Delbarton Today Fall/Winter 2012

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Fall / Wi n te r 2012 Cover: A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on October 7, 2012. The launch began NASA's first contracted cargo delivery flight, designated SpaceX CRS-1, to the International Space Station. (Photo: NASA)


| Graduation 2012 | Onward & Upward with John Muratore ’74 By Jessica Fiddes



| Five Freshman Projects


| SEEDS at 20 By Karen Valerio

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28 23 1

| From the Headmaster


| Around Delbarton


| Sports Shorts


| Abbey Notes


| Alumni News


| Delbarton Yesterday By Fr. Benet Caffrey, OSB


is published for the alumni, parents, and friends of Delbarton School, 230 Mendham Road, Morristown, NJ 07960 973/538-3231.

Rt. Rev. Giles P. Hayes, OSB, Abbot, St. Mary’s Abbey President, Delbarton School Br. Paul Diveny, OSB, Headmaster Rev. Rembert F. Reilly, OSB, Vice President for Development J. Craig Paris ’82, Director of Development

Jessica Vermylen Fiddes, Director of Communications, Editor Design Sahlman Art Studio, Charlotte, NC Printing Digital Color Concepts, Mountainside, NJ Delbarton School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, or national and ethnic origin in any of its practices or policies.



Dear members of the Delbarton community, Jessica Fiddes

t some point in my senior year of college, I remember making the trek across town on a D.C. Metrobus to visit Washington’s National Cathedral. I was on a pilgrimage, of sorts. I wanted to see the piece of moon rock that had recently been enshrined in a window in the cathedral. Like so many of my generation, I had grown up with the dream of space travel. In grade school, classes were regularly interrupted to watch the take off of the latest mission to space. I even had a Gemini II space capsule savings bank. I experienced live our nation’s triumphant progress through space which culminated in Neil Armstrong’s aweinspiring first steps on the moon. Who will ever forget those first images of planet earth from our kindly neighbor? Life was full of possibilities as endless a space itself. I stood beneath the lofty vaults of that great cathedral aisle and peered up. There amid the deep hues and swirling forms in stained glass was what seemed like a tiny speck. In his remarks at the dedication of the window, the dean of the cathedral, the Very Rev. Francis B. Sayre, Jr. had said: “It was not just rock that they (the astronauts) returned to earth; but, in an exciting way, the very horizon of eternity”. With all that has happened in the years since then, that seems like a bit of an exaggeration. To a young college student at the time, however, that chunk of rock symbolized the potential for greatness inherent in every human being. The prayer of dedication described the rock this way: “So eloquent a token of God’s wondrous making and of man’s noble daring; to be for us a sign of our striving after His majesty and the sharing of His glory.”


As educators, every child in front of us is like that moon rock – “a token of God’s wondrous making”. We have the lofty task of trying to tap into that sense of awe and wonder that is so natural in the young. We seek to awaken in every one of our students that desire for the truth that is a “striving after His Majesty”, who is the Truth. We endeavor to instill in our young men that sense of “man’s noble daring” that leads them beyond the comfortable and the known. We encourage them to embark on other paths of discovery, both within them and without. Events this summer provided us with some powerful reminders of these realities: the landing of the rover Curiosity on Mars and the passing of Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon. Curiosity reminded us that we mortals still have the capacity to design, create and execute a daring mission into space. The passing of Neil Armstrong reminded us that we still need bold, courageous and humble men and women to turn dreams into reality. God willing, among the young men at Delbarton today there are some of each. Jump ahead to National Cathedral almost forty years later. Nearly 1,500 people, public and powerful alike, have gathered to pay tribute to Neil Armstrong. At one point in the service, jazz pianist and singer, Diana Krall sat down at the piano and began to sing softly “Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars, let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars . .” Amen. As always,

Br. Paul Diveny, OSB FALL /W INTER 2012 1

S I X T Y- F O U R T H C L A S S


2012 Delbarton Graduates its Sixty-Fourth Class ON JUNE 3, 2012





celebrated its graduation with faculty, family and friends in the Abbey Church. Afterwards Delbarton’s newest alumni enjoyed a reception in the Senor Garden… Peter Wallburg Studios

Photos by Jessica Fiddes and J. Craig Paris ’82

Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny, OSB, greeted New Jersey Governor Chris Christie P’12, Delbarton parent and graduation speaker.

S I X T Y- F O U R T H C L A S S



Peter Wallburg Studios

2012 Valedictorian Speech Excerpt

Ryan Slattery ’12

Ryan Slattery, 2012 Class valedictorian, is at Princeton this year.


“All of the knowledge we have learned over the past four years will no doubt be valuable to us, as we go forward in our lives. But I think the most important thing that we have learned over the last four years is how to be brothers. The friendships that we have made here will last us a lifetime. In many respects, we have supported and helped each other survive the last four years, in the classroom, on the field, and on the stage. I hope as time goes by, that we will be there to support each other, whether it’s today, tomorrow, or fifty years from now. So now we are about to be graduates of the best high school in the country! And soon we

will be jumping into the senior pond and saying goodbye. As we move on to the next stage of our lives, let’s remember: Dream big, not just for ourselves, but for our families. Respect tradition, but also be leaders and start a tradition. If we don’t like what we see, let’s change it. If we don’t have something we need, let’s create it. And most importantly, let’s leave our mark on this world. As a final thought, I’d like to leave you with some advice from Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple: Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.”

2012-13 School President JP Campbell ’13 led the color guard at graduation.

Glen Calderon ’12, on left, and Wilfred Ahoua ’12 show off their Delbarton diplomas.

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Peter Wallburg Studios

2012 Salutatorian Speech Excerpt

Jack Rogers ’12

Jack Rogers, 2012 Class salutatorian, is at Princeton this year.


“Fifteen years ago Salman Khan received his undergraduate degree from MIT, triple majoring in mathematics, electrical engineering, and computer science. He then received a master’s degree in electrical engineering and computer science, again while at MIT. Finally, he proceeded to get his MBA from Harvard Business School. After college, Khan went to work as a hedge fund analyst; by the time he was thirty, he was living comfortably in a nice home and supporting his wife and two children. Everything was good for him: he was successful… In late 2009, Khan left his job and founded Khan Academy, a website that has provided over 3,000 tutorial videos in math, science, history, and other subjects. Khan Academy is non-profit, and maintains the simple goal of providing all children with the opportunity of a free, worldclass education. The Khan Academy website

has already delivered over 150 million lessons… Graduating from college, Sal Khan had his game plan for success, just like each of us has today. Our education here, and the lessons we’ve learned both in and out of the classroom, has equipped us well to face whatever lies ahead. As we leave Delbarton and go off to our respective colleges, we all have some notion of what success means to us individually. We miss a tremendous opportunity, however, if we limit our definition of success to a game plan constrained by our own limited power and abilities. We tend to forget that God has a plan for each of us, His game plan for success. He has created each of us with a purpose to do something great with our lives – that is, to use the gifts and power He has placed in us to make His world a better place.”

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Winner of the Corey T. Williams ’91 Award for excellence in Physics John Russell ’12 poses with his family and Corey’s father Earl Williams and his sister Amber Williams Field with her husband and daughter.


The Peter B. Haas Award, established in memory of a 25 year old Marine pilot killed in Korea, is awarded for distinguished leadership within the School. This year’s winner of the Peter B. Haas Award was Kevin Kennedy ’12 who stands with his family, from left, Helene Kennedy P’08,’12, Kevin Kennedy, Mike Kennedy ’08, Elizabeth and John Kennedy P’08,’12.

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2012 Br. Paul Diveny, OSB, with Morgan White ’12 and Morgan’s siblings.

Andrew Tsukamoto ’12 and family.

Jack Clarke ’12 and family

Davis and Trevor Agostino ’12 with their parents Ken and Anne Agostino P’10, ’12 and older brother Kenny Agostino ’10.


Connor Feeley ’12 and family.

The combined Maguire family, including cousins Ryan Maguire ’12 and Sean Maguire ’12, in front, left and right, makes a statement.

John Shaffer ’12 and family.

Brian Hardin ’12 and family.

Keiran Kenny ’12 and family, including his mother, former DMG President Deanna Kenny P’12, ’15, and his father Kevin Kenny ’78, P’12, ’15.

Albert Preziosi ’12 and family, including his mother Lisa Preziosi P’12, 201112 DMG President.

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“I first came here as a student twentythree years ago. I was twelve. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that there is no departing Delbarton. This will always be your school.”


Faculty Farewell Excerpt

Michael Vermylen ’95 “My first piece of advice is that, even as the world is changing, you should look for sources of stability in your lives… Going forward, you will often be told by people that you need to think independently, to question the status quo, and to be skeptical of commonly held assumptions….you should also seek out opportunities to listen to the wisdom of others…you will often be told by people that you should “be yourself,” that you should not be someone else’s conception of who you ought to be… Even as you seek to learn more about yourself, you should also seek to be

better than yourself. Recognize that you are imperfect and that there are parts of you that you must work to change for the better. Your role model should not be yourself, but rather Jesus Christ. I first came here as a student twenty-three years ago. I was twelve. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that there is no departing Delbarton. This will always be your school. You will always be welcome here. It will always be your home. Your classmates will always be your brothers. And we, your faculty, will always care about you. In answer to the question “How do we say Delbarton?” we will always answer ‘together’.”

Graduation 2011 Correction The Fall/Winter 2011 issue of Delbarton Today magazine incorrectly attributed excerpts from a Baccalaureate Dinner speech to Class President Ryan Poehner ’11. The speech was delivered by Class of 2011 Salutatorian Adam Suczewski ’11.

James Wujciak ’12 and family.

The Bryan Bennett Award was established to honor the memory of a member of the class of 1994 who died at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. This award is for the “quiet hero”, a student who, like Bryan, has distinguished himself for his day-to-day work ethic, consistent nobility and unfailing kindness to others. This year’s winner of the Bryan Bennett Award was Chase Savage ’12. From left are, J. Craig Paris ’82 representing the Bennett family, Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny, Chase Savage ’12 and his parents Daisy and Tom Savage P’12. Chase missed his graduation to play in a state finals singles match. We finally caught up with him at the Green Wave tennis banquet.

Steve Block ’71, P’12

In 2011 Delbarton School introduced the Brian E. Fleury Award which is given to an outstanding scholar-athlete who demonstrates the same passion for scholarship that he does for athletics, a person who combine seriousness of purpose with self-effacing good humor, a person who is a consummate team player, selfless in all his endeavors, always putting the needs of others before his own. The 2012 Fleury Award winner and Class of 2012 valedictorian is Ryan Slattery, here with his parents Michael and Patricia Slattery P’07, ’12, and his older brother Michael Slattery ’07.

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2012 The James E. Nugent Award, established in memory of a graduate of the class of 1969, is awarded to the Delbarton student who best exemplifies the spirit of giving himself to others. This year the award was presented by Kitt Nugent, James’ sister, fourth from right. Here is Nugent Award winner Fabian Barch ’12 with his family.

The Michael Patrick Sheridan Award was established in memory of a member of the class of 1984, presented to a senior who has manifested love for life and for the School and has significantly grown through challenge as implied in the School’s motto Succisa Virescit. The 2012 Michael Patrick Sheridan award was presented to Ben Phillips ’12 who stands with his family. The award was presented to Ben by Delbarton trustee and former Delbarton Alumni Association President Kurt Krauss ’81, far right.


Andrew Christie ’12 and family.




Davis Agostino...........Loyola Trevor Agostino .........Loyola Matthew Agresti.........Villanova Wilfred Ahoua ...........Bowdoin Donal Alvine..............Bowdoin Tyler Amspacher ........Villanova Fabian Barch ..............Washington U Dennis Bencsko .........Lafayette Eric Benz ...................Providence James Berkman ..........Boston College William Beute............Cornell Connor Bilby .............Tufts Daniel Blanc ..............Purdue Garrison Block...........Kenyon Henry Bolo ................Boston College Brett Brophy ..............Scranton Andrew Burke............Loyola Glen Calderon ...........Temple Timothy Calotta ........Delaware Andrew Christie.........Princeton Jack Clarke.................Washington & Lee David Colavita...........Columbia Nino Colonnelli.........Stevens Institute Yasin Damji ...............Boston U (BA/MD) Thomas Davis............Princeton Sean Doherty .............Villanova Sean Donnelly ...........Salisbury William Eckert...........Santa Clara Robert Fajardo ...........Amherst Connor Feeley............Yale Kurt Ferdenzi.............Loyola Jake Feury ..................Middlebury Thomas Fickinger ......Richmond Thomas Flatley ..........Notre Dame Spencer Furey ............Georgetown Kohl Geibel ...............Bates Ethan Gerstman.........Villanova Matthew Gibbons ......Princeton Devon Gobbo ............Harvard Robert Haas...............Reed Brian Hardin..............Cornell Chad Heal .................Georgetown Michael Held .............Holy Cross Paul Hemmer.............Cornell

Gregory Herrigel........Georgetown Robert Iannaccone .....Georgetown Ivor Jackson ...............Middlebury Michael Johnson ........Villanova Brian Jung..................Hamilton Gregory Keiser ...........Georgetown Nicholas Kelly............Wake Forest Kevin Kennedy ..........Bates Kieran Kenny.............Villanova Christopher Kohl .......Notre Dame Michael Kwilos ..........Hobart Kevin Larkin ..............Princeton Jordan Lederman .......Notre Dame John Lee ....................Harvard Nicholas Lee ..............Holy Cross Michael Li..................Pennsylvania Kevin Liu...................Columbia Jorge Lopez ................Williams Ryan Maguire ............Dartmouth Sean Maguire .............Colgate Michael Manley .........Loyola Paul Martin................Fordham Timothy Mason .........Pennsylvania Michael McCluskey ...Colgate Ryan McGuire ...........Fairfield Keith McMillan .........Philadelphia U Evan McQuiston........Lafayette Shane Mulcahy ..........Lehigh Thomas Muratore ......Middlesex Islanders Jrs Hockey Thomas Napoli .........Boston College Chase Newman..........Colgate Aidan Nowak.............Bucknell Sean O’Keefe .............Bryant Sean Onderdonk........Notre Dame Mark Orloff ...............Vanderbilt Vincent Pacelli ...........Pennsylvania Brian Paskas ...............Duke Steven Penny..............Notre Dame Benjamin Phillips.......Charleston

Colton Phinney .........Princeton Mark Pizzi..................Bowdoin Zachary Posess ...........Vanderbilt Albert Preziosi............Loyola Jonathan Ramirez.......Amherst David Reed ................Colgate Cole Riccardi .............Notre Dame Omar Rizwan.............Stanford Jack Rogers ................Princeton Max Rogers................Princeton Ryan Rogers...............Georgetown Luke Rossi .................Columbia John Russell ...............Williams Steven Rybicki ...........Pennsylvania Charles Savage ...........Bowdoin Connor Schaible ........Tufts John Shaffer ...............Duke Ritchie Shen ..............Columbia Vivek Shimpi .............Georgia Tech Eric Shiuey.................Boston College Alexander Shypula .....New York University Cameron Simon.........Boston College Ryan Slattery..............Princeton Christopher Soulas.....Dickinson Kevin Sweeney ...........Pennsylvania Donald Terwilliger .....Wake Forest Lyle True ....................Polytechnic of NYU Andrew Tsukamoto....Princeton Adam Vazir ................Richmond Adam Vincent............Villanova Gregory Vlahakis .......Georgetown John Voetsch ..............Vanderbilt James Weldon ............Princeton Harrison West............Villanova Morgan White ...........University of Miami Michael Woo .............Harvard James Wujciak............Amherst

FALL /W INTER 2012 15

Onward and Upward with John Muratore ’74 How does a young man from a traditional, business-oriented family develop into one of the world’s top space flight engineers? He begins with a computer game. 16 D ELBARTON TODAY

John Muratore, center, then manager of Space Shuttle Systems and Integration, responds to a question at a NASA press conference, while Phil Engelauf, left, deputy chief for Space Shuttle, listens in. (Image Credit: NASA)


n 1969 John Muratore ’74 entered Delbarton for 9th grade after his family moved to New Jersey from Brooklyn, NY. He discovered that Delbarton’s 4K computer was loaded with Lunar Landing, a game whose mission was to land a lunar module on the moon. John was hooked. His interest in space led to launching with friends Delbarton’s first Rocket Club with faculty member Fr. Giles Hayes agreeing to serve as moderator. What did Fr. Giles know much about rockets? “Not a thing,” he says, “But I knew these guys were intensely interested in the subject and they wanted to learn more.” In September 1974 Muratore entered Yale University planning to major in environmental science. The University more than lived up to its reputation, and Muratore found his course work challenging. He took a year off between sophomore and junior years to work as a research assistant at the Marine Biological Laboratories at Wood Hole, MA where he discovered the computers more intriguing than the marine organisms.

“HOUSTON, WE’VE HAD A PROBLEM HERE.” From April 13 to April 17, 1970 the world watched as NASA Flight Director Gene Kranz and a team worked around the clock to save the lives of three astronauts aboard Apollo 13. John Muratore later worked with the legendary Kranz. Today Kranz’s off-white vest (familiar to moviegoers who watched actor Ed Harris play Kranz in Apollo 13) has a place of honor at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.

When he saw the first shuttle orbiter launch in 1977 he was immediately attracted to the challenge. He liked the accountability of a space launch – you needed to know what you were doing to send a human being into space – so he decided to switch majors to Engineering and Applied Science. The Cold War was raging between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. when he graduated in 1979. Outer space was not just a new frontier but a new battlefield, and Muratore wanted in. He walked into an Air Force recruiting office, mentioned his Yale engineering degree and 20 minutes later signed up for officer training in Lackland, TX. Bonus: The Air Force guaranteed him an assignment in space. “The Air Force was fantastic for me,” he says. “I earned the equivalent of another bachelor’s degree and got involved in the shuttle program.” He was assigned to space launch duties at Vandenberg Air Force Base and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. On loan to NASA, he served on the launch team for the first five flights of the space shuttle at Kennedy Space Center. His military career was

Far Left: John Muratore enjoyed a 28 year career at NASA including jobs as Space Shuttle Flight Controller, designing the X-38 Crew Rescue Vehicle and rebuilding NASA’s Mission Control computer system.

FALL /W INTER 2012 17


From left, Wayne Hale, space shuttle deputy program manager, John Muratore, systems integration office manager, and Mike Wetmore, NASA director of space shuttle processing, address the media one day after the scrubbing of the launch attempt for Space Shuttle Discovery on July 15, 2005. The mission marked NASA's first manned-space flight after a failed Columbia mission two years prior.

Top right: On Jan. 28, 1986, the space shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after lifting off from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. All seven crewpersons were killed, including a school teacher Christa McAuliffe who had been trained to ride along. The space shuttle program was suspended for two years during the investigation.


impacted by a medical condition which precluded him from applying for flying or operational assignments. NASA, however, was less concerned about Muratore’s health and offered him the same job that he had applied for as an Air Force officer: flight controller for the space shuttle. “NASA was an amazing career,” he says. Initially he served as a flight controller in Mission Control, sending commands and monitoring telemetry from the space shuttle. He worked for Gene Kranz – the white vested flight director played by Ed Harris in Apollo 13 who famously announced ‘Failure is not an option’ – then ran space shuttle flight software production for two years. Next he served as shuttle flight director, managing space shuttle mission control teams. In 1990 NASA launched the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) a space-based observatory. Scientists quickly noticed a problem: the image data was seriously out of focus. The HST mirror couldn’t be fixed or changed so NASA had to develop corrective optics for Hubble's instruments, similar to eye glasses or contact lenses for correcting human sight. Designing the solution took three years and, in December 1993, flight director John Muratore was a member of the team that cheered the Space Shuttle Endeavor crew as it recovered and repaired the HST. Muratore’s next challenge was to oversee the rebuilding of NASA’s Mission Control computer system, a $250 million project that took 18 months to complete. NASA abandoned an outdated mainframe-based

approach and risked venturing into thenrevolutionary distributed system technology. His NASA colleague Wayne Hale, space shuttle deputy program manager, recently blogged, “John had the technical and leadership abilities to pull off that huge project. We moved into the new control center and never missed a beat, never looked back. John did it by a combination of excellent team organization skills and by completely ignoring the old and cumbersome processes that had constrained the old mission control center organization. He called the team the Pirate crew. It really was.” The rebuilt system has served NASA well for almost 20 years and remains Muratore’s proudest achievement. Next came Muratore’s favorite NASA project: leading the team that developed the X-38 Crew Rescue Vehicle prototype, a wingless reentry vehicle for the International Space Station. He attended the National Test Pilot School as a flight test engineer and was onboard when X-38 prototypes were dropped from NASA’s legendary B-52 bomber. In 2002 the X-38 project was suddenly scrapped, the victim of budget cuts. The team had worked seven years and successfully flown the X-38 eight times in the atmosphere, and the underbudget, space-rated version was ready to go. Years later NASA would depend on Russian technology for crew return and spend millions more than the cost of deploying the X-38. The memory of the cancelled X-38 still haunts Muratore together with another far more tragic event.

Muratore was with NASA on January 28, 1986 when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven crew members on board. The disaster caused a 32-month hiatus in the shuttle program and President Reagan appointed the Rogers Commission to investigate the accident. (The commission later found that a simple O-ring seal failure had caused the explosion.) After the Columbia accident, the entire NASA shuttle management team was reassigned. Hale Boggs recalls in his blog that Bill Parsons, the new Program Manager, asked for advice on the new team. One of the most critical jobs would be the head of systems engineering and integration; and there was only one choice: John Muratore. “It was a hard technical job in a hyper-charged political atmosphere and we were dealing with the loss of seven friends at the same time,” Muratore

says. “That was by far the most difficult time in my life.” Muratore’s life next took an interesting turn when, still in NASA’s employ, he became an Adjunct Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at Rice University in Houston, TX teaching classes in instrumentation, flight testing and systems engineering. He enjoyed getting to know a whole new generation of engineers. Finally, after 28 years with NASA, Muratore decided he was ready to move on. He left NASA and took a job as a Research Associate Professor at The University of Tennessee Space Institute, one of the few places in the country to teach flight testing where he could also research how to improve flight testing and how to study the environment using airborne instrumentation.

June 7, 2002: The shuttle flight control room in Houston's Mission Control Center during a Space Shuttle and the International Space Station docking. The Control Center continues to benefit from improvements developed by Muratore and his team during a $250 million, 18 month re-design project.

The X-38 Crew Return Vehicle was a prototype for a wingless lifting body reentry vehicle for the International Space Station. The Muratore-led project was scrapped after seven years of work and eight successful flights, the victim of federal budget cuts. On left, the X38 is airborne, tucked under the wing of a B-52 before deployment.

In 1976 President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan were dwarfed by the Space Shuttle Enterprise as it rolled out from its California assembly facility for delivery to nearby Edwards Air Force Base. Roger Ressmeyer / CORBIS

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NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, left, congratulates SpaceX CEO and Chief Designer Elon Musk at the SpaceX facility in McGregor, Texas in front of the historic Dragon capsule that returned to Earth on May 31, 2012.

One of the highlights of Muratore’s career came during the X-38 development project when he attended Test Pilot School as an engineer.


His career seemed poised to enter a new, more scholarly phase. Time for sabbaticals and tenure? Not quite. He received a call from SpaceX, the Space Exploration Technologies Corporation. SpaceX was founded in 2002 by PayPal founder Elon Musk, a visionary entrepreneur who wanted to challenge the big aerospace model of bloated budgets and decade-long timelines. He created a privately-held company that seems poised to transform the future of space exploration. In less than ten years SpaceX has developed unique launch vehicles and spacecraft, transported cargo and, in the near future, will likely carry humans into space. In May 2012, SpaceX made history as the world's first private company to send a cargo payload to the International Space Station. The Company is planning its first crewed flight in 2015 and has signed contracts with private companies, foreign government agencies, the U.S. military and, yes, with Muratore’ s former employer NASA. Once again Muratore has exhibited impeccable timing. His consulting work for SpaceX soon evolved into a fulltime job as director in Mission Assurance where he ensures that systems engineering and software meet mission objectives. He is training to be a Launch Chief Engineer, the person responsible for integrating the technical teams in resolving problems during launch countdowns. At the ripe old age of 56 he has entered the brave new world of civilian space exploration. One might assume that John Muratore descended from a long line of military men, flight engineers or rocket scientists, but no. John’s father, Peter, is a graduate of Brooklyn Prep and Georgetown and worked on Wall Street. His mother, Patricia, also a Georgetown graduate, was a nurse and nursing executive. His brother Robert, Delbarton ’75, graduated from Lehigh and is a marketing executive. His sister Cathy, also a Lehigh alumnus, was a marketing executive and now a full time mother active in education in New Vernon. Always motivated to make a difference in the world, rather than follow his family’s example

into business, John Muratore took the road less travelled into space flight engineering. What advice does he have for young engineers just starting out? Prepare for a lifetime of learning. Technology is changing so fast that you have to plan to retrain several times to stay current. His life is proof: he has gone to school three times, each separated by a decade, and each has been key to the next phase of his career. “Only enter this field if you have fun with it. It is way too frustrating if it isn’t fun,” he says. He also cautions students not to be discouraged if it is hard at first, or their grades aren’t the best. “At times it is still hard for me even now,” he confesses. “The people who succeed at engineering and computer science are the people who enjoy it so much that they couldn’t think of not doing it. If it’s fun, even if it is hard at times when other people find it easier, eventually you will succeed because you keep doing it.” “In my generation it was all about what we could do as individuals or identified teams. My students all got things done by networking. It gave me great hope for the future and how technology can unlock human potential.” When he entered the field in the 1970s, engineering was separated into very narrow disciplines. There were major differences among mechanical, chemical and electrical engineers. There was even a big difference between electrical engineers, who mostly worked with power, and electronics engineers, who worked with computers, radios and instrumentation. Now all fields are merging. “Every mechanical device has a power supply and a computer and instrumentation in it,” Muratore says. “Almost every electronic device has a chemical battery and a radio in it. The primary failure mechanisms of electronics are due to mechanical and thermal stresses. And, of course, all of our engineering tools are computer based.” Today, to be a successful engineer, you need to be interdisciplinary. “What I like to say is that you have to be a jack of all trades and a master of one or two.”

In 1990 NASA launched the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) a space-based observatory. Scientists quickly noticed a problem: images were out of focus. Designing the solution took three years and, in December 1993, flight director John Muratore was in the control room cheering when the Space Shuttle Endeavor crew recovered and repaired the HST.

Two images of M100 Spiral Galaxy taken through Hubble Space Telescope taken before and after the fix in late December 1993. More Hubble missions have been launched since then to make repairs and add improved instrumentation.

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The Falcon 9 SpaceX rocket lifts off at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on May 22, 2012. The launch marked the first time a private company sent its own rocket to deliver supplies to the International Space Station.


What does he predict for the future of space exploration? The first 100 miles are always the hardest. “There’s a joke in the space business that the safety of the spacecraft is proportional to its distance from the launch pad. Flying long distances in space is relatively easy compared to launching from earth. SpaceX is the best chance to break that first 100 mile problem. Once we do, the future is going to explode.” Recently Muratore wrote to thank Abbot Giles Hayes for moderating Delbarton’s first Rocket Club. “I don’t know if you were ever really interested in the details of rockets. You just did it, I think, as one of the many things you did for the young men of Delbarton… Those rockets at Delbarton were the first I ever launched. Needless to say they were not my last.”

The space age began on October 4, 1957, with the launching of the world's first artificial Earth satellite. Sputnik-1 was followed by a rapid series of achievements by the Soviet Union: the first lunar probe, first man in space, first attempts to reach Mars and Venus. The American space program responded by shifting into high gear, attracting young scientists and engineers like John Muratore to its cause.

Photos by Jessica Fiddes

Freshman Project coordinators Chris Cocozello, on left, and Matt Kovachik on right, with, from left, Patrick Fischer, Chris DeLuca, Mike Berry, Rick McCrae and Will Nixon from the Class of 2015.

Freshman Projects 2012

Each spring Delbarton freshmen present Freshman Projects, independent studies where the subject matter is completely up to them. Here are five examples of interesting, well-executed projects from the Class of 2015‌

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Photos by Chris DeLuca


The Battle for Carentan.

Jessica Fiddes

Chris DeLuca

Chris DeLuca’s Normandy Beach diorama.

Hedgerow Hell.

Omaha Beach defenses. DeLuca describes the scale to

his classmates Will Nixon ’15 and Mike Berry ’15.

Chris meticulously painted each

A close-up shot of the bluffs,

vehicle using an ’00 brush which he described as “very small.”

beach and the English Channel.


Chris DeLuca: Normandy Invasion Diorama Chris DeLuca chose to build a detailed diorama of the Normandy Invasion, the largest amphibious battle of World War II, a daunting task that combined art, history, and elements of geometry. The first phase was to create the scene including buildings, terrain and fortifications. DeLuca used polystyrene, MDF board (lightweight, non-warping wood), spackle for sculpting and a hot wire tool to carve the bluff and hill. He detailed the boards (flocked with a blend of five green and brown grasses), modeled the bluff (using diluted spackle for road surfaces), modeled the water (tapping with a plastic spoon formed the wavelike texture). Then he created hedgerows, trees, trenches (in a three part sub-project), modeled HMG nests. Then the real fun began: Using a 000 brush – “very small” – he painted 519 men, 17 artillery/heavy guns, and 54 vehicles used in the diorama. While Chris had some previous experience, this is the largest modeling project he had ever undertaken. Freshman Project moderators were stunned by the scope of his work, and how his project bought to life one of WW II’s definitive battles.

Mike Berry has been playing piano for six or seven years. His specialty is jazz and blues. Watching him play on a keyboard is interesting: it is like watching the hands of a 56 year old professional jazz pianist attached the body of a high school freshman (now, rising sophomore). All Berry needs is a glass full of dollar bills on the piano. For Berry’s freshman project he decided to compose not a jazz riff…not a blues tune but a classical sonata. Mr. Berry likes a challenge and if there is music involved, even better. In addition to the piano, Berry plays guitar, bass, drums, harmonica and “a bunch of other things.” His piece Music in Life was inspired by the artists he enjoys listening to including Beethoven, Chopin, Rachmaninoff as well as musicians like Ray Manzarek (The Doors), Richard Wright(Pink Floyd), and Oscar Peterson. Berry began by sitting down at the piano and playing some chords. “I found what I liked, found a reoccurring theme and let the

song take off from there.” The biggest challenge was maintaining an even flow of the song, and feels he has made great progress and improvements this past summer. Music in Life was his first classical composition, but he has written other songs. In fact, he is constantly writing music. His favorite classical pianists are Chopin and Rachmaninoff and he is inspired by the list of modern musicians above, plus Art Tatum. In fact, last summer and his band won a major battle of the bands in NY, and Berry jammed in the Garden with bands from the Jersey Shore at Homecoming 2012.

Mike Berry

Jazz great Bill O’Connell mentors pianist Mike Berry ’15 at a jazz workshop last March.

Rick McCrae: Official Delbarton Fight Song For his Freshman Project Rick McRae '15 decided to write a fight song for the Green Wave. Hard to believe that until now the Green Wave had no official fight song. Using the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame’s song as his guide, McCrae composed a melody and, with help from Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny, wrote the lyrics. A novice musical arranger, McCrae sought advice from his middle school band director Elizabeth Thompson who gave him a quick tutorial. He arranged his Green Wave Fight Song for trumpet, sax, French horn, clarinet and trombone. Next step: McCrae uploaded the notes into GarageBand, software that plays back notes on various instruments then formats printable sheet music. How much does this nifty software cost? “Oh, nothing, it was loaded on my computer when I bought it.” With arrangements finally in hand, McRae met with Wind Ensemble director Greg Devine and his musicians. “Luckily,” says

Photos by Jessica Fiddes

Mike Berry: Music Composition

In addition to their shirts, these Wave fans, at last winter’s state hockey finals, were also missing a fight song.

McRae, “Baseball practice got canceled so I could arrive early for Wind Ensemble.” The Ensemble practiced the Green Wave Fight Song three times and recorded it twice. Musicians then doubled as singers and sang the lyrics one time for the recording. One last step: McRae merged his music with Green Wave sports photos for a Green Wave Fight Song music video. The video debuted on May 7, 2012 and was an instant hit. At the Homecoming pep rally on October 5, 2012 the Council of Seniors presented McCrae’s Green Wave Fight Song to an enthusiastic student body.

Rick McCrae

FALL /W INTER 2012 25

FRESHMAN PROJECTS Patrick Fischer: Run It Out 5K Race

Patrick Fischer

Freshman Patrick Fischer ’15 wasn’t sure what to do for his Freshman Project. Then he saw the embroidered ‘BEF’ patch on his cross country uniform. His Cross Country Coach John Barnicle explained that the patch honors the late Delbarton athletic director Brian Fleury who passed away in 2006 after a 20 year battle with cancer. Fischer, an avid runner, decided that his Project would be to organize a 5K Run in memory of Fleury. The race on April 29, 2012 attracted lots of support from the extended Delbarton and Villa Walsh

Patrick Fischer: Run It Out 5 K Race


communities (Fleury’s wife Jen, pictured below with Fischer and her son Tim, is Villa Walsh’s Athletic Director). Two hundred runners registered for the event which raised $5,000. Run It Out was a fitting way to celebrate Fleury’s memory and to introduce a younger generation of students to a Delbarton hero. “Mr. Fleury must have been looking down and blessed us with great weather – it was a perfect day for a run!” Fischer said.

Will Nixon: Filmmaker Aliens invaded Delbarton on May 8, 2012. Or at least they appeared to in Will Nixon’s Freshman Project. Nixon’s project was to write, direct, produce and, yes, even appear briefly in an independent autobiographical film. The subject: his first year at Delbarton. His six minute, thirty eight second movie The Firsts, starring his classmate Michael Berry ’15 as the main character Will Nixon, packed a lot of wallop, including impressive special effects and the staggering acting abilities of several Delbarton teachers (Mr. Ross’s performance, in particular, gave viewers chills). Delbarton critics, the teachers and administrators who previewed the film, were impressed by the maturity and technical skill of the young cinematographer who produced an adept, witty and entertaining movie. Check out The Firsts on Youtube via the official Delbarton channel, accessible in the Media Center on the School website. We look forward to more movies from Delbarton filmmaker Will Nixon, and he promises to share future projects with the Delbarton community.

Will Nixon

Delbarton…before Will Nixon’s cinematic aliens attacked. Nixon and his star Mike Berry (who played the role of ‘Will Nixon’) reenact a tight close-up.

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FALL /W INTER 2012 27

SEEDS at 20: A Graduate Gives Back Photos by Jessica Fiddes


By Karen Valerio (Oak Knoll School ’13)

his summer marked the twentieth anniversary of New Jersey SEEDS and the tenth anniversary of a unique summer partnership between the Delbarton School and SEEDS. Since 2002, Delbarton has welcomed SEEDS on campus for a one month academic program. From late June to late July you can spot a group of 40-plus ten, eleven, and twelve year olds running from Trinity hall to the cafeteria for lunch or measuring the Senior Garden, for a math project. The kids know that entering the Senior Garden is an honor usually reserved for Delbarton seniors, but thanks to the unique partnership, SEEDS kids are allowed to enter the sacred space. NJ SEEDS is a non-profit that recruits academically gifted, inner city students with the goal of securing their entrance into an 28 D ELBARTON TODAY

independent school. The program reinforces mathematics, literature, social studies, study skills and others over a one year period before the student’s entrance into a private institution. Ultimately, SEEDS instills in pupils a level of comfort and expertise in their subjects, so that each can excel in the more academically rigorous environment. The program includes two summers and an academic school year in between: Step One is the first summer of the program, usually spent at Oak Knoll School in Summit, NJ. (Due to construction, in summer 2012 Step One joined Step Three at Delbarton.) Step Two occurs during the academic school year, when students report for Saturday classes at St. Philip’s Academy in Newark. After the second summer, Step Three, students are deemed ready to enter their

One Phase 1 project was to make and illustrate a globe which students display at an end of program luncheon in old Main.

“I expect a lot from my future now that I have

entered the YSP program. My goals are to get

into the Pingry School and discover more and

more things about the beauty of learning. I also

expect to use my talents to become a scientist. What I must always

remember is not to boast and never stop learning.” – Rania Benatia, Step 1.

respective schools. SEEDS not only prepares students for the academics rigors of private school, but also for the social/culture shock they are about to encounter. SEEDS also sponsors three sub programs including the Young Scholars Program (YSP), for students in grades fourth through sixth, The Scholars Program for rising high school freshmen and the College Preparatory Program

for rising college freshmen. The unofficial mission of SEEDS is to educate the whole child, defined as endowing well-rounded students with the knowledge and skills necessary for excellence in every facet of life, both inside and outside the classroom. To accomplish this summer’s ambitious goals, SEEDS relied on a team of educators and alumni interns. As a SEEDS ’07 graduate and

Phase 1 SEEDS students at Delbarton this past summer.

FALL /W INTER 2012 29


?: Describe SEEDS in five words. A: “That’s not possible. Only five words?

Well, I’d have to say: memorable, extraordinary, unique,

fulfilling, and exhilarating.”

– Anthony Pryor-Calloway, SEEDS graduate/intern (Delbarton School)

an Oak Knoll “young woman of promise” (as each girl is at OKS), such missions have been engraved into my core since I entered OKS six years ago. Thus the unofficial mission has a double fold meaning for me. As a senior, my time at Oak Knoll comes to an end and I am living proof of the “education of the whole child.” This year’s Delbarton SEEDS team included Chris Pillette, Site Dean since 2006, English teacher, and Delbarton English Chairman; John Murray, English teacher at SEEDS and at the Pingry School; Karen Conn, English teacher, Ellen Thomas, Math teacher, Stephanie Almozara, Math and religion teacher at SEEDS and Delbarton Theology teacher; Dorvil Gabriel ’12 (West Nottingham Academy in Maryland), SEEDS Scholars Class of 2008, an intern attending Haverford College this fall; Devika Patel ’12 (Montclair Kimberly Academy), SEEDS


Scholars Class of 2008, an intern attending Stanford University in the fall; Anthony Pr yorCalloway ’13, current Delbarton Senior, YSP Class of 2007, an intern; and Karen Valerio ’13, current Oak Knoll Senior (but you already knew that), YSP Class of 2007, an intern. These five educators and four interns worked hard each day to ensure a promising future for these young intellectuals. We four interns give back to SEEDS out of gratitude for this phenomenal program and will spend the rest of our lives dutifully indebted.

Left to right:

SEEDS President Ronni Denes with two members of the Young Scholars program.

Time for a few pictures with new SEEDS friends.

Food for the luncheon was donated by Delbarton alumnus Jason Mongiovi ’95, Manager at Martini 494 Bistro, Bar & Gallery in Newark.

In just 20 years SEEDS has placed almost 10,000 students in independent, day and boarding schools across the country. To date, the impacts these gifted individuals have on society are evidence of the positive impact of NJ SEEDS. Though SEEDS alumni and families are infinitely grateful to the program,

SEEDS is tenfold grateful to each and every one of its supporters, who range from single individuals to institutions like Delbarton. May SEEDS’ ten years partnership with Delbarton sprout into one hundred years and more.

“My life has changed through SEEDS because it has allowed me to be a different person. This fall these SEEDS Step 3 graduates, with their teachers at Delbarton in July, matriculated to independent schools.

In addition, it has pushed me to be the best me!” – Toni Allen, Step 3, (Chatham Day School)

FALL /W INTER 2012 31



My Operation Smile Experience By Conor White ’13

Three years ago when I was a freshman I wanted to get involved at Delbarton but did not know where to jump in. At Delbarton it can be over whelming because there is so much going on.

owever when I read an article about a student’s involvement with Operation Smile I was inspired to sign up. The article helped me to realize that Operation Smile was a club/activity for me. As a freshman I attended meetings and began to figure out what Operation Smile was all about. I raised money and awareness for this great organization. As a sophomore I wanted to expand my involvement and decided to attend the annual International Leadership Conference in Beijing. This was a great experience as I met kids from all over the world as we worked together to enhance our leadership skills while learning more about Operation Smile. Junior year I went to Virginia for a weekend of mission training where I learned about the opportunities available to me as a



student participating in an actual mission. I signed up to fully participate and was assigned to a mission in the Middle Eastern country of Jordan. As you can imagine I was excited and yet slightly anxious about going to the Middle East under the circumstances of our world today. My parents were even more anxious and we discussed the possibilities of asking for a different location. Over the past three years Operation Smile had prepared me and I was more than ready to make the trip and take on the challenges that the mission all entailed. I accepted the mission. This past June I left for the Middle East. I was one of two students, part of a 50 person team made up of professionals from all over the world that delivered a 9-day mission to the people of Jordan and the surrounding areas of the Middle East.

Conor bonds with the kids as he hands out toothbrushes in a Syrian orphanage.

A mother and child, awaiting an Operation Smile surgery, in Amman this past summer.

Conor White ’13, right, and a fellow student volunteer with a young patient during Op Smile’s mission in Amman Jordan this past summer.

In Beijing for the 2011 International Leadership Conference.

To witness a child’s eyes light up with delight as they looked in the mirror at themselves just hours after surgery is not something I will soon forget. I know we changed many lives while fulfilling our mission goals. As a person, through this amazing opportunity, my life has been changed as well. While in Jordan, I visited Syrian refugee camps and orphanages. I saw things that you cannot capture on CNN or in Time magazine. I saw people who could be any one of us, just living in a very different world. These are experiences that cannot be topped. The gift that Operation Smile has given to me through their programs and opportunities has left me so very grateful. I am so honored to have received the Davis Shick Award at this year’s International Student Leadership Conference in Washington DC this past August. I am humbled to be associated with such a wonderful man; I actually never thought of what I was doing as work or sacrifice or even a bit risky. I have really enjoying myself every step of the way and truly believe that ‘every child deserves a smile’.

On a break from the mission Conor visited the ancient trading city of Petra in Jordan.

Conor White ’13 with Dr. Marah, a medical member of the Op Smile mission in Amman.

FALL /W INTER 2012 33



Paging Governor Palmer

With a nod to the national election, we share an election story of our own from (Governor) Nick Palmer ’13…

By Nick Palmer ’13 nd the 2012 American Legion Jersey Boys State Governor is, from the Federalist Party, Nick Palmer.” These words from June 22 still ring in my ears to this day. American Legion posts throughout the state sponsor rising to attend the week-long Boys State session each June. Delegates are immediately split up into two fictitious political parties, the Federalists and Nationalists, and assigned to a “city” in which they’ll live with about fifty other delegates. I was placed in Taylor City, where I was elected as the mayor on the first day. Within the first day, I spent time campaigning, strategizing, and participating in debates to win the race. Having been mayor for ten minutes, I set my sights on another position, State Senator. Rather than focusing on the issues of Taylor City, I discussed and debated issues that New Jersey was currently facing. Becoming a State Senator wasn’t as straightforward as my mayoral race, but I was delighted when I attended my first Senate session and began voting on legislation that the Boys State Governor would sign the next day. I began campaigning for governor by building a team, devising a platform, working to get nomination signatures, winning my party’s nomination, unifying the Federalist Party, and participating in an intense gubernatorial debate culminating in my winning of the gubernatorial election.


Governor Nick Palmer ’13, Lt. Governor Nauman Ahmad, and Boys State Director David Bagatelle.


I have never worked so hard in my life. I wrote speeches, win elections, wrote (half of ) a city budget, attended senate sessions, made great friends, and wrote articles for the daily newspaper. I wouldn’t trade that week’s hard work, sleepless nights, stress and constant activity for anything. In the midst of the political craziness, delegates spent a lot of time learning about public service, career paths, patriotism, and respect for the United States military. The delegation gathered each night to hear speeches from a dozen political figures like State Senator Tom Kean, Congressman Leonard Lance, and Senator Bob Menendez. Perhaps the most moving part of the week was Tuesday night’s documentary on the Invasion at Normandy, World War II in general, and the Vietnam War which had a serious impact on many of the delegates, and was the highlight for many of us. The greatest lesson I learned at Boys State was an understanding of how to open my mind. The political parties are artificial, so I was grouped together with people who disagreed with me and some who refused to hear what I had to say. This dynamic took some getting used to. I knew that if I wanted to win any races, I had to have my party’s support, and in order to do that, I had to try to satisfy everybody. When I won my party’s nomination for governor, I was escorted into a room with twelve other Federalists, the party administrators, to come up with a campaign platform. Everybody had ideas. It was difficult to come together and earn the support of everybody, and the process was eye opening. It would be impossible to go through the week without encountering a new concept or opinion; the Boys State system does an amazing job of forcing students to open their minds. I hope other Delbarton students participate in Boys State. Being named Governor at the end of the week was amazing, but it was the experiences leading up to that moment that really made the week worthwhile.

Governor Nick Palmer ’13 addressing a joint session of the state legislature at 2012 NJ Boys State.

Governor Palmer ’13, center, with his proud First Parents Matthew and Christine Palmer P’13, ’15.

FALL /W INTER 2012 35

AROUND DELBARTON Photos by Jessica Fiddes

Delbarton has 112 AP Scholars

U P D AT E Dean of Admissions Dr. David Donovan earned three professional credentials from the American Management Institute after having completed their online and classroom seminar curriculums. He now has a Certificate in Finance, a Certificate in Management, and a Certificate in Leadership from AMA. He also attended the Harvard University’s Independent School Leadership Institute from October 17-19, which was conducted by members of Harvard’s Graduate School of Education. The Institute addressed topics of independent school curriculum, finance, governance, and leadership. English teacher Rob Flynn received Masters in Computing in education from Columbia University. Spanish teacher Paulina Irigaray attended the AP summer Institute at LaSalle University which trains new AP teachers – AP Spanish in her case – on presentation techniques for AP material. Spanish teacher Jaime Paris will finish his Master’s in Spanish Literature this year. He is currently taking a graduate course on Cervantes and another on Argentinian cinema at Montclair State. Last April Paris was a student presenter at the Montclair State University Graduate School Symposium. The title of his presentation was “Hemingway’s Shadow: Contemporary Views of the Author in Modern Spain.”

(continued on page 37) 36 D ELBARTON TODAY

ongratulations to the 112 Delbarton students who qualified as AP (Advanced Placement) Scholars in 2012. Only about 18 percent of the more than 1.8 million students worldwide who took these exams in May 2012 performed at a sufficiently high level to merit such recognition. 25 Delbarton students qualified for the National AP Scholar Award (as well as AP Scholar with Distinction Awards) by earning an average grade of 4 or higher on a 5-point scale on all AP Exams taken, and grades of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams:


Class of 2012: David Colavita, Yasin Damji, Connor Feeley, Matthew Gibbons, Kevin Larkin, John Lee, Michael Li, Kevin Liu, Ryan McGuire, Vincent Pacelli, Brian Paskas, Steven Penny, Omar Rizwan, Jonathan Rogers, Ryan Rogers, John Russell, Steve Rybicki, Ritchie Shen, Vivek Shimpi, Alexander Shypula, Ryan Slattery, Kevin Sweeney, Andrew Tsukamoto, James Weldon and Michael Woo Class of 2013: Christopher Chen and Thomas Hartke The following 63 students qualified for the AP Scholar with Distinction Award by earning an average grade of at least 3.5 on

all AP Exams taken and grades of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams: Class of 2012: Matthew Agresti, Eric Benz, James Berkman, William Beute, Daniel Blanc, Henry Bolo, David Colavita, Yasin Damji, Connor Feeley,Thomas Fickinger, Spencer Furey, Matthew Gibbons, Devon Gobbo, Brian Hardin, Chad Heal, Gregory Herrigel, Greg Keiser, Christopher Kohl, Kevin Larkin, John Lee, Michael Li, Kevin Liu, Ryan McGuire, Sean Maguire, Sean Onderdonk, Mark Orloff, Vincent Pacelli, Brian Paskas, Steven Penny, Zachary Posess, Jonathan Ramirez, David Reed, Omar Rizwan, Jonathan Rogers, Max Rogers, Ryan Rogers, Luke Rossi, John Russell, Steve Rybicki, Ritchie Shen, Vivek Shimpi, Ryan Slattery, Alexander Shypula, Eric Shiuey, Kevin Sweeney, Donald Terwilliger, Andrew Tsukamoto, Adam Vincent, James Weldon, Michael Woo and Gregory Vlahakis Class of 2013: Kabbas Azhar, Christopher Chen, Matthew Cuckran, Joseph DeLuca, Jackson Doherty, Thomas Hartke, Aaron Jung, Nicholas Palmer, Conor Ryan, Nishwant Swami, Christopher Tozzi and Zachary Ullman

The following 17 students qualified for the AP Scholar with Honor Award by earning an average grade of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken and grades of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams: Class of 2012: Andrew Christie, Robert Haas, Robert Iannaccone, Timothy Mason, Mark Pizzi, Charles Savage and Harrison West Class of 2013: William Carlucci, Kevin Godart, Ryan Griffin, Andrew Higgins, Conor Kelly, Francisco Martinez, Matthew Molnar, Michael Pesce, John Price and Marcos Robertson-Laval The following 32 students qualified for the AP Scholar Award by completing three or more AP exams with grades of 3 or higher: Class of 2012: Connor Bilby, Sean Doherty, Kurt Ferdenzi, Thomas Flatley, Paul Hemmer, Ivor Jackson, Brian Jung, Nicholas Kelly, Jordan Lederman, Nicholas Lee, Jorge Lopez, Ryan Maguire, Michael McCluskey, Shane Mulcahy, Thomas Napoli, Connor Schaible and Morgan White Class of 2013: Matthew Clausen, Christopher D’Aliso, William Daney, James Downey, Thomas Fowler, Alexander Hagerty, Matthew Killian, John Kowalik, Cian Madigan, Lucas Mairo, Christopher McGuire, Kenneth McHugh, Matthew McNamara, (continued on page 37)


Sister Merris Larkin Receives 2012 Delbarton Distinguished Educator Award On May 30, 2012 Sister Merris Larkin, Principal of Assumption School in Morristown, NJ, received the 2012 Delbarton School Distinguished Educator Award. Delbarton Director of Admissions Dr. David Donovan, on right, acted as master of ceremonies, and Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny, OSB, presented the award during the final faculty meeting of the year. The award recognizes area educators who have “a significant impact on the lives of young people.” Since its inception in 1975 thirty-seven educators have received this distinction. Two Assumption School alumni and current Delbarton students Matt Grella ’13 and Marcos Robertson-Lavalle ’13 shared their memories of Sister Merris.

In his remarks, Dr. Donovan described this year’s recipient as “caring, dedicated, compassionate, humble, strong, character shaper, hard worker

and a truly great woman.” Sister Merris Larkin has served Assumption School as leader and Principal for the past seventeen years.

Delbarton has 112 AP Scholars (continued from page 36)

17 Seniors Recognized by National Merit Scholarship Program Drew Melanson, Kevin Neilson and Sean O’Dowd We salute our 112 Delbarton 2012 AP Scholars! Michael Rosenhaus ’80, Director of College Counseling, announced in September that 17 Delbarton seniors were recognized as Semi Finalists or as Commended Students in the 2013 National Merit Program. They are: Semi Finalists: Thomas Harke, Christopher Chen

Commended Students: William Carlucci, Matthew Chuckran, Austin Crann, Matthew Davis, Joseph DeLuca, James Downey, Brendan Huston, Aaron Jung, Lucas Mairo, John Masella, Matthew Molnar, Nicholas Palmer, Conor Ryan, Nishwant Swami and Kabbas Azhar The National Merit Scholarship Program began in 1955 as an American academic competition that rewards achievement with recognition and scholarships. This year’s Commended students placed in the top five

percent of the more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2013 competition by taking the 2011 PSATs. Semifinalists are designated on a state representational basis and are the highest scoring entrants in each state. In order to be considered for a National Merit Scholarship, Semifinalists must advance to Finalist standing by meeting high academic standards and other requirements.

(continued from page 36) On October 11, 2012 Science teacher John Sanfacon lectured at the Philadelphia Academy of Science on “The Strategic Rare-Earth Minerals” and on Nov. 14 at the New York Mineralogical Society (America’s oldest, founded in 1886, which meets at the American Museum of Natural History) on “Russian Mineral Treasures”. On Dec. 14, he will be speaking before the Mineral Society of Bucks County, PA on “The History of Mineralogy in Russia”. As a member of the undefeated football team of ’57, he and his Delbarton class executed the ceremonial coin toss before the Homecoming Game vs. Roxbury on October 6, 2012.

TIDINGS History teacher Craig Fleishman and Jean Allen were married on August 4, 2012 at Lake Mohawk Country Club in Sparta, NJ. English teacher Rob Flynn and Katy Barnicle, daughter of Delbarton English teacher John Barnicle, were married on June 9, 2012. Drama teacher Matt Corica and Jen Cleary were married on August 4, 2012. English teacher Angela Graziano and Jason Brown were married in Long Branch, NJ on June 16, 2012. Spanish teacher Paulina Irigaray and Chris Nieliwocki were married August 18, 2012 at St. Thomas of Villanova Chapel on Villanova University campus. Science teacher John Côté and wife Laura’s daughter Katherine Ann Côté was born on May 18, 2012. (continued on page 38) FALL /W INTER 2012 37


Taking the Middle School Picture is Like... Taking a group photo of the entire Delbarton Middle School is like herding cats and then asking them to ‘say cheese’. Middle School guidance counselor Rick Cimino and moderator Bryan Stoll decided May 17 was the perfect day to snap an allMiddle School picture in the Senior Gardens because... 1) Middle schoolers were in jackets and ties for the Ascension Day service

2) The weather was perfect 3) There were no seniors on campus to toss little brothers into the fountain Miraculously, our cats cooperated and, presto chango, we had a great Middle School group picture. All it took was two strong authority figures, a great group of boys, no seniors in sight and a big high five from Mother Nature.

Introducing the Delbarton

Blood iPad App (Droid Too) Drive Kevin Neilson ’13 has done it again. Three years Turns 30 ago for his Freshman Delbarton hosted its Annual Delbarton Blood Drive on March 28, 2012. The record-breaking event was celebrated as the School’s 30th consecutive Drive and Delbarton received a trophy signifying its three decade commitment to collecting lifesaving blood from the Delbarton community.


Project he designed a Delbarton iPhone App, making Delbarton one of the first high schools to have one. This summer he developed new iPad and Droid Apps. “I think it is fair to say that Delbarton is one of the first high schools in the country to have its own iPad App,” he reports.

(continued from page 37)

History teacher Jon Gentine and wife Molly had their son Gus on April 5, 2012. Gus joins older brother Ben, age 3. Spanish teacher Inma Serrano and husband Iñaky García had a daughter, Anaís Mía Garcia, on August 9, 2012. Anais joins older brother Unai, 3. Science teacher Brian Theroux and wife Mary’s son Ian Theroux was born on July 18, 2012. Big sister Emily, age 3, welcomed Ian with open arms. Congratulations to Chemistry teacher Liz Mainardi and husband Jim. Their son Nathaniel James Mainardi was born on October 11, 2012. Nathaniel joins two older sisters. (Delbarton welcomes Margaret Nevistich who is replacing Liz for the next several months.)


Juniors Are Honored

Award: Nishwant Swami; Yale University Book Award: Matthew Chuckran; Holy Cross Book Award, Matthew McNamara; George Washington University Book Award, Michael Pesce. The Saint Michael’s College Book Award for Scholarship and Service, which is awarded to a student who has demonstrated a

At a May 29 awards ceremony underclassmen were recognized for achievements in academics, activities and campus ministry. At the ceremony every member of the Delbarton student body was congratulated for achieving the goal of 100% community service participation this year. Delbarton does not mandate service so this statistic is particularly noteworthy. Four members of the Class of 2013 were chosen to participate in interesting summer programs related to science and government. Thomas Hartke, above left, attended the 2010 Governor’s School for Engineering and Technology and Christopher Chen, right, attended the Governor’s School

for the Sciences. They are pictured above with Junior Guidance Counselor Kelly Gleason. Riley Kete and Nicholas Palmer participated in the American Legion New Jersey Boys State at Rider University in June. (See article about Palmer’s experience on page 34) Other juniors, pictured here with Director of Senior Guidance Mike Rosenhaus ’80, won book awards after being selected by the Delbarton faculty for academic promise, character and contributions to the School: Columbia University Book Award: Christopher Chen; Williams College Book Award: Ethan Vorel; Princeton University Book Award: Thomas Hartke; Dartmouth College Book

sustained and sincere commitment to community service, was awarded to William Carlucci. The St. Anselm College Book Award, which is given to a student in recognition of exceptional leadership qualities and demonstrated academic success, was awarded to Nicholas Palmer.

Faculty Feted at Oompah Picnic What does the Delbarton faculty and staff do after the last day of classes has wrapped? Par-ty! On May 29, 2012 Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny, dressed in lederhosen, hosted a German beer garden-themed faculty picnic for teachers, staff and their families. He was ably assisted by his favorite party planners, administrative assistant Connie Curnow, left, and Faculty Dean Anne Leckie, right. Folks dined on grilled hotdogs, hamburgers, sausages (mitt sauerkraut) and chicken plus great side dishes as children frolicked in the garden. Brother Paul thanked the faculty for making the school year such a success.

FALL /W INTER 2012 39


OK, So You Got Into College … Now What?

On May 21, 2012 Delbarton seniors joined Delbarton alumni for a Senior Orientation Day, a joint venture of the Delbarton Guidance department and Alumni Association. Bill Conley ’71, Bucknell’s VP for Enrollment Management, kicked off the event by talking about adjustments students make when they move from high school to college. Next, young college-age alums and friends, pictured here, led small group discussions and answered the seniors’ questions about the

real ins and outs of college life. Money management is crucial to independent living, so Delbarton AP Macro Economics teacher Tom Brady spoke about managing personal finances. A morning of good advice can make a man hungry, so Senior Orientation Day ended with a cook-out served on the portico of Old Main. All in all, the event helped to bridge the gap between high school and college.

Annual Fund Volunteers Thanked at Dinner On May 30, 2012 parent volunteers were thanked at a dinner at Rod’s Steak House in Madison, NJ for the hard work they put in during 2011-12 building support for the Delbarton Annual Fund. Parent Giving Chair Peter Pizzi ’71, P’01, ’03, ’08, ’12 was thanked for his many years of leadership in recruiting parent donors to support the Fund which augments finances each year. Last year 83% of current parents contributed to the Delbarton Annual Fund.



The #4 Pokémon Player in the World is… Professor Smith and His Rock In 2009, thanks to the work of Notre Dame Professor of architecture Thomas Gordon Smith, St. Mary’s Abbey/Delbarton finally learned the provenance of the so-called “Lost City,” the Corinthian capitals, columns and lintels which had been tucked away in the woods for over a century. The artifacts were from Colonnade Row on Lafayette Street in Lower Manhattan, an opulent 1830s residential edifice that had been partially dismantled in the 1880s. 140 years later the marble fragments were discovered at Delbarton, having been acquired in the 1880s by Luther Kountze for his country estate. On July 5, 2012 Professor Smith received a suitable reward for his efforts to inventory and sketch the collection: he took home to South Bend, IN, a 3,000 pound Corinthian capital from Colonnade Row, the structure he had been fascinated with his entire professional life. Professor Smith carefully moved the piece by forklift and transported his piece of American architectural history to Notre Dame in a rented panel truck.

The #4 Pokémon player in the world, that’s right, the WORLD, is Delbarton student Michael Diaz ’14. Competition Pokémon is a card game with two opponents each using a deck of 60 cards strategically selected from over 700 possibilities. At the Master level (age 16 and up) Pokémon is far more akin to Poker than to Go Fish. Diaz, a former national Pokémon champion, entered the World Championship in Kona, Hawaii this August as a wild card (he missed qualifying matches to play with Green Wave Rugby in Ireland last spring) and made it all the way to the semi-finals. His brother Frank ’08 is also a former national champion and a world contender. For his Pokémon prowess Michael won a $5,000 scholarship, a free trip to the 2013 Worlds in Vancouver, BC …and two copies of every Pokémon card (the resale market is hot). And you thought Pokémon was just for kids.

What’s for Dinner? Five Delbarton Experiences. On May 4, 2012 Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny OSB, on right, recruited seniors, from left, Steve Rybicki, David Colavita, Morgan White, Kevin Kennedy and Rob Iannaccone to recall their Delbarton days for current and new parents at the Delbarton Experience Dinner. Delbarton Prom was the night before and the boys were composed, relaxed (possibly sleep deprived) and ready to share what they learned at Delbarton. The next morning the senior parking lot was empty, a reminder that for the 119 members of the Class of 2012, their Delbarton Experience was ending as their college years approached. Each year it is difficult to say goodbye to our graduates -- these five fellows reminded us why. FALL /W INTER 2012 41


Eight New Faculty Members Join the Team

Eight new faculty members were welcomed to Delbarton in September. From left are Alex Guevarez (teaching English; moderator for the Courier and Big Brothers), Juan Pulido (teaching Spanish; moderator for Model UN and assisting in the Athletic Dept.), Dom Rodi (teaching Art and moderator for the Yearbook), Matthew White (teaching Religious Studies, coaching basketball and assisting with

Community Service), Chris Buckley (teaching Math and coaching wrestling and lacrosse), David Sulley (teaching English and coaching cross country, winter and spring track), Steven Brandwood (teaching English and Latin, coaching squash and lacrosse) and Kevin Brown (teaching English and coaching winter and spring track).

Two Years. $100,000. Some Ideas Just Can’t Wait. In summer 2011 Omar Rizwan ’12 worked with global education visionary Salman Khan at Khan Academy when he invited Rizwan out to Silicon Valley to write code and mentor other employees. When Rizwan arrived and colleagues realized he was still a high schooler (a rather tall one) they were stunned. This fall Rizwan landed at Stanford University for freshman year, but the plot thickens. Last spring he was selected as a Thiel Fellow for the foundation’s 20 Under 20 program. In 2011 technology entrepreneur Peter Thiel (‘teal’) initiated the fellowship program which selects 20 young people under the age


of 19 from around the world to receive a Thiel Fellowship. “The ideal candidate has ideas that simply cannot wait,” states the Foundation website. “She or he wants to change the world and has already started to do it in some fashion. We want fellows who dream big and have clear plans, who take risks and learn from mistakes, who think long-term and like to tinker. Inspire us.” But there was the twist. Thiel Fellows take off two years from their education to work on their unique technology-related business concepts. In return for sacrificing the undeniable charms of dorm life, Thiel

fellows receive $100,000 which is distributed monthly over the 24 months. They are also encouraged to design their own paths, mentored by Thiel’s network of visionary thinkers, investors, scientists, and entrepreneurs. Given the choice between Stanford this fall and the Thiel Fellowship Rizwan had to make a tough decision. As a sign of his intelligence – lest you doubted it – Rizwan wanted both. The Thiel Foundation agreed to let

him enter Stanford in September, then join the Fellowship program after Christmas. “It was a tough decision to make,” Rizwan reported last May. “I asked a lot of people for advice, and then made up my own mind.” Does Rizwan already have a project in mind? “Mapping trends in education is an area I’m interested in,” he says, but he keeps his mind wide open as he approaches his Thiel Fellowship experience. Peter Thiel tells young people, “Every tech story is different. Every moment in history happens only once. All successful companies are successful in their own unique way. It’s your task to figure out what that future history will be.” The Delbarton community is proud that one of its own was selected for such a singular experience.


Dean of Guidance Shelly Levine Receives 2012 Trustee Award

aculty member Shelly Levine received the Trustee Award from Lay Board of Trustees President Dan Scott ’62 at the Faculty Picnic on September 7, 2012 as she began her thirty-fifth consecutive year at Delbarton. More than thirty-five years ago, Shelly Levine arrived on Delbarton’s campus to begin a career that would leave her indelible mark on the School. She began as a teacher of English, and her enthusiasm and knowledge made her a student favorite. Soon, she was named the Chairperson of the English Department and worked tirelessly to establish a standard of excellence for other teachers of English. Shelly also oversaw a massive study of Delbarton’s curriculum, which improved the course offerings of all academic departments. In addition, Shelly was the moderator of the yearbook for many years, and helped direct that publication to its current level of excellence. Shelly eventually moved from English to guidance, when she became the guidance counselor


for the junior class. Her expertise was invaluable especially when it came to college placement, and her knowledge helped lay the groundwork for many a successful college application -no one is better at proofreading a college application essay. Shelly currently is Dean of Guidance and oversees the counselors of all grade levels. Dan Scott described Levine “an irreplaceable asset to Delbarton School” and her fellow faculty members gave her a warm round of applause for the well-deserved achievement. In her acceptance (she pointed out that the award was particularly meaningful since she had taught several of the trustees) Levine said “In all that time there has not been one day that I didn’t look forward to coming to work at Delbarton!”

2012 Trustee Award winner Shelly Levine and her husband Burt Levine with, from left, Trustees John Luke ’78, Kurt Krauss ’81, Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny and Board President Dan Scott ’62, P’95, ’96.

Tackling Moral Relativism: Ryan Teehan ’14 Wins UVA Essay

Contest Last winter sophomore Ryan Teehan ’14 decided to flex his brain cells in a novel way. As if his school work, Forensics competitions, playing two instruments and working for his Eagle Scout award weren’t enough, he wrote a philosophical essay and submitted it in the High Phy Essay Contest sponsored by the University Of Virginia

Philosophy Department. Teehan learned of the contest from his Religious Studies teacher Philip Bauchan who is his Lincoln Douglas debate coach and a doctoral candidate in Philosophy. In one week our young philosopher wrote his essay on Moral Relativism (he had several subjects to choose from) and won first prize in the national contest.

FALL /W INTER 2012 43

AROUND DELBARTON Photos by Kevin Conn

Global Delbarton


The German and American group. Delbarton moderator Kevin Conn stands at far right.

In June four lucky Delbarton students traveled to Germany as part of the School’s annual exchange program with Bildungszentrum Markdorf in BadenWürttemberg, Germany, in the southwestern part of the country near Lake Contance. German students will visit Delbarton this spring. The Delbarton group shares a meal with German peers at the welcome dinner where they met host students and families.

Fabian Barch, Matt Chuckran, Vivek Shimpi, Adam Vincent and teacher Kevin Conn in Meersburg, Germany, with the Obertor (Upper Gate of the old town walls) behind them. Meersburg, has been a center of trade since the Middle Ages and a former residence of the Bishop of Constance.

Far Left: At Linderhof Palace, “Mad King” Ludwig II’s homage to Louis XIV of France. 44 D ELBARTON TODAY

AROUND DELBARTON Photos by Brian Theroux and Christian Zollers

Global Delbarton

Justin Barnish ’13 shows compassion at the Chipole Orphanage Washing hands with water from the mystic 13th century well at Bagamoyo.

Africa In June eleven Delbarton students and three faculty members travelled to Tanzania on a BEADS (Benedictines of East Africa and Delbarton Students) mission. This was the School’s sixth summer service trip to Africa.

The BEADS 2012 group on safari in Mikumi National Park.

Sr Mkombelewa demonstrates how the maize grinding mill operates. The mill was a gift from BEADS in 2011.

Matt Caldwell ’14 meets students at the primary school.

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Global Delbarton

Ireland Alex Baumann ’15 took this shot of Kylemore Abbey in Connemara, County Galway.

For the trip home Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny accompanied Tom and Alex back to the United States.

Alex Baumann ’15 enjoyed seeing the sights in Ireland in June.


Alex Baumann ’15 and Tom Saitta ’15 spent several weeks in Ireland this June on the School’s annual Glenstal Abbey exchange. Both boys lived with Glenstal families and immersed themselves in Irish culture. Br. Paul Diveny accompanied them back from Ireland on the return leg of the trip. This December a group of Glenstal students arrive at Delbarton to live with host families. Tom Saitta ’15 at Torc Waterfall in Killarney, County Kerry.



Latin Jazz Allstars at Delbarton

Jessica Fiddes

On March 23, 2012 Bill O’Connell & the Latin Jazz Allstars, featuring Conrad Herwig, performed in concert in the Fine Arts Center Theater in an event organized by Delbarton parent Dr. Glenn Godart P’11, ’13. Prior to the show O’Connell and Herwig conducted a two hour jazz workshop with members of the Delbarton Jazz Ensemble directed by Greg Devine.

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Rory McDermott ’97 works in finance by day but managed to make time for his art.

In April the art of Rory McDermott ’97 was on display in the FAC lobby. During his years at Delbarton McDermott took the two-year AP Studio Art course, and graduated from Georgetown with a major in Finance and a minor in Studio Art (he received Georgetown’s Misty Dailey Award for achievement in Studio Art). For the past eleven years McDermott has worked in finance and studied with Paul Ching Bor at the Art Students League of New York. McDermott currently lives in Chatham, NJ with his wife and two children and, as a finance executive and artist, he embodies the Delbarton dictum to ‘Do it All’.

Jessica Fiddes

Georgetown alumni may recognize the subject of McDermott’s painting, “The Exorcist Steps” in Washington DC.

The Art of Rory McDermott ’97

One Acts Festival 2012


On April 27 and 28 the One Acts Festival 2012, featuring single act productions written, directed and performed by Delbarton students, was on stage in the Fine Arts Center. Actors included students plus risk-embracing faculty members and visiting thespians from area schools. Faculty members Ms. Stephanie Almozara and Mr. Chris Pillette moderated the Festival with their usual humor and aplomb. The cast, crew and the two moderators, on far left, are pictured here.


Best in Show Last spring Mike Kwilos ’12, pictured here, won Best in Show at the 24th Annual High School Student Art Show sponsored by the Blackwell Street Center for the Arts Inc. This marks the second Best in Show for Delbarton at this event (Peter Kristiansen ’10 previously won back in 2009). Twenty-four Delbarton artworks were accepted to this year’s highly competitive show and seven Delbarton artists won awards: Mike Kwilos ’12, Matthew Bogan ’13, Austin Crann ’13, Steve Penny ’12 and Steve Rybicki ’12

Courtesy NPR From the Top

John Lee ’12 “From the Top”

Jessica Fiddes

In May cellist John Lee ’12 appeared on NPR’s From the Top performing Gaspar Cassadó’s ‘Dance of the Green Devil’ with the show’s host, pianist Christopher Riley, as accompanist. Lee’s performance was broadcast nationally, and the Star Ledger ran a feature story on May 27, 2012 about John’s NPR appearance. Star Ledger photographer Ed Murray came to Delbarton to photograph the Delbarton student cellist in the FAC Theater.

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This photo by Nick Lee ’12 won first prize in the First Annual DAC Photo Contest.

Delbarton singers entertain guests at the DAC Festival.

Delbarton Arts Festival On the evening of May 23rd the 2012 Delbarton Arts Council (DAC) held its annual Festival in the Fine Arts Center (rain forced the event indoors). Results from the first annual DAC Photography Contest were announced and Class of 2012 musicians, performers and artists were honored. Silent and live auctions were popular -- proceeds from the DAC Festival benefit all arts programs at Delbarton. 50 D ELBARTON TODAY

Photos by Jessica Fiddes and J. Craig Paris ’82

From left, Denise and Keith Kulper ’70, P’99, Elizabeth and Peter Pizzi ’71, P’01, ’03, ’08, ’12 and artist Joy Jackson P’01 with husband Tom. Joy Jackson and artist John Traynor ’79 donated their original oil paintings to be auctioned off at the Festival.

Senior musicians, performers and artists were honored at the event which raises funds for Delbarton Arts.

FALL /W INTER 2012 51


DAC student representative Matt Grella ’13, on left, organized the first annual DAC Photo Contest. Nick Lee ’12, right, won first prize this year. 52 D ELBARTON TODAY


Alumni Host Career Day Photos by Jessica Fiddes

Learning OUTSIDE the Classroom

On May 23, 2012 eight Delbarton alumni shared career advice with the newest members of the Delbarton Alumni Association, the Class of 2012. The panel included, from left, attorney Terry Gallagher ’56, insurance sales executive Chris Holland ’85, NY Stock Exchange specialist-turned-author Paul Maguire ’86, organizer Frank Visceglia ’85, technology sales executive Jim O’Loughlin ’84, Subway chief marketing executive Tony Pace ’75, entrepreneur Stephen Bienko ’94, energy trader/professional fighter John Cholish ’02, U.S. federal prosecutor Mark McCarren ’86, and organizer Lee Esposito ’74.

Pocono Whitewater Rafting

Class of 2018 Rides the Waves Friday, September 14 is a day that shall go down in infamy for Class of 2018. That was the day they met, conquered and bonded on the mighty Lehigh River during the annual 7th Grade Rafting Trip. Much of the excursion’s fun involved soaking each other and, especially, the five faculty chaperones, several of whom promised extra credit for super-soaking rival teachers. Navigating the Lehigh River rapids is Delbarton’s annual initiation for incoming 7th graders and these young rowers passed with flying colors.

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Learning OUTSIDE the Classroom

Photos by Jessica Fiddes

Egg Creams 101 On June 6, 2012, the last day of exams, Lorraine Petrolino in the Main Office celebrated with what she hopes will become an annual tradition – teaching Delbarton students how to make a proper Egg Cream. This year’s Egg Cream aficionados are members of the Class of 2017, seventh graders who made it a daily habit to drop by the office after school to share details of their day. One day Petrolino mentioned Egg Creams and the group made a date for the last day of school. The boys enjoyed their Egg Creams, thanked Mrs. Petrolino, and departed for summer vacation, to be seen again in September probably an inch or two taller, but never too big to enjoy a good Egg Cream.

8th Grade Class Trip


At 7:30 am on Saturday, May 5th thirty-two Delbarton 8th graders boarded the bus transporting them on their 8th grade trip. The trip included a tour of Washington, DC monuments, Georgetown University, Colonial Williamsburg, Busch Gardens, baseball, BBQ and more. All survived the journey, and looked forward to meeting an additional 90 9th grade students who now comprise the current Class of 2016.




On Palm Sunday, March 24, 2012 Delbarton Parents of Graduates (DPGA) hosted its annual Palm Sunday Mass and Brunch. Celebrants attended Mass and enjoyed a delicious brunch in the Estebrook Dining Hall. This year’s honorees were Pat and Peter Giammarino P’99.

Palm Sunday with the DPGA DPGA President Ted Hubert ’68, P’02 greets Palm Sunday guests.

Diners enjoyed a delicious brunch in the Estebrook Dining Hall. Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny, OSB welcomes DPGA members and their families.

Doug and Patricia Crapo, Sr. Mary Joseph Schultz, SCC of the Sisters of Christian Charity, Mallinckrodt Convent in Mendham, and Patricia Giammarinaro P’99.

Bill Gowski P’92,’08, Janet Peterson P’00 and Fr. Andrew Smith, OSB.

From left, Tom Reznicek, Teri Reznicek Silverthorne, Matt Giammarino’99, Carolyn and George Giammarinaro, honorees Pat and Peter Giammarinaro’ P99 and their sister-in-law Helen Giammarinaro.

Photos by Joe Andrasko P’00

FALL /W INTER 2012 55



E L B A R T O N Photos by J. Craig Paris ’82

i c i m A n o C o n i V From right are Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny, Loretta and Frank Zupa P’92, Hon. Reginald and Marie Stanton P’84, Shelly Laurel P’10 and guest.

DPGA Moderator Abbot Brian Clarke, OSB, with Marlene and John Iaciofano P’99. From left are Bob and Joan Marie Kautzman P’11,’16, Diane Noelke P’09, ’11, Peter and Mary Toolan P’11, Eric O’Meara P’11, ’15, Bob Noelke P’09, ’11 and Donna O’Meara P’11, 15. From left are Peter Striano P’11, Scott and Elizabeth Lenz P’11, Carla Santoro P’11, Maryanne Striano P’11, Alice Chandis P’01, Ted Hubert ’68, P’02, Robert Chandis ’64, P’01 and Nancy Hubert P’02.


Delbarton Parents of Graduates (DPGA) socialized with old friends and tasted Italian wines at Vino con Amici, the annual DPGA Wine Tasting held in Old Main on Saturday, April 27, 2012. The popular event has become a favorite way to reconnect with Delbarton friends each spring.


Fathers & Friends Golf Open Photos by Jessica Fiddes and J. Craig Paris ’82

On May 14, 2012 golfers enjoyed a great afternoon on the links at Ridgewood County Club at the Delbarton Golf Open, hosted by Delbarton Fathers & Friends. Four NY Giants players golfed, dined and spoke about football, teamwork and their careers in professional sports. Proceeds benefited Green Wave athletics.

On the course are, from left, Sandy White, Tom Killian, Bob Bicknese and Steve Reynolds.

From left, Golf Open Co-Chair Tom Killian, Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny, Fr. Rembert Reilly, Co-Chair Mark Van Fossan and Co-Chair Tony DeLuca.

Golf Open Chair Mark Van Fossan served as MC for the evening.

Giants Center David Baas shows off his broken driver…and laughingly blames former Giants punter Jeff Feagles for the damage.

Giants Linebacker Zak DeOssie with Greg Ballanco ’11 and his dad Jerry Ballanco P’09, ’11 who were in Indianapolis to see the Giants win the 2012 Super Bowl.

FALL /W INTER 2012 57



E L B A R T O N Photos by Jessica Fiddes and Peter Wallburg Studios

Fashion Show On April 16, 2012 Delbarton mothers transformed the Hilton in Parsippany into a Japanese garden for Sakura, the DMG’S annual fashion show and dinner. Senior boys modeled… From left, DMG Moderator Fr. Richard Cronin, Event Co-Chair Jenny Moss, Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny, DMG President Lisa Preziosi, VP Patty McCormick and Event CoChair Christine Rivera.

Photos by Jessica Fiddes


Sport Shorts Jessica Fiddes

Banner Season for Green Wave Sports

pring 2012 was a Green Wave season for the record books. Four Delbarton teams were named All Daily Record Team of the Year (Baseball, Golf, Lacrosse and Tennis, baseball), three students were named All Daily Record Athlete of the Year (Baseball: John Masella ’13, Golf: John Voetsch ’12, Tennis: Chase Savage ’12) and one coach (Tennis Coach John Thompson) as named All Daily Record Coach of the Year. Club Rugby brought home its first state title. Go Wave! Kelly Schreck



Masella Named Baseball Athlete of the Year

Green Wave pitcher John Masella ’13 was named 2012 All Daily Record Baseball Player of the Year. Masella threw to a 6-1 record, with his single loss versus Don Bosco in the state sectional final, where he gave up just one hit in four innings against the state’s top offensive attack. Delbarton Varsity Baseball Coach Bruce Shatel told the Daily Record, “His composure is far beyond his years... Johnny keeps a low pulse at all times and he’s a totally cerebral kid. He lives down in the zone and he’s a master of that.”

Green Wave Baseball, coached by Bruce Shatel, was named 2012 All Daily Record Team of the Year Wave. The team earned a 22-7 overall record, won the Morris County Tournament championship and the Northwest Jersey Athletic Conference-National Division title. They advanced to the NJSIAA Non-Public A North title game before falling to nationally ranked Don Bosco.

FALL /W INTER 2012 59


Track and Field Coach Brian Theroux reports that senior captains Ryan Slattery, Jack Rogers, David Reed, and Tim Calotta led the spring track and field team through a record breaking season. New records were set in the following events by: 400m Intermediate Hurdles 55.85 Jules Hislop ’13; 110m High Hurdles 14.64 Jules Hislop ’13; Intermediate Hurdle Relay 2:57.96 Jules Hislop ’13, Tim Calotta ’12, Van Johnson ’13 (pictured here); Shuttle Hurdle Relay 1:03.90 Jules Hislop ’13, Chris D’Aliso ’13, Tim Calotta’12, Van Johnson ’13; Triple Jump Relay 115’2“ Chris D’Aliso ’13, Jack Price ’13, Van Johnson ’13 and Pole Vault Relay 33’6” David Reed ’12, Nick Palmer ’13, Mike Benz ’14.


On May 30, 2012 Delbarton Lacrosse, coached by Chuck Ruebling ’79, grabbed a thrilling 8-7 victory in overtime from undefeated Don Bosco in the final round of the NJSIAA State Non Public A contest, winning its second straight Non-Public A title and sixth in seven years. The team advanced to the Tournament of Champions final with wins over Montclair Kimberley Academy and a payback victory over Summit only to lose 11-7 in the finals against Bridgewater-Raritan. Green Wave Varsity Lacrosse (16-7) was named the 2012 All Daily Record Lacrosse Team of the Year.

Craig Schisler P’13 is Lacrosse Unsung Hero

Last spring Delbarton dad and key lacrosse booster Craig ‘The General’ Schisler P’13 won the 2012 NJ Lacrosse Foundation’s Unsung Hero Bagataway Award. Schisler underwent heart transplant surgery in February and, from his hospital bed, remained an avid supporter of the Green Wave lacrosse program all season long. Lacrosse booster Maureen Nowak P’12, ’14, who nominated Schisler for the award, said “I cannot think of a more deserving individual to receive this award which recognizes teamwork, sportsmanship, leadership, selflessness, and commitment to lacrosse. Craig’s support of the sport, Delbarton, and our boys has been steadfast--in sickness and in health.”



Club Rugby

After spring training in Ireland and another dynamic season, the Delbarton Club Rugby team, coached by Tom Feury P’10, ’12, went on to score a convincing 43-3 win over rival Saint Peters Prep in the Single High School Final on May 12, 2012 at Rutgers giving Delbarton Club Rugby its first state title. Jake Feury ’12 was also selected to the High School All American Rugby Team.

Golf Golf Golf Golf

Voetsch Named Golf Athlete of the Year

Instrumental in the Green Wave’s third straight dual meet season was All Daily Record Athlete of the Year golfer John Voetsch ’12, pictured here,on left, with younger brother Will Voetsch ’15 after the two played a tiebreaker to determine the conference title. Coach Sean Flanagan said of the elder Voetsch, “He’s really been the team’s ‘Steady Eddie’. It’s huge to know that every time John tees it up, he’s going to score right around even par. ” John Voetsch was also selected for the NJPGA Boys 1st Team in recognition of his outstanding play on the links throughout the season, one of ten golfers state-wide to earn the distinction. He tees off for Vanderbilt this year.


After its third straight undefeated dual meet season (20 victories in 2012 for a total of 63 wins and counting) Green Wave Varsity Golf team, led by Coach Sean Flanagan, won the NJSIAA Non-Public state sectionals and captured the overall NJAC team title. The team was named 2012 All Daily Record Golf Team of the Year thanks to Kevin Godart ’13, Frank Szucs ’13, John Voetsch ’12, Will Voetsch ’15 and Ty Zebrowski ’14 who were important to the team’s success.

FALL /W INTER 2012 61


Tennis Tennis Tennis

Savage Named Tennis Athlete of the Year

In May Delbarton’s first singles player Chase Savage ’12 was named 2012 All Daily Record Tennis Athlete of the Year. Savage finished his final Green Wave season with a 33-6 record, captured the MCT first singles title, earned a slot in the NJSIAA state singles tournament semifinals, and helped lead Delbarton to the Tournament of Champions semifinals. He also earned his 100th career victory in the state singles quarterfinals. He’ll play for Bowdoin this year.


Green Wave Varsity Tennis collected the trifecta of Morris County athletic awards last season. The team was 2012 All Daily Record Team of the Year; Chase Savage ’12 was Tennis Athlete of the Year and Coach John Thompson was named 2012 Boys Tennis Coach of the Year. Thompson, guiding Wave tennis since 1992, has a 461-129 career record and led Delbarton to its 11th straight MCT team title in a five flight sweep. The Green Wave also captured Delbarton’s Bryan Bennett Tournament for the first time since 1994, won the NJAC without dropping a single match, earned the School’s fifth consecutive Non-Public A title, and advanced to the Tournament of Champions semifinals.


Abbey Notes

By Rev. Edward Seton Fittin, OSB ’82

September 13-27, 2012, Abbot Giles Hayes, O.S.B. attended the Abbots’ Congress at Sant’ Anselmo in Rome. More than 200 Benedictine abbots and conventual priors throughout the world gather every four years to discuss matters concerning the Benedictine Confederation. The current Abbot Primate, the Most Reverend Notker Wolf, O.S.B., was reelected for an additional four years. St. Mary’s Abbey’s Father Elias Lorenzo, O.S.B., prior of Sant’ Anselmo, was lauded for the excellent job he is doing managing the day to day operations of Sant’ Anselmo. From late January 2012 through mid-April, 2012 Abbot Giles was hospitalized for pulmonary disease, with some subsequent related hospitalization—albeit brief, thank God – in June. By the fall, Abbot

This Is the Day; the Abbey’s first CD of vocal and instrumental music is available for purchase at the school bookstore and from the Delbarton Mothers’ Guild.

Giles is recovered and has resumed his usual and varied activities. The abbot thanks all in the St. Mary’s AbbeyDelbarton community for their prayers and best wishes during his illness. Fr. Gabriel Coless. O.S.B. was a respondent at a panel discussion on liturgy and hymnody at Drew University this past spring, led by English

Methodist musicologist Andrew Pratt. This program constituted the First Annual Bard Thompson memorial Lecture. Bard Thompson was the dean of the graduate school at Drew when Father Gabriel began his many years of teaching there. Thompson was the official observer of the United Methodist Church at the Second Vatican Council. After his

On Pentecost Sunday Fr. Edward Seton Fittin, OSB, conferred the Sacrament of Conformation upon Dane Rupprecht ’13, whom he had been preparing for several years. Dane, third from right, is pictured with family, friends and Fr. Edward.

return to America, Dean Thompson was resolved to introduce courses on ecumenical ecclesiology and liturgy in the graduate school. This resulted in organizing a consortium of likeminded colleagues in many religious traditions, of which Fr. Gabriel was a charter member. Soon thereafter a degree program was inaugurated here at the abbey, with then bishop of Paterson, the Most Reverend Frank Rodimer presiding. This “Ecumenical Program in Liturgical Studies” soon became one of the most successful degree programs at Drew. In June, Fr. Gabriel gave a day of reflection at the Carmelite Monastery in Towson, Md. Later he took part in a conference on early Christian literature at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The focus of these days was on literature in the transition period from late antiquity to early Christianity. For the fall semester at Drew, Fr. Gabriel is leading a seminar on Dante’s “Inferno”, which was the subject of the abbey’s fall lecture series. He was also on hand for the annual harvest herbal fair held at the well-known herb garden at the Wick House, Jockey Hollow National Park, adjacent to the abbey grounds. Fr. Beatus Lucy, O.S.B. continues as chaplain to the Sisters of Charity, Convent Station, presiding weekly at the Sunday Mass in Holy Family Chapel. Fr. Beatus continues as facilitator for the book club at Christ the King Parish, New Vernon, where he also teaches Scriptures to the bible study group every Friday. Fr. Beatus also reads with the book club at the Morristown Club. He continues to volunteer with Mrs. Joan Kenny’s fifth-graders at the Thomas Jefferson School, (continued on page 64) FALL /W INTER 2012 63

ABBEY NOTES (continued from page 63) Morristown. Fr. Beatus claims to be in reasonably good health and looks forward to a retrospective exhibition of his watercolors and drawings at the FAC come April. He welcomes visitors to his studio on campus (call ahead) located in the Old Laundry! On August 5, 2012, Br. Paul Diveny, O.S.B. was a guest speaker at Grace Memorial Chapel’s Sunday service, Menauhant, East Falmouth, Ma. as part of their visiting speaker series. His vegetable garden boasted a fine crop this summer. As usual the organic produce was available at the South Gate and enjoyed by many—including the monastic community! Fr. Elias Lorenzo, O.S.B., following the reelection of the abbot primate, was reappointed prior for four more years, with the consent of Abbot Giles. Fr. Elias participated in a meeting of the International Commission for Benedictine Educators at Sant’ Anselmo, Rome, July 1720, to plan the Manila 2013 conference. Fr. Edward Seton Fittin, O.S.B. amid his alumni wedding

In mid-June members of the Abbey Altar Association celebrated their service at Abbey liturgies with a trip to Six Flags, Jackson, NJ.

circuit, participated in May at an introduction to the hymns in the fourth edition of the Worship hymnal, sponsored by the publisher, GIA. The event was held at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More, Arlington, Va.

In August, on vacation in Ireland, Fr. Edward Seton Fittin was invited to deliver the homily at the Mass of the Holy Spirit for Glenstal Abbey School, Limerick. From left, Headmaster Br. Martin Browne, Abbot Patrick Hederman, Fr. Edward Seton Fittin and Abbot Christopher Dillon, principal concelebrant.


Also in May on Pentecost Sunday he was delegated by the bishop of Metuchen, the Most Reverend Paul Bootkoski (SBP ’58) to receive into the Church and confer the Sacrament of Conformation upon Dane

Rupprecht ’13, whom he had been preparing for several years. At the end of the school year in mid-June he accompanied the Abbey Altar Association to Six Flags, Jackson, NJ as an expression of gratitude for their

In September, while in Rome, Ted Lawless ’03 met up with Fr. Geno Sylva ’85, who works for the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization in the Vatican. This photo with the Delbarton flag was taken in St Peter’s Square in front of St Peter’s Basilica.

ABBEY NOTES service at abbey liturgies. In July he attended the annual convention for National Association of Pastoral Musicians in Pittsburgh, where he attended the excellent keynotes and breakout sessions pertaining to the Roman Missal and other liturgical matters. In August, Fr. Edward Seton, along with Fr. Jerome Borski, O.S.B., subprior, and Abbot Giles attended the pre-assembly workshop sponsored by the CMSM, in Houston, where they were introduced to the new norms for accreditation by Praesidium for religious communities. At the end of August, while on vacation in Ireland, Fr. Edward Seton was invited by headmaster Br. Martin Browne, O.S.B. to deliver the homily at the Mass of the Holy Spirit for Glenstal Abbey School, Limerick. Br. Kevin Tidd, O.S.B., along with Br. Paul, was fortunate to the chaperone the

exchange with Glenstal Abbey School, from June 28-July 9. While in Ireland, Br. Kevin was able to explore the southern part of the country and come to understand the charm and beauty of Ireland. Br. Kevin also made a side trip England, where he visited the Benedictines at Ampleforth Abbey, Yorkshire, home of the UK’s largest Benedictine community of men. He was also able to pursue his hobby of visiting great house museums by spending time at Chatsworth (home of the Dukes of Devonshire in Berkshire) and Castle Howard (home of the Howard family in Yorkshire). From July 16-29, Brother Kevin was a Senior Instructor at the Capitol Debate National Institute for Public Forum Debate held at Loyola University in Maryland. At the annual retreat in June, the monastic community listened to conference offered by Fr. Edward Mazich, O.S.B.,

novice master at St. Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, Pa. Fr. Edward’s well-received and wellprepared conferences explored a variety of documents from the Second Vatican Council, especially as they pertain to monastic life, during this year’s 50th anniversary of the Council. Dei Verbum provides insight, Fr. Edward said, into the reverent hearing and reading Sacred Scriptures. Lumen Gentium challenges the community to consider how the monastic vocation, begun at Baptism, unfolds in the universal Church. Sacrosanctum Concilium, the document on the liturgy, serves well as a reminder of the Mystery of Christ that unfolds in the liturgy, and how monks encounter the Lord vis-àvis their common worship. Perfectae Caritatis called for the renewal of religious life and how it continues to inform the monastic vow of “Conversatio Morum” through self-sacrificing

service. Ad Gentes is a reminder to monks that evangelization must always be about the Cross and reconciliation. Finally, Fr. Edward spoke about Gaudium et Spes, and how monks can derive hope and be beacons of hope in the 21st century. Hope is virtue through which monks await the fulfillment of redemption. In the spring the Abbey released its first CD, This Is the Day, under the direction of Abbey organist Kathy McNeil. The CD features a variety of vocal and instrumental musical selection performed by Fr. Hilary O’Leary, O.S.B. and Br. Jonathan Hunt, O.S.B. with alumni and students. The CD, highlighting the rebuilt organ, was recorded entirely in the abbey church. It can be purchased at the school bookstore and from the Delbarton Mothers’ Guild for $25.

LET US REMEMBER • Nancy Bateman, mother of Brian Bateman ’94 • Clyde C. Blyleven, grandfather of Michael ’07 and Christopher McGuire ’13. • William Chamberlain, grandfather of Alfred ’10 and William Eckert’12 • John (Jack) Christian, father of Michael Christian ’89 • Peter Cocoziello, grandfather of Peter ’02, Dan ’04, Alex Cocoziello ’05 • James Conlin, Sr., father of James Conlin ’85 • Mary Hunt Crump, mother of John ’66, Stephen ’71, Gregory ’72, Edward and Peter Crump • Paul Cullum ’73, brother of Stephen ’74, brother-in-law of Jim ’79 and Teresa Maguire, uncle of Jim ’10, Dennis ’11, Sean ’12, Bobby ’14 and Danny Maguire ’17 • Christine Elmer, mother of Thomas Elmer ’75 • Peter Faber, father of Steve ’79 and Paul Faber ’81 • William A. Feury, Jr. grandfather of Blaze ’10 and Jake Feury ’12 • George Gammond, father of George Gammond ’80 • Brad Gano, father of Billy Gano ’18 • Johanna Garubo, mother of Angelo ’78 and Philip Garubo ’81 • Alan R. Goodyear, father of Alan Goodyear ’72 • Irene Graham, mother of Thomas Graham ’82 • John Hinsberger ’60 • Margaret Hofbauer, grandmother of Max Hofbauer ’15

• Gloria Kean, mother of Mark Kean ’73 • Haydee Kulper, father of Keith Kulper ’70, grandfather of Sloan Kulper ’99 • Elizabeth Larchuk, mother of Lee Esposito ’74 and grandmother of Andrew Esposito ’04 • Jack Larkin ’74, brother of Keith Larkin ’81 • Rocco Marano, father of Delbarton trustee Tom Marano ’79, grandfather of Joseph Marano ’08 • Catherine T. O’Brien, mother of Dennis O’Brien ’74 and Donald O’Brien ’78 • Gary O’Connor ’71 • William Joseph Parkinson Jr., father of Kyle Parkinson ’01 • John Peri, stepfather of Ritchie Colon-Peri ’15 • John Rieckers, Grandfather of John ’12 and Will Voetsch ’15 • Dorothy Sachs, mother of Brice ’75 and Kevin Sachs ’77, mother-inlaw of Dennis Anderson ’74 and grandmother of Doug ’02, Ken ’04, DJ ’07 and Jeff Sachs ’13. • Robert Spawn, Sr., father of Robert Spawn ’78, grandfather of Robert Spawn ’07 • John Turick, father of JT ’89 and Troy Turick ’89 • Anne Marie Nancy Weinkam, mother of Jay Weinkam ’89 • Helen Yevak, mother of Mike ’76 and Steve Yevak ’77 • Marie Young, mother of Ed Young, grandmother of Tim Young ’06

“If we believe that Jesus died and rose, God will bring forth with Him from the dead those who also have fallen asleep believing in Him.” 1 Thessalonians 4:14

FALL /W INTER 2012 65



Richard Macksoud reports the birth of his first grandchild James Michael Dukes on March 29, 2012 to Richard’s daughter Jennifer Dukes and her husband William. The couple lives in Madison, Mississippi.



Andrew Breuder’s youngest son Philip graduated from Georgetown Law School in May and will be entering the US Navy as a JAG. His brother Kenneth enlisted in the Navy last December. Son Chris, a major in the Army, left active duty in June to set up practice in the Dallas – Ft. Worth area.



Bill Deegan’ss hockey-playing son Matthew is in fifth grade at St. Albans School and looks forward to free-dress days so he can wear his Delbarton hockey t-shirts. Bill’s daughter Molly attends Beauvoir, the elementary school of the National Cathedral School. Last year he was named Chief of the Retina Service at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington. His wife Melissa Kern is a pediatric ophthalmologist in northern Virginia and has made several trips to Honduras and the Dominican Republic to perform much-needed eye surgeries.



On April 25, 2012 Mark McCarren and his wife Dana welcomed their third child, Kelly Aurora McCarren, who joins older siblings Keira and Connor. Kelly’s uncle, Msgr. Gerard H. McCarren ’83, performed the



baptism and serves as Kelly’s godfather. Paul Maguire and his wife Colleen welcomed the arrival of Lily Kelleher Maguire on September 2, 2012. Lily joins older siblings Andy and Finn.


Charles Yakimischak


Brendan Brown has been appointed as the New York Knicks radio analyst. He also worked as radio analyst for the Knicks during the 2011-12 season on ESPN Radio. He also appeared on Mike and Mike in the morning on ESPN 2 and on other media outlets.


Making Waves


Last summer Ryan McNany and wife Marnie were looking forward to a get together with

Last year Charles Yakimischak ’11 was recruited by Fordham to row on Varsity Crew and was the only freshman rower to earn a seat in the Men’s ’8+ boat for the 2012 HOC Regatta (Fordham’s Men’s ’4+ boat came in 2nd). While at Delbarton he rowed with the Mountain Lakes Crew Club and qualified for the Head of the Charles in his senior year, competing in the Men’s’ 8+ and sculling in the Mixed Doubles Director’s Challenge event where he and his coach came in 9th. Yakimischak then trained with a former Hungarian Olympian and competed in the C.R.A.S.H. World Indoor Rowing Championship, taking 11th in his division.

Making Waves

Alumni Lunch in Motown On June 21 a group of alumni from the Class of 1952 met for lunch at the Famished Frog in Morristown. Director of Alumni & Development J. Craig Paris ’82, standing in back, dropped by with some alumni hats. From left are Noel Taylor, George Miller, John Kennedy, and Dave Clark. This year at Homecoming the Class of ’52 celebrated its 60th Reunion, while Craig Paris and the Class of ’82 marked their 30th.

ALUMNI NEWS Ryan’s classmates Tom Fitzpatrick, Tim Kelly, Toby McMahan, Chris Gaeta and Scott McNany.



Claudio Felix and Monica Guzman were married at the Monasterio in scenic Cuzco, Peru on August 29, 2009. Prior to leaving for Peru, the couple had a reception in NJ which included several fellow Delbarton alumni from the Class of ’93, Vin Antoniello, Dan Del Savio, John Galdieri and Anuj Tolia. Monica and Claudio live in West Orange, NJ and are proud new parents of a daughter, Claudia Alessandra. Claudio recently joined Deloitte’s Global Regulatory & Public Policy team and Monica has launched the U.S. operations of a Perufocused travel and tourism business. Rick Keller married Tracee Singer of East Brunswick, NJ at Corpus Christi Parish in South River, NJ on October 9, 2011 with several of Rob’s Delbarton friends in the wedding party. Also in attendance were Rick’s father Richard Keller ’69 and his uncles D. Peter Keller Sr., ’65 and Eugene Keller ’59. The couple currently lives in East Brunswick, NJ. Attorney Edward Sturchio has been appointed Chair of the New Jersey Supreme Court Ethics Committee.


Making Waves


Jennifer Shine and Carl Mazzanti were married in St. Mary’s Abbey on May 27, 2007 (See photo in the Wedding Album). William Vogt and his wife Natasha welcomed their second daughter, Camelia Joy Vogt, on May 25, 2012. The Vogt family lives in Valley Village, CA.

Princeton Graduation

On June 4, 2012 two members from Princeton Class of 2008, Joe Hughes ’08, left, and Jon Mattern ’08 on right, welcomed their former Physics Delbarton teacher Greg Devine to Class Day, the day prior to graduation. Since 1912 each class has created a unique design and alumni wear the jackets back for reunion parades. Upon the 25th anniversary of its graduation, tradition dictates that they switch over to blazers. Hughes majored in Mathematics and moves on to UCLA for a PhD program in theoretical mathematics while Mattern is working for a private equity firm in New York City.

Making Waves

Mike Nichols ’89 and LPGA In May Mike Nichols ’89, Vice President, Tournament Business Affairs for the LPGA, was back in New Jersey for an LPGA tournament in Gladstone where he ran into classmate and Green Wave golf teammate John Werring ’89 and his brother Jeff. From left are John Werring ’89, Mike Nichols ’89, Na Yeon Choi (#2 in the world) and Jeff Werring ’96. The Werrings played with Choi in the LPGA pro-am tournament.



Joseph Ferraro and Kristy Parker were married on June 9, 2012 at the Church of Our Saviour in New York, New York, with a reception afterwards at The New

York Athletic Club (See photo in the Wedding Album). Patrick Hulsy ’95 was Best Man and Andrew Grabis ’95 was a groomsman. Also in attendance from Delbarton were Michael Hulsy ’93 and his wife Meaghan,

Robert and Kathleen Hulsy P’93, P’95, Andrew and Cassie Grabis P’95, and John Connor ’53 and his wife Henrika. (Continued on page 80)

FALL /W INTER 2012 67



On April 12, 2012 Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny and the Delbarton Alumni Association hosted a reception at Sequoia…

Bryan Corbett ’91, Mike Marshall ’91 and Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny, OSB.

Mark Gately ’04, Taylor Price ’04 and Matt Goldsmith ’04.

Jeff Krilla ’87, John McLaughlin ’87 and Brian Hanlon ’87.

Greg Ballanco ’11, Anthony Heaton ’11, Stefan Rajiyah ’10 and Dhruv Sharma ’10. Bill Smith ’63, Kevin Hudson ’93 and Peter Pfaffenroth ’93.



Former squash players and their fearless leader Director of Alumni & Development J. Craig Paris ’82. Sarah and Joe Colangelo ’03, on left, with Brian Hanlon ’87.

Mike Marshall ’91, Matt Goldsmith ’04, and Bryan Corbett ’91.

Dave Weinstein ’06 and friend with Director of Senior Guidance Mike Rosenhaus ’80.

Mike Infante ’08, James Mumma ’09, Tom Sullivan ’10 and Kevin Prior ’10.

Dave Consolla ’94, Mark Seiffert ’94 and Peter Pfaffenroth ’93.

Photos by J. Craig Paris ’82, Matt Goldsmith ’04

FALL /W INTER 2012 69


‫ﲁﲀﱿ‬ THE WEDDING ALBUM ‫ﱾﱽﱼﱻ‬

Michael Ward ’03 and Bridget Trainor were married in Chicago on June 4, 2011 with four of Michael’s classmates serving as groomsmen. From left are William Champness, Matthew Harper, Shaun Hurley ’03, Michael Ward ’03, Gregory Borenstein ’03, Matthew DiNapoli, Paul Rosa ’03 and Michael LaQuaglia ’03.



T H E W E D D I N‫ﲁﲀﱿ‬ G ALBUM ‫ﱾﱽﱼﱻ‬

Kristy Parker and Joseph Ferraro ’95 were married on June 9, 2012 at the Church of Our Saviour in New York, New York, with a reception afterwards at The New York Athletic Club. Back row from left: Lauren Schernecke, Elisa Canedo, Best Man Patrick Hulsy ’95 and Dr. William Norris. Front row from left: Courtney Nobile Lampert, Jenna Kirkpatrick Howard, Vanessa Evans, Kristy Ferraro, Joseph Ferraro ’95, Andrew Grabis ’95, Eric Lyttle and Matthew Schernecke. Bill Fay ’98 and Nadia Conte were married on September 18, 2010 with a group of his classmates from 1998 in attendance. Pictured here are, from left, Erik Hodge ’98, Tom Harrison ’98, Bill and Nadia Fay, Rob Walls ’98, Jeb Boniakowski ’98 and Rick Kentz ’98.

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‫ﲁﲀﱿ‬ THE WEDDING ALBUM ‫ﱾﱽﱼﱻ‬ Jennifer Shine and Carl Mazzanti ’94 were married in St. Mary’s Abbey on May 27, 2007.

Richard Sciaretta ’03 and Sarah Ann Irvin were married on August 4, 2012 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Bernardsville, NJ with a reception at Natirar in Peapack, NJ with many Delbarton relatives and friends in attendance (see photo on p. 81)


Lt. j.g. Michael Campbell ’06 and Ellen Gustafson were married Saturday at the United States Naval Academy Chapel in Annapolis, MD on July 7, 2012.

Claudio Felix ’93 and Monica Guzman were married at the Monasterio in scenic Cuzco, Peru on August 29, 2009.



Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny, O.S.B hosted a reception for Chicago-area alumni and friends at Smith and Wollensky on May 9, 2012…

From left, Kevin Robinson ’01, Matt Goldsmith ’04, Jerry Jabbour ’92 and Tucker McDermott ’93.

Kevin Robinson ’01 and Gray Eklund ’02.

Doug Gowski ’98 and Tim McAnally ’99. Director of Alumni & Development J. Craig Paris ’82, Assistant for Alumni & Development Matt Goldsmith ’04 and board member Jerry Jabbour ’92 took in a Cubs game with several Delbarton alumni in Chicago. Photos by J. Craig Paris ’82, Matt Goldsmith ’04

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J UNE D INNER M EETING A large crowd of Delbarton alumni met on campus for the June Dinner Meeting on June 6, 2012. After cocktail hour and several speeches and awards, the crowd enjoyed a buffet pig roast with all the fixings under the tent in the Senior Garden.

Chris Ficke ’07, Taylor Doherty ’08 and Tony Ubertaccio ’07.

Classmates Bharanu Bobba ’88 and Kevin Smith ’88.


Departing Alumni Association President Curt Ritter ’89, Director of Alumni & Development J. Craig Paris ’82 and incoming President Terry Rouse ’86.


From left, Kevin Liu ’12, John Lee ’12, Brian Jung ’12 and Kevin Larkin ’12. Andrew Pearson ’09, Mike Noelke ’11 and Morgan Pearson ’11.

Photos by Jessica Fiddes

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Grant Hewit ’02 and Chris McLaughlin ’02.

Fr. Rembert Reilly, OSB and Delbarton trustee Kurt Krauss ’81.


John Gilfillan ’81, John Kraeutler ’80 and Ken Villano ’81.


The Pig Roast coincided with a big lacrosse win over Summit High School. As the evening wound down teammates from the class of 2012 arrived to celebrate the victory.


Photos by Jessica Fiddes

Craig Paris thanks his departing Assistant for Alumni & Development Matt Goldsmith ’04.

After 21 years of service Alumni & Development administrative assistant Marguerite Aromando retired this past June.

Tennis player Garrison Block ’12 received the ‘Red’ Green Fighting Spirit Award. Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny OSB and Garrison’s proud parents Nancy and Steve Block ’71, P’12, congratulate him.

Craig Paris ’82 and departing Director of the Delbarton Annual Fund Jane Collins.

The incoming alumni board, from left, Mark Delotto ’98, John Ferramosca ’05, Andy Barrow ’88, Fred Pierce ’82, John Tonzola ’95, Terry Rouse ’86 and Grant Hewit ’02.

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On Sunday, June 10, 2012 former Green Wave lacrosse players met on Ryan Field for the annual Alumni Lacrosse game. Dave Harty ’82, won the award for being the most experienced player. He drove up from Philly for the day and proved to the crowd that he’s still got game. Go Wave Lax!

Making Waves

Former Green Wave Soccer Players Coach Together This fall three former Green Wave soccer players – Matt Gnall, Scott Caldwell and Matt Bazin – were coaching together at University of New England where Gnall is Head Coach. Matt Bazin ’05 was a four-year starting goalkeeper at NCAA Division III Carnegie Mellon University and is currently Assistant Coach at UNE. Scott Caldwell ’07 played four seasons for NCAA Division I Cornell University, where he was a two-year starter and ranks among the University’s career leaders in assists. Matt Gnall Delbarton ’98-’03, St. Peter’s Prep ’04 was a 3 year starter in goal for Wesleyan University, earning a NESCAC championship in ’05 and two NCAA tournament appearances. He captained the team as senior. Gnall served as Assistant Coach and Goalkeeper Coach for Williams College in 2009-2010, the NESCAC champions with a NCAA Final Four appearance. He has been Men’s Varsity Head Coach since 2010 and entered his 3rd season with assistance from two fellow former Green Wave players.


Making Waves

Former Wave Hurler Harry Marino ’08 Signs with Arizona Diamondbacks Last spring Williams College senior pitcher and baseball captain Harry Marino ’08 signed a free agent contract with the Arizona Diamondbacks. Marino was named Second Team All-NESCAC this spring, finishing with a 4-3 mark. He appeared in 12 games for the Ephs and started a team-high nine times. On April 28, Marino tossed the first Williams no-hitter in 23 years, defeating Hamilton 8-0, fanning 10 in the seven-inning contest. Twice last season Marino was named the NESCAC Pitcher of the Week. “I feel incredibly blessed to have the chance to play professional baseball,” says Marino “... It’s really a lifelong dream come true.”



On July 14, 2012 Wave Varsity Head Coach David Donovan hosted the annual Alumni Soccer Game on Ryan Field.

Making Waves

Wave Alum Baseball Showdown

Making Waves

Last spring hockey player Mike Ambrosia ’10 was the recipient of the 201112 USHL Curt Hammer Award which annually recognizes the USHL player who distinguishes himself both on and off the ice by demonstrating outstanding performance skills, leadership, pride, and determination. Ambrosia completed his second season in the USHL with the Youngstown Phantoms where he led the team in scoring with 65 points and played a key role in all on-ice situations while appearing in all 60 regular season games for the second year in row. His 47 assists tied for the third most in the entire USHL and both his point and assist totals set new team records for the Phantoms. A former Green Wave hockey standout, Ambrosia will continue his hockey and academic pursuits this fall at Princeton.

Making Waves

On a steamy Monday night, July 16, the Somerset Patriots visited the Long Island Ducks for an Independent League showdown at Bethpage Ballpark in East Islip, NY. Pitcher Mike Loree ’03 started for the Long Island Ducks while Dan DeGeorge ’05 played shortstop for the Somerset Patriots. DeGeorge went 2 for 3 against Loree with 1 strikeout but the Ducks emerged victorious (7-4) in the first game of the four game series. Green Wave Baseball coaches Bruce Shatel, Gerry Brophy, and Matt Goldsmith ’04 were in the stands to see the two former Green Wave standouts battle it out.

Hockey Player Mike Ambrosia ’10

Pete Wujciak ’08 Wins Providence Sportmanship Award

Congratulations to Providence College men’s lacrosse player Pete Wujciak ’08 who received the Mal Brown Award at Providence College. The Mal Brown Award is given annually to the male athlete whose career of intercollegiate competition portrayed Providence College sportsmanship, courage and honor. Wujciak, team captain, accepted the award at the 51st Annual All-Sports Gala on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at the College in Providence, RI.

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Last spring Dave Cunic’s physical therapy and personal training company DMC Athletics and Rehab celebrated its 6th ‘Over the Hump’ anniversary. His consulting company Use Common Sense Consultants is up and running and in May conducted a miniseminar in Las Vegas. Dave is also CEO of the publically traded company Pazoo. Check it out at Frank Gagliardi and wife Laura proudly announce the birth of their first child, Anthony Michael Gagliardi, on October 9, 2012. The family lives in Severn, MD.



Bill Fay and Nadia Conte were married on September 18, 2010 (See photo in the Wedding Album) and welcomed their daughter Mila Fay on January 14, 2012. Bill emails, “She plans on imper-

Making Waves

Jessica Fiddes

(Continued from page 67)

In April 2010, over two decades after a measles outbreak caused the cancelation of their 1989 state finals game, two hockey teams from Delbarton and St. Joseph Regional High School in Montvale finally met on the ice at Mennen Arena. The result was a singular event, the Frozen Flashback. On June 21, 2012 the young patients at Goryeb Children’s Hospital in Morristown benefited from the game when a portion of the proceeds helped pay for a bright, high tech playroom nicknamed Lion’s Den. Frozen Flashback players partnered with Companions in Courage Foundation, founded by NHL Hall of Famer Pat LaFontaine, shown here, who attended the playroom’s grand opening. “This is our hometown hospital,” former Delbarton player James Olsen ’89 told the Daily Record.“ Many of us have been receiving care here for many years, and more recently many of us bring our children to Goryeb.” Pictured here are, in back, Coaches Jim Brady, Alec Walsh, players Mike Pendy ’89, Peter Ramsey ’90, Jim Walton and James Olsen ’89. Seated, Coach John Magidini and player Derek Maguire ’90.

Making Waves

Making Waves

Van Orden Flies the Friendly Skies

QB EJ Schneider is Conference Offensive Player of the Week …Twice Former Green Wave quarterback E.J.Schneider ’10, now leading the Franklin & Marshall Diplomats, was named Centennial Conference (CC) Offensive Player of the Week for the second time this season for his performance in the team’s 45-38 victory over Juniata on September 22, 2012. Schneider had a career day with 319 yards and five touchdowns. Schneider completed 26-of-30 passes with zero interceptions and had a QB rating of 230.


Last spring Ensign Mark Van Orden ’06 USN was training at NAS Kingsville, Texas in a USN F-16. In this photo Van Orden is piloting aircraft 328. Hooyah, Ensign!

ALUMNI NEWS sonating a young man between grades 9-12 in order to get into Delbarton, her name during that time will be something like Milo.”


Making Waves


Ryan Maresca moved back to New York City from Palo Alto, CA to take a job at Google NYC.



Richard Sciaretta and Sarah Ann Irvin were married on August 4, 2012 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Bernardsville, NJ with a reception was at Natirar in Peapack (See photo in the Wedding Album). Many of Richard’s Delbarton relatives and friends were in attendance. Michael Ward married Bridget Trainor on June 4, 2011 in Chicago (See photo in the Wedding Album). Groomsmen included Delbarton classmates Shaun Hurley, Greg Borenstein, Paul Rosa and Michael LaQuaglia. Also in attendance were Justin Offerman, Brian McDonald and Johnny McDermott. The couple currently lives in Hoboken, NJ.


Cory Terzis ’03 is Delbarton Ironman

On August 11, 2012 after a 2.4 mile swim in the Hudson, 112-mile bike ride on the Palisades Parkway and a 26.2 mile run that ended in Manhattan, Cory Terzis ’03 carried the Delbarton flag as he crossed the finish line in New York City’s inaugural 2012 Ironman U.S. Championship. Family and friends were there to greet him at the finish line including his dad Dr. Jay Terzis ’65 and brothers Patrick ’02 and Casey ’00 (his mom Ricki is in the background) and Delbarton friends, from left, Brian Shiver ’03, Fred Krom ’03, Cory Terzis ’03, Alex Hewit ’04 and Wade Anthony ’03. Delbarton dad Guy Adami P’17 also completed the race as part of the team representing the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of New Jersey.

Making Waves

Alumni Celebrate at Sciaretta Wedding


In May 2012 Stephen Johnson graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and accepted a position as a resident neurosurgeon at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Attorney/restaurateur Bruce Kafil opened Lotus on Flower, a Japanese restaurant and lounge in downtown Los Angeles, CA on Flower Street near USC campus. (Continued on page 91)

Plenty of Delbarton alumni attended the August 4, 2012 wedding of Richard Sciaretta to Sarah Irvin. From left are Stephen Sciaretta ’70, Donald Sciaretta ’73, Brian Sciaretta ’96, James Sciaretta ’75, Joe Grano ’03, Matt Cipolaro ’03, Matt Byrnes ’03, Richard Sciaretta ’03, Scott Schoenhau s ’03, Dominic Sciaretta ’02, Antonio Mangione ’03, Tom Sarkis ’03, John O’Brien ’03, Owen Lee ’03, Thomas Kiernan ’03 and Joe Colangelo ’03. FALL /W INTER 2012 81





The ponies were running at the 3rd Annual Alumni Day at the Races on lucky (for some) Friday, July 13th on the Patio Terrace at Monmouth Park. The event was hosted by the Delbarton Alumni Club of the Jersey Shore…

Alumni Association President Terry Rouse ’86 and two of his junior betting strategists, who are conveniently related to him, show off their winning tickets.

J. Craig Paris ’82 and his mother Nancy Paris.

Virginia and Rich Darche ’72 enjoyed their afternoon at the races.



Trackside, from left, Brian Hanlon ’87, Matt McAleer ’83 and AJ Papetti ’82. Director of Alumni & Development J. Craig Paris ’82 enlists the little Rouses to pick the six lucky alumni to enter the winner’s circle for the Delbarton’s Race 6.

The Jersey Shore gets the respect it deserves. From left, Brian Hanlon ’87, Bernie D’Andrea ’57 and Pat Burke ’57. Photos by Jessica Fiddes

FALL /W INTER 2012 83





And they’re off for Race 6, sponsored by the Delbarton Alumni Club of the Jersey Shore!

The winning horse and jockey L.A. Girl and Angel Castillo, with a proud trainer’s assistant.

Alumni with the winning jockey, back row from left, Brendan Brown ’88, AJ Papetti ’82, Pat Sullivan ’08, Brendan Feeley ’09, Dave Cunic ’97 and Jason Wyatt ’98.

From left, Tiffany Rolsing, Matt Goldsmith ’04, Morgan Williamson, Pat Sullivan ’08, Brian Hanlon ’87, Brendan Feeley ’09 and Brendan Brown ’88.




Delbarton sports fans enjoyed a great night at the TD Bank Ballpark in Bridgewater on July 25, 2012 rooting for former Green Wave and current Patriots infielder Dan DeGeorge ’05 at the Patriots v. Sugarland Skeeters game.

Photos by J. Craig Paris ’82

Matt Goldsmith ’04, Dan DeGeorge ’05, and Craig Paris ’82 meet before the game.

Jim Gallombardo ’81 with Dan DeGeorge ’05 and Jim’s daughters (from left) Alyssa and Amanda.

Jerry Jabbour ’92 and his family enjoyed the game.

Photos by J. Craig Paris ’82 and Matt Goldsmith ’04

DEL NET on the

For the latest news, and events

A virtual shopping cart awaits at

FALL /W INTER 2012 85


S UMMER S IZZLER 2012 Delbarton Alumni, families and friends partied once again at the annual Summer Sizzler on July 28, 2012 at Belmar Fishing Club. Save the date for next year’s big Summer Sizzler 25th Anniversary on July 20, 2013.

Perry Beneduce ’74 and Brian Hanlon ’87 drum up business for the Delbarton Alumni Association’s Jersey Shore Club.

Photos by Jessica Fiddes



Approaching the bar, we spot Tiffany Rolsing, Fiona Rouse and Jen Hanlon.

Dave Murphy ’88 and his childern. From left, Jerry Jabbour ’92, Fr. Edward Seton Fittin ’82 and Alumni Association President Terry Rouse ’86.

Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny says hello to more (mostly) 2011 guys.

Our host J. Craig Paris ’82, Director of Alumni & Development, greets Christina and John Tonzola ’95.

Inside, Jules Spada ’48 greets Robert Spatola ’49. Leslie Skurla ’P06, ’09 with Patty and Jim Esposito P’06. Recent graduates from the Class of 2012 joined us at their first Sizzler.

FALL /W INTER 2012 87



Photos by Jessica Fiddes

The Dorne brothers: Harry ’09, on left, and Max ’06. Two fellows from the Class of 2012, James Wujciak and Kevin Kennedy, soon to depart for freshman year in college.

From left, John Fiddes ’03, his dad John Fiddes P’03,’05,’08 and Nolan Harte ’03. Corey Terzis ’03 and his dad Dr. Jay Terzis ’65 enjoyed the Sizzler.

George Miller ’52 with his grandson Scott Wipperman ’97.

Nice shot of Christina and John Tonzola ’95.


ALUMNI NEWS Congratulations to the Class of 2003, the class with the highest number of donors in 2012. Way to go, gentlemen.

The Class of 2011 was also out in force.

Great Sizzler turnout from the Class of 2008!

FALL /W INTER 2012 89



The Tenth Carter Cup, the Metropolitan Golf Association’s Junior Stroke Play Championship, was held at Baltusrol Golf Club in Springfield, NJ on August 4th. The invitational event is named in honor of the late Michael P. Carter ’00, an accomplished junior player and standout member of the Green Wave golf team who died in a car accident in 2002. Michael was a junior club champion at both Baltusrol and Winged Foot Golf Clubs and a promising player

on the Penn State golf team. The Carter Cup features 45 top junior golfers in the metropolitan area usually playing 36 holes on Baltusrol’s two championship courses in the summer heat, a rigorous test of mental and physical endurance. This year thunder storms prevented the group from playing a second round so results were based on the first 18.

Making Waves

Jessica Fiddes

Brian Regan ’73, deputy director of the Morgan Library & Museum in New York City, is the author of Gothic Pride, The Story of Building a Great Cathedral in Newark (Rutgers University Press) the story of Newark’s Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart. The edifice is one of the United States’ greatest cathedrals and most exceptional Gothic Revival buildings. Blending diverse fields, Regan traces the complex circumstances that produced the Cathedral. He tracks the project to its origins back in the late 1850s and the great expectations held by the project’s backers – passionate about Gothic architecture and proud of Newark – that never wavered despite numerous setbacks. Construction did not begin until 1898 and, when completed in 1954, the cathedral became New Jersey’s largest church. Regan is also coauthor of The Making of the Morgan from Charles McKim to Renzo Piano and has assisted the monks of St. Mary’s Abbey in researching Delbarton history.


ALUMNI NEWS (Continued from page 81) On October 25, 2012 Reade Seligmann was honored by the Young Professionals Committee of the Innocence Project at the

organization’s 2012 Fall Benefit in NYC. The Innocence Project assists prisoners who can be proven innocent through DNA testing.



Scott Intravaia is working as the Public Relations Coordinator for Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas, NV.

Making Waves



This fall Jack Reynolds began his senior year at Amherst College where he was named co-captain of the football team for the 2012 season.



Matt Kastner won the Williams baseball team batting title this year and finished first in the NESCAC tournament in almost every offensive category.

Green Wave at Princeton At last spring’s Princeton vs. Dartmouth game Delbarton faculty member Kent Manno caught up with three former Green Wave players from the Tigers squad. From left are Chad Weidmaier ’08, Tom Gibbons ’09, Kent Manno and Ben Reynolds ’11 after Princeton’s April 14th 21-6 win over Dartmouth.

Making Waves

Subway’s Chief Marketer Tony Pace ’75 Appears on AMC’s ‘The Pitch’ In his role as chief marketing officer for the franchise chain Subway, Tony Pace ’75 was the corporate client deciding between two ad agencies in the first episode of The Pitch, the AMC series that debuted last April. Each week the show shadows two ad agencies as they pitch a company’s business by executing a creative presentation known as the pitch. Back at Delbarton in May, as a member of the Alumni Career Day panel, Pace reported that his Pitch experience was interesting and that the reality-based program used strategic editing to inject even more drama into his ultimate agency choice.

Making Waves

Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh Name Mike Slattery ’59 “Man of the Year” Last spring The Essex County Order of the Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh named Mike Slattery ’59 its’ Man of the Year. Slattery is a long time supporter of The Friendly Sons and of many other organizations throughout Essex County. Several of his classmates and Delbarton friends (including photographer Bill McFadden) were in attendance to lend moral support. Pictured here are Charles Harris ’59, Barry Murphy ’59 and honoree Mike Slattery ’59. Also present on May 5, 2012 for the Mayfair Farms event were Fr. Andrew Smith OSB, Steve Pribula ’59 and Bill Slattery ’57.

FALL /W INTER 2012 91


A LUMNI G OLF C LASSIC On Thursday, September 20, 2012 the Delbarton Alumni Association hosted its 2nd Annual Alumni Golf Classic at Somerset Hills Country Club in Bernardsville…

Ty Barnes ’95, Tim Fitzsimmons ’95 and John Tonzola ’95.

The 2012 Golf Classic champions: Trey Whipple ’91, Mike Pendy ’89, James Olsen ’89 and Tyler Gaffney ’03.

Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny, OSB, former Giants player O.J. Anderson and Delbarton Athletic Director Dan Whalen.

Dan Lacey ’95, Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny, OSB and Steve Alutotto.

Director of Alumni & Development J. Craig Paris ’82 thanks Michael Somerville ’90 for his brilliant comedic auctioneering.


At cocktail hour on the patio, from left, Golf Classic Chair Mike Pendy ’89, Headmaster Br. Paul Diveny, OSB, Alumni Association President Terrence Rouse ’86 and Golf Classic chair James Olsen ’89.

ALUMNI NEWS Photos by Jessica Fiddes

Joe Kim ’89, Tim Mahoney ’92 and Mike Resnikoff.

Comedian Michael Somerville ’90 takes charge as auctioneer.

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Yesterday Delbarton By Fr. Benet Caffrey, OSB

Christmas At Delbarton uring Delbarton’s early decades the majority of students were boarders. Anticipation of a return to the comforts of home, Mom’s home cooking, and escape from the regime of boarding school and the attention of prefects sharpened their eagerness to begin the Christmas vacation. Hence the annual Christmas concert offered by students and monks was a highlight of the year and was always well attended. Headmaster Father Stephan Findlay, however, had a little gimmick to ensure the attendance of parents. The event was customarily held on the evening before the last official day of classes. The program always concluded with the Headmaster’s Christmas message. While Father Stephan evoked the spirit of the Nativity, the moment in his talk which all awaited was the proclamation that the following day’s classes would be canceled and that parents could take their sons home forth-with.



In 1948 Christmas is celebrated in the Gym with Fr. Stephan Findlay and Father Felix Pepin serving as Santa.

The Delbarton Glee Club entertains the guests in Old Main.


A program from the 1947 Christmas Concert. Note the reference to ‘Main Building’.

Delbarton Archives

It’s hard to imagine a more congenial place for a Christmas celebration than Old Main, but, the growing number of students and parents eventually demanded the larger space of the new St. Joseph Gymnasium built in 1948. The gym in those days also included a stage which provided the opportunity to blend music with a Christmas pageant. The visit by Saint Nick was an essential part of the evening from the earliest years. He came laden with satirical gifts carefully prepared by students to squire the foibles of faculty monks who had no option but to accept the jokes with good grace.

Families attend the Christmas Concert in Old Main, awaiting proclamation that the following day’s classes would be canceled.

The monks in Schola Cantorum sing Christmas carols in Old Main.

FALL /W INTER 2012 95

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