Delta Chi Quarterly - Volume 112, Issue 3

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Volume 112 | Issue 3


Lifelong Endeavor: The 2021 Strategic Plan The Delta Chi Emerging Leaders Academy • Campus Scene





Inside The Quarterly Volume 112, Issue 3




4 The V Foundation

Delta Chi chapters and colonies reach $1 million raised for The V Foundation.

ifelong Endeavor: The 6 L2021 Strategic Plan Delta Chi will create and cultivate a lifelong, values-based fraternal experience. Our mission is to promote friendship, develop character, advance justice, and assist in the acquisition of a sound education.

merging Leaders 8 EAcademy Learn more about Delta Chi's new leadership program coming June 2017!

ew Founder: 9 NGeorge Obear George Obear made quite a lasting difference… from the front inside cover pages of the red Cornerstones to that book’s very end, you can find New Founder George Obear’s fingerprints throughout Delta Chi’s history.

10 Campus Scene

Catch up with Delta Chi across the United States and Canada.


2 Letter from the “AA”

23 Meet the Consultants

24 2015 Chapter Luminaries

26 2016 Chapter Luminaries

28 Coast to Coast: RLC Recaps

30 Keeping in Touch, Farewell and Parting


Delta Chi Quarterly

ver the past four years it has been my distinct privilege to write the “In the Bond” articles for the Delta Chi Quarterly. I have written on many different topics and hope you have enjoyed reading them. I have written about how Delta Chi is a family of brotherhood, and asked you to remember what Delta Chi meant to you when you joined the fraternity and what it means to you now. I challenged you to be a Delta Chi 24-7-365. To be the brother we want everyone else to be. To live the values we preach, especially when you are not wearing your letters. To be that Delta Chi all the time, and to earn your badge every single day. Leadership was the topic of one article, where I mentioned that leadership is about earning the respect of others and doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. In the summer 2013 issue, the importance of education was the topic. I often tell our undergraduate brothers that the most important thing to them should be their education, then maybe Delta Chi is second. It is the first and primary reason that the undergraduate goes to college. Delta Chi and the acquisition of sound education should go together, not work against each other. During one afternoon in 2013, I had a conversation with our former Executive Director Ray Galbreth, about four words. This was the foundation of perhaps my personal favorite “In the Bond” article. The four words are promote, develop, advance, and assist. These are the four most important words in our preamble. These are the verbs in each clause, and it is these words, or actions that make Delta Chi. I asked you in one article how strong Delta Chi was, and compared it to a rope made up of many different threads. With each thread being vital to the strength of that rope, and how easily the threads can be broken. The challenge here is to maintain the strength of the different thread of the rope, which you are entrusted with, to be sure that the overall strength of

Delta Chi, our rope, remains strong. In the Winter 2014 issue, I wrote about the importance of treating the Associate Member like a MEMBER. How that was the beginning of creating a Life-Long-Experience for them that will keep them engaged in Delta Chi for a life time. For the alumnus member, staying involved or getting back involved, will help keep their fraternal experience and the Delta Chi experience positive and productive. In one article I reminded you that the image of Delta Chi is totally up to us, both the undergraduate and alumnus member. We are our own stereotypes, and only we can change them. Perception is reality, whether we like it or not. What are we doing to improve our community and campus? What are we doing to improve our image? The overall message here was to get involved in your community and to make good decisions. It only takes one person making one bad decision to make all of Delta Chi, and the Greek Community as a whole, look bad to the outsiders perspective. Hazing and the continued acceptance and practice of it, by both the undergraduate and alumnus members, gives a worse impression of Delta Chi to the outsider, parent, and, of course, the media. I can’t emphasize enough how this must stop. In the end, hazing could be what kills Greek Life. We must be leaders and stop. Advertise that we do not haze, and then truly practice what we preach, then be an example to other Greek organizations. Finally I recently wrote about the benefits of being a Delta Chi. The opportunities and advantages that are presented to our undergraduate members that the average undergraduate student does not get. We as Delta Chi’s truly are more prepared when we graduate and step out into the real world than the average student. Now it is my last article as your 52nd “AA”. I have been truly blessed and honored to have been able to serve Delta Chi in this capacity. I am thankful to you for this opportunity. I have said a lot over the last four years, hopefully some of it has made you think, laugh and made you proud you are a Delta Chi. I hope that some of it has made you want to continue to be involved or made you want to re-engage with Delta Chi. In summary, all I ask now is for you to try to make Delta Chi better than how you found it. Try to work to make the Delta Chi experience better for the young man of the future. Make it so they want to join, and stay involved. That is what I have tried to do. Remember…. Being a Delta Chi is not an oath you take once, it is an oath you live everyday. Thank you again for allowing me to serve, and for reading these articles. In the Bond,

Miles Washburn 52nd “AA” Massachusetts 1987 New Founder | Life Loyal


1929 1909

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Take a Trip





lane as we take a look at Conventions past in preparation for the 2016 International Convention in Louisville, KY.


Delta Chi Quarterly

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(USPS 152-660) Published quarterly in Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity Editorial and Business Office P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church Street Iowa City, IA 52244

Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc., Fulton, MO Three-year subscription $35 Five-year subscription $50


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Friendship | Character | Justice | Education



$1 Million in Funds Raised! Dear Delta Chi, Congratulations and huge thanks to you and the entire Delta Chi organization for reaching $1 million in funds raised for The V Foundation. It’s seems like only yesterday when we first began working together, but it has been ten terrific years! Since 2006, the brothers of Delta Chi have banded together to support The V Foundation for Cancer Research and help save more lives. From cycling across the United States to canoeing down the Mississippi River, organizing concerts, basketball tournaments, golf outings, selling “Don’t Ever Give Up” wristbands and a myriad of other activities, each Delta Chi chapter created their own distinct way to help our cause. Perhaps more importantly, Delta Chi’s leadership and dedication these many years have inspired us on all levels from our Board of Directors to our friends and supporters across the country. You demonstrated one of Jim Valvano’s beliefs, “That when you have a goal, you have a dream and you never ever stop believing in each other, you can accomplish miracles.” We cherish our partnership and are so very proud of all of the active Delta Chi brothers and Alumni who contribute day in and day out to our goal to put an end to cancer. We thank each and every one of you, and we look forward to working with Delta Chi over the next ten years! In friendship and with deep gratitude,

Susan Bruan Chief Executive Officer The V Foundation for Cancer Research

July 2006 Delta Chi announces partnership with The V Foundation for Cancer Research at the 55th International Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.


Delta Chi Quarterly

July 2008 Delta Chi donates over $100,000 to The V Foundation at the 56th International Convention.

August 2010 Delta Chi donates $130,000 to The V Foundation at the 57th International Convention.

August 2012 Delta Chi donates $ The V Foundation a International Conve


Biennial Fundraisers 1.

Indiana $114,867.52


American $15,969.68


South Florida $14,565.00


Missouri $12,920.00


Northwestern $12,189.00


William & Mary $11,030.19


Tri-State $10,488.92


Lake Forest $10,269.77


Pittsburgh $9,739.42


Minnesota $7,383.58

Totals reflect those submitted to The V Foundation as of June 1, 2016.

$200,000 to at the 58th ention.

July 2014 Delta Chi donates $314,000 to The V Foundation, shattering the biennial Convention goal of $250,000 raised.

March 2016 The V Foundation launches Team Raiser for Delta Chi - an online donation platform revolutionizing the way chapters and colonies can fundraise for the foundation.

May 2016 Delta Chi chapters and colonies reach over $1,000,000 raised in total for The V Foundation.

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education



The 2021 Strategic Plan Delta Chi cares about your fraternity experience – from the first day of the associate member program, all the way through the many years of being an alumnus. The Fraternity’s goal was to develop meaningful initiatives that would allow Delta Chi to grow in a manner that is consistent with our cardinal principles: promoting friendship, developing character, advancing justice, and assisting in the acquisition of a sound education. We believe that these initiatives will aid Delta Chi in continuing to offer a premier fraternity bond to all of its members.

Strategic Initiatives Alumni Engagement


Civic Responsibility

elta Chi will strive to create a lifelong experience D that provides continuity and leadership to the fraternity and value to the membership. By engaging alumni, Delta Chi will cultivate a lifelong opportunity by providing support to our undergraduate chapters and offering the alumnus an opportunity to experience brotherhood beyond the college years.

Education enables Delta Chi to unify its experience, impress our values, and prepare our members for life. Education introduces and frames our expectations and values; it engages our members in a lifelong Delta Chi experience.

Fraternity is not only about connections between one another but our responsibility to connect and improve our communities and campuses as well. These responsibilities will recruit and retain better men who will continue to have a positive civic impact beyond college. Civic responsibility develops character and advances justice by creating duty and connection to positively impact the lives of others.

I ncrease general alumni attendance by 20% from the 2016 Convention to the 2018 Convention and then 20% from the 2018 Convention to the 2020 Convention. Increase “BB” attendance by 35% from the 2016 Convention to the 2018 Convention and then 35% from the 2018 Convention to the 2020 Convention. I ncrease ABT and House Corporation Members attendance by 20% from the 2016 Convention to the 2018 Convention and then 20% from the 2018 Convention to the 2020 Convention. Create a Legacy Recruitment Program by 2018 evelop programming and purpose for alumni D chapters by 2018 with full implementation with existing chapters by 2019; followed by 20% growth in alumni chapters in 2020. Develop a cultivation program for alumni volunteers by 2018.

evelop training and a certification program for D volunteer alumni positions by 2018 with 50% certified by 2021. Develop comprehensive officer and chairman training program geared toward chapter operations by 2018. evelop a continuum of leadership training/ D academies for members by summer 2020.

10% annual increase of undergraduates participating in a campus or community organization from 2017 – 2019.

Members of Delta Chi will graduate at a rate higher than the national average by 2020.

service-based organization to support annually.

Growth Delta Chi provides an outstanding fraternal experience. We will grow so that we advance our values and promote our experience. he Fraternity will increase the retention rate T of associate members and student members in general by 10% in 2018. evelop a fraternal growth plan that results in five D charterings per year by 2018. resent a strategic plan for growing, funding, P and staffing fraternity housing from the National Housing Corporation by the 2016 Convention. The Fraternity will increase the number of associate members by 10% by 2017 and 10% annually thereafter. I ncrease the number of faculty initiates/alumni initiates by 25% for 2018, 30% for 2019, and 50% for 2020.


Delta Chi Quarterly

evelop and update civic responsibility resources D for undergraduates and alumni by 2017.

By 2018, 75% of all chapters adopt a local, 80% chapters/colonies participation with The V Foundation by 2018 Convention, 100% participation with The V Foundation by 2020 Convention.

Raise $1.5 Million for The V Foundation between 2016 and 2020 Conventions.


Delta Chi will create and cultivate a lifelong, valuesbased fraternal experience.

Mission Our mission is

to promote friendship, develop character, advance justice, and assist in the acquisition of a sound education.


Q&A with Marquez Brown What was your role in the process of developing the strategic plan? “When I ran for “CC”, part of my platform was to be the chairman of the new strategic initiatives (SI). The “CC” role was not as clearly defined as the “DD”s role by Delta Chi Law, so the “CC” has the opportunity to do a lot of different things based upon the passion of the person elected. I looked at where we were from the previous strategic initiatives, and took what we had developed to see what we wanted to add, take away, and strengthen. We really wanted to tweak things to be more fact driven, and that’s sort of how my role became the chairman of the strategic initiatives.” Tell us about the process of how this new strategic plan came about. “We decided that if we were going to truly be a strategic organization, the things that we do, the hiring that we do, the programs we put on, need to be based upon the SI. Through the process, we were really looking to update the initiatives that were previously more volunteerdriven. We reached out to about 3 or 4 consulting firms to decide who we wanted to work with through this process, and based upon their experience with other Greek organizations and non-profits, we narrowed it down and eventually chose John Mountz. Because of the relationships he had with Delta Chi, he really understood where we were as an organization. When we started the process, we saw ourselves starting over essentially from scratch rather than updating the previous initiatives as we had initially planned. We went through a series of exercises with John, and through the process we realized we now have the staff and resources to carry out new initiatives, and wanted to act accordingly.” What has it been like working with John Mountz through this process? “We had a lot of conversations, and we thought the same way about how to get where we wanted to be- starting off with the big picture items and envisioning what we want to look like as an organization. It was definitely a different process than it was the first time around. There were a lot of passionate people in the room, so it wasn’t necessarily easy for everyone to agree on what our focus areas should be right off the bat. There were a lot of great ideas as far as where we wanted Delta Chi to go, but we initially were creating more action items rather than being more visionary about how we make Delta Chi a better organization that’s living up to our values and mission, and making sure that we are providing that lifelong experience for not only our undergraduates, but our alumni and community partners as well. Once we were able to reevaluate our first round and looked at how we could move things forward, John and I met and realized that although there were a ton of ideas of what we wanted Delta Chi to be, there were some common themes, and the focus areas really began to emerge. Once we allowed John to do some creative editing and grouping things together, it became very clear what the focus points would be. It was very helpful to have an outsider who wasn’t a part of the previous process to let us know what he was hearing us point out as important moving forward, we have John as the person to hold us to task, making sure we are checking in and being a strategic board and allocating

resources to get our goals accomplished, rather than being in the weeds and trying to do all of the work ourselves. We were very intentional about wanting to keep John around after the development phase and seeing this through with us for beginning to end. He will also be facilitating score cards for each action item so that we can share with stakeholders, partners, and members where we are in the process. We are looking forward to having John on board long term to help us get this plan off the ground and make this plan a reality for Delta Chi.” Ideally, how would you like the progress of these initiatives to be relayed to our members? “As we have gatherings of Delta Chi’s we should be able to share this information at RLC’s, Conventions, Chartering Banquets, etc. When we have that captive audience we have a real opportunity to show the progress. Ideally, I would also like to see The Quarterly continue to be used as a means of updating members on where we are and how the process is evolving. Updates should definitely be relayed through our websites and social media platforms, to give updates whether it be quarterly, biannually, etc. I also think we have an opportunity to gather statistics and utilize technology to our advantage with the implementation of the new OmegaFi database. Once we begin to achieve the goals, I hope we celebrate these successes and milestones. We should constantly be getting information out to our members and partners. One thing we are really hoping these initiatives will do is make people even more proud to be a Delta Chi. We also hope to show members that although they may have graduated, there is still value in being involved. I’m all about publicizing the progress as many ways as possible be it through technology, or even marketing materials that are SI-focused.” With all of these things being accomplished, ideally, what will Delta Chi look like as an organization in five years? “That’s what makes me excited- when I look at the different areas, I see us being a larger organization. When I say larger, I don’t necessarily mean having 200+ chapters, but I see us growing in chapter size as well. Rather than having a 55-man average on 120 campuses, maybe we have a 65 man average on 145 campuses. I look at us having our support alumni more involved and engaged with our chapters, as well as having more support alumni in general to make sure that the men running these organizations have a support staff. I never want our members to feel like they don’t have the help or resources that they need to make sure they are successful. Ideally, we won’t hear people say ‘I used to be a Delta Chi,’ but people will be getting information on how to stay involved and engaged and be proud to be a Delta Chi throughout their lifetime. This should provide so many more opportunities for our members. We need our support alumni to be trained and become experts on how to advise young college men, and provide more tools for them. I would also like to see us have a more civically-minded organization where people are not only giving back to their community and to The V Foundation, but also seeing there is a stronger affinity for Delta Chi. Hopefully when people leave their college or university, they have an urge to return because of Delta Chi. I hope to see our alumni chapters stronger in helping to transition our collegiate members into their professional careers as well.”

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


JUNE 15-18, 2017

Emerging Leaders Academy Cornell University • Ithaca, New York

In order to be a leader you must know who you are.

DISCOVER YOURSELF at the Emerging Leaders Academy. T

he Delta Chi Fraternity and Delta Chi Educational Foundation are committed to developing the strongest leaders throughout one’s membership. The Emerging Leaders Academy is a four-day leadership development experience that helps participants learn more about their leadership styles and strengths. This highlyinteractive program is geared toward sophomores and juniors and takes place at the founding place of Delta Chi, Cornell University. Participants will have the chance to learn about whom they are as a leader as well as reflect upon this history of our founders and how we live out their legacy.

“ Delta Chi should invest in our emerging leaders to maximize the impact they can have on their campus, chapter, and Delta Chi as a whole. Our best and brightest undergraduates will only be with us as student members for four years. So the more confident and competent we can help these men get early on, the better off Delta Chi will be.” ~ John Ziegler | Louisiana Tech 2001

You have an opportunity to support these young men by by making a contribution to the Fraternity Programming Fund. Your donation will assist with reducing the cost for attendees. To learn more about the program and how you can support it, visit

“ This is a great opportunity for a chapter or alumni to recognize leadership potential in our undergraduates and offer them a chance to associate with other men of similar potential to learn and develop their God-given talent for their future benefit and the benefit of our chapters. This is an opportunity for Delta Chi to bring out the best in leaders of tomorrow." ~ Michael Carroll | Auburn 1971


Delta Chi Quarterly

“ Very few leaders are born with the necessary skill set to lead a complex organization with members who may have many different views as to the direction the organization needs to go. A well-trained leader can help focus the energies of the organization to achieve the common good. If an organization, including Delta Chi, has certain expectations of its leaders, it must help develop the necessary skill set to be able to accomplish its goals.” ~ Don Turk | Florida 1968

“ This program will allow many more brothers to learn skills critical to their success in life and business. Simply put, there’s few men who will have the opportunity to lead a chapter as an “A”, whether due to timing, class schedules, internships/jobs, the voting process or lack of interest. Everyone should have the opportunity to step up and say ‘I’m motivated, teach me.’ ” ~ Lyle Sprinkle | Georgia Tech 1996

“ I directly attribute my career in the recruitment industry to ideas and lessons learned from educational programming administered by the fraternity, and the undergraduate experience of being a Delta Chi. Our brotherhood serves as both a top-notch classroom and a living laboratory to anyone who will take full advantage of it’s leadership opportunities.” ~ Rod Arnold | Texas A&M 1988


George Obear DePauw 1930


eorge Obear made quite a lasting difference. From the front inside cover pages of the red Cornerstone to that book’s very end, you can find New Founder George Obear’s fingerprints throughout Delta Chi’s history.

is quite an amazing accomplishment considering there was only one convention held between 1935 and 1952. Obear passed on to the higher court in 2004, just a few weeks short of the fraternity’s convention in Washington, D.C. that he had registered to attend.

For more than 25 years, readers of the red-covered Cornerstone book would find a picture of Obear as a college junior attending the 1929 Delta Chi International Convention in Estes Park, Colorado. This was the convention where Delta Chi became the first fraternity to ban Hell Week. Toward the end of the book, Obear’s name is listed as a past “AA” and member of the Order of the White Carnation.

After graduating from DePauw in 1930, Obear went to Iowa for his law degree. There he lived in the Iowa chapter house, and served as a live-in chapter advisor. He practiced law in Delphi, Indiana, and was a leader in the community. He was awarded the Sagamore of the Wabash, the highest honor the Governor of Indiana can bestow, an honor typically given to those who have rendered a distinguished service to the state.

Jim Obear, George’s older brother, was president of Kappa Pi Sigma, a local fraternity that later became Depauw Delta Chi. George credited Jim with better organizing the chapter that subsequently allowed them to obtain their first chapter house. Jim was initiated into Delta Chi as an alumnus and went onto serve as “BB” of the Depauw Chapter for many years, taking a great interest in continually improving the chapter house from the mid-1940s to the mid-1950s. George Obear was a founder of the DePauw Chapter and a member of the first initiate class on September 21, 1928. He was “A” of the DePauw Chapter and president of the freshman class. He attended 24 conventions – second only to Doc Underwood, Kansas ’51, who has attended 25. However, Obear’s 24 conventions

Obear was the Fraternity’s legal advisor from 1962 to 1968. He was elected “CC” in 1968 and became “AA” in 1969. The 1975 convention honored him with the title “AA” Emeritus. At that same gathering he proposed the creation of the Order of the White Carnation to recognize meritorious but inconspicuous service to Delta Chi. In 1981, he was inducted into the Order for his many efforts behind the scenes on behalf of Delta Chi. He was a member of the Board of Directors for the Delta Chi Educational Foundation from 1976 to 1990. In 1978, he established the DePauw account, which has grown into one of the Foundation's largest accounts. Including all of his other contributions, Obear also donated more than $100,000 to the Foundation and the Fraternity, and has therefore been honored as a New Founder.

By Aaron Otto, “DD” Delta Chi Fraternity

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Campus Scene Abracadabra No submission received at the time of publication.

Adelphi | Jame Taglienti 2018 “B” This year at the Adelphi University Greek Gala, Delta Chi received many awards of recognition and distinction. First, Delta Chi won Greek Week. We competed in a week long series of events which ranged from volleyball to swimming to a spelling bee, and overall won enough points to be crowned the champions all of Greek organizations (including fraternities, sororities and multicultural organizations). Aside form the trophy, junior Peter D’Ortenzio won an officer recognition award as our recruitment officer; junior Calvin Garcia won an emerging leader award; seniors Peter Hraniotis and Daniel Henne won council officer recognition (Intergreek council and Interfraternity council respectively); And senior Michael Del Latto won fraternity man of the year. We also won best fundraising out of all the organizations for our creative ideas and our total amount of money raised. Last year we unfortunately only received 2 out of 5 stars in the Center for Student Involvement’s “Five Star” program, but this year we were able to achieve 4 out of 5 stars. This past year for the Adelphi Chapter can be categorized by success, achievement, rebuilding and recognition with the executive board completely improving all aspects of the fraternity for the better. We are all very proud of our awards and accomplishments, and the next executive board is ready to continue the tradition and get that fifth star!

Alabama No submission received at the time of publication.

Alberta | Ahmed Hussein 2017 “E” The Alberta Chapter had a very successful winter semester, this was highlighted by winning the annual Greek band and choreographed dance known as Greek God and Goddess for the second year in a row. The Alberta Chapter also hosted the Region I RLC. We saw this as a great success as we were able to interact with all other chapters in the region and met some of the fraternity’s senior members. We were also able to win the University of Alberta’s Greek Week for the second year in a row. We also have reached our goal of raising $2,000 for The V Foundation by hosting our second Race for Jimmy V.

year total to over $30,000. We’d like to thank Nick Barely for his excellent work as Philanthropy Chair and alumnus Terrance Luciani for his continued dedication to our chapter. Without these two exemplary Delta Chis the event would not have been such an overwhelming success. Our brotherhood auction was similarly prosperous in raising funds for chapter operations and will be repeated next year.

Appalachian State | Matthew Zweire 2018 “E” The Appalachian State Chapter holds its annual philanthropy event each spring called Big Bounce. Big Bounce is a game where teams of 10 women (usually sorority women) compete and try to push a giant inflatable soccer ball to the opponent’s side of the field. It is a ton of fun each year and raises a lot of money for The V Foundation. This year we are pleased to say Big Bounce was an absolute success. Not only did we raise over two thousand dollars but we also had tons of fun!

Arizona State | Max Simpson 2017 “E” This semester was very eventful for the Arizona State Chapter. For starters, we ushered in our new executive board as we have a mix of both new and older members that have taken on the task of running the chapter. As a chapter, we continued to expand our brotherhood events as we relaunched our ever popular “Red and Buff” week which involves friendly competition amongst our chapter. We also were able to involve alumni in more of our activities this semester as we held an indoor football game outing as well as our mixer as we wished our seniors well on their futures.

Auburn | Arturo King 2018 “E” This semester had been one of constant work. Besides having 3 new men take part in our associate member program, all of whom we consider a great addition to our brotherhood, we had several remodeling projects done to our house, from fixing our dining room floor to repainting the dormitory hallways. We expect our fall recruitment to be a successful one. During this year’s Region 8 Regional Convention, our chapter had the honor of being awarded with the Regent’s Cup. We had 11 brothers attend this year, being one of the chapters with the largest presence there.

American | Ian Grace 2016 “E” The American Chapter is pleased to welcome Beta Beta Class, Michael Kventenadze and Harsh Deshmukh, into the bond of a lifetime. That welcome is also extended to our new ABT President Patrick Sullivan and ABT Vice President Daniel Kim. This spring we hosted our most fruitful Earthball ever raising $15,520 for The V Foundation, which brings our three


Delta Chi Quarterly

Our main Alumni and parent event of the spring, our Casino Night, was a smashing success. With the help of the money raised by our Parent’s Club, we have been able to plan several projects to improve our house, the main one being to build an outdoor deck. While this semester was a stressful one, we are happy for all the effort put forth by our brothers and parents, and look forward to fall. War Eagle!

semester we also held our 26th annual White Carnation Formal and we received quite a turnout of alumni. On a sadder note, this semester we lost an alumnus, James “Tonka” Warren, to cancer. Our active chapter and alumni pulled together to raise money for his family to help lighten some of the costs of his funeral and medical expenses. It makes me proud knowing that when a brother is in need our chapter is always ready to help out.

Bowling Green | Daniel O’Beirn “E”

Augusta | Arman Qureshi 2019 “E” The beginning of 2016 has been very significant for the brothers of the Augusta Chapter. We initiated 4 gentlemen into the bond of a lifetime, held an Alumni BBQ and an Alumni Day, attended RLC in Huntsville, raised over $2,500 dollars for The V Foundation through Delta Chi Week and our Annual Jimmy Jog, hosted a spring Formal in Gatlinburg, and began a campaign to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network. In addition, Brother Pradeep “Sunny” Devarapalli represented the chapter by winning Homecoming King. Sadly, we also mourn the loss of Brother Charles Davis who passed on March 28th.

Here at Bowling Green State University, our chapter continues to move in the right direction. We’ve had a more successful year than ever before. Through fall and spring recruitment, we have added 22 new gentlemen to our brotherhood. Our chapter continues to mold young college students into gentlemen each year. When it comes to community service we have done a great job giving back to our community with 650 hours given to many different organizations such as Adopt a Highway, Dance Marathon, and local food shelters in Northwest Ohio. Finally, our chapter has excelled in our events for The V Foundation. Over this past school year, our chapter raised just under $2,000 dollars. The brothers at Bowling Green State University continue to live and strive by our pillars of The Delta Chi Fraternity.

Bryant | Michael Sullivan 2017 “E” This year has been very successful for the Bryant Chapter. We started by having the 25th anniversary of the chapter on campus. Over the course of the year we were fortunate enough to initiate 6 new members, win a flag football championship, and finish with the highest fraternity GPA on campus. We look forward to continuing the chapter’s success into the next year!

Beaufort Colony | Edwin Glass 2016 “E” We have faced adversity in the past months that comprised the spring semester, and in that adversity, our brothers have found ways to establish a legacy of excellence in both the academic and social circles for Initiate classes to come. With Alumni initiate Professor James Duffy’s recognition for being Advisor of the year, presiding brother Dominic Caggiano being awarded a scholarship from the Delta Chi Educational Foundation, Brother Chale Kelly, our “C” being awarded Club Member of the Year, and Brother Isaac Miles, the “B” being recognized as an Outstanding Rising leader, we’re gaining traction in our movement to the top. With this steady rise, campus participation in fraternity-sponsored events has seen an increase. Our philanthropic, fundraising, and social events, like the annual “Pie a Delta Chi” event has started to take root in the school’s social life, which solidifies our overall standing with the student body. These past few months have been eye opening, and they have shown us that this semester and the next will be remembered as the spring we began our campaign of excellence. Our “BB” Kevin Emery and alumni initiate James Duffy have been indispensable in our efforts to expand both as an organization and as men. With all the growth our colony has experienced, we can’t help but to look back to where we were at the start of our journey. It’s been a difficult journey and we’ve got more improvement to make, but now we go to work with a vision of our great future in mind.

Cal Poly | Pascal Purro 2016 “E” In February, we hosted our first annual Dad’s Weekend where we spent a weekend with our fathers playing golf and working on projects at our chapter house. Our biannual brotherhood ski trip was a huge success with around 60 members skiing and snowboarding at Sugar Bowl Resort in Lake Tahoe, CA. We continued to participate in many philanthropy events and also hosted our third annual Iron Chef event. A special shoutout to Brothers Kay and Johnson for putting on an incredible event that raised $11,000 for The V Foundation and to Brother Peterson for his generous contribution!

Behrend | Logan White 2018 “E” During this spring semester the Behrend Chapter welcomed 4 new members to our ranks setting our total at 36 active members. We had quite a busy semester filled with a lot of excitement and fun. This spring our chapter pulled together once again to win our campus’s Greek Week for the second year in a row. Current chapter president Wes Duda said “I knew we could do it, we have the athleticism and the drive, but still seeing these guys pull together as brothers really reminds me of why I joined this fraternity.” This

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


California University of Pennsylvania William Johnson 2017 “E” This semester has been a whirlwind for our chapter. We are proud to announce that two of our alumni, Carl Joseph Halye and Zach Hough are both getting married! In February, our chapter received several recognitions from the university. We received 1st place for in Interfraternity Greek Activities for having the highest attendance and involvement among Greek men. We also received 1st place for Interfraternity Scholarship, thanks to the tireless academic efforts of the chapter. We also received the President’s Award. For the annual Greek Sing performance, we placed 3rd with the Phi Sigma Sigma sorority. During Greek Week, we placed 3rd among 7 active fraternities.

Case Western Reserve | Matthew Tavaresz 2018 “E”

Colorado State Colony | Spencer Cox AM “E”

Delta Chi has continued to grow as gentlemen and scholars on the Case Western campus. Focusing on philanthropy has been a large focus this past semester. This year, we started our own spring March Madness Bracket philanthropy, and participated in the Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority’s sketch show event finishing in first place. Finally, we helped do a joint event with Alpha Chi Omega, promoting justice through their philanthropy Alpha Chi Omega Foundation Domestic Violence Awareness. Our chapter continues to build up a positive, genuine reputation that others notice and respect.

The Colorado State Colony is excited and hopeful for our second semester on campus. We’ve already begun preparing for fall rush and are confident that our numbers will grow with quality men. We look forward to being able to show students on our campus how great Delta Chi is and all that it can offer. In addition, we are extremely excited to be fully initiated into Delta Chi early next semester. Finally, we hope to charter next spring and until then we will be planning philanthropy and community service events.

Cornell No submission received at the time of publication.

Corpus Christi No submission received at the time of publication.

Cortland No submission received at the time of publication.

Dalton State Colony | Christian Roach 2017 “E”

Central Missouri | Spencer Thomas 2017 “E” The 2015-2016 school year has been great here at Central Missouri. Recruitment went very well during the fall, increasing our chapter to 50 actives. We also held our annual philanthropy events, Camp for the Cure, and Date a Delta Chi auction, raising over $8,000 dollars, a personal best for our chapter. spring semester was busy as always with Alumni Weekend and Greek Week, where our chapter placed 2 overall, and first in multiple events. We are continuing our efforts with community service, and the Warrensburg Historical Society.

Charlotte | Michael Afocx 2018 “E” This past spring semester the Charlotte chapter received 4 new brothers who we are proud to call Delta Chis. We have also found better ways to raise money for The V Foundation and Relay for Life with change for trash and balloon darts. We also helped raise over $1,000 for our own chapter through a YES event (managing inflatables). Another success for the chapter was the production of our first Semi-formal. We are constantly looking for new ways to support our fellow brothers through scholarship and academics as well. This hard work led to two of the four graduating seniors graduating with honorsThomas Carota (cum laude) Dalton Culler (magna cum laude).

Clemson | Jacob Sarosi 2017 “E” We are excited to announce that we initiated 12 new brothers this spring, all of whom will undoubtedly contribute greatly to our chapter. The spring was full of events, from Carolina Cup to our formal on Hilton Head Island, and we also had brothers study abroad in multiple countries, placed third in Greek Week, and won multiple philanthropy events. We look forward to another football season in the fall, as well as revamping our philanthropy program.


Delta Chi Quarterly

The Dalton State Colony had a philanthropy event on the quad on April 25th. We had a dunk tank set up where we accepted donations to The V Foundation to dunk Delta Chis. We also had a Be the Match table taking tests for bone marrow matches. We had over 100 people attend and raised $296 for our first philanthropy event and tested over 30 people for bone marrow matches.

Davis No submission received at the time of publication.

Denison | Charlie Evans 2016 “E” During the spring 2016 semester the brothers of the Denison Chapter have worked hard to show the chapter’s important status as a social organization on Denison University’s campus. We held our annual Lady of the Leges talent show competition on April 14th and we are excited that the proceeds made that will go towards The V Foundation. We continue to provide services at the T. J. Evans Family Park in Newark, OH on Sundays. We are proud to say that the park has recognized our chapter’s services maintaining the park and have created a sign acknowledging our time and effort. The members of the Denison Chapter have worked hard on academics and we are proud to say that we received the Excellence in Scholarship in recognition of most improved GPA. We plan on continuing our service to the Newark community throughout the fall semester and to capitalize on our status as a leading Greek organization on Denison’s campus.

Duquesne | James Daher 2018 “D” James Daher, a current sophomore studying Economics and Information Systems Management, and an active brother of the Delta Chi Fraternity, was recently elected as Duquesne’s SGA President for the academic year of 2016-2017. The Duquesne chapter has had a long line of SGA presidents, and James is continuing the tradition. It is a very large honor to fulfill this position, requiring hours of focus and dedication every day. James is very well-known on Duquesne’s campus, and is extremely committed to his studies, as well as our brotherhood. No matter how tough the job may get,

we all have high hopes for his presidency and know he will do great things for our school.

East Carolina | Sean Echeverria 2017 “A” Over the past year, the East Carolina Chapter has more than doubled in size, raised more for The V Foundation than ever before, and is currently in route to raising our chapter GPA. With the help of our dedicated Executive Board, motivated brothers, and an outstanding Alumni Board of Trustees, we are finally headed down the right path. Expect big things from your brothers down at ECU!

Early in the semester the brothers helped maintain the beauty of Ferrum by creating and maintaining a trail on campus. We spent time clearing snow from sidewalks as well as helping out at the college’s cafeteria during snow days. We teamed up with Panther Packs, a program to help feed school children in need, and helped by raising money and packing meals. Lastly, we took our helping hand to the Humane Society and helped care for dogs by walking, feeding, and showering them.

Florida | Chris Cannizzaro 2017 “E” In the spring semester the Florida Chapter hosted our second annual D-ChiTanic philanthropy event which raised over $1,000 more than the previous year. The chapter also had two members inducted into the prestigious Florida Blue Key society, and featured 9 captains for Dance Marathon and one overall director. We were very successful in philanthropy competitions winning two, and taking second in another. Overall, the chapter initiated 9 new members in spring and was able to maintain a highly competitive GPA that ranked in the top half of all fraternities.

Florida State | Hunter Bell 2018 “E”

East Stroudsburg | Edwin Herrera 2018 “E” Another year is in the books for the East Stroudsburg Chapter. We had a great year for recruitment. Our very own brother George Downs III won the Greek Man of The Year award, this makes three consecutive years the award has been won by one of our very own. Brother James Gangemi was also honored at the Greek Awards for his academic excellence. We also had an extremely successful alumni barbeque cook out. We all had an incredible time interacting and sharing stories with one another. We were also awarded the Relay for Life champions out of 31 teams and earned the Spirit Trophy due to our valiant effort at the 12 hour long event.

This past semester, we have had brothers gain incredible recognition on campus. These are some things that all of our collegiate peers deem “extraordinary”, but we label as the standard for the Delta Chi here at Florida State University. We initiated eight new members with our spring Associate Member class who all dove headfirst into planning our spring philanthropy, Delta Chi Earthball. Through hard work and dedication to our brotherhood, we were also honored with the Awards of Excellence in Academics and Living Your Ritual from Florida State’s Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life for the Interfraternity Council.

Eastern Illinois | Nicholas Appleby 2018 “A” This year our chapter participated in Tugs. Tugs is a tug of war competition during Greek Week where two teams on opposite ends of the pond attempt to pull the other team into the water. This was the first time in many years that our chapter participated in Tugs. Tugs was challenging for our members by making them work together and rely on each other more than ever.

Eastern Washington | John Cobb 2019 “E” This quarter, as a fraternity, we were inspired to improve our relationship with both our Greek community and local community. In an effort to achieve this goal our social and philanthropy chairmen collaborated to plan an event that would accomplish both. For this event we paired up with one of our fellow Greek organizations on campus, Alpha Omicron Pi, to construct “Get Well” cards for sick children at Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital in the Spokane area. Following the event, the cards were delivered to the hospital by the philanthropy and social chairmen while the rest of the chapter formally asked Alpha Omicron Pi to be our homecoming partners for the upcoming fall term. They accepted our offer and the event was dubbed a success. We now excitedly look forward to homecoming this fall where we can share our recent success with our alumni.

Embry-Riddle No submission received at the time of publication.

Ferrum | Eddy Funes 2017 “E” This semester was all about giving back to the community. Brothers helped by raising $2,500 for The V Foundation as well as through various projects.

Fredonia No submission received at the time of publication.

Fullerton | Michael Hilliard 2018 “C” The Fullerton Chapter entered the spring 2015 semester with about seventy members. In February, our chapter hosted a successful RLC where our members were able to make connections and network with brothers from other chapters. In March, we competed in Greek Week. Unfortunately, we were unable to repeat as champions, but we learned where our weaknesses are and how we can take steps to improve them. Plans going forward include remodeling our garage and developing even stronger plans for philanthropy and Greek Week. The Fullerton Chapter is optimistic for the future as we begin to head into fall semester lead by an e-board with high potential for success.

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


Gannon | Bradley Szopo 2016 “E” This semester at Gannon University has been a remodeling phase. We focused a lot on our PR becoming more socially and publically active on campus, as well as an increased social media presence from the chapter, courtesy of our VP Greg Incardona. We held our 6th annual V Foundation volleyball tournament raising over $675 dollars from sponsors and teams. We volunteered for the Walk for Autism, which has become an annual event for our chapter. Greek Week was also an exciting time. We didn’t win, however, we had the most fraternity involvement in this year’s greek week than in the past several years, and the brothers had a lot of fun with the women of Sigma Sigma Sigma.

George Mason | Charles Bouharb 2017 “E” This semester we recruited a large associate member class consisting of 15 quality members. Throughout this semester we held many different events but a major one was our Hoops for Hope basketball tournament with Zeta Tau Alpha. This event was a 3v3 basketball tournament that included intermission competitions such as a half court shot contest and a 3-point contest. Together we raised around $800 and the proceeds were split between The V Foundation for Cancer Research and Breast Cancer Awareness. To finish the semester we hosted an alumni brunch catered by PK’s Kitchen, our biggest alumni event in recent years.

Georgia Southern | Ryan Tatusko 2017 “E” This year, the Georgia Southern Chapter has been rather successful. To start, we received a notable eight new spring semester initiates who completed a very well-done associate member process. The new guys are perfect additions to the chapter as they have vastly helped us with proper decision making, socialization, and house up-keep skills. Charity wise, our chapter raised just under six hundred dollars for The V Foundation through “Go Fund Me” donations. In addition to this, a bone marrow drive was held at our chapter house with hopes to find a match for a dear friend of one of our brothers. A solid ninety three people came and got their mouths swabbed which was an incredible turnout for an excellent cause. Last spring was an excellent semester for us at Georgia Southern, and we expect things to continually improve from this point.

conference at the University of Alabama in Huntsville’s campus and finished it off with a dinner at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. This monumental task would not have been possible without the help of few dedicated individuals: our regent Chris Kilroy, alumnus Alex Capps, and one of our own brothers Joseph “Lemon” Brasher, to name a few. Although it caused plenty of late nights, seeing brothers come together from all over our region made it all worthwhile, and we hope we’ll be given the honor to host it again in the near future.

Illinois | Bret Vogt 2018 “E” The Illinois Chapter would like to proudly announce the success of a new philanthropy we established this year. Thanks to the hard work and efforts of brothers Patrick Hering and Matt Stein, “Delta Colosseum” was a big hit that many people are looking forward to in the years to come. Delta Colosseum encompassed teams of four that competed in “gladiator” style events such as archery with a three-man slingshot and tug of war, taking place at a local park. Over 100 people participated in the event, and we would like to proudly report that almost $3,000 was raised for The V Foundation!

Illinois State | Brendan Fagan 2017 “E” The brothers of the Illinois State Chapter have been keeping busy the past few months from conducting their annual Jimmy V Week philanthropy and participating in other campus-wide events. Coming back from a membership review earlier in the year, the Illinois State brothers are building up in numbers with the most recent initiation of 16 brothers. ISU’s Inter-fraternity Council held their philanthropy event where all members of Greek Life were encouraged to come out and participate in carnival games. The Delta Chi men brought their brand new Delta Chi putting green to the event which was a big hit.

Georgia Tech | Deron Mai 2016 “E” This semester we brought 18 new brothers into the bond and had 12 new associate members join us. We won IFC’s Dean Dull Award and participated in Greek Week, placing 4th. In addition, we raised over $2,000 for The V Foundation by working Cheersport. Other notables included the 25th anniversary of our Chartering Banquet which was a huge success.

Hamilton No submission received at the time of publication.

Hayward No submission received at the time of publication.

Hobart | Jonathan Pate 2017 “E” The Hobart Chapter hosted a car smash during the spring semester for the Hobart and William Smith student body. We have decided to make the car smash an annual event in order to fundraise money for The V Foundation. During the fall semester, we raised money for Breast Cancer Awareness by tabling in the Scandling Center for 3 days. Overall, the Hobart Chapter had a great year, excelling in academics, athletics and community participation.

Hofstra No submission received at the time of publication.

Huntsville | Payton Parrott 2018 “E” This year the Huntsville Chapter hosted the Regional Leadership Conference for Region 8 for the first time since being chartered in 1977. We hosted the


Delta Chi Quarterly

Indiana | Josh Schneider 2018 “E” This past semester has been a very successful one for the men of the Indiana Chapter. It was highlighted with our main philanthropy event Miss Greek IU which not only provides money The V Foundation, but also money to the winning sorority’s charitable organization. This year we raised over $54,000 for cancer research and are looking to improve on that number in the coming year. As the year comes to a close, we say goodbye to our current house and hello to our brand new house in the heart of campus. Our new house fits 80 brothers and is a big improvement for the program moving forward.

Iowa | Jesse Dankle 2018 “E” The brothers of the Iowa Chapter started the semester off very well by bringing in one of the largest spring recruitment classes at Iowa, gaining 15 new associate members. Other highlights of the semester include the Iowa City River Cleanup day, as well as our spring philanthropy, Delta Chi Fish Fry. We had around 40 members volunteer to help clean a local creek and surrounding area on April 3 and our philanthropy was a great success, which helped us raise money for The V Foundation. We also had some renovations to our chapter house this spring. Improvements include new lights in front of the house, and new doors for the rooms in the house. In addition, a complete renovation of our chapter room is currently underway, which we are hoping will be completed in the summer.

Kansas | Preston Montgomery 2018 “E” The Kansas Chapter has been busy this quarter. Along with recent house renovations, we have strived to reach an all time high on campus involvement and maintain/improve our house GPA. We managed to maintain a house GPA of 3.14 and were able to achieve an all time high 1,200 community service hours this semester. Our mom’s weekend was only a few weeks ago and was a great success, we held an auction that raised $12,000 towards new furniture for the house, along with this, we recently had our Tom Jones party this past weekend and had a great time bonding with our brothers. This summer we are moving full speed into our renovations, completely redoing all of the bathrooms and the kitchen.

Iowa State | Max Najlis 2019 “E” On Sunday, April 17th, the Iowa State Delta Chi hosted our 2nd annual VK. This is our 5k where we raise money for The V Foundation at the local Park. This year we had 130 runners which was significantly more than the 60 that we had last year. One really cool moment was that we were able to meet a fellow brothers mother who is currently fighting pancreatic cancer. She brought about 30 people with her Fight with Faith team. It was an awesome experience to see our efforts impact families and communities affected by cancer.

Kansas State | Davis Millard 2017 “E”

Jacksonville State | Josh Broadley 2019 “E” Spring 2016 started out great for the brothers of the Jacksonville State Chapter of Delta Chi. Our financial situation going into the New Year is better than it has been in a long time, and we are remodeling our bathroom this summer.. We will be hosting our annual Jimmy V Golf Tournament this spring along with participating in numerous fundraisers. People come to our house because of the reputation we have. The way we carry ourselves and the respect that we show others is well known across campus. Our chapter was the only fraternity on campus that was invited to a social with every sorority which shows how we are viewed by other Greek organizations on campus. We won a Gold Cup Award, Community Service award, and an award for winning our Greek Week as well this spring. With all these things going for us we are excited about summer 2016 and looking forward to continued improvement throughout the rest of the year.

The Kansas State chapter focused heavily on philanthropy this past year. Our chapter has longed to establish a successful philanthropy event to execute in the fall, and this past year we did just that. Hoops for Hope, a 4-on-4 charity basketball tournament, was welcomed by the student body and administration at K-State. The event also gained support from ESPN’s commentator, Dick Vitale. We partnered with one of the most respected sororities on campus, Alpha Delta Pi, and will continue our partnership with them this coming fall. Overall, the event raised more than $2,700 for The V Foundation for Cancer Research. With the addition of our spring philanthropy, Fish Fry with Delta Chi and Theta Xi, we donated over $4,000 to The V Foundation in the past year. Without the support of the Greek community at K-State, these events wouldn’t have been successful. The virtues of friendship, character, justice, and education continue to fuel our chapter and community at K-State and we are excited to see what the next year holds for us.

Johnstown | Michael Pischke 2017 “E” This spring the brothers of the Johnstown Chapter have been working diligently to raise money for The V Foundation by completing numerous hours of canning through campus and holding multiple “Pie a Delta Chi” events. Also, a local Army veteran suffered the passing of his wife in January. After the passing, the veteran needed assistance in relocating his children back to Johnstown from Texas. As a chapter, we were able to raise money to assist him in his mission. We have also sponsored multiple events on campus, including a powder puff football game between two sororities, and aided in co-sponsoring a “Healthy Community Series Drug Awareness Program.” Aside from the numerous hours of community service and volunteering, we also came out on top of our annual Greek Week games bringing back the trophy to our house.

Kennesaw | Nick Mickulin 2018 “E” This semester was a successful one. We took on 12 associate members in the spring, which was in the top four on campus. We helped raise over $1,000 for one of our brothers who is in the hospital and rallied the entire campus around our cause. He is doing a lot better now and recovering from his injuries. We also had the highest chapter participation in Gamma Phi Beta’s Annual Chili Cook-off and won $200, despite having chapters almost three times larger than us on campus.

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


Louisiana Tech No submission received at the time of publication.

LSU | Oliver Christian 2019 “E” This semester was another great one for Delta Chi at LSU. On April 24th our chapter initiated seven new members to the fraternity. The initiation of these fine young men puts our chapter at 57 active members. Another great accomplishment during this semester was our philanthropy event “Kick it for Cancer”. Kick it is a sorority kick ball tournament that his held every spring by our chapter. this year we raised $2,250 for The V Foundation. We also had many great events including Parents Weekend and our annual Alumni Crawfish Boil which both had great turnouts. But out of all these great accomplishments hosting the Regional Leadership Conference here at LSU. Region III had a great turnout and our chapter was very proud to host it. Our chapter is excited for the future and hopes we can build off of this great semester.

Mankato | Samuel Dunlevy 2017 “E”

Kettering-A No submission received at the time of publication.

Kettering-B | Cameron Stewart 2017 “E” With our recent resurgence on campus we were incredibly pleased to host our second VK - 5k Charity run for The V Foundation. Our brothers have done an excellent job this term, allowing us to double attendance and donations totalling nearly $300. We were also incredibly pleased to have our Regent, Justin Donnelly, visit the Kettering chapter house over the weekend. He was able to join our brothers in the bowling outing, and our VK.

Lake Forest No submission received at the time of publication.

Lehigh | Sean Feick 2018 “E” We kicked off the spring semester with a strong recruitment period that brought in a class of 9 new members. We also made strong efforts to redecorate our new chapter house, adding several murals and posters to the walls throughout the building. In April we raised over $2,400 for cancer research as part of Lehigh University’s Relay for Life event, ranking fourth out of 26 participants among Lehigh Greek life. Looking towards the fall, we are again making a heavy push towards recruitment in order to fill the new chapter house and increase our overall membership.

Little Rock Colony No submission received at the time of publication

Livingston No submission received at the time of publication.

Long Beach | Mario Ayala 2015 “E” The Long Beach Chapter has had a great semester! We recently initiated 8 Associate Members into the bond, and we’re very proud of their work and effort this semester. We held our annual Taco Tuesday at our chapter house and raised about $1,500 for The V Foundation. We’ve already started planning for next semester’s Delta Comedy and other philanthropy events. We’ve also held several alumni events, including our poker tournament we host every semester, which has improved our awesome relationship between our actives and alumni. As we close out the semester, we’ve been working towards the fall semester by developing new strategies for recruitment along with our Associate Member process. It’s been a great semester with many highlights, and we’re excited to continue to reach our goals in the fall.


Delta Chi Quarterly

In the beginning of February we shoveled driveways to raise money for The V Foundation, and we raised around $300! Then, in late February we sent Caleb Johnson, Matthew Steely, Richard Prince, and Izzak Bloch to the leadership conference in SEMO. In March we pinned 4 new members, Jaime Esqueda, Samson Akin, Ben Haeg, and Ryan Hennen. Lastly, in the end of April during Greek Week our boat took 2nd place in our annual Boat Regatta where we have to build a boat built completely out of cardboard and duct tape and race them across the pool against other fraternities and sororities. We took 1st place for fraternities!

Marquette No submission received at the time of publication.

Massachusetts | Matthew Eichorn-Guest 2018 “E” This semester, the Massachusetts Chapter has been frequently involved with activities happening on our campus and in our local community. One of the many successes for the chapter was raising over a thousand dollars for Autism Speaks. Another great event that our associate members planned and hosted was called “Pie a Delta Chi”, where the Pi class raised over two hundred dollars for The V Foundation. Next, the chapter as a whole did community service for the Amherst Chamber of Commerce. On top of these things, the rush process was very successful and resulted in ten young men becoming brothers after our recent initiation.

Miami | Seth Wise 2018 “E” This semester, the chapter welcomed 35 men into our brotherhood. We were also recognized by Miami University as the Chapter of the Year. The chapter was very active in the community again, as we completed over 2,000 hours of community service by volunteering with the local Garden Club, working at the food pantry, and participating in our own “Adopt the Block” program. We also hosted our Inaugural Delta Chi Corn Hole Tournament, where we raised more than $3,500 for The V Foundation. We look forward to welcoming alumni to our Oxford Alumni Weekend and Chicago Alumni Weekend this summer!

Michigan | Joseph Maher 2018 “E”

Missouri | Matt Puttin 2018 “E”

We are extremely excited to move into our new chapter house this August. The new house will be able to hold 34 live ins, has a large outdoor patio area, is 12,000 square feet bigger than our old house, and will have brand new amenities for the live ins. This incredible project was made possible by the hard work and dedication of our alumni. They have exemplified the strength and durability of the bonds of our brotherhood. These alumni have secured a bright and prosperous future for our chapter. For this, we truly thank them. The project will cost 3.1 million dollars, of which 2 million has been loaned. Our alumni have raised almost a million dollars! But there is still work to be done. Anyone who wants to donate can make a pledge at www. Along with the house, our chapter is growing steadily in size and ambition. We unveiled our new annual philanthropy event, Marco Madness, in honor of active brother Marco Gutierrez, who fought and beat cancer twice. Marco Madness, a basketball tournament held at Michigan’s Crisler Arena, was an amazing success. We look forward to this next school year, as we push towards greater heights and continue building and upholding the brotherhood of a lifetime.

This spring semester, we participated in the annual RAMS (Rockin’ Against Multiple Sclerosis) fundraiser that encompasses all of Greek life at MU. RAMS hosts events throughout the month of February each year to raise money. The events include bowling, a 5K, skit and dance, service day, speaker night and a comedy night which all of our brothers participated in this past year. In 2015, RAMS raised over $80,000, which was donated to the MS Institute of Mid-Missouri.

Michigan State | Bradford Hacias 2016 “E” This past semester the house has been very active. We are proud to welcome our 12 new members of spring 16’. As a house we have renovated our front yard with new grass and have started plans to create a fence around the permiter of the house. Our chapter also successfully raised our house GPA substantially this past semester due to a more strict academic policy.

Minnesota | Jake Schoenbeck 2018 “E” The Minnesota Chapter recently initiated 7 new members to make our chapter 99 men. Along with this, we recently received a “Chapter of Excellence Award” from our Interfraternity Council. Philanthropy efforts have been at an all time high as we have raised over 200% of our pledge that we made at convention in 2014. With 31 seniors graduating, recruitment efforts are being prepared for a large class this fall. Looking forward to next year, our chapter is in the process of planning an elaborate celebration for our 125th anniversary next spring.

Missouri State | Jamon Dixon 2019 “E” In this latest term, we, the men of the Missouri State Chapter of Delta Chi are very proud of our accomplishments. Over just the past year, we have improved our academics, brotherhood, philanthropy, and plenty more aspects of the modern fraternity. We are well on our way to show to our campus and anyone around us what it truly means to be a Delta Chi. This spring semester specifically, we held a very successful banquet, called the White Carnation Banquet. The White Carnation Banquet was held in honor of our chapter’s alumni and parents/family. In a testament to our chapter’s growth over the past few years, this banquet hosted several of our chapter leaders as speakers to highlight the progress that had been made, and the strategic plans of the fraternity for the future.

Montclair | Tyler Griesbach 2018 “E” It seems that not only two years ago, our chapter was facing many hardships. With a miniscule amount of roughly thirteen active members, each member acknowledged the rough situation and only vowed to strive for greatness once again. Now, the thirty-eight active members of the Montclair Chapter walk proudly through our campus knowing from where we came from was the darkest of times, and those times are well in the past and will not be seen again. Throughout the course of this past school year, the Montclair Chapter has had an event filled year. Once again we have committed to our philanthropic goal and have reached it, and are once again the Greek Week Champions. We are excited to see what else we can do in the future and hope to only continue our strive of success and achievements year by year.

New Haven | Collin Aiello 2016 “E” This past semester the New Haven chapter worked hard reestablishing connections on campus. We participated in ‘Take Back the Night’ for victims of sexual assault. The chapter also attended events where we cleaned up the local area. We are looking forward to a successful recruitment in the fall.

North Alabama | Charles Blackard 2017 “E” This semester at the University of North Alabama has been a very busy semester for us. Several brothers and associate members went to RLC in Huntsville, Alabama. We also had brother Clay Holmes go to SEIFC. Clay also obtained the IFC President position on campus. We also have a new tradition for the spring semesters, in which we invite the parents of both the brothers and the AMs. This usually happens towards the end of the semester where it is easier for everyone to come out. We had a very successful event and are hopeful that the event will grow as the years go by. It has been a very busy but yet productive spring semester!

North Georgia | Anatoly Abramyan 2018 “E” Mississippi State | Austin Watts 2019 The Mississippi State Chapter held an alumni vs. active softball game event to show appreciation for all the support and hard work our alumni have done for the chapter. The softball game was the last day of the weekend long Alumni weekend on our Super Bulldog Weekend event at Mississippi State. The weekend consisted of our alumni in the annual BBQ competition, a crawfish boil, and to end the alumni softball game. From all brothers in this chapter, we want to say thank you to all of our alumni for the guidance, support, and great times they have shown us.

Delta Chi at the University of North Georgia prides itself on continuing the traditions of the Delta Chi Fraternity. Our chapter begin this semester’s journey with 34 brothers and 11 Associate members, at the end of this semester we stand strong with 44 brothers dedicated to bettering chapter and the name of Delta Chi. This semester we held our social “Pirates of the CHI-rribbean” and had quite the turnout. Whoever came dressed the best won a series of gift cards to local businesses. Our brothers also participated in the Alpha Gam Jam Lip Sync contest hosted by the sorority Alpha Gamma Delta. Our brothers were given the theme of the 80’s and performed well winning the award of “Best Lip Sync” and taking second place to Delta Zeta for best overall. Our chapter also donated $100 towards Make a Wish foundation.

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


Oklahoma State Colony | Jesse Beltran 2018 “E” As a colony, the members at Oklahoma State are continuing to build towards excellence in different ways. We attended an alumni reunion on April 9th. Through meeting our alumni during the reunion, each current member learned many stories of the past legacies and traditions from the previous Oklahoma State Chapter. We came in second in the intramural basketball league, and then we reached a close second in the flag football tournament at our Regional Leadership Conference. A great bonding moment for all of us was when we spent a day playing paintball together. These events all helped us work our way towards creating stronger brotherhood within our colony.

Northern Arizona No submission received at the time of publication.

Northern Colorado | Matthew Rizzo 2019 “E” This academic year the Northern Colorado Chapter initiated fourteen new member in the fall of 2015 and this past semester initiated five new members. Also this year we raised over $1,000 for The V Foundation.

Northern Illinois No submission received at the time of publication.

Northwestern | Matthew Fulle 2017 “E” The Northwestern Chapter started off the quarter by initiating twenty three new brothers. We then recruited another eight new members a few weeks later, which was our largest spring class ever and contributed to one of our largest overall classes ever. We have various programs planned for the rest of the quarter. For example, we’re bringing together brothers and their fatherss for dad’s day celebrations at Wrigley Field to watch a Cubs baseball game. The weekend before we’re hosting an event for brothers to compete against each other in paintball.

Oregon State | Chris Turek 2017 “E” We reevaluated our recruitment approach this year and gained 8 men through informal and spring recruitment! We’ve also revamped our philanthropy to include the Jimmy VK. Matthew Bullock, our Philanthropy Chair has put in countless hours of work and because of that, we’re hoping to raise a lot of money for The V Foundation this year!

Ohio State | Alex Olejko 2018 “E” The past academic year for the Ohio State Chapter has been one of transformation and many steps in the right direction. The chapter has grown greatly in terms of our number of members, many of whom are involved in other areas of campus including but not limited to, Order of Omega, university sponsored clubs, university employees, and university research; many of which, brothers hold leadership positions in. Furthermore, academic performance has skyrocketed, with IFC rankings rising from 35th out of 35 to 9th, cumulative GPA being above the All Men’s, All IFC, and All University averages. Finally, the chapter has shown great pride in this major improvement of classroom performance and has been recognized by the university. Delta Chi was awarded the Most Improved GPA Award by IFC for the 2015-16 school year. The chapter has made great stides in the past several months, but looks forward to greater achievements in the future.


Delta Chi Quarterly

Oshkosh | Sean Cara 2018 “E” This semester has been extremely rewarding for the members of the Oshkosh Chapter! While we have had several achievements including winning Homecoming 2016 for a third consecutive year and Winter Carnival, the highlight was the chartering of our former colony. During this planning process it allowed us to not only connect further with alumni that have served faithfully on the ABT, but also create new connections with alumni who have left the Oshkosh area and returned to celebrate with us. We plan to continue improving our sense of lifelong brotherhood for both the alumni and active members by having our 49th annual Summer-Get-Together where we have weekend long series of brotherhood events for all to enjoy!

Penn State | Matthew Gerarde 2017 “E”

Rhode Island | Stephen Panfile 2018 “C”

As an enormously successful semester comes to an end, our chapter had the pleasure of welcoming in 8 new members bringing our total membership to just over 100 men. Throughout the semester we held many events to raise money for The V Foundation, as well as Penn State’s THON. Some of these events included a date auction, which allowed sisters of Kappa Kappa Gamma to bid on members of the fraternity for an opportunity to go on a date night. All the proceeds went to The V Foundation, and with the help of events like these we have raised over $2,500 this year. Our brotherhood looks to continue the success of this semester both in and out of the classroom as we look to maintain one of the highest GPAs on campus.

During the spring semester, we had a great rush and we had the pleasure of initiating 8 AM’s that have ambition and epitomize the qualities of Delta Chi men. Aside from a great rush, we collaborated with Delta Zeta to set up a community service project in which a handful of Delta Chi men and Delta Zeta women will volunteer at a local nursing home to assist the elderly, which we plan to do through the coming years. Also, during Greek Week we, along with the 2 other organizations we were paired with, raised over $10,000 for Habitat for Humanity.

Pittsburgh | Benjamin Yoder 2019 “E”

The Riverside Chapter is extremely pleased with what the 2015-16 school year has brought us. Our brotherhood is stronger than ever, we have reached record numbers for our quarterly recruitment, and we have became one of leading fraternities on our campus. This year our philanthropy event raised $2,500 for The V Foundation, and we’ve also held two successful blood drives with help from the American Red Cross. We continually seek improvement and anticipate the next school year to be even more successful!

Over this last semester we have enjoyed many successes. For our philanthropies we were able to meet both our pledges to The V Foundation and Children’s Miracle Network. In doing so we held our second annual softball tournament and had brothers partake in Pitt Dance Marathon. We also have three brothers who will be biked out to Delta Chi Headquarters beginning May 2nd with hopes to raise an additional $3,000 for The V Foundation. As a chapter we won our campus’s Cathedral Cup for best fraternity on campus, 2nd place in this year’s Greek Sing competition, and our brother Kevin Wotring won “Greek Man of the Year”. To celebrate, we held our spring formal on the Gateway Clipper downtown.

Riverside | David Melgoza 2019

Rutgers No submission received at the time of publication.

Sacramento | Marshall Silvia 2018 “E” This semester, the Sacramento Chapter took first place in two other Greek organizations philanthropies, and also participated in Greek Week for the first time in two years, and placed 3rd overall. The immense amount of effort put forth from our chapter has benefitted our chapter incredibly and will continue to provide momentum into the fall semester.

South Dakota State | Cole Hinz 2018 “E”


We proudly initiated ten well-rounded men into the South Dakota State chapter of the Delta Chi Fraternity this spring. The spring ’16 class partook in our newest tradition, painting a canoe paddle to be hung in the entryway of our house. The paddle serves as a symbol of our chapter’s commitment to world travel and opposition to hazing. Additionally, we hosted an incredible Alumni Weekend this spring, featuring an alumni initiation, stories around the campfire, and a fantastic flag football game. We look forward to growing our alumni base and increasing their involvement with the chapter.

No submission received at the time of publication.

Radford | Zachary Andersen 2018 “E” This year our chapter held our annual Little Miss Radford pageant where sororities choose one participant to compete. Every competitor was required to answer three questions, perform a talent of their choosing, and then dress in an outfit that represented their sorority. This year’s pageant was especially important to our chapter because all proceeds went to our alumnus Taylor B. Hurley. Taylor is a graduate of Radford University and was recently diagnosed with stage three lymphoma cancer. When we became aware of this situation, our brotherhood worked extremely hard to raise awareness and collect donations for him. We are continuing to raise awareness and money for our brother. If you are interested in donating or learning more about Taylor, visit

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South Florida

Spring Hill

No submission received at the time of publication.

No submission received at the time of publication.

Southeast Missouri | Matthew Glozier 2017 “E”

Syracuse | Tim Scott 2018 “E”

The Southeast Missouri Chapter welcomed 7 men into our brotherhood this spring. We had twelve go through the alumni ceremony as they graduated. We had an additional 4 fathers alumni initiated. Greek Week was a great success as we raised over $2,000, the most of all Greek Week pairings, that we donated to the Red Cross. We also won an award for having the most blood drive participation of any Greek chapter. In addition to that we saw a bountiful amount of accolades come our way as we took 1st place in Greek Week and Greek Sing. We also received 6 individual awards and one accreditation award on behalf of the university.

On February 6, the brothers of Syracuse Chapter attended a Syracuse Crunch game at the War Memorial Arena in Syracuse, NY. Approximately 30 brothers attended the event, cheering on the Crunch (AHL affiliate of the Tampa Bay Lightning) while showing off their Delta Chi pride. After the game, the brotherhood had the opportunity to go on the ice, take a picture, and share fun memories as brothers. All in all, attending the Crunch game was a good time to bond with the brotherhood, setting the stage for a fun and memorable semester!

Southern California | Galen Resler 2018 “E” The Southern California Chapter is proud to have initiated 17 new members in the fall and 11 in the spring, resulting in 28 new members over the course of the school year. In addition to our own new initiates, members of our executive board had the honor of initiating the new UNLV chapter in early April. In the absence of a spring philanthropy, our chapter has reestablished Monday Night Mission, a program in which brothers team up with sorority sisters each week to distribute sandwiches to the homeless in downtown Los Angeles. We have also enjoyed various events over the course of the semester, including Father’s weekend and our annual alumni/active member football game.

Tarleton | Nolan Beal 2016 “E” This past school year was a great one for our chapter. We graduated 4 brothers, 1 in the fall and 3 in the spring. Our Second Annual Ms. Greek pageant went great and we will be sending a $500 check to The V Foundation. Our alumni basis is continuing to grow and has had some great involvement. Along with this involvement, the Third Annual Delta Chi Alumni Golf Tournament will be held June 18th at the Iron Horse Golf Course. The brothers had a fantastic time at RLC in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and learned so much about how to properly recruit. We were very proud to bring home the Outstanding Brotherhood Award as well.

Southern Illinois | Michal Junik 2017 “E” This semester we got the honor to celebrate a major milestone that two years ago could not have been imagined. At our Region V RLC not only did we win the bid to host it next year, but also received three awards, “BB” of the Year, Philanthropy, and Chapter of the Year! We have come a long way from the 11 man chapter we were two years ago. Today, we are roughly 41 men strong, each highly motivated to sustain the chapter and held together by the bond of brotherhood.

Texas | Alexander Nguyen 2017 “E” This fall, our brothers reevaluated the chapter’s identity and came to the consensus that academics were not a main priority among individual members. In order to change this dynamic, we implemented a new academic policy that was much more structured and personal. This new system enabled actives to be held more accountable than in previous semesters. After only one semester, we saw dramatic improvements not only in GPA, but in the chapter’s culture as well. Our efforts were recognized when we received the Chancellor’s Award for Academic Excellence at RLC this past spring.

Texas Tech | Graham Lossin 2017 “E” The Texas Tech Chapter threw their first annual Taste of Texas barbeque cook-off. We had a great time grilling out and listening to the music of Parker McCollum, a Texas country artist who hails from Austin. The event had a great turnout and the chapter donated all of the proceeds to The V Foundation.


Delta Chi Quarterly

Tri-State | Samuel Hunt 2017 “E”

University of the Sciences in Philadelphia

We have had a great semester here at the Tri-State Chapter. At the Region V RLC, we won the Alumni Relations Award for our outstanding connections with alumni for the region. We recently held our annual alumni weekend and we had over 100 Alumni attend. We are currently less than $1,000 dollars short of our $10,000 pledge to The V Foundation.

Adam Daniel 2018 “E”

Troy State | Charles Crowder 2018 “E” The Troy State Chapter had a very successful philanthropy this spring. Our philanthropy, Luau, consisted of a 36-hour bamboo cage lockdown on Troy campus to raise awareness for the cause, a Miss Luau pageant for any Troy University students, and a pig roast hosted by Delta Chi alumni from Troy University. The 2nd day of the Luau philanthropy was also our 50th anniversary of being on Troy’s campus. This date is an important milestone we are proud to celebrate with our brothers, active and alumni. In the end we raised $1,600 to donate towards The V Foundation.

We initiated six men into our chapter this spring. Our brothers were very active this semester in volunteer work in the community. We also paired up with Omega Chi Psi to win this year’s Greek Week. Our chapter, and several brothers, won many leadership awards this year including: Student Leader of the Year, Greek Man of the Year, New Member of the Year, and the Campus Relations award.

UNLV Colony | Lyndon Yellowfish 2018 “E” Greetings from the Founding Fathers from the UNLV Colony. We have recently been initiated to Delta Chi. We are in the beginning stages of becoming a fully functioning group. One of the highlights of our semester was Greek Week 2016. The sororities and fraternities that we were paired up with were very impressed that our brothers would participate during our first semester on campus. Now it is time to take a quick break from classes and hang out with each other outside of school. Some brothers will going back home but majority of us will be doing planning over summer break to prepare for fall 2016 recruitment and homecoming.

Valdosta No submission received at the time of publication.

Virginia Commonwealth No submission received at the time of publication.

Washington | Anders Utter 2018 “E”

Truman State | Garrett Knese 2018 “E” The Truman State Chapter has not only grown in terms of the chapter size, but also with brother’s involvement on campus. While a majority of our brothers are involved in other campus organizations, we have 23 brothers who hold executive positions outside of Delta Chi. Along with involvement, our brothers and chapter were presented a total of 8 awards. As a chapter we received ‘Chapter of the Year’ and the ‘Academic Excellence Award.’ Individually Kevin Ogle was presented with ‘Greek Man of the Year’, Grant Orr was presented with the ‘Senior Leadership Award’, Scott McKillip was presented with ‘Outstanding President of a Large Organization’ as president of Delta Sigma Pi, and both Brandon Bethel and Timothy Hudson received the ‘Student Excellence Award.’ The Kimballs renovations are under way with the completion of the bathrooms. As we head into the summer our alumni plan to improve the water diversion around the building and begin redoing the drywall throughout the building. As the bonds of our brothers and chapter continue to grow we find ourselves with a new found strength in brotherhood.

Graduating Senior Spencer Toms got a job as a Corporate Account Executive for Microsoft in New York. He is going to be selling Microsoft solutions to a wide variety of private sector companies in Manhattan. Our Delta Chi’s Parents Club and members renovated the front of the house adding in much needed beautification. 4 members have been accepted to highly prestigious graduate schools like Duke, Purdue, and Santa Clara for aerospace engineering, electrical engineering, and law. Elliot Lowe was elected president of the Huskies Sales Club on campus. This club is highly valued in the university community and offers opportunities for students to engage with companies from all over the country.

Washington State No submission received at the time of publication.

West Chester No submission received at the time of publication.

Whitewater | J. Rocco Fasanella 2018 “E” This semester our chapter had 9 brothers shave their heads for St. Baldricks. We also participated in our campus’ “Make a Difference Day” - an all day community service event. We raised over 7000 dollars for The V Foundation and Our Local Philanthropy, The Shaymus Guinn Foundation.

William & Mary | Michael McDonagh 2018 “E” This spring 2016 semester was truly a semester of growth for our chapter. We welcomed six incredible new brothers, many of whom will already be holding chair positions in the fall. Through our annual spring philanthropy event, we raised over $7,400 for The V Foundation for Cancer Research, shattering our previous fundraising record. In April, we held a successful Alumni Weekend. Almost twenty alumni returned to campus, many of whom participated in our initiation ritual. It was a great weekend that strengthened the bond between the alumni and active brothers. The W&M Order of Omega also recognized many of our accomplishments from the past year, awarding our chapter “Excellence in Alumni Relations” and “Excellence in the Service and Support of Others”. Dean DeLonge, a senior brother and past “A”, was also individually recognized as “Outstanding Greek Man”. Overall, it was a great semester and we look forward to what the fall may hold!

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Windsor No submission received at the time of publication.

Wisconsin | Peter Keal 2019 “E”

Wilmington | Alexander Kuppler 2018 “E” The 2015-2016 academic year has come and gone and the brothers of the Wilmington Chapter have grown stronger yet. We have initiated new brothers, strengthened our relationship with the community, and have secured the only on campus housing for fraternities at UNCW. With the help of our newly elected “BB,” Gene Dooris, we have elected a new ABT that consists of many alumni from different universities and many different eras. The Executive Board has already hit the ground running, identifying our weak spots and establishing plans and goals to maximize our potential. With the expertise and knowledge of our new board we are ecstatic to move forward with visions of being not just the strongest fraternity on our campus, but we aspire to be the model of growth for other small chapters. Through the strengthening of our brotherhood over the year, focusing in on specific goals and the establishment of an all-star ABT, we are ready to take our chapter to new heights.

The Wisconsin Chapter experienced an exemplary year. The chapter has accomplished much, the crown jewel of those achievements being that of earning a charter. Official recognition as a chapter of Delta Chi is a momentous occasion and a testament to the hard work of founding fathers and alumni alike. The chapter also took home third place in Humorology, Greek Life’s biggest philanthropy at Madison, in which short musicals are put on by fraternities and sororities. Extrapolating from the track the chapter is on now leads to a simple conclusion: expect great things from the Wisconsin Chapter!


Coming to a Campus Near You To get involved, visit:

FALL 2016


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Kingsville, TX

Newark, DE

SPRING 2017 San Bernardino, CA

Edwardsville, IL

Charlottesville, VA


Meet The Consultants


eadership consultants are the front line staff of the fraternity. Each consultant travels the United States and Canada every semester providing support to our chapters and colonies for a variety of topics including recruitment, risk management, philanthropic fundraising, financial management, alumni relations, chapter operations, and many more. Consultants also assist in the expansion process by recruiting men to start new colonies from the ground up. Catch up with our current staff of consultants who may be in your neck of the woods sometime this school year!

Daniel Henne | Adelphi 2016 Undergraduate Leadership “A”, “F”, IFC Vice President of Recruitment, Associate Member Counselor, Greek Week Chair, Recruitment Chair What excites you most about being a consultant? 1st Year I look forward to the opportunity to help better this organization on an international level, while also being given an opportunity to grow myself. I am excited to see different parts of the country and am thrilled to have the chance to get to meet so many incredible people from the places that I will go. What made you want to become a consultant? When I was a freshman at Adelphi going through the founding father process, I really looked up to the consultants representing Delta Chi. They carried themselves with a great amount of enthusiasm and poise and it was very hard not to be drawn to Delta Chi because of it. Since then, I have always had the desire to become a consultant, and cannot believe I will get to follow in the footsteps of so many other amazing men that have done so before me.

Logan Rivera | Sacramento 2016 Undergraduate Leadership “A”, “D”, IFC Vice President of Finance, IFC Delegate, External Philanthropy Chair, Website Chair What excites you most about being a consultant? 1st Year There are a number of things that are exciting to me about being a consultant: traveling the country, connecting with alumni, and meeting brothers from across North America are all things that I am excited about, but one thing definitely stands out above the rest. Getting the chance to expand Delta Chi and to build chapters from the ground up is what really excites me. What made you want to become a consultant? Becoming a consultant was always an interest of mine during my undergraduate career, but the decision to apply came at the end of my term as "A" of the Sacramento Chapter. Over that year I saw the hard work and determination of my brothers to improve our chapter pay off. This inspired me to share my skill sets as a leader in order develop and support other chapters across North America. So I decided to apply to be a consultant and to give back to the organization that gave me so much.

Michael Kennedy | Kansas State 2015 Undergraduate Leadership “A”, “E”, Membership Development Chair What excites you most about being a consultant? I’m looking forward to working on another expansion, as it 2nd Year is very important to continue growing Delta Chi to new campuses. Last year I was able to explore every state west of the Mississippi, so I’m hoping that I will get to spend some time this year in the Eastern states. What was your favorite part of traveling for Delta Chi over the past year? Last spring I worked on the expansion at Colorado State. We started with zero men on day one, and after weeks of recruitment we ended up with a great group of men all who excel academically. They are now a fully operating colony with a full exec board. Being a part of that experience was great.

Kevin Smith | Case Western Reserve 2016 Undergraduate Leadership “E”, “F”, Associate Member Counselor, Community Service Chair What excites you most about being a consultant? I am looking forward to 1st Year meeting new brothers outside of my own chapter. It’s easy to have a narrow idea regarding what Delta Chi is based on my own experiences, so I look forward to hearing what other brothers have experienced to help expand not only my perspective, but also theirs. What made you want to become a consultant? I feel that Delta Chi has opened a lot of doors for me and has provided me with many opportunities for growth. As such, my main impetus for becoming an consultant has been the hope that I might be able to provide similar opportunities to the young men that I meet on the road and during expansions.

Nicholas Ohl | Northwestern 2016 Undergraduate Leadership “A”, IFC VP for Membership Development, Recruitment Chair, Social Chair What excites you most about being a consultant? I think what I’m most looking 1st Year forward to in this position is traveling around the country meeting brothers. I’ve lived in Illinois my entire life, so I’m excited to get out of the Midwest and to experience a new place every week. What made you want to become a consultant? I spent a lot of time during my undergraduate career working to make my chapter and the overall Northwestern Greek community better. From experiences with my own brothers, to attending UIFI and AFLV, the opportunities that I have gotten as a result of Delta Chi have shaped who I am today. I chose to become a consultant because I believe in fraternity and sorority. As much as I have loved my time being Greek, our organizations still have a tremendous amount of flaws. Our organizations can be better, and should be better. I hope that my work will have a positive impact on the chapters I visit and allow them to grow, and I hope that this journey will allow me to grow as well.

Zachary Stroth | Kansas State 2015 Undergraduate Leadership “C”, “E”, Community Service Chair, Philanthropy Chair, Public Relations Chair What excites you most about being a consultant? The opportunity to create 2nd Year meaningful and transformative experiences for our collegiate members has been the most exciting part of the job. It's always great to see our collegiate members challenge themselves to stop accepting status quo and really strive to achieve greatness, so being able to be a part of that journey is what makes being a consultant so exciting. What was your favorite part of traveling for Delta Chi over the past year? My favorite part of traveling would be getting to interact with such varying cultures. Each campus has a distinct culture that is so unlike the others. We find that what works on one campus won't work on another, so getting to be challenged almost daily about how to best help a chapter was definitely one of my favorite parts. There was never a dull day on the job.

It’s never too early to consider applying to become a Consultant- we accept applications year-round. Learn more about the position and how to apply at

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2015 Chapter Luminaries Alabama | Nathan Huber 2016

Central Missouri | Dalton Schroeder 2015

Chapter: Philanthropy Chair and Food Chair Organizations: Al’s Pals – preschool tutoring program Major: Finance Honors: Dean’s List

Chapter: “A”, AMC, IFC Delegate, Scholastics and Recruitment Committees Major: International Justice Honors: Dean’s List four semesters

Auburn | Michael Hobensack 2015

Eastern Washington | Christopher Lulay 2015

Chapter: Scholarship Chair, “A”, “C” Organizations: Auburn Dance Marathon, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Reach with Tiger Tuesdays, and Undergraduate Research Major: Business Honors: Dean’s List, Auburn Honor’s College, and Graduating Magna Cum Laude

Chapter: President, Vice President, Alumni Correspondent, Associate Member Counselor Major: Business Marketing Honors: Eagle Advantage Scholar, Dean’s List recipient two times

Bowling Green | Luke Schmidt 2017

Embry-Riddle | Gregory Smith 2015

Chapter: Scholarship Chair, IFC Delegate, USG Senator Organizations: A Capella Choir Treasure, BGSU Greek Recruitment Guide Major: Music Performance and Choral Music Education Honors: 4.0 GPA, Dean’s List

Chapter: “B”, “E” (E Key Award Winner), AMC Fundraising Chair, Scholarship Chair, Brotherhood Chair Organizations: AIAA (Student Member) Major: Aerospace Engineering Honors: Dean’s List 7 out of 8 semesters, ERAU Delta Chi / Phelan Scholarship Recipient, ERAU Academic Merit Scholarship

Bryant | Dean Nichols

Florida State | Jason Gonzalez 2017

Chapter: “A”, “F”, Fund Raising Chair, Rush Chair, and Scholarship Chair Organizations: Ultimate Frisbee, Finance Association, 150 hours of community service every summer at South Congregations Church of Pittsfield Major: Finance; Minor: Economics Honors: Dean’s List

Chapter: “A”, Recruitment Chair, Social Chair, Homecoming Chair, Greek Week Chair Organizations: President of Order of Omega – Omega Epsilon Chapter, Member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Member of National Honor Society for Collegiate Scholars, Knight of Columbus – 1st Degree, Student Alumni Ambassador, IFC President’s Council, Economics Tutor, and Member of the Economics Club Major: Economics; Minor: Sociology Honors: President’s List, Deans List, Varsity Athletics: FSU Varsity Bowling Team

CALUPA | Greg London 2015

Georgia Southern | Mitchel Castanet 2017

Chapter: “D”, Brotherhood Chair, and Philanthropy Chair Organizations: Billiards Club/Travel Team Major: Electrical Engineering

Chapter: Brotherhood Chair, “E” Organizations: Student Government Association, 91.9 “The Buzz”, Phi Eta Sigma Major: Biology; Minor: Spanish Honors: President’s List


Case Western Reserve | Darrell George 2016

Lehigh | Colin Orr 2015

Chapter: AMC, Philanthropy, “B” Organizations: CRWU Fencing Team: Foil Team Captain, VP, President. Undergraduate Macromolecular Student Organization: Treasurer Major: Polymer Science and Engineering Minor: Chemistry, Material Science and Engineering Honors: Cum Laude Graduation

Chapter: President, Social Chair Organizations: Tour guide, College against Cancer, Biomedical Engineering Society Major: Bioengineering Honors: Phi Beta Kappa, recipient of Presidential scholarship, Honors convocation invitee, selected to represent department at Biomedical Engineering Society National Convention, Engineering Research Symposium presenter.

Delta Chi Quarterly

LSU | Bradley Guin 2015

Southeast Missouri | Austin Cordell 2016

Chapter: Public Relations Chair, “A”, “E” Organizations: State Capital Advisor, LSU Student Government, LSU Ambassadors, Justice of Interfraternity Council Judicial Board Major: Political Science Honors: Dean’s List

Chapter: “C”, Scholarship Chair, Social Co-Chair, Recruitment Chair, AMC Organizations: Southeast Student Government Association Senator, College of Health and Human Services, Southeast Missouri, State University Board of Regents Student Regent, Southeast Presidential Ambassadors Presidential Ambassador Southeast Interfraternity Council Vice-President of Internal Affairs, Judicial Board Chief Justice Southeast Missouri State University Student Dean’s List, Order of Omega Secretary/ Treasurer, Student Center for the Public Trust, Phi Kappa Phi, Beta Gamma Sigma. Major: Accounting & Criminal Justice Honors: Dean’s List, Jack Buck Scholar-Leader Award, Regents’ Scholarship, Phi Kappa Phi Honors Scoiety, Beta Gamma Sigma Honors Society

Minnesota | Rajesh Satpathy 2017 Chapter: “B”, Social Chair, Philanthropy Chair, Recruitment Chair Organizations: College of Liberal Arts Student Board, Pre-Meds in Action, Model UN, Democracy Matters, Student Unions and Activities, Tony Diggs Awards Committee, Health Advocate, and University of Minnesota Student Research – Dr. Provenzano’s Pancreatic Oncology Lab Major: Public Health Honors: Dean’s List, 1st Place, Maryville Region Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, Department of Defense National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium – Second Place, Siemens Competition Regional Finalist

Whitewater | Jesse Walk 2015 Missouri | Adam Minter 2015 Chapter: AMC, Housing Chairman, RLC co-chairman, undergrad contact to the House Corporation Organizations: Rho Gamma Major: Marketing

Chapter: “F”, “A” Organizations: IFC Major: Entrepreneurship

North Alabama | Dayton Tenney 2017

William & Mary | Brandon Posner 2018

Chapter: “D”, “E”, “C” Organizations: ROTC, Student Government Association, Criminal Justice Student Association, LaGrange Society Major: Criminal Justice; Minor: Military Science Honors: Cadet Honors Award

Chapter: Assistant Rush Chair, “D”, Associate Member President Organizations: Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity, Peer Scholarship Advisor at the Charles Center Major: Economics

North Georgia | Brian Dix 2015 Chapter: AMC, Brotherhood Chair Organizations: President of Wrestling Club, Squad Leader (ROTC), Platoon Sergeant (ROTC), and Platoon Leader (ROTC) Major: Chinese Honors: Cum Laude

Pittsburgh | Eric Weston 2015 Chapter: Vice President, Greek Week / IFC Representative Organizations: Greek Week President, Biomedical Engineering Society, Order of Omega, Interfraternity Council Executive Board Member Major: Bioengineering Honors: Swanson School of Engineering Honors, Dean’s List

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2016 Chapter Luminaries

Beaufort | Isaac Miles 2017

Minnesota | Nick Maher 2019

Chapter: “B”, “C”, Community Service Chair, Philanthropy Chair Organizations: This spring, Isaac received the "Outstanding Rising Leader" award from our Office of Student Life. He received this award because of his collaborative work with other elements and clubs, like the Student Government Association. Proving his level of commitment to his community, Isaac was unable to attend the awards ceremony, as he was volunteering for the Boys and Girls Club of Beaufort. Through all of his work in class and with Delta Chi, he has also been a member of the USC-Beaufort Cross Country and Track and Field Teams. Major: Business Administration

Chapter: MSA Representative & Chief of Staff Organizations: At large representative in the Minnesota Student Association Major: Biology; Minor: Leadership Honors: National Eagle Scout Association

Florida | Casey Foote 2016 Chapter: Secretary, Social Committee, AMC Committee, Major: Finance

Florida State | Hunter Bell 2018

Chapter: “C”, “E” Organizations: Circle K International (Kiwanis) - Panhandle Lieutenant Governor; Mock Trial Team - Alumni Outreach Coordinator; Student Alumni Association - Leadership Council, Director of Community Outreach, Associate Director of Membership, Recruitment & Orientation Team; Noles4Jeb; Legislative Aide for the Florida House of Representatives (District 5); The Advance Party, Dance Marathon, The Big Event Major: Editing, Writing & Media; Political Science Minor: Communications

Chapter: AMC, “A” Organizations: Mizzou Sales Engineering Association Co-Founder, Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Center - Peer Educator, IFC - Formal Recruitment Guide, College Mentors for Kids - Student Mentor, Missouri Industrial Assessment Center - Student Energy Auditor Major: Engineering Honors: Magna Cum Laude & Dean’s High Honor Roll College of Engineering, Outstanding Greek Scholar Award - Office of Greek life

North Alabama | Clay Holmes 2017 Chapter: “A”, “B”, Recruitment Chair, IFC Delegate, Social Chair, Scholarship Chair, and Convention delegate Organizations: IFC - President (Nov 2015 to Present, VP of Recruitment (Aug 2014 to Dec 2014), VP of Judicial Affairs (Jan 2015 to Nov 2015), and Delegate (Jan 2014 to Aug 2014)' SGA - Rules and Regulations Committee member (Jan 2015 to May 2015)' HPER Club - Member (Jan 2014 to Present) Major: Sports Management; Minor: Marketing

Fredonia | Nathaniel Winn 2017

Southeast Missouri | Tony Rushing 2016

Chapter: “B”, Fundraising and Philanthropy Chairman, Miss Delta Chi Beauty Pageant Coordinator, Created Recycle for Relief program, Community Service Recognition Organizations: ADvalue Marketing through Enactus, Fredonia Club Baseball, Student Association, Business Club, Spectrum, Host of 89.5 WDVL All Star Radio Show, Music Industry Club Major: Finance and Music Industry Honors: Dean's List, Ann James Manly Endowment Scholarship, Admittance to Northumbria University in Newcastle, England, Fredonia Campus Involvement Award

USP | Eric Jones 2018

Kansas State | Aaron Frith 2016 Chapter: “A”, “C”, Recruitment, Associate Member Counselor, Homecoming Chairman, Historian Chairman, and Campus Involvement Chairman Major: Industrial Engineering Honors: Kansas State Leadership Scholarship

Lehigh | David Pulsifer 2017 Chapter: Philanthropy Chair, “F”, “B” Organizations: Radio Host at WLVR 91.3 Major: Computer Engineering & Product Design Honors: Dean’s List Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014 and Spring 2015


Missouri | Jake Myers 2016

Delta Chi Quarterly

Chapter: “C” Organizations: Rugby Team Vice-President Major: Sport Management Minor: Business Administration Honors: Academic Support Center Scholar leader, Won Vice President’s Award for creating a positive environment throughout campus

Chapter: Associate Member Counselor, “E”, Social Chairman Organizations: Division II Golf Team (3 Year Team Captain), Student Government Association, Research Society, American Pharmacists Association, Russian Club, and Circle K Major: Pharmacology / Toxicology Honors: Dean’s List, Merit Scholarship, CACC Honor Roll Varsity Athletics: Varsity Golf Team MVP 2014 - 2016

William & Mary | Austin Tapp 2017 Chapter: Brotherhood Chair, “F”, “B” Organizations: Students for University Advancement; Alumni Engagement Chair, Someone You Know; William and Mary’s Male sexual assault task force: treasure, Big Brothers Big Sisters; Big of the Year 2015, IFC Conduct Council (2 years), Intramural Sports Supervisor, Men’s club lacrosse Major: Neuroscience Honors: Honors thesis candidate


RLC Recaps


Regional Leadership Conferences are a great opportunity for chapter members and alumni of all ages to come together and receive training, exchange ideas, and learn more about Delta Chi on a larger scale. Find out what members had to say when asked about their experiences at the 2016 Regional Leadership Conferences:

“ It’s important for our members to attend RLC’s for the simple fact that it is an accessible form of programming for undergraduates that receives the same amount of attention as A’s Academy or Convention. The people that we trust to develop our organization on an international scale are present to answer questions and to provide hands-on training for the men they work so hard to assist from afar.” ~ Hayden Mills | Alberta

“ It was extremely resourceful; it was my second time going. It was great! We talked about recruitment, leadership on/ off campus, how to be better brothers, etc. We took it back to our chapter and gave presentations to our members and it really helped us grow. We took our younger members, and it helped them open their eyes to the possibilities of membership, and a lot of them actually applied for leadership positions once we got back to the chapter.” ~ Spencer McMath | Cal Poly

“ I learned a lot about recruitment. We learned that we don't need to be the stereotypical recruitment guys we just need to be normal and talk to guys on a personal level, and the recruitment just happens from those connections.”

“ I believe that it is important for our members to attend RLC because it provides them with the opportunity to learn immense information varying from chapter operations, recruitment tactics, IHQ support, etc. but also provides us with an opportunity to learn from fellow brothers of different chapters and strengthen our lifetime bond.”

~ Josh Resvaloso | Oregon State

~ Justin Corpuz | Sacramento State


“ Having all the chapters there and conversing with them, and getting their ideas helps to bounce ideas around and helps me to become a stronger chapter leader.” ~ Stephen LeBlanc | LSU “ RLC was a very worthwhile and informative experience. It was a great way to network with other chapters and learn what works for them and what doesn't. We also plan on taking what we learned from the Phired Up presentations and apply it to our recruitment techniques.” ~ Skyler King | Louisiana Tech






The Region IV RLC piloted educational tracks for the “B”, “E” and “F”. These tracks were designed to help prepare officers for their roles as leaders in their chapter. In addition to the chapter officers, there was also a track for “BB”s and advisors, which focused on working with today’s college student and best practices in advising. Delta Chi would like to thank the following track facilitators: • James Crawford, Wilmington 2010; Coordinator of Greek Life, Vanderbilt University • Colleen Drazen, Delta Zeta, Special Events Coordinator, Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital


• Michael Marino, George Mason 2011; Fraternity/Sorority Affairs Advisor, University of Memphis In 2017, the Fraternity seeks to increase the number of regions receiving officer training and development at these programs. “ The fact that the entire e-board came, and communicating with other e-boards has led me to be more open minded as far as our procedures go, and becoming more motivated to make our chapter more efficient.”


~ Chris Johnson | Central Missouri



Delta Chi Quarterly



“ Attending RLC helped me develop greatly as a leader, both formally and informally. Through all of our structured programming and presentations, I gained a stronger understanding of my chapter's place within the international organization, and learned about areas that we should particiuarly work to improve in. In meeting brothers from around the region, I also got to pick up interesting and useful advice from peers who were in very similar roles as myself.”

“ Attendance at RLC provides the members of Delta Chi with a better understanding of their chapter's operations. By sharing event ideas and experiences between chapters, brothers learn how to run their chapter more efficiently and epitomize the phrase ‘proud to be a Delta Chi.’"

“ I was given a chance to learn new strategies for leadership and recruitment. I also made many new connections with brothers from across the region and learned about things they did that my chapter can try to help better ourselves.” ~ Glenn Gibson | Massachusetts

~ Seth Boyer | Michigan

“ RLC gave me a different perspective on what it means to be a Delta Chi. After becoming a member, you understand how an individual chapter runs, but after attending RLC you truly understand how Headquarters is involved and how the entire system is intertwined.”

~ Matthew Xu | Northwestern





~ Chris Sholy | Rutgers



“ As a delegate this year, RLC was an amazing experience, through which I was able to meet brothers I never knew I had. RLC helped me grow as a leader by exposing me to other great leaders in Delta Chi. Further, it offered me an education in chapter management taught from the perspective of men leading our fraternity on the international level. At RLC, I learned how to better push myself as a Delta Chi and continue to grow as a leader constantly.” ~ Matthew Bower | Huntsville “ Attending RLC is invaluable because there's so much to learn not only from the facilitators, but from the other chapters as well. It provides a forum for chapter leaders, general members, and associate members to bounce ideas off one another and learn what it truly means to be a Delta Chi.”


~ Jason Gonzalez | Florida State






“ At RLC I learned how to be an effective leader and brother both in everyday operations and in recruitment. I learned not only what is expected from my position, but also from every other position, which gave me a broader perspective of my chapter. For recruitment, acitivites such as "Conversation Coliseum" taught me how to and how to not to recruit young men, so that now I have the confidence to recruit to the best of my ability. Overall, RLC was an enriching experience and if I don't have the pleasure to go again, I will definitely endorse another brother to go.” ~ Dylan Martz | Pittsburgh “ Interestingly enough, I was the only AM attending this year's RLC. That being said, I was the most inexperienced Delta Chi related individual in attendance. I had no clue what to expect and no what I had gotten myself into. Through the course of the conference, I learned valuable recruitment skills and the importance of making logical decisions as a fraternity. University members of Delta Chi represent a larger organization that includes HQ and all other chapters worldwide. I quickly learned the importance of remaining active in my chapter far before any of my AM class members.”


~ Max Lohss | Pittsburgh




Friendship | Character | Justice | Education



Those Who Have Passed These men have lived amongst us for a time, and we have been honored to call them brothers. Now they are gone and we bid them a fond farewell at this parting.


Dylan Bernstein ’20, May 20, 2016


Daniel Lucido ’12, May 4, 2016


Richard Moss ’57, October 30, 2015


Christopher Filkins ’73, June 5, 2015


Dan Blunt ’63, April 5, 2016


James McAnally ’60, July 19, 2015


Paul Freeman ’81, October 1, 2015



Marshall Butler ’47, March 29, 2016 Lewis Mitchell ’50, September 22, 2015

Kansas State

Keith Cryderman ’63, May 3, 2016


Peter Riley ’88, June 24, 2016

Michigan State

Harold Hale ’50, June 27, 2015 Richard Heiss ’52, January 23, 2015 John Lenz ’52, February 26, 2016

Oklahoma State Aurvil Ketch ’48, December 15, 2015 Jack Condrey ’49, August 22, 2014 Bill Bates ’50, March 25, 2016 Ralph Green ’50, June 1, 2015 C.S. Trosper ’51, May 12, 2014 Vernon Askew ’56, May 14, 2016 John Dillingham ’65, January 28, 2016 Hal Hopkins ’65, December 26, 2015

Oshkosh Roy Rado ’70, March 12, 2016

Mississippi State

Penn State

William Michael Bryant ’10, February 13, 2016

Wilbert Dutter ’65, June 2, 2014



Paul B. Smith ’18, February 5, 2015 Bret Vogt ’18, May 4, 2016

Robert Roetman ’49, December 2, 2015

Daniel Jones ’15, April 6, 2016

Iowa State

Northern Illinois

Virginia Commonwealth

Leigh Clark Alumnus, January 4, 2015

John Glisson Alumnus, December 23, 2015

Ohio State


Paul Maland ’37, October 26, 2014 Robert Donels ’61, January 19, 2016 William Schroeder ’99, April 8, 2016

Robert Secontine ’49, November 29, 2014

Clinton F. Clark ’56, April 2, 2014


Important Milestones Cortland

New Haven


Eastern Washington

Born to Brother and Mrs. Paul Varsanik 1991, a daughter, Delaney Elizabeth, on March 27, 2016

Western Carolina

Brother Daniel Catalano 2008 married to Ariel Edelson on May 14, 2016. Born to Brother and Mrs. Justin Gambill 2014, a daughter, Amelia Rae, on February 21, 2016


Born to Brother and Mrs. Jonathan Larson 2001, a son, Grant Lewis, on May 19, 2016.

Kansas State

Born to Brother and Mrs. Erik Mink 2000, a son, Holton Thomas on May 24, 2016.

Brother Paul Varsanik 1991 married to Katie Ann McLeod on May 2, 2015.

Born to Brother and Mrs. Jeremiah McElligott 1999, a daughter, Dylan Reese, on March 24, 2016 Born to Brother and Mrs. Christopher Moran 2001, a son, Jason Christopher, on December 10, 2014.

New Mexico State

Born to Brother and Mrs. Damien Torres 2000, a daughter, Zoey Paige, on March 25, 2016.

Born to Brother and Mrs. Graham Patterson 2007, a daughter, Nora Josephine, on June 1, 2016.

Born to Brother and Mrs. Michael McCormick 2002, a son, Adam Michael Vikta, on April 14, 2016


Born to Brother and Mrs. Tyrel Allaire 2004, a daughter, Cora Lee, on April 23, 2016.

Brother William Fowler 2017 married to Laura Wilson on April 3, 2016.


Born to Brother and Mrs. Justin Terp 2004, a son, Conner James, on April 1, 2016.


Delta Chi Quarterly

Born to Brother and Mrs. Joshua Gurley 2005, a daughter, Madison Elizabeth, on May 6, 2016. Born to Brother and Mrs. Vincent Vosa 2006, a son, Samuel Lee, on May 1, 2016.

Born to Brother and Mrs. Joseph Gualtieri '09, a son, Rocco Nicholas, on May 30, 2016. Born to Brother and and Mrs. Joseph Tilley 2000, a daughter, Harper Marie-Templeton, on May 9, 2016. Brother Kevin Goglio 2007 married to Adriana Randazzo on May 28, 2016.

Virginia Commonwealth

Born to Brother and Mrs. Michael Araj 2001, a daughter, Jordyn Sophie, on February 9, 2016 Born to Brother and Mrs. Robert Ingrao 2011, a son, Luca, on March 26, 2016



Adelphi DeltaChiAdelphi

Delaware Colony UDDeltaChi

Alabama UADeltaChi Alberta DeltaChiAlberta

Denison Duquesne DuqDX

Indiana IUDCHI

Michigan MichDeltaChi

Iowa DeltaChiIowa

Michigan State MichStDeltaChi

Southern California USC_Delta_Chi

Minnesota DeltaChiMinneso

Southern Illinois SIUDeltaChi

Iowa State ISU_DeltaChi

East Carolina DeltaChiatECU

Jacksonville State DeltaChiJSU

Appalachian State DeltaChiApp

East Stroudsburg ESUDeltaChi

Arizona State ASUDeltaChi

Eastern Illinois DeChiEIU

Johnstown Kansas KansasDeltaChi

Auburn AU_Delta_Chi

Eastern Washington


Augusta DXAugusta Beaufort Colony DeltaChiUSCB Behrend DXBehrend Bowling Green Delta_chi_bgsu Bryant DeltaChiBryant Cal Poly CPDeltaChi California Univ-PA DChiCalUPa Case Western Reserve DChiCWRU Central Missouri UCM_DeltaChi Charlotte DeltaChiUNCC Clemson DeltaChiClemson Colorado State Colony CSUDeltaChi Cornell Corpus Christi DChiTAMUCC Cortland DChi_Cortland Dalton State Colony DSCDeltaChi

Embry-Riddle ERAUDChi

Kansas State KSU_DeltaChi Kennesaw KSUDeltaChi

Ferrum FerrumCollegeDX

Kettering-A DeltaChiKU

Florida FloridaDX


Florida State DeltaChi_FSU

Kingsville Colony TAMUKDeltaChi

Fredonia Fredonia_DChi Fullerton CSUFDeltaChi Gannon GUDeltaChi George Mason DeltaChiGMU Georgia Southern GaSouthernDX Georgia Tech Hamilton Hayward DeltaChiCSUEB Hobart HobartDeltaChi Hofstra HofstraDChi Huntsville DChiHuntsville Illinois IllinoisDChi Illinois State ISU_DChi

Lake Forest DeltaChiLFC Lehigh LehighDChi Little Rock Colony UALRDeltaChi Livingston UWADeltaChi Long Beach DeltaChiLBState Louisiana Tech LATechDeltaChi LSU LSUDeltaChi Mankato DeltaChiMankato Marquette MUDeltaChi Marshall MULeges Massachusetts UMassDeltaChi Miami DeltaChiMiamiOH

Mississippi State MSStateDeltaChi Missouri MizzouDeltaChi Missouri State DeltaChiMSU Montclair D_ChiMontclair New Haven UNHDeltaChi North Alabama DChiUNA North Georgia Northern Arizona Northern Colorado Northern Illinois NIUDeltaChi Northwestern NUDeltaChi Ohio State OSUDeltaChi Oklahoma State Colony OSU_DeltaChi Oregon State Oshkosh OshkoshDeltaChi Penn State

Southeast Missouri SEMO_Delta_Chi

Spring Hill Syracuse CuseDeltaChi Tarleton TSUDeltaChi Texas TexasDeltaChi Texas Tech TXTechDeltaChi Tri-State DeltaChiTrine Troy State TroyDeltaChi Truman State TrumanDeltaChi UNLV Colony DeltaChiUNLV USP USciDeltaChi Valdosta VSUDeltaChi Virginia Commonwealth DeltaChiAtVCU Washington DeltaChiUW


Washington State DChiWSU

Purdue DeltaChiPurdue

West Chester WCUDeltaChi

Radford DChiRUFly

Whitewater DeltaChiUWW

Rhode Island Riverside DeltaChiUCR Rutgers

William & Mary WMDeltaChi deltachi01

Sacramento SACDeltaChi

Wilmington DChiWilmington

South Dakota State

Windsor DeltaChiWindsor

South Florida DXSouthFlorida

Wisconsin DeltaChiWisc

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education


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