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Count It All Joy: Gratitude In the Hard Seasons Of Life. By Jenna Tulman

Count It All Joy: Gratitude In the Hard Seasons of Life

By Jenna Tulman


As I hold my newborn son in my arms, feeling the smooth movement of the rocking chair rock back and forth, back and forth, I feel the warmth of gratitude fill my heart. October last year looked much different for my husband and me; we were sitting on a patio at a winter resort, sipping wine, watching the snowfall by the fire, and appearing to have it all together as our hearts broke. We were processing the loss of our third miscarriage and wondering if we’d ever experience the joy ofholding our own baby.

The heaviness of our heartbreak hung in the air. We had dreams that didn't seem possible, and our hopes were starting to die. Everything within us was focused on surviving and not thriving. We were sad, tired, and wondering if God would ever remember us in our pain. As I reflect on this time, I can see God's fingerprints. It was God who comforted us and God who mourned with us. I'm reminded of the words of Jesus in John 16:33,

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (NIV).

Jesus reminds us that in this world, we will have trouble. We aren't promised that our lives will be filled with endless happiness, satisfaction, and prosperity; we're told we will face trouble. As we come into the season of thankfulness, perhaps you aren't feeling joyful. Perhaps you are within your own valley facing your own trials. There will be times in your life when you will experience heartbreak, sorrow, and pain; there will even be times when you wonder where God is in the mess.

James' letter in the Bible says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." (James 1:2-3 NIV). If you're anything like me, this verse does not make you want to jump up and down with happiness.

I don't want to consider it pure joy when I face trials, and I don't want to experience pain even if it does produce perseverance. However, as I look back, I see this verse coming to life within my own story. In my pain, God was present, and during that season, I grew closer to Him in ways that could only be produced by hardship. I needed to trust Him, trust in His goodness, and believe He was still at work within my story. I needed to rely on Him, rely on Him to sustain me and give me strength when I did not have the perseverance to keep going. I needed to be comforted by Him, comforted by the one who loves us so deeply. I won't disregard my pain, I was hurting, and the wound was deep, but I do count it all joy to have grown so close to God during that season. So how do we experience gratitude during the seasons where we are in the valley?

First, we pray often. We don't forget that God is with us, comforting us, and walking with us. God is our friend, and He loves us dearly; we can talk to Him about everything. God cares about the valley you are facing, and He is walking with you on your journey. Talk to Him. Tell Him your sorrow, your pain, and your hardship. Share with Him about your anger, fear, and frustrations. Being able to walk with a friend is a gift even during the hardest of times, and God is your friend.

Secondly, lean into the community God has gifted you with. We were built to shoulder hardship together and to weather storms side by side. Who in your life loves Jesus and can walk faithfully with you? There is joy in getting to lean into each other's burdens and living life together as the body of Christ. Allow others in, it helps to have people praying for you, checking in on you, and crying alongside you. Your local church community is the family God has given to you.

Finally, practice thankfulness. Where has God been faithful in the past? Where is God within the mess? How is God leading you forward? Look for His fingerprints, they will be there because He is holding you. Each day look for one glimpse of God and thank Him for being close to you. He loves you dearly.

Even during the good times and bad, God is faithful, and so we can be grateful for His love, faithfulness, and presence. You, dear sister, are beloved by the King of Kings and He will never leave you or forsake you.

Jenna Josina

Follow Jenna at Here! @jenjosina

Jenna is on the Pastoral team at her local church in Langley, BC. Jenna and her husband have a son who is 6 weeks old and they’re learning about the joy that comes with parenthood. Jenna enjoys blogging, paddle boarding, biking, and walks.

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