Signum Fidei -Winter 2017

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SIGNUM FIDEI Winter 2017

The Battle for the DEL Arena- 50 Years Later

John Hunt- Staff

The De La Salle Arena- The Issue In the Del arena last month I happened to see a scene that repeats itself many times a day. A prep school class tumbled onto the ice, joyfully tearing off in all directions with the abandon possible only to youth. They were thoughtlessly making their first contact with Canada’s game, full of excitement and enjoyment. They were not aware, of course, that they were reaping pleasures sown by many, many DEL people who came before them, who did very hard, patient and creative work to raise funds to build our sparkling arena. Long ago, for most of us, before our arena was built in 1966, there was an artificial outdoor ice surface in the same location. It was a boon, no doubt- one of the few in the city, and we were fortunate to have it from 1954-67. However, eratic weather and temperatures, of course, allowed for only a month or two of skating. (In 1933, the ice rink didn’t freeze once, so there was no skating at all). From ’54 on, there was ice, but the students would have to shovel snow away before any skating began. It was good for conditioning but not much fun. Eventually, after much dreaming, planning and plotting, spectacular fund-raising initiatives built a covered arena. These plans involved everyone who could help. – parents students, grads, friends, clubs and most importantly the Christian Brothers. Brother Wilfred, Pius,

Benedict, and Arthur organized and led the activities to raise money. Their invaluable work resulted in a new building, completed in 1966, opened for school use in November and opened officially with much ceremony in Jan. 1967. In attendance were the Toronto Maple Leafs, many civic and church dignitaries and many friends of the school. It was, and is more so now, a beautiful jewel of a building. The Battle At the time it was very impressive for a small school like DEL to have its own arena for Phys. Ed. classes, training, practices and games against other schools. It still is impressive for over the decades many up-grades and innovations have kept it sparkling and efficient in a period of relentless rising costs. For instance, expensive improvements in 2007 allowed an 8 month season to become a year round facility. Brother Arthur providentially hired Scott Barber, the arena manager, as an operator in 1970. Barber is De La Salle through and through. As a grade five student in 1966, he saw the arena take shape and was in the first class to hit the ice. As a graduate and arena employee and then manager, Barber has been with us for 51 years. Over these years he has mastered every nuance needed to manage the physical and mechanical details of a very complicated operation. Through many creative measures he has slashed

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energy costs, our biggest expense at 250,000 per year, by 60%, using recent innovations in water treatment to flood the ice with cold water at 50 degrees Fahrenheit instead of 200 degrees Fahrenheit. This new formulation of water and gas allows the ice to freeze faster and harder while making the lines more crisp and bright. With sixteen floods a day the savings are significant, the compressor runs much less and there is a large reduction in the carbon footprint. Barber has also used LED lighting, very efficient insulation and enhanced air circulation systems to keep the building suited for a cold, efficient ice surface for 12 months of the year. This fight for efficiency is indeed a constant warfare and really never ends. The Battle Continues The Province of Ontario has banned the use of Freon gas ( our present cooling agent) by 2020. A switch to ammonia will cost about one million


Christmas Greeting

Message from the Development Office...

Christmas Musings

This issue is brought to you by... Joseph Pupo Director of Alumni Affairs and Development Department ex.230 Nick Cipriani Event Co-ordinator ex. 232 John Hunt Aluumni and Development Associate ex.507 Michael Chachura Alumni and Development Associate ex. 507 Jessica Minervini Communications Officer ex.282

The calendar never ceases to follow along as the four seasons come and go, bringing annually that other special happy season of sweet, joyful memories, the Christmas season. It calls to mind, mercifully, the most urgent message of spiritual renewal, hope and thoughts of a better future. Essentially it asks “what is man that thou art mindful of him?” Biology tells us that man is a collection of selfish molecules on an evolutionary rampage. Christianity however tells us that we are creatures with a spiritual dimension, celebrated overtly at Christmas, when through the miracle of the Incarnation God assumed human nature radically changing our trajectory through time and space. We know only too well how easily, how thoughtfully the human slips into the inhumane, how simple indifference can grow into chilly callousness. This may slip into a feeling of immunity to the suffering of others. Christmas calls us back, reminding us that the new driving force in both the visible and invisible universe, after untold millions of years without morality, is altruism. This dramatic cosmic transformation is made most palpable, vivid and moving in The Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. The little book was written by a believer to reach everyone- and it does. The doomed, lost soul, Ebenezer Scrooge, is indeed a vulture, a “wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner.” Everyone avoids him, even blind men’s dogs. But then the spirits come, naturally from the spiritual dimension of our existence and begin to bring him back to his human senses, to see the true value of every “fellow passenger to the grave.” At first when asked how much he would give to a Christmas fund he replied “nothing.” But many scenes of his own past, including some of the poor and broken, moved him to remember, as Tiny Tim said, “Who made beggars walk and blind men see.” He came to his senses, with much help and persuasion, unfortunately more than most of us can reasonably suspect in our “rushing tide of materialism” that inundates our culture. So, Scrooge became “as good a man as the good old city every knew, and … he knew how to keep Christmas well.” Such a transformation is not only possible, but necessary for salvation, for which the Christmas season is perhaps the most potent. With this hope, we in the Alumni Affairs and Development send you our very best Christmas wishes for peace, joy and happiness. To all our alumni and friends, as Tiny Tim said, may we too keep Christmas well and may “God bless us, every one.”

Merry Christmas, The Alumni Affairs and Development Department


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La Salle College.

Gratitude and humility surely provide the best hope of recovering the mystery and meaning of Christmas. We must be ever-thankful that God in His goodness sent His Son in order that we might be saved. This thankfulness can be expressed in many ways. One way is to consider making a contribution to the College in order to help us continue the important mission of bringing young people to the knowledge of Creation and to assist them in their personal salvation by receiving an excellent education in the faith. Each one of us needs to be reminded of the true significance of the message of the Birth of the Christ Child. The young deserve the chance to know and experience what many of us can still feel at the moment of the stillness of that Holy Night when we recall with the holy angels: “Fear not: for behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Your generosity makes this a reality for so many of our students – future ambassadors of De

On behalf of the Development and Alumni Affairs Office at the College, I thank you so much for your support and assure you of my prayers for you and your family this Christmas Season.

Brother Domenic, FSC President

Continued from page... 1 dollars. A greener solution, geothermal which Barber is examining, would be more desirable and more expensive. What to do? The chiller, which costs $80,000 may last 3 more years. The Zamboni also needs to be replaced soon. A new type would cost $150,000 but reduce the cost of flooding dramatically. A new roof on the arena is overdue, in the range of a million dollars. Barber is exploring possibilities here too, looking for savings through new technologies- steel lasts 50 years. Solar? So, the battle rages on, between relentless costs for mainte-

nance and our ability to save money and raise money. So far we have been successful. The arena is clean, comfortable and a wonderful school asset. May it continue for the benefit of so many. To do so will need the generosity of another generation of donors. As you see, we are still in need of funds to carry on, as in the past. If you can help, please give something to De La Salle Arena. It already has a long tradition, a rich pedigree, and many championship teams in this city. Please help it continue. The Future Those classes are still tumbling on the ice every day, repeating the same cries of youthful enthusiasm.

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May they always do so. Please enjoy a visit to the arena, take in our little museum and discuss anything in the article with Barber. He will be happy to see you.

Scotty Barber DEl ‘76


A Day to Remember

Michael Luchka - Faculty DEL ‘93 Remembrance Day is dedicated to all those who have served their country and sacrificed their lives so that we may live in freedom. Here at De La Salle, we especially remember those of our school community who were directly involved in war, including Frederick Albert Tilston, a Canadian recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy, who was also an Oaklands graduate. “As Canadians, we continue

to mark some special anniversaries this year,” Lt.-Colonel Joseph Nonato said, commanding officer of the Royal Regiment of Canada and Oaklands faculty member. “This year we commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Battles of Vimy Ridge and Passchendaele, and the 75th Anniversary of the Dieppe Raid, all historic battles that defined our nation.” This year’s assembly began with a formal procession by `the distinguished members of the De La Salle Cadet Corps and was followed by prayers and reflections lead by Mme. Burlon and Grade 12 student Hannah Beltran. The Grade 10 and 11 drama


students then used a combination of tableau, video projection, choral speaking, creative movement, poetry, song, and works of art, to pay tribute to the fallen and honour our veterans. Each year, Mr. Luchka and his Drama classes strive to enhance the Remembrance Day ceremony by bringing to life the places and faces of the past and by echoing the words and emotions of wartime. This year, the drama students invoked the memories of war through the eyes of three soldiers called to serve their country and the loved ones they were forced to leave behind. The dramatic presentation, underscored by a moving soundtrack and a specially-designed video backdrop, retold the soldiers’ parting with those they loved, their deployment to the battlefield, of their lives with fellow soldiers in the trenches, and the ultimate sacrifice they made for their country. The presentation ended with a recitation of John McCrae’s famous poem “In Flanders Field”. Sadly, history records the names of millions of brave soldiers who would never come home. Of those, 86 were alumni of De La Salle ‘Oaklands’ whose names were

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scrolled during a special In Memoriam portion of the assembly. The Senior Concert Band, conducted by Mr. Shields, played Leonard Cohen›s “Hallelujah” during the tribute. After the ceremonial laying of wreaths, Mr. Craig Thompson played the Last Post which was followed by a moment of silence. Guest piper Liam Hoyle followed with the Piper’s Lament. The ceremony concluded with an address by Br. Domenic who reminded the school community that, “We can never forget the acts of bravery and courage made by those who went into battle.

Despite our country’s small population, we are one that has made a considerable contribution to the freedoms of the world. It’s part of our Canadian Heritage. They were young boys who went to do the right thing. They didn’t come home, but their memories helped build our nation.” On Remembrance Day, the De La Salle community dutifully acknowledges the courage and sacrifice of those who served their country and acknowledges the responsibility to continue to work for the peace they fought hard to achieve.

Perilous Times

John Hunt- Staff

A recent graduate (2015) has attracted much attention and promises much more simply by working very hard, staying focused and keeping busy. An excellent academic record at DEL gained her an $8,000.00 Queen’s university entry scholarship granted only to those students with a 95% average or higher. Among many activities she was also a debating star soaring to 14th in the world- no small matter indeed.

terrorist attacks which do happen from time to time. She reports that in the city, “every action is so politicized that an act as mundane as taking a city bus could become a matter of life or death.” Wanting to visit the beautiful Ein Gedi Reservation she was warned to never take a certain bus that would drive into territories where certain groups ruled and tourists were unwelcome. Unfortunately,

These are our freedoms- of speech, of movement, of association, of employment, of educationand so many more. Helen’s grasp of the issues and her ability to express them so well are indeed prize-worthy. She touched a topic important to all of us, safety and security. We at DEL consciously strive to ingrain such traits- common sense, character, industry, integrity, acuity-high standards all around. The world values these characteristics, as we always have. In subtle and overt ways we stress the formation of a moral character so necessary for success in the perilous times in which we live. So, thanks to Helen’s powers of observation and skill in writing for this timely report. We are gratified to have helped nourish and polish the natural talents, and abilities of such young citizens for we do need them, in these perilous times.

Now, she is pursuing her career interests in Law, Psychology, Sociology and Business. She volunteers weekly at a nearby correctional institute helping offenders find their way back to society. Last year she was given a bursary for very polished work as the highest achieving student in 1st year English courses. She was also placed on the Dean’s Honour List reserved for the top 3% of all students in the faculty. Our prized student is Helen Kosc, one of our very best, a credit to the family, to De La Salle, and to the country. In the summer of 2016 she travelled to Europe and the Middle East. After a month of study in Nice, France, she ventures to the Holy Land for another month of school in Jerusalem to confront “a life changing experience of cold reality” so radically different from academia. This city was one of “uneasiness and overwhelming tension that seeps into everyday life in unimaginable ways. It is the only city in the world shared by Jewish, Muslim, Christian and Armenian people, divided into four completely separate sections, a symbol of both coexistence and tension. There is a constant fear of

This harrowing tale is a condensed version of Helen’s experience in Jerusalem. But it is still shocking enough to stress what Helen herself called the “comfort” we enjoy that most in the world do not.

Helen Kosc DEl ‘16 she got on a bus disguised as a safe bus which took her straight into the middle of a desert war zone. When the bus finally stopped she got off and started walking across the desert in 51° Celsius heat towards the only building in sight, which she prayed was a safe zone. Thankfully, it was. She caught the next bus back to Jerusalem, safely, having learned a crucial life lesson “very quickly about the value of our freedoms in western liberal democracies.”

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Stay Tuned. May we be permitted a tangential reflection. Helen is one of four children in the family: all four are on very promising career trajectories which will be very rewarding to themselves and to their country. We at DEL are so pleased, so gratified to have been able to help so much talent find its way so successfully in a competitive world. That is what we do.


Report to Donors - Donations List 2016-2017

$100 - $499 Mr. John A. Artibello Dr. Francis P.D. Navin Mr. D & Mrs. V Bozzo Ms. Vilma Francisco Mr. & Mrs. Misiak Mr. & Mrs. Principe Mr. Paul & Mrs. Carol Lundy Mr. Christopher Tworkowski Mr. Fatigati & Mrs. Di Bartolo Mr. Luis Iglesia Ms. Winnie W. L. Wong Ms. Marisa Piattelli & Bruno Magliocchetti Mr. & Mrs. Morson Mr. Rui Pedrosa Mr. Dennis Edissi Mr. Willan Mr. Stafford Higgins Mr. Moyer & Ms. Mastromatteo Ms. Suzanne Pede Ms. Marisol Severin Roman Catholic Episcopal Corp. Mr. M. Cortinas Mr. Greg Ippolito Mr. & Mrs. L. Iaccino Mr. Guy Pinchaud Mr. Ian Craig Cameron Mr. Brian Gable Mr. Rade Sekvlic Mrs. Diana Nielsen Ms. Lucy Palazzese Argenta Consulting Mr. & Mrs. Michetti

In Memory of Jose Ludivini Mr. & Mrs. Brunka Ms. Beverly Henry Mr. R. Bozzo & Mrs. De Paolis-Bozzo Mr. Mike Nguyen Mrs. C. Buie Mr. Lopez Telus Inc. Mr. Jacques Labelle Mr. Terry Beck Ms. Sabrina Santori Mr. & Mrs. Caetano Mr. & Mrs. Lynch Mr. Mr. Howard Malone Mr. & Mrs. Glover Ms. Tracy Scanga Ms. Joanne Ashland Ms. Joan Fiset Mr. & Mrs. Antunes Ms. Catherine Davies (In memory of Mr. Fred Davies) Mr. O. Luciw Mr. & Mrs. Mctaggart Mr. Donald J. Grant V&V Consulting Mr. & Mrs. Miliucci Mr. & Mrs. Grimes 1529520 Ontario Limited Holy Family Parish Mr. Robert Di Iorio Mr. & Mrs. Pombeiro Mr. Pierre Marchildon Mrs. Lorna Wunder Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Mr. T. Rexhepaj Alfa International Enterprises LTD. Mr. & Mrs. Mausner Mr. Daniel Ling Mr. Stephen P. Bonnar Mr. Leonord J. Corkery Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lee Mr. & Mrs. J. Pede Mr. & Mrs. Stones Mr. D. Byrne Ms. Iona T.

Leong Mr. John Hofhuis Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ms. Kotlarchuk Dr. Brade and Mrs. Marziale Mr. & Mrs. Mendes Mr. & Mrs. Commisso Mr. & Mrs. Croce Mr. Nicholas E. Caufin Mr. and Mrs. Chang Mr. & Mrs. Tari Mr. & Mrs. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Renfrew Ms. Hughes Mr. Michael Price Mr. Puri and Ms. Rankissoon Ms. Carmen Villarin Mr. Paolo Cescato Mr. Thomas Rauth Mr. Joe Filippelli Mr. Anthony Marci Mr. Bill Mancini Mr. Peter Tricarico Mr. Tim Foy Mr. Tim Mcgrenere Mr. Anthony Famularo Mr. Nathan Morlando Dr. & Mrs. Janikowski Mr. Antonen & Ms. Browne Mr. & Mrs. Gliwny Mr. & Mrs. Melis Mr. Adam Barone Mr. & Mrs. Klunowski Mr. Peter Bruce Mr. & Mrs. J. Skrabec Mr. William Mcdermott Mr. Glenn Douglas Mr. Manuel Casinha Mr. Giuseppe Bruno Mr. Joseph Capone Ms. K. Easthope Mr. Villarin Mr. William McAteer Mr. David Sellitto Mr. Jack Muccicini Mr. Mike & Mrs. Pina Ferraro Mr. Anthony Facchini Mr. Diniz Dias Mr. Steve Fantaske Mr. & Mrs. Milanovic Mr. C Scharfe Ms. Maria Quintanilla

Report to Donors - Donations List 2016-2017

K Mastali Majdabad Mr. & Mrs. Montalboano Mr. David Cheeseman Mr. Dino Morson Mr. Denis Kelly Mr. Oswaldo Detulio Oakleaves Partners $500 - $1499 Mr. & Mrs. Tomei Mrs. Helen & Mr. Edward O’sullivan Mr. Cotroneo & Mrs. Scasserra Mr. & Mrs. K. Norris Mr. & Mrs. G. Adamo The Del Sorbo Family Mr. & Mrs. J. Cotter Mr. & Mrs. N. Galletto Mr. & Mrs. Gibson The Stefan Family Mr. & Mrs. Marino Mr. & Mrs. R. Ellis Mr. Heal & Mrs. Kowal The Sinha Family Mr. & Mrs. Tsioupoulos Mr. & Mrs. Chinnici Ms. Karen Chappel Ms. K. Tang & Mr. E. Wong The Faria & Lopez Family The Mazza Family Mr. Frank Rinaldi Ms. Carmen Melfi Mr. Mike Tancsa Mr. Stephen Bucic Mr. Michael Lichacz Mr. Orlando Da Silva The Le Clair Family The Kapralos Family Ms. Cinzia Di Stefano Mr. Rizzardi and Mrs. Capone The Massaro Family Dr. Barrientos & Mrs. Fortuna Mr. & Mrs. Lee Mr. Richard & Mrs. Richards Mr. & Mrs. Lukasik Mr. & Mrs. Paura Mr. Toland & Ms. Mandat Mr. & Mrs. Mandat The Go-Ho Family Mr. and Mrs. J. Koshyk

Mr. & Mrs. Kopman Mrs. Maria Paulino Mr. & Mrs. Gove Mr. A. Idzior & Mrs. Wysocki Mr. Mammoliti & Mrs. Barbosa Mr. & Mrs. Gilloteaux Mr. & Mrs. Cantoni Mr. Jeremy Vidal Mr. R. Abela & Mrs. Kennedy

Mr. & Mrs. Borbely Dr. & Mrs. Amato Mr. & Mrs. Burns Mr. Patrick Chan The Halahel Family Premier Title Services Mr. & Mrs. Borutskie Mr. & Mrs. Arone Mr. Mottura & Mrs. Gerosa The Gambin Family Mr. & Mrs. Robillard Mr. & Mrs. Norwood Mr. & Mrs. Faraone Mr. J. De Tommaso Mr. F. Bonello Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mr. & Mrs. Yiu Mr. & Mrs. Vassallo Mr. Craig Graham & Mrs. Joanne Stavrinos Mr. Walter Tholen & Mrs. Cleve Ms. Susan Henein Mr. Ronald R.E. Ruest The Di Stefano Family Mr. & Mrs. Popescu The Wing Family Mr. A. Kameiger

Mr. & Mrs. Grossi Mr. Hickmott & Mrs. Skubincan Mr. & Mrs. Bonnay Mr. & Mrs. Lamaca Mr. Mark Carli & Ms. Rita Bellisario Mr. & Mrs. Rusek Mr. J. Engelen & Ms. Cordeiro Mr. Thanh Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Fortini Mr. C. Scharfe Mr. & Mrs. S. Mason Mr. Robert & Mrs. Susan Reid Mrs. Ann & Mr. Peter Vlahovic 999 Gold Depot (Canada) Limited Mr. & Mrs. Gekas Spectrum Realty Services Inc. The Agency Group Ms. Humin Yu & Mr. William See-Kok Thom Mr. & Mrs. Pasquariello Mr. P. Chan & Ms. S. Lim Mr. Patrick Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Finewax The Mondelli Family Mr. & Mrs. J. Schillaci (In Memory of Jeremy Schillaci) Bell Driver Education Inc. Mr. William Biggar Mr. & Mrs. Kivlichan Mr. & Mrs. J. De Paoli Mr. & Mrs. Smialek The Monteiro Family The Sixty Three Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Giampaolo Mr. Nardone & Mrs. Bianchi Mr. & Mrs. Bauer Pfaff Motors Inc. Mr. John Hunt Mrs. Carolyn Markle Mr. B. Glaspell and Dr. Elser Mr. & Mrs. Loganadhan Mr. & Mrs. Cancelliere Mr. Stanislav Kirschbaum Mr. & Mrs. Campbell Ms. Song Kiat Lee Mr. & Mrs. Bildfell Ms. Sandra Odendahl The Moreno Trejos Family The De Groot & Rioux Family

Report to Donors - Donations List 2016-2017

$1500 - $2999 Lasallian Heritage Mr. Adam Vereshack Ms. Carolyn Stroz The Falbo Family Ms. Di Bartolo Ms. Sylvana Borg Mr. N. Catre & Ms. Mainville Mr. & Mrs. J. Dengler Mr. John Gilgan Ms. Catherine Byrick Mr. Colavecchia & Ms. J. Merenda Mr. Joseph Horvath Mrs. & Mr. J. Bozzo Mr. & Mrs. Llewellyn Mr. D. Vermeulen-Van Hove Mr. Arthur Steven Ms. Maria Gagliardi Mr. Bowles & Mrs. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Engles Mr. Nobuaki Tamazawa I.P. Rosati Holdings Limited (Mr. & Mrs. Roti) Mr. & Mrs. Conforti Mr. Stanghieri & Ms. Lavalle-Stanghieri Credible Upholstery Ltd. Mr. Paul Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Guzzi 2152559 Ontario Inc. Mr. Basil Czopyk The Strong Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert De Paoli Mr. & Mrs. Scanzano Mr. Volpatti & Mrs. Zalzal Mr. & Mrs. Lundy Mr. D’arcy Glionna West Shefford Food Co. Inc. (Mr. Dunlavey & Ms. Barnes) Mr. Lucian Ezman Mr. & Mrs. Szwez Mr. & Mrs. Cammisuli Ms. Julie Di Lorenzo Mr. Claudio Aversa Mr. & Mrs. Gioiosa Mr. Paul Stott Mr. & Mrs. Von Dem Hagan

Signum Fidei Society $3000 - $4999 Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Mr. Frank Nicolais and Dr. Livia Silvestri Mr. & Mrs. Borean Mr. Rocco Panza Mr. & Mrs. De Francesca Mr. P. Wong & Mrs. V. Crawford Mr. Brenden Boyle Mr. & Mrs. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Fraser Mr. & Mrs. McCarthy Mr. Robert Paterson

The Santoro Family The DeFulviis Family Mr. Kirby & Ms. Graham Mr. & Mrs. Glossop Mr. & Mrs. Grandilli Mr. Kevin R. Crigger The Sardellitti Family Masters Insurance Ltd. Lincluden Investment Management Mr. & Mrs. Shewfelt Mr. & Mrs. McQuaid Mr. & Mrs. Mastromarini Mr. & Mrs. McGlynn Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Di Battista Mr. & Mrs. W. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Dellelce Mr. & Mrs. Dodig Mr. Sheikh & Ms. Fernandes De La Salle Benefactors $7500 - $9999

ShareLife Day Raises Over $13,000 Jessica Minervini- Staff

2018 Alumni Hockey Tournament

On Friday, October 27, 2016, De La Salle participated in its annual ShareLife Day. The day is a major fundraising day meant to raise money for our sister school in Naka, Nigeria, and other Catholic Charities supported by the ShareLife organization, including Meagan’s Walk and the Skate with Daniel Foundation. Whether you were tasting all of the delicious food, guessing where the Gek-Ace was or participating in the various carnival activities, we can all agree that the day was an overwhelming success. We want to congratulate all of our students for their participation and for raising over $13,000 to be distributed among the mentioned charities. Your participation is an indication of your affinity to our sister school Mount La Salle in Naka, Nigeria.

Michael Chachura- Staff

Daniel Bertoia DEl ‘08 loved hockey and took to the ice with passion until he was diagnosed with brain cancer. Skate with Daniel is an organization that was founded in his name to help find a cure for brain cancer. De La Salle College hosts an annual Alumni Hockey Tournament in partnership with Skate with Daniel to raise funds for the organization and to host a night for alumni to play some hockey and catch up! Relive your glory days on the ice, hang out with old friends and help us remember Daniel. The tournament will take place on the 23rd and 24th of February. Register below!


Wall of Honour $10000 and Over

Ms. L. Castellucci Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm Mr. Sante Corona Mr. A. Perianayagam & Ms. Aranha Davan Group Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Vernich Mr. & Mrs. Iacovelli Dr. E. Downar Ms. Beier & Mrs. Rochette Mr. & Mrs. Murraca

The William Birchall Foundation Dr. & Mrs. A. Poon Brothers Of The Chris-

tian Schools Mr. John G. Temesvary Mr. & Mrs. Bertoia The Dametto Family Mr. & Mrs. Lio Mr. Robert Cowan (In Memory of Brother Linus, fsc) Mr. and Mrs. William Hatanaka Mr P. Pierobon & Mrs. A. Stripe

President’s Patrimony $5000 - $7499 Mr. Bailey & Mrs. Potts

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Br. Arthur Tournament

Isabella Thomson-Fiddes DEL ‘18 Over the course of three days, playing a total of five games, the senior boys’ hockey team competed in the Brother Arthur Tournament. This tournament is a school tradition which commemorates the late Brother Arthur Brockman who passed away in 1979. The tournament has been played annually since 1980, and this year, the senior boys’ team was the champion of the tour-

nament for the first time since 2011. The team, coached by Mr.Stratton DEL ‘04 and Mr.Iantosca DEL ‘01, and managed by Matthew Debono Del ‘18 had an 18 player roster. Our team was able to utilize talent from all high school grades including players Chris Colavecchia DEL ‘20, Stephen Mishko DEL ‘20, and Matthew Sardellitti DEL ‘21. These younger players, along with eleven grade 12 veterans and multiple skilled grade 11 players, were able to come away with a 4-0-1 record. The team scored 19 goals in total, allowing only 9 goals against. Both of DEL’s goalies, Tyler Roberts DEL’19 and Giovanni Nardone DEL


‘18, were the most valuable goalies of the tournament because of their outstanding save percentages. Exemplary performances from Tristan Roberts DEL ‘19, including 5 goals and 1 assist in one game against East York on Saturday morning, helped to put the team through to the finals against Northern, and boosted Roberts’ plus minus average enough for him to become the tournament MVP. Julian Ezman’s DEL ‘18 overtime goal was a turning point in the tournament, and crucial to the success of the team in the games to come. Nardone believes that Ezman’s goal in over-time was the most outstanding moment of the tournament. Standing witness to the energy inside the arena on Friday morning was enough to realize that this year, the tournament would be something special, not only for the team but for the whole school.

“The feeling of scoring in such a big game was literally insane. Having the entire school there cheering for the game and for the goal, it will definitely be a memory I won’t forget… It was the craziest moment I’ve ever experienced while playing for Del,” Ezman said. DEL’s win was one for the history books. “This win obviously means a lot for the school spirit,” and that, “since it’s the first Brother Arthur win for DEL in 6 years it has really motivated the team to continue to do well during the season,” Nardone said Ezman describes the tournament as a “huge victory” and says, “We intend to carry this momentum forward into the season and bring home another championship.” He insists that,“Everyone contributed during the tournament, and that was a large part of the reason why we were successful. We did not depend on one or two players rather, we all worked together as a team.” The green and red De La Salle jersey and the polished Brother Arthur trophy have become unfamiliar over the past few years, but they are strangers no more. Going forward, the senior boys’ hockey team aims to complete the “trifecta” which mean winning the Brother Arthur championship, CISAA championship and OFSAA championship.

A Man for All Seasons John Hunt- Staff Mr. Don Buckley is like a planet circling the sun, for he always stays in the orbit of De La Salle, and never wavers or wobbles. He began here in grade two and stayed to complete grade 12, participating in many school and Church activities along the way. After DEL he went to Ryerson University to study advertising, marketing, and radio and television arts. During these years of study he worked in the family business to round out his education. Then he began a life-long devotion of his free time to De La Salle. He assisted the Alumni Association during the 1980’s and also

A Competitive World John Hunt- Staff Every discerning parents should be more than a little alarmed about the challenges involved in gaining a solid academic preparation for their children to gain admission to the more competitive programs in universities. Our alumni with children, and new families to Del must take precautionary measures now to see the eventual success of their children. Rewarding careers, the kind you desire, are becoming more and more elusive. Consider these numbers from University Hub, a site that tracks University admissions. Listed here are the five most difficult programs to get into in Canada, based on entrance averages and, most crucially, acceptancy rates. They are all difficult but move from #5 to #1- the most difficult. The high average is no guarantee because some schools weigh extracurriculars- you could have 98% and not be accepted. The average acceptance rate is around 6%. As you can see, the acceptance rate, the actual number of students allowed in,

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joined the Board of Directors to help in the feasibility study to re-privatize the school, a necessary and fortunate development. Next, as a member of the Board of Trustees, an advisory body, he continued his efforts to guide the school wisely. As recently as 2015 he served on the Board of Directors itself and remains a member emeritus. Today, he still serves on another Board that guides the Brothers in Ontario. His experience in radio and television productions as well as in his family business activities create a steady hand in helping to guide the affairs of the school. In addition, he is always willing to speak at graduation (almost a ritual now) on behalf of the Alumni Association, or at any other school is startlingly low, far below what you might think. Obviously the competitions is intense for these courses. The large

number of applicants are straining the capacities of the universities. De La Salle is making a strong deliberate effort to provide solid standards in academics and in character growth. It is gratifying to hear our graduates report no decline in their marks as well as elevated success.

function. As a speaker, you must have noticed, he really does have a rich, mellifluous, entrancing voice. That voice has been well used for De La Salle and we pray he stays in our orbit.

De La Salle, and soon, on a larger stage, to their country. Our 3 special, successful, outstanding grads are Madalena Grandilli, Emily Grydziuszko

and Calum Slapnicar. Congratulations and continue to represent the College well!

For example, in the most difficult faculty to enter in Canada, Honours Health Sciences at McMaster, with 3500 applications and only 160 accepted, 3 DEL students were selected this past year. Remember, there are hundreds of private schools (1,200 in Ontario alone) and thousands of public schools. Our three graduates are clearly in a select group indeed, a credit to their families, to

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Please remember De La Salle College in your will

Get to know the Giving Societies at DEL $500 - $1499

$5000 - $7499

Oakleaves Partners

President’s Patrimony

$1500 - $2999

$7500 - $9999

Lasallian Heritage

De La Salle Benefactors

$3000 - $4999

$10,000 and Over -

Signum Fidei Society

Recognition in Health & Wellness Facility


winter 2017

Click here to donate All Donations from $500 - $9999 Receive Name & Inscription on Tree of Life

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