Delta Chi Quarterly - Volume 113, Issue 4

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Volume 113 | Issue 4 | Winter 2017

EXPANDING COLLEGIATE HOUSING OPTIONS IN THIS ISSUE Alumni Initiations Delta Chi at a Glance Convention Preview

Inside The Quarterly

Volume 1 13 | Issue 4 | Winter 2017

FEATURES xpanding Collegiate 4 EHousing Options Learn more about the Barrister Capital Corporation and how they plan to support collegiate housing initiatives.

6 Alumni Initiations

Interested in helping someone join as an alumnus member of Delta Chi? The process may be easier thank you think! Learn more about Dr. Jeffery Wolcowitz’s experience and how you can help others become a part of the lifelong endeavor.

8 Delta Chi at A Glance

Another year has come and gone in the world of Delta Chi. Take a look at how the Fraternity has grown over the year and learn about some notable milestones.

10 Convention Preview

The 2018 Convention is just eight months away. Take a look at the incredible facilities that will house the Fraternity in Denver, Colorado, and register today for an experience unlike any other!


2 From the “DD”

3 Upcoming Events

12 From the Oshkosh Chapter

13 From the Michigan Chapter

14 Coast to Coast: RLC Information

19 Keeping in Touch, Farewell and Parting

20 Call to Convention


Delta Chi Quarterly


Let’s Talk Insurance & Risk.


hen I was an undergraduate member, there was no risk management assessment. It, however, was a very different world than we live in today. Now, when a situation or accident occurs, fraternities find themselves facing large medical bills and/or lawsuits for pain and suffering. Delta Chi gets its insurance through the Fraternity Risk Management Trust (FRMT), which covers approximately 33 fraternities. Our insurance bill is based upon our claims experience as well as that of the other members of the FRMT. This year at the summer board meeting we were confronted with a large increase to our insurance premium. This, unfortunately, resulted in a large increase in our risk management assessment that was sent out to chapters and colonies. Nothing makes me angrier. We could use this money for more staff, better programming, additional chapter activities, or better yet, not collect it at all, and leave it in the wallets of our undergrads. Due to increasing insurance costs, that is not an option. I have heard from a few members how much of a burden this increase is to their chapters. I agree totally. One thing many are not aware of is that the risk management insurance assessment has not increased in ten years. In fact, it was lowered once during that time period. Ask anyone; insurance costs have gone up a lot in the past decade. We simply could not hold it down any longer. Right now, risky behavior is the greatest threat to the very existence of Delta Chi. I cannot emphasize this enough. But there is something you can do to bring insurance costs down. Live our values;

follow our risk management policies and the law. Every time we follow our core beliefs and avoid a claim, we require less money for our insurance. The rates are determined based upon the prior year’s claims/losses. You can talk to your brothers about risky behavior. You can take steps to do things in an alternative manner to lower the chance of risk. You can stay off of roofs, and do not hang out of a window. You can make sure that no one in the chapter engages in hazing. You can care about each other, and you can care more about your chapter and the Fraternity. Ask yourself this one thing: is any of this worth losing your chapter and/or a brother or guest dying/getting seriously injured? Moving forward, we can do better! Together, we can bring these insurance costs down. Keep in mind that a chapter event can be anywhere and not just at the chapter house. Chapter events can occur at other housing or even a commercial establishment. If in doubt, the best thing you can do is call Jerod Breit, Director of Member Safety, at (319) 337-4811 jbreit@ and ask. He wants to work with you ahead of time so that you can minimize risk AND have your event. If you are not familiar with the Fraternity’s Social Media Policy, you should be. Use of Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, etc. for inappropriate purposes can put you and your chapter at risk. I am going to be hosting a roundtable discussion for our undergraduates to discuss safety, risk management, and insurance costs soon. Look for Headquarters to send out invitations to this. I encourage every single one of you to attend. This is vital to lowering our claims, which in turn will lower our perman charge to you. I want as little of your money to go towards insurance fees as possible. In the meantime, I encourage you to share your concerns, thoughts, or suggestions with me. My door is always open to each of you. You can reach me at In the Bond,

Ronald Martin “DD” New Haven, 1987 Life Loyal



Want an event listed on The Quarterly calendar? Email Jake Tomlin, Director of Publications, at JANUARY 2018 12 - 15 “A”s’ Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Meinrad, IN 24 International Phone Call (8 PM) 27 Alumni Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Las Vegas, NV FEBRUARY 2018 2 - 4 Region IX RLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fairfax, VA 9 Alumni Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sacramento, CA 9 - 11 Region II RLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long Beach, CA 16 - 18 Region V RLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DeKalb, IL 16 - 18 Region VI RLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flint, MI 23 - 25 Region I RLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seattle, WA 23 - 25 Region IV RLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia, MO 24 Alumni Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX MARCH 2018 2 - 4 Region VII RLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Long Island, NY 2 - 4 Region VIII RLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kennesaw, GA APRIL 2018 13 - 15 Region III RLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baton Rouge, LA

Delta Chi Quarterly (USPS 152-660) Published quarterly in Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity Editorial and Business Office P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church Street Iowa City, IA 52244 Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244 and at additional mailing offices Printed by Royle Printing, Sun Prairie, WI

Address Changes Send all notices of address changes to: Delta Chi International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 319.337.4811 Fax: 319.337.5529

Director of Publications Jake Tomlin, Florida State ’15 E-mail: Website:

Layout and Design Drew Dallet, Kent State ’93; Boom Creative E-mail:

Please Help Delta Chi Save Money! If you would like to receive the Quarterly electronically instead of in paper format, email and let us know. This will save Delta Chi both printing and postage costs.

Privacy Policy Please visit to view Delta Chi’s privacy policy, which contains various “opt-out” opportunities for our members.

JUNE 2018 15 - 18 Emerging Leaders Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . Ithaca, NY AUGUST 2018 1 – 4 61st International Convention . . . . . . . . . . .

Denver, CO

Friendship | Character | Justice | Education



t the 2016 Convention in Louisville, the Delta Chi Board of Regents approved support for the development of Barrister Capital Corporation (BCC), LLC. Expanding our approach to chapter house acquisition and management is a central part of Delta Chi’s strategic plan for growing, funding, and staffing fraternity housing. BCC has three main goals: to identify and obtain the right property to fit the needs of the chapter with a focus on ownership, to manage chapter houses effectively, and to share chapter house management best practices with house corporation boards and chapter house managers. BCC’s goals are to expand viable collegiate housing opportunities for Delta Chi and other organizations and to offer value-based chapter house management services.

About Barrister Capital Corporation For many of Delta Chi’s chapters, local house management presents many challenges. Local house corporation boards are comprised of volunteers with varying levels of house management experience. The Barrister Board of Directors is highly experienced and represents years of experience from numerous Delta Chi chapters. BCC offers this combined level of expertise to chapters seeking assistance with house acquisition, ownership, management and even renovations and 4

Delta Chi Quarterly

improvements. This more focused approach can relieve local house corporation volunteers of the burdens of dealing with, for example, tenants demands and various code compliance issues. BCC can help tailor an approach that makes best sense for each chapter house situation.

Ownership and Management of Chapter Houses Barrister can assist chapters with developing effective strategies for chapter house leases, ownership, and management. BCC understands that there is no single solution for every chapter. With this in mind, BCC can recommend then help manage short and long-term plans that work best for the chapter. This can include short and long-term lease agreements with option to purchase as well as renovations to ensure a structure meets the needs of the chapter. BCC can provide guidance to chapters in more challenging markets where traditional housing options are not plentiful. Chapters that are considering a first-ever house will find BCC’s services very helpful in determining the best approach for them. Chapter house management responsibilities can be difficult for both house corporation volunteers and chapter house

managers. Billing, maintenance, reporting and house expense management requirements place great demands on chapter alumni and undergraduates. Barrister Property Management, LLC (BPM), part of Barrister Capital Corporation, offers resources to local house corporations that are comparable to those utilized by professional property managers across North America. BPM solutions include 24/7 access to a property management platform for nearly any computer or mobile device. BPM can simplify tenant payments, facility repairs reporting, rental statements and late fees, and can provide e-leasing options to collegiate members. BPM’s hands-on approach can be more effective than many local property landlords and house corporations. BCC treats chapter house challenges like a business in order to increase house safety, tenant satisfaction, and to deliver value for our live-in collegiate members. For more information regarding the BCC and BPM, visit their website at

Special thanks to Kriztina Dagrizikos, Communications Intern, for the development of this feature.

Northern Illinois Chapter house

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A Lifelong Endeavor



f you you were to ask someone on a college campus about how people get involved in a fraternity, you will likely hear similar answers: you know someone in a fraternity, you sign up on an interest form, or you get handed a flyer during some sort of student involvement fair. Students looking to join show up to the chapter house, where they take part in a house tour, walking down a hallway filled with photos of members through the years. The chapter has some event planned, maybe a grill out or game of flag football. Everyone has some free food while getting the chance to “meet the guys.” If the fraternity feels someone is a good fit for its group, he will get an invitation to join.

You participated in campus community service events, hosted socials with other groups on campus, and attended weekly brotherhood events. But for some of our brothers, Delta Chi was not part of their lives until after graduation.

For countless members of Delta Chi, this may sound familiar. Chances are, you always viewed “fraternity” as something you found during your time in college. You joined on a college campus, served as a committee chair or an executive board member, and went to chapter meetings.

After supporting the new colony as an advisor, Dr. Wolcowitz was approached about joining Delta Chi. “I was open to it, if it would be meaningful to the brothers. I enjoyed spending time with members of the chapter. Also, I was happy to learn more about the fraternity.” Jeff

Delta Chi Quarterly

“I was approached by a member of the Case Western Reserve Chapter (actually colony at that time), asking whether I might be interested in being the chapter’s faculty advisor,” said Dr. Jeffrey Wolcowitz, Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Case Western Reserve University (pictured on this page). “I said ‘sure.’ I made it clear that I knew absolutely nothing about fraternities, but if they thought I could be helpful, I was happy to do so.”

was initiated into Delta Chi in 2014. Just as undergraduate members can face questions about why they would join a fraternity, so do alumni initiates. “I also remember speaking with my sister the evening after receiving the bid. She thought this was the craziest thing she had heard but was immediately googling Delta Chi, read the values, and said that it sounded like me.” Jeff shared. An alumnus initiate is not some honorary position; it comes with all the rights and responsibilities of membership in Delta Chi. Just as a chapter or colony looks to recruit students that would be positive additions to the group, it is important to ensure that an alumnus initiate upholds the values and principles of Delta Chi. Just like undergraduate members, alumni initiates of Delta Chi have much that they can offer.

Interested in helping someone join as an alumnus member? Navigating the process is straightforward: • The potential member must be approved by an unanimous vote of the undergraduate organization. • Following the vote of the undergraduate chapter, the alumnus must be approved by the organization’s Alumni Board of Trustees.

“I feel that alumni initiates are an underutilized asset opportunity in Delta Chi,” shared Alex Brown, Director of Alumni Engagement for the Fraternity. “Our undergraduate chapters are constantly searching for the best and brightest students to join their organizations. As a lifelong organization, we should recognize the wealth of resources around us. Alumni initiates not only have much to offer our local chapters and colonies, but they also give us the chance to extend our brotherhood to someone who may have never considered or had the opportunity to join a fraternity.”

• Once this approval has been received, the approval from the Executive Director and CEO of Delta Chi must be given.

Any adult male who has not been initiated as a member of another general or social fraternity is eligible for alumnus membership. To join, a candidate must be approved by a unanimous vote of the undergraduate organization. Once this occurs, it goes before the Alumni Board of Trustees for its approval. From there, it is sent to the Executive Director and CEO of Delta Chi for final approval and confirmation. The benefits of membership in Delta Chi don’t end after graduation. Alumni members, including alumni initiates, give back and remain engaged in a wide variety of ways. “I’ve been faculty advisor to the colony and then chapter since 2011. I’ve been attending ABT meetings over this time and have worked with the Scholarship Chairs. I also meet individually with brothers to discuss various issues. I attend events when invited and I’m available, including two Founders’ Day Dinners sponsored by the Northeast Ohio Alumni Chapter.” Jeff continues to be involved at the international level. “I’ve also attended two Conventions, where it was fun to meet brothers from other universities, both current students and alumni … I had a good time, so I went to the next and expect to be in Denver next summer. It has been a great affiliation,” he says.

When considering candidates for alumni initiation, it is important to know how the person’s values align with Delta Chi. Potential Alumni Initiates could include: • Fathers • Stepfathers • Uncles • Grandfathers • Faculty members • Campus administrators • Local business leaders • Non-profit leaders • Public servants

Each member of Delta Chi has his own unique story of how he came to be a brother. Whether you joined as an undergraduate member on a college campus or found your home in Delta Chi years later, the connections and relationships that our members build can be powerful. “It’s been fun, and the brothers have been incredibly kind to me,” said Jeff. “They act like I’m doing something for them, when in fact, they are providing me with a great experience.” When asked if he had any thoughts for someone considering joining Delta Chi as an alumnus, Jeff offered this advice: “There is no reason not to do it. From all that I have seen, it is a good organization with committed members and strong values.” Special thanks to Alex Brown, Director of Alumni Engagement, for the development of this feature.

Brothers representing the Case Western Reserve Chapter gather at the 2016 International Convention in Louisville, Kentucky.

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Active Chapters and Colonies


Average Chapter Size


Total Lifetime Membership


Active Alumni Chapters


Total Undergraduates


Fundraising for The V Foundation for 2016-2017 49% of our biennial goal of $500,000 8

Delta Chi Quarterly


Annual New Member (AM) Gain Those associated in 2016-17


Current Living Membership

All living alumni & undergraduates


Total Lifetime Chapters and Colonies 119 active + 121 inactive







Average Chapter GPA

Hours Per Person

Reported Man Hours

Individuals Reported

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2018 Convention Preview LEARN skills and knowledge in various education sessions. meet brothers spanning generations from across the globe. lead the Fraternity through legislative motions shaping our future. see all that our host city of Denver has to offer. be present and experience an event unlike any other. feel the impact of the Lifelong Endeavor through brotherhood.






• Registration • Welcome Events • Kick-off Celebration

• Sessions • Regional Caucuses • Executive Committee Elections • Ritual Exemplification

• Kimball Classic Golf Tournament • Educational Sessions • VIP Foundation Event

• VK (5k walk/run for The V Foundation) • Community Service • Alumni Certification • Closing Banquet

Delta Chi Quarterly

Renaissance Denver Stapleton Hotel

Registration now open! Visit for more information

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Oshkosh Chapter I

t was a typical, warm July summer day in 2017, or was it?

It was the second day of a three-day celebration of the Oshkosh Chapter’s annual summer get-together. On this weekend, the 50th Summer Get-together, better known as SGT 50, was being celebrated. What began as a fundraiser for the Oshkosh colony in 1968 has grown to an annual celebration of brotherhood that spans three generations of the chapter, with brothers aged from 18 to 72. The weather has been in their favor, since not a single SGT has been rained out in all 50 years. On Friday, July 7, approximately 45 brothers and their significant others began arriving at a local restaurant for a fish fry. Some of the brothers hadn’t been back to an SGT in over 45 years, and it was as if they had never been absent. Old friends shook hands, hugged, and simply enjoyed renewing very old and powerful friendships. As the evening wore on, small groups broke away to share the stories of their lives over the last 50 years. On Saturday, July 8, the festivities took up the entire day. The day began with a tour of The University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh campus. The 20 brothers and their significant others were amazed at the changes that had occurred on the campus since they had last been there some as long ago as 1969!


Delta Chi Quarterly

The afternoon continued with a picnic lunch with approximately 100 brothers in attendance, the annual meeting for the ABT, a silent auction to benefit our own Klatt Scholarship Fund, with $1,640 donated this year, and the annual corn hole tournament. The evening concluded at The University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh Alumni Welcome and Conference Center with a banquet celebrating the 50th Summer Get-together. With over 100 brothers and significant others in attendance, Brother Dan Roskom emceed the program with guest speakers Brother Aaron Otto, “AA”; Brother Russ Rutz, representing the chapter from the 60’s to the 70’s; Brother Ron Montgomery, representing the chapter from the 80’s to the 00’s; and Brother Andrew Breitzman, representing the current chapter. Time was allotted for any brother who wanted to share a special comment or memory. When the banquet and program concluded, many brothers and significant others retired to Mahoney’s Establishment across the street for ice cream drinks. For about 25 attendees and their significant others who needed more fraternal bonding, a breakfast was held at a local restaurant before departing the weekend’s festivities. We’re all looking forward to seeing our brothers in 2018 for SGT 2018.


g Chapter p Michigan


n Sunday, January 29th, the second annual Marco Madness Basketball Tournament was held at Crisler Arena, home of the Michigan basketball team. The event honored Marco Gutierrez, a sophomore and current brother at the Michigan Chapter who was forced to return home only a month and a half into his freshman year due to the recurrence of his Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Marco courageously fought through treatment for three years of his life prior to enrolling at The University of Michigan. This past year, Marco took on the long and challenging fight of defeating his cancer once again. Marco faced the challenge head on when he found that his cancer had returned. Through his remarkable courage, perseverance, and determination to return to The University of Michigan, he defeated the cancer again. We are grateful and proud to have Marco back at school. His selfless and loving personality and his courageous fighter mentality serve as major inspirations to us all. The proceeds from the fundraiser went towards treating

pediatric leukemia through the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C. Children’s National is currently the only health system designed for children in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. A total of eight teams participated in the tournament, with teams playing from various clubs and fraternities on campus, including two teams of active brothers. In order to participate, teams had to raise a minimum of $200. The tournament was a single-elimination five-on-five competition in which the game was played half-court style until the semi-finals and championship games, which were played full-court style. The winner of the tournament was the team from Go Blue Wear Pink, a philanthropy club on campus that raises money to support breast cancer research. Overall, members of the Fraternity and participants raised a total of $19,681 towards Children’s National in Washington, D.C. We were extremely proud of everyone’s efforts and look forward to next year’s Third Annual Marco Madness Tournament.

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RLC Information The Regional Leadership Conference (RLC) is designed to develop leadership skills, to help attendees realize that Delta Chi is more than their own chapters/colonies, and to provide men within the region the opportunity to share ideas, achievements, and experiences with other Delta Chi chapters/colonies, officers, Regents, alumni, advisors, and Headquarters staff. This year, RLCs will provide officer training for “B”s, “E”s, “F”s, Associate Member Counselors, Recruitment Chairs, and alumni. For more information, visit


Host Chapter: Washington Location: Seattle, WA Date: February 23-25, 2018 Regent: Shaun Hollenbeck Email:



Host Chapter: Long Beach Location: Long Beach, CA Date: February 9-11, 2018 Regent: Charles Wade Email:



Host Chapter: Northern Illinois Location: DeKalb, IL Date: February 16-18, 2018 Regent: Nik Kern Email:



Host Chapter: Missouri Location: Columbia, MO Date: February 23-25, 2018 Regent: Matt Gorney Email:




Host Chapter: Louisiana State Location: Baton Rouge, LA Date: April 13-15, 2018 Regent: Grant Herrin Email:




Delta Chi Quarterly

Host Chapter: Kettering-A Location: Flint, MI Date: February 16-18, 2018 Regent: Justin Donnelly Email:



Host Chapter: Hofstra Location: Long Island, NY Date: March 2-4, 2018 Regent: Jack Rodican Email:







Host Chapter: George Mason Location: Fairfax, VA Date: February 2-4, 2018 Regent: Gene Dorris Email:





Host Chapter: Kennesaw Location: Kennesaw, GA Date: March 2-4, 2018 Regent: Ron Stowers Email:



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• White plated • Golden Sapphires and Garnets • 0.5" x 0.5" • Includes a unique “125” badge guard This limited edition badge was created to celebrate the 125th anniversary (in 2015) of the founding of Delta Chi.

TO ORDER To purchase yours visit:


Coming to a Campus Near You To learn more, visit To get involved, email Heather Lockwood, Director of Fraternity Growth, at


Delta Chi Quarterly


Chapel Hill, NC

Chico, CA


Those Who Have Passed These men have lived among us for a time, and we have been honored to call them Brothers. Now they are gone and we bid them a fond farewell at this parting.

Appalachian State

James Guffey ’92, December 18, 2015 John Randall Stevenson ’03, October 7, 2017


Michael Allerding ’67, October 30, 2017

Eastern Illinois

Kansas City

Ronald Drain ’70, October 28, 2017

Michigan State

William Carlyon ’49, September 22, 2017


Kersey Foley ’70, January 3, 2017

Raymond Muckenthaler, Missouri Alumnus ’88, July 2, 2016


Ohio State


West Liberty

Robert Roy Bryant ’90, September 22, 2016 C. Richard Nash ’55, May 30, 2017

George Carter ’59, July 30, 2017 Roger Bell ’73, July 13, 2016

Iowa State

C. Larry Carmichael ’58, October 1, 2017


Important Milestones Bowling Green

Kent State



Kansas State

South Dakota State

Born to Brother and Mrs. Tracey Mann ’00, a daughter, Elizabeth “Elise” Lorraine, on September 29, 2017.

Southern California

Born to Brother and Mrs. Brent Felten ’04, a son, Sawyer Owen, on September 30, 2017.


Born to Brother and Mrs. John McNamara ’07, a son, Liam, on September 25, 2017. Born to Brother and Mrs. Gregory Zak ’95, a son, Alexander Robert, on September 20, 2017. Born to Brother and Mrs. Craig Bezdek ’98, a son, Zachary Bryce, on November 3, 2017.

Brother Matthew Gorney ’06 married to Amanda Arroyo on September 30, 2017.

Born to Brother and Mrs. Daniel Russell ’03, a son, Jacob Thomas, on August 12, 2015. Born to Brother and Mrs. Travis Moore ’11, a son, Silas Elijah, on September 9, 2017. Born to Brother and Mrs. Matthew Tollefson ‘10, a son, Miles Matthew, on October 6, 2017. Born to Brother and Mrs. AJ Ward ’96, a daughter, Anna Rose, on November 2, 2017. Brother Jeff Melando ’11 married to Kelsey Dorset on October 7, 2017.

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Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ City__________________________________________ State __________________ Zip____________________ E-mail_________________________________________ Moving? Send your mailing label with new address to: The Delta Chi Fraternity, International Headquarters PO Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 Phone (319) 337-4811 Fax (319) 337-5529

POSTMASTER - If undeliverable send notice on Form 3579 to The Delta Chi Fraternity International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817 Iowa City, IA 52244-1817

New Address (Please Print) _____ Home ______ Work


International Convention TO THE MEN OF THE DELTA CHI FRATERNITY, alumni members, alumni chapters, student members and associate members of the undergraduate chapters and colonies.

AS THE FIFTY-THIRD “AA”, I do hereby proclaim that the Sixty-first International Convention will convene at the Renaissance Denver Stapleton Hotel in the City of Denver in the State of Colorado at nine in the morning, Thursday the second of August, Two Thousand Eighteen. Said Convention shall continue through scheduled adjournment on the fourth day of August. THE BOARD OF REGENTS IS HEREBY CALLED INTO SESSION starting at nine o’clock in the morning, Monday the thirtieth of July, Two Thousand Eighteen at the same location.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Delta Chi Fraternity to be affixed.

DONE AT THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, the first day of January in the year Two Thousand Eighteen and in the one hundred twenty-eighth year since the founding of The Delta Chi Fraternity.

By the “AA”

Attested by the “CC”

Aaron Otto Kansas State 1998

Tom Carroll Hayward 1998

For more information and to register for the 61st International Convention, please visit today!

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