6 minute read

Gratitude In Need By Courtney McEver

I woke up that morning off. Focused on me. Focused on my load and focused on my to-do's, and my busting-at-the-seams schedule. I was concentrating on the hard, draining people that my path would cross and focused on measuring my strength, ability, reservoirs, resources, and energy against this monster day and falling short. Way, way, waaaaaaay, short.

The taunting question that sinisterly shouted at me insurround sound, "DO I HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TODAY?" wasquickly followed by a resounding, "NOT EVEN CLOSE."


"Why am I so off, God?" I asked.

The answer came quick, "What ifyou're not?"

This answer felt almost offensive. What if I'm not??? What about this anxious, frenzied, needy, inadequate ball of chaos that is me right now was NOT OFF?!

The response came quickly again, "Why does needing mean you are off? Why does not having enough mean you are at fault? The hallmark of a Saint isn't piety. It's need."

Mic drop. God- 1. My whiney excuses, complaints, and worries- 0.Need.

This word has a tremendously negative connotation in our culture, particularly for women. Listen, and you'll hear its overtones touch everything from our relationships to our emotions, bodies, business savvy, intelligence, domestic powerlessness, and fashion sense.

"She needs a lot of help. She's so needy. She was an exceptionally needy child. She needs too much from me. My ex-girlfriend was annoyingly needy. She needed extra time on her test. She needs extra help with that dish for Thanksgiving dinner. Please help her with her outfit. She needs to lose weight. I had to step back from that friendship because she was too needy. Her needs overwhelmed me." She needs... It is never a compliment.

Dear sisters, we are conditioned by this message, and itsinks deeply into our souls, leaving a profound stain.

In the converse, not needing is seen as a hallmark of strength, skill, and resilience. It is something to be celebrated, eliciting admiration and awe. She did it all herself! She designed it herself. She watched a DIY video on YouTube and did it herself… fixed it herself…. went by herself….built it herself….ran it herself… decorated it herself…built the company herself…changed the tire herself…painted it herself.

I acknowledge these attitudes didn't appear out of thin air. Yes, being a responsible, hardworking, emotionally healthy woman is wise. Yes, it is admirable to see abilities, talents, and gifts displayed. Still, the point here is to examine how these mindsets have stamped themselves on our perspective toward God.

We can all, on some level, talk about our needs concerning God, but under the surface, do we still secretly loathe our need? Do we really wish our need wasn't there? Does our need shame us? What if we start viewing our needs in Christ as a good thing, a positive, a bonus? Dare I say what if we had gratitude for our need?

GRATITUDE in need. Why we can: 1. NEED means I am a human. "The Spirit of God has made me and the breath of the Almighty gives me life." Job 33:4

2. NEED means God is God. "Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture." Psalm 100:3

3. NEED connects us to the mercy of Jesus. "For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted." Hebrews 2:17-18

4. NEED is the conduit through which the power of Christ flows through us. "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

What if instead of cringing at our need, we embraced it with joy and hearts overflowing in praise?

What if we woke up each morning and proclaimed:

Jesus, thank you that I need today. Jesus, thank you that my need connects me to you. Jesus, thank you that I need your peace. Jesus, I need your energy. Jesus, I need your self-control. Jesus, I need your protection. Jesus, thank you that I need your love for the unlovable. Jesus, thank you that I need your help to completely forgive. Jesus, thank you that I need your perseverance. Jesus, thank you that I need your hope. Jesus, thank you that I need your freedom. Jesus, thank you that I need your healing. Jesus, thank you that I need your singlemindedness to only focus on the things you have for me. Jesus, thank you that I need your help. Jesus, thank you that I need your perseverance. Jesus, thank you that I need your kindness. Jesus, thank you that I need your patience.

Jesus, thank you that I need your confidence. Jesus, thank you that I need your grace. Jesus thank you that I need your poise. Jesus, thank you that I need your strength.

Dear sisters, let us together hold hands, and instead of looking inside ourselves, at ourselves, around ourselves, behind ourselves, and ahead of ourselves, let us look up and, with spirits of gratitude and praise, "make music and sing…. ALL my fountains (sources, springs of life) are in YOU!" (Psalm 87:7)

Do you feel the freedom? Do you feel the divine ease? These things are ours in Christ. So praise Him for your need today and watch His power manifest through it.

Prayer: Jesus, give us gratitude in our need so that your power may rest on us. Please forgive us for our petty, small, selffocused thinking. We long to live supernaturally unexplainable, Godsized, expansive lives that pour your grace, beauty, and power out into the world. Let gratitude in our need free us up to run towards the good things you have stored up for us. Let gratitude for our needs grant us freedom that radiates and shines for you. Amen

Courtney McEver

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