Special Awards CONVENTION HONOREE George Obear, DePauw ’30, was named as Convention Honoree. George served as “CC” 1968-1969 and “AA” 1969-1970. He was an “AA” Emeritus and a member of the Order of the White Carnation. He was a long-time Director of the Educational Foundation. EMERITUS RECOGNITION The highest recognition that can be bestowed on an elected officer of Delta Chi is Emeritus standing. It requires a unanimous standing vote of a Convention, and this year Raymond F. Borelli, IL ’58, who served two terms as “AA” from 1981 to 1985, was granted “AA” Emeritus standing. He had also served as Regent and “D” and was a long-time volunteer for the Illinois Chapter. “BB” Emeritus standing was granted to Dr. Alan Brightman, KS ’67. Dr. Brightman won numerous Outstanding “BB” Awards for his service first at the Illinois Chapter and later at the Kansas State Chapter. ORDER OF THE WHITE CARNATION Delta Chi established the Order of the White Carnation to honor those men who have displayed meritorious and inconspicuous service. This summer there were three candidates presented for consideration and, by standing acclamation, the Convention inducted the following men: Gene A. Johnson, OK St ’58, was inducted posthumously into the Order. Gene held numerous offices as an undergraduate, was a Field Secretary, was Regent in the 1960s and the 1980s, and achieved New Founder status. Monte Johnson, Ohio State ’69, has served the Fraternity as Regent and Ritualist. He has achieved the Order of the Shield giving level to Delta Chi, won a Meritorious Service Award, served on Ohio State’s ABT and is currently Denison’s “BB”. John Tunila, UConn ’77, has served the Connecticut Chapter in numerous alumni officer positions, achieved the Order of the Shield giving level to Delta Chi, has won a Meritorious Service Award and is the Foundation’s Legal Advisor.
MERITORIOUS SERVICE AWARD Joseph J. DeFazio, Fredonia ’92 - For service to the Fredonia Chapter. Hamilton B. Henderson, NEMO - For service to the Board of Regents. David S. Conklin, NEMO ’88 - For service to Region IX as a Vice Regent. Dr. E. Duane Meyer, Hobart ’58 - For service to the Montclair Chapter. Dr. F. Wayne Smith, Livingston - For service to the Livingston Chapter. John D. Dorner, Illinois State ’91 - For service to the Illinois State Colony Wayne E. Rapp, DePauw ’68 - For service to the Northwestern Chapter. Brendan K. Puthoff, Texas ’01 - For service to the Texas Chapter. David W. Drews, Georgia Tech - For service to the Georgia Tech Chapter. James M. Marascio, Bryant ’93 – For service as Regent to Region IX. William A. J. Williams, Gannon ’83 – For 14 years of service to the Board of Regents.
HUMANITARIAN AWARD Daniel C. McDonell, Northwestern ’05 - For preventing another Northwestern student from committing suicide. Kevin M. Bennett, Texas ’04 - For his efforts with breast cancer education. VALOR AWARD Alexander Winchell, Hobart ’06 - For coming to the aid of a brother who had fallen down a cliff and carrying him to safety. Adam M. Korhhauser, Miami ’07 - For saving his father ’s life after a body surfing accident. DISTINGUISHED DELTA CHI AWARD Mark Mapstone, Hobart ’89 - For his achievements and accomplishments in the field of neuro-psychology. Dr. Michael A. Wiley, Texas ’57 - For his achievements and accomplishments in the field of geology.
Edward A. Pease of Pi Kappa Alpha Receives John J. Kuhn Interfraternity Service Award The Delta Chi Fraternity has a reputation for being interfraternally minded. In part, this comes from and is recognized by our having had five presidents of the North-American Interfraternity Conference (formerly known as the National Interfraternity Conference). No fraternity has had more, although three others have had as many. When the idea of sponsoring an award for interfraternity service was first considered, naming it after our first NIC president, John J. Kuhn, Cornell 1898, was the clear choice. Another clear choice was the seventh recipient of the Award, Edward A. Pease. Ed has been a long time supporter of the Greek movement and a long-time friend of Delta Chi. He gave a luncheon address on brotherhood at our 1981 Convention and counts many members of Delta Chi among his numerous interfraternal friends. Not only has Ed Edward A. Pease been president of the NIC, he is the only man in its 95-year history to serve twice in that illustrious position, an indication of the esteem in which he is held in the interfraternal world. He has also served as president of his fraternity and is currently secretary/ treasurer of its foundation. He received Pi Kappa Alpha’s Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award in 1983. Ed’s favorite role in the fraternal world, despite his many achievements, was that of chapter advisor. He also has a long record of service to the Boy Scouts of America where he served as Chairman of their National Order of the Arrow Committee and President of the Philmont Scout Camp in New Mexico. Ed has also served two terms as a United States Congressman from the 7th District of Indiana. During his congressional tenure, Pease served as a member of the House Judiciary Committee, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, the House Small Business Committee, and served as the Assistant Majority Whip with extensive service as Speaker Pro Tempore. Prior to his election to Congress, Pease was Vice President, Indiana State University and, before that, he was State Senator, 37th District, Indiana. Currently, Ed is the Senior Vice President, Government Relations, for Rolls -Royce North America, Inc. Other Recipients: Ms. Eileen Stevens, noted speaker on hazing Mr. Durward Owen, former Chief Executive Officer of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Ms. Mary Peterson, former Associate Director of Student Life at The University of Iowa Mr. Dave Westol, Executive Director of Theta Chi Fraternity Greg Hauser, Michigan State ’75, former president of the NIC, past “AA” and Order of the White Carnation Mr. Jonathan Brant, former executive director of Beta Theta Pi, former NIC executive vice president, and currently the director of Beta’s Foundation. ∆X Quarterly Fall/Winter 2004 15