Signum Fidei -Fall 2018

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Mark Twain once wrote about an excited horseman who rode off in all directions at the same time. Our grads exhibit a touch of this same tendency in their varied careers because they do pursue vocations in every possible direction under the sun. And they do so well that this great variety is impressive for such a small school, considering also that they usually punch above their weight, distinguishing themselves in their chosen fields of endeavour. Notably, they have a striking common characteristic that also defies the law of averages and it pertains to a significant number of them. This trait in their character is that they continue to do volunteer work while they carry on in University, and, happily, beyond that too. “ Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve “ is no empty phrasing, for the charitable inclinations inculcated and required at DEL seem to be bred into their character. Thus they naturally gravitate to needy, even desperate souls and communities to assuage their sufferings and hardships. Of course we all have our practical concerns and necessities, but our DEL grads are not entirely practical beings since they manage to overtly help others as they move Continued through their careers. Ethical imperatives on march along with daily page 16


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By: John Hunt

Jordan Daponte DEL ‘13 1

Brother’s Message

This issue is brought to you by... Joseph Pupo Director of Alumni Affairs and Development Department Nick Cipriani Co-ordinator of special events John Hunt Advancement and Development Associate Michael Chachura Alumni and Development Associate Austin McKay DEL ‘09 Alumni and Development Associate Jessica Minervini Communications Officer


In an institution as long-standing at De La Salle in Toronto, there are moments of particular significance that arise every so often. The arrival of the first “Freres” form Montreal in 1851 to the new City of Toronto and the establishment of a small academy the very same year is naturally of major importance. Already in the Province of Quebec for some twenty years, the Lasallian mission would grow too in English-speaking Canada. Those of you familiar with the George Brown campus at Adelaide and Jarvis may have noticed two impressive buildings at the corner of Adelaide and George, in the heart of the oldest section of the City. The former Bank Upper Canada and the City Post Office buildings, housed De La Salle Institute from 1871 until the late 1920s. There is a heritage plaque to this effect on the buildings. In 1931, the Brothers consolidated a couple of temporary locations to open the new De La Salle College “Oaklands” here on the brim of the Ave-

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genuine Catholic education of excellence in the Lasallian tradition. The evangelisation and education of the young has never been more necessary as we try as believers to enliven the message of the Gospel into the hearts and minds of today’s generation.

nue Road Hill. Mostly for boarders, the school grew quickly to accommodate day students. The growing population of the school and its excellent reputation required the construction of a new building that was dedicated in 1949. The confederation year festivities for Canada in 1967 saw the construction of the school arena, a fixture of sorts in the City of Toronto. The current De La Salle Centre was first opened in 1988 to provide retreat opportunities for Catholic youth in the Archdiocese. Once this program was discontinued, the College moved its classes and some offices into this building. In 1993, a committee of Brothers, alumni and teachers was struck to consider the feasibility of the school operating again as an independent school after some years under the auspices of the Toronto Catholic District School Board. This school year 2018 – 2019, we acknowledge twenty-five years of since this bold and brave decision was made. Although the first few years

saw a number of challenges and growing-pains, the Catholic community quickly and loyally embraced this new venture of the Brothers in Toronto. We have much to be thankful for and are

grateful for the tremendous support received over these years. I am absolutely convinced of the need for a

On behalf of all those involved in the privatisation of the College; those who have worked so hard to ensure its survival, and those here today who commit themselves to the Lasallian mission, I offer my most profound gratitude. Thank you to alums, board members, parents, staff – past and present – and our current students. I am confident that if we truly work towards the building of the Kingdom of God, the Almighty will continue to bless this school for many years to come. Over the next year, there will be opportunities to come together to celebrate our accomplishments and recommit ourselves to this work, again with boldness and courage. If we all do our part, the future is ours. Live Jesus, in our hearts. Forever.

Brother Domenic, fsc President

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The Supreme Court By: John Hunt

Very few Canadians are admitted to Harvard University each year - many are the applicants, but few are chosen. They apply from all over the world to sit in one of those valued, precious seats, for as we all know, a Harvard degree opens many doors. Fortunately, De La Salle graduates have defied the numerical odds and even defied gravity, by gaining acceptance and then soaring upwards, by talent and industry, to enviable heights. At least one that we know of has even stayed on to teach there. Our grad, Daniel Binette DEL ‘10 was accepted by Harvard Law School following very successful years at DEL and McGill. At DEL he especially enjoyed and immersed himself in Debating Team activities with Mr. Bellisario. He credits his experiences in debating for his subsequent suc-


cess at McGill University and Harvard Law School: “Through debating I learned to think critically, to write and speak persuasively, and to engage deeply in challenging issues, all of which have proven invaluable in my undergraduate studies, law school and professional activities.” At McGill he immersed himself in political science, economics and finance. He entered Harvard Law in 2014 and graduated in May, 2017. During these three years he found the class offerings reflected “the diverse interests of the faculty and the student body.” Taking a peek into his studies we find he examined “global anti-corruption efforts” as well as “the intersection of social work and legal practice in refugee and asylum law.” Clearly, Harvard provides unique opportunities for enriching the legal mind, or any mind. In Cape Town, South Africa, he had a fellowship

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to study police corruption. In Tanzania he examined the interplay of the law and international development. Harvard also provided opportunities to hear such luminaries as Justice Elena Kagan and Mitt Romney as well as cultural stars like Toni Morrison and Yo Yo Ma. This is a rich, fertile field indeed, enhanced by a student body coming from “a wide range of diverse backgrounds and experiences and coming from every corner of the United States and the world. Daniel states these influences contributed greatly to his education “both inside and outside the classroom.” He has returned to Canada, recently completing a clerkship with Justice Michael Moldaver, “a brilliant and principled jurist” at The Supreme Court of Canada. Daniel pointedly observes “I have greatly enjoyed

contributing in some small way to the work of the Court as it grapples with the most pressing legal issues facing Canada today.” Obviously life has elevated Daniel to a position from which he can look back on his younger days at our school and give us an assessment. “My experience at DEL set me on the path to where I am now. The opportunities there shaped the person I am today, and if I had any advice for current students it would be to take advantage of as many of those experiences as possible.” An ornament to our school, his valuable advice comes from one who has proven to have gained immensely from following it. We will make sure that his example is made known to our students who can use it to help them find their way. In this manner they may follow his path in life which has truly made him a credit to himself, to his family, to DEL, and to his country.

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Daniel Binette DEL ‘10 5

Annual Giving Report 2017-2018

Annual Giving Report 2017-2018 $100-$499 999 Gold Depot (Canada) Ltd. Mr. Abdulwahab and Ms. Salihi Abdulhamid Mr. Ron Abela and Mrs. Kennedy Mr. Wifredo Albano Mr. Ryan Amaral Mr. Alfredo Amelio Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Mr. John Antunes and Mrs. Antunes Mr. Steven Aprile and Mrs. Aprile Mr. Mike Arazyan and Ms. Stepanyan Mr. Tomas Arko and Ms. Echeverry Mr. Steve Arthur and Mrs. Arthur Mr. Claudio Aversa and Mrs. Aversa Mr. Lambros Babatsikos and Mrs. Babatsikos Mr. Daniel Bagnara Mr. Angelo Barbisan Mr. Adam Barone Mr. John Bauer Mr. Terry Beck Mr. Robert Bedolfe

Mr. Santino Bellisario Mr. Emilio Bisceglia and Mrs. Bisceglia BNB Associates Engineering Inc Mr. Ronald Bogart Mr. Prasad Bolonnie Mr. Les Bonnay Mr. Andras Borbely Mr. Adrian Borys Mr. Brendan Bowles and Mrs. Maloney Mr. Massimo Bozzo Mr. Vince Bozzo Mr. Robert Bozzo and Mrs. De Paolis-Bozzo Mr. David Byrne Mr. Joe Caetano and Mrs. Caetano Mr. Liam Cameron Mr. John Campbell and Mrs. J. Campbell Canada Ms. Berta Carreco Mr. Jean-Paul Cauchi and Mrs. Cauchi Mr. Nick Caufin Mr. David Chemla and Ms. Gina Valle Mr. Lawrence Cheng and Mrs. Wong Mr. Eddie Cheung and Ms. Lo Mr. Mark Childerson and Ms. Collins Mr. Sam Commisso and Mrs. Saverino Commisso Mr. Len Corkery and Ms. McGregor Mr. Mamer Cortinas Carlo Cotroneo Cruel Inc. Mr. Domenic Cuiuri and Mrs. Marinelli Anonymous Mr. Attilio De Bartolo Mr. Augustino De Oliveira and Mrs. De Oliveira Mr. Matteo and Mrs Del Sorbo Ms. Anna Di Benedetto Mr. Robert Di Iorio and Ms. Morcos Ms. Daniela Di Nucci

Mr. Julian Diener Ms. Sally Donovan Mr. Rafael Dorantes and Ms. Lozano Ms. Ria Dutta Mr. Frank Eremita Mr. Olivio Fatigati and Ms. DiBartolo Mr. Damien Flynn Ms. Guadalupe Fuentes Ms. Filomena Gouveia Mr. Tom Gove Mr. Joseph Grierson and Mrs. Grierson Mr. Craig Graham Mr. J. Hajj-Hassan and Ms. Martins Mr. Christopher Harris Mr. Kyle Hetherington Mr. James Hughes Mr. Kevin Hunt Mr. Larry Iaccino Mr. Ralph Iorio Andrew Janikowski Mr. Tom Karanikas and Mrs. Kardaras Mr. John Katsoris and Ms. Rivard Mr. James Keaney Mr. Hector Kearns Ms. Erin Kelly Ms. Lisa Kivlichan Mr. Qing Guo Kong and Mrs. Bei Yao Mr. Joseph LaBine Dr. Roger Lam and Mrs. Lam Anonymous Mr. Richard Leblanc and Mrs. Leblanc Mr. Victor and Mrs. Helen Lee Mr. Andrew Lind and Mrs. Lind Mr. Daniel Ling and Mrs. Ling Mr. Kevin Liu Mr. Lucas Lopez Mr. Trevor Lucas

Mr. Mark Lukasik Ms. Joanne Lynch Mr. Michael Macdonald and Mrs. Macdonald Mr. Donald MacGillivray Mr. Gibrian Malicki-Sanchez Mr. Frank Marciello Mr. Daniel Margorian and Mrs. Margorian Mr. Mario Martellaccio Mr. Alexander Martin Ms. Tiziana Marziale Mr. Kevin Matte Eugene McCallen Ms. Katrina McCann Mr. David McCombs and Dr. Xia Mr. Michael McFadden and Ms. Belzak Mr. James McGarragle Mr. Tony Mendes Mr. Philip Menna Anonymous Mr. James Millway Mr. Les Minion and Mrs. Minion Mr. George Misiak Mr. Gordon Moffat and Mrs. Moffat Mr. Tom Mok and Mrs. Evans-Mok Mr. Chris Morgan Mr. Dino Morson Mr. Tom Mosseau and Ms. Clements Mr. Peter Muldowney and Ms. Lam Mr. Joseph Murray Mr. Nick Natarelli and Mrs. Lucia Di Sapia Natarelli Mr. Thanh Hai Nguyen Mr. Adrian Nicolae and Mrs. Nicolae Mr. Ken Norris Msgr. Robert Nusca Mr. Colm O’Shea Mr. Daniel Pan

Mr. Agostino Pasquarelli Mr. Rob Paterson Mr. Paul Paterson Mr. Rui Pedrosa Mr. Agostino Penna and Mrs. Penna Mr. Neil Pinto and Ms. J. Noronha Mr. Levi Pombeiro Mr. John Popelas and Mrs. N. Popelas Mr. Anthony Rapone Mr. Ali Razavi and Ms. Mastali Ms. Elizabeth Reid Mr. Robert Reid Mr. George Renfrew Mr. Guy Rispoli and Mrs Rispoli Mr. Tony Rizza and Mrs. Rizza Mr. Albino Rizzardi and Mrs. Capone Mr. Laird Robertson Mr. Joseph Romagnuolo Ms. Lydia Salvi Mr. Robert Sardellitti Mr. John Sarra Mr. Anthony Scanga Mr. Courtney Scharfe Anonymous Mr. David Silva Mr. Benjamin Silverstone Mr. Edward Sorbara Anonymous Mr. Cristian Stefan and Mrs. Stefan Mr. Robert Stones Mr. Marc Strong and Mrs. Byrick Mr. Les Szendrovits Mr. George Tabisz Mr. Michael Tam and Ms. Chin-Sang Mr. Russell Tate Mr. Milan Then Toronto Capital Corp.

Mr. Chris Tworkowski V&V Consulting O/B Mr. Javier Vargas Mr. Victor Viggiani Ms. Jenniffer Villena Mr. Olindo Viotto Mr. Gary Waite and Mrs. Waite Mr. Brendan Walsh Mr. Bruce Watson and Ms. Lenarduzzi Mr. Jeff White and Ms. Dolfato Mr. Peter Willan Mr. Lin Han Ye Mr. Benjamin Yu Mr. Warren Yu Mr. Jack Zalewski

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Annual Giving Report 2017-2018

Annual Giving Report 2017-2018

$500-$1499 –Oakleaves Partners Mr. Abraham and Ms. Komeili Mr. Luis Acosta and Mrs. Mendez Mr. Harry Ahn and Ms. Yom Ms. Angelina Andreoli Mr. Brian Antonen and Ms. Brown Mr. Gustavo Arocena and Mrs. Arocena Mr. Nino Arone and Mrs. Arone Mr. Steve Arthur and Mrs. Arthur Mr. Mark Ashcroft and Mrs. Ashcroft Mr. Nick Athanaselos and Dr. Tzanetos Mr. Jason Attard and Mrs. Attard Mr. Gustavo Azoubel and Ms. Quaresma Mr. Claudio Baglione and Mrs. Baglione Mr. Edison Barrientos and Mrs. Fortuna Mr. Michael Beier and Mrs. Rochette Mr. David Belo and Mrs. Severino Mr. Marco Beretta Mr. Gaetano Bertoldi and Mrs. Bertoldi

Mr. Derek Bildfell and Mrs. Bildfell Mr. Steven Bissell and Mrs. Bissell Mr. Michael Black and Mrs. Black Mr. Stephen Bonnar Mr. George Boukouris Mr. Jeffrey Bowman and Mrs. Bowman Mr. Alex Brainis and Mrs. Brainis Mr. John Bruni and Mrs. Bruni Mr. Don Buckley Mr. Marc Buklis and Mrs. Buklis Mr. Kenneth Burns Mr. Brendan Calder Mr. Craig Cameron and Mrs. Odendahl Mr. Ian Campbell Mr. John Campbell and Mrs. J. Campbell Mr. Joe Capone Mr. Joe Caruana and Mrs. Caruana Mr. Nicanor Catre Mr. Mel Catre

Mr. Martin Cecchetto and Ms. Jibry Dr. Sandra Ceolin-Wietfeldt Mr. Alvin Chan Mr. Patrick Chan and Ms. Seow-Woon Lim Dr. Tom Chau and Mrs. Chau Dr. Robert Chen and Ms. Yeung Mr. Ron Cheng and Ms. Song Mr. Eddie Cheung and Ms. Lo Dr. Ki Jinn Chin and Mrs. Chin Mr. Gaetano Chinnici and Mrs. Chinnici Mr. Steven Ciccolini and Mrs. Ciccolini Mr. Nick Cipriani Mr. Kevin Clinton and Mrs. Clinton Mr. Niall Collins and Mrs. Collins Mr. Joseph. Conneely and Mrs. Conneely Mr. James Cook Mr. Brian Cooke and Ms. Norris Mr. John Cotter Mr. John Cressatti and Ms. De Lauretis Joseph Croce Mr. Domenic Cuiuri and Mrs. Marinelli Mr. Marco Cunsolo and Mrs. Cunsolo Mr. Brian Cutler and Mrs.O’Neil Ms. Pietrina D’Anna Mr. Joe Da Silva and Mrs. Nardo-Da Silva Mr. Domenic Damiani and Mrs. Bruno-Damiani David Andras Consulting De Francesca Law Office Professional Corporation De Martin Construction Ltd. Mr. Vittorio De Stefano and Mrs. De Stefano Mr. George Debono and Mrs. Debono Mr. Matteo and Mrs Del Sorbo Mr. Mark Deriet and Ms. Prato Mr. Thomas DI Giacomo Mr. Alexandro Di Noto and Mrs. Di Noto

Mr. Louie Di Nunzio and Mrs. Di Nunzio Mr. Victor Dirisio and Mrs. Dirisio Mr. Richard Dujon and Mrs. Mason-Dujon Mr. Dino Dutra Ms. Michelle Ellefson Mr. Robert Ellis and Mrs. Ellis Dr. Medhat Elmallah and Dr. Faragalla Mr. Adolfo Emer and Mrs. Emer Mr. John Engelen and Ms. Cordeiro The Estate of Hilliard Peter James Mr. Philip Evans Mr. Lucian Ezman Mr. Hercules Faga and Ms. Cortez Ms. Fabiana Fattori Mr. Giulio Fazzolari and Mrs. Fazzolari Mr. Joneil Felicisimo Mr. Carlos Ferreira and Ms. Lacivita Howard Finewax Firkin Pubs Mr. Michael Fitzgibbons Mr. Lou Fortini and Mrs. Fortini Mr. Sebastian Fuschini Mr. Sherif Gabriel Mr. Eduardo Galnares Mr. Andrew Gekas Mr. Behzad Ghassemlou and Ms. Costantini Mr. Frank Giannone and Mrs. Giannone Mr. Donald Gilbert and Mrs. Gilbert Mr. Vito Gioiosa and Gayle Gioiosa Mr. Gus Giovanoglou and Mrs. Giovanoglou Mr. Philip Giroday Mr. Walter Giust and Ms. Miyasaki Mr. Barry Glaspell and Dr. Elser Mr. James Glover and Mrs. Glover Mr. Steve Green and Ms. Cober Mr. Claudio Grossi and Mrs. Grossi

Mr. John Guerra Mr. Raphael Haddad and Mrs. Haddad Mr. Youssef Halahel Mr. Peter Henein and Mrs. Henein Kyle Hetherington Mr. Mark Hickmott and Ms. Skubincan Mr. Janez Hlebanja and Mrs. Hlebanja Mr. Eddy Ho and Mrs. G. Ho Mr. Chester Hung Tim Ho and Ms. Chan Mr. Maxx-Phillipe Hollott and Ms. LO Mr. John Hunt Mr. John Hurley and Ms. Page Mr. Andrew Idzior and Ms. Wysocki Mr. Luis Iglesia Mr. Gregory Ippolito Mr. Atul Kapoor and Mrs. Kapoor Mr. Chris Kapralos and Mrs. Kapralos Mr. Terry Karabassis and Mrs. Karabassis Mr. John Katsoris and Ms. Rivard Mr. Jae Kyong Kim and Mrs. Kim Mr. Stanislav Kirschbaum Ms. Paula Klim-Conforti Mr. Jeffrey Kopman and Mrs. Kopman Mr. Martin Leclair and Ms. Dimitri Mr. Victor and Helen Lee Song Lee Mr. Steven Lee and Mrs. S. Lee Mr. Paul Lopes and Mrs. Lopes Mr. Daniel Lorini and Ms.L.Nault Mr. Mark Lukasik Mr. Paul Lundy Mr. Robert Lundy Mr. Eugenio Macchione and Mrs. Macchione Mr. Michael Macdonald and Mrs. Macdonald Mr. Tony Marino and Mrs. Marino Mr. Mario Marocco and Mrs. Marocco

Mr. John Marques and Mrs. Marques Mr. Andrew Martyn and Mrs. Martyn Mr. Steve Mason Mr. Marco Massaro and Ms. Tamburini Mr. Ralph Mazza and Mrs. Mazza Mr. David McCombs and Dr. Xia Mr. Michael McFadden and Ms. Belzak Ms. Shannon McGroarty Mr. William McNamara Mr. Hooman Henry Menshari and Mrs. Menshari Mr. Eddy Mezzetta and Ms. Topp Mr. John Miliucci Mr. Dominic Mochrie and Ms. Hogan Mr. Massimo Mottura and Mrs. Gerosa Mottura Mr. Klaus Navarrete and Mrs. Navarrete Mr. Kam Newman and Mrs. Alfino Mr. Trung Nguyen and Ms. Le Mr. Adrian Nicolae and Mrs. Nicolae Mr. Jonathan Norwood and Mrs. Norwood Marylouise O’Hara Mr. Patrick O’Keeffe and Mrs. O’Keeffe Mr. Carlo Odorico and Mrs. Connolly Dr. Nancy Olivieri Mr. Vito Paladino and Ms. Tibollo Mr. Rocco Panza and Mrs. Panza Ms. Lucy Palazzese Mr. Fabian Papa and Mrs. Papa Ms. Maria Paulino-Munar Mr. Eric Peters and Ms. D’Silva Mr. Neil Pinto and Ms. J. Noronha Mr. Tony Politano and Mrs. Politano Mr. John Popelas and Mrs. N. Popelas Mr. Stephen Poroszlay and Ms. Goto Mr. Nick Prangikos and Ms. Botteas Mr. Augusto Rebollo Patmore and Ms. Calvo Mr. Brian Reece and Ms. Porto PG 4 of 6

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Annual Giving Report 2017-2018

Annual Giving Report 2017-2018 Mr. Brian Reece and Ms. Porto Mr. Tom Richard and Ms. Richards Frank Rinaldi Mr. Guy Rispoli and Mrs Rispoli Ms. Renata Roberts Mr. Laird Robertson Mr. Claude Robillard and Mrs. Fagan-Robillard Mr. Vitor Rodrigues and Mrs. Rodrigues Ms. Fenyrose Romano Mr. Richard Rusek Mr. Divino Sabilano and Dr. Sabilano Ms. Lydia Salvi Ms. Melanie Sands Mr. Juan Sierra Mr. Awanish Sinha and Mrs. Sinha SKE Mr. Christopher Slavin and Ms. Taschin Mr. Christopher Slavin and Ms. Taschin Mr. Ralph Smialek Mr. Dan Smith Mr. Matthew Spensieri and Ms. MacPherson Mr. Fabrizio Stanghieri and Ms. LaValle-Stanghieri Mr. Michael Statham and Ms. Cook Mr. Donald Stephen Mr. Marc Strong and Mrs. Byrick Mr. Nick Strube and Mrs. D. Garcia-Strube Mr. Xin Sun and Ms. Chen The Elizabeth and Tony Comper Foundation The Santa Claus Parade The Sixty Three Foundation Mr. Walter Tholen and Mrs. Cleve Mr. Robert Tomé Mr. Chris Tomev Mr. Edward Toth and Ms. Fernandes Ms. Ingrid Trejos

Mr. Siro Trevisanato Mr. Peter Tsasis and Mrs. Tsasis Mr. David Velikonja and Mrs. Chan Mr. Luca Vernich and Mrs. Vernich Mr. Nick Veronico and Mrs. Veronico Mr. Kurt Von dem Hagen Mr. John Voutsinos Mr. Gary Waite and Mrs. Waite Mr. Jim Walker and Mrs. Walker Mr. David Wan and Mrs. Wan

Mr. Bill Washington and Mrs. Washington Mr. Bruce Watson and Ms. Lenarduzzi Wellesley Animal Hospital Mr. Paul White Mr. Jeff White and Ms. Dolfato Mr. Norman Wong and Mrs. Villarin Mr. Christopher Wormsbecher and Ms. Vattovaz Lin Han Ye Mr. Stephen Yiu and Gloria Lo Mr. Gordon and Mrs. Sylvia Ziebenhaus

$1500-$2999 –Lasallian Heritage Dr. Davide Amato and Mrs. Amato Mr. Joseph Argier Ariane Chan Med. P. Corp. Mr. Claudio Aversa and Mrs. Aversa Milton Bonellos Mr. Soharn Boyagoda and Mrs. Boyagoda Brothers of the Christian Schools FSC DENA Dr. Sam Cammisuli and Mrs. Cammisuli Mr. Tony Cancelliere and Mrs. Cancelliere Mr. Patrick Carroll Mr. Chi Wo Chan and Ms. Chang Liao Mr. Sante Corona Ms. Connie Dametto Mr. Robert De Paoli and Mrs. De Paoli Degrassi Management Inc. Mr. Frank Del Giudice and Ms. De Fillipis DELL Computers Mr. Fiorenzo Di Biase and Mrs. Marando Mr. Enzo Di Fonzo Mr. Andrew Di Lorenzo Mr. Sebastian Distefano and Mrs. Distefano Helmut Engels Mr. Olivio Fatigati and Ms. DiBartolo Mr. John Gilgan Mr. D’Arcy Glionna Mr. Peter Glossop and Mrs. Glossop Mr. Joseph Grella Mr. Vincent Guzzi and Ms. S. Gaudio-Guzzi Mr. Edward Hayes and Mrs. Kohek Mr. Andrew Heal and Ms. Kowal Anonymous Mr. Michael Iacovelli and Mrs. Iacovelli Mr. Robert Lewsis and Ms. Borg Ms. Rania Llewellyn Mr. Reynaldo Maldonado and Dr. Danayan

Mr. Dominic Mammoliti and Ms. T. Barbosa Mr. Paul Marques and Mrs. Marques Mr. John McGlynn Michael McQuaid Mr. Les Minion and Mrs. Minion Mr. Peter Muldowney and Ms. Lam Mr. Giacomo Muraca and Mrs. Castellucci-Muraca Mr. Kent and Mrs. Domenico Mr. Guy Painchaud and Mrs. Painchaud Mr. Rob Paterson Mr. John Popelas and Mrs. N. Popelas Ms. Janina Prociuk Mr. Albino Rizzardi and Mrs. Capone Mr. Terry Rountes and Ms. Cappelli Mr. Frank Sardellitti and Mrs. Ierullo-Sardellitti Anonymous Mr. Michael Statham and Ms. Cook Mr. Cristian Stefan and Mrs. Stefan Carolyn Stroz Mr. Elliot Tse and Mrs. Tse Mr. Stefaan Vermeulen and Ms. Vermeulen-Van Hove Mr. Jeremy Vidal Mr. Frank Vivacqua and Mrs. Vivacqua Mr. Kurt Von dem Hagen Mr. Rashid Wasti and Ms. Park Mr. Stephen Yiu and Gloria Lo

$3000-$4999 –Signum Fidei Society Mr. Gerry Borean Mr. Tony Colavecchia and Mrs. Merenda Mr. Norbert Costa Mr. Paul De Francesca and Mrs. De Francesca Mr. Perry Dellelce and Mrs. Dellelce Mr. Fernando Di Battista and Mrs. Di Battista Dr. Eugene Downar and Ms. Carriere Br. George Edwards, FSC Mr. Stephen Fraser and Mrs. Fraser Ms. Louisa Greco Mr. Vinodh Loganadhan and Mrs. Loganadhan Masters Insurance Mr. Martin McCarthy Mr. Stephen McDonnell and Mrs. McDonnell Mr. Frank Nicolais and Ms. Silvestri Paul Pierobon Mr. Bruce Robert Shewfelt and Mrs. Shewfelt

$5000-$7499 –President’s Patrimony Mr. Michael Andlauer Mr. Brendan Bowles and Mrs. Maloney Mr. Michael Bailey and Ms. Potts Mr. Robert Chisholm Mr. Victor Dodig and Mrs. Dodig Mr. Lucien Ezman

Mr. Laurence Gutcher and Mrs. Gutcher Mr. Robert Henry Mr. Bill Markle Mr. Duncan McGregor Mr. John Nelson Mr. Patrick O’Keeffe and Mrs. O’Keeffe Mr. Olaf Sheikh and Ms. Fernandes William Birchall Foundation

$7500-$9999 –De La Salle Benefactors Lincluden Investment Management

$10000 and Over –Wall Of Honour in Health & Wellness Facility Brothers of the Christian Schools of Ontario Dr. John De Paoli and Mrs. De Paoli Anonymous Mr. Anthony Marcucci and Mrs. Marcucci Antony Poon Mr. Larry Tomei and Mrs. Tomei

Thank you to all of those who donated to De La Salle College over the past year.

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God’s Will

not see my education as contributing to who I would become as a person. I was interested in other things, By: John Hunt mainly video games. While I would not have denied Raphael Ma did not then Priesthood itself. Now being a Catholic, besides please read his astute acstand out in Grade 9 during Sunday Mass attendance count of the evolution of his and my overly self-conscious his first year at De La Salle. vocation, of the thoughts Over time he would “join in “speed grace” before meals that led to a final choice. “and participate in the life (to the amusement of my of the school, playing on our classmates), it was fitting “I arrived at De La baseball teams and writing that I was not nominated for for “Oakleaves”. His writing Salle in 2001. Although my “most likely to become a family attended Mass every is indeed very thoughtful as priest” at the class of 2005 Sunday, I understood that we may see in his own sumgraduation. academics were the primary mary of his journey through reason for sending me to I attended the Unieducation and beyond. We DEL. I had previously only versity of Guelph from 2005 can grasp from his own attended non-Catholic pri– 2010. I was pleased to summary of his youthful, vate schools until then, and discover some fellow DEL tentative probing’s into life’s so the fact that De La Salle alumni with whom I connecttextures that his ability to was a Catholic school was ed occasionally. Initially, describe subtle psychologan added bonus. On a more and rather naïvely, I thought ical musings are accurate personal level, however, DEL I could be admitted to the renderings, similar to our was also a fresh start for me, Ontario Veterinary College own meanderings through having endured some mild while remaining as unmoyouth and early adulthood. bullying in grades 7 and 8 at tivated as before. I ended We recognize the human another school. And while I up pursuing and graduating explorations, the uncertainwas certainly not the summit with a major in Nutrition ties we know so well, from of popularity in my time at and Nutraceutical Sciences our own early searches and DEL, I am grateful for what – which is the food product hesitations: the turbulent seemed to me to be positive design and regulation side life of a student, the need to of nutrition. There was little choose a career, the pressure relationships with everyone in my class. change in my work ethic, of getting good marks, famisuitably reflected by little ly expectations and then the At the time, I saw my change in my grades in first searching, and more search- education as something one and second year. ing. He learned to assess the had to do to “get” certain twists and turns life leaves things in life – a career, monIn my first year, howevin our path. For Raphael, ey, etc. – which in turn would er, I was faced with the newvaguely at first and then provide for the things I really found freedom and decisions forcefully the path led to wanted in life. And because that come with living away “God’s Will”. As often hapof this, as my mother would from home, as well as quespens an early step becomes regularly lament, I was not a tions and challenges from a broad highway, finally full motivated student. I commy peers about the Catholic of direction and conviction, pleted my assignments with faith. I unintentionally began leading at last to perpetual varying degrees of quality what would become a lifevows, the Diaconate and – usually on time – but I did long process of personally


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Raphael Ma DEL ‘05 w w w. d e l a s a l l e . c a / a l u m n i


appropriating the faith that I had taken for granted for so long. Initially, this took the form of learning more about what and why we believe and do things, in order to offer a coherent explanation to others. But before long, this process of learning and stepping more and more into the light occasioned a crisis of conscience. This crisis resolved, not in a decision to be perfect – since that is beyond what we can honestly offer anyone, whether God or neighbour – but in a decision to no longer live the faith with intentional compromise. A fear had also crossed my mind at this time, that my life would become “boring” as a result. But looking back, this fear was both empty and unfounded. And so I went to confession for the second time in my life. Although I am grateful that the sacrament of reconciliation had been offered regularly in my years at DEL, and I had attempted to avail myself of the sacrament, the truth is that I had not made an integral confession since my very first confession in grade 2.

Raphael Ma DEL ‘05 14

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As if my life was not going through enough changes, it was around this time that a friend asked me if I had ever considered of becoming a priest – something I had never thought of, being an only child whose dream was to follow in my parents’ footsteps, with a good job, and a family of

my own. So I immediately rejected the suggestion for one simple reason, which should not surprise anyone: clerical celibacy. However, I could not quite brush of the question so easily. What if God was indeed calling me to be a priest? Wouldn’t it be both unfair and ungrateful to dismiss the possibility so flippantly? And so I began to try to find out what “God’s will” was for my life. Initially this process was quite selfish and immature. I essentially wanted God to just tell me “yes” or “no,” and then I would take my “marching orders” from there. But as anyone who honestly tries to live in relationship with God can tell you, God is not interested in getting something from you – not even in serving Him as a priest or religious person. God is interested is something much more important and yet more simple than that. God is interested in you. And the struggle of trying to live with the full reality of this kind of unconditional love from God helped me to mature a great deal. For the sake of brevity, I will spare the details, but I think that the poem “Fall in Love,” attributed to the late Fr. Pedro Arrupe SJ, expresses adequately the way an honest relationship with God leaves no aspect of one’s life unregenerate. To my mother’s delight – perhaps to the relief of my past teachers reading

this – even my grades began to improve, once I stopped seeing the completion of my undergraduate degree as an obstacle to my going to seminary, having realized that God’s will was not only a future reality, but a reality each and every day as well. You could say that I had once again become a motivated student. There was still a disconnect in my final years, as my program became more and more industry specific and coincided less and less with where my life was going. But once I entered seminary, even this disconnect was resolved. Not a few seminarians come from science backgrounds. While philosophy and theology are in fact sciences, they are considered to be liberal arts according to the more modern and restricted use of the term “science.” But whatever category you put them in, my approximately 7 years of studying philosophy and theology gave me a greater appreciation for education as the development of the whole person, rather than merely the transmission of technical skillsets. During my time in seminary, I also discerned that God was perhaps calling me to the religious life as well as the priesthood, and so I explored that direction and became a member of the Congregation of the Resurrection. I have currently graduated from seminary,

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and am spending an internship year at a parish in Kitchener, Ontario, preparing for my upcoming perpetual vows in my religious community on November 21st, ordination to the Diaconate on December 1st, and then to the Priesthood on June 15th of next year.” We readers can see in the summary of his journey that his ability to describe minute psychological musings are accurate. Coming to DEL from a non-Catholic private school, the way to the priesthood would be more convoluted than for other students in the school. As we read, his trajectory was convoluted to say the least, leading to the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph eventually culminating in a Degree in Nutrition and Nutraceutical Sciences. Then his vocation materialized when he understood “the unconditional love from God”. There are too many battles and too few troops like Raphael in the war against Secularism, Materialism, Consumerism, Nihilism and so many other forces of corruption and decay. There can be no doubt what benevolence he represents in a decadent society where every vice is mainstream and every virtue ridiculed. Criminal indulgence of every kind is trumpeted loudly. There are too many battles and too few troops on the side of decency. These days we must admire Raphael for his commitment to integrity. Let us hope many more follow him in doing “God’s Will”.


Continued from page 1 imperatives. (Consider Helder Marcos DEL ‘97- climbing to the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya to raise needed funds for Davenport Community Centre. The stirring tale of his adventure will follow soon. Stay tuned.) Consider also the story of Jordan Daponte DEL ’13, the subject of this profile. While attaining an Honours B. Science at U of T (Biological Chemistry Specialist Program) he volunteered for 2 years in the Endoscopy Clinic as well as the Rapid Response Lab, both at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. Graduating with distinction in 2017 he moved to UBC to begin a Masters of Science degree. That done, he plans to pursue a professional degree in the sciences. Of course this is admirable and exceptional. But to what end? These days many have done as much, but to what end-that is the question. Prestige? Gain? Rank? These days, too secular as they are, not many would think of, or stumble on “service”, which is an alternative in Jordan’s case. In his own words, he wants to work “where I can make the biggest difference in society.” What might this big difference be? Even with the wonders of modern science, we all know someone who desperately needs a “magic bullet” or a miracle cure. Jordan’s work

Fall 2018

tends in that direction, a “helping” direction. He is striving to enhance processes, to speed up research to make the future arrive sooner. Out of all this we may hope to have a glimpse of this possible future brimming with the hope of unlimited progress in medicine thanks to galloping technology and Artificial Intelligence. Desperately needed miracle cures may materialize out of the kind of science Jordan is investigating. The salvation of a medical deliverance from disaster is no small matter to a soul on the edge of the precipice. This salvation will be the difference Jordan is helping to bring about. How gratifying it is to see such humanitarianism made manifest in our grads, in so many and so often. DEL’s formative influence must take some credit for their charitable inclinations so obvious in so small a school. Jordan plans to stay in Canada in the Greater Toronto Area. His influence and that of all the other grads of our little school generates an exceptional, beneficial force of amelioration for many in dire straits. It is comforting to know that another one of our own is searching, through rapidly evolving technology, for those “magic bullets” that will surely be found to help so many people, of all ages, to continue living. The strides forward should be a revelation, a welcome one. We pray this initiative continues and prevails.

Join us for Open House! Wednesday, October 10, 2018 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm De La Salle College 131 Farnham Avenue Toronto, ON M4V 1H7 For more information, please contact our Office of Admissions at 416- 969-8771 A member of the Conference of Independent Schools of Ontario

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A Fine Line By: John Hunt


Fall 2018

“Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will destroy us” (Neil Postman). Love, hate, fear, hope, obsession, ambition- these and so many other drives herd us in confusion in our wild age of Relativism, whose motto is “Anything Goes” as we readily see graphically in the modern arts. In the midst of this motley array of seductions, so effectively made compelling by social media, how do we educate our young people to become solid, sane, competent adults? There is a fine line to be followed to come safely through the beguiling but uncertain paths in our society. De La Salle treads gingerly along this fine line between too large and too small, between squandering money and spending wisely, between preserving our beautiful campus and being foolishly lavish, between guarding our academic standards and surrendering to rampant grade inflation. The caution, wisdom, and the execution of many decisions to safeguard DEL is the crucial business of our Board of Directors as they manage the health of the entire enterprise. Take for example the size of the school which ultimately determines cohesion, an important factor in school spirit and academic integrity. The optimum size for a viable high school is around 600 students, a number that is small enough for a familial feeling and just large enough to field a sufficient variety of activities. Experience proves that large schools (900 to 1400 or more) may not work.

Such matters, and so any others, thanks to the steady, wise guidance of our Board of Directors frees us from having to live in hope only. Rather we live in confidence, confidence that our school is among the very best in our fortunate country, not because we use expensive full-page ads in papers and magazines claiming to be superior, but because of the solidity of the excellent achievements of our grads which prove it to be so. The Board, hovering over our operations, nurtures our quiet dominance ever evolving towards a promising future. This future edges along, while astonishingly, we keep tuitions in a reasonable range that are much less than comparable elite private schools, thus maintaining the Brothers mission to teach the poor. Regarding this matter, it is no small wonder that 20 per cent of our students receive bursaries (120 of 600) thus preserving the mandate of a Catholic Lasallian school. So the 12 members of DEL’s Board, with careful diligence, manage our survival, growth and polish, attending to the effectiveness of all our complex operations, and they are complex (the Alumni Association, a year-round hockey arena). One of the Board members is really the subject of this article- Kyle Hetherington. Kyle graduated in 2006, then proceeded to Queen’s and law school, being called to the bar in Sept. 2014. At DEL he was a very strong hockey player and a successful student. He supports Alumni activities and donates to the bursaries. We truly value his time and talents

which grew out of his years in school here as he writes in the following recollections. Some of the strongest relationships in my personal life were formed during my time at DEL and I still see my classmates on a regular basis. All of these people, without exception, have gone on to excel in their professional and personal lives and I think that is a testament to where we developed as young adults at DEL. I credit my time there with preparing me not only for university but also for my career in law, which has taken off since my call to the bar in 2014. Beyond developing a good work ethic, DEL instilled in me an ongoing love of education and a confident self-determination that remains with me to this day We quote these thoughts to inspire our current students with an approach to school and life that must help them in their own budding careers. The feeling of cohesion and belonging, noted earlier, shines through Kyle’s message, which plainly states the value of the lessons learned for life and the quality of his durable friendships. That fine line we try to preserve is fine indeed but to keep it is to succeed as Kyle has done. He is a successful criminal defense lawyer. He has his own practice. Sharing law chambers with some of the best in Toronto. We are fortunate to have his wisdom, guidance and experience. May this happy relationship continue.

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“Giving Tuesday is a global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organizations, businesses and communities in countries around the world. Millions of people have come together to support and champion the causes they believe in and the communities in which they live.� Giving Tuesday falls on November 27th, just after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. De La Salle College will be participating in this global event. We will be sending out emails soon to our community members. If you’d like to get more involved, send us an email at


Fall 2018

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