The tourism nowadays is a social phenomenon that occurred around the word

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Carla T. Alvarez V.;Diego P.Guanoluisa Y.;Paul M.Moyolema M.;Lady M.Vallejo V. Universidad Tecnica de Ambato

New information and communication technologies, whose origins date back to the 1950s, have evolved and been introduced to tourism, while the expansion of the sector has been increasing. Nowadays, the tourist activity is increasingly marked by the price comparison and the combination of technology. In these times, technology has the great advantage that it allows the tourist industries to replace the expensive human labor by technological workmanship, reducing labor costs. In a research article by (Campos, 2010) say that technology in tourism is revolutionizing the way that consumers travel, in fact travelers use more technology than ever and the tourism industry has taken

advantage of this need to keep in touch with your clientele. For example, by phone calls, too-new mobile applications are being developed that offer a wide range of opportunities and social networks are being consolidated in a more transparent market in which citizens can provide services together. That means the technology is used to provide a less personalized service and at the same time generate additional revenue in hotels, airplanes and transportation centers. This essay will focus on the fact that today tourism and travel rely heavily on technology and its use has made life much easier.

Other benefits in the technologies that are used adversely in the tourism are sector in marketing and communication. This is due to the fact that for the sector to thrive and have better returns, it is very important to ensure that there is awareness of existing tourist attractions. This is where marketing and advertising enter into perspective. In reach article by (Parra, 2014) say that state “Unlike in other sectors, marketing in the tourism sector needs to be done in a concise manner is because of the reason that it involves a wide scope as it should reach corner of the earth taking into account the tourism industry is very expansive and incorporates other many sectors thereby enhancing the great need of using well established marketing strategies". In addition,

(Bizirgianni, 2013) comments that “the use of technology in marketing in the tourism sector has also come a long way to ensure that other sectors affiliated with tourism also

grow “. In my opinion, technology has become the mixed bag for the tourism industry. It creates a wealth of conveniences and, at the same time, has been used as a way to increase revenue and decrease customer service.

In the hospitality and tourism business, effective use of Internet technologies can improve revenue. Websites, blogs, online advertising, social media, online ordering and information repositories all help convince customers to choose a location or business. In an article by (Verga & Kotz, 2013) say that ´´the Internet has a powerful impact on hospitality and tourism. For many businesses and locations, the experience starts long before a traveler arrives it begins with the first visit to the website, when a person sees photos of the location and gets a sense of what to expect´´. For example, in my opinion the user base of instant messaging platforms is growing at an incredibly fast rate. This,

alongside an active base of users, is to be expected, as many people replace older methods of communication with the latest offering from WhatsApp and the like. Instant messaging provides that which technology should provide: a substantial upgrade on the normal way of doing things. Texting, faxing and writing letters are becoming

increasingly obsolete, as group messages and instantaneous conversations offer many welcome advantages.

In conclusion, today lives are made easier through the use of the internet and technology

whether it be on our mobile devices, at home or in the work place using a desktop or laptop. Significant developments in technology have now made this achievable on a global scale. The People always have and always will continue to travel around the world to experience new things and advances in technology are there to influence and inspire this and not prohibit. In today’s world, travel agendas rarely rely on trusted word-of-mouth recommendations and physical guidebooks; breakthroughs in digitalization have given customers independence and choice in a really big way. Let’s

not forget that travel is essentially about connecting places, people, experiences and memories. One thing that technology does well, is connect things.

Bibliography Bizirgianni, I. (2013). The influence of tourist trends of Youth Tourism through Social. Grecia: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Campos, H. M. (2010). Technology Strategy and New Technology Based Firms. Santiago de Chile: Journal of Technology Management And Innovation.

Eduardo, L. P. (2011). Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Tourism. EspaĂąa: Readalic. Parra, E. L. (2014). Entreprenauship and Innovation in Tourism. EspaĂąa: Redalic. Verga, L., & Kotz, S. (2013, Septiembre 3). How relevant is social interaction in second language learning. frontiers in Human Neuroscience, VII, p. 550. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2013.00550

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