Seo updates to expect in 2018

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SEO updates to expect in 2018: Digital Marketers are always expected to be updated with the trends and new updates in Digital Marketing. Being updated makes any Digital Marketer to be competitive in the market, gains more demand for the services and will be recognized for the work. Digital Marketers can never neglect a bit of information about anything in the Digital world. There are few updates which we can expect in 2018 as follows which no Digital Marketer can avoid: 1. Voice search to grow Its time to give importance to voice searches because of its increased use. Now one in every five users use voice search to search in search engine. Google is one among them to optimize on voice search by giving voice search option and there are others like Siri from Apple and so on. While deciding keywords for any webpage, now its important to consider voice searches and have as many as keywords to support all the searches.

2. Increased featured snippet Featured Snippet is also called as “Direct Answer” or “Rich answer”. Where we get the direct answers to the questions we type in search engine. Any website can get such a snippet by finding that question which users ask frequently about the business and writing the direct answer and valuable information to that question and submitting. Featured snippet is good for any website as it will get more relevant audience inside the website.

3. Artificial Intelligence in Algorithm Rank Brain is Google’s new Artificial Intelligence used as an algorithm which focuses more on KEYWORDS. Which started with 15% of search result contribution now has completely taken the whole of search queries. By using a machine learning algorithm Google wants the algorithm to think

like humans and give the most relevant results based on the keywords. It is also going to find out the trends and new patterns in searches and keyword usage. But nobody is sure about the final output therefore we should wait and watch how well rank brain works and effects the SEO Digital Marketers do.

4. Play safe! Know more about guest posting In order to get back links from relevant and reputed sites, we often submit blogs and leave comments, involve in Q&A sessions and discussions on Forums leaving behind the website links on those pages. But we should think how relevant is the content to put up anywhere and how the audience are going to react to the same. If users find irrelevant content anywhere, it does not serve any purpose. Therefore the Digital Marketers should always bear in mind that guest posting works only when it is useful for any of the user. 5. Mobile first indexing Mobile searches beat desktop searches. Increased users or audience for any company through Mobile than Desktop is increasing. Therefore Google made sure that the content of any website should be mobile friendly which should work well on a mobile. Websites will be ranked based on its mobile version and how efficiently it works on mobile. Therefore now its time for Digital Marketers to make sure that the website is Mobile friendly and works better on a mobile.

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