! From alumni events to Mothers’ Weekend, this past spring semester has been a ton of fun. For some of the officers, this was our first RLC, and we learned so much from everyone at Mizzou. It was great to talk with other officers from chapters in the region and learn from each other. From this experience, we all gained important skills to pass on to our next generation of leaders and more importantly, a new desire for accountability and engagement in the chapter. We are all really encouraged by the level of excitement and commitment everyone is willing to put in moving forward. As always, it’s a great time to be in Delta Chi at CSU!
Cornell | Bradley Cohen Spring 2018 has been another excellent semester for the Cornell Chapter. We accomplished many goals with our new associate member class, successful philanthropic and annual events, and academics. This semester we welcomed 28 new outstanding individuals to our associate member class, including a healthcare company founder, professional photographer,
Friendship | Character | Justice | Education
and an applied medical mathematician. We are excited to see how our new members develop as individuals and contribute to the Fraternity and larger community. This semester was also successful for philanthropy, and the Chapter hosted Roll on the Knoll, raising $1,000 for The V Foundation for Cancer Research. Roll on the Knoll is a concert-style philanthropy event the chapter has hosted annually. Various student musicians had the opportunity to play in front of a crowd of brothers, sweethearts, and friends in a day full of great music, people, and food for a noble cause. We also recently hosted Parents’ Weekend and had over 150 parents and brothers in attendance. Parents’ Weekend is an incredible opportunity to welcome the families of newly initiated brothers and returning brothers. Those in attendance were treated to a Red and Buff Banquet, prepared by our incredible chef, Matthew Shreder, who is celebrating his first full year with our fraternity. As the school year comes to an end, we are proud to announce a successful recruitment period and wish our graduating brothers the best of luck in the future.
Delaware Colony | Daniel Intriago The Delaware Colony was once again heavily involved in raising money for the Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation via UDance, the yearly dance marathon hosted at The University of Delaware. All proceeds are distributed among families who are affected by pediatric cancer, to help with financial hardships, treatments, and research. Members of the Colony went canning, held raffles, and asked family members to help support the B+ Foundation. The brothers of Delta Chi, alongside members of other Greek and oncampus organizations, pledged to stand on their feet for 12 hours in support of the wonderful cause. Delta Chi came in second place among all the fraternities on campus with a total of $38,836 raised! Thank you to all the brothers who came to support us at UDance, and a big thank you to our B+ Hero, Von, for joining us!
Duquesne | Jeremy Schmitt The Duquesne Chapter of Delta Chi recently initiated 17 young men from the Beta Zeta associate member class into the bond of Delta Chi. These young men showed determination, enthusiasm, a positive mindset, and courage, which led them to join the brotherhood of a lifetime. Our philanthropy was successful, as we raised $1,765.73 for The V Foundation for Cancer Research. This past semester we continued our partnership with Circle-K and had great success with our annual “I Got Snagged for Jimmy V” philanthropy event. We raised over $1,000 from this event alone, exceeding our expectations. Our community service presence continues to thrive through Waste is Wack and Spring Clean UP. We are coming out of one of our most successful semesters in recent memory - placing first in Greek Sing/Dance and also placing first in Greek Week overall for the first time in years. Our chapter won several awards, including Best New Member Program, and our own Jimmy Cody won the Outstanding Greek Man of the Year. We are always continuing to grow and look for ways to become the best chapter we can be. We are looking forward to a very quick summer and successful fall semester.
Eastern Washington | Shaemus Houlihan Our brotherhood is more tightly knit than most chapters, because we all make an effort to know everyone who we want joining our brotherhood. This winter we brought in a class of five brothers, and this spring is looking similar with another class of five future brothers. As we have been bringing this new associate member class into our brotherhood, we got to show them that being part of the Fraternity isn’t just paying for friends. At formal this year, we had about 50 people staying at three different locations. Our main event for the weekend was going out to dinner at Dockside Restaurant in Coeur d’Alene. Shortly after, we had a community service cornhole tournament that we volunteered for along with Kappa Sigma. Near the end of May, we threw an alumni weekend so that we could reconnect with them and show them that the brotherhood is still thriving. We’re also excited for Greek Week coming up as we are practicing for the events. We’ve had football practice, but most of our members get practice in the intramural leagues playing on basketball and softball teams. Our basketball team played very well this season and is about to play in the championship game. The members on the softball team also had a great season and have won all of their games except one, which was a tie with the members of Beta Theta Pi. Alongside the intramural leagues, we also acquired a sizable fanbase. The fan section, as we have come to call it, has been loyal to the teams since the basketball team started playing in winter quarter. We’re hoping that they make an appearance for Greek Week!
East Stroudsburg | David Anderson The brothers at the East Stroudsburg Chapter had another successful semester. We initiated 12 new members into the fraternity, which is a large number for how small our chapter and campus is. We held many successful fundraising events, such as selling Yankee Candles as well as selling “dirt” dessert and holding a fundraiser at a local restaurant. Our chapter was also able to achieve second place in this year’s Greek Week. This year was also the third year in a row that the brothers won Relay for Life, winning most spirited team in attendance. Relay for Life is an incredibly important event that our chapter loves to attend, and we have been doing so for years. We hope to again achieve most spirited in the upcoming years, as well as trying to be the team that raises the most money. We are very proud to announce that three of our brothers have been elected as leaders on the Interfraternity Council Executive Board. Brother Casey Clearie was voted President, Brother Hafiz Tunis voted Treasurer, and Brother Allen Arentz was voted Public Relations/Recruitment. We are very confident that these three gentlemen will excel in being leaders for our Greek community.
Edwardsville Colony | Brandon Sweeney The Edwardsville Colony has been working hard this past year to grow our colony, become established on campus, and develop a great brotherhood. Most importantly, we have grown by recruiting fifteen new members, as well as three alumni initiates. This has allowed our brotherhood to grow into something special: a personable, close-knit friendship between each of us. Our brotherhood truly is thriving. All of our new members have jumped in and helped the Colony accomplish many things on campus. As a Colony, we have completed a total of 856 Community Service Hours volunteering and giving back to our local communities and campus. In our first year, we were able to host four philanthropy events to raise $4,306 for The V Foundation, placing us in the top fifteen for funds raised for Jimmy V by all Delta Chi Chapters and Colonies. Our biggest event, “Puppies, Pies, and Delta Chis,” raised $2,240 alone! It was also featured by The V Foundation in its Spring DIY Dispatch Newsletter and won two awards - the Region V RLC Outstanding V Foundation Event and SIUE’s Kimmel Award for Philanthropic Event of the Year. Even though we are so proud of what we have accomplished in our first year, we cannot wait to see what the future brings!
Delta Chi Quarterly
Florida State | Jaise Pino
Embry-Riddle | Rollin LeMand
Despite the current challenges we face from coming out of a school-wide Greek Life suspension here at Florida State, we were still able to achieve a variety of goals including our philanthropy, community outreach, and gaining new connections with alumni. This semester our chapter was proud to welcome a smaller than usual but still solid associate member class that was initiated in late March. In early April we hosted our first ever Delta Chi Cook Off Against Cancer philanthropy event to benefit The V Foundation. We are proud to announce that we broke our chapter’s record, raising more than double what we previously raised. We also had an excellent presence on our campus’ Relay for Life with 100% brother participation. In early May the fraternity congratulated nine seniors on their graduation. After a semester well done, our brotherhood is looking forward to a summer full of traveling, volunteering, and demonstrating what it means to be a Delta Chi.
This April, the brothers of Delta Chi at Embry-Riddle concluded our Lady of Leges philanthropy event. The majority of the contributions went to The V Foundation, and the rest was divided among other philanthropic organizations including Autism Speaks and Domestic Violence Awareness. The philanthropy event was split throughout an entire week, and the brothers managed to get several different Greek organizations on campus involved. It not only brought the Greek community and campus as a whole together, but it was a very unifying experience for brothers who helped out at each event.
Fredonia | Nakib Kabir
Ferrum | Matt Poirier Spring 2018 was a great one for the Ferrum Chapter. Our two events that we are most proud of are our First Annual Chili Cook Off and our formal weekend in Surf City, North Carolina. The chili cook off was a huge success. We had other Greek organizations, clubs, and sports teams enter their homemade chili and let the community decide who would come out on top. We charged two dollars for entry, and all the proceeds went towards The V Foundation. We managed to raise a few hundred dollars for the Foundation, which was awesome, and we can’t wait to hold this event again in the future. Our formal weekend was also a blast. We worked all year fundraising so we could afford it, and it was totally worth it. A fun time in the sun was had by all, and we can’t wait for next year.
The Fredonia Chapter placed a larger emphasis on alumni relations this semester. After five years of leadership and guidance, Joey Sienkiewicz stepped down as our alumni advisor. The Chapter elected Mike McMasters as our new “BB”. Furthermore, we implemented a newer ABT with updated roles in the hope of encouraging more alumni involvement. With the help of the newly appointed Alumni Board of Trustees, we were able to alumni initiate local businessman and entrepreneur, Joey Conti. Mr. Conti’s values align directly with Delta Chi’s, which made the decision to welcome him to our brotherhood an easy one. Our chapter also welcomed six new brothers to our fraternity, each bringing a new perspective on future endeavors. AMC’s Alex Czechowski and Nate Winn continued to lead by example by founding and growing their own off-campus housing business, Nexnest. The two competed in the WNY Student 2 Biz business plan competition and were the first representatives from Fredonia to win the competition. With only six seniors graduating and an exciting recruitment process in the works, the Fredonia Chapter is poised to have an outstanding end to the year.
Florida | Jackson Gore Our annual philanthropy event, D-Chi Tanic, raised nearly $1,000 for The V Foundation. We hosted a Mothers’ Weekend this semester during which the sisters and mothers of our brothers were able to tour our house and attend the Orange and Blue Spring Football Game. They were also treated to dinner at a restaurant downtown and brunch prepared by our chef the next morning. Many of our brothers have been recognized for their outstanding involvement in their respective organizations. Brother Paul Cleveland accepted an award from the Florida Cicerones for “Most Outstanding New Member.” Brother Matt Toplak was recently tapped into Florida Blue Key. Brother and former “A” Jake Dube was inducted into The University of Florida Hall of Fame for his passion and drive in numerous campus organizations, most notably Dance Marathon.
Fullerton | Bryan Kueter This past spring was a great semester for the Fullerton Chapter. We had the pleasure of initiating four new brothers who are already making
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strides towards executive board and chair positions. This was also the first semester in over a year that our campus held a Greek Week, and it was a new experience for many of our members. With the combined efforts of our partners, Pi Kappa Phi and Zeta Tau Alpha, we managed to place first in the softball tournament and lip sync battle, as well as raise over $3,000 for Camp Titan, a summer camp program for underprivileged children. With 14 seniors graduating, our chapter is greatly looking forward to our next fall semester and to what quality men recruitment will bring us.
Gannon | Aaron Bunting The Gannon Chapter will have a registered fraternity house on 236 West 3rd Street starting this August. There will be six active brothers living there, and we are looking forward to hosting social events next school year. We are confident that our numbers are going to increase greatly in the upcoming semesters. Next, we are proud to announce that we were very involved in the community this semester. We worked countless times with the Erie Contemporary Dance and Ballet whenever they needed help and volunteered at Gannon with events such as Walk for Autism and Dance Marathon. We will continue helping with these events in the coming semesters. Another important accomplishment from this past semester was establishing an Alumni Board of Trustees. The board consists of Ryan Genard, Kevin Caffrey, Ben Moore, Joe Rossi, Shawn Bush, and Molly Genard. All the current brothers would like to send a huge thanks to these individuals for their allegiance to the Chapter. We have been working with Ryan Genard and our “BB”, Bill Williams, on restructuring our chapter, and we are already seeing results. We have some great ideas for next fall, including hosting recruitment events that we believe will be very successful at the house. Finally, the 2018 Greek Week gold medal went to Delta Chi. We worked hard all week to outcompete the other fraternities mentally and physically. We had a lot of fun and are looking to win it every year from here on out.
George Mason | Evan Caldwell For this year’s Greek Week, we were paired with the women of Alpha Phi and the gentlemen of Theta Chi. After a long week of hard work by all three groups, we were able to successfully place first in Greek Week overall, helped in large part by our canned food drive where we were able to collect 12,800 lbs. We also strengthened our relations with both chapters and our overall brotherhood. Several members of our chapter, as well as one of our sweethearts, went out to lay wreaths at Arlington Cemetery to honor those who have served. One final highlight this semester included three of our brothers helping initiate the founding fathers of the newly formed Chapel Hill Colony.
and debated a variety of new methods to implement in order to help us accomplish all that we want our Chapter to become. Looking forward to the fall semester, we are extremely excited to host our 2nd Annual Casino Night philanthropy event. Finally, this year marks the 50th Anniversary from when Delta Chi first colonized at Georgia Southern (College) in 1968. We proudly invite all alumni and their guests to come back for a special celebration at Homecoming this year on Friday, October 5, hopefully to be held at Forest Heights Country Club (or similar venue). Our Homecoming Committee is working diligently to bring back all the living members from our first Colony, with the help of one original member, Charles Woods, as well as every “A” who has ever served at Georgia Southern. The Football game between GSU and South Alabama is on Saturday, October 6.
Georgia Tech | Anthony D’Achille This semester, the Georgia Tech Chapter had another successful Spring Rush and pinned fourteen great new associate members. They have not only become heavily involved within the chapter but also as leaders in the campus community. On another note, this spring we made a big philanthropic push, holding multiple fundraisers and our second annual Casino Philanthropy Night. Through our efforts, we managed to bring in almost $5,000 to donate to The V Foundation for Cancer Research! As our first semester with the newly renovated and expanded house comes to a close, we want to take a moment, once again, to thank all the Delta Chi alumni who helped give us this house. We look forward to enjoying it for many years to come. And last but not least, we have fourteen awesome brothers graduating this spring; we wish them the best!
Hobart | Nicholas Ludorf Georgia Southern | Cole Chambless As has become tradition each spring, we hosted our 16th Annual Parents’ Weekend, beginning with a tour of our house, followed by a catered dinner from Vandy’s BBQ and then several games of bowling. We ended the night together with live music at Dingus MaGee’s. Perhaps our most impactful event in recent memory was the Chapter Retreat. Our new “B”, Brett Franqui, surveyed the members ahead of time and put together a detailed analysis of our individual interests, involvement on campus, and goals we want to see our Chapter accomplish. During the retreat, we discussed
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Our actives had quite the busy semester this spring as we added two intramural championships to our growing record of athletic successes. First, Brothers Thompson and Tansill led our floor hockey team to victory in a well-attended championship against another house on campus. Standout players were our “F”, Brother Dellicicchi, who led a ferocious offensive on the opposing team’s goal, and Brother McDonald, the only goalie in the entire house. Our second intramural championship was a great game of softball, in which Captain Manuel was able to lead the team to victory, despite being confined to the bench due to an ankle sprain that took place in the first inning. Our brothers carried this effort and pride in the house back to our dining room, where we painted the walls and stained picnic tables so that we may have a larger communal dining room for our rapidly
growing brotherhood. These improvements were showcased during Greek Week, in which we participated in and hosted events for the rest of the student body to attend and get to know the brotherhood better. The event we hosted was an interfraternal cook-off where house grillmaster, Brother Sutherland, cooked up some great hot dogs and cheeseburgers for our visitors. Our brotherhood looks forward to coming back to campus in the fall and will remain well-connected over the summer in our various jobs and summer activities.
Huntsville | Jonah Estrada After multiple successful recruitment seasons in the past few years, our chapter is turning its attention toward increasing brotherhood events and fostering the sense of camaraderie we cherish. In spring of 2018, we have had great success with numerous events that have brought brothers from all stages of life together. We hosted a car show titled Rocket City Motor Madness at our chapter house and we had an excellent turnout of cars and guests. Brothers and associate members worked in conjunction to plan and organize the event and to check out sweet rides and enjoy the beautiful weather. Most recently we hosted a crawfish boil as an alumni event. This event brought out brothers, associate members, and alumni alike to enjoy great food and company. Our chapter has grown in strides over the past few years, and we hope to continue ensuring that all Delta Chi brothers in the Huntsville area, whether currently in university or alumni, can feel at home in the Huntsville Chapter.
Iowa | Ethan Altmayer In the face of adversity, the Iowa Chapter has seen incredible acts of character, strength, and courage from its members. This semester, we have added thirteen new gentlemen to our brotherhood who have contributed to the growth of the Fraternity by taking up positions in our minor board and judicial board. Our chapter and its members have been preparing for an important upcoming semester where our points of emphasis will include recruiting and committing members to the Fraternity through brotherhood and leadership activities. Together, brothers new and old continue to live and strive by the pillars of Delta Chi.
just had our roof replaced after the tornado damage. We have redone the cabinets and floor and repainted the walls in the kitchen. We repainted all the walls inside the house, along with the columns on the front of the house. Our brothers have worked very hard to get a 3.1 GPA this semester. We have planned some very exciting recruitment events for the summer to help find some great men who will help to further improve our chapter.
Kansas State | Jack Dunfield The spring semester for the Kansas State Chapter was packed full of events and brotherhood. The semester started off strong when we sent 14 brothers to the Region IV Leadership Conference at The University of Missouri. We are excited to announce that we will be hosting the next Region IV Leadership Conference in spring of 2019! We then continued our semester with our Philanthropy Cookout for Cancer Research, for which we paired up with Beta Theta Pi for the second year in a row to raise $2,600 for The V Foundation. The chapter also welcomed 11 new members, propelling us to 69 active members. We then hosted our Spring Alumni Weekend with 18 alumni coming back into town for a baseball game, lunch, and brotherhood. We rounded out the semester by inviting our moms back for Moms’ Day, during which we also hosted an auction with our moms to raise $3,500 for our education foundation.
Kent State Colony | Stevan Krainovich We just completed our first full year on campus here at Kent State, and what an experience it has been! This past semester was an exciting one, where we finally took the lead on many projects and began to make our colony unique to our campus. Our “F”, Logan Stockton. was busy setting up many workshops. such as Green Dot certification to know signs of sexual assault. as well as participating in an alcohol awareness workshop. In addition, community service has been a large part of our brotherhood. Aaron Cline, our Brotherhood Chair, has been setting up events around the community including a joint service project with the sisters of Chi Omega, to pass out food to people in need. We haven’t lost sight of building a strong relationship with our Greek brothers and sisters here on campus. We’ve had fun at our socials, which not only gave us the chance to meet new people but also strengthen our brotherhood. We are also excited for our philanthropy being planned for the fall semester. Our first Jimmy VK is in the works, as our Philanthropy Chair, Collin Cyprowski, has been working hard to make this the best philanthropy event possible. We are hoping to raise between $10,000$15,000 for The V Foundation. We can’t wait to share what success we have next semester!
Iowa State | Kelby Schultz This past semester was a busy one for the Iowa State Chapter. Greek Week was one highlight. We competed in many competitions and placed top three in karaoke, spirit, olympics, and tournaments, putting us in third place overall. This was all done while raising almost $300,000 dollars for the Special Olympics of Iowa, with our special olympian, Tyler Leech, and the rest of the Sorority and Fraternity Community at Iowa State. We also got a generous donation of $2,000 dollars for The V Foundation for Cancer Research from The Union. The Union is an apartment complex where our members will be living for the 2018-2019 school year. We are excited to experience many other things as brothers in Delta Chi.
Jacksonville State | Karl Culver The Jacksonville State Chapter is currently working on making improvements to our house. We have cleaned out all the flower beds and replaced them with new coniferous evergreens, bushes, and beautiful bright red flowers. After that we added new lava rock instead of the mulch we had before. We
Kettering A | Christian Ybarra This past academic year, the men of the Kettering-A Chapter have had an assortment of success and growth. The Chapter doubled in size with the newly initiated class, which was the largest of any Greek organization on campus! Along with this growth, there has been expansion in many areas, such as community service and campus involvement. The men of Delta Chi were able to raise a sizeable amount of funds for The V Foundation through many events, such as Pie a Delta Chi, which was accompanied by the Resident Assistant of the on-campus dorms. The Chapter has also added three sweethearts and two lavalieres to the Chapter! The Chapter continues to grow and work towards continuing the success on and off campus.
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Kettering B | Declan Rickards-Blaeuer This spring term, Kettering-B is proud to have eight new associate members, one of the larger new member classes on campus. We have begun working with our A section to prepare for our 20-year anniversary this coming fall. We are a core part of our campus’ community, holding our local IFC’s president position and many officer positions for clubs. We also organized the largest IFC fundraiser of the term.
a goal for several years now. The Livingston Chapter has also established a great community service opportunity, as we have partnered with our University’s History Department to take care of Fort Tombecbe, a local fort that has been taken under the University’s care. We also achieved great academic success, with several of our brothers being inducted into different honor societies. We also have four brothers: Hunter Stuart, Hayes Eckert, Jake Thompson, and Quincey White, who will be graduating. These brothers have been crucial to the success of the Livingston Chapter, and we believe they will further the values of our fraternity as they continue onto another chapter of their lives. Finally, we Chapter dominated our University’s Greek Games that are held annually, placing first in all but one event. This has only been the second time since 2009 that the Livingston Chapter has placed first. We are looking forward to the fall as we continue to grow and further improve the brotherhood.
Long Beach | Mason Huber Kingsville Colony | Kyle Kendrick The spring semester was a very good one for the Kingsville Colony. We had two members initiated at RLC, while also having 14 active members attend! While at RLC, our President, Kyle Kendrick, won Delta Chi of the year for Region III, while the entire Colony won the brotherhood award. Our brother, Ruben Martinez, was elected President of our Student Government Association on campus. As the semester was winding down, we held one more fundraiser for The V Foundation, which brought us to a total of almost $500 raised for the entire semester. Towards the tail end of the semester, we also competed in our University’s Greek Week, in which we won first place for the second year in a row in only our third year on campus.
Livingston | Conner Chapman The spring of 2018 has been a great semester for the Livingston Chapter! Many goals were accomplished by our new executive committee, including creating an established Alumni Weekend. This is the first time that the Livingston Chapter has ever held an event of this type, and even with inclement weather, it was a success. It was a great opportunity for our chapter to further our bond with our alumni. The Livingston Chapter also returned to New Orleans for our annual White Carnation Ball, which has been
Delta Chi Quarterly
To conclude our spring 2018 semester, we have a total of six actives who are moving to alumni status. We also hosted an Alumni Rededication Ceremony for seven brothers. We had very successful events, and we all grew much closer as a chapter. We took this semester to do a lot of planning for the upcoming fall semester and to conduct an internal review of our chapter culture and operations. We believe that we are ready for next semester with our new rush plan and new associate member program made with the help of Brian Lafond and Jarrod Aghily.
LSU | Cameron Pelitere The LSU Chapter had an incredible semester filled with many sensational events and memories that we are excited to share. Throughout the semester, we put on two stellar philanthropy events led by our Philanthropy Chair, Jackson Buhler. The first event was our annual Kick it for Cancer kickball tournament in which nine sororities on campus participated and helped us raise $950 for The V Foundation. Our second event, which was brand new, was called Delta Diner, where we raised over $2,000. On the social side, we recently hosted our annual White Carnation Ball at the Great Southern Club in Biloxi, Mississippi. Our brothers and their dates got to spend an evening in paradise with dinner, dancing, and live entertainment. We were also honored to host Region III’s Regional Leadership Conference where chapters from Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas traveled to LSU to meet our brothers and learn about our international fraternity and what we can all do to improve. We are excited to announce we are the recipients of this year’s Regent’s Cup, marking us as the most accomplished chapter in our region for the second time in a row. To finish the year off strong, we hosted our Parents’/Alumni Weekend to catch up with our alumni, show our parents all the improvements we’ve made over the semester, and have all our brothers and family send us off into finals the right way. We hosted a crawfish boil, a silent auction which raised $3,500, and closed off with a cookout and baseball watch party between LSU and South Carolina. Finally, we recruited and are helping guide a great associate member class of nine men under the careful leadership of AMC Casey Prendergast. We are excited to see what they can do for our chapter in the future, and we are excited to initiate them into the bond. This semester has gone so well for us, and we’re looking forward to the fall to see how we can keep getting better!
Michigan | Cross Pagano
Massachusetts | Roberto Martinez The Massachusetts Chapter has been working very hard this semester. The brothers participated in over six different fundraising events for the UMass For The Kids (FTK) organization. They raised over $1,000 and participated in the 12-hour Dance Marathon during this year’s Greek Week. In addition to UMass FTK, the Upsilon class partnered with Chipotle to raise money for The V Foundation. Chipotle donated half the proceeds from each order for every person who mentioned Delta Chi. This semester we transitioned from our typical Alumni BBQ to an Alumni Weekend. The weekend consisted of a Kan Jam tournament, two large scale cookouts, and a nice evening dinner. The brothers are sad to see nine seniors graduate but look forward to seeing them next fall for the 10th anniversary banquet.
The Michigan Chapter has recently concluded a successful and exciting semester in Ann Arbor. Our chapter pinned and initiated ten new brothers, marking another great recruitment process following the 30 new brothers initiated in the fall. These new members provided a great presence, along with the rest of the brotherhood, at our annual spring philanthropy event, Marco Madness, an all-Greek 5-on-5 basketball tournament held at Michigan’s Crisler Center. This year Marco Madness raised over $20,000 for the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., where our brother, Marco Gutierrez, was treated for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia during his freshman year. This cause inspires an incredible sense of brotherhood in the Chapter and is an event we hold with great pride year after year. Additionally, the brothers of the Michigan Chapter continue to be extremely grateful for the brand new chapter house, built with donations from our incredibly generous alumni. We encourage all alumni to join us this coming fall, as we will be hosting our annual Alumni Reunion during the Homecoming game against Maryland. We hope to see as many alumni there as possible and look forward to a great weekend of Michigan football.
Minnesota | Peyton Riebel The Minnesota Chapter had a very successful week of philanthropy events, starting with visiting and helping out at the local Feed My Starving Children. We also hosted a volleyball tournament along with a spaghetti dinner to help raise money for The V Foundation. All in all it was a fun and successful time.
Miami | Teja Atluri It has been a very eventful semester for the Miami Chapter. We are excited to announce that we welcomed 29 new brothers this spring. Following a successful philanthropy event, we have amassed over 1,000 hours of community service. Our service events ranged from volunteering at nursing homes in the area on Friday afternoons to collecting trash by the sides of local roads in Oxford. The highlight of the semester was receiving the Chapter of the Year award, given to us by the University. We look forward to our future successes in the semesters to come.
Mississippi State | Alec Chism It is a great time to be a brother of the Mississippi State Chapter, as we continue to work to become the best Delta Chi men we possibly can be. Over the past year, the chapter has seen many improvements in everything from brotherhood to academic success. At the conclusion of the 2017-2018 year, we are proud to announce we are once again a top campus chapter in terms of academics, community service hours, and money raised. None of this would be possible without the incredible support from our chapter alumni, house corporation, and ABT. We look forward to the incredible housing renovations scheduled to take place this summer and cannot wait to get back into the house to start fall recruitment and get our numbers back up again.
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Missouri | Thomas Duncan
Ohio State | Keaton Goshorn
This semester was fantastic for the Missouri Chapter. We hosted Region IV’s RLC, which was an incredible experience, welcoming our fraternity brothers to see our beautiful campus and to grow with them. At RLC our chapter “BB”, Mark Sexton, was voted Region IV’s new Regent. We couldn’t be prouder or more excited for him. We also hosted our second annual Jimmy V Gala and raised $10,000. Brothers John Kurpius and Mark Bremer were elected to the IFC Executive Board, and Brother Jake Helein was elected to the IFC Judicial Board. We finished off the semester by initiating eight new members.
During this semester we were continuously tested regarding the state of Greek Life here at The Ohio State University. As a result, we are stronger and closer than ever, as we have learned that we must rely on each other to get through this time. In May we had five seniors become alumni of this great brotherhood. The graduating seniors include: Brendan Millich, Jack Staub, Essa Al Nuaman, Evan McDowell, and Colin Curry. We are excited for the future, and we hope to continue our growth here at The Ohio State University.
Montclair | Matt Naimaister As another year comes to a close, the Montclair Chapter celebrates another successful semester. Our chapter achieved 5-Star status with the University once again, after going above and beyond with our completion of RedHawk Accreditation. It is also with great pleasure that I announce for the third year in a row that our chapter has won the cup and title of Greek Week Champions. We would like to congratulate the 11 men who have completed the associate member process this semester to become brothers of Delta Chi. We would also like to give our best wishes to the 13 brothers graduating this semester. All of them have been outstanding members and have contributed to the success of the Chapter in their own way. We would like to especially recognize graduating brothers Tyler Griesbach, Nick Woods, Louis Carcamo, Ed Dundon, Sam Abbaticola, Doug Arouh, Anthony Vitrano, and Phil Thompson for their hard work on our executive board throughout their active years. A big thanks is also in order for our Alumni Board of Trustees for their continued support and advice whenever needed. With 51 current active brothers, the most in over a decade, the Montclair Chapter continues to thrive.
Northwestern | Carrick Scripa The Northwestern Chapter had a variety of events this past quarter. We culminated a year of fundraising for Dance Marathon, a campus-wide philanthropy event that raised money for Cradles to Crayons Chicago. Our Dance Marathon team was the largest in chapter history and included many new members from a successful recruitment period. Additionally, the chapter completed a variety of service events, including passing out pamphlets at the local Evanston Library. Finally, brothers participated in a fun rock climbing event in downtown Chicago.
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Oregon State | Jeffrey Lofurno Spring term is the busiest time of the year here at Oregon State. We had our most successful fundraising week for The V Foundation in recent history, raising $1,300 and nearly doubling last year’s effort. Organized by Andrew Rockhold, we rebranded the week and named it, “Puppies, Pies, and D-Chis.” During the week, participants were able to pay to pie our members. The final event to end the week was a pizza-eating competition on our front lawn. We also won Delta Delta Delta’s philanthropy, “Delta Dunk,” by a large margin, continuing our consistent streak of philanthropy podium finishes. On top of philanthropies, we also just finished off Spring Family Weekend, which we celebrated with Delta Delta Delta. Our Vice President, Joseph Sullivan, took the lead on this and couldn’t have done a better job. Our tradition for the weekend is a basket auction, which raised $3,800 this year. The money we raised will be going to a renovation of our sleeping porch, kitchen, dining room, and sun deck, beginning this June.
Oshkosh | Timothy Lange With over half of the chapter being new members this semester, it was important to the chapter leadership that we execute events that our new members care about. At the conclusion of the associate member program this past fall, our associate members sat down with the older members of the Fraternity and talked about what their goals were for Delta Chi. All of them expressed an interest in doing more service and philanthropy events. As a result, the Chapter has been doing much more service and philanthropy. So far, we have raised money for The V Foundation by doing a lift-a-thon. The brother who lifted the most weights was Tim Lange, and the brother who raised the most money was Derek Rademacher. In total the chapter raised $157.00 through this event. We volunteered with the Masonic Lodge for the wrestling events hosted there. On the first weekend in April, the chapter volunteered in Green Bay with Encompass Early Education, Inc. We worked their annual event called “The Big Event For Little Kids.” The members who attended helped out with several aspects of the event, such as serving food and helping the kids climb into bulldozers. The day yielded nine service hours for every member who attended. Looking ahead to service and philanthropy events still to come, there will be a cash raffle drawing to raise money for The V Foundation during formal, as well as a small silent auction to raise money towards our budget. The chapter is busy but proud to be making a difference in the community and beyond!
Penn State | Mike Steppe The Penn State Chapter was very active during the spring semester. We opened up the semester taking part in Penn State’s THON, a 46-hour dance marathon in which all the proceeds go towards curing pediatric cancer. The partnership of Delta Chi and the sisters of Kappa Kappa Gamma proudly raised $63,460.14, all for the kids. Three Delta Chi brothers danced the 46 hours, while the rest of the brotherhood cheered them on from the stands. This semester we hosted the first annual Delta Chi IFC Combine, an event mirroring the NFL Combine. Several fraternities from Penn State sent representatives to compete in events against one another to take home the trophy. Events included: most pull ups, fastest 40-yard dash, and highest vertical jump, in addition to a few others. After entrance fees and an event sponsorship from 5Star Nutrition Shop, we were able to make a sizeable donation to The V Foundation. This was an event we loved hosting and hope to grow even larger in years to come. Lastly, we are very proud to welcome the twenty newly-initiated brothers for this spring semester. We cannot wait to see what the next school year has in store for us!
Purdue | Justin Ayer This spring, the Purdue Chapter initiated 14 new members. We hosted our annual dodgeball tournament to raise money for The V Foundation. We continue to emphasize community service through volunteering in our annual highway cleanup and for Goodwill. Our brotherhood continues to put an emphasis on strengthening our bond by having bowling nights and poker nights. Finally, our newly elected executive board is full of new faces and is ready to bring new ideas to help improve our chapter in the upcoming semester.
Radford | Patrick McGovern Pittsburgh | Brent Oleksak The Pittsburgh Chapter had a big semester! In January we welcomed eight of the best men on campus as associate members. These gentlemen made up Pittsburgh’s Alpha Zeta Class, and with the help of Tri Delta, they raised over $150 through a bake sale benefiting The V Foundation and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Our Greek Sing team competed with ladies of Delta Zeta to bring home 3rd place. We also brought home several awards for both individuals and the Chapter. At The University of Pittsburgh’s Blue Stars, Red Carpets Awards, Delta Chi was presented the best Greek Organization of 2018, and our Associate Member Counselor, Kenny White, was given the Dean’s Award. At the Greek Awards Ceremony, Kenny White won Greek Man of the Year, Malcolm Hoffman won Chapter President of the Year and Interfraternity Council Member of the Year, Vice President Christian Beveridge won Greek Scholar of the Year, and Dr. Tim Corcoran (Lehigh alumnus) won Faculty Advisor of the Year. Finally, our chapter took home Pitt’s Cathedral Cup, which is awarded to the most outstanding Greek organization on campus.
During the spring semester, the Radford Chapter successfully recruited new members who exhibit all the qualities of respectable Delta Chi gentlemen. We elected a new Executive Board that proudly and actively supports our chapter with the utmost respect. The Chapter held our annual philanthropy “Jimmy V Week” benefitting The V Foundation, which consisted of a 3v3 basketball tournament, a trivia game show, and donation tables around campus. We successfully raised over $1,000 for The V Foundation. The Chapter actively participated in major philanthropies on campus and donated a significant amount of hygiene products to the less fortunate families of our community. Overall, this spring semester was a tremendous success for the Radford Chapter!
Riverside | Andrew Del Valle This winter we held our annual Martlet Madness philanthropic basketball tournament. It was open to the entire campus, and both men’s and women’s teams were eligible to participate. It was a week-long event, with each day of the week having a different event occurring. We filled our school’s SRC with players and spectators alike! At the conclusion of the event we managed to raise $6,000 for The V Foundation. This is the most we have ever raised, and we could not be more proud of our chapter.
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South Dakota State | Zachary Kovach This year at South Dakota State University, we held our second annual lockin. Brother Matt Kunerth, a recent alumnus, took the lead in organizing the event. There had recently been a blizzard, so we had to cancel the outdoor activities, but we still managed to hold a number of individual and team events. We endured physical challenges such as balancing ping pong balls on spoons while traversing an obstacle course or having to balance a ping pong ball on a spoon while an opponent tries to knock yours away while you are trying to knock his ball away. We also faced mental challenges including a survivor-esque game of memory and Delta Chi trivia. Many of our active members showed up, and we all put up a valiant effort, but we only had three victors who all received Delta Chi flags, and the winner received the traveling trophy for the next year. The winner was alumnus Nathaniel Condelli, in second we had brother Jordan Pierce, and securing third was former lock-in champion John Schuh. It was a fun-filled night with many challenges and strengthened our chapter’s brotherhood.
Rutgers | John Mnich The Rutgers Chapter has returned back on campus after a one-year suspension. Our brotherhood took this very seriously and worked diligently to have the best return possible. We have cleared many hurdles together as a unit, but the journey is far from over. Since our return, we have taken the next steps to make our chapter as great as possible. We welcomed our first associate member class in almost a year and one-half. Standing at 13 members strong, this crop of exceptional young men has the potential to elevate our brotherhood to unforeseen heights. Even in the early stages, these men have demonstrated that they possess the key qualities of our brotherhood and are flourishing into the future leaders of the chapter. In addition to getting our associate member program up and running, our brothers have made substantial progress in building a strong connection to our alumni. We plan to host the First Annual White Carnation Banquet for the friends, family, and alumni who have been our pillars of strength throughout our journey. We hope this event becomes a tradition we can pass down for decades to come. With our on-campus status, we have put even more effort into our support for The V Foundation. Our brotherhood has raised hundreds of dollars since our return, and we hope to make this the standard for generations to come. Our chapter is on the rise once more. The Executive Board is fully dedicated to leading the brotherhood not only to a 4-star rating but also to give back to our community and enrich the lives of everyone we encounter.
San Bernardino Colony | Roberto Solis The San Bernardino Colony started the year by recruiting the Beta class, which we had the honor to initiate a few weeks ago. We are now starting the process of recruiting for our Gamma class during the spring quarter. Winter quarter was great, as we became established by participating in several philanthropies and events with sororities on campus, ending with our classic volunteer event with Kappa Delta Chi. This spring quarter we celebrated our first anniversary, and we are looking to bigger events such as the second parents’ day and our SemiFormal. We would like to congratulate Brother Manuel Macias, who will serve as Leadership Consultant for Delta Chi after graduation.
South Florida | Taylor Burke This semester was probably one of the busiest that we have ever had, between our philanthropy event, 20th anniversary of our local chapter founding, and of course a spring associate member class. With our 20th anniversary, we brought back men who haven’t even seen our house, and they were humbled and excited to see what they started has turned into. There were five events over five days that brought alumni and the active chapter together to a new level. With our Philanthropy event, Lady of the Leges, we didn’t quite break our record from last year but still raised over $13,000 for The V Foundation. Our spring class wasn’t as big as our previous fall class, but we still were able to get 10% of all potential new members to join Delta Chi. We ended up initiating five men. For the first time ever we also won “Cheertoss,” which is Alpha Delta Pi’s philanthropy. With that victory and our victory in the fall, we won both major philanthropies for our campus.
Southern Illinois | Chris Trojanowski The Southern Illinois Chapter has had an interesting semester. Battling against reduced enrollment, we initiated a respectable spring semester associate member class of six members, bouncing back from losses in the
Delta Chi Quarterly
previous semester. The biggest highlight of the semester was working with Barrister Capital Corporation to purchase a new chapter house that will house 16 brothers, which is just about half of our entire chapter. We are very optimistic that this beautiful new house will help us tremendously with recruitment, as we continue to grow the brotherhood here at the Southern Illinois Chapter. We also had the honor of spending time with one of the Founding Fathers of our first chapter at SIU, Emil Spees. It is always a pleasure to sit down with him and hear some great stories from the past. Lastly we capped off our semester by hosting our 12th annual Kimball Classic golf scramble that raised over $1,400 for The V foundation.
Spring Hill | William Snyder The past semester has been an amazing semester full of growth for our chapter. In January, we recruited eleven new men through the formal recruitment process. During their time, they grew tremendously both together as a class and individually as respectable young men. As a class they accomplished a lot, from raising money for The V Foundation to coordinating their own service projects. This semester our chapter was also able to set a new record for our donation to The V Foundation through our first annual philanthropy event, a 5K race on St. Patrick’s Day. This event was so successful that our chapter was nominated by our college for an award and won. We look forward to more growth and good times next semester.
Tarleton | Matt Schaefer The Tarleton Chapter has had a successful 2017-2018 school year. We made great strides in recruitment, starting the fall semester with seven active members. We are now at 27 active members! We hope to continue this growth and become one of the greatest chapters on campus. We also have members in several leadership positions including orientation leaders, IFC, and SGA. To round off the spring, we celebrated the 30th anniversary of our chartering in April.
recruitment, our chapter was hard at work making necessary cosmetic changes to our lodge. Thanks to one of our newly initiated brothers, Tristan Flores, our chapter secured a brand new chapter room floor, featuring a fully refinished layer of epoxy and a pristine engraving of our beloved letters in gold. In addition to the new floor, our brothers were hard at work repainting the rest of our chapter room. We could not be more pleased with the finished product, and these much-needed renovations are sure to aid us in our recruitment efforts for years to come. Following the chapter room renovations, our chapter jumped into spring recruitment. We were able to recruit eight associate members, seven of whom are freshmen. As these young men near initiation, we are confident they will have an impact on our chapter for the remainder of their years as undergraduates and beyond. Following spring recruitment, our chapter saw a breakthrough semester in terms of our philanthropic efforts for The V Foundation. We organized a give back night at Panda Express that yielded a whopping $750. Our current donation total sits at $850, placing us well on track to achieve our donation goal of $1,000 to The V Foundation by the end of the semester. Some other highlights of our semester included participation in community service efforts with a local food bank, a local animal shelter, and the Lubbock-wide service event “Tech to Town.” As the semester comes to a close, we look forward to even more success in the fall and are beyond elated to be hosting our brothers of Region III next year for RLC. Wreck ‘em!
Troy | Cameron Vance The spring semester at Troy University was great for the Chapter and ended on a high note. Our associate member class was initiated into the brotherhood of a lifetime. We also ended the semester with our annual Luau Week benefiting The V Foundation. During the week there were various events that raised money for the Foundation. This year it included events such as Pelt-A-Chi, a spirit night at a local restaurant called Momma Goldberg’s, and our annual Miss Luau pageant. We closed out the Luau week being able to donate around $4,500. We have now switched our focus to the fall and are diving into recruitment and planning our fall philanthropy.
Texas Tech | Daniel Balli The Texas Tech Chapter enjoyed a phenomenal spring semester that included achievements in philanthropic efforts, an excellent spring associate member class, and immaculate housing renovations. Prior to spring
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Truman State | Derek White
Valdosta | Kyle Nolan
The Truman State Chapter recently celebrated the 40th anniversary of our chartering. In a weekend filled with fun activities, more than 250 alumni and their spouses came to see how the Chapter has progressed. The weekend was planned in a collaborative effort by Larry Nothnagel (one of the Chapter’s founding fathers), Brian Drake (former “A”), Greg Robson (current “A”), Derek White (chapter “E”), and the rest of the Alumni Board of Trustees. The alumni of the chapter were able to enjoy not only mingling with members of their associate member classes and other brothers from their era, but they also were able to meet many of the current active brothers. All of the alumni joined together in the evening for an outstanding dinner hosted at the El Kadir Shriner’s Club, where many of the Chapter’s distinguished graduates, as well as the International President, Aaron Otto, gave wonderful speeches about the bond of brotherhood and the outstanding success of the Chapter. The biggest highlight of the weekend seemed to be the unveiling of the renovated “Kimball’s,” a building behind the chapter house used to host a wide variety of events. Our alumni raised over $40,000 in order to renovate the building, and they seemed to be more than pleased with the outcome.
This spring, the Valdosta Chapter took off strong, holding its very first Joshua Dykes Memorial Golf Tournament. The tournament went perfectly and raised almost $10,000, which was split between the golf course; Joshua Dykes son, Brandon; and The V Foundation. We have also had success in our sports, winning the IFC football tournament and placing in the semifinals for both intramural softball and football. This year also marks 50 years of the Valdosta Chapter being on campus, so we are very excited to celebrate at homecoming! One of our new members, Nathan Main, won New Member of the Year, and we also received the Greek Cup for most participation and success in intramural the past year.
UNLV Colony | Cameron Francis This semester, the UNLV Colony has been very active in our community. We volunteered at an elementary school near campus and with the Disability Resource Center on campus. In addition to being active in our community, we have been very active in Student Government and Interfraternity Council on campus. Brother Jon of our colony, was elected VP of Administration of the Interfraternity Council. Also, during the spring semester, we placed first in Tri Sigma’s Sigma Sail Off. We raised over $700 for their philanthropy. We hope to raise more in future philanthropy events on campus.
Virginia Commonwealth | Warren Ochs The brothers of the Virginia Commonwealth Chapter are celebrating their 28th year on the beautiful campus of Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. This semester started off strong with brothers Gustavo Rivas and Ricky Nguyen being elected to the executive board of The Interfraternity Council. The Chapter put a focus on philanthropy and community service this spring with the successful Street Adoption of the 1300 Block of Cary St in front of our chapter house, participating in The Shiver in The River event (benefiting Keep Virginia Beautiful), cheering on athletes at Special Olympics Virginia, assisting with the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k (benefiting VCU Massey Cancer Center), and holding numerous local events for The V Foundation.
USP | Kevin Akey We have three of our active brothers on our Student Government Association E-board, one active brother on the InterGreek Council as Vice President of Programming, another active brother is the President of the business honors organization, Phi Beta Lambda, and we have five other active brothers in various pharmacy-related organizations all serving on the E-Board.
Whitewater | Jacob Howard The Whitewater Chapter had a very successful semester. Our active members have put in countless hours towards achieving the goals that we set for ourselves, such as our community engagement, alumni outreach, philanthropy, and most importantly, our academics. Sitting at 69 members strong, we are proud to have such a strong brotherhood and workforce to achieve the goals that we set for ourselves each year. Something BIG is coming to Whitewater this upcoming fall! We will be hosting our 10/50-Year Anniversary Event, and we would love for anyone who is interested to attend. We have plenty of interesting events planned for the weekend, such as a
Delta Chi Quarterly
sponsored golf outing to support our philanthropy, a pig roast/cookout at our chapter house, and an alumni rededication ceremony. This will be the biggest and most important event our chapter has ever hosted, and we are very excited to show our brothers how strong our brotherhood is!
to create and plan events during the summer to help effectively become more productive towards the fall semester, building on the success of the previous semester.
William & Mary | Jared Ford This spring we added six new members to the Chapter as part of the Alpha Delta associate member class. This put us at 60 active brothers, making us the third largest fraternity here at William & Mary. We take pride in our size and strong presence within the Williamsburg, William & Mary, and Greek communities. We currently have four brothers on the IFC conduct board, one brother serving as the VP of Programming, and junior brother Jerry Shaen currently serving as the IFC president. We will continue promoting participation and leadership for years to come, and we hope to positively affect and leave our mark on every community in which we exist. This semester we implemented our new philanthropy, Delta KaraoChi, with which we raised over $3,000 for The V Foundation for Cancer Research. Our new philanthropy chair, Sam McIntyre, will look to build upon this success for next year. We recently had our annual Fathers’ Weekend, during which around 20 fathers of active brothers gathered here on campus from all around the country for a great weekend.
Wilmington | Kadison Clarke The spring semester was a busy one for the Wilmington Chapter. Throughout the semester, brothers worked hard not only on their academics but also on philanthropic efforts. The Wilmington Chapter came together and threw the “Pie-A-Chi� event to support The V Foundation for Cancer Research, raising over $120! Our President, Nat Mavis, was also nominated for Fraternity President of the Year. The Wilmington Chapter also helped initiate the newly founded Chapel Hill Colony. Many of our brothers are looking at different internships over the summer, including Brother Ivan Browning, who will be interning for the Alcami Corporation. The Wilmington Chapter would also like to congratulate Blake Mueller, Sean Vallabh, Andy Nielson, Mike Calderale, Nat Mavis, Alexander Kuppler, and Caleb Key on graduating and starting a new chapter in their lives. Go Seahawks!
Wisconsin | William Stern This spring we have seen our younger members step up into leadership positions and provide us with an exciting glimpse of the future of our chapter. We were able to participate in service and philanthropy opportunities throughout the semester all over campus and in the community. Our brotherhood continues to provide the bedrock for our chapter, and it is as strong as ever. A trip to Colorado, a pre-semester retreat, and countless late nights spent in a full study room have been a blast as always. A fresh Executive Board is in place and readily preparing, along with our Rush Chair and Associate Member Counselor, for a stellar fall recruitment to help us continue on our upward trajectory.
Windsor | Kwaku Poku-Adutwum This semester was a big step towards increased community involvement for the Windsor Chapter. We spearheaded the semester with a month-long can drive every Tuesday and Wednesday. We collected hundreds of cans through students and faculty members and donated them to local food banks. We also hosted an Italian Cuisine fundraiser, bringing together brothers, friends, families, and other members within the Greek community to mingle. Our brothers have dedicated themselves to their studies and extracurricular activities. Brother Aryan Memarzadeh performed in Windsor Hall, showing his exceptional skills on the flute with the University Wind Ensemble. Brother Aaron Sahota has attended conferences in New York, demonstrating his abilities to problem solve and delegate. Our chapter has also taken initiatives
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Those Who Have Passed These men have lived among us for a time, and we have been honored to call them brothers. Now they are gone, and we bid them a fond farewell at this parting. Alabama
Iowa State
Southern California
Homer B. Coleman, September 25, 2017
Richard P. Manatt, April 13, 2018
Gary R. Vieira, March 27, 2018
William R. Kennon, April 14, 2018
Kansas State
Oregon State
Larry L. Noyers, April 13, 2018
James H. French, April 6, 2018
Clinton E. Miller, Jr., January 10, 2018 Richard C. Stewart, May 17, 2018
Arizona David L. Richards, February 22, 2018
Cornell Roy T. Norton, November 5, 2017
Gorham State Bradford W. Hoyt, March 27, 2018
Indiana Rex Delaine Broome USAF (Ret.), March 12, 2014 Steven L. Osborne, April 12, 2018
Kent State James E. Milbrandt , March 21, 2018
Lake Forest John R. Nash
Michigan State Paul L. Brattain, May 16, 2018
Dan R. Wilson, March 8, 2018
San Diego State Brian M. Hallagan, May 10, 2018
Robert A. Shure, January 14, 2018
UCLA Paul A. Rude, October 28, 2017
SMU William J. McCutcheon, April 22, 2015 Terry Newsom, September 18, 2017 Phillip F. Rogers
John S. Preston, Jr., April 26, 2018
Washington State
J. David Spohn, November 24, 2017
Clarence E. Powell
Richard W. Bakker, May 17, 2016
Southeast Missouri State
Western Michigan
Clarence L. Dufner, August 2, 2012
William E. O’Dell
Richard H. Olmsted, August 3, 2013
Important Milestones American
Oregon State
Texas Tech
Born to Brother and Mrs. Ted Schmitt, a son, Matthew John, on April 24, 2018
Born to Brother and Mrs. Kyle Waletich, a daughter, Elaina Jean, on April 10, 2018
Born to Brother and Mrs. Kenny Sooter, a son, Kyron Wayne, on December 19, 2017
South Dakota State
Virginia Commonwealth
Born to Brother and Mrs. Tim Matthesen, a daughter, Hope Victoria, on March 12, 2018
Born to Brother and Mrs. Alex Brown, a daughter, Aria Joan, on March 21, 2018
Brother Andrew Carter, married to Alison Hisel on May 13, 2018
Brother Jon Williams, married to Michelle Alvarado on April 7, 2018
Born to Brother and Mrs. Jason Bellrichard, a son, Greyson Daniel, on April 9, 2018
Brother Tyson Clary, married to Abbey Booker on December 2, 2017
Virginia Tech
Born to Brother and Mrs. Justin Ochsner, a son, Tatum Erik, on March 23, 2018
Born to Brother and Mrs. Shahriar Firouzabadian, a daughter, Bella Sky, on October 2, 2018
Born to Brother and Mrs. Danny Catalano, a daughter, Clair Sophia, on March 18, 2018
East Stroudsburg Born to Brother and Mrs. Chris Ross, a son, Grayson James, on June 14, 2017
Born to Brother and Mrs. Brian Furgione, a daughter, Maya Faye, on March 13, 2018
Born to Brother and Mrs. Eriq Felix, a son, Elijah Jackson, on April 5, 2018
Born to Brother and Mrs. Nick Annucci, a son.
Georgia Southern
Born to Brother and Mrs. Kyle Hanselman, a son, Sean Olaf, on December 6, 2017
Born to Brother and Mrs. Mitch Fender, a son, Rhett, November 2017
Born to Brother and Mrs. Andrew Marinelli, a son, Zachary David, on January 13, 2018
Kansas State
Born to Brother and Mrs. Andrew Skowronski, a son, William Andrew, on November 24, 2017
Born to Brother and Mrs David Sage, a daughter, Charlotte Elizabeth, on April 7, 2018
Born to Brother and Mrs. Kenny Lowe, a son, Caden Patrick, on March 12, 2018
Brother Alex Thiell, married to Michelle Goodliff on September 1, 2017 Brother Nicholas Veizaga, married to Pilar Acosta on February 3, 2018
Born to Brother and Mrs. Marc Povell, a son, Jordan Daniel, on May 12, 2018
Western Carolina Born to Brother and Mrs. Jacob Reed, a daughter, Ansley Mae Reed, on April 22, 2018
Brother Samnang Man, married to Whitney Blume on September 2, 2017 Born to Brother and Mrs. Christopher Martinez, a son, Adrian Christian, on May 15, 2018 Born to Brother and Mrs. Tyler McNally, a son, Maverick Lee, on November 16, 2017 Born to Brother and Mrs. Travis Page, a son, Kalen Marshall, on March 9, 2018 Friendship | Character | Justice | Education
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Coming to a Campus Near You To learn more, visit deltachi.org/expansion To get involved, email Heather Lockwood, Director of Fraternity Growth, at hlockwood@deltachi.org
“ Alumni involvement is one of the most critical aspects for the success of a colony. Our alumni are the men who help mentor and lead our colonies to become chapters and do it right from the very start. Being part of a Delta Chi expansion allows one to truly help build Delta Chi from the ground up. Men joining Delta Chi during an expansion have generally never thought about joining a fraternity and have no idea of what it means to be a fraternity man. Our alumni are the ones who teach our new members what it truly means to be a Delta Chi, live our values, and become men of action on and off campus. Our alumni make a direct and long-lasting impact on the legacy of our colonies, because they help shape our men and the Delta Chi experience from day one.� ~ Heather Lockwood, Director of Fraternity Growth
Texas A&M, San Antonio San Antonio, TX | Fall 2018 Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA | Fall 2018 University of Alaska, Anchorage Anchorage, AK | Fall 2018 University of Denver Denver, CO | Spring 2019 University of Nebraska, Omaha Omaha, NE | Spring 2019