New Brunswick Builder 2018

Page 1



Official publication of the Construction of New Brunswick (CANB) official publication of the Construction Association ofAssociation New Brunswick (CANB)

Inaugural Edition - 2018


New Moncton Events Centre will breathe new life into downtown

CANB helps rebuild Lekay school in Haiti

Kinesiology Building at the UNB to create a hub of wellness and applied research

In this issue 6

Executive director's report, John Landry


Message from the president of the CANB, Rob Carvell, P.Eng

10 Message from the minister of transportation and infrastructure, New Brunswick, the Honourable Bill Fraser


Canadian Construction Association 2017 accomplishments

14 It's 2018, and if you aren't already familiar with it, it's time you get to know the Gold Seal Certification program


CANB Gold Seal Listings


CANB 2018 Board of Directors


CANB member benefits


2018 CANB events


Produced and published for the Construction Association of New Brunswick (CANB) by: DEL Communications Inc. Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 0G5 President & CEO

David Langstaff Publisher

JASON STEFANIK Managing Editor

Shayna Wiwierski Advertising Sales Manager

DAYNA OULION Toll Free: 1.866.424.6398

CINet update

28 New BuildForce/Government of Canada Benchmarking Tool lets contractors know how they measure up


The Construction Association of New Brunswick has a commitment to generosity


Raising the standard: NBRCA opens the Roofing Training Centre in Saint John


Changing shape: Moncton's new events centre will revitalize the downtown area


Room for movement: The new Kinesiology building at the University of New Brunswick


Partnership between CCNB and Habitat for Humanity ­A winning combination


Smart buildings: The brains behind the scenes, and the builders who bring them to life


Trading spaces: The new NBCC Multi-Functional Trades Facility will open this spring

Advertising Sales Representatives

brent astrope | Gary barrington | nick miller Kari philippot | GARY SEAMANS Contributing Writers

Yolande Clark | Bill Ferreira Bill Maginas | Tammy Schuster Production services provided by S.G. Bennett Marketing Services Art Director

kathy Cable


dana jensen

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Printed in Canada 05/2018

Executive Director’s Report John Landry I am pleased to say that 2017 was a

We have gone through tough times

Brunswick companies in winning work

fair-to-good construction year in New

in the past, so it’s comforting to see

in their own province. Over and over

Brunswick for a change. It was a slow

another good year around the corner.

again, we see products being imported

start but we finished the year on a good

Our government has had to make

from outside our province while we sit


some difficult decisions in order to

by and watch it happen. I believe there

attempt a balanced budget, however at

is a light at the end of the tunnel as

the same time, sees the importance in

government has made several changes

putting funding towards infrastructure

to bring New Brunswick to the front. As

With the latest DTI budget announcements in buildings and road construction, Defence Construction

projects. They also see the need to keep

announcements, upcoming NB Power

New Brunswick workers employed, and

projects, UNB announcements, along

I believe are trying to make a difference.

with private projects on the horizon, we

a result of several meetings with GNB staff, I believe we have made progress, however, there is still much more to

look forward to as an good, or possibly

The government’s focus is, and should

do. CANB and its partners have been

better construction season in 2018.

be, to create employment and help New

working hard to resolve these issues,

Mega Dome distributor in New Brunswick. 653 West River Road, DSL, Grand Falls, NB E3Z 1R8

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6 Construction Association of New Brunswick

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but not without its challenges, so it is

this year, well over 120 to date. We are

there is still much more to do. I believe

gratifying to see improvements and the

also proud to say we have partnered

we will be successful in achieving our

willingness to make a difference.

with Skills Canada to assist delivering

goals if we continue to work together as

awareness to the middle and high

a team with our partners and owners.

The private sector has continued to stay stable, but we question when this will

schools of our province, something we

have its downturn. In saying this, we

feel is very important for the future of

need more than ever to work together

our industry moving forward.

to improve our industry and keep lobbying government and the private sector to help with these tasks. Several meetings have taken place to

In closing, I am looking forward to working with all of you and ask again for your support. This is your association

I would like to thank the board and

and we can only accomplish our tasks

members for their tremendous support

with your support and assistance. Help

and collaboration. We have made

us to keep our companies, employees, tax

remarkable progress in the past year, but

dollars, and jobs in our province.

help resolve issues with change orders and I am happy to say progress has been made. I hope to soon present and release an information spreadsheet along with templates to our members that will set a standard for both contractors and DTI



staff. We, as an association, have started to speak out, but need our members’ support more than ever to protect our industry, livelihood, and jobs in our province. In the last 12 months, I,

Why build with natural gas? Safe


along with our board of directors and members have made huge amounts of


progress. We met four times as a full board, twice with just the executive, and twice in joint industry and government meetings. This year we have been proactive in lobbying government to tender more work earlier than ever, as a result, a possible record-breaking year for posting tenders on CiNet (our electronic plans room). The two joint industry and government meetings were very well attended with a very positive outlook from all our industry partners and owners. Although these meetings are focused on brainstorming, sharing information,

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and socializing, it’s a great avenue to get to know our customers. Our Building for the Future, which started 16 years ago, has continued to grow. We are very proud to say we have sponsored over 20 schools with

For more information call 1-800-994-2762 or visit *Certain conditions apply.

tools, materials, and/or funding again New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 7

Message from the president of the CANB Rob Carvell, P.Eng We started 2018 with slow growth that

homes is appreciated, but not enough to

summer, with the actual work starting

would emulate the beginning of 2017.

stimulate positive growth particularly

soon after. Many of the consulting

Although this was predicted with the

in the larger firms. As always, small-

firms are busy working nights and

path to recovery improving, it certainly

and medium-sized firms compete hard

weekends to keep pace on new

makes staying the course economically

on the private commercial work.

designs for projects for the future in

very trying to our industry members, but with hope. Resource business in

The start of 2018 has a better feel, thus optimism within the province.

the province of New Brunswick is

The Conference Board of Canada has

currently necessary in the creation

been predicting increased growth, and

of new development, plus it adds to

with Statistics Canada in agreement,

continued growth of existing business.

we have reason to be optimistic as

The present Liberal government

we are not recessing. Tariffs for

has had three years to organize

softwood lumber have Irving and other

themselves since being elected, and

industrialists nervous with regards

with provincial spending escalating,

to spending, but we are distancing

has had some impact on vertical

ourselves from other provinces. The

construction within the building

marine terminal expansion for Saint

group. Mid-year construction starts

John is one step closer than last year,

on a few public schools and nursing

with bidding on this to begin in late

medical marijuana, plus the extension to recreational marijuana. This is a business where size truly matters and where it stops is anyone’s guess. When consultants are busy, activity follows in the construction sector soon after. Dream for a moment, if the stars could only align and if we could create some positive optimism, a second nuclear reactor at Lepreau would help, plus another project in discussion – an oil upgrader – could be a reality for the Saint John region. The Mactaquac Dam refurbishment project estimated at $1 billion, the Sisson Mine development at over $500 million, plus the expansion of the Fredericton airport will be the projects that are certainly going to add depth to the capital construction base. Moncton will see a new building at the University of Moncton, plus downtown refurbishment in all that it has to offer that will inject some enthusiasm in our business. Not to mention the road work between Shediac and Miramichi will also give added boost to Moncton Northeast. I will reiterate what I have said in the past that the fostering of an evolution of culture by the provincial government has never been as needed, as its primary objective has to be to

8 Construction Association of New Brunswick

restore growth plus create jobs so that

experience on this project could

freeing up the bidders list to allow

our young can stay here to live and

springboard to the larger upgrade in

fair competitive bidding on municipal

work to build happy fulfilling lives.

two years. The Mactaquac Dam Project


With recent commitments to the

refurbishment is indeed good news as

hospitals in Saint John, Fredericton,

it will trigger other growth across the

and Moncton, that is fantastic news

sector. Capital spending and shut downs

for the construction industry. This is

will continue with similar frequency as

also necessary so that we can offer

experienced in previous years.

the best healthcare possible in order to attract more talent and investment to complement and extenuate our business.

Moncton Northeast had the forethought to start the Build for the Future program and this continues to grow with donations of materials, tools, and equipment to schools all

CANB continues its good working

over the province as this program was

relationship with government at

adopted by the other two associations

all levels. We have had positive

in Fredericton and Saint John. Success

continuous dialogue with the

is contagious. All member partner

We are appreciating the business

Provincial Government Buildings

associations have had continued

created as a result of Defense

Group, that include very positive

success with various activities to

Canada Construction in fulfilling its

meetings with the different ministers.

bolster this program. As education

announcement in December 2017 to

Open, transparent relationships

expenses continue to devour what is

a commitment to maintain the capital

allowed us to follow up on our

available from the government purse

spending budget of over $200M at

tendering practices within some

strings, this program and anything

Base Gagetown for 2018. This work

departments, as well as bring attention

complementary to it is necessary to aid

is usually split amongst the Forces

to the looming discussion required

in the teaching of our young future

Housing Agency and the larger projects required to maintain the largest land

to make some changes to the lien act

construction workers.

related to holdback amounts, prompt

I am a true believer that it is not the

payment, and the change order process

strongest or the most intelligent that

within the departments. All of these

will survive, but those that can adapt

items have been carried over to 2018

and change. New Brunswickers

and we hope to continue the positive

exemplify this as we are in constant

NB Power will continue to upgrade its

move forward in terms of getting

change and continually adapt to

facility in Grand Falls, thus providing

the information and discussions

that change with the cold-blooded

some members with reasonable

required to make changes and better

ambition to succeed. We have a bright

opportunities at one of the smaller

the environment for our members.

prosperous future and we will support

power and generating facilities in

The City of Saint John has stopped

each other towards this success in all

the province. Gaining valuable work

from withholding the bidders list to

parts of the province.

training base in Canada. Plans for 2018 also include a large capital expenditure on roads within the base and training ground.

New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 9

Message from Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, New Brunswick The Honourable Bill Fraser Safe, reliable infrastructure that

so the New Brunswickers of today

government’s priority to invest

allows the efficient transport of

and the future have safe, reliable

strategically in its buildings, highways,

people and goods is the fuel that

transportation infrastructure.

and bridges. This creates opportunity

runs New Brunswick’s economic engine. Since taking office in 2014, the Government of New Brunswick has committed to investing strategically in transportation infrastructure to grow the economy and create jobs.

The recent announcement of $670

and certainty for industry.

million over the next five years for

Significant projects underway this

bridge infrastructure is a move in the

year include:

right direction. As a government, we

- Route 11 bypass at Miramichi

recognize that strategic investments in

- Petitcodiac bridge construction

transportation infrastructure can help

- Route 15-Harrisville Boulevard

Strategic investments in

create jobs and stimulate the economy,

infrastructure have been identified

not just during construction, but for

- Centennial Building in Fredericton

as a key element of the multi-year

years after the completion. Timely

- New Brunswick Museum in Saint

New Brunswick Economic Growth

investments also help protect and

Plan, our government’s framework for

maintain our assets, saving money in

moving the economy forward.

the long term by reducing the need for

We know that significant investments

costly emergency repairs.


John - Regional Centre in Campbellton I look forward to another productive year of working together to build

are required to rehabilitate and

Our 2018-19 capital budget of $688.2

better roads, bridges, and buildings for

maintain roads, bridges and buildings

million reflects the New Brunswick

New Brunswickers.

10 Construction Association of New Brunswick

Apprenticeship and Occupational Certification Branch









Direction de l’apprentissage et de la certification professionnelle

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Apprenticeship is a long-standing part of the training and education system in New Brunswick. It is a structured training program that requires the committed participation of three partners: the apprentice, the employer and the government represented by Apprenticeship and Occupational Certification. The required hours of training for each occupation are defined by regulation under the Apprenticeship and Occupational Certification Act. About 80% of the apprentice’s training is done on-the-job at the employer’s place of business where the apprentice performs progressively challenging prescribed tasks under the supervision of a journeyperson. The remaining 20% involves technical (in-school) training at a post-secondary training establishment. This training is usually provided by the NB Community Colleges under the guidance of qualified instructors. A Progress Record Book identifies the tasks that must be performed on the job by the apprentice and records the progress of the apprentice through the apprenticeship program. Upon the successful completion of an apprenticeship program, the completing apprentice will be issued a Diploma of Apprenticeship, a Certificate of Qualification, and in some cases, an Interprovincial Red Seal, all signifying journerperson status. For replacement of marks, transcripts, Diploma of Apprenticeship, Certificate of Qualification and Identification pocket cards, please contact your Regional Apprenticeship and Occupational Certification office.

L’apprentissage fait depuis longtemps partie intégrante et essentielle du système d’éducation et de formation au Nouveau-Brunswick. C’est un programme d’éducation structuré qui requiert la participation de trois partenaires: l’apprenti, l’employeur et le gouvernement qui est représenté par l’Apprentissage et certification professionnelle. Les heures exigées pour chaque profession sont définies par le règlement sous la Loi sur l’apprentissage et la certification professionnelle. Environ 80% de la formation d’un apprenti a lieu en cours d’emploi. Cette formation pratique se déroule chez l’employeur où l’apprenti accompli des tâches réglementaires de complexité progressive sous la supervision d’un compagnon. L’autre 20% comprend la formation technique dans un établissement post-secondaire. La formation technique est habituellement enseignée par des instructeurs qualifiés des collèges communautaires du Nouveau-Brunswick. Un livret de contrôle identifie les tâches pré-établies que les apprentis doivent accomplir en cours d’emploi et fait état de l’évolution des compétences acquises par l’apprenti au programme d’apprentissage. Après avoir satisfait à toutes les exigences du programme d’apprentissage, l’apprenti se verra décerner un diplôme d’apprentissage, un certificat d’aptitude, et dans certains cas, le Sceau rouge interprovincial, tous reconnus comme statut de compagnon. Pour obtenir une copie d’un relevé de notes, diplôme d’apprentissage, certificat d’aptitude et une carte d’identité, veuillez s’il vous plaît contacter votre bureau régional d’apprentissage et certification professionnelle. New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 11

Canadian Construction Association

2017 accomplishments

The attendees of the joint government of Canada – CCA meeting at Meech Lake.

2017 was a time of transition for the Canadian

of 2017 include federal payment, small business tax

Construction Association (CCA). Mary Van Buren replaced

changes, cannabis legalization, S-229 the underground

retiring Michael Atkinson as the president with a mandate

infrastructure safety bill, community benefits framework,

to modernize and guide the association in the development

and advocacy for the École Lakay project, which is still

and implementation of a new five-year plan. As we turn

$700,000 short of completion. In addition to the annual

the page on 2017 and reflect on our accomplishments, we

springtime joint government of Canada – CCA meeting

also look forward to celebrating our 100th anniversary in

held at Meech Lake, the government organized a follow-up


meeting in October.

Strengthening our voice with the government

Best practices

It was a very busy year; the CCA had 24 meetings

Our best practices efforts included some planning for the

with government officials and appeared in front of one

future in addition to providing our members with valuable

committee. The six top issues that dominated much

tools and information. In 2017, the CCA board discussed a

12 Construction Association of New Brunswick

heightened role for CCA in support for partner associations’ educational activities. To meet the needs of our busy members, the CCA developed an online store for CCA, CCDC, and CDBI documents, which also enables electronically sealing contracts and forms. This system is currently being tested by partner associations and will be available sometime in 2018. In terms of tools, the CCA published a corporate social guide tailored for the construction industry, which is available as a free download to our members from our website’s

CCA president emeritus Michael Atkinson and CCA president Mary Van Buren.

Member Login section. We also held in partnership with the local partner associations 11 seminars on

Member engagement

CCA and CCDC standard documents.

Meeting with members is key to

buildingSMART Canada, a committee

fostering improved understanding of

of Institute for BIM in Canada,

regional interests. The CCA Tour took

published a BIM Practice Manual. Gold Seal Certification launched a designation for foremen, while the Canadian Design-Build Institute held a conference and tutorial in Calgary, as well as separate tutorials in three

forum for partner association chief

CCA chair Chris McNally and other members of the CCA executive team to 26 cities in Canada to listen to our members’ needs and to brief partner association boards on the progress

operating officers (COO) gathered COOs to Winnipeg to learn about topics such as health and safety, marketing, partnering, and building information modeling. To top it all off, our conference in Riviera Maya, Mexico, gathered together 327 delegates who benefited from 17 educational sessions.

other cities. Lean Construction

that the CCA is making. In relation

Visit for more details

Institute of Canada held a conference

to CCA’s future strategic plan, we

on the CCA’s accomplishments or

and training day in Toronto, as well

held an environmental scan with 60

our current priorities, and

as increased the number of local

construction leaders from across the

ccasubscribe to receive updates from

communities of practice to eight.

country. The professional development

CCA, CDBI, Gold Seal or LCI-C.

UNB KINESIOLOGY BUILDING Bird Construction 120 Millennium Drive Quispamsis, NB E2E 0C6 T: 506.849.2473

New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 13

It’s 2018, and if you aren’t already familiar with it, it’s time you get to know the Gold Seal Certification program! You don’t need us to tell you that extra training is always an asset to any employee, especially when it comes to those desiring to grow in their field and reach higher-ranked positions within an organization. Getting to know educational and training programs available for construction professionals and enabling their professional growth through training

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Oromocto, New Brunswick Call

506-238-5733 TLAbatementandRemediation/

and education is imperative. The Gold Seal Certification, unlike other certification programs, was created to overstep the professional plateau and create a streamlined force of exceptionally well-educated and trained talent for managerial staff in the Canadian construction industry.

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The Gold Seal Certification offers multiple focus streams with the same expectation of excellence from all its certificate holders. Whether you get certified as a Project Management, Superintendent, Construction Safety Coordinator, or the newly introduced Foreman designation, all certificate holders leave with the same Gold Seal standard for excellence while on the job.

Please recycle. 14 Construction Association of New Brunswick

Training for the Gold Seal Certification is not a 12-day workshop, nor is it a “complete

it over a weekend online” type of certification. The Gold Seal Certification requires a minimum of five years of experience, as well as minimum requirements for education and training.

What clients are looking for The Gold Seal Certification is reserved for the individual. It can be subsidized by employers who expect a level of excellence on their job sites, as much as the individual expects

The golden plum-bob logo is

excellence for their career. Employers

representative of exceptional

can register as Gold Seal Employers

training. It exemplifies the individual

on the Gold Seal website to let the

as not being average or at par with

industry and clients alike know that

the rest of the industry. The Gold

they expect no less than excellence

Seal logo is a symbol of excellence,

for their construction project.

that lifts the individual to a rank of

professionalism, you should consider registering as a Gold Seal Project.

What to expect in 2018 The Gold Seal Certification is a healthy, burgeoning program. Over 2018 you should expect more success stories featuring individuals from across Canada highlighted for their achievements. Rather than handwritten in-class exams, we are working on implementing online exams that can be completed

Gold Seal recognizes projects as

electronically at designated writing

well. Across Canada, Gold Seal

sites (your local construction

Projects are showcasing the value

association). Gold Seal is also working

The Gold Seal Certification program

of Gold Seal Certified professionals.

on a special student designation.

is an esteemed construction

Gold Seal Projects are a reflection

The student designation will be

professional certification program,

of experience, competency, and

tailored for students enrolled in

with a mission to change the

excellence in the management of a

college or university construction-

Canadian construction industry for

construction project. If you would

related programs, who are preparing

the better, which is why as of 2018,

like to gain additional exposure for

to transition into the construction

you should be considering working

your construction project and raise

industry and expect excellence for

towards yours.

the level of your management staff’s

their careers.

professionalism and expertise that no other certification in Canada holds.



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New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 15

CANB Gold Seal Listings Ackerman, Rodney Project Manager, General

Brewer, Harltey Superintendent, Electrical

Dupuis, Gretzky Superintendent, General

Heagney, Joshua Construction Safety Coordinator

Allain, Jason R. Project Manager, General

Brideau, Marc T. Superintendent, General

Dutcher, Danny Superintendent, Roadbuilding

Hemming, Kate Estimator, General

Anderson, Bruce Project Manager, Mechanical

Brown, Andrew Project Manager, Mechanical

Ermen, Ron Project Manager, Mechanical

Hetherington, Rick Project Manager, Electrical

Arbo, Brian E. Construction Safety Coordinator

Brun, Ernest Project Manager, Mechanical

Fillmore, Bruce Superintendent, General

Hickey, Patrick Project Manager, General

Arnold, Cody Construction Safety Coordinator

Carr, Clinton Project Manager, General

Flood, Timothy D. Project Manager, General

Hicks, Todd Michael Project Manager, General

Atkins, William R. Project Manager, Mechanical

Chevarie, Brian Estimator, General

Fortune, Hudson Superintendent, General

Higgins, Peter J. Project Manager, Roadbuilding

Bailey, Kingsley Superintendent, General

Cleghorn, Robert M. Estimator, Mechanical

Foulem, Jean Patrick Project Manager, General

Hoekman, John Superintendent, General

Basque, Raymond Project Manager, General

Clinch, J. Robert Project Manager, General

Fox, Daniel Superintendent, General

Holland, Patrick Superintendent, General

Basque, Zoel Project Manager, Roadbuilding

Comeau, Andre Project Manager, General

Frenette, Ghislain Owner, Construction Manager

Johnson, Luke Project Manager, General

Bastien, Debbie Construction Safety Coordinator

Comeau, Dale Construction Safety Coordinator

Friolet, Eric Jacques Construction Safety Coordinator

Kelly, Patrick Project Manager, General

Beattie, Eric David Harold Project Manager, Roadbuilding

Cormier, Victor Superintendent, Millwork

Gallant, Stéphane Superintendent, General

Kenny, Roger Superintendent, General

Beaulieu, Andre Project Manager, General

Cote, Paul Project Manager, Roadbuilding

Gauthier, Florent Superintendent, Struct. Steel

Knorr, Margaret-Ann L. Project Manager, General

Benoit, Alban Superintendent, Electrical

Curnew, Corey Construction Safety Coordinator

Gildart, Gerry P. Project Manager, General

Landry, Jeannot Project Manager, Specialty Trade

Bernard, Luc Project Manager, Mechanical

Diotte, Evariste Project Manager, General

Gilmore, Leigh Stewart Superintendent, General

Landry, Michel F. Superintendent, Mechanical

Betts, Joanne Construction Safety Coordinator

Dixon, Marc Frederick Project Manager, General

Gionet, Eric Superintendent, General

Landry, Terry Adrien Project Manager, Electrical

Bird, Nick Ross Project Manager, General

Dixon, Michael Superintendent, General

Gray, Gerry Construction Safety Coordinator

Lanteigne, Michael J. Superintendent, General

Bland, Jason Michael Superintendent, General

Doiron, Laurence Construction Safety Coordinator

Greer, Joseph Project Manager, General

Lavoie, Hugues Construction Safety Coordinator

Boudreau, Michael Project Manager, Mechanical

Doucet, Michel Superintendent, Electrical

Gulka, Lou Construction Safety Coordinator

LeBlanc, Jean Marc Project Manager, Fire Protection

Bourgeois, Luc Project Manager, General

Downing, Gilles Estimator, General

Gullison, Larry Project Manager, General

LeBlanc, Marc Project Manager, General

Bourgoin, Jacques Project Manager, Specialty Trade

Dupuis, Alexandre Superintendent, General

Hall, Christian Project Manager, General

LeBlanc, Mike Project Manager, Sheet Metal

16 Construction Association of New Brunswick

Leblanc, Rachelle Construction Safety Coordinator

McGuire, Michael Superintendent, General

Pollock, Samuel Superintendent, Specialty Trade

Sparks, Craig Project Manager, Electrical

LeBlanc, Rene R. Project Manager, General

McLaughlin, Denis W. Superintendent, General

Power, James Construction Safety Coordinator

Sparks, Sherry Owner, Construction Manager

Leblanc, Steve Project Manager, General

McPhee, Michael Estimator, General

Randall, Ian Robert Superintendent, General

Steele, Ryan J. Superintendent, General

Leblanc, Steven A. Construction Safety Coordinator

McPhee, Terence Project Manager, Electrical

Rice, John Henry Project Manager, General

Steeves, Lorne Superintendent, General

Leech, Jeff Project Manager, Mechanical

Melvin, Gordon T. Project Manager, General

Richard, Paul J.V. Superintendent, General

Stewart, Jeremy Project Manager, General

Leger, Stephen Project Manager, General

Merriam, Lloyd Construction Safety Coordinator

Richard, Ronald Superintendent, Specialty Trade

Stratton, Cliff Project Manager, Electrical

Levesque, Rino Project Manager, Controls (Elec/ Mech)

Millar, Derek R. Project Manager, General

Richardson, Sterling Edward Superintendent, Mechanical

Streatch, Robert Owner, Construction Manager

Mills, Brad Project Manager, Electrical

Robert, Emery Superintendent, Struct. Steel

Strickland, Jeff Project Manager, General

Mills, David Superintendent, General

Robichaud, Roger Superintendent, General

Tapley, Thane Superintendent, Specialty Trade

Mitton, Philip Estimator, Specialty Trade

Robichaud, Serge Project Manager, General

Teed, Murray G. Superintendent, Electrical

Murty, Victor Project Manager, Ind. Equipment

Robinson, Brooks A. Project Manager, Roadbuilding

Tennant, J. Brian Construction Safety Coordinator

Nowlan, John J. Project Manager, Roofing

Roy, Martin L. Superintendent, Mechanical

MacGregor, Tabatha D. Estimator, Controls (Elec/Mech)

Noye, John Superintendent, Petroleum Installations

Rupp, Michelle ( Shelly) Construction Safety Coordinator

Thériault, Guy J. Project Manager, Controls (Elec/ Mech)

MacLellan, Neil H. Superintendent, Mechanical

Ouellette, Denis R. Project Manager, General

Marsh, Marco Superintendent, General

Parker, Brent Estimator, General

Martell, Danny Estimator, General

Parnell, Peter Estimator, General

Martell, Derek Superintendent, Roadbuilding

Paulin, Michel Project Manager, General

Martin, Kenneth M. Project Manager, Mechanical

Peterson, Corey Project Manager, Roadbuilding

Martin, Serge Project Manager, General

Peterson, Jesse Construction Safety Coordinator

Mazerall, Matthew Superintendent, General

Phinney, Kurt Project Manager, General

Mazerolle, Daniel Estimator, Electrical

Pitre, Alex Construction Safety Coordinator

McAllister, Stephen D. Project Manager, General

Poirier, Sebastien Owner, Construction Manager

McCabe, Bradley Project Manager, General

Poirier, Shelley T. Construction Safety Coordinator

Levesque, Theodore Project Manager, General Lirette, Luc Owner, Construction Manager Lord, Ronald Project Manager, General MacDonald, Shawn Fraser Superintendent, Roadbuilding MacDonald, Stephen W. Superintendent, Roadbuilding

Savoie, Marilou Project Manager, General Schenkels, William Henry Project Manager, General Sentell, Peter J. Project Manager, General Shaw, Darren Construction Safety Coordinator Shephard, Mark D. Estimator Sheppard, Kerry Construction Safety Coordinator

Totten, Barry M. Superintendent, Roadbuilding Vautour, André Project Manager, General Vautour, Troy Estimator, Mechanical White, Terry J. Construction Safety Coordinator Wilson, Christopher Project Manager, Electrical Young, Jason Superintendent, General

Sherwood, Scott Superintendent, General Snodgrass, Gerald A. Superintendent, Mechanical Somers, Kirk Owner, Construction Manager Soucy, Bryan Project Manager, Electrical

New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 17

2018 Board of directors The following individuals have agreed to serve on the executive of the Construction Association of New Brunswick: President

Rob Carvell

Trane Canada


Andrew Myers

Avondale Construction


Steven Scott

King Construction

Past President

Barry Blight

Eastern Fence

The following individuals have agreed to serve as voting board of directors of the Construction Association of New Brunswick: Carl Blanchard

NB Merit Contractors Association

Derek Ermen

Mechanical Contractors Association of NB

Justin Beaulieu

CANB - Fredericton

Malcom Fisher

Bid Depository Chair / Advisor

Scott Mugridge

CANB- Saint John

Serge Robichaud

New Brunswick Roofing Contractors Association

Brad Mills

Electrical Contractors Association of NB

Steven Scott

CANB – Fredericton

Nick Bird

CANB – Moncton

Andy Savoy

New Brunswick Road Builders and Heavy Construction

Dave Milburn

Landscape NB / PEI

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18 Construction Association of New Brunswick


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Build a diverse workforce in your skilled trades team today! New Boots: Progressing Women in Trades is a provincial network and resource hub that aims to promote, support and mentor women in non-traditional skilled trades and their employers in New Brunswick. We are actively recruiting more employers in the following sectors: construction, manufacturing, automotive, truck and transport. New Boots can offer you: • Access to a pool of female apprentices and female journeypersons in skilled trades • Posting of job offers for apprentice and/or journeyperson on our social media • Connection to our coordinator to provide you with support, mentoring and resources • House diversity training for you and your current workforce

To find out more about us: | (506) 658-8282 |

Bâtissez une main-d’œuvre diversifiée dans votre équipe de métiers spécialisés dès aujourd’hui ! Nouvelles Bottes: Le progrès des femmes dans les métiers est un réseau et un centre provincial de ressources qui a pour objectif la promotion, le soutien et le mentorat des femmes dans les métiers spécialisés non traditionnels et leurs employeurs au Nouveau-Brunswick. Nous recrutons activement plus d’employeurs dans les domaines suivants: la construction, la fabrication, l’automobile, le camionnage et le transport. Nouvelles Bottes peut vous offrir: • Un accès à une réserve d’apprenties et de femmes exerçant un métier spécialisé • L’affichage d’offres d’emplois pour apprentie et/ou compagne sur nos médias sociaux • Le service d’une coordonnatrice pour vous offrir du soutien, du mentorat et des ressources • De la formation interne en lien avec la diversité pour vous et votre main-d’œuvre actuelle

Pour en savoir plus : | (506) 658-8282 | New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 19

CANB member benefits Do you know all the benefits of being a member of the Construction Association of New Brunswick (CANB)? Of course there’s the obvious – project information available 24/7, which includes the online and physical plans room – but did you know that being a member of the CANB also means your company: • Is included in CANB’s membership directory. • Receives discounts at multiple hotel chains in the Atlantic provinces, Mark’s, and Deluxe Business Products. • Receives a member rate on Bid Depository forms. • Has use of large training/

meeting facilities at memberdiscounted rates. And that’s not all. There are things going on behind the scenes too. • Advocacy – membership in the association allows you to have a voice in making the views of the construction-related issues to governments, legislators, and the media and the public. • Networking – CANB hosts numerous social functions throughout the year, such as dinner meetings, curling, and golf events. These events provide members with endless networking opportunities. • Education – the CANB sponsors a number of informative

education programs through seminars or dinner meetings. Topics covered include construction law, construction document reading, estimating, and job planning. • Labour relations – The association is the accredited employer’s organization under the New Brunswick Industrial Relations Act and bargains on behalf of its certified members with both the Labourers International Union of North America and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. For more information on member benefits, please visit


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20 Construction Association of New Brunswick

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506-802-7272 New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 21

2018 CANB events CANB JIG Meeting & Summer Social Thursday, June 21, 2018 The Joint Industry and Government (JIG) meetings are

what they expect for the next 12 months. Typically, 30 to 40

hosted twice a year, the third Thursday of June for the

people attend each event and everyone in attendance takes

summer meeting and outdoor social at the Riverview Resort,

about three to five minutes to brief the group on what has

and the first or second Thursday of December at the Crowne

happened and what to expect in the next year.

Plaza Fredericton-Lord Beaverbrook hotel.

Individuals attending typically include representatives

The meetings are attended by CANB’s entire board of

from the design community, architects association,

directors, along with their partner associations and

engineers association, and DTI, UNB, NB Power, DCC, PETL,

representatives from industry/buyers of construction.

Apprenticeship and Certification, the Building Trades, PWC,

The meetings are informative sessions designed to bring

NBCSA, NB Tap, NB Map, NBCC, Skills Canada, and GNB

everyone together to review the past year’s experiences and

Economic Development.

A past JIG meeting. This year’s event will be taking place on June 21, 2018 at the Riverside Resort & Conference Centre in Fredericton.

The summer JIG Meeting will be taking place

CANB meeting (board only) – 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (lunch will

at the Riverside Resort & Conference Centre,

be provided)

35 Mactaquac Road, French Village, Fredericton, NB. To book a room, please contact, or call (506) 363-5111, or visit them online at

JIG Meeting – 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Social and Dinner – 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. *Meetings will be held in the chalets behind the resort

Please RSVP by June 16, 2018 with your name, spouse’s name, and your choice of lobster or steak.

22 Construction Association of New Brunswick

CANB Saint John Annual Hockey Tournament Join the fun at the Lord Beaverbrook Rink (LBR)! The annual pond hockey style tournament is hosted by CANB – Saint John as an opportunity for our member companies to interact, socialize, and develop lasting business relationships. The 2018 hockey tournament took place on March 2, 2018 and it was a sellout with 96 players, representing 16 teams from the memberships in Moncton and Saint John. The winning team was Lancor Concrete Contractors, out of Moncton, with the bronze

CANB Saint John hosts an annual pond-style hockey tournament every year. 2018’s event took place on March 2.

trophy going to United Rentals, out of Saint John. • Games are played in 15-minute durations, using half the ice at the LBR. • The tournament is a round-robin eliminationstyle game; teams play a minimum of four games.

Moncton’s Lancor Concrete Contractors took home the gold in the March 2, 2018 tournament.

• Teams are limited to six or less players with a maximum of three players on the ice at one time. • Players must be 19 years of age or older to participate in this tournament. • This is a full-day event and lunch will be provided to participants.

Registration of teams is limited to 16 only on a first-come, first-served basis. New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 23

2018 CANB events CANB Fredricton Northwest Build for the Future

Students from Polyvalente Thomas Albert, Grand Falls, NB pose with their new tool pouches and a 12-foot metal brake.

Over the past few years, the CANB - Fredericton Northwest Construction Association has helped 34 schools with attaining the materials they need for their shop classes to help introduce students back into the trades. Brian Facey, subject coordinator for technology and skilled trades K-12, compiles the list of materials needed for the shop classes within our area. Along with funds from the New Brunswick government and fundraisers held at our social events, we are able to fill the schools’ wishes. To date, Build for the Future has spent $25,154.86 on materials for the schools in the Fredericton and Northwest regions of the province.

24 Construction Association of New Brunswick

CANB-Moncton Northeast 2018 Spring Thaw

The sixth-annual CANB-Moncton Northeast Spring Thaw

The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) chair, Zey

event took place April 27, 2018 in Moncton where 300

Amir and CCA president, Mary Van Buren attended the

members from CANB-Moncton Northeast gathered for the

event for the first time, giving them the opportunity to meet

largest networking event in the province. Members look

with members from around the region. CANB-Moncton

forward to the event every year, as it’s the only event of its

Northeast and the CCA met prior to the event for a special

kind in New Brunswick where they can meet with clients

roundtable to discuss industry issues regionally and

and suppliers in the construction industry for a night of


music, food, and networking.



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New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 25

CINet The CINet service is a joint effort between the Fredericton Northwest Construction Association, Moncton Northeast Construction Association, and the Saint John Construction Information Centre. This system, known as CINet allows Internet access of construction tender information, including electronic plans, specifications, and addenda. CINet offers a great time-saving opportunity for contractors bidding on construction projects. Typically, a contractor must take the time to drive down to their local construction association, search through the current

This system is designed to be utilized

CINet allows administrators of the

list of projects to which bids are being

by owners, designers, construction

system to upload and maintain their

accepted, generate quantities there or

associations, or other organizations

own tender documentation through

make photocopies to take back to the

that wish to automate services such

a secure web-based interface. CINet

office. With a computer and an Internet

as a plans room or tender calls. Not

is able to accept tender documents in

connection, CINet allows the contractor

only will CINet automate these

a variety of electronic formats from

to do all this from the comfort of their

services, it will allow organizations

office. Once they receive a user ID and

to better serve their clients through

password from their local construction

a secure electronic delivery of

association, they are ready to search and

services that were once limited to

2017 was a record-breaking year for

view projects online.

one location.

postings, with a total of 1,206 projects.

clients, although we recommend the use of the Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

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26 Construction Association of New Brunswick


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New BuildForce/Government of Canada benchmarking tool lets contractors know how they measure up By Bill Ferreira, BuildForce Canada

Everyone likes to know how their

a set of simple online questions about

can obtain valuable information

company stacks up against the

their business, and once completed, are

on how they rank against their


provided with their score on each of

competitors nationally.

A new online benchmarking tool gives construction and maintenance industry employers an opportunity to do just that — quickly, easily, anonymously, and at no cost.

the measured areas and the industry average. Most participants shouldn’t take long to complete the questions as all answers are multiple choice and ask contractors simply to rate their

To best capture a firm’s practices, it is strongly recommended that owners and the entire management team complete the questions together. The key is in the discussion, which can

practices in terms of “always”, “often”,

often produce fresh insights on how a

“sometimes”, “rarely”, or “never done”.

firm can best use existing resources to

The tool is structured to help

improve their performance in the key

companies measure their management

subject areas.

performance, not how many I-beams

Once a company’s answers are

they installed, or how much concrete

submitted, respondents receive a free

they poured on any given project.

analysis reporting how their business

Understanding that most Canadian

Through a series of questions

stacks up against industry competition

construction companies are smaller

developed from industry best practices

in key areas, and highlights which

businesses, the benchmarking tool was

on the subjects of safety, scheduling,

areas could use improvement.

designed for simplicity and requires no

estimating, cost control, and human

Preliminary work on the tool

training to use. Respondents answer

resource planning, company managers

completed by the University of New

This tool allows companies anywhere in Canada to compare themselves against the broadest range of companies across the country, whether they’re in the commercial, industrial, civil, or residential sector.

28 Construction Association of New Brunswick

Brunswick has already created a seed database of construction businesses for comparison. In time, the tool should provide firms with the ability to measure their performance not only against an

plan l manage l build

industry average, but against other


firms in their industry sub-sector or firms of a similar size. Initially, industry firms will be comparing themselves against the aggregate

plan | manage | build


scores of businesses in the construction industry. Through their participation, however, each new entry enriches the overall database and makes it more robust.

832-2229 Hampton, NB

Partner universities will also look at anonymized data to help them better understand the state of the construction industry and where

New Brunswick Department of Transportation and Infrastructure

programs could best be targeted to benefit the construction sector. The goal is to get companies to benchmark their performance on an ongoing basis. As businesses work to improve their performance, they can revisit their accounts and submit updated responses to generate new benchmark reports measured against

Building a Better New Brunswick

the current state of the industry.

The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure’s $688.2 million capital budget for 2018-19 reflects the New Brunswick government’s priority of investing strategically in its buildings, highways and bridges.

All company data collected will be kept strictly confidential and only used to build aggregated averages for firms based on size and category of operation. There is absolutely no risk to participation, and much to be gained for industry firms. As Lord Kelvin would say, until you can measure something and express it in numbers, you have only the beginning of understanding. The new BuildForce Canada benchmarking tool was developed with the support of the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP).

Contact info:

Economy Glass, 506-857-2299 230 High Street, Moncton, NB E1C 6C2 General Inquiries:

New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 29

The Construction Association of New Brunswick has a commitment to generosity By Yolande Clark A rendering of the completed École Lakay trades school. The original building was destroyed in the 2010 earthquake.

For evidence of the Construction Association of New Brunswick’s (CANB) commitment to generously supporting community development both at home and abroad, one need only look to the organization’s recent and ongoing contribution to an important project in Haiti. The CANB made a $10,000 donation ($5,000 in 2011 and $5,000 in 2017) to École Lakay, a trade school in Port-au-Prince that was destroyed in the 2010 earthquake. The school is still under construction, but considerable headway is being made thanks to partnerships between the Canadian Construction Association and the provincial chapters, like the CANB. According to John Landry, executive director of the CANB, the effort to rebuild École Lakay is a labour of love, and an example of collective

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30 Construction Association of New Brunswick

triumph over adversity. “The school’s construction is completely sponsored 100 per cent, including materials, labour, and funding,” says Landry. Additional help for École Lakay comes from the Moncton office of the CANB, along with the Mechanical Contractors Association, who also made donations to this project. Rather than reconstruct the institution as it stood prior to the earthquake, the new build will go several steps further. “It’s going to be more diversified and more universal. Instead of just being a trade school, it will be a community centre, an emergency response centre, and a trade school as well, so that young people can learn a valuable skill, and in turn, help to rebuild their own communities,” explains Landry. Here at home, the association sponsors many worthwhile community endeavours, including the Building for the Future program, which involved

Some of the students with Canadian volunteers.

the provision of funding, materials, and tools so that at least 20 schools in New Brunswick can offer hands-on trades education to young people.

advocating for industrial skills at

“Around 20 years ago, many shop programs were abolished, as they were seen as less important than becoming computer-literate,” says Landry. “Unfortunately, 40 per cent of these schools dropped the industrial arts and shop classes from the curriculum. Now, we see the importance of these programs, and we’re trying to get shop classes back into the school system.”

at community colleges. Landry is

The CANB is also involved in

News Inc.

the post-secondary level, and they offer several bursaries every year to construction trades students especially grateful on behalf of the CANB to the Gallant government, who announced a $1.1 million contribution to the Petitcodiac Regional School for industrial training in February 2017. “But,” says Landry, “we are proud to say that we don’t just look after our own.” Previously published through Brunswick

New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 31

Raising the standard NBRCA opens the Roofing Training Centre in Saint John

The Roofing Training Centre is a 3,000-square-foot area featuring an actual roof that can be stripped and reroofed.

• A workforce that is continually

In 1966, a group of roofing contractors

general membership meeting for

came together to create the New

approval. We also require all NBRCA

trained in the latest workplace

Brunswick Roofing Contractors

members to become members of

safety requirements, as well as safe

Association (NBRCA). The goal was to

the Canadian Roofing Contractors’

improve the quality of the industry

Association (CRCA). Currently, our


membership consists of 15 contractors,

available to members through the

19 associates (manufacturers and

provincial and national association

In the 52 years since then, the NBRCA has become the leading voice of New

distributors), and six observation/ consultant firms.

use of all equipment • The latest roofing technology made

In 1990, a separate private company, the Master Roofers Guarantee of New

Brunswick roofing contractors, while also raising industry standards for

Through these efforts, we believe

Brunswick (MRGNB) was formed.

consistency and quality in roofing and

NBRCA members offer all clients

It offered a five-year warranty

sealed membranes to meet the needs

several major benefits, such as:

on commercial, industrial, and

of government and private sector

• A legitimate company, registered to

institutional roofs. Today, it offers 10,15,


do business in the province of New Brunswick

To maintain these standards, the

• The peace of mind of proper liability

NBRCA established an extensive

insurance, standard bonding, and

qualification process for all potential

workers’ compensation coverage

members. Our membership committee

• A proven track record in the roofing

and 20-year warranties; 60 per cent of active NBRCA members participate in this program—a testament to our members’ dedication to quality. In fact, that dedication is embodied by the MRGNB’s mission statement:

thoroughly reviews all applications

industry and the ability to construct

and makes its recommendations

any specified roofing system as

In co-operation with the members of the

before referring them to the next


New Brunswick Roofing Contractors

32 Construction Association of New Brunswick

The Roofing Training Centre is a dedicated facility to house the NBRCA’s classrooms, shop, and offices.

Association, to be the principal voice of

At the January 28, 2015 annual

that the industry was in trouble, and

roofing contractors in New Brunswick.

meeting, the executive director

that if they wanted to improve the

To facilitate a competent, cohesive, and

delivered a report on the New

apprenticeship program, they would

profitable roofing industry that meets

Brunswick Community College’s

have to take ownership of it.

the needs of its government and private

apprenticeship program. Additional

The solution was a new Roofing

presentations were made by the

Training Centre, with a dedicated

Apprenticeship and Occupational

facility to house its classrooms,

Certification Branch of the Province of

shop, and offices. The executive

New Brunswick at the March NBRCA

director was tasked with looking

meeting. It was clear to members

for potential locations. Members

sector customers.

Roofing Training Centre In recent years, it has become clear that there is a shortage of manpower in the roofing industry, a topic that was discussed during the December 9, 2014 meeting of the NBRCA. In particular, their concerns were raised about the existing apprenticeship program, which did not offer training in the


Est. 1886

Roofing & VEntilation

latest technology available to industry, and hence, was not addressing the skilled worker shortage. The executive director was tasked with investigating this issue further and reporting back to our members.

1918 mAnAwAgonish roAd, sAint John, nB e2m 5h5

506-635-1400 All types of roofing • sheet metAl work • VentilAtion • Air conditioning

New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 33

decided the location ultimately did

actual roof that can be stripped and

Program (NB-MAP). They will be

not matter because there would be


working with the manufacturer-

travel involved for some apprentices regardless. Given that the NBRCA and MRGNB offices have been Saint Johnbased since their incorporation, the executive director was asked to begin the search there. Seeing the benefits of working with the NBRCA to improve

A memorandum was signed with the New Brunswick Community College and New Brunswick Roofing Contractors, moving the apprenticeship program to the new facility. In January 2018, the first

associate members to offer training seminars on new technology as it becomes available. Meanwhile, new technology will enable the centre to offer remote workshops, regardless of instructor location.

the province’s roofing industry,

Block 2 apprentices began training

With this new technologically

MRGNB committed to supporting the

at the centre, with Block 3 scheduled

advanced Roofing Training Centre


to start on February 20, and Block

in place, and awareness of the trade

1 at a later date. Already, the new By August 2016, plans for the centre

growing, the question now is what

facility is generating more interest

were becoming a reality with the

does the future hold in store for the

and excitement in apprenticeship, and

purchase of a 7,000-square-foot

NBRCA and our industry? Our goal

feedback from Block 2 apprentices

building located at 1010 Fairville Boulevard in Saint John. This building would house the offices of the NBRCA,

is positive regarding changes to the program.

is to build on this solid foundation, creating a strong workforce skilled in best practices, and the most-

MRGNB, and the Roofing Training

The New Brunswick Roofing

advanced roofing technology, while

Centre. Renovations began in March

Contractors will add training

encouraging more people to consider

2017, adding a classroom with a

for torch safety, foremen and

a career in roofing. That way we can

smartboard, washrooms, kitchenette,

superintendents, estimating, and

deliver to our customers the best

and shop facilities. The shop is a

mentorship through the New

form of insurance possible: a good

3,000-square-foot area featuring an

Brunswick Mentor Apprenticeship

watertight roof.

34 Construction Association of New Brunswick



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New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 35

Changing shape

Moncton’s new events centre will revitalize the downtown area By Shayna Wiwierski

The new Moncton Events Centre, which has a completion date of July 1, 2018, is currently being constructed on a piece of land formerly occupied by the Highfield Square shopping centre.

When the new Moncton Events Centre

services for the City of Moncton. “The

says that because the Coliseum is set up

opens this summer, it will breathe new

Highfield Square property had been in

primarily for hockey, the ceiling height

life and excitement into the downtown

decline for several years losing tenants

isn’t high enough for events that are


and there was a steady decline up to

held today, such as Cirque du Soleil or

the point where they lost their anchor

big-name concerts. The Coliseum will

tenant, and shortly after, closed the

be repurposed once the events centre


opens this summer.

piece of land formerly occupied by the

As a result, downtown was left with a

The centre is a design-build short-

Highfield Square shopping centre. The

large vacant property, which thanks

term finance project, which will be

City bought the property back in 2014

to support from the two levels of

operated by SMG Canada once it

to redevelop the land, and in turn, the

government, the City was able to

opens. The project was awarded to

purchase and move forward with the

Bird Construction in August 2015 and

“For several years, the city had been

events centre. The centre will replace

they started design on it shortly after.

looking at doing something with respect

the aging Moncton Coliseum, current

The prime architect is a joint venture

to revitalizing the downtown,” says

home of the Moncton Wildcats, which is

between Stantec and Populous, a

Jack MacDonald, general manager

located near the outskirts of the city and

multi-national architectural firm that

of engineering and environmental

has outlived its purpose. MacDonald

specializes in sporting and large public

Scheduled for a completion date of July 1, 2018, the new events centre is currently being constructed on a

entire downtown area.

36 Construction Association of New Brunswick

venues. Other consultants include BMR Engineering, structural; Smith & Anderson, mechanical; RSEI, electrical; CBCL, civil; BDA, landscape; RJ Bartlett Engineering, code; A Day in Life, food service; M. Lawrence Engineering, commissioning; and Trace Planning and Design, wayfinding. Since it was a brownfield site that had several uses – including the mall, and before it, as a train station – there was some contamination in the ground that they had to deal with before moving forward with the project. “That was a huge thing to overcome,” says Jordan Forsythe, project

The event centre is 245,000 square feet, with a total building footprint of 110,000 square feet. The building is designed to host world-class events, such as the World Junior Hockey tournament, world curling championships, or a NHL pre-season game.

manager at Bird Construction, who adds that they started the design aspect early to accommodate the contaminated soil challenge. “We had planned to start the building in spring of 2016, but because of the uncertainty of the subsurface, we started earthwork early in the fall of 2015 to mitigate schedule risk on the project as a whole.” Building construction started in February 2016 and the substantial completion for the project is on July 1, 2018. The total cost of the project is $114 million, which includes the value of the land, environmental considerations, and the plaza and outdoor facilities.

There are 8,800 seats, with space for an additional 1,500 seats on the floor.

The event centre is 245,000 square feet, with the total building footprint being 110,000 square feet. The

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pre-season game. It features several elevated areas for the fan experience, including a flex space, club lounge, 16 luxury boxes, and two outdoor patios. There are 8,800 seats, with space for

Dartmouth—902-469-6642 Moncton—506-854-7787 Designers and Builders of Event Center Refrigeration Plant New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 37

The inside of the facility features a grand entrance with a circular pie-shaped entry with full-height glass on the front. The concourse is 360 degrees with one-third of it open to the event bowl.

an additional 1,500 seats on the floor. Outside the building there is an outdoor plaza which houses an outdoor ice surface, an event stage, various metal trellises, and areas of greenspace. The inside of the facility features a grand entrance with a circular pie-

shaped entry with full-height glass on

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The building is designed to Green Globes Certification and has achieved a Two Globe rating. “Green Globes is largely based on the design intent and process,” says Forsythe, adding that Solterre Inc. were the sustainability consultants on the


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project. “Having the ability to achieve sustainability requirements early on was a huge advantage to us.” Even though the project is on target

to be completed in time for summer, it

As with any large project,

catalyst for a downtown revitalization

didn’t come without its challenges. Since

coordination of the design was critical.

project. The Junction Urban Village is

it’s built on impacted soil, they had to put

To mitigate the risk, the team used

a mixed-used real estate development

in an underground vapour-mitigation

BIM and the project is fully designed

that is located less than a block west of

system. While tearing down the mall

in Revit, a 3D design software which

the new events centre. The 11-acre site

they also found that there was a lot of

includes features for architectural

will include office space, retail space,

subsurface foundation infrastructure

design, MEP and structural

restaurants, high-end apartments,

left behind, so material had to be moved,

engineering, as well as construction.

and hotels. Currently, one of the

which impacted to a certain degree what they did and how they did it.

“Each design discipline was able to

commercial buildings is complete and

complete their design independently

they are ramping up for the second

“We have a strong team on the Moncton

while still being able to get access to

one, with the hotel scheduled to start

Event Centre, which includes all

the other designs in real time. The

in the spring. On the other site of the

partners, including the subcontractors

software allowed the Bird team to

centre is another hotel and restaurant

and design teams. We put a lot of

be able to merge models together to

complex being designed and should

measures in place to best mitigate the

look for clashes and issues prior to

start construction in the spring as

construction,” says Forsythe. “These

well. A number of businesses in

measures we have put in place along

the area have also renovated their

with the strong relationships we


risk where possible. We pushed hard on foundations and structural steel to get the project ahead of schedule right off the start,” says Forsythe, adding that the structure started in June 2016. By the middle of November they were done the structure and the building was closed in before the first holiday break, giving

developed with our partners early on, have allowed us to move forward through the project with fairly little incident and set us up for success.”

“From a private citizen and contractor point of view, the city of Moncton feels excited; the atmosphere is very positive,” says Forsythe. “The City as a

them a huge boost in 2017 to get the

Now that the project is close to

whole is looking forward to the grand

interior work completed.

completion, it is also acting as a

opening of the building.”

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New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 39

Room for movement The new Kinesiology building at the University of New Brunswick By Tammy Schuster

The new Kinesiology building will create a hub of health, wellness, physical fitness, and applied research, and will establish New Brunswick as a leader in preventative and rehabilitative healthcare.

Students, staff, and the faculty of kinesiology at the

construction managed by Bird Construction, New

University of New Brunswick (UNB) will soon have more

Brunswick, the 60,000-square-foot structure made of

room to move, learn, and research when they transfer

glass and aluminum curtain wall had a tight timeline

into their new facility this fall. The university had been

for completion. “Once on-site preparations were done,

advocating the need for a new building since the 1990s and,

we had 13 months to have the building substantially

after receiving funding through the Federal Government

completed,” says Derek Martell, manager of operations, Bird

Post-Secondary Institution Strategic Investment Fund

Construction, New Brunswick. “Through our logistics and

and the Province of New Brunswick, construction on the

scheduling, we are on track to do that.”

$36-million facility began. The three-storey facility is designed to promote movement Together with the Richard J. Currie Center and the Andrew and Marjorie McCain Human Performance Lab, the new Kinesiology building will create a hub of health, wellness, physical fitness, and applied research, and will establish New Brunswick as a leader in preventative and rehabilitative healthcare. Designed by Architects Four Ltd. in Moncton and 40 Construction Association of New Brunswick

within the building and features a large open-centralized stairway connecting all three levels. The main floor is primarily research space with a high-performance sports training centre and a teaching kitchen. The kitchen will be used for nutritional research and for demonstrations and workshops that focus on healthy cooking for community members needing to improve their lifestyle.

The second floor is allocated for academic teaching space

“We are currently one of only five educational institutions

with a 200-seat auditorium, and 100-seat, 80-seat, and

in North America pursuing a WELL Certification,” says

60-seat classrooms all designed to be flexible and provide

Barbara Nicholson, associate vice-president of capital

opportunities to promote different learning methods. The

planning and property development at the University of

third floor is a combination of research and faculty office

New Brunswick. Nicholson says the certification overlaps

and administrative space, as well as a ‘kin-ovation’ space

with the LEED certification, but it goes one step further

where both undergraduate and graduate students and

requiring employers such as UNB to offer programs,

faculty can meet to collaborate.

initiatives, and benefits that support and advance health and wellness of employees.

The building is pursuing a LEED Gold certification with many environmentally-friendly features, including a green

“This certification aligns so well with the vision of the

vegetated rooftop which will help reduced runoff, conserve

faculty of kinesiology,” says Nicholson. “It’s all about

energy, reduce noise and air pollution, and increase the life

wellness and promoting healthy lifestyles, and we are

of the roofing membrane. And, given that the university is

very excited about the opportunity to demonstrate UNB’s

located on the side of the steep hill where the roof is visible,

commitment to these ideals.”

it will provide a natural and pleasing appearance.

Once the faculty moves from their current home in the

UNB is also pursuing a Silver WELL certification for the building throught The International WELL Building Institute. This is a relatively new certification that promotes wellness, health, and sustainability post-occupancy. WELL

Lady Beaverbrook Gym, a recreational facility adapted to serve academic and research needs, the building will undergo environmental remediation and eventual demolition.

explores how design, operations, and behaviours within

Students will begin attending classes in the new

the places where we live, work, learn, and play can be

Kinesiology building at the start of the academic term in

optimized to advance human health and well-being.

the fall of 2018.




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New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 41

Partnership between CCNB and Habitat for Humanity – A Winning Combination

The Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (CCNB) – Edmundston Campus has teamed up with Habitat for Humanity.

Since September 2014, the Collège communautaire du

The keys of three houses have already been handed over

Nouveau-Brunswick (CCNB) – Edmundston Campus has

to needy families. A fourth house should be ready to

teamed up with Habitat for Humanity to build one house

accommodate a family in June 2018.

each year for a low-income family from the northwest region

This partnership was born out of the desire of students and

of New Brunswick.

teaching staff to take a more active role in the community.


42 Construction Association of New Brunswick

The parties were looking to make a long-lasting impact and to

The land is a donation either from the Department of

bring together the skills acquired in the classrooms of several

Social Development or from the partner municipality. The


responsibility of choosing a beneficiary family falls under Habitat for Humanity in compliance with the eligibility

“Previously, we would build something in the workshop

criteria of the organization.

and it would be destroyed at the end of the year. Now, the students work on a concrete project. What better way to

Such a partnership draws on contributions from several

translate theory into practice than with a building which

major business partners in order for the building costs

will then be handed over to a family?” says François Boutot,

to be at their lowest. It is also important to underline the

director of the CCNB – Edmundston Campus.

collaboration of several companies which have accepted

This partnership includes the involvement of two campuses and several programs. At the Edmundston Campus, the students and teachers of the carpentry, electricity, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration programs, as

and supported the involvement of the students in this project.

Criteria for the selection of families

well as those of the civil engineering technology – general

Not all families are eligible to receive a house from Habitat

co-op program take over the preparation of the site and the

for Humanity. In fact, they must meet certain criteria,

building of the house. The staff is also closely coordinating

among which:

various stages of the construction, which do not fall within

• The current housing must be too small, dangerous, or unhealthy.

the coursework of the programs available at the CCNB, or else which require specialized equipment. For their

• One family member must hold a job.

part, the students and teachers of the woodworking and

• The family must commit at least 500 hours of sweat

cabinetmaking program of the Campbellton Campus are in charge of building cabinets.

equity to Habitat and to building its own house. • Preference is given to families with young children.

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New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 43

Smart buildings

The brains behind the scenes, and the builders who bring them to life By Bill Maginas, area vice-president and general manager, Canada

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44 Construction Association of New Brunswick

As the demand for builders to create smart cities and smart buildings increases, the need for these trends to be brought to the market has also grown. Often times, builders are working alongside technical professionals for a better understanding of how these latest offerings work, how to streamline workflows, and to learn how to best implement them. Johnson Controls has earned a reputation in the industry as a global leader in developing products and technology, as well as integrating solutions and services. As construction crews build platforms to bring smart technology trends to life, it is important to find a partner who is at the forefront of those trends, like Johnson Controls. Since Tyco and Johnson Controls merged in 2016, the organization brings together best-inclass product, technology, and service capabilities across building controls, fire protection, security, HVAC, power solutions, and energy storage. These leading technology offerings are designed to serve various end markets, including large institutions, commercial buildings, retail, industrial, small business, and residential. The integration of these two companies allows Johnson Controls to streamline and improve building operations through connected technologies. An example of the operational efficiency that can be achieved by integrating access control and building maintenance is the ability to connect things like HVAC and lighting systems. Building operations can control these energy-consuming offers much more strategically by knowing employees are in certain areas of the building and adjusting temperature and lighting to ensure their comfort. Additionally, Johnson Controls’ expanded portfolio has created seamless synergy across business units and the expertise that each organization provides is unparalleled. As a result, Johnson Controls provides customers with

complementary skillsets fit for local, regional, and national levels. Like Johnson Controls, the Construction Association of New Brunswick (CANB) has worked hard to achieve its status as being recognized as a key voice in the industrial/ commercial/institutional building sector of the construction industry across Canada. Because of this heritage, CANB is helping the next generation of workers help navigate their way through a technology landscape that is always changing and evolving. As an industry leader who is on top of the latest market trends, and bringing next-generation technologies to life, Johnson Controls can guide builders in the right direction and provide useful tools and insights which will allow these smart buildings to come to life. The new Johnson Controls combines innovation pipelines for devices, controls, sensors, data analytics, and

The integration of these two companies allows Johnson Controls to streamline and improve building operations through connected technologies.

advanced solutions to better capture the enormous market opportunity around smart buildings, campuses, and cities. Moving forward, both Johnson Controls and CANB will be go-to references for builders across the country. From the conception of the

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77123 JCI-Building Solutions Fire for New Brunswick Builder Magazine • 5-13 Issue • 7”x4.625” • 4/26/18 New Brunswick Builder – Inaugural edition 2018 45

Trading spaces The new NBCC Multi-Functional Trades Facility will open this spring archetypes for future buildings.” With its large exterior approach stair, bold entrance canopy, and main doubleheight entrance lobby area, the facility promises to make a bold statement. With the strong contribution it will make to the school’s facilities, it seems fitting that the building is the product of two leading Atlantic Canadian firms. Marco Maritimes is one of the largest Atlantic-Canada-based general contractors, and Murdock & Boyd has been designing noteworthy projects Rendering of the new trades facility at the New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) Saint John, which will open this spring.

The trade facilities at New Brunswick

structures, and dispersed natural light.

Community College (NBCC) Saint John

It also contains eight flexible classrooms,

will get a big boost when the new multi-

a large student common area, several

functional trade centre (or “T” building,

meeting rooms, and staff offices.

as it is commonly called on campus) is completed this spring. Designed by local architectural firm Murdock & Boyd and constructed by Marco Maritimes, the 4,845-square-metre facility is located at the southern end of the NBCC Saint John campus and will house programs for welding, steel fabrication, automotive service technician, and motor vehicle repair. By the time this

With the demand for trade education increasing yearly, the building has also been designed with thoughts of future expansion. By locating the building towards the west side of the property, an eastward expansion of the building will be possible without major changes to the building or the structure currently being constructed.

since 2003. Before teaming up to build this facility, the two companies worked together on several other projects in New Brunswick, including Seaside Park Elementary (Saint John West), the Qplex (Quispamsis), Willie O’Ree Place (Fredericton), and the E&P Sénéchal Centre (Grand Falls). “At Marco, we are proud to work where we live. We take pride constructing facilities that serve the needs of the communities around us and we are especially happy to be working with Murdock & Boyd on yet another project,” says Allan MacIntosh, president of Marco. “Every job has its challenges,

article goes to print, the facility will be

Although located at the back of the

but it’s always easier when you’re

near completion.

college, the new facility is built on area

working with a firm you know well.

of elevated ground, which gives it a

With the demand for skilled trade

commanding position on the campus.

workers increasing steadily, we are

Although these programs are not new to the school, they were previously taught in cramped and inadequate facilities dispersed across the campus. The new facility brings them together in a bright, modern space that will provide

Its exterior materials were chosen to complement the 2010 “E” building, allowing those two buildings to become show pieces for the campus. Architect

especially proud to be contributing to the expansion of the NBCC trade facilities in Saint John.”

Michael Colpitts says that, “with the

When the new facility opens for

E building located at the north end of

students in fall 2018, it’s safe to say

the campus, and the T building at the

that NBCCSJ will continue to play an

The building focuses on four large trade

south, these two buildings become

important role in developing highly

shops with 20-foot ceilings, exposed

bookends for the campus and serve as

skilled workers well into the future.

great opportunities for the programs to interact and work together.

46 Construction Association of New Brunswick

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PCL Constructors Canada Inc. is pleased to announce the appointment of John Young as Atlantic Canada Area Manager. John joined the Atlantic Canada district as a construction manager in 2010 after working for 16 years with several local construction companies. In 2012 John took on the role of operations manager. John has a bachelor of science degree from Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, and a diploma in construction administration technology from Nova Scotia Community College, Institute of Technology, in Halifax. He is a professional quantity surveyor, has his P.GSC designation, and is a LEED AP.

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