Delighted - Summer 2012

Page 101


Noelle's mom, Cheryl, shares the three principles she used in designing this room: Infant-focused decor It was important to me that the decor in her room not just be pretty, but stimulating for an infant. Infants like to look at objects with high contrast, so the tree decals and wall prints were designed to be simple and clean with clear edges. The hot air balloons and animal mobile were made with very light materials so that a gentle breeze would send them bobbing to keep Noelle occupied. Smart storage I kept the room clutter-free by keeping anything we use daily (e.g. diapers, wipes) in the top dresser drawer, and putting storage boxes under the crib skirt for blankets or sheets. Picture rails also allow us to display books and toys within easy reach. Varied Textures Rich textures can really warm up a room and make it look sophisticated. I chose fabric that had a thicker weave for her pillows and added chunky-knit throws and blankets. A basket and some pinecones brought in more organic textures but were painted grey to keep them in the color palette.



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