2023 Blue and Gold

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Front Cover: Year 12 Valedictory Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral. Photo by Ernesto Arriagada.
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Houlihan De La Salle
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From the Principal From the School Advisory Council

As we come to the end of another very busy and very successful year at De La Salle College, it is important to reflect on the broad variety of events and activities which combine to make our school operate as well as it does. The first full year of governance under Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) has been a fruitful and rewarding partnership, with tremendous support and guidance across a range of key domains.

It was terrific to welcome six classes of new Year 7s and support them in settling into life in a big secondary school. The annua Opening and Welcome Mass returned to St Patrick’s Cathedral this year for the first time since 2019 and was a great success, with a full Cathedral and families enjoying the splendour of St Patrick’s and the welcoming of their sons into the De La Salle College community. At the other end of our students’ journey, being able to once again run the Year 12 Retreat, held over three days at Rawson was a meaningful return to the traditional beginning of the academic year for our Year 12s.

From a faith and identity perspective, we have continued our ongoing close links to and work with the Lasallian world via various conferences, professional learning days and formation activities at staff, students and School Advisory Council levels. This has been a crucial step as we transitioned from the ownership of the Brothers to MACS. Our Lasallian identity remains as strong as ever, which has also assisted in the work to promote and maintain our Catholic identity.

Much of the first third of 2023 was devoted to preparing for and participating in our four-yearly Review. The Reviewers confirmed De La Salle College was compliant with the Victorian Registrations and Qualifications Authority (VRQA), in all the key areas regarding governance, policies, child safety, course documentation and wellbeing; ensuring our ongoing registration.

The key endorsements included a safe and calm environment, great students, dedicated and hardworking teachers, courses and assessments all in order and overall positive feedback from parents, staff, students and the School Advisory Council.

The recommendations for improvement centered around making our vision more explicit and widespread across the College community, increasing consistency in the delivery of classroom learning and embedding a more common understanding and application of high-quality teaching practices.

Out of this comes a draft School Improvement Plan for 2024 to 2027, with the strategic intent of fostering a collaborative and inclusive community, driven by mutual accountability, to ensure consistent and effective teaching practices that empower all students to excel. This is an exciting project, designed to deliver innovation and improvement over the next four years.

In a similar vein, the College has had tremendous support from MACS in developing a Master Plan for redevelopment and a significant building program. A great deal of background work has gone into market research, demographics, marketing and financial modelling. We hope the Master Plan will be ready to share with the community early next year, with the potential for new facilities at Tiverton and refurbishment at Kinnoull. We are also looking at options to expand specialist facilities at Holy Eucharist.

Another critical item on this year’s agenda was the development, ratification and adoption of a new Multi-Employer Agreement for the Catholic Dioceses of Melbourne, Ballarat and Sandhurst. Extended negotiations eventually settled on a new Agreement delivering incremental salary increases and various improvements in staff conditions, which in turn created the need for changes in staffing levels and structures.

The sport program has seen significant development in 2023 with the High Performance Sports Program gradually taking shape, another First XVIII Football Premiership, Senior Hockey Premiership and closer bonds being forged with the Old Collegians Football Club, to the benefit of all.

I must acknowledge the work and support of the College’s inaugural School Advisory Council in 2023. The transition from being a Board of Directors to an Advisory Council was largely smooth and I am grateful for the members’ individual and collective expertise, advice and wisdom.

A great deal has been achieved by a wonderful, dedicated and hardworking staff at De La Salle College in 2023. The coming year promises to be very exciting for all, with the Master Plan, School Improvement Plan and a new Strategic Plan laying the groundwork for a very bright future for all in our community.

After a somewhat eventful year in 2022, 2023 has proven to be a time for consolidation and planning. 2022 will be remembered as the year the De La Salle Trustees transferred ownership and governance oversite of the College to Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS). In 2023, the Board of Directors transitioned to being the De La Salle College School Advisory Council (SAC).

The role of the SAC is: “… to give consideration to, and provide advice on, important school matters, to support the Principal, and the strategic interests of the College”

The SAC comprises a talented, capable and dedicated group with a keen focus on the College’s wellbeing and sustainability.

The SAC provides input and support for the College’s mission and vision; is key in providing advice on future plans and capital improvements; and supports policy and a safe environment for our students and staff. The SAC plays a vital role in its work with Peter Houlihan and MACS in planning for a vibrant and sustainable future for the College.

With the exception of Mark Parker, all former Directors transitioned to the SAC, and we have been strengthened by the return of former Board Director Michael Skerrett. The SAC wish to formally acknowledge the wonderful work, advice, counsel and support Mark gave to the Board since joining in 2013.

The College Executive

As always, the SAC would like to acknowledge Principal Houlihan, his talented and dedicated Executive Team, and thank every College staff member for their efforts in 2023. We look forward to some exciting years ahead.

Richard Mullaly – Chair, De La Salle School Advisory Council


Richard Mullaly

Peter Houlihan

Libby Barnes

Joe Gehrig

Richard Halasa

Sir Br Patrick Lynch

Séamus Scorgie

Allison Shannon

Paul Shannon

Michael Skerrett

Sandy Wreford

The College Executive Team in 2023 has been a beacon of efficiency, hope and exemplary leadership throughout the challenges encountered and successes achieved.

With two new members joining us this year, it was an opportunity for renewal and rejuvenation. With the transition to MACS governance, the four-yearly Review and the progress towards a Master Plan, the Executive Team has had a very productive year. The team’s strategic approach provides a contemporary and engaging experience to enhance our Catholic identity via a cohesive and collaborative approach.

Séamus Scorgie (Executive Deputy Principal) has had an excellent first year in the role, leading with authority and winning the confidence of our staff with his highly organised and empathetic approach.

Rob Bonnici (Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching), also in his first year in the role, has had a terrific influence on the learning and teaching landscape. Rob is driving improvement and innovation in learning, positioning De La Salle College very nicely for a successful future.

Jess Alger (Assistant Principal: Students) has completed an outstanding five-year term in a very challenging role and am delighted Jess has accepted another five-year contract. Her expertise and care in all areas of wellbeing, student management and child safety make Jess an integral member of our team.

Rana Brogan (Assistant Principal: Identity and Mission) continues her excellent work in making the students’ experience of faith, spirituality and formal Religious Education contemporary, relevant and engaging.

Joe Gehrig (Business Manager) has done an excellent job in a challenging year, expertly managing our finances and budgeting following the purchase of the College last year.

Sandy Wreford (Principal’s PA) is the central, cohesive force for organisation and efficiency in our team, for which I am eternally grateful!

Peter Houlihan – Principal

Richard Mullaly Peter Houlihan – Principal
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Peter Houlihan

College Captain’s Reports

As the year draws to a close, we are reminded to reflect on the developments, achievements, victories and opportunities that we have been fortunate enough to experience at De La Salle. Especially for Year 12 students, this year has been one filled with obstacles, roadblocks and overall significant challenges. Therefore, it is vital that each student is able to acknowledge and appreciate their tremendous efforts throughout the year whether it be in the classroom or on the sporting field.

However, I cannot praise my achievements without recognising the support and assistance of my fellow student leadership team. Given the proficient skills and innovative ideas of the student leaders, there is no doubt that every College event this year was operated in an organised and efficient manner to provide the most enjoyable and memorable experience for students of every year level. Additionally, I cannot reflect upon the success of this year’s College events without paying tribute to all members of staff who assisted with these events. We take for granted the teachers that arrive at dawn and stay until dusk to provide us with the greatest quality of enjoyment, safety and education.

“I simply cannot wait to see what challenges life has planned for us in the future.”

Though Year 12 is the busiest year, it is necessary to also reflect upon my previous years at the College. This cohort has survived 6 years of secondary education, 3 campuses and 2 years of Covid, therefore, simply cannot wait to see what challenges life has planned for us in the future.

This year, the main goal for the college leaders was to leave a legacy. Not just a name in a yearbook, but a name that would echo through the corridors years after we had departed. It would be truly fulfilling to leave the college this year knowing that the Class of 2023 is one that will be remembered.

So, to the future Year 12s and leaders of the school, I encourage you to get involved for the blue and gold.

William McEniry – College Captain

As a leadership team in 2023 we set many goals which collectively we have successfully achieved. Working as a Vice-Captain with Will, James and the extended leadership group has seen us work like a well-oiled machine, in planning events and achieving our goals. These goals were set at the Leadership retreat at the end of 2022, where we discovered our collective goals of improving school culture, participation and pride.

As a leader I have many fond memories such as being MC at Father’s and Mother’s Day breakfasts, many zoom calls with fellow leaders and filming DLS TV. All these memories will stay with me forever and have built me up as a person and as a leader. Many people ask me “Would you be a leader again if you got the choice?” and my answer is always one hundred percent yes!

I’d also like to thank the staff Ms Alger, Mr Mackintosh and Mr Houlihan for their guidance and allowing me to work alongside them to create the most welcoming and comfortable environment possible.

Noah Caruso – College Vice Captain

As a group of leaders, we set a goal for ourselves to leave a long-lasting legacy. The ability to travel interstate to Sydney to meet fellow student leaders from Lasallian schools has allowed Will, Noah and to formulate ideas and implement them to improve camaraderie and engagement. This has led to our creation of a school news report show where we would inform our peers on prior events, such as house activities and fundraisers then promote upcoming information such as productions, house carnivals and events.

Throughout the year, Will, Noah and I have attended a myriad of events like the Mother’s and Father’s Day Breakfasts, ACC meetings and leadership meetings which have allowed us to learn each other’s strengths and weaknesses and work efficiently as a team.

Overall, the experience as a leader has created so many memories and loved every moment. Many life skills have been learnt and I strongly encourage many younger students to give their best go in everything they do.

James Ganas – College Vice Captain

Identity and Mission

William McEniry Noah Caruso James Ganas

Assistant Principal

“As a Lasallian community, it is vital to recognise the importance of prayer and liturgy in our daily lives.”

As a Lasallian school, we nurture in our members an awareness of the living presence of God in our world and the importance of respecting others and recognising the good in everyone. This year, our college theme was “Respectful Relationships” - (“Have great respect for each person you are with”- St John Baptist de La Salle). Taken from Part 1, Chapter 2, of The Rules of Christian Decorum and Civility.

As we continue to develop and re-evaluate our wellbeing approaches to better support the Positive Student Behaviour Policy, restorative practices, and better learning and teaching outcomes, this theme also lends itself as a reminder to us to develop and model respectful relationships with one another, our staff, our students and our families, in the true hope that all will be inspired by the words and actions of our founder, to “have great respect for each person you are with.”

A wonderful highlight of 2023 was the experiences our years 7 to 12 students had during a variety of reflection days and retreats throughout the year. Particularly worth mentioning, is the Year 12 Retreat. Guided by their retreat leaders, the Year 12 students were able to set aside time from the busyness of everyday life to reflect on who they are becoming, personal relationships, family, friends, and the place of God in their lives.

Our annual Staff Formation Day this year was held at the Catholic Leadership Centre. As a Catholic College in the Lasallian tradition this day provides important professional learning opportunities for all staff. This year the focus was on increasing our awareness of First Nations peoples and their contemporary experiences in anticipation of the referendum and how we, as a staff, might approach this through a Catholic Social Teaching lens.

The season of Lent commenced with the college marking Ash Wednesday with liturgies across all mentor groups, with Year 12 Leaders commissioned to lead the liturgies on the Kinnoull Campus and the Mentor Leaders leading them on the Tiverton and Holy Eucharist campuses. Term 1 concluded in a beautiful liturgy where we reflected on the Passion of our Lord and were led through the Stations of the Cross.

Remembering the life and legacy of St John Baptist de La Salle at our Founders Day Mass, was celebrated with immense joy as it brought the community together. We were privileged to also be joined by De La Salle Brothers, Paul Toohey FSC, Michael Carroll FSC, Tony Cummins FSC and Peter Smyth FSC on the occasion.

All our major liturgical celebrations are epitomised by the legacy and charism of St John Baptist de La Salle. As a Lasallian community, it is vital to recognise the importance of prayer and liturgy in our daily lives.

Rana Brogan – Assistant Principal, Identity and Mission

Welcome Mass

On Thursday 2 March, the annual College Welcome and Opening Mass was celebrated at St Patrick’s Cathedral, presided by Old Collegian Monsignor Stuart Hall.

The Mass is a significant and special occasion on the College calendar as it formally welcomes and acknowledges the newest members of the De La Salle Community. All Year 5 and Year 7 students, as well as the new Year 6 students, were welcomed into the College community as they were officially called forward by name to be welcomed by College Principal, Peter Houlihan. The evening was also an opportunity to introduce the Year 12 College Leaders, the Tiverton, Holy Eucharist and Primary Captains and Vice Captains officially to the community. Special guests at the Mass included De La Salle Brothers, Br Michael Carroll FSC, Br Tony Cummins FSC and Br Peter Smyth FSC.

Rana Brogan – Assistant Principal, Identity and Mission

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Mission Action Day

The annual Mission Action Day walkathon has regularly been blessed with blue skies and warm Autumn sunshine and Thursday 6 April was no exception. Students and staff gathered at Basil Street Oval to participate in the 13km walk along Gardiner’s Creek Trail as a public demonstration of De La Salle’s commitment to our Social Justice mission of assisting people in need.

The day itself is the culmination of our major fundraising campaign at the College, which this year, raised an outstanding total of $86,401, another magnificent effort by our College community, These funds have been distributed to local and international charities and will contribute to making a positive difference to the lives of many people. The major proportion will again fund projects targeted by our Lasallian Foundation, this year in Papua New Guinea and Sri Lanka. A donation was made to the Alma nuns in East Timor, who have helped transform the lives of over 2,000 children since 2004. They provide an orphanage and education as well as outreach care to families who have children with disabilities.

A project in Cambodia along with local community charities including Foundation House (Christmas hampers), Camp La Salle, Malvern Food Relief and St. Joseph’s Outreach received the balance of our donations.

Congratulations to Charlie Jones, who was awarded the Ian Oliver Shield for the top individual money raiser with a total of $1,935. As Charlie completes his education at the College, he leaves behind an outstanding legacy of being the highest individual money raiser every year of his time at De La Salle, an amazing achievement. Leo’s House was awarded the MAD House Shield with a total of $21,587 (a new House record) and Year 5 took the mantle of raising the highest class total, also with a record $5,380. Year 9 remained the highest year level money raisers with a total of $17,893.

While these efforts clearly deserve our recognition, the Mission Action Day campaign is a community effort and the MAD Committee’s commitment and work prior to and on the day was again, ‘simply the best’. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all staff, students, parents, Old Collegians, families and friends who so generously contributed to the success of our 2023 campaign.

Founder’s Day

Chris Martin – Mission Action Day Coordinator
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Being Lasallian

After graduating from De La Salle in 2020, this year I was given the opportunity to take on the role of Lasallian Youth Minister for 2023.

The role of Lasallian Youth Minister is an extremely unique position in the school, becoming the middle ground between staff member and student.

It has allowed me to get involved and assist staff with guiding the Year 7 and Year 8 Reflection Days, supporting excursions at the Holy Eucharist campus, and being a presence at sport carnivals and music rehearsals to support staff and build rapport among students. An important part of my role has been the weekly Social Justice Committee and raising awareness around and planning key advocacy events. Another main aspect of the role this year was helping lead the Morning House Liturgies at Kinnoull Campus.

With our Lasallian Principles as the inspiration to my daily work, I have really enjoyed being able to see the impact that I can have as a “big brother” figure for the students and helping them navigate their way into the young person they will become.

James Pavlou –

It has been a great privilege to serve as the St. Austin’s House Lasallian Captain this year, and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the other Lasallian Captains to give back to the College and support our wider community.

It has been a great pleasure to assist the College in its various fundraisers and charity events, and to witness just how much we can accomplish as a community when we all come together to support those in greater need than ourselves.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as a House Lasallian Captain, and I hope that our work has made a lasting impact on the community and encourages others to do the same.

Luke Bosnich – St Austin’s House Lasallian Captain

have been honoured to represent St Edwin’s House as Lasallian Captain in 2023. It was a privilege to be involved in the various aspects of College life and working with the other leaders on many events including MAD Day, Founder’s Day and many St Edwin’s and De La Salle liturgies.

Having a leadership role has helped me understand the importance of resilience, problem solving and creativity in all aspects of the position. It has also taught me valuable lessons in collaboration and how to work well with my fellow Edwin’s leaders. am very grateful for my leadership role and being a part of the mighty St Edwin’s House. will forever cherish some of my best Edwin’s memories such as winning the Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, especially our three-peat. I hope that the contribution of the 2023 leaders has left a positive mark on the younger year levels and inspired them to strive for greatness.

James Valcanas – St Edwin’s House Lasallian Captain

It has been an honour and a privilege to represent Leo’s as the 2023 Lasallian Captain and it is a role which has come with loads of fun and helped make the most of my final year.

This role has allowed me to be more involved in the House, the culture we have further developed and helping through carnival days, Liturgy’s and Masses. I have been fortunate to be a part of the fundraising efforts for Leo’s House charity Caritas, with many events being held to raise funds for Caritas and the work they do.

would like to wish the 2024 Lasallian Captains the best of luck and thank all of the 2023 leaders for the fun we have had along the way.

Liam Stacey – St Leo’s House Lasallian Captain

It has been an honour and privilege to be St Mark’s House Lasallian Captain in 2023 and one that I will cherish forever.

Throughout 2023, Mark’s House has undertaken many activities for our house charity Opening the Doors Foundation. Our main fundraisers, the Tiverton Mother’s Day Stall and annual Sports Colors Day were a huge success! With the Mother’s Day Stall raising over $500 for our charity and benefiting many disadvantaged Indigenous Children across Australia. Additionally, Mark’s House has contributed heavily to the annual MAD Day fundraiser in Term 1, St Vincent’s Clothes Drive in Term 2 and the yearly College food drive for many non-for-profit organisations including St Joseph’s Outreach Centre and Malvern Emergency Food Program. would like to thank my fellow Lasallian and Mark’s House Captains for all their support this year and hope the 2024 Lasallian Captains continue the social justice initiatives of the College.

Max Higginbotham – St Mark’s House Lasallian Captain

Social Justice

As a Lasallian school, we are called to be in solidarity with the poor and with those suffering from injustice or inequality. This is modelled on the service that Jesus gave in his own Ministry. In fact, our founder, St John Baptist De La Salle said “Enkindle the love of Jesus in the hearts of the young.” (Med 102.2). As a Catholic community, we make a life-long commitment to respond to the needs of others through programs of community service, advocacy and justice education. This year, we raised awareness and supported so many of our local and global neighbours.

In Term 2, our students and families supported St Vincent de Paul by donating warm items such as blankets, coats and jackets to help our neighbours through a long, cold Melbourne Winter. In Term 3, our College-wide focus was in donating non-perishable food items and toiletries to help support three wonderful organisations; Malvern Emergency Food Bank, Richmond Churches Food Bank, and St Joseph’s Outreach Food Services. The overwhelming generosity of our community was celebrated at the annual Social Justice Mass at the end of Term 3.

Our 2023 Lasallian Leaders played a pivotal role in supporting not only the College-wide Social Justice fundraising initiatives, but also in promoting advocacy and awareness through their own House charities.

St Austin’s House – Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office

St Edwin’s House – St Vincent de Paul

St Leo’s House – Caritas Australia

St Mark’s House – Opening the Doors Foundation

The College began to take important steps to help advance Indigenous Reconciliation in Australia. In Term 3, a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Group was formed, and the process towards a De La Salle College RAP commenced.

We were proud to witness Student Voice in action with the launch of the Diversity and Inclusion group. This was a wonderful opportunity to create a safe place for all students to be themselves, culminating in the acknowledgement of ‘Wear it Purple’ Day in Term 3.

The parable of the Good Samaritan guides us to continue Jesus’ call to ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ (Matthew 26:36-39).

At De La Salle College, we demonstrate this in so many generous ways.

Paul Roberts – Social Justice Coordinator

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Wellbeing Developmentand


Assistant Principal


De La Salle College, we understand that the journey to creating strong, compassionate men begins with nurturing physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.”

At De La Salle College, we understand that the journey to creating strong, compassionate men begins with nurturing physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Just as a sturdy tree needs deep roots to withstand the fiercest storms, so do young men require a strong foundation of wellbeing to flourish in the face of life’s challenges. Let us remember that our greatest strength lies not only in our academic achievements but also in our ability to develop self-care, empathy and resilience. As we tend to empower students to develop their wellbeing, we grow young men who can uplift and empower one another, creating a brighter, healthier future for all.

In 2023, the De La Salle College has been a hive of activity. The College ensures that all students find a place and a space for them to express their interests and passions. We’ve had a range of exciting activities, from sports events and school outings to the Year 12 Formal and the Year 11 Social. We worked hard to fundraise for MAD Day and acknowledged the legacy of St John Baptist De La Salle with our Founder’s Day. Our calendar was filled with ballroom dancing, productions and friendly matches with other schools nearby. The school atmosphere was lively with conversations and laughter during breaks, reflecting the daily interactions that make De La Salle College special.

Challenges also emerged this year, as we are a large, diverse community, who bring a range of views and experiences to the College each day. Both students and staff learned the importance of supporting one another and discussing their thoughts, perspectives and knowledge, openly and respectfully. Building respectful and inclusive relationships was highlighted as crucial, and the College continues to ensure students are safe and supported, as they learn and connect. It’s been impressive to see the growth and maturity in our De La Salle students as they discovered their potential.

Recognition goes to our dedicated educators: Mentors, Coordinators, Directors of Students, Heads of Campus and Support staff. Our Health Centre staff, Psychologists and Reception staff ensure that everyone in the College community is cared for. They’ve been the backbone of our three De La Salle campuses, ensuring everything runs smoothly and students are well supported.

As the Assistant Principal for Students, I also want to emphasize the role of our students. They are exceptional young men. They drive our efforts, and together with parents and guardians, we aim to shape capable and responsible young men for the future – a future that extends well beyond our own lifetimes.

Jessica Alger – Assistant Principal, Students

College Psychologists

2023 has seen a return to a certain degree of normality as our students enter their second full year post-COVID. From a psychological perspective, it is remarkable to observe how quickly young people adapt to their situations. One of the joys of working in my office is hearing the different conversations that occur in the corridor between the students. It reminds me of very similar ones that I had when I was the same age many years ago.

The tasks of childhood and adolescence are universal and while they may look slightly different across cultures, they set out to accomplish the same outcomes. Physical, Emotional, Cognitive, Sexual and Moral development. The College strives to be a place that facilitates this development every day, but sometimes some individuals need an extra boost. That is where we, as Psychologists, come on the scene, mostly for a short period of time, but occasionally for longer periods. Students reach their milestones in their own time, all we can do is pave the way, they must make the journey. I find it very encouraging to know that this hasn’t changed in millennia. As Socrates stated… “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” They have to, to get to the end of their journey.

On another note, Frances now has a therapy partner in Bailey (The Wonder Dog). Bailey is a six month old miniature Groodle that Frances is helping become a Therapy Dog. The benefits of pets in therapy are well documented and will assist some students in the counselling process. Interestingly, Bailey is currently in the middle of his own adolescent journey and can be difficult and frustrating every now and then!

Frances Kospetas and Anthony Freeman – College Psychologists


The GROW (Growing Responsibility for my Own Wellbeing) Program has made significant strides at De La Salle College during the year 2023. The educators leading the GROW initiative have consistently invested their time, expertise and wisdom in the program, tailoring it to cater to the distinct requirements of students across each academic year group.

Acknowledging the developmental progression of students from Year 5 through to Year 12, it is apparent that diverse social, emotional and psychological needs emerge during various stages of their educational journey. The fundamental objective of GROW is to provide comprehensive support, foster growth and offer guidance to students throughout their educational tenure. This approach aims to equip them with aptitudes and insights essential for maintaining robust mental and physical health, facilitating a growth mindset, and assuming productive roles within both the College community and the broader global context outside its confines.

The GROW Program encompasses a multifaceted framework encompassing Positive Education, Respectful Relationships, Sexuality and Consent Education, Mental Health, Cyber Safety and Organisation skills. This holistic structure ensures a comprehensive coverage of critical life aspects. Notably, GROW concurrently cultivates and amplifies qualities including self-awareness, perseverance, commitment, propensity for seeking assistance, and a constructive sense of purpose. We have partnered with external organisations such a Project Rockit, Toolbox Education, Elephant Ed and Success Integrated to ensure that our students receive the most up to date knowledge and skills in relation to wellbeing, mental health and their studies.

Jessica Alger – Assistant Principal, Students

Jessica Alger
Frances Kospetas Anthony Freeman
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Year 7 Camp

The Year 7 Lord Somers Camp, held in the bush and beach setting of Somers, was a journey that etched lasting memories. Taking place in Term 1 from 29 to 31 March, this camp was a remarkable experience.

Our students embarked on a diverse range of activities. From the thrill of Stand-Up Paddle Boarding and Kayaking to the artistic flair of Screen Printing: every moment was a lesson in embracing new challenges.

Through Bush and Beach Walks, students discovered the joy of cooperation, sharing ideas, and walking side-by-side towards common goals. More than just physical pursuits, the camp was immersed in the knowledge of Indigenous Cultural Learning, enriching understanding of our land and its heritage. Throughout all these activities, a remarkable sense of teamwork was displayed. Each student contributed with respect, care and an eagerness to collaborate.

The Year 7 Lord Somers Camp was not just an adventure; it was a journey that taught us about ourselves, our peers and the importance of coming together as a Year 7 cohort. As we carry forward the lessons learned and the memories cherished, we extend our gratitude to everyone who made this incredible experience possible.

Northern Territory Immersion

It was a chilly Monday morning when 21 students and three staff arrived at the departure lounge of Terminal 4 at Melbourne Airport ready to embark on the inaugural Northern Territory Immersion for 2023. Our home for the first three days was Earth Sanctuary World Nature Centre in Alice Springs. We soon learnt the reality that we would be sleeping in swags under the stars, in tents and in large space-like domes.

During our week in the Northern Territory we got up close with lizards and snakes, explored the Tjoritja West MacDonnell Ranges, and learnt about Indigenous food and culture from the local Arrernte people, including preparing and eating kangaroo tail cooked in coals. We also had an amazing astronomy experience under the stars. As we made our way north to Uluru we took in the spectacular surrounds of King’s Canyon during the three hour Rim Walk and were privileged to visit the small Indigenous Community of Karrke, where we were welcomed through a traditional smoking ceremony, learnt about the natural healing powers of the local vegetation, and were taught indigenous art and jewellery making.

Our final destination was the magnificent Uluru, where we witnessed the colours change during both sunset and sunrise and we were honoured to listen to Dreaming stories in local Pitjantjatjara language. A camel ride gave us another opportunity to appreciate the vastness of the red centre, as well as learn about the history of the Afghan camels in Australia. We finished our trip with a visit to Kata Tjuṯa, with its towering boulders. It is sacred to the local Aboriginal Anangu people and forms an important focus of their spiritual life.

We were all grateful and richer for our experience. Palya!

Patrizia Ferrara – Year 7 Coordinator
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Far North Queensland Immersion Trip

After a stressful first semester, a well deserved break was needed and this time away served us well. A trip filled with much excitement ranged from a small but lively night market, the beautiful Fitzroy Island and a nauseating boat journey to the UNESCO world heritage site of the Great Barrier Reef. The Reef was truly a highlight for many as the underwater scenery was blanketed by the amazingly clear blue water. The sealife was on show as countless species of sea fauna/flora were visible. Guided on a snorkelling tour, we were able to spot hidden gems scattered throughout the reef.

Another highlight for the students took place on the last two days at James Cook University in the Daintree Rainforest. In an ‘off the grid’ facility, we were given the opportunity to go on an educational practical, finding aquatic life and discovering the biodiversity of the rainforest.

A trip favourite that we all agreed upon, was a small walk to a water hole within the rainforest, not planned initially however was an amazing adventure. Something of a hidden gem that was enjoyed by many. The overall expedition up North was extremely enjoyable and we are so grateful for the experience and opportunity.

Ronin Lew and Niki Rayzman – Year 11 students

Holy Eucharist WISE Expedition

In the final week of Term 3, the Holy Eucharist cohort set out for another edition of the WISE Expedition, a culmination of the WISE program being run within the Discovery subject.

The students prepared methodically for the overnight trek on the Mornington Peninsula, having to organise their packs, their food, appropriate clothing, footwear and more. The premise of this Expedition, the fourth aspect of the WISE program after Wellness, Independence and Service, was to push the students to take themselves outside of their comfort zone in an initiative mainly driven by them, with the astute eyes and guidance of their Discovery teachers.

The students split into two separate groups as they were looking to secure the silver or gold badge to show their successful completion of the program. Half the cohort set out from London Bridge moving towards Fort Nepean and back to Cameron’s Bight Campground, before progressing to Dromana Pier on the second day. The other half walked in the opposite direction, meeting at the campground for the night and then moving back to London Bridge.

The students showed tremendous determination and perseverance over the two days as well as building a great camaraderie amongst one another, supporting each other in all aspects of the Expedition. Another successful installment of this important initiative for 2023.

Tom Murphy – Year 9 Learning and Teaching Leader

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Primary Camp

It has been so wonderful in the post-lockdown world to return to Year level camps at De La Salle College. After a successful Year 7 camp to Lord Somers, a Year 8 activities week in the city, and new camps for Kinnoull students to Far North Queensland and Northern Territory, it was fantastic to attend the Year 5 and 6 retreat at Camp Lyrebird. Despite the rain all students braved the elements and got out of their comfort zone by cooking damper, flying through the canopy on a very fast flying fox, undertaking a challenging night walk and some quality rock climbing.

The students and staff even got involved in a Hungry Hippo challenge and some high-level basketball games. Many thanks to all the staff who attended the camp but a special mention to Jane Michael for her help with first aid, and for Laura McKendrick in organizing all the camp logistics including cabins, meals and activity groups.

Martin Gibbs – Director of Students, Middle Years

Learning and Teaching


Assistant Principal

“It is heartening to witness the growth of our students as they grasped complex concepts, engaged in thought-provoking discussions, and honed their critical thinking skills.”

As the year draws to a close and we prepare to bid farewell to another chapter in our educational journey, it is with a sense of pride and gratitude that reflect upon the accomplishments, challenges and growth we have experienced together. The 2023 academic year has been one filled with remarkable achievements, unwavering resilience and a commitment to excellence that truly defines our school community.

Students have been challenged to step outside their comfort to achieve academic excellence; in doing so they have continued to shine bright in their academic pursuits. Our classrooms have been hubs of creativity, innovation, and intellectual curiosity. It is heartening to witness the growth of our students as they grasped complex concepts, engaged in thought-provoking discussions, and honed their critical thinking skills. Your achievements, whether in the form of exceptional exam results or creative projects, stand as a testament to your dedication and hard work.

Students have had the opportunity to put classroom knowledge and skills into real life scenarios via a number of excursions that have taken place throughout the year. These opportunities provide hands-on experiences to gain practical insights into subjects, fostering deeper understanding and retention. Interacting with real world scenarios honed problem solving and critical thinking skills, encouraging adaptability. Moreover, excursions stimulate curiosity, connecting theoretical knowledge to tangible reality. Socially, excursions nurture teamwork and communication skills. In sum, these educational adventures enrich holistic growth, creating well-rounded individuals poised for success in the wider community.

As we bring this year to a close, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated teaching and administrative staff, parents and guardians who have supported our students’ learning journeys. Your unwavering commitment to education and your partnership in this endeavor are truly commendable.

In conclusion, the 2023 academic year has been a testament to the strength of our community, the resilience of our students, and the dedication of our staff. As we close this chapter and embark on new adventures, let us do so with a sense of pride in all that we have accomplished and a shared commitment to a brighter future.

Wishing you all a joyful holiday season, a well deserved break, and a New Year filled with even greater accomplishments.

Bonnici – Assistant Principal, Learning and Teaching

Albert Einstein once said, “the important thing is to never stop questioning”. At De La Salle, we understand the importance of encouraging our students to question, and our aim is to always ensure they are critically thinking, whilst growing and nurturing their love for Science.

Our rigorous Science program allows for students to continually understand the world around them, the issues that we are facing, both locally and globally, and how they can have an impact within our society in their years both at De La Salle College, and beyond. It is a privilege to work alongside such an incredible team of Science educators, who are passionate and committed to building a love for Science, from the primary years through to VCE. To each and every Science teacher, thank you for the work that you do to ensure each and every student walks away from their lessons, always questioning.

Stevenson – Lear ning Area Team Leader, Science


In 2023, Technology witnessed significant advancements in the field of Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing across all year levels, specifically targeting Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, and Year 10. The Technology staff dedicated their efforts to refining course documentation, aiming to transition students towards a more inquiry based learning approach. This approach encompassed the acquisition of specific knowledge, understanding and skills in various learning areas, including Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), while also emphasising the interrelationship between these disciplines.

In Year 10, traditional subjects like Design and Technology and Systems Engineering, as well as VCE Technology subjects like Product Design and Technology, Systems Engineering and Computing, provided students with opportunities to engage in problem solving scenarios that allowed them to demonstrate their creativity and inventiveness.


Year 10 STEM students visited the Melbourne F1 Grand Prix in March to see exhibitions from Universities and the F1 in Schools program. They got to witness student involvement in designing, making and racing model F1 cars.

Students were encouraged to think critically and develop practical solutions to real-world problems. This approach not only fostered their problem solving skills, but also nurtured their ability to think outside the box and explore innovative ideas.

Warren Walker – Learning Area Team Leader, Technology

Robert Bonnici
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2023 has been an exciting year across the English faculty. We have started the implementation of a new study design at VCE, and the refresh has inspired us to try some bright new ways to encourage students at all year levels to read broadly and write regularly.

New to the courses at Years 8, 10 and 11 “Crafting Texts” has involved the study of short “mentor texts”, selected as models of fine writing which explore a key idea or concept. Students were then given opportunities to journal their responses and try strategies in producing – or should I say “crafting” – their own writing pieces. The teaching team have enjoyed the challenge of putting together selections of texts, and we hope that as our students become more familiar with this style of working in English, they will be inspired to bring their own mentor texts to share. Watch this space!

We also continued to build on De La Salle’s commitment to nurturing creative writers, evidenced by the Writer in Residence program and our continuing involvement in the Shared Stories anthology of student writing. We also welcomed visiting authors Tristan Bancks (Year 7) and Robert Newton (Year 8) as well as theatre groups to perform Romeo and Juliet (Year 9) and Macbeth (Year 10).

It has been a richly rewarding year in the English learning area, and we look forward to building on this in 2024.

Melissa Walsh – Learning Area Team Leader, English



Stefan Banach once eloquently remarked that Mathematics is the most exquisite and potent creation of the human spirit. At De La Salle College, we deeply value the significance of mathematics education for our students, and as a result, we are committed to providing exceptional resources and opportunities for their academic growth.

Mathematics holds a prominent position at De La Salle College, and we actively promote it through various extracurricular activities to enrich our Mathematics Programs. Among these, students enthusiastically engage in The Computational and Algorithmic Thinking Competition, The Australian Mathematics Competition, The Melbourne University Mathematics Competition, The MAV State-Wide Mathematics Games Day, The City Maths Trail, Maths Help after school, Old Collegian Tutoring Program and The Gifted and Talented Education Program for Years 7, 8 and 9.

extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the students who participated in these exceptional programs, showcasing their dedication and passion for mathematics. My sincere appreciation goes to the staff members who generously volunteered their time and efforts to make these opportunities a reality for our students.

Looking ahead, I am excited about the prospect of yet another year filled with a plethora of activities and remarkable achievements in the world of Mathematics at De La Salle College

Thomas Le – Learning Area Team Leader, Mathematics

Humanities is dynamic!! Hear it from our VCE students themselves…

Studying Global Politics and Geography has been incredibly fascinating. Within Global Politics we’ve explored China and its influence across the globe, the International Criminal Court, United Nations, People movement and terrorism. Additionally, within Geography we delved into land use change within the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area, land cover change within Greenland and Cameroon as well as population in Unit 4. Both of these subjects link perfectly into current day society and certainly won’t leave you disappointed! – Max H, Year 12 Global Politics and Geography

VCE Geography was very enjoyable, especially inquiring into population dynamics with different case studies (eg. Japan) and the impacts of deforestation on a country’s economy (eg. Cameroon). I’ve gained a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of certain human societies and the natural world, broadening my perspective on global issues which has helped me understand many humanitarian issues faced on a global scale. However, one of the main challenges was revising various statistics and incorporating them into relevant responses in various SAC’s and practice exam questions. – Joey V, Year 12 Geography

Within Legal studies I have gained interest in criminal law and its different aspects. I have learnt further about the different parts of the Australian constitution and will take with me the expressed rights we hold. A challenge with Legal Studies is the all the cases you have to learn and apply in questions. – Liam S, Year 12 Legal Studies

Olivia Wenczel – Learning Area Team Leader, Humanities


This year has been an exciting journey for all students studying French and Italian. It all began on Wednesday 17 May, when Tiverton Campus hosted an extraordinary Languages Day. Students from Years 5 to 8 were transported to the vibrant cultures of Italy and France. The day started with an energetic sports class entirely in French, led by Monsieur Yep and Madame Hart. We relished mouth-watering French and Italian dishes from food trucks and dove into competitive bocce, immersing ourselves in Italian culture. The delightful scents of crêpes, raclette, pasta and gelato deepened our cultural understanding while reinforcing our language studies.

Our educational voyage continued with the Year 9 and 11 Conversation Day, organised by Signora Marolda at Holy Eucharist Campus on 11 August. Year 9 students immersed themselves in Italian and French cultures, thanks to the Holy Eucharist staff members and VCE Language Teachers, Signora Marino and Madame Johnson. The day buzzed with friendly competition in soccer, bocce, arts and crafts, and even karaoke, with Team Italy emerging as victors. French crepes and Italian pasta delighted our palates, fostering an appreciation for diverse cuisines.

We eagerly anticipate another enriching year in Languages, with the New Caledonia French Study Tour Trip in April 2024 on the horizon.

Alexander Yep – Learning Area Team Leader, Languages

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Whether it is learning about high inflation in 2022-2023, followed by 12 ‘rapid fire’ changes to the cash rate or business changes which include Target Australia being converted to K-hubs and Coles’ automation of distribution centers; students studying Business and Economics have been exposed to the rich current events that enable them to develop their ability to apply theory to real life situations.

This year, De La Salle College has been focusing on ‘targeted teaching’ with a focus on Literacy. The aim is to improve student confidence in applying their knowledge to specific ‘instructional’ words or ‘command words’. The Commerce team decided to focus on the use ‘modelling’ to unpack and scaffold what students need to be able to demonstrate when responding to VCE level questions. ‘Modelling is an instructional strategy in which the teacher demonstrates a new concept or approach to learning and students learn by observing.’ (Salisu and Ransom, 2014).

The changes in the new VCE Study Designs require students to use their acquired knowledge about economic and business issues in response to command words which include ‘discuss’ and ‘evaluate’. By targeting our teaching specifically to these command words using ‘modelling’ we are better able to prepare students for their Assessment Tasks as well as improve their problem solving and critical analysis skills which are highly sought after by potential employers. As such, students who undertake Commerce subjects are inspired by the rich access they get to current economic and business events but are also equipped with necessary 21st Century skills that can be applied to their future careers.

Ashleigh Hoogendoorn – Learning Area Team Leader, Commerce

Health and Physical Education

The Health and Physical Education program at De La Salle College plays a major role in not only the physical development of our students, but also the development of their mental, emotional, social and spiritual health and wellbeing. The growing popularity of Health and Human Development at senior year levels allows students to further consolidate their understanding of the importance of improving all dimensions of health and wellbeing. Through the experiential learning that takes place during health and physical education classes across all three campuses, De La Salle students are better able to connect theories and knowledge to realworld situations. As well as the development of fundamental motor skills, our curriculum encourages and enables our students to be physically active and develop lifelong, healthy lifestyle skills.

This year, students engaged in active lessons involving athletics, swimming, gymnastics, sport skills and games. Students also had the opportunity to engage in strength training in the high-performance weights room at the College, as well as undertake VCE practicals to complement their classroom studies.

The culture that we endeavor to instill at De La Salle College is for students to view movement and physical activity as an opportunity, rather than an inconvenience. Regular movement creates improved health and wellbeing outcomes, which allows benefits to be seen across all learning areas.

Religious Education

Religious Education at De La Salle College is dynamic and rigorous and looks to increasing student understanding and awareness of our faith and our Lasallian charism in a contemporary style. Our students are encouraged to participate in social justice and outreach, in school liturgies, community masses and immersion experiences to become compassionate members of society and committed to making a difference in the world.

Our Year 12 Seminar Program has proven to be a huge success. Over the course of the year, students have engaged positively with guest speakers and returned to small groups to debrief with their session leaders on key topical themes and ideas that have been introduced and presented.

Rana Brogan – Assistant Principal, Identity and Mission

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The Year 10 Debating team for 2023 had a very successful season in the Caulfield region of the DAV (Debaters Association of Victoria) competition. At the conclusion of the final round, the De La Salle team were placed second out of 12 schools. The team consisting of Rory McMillan, Christian Petrides, Xavier Jones, Stanley Trilsbach and Jerry Dong won four out of their five debates and put up a fantastic effort in all of them.

A special thanks goes to Mrs Thompson and Mrs Dwyer for organising and coaching the team as well as Ms Brogan, Mr Fleming and Mrs Fitzpatrick who each attended one of the debates. Over the course of the competition, each of the speakers gained more confidence, developed his own speaking style and represented the College with pride. The 2023 Year 10 Debaters really enjoyed the season and hope to make finals next year.

Rory McMillan – Debating Captain

Time and Space

The wonderful tradition of creating deep connections for those we care about continued in 2023. Bill Jennings guided our Year 7 and 8 families through meaningful conversations and important dialogue in the Time and Space events.


The Year 7 Time and Space: Mother and Son evening was held on Monday 15 May. It was a great night for the students as they shared time with their mothers and mentors. The sharing of stories between Mentor teachers, Carers, Mothers, Sons and Student Leaders created insights, conversations, laughter and emotions of cherished moments. A central feature of the Time and Space event was a chance for students to bring along a treasured item and share a story about a time that is valued from life. The event enabled students to reflect on their personal lived experience in words and thoughts.


The purpose of the Year 8 evening was to stop and acknowledge the journey both child, fathers and male carers have made to arrive at this moment in their life. With the assistance of the De La Salle College community, we were led through an engaging evening which involved both discussion groups and significant ‘one-on-one’ conversations. Both the adults and students brought a treasured item that represented something about their relationship with each other. This was a powerful evening.

Paul Roberts – Year 8 Coordinator


Our Libraries at De La Salle College continue to be dynamic places and the Library staff are integral to the routine and energy of learning. At the conclusion of Term 1, the College said farewell to our Library Team Leader, Catherine Ryan and one of our Library Technicians, Marie Anderson. We wish them all the very best in their future endeavours.

I have been warmly welcomed to the team in Term 2 as the Library Leader and shortly after Jack McLardie joined us as Library Technician. As a team, we continue to promote the benefits of reading for pleasure with primary classes having weekly lessons in the library and Years 7 and 8 having fortnightly sessions. Students are encouraged to choose a book that is ‘just right’ for them.

This year, the theme of Book Week was “Read Grow Inspire.” The library was a buzz at lunchtime on Monday with a Quiz and on Tuesday with a Bring your Own Book game. Our last competition was a Design a Bookmark competition. Students were also given the opportunity to suggest a book for the library to purchase for the collection.

Big thanks to the dedicated library team which includes Clare Kennedy-Curtis (Teacher Librarian), Letitia Mandile (Library Technician) and Jack McLardie (Library Technician).

Robyn Stark – Library Team Leader

Library Events


This year, our Writer in Residence was Bernard Caleo, a Melbourne based Graphic Artist, Storyteller and Comic Book Creator. Bernard brought a contagious energy to the week and his many performances including multiple presentations to Primary, Year 7 and Year 8 students.

A select group of Year 7 to 11 high achieving students were invited to a series of three Writing Masterclasses with Bernard. During the workshops, students learnt how to create their own zine including the story arc and the accompanying drawings. A lucky group of Primary students spent an afternoon with Bernard learning to draw a smaller zine.

The highlight of the week was our annual Readers Breakfast. Bernard entertained parents and their sons with a brief history of comics and his own career in the comics world.

Feedback from students was overwhelmingly positive with many impressed by the enthusiasm Bernard brought to telling them about the world of comics, storytelling, writing and illustrations.

Robyn Stark – Library Team Leader

Patrizia Ferrara – Year 7 Coordinator
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Gifted and Talented Education Programs

The De La Salle Gifted and Talented Program is a distinguished educational initiative aimed at nurturing the intellectual and creative capabilities of exceptional students. The program offers a platform for gifted learners to explore advanced subjects and engage in unique challenges. Students in the program undertake a diverse range of activities, including participation in events like the Da Vinci Decathlon, where their critical thinking and problem-solving skills are put to the test across various disciplines. This competition fosters teamwork and innovation, enabling students to develop a holistic approach to learning.

A new and exciting part of the De La Salle Gifted and Talented Program is the M3 Conference, providing a space for our students to take part in collaborative education, presentations and discussions. This forum promotes interdisciplinary learning, encouraging students to develop their critical and creative thinking skills. Additionally, the program’s involvement in events like the MAV Math Game Days highlights the emphasis on mathematical prowess and collaborative thinking. These occasions not only showcase students’ mathematical talents but also bolster their confidence in tackling real-world mathematical challenges.

The De La Salle Gifted and Talented Program continues to offer our gifted students with exceptional education inside and out of the classroom. Empowering students to explore their skills and mindset needed to excel academically and thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

Education Support

At De La Salle College, we boast a robust Education Support Team dedicated to addressing the distinctive needs of students who have been identified with specific learning requirements. Here are student testimonials highlighting the valuable assistance provided by the Team in enhancing their learning experiences.

‘Having extra teachers (learning support) in the classroom really helps me. They are good at checking in and seeing if we have any trouble with the work. They also focus on a group of students and make sure they know what’s going on. It helps improve my work’ – Year 7 student.

‘Ed Support has helped me in all my classes that they’re present in. Whenever I am uncertain about class instructions or falling behind in class, they’re never afraid to help me when need it’ - Year 9 Student.

‘The Ed Support team have supported me and my learning throughout my eight and a half years at the college by helping me with my classwork and assessments. The help from the Ed Support team has had a huge impact on me during my time at the college. They have provided support to me by assisting in my work within the classroom. This is in addition to supporting me whenever have assessments, tests, and exams. The Learning Support Officers have helped me with my organisation during my time here. wouldn’t be where I am today without their support and encouragement’ - Year 11 Student.

Georgie Skinner – Education Support Coordinator

Professional Learning

It has been another eventful year for Professional Learning at De La Salle College. 2023 began with two full staff Professional Learning Days focusing on the College priorities for 2023 and developing strategies required to achieve these priorities. During the Professional Learning Days in Terms 2 and 3 teaching staff concentrated on the use of literacy strategies, differentiation in the classroom and student wellbeing strategies. The end of year Professional Learning Days provided the opportunity for teachers to review and reflect on the successes and challenges of 2023 and identify learning and teaching goals for 2024. Additionally, during this time, all staff completed First Aid, Asthma and Anaphylaxis training through Australian Pacific Training Solutions.

In addition to this on-site professional learning, once again, the De La Salle College staff engaged in a wide range of external professional learning opportunities both locally and internationally. Teachers attended seminars, workshops and conferences relating to the implementation of new VCAA Study Designs and VCE exam preparation; leadership, coaching and mentoring; pedagogy; religious education and faith formation; education support; and the future of education. Non-teaching staff primarily focused on developing a variety of ICT skills to support them in their role at the College.

All staff at De La Salle College remain dedicated to continuous learning, fostering better educational and wellbeing results for our students. Furthermore, this models to our students the significance of lifelong learning.

Jodie McLaren – Director of Learning and Development, Professional Learning

Digital Learning

De La Salle College has effectively utilised digital platforms to maintain seamless curriculum delivery, student support and family communication. Our 1:1 notebook initiative has not only facilitated the enhancement of students’ digital literacy but also promoted their collaboration and problem solving capabilities.

The utilisation of OLLIE to monitor student progress has empowered us to take a proactive approach in addressing their individual requirements. Rest assured, our proficient staff and the esteemed 1:1 notebook program have positioned us as a leader in digital learning, gaining admiration from other educational institutions. As we continue to evolve and expand our digital learning endeavours, you can have full confidence in our commitment to excellence.

Justin Bourke – Director of Learning and Development, Digital Learning

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Data and Student Progression

A key element of enacting our Lasallian principle of Quality Education is the use of data from a variety of sources to inform the teaching practices of the College staff. In 2023 the format of NAPLAN reporting for Years 5, 7 and 9 was changed in response to current educational needs. The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority provided VCE statistics that enabled the Year 12 teachers to reflect on 2022 results, with the aim of improving teaching and learning practices for the 2023 Year 12 cohort. Academic Assessment Services tested incoming Year 7 students, all Year 8 and Year 10 students and, for the first time, all Primary students.

The College staff undertook significant professional learning to evaluate the data and, more importantly, to enact appropriate interventions. In 2023 these interventions included individual student support after hours, Study Sessions, Learning Logs and opportunities for Gifted and Talented students. A major focus was increased differentiation of learning strategies for each individual student.

A highlight of 2023 was the introduction of an after-school tutoring program that tapped into the talents and passion of 2022 graduates. They provided outstanding individual tuition that greatly enhanced the learning of any student who requested support in any subject.

James Gigacz – Director of Learning and Development, Data and Student Progression

Curricular Programs

This year can largely be characterised as a year of academic rigour and high expectations.

Our internal examinations were extended this year to include Year 8 students in English, Maths and Science, in order to provide some valuable early experience regarding formal assessment. While results are important, our goal was to acclimatise students to the procedures and processes of examinations, and to demystify what can be a stressful experience for some.

Our staff have continued to develop our continuous reporting model, with results regularly published online on OLLIE, as well as the college-wide use of assessment rubrics. Students and parents are encouraged to review academic performance and to work closely with staff to ensure student achievement continues to improve towards excellence.

Complementing both our examination process as well as our use of assessment rubrics for class-based assessments, is our renewed engagement with the teaching of specific skills in literacy. Not merely a facet of pedagogy in the English classroom, literacy is a significant focus across the College. By targeting students’ abilities to read and understand questions, topics and exam prompts, students at all levels of the College are being positioned to maximise their academic performance.

Ben Williamson – Director of Learning and Development, Curricular Programs

Tiverton Campus


Director of Students


“It was a pleasure to witness our music concerts throughout the year with many more students participating in ensembles to further their skills and confidence in this area of the College.”

There has been a very clear agenda to raise standards at the Tiverton Campus in 2023. The ultimate goal is for Year 12 students to finish their time at school as confident, passionate and hard working men and we believe that process starts at the Tiverton campus from Years 5 to 8. As a result, our GROW program and classes have focused on building good character in our students and on the important values of organisation; respect, inclusivity and positivity to assist with that journey. Students have had lectures, workshops and online modules with Elephant Ed on respectful relationships, Toolbox on emotional regulation and literacy, Success Integrated on study skills and planning, Metro Trains on impact in the community, Project Rockit about how to make a difference in the world and to maintain a positive online profile, and Braingrow about how to use our thinking and not just our emotional part of our brain.

This has been supported by a revamped House activities program that has reinforced the importance of the House system for our students to build relationships and school spirit, and has led to fantastic House carnivals for swimming, athletics and cross country, and lots of fun at lunchtimes at the Tiverton campus.

Students have also developed their relationships and confidence through our sport program, and we have seen greater participation in our High Performance Sports Program in the areas of AFL, Swimming, Cricket, Soccer and Basketball. This has led to better skill development and stronger friendships, with a greater emphasis on hard work. Many of our Year 5 to 8 students have also involved themselves in the College musicals and plays, and it was a pleasure to witness our music concerts throughout the year with many more students participating in ensembles to further their skills and confidence in this area of the College.

We have also empowered our Year 5 to 8 students to get out of their comfort zone to further their growth. College camps to Lyrebird Park and Lord Somers for Years 5 to 7 stretched the students in a range of physical activities, and the Year 8 activities week asked the students to build towers in an engineering incursion, make computer games via coding, and to undertake a virtual reality exploration of the Eureka Skydeck to develop their cognitive, social and emotional pathways even more. Finally, our busy year at Tiverton campus was complemented by a strong emphasis on social justice. The generous donations for Mission Action Day and our food drive in Term 3, as well participation in reflection days as part of the religion curriculum, allowed students to learn the importance of giving back to others.

I Look forward to seeing how our students keep developing in character and confidence in future years.

Gibbs – Director of Students, Middle Years

Year 5 and 6


A lot can happen in a year, and yet it goes so fast, In Primary we have had a ball and built memories to last, Confidently we go now, having learned what it takes to succeed,

Continually growing on our journey to Learn, Live and Lead

We became avid readers, mathematicians and poets, Scientists, explorers, you name it, we know it! Our excursions and class visits opened the door, To think about things, we hadn’t before. Opportunities to learn and engage in discussion, With visiting experts led to an introduction, To learning of a world beyond the classroom doors, Of seizing each moment and championing a cause. The Melbourne Explorers Walk opened our eyes, To the past and its lessons, the lows and the highs, Our confidence grew with our interest and questions, We began to develop our own ideas of these lessons. We sought challenges, comradery and left our own stamp, On adventures and mischief and we don’t just mean Camp!

At Lyrebird Park we stepped out of the zone, Of the comfort we had, into the unknown.

So, make the most of the opportunities you earn, As we did and discovered we all love to Learn

All through the year we welcomed new faces and names, We’ve developed strong friendships through experience and games.

Our Wellbeing Day showed what it means to be mindful, to “Be Your Own Hero!”, stand tall but not prideful.

In Grow we discovered how a mindset can change, A shift in perspective, a positive exchange, That to build healthy habits we all must lean in, To our own strengths and the courage within. We created our community with all we had to give, Growing together, discovering how to Live.

Our passions and teamwork paid off from the start, As leaders emerged showing faith, hope and heart. Representing Blue and Gold with sheer determination, On the sporting field, in the classroom and without hesitation. The dedication shown to helping a mate, Has left little room for any debate, That these students have grown to be thoughtful and kind, Supporting each other, leaving no one behind.

As Lasallian’s we aimed to lead by example, At every opportunity of which they were ample, Whether fundraising for MAD, taking part in a walk, Collecting for charity we were more than just talk. Our sense of justice and drive to fill need, Is what keeps us going as we learn how to Lead

Rebecca Cowan and Laura McKendrick –Year 6 Classroom Teachers

Martin Gibbs
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Tiverton Leaders

For these past two years here at De La Salle College we have felt so welcomed into this Lasallian community. Many of us Primary students didn’t know a lot of people and teachers, but the students and teachers were so welcoming to us.

We have lots of opportunities for our sporting program compared to other primary schools. We have Lightning Premierships for Football, Soccer, Netball and Basketball.

The Grow (Growing Responsibility for my Own Wellbeing) Program is also great. We talk about how to calm yourself down when you’re in a bad mood and switch yourself back into your good mood.

The Art program is excellent! There are lots of hands-on activities like painting, hot glue and a lot more. Year 5 and Year 6 have a shared program for English and Maths. We have loved learning about persuasive texts and the PEEL approach, and working on data and chance through sporting games.

Most of us in Year 6 have had a semester of Music and are now going through a semester of Drama. The Music program is an amazing opportunity to play the violin or ukulele. In Drama we have been able to join plays and even perform our own monologs and tableaus in class!

Each year we have an annual celebration of National Science week. Every day we would get a Science pop quiz and lots of Science challenges to do. We have a double period of Science every week for both Year 5 and 6. In Science class we would do exciting practical experiments at least once a month!

The leadership positions are a great role. You get to do school tours and a lot more. There are lots of positions you can choose from like Primary Captain, Class Captain and House Captain. We have all gained confidence and had fun as student leaders this year.

Cooper Minter, Cooper Joy and Xavier Zagari – Primary School Captains

The Live, Learn, Lead motto has been front of mind for the students at Tiverton in 2023 and the future for our school is clearly looking bright leading into the Senior Years.

The Year 8s have been very persistent with lots of new challenges that have certainly been a step up from Year 7. The Year 8 students have demonstrated the true qualities of a De La Salle Student and everyone appears to be looking forward to Holy Eucharist.

ACC Sport has been a massive weekly event for the students at Tiverton. The Year 7s won the ACC AFL Grand Final, and the Year 8s have put up some strong results. The Primary students have participated in Dendy Sport Competition and many Year 8s put their hands up volunteering to umpire or coach these teams throughout the year.

The Junior Concert Band has seen a great new wave of musicians extending their musical journey and performing breathtaking concerts for the wider College community. The participation from the music students has been phenomenal with the enjoyment of playing translating into strong performances.

Tiverton has had a strong emphasis on leadership this year. There have been many College events such as school tours, parent information nights and Mother/Father and Son nights where students have stepped up to help out and push themselves out of their comfort zones. Students have continued to show better work ethic to their studies and received academic achievement and endeavour awards for their commitment and progression. We believe it is so important to celebrate the growth and diligence of so many students that can be seen in classrooms in everyday learning.

Charles Skehill, Heath Ryan and Ben Marchesani – Tiverton Campus Captains

Cooper Minter Cooper Joy Xavier Zagari Charles Skehill Heath Ryan
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Ben Marchesani

Holy Eucharist Campus

Year 9 Head of Campus

“Our Year 9 students have begun to believe in their capabilities, their futures, and their capacity to overcome obstacles.”

The Finnish word ‘Sisu’ can be defined as a stoic determination to succeed, a tenacity of purpose, and a building of grit and resilience. These desirable traits are only born from hard work. I believe this term provides a fitting framework for developing the young men of Holy Eucharist campus.

Sisu often expresses itself in displaying courage and resoluteness in the face of adversity and then deciding an appropriate course of action. Importantly, our Year 9 students are taught that they must adhere to a course of action even if repeated failures ensue. This positive psychology helps students understand that with failure we observe challenge and opportunity - but ultimately growth. Indeed, this mindset is a key enabler of independent learning.

I would like to acknowledge the many Year 9 parents and caregivers who may have (at first) struggled with the requirement to step back in order to support the growth of independence in their sons. Whilst stepping back can sound counter-intuitive, by doing so, you have empowered your son to take an increased responsibility over his learning; his wellbeing; and critically, helped him build some self-sufficiency. As we move forward, the post-Covid era presents an opportunity to leverage advantage from the lessons learned and thus continue to innovate in education. At Year 9 this year we feel that we have prioritised wellbeing through both the GROW program and WISE platform; supported collaboration through project-based work; led social justice initiatives; reimagined physical learning spaces; shined a spotlight on indigenous inequity; and catered to the evolving needs of digitally literate students.

Collectively, our committed team of Year 9 specialist staff have been impressed with how the cohort have grown over the course of the year. Importantly, we have observed a shift from boy psychology to young man psychology. This shift will enable a critical skillset for their future years of schooling.

Our Year 9 students have begun to believe in their capabilities, their futures, and their capacity to overcome obstacles. They have learnt that the journey to success is not linear; but instead, filled with twists, turns and unexpected detours. encourage our Year 9 students to embrace these detours as opportunities for growth and trust in their resilience to navigate through them.

As they prepare for their transition to Kinnoull, I hope that these young men can draw on the concept of Sisu, and by extension, continue on their journey to achieve further success and fulfillment.

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Holy Eucharist Leaders

The Holy Eucharist Campus is built on the learning principle of project-based learning, specifically Alliance and Ingenuity as exemplified with their City Experience days. Alliance focused on how Melbourne has changed and can be reinvigorated in a postCovid world, whilst Ingenuity took advantage of the Metro Tunnel build, to explore its applications in Mathematics and Science.

Inquiry/project-based learning were again a focus in Term 2, when the students took the opportunity to delve into areas that they were passionate about to produce projects that would be presented at the Learning Expo. The night was a celebration of their learning and was a credit to all the students and the work they produced over the week.

Experiential learning is also a pillar of Holy Eucharist learning, and along with the city experiences for the core cross-curricula subjects, there were also special days focusing on Indigenous culture and learning more about their significant impact on Australian society, as well as reflection days focusing on faith enrichment.

Tom Murphy – Year 9 Learning & Teaching Leader

This year, I had the honour to serve as the Holy Eucharist Captain. After spending Years 7 and 8 with the primary year levels, our cohort were spending our year in Chadstone all by ourselves. Which allowed for tremendous growth between us, and a strengthening of our ties.

Our time at Holy Eucharist allowed us to experience everything the special Year 9 program had to offer. We were fortunate enough to participate in the Athletics Carnival, ACC Sport, a multitude of city adventures and more. Many were experiences that were new and exciting to our cohort.

Being able to watch my fellow students grow throughout the year has been amazing. believe that this was due to the Year 9 program surrounding us in an extremely positive environment. One that encouraged supportiveness, courage and an inclusive culture. A culture that I am extremely proud to be a part of.


The Year 9 Higgins Shield is an annual award recognising students who excel in their studies and extracurricular activities; demonstrate strong leadership amongst their peers; and provide exemplary service to the school community.

Mitchell Joy was universally considered to be a stand-out performer at De La Salle’s Year 9 Campus. Mitchell’s maturity, commitment and resilience makes him a most deserving recipient of the 2023 Higgins award.

Mitchell represented the College in ACC Athletics, ACC Football and most notably was voted Most Valuable Player in ACC Basketball. His excellence in this extracurricular activity is matched with his academic performance in the classroom. His interactions with his teachers and his peers are always positive. This commitment to his studies was rewarded with an accelerated learning pathway into Year 10. Mitchell proved that he could manage a heavy workload by setting realistic goals, prioritising his time where needed and taking care of his wellbeing.

As Mitchell transitions to Kinnoull he is encouraged to use the 2023 Higgins award as a platform for future College leadership.

Thomas James – Holy Eucharist, Year 9 Captain David Alexander – Year 9 Head of Campus Tom Murphy
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Thomas James

Kinnoull Campus Director of Students

“By imparting essential 21st century skills and knowledge across various wellbeing topics, the program continues to prepare students for holistic growth.”

The vibrant House system continued to underpin the community spirit at the Kinnoull campus in 2023. The series of fun and engaging House Carnivals and lunch time activities, including the tug of war, longest kick competitions, futsal and basketball solidified the sense of camaraderie and rivalry among the Houses. These events became platforms for not only promoting friendly competition but also for nurturing House pride and identity.

The GROW Personal Development Program maintained its role as a pillar of the College’s wellbeing curriculum. By imparting essential 21st century skills and knowledge across various wellbeing topics, the program continues to prepare students for holistic growth. The program’s collaboration with external agencies enriched it with evidence-based insights and practical skills. The ‘Big Brother, Little Brother’ sessions established cross-year connections, emphasising inclusivity and mutual learning. This mentorship approach facilitated personal development and nurtured a supportive learning environment for the Year 7 students new to the College in 2023.

The captivating Year 10 and 11 Interstate Immersion program took students on an enlightening journey to Far North Queensland and the Northern Territory during the Term 2 holidays. This immersive experience broadened their horizons, exposing them to diverse cultures, ecosystems and challenges. Exploring these regions fostered a deep understanding of Australian geography, Indigenous cultures, and community dynamics. Apart from expanding their global awareness, the immersion encouraged teamwork, adaptability and cultural sensitivity.

The Year 12 Formal and the Year 11 Social were held at the picturesque Merrimu Reception this year during Terms 2 and 3. These events provided students with unforgettable opportunities to gather, enjoy and commemorate their academic journey. The interactions during these occasions nurtured relationships, creating lasting memories within the student body. During Term 1, the Year 10 Dance Program was held with the girls from Star of The Sea. The Dance Program enabled the students to establish new friendships with the girls whilst learning how to dance in a fun and entertaining environment.

Finally, to the Kinnoull staff who have supported the students so tirelessly throughout the year – a huge thank you. The students and College are very fortunate to have such a wonderful and dedicated group of professionals supporting the needs of the young men in our care.

Shane MacKintosh – Director of Students, Senior Years

– SENIOR YEARS Shane MacKintosh
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What a huge year we’ve had at De La Salle College! Together, our teachers and VCE students embarked on the journey that is Year 12. Crossing bridges and accepting challenges that come along with the hard slog that is VCE. Thank you to all staff, students and parents for providing an important triangular partnership. Our VCE students have certainly benefitted from these open communication lines, support mechanisms and at times, the necessary reminders to remain optimistic.

Well done to every single VCE student that accepted those challenges, you’ve made everyone proud!

For me, my first year at De La Salle, I witnessed firsthand the Lasallian values demonstrated by our students, who along with our core values, also exhibiting care and kindness towards their teachers and studies. This Year 12 cohort are a friendly bunch of students who displayed resilience and dedication towards their study, and ones that will make their parents and the College proud upon their entry into further study or employment.

To the Class of 2023, I wish you all the best for the next chapter in your lives. May you always remember your true self and to never forget we as a College are always there to support you. Blue and Gold will always ring true.

Michael Shmerling – VCE Coordinator


2023 saw a number of De La Salle College students undertake VET studies both internally at the College and externally with a variety of Registered Training Organisations. The College delivered certificates in Building and Construction (Carpentry) and Sport and Recreation. Students from Building and Construction were actively engaged in constructing building frames, roof trusses and again completed units on scaffolding and safely working from heights. Whilst the Sport and Recreation students were very active in the organisation and running of several sporting events and local primary carnivals.

Several students chose to complete VET studies externally with a variety of subjects chosen in 2023. This year saw students complete certificates in Plumbing, Electrical, Animal Studies, Music Sound Production, Hospitality and Information Technology. We also had Year 11 students begin certificates in subjects such as Aviation and Cybersecurity.

Once again 2023 was a success from a Vocational Education perspective. Many students gained practical skills that will see them successfully transition from full-time education to full time employment in fields that they have demonstrated great interest in, whilst for others the VET pathway will allowed them to transition to higher levels of education in their chosen fields.

Vocational Major


2023 heralds a period of transformation, transitioning from VCAL to the new VCE Vocational Major (VM). De La Salle College has adeptly navigated this change, implementing the transition for Year 11 students, while also continuing to offer the final year of VCAL for our Year 12 cohort. These dedicated efforts have led to the successful completion of the applied learning course by our graduating Year 12 students. Our innovative Vocational Major program is intricately linked with the STRIVE initiative that was introduced for the first time this year for a select group of Year 10 students. This early exposure to applied learning primes students for potential selection into the Year 11 VM program.

This revamped curriculum necessitated the recruitment of a new and specialised staff, collaborating with eager students who have demonstrated commendable performance in pursuit of their applied learning aspirations. We have strategically chosen the most proficient educators from various disciplines within the school to enrich the educational experience for our students.

As part of the VCE VM requirements, our students have excelled across a spectrum of chosen VET courses, seamlessly integrated De La Salle subjects, sports, hospitality and social justice initiatives. Moreover, they have been presented with stimulating opportunities such as on-site experiential education through our Structured Workplace Learning, as well as the option of School-Based Apprenticeships, both of which culminate in promising full-time employment prospects upon completion of the academic year.

Tim Hogan – VCAL Coordinator

As the Vocational Learning (VM) Captain in 2023 have been very fortunate to represent the VM students as their Captain. One of the main things I have been a part of this year, with the help from the other VM students, is building steel benches, raised garden beds and trellises for the Holy Eucharist Campus. This happens every Friday at the Tiverton workshop in Enterprise, which includes the VM students plus Mr Murray and Mr Grech.

Another highlight is that have been able to speak at assemblies and Masses. I felt that my public speaking has improved since speaking at these events. Every now and then get to cook a BBQ for the school community, whether it’s MAD day, House charities, RUOK day or the breakfast for the Cross Country team. My overall time as the Vocational Learning Captain has been a very enjoyable experience and I am glad I decided to become a Captain.

Will Flynn – Vocational Learning Captain

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Careers Advisor

Career education is a cornerstone of our approach at De La Salle College, encompassing a range of immersive experiences that enable our students to shape their post-secondary journeys. Through initiatives such as school events, virtual reality simulations, VET in Schools programs, and insightful visits from university speakers, our students are granted the invaluable opportunity to delve into diverse career options. These experiences serve as windows into various industries, offering a profound understanding of job roles and the associated expectations.

The resonance of these experiences was particularly evident in the 2023 career engagements for our students at both the Holy Eucharist and Malvern Campus. This juncture marks a thrilling phase in their academic journey, prompting contemplation of their forthcoming roles in the evolving landscape of Australia’s workforce. It’s a time when they can begin to envision their places in the “Future of Work” paradigm and the skill sets essential for flourishing as active, resilient and astute contributors.

The Year 11 Careers Passport stands as a pivotal dimension of our career education framework. This initiative focuses on introducing students to the significance of employability skills, often termed as soft skills. These competencies constitute the bedrock of future workplaces and are skills that can be cultivated, honed and perpetuated across a lifetime of learning. Proficiencies like effective communication, adept team leadership, meaningful participation in extracurricular pursuits, and voluntary undertakings all contribute to the accumulation of these aptitudes. Each achievement moves them closer to fulfilling their 100-point requirement, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

In this dynamic landscape of career education, we are committed to nurturing the students potential and fostering their aspirations.

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Community Parent Network

The De La Salle College Parent Network’s aim is to encourage a sense of community throughout the College by providing regular opportunities for parents to socialise, connect and participate in school life. Throughout 2023, the Parent Network once again delivered these opportunities through a variety of activities, both “old favourites” and new!

The Year 7 Welcome Evening, Primary Welcome BBQ, and Parent Social Evening all held in Term 1 to welcome new and returning parents, were a very enjoyable way to start off the Parent Network Calendar.

In April, the Parent Network held its inaugural Uniform Freecycle which was a huge success! Thanks to the generosity of current and past parents, over 1000 items were donated. Over 200 people from over 110 families attended to select up to 5 items for free. Overall, nearly 85% of the available stock went back into the school community circulation for a “second life”, a wonderful outcome.

After selling out in a record 29 minutes, the 2023 Mother’s Day Breakfast was once again a fabulous event. The Tiverton Gymnasium was alive with joy as 500 mothers and sons came together to celebrate.

The De La Salle College Trivia Night was held in June, the Parent Network’s major fundraiser. Over 200 people had a great night and together we raised $3800, a fantastic outcome.

The much-loved Father’s Day Breakfast was held in August, with 500 people attending to celebrate this special day with their sons. The Gymnasium was filled with the buzz of happy chatter amongst a sea of blue and gold.

Thank you to all who supported the 2023 Parent Network events, you have ensured that the Parent Network continues to build a strong sense of community.

Sonya Ryan – President, De La Salle College Parent Network

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Breakfast FATHER’S
Breakfast 50 DE LA SALLE COLLEGE Blue and Gold 2023 51

Trivia Night

The annual Trivia night was a resounding success, with over 200 attendees thoroughly enjoying the event. Together, we raised an impressive $3,800. These funds will contribute to College improvements such as: booth seating in the Kinnoull library, a new PA system for the Holy Eucharist campus and other educational and sporting supplies for the Tiverton campus.

Thank you to our wonderful hosts, TriviaOz, for creating an atmosphere filled with laughter, camaraderie, and friendly competition. Congratulations to the College Staff team as the winning table! It was truly a night to remember.

R U OK? Day

R U OK? Day is a national initiative observed in Australia to raise awareness about mental health.

This simple, four syllable question equips students with all they need to be able to check-in with a friend, normalise discussion about ones mental health and promote meaningful conversation about wellbeing.

This year, on Thursday 14 September, R U Ok? Day provided a platform for a conversation over a BBQ at both Tiverton and Kinnoull campus. Whilst, for the Holy Eucharist students, the Mornington Peninsula provided the perfect backdrop to have this vital discussion. This day continues to play a crucial role in promoting the importance of mental health and ensures De La Salle College is a supportive environment for all within the community to thrive

Mothers’ Lunch

In a blossoming tradition, over 270 devoted mothers graced the De La Salle Mothers’ Lunch at the prestigious Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club on 28 July.

The eagerly awaited gathering commenced with refreshing pre-lunch drinks and canapés under the sunlit deck before guests headed indoors for a sumptuous lunch. The highlight? Year 12 students penned heartfelt notes to their mothers’, expressing gratitude for their unwavering support. Additionally, touching videos, created by our gifted De La Salle senior students, showcased sons’ profound love and appreciation for their mothers’, highlighting the integral role of family in the De La Salle community.

A standout moment was the fabulous raffle, boasting a plethora of generous prizes. A heartfelt thank you to local businesses and De La Salle families for their generosity, particularly in the donation of raffle and prize contributions.

As we eagerly await next year’s gathering, rest assured, preparations are well underway!

Kirsten Eabry – Community Relations and Events Manager

Meagan Selkirk – President, De La Salle College Parent Network David Alexander – Acting Assistant Principal, Students
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Parents’ Golf Day

We were certainly challenged with the weather conditions for the second annual Parents’ Golf Day at Spring Valley Golf Course. Over 75 proud members of the De La Salle College community rose to the occasion, showcasing camaraderie amidst the windswept greens.

This event continues to grow and provides a great opportunity for parents to rendez vous in a social setting whilst enjoying the magnificent championship course at Spring Valley Golf Club.

The day began with a hearty breakfast and a briefing before everyone headed out to their starting positions on the green.

After completing an arduous yet enjoyable 18 holes of golf, parents then enjoyed a well-deserved lunch and drinks.

Presentations were made to the winners of the Ambrose competition along with prizes for Nearest to the Pin and Longest Drive. Competition was close with only two points between first place and third place.

Well done to all the golfers who made this day such a successful one. It was so pleasing to see so many parents return from the inaugural Golf Day held last year.

Thank you to our sponsor Quayclean for their continued support and involvement in Parents’ Golf Day, and to Spring Valley Golf Club for the fantastic venue.

Here’s to many more drives, putts, and cherished memories!

Year 10 Dance Program

Kirsten Eabry – Community Relations and Events Manager
Social 54 DE LA SALLE COLLEGE Blue and Gold 2023 55

College Refurbishments

At De La Salle College we are continually looking for new ways to improve our environmental sustainability as well as help our planet.

Some years ago, we installed around 300 solar panels on the rooftops of our Kinnoull campus classroom blocks and ever since, these have produced around 33% of the power needs of that campus.

In 2023, we added similar solar energy systems to both Tiverton and Holy Eucharist campuses which are now also producing around 33% of our total power requirements, thus reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

In recent years, our recycling program has also worked to significantly reduce the waste we send to landfill and our impact on the environment. We are now recycling around 40% of college generated waste including cardboard, paper, garden waste, co-mingled glass and hard plastics.

We continue to look for ways to increase this recycling percentage.


Reconnect with the De La Salle College community and your College cohort by ensuring we have your current contact details. This allows you to receive our Alumni Magazine, Roll Call, and invitations to College reunions.


delasalle.vic.edu.au/community/old-collegians (03) 9508 2337

Bequest Program

In August 2023 the college commenced a conversation with our community about Gifts in Wills through the development of a Bequest Program and the launch of the Jean Baptiste Society. For many people, bequests are the most powerful philanthropic contribution they will ever make allowing them to “give forward” to future generations of De La Salle students.The College has developed over its more than 110 year history through the generosity and giving of a great many, selfless men and women since the school commenced in 1912. The Jean Baptiste Society has been established to recognise and honour the generosity of those who have chosen to leave a gift to De La Salle College in their Will. Membership is open to anyone who confirms, in writing, their intention to leave a bequest to the College in their Will and we look forward to welcoming more members in 2024 and beyond. Joe Gehrig – Business Manager

Alumni – Old Collegians

Again in 2023, Roll Call continued to celebrate the lives of many Old Collegians with news of past students and reunions. This year De La Salle College hosted eight Old Collegian’s reunions for a number of year levels, ranging from 1963 to 2022, as well as the highly successful veterans’ 50 Plus reunion.

As always, the College’s reunions continue to be well attended with each cohort coming together to relive their college days, rekindling old friendships and sharing stories of life beyond the gates of Kinnoull.

It is always especially wonderful to welcome back so many of our long standing Old Collegians and this year was no exception, with 60 Old Collegians gathering at Merrimu Receptions in August for a lively 50 Plus reunion. In particular, it was a pleasure seeing brothers Michael Kennedy (1944) and John Kennedy (1948) enjoying catching up with their peers.

In his 93rd year, Michael was our oldest Old Collegian at the reunion, and his presence was appreciated by all.

Next year will mark the 50th anniversary of Roll Call and we are planning a very special edition to mark this marvelous milestone.

Kerry Martin – Editor, Roll Call magazine

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50 YEARS – CLASS OF 1973
40 YEARS – CLASS OF 1983 20 YEARS – CLASS OF 2003
30 YEARS – CLASS OF 1993
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10 YEARS – CLASS OF 2013

From the Archives

2023 has been another busy year in the College Archives with visitors viewing, and contributing to, the collection, which is located on the ground floor of the Murdoch building on Tiverton campus.

One of the major tasks this year was the digitisation of the Blue and Gold yearbooks from the first edition in 1926 through to the most recent in 2022. Whilst not every copy is currently available online, we are hoping to get this facility up and running for 2024. In the meantime, we still have hard copies of all the years for the school community to access – all you need to do is email me on archivist@delasalle.vic.edu.au to make an appointment on any Tuesday or Wednesday of the school term.

This year, donations varied from 1980s school uniform components, to event programs, meeting minutes and photos from the 1950s and 1960s, digital photos, and Blue and Gold Yearbooks from various years. The cricket trophy pictured here, donated by Peter Heaney (1960), was the match ball given to him in recognition of his incredible bowling in a game against St Joseph’s, East Brunswick in 1959. In the second innings of that game he took 8 wickets for 9 runs – a record which is yet to be beaten in the school. His parents had it mounted with a plaque, and had kept it all this time.

Paul Rankin’s donation of photographs, programs and letters from his time at the school, and with the Old Collegians’ Association was welcomed, and featured in a Roll Call article.

At the 50 Plus Year Reunion, Leslie Marshall (1958) donated his report book from 1953 to 1955. Leslie left the school after Form Three (Year 9), but kept this document safe and this is a wonderful addition to our collection.

Marian Jenkinson – College Archivist

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Old Collegians Amateur Football Club

Season 2023 was an exciting year for the De La Salle Amateur Football Club. The Club played finals for the first time since2017, narrowly losing the semi-final to Beaumaris in extra time at Trevor Barker Oval.

We were expertly led by our Senior Coach Nick Hyland, who in hisfirst fullyear in the top job, has implemented an exciting game plan that the players have bought into.

The Club is very excited about the progress of our younger players, particularly with the influx of Under 19 players making their senior debut in 2023.This includes current De La Salle students Luke Healy, Luke Lloyd and Patrick Russell.

De La Salle alumni Sam Williams retired after a brilliant career, whichincluded 300 games and the record for equal most seniors’ games, tied with Barry Lyons on 227 games. Samalso had a stint at Collingwood in the VFL.We wish Sam all the best in retirement.

We fielded six football teams in 2023, Men’s Seniors, Reserves, two Under 19 teams, one Women’s team and a Masters side, who won the premiership with a brilliant come back from behind to achieve victory in the last quarter.The Club is determined to have more teams in 2024, pushing for a thirds team and particularly an additional women’s team to provide more opportunities for women to play AFL.

The relationship between Club and College has never been stronger.We appointed Nick Walsh as ‘Head of Future Football’ during the season, who has been working closely with the students at De La Salle who play at the football club.His knowledge and experience has been invaluable for our students and young players.

In 2024 the Club is looking to introduce juniors’ teams playing on Sundays.

If you are interested in playing for the club, please reach out to our President Phil Proy or General Manager Tom Couch. We encourage and welcome students of all playing levels to join the Football Club which is in an exciting phase, as we continue our trajectory towards A grade.

Tom Couch – General Manager, De La Salle Amatuer Football Club


Executive Deputy Principal

“Recognising the importance of engagement and motivation, our teachers have embraced the significance of timely, tailored feedback that acknowledges progress.”

In 2023, the dedicated staff and students of De La Salle College Malvern have collectively forged a wonderful year marked by growth, engagement and resilience. Anchored in the Lasallian ethos, the College nurtures a triumvirate partnership between parents, students, and staff; this partnership forms the bedrock of the College’s success.

With a focus on individual student development, our staff have invested their time in fostering the personal growth of our students and celebrating their individual achievements. Recognising the importance of engagement and motivation, our teachers have embraced the significance of timely, tailored feedback that acknowledges progress. The past four years have underscored the importance of cultivating resilience and nurturing creativity, yielding agile thinkers capable of thriving in an ever-evolving landscape. With a growth mindset, the academic staff eagerly anticipates the uncharted territories that 2024 holds.

De La Salle College’s programs extend well beyond the classroom, enriching students’ experiences through diverse avenues. Our GATE Program, Performing Arts and Music Programs, Sport Program, as well as our partnerships with Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Siena College and Sacre Coeur, create a platform for our students to showcase their myriad of talents. Our teachers have consistently gone the extra mile, providing a multitude of opportunities that go beyond traditional academics.

The vibrant range of activities extends to house competitions, lunchtime competitions, music ensembles and whole school events like the athletics carnival. Notably, senior students have stepped into mentorship roles, fostering a sense of community among our younger students. The heartbeat of De La Salle College thrives through the unwavering support of parents and the Parent Network through their proactive involvement in organising fundraising events, such as the highly anticipated annual Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Breakfasts.

As the year draws to a close, the College community extends its gratitude to all contributors who have helped shape its vibrant tapestry. Looking ahead, the promise of 2024 holds challenges and opportunities that will be met with the same enthusiasm and dedication. The essence of De La Salle College – its resilience, engagement and unity – remains unwavering as it embarks on a new chapter of growth and transformation.

Séamus Scorgie – Executive Deputy Principal, Staff and Operations

De La Salle College Staff 2023

Progression Coordinator Emma Fairclough

Principal Peter Houlihan

Business Manager Joe Gehrig

Executive Deputy Principal

– Staff and Operations: Séamus Scorgie

Assistant Principal

– Students: Jessica Alger

Assistant Principal

– Learning and Teaching: Rob Bonnici

Assistant Principal

– Identity and Mission: Rana Brogan

VCE Coordinator Michael Shmerling

VET Coordinator Jon Edgar

Vocational Learning Coordinator Tim Hogan

School Psychologist

Kinnoull Anthony Freeman

School Psychologist

Tiverton / Holy Eucharist Frances Kospetas


St Austin’s House Coordinator Angela Runci

St Edwin’s House Coordinator

Ebony Doherty

Director of Students – Middle Years: Martin Gibbs

Director of Students – Senior Years: Shane Mackintosh

DLD Professional Learning Jodie McLaren

DLD Data and Student Progression James Gigacz

DLD Curricular Programs Ben Williamson

DLD Digital Learning: Justin Bourke

LATL English Melissa Walsh

LATL Commerce Ashleigh Hoogendoorn

LATL Health and Physical Education Matthew Whitty

LATL Humanities Olivia Wenczel

LATL Languages Alexander Yep

LATL Mathematics Thomas Le

LATL Religious Education Rana Brogan

LATL Technology Warren Walker

LATL Science Jess Stevenson

LATL Visual Arts Ryan Hayward

Careers Advisor Caroline Fitzpatrick

College Organiser Janet Holden

College Timetabler Marty Rhoden

Gifted and Talented Education Coordinator

Stephen Brick

MAD Coordinator Chris Martin

Director of Sport Melo Conti

House Sports Coordinator Ryan McDonough

Drama Coordinator Jennifer Bonnici

Production Coordinator Andrew Murrell

Ashleigh Hoogendoorn

Lachlan Kafer

Warren Walker / Roger Grech (Term 1)

Kinnoull Teaching Staff

Christine Bassili

Kath Marino

Bruce McLellan (Term 1)

Eliza Meallin

Jamie Steel

Eimear Thynne (Term 4)

Perry Yang


Year 9 Head of Campus David Alexander

St Leo’s House Coordinator Emma Fairclough

St Mark’s House Coordinator Andrew Wozencroft


St Austin’s House

Matthew Whitty

Alex Yang

Halid Takimoglu

Marta Webster / Emma Hart

Melissa Walsh

Thomas Le

St Edwin’s House

Stephen Brick

Shaun Buckley

Peppe Di Ciccio

Georgina Dwyer / Olivia Wenczel / Roger Grech (Term 3)

Clare Kennedy-Curtis / Perry Yang (Term 1-2) / Emma Hart

Adrian Schiller

St Leo’s House

Jon Edgar

Tim Hogan

Heidi Johnson

Trent McGuire

Michael Shmerling

Jessica Stevenson / Dan Balan (Term 2)

Christine Thompson / Carmela Diaz

St Mark’s House

Andrew Devlin

David Ellul

Linden Erlichman-Gross

Year 9 Learning and Teaching Leader

Tom Murphy

Holy Eucharist Teaching Staff

Warren Bardsley

Chris Church

Ashlea Diamond

David Happ

Matthew Jones

Josip Krsticevic

Vanessa Marolda

Chris Martin

Claudia Tohi


Year 7 Coordinator Patrizia Ferrara

8 Coordinator Paul Roberts Primary Teachers




6B Rebecca Cowan

Séamus Scorgie
Kathryn Holewa
Jerome George Arthur
5B Robin Lennon
Mentors 7 Benilde
McLellan 7 Dunstan
7 Hegarty
Gustincic 7
7 Roland
Nguyen 7 Solomon Andrew Kearns
continued ... 66 DE LA SALLE COLLEGE Blue and Gold 2023 67

8 Benilde Ryan McDonough

8 Dunstan Joanne Graham

8 Hegarty Gerard Barns / Elysabeth Putri

8 Jerome Nicola Mairs

8 Roland Georgie Skinner

Tiverton Teaching Staff

Ashlea Diamond

Kellie Rindfleish

Tom Ryan

Giada Giuntoli (Term 2)

Catherine McIlroy

Chris Fleming

Luke Kenealy

Emma D’Angelo

House Assistants

St Austin’s House Jarrod Shelley

St Edwin’s House Clare Kennedy-Curtis

St Leo’s House Trent McGuire

St Mark’s House Andrew Devlin


Education Support Coordinator Georgie Skinner

Education Support Teacher Eleni Giamadakis / Jamie Steel

Learning Support Officers

Isabelle Anderson

Hayley Artz

Mairead Dullard

Carolyn Green

Melanie Livera

Chloe Matthews

Eve McLellan

Cate Moody

Sharon Richards

Jarrod Shelley

Brittany Sim

Library Team Leader Robyn Stark

Teacher Librarian Clare Kennedy-Curtis

Library Technician Marie Anderson (Term1) / Letitia Mandile / Jack McLardie (Term 2-4)

Lasallian Youth Minister James Pavlou


Music Coordinator Luke Serrano

Ensemble Coordinator Jaymee Lee

Music Teachers

Claire Block

Luke Carbon (Term 3-4)

Lucas Clayton

Rick Freeman

Chris Higgins (Term 1-2)

Daniel Mamrot (Term 3-4)

Jarrod McCluskey

David Newdick

David Reichman

Daniel Tedford


Personal Assistant to the Principal Sandy Wreford

Human Resources Manager Nicole Paino-Green

Finance Manager Felicity Langley

Finance Officer (Family Accounts) Ellenor Harris

Finance Officer (Accounts Payable) Bettina Brown

Finance Officer (Payroll) Kim te Lintelo

Executive Support – Middle Campus Madalaine Jaskiewicz

Executive Support – Senior Campus Tanya Claudius

Reception Tiverton Belinda King

Reception Holy Eucharist Patricia D’Arcy / Monique Wasa

Reception Kinnoull Rebecca Barker

Music Administrator Susan Jost

Health Centre Officer Kylie Upton

Registrar Rachael Harmer

Assistant Registrar and Community Engagement Officer Zoe Campbell

Marketing and Communications Manager

Dee Houlihan (Term 1-3)

Marketing and Communications Coordinator Eliza Prideaux

Marketing and Communications Officer

Bindi Houghton

Alumni Officer Pauline Nolan

Events Manager Kirsten Eabry

College Archivist Marian Jenkinson

ICT Manager Alex Zolkover

ICT Senior Systems Administrator (Operations) Prince Fonseka

ICT Database Systems Developer (Operations) Ian Zhou

Infrastructure Support Officer

Jeremy Kemp

ICT Client Services Technicians Khuram Jawad / Peter Whittenbury

Laboratory Technician Maria Cotsios (Term 3) / Lauren Gonsalves / Danka Orlowski

Sports Assistant Daniel Curnow

Vocational Learning Assistant David Murray

Product Design and Technology Assistant Chas Thompson

Visual Art Technician Travis MacDonald


Property Manager Michael Bohan (Term 1-2) / Russell Fernando (Term 2-4)

Maintenance Staff

Rob Oldershaw

Steve Broughill

Clinton Harris

De La Salle College Staff 2023

Christine Bassili Catherine Bergin Rob Bonnici Jennifer Bonnici Justin Bourke Stephen Brick Rana Brogan David Alexander Jessica Alger Isabella Anderson Marie Anderson George Arthur Hayley Artz Dan Balan Claire Block Gerard Barns Rebecca Barker Warren Bardsley Bettina Brown Shaun Buckley Luke Carbon Christopher Church Tanya Claudius Melo Conti Rebecca Cowan Zoe Campbell Steven Broughill Emma D’Angelo Patricia D’Arcy Peppe Di Ciccio Ashlea Diamond Carmela Diaz Ebony Doherty Mairead Dullard Andrew Devlin Daniel Curnow Kirsten Eabry Jon Edgar Linden Erlichman-Gross Emma Fairclough Russell Fernando Patrizia Ferrara Caroline Fitzpatrick David Ellul Georgina Dwyer Prince Fonseka Anthony Freeman Joseph Gehrig Eleni Giamadakis Martin Gibbs James Gigacz Lauren Gonsalves Richard Freeman Christopher Fleming Carolyn Green Mark Gustincic Rachael Harmer Clinton Harris Ellenor Harris Emma Hart Ryan Hayward David Happ Joanne Graham Janet Holden Kathryn Holewa Bindi Houghton Ashleigh Hoogendoorn Tim Hogan Michael Bohan Maria Cotsios Roger Grech
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Giada Giuntoli Belinda King Josip Krsticevic Felicity Langley Thomas Le Jaymee Lee Robin Lennon Frances Kospetas Clare Kennedy-Curtis Travis MacDonald Shane Mackintosh Letitia Mandile Kath Marino Vanessa Marolda Chris Martin Chloe Matthews Nicola Mairs Melanie Livera Trent McGuire Kate McIlroy Jack McLardie Jodie McLaren Eve McLellan Matt McLellan Eliza Meallin Laura McKendrick Ryan McDonough Cate Moody Tom Murphy Andrew Murrell David Newdick Kim Nguyen Pauline Nolan Stacey Noulas David Murray Jane Michael Danuta Orlowski Nicole Paino-Green James Pavlou Elysabeth Putri Marty Rhoden Sharon Richards Kellie Rindfleish Grace Pasquino Robert Oldershaw Angela Runci Catherine Ryan Alessandro Santamaria Adrian Schiller Seamus Scorgie Luke Serrano Tom Ryan Paul Roberts Michael Shmerling Brittany Sim Robyn Stark Georgina Skinner Jarrod Shelley Marian Jenkinson Heidi Johnson Susan Jost Lachlan Kafer Andrew Kearns Jeremy Kemp Luke Kenealy Matthew Jones Khuram Jawad Peter Houlihan Dee Houlihan Madalaine Jaskiewicz Bruce McLellan David Reichman Jamie Steel Jessica Stevenson Halid Takimoglu Kim te Lintelo Peter Whittenbury Matthew Whitty Andrew Wozencroft Sandy Wreford Alex Yang Perry Yang Alexander Yep Ben Williamson Olivia Wenczel Ian Zhou Alex Zolkover Esther Zhang Christine Thompson Chas Thompson Kylie Upton Warren Walker Melissa Walsh Monique Wasa Marta Webster Claudia Tohi Daniel Tedford
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Jarrod McCluskey

The House System House Charity Activities

St Austin’s House proudly supports the Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office who provide pastoral care of migrants and refugees in Melbourne. Our Charity Week is aligned with the National Refugee Week running from Sunday 18 June to Saturday 24 June 2023. In advocating for this charity, the De La Salle College community has managed to raise over $8,000 since 2016. These donations have allowed us to support the many hundreds of migrants and refugees who have sought refuge in Australia, particularly here in Melbourne.

From Monday 19 June to Friday 23 June, St Austin’s House held a number of activities to promote the awareness of Refugees and Migrants. These were student driven and student led. Particularly poignant and powerful, the Austin’s leaders, along with several senior students linked arms and stood in silence on Kinnoull Oval for lunchtime to form Detention4Detention, showing their solidarity with asylum seekers in detention centres.

St Austin’s ran a hugely popular Charity Basketball match between Austin’s house leaders and teachers and a barbeque to raise money. We provided mentor groups with prayers and refugee experiences to discuss in Mentor Group during that week. While our charity activities aim to raise money to donate to the Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office, our goal as a house has always been to raise awareness and knowledge around this cause. We thank the De La Salle College community for supporting our charity.

Angela Runci – St Austin’s House Coordinator

This year, St Edwin’s House hosted its annual sock drive, generously donating over 150 warm Winter accessories to those experiencing homelessness. Additionally, the St Edwin’s Christmas raffle successfully raised vital funds for St. Vincent de Paul, further strengthening our commitment to helping those less fortunate. These efforts remind us of the power of unity and compassion and the importance of making a positive difference in the lives of others, of which we look forward to continuing in 2024 and beyond.

Thank you to everyone who donated and supported St Edwin’s House fundraising efforts this year.

Ebony Doherty – St Edwin’s House Coordinator

St Leo’s House charity is Caritas Australia. Caritas Australia work with communities to help them achieve their development goals and build a better future for all. Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s major fundraiser and is held during Lent. It helps ensure that Caritas Australia can continue their work with the most vulnerable communities to eradicate poverty and injustice.

During Project Compassion, St Leo’s House raised money and awareness for the campaign. Students watched videos during assembly and GROW periods, placed donation boxes in each St Leo’s House Mentor group and St Leo’s Leaders sold chocolate at Kinnoull and Tiverton Campus and in the local community.

Thank you to everyone who supported St Leo’s House charity work this year.

Emma Fairclough – St Leo’s House Coordinator

As a Catholic Christian school we are called to reach out to all people within and outside our immediate community. St Marks House is committed to supporting the charity Opening the Doors Foundation, who seek to support Indigenous children to receive an education.

The major fundraiser for this charity is Sports Colours day. Timed to sit just prior to the AFL Grand Final, the event aims to recognise the ongoing positive impact sport can bring to supporting community. Equally it is clear that sport, namely AFL, has played a significant role in providing opportunity and hope for many in the Indigenous community.

The House Mother’s Day stall also provided much needed funds for this charity.

St Marks House remains committed to addressing issues faced by Indigenous Australians, with Catholic Social Teachings providing a framework that is useful in implementing and measuring our impact.

Thank you to all those families who supported the work of St Marks House over the course of 2023, and to the mentors and House Leaders who actioned our charity work.

Andrew Wozencroft – St Mark’s House Coordinator

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St Austin’s House

I am continually delighted by the immense affection our Austin’s students hold for their house. During the Year 12 Retreat, a student remarked, “Austin’s is undoubtedly the finest house,” and it filled my heart with pride for our beloved Austin’s House.

Spending time with the students in Mentor Group is absolutely the highlight of my day – watching the Austin’s 6 students proceed past Mr Le for a uniform check, Mr Whitty’s Austin’s 1 sharing gratitude, or Dr Walsh’s Austin’s 5 competing to guess the Wordle, Heardle or Worldle.

Our House Assemblies each week were made more interactive, and student centred with the fabulous House Leaders creating a ‘Have You Been Paying Attention… to De La Salle’ and the introduction this year of our Austin’s House Mascot, Austin the Yeti. Again, our Mentor Challengers were a huge hit, with students competing as a mentor group to plank, run or the longest kick. Our inaugural Austin’s House Trivia was a highlight for students and mentors, which tested their general knowledge.

I extend my thanks to the amazing Austin’s Mentors, Mr Matt Whitty, Mr Alex Yang, Mr Halid Takimoglu, Mrs Marta Webster, Miss Emma Hart, Dr Mel Walsh and Mr Thomas Le for the care and kindness they show our students. To the Austin’s Leaders, Zane O’Keeffe, Liam Greening, Joseph Fisicaro, Luke Bosnich and Ben Mazur, we will miss your optimism, enthusiasm and energy. You have worked brilliantly as a team, supported by Liam Murphy, Charlie Wood, Ben Miller and Tom Rogers as Year 11 and 10 leaders.

While we may not have won the elusive House Cup this year; the Austin’s spirit of faith and power drive us forward together. It has been an honour to be the House Coordinator for St Austin’s House in 2023. Angela Runci – St Austin’s House Coordinator

Adamant to bounce back from finishing bottom of the ladder last year, it was clear this year that Austin’s house members were determined and resolute to improve. Whilst the outcome wasn’t as hoped, all of Austin’s house should be proud of the other great things we were able to achieve.

From a successful Charity Week allowing for mass donations to maximising our participation in all house events, we were clearly the most active house. It was great to see the comradery and brotherhood flourish within our house environment, and although our amazing efforts weren’t reflected in the house leaderboard, there is no doubt that this house will carry this momentum into a strong 2024.

Zane O’Keefe – St Austin’s House Captain

What a year it has been for Austin’s! Although we failed to establish ourselves at the top of the leaderboard once again, I believe most of the boys would attest that the overall comradery this year was palpable.

At the beginning of the year as a leadership group we set out to bring in various new initiatives to give our house a revamp. Our assemblies had an overhaul and have been better than ever, our engagement in activities has been far better than previous years and overall I think we established ourselves as the most cultured and social house.

This group of Year 12s is the strongest we have seen in history and hope we as leaders and a Year 12 crew, have set an example of what is to come for this house.

Liam Greening – St Austin’s House Vice Captain

St Edwin’s House

As the end of another academic year approaches, I find myself reflecting on the journey we’ve embarked on together within our house community. This year has been filled with both challenges and triumphs, and it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate our collective growth.

Our students have demonstrated remarkable resilience and determination in their academic pursuits. I’ve witnessed individual students’ progress, not only academically but also in their personal development, heavily supported by their dedicated and caring Mentor teachers. I’m proud of the mentorship relationships we’ve cultivated, providing guidance and encouragement to our students as they navigate the challenges of adolescence.

Our house initiatives, such as our Annual Sock Drive and Christmas Raffle, raising funds for St Vincent de Paul, has strengthened our unity and sense of purpose. The collaborative spirit among students and staff has been truly inspiring, and it’s clear that we have a positive and inclusive environment here in St Edwin’s House.

Looking ahead, we will continue to build on our sense of teamwork, social justice and leadership. Together, we will continue to nurture a thriving house community that fosters academic excellence, personal growth, and unwavering support for one another.

Thank you to all St Edwin’s students for your dedication and commitment to our house. Here’s to another year of growth, learning, and shared accomplishments.

To our 2022 Leadership Team – Joshua Miles, Jack Larkin, Orlando Wong, James Valcanas and Hugo Cornell. Thank you for the enthusiasm, passion and drive that you have brought to St Edwin’s House in 2023.

Ebony Doherty – St Edwin’s House Coordinator

Edwin’s entered the year as reigning House Cup champions for yet another year, and that success continued with first place at the Swimming Carnival. While we missed out on the win at the Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, participation and effort has been at an all-time high, and credit must go to everyone who got involved this year.

Edwin’s have also been of high generosity this year. We were able to raise vital funds for Mission Action Day across all year levels and through the Sock Drive run by our Year 10 and 11 leaders, we were able to collect warm clothes for our house charity St Vincent de Paul to give to those in need.

A number of students also excelled across various co-curricular avenues throughout the College. A special mention should go towards the Edwin’s students who were lucky enough to be part of the Senior Football Premiership!

Overall 2023 has been a great year for St Edwin’s House, and I am confident that we have a great team of leaders ready to step up in 2024 to keep our success going!

Joshua Miles – St Edwin’s House Captain

What a great year it was! My position as St Edwin’s House Vice Captain allowed me to be present and active in all major house activities, ranging across all facets of the school.

Major highlights included the fantastic Athletics Carnival, enthusiastic weekly house competitions and especially, our Edwin’s House victory at the first invite-only Swimming Carnival. The participation and effort shown by our students was brilliant and sometimes even overwhelming.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time as the Vice Captain and am grateful for this opportunity provided. wish the incoming St Edwin’s leaders good luck for 2024.

Jack Larkin – St Edwin’s House Vice Captain

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St Leo’s House

This year, I had the privilege of leading the wonderful students and staff in St Leo’s House. It has been rewarding to see students showing great pride representing their house and getting involved in house carnivals, weekly house competitions, school productions, musical performances and fundraising for MAD day. In addition, students have worked extremely hard in their studies, as acknowledged by the huge number of Academic Awards achieved by St Leo’s students this year.

Throughout the year, our older students have worked with our younger students to ensure they feel supported, welcome and safe within the house. During assemblies, house carnivals and other school events, our senior students have led by example and have been great role models for their younger St Leo’s brothers. would like to extend a thank you to our wonderful Student Leaders. They have been phenomenal in raising the expectations and culture in St Leo’s House. Luke Lowe has been outstanding in his role as House Captain and has played a huge part in getting everyone involved; encouraging and celebrating all students within the House. Luke has been supported by fellow St Leo’s House Leaders, Danny Martin, Liam Stacey, Luke Lloyd, Bailey Hunter, Lachie Grey, James McLisky, Abishal Sam and Luke Cochrane as well as VM Captain and St Leo’s student, Will Flynn.

Finally, I would like to thank every single St Leo’s student for being a part of our mighty house. All the wins that we have celebrated, the laughs that we have shared and the good times we have enjoyed would not be possible with each and every one of you and I look forward to continuing our journey together over the coming years.

In strength and honour.

The vibe and culture within Leo’s House had brought us great success throughout the year in filling numbers throughout all inter-school sport and arts competitions. The comradery the brotherhood shows to display our motto “Strength and Honour” is a true testament to how we were able to fill all events where necessary. The support shown by all the students on athletics and other carnival days, helped us create a culture of connectedness throughout the house, as everyone would chant and participate where needed, as the brotherhood strived for success.

I want to acknowledge the students on their endeavors this year as we saw great success in college events such as theatre, ACC sport championships as well as our fifth consecutive cross-country championship. The students who had topped their class in their studies as well as work habits, have also role modelled how we set out to achieve our very best within the house.

Being Leo’s 2023 House Captain has been a privilege not only for me but the other four fellow 2023 leaders. We know that next year’s leaders will be able to uphold this year’s culture within the house, and strive for another successful year, reinforcing the values of ‘Strength and Honour’.

Luke Lowe – St Leo’s House Captain

Serving as St Leo’s House Vice Captain allowed me to immerse my skills and knowledge into De La Salle College, making the most of the benefits the Year 12 cohort was provided in 2023.

The camaraderie and companionship displayed by my fellow College student leaders made the planning of MAD Day, charity fundraisers, house sports and the many other events throughout the year achievable and exciting. My time as the St Leo’s House Vice Captain in 2023 was an experience that has left me with leadership skills, moments to remember and a group of classmates and teachers whom I trust and support.

Danny Martin – St Leo’s House Vice Captain

St Mark’s House

St Marks House had a terrific start to the year winning the House Athletics cup for the second year in a row. This is the first time St Mark’s House have achieved back-to-back House Championships. The Year 12’s were outstanding, supporting and encouraging the participation of all House members.

In March St Mark’s finished second in Swimming and recently third in Cross Country. All these results reflect increased effort and participation across the whole House.

In September St Marks House held their annual Sports Colours Day. This is to raise funds for the House Charity Opening the Doors Foundation which supports Indigenous children to receive an education. A Mother’s Day stall held earlier this year also raised funds to support this charity.

I want to take the opportunity to thank all the House Mentors, Mr Linden Erlichmann Gross, Mr Warren Walker, Mr David Ellul, Mr Andy Devlin, Mr Lachlan Kafar and Mr Ashleigh Hoogendoorn.

I also wish to thank the St Mark’s House Senior leaders, Angus Sutherland (House Captain), Jack Ryan (Vice Captain), Max Higginbotham (Lasallian Captain), Harry McGindle (Arts Captain) and Will McCormack (Sports Captain).

Be the Change!

Andrew Wozencroft – St Mark’s House Coordinator

To be given the ability to partake in leading St Marks house for 2023 alongside both Mr Wozencroft and my fellow leaders has been an absolute privilege. 2023 has seen us once again take out the Athletics Carnival whilst being competitive in the other carnivals and numerous lunchtime competitions. believe we have seen an overall increase in participation and enjoyment across all year levels, a main goal of ours!

Another objective we aimed for was to undertake more fundraisers and provide education for our house charity: Opening the Doors Foundation. We achieved this by holding our annual Sports Colours Day, as well as a Mother’s Day stall, which were both exceptionally successful.

Overall, my experience in 2023 as St Marks House Captain has been wonderful! I wish the leaders for next year the very best as they embark on leading our great house into 2024.

Angus Sutherland – St Mark’s House Captain

Mark’s house this year has been very successful in its efforts and results in sporting activities. We ended up finishing first in Athletics, second in Swimming and we remained very competitive during the lunch time activities.

In reflection of this year and Mark’s House in particular, can see a bright future in the younger years, having a strong will to participate and be involved in house activities. I thank Mr. Wozencroft and the various teachers who have helped to make this a very memorable year, and am excited to see how Mark’s goes into the future.

Emma Fairclough – St Leo’s House Coordinator
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Will McCormack – St Mark’s House Sports Captain


House Sport

Ryan McDonough

“Lunchtime activities were in full swing after being reintroduced in 2022 and the competition throughout all the year levels was great to see.”

2023 had St Edwin’s House looking to complete the 4-peat this year, and with Jess Stevenson handing over the reigns to Ebony Doherty, the students were very keen to keep the winning traditions going. This year we had a repeat of different House winners for each Carnival in 2023. Congratulations to St Mark’s House for winning the Athletics Carnival, St Edwin’s House for the Swimming and St Leo’s House for the Cross Country.

Lightning Premierships returned for the Junior campuses with St Leo’s House taking out Year 7, St Edwin’s House Year 8 and St Mark’s House Year 9, again showing that the competition was very evenly spread throughout the year.

Lunchtime activities were in full swing after being reintroduced in 2022 and the competition throughout all the year levels was great to see, and definitely had an affect on the outcome of the House Cup this year. 2023 saw the introduction of the Year 12 Reconciliation Cup where Year 12 students were able to play a modified version of AFL 9’s, with St Austin’s House winning and hopefully we will see this tradition continue to flourish in the future years.

Congratulations to St Leo’s House for winning the 2023 House Cup! This is their first win since 2019 – could this be the beginning of another dominant run?

To Emma Fairclough, Trent McGuire, Luke Lowe and the rest of the St Leo’s House Student Leaders, well done on an outstanding effort and good luck for 2024.

A massive thank you to all the House Coordinators, Assistants and other staff who helped throughout the year. Especially Angela Runci, Ebony Doherty, Emma Fairclough and Andrew Wozencroft. There is no way I could have completed my role successfully without all your wonderful help. I look forward to another exciting and engaging program in 2024.

Ryan McDonough – House Sports Coordinator

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Athletics Carnival

Was it a one off? Can St Mark’s House do it again?

Will St Austin’s House follow in the footsteps of St Mark’s House in 2022? Can St Leo’s House come back and get their first win since 2019?

Or will St Edwin’s House take back their claim as the athletics powerhouse of De La Salle College?

All these questions were leading into the 2023 carnival at Lakeside Stadium and the competition certainly didn’t disappoint. It came right down to the wire with St Mark’s House taking out a back-to-back win, with St Leo’s House extremely close behind in second place.

Will we see another 3-peat? Can St Leo’s House take back the crown? Will St Edwin’s House or St Austin’s House vault up the standings? 2024 looks like it will be a cracker of a carnival, so be sure to come down next year and support the students throughout the day.

The results were as

Ryan McDonough

Swimming Carnival

A 4-peat was what St Edwin’s House was looking for and a 4-peat is what they achieved. An unprecedented run of dominance from St Edwin’s House has seen them take a stranglehold on the annual swimming competition and the question being asked is how will they ever be stopped? With just over 100 points separating all four houses, it was the most hotly contested carnival yet. 2024 will see us moving back to the home of De La Salle Swimming, Harold Holt!

Can St Edwin’s House complete the much vaunted 5 in a row (something that has not been done ever!), will St Mark’s House finally end their run of second places, will St Leo’s House make a come back and take the trophy for the first time since 2018, or will St Austin’s House get their first win of this much prized trophy? Tune in next year to find out!

The results were as follows:

1st St Edwin’s House

2nd St Mark’s House

3rd St Leo’s House

4th St Austin’s House

Ryan McDonough – House Sports Coordinator

follows: 1st St Mark’s House 2nd St Leo’s House 3rd St Edwin’s House 4th St Austin’s House
– House Sports Coordinator
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Cross Country Carnival Sports Captains

Being a part of the 2023 leadership team and the sports department this year has provided me with great skills and experiences for my future outside of school, whether it’s working, sporting or social situations.

Even though St Austin’s House was not able to get the final result we wanted, the experience was all worth it. Working with the supportive staff and the excellent participation of the students across all year levels in St Austin’s House has been a blast. Notably the responsibility of my fellow students, visible in the St Austin’s environment across the school to wear the St Austin’s badge with pride, is infectious. Being St Austin’s Sports Captain, this inspiring passion has only enlarged my enthusiasm to wear my badge with pride.

Joseph Fiscaro – St Austin’s House Sports Captain

As a Sports Captain of St Edwin’s House, the greatest part of my role was being a part of such an inclusive and kind group. The leaders in which was partnered with all created this vibe in order to bring us all together as a collective. For example, when St Edwin’s House won the Swimming Carnival, all year levels, big and small, were getting into the pool just to contribute to their House. That is something special in which I, and leaders to come, should aspire to achieve to create a lasting culture.

Go Edwin’s!

The conditions for the Cross Country Carnival were exactly what you want. Slight rain with no wind and perfect for quick race times as we watched St Leo’s House trying to go for four wins in the last five cross country events, albeit with a gap in between for Covid.

An extremely tight contest saw St Leo’s House take it out again. Their run of dominance will be hard to combat next year if they continue to turn up and participate in the high numbers we’ve seen.

Less than 40 points separated all four houses, so they each have a winning chance next year. I cannot wait to see what the competition (and the weather) have in store for us in 2024. Congratulations to St Leo’s House on another fine win.

The results were as follows:

1st St Leo’s House

2nd St Edwin’s House

3rd St Mark’s House

4th St Austin’s House

Congratulations to all runners throughout the day and thank you to the staff that helped make this day great.

Ryan McDonough – House Sports Coordinator

Hugo Cornell – St Edwin’s House Sports Captain


St Leo’s House had a very successful year in 2023. Through great comradery within the House we had enormous success throughout the weekly house activities and the various house carnivals.

It was a great privilege to be the St Leo’s Sports Captain. I have really enjoyed working with all the Leos students from all the different year levels and helping them develop and get involved with the House.

St Leo’s House has had such a rich history in the past 10 years, and the other leaders and I were really looking forward to bringing back the culture that we got to experience in our early years at the school. With this goal in mind, we decided that participation was the key to success. The buy in from all the students made for another successful year.

Luke Lloyd – St Leo’s House Sports Captain

St Mark’s House this year has been very successful in its efforts and results in sporting activities. We ended up finishing first in Athletics, second in Swimming and remained very competitive during lunchtime activities.

In reflection of this year and St Mark’s House in particular, I can see a bright future in the younger years, having a strong will to participate and be involved in St Mark’s. I thank Mr Wozencroft and the various teachers who have helped to make this a very memorable year and I am excited to see how Mark’s goes into the future.

Will McCormack – St Mark’s House Sports Captain
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High Performance Sport

In 2023 De La Salle College has continued to develop and grow its High Performance Sports Program. This has included continuing to work with the De La Salle Football Club and has seen players from the club assist in a coaching and mentoring capacity with the College’s Football Program. Building on successes from last year, the College’s Football Program now also includes a Development Program led by staff member Roger Grech (Next Generation Football Coach at the St Kilda Football Club) which seamlessly complements our High Performance Football Program. In 2023 the High Performance Football Program was led by Dom Tyson and Michael Barlow. Most of these sessions were held before school with early 7:00am starts. The dedication of our student athletes participating and seizing the opportunity before them was first rate. 2023 has also seen the High Performance Sports Program grow to include swimming sessions which are run twice a week throughout Term 3. Early morning pool sessions throughout the term provided students an opportunity to improve on technique and performance. It is not only in AFL and swimming where our students are guided by experienced Sports Coach professionals. This year former Socceroo, Joshua Kennedy, led our Soccer Program running early morning sessions at Tooronga playing fields. Our Basketball Program ran on Tuesday afternoons led by Martin Gibbs (Domestic and VJBL Representative coach), along with Daniel Owies who has had a significant VJBL representative career. In cricket, the College was fortunate to utllise the skill set of Declan McLaughlin (Director of Coaching at Balwyn Cricket Club), who led the high performance Agar Cricket Academy in Term 3 and 4. Our students have benefited enormously from the high caliber of coaching. We eagerly anticipate the ongoing development of this framework, which will serve as a solid foundation for our various programs, ultimately leading to a positive impact on both our students and our collective sports performances.

Melo Conti – Director of Sport

ACC Sport Report

“You dream. You plan. You reach. There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, with belief, with confidence and trust in yourself and those around you, there are no limits.” — Michael Phelps

2023 was undoubtedly a successful year for De La Salle College, particularly if we were to take participation and involvement as a guiding light. Large numbers of students, particularly in the junior year levels, were keen to proudly wear the blue and gold while presenting at trial and training sessions throughout the year, not to mention on game days! We had strong performances in numerous sports resulting in many teams competing in the finals throughout the year, with our Year 7A Football Team achieving premiership success.

Our College was passionately led by our senior teams who performed strongly throughout the three seasons of ACC sport. Our 20twenty Cricket Team, Second XVIII Football, First Tennis Team and Badminton Teams all made the Semi Finals, in addition to our First Soccer Team who played off in their second successive Grand Final decider. Outstanding success was achieved by our First XVIII Football and First Hockey Teams who were victorious in thrilling Grand Final victories.

In ACC Championship events we have performed strongly in both Athletics and Cross Country to maintain our Division 1 status for 2024. To acknowledge this high level of achievement we had several senior students display outstanding performances resulting in them being selected for the ACC Teams of the Year. These included Ryo Hayashi (swimming), Orlando Wong (badminton), Ellis Ashe (soccer), Luke Healy (football), Luke Lloyd (football), James Hillemacher (hockey), Bailey Hunter (hockey) and Callum McPherson (hockey). Congratulations to these young men on their outstanding achievements.

There were many and varied experiences in 2023. We welcomed a touring South Australian school for an ACC pre-season football match, along with pre-season cricket matches. The College entered basketball teams in the Statewide Champions Cup in addition to golf and lawn bowls championships. As a school we are always looking at ways to grow and offer support to students wishing to develop their sporting pursuits. It is through individual gains that we as a collective will see great results. would like to thank and acknowledge all the sporting coaches at the College for their efforts in 2023 and to also pay tribute to the staff that assisted with managing our Sports Programs. Without this contribution to early mornings and after school sessions we would not be able to run a sporting program. am thankful for everyone who offered their support so that our students would benefit from the opportunities.

My first year in the role of Director of Sport has very much been about acknowledging what we do well and implementing meaningful growth into the various sporting programs we offer. I can’t wait to see what 2024 will bring.

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ACC Chess

At De La Salle, our Chess Club boasts a remarkable group of talented sports enthusiasts. Every Tuesday and Friday during lunchtime, they exhibit unwavering dedication and enthusiasm to the game.

The realm of chess within our college has evolved, encompassing both traditional and virtual dimensions. Leveraging platforms like Tornello Tournaments (courtesy of Kids Unlimited), we’ve effortlessly facilitated the expansion of our school across three campuses. This technological advancement has provided us with an array of boundless board opportunities, nurturing a strong sense of community and House spirit in our matches.

In this current year, our participation has extended to the prestigious ACC Tournaments, encompassing categories such as Open, Junior and Intermediate events. De La Salle’s progression remains resolute, bolstered by the introduction of the innovative Immersion Chess program. Particularly amongst the junior levels, this program has garnered substantial interest, hinting at a promising future.

Primary Sport

The Year 5 and 6 students continue to excel in our internal and external sports program at the College. This year the Primary students worked with our VET students for six weeks learning important skills for soccer and touch rugby, undertook an eight week swimming program at Harold Holt, two weeks with Melbourne United for Basketball and had some fun down at the Malvern Lawn Bowls Club. In Terms 3 and 4 students also undertook fitness testing with some amazing results for the 1km time trial at Spring Park, as well as improving their technique with sit ups, push ups, lunges and squats.

In our external Dendy Sports program against like-minded Catholic schools, the Year 5 and 6 students also performed exceptionally well. There were some amazing individual performances in swimming, cross country and athletics, and we were undefeated in the six week AFL competition during Term 2. A special mention to James Cope who kicked nine goals in one practice game.

In the three Lightning Premierships we made the semi-finals for soccer, netball and AFL, and our B Team won the Netball Premiership for the third year in a row. We had a great day at the Victorian basketball Hoop Time tournament with the All Stars finishing runner up to Sacred Heart Sandringham. Our Future Stars team, that was partnered with St Mary’s, won their division. Many thanks to the entire Primary team for their hard work throughout 2023. We are looking forward to many of the Year 5 and 6 students representing the school with pride in the ACC competition for many years to come.

Martin Gibbs – Director of Students Tiverton Campus

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Sporting Achievements

Ellis Ashe – Soccer

I started playing soccer when I was 11 at my local club, ever since then it has been a big passion of mine. Representing De La Salle on the field has been a privilege for me and one I wish I was able to continue this into the future. Being ableto represent De La Salle in the ACC Team of the Year in both 2022 and 2023 as well as winning the ACC Player of the Year in 2022 is something never believed would happen.

Although unfortunately we weren’t able to win the competition, getting to two Grand Finals in a row is a great honour that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. would like to give a big thanks again to Mr Di Ciccio as his tremendous amounts of hard work and dedication is the reason we were able to achieve what we did. I have no doubts that De La Salle will continue to achieve the high levels which have been set throughout the School on the sporting field. will be forever be in debt to the College and watching on with a keen eye for what the school will achieve into the future.

Ryo Hayashi – Swimming

For 14 incredible years, I’ve been immersed in the world of swimming, navigating the waves of challenges and triumphs. My heart races with passion for events like the 400m and 200m individual medley and the thrilling 200m butterfly. Swimming isn’t just a sport it’s my profound teacher, imparting life lessons in discipline, resilience, and the sweet taste of victory.

The bonds I’ve forged with friends and mentors will last forever. In this aquatic odyssey, my achievements sparkle like glistening droplets, and I owe their existence to the unwavering support of my family, coaches, friends and most importantly De La Salle College. Their steadfast encouragement has been the compass guiding me to be the best version of myself, both as an athlete and a student. To them, owe a debt that words can hardly capture. I am eternally grateful for the waves of support that have carried me to these shores of accomplishments.

Luke Healy – ACC Football

I have been playing football for as long as I can remember. The thing love most about the sport is the bonds created through each players efforts to achieve a common goal.

I played my junior football at St Pauls Football club and have since started playing at the De La Salle Old Collegians Football Club.

During my years at De La Salle, playing school football has been one of my greatest memories. Being lucky enough to be involved in both the 2022 and 2023 First XVIII Premierships is something I will treasure for a long time beyond my time at the college.

am extremely grateful for the opportunities that the College has provided me to be involved in a variety of ACC sports. In particular, the investment into the Football Program that provided a significant point of difference for our college, ultimately leading us to success over the past two years.

would encourage all students at the college to give the vast range of co-curricular opportunities a try as they are great ways to build new relationships and enhance your overall experience at De La Salle College.

James Hillemacher – ACC Hockey

I have been around hockey ever since could walk, playing for a club for 12 years. Playing hockey throughout my whole life has taught me so much, I’ve made so many memories and made so many friends that will stick with me forever.

Throughout my time playing hockey made my first Victorian team in 2018 and have played in the Victorian team every year since. Playing in the De La Salle senior hockey team is one of the greatest experiences in my hockey journey so far. The group of boys that worked with each other resulting in us going undefeated to then winning the grand final was an amazing feeling.

At the conclusion of the season after winning the Grand Final to then be named in the team of the year was a great achievement. The news that was then named Most Outstanding Player of the season as a Year 11 student is something I can’t really believe. can’t thank my teammates and the coaches, Ms Skinner and Mr Buckley enough for the effort they put in to get us this far.

Bailey Hunter – ACC Hockey School hockey has always been less about high performance and more about the comradery of playing with your mates and fighting for your team.

Seeing the boys lay everything on the line for one another on the field is a true demonstration Lasallian zeal and brotherhood. De La Salle has really taught me the value of working as a team and bettering the performance of my fellow teammates in order to achieve a collective goal.

From Year 7 to our Senior Years the boys have shown true dedication to grow and develop their hockey skills, whilst forming new friendships with one another and staff alike. It is this mateship that has made our team so successful and allowed us to achieve the ultimate goal of taking home the ACC Premiership Cup. It has been a true honour to play for De La Salle and makes me a very proud Captain to be a part of such a great group of boys.

Luke Lloyd – Football

started playing football 13 years ago and have enjoyed every second of it. The comradery that is built with teammates is really special.

played my junior football for St Paul’s McKinnon in the SMJFL but have moved to De La Salle Old Collegians football club this year. I also was lucky enough to be apart of the Sandringham Dragons premiership team this year.

Over my time at the college I have been able to get involved in various ACC sports. My fondest memories would have to be the Senior premierships in 2022 and 2023. The memories that we made through those seasons will stay with me for a long time and everyone in the team will have a bond for life. This could not have been without the college’s investment into the football program. I was honored to be chosen to captain the senior football team and learnt so much about leadership and building culture.

I am extremely thankful to the college for giving me many opportunities throughout out my time De La Salle.

Callum McInerney – ACC Hockey

During my years representing De La Salle, we were able to achieve two consecutive premierships in both Year 7 and Year 8, remaining undefeated throughout. However, due to COVID we were forced to wait until 2022 for our next uninterrupted season, where we came agonizingly close to securing victory in the Grand Final, a moment that fuelled our determination to return to our winning ways in the subsequent season.

As a result, would have to say that my favourite moment would be in the Grand Final this year, when we were able to rise to the challenge that we were met with last year, beating St Bedes convincingly. would like to extend my gratitude to our dedicated coaches, Miss Skinner and Mr Buckley, who have allowed me to refine my skills, ultimately placing me in contention for nomination to the ACC Team of the Year.

Orlando Wong – Badminton

I was introduced to Badminton as a young child by my mother who had previously played herself, and after familiarising myself with the unusual racquet length, started to love the sport. Although never took the sport to a competitive level outside of the College, I always loved playing with my family at home during the summer holidays, especially during lockdowns as it was a fun and easy game to set up outside; suffice there was no wind.

Playing and representing De La Salle in the 2022 ACC Badminton Tournament, and then as the Badminton Captain in 2023 when it became a weekly sport for the first time, has been an extremely rewarding and enjoyable experience. In 2023, during the Senior Team’s first game, only two out of the team of nine had ever played before. However, after some familiarisation and training under coach Jon Edgar, the Seniors Team made it to the semi-finals, creating a good foundation for future players to win the College the ACC Badminton Trophy. In the future hope to maintain my participation in the sport, at least at a recreational level, before taking it into competitions and tournaments outside the College.

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Music and Arts

Music Report

2023 has been another superb year of music-making at De La Salle College. The diversity of student musical talent displayed across our range of ensembles reflects the ongoing vitality of the Music Program. Private Instrumental enrolments have continued to grow, whilst the evolution of our Year 5 to 12 classroom program and ever-expanding ensemble offerings have given students innumerable opportunities to develop their musical skills and confidence in expressive communication.

This year saw a number of concert highlights, including:

n The inaugural De La Salle Battle of the Bands (with a stunning light show!)

n The inaugural De La La La Vocal Competition

n The DLS/OLSH production of School of Rock, featuring a largely all student orchestra

n The third Senior Concert Band collaboration with Siena College

n A highly successful seven concert Music Tour of Beechworth, Myrtleford and Yackandandah

n The House Soiree Concert Series

n The Autumn and W inter Ensemble Concerts

n The Semester 1 and 2 Junior Concerts

n The inaugural Music Electives Performance Night

Music has been at the centre of numerous public and internal celebrations, and is a key element in our celebration of the Eucharist at De La Salle College with our Liturgical Choir.

A highlight of 2023 has been the emergence of a new, strong culture of student-run bands, with both the Year 10 Dancing Social night and Year 11 Formal brought to life by such ensembles.

We have exciting plans for Music at De La Salle 2024, including the introduction of more educational and performance opportunities for students, such as:

n Sound and Lighting Production (new Year 10 subject in 2024)

n High Performance Classical music chamber ensemble

n More opportunities for our singers and string players

Many thanks to the supremely talented Music staff for their tireless work in guiding the talents of our musicians. Thank you also to our musicians’ parents for their continued and invaluable support. I encourage every student to strongly consider how they can share in the numerous benefits and enjoyment of an active involvement in Music.

Serrano – Music Coordinator

Luke Serrano 2023 MUSIC CAPTAINS
DE LA SALLE COLLEGE Blue and Gold 2023 91

Music Captain’s Report

This year as the 2023 Music Captain, I have had the pleasure of leading the DLS Music Department and being a part of the massive family that it is. This year, the Music Department has showcased its various talents many times; the Autumn and Winter Concerts, the inaugural and premiere of Battle of the Bands and De La La Vocal Competition, as well as the highly regarded De La Salle Music Tour alongside playing music for various masses and gatherings.

This year, the DLS Music Tour saw the culmination of 60 different musicians across Years 9 to 12 come together and perform splendidly at seven different shows around Beechworth, something which I was honored to be leading as Music Captain, as well as performing in, being witness to the binding that happens as a result of a combined love for music and the joy that it brought all our audiences, mainly comprised of primary school aged children.

Wong – Music Captain


As we reflect on a vibrant musical year, I am delighted to highlight the expansion of our College ensembles in 2023. We proudly introduced the Junior Guitar Ensemble, embracing budding talents, and revitalised the Harmony Vocal Ensemble, infusing a fresh energy and contemporary approach into their performances.

A heartfelt thank you to our Ensemble and Music Captains; Liam Campitelli, Taj Davey, Larry Dell, Jordan Genovese, Sebastian Hall, Ronin Lew, Liam Murphy, Niki Rayzman, Jim Tobin, Harry Trbanc, Spencer Tull, Harry Van Echteld, Oliver Walsh-Dummett and Orlando Wong for their unwavering dedication and leadership. Your commitment has been instrumental in fostering a culture of musical excellence. Beyond the melodies, our Ensemble Program continues to nurture essential life skills. From teamwork to organisation, preparedness to self-discipline, students flourish as they collaborate, rehearse and perform together. The power of music transcends notes; it shapes character.

Jaymee Lee – Music Ensembles Coordinator


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Musicals and Plays

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Arts Report

“The remarkable outcomes stand as testaments to the outstanding talent within our art student cohort.”

“Art is a form of language for children. It is their first way of communicating their experiences and thoughts, of making sense of the world around them.”Rhoda Kellogg. This quote underscores the profound impact of art education. Through engagement in the visual arts, students foster creativity, imagination and critical thinking.

This year has been marked by a range of art activities and events. Our junior classes have been vibrant hubs of creativity, exploring paintings, ceramics and a variety of materials. In the middle years, students delve into photography, media, art and visual communication design, further building upon the foundations laid during their early years. Our senior students have been immersed in film production, graphic design, architectural projects, while also embracing the classical mediums of painting and sculpture. The remarkable outcomes stand as testaments to the outstanding talent within our art student cohort.

In a significant addition to our team this year, we welcomed George Arthur, who quickly became an invaluable asset to our group. His wealth of knowledge has enriched our students’ experiences. Our accomplishments during the year included our first participation in the MAC’s Art Show and our Arts Assembly, where music, art, and drama were showcased. The resounding success of the annual Media Awards Night and the Art and Design Exhibition further spotlighted the skill of our students, serving as platforms to showcase their talents to the broader school community.

This moment affords a chance to extend heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated arts team, George Arthur, Warren Bardsely, Christine Bassili, Emma D’Angelo, Mark Gustincic, David Happ, Eliza Meallin, Shane Mackintosh, Travis MacDonald and Angela Runci. Their unwavering commitment has been instrumental in nurturing our student’s artistic growth and achievements this year.

Ryan Hayward – Learning Area Team Leader, Visual Arts

Ryan Hayward
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Art Reflection

Personally, being the Austin’s House Arts Captain this year was very rewarding. You get to go into meetings with other leaders (College Captain, Vice Captains, House Captains to name a few). I enjoyed having to plan out the upcoming events such as Founder’s Day, and it was exciting to attend music concerts to help perform certain tasks during the event (for example, I was doing the camera operations – to ensure that the camera was running smoothly for the concerts such as the Winter Concert). I liked giving updates for Austin’s House regarding the upcoming events in the Arts and Music Department. Overall, I have enjoyed being the Austin’s Arts Captain for 2023.

Ben Mazur – St Austin’s House Arts Captain

This year I have had the privilege to be the Edwin’s Arts Captain and alongside my fellow Edwin’s House Leaders and Mrs Doherty, have had the ability to lead and inspire Edwin’s House with regard to the Arts and Music.

This, in conjunction with my appointment as the De La Salle Music Captain, has allowed me to be intimately involved in the Arts, supporting endeavors such as the Autumn and Winter Concerts, the De La Salle Arts Assembly, the De La Salle and Sacrè Cœur School of Rock performances and the coveted annual De La Salle Music Tour, where I got to support the up and coming musicians within the Edwin’s House and broader school community.

Orlando Wong – St Edwin’s House Arts Captain

Leo’s House has had a vibrant and dynamic year, showcasing the immense talent and creativity of its students. From breathtaking Visual Communication pieces to mesmerizing musical performances, St Leo’s House has been a hub of artistic excellence.

The year commenced with a spectacular production, featuring a diverse crew performing their rendition of ‘School of Rock’, which left both students and parents in awe. The melodious echoes of music filled the school throughout the year, with the unforgettable Leo’s Soiree highlighting the dedication of our young musicians.

As the academic year draws to a close, St Leo’s House leaves an indelible mark on our school’s cultural landscape and the greater art community.

Hunter – St Leo’s House Arts Captain

As always, the Arts play a huge role in the fabric of life at De La Salle. The annual House Music Soiree saw many talented musicians play a range of instruments and a notable section of singers. Once again St Mark’s House was well represented in the school productions with actors and backstage crew showing tireless commitment to these productions. St Mark’s House was also well represented on the Music Tour visiting schools in rural Victoria, showcasing the many varied musical talents. It has been great to see the range of talents across Visual Arts, Media and Architecture with modern techniques such as 3D printing combining to further enhance the creativity of students.


We had a busy and exciting year in Visual Communication Design in 2023, venturing into a world bursting with creativity. The students worked on creative architectural projects, making detailed models and precise technical drawings that showed how form and function can come together. Students covered a range of drawing techniques including, isometric, planimetric, perspective, orthogonal, elevation and the list goes on!

We also explored a range of digital media using Adobe Illustrator and other design tools to create logos and other graphic design projects. We studied many design fields in this subject, such as designing products, figuring out how to make packages look great, and even trying our hand at designing furniture.

This subject isn’t just about making things look nice – it’s like a stepping stone for students who want to be architects or designers. It helps us see the artistry all around us that we sometimes miss. Visual Communication Design (VCD) nurtures the budding talents of our students; it aspires to mould the architects and designers of tomorrow who may innovate and design how we interact with the spaces around us. I want to congratulate all of our VCD students on a fantastic year.

Art and Visual Communication

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Harry McGindle – St Mark’s House Arts Captain
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Media continues to thrive at the College, with record numbers of students moving into VCE Media this year. Whether it be through an interest in analysis and understanding, or a thirst to create a short film, music video, documentary, animation or magazine, students have continued to enjoy a rich experience immersed in both classroom Media and the AV Club. Fascination with how we as a society communicate, how to decipher the messages we are receiving and the perennial interest in cinema and the moving image, make the study of Media today as relevant as it has ever been.

The teen-favourite film genre of horror continues to inspire our students at Year 10 in 2023, as does auteur-director Chris Nolan’s classic ‘The Dark Knight’ at Year 11. Our Year 12’s dissected the family flick ‘Jurassic Park’ alongside the provocative ‘Promising Young Woman’.

One of the highlights of studying Media is students’ ability to make their own works. This year, the red-carpet event, the annual ‘Media Awards Night’, will showcase the short films and magazine work of the Year 12 class, with promising signs at the time of writing of an incredible array of works for the audience to enjoy.


The Drama department has had another busy year of productions and events across all year levels of the College. We opened our calendar with the roaring success of ‘School of Rock’; presented with OLSH College Bentleigh at The Alexander Theatre. Directed by Andrew Murrell, this show saw Jordan Genovese perfectly embody the character of Dewey Finn alongside his friend ‘Ned Schneebly’ portrayed by Skyler Sahely. This high energy musical complete with live music, directed by Luke Serrano, both in the pit and on stage, was a joy from start to finish. The cast, crew and production teams had the pleasure of performing to the Primary students during the showcase day and dress rehearsal at the theatre.

A number of our senior students graced the stage again in September for the Senior Play ‘Agatha Rex’. This was hosted and performed with OLSH College Bentleigh over two sold out performances. Set in a fictional private school, the play explores the themes of justice, independence and loyalty when blue hair and piercings are contrasted against an inflexible Principal played by Skyler Sahely. Greek theatre conventions and use of chorus brought together this entertaining performance.

Sacre Coeur in conjunction with our De La Salle students brought to life ‘Bring it On’ at The Alexander Theatre in September, in this energetic and well-known performance. The Junior Production, written and directed by Andrew Murrell ‘Beware the Naughty Corner’ was performed in October in conjunction with the girls from Sacre Coeur. A fun and lively story of mind control, parallel dimensions and the will of young students, the audience saw just what can happen when a group of students work together for the greater good.

Our classroom experiences have been supported with a number of excursions and incursions throughout the year. These included incursions from Commedia Dell’Arte company ‘Make A Scene’ and Melbourne Playback Theatre. Excursions included Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, The Suitcase Series, Nosferatu, Frankenstein and The World According to Dinosaurs. We are busy planning 2024 and look forward to the opportunities it may bring.

Jennifer Bonnici – Drama Coordinator

College Roll

Mark Gustincic – Classroom Teacher

Year 5 and 6 Tiverton


BOOTH Patrick



CHEN Kenneth

COPE James







DUBOS Thomas




GOWER Jasper

GUY Ethan

DABBS Thomas DIAS Cohyn


FOO Isaac



HALL Angus



HOVE Thomas



JOY Cooper





KROM Riley

HARMER William





MOSS Baxter

LIKOPOULOS Chrissostomos








NEGRI Nicholas

NGUYEN Matthew




PEARSON Benjamin


WEEKS Oliver



NOLAN Oliver










SIRACUSA Christian

Year 7 Tiverton

ABERL Benjamin

YANG Gimun



SQUIRE Harrison




UTBER Harvey


WEBB Declan






ASHE Louis

ASHTON Zachary


BOWDEN Benjamin



BROWN Kenneth

BRYAN Xavier

BUESST Montgomery


BURKE Patrick




CLOSE Sebastian

COOKE Tristan


D’SILVA Alexander



DAVIES William




DRAKOS Nikolas


DUNN Elwood

DUNN Lenny


EGAN Murray

FISHER Michael






GALANIS Leonardo

GANAS Christian





GREEN Nicholas



HARRIS William


HAY Larson


HOWARD Joel IP Dylan







KEENS Massey








LITTLE Zachary


LUMB Charles







MCVEY Jordan




MIOTELLO Alexander

MODY Krish

MORGAN William



MUNRO Raphael




NEWMAN Lachlan




ODGERS Benjamin

PAPPAS Nicholas




PATTI Alessandro


PERERA Johnathon PERRI Max














SHEEDY Maximilian






SOFOS Christos



SUMARNO Elijah-John


TAN Jack


TIU Mitchell




UBALDI Orlando

UIL Eliseo

VONG Keagan

WADE Howard


WARD Mitchell


WEEKS Xavier


WHITTLE Benjamin




YANG Gi Hwan


GRADE 5 GRADE 6 104 DE LA SALLE COLLEGE Blue and Gold 2023 105

CROOK Hector







DORE Darby


ELLIS William



FABIATOS Evangelos


FISH Thomas







FRYAR Harrison




HILL Charlie

HO Elijah





HOUSE William



JANGIR Himanshu



KERR Benjamin


KING Maxwell


LING Gabriel



MAYNE Christopher














NIXON Xavier

OH Matthew






PERRI Julian



Year 9

Holy Eucharist


POPE Joshua


PRATT Nathan


RIDD Damon

RITCHIE Christian

RUGE Alexander


RYAN Heath

SANDOW Benjamin








STAMOS Anastasios

TAYLOR William









ZHOU Yipeng

ZHU Hon Hin



APTED William

AUGHEY Harrison




BATES Benjamin

BEKOS Alexander

BERTON Zachary

BEST Jaxon



BIRD William




BURKITT Jonathan


CAVEY Alastair




COLLIVER Sebastien

COOKE Quinlan








D COUTO Ashton




DEE Joseph



DODDS Taegen




DUNN Franklin


EASTON Benjamin



FAZIO Oliver







FRAZER Lachlan

FULLER William

GAUCI Raphael










HATZIS Alexander

HAYES Matthew

HEANEY Matthew

HEGAN Joshua









HUZ Danylo

HYNES William




JAMES Thomas

JOY Mitchell

JULIER Lachlan




KRUP Thomas




LEWIS Jackson





MAIN Ciaran





Joshua MCLISKY Lachlan MERIDA James MODY Aahaan MOLLICA Jake MORGAN Lachlan MULCAHY Armaan MUNRO Julian MURRAY Joshua NEWMAN Mitchell NOLAN Joshua O’FLYNN Cian O’SHANNESSY William OCKWELL Noah OGILVIE Jack PARIS Conor PATTEN Lincoln PEARSE Alexander PENKAR Zachariah PFAHL Dylan PLAYNE Louis PUOPOLO Domenic RICHARDS Levi RISTEVSKI Kristian ROBB Mitchell SAGIADELLIS Adam SANTOSO Nolan SAVILLE Leo SHINE Daniel SIGNORELLI Massimo STEWART Fraser STUART Harry TAN James TESMER Lachlan THOMPSON Ford TIGANIS Christian TRAN Xavier TRBANC Harry TRIBE Benjamin TSIAVIS Tyson TUDOR Jasper VELLA Harry VUKIC Michael WALKER Kerrek WEBSTER Barkly WILSON Christopher WONG Adam WONG Massimo WOOD William XIA Ziyuan YACIN Bello Year 8 Tiverton ALEXANDERMCCURRY Darby
Bastien BATEMAN Aiden
Cash BAUM Archie BAUTISTA Kristoffer BEDNARZ Jackson BIRCH Hamish
CHRYSTIE Sebastian
106 DE LA SALLE COLLEGE Blue and Gold 2023 107

St Austin’s House

CROSS Samuel











CAIN Callum

CAIN Patrick





CIFONE Nicholas





COUTTS Benjamin



GAMBA Patrick

GASHI Michael

GAUCI Gabriel

GODDARD Nicholas






HALL Sebastian



HEGAN Thomas


HILL Lincoln




JAMES Samuel














MAHER Oliver



MAZUR Benjamin


MILLER Benjamin


MORLEY Mitchell







O’HAIRE William

O’KANE Daniel


O’LEARY Zachary




PETRONE Nicholas



RAO Edward

RAZGA Patrick


ROGAN Benjamin





St Edwin’s House










TEO Ashton



TIMPANO Sebastian

TULL Spencer



WALKER William




WOOD Charles


YUEN Jordan














BUTT Freddy



CAON Nikola


CAUCHI Jackson

CELON Matteo

CELON Simone


CHAU Ethan




COWEN Oliver




DELL Laurence


EDGELL William





FONG Sebastian


GANAS Emmanuel



GEORGOS Constantine


GILL Angus



HADAWAY Alexander

HALLAS Benjamin

HARDING Frederik










JURAC Oliver








LEY Benjamin

LIEM Oscar




MARKWICK Friedrich


MARTINEZ Francisco

MARTINZ Mitchell






MILES Joshua


PARIS Nicholas










SAID Ezekiel



SHAW Ronan






TRIPODIS William VAK Bailey



VATTA Jeremy


WEBB Hamish

WEBB Joshua WONG Orlando YAN Jayden


108 DE LA SALLE COLLEGE Blue and Gold 2023 109

St Leo’s House


ARNOLD Phoenix






BOULTER Donantony


CHETTIBI Sebastien

CHIRIANO Alexander

CLARKE Cameron





CROOK Jarrad


CUSCUNA Francesco




DOYLE Charles

DROMEY Edouard




EYLES Thomas

FAY Liam


FLYNN William



GIRLING Maximilian

GREY Lachlan





HILL Rowland

HOWARD Fredric


JANGIR Darshan

JONES Charlie


JONES Xavier







LOGAN Bailey





MACKIE Lachlan













MOON Simon

MOORE Thomas









OH Lucas




PETRIDES Christian





POOLE Andrew




SAM Abishal



St Mark’s House




SHAW Harrison







SPRUTH Benjamin








WALKER Sebastian

WALL Justin

WILSON Michael





ASHE Ellis


BAGNALL Richmond


BAUM Harrison






BUXTON Raphael









DONG Jerry












HEALY Patrick

HENRY Charlton

HEY William


HOWARD Christian


HURD Charlie

IACONO Alexander

ITKINE Mikhail







KIM Wesley

KOCOLIS Jonathon



KUNG Anderson




LAU Aaron

LEW Ronin

LI Jing

LI You Qiao


LUU Adrian




MARTIN Royston










MORRIS Charles





NIKITAS Christian



O’DWYER Hamish



PAOLA Jonathan

PAROLI Alessandro


PERSI Antony


PODEU George

POPE Lachlan



ROACH Alexander


RUSSO Giordano








Harrison THOMPSON Jack


TODD Hunter






WALSH Patrick


110 DE LA SALLE COLLEGE Blue and Gold 2023 111
Xavier Campbell Oliver Alessandro Hugo Alves Ellis Ashe Henry Ashton Alexandro Axaris Kieran Barnes Ryan Barr Isaiah Barton Andrew Battista Harrison Baum Elijah Bazley Max Begley Taliesin Bernardi Charlie Besnard Aiden Bird Pavlos Blassis James Borgese Luke Bosnich Harry Brady Kobi Bloomfield Elijah Brasher Denis Brodskiy Julian Bunnik Freddy Butt Patrick Cain Noah Caruso Jackson Cauchi Matteo Celon
DE LA SALLE COLLEGE Blue and Gold 2023 113
Tristan Campbell
Year 12 Students Class of 2023
Jacob Leigh Jack Larkin Jack Lanigan Harry Lanigan Anderson Kung Chad Koronowicz Charlie Kopczowski George Kocolis Angus Kenny Nathan Kennedy Gerald Kelaart Ned Kateb Peter Kartsaklis Ethan Jones Charlie Jones Samuel Johnston-Ruzicka Darshan Jangir Yohji James Bailey Hunter Max Higginbotham Charlton Henry Noah Henderson Patrick Healy Luke Healy Ryo Hayashi Lucas Hatzikourtis Frederik Harding Nicholas Haralambopoulos Joseph Hanrahan Benjamin Hallas Cooper De Cinque Flynn Davies Tyson De Campo Michael Gashi Oliver Deir Raphael Di Nardo Aidan Dragovic Sebastian Fernandez Rory Finestone Joseph Fisicaro William Edgell William Flynn Angus Galvans James Ganas Patrick Gerrand Gabriel Gauci Liam Greening Liam Guiliano Matthew Haberfield Constantine Georgos Declan Chippindall Bowen Clarke Cameron Clarke Joshua Compton Hugo Cornell
114 DE LA SALLE COLLEGE Blue and Gold 2023 115
Jarrad Crook Samuel Cross Joel Curnow Thomas D’Amelio William Davidson Ben Torcasio Ashton Teo Ryan Tatlis Angus Sutherland George Strong Joshua Stewart Liam Stacey Dominic Spicuglia Adrian Skutela Scott Sisson James Sheedy Ronan Shaw David Sesuraj Leonard Scillio Andre Santilli Ezekiel Said Daniel Safonov Jack Ryan Giordano Russo Patrick Russell Max Rossitto Jayden Rodrigues Harrison Robinson Nicholas Ranzolin George Podeu Jack Pickles Elliott Pickering Cohen Pedruco Zane O’Keeffe Angus O’Donnell Jasper Newton Joel Newman Jonathan Neamontis Samuel Murphy Darcy Mulholland Cody Mulholland George Mitsas Joshua Miles Hugh McIntosh Callum McInerney Harry McGindle William McEniry Will McCormack Taylor McConville James Mazur Benjamin Mazur Mitchell Martinz Francisco Martinez Daniel Martin Gabriel Marsilli Brooklyn Marinelli Sullivan Mardling Jason Mallampati Ethan Macbeth Adrian Luu Luke Lowe Luke Lloyd Jon Litsas
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Noah Ling Jing Li

Year 12 Awards

Brother Damien Harvey Award

In recognition of Leadership and Service as College Captain 2023

Leadership Award

College Vice Captain 2023

Leadership Award

College Vice Captain 2023

Outstanding contribution to the life of the College through his involvement in the Performing Arts 2023

John Lloyd Award 2023

For outstanding contribution to the life of the College through his involvement in Music

William McEniry

James Ganas

Noah Caruso

Scott Sisson

Orlando Wong

Outstanding contribution to the life of the College through his involvement in the Visual Arts 2023 Thomas D’Amelio

Outstanding contribution to the life of the College through his involvement in the Drama 2023

Harry McGindle

De La Salle College Ken Stokes Memorial ACC Golf Liam Greening

De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2023 ACC Athletics Hugo Cornell

De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2023 ACC Basketball Luke Lowe

De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2023 ACC Badminton Orlando Wong

De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2023 ACC Cricket Luke Healy

De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2023 ACC Cross Country Alex Axaris

De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2023 ACC Football Luke Lloyd

De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2023 ACC Hockey Bailey Hunter

De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2023 ACC Soccer Luka Zivanic

De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2023 ACC Swimming

De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2023 ACC Table Tennis

De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2023 ACC Tennis

De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2023 ACC Volleyball

Ryo Hayashi

Angus Kenny

Henry Ashton

Dean Georgos

De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2023 ACC Weightlifting Orlando Wong

Father Les Troy Service Award 2023

In recognition of service to the College and the wider community

Hilary Hayes Outstanding Student Award 2023

For outstanding academic results, service to the College and beyond, a significant involvement in College life, a positive role model to his peers and the younger students at De la Salle.

Brother Gerard Rummery Arts Award 2023

In recognition of outstanding contribution to the life of the College through his involvement in The Arts

Saint John Baptist de La Salle Senior Lasallian Award 2023

Brother James Taylor De La Salle Old Collegians Football Club Sportsman of the Year 2023

For achievement by a student in ACC sports combined with a positive approach to his studies

Australian Defence Force Long Tan Award Leadership and Teamwork Award 2023

In recognition of a student who has shown excellent leadership skills throughout his time in Year 12

Australian Defence Force 2023 Future Innovators Award

Ampol Best All Rounder Award 2023

A student who has displayed scholastic achievement across a range of subjects; shown a willingness to assist others; made selfless contributions and has been committed to excellence in all activities

Liam Stacey

James Ganas

Orlando Wong

Max Higginbotham

Angus Sutherland

Orlando Wong

Jack Ryan

Jack Ryan

Luka Zivanic Steve Zervas Orlando Wong Joshua Webb Hamish Webb William Walker Jon Velonis Jeremy Vatta Samuel Valeri James Valcanas Ryan Tymms
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Sam Tormey

Year 12 Graduation

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Year 12 Valedictory
Formal Year
Celebration Day 122 DE LA SALLE COLLEGE Blue and Gold 2023 123
Year 12

De La Salle College Veterans –

Class of 2023


Year 12 Reflections

Nicholas Ranzolin – St Leo’s House

What is your favourite memory from Year 12?

My favourite memory from Year 12 would be playing in the ACC soccer squad. Despite the result in the final, I enjoyed every other part of it and I grew closer to a group which can now call my brothers.

Alex Axaris – St Austin’s House

What is your favourite memory from year 12?

One of my fondest memories from year 12 was winning the ACC Senior Hockey final with a great and talented group of friends. The camaraderie and teamwork we displayed throughout the season culminated in that victory, and it was a truly special feeling.

Sam Cross – St Austin’s House

Who was your favourite teacher and why?

My favourite teachers were Mr McGuire and Mr Whitty, they both wanted the best for every person in the class and pushed me everyday to do my best, additionally the jokes with these teachers and the conversations about footy and other things with these teachers were really great to share. What is your favourite memory from year 12?

My favourite memory from year 12 was playing school footy and winning the school footy premiership alongside all my mates and celebrating in the rooms after the win.

Lucas Hatzikourtis - St Austin’s House

What are your plans for 2024?

After school finishes I plan on gaining experiences within businesses in hopes of opening up my own business one day. As well as that I wish to travel with mates and overall enjoy what life has to offer after school. Who was your favourite teacher and why?

Favourite teacher at De La Salle has to be Ashleigh Hoogendoorn, despite us being two completely different personalities we managed to have great banter with each other and also really pushed me through business and economics in both year 11 and 12, so I owe a lot of my work to him and appreciate all the times he was willing to put up with me.

Josh Compton – St Leo’s House

What are your plans for 2024?

In 2024 my goal is to attend university, I wish to attend a paramedicine course at either ACU or Monash university in order to allow me to become a paramedic. I also wish to travel in the university gaps and feel the true sense of independence and adulthood.

Andre Santilli – St Austins House

What is your favourite memory from year 12?

Lunchtime Internationals vs Aussies Soccer Match. This was absolutely peak Year 12 with all the boys coming together to put on an absolute masterclass on the astro pitch. This rivalry was unmatched and brought plenty of laughs amongst the few brawls. I also can’t forget Year 12 Formal which was a great time for all.

What will you miss most about De La Salle College?

The culture was unmatched. School for me was some good laughs and I enjoyed most days seeing the lads. reckon next year will be a bit too serious for me but lets hope for the best. In all seriousness, the school did provide a great education for all 6 years and has helped me look to my future as enter the real world.

Brooklyn Marinelli - St Edwin’s House

What is your favourite memory from year 12?

My Favourite memory in year 12 would most certainly be going back to back in ACC Footy Grand finals, as it was a day and a season I will never forget. Being able to represent senior football the second year in a row was an achievement in itself that I was really proud of, as well as going undefeated for the whole season. Receiving an individual award for my performance in the season allowed me to feel proud of myself and reduce levels of stress in an already stressful year. Being part of a premiership winning team is one of the greatest feeling anyone could feel and being able to spend it with my friends that have known since I was 12-13 years old is something very special. The brotherhood, unitedness and camaraderie made the year so special and caused enhanced friendships and real ‘tight nipped’ community amongst not only the footy team but all year 12s.

Ethan Jones – St Edwin’s House

What is your favourite memory from year 12?

Retreat was honestly my favourite memory from this year. Starting the year off with an experience that helped to prepare us for the year and what to expect mentally, along with giving us a chance to bond with each other as a year level and start the year off with some fun. Aswell as being able to read wholesome letters from our parents.

Taylor McConville – St Mark’s House

What is your favourite memory from year 12:

My favourite memory from year 12 above all else is spending quality time with my mates. Simple things like eating lunch together and kicking a ball together are definitely certain things I will cherish for the rest of my life. These specific moments have made year 12 that much better. I will truly never forget my time in year 12 at De La Salle.

Thomas D’Amelio – St Leo’s House

What are your plans for 2024?

My plan for 2024 is to get into the construction field, either the management or the carpentry side. My favourite memory of year 12 is playing ACC basketball with my mates and enjoying the experience together. My favourite teacher will have to be Mr Williamson, because he encourages you to perform at the best of your ability. will miss seeing and talking to my mates every day. What makes De La Salle special is the constant brotherhood of the student in terms of pushing each other to perform at our best.

Joel Newman – St Mark’s House

Who was your favourite teacher and why?

My favourite teacher is Ms Johnson because she is able to make studying French engaging and fun for the whole class. She helps us to improve and works hard to provide extra resources and good feedback so that we can succeed.

Harrison Baum – St Mark’s House

What are your plans for 2024?

My plan next year is to hopefully start my first year of Uni straight away in my dream course, would also love to travel at the beginning of the year and during my semester break. Although the idea of finishing high school is quite daunting, I cannot wait to begin this new chapter in my life!

Noah Ling – St Leo’s House What will you miss most about De La Salle College?

will miss a lot of things about De La Salle, the obvious answer being my friends. One special thing about my time in Year 12, was going into recess to play football with my mates. found it exciting looking forward to recess to kick the ball around and forget about my studies for a bit.

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Back Row: Ronan Shaw, Elijah Bazley, Aiden Bird, Ryo Hayashi, Thomas D’Amelio, George Kocolis, Ben Mazur, James Mazur Seated: Julian Bunnik, Max Higginbotham, Zane O’Keefe, Michael Gashi, Cohen Pedruco, Ryan Barr, Scott Sisson
Class of 2023

College Prayer

Let us remember we are in the holy presence of God God, as our leader, and guided by the Lasallian Principles, we commit ourselves to lives of faith and excellence, compassion, courage and loyalty.

May we have a humble heart, a generous spirit, and a willingness to serve our community.

In the likeness of the Founder, may we live with virtue and love.

Inspired by the burning zeal to do what is right and just, we commit ourselves to the blue and gold, Deo Duce.

St John Baptist de La Salle - Pray for us

Live Jesus in our hearts - Forever!


College Captain: Cooper Partridge

College Vice Captain: James McLisky

College Vice Captain: Angus Gill

Vocational Learning Captain: Ben Rogan


House Captain: Oliver Maher

House Vice: Liam Murphy

House Arts: Daniel O’Kane

House Lasallian: Luka Peterson

House Sports: Mack Higginbotham


House Captain: Joey Valcanas

Vice-House Captain: Larry Dell

Arts Captain: Oliver Walsh-Dummett

Lasallian Captain: Simone Celon

Sports Captain: Liam Campitelli


House Captain: Lachie Grey

House Vice-Captain: Sebastien Chettibi

House Lasallian Captain: Cameron Cochrane

House Arts Captain: Skyler Sahely

House Sports Captain: Hugo Sheedy


House Captain: Alessandro Paroli

House Vice: Hugh Florance

House Lasallian: Isaac Romanis

House Arts: Jordan Genovese

House Sport: Christian Perschilli





Wednesday 31 January: Year 5, 6, 7, 9 and 12

Thursday 1 February: Year 8, 10 and 11

END OF TERM: Thursday 28 March


START OF TERM: Tuesday April 16

END OF TERM: Friday June 28


START OF TERM: Wednesday 17 July

END OF TERM: Friday 20 September


START OF TERM: Monday 7 October

END OF TERM: Friday 6 December

T: +613 9508 2100 www.delasalle.vic.edu.au TIVERTON CAMPUS 1318 High Street, Malvern HOLY EUCHARIST CAMPUS 1241 Dandenong Road, Malvern East KINNOULL CAMPUS 9 Northbrook Avenue, Malvern

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