2023–24 | DBIS Year 5 Transition Booklet

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Welcome to Year 5 Transition Booklet 2023–24

Our Core Values

We respect the needs and rights of each member of our community.

● We show care, kindness and compassion to others.

● We are supportive of each other.

● We embrace diversity and celebrate individuality.

● We are responsible and honest in our actions.

● We value personal identity and a global mindset.

Our Mission

We provide an outstanding holistic international education to students in an inclusive and nurturing learning environment. We seek to inspire and empower students to succeed in fulfilling their individual potential as global citizens in a rapidly changing world.

Our Aims

● To promote a culture of excellence in teaching and learning.

● To provide a broad and balanced curriculum that reflects the international nature of the DBIS student community.

● To encourage internationalism, providing students with the skills, dispositions and knowledge to participate in an increasingly interconnected world.

● To ensure a supportive, happy and secure environment for learning.

● To develop leadership skills and a sense of service to others through a range of extracurricular opportunities locally and internationally.

● To encourage the physical and emotional wellbeing of each individual.

● To use innovative pedagogy and technology to enrich learning.

● To work in partnership with parents, alumni and the local and wider community in the ongoing development of the school.

● To foster a learning community where every student, teacher, staff member, parent and DBIS alumni has an ongoing passion for learning.



Welcome to Year 5 2023–24, and what an exciting year we have in store…

We are delighted to welcome you to Year 5, which we know will be an incredibly exciting, engaging and challenging year for all the students. In Year 5, they will experience quality learning opportunities throughout the year and will work independently aswellasingroupswithothers.

Reading, Writing and Mathematics make up the core subjects, complemented by an inquiry-learning approach to Discovery, through which the students will continue to develop skills, knowledge and understanding in Science, Geography, History, Art and Design & Technology. Additionally, the students will receive specialist lessons in Mandarin, Learning Technologies (LT), Music and Physical Education (PE). The students will also continue to build on their skills during the many opportunities providedforlearningoutsidetheclassroom.

We will be beginning the year with a whole-school unit called ‘Creating Our Community & Learning to Learn’, in which the students will be developing their classroom community to best support their learning whilst also learning about how people learn, the role of our brains and the connection between growth mindset, attitude and the ability to learn. There are many exciting learning opportunities to look forward to throughout the year, including our Year 5 show, our residential camp and our ever-evolving Discovery units that will take the students’ learningtothenextlevel.



Sarah Marshall


Rachel Evetts


Ciaran Gallagher


Tom Silver


Debbie Barnett


Nidhi Mamgain


Courtney Coll





By the end of Year 5, the students should be fluent in formal written methods for addition and subtraction. Using their developing knowledge of formal methods of multiplication and division, the students will investigate and solve problems, including those involving properties of number and place value calculations. The students will be making connections between fractions, decimals and percentages and will classify shapes with geometric properties, using the vocabulary needed to describe them. They should also beabletoread,spellandpronouncemathematicalvocabularycorrectly.


Number & Place Value

● Recognise and use the place value of digits in numbers up to 1 million(1,000,000)

● Usenegativenumbers,includingincontextssuchastemperature

● Add and subtract a mix of whole numbers and decimals with differentnumbersofdecimalplacesusingcolumnmethods

● Carry out addition and subtraction with numbers larger than four digits

● Multiplyatwo-digitnumberbyanothertwo-digitnumber

● Dividethree-andfour-digitnumbersbyaone-digitnumber

● Use rounding to estimate calculations and check answers are of a reasonablesize

● Find factors of multiples of numbers, including finding common factorsoftwonumbers

● Know the prime numbers up to 19 by heart, and find primes up to 100


● Usetheformalmethodsoflongmultiplicationandshortdivision

● Multiplyanddividenumbersmentallyby10,100or1,000

● Recogniseandusesquarenumbersandcubenumbers

● Recall quickly all the multiplication and division facts for 12 x 12, and usethemconfidentlyinlargercalculations

Fractions, Decimals & Percentages

● Put fractions with the same denominator into size order, e.g. recognisingthat3/5islargerthan2/5

● Findequivalentsofcommonfractions

● Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers, e.g. recognisingthat5/4isequalto1 1/4

● Add and subtract simple fractions with related denominators, e.g. 2/3+1/6=5/6

● Convertdecimalstofractions,e.g.converting0.71to71/100

● Roundandorderdecimalstotwodecimalplaces

● Recognise and understand percentage (%) as a part of 100, and writeapercentageasafractionandadecimal


● Convert between metric units, such as centimetres to metres or gramstokilograms

● Use common approximate equivalents for imperial measures, such as2.5cm≈1inch

● Calculate the area of rectangles using square centimetres or square metres

● Estimatevolume(incm3)andcapacity(inml)

Shape & Position

● Drawandmeasuregivenanglesindegrees

● Compareacute,obtuseandreflexangles

● Calculate missing angles on a straight line (180°), at a point (360°) or withinarightangle(90°)

● Usereflectionandtranslationtochangethepositionofashape

● Identifyregularandirregularshapes

Graphs & Data

● Readandunderstandinformationpresentedintables,including timetables



InYear5,yourchildwillincreasinglymeetawiderrangeoftextsandtypesof writing and will be encouraged to use their skills in a broader range of contexts.

Speaking & Listening

The Spoken Language objectives are set out for the whole of the Primary School, and our teachers will cover many of them every year as the students’ spokenlanguageskillsdevelop.InYear5,somefocusesmayinclude:

● Maintaining attention and participating actively in collaborative conversations, staying on topic and initiating and responding to comments

● Speaking audibly and fluently using standard English where appropriate

● Gaining,maintainingandmonitoringtheinterestofthelisteners



● Read a wide range of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays and reference books

● Perform plays and poems using tone, volume and intonation to conveymeaning

● Use knowledge of spelling patterns and related words to read aloud andunderstandnewwords

● Make comparisons between different books or parts of the same book

● Read a range of modern fiction, classic fiction and books from other culturesandtraditions


● Demonstrate active reading strategies, like generating questions to refinethinking

● Summarise ideas drawn from more than one paragraph, identifying keydetails

● Predict future events from details either written in a text or by ‘readingbetweenthelines’

● Identify how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning

● Infer characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, andjustifythiswithevidence

● Makebookrecommendations,givingreasonsforchoices

● Participate in discussions about books, building on and challenging ideas

● Explainanddiscussunderstandingofreading

● Participate in formal presentations about reading and respond to resultingquestions

● Provide reasoned justifications for views (point, evidence, explanation)

● Scanatextforkeywordsandphrasestolocatekeyinformation

● Explore,recogniseandusethetermsmetaphor,simileandimagery

● Read, reread and read ahead to locate clues to support understanding



● Writeneatly,legiblyandaccuratelyinaflowing,joinedstyle

● Adapt handwriting for a range of tasks and purposes, including for effect

● Spell accurately all but the most complex words, such as paraphernalia,andtheStandard5HighFrequencyWords

● Spellwordswithsilentletterse.g.knight,solemn

● Recognise and use spellings for homophones and other often-confusedwordsfromtheStandard5list

● Confidentlyuseadictionarytocheckspellingandmeaning

● Identify the audience and purpose before writing, and adapt genre accordingly

● Selectfromawiderangeofimaginativeandambitiousvocabulary

● Develop setting, atmosphere and character, using a wide range of narrative techniques, including dialogue, quotation, formal and informalstyle


● Use different techniques such as opinion, summary, justification or commenttoconcludeapieceofwriting

● Use advanced organisational and presentational devices, such as bullet points, underlining, parenthesis, providing context, footnotes etc.

● Use grammar accurately except when consciously using dialect or colloquialismforpurposeandaudience

● Usecomplexsentencestructuresappropriately

● Useathesaurustofindsynonyms

● Use punctuation and varied sentence length to create effect and sustaininterest

● Group things appropriately before or after a main verb e.g. The books,thepensandthepencilswereallreadyonthetable

● Use punctuation to show division between clauses and to create effect

● Useparagraphsconsistentlyandappropriately

● Interweave implicit and explicit links between sections, using adverbials of time (e.g. later), place (e.g. nearby), number (e.g. secondly)ortensechoices

● Useellipses,commas,bracketsanddashesinwriting

● Usehyphenstoavoidambiguity

● Usesemi-colons,colonsanddashesbetweenindependentclauses

● Useacolontointroducealist

● Punctuatebulletpointsconsistently

● Use alliteration, onomatopoeia, figurative language, dialect, metaphorandsimiletocreateeffect

● Use informal and formal styles with confidence and use passive voiceforvariety

● Understand and know how to use the following words: modal verb, relative pronoun, relative clause, parenthesis, bracket, dash, cohesionandambiguity,whentalkingaboutwriting



The Year 5 Discovery units are bespoke, inquiry-based units of learning that we have developed to meet the learning needs of our students. Discovery learning is concept based, which means the learning is not locked in time or place;instead,itistransferable.TheDiscoveryunitsframethefactsandskills of the subject areas Science, History, Geography, Art and Design & Technology. Through identified subject concepts and conceptual understandings, students have opportunities to develop deeper conceptual thinking and understanding. The Discovery units are underpinned by Learning Technologies and Internationalism and provide a contextual learningexperienceforthedevelopmentofEnglishskills.



Year 5 Unit of Inquiry


How will we create our class community? How can we ensure everyone feels welcome, included and safe? What does community mean to us? How does our brain help us to learn? What is positive psychology?

In this unit, the students work together to decide what community means to them and how their classroom will represent this. They starttorecognisethatlearningisaprocessthat is influenced by a variety of factors, including a growth mindset. They explore the connection between growth mindset, attitude and learning, and they study the idea of positive psychology and how this can be embedded at the start of the academic year to have a constructive and optimistic impact for their learning over the rest oftheyear.


What is energy? How do we use energy? How has it changed over time? Is there enough energy for our future? Do all communitiesusethesametypesofenergy sources?

In this unit, the students explore different sources of energy, how those sources have changed over time, and the impact of our use of energy sources on the environment and communities. They examine how the energy use of a community can impact other places in the world, and they consider the impact of energy production and how its use has led to thedevelopmentofalternativeenergysources.


Process,Learning, GrowthMindset,Beliefs, Values,Relationships, Psychology,Potential, Technology,Systems


LearnerSkills,Inquiry, Metacognition



Energy,Process,Power, Environments,Communities, Sources,Opportunities, Health,Education,Art, Socio-EconomicChange


Science–Electricity,Art, Geography,Design&Technology

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Year 5 Unit of Inquiry


Whatdoyouknowabouttheplaceinwhich we live? Have you ever stopped to wonder whatHongKonglookedlike100yearsago or1,000yearsago,orevenwhatitwilllook likein100years’time?

In this unit, the students explore how their current home, Hong Kong, has changed over time and the impact that this has had on its geography, its people and its history. They consider how these changes can be viewed fromdifferentlocalperspectives.


What is our place in the universe? What inspires space exploration? How might humansneedtoadapttosurvivelivingona newplanet?

In this unit, the students explore the concept of space exploration, how curiosity and needs have driven space exploration, and how humans might survive in a settlement on a new planet. They explore how adaptation and sustainability, along with technological advances in space exploration over time, have ledtonewdiscoveries.



Trade,Time,Needs,Location, Progress,Design,Structures, Purpose,Population,Land, Weather,System,Community





Gravity,PlanetaryBodies, SolarSystem,Constellations, Technology,Navigation, Curiosity,SpaceExploration, Survival,Environment, Adaptation,Sustainability




Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Anti-Racism

How can we make sure everyone feels included and valued in our school community? What can we do to promote understanding and respect for different culturesandbackgrounds?Whataresome practical steps we can take to create a more inclusive and equitable world? How can we use our voices to create positive change in our own communities and beyond?

In this unit, the students will develop an understanding and appreciation of different cultures, religions and backgrounds, as well as understanding the impact of discrimination and prejudiceonindividualsandcommunities.They develop critical thinking skills that are essential for navigating a complex and diverse world. Engaged and informed, the students explore waystocontributepositivelytoourcommunity.


IDENTITY&PERSPECTIVE Foundation,Progress,Language, Meaning,Understanding, Reflection,Creativity,Beliefs, Values,Relationships, Performance


Art,Science,Relationships& SexualEducation(RSE), History,Drama



Learning for Life is the title of our Personal, Social and Health Education programme (PSHE). Learning for Life is a planned programme of learning through which students acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives. As part of a whole-school approach, the students learn about how their bodies develop and change, and they develop the qualities and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family membersandmembersoftheirglobalsociety.

Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) is an important part of the Learning for Life course. We teach lessons about RSE across the school throughout different parts of the school year, integrating the concepts wheretheywillcorrelatemeaningfullywiththestudents'learning.

ThePrimarySchoolobjectivesprovideacriticalfoundationforlearnerswhile exploring attitudes to help young people shape their understanding of themselvesandtheirbodies.


In Primary, Mandarin, Physical Education (PE), Music and Learning Technologies (LT) are all taught by specialist teachers. Year 5 students have Mandarin three times a week and PE twice a week. They also have LT and Music lessons each week. In addition, LT specialist teachers work with class teachers to develop additional opportunities for the transformative use of technologyinthestudents’classrooms.


Promoting a love of reading is a mindset we are dedicated to at DBIS, and our library plays an essential role in this. Year 5 students visit the library weekly with their teacher and our school librarian to take out books and develop their library skills. The library is open from 8.15am until 3.45pm daily. Students can visit the library with parents before or after school. The library canalsobeaccessedonlineHERE


A Primary School celebration assembly is held once a week, on a Friday afternoon, for all Primary students and their teachers. Students will also take partinmonthlyLearningforLifeassemblies.



A range of extracurricular activities (ECAs) is available to all students at DBIS. YoucansignyourchildupforECAsviatheSchoolsBuddyPlatform.

From time to time, ECAs may need to be cancelled. The most common causeofthisisinclementweather.Intheeventofacancellation,parentswill benotifiedviaSchoolsBuddy.


Consolidating learning at home helps students become more independent and allows them to deepen the understanding of learning they have enjoyed in the classroom. Home learning will be given weekly, with an opportunity for the students to share and celebrate their achievements with theirteacherandpeers.Alongsidethis,thestudentsareexpectedtoreadfor 20 minutes each night and record this in their communication diaries. They should check their online learning portfolio on Seesaw once a week as this will highlight current areas of learning and development in Mathematics, Discovery and English. We ask that parents celebrate and support their child’s learning by checking Seesaw for teacher comments. By discussing the Seesaw tasks, parents can help to consolidate and deepen their child’s understandingofin-schoolactivities.

Additionally, the students will have access to Times Tables Rock Stars to practise their times tables and Spelling Shed to practise their spellings for the week. These activities can be completed at a convenient time at least once a week. This provides the students with greater opportunities to explore their own interests, linked to their learning at school, whilst also managingandorganisingtheirtimeaccordingly.



The DBIS Learner Profile is a set of personal learner attributes that are at the heart of our curriculum and the international education we provide for all our students. We actively support our students with their holistic development in order to prepare them for their lives as global citizens. We believe that through the development of these learner attributes and skills, DBIS students will recognise that their time at DBIS has resulted in them being exceptionally well equipped to live successfully in the wider world thatawaitsthem.


As DBIS students, you will be supported in actively developing these learner attributes in many ways. They are a guide for your holistic and personal development, and by identifying and acting in ways that develop these attributes, you will become more skilful, empathetic and well-rounded young people. Through considered reflection, you will be genuinely prepared for the wider world that awaits you.


The DBIS Learner Profile is a guide to support the holistic development of all learners across the three phases of the school. They are common goals that transcend individual curriculum areas and unite us in a shared belief of what all DBIS students can and should become. We embed meaningful learning opportunities throughout the curriculum in order to support this.


The DBIS Learner Profile demonstrates to you our aspirations for your children. The creation of opportunities to develop these attributes are all around us, and we want to work with you, in partnership, to support your children in the development of these attributes that we truly value.



Dedicated students who channel their curiosity and develop their intrinsic motivation to learn. As they take risks and learn from mistakes, they grow as resilient, lifelong learners who adapt to their learning environment, establishing mutual respect in pursuit of collective and individual excellence.


Reflective students who value their sense of self and are aware of their emotions and the impact they have on others. They understand the importance of physical, social and emotional balance to achieve personal wellbeing and know when to draw on the support of others.


Empowered students who build trust to activate and lead others to take action and make a positive difference in the world. They lead with kindness, integrity, honesty and a strong sense of equality and respect for all, nurturing an inclusive and respectful approach to leadership at all levels.


Internationally minded students who act proactively to make a positive difference in the lives of others and to the environment. They are courageous change agents who understand the importance of their role and are proud of the positive contribution and impact they have both locally and globally through service.


Adaptive students who think deeply and critically about their learning and apply logic and innovation to identify and solve authentic problems. They set goals, plan and prioritise their approach and keep solution focused as they explore and iterate to discover creative solutions and different strategies.


Inquisitive students who think creatively and imaginatively, asking great questions in order to enquire and make connections to further their understanding and satisfy their curiosity. They investigate their own lines of enquiry and demonstrate their learning in innovative and creative ways.


Purposeful students who work together towards a shared goal and promote a collaborative learning culture which is inclusive and celebrates diversity in the perspectives of others. They are confident when working independently but recognise they can be stronger when collaborating together.


Articulate students who process, organise and coherently express their thoughts and opinions and actively listen and reflect on the views of others. They carefully consider purpose, audience and style when communicating, interpreting and expressing their ideas.



School Hours

Classrooms will be open for a soft start at 8.15am. Registers will be taken at the start of the school day at 8.25am and again at the start of the afternoon session.

As we are encouraging independence, please allow your child to pack and carrytheirownbags.

In Year 5, students participate in learning activities as soon as the school day begins, so it is therefore imperative that they are punctual. If students arrive atschoolafter8.30am,pleaseensurethattheygotothePrimaryofficetobe registered before joining their class. Please remember that punctuality encouragesapositiveattitudeandreallyhelpsourstudents.

Snack & Lunchtime

Morning break is from 10am to 10.30am. The students will enjoy their snack in the classroom with their teacher and classmates before going outside to play.

Helpful Hints

● Pack a snack separately from lunch, and make sure your child knows whichiswhich.

● Drinks should be in a spill-proof, child friendly container. No cans please.

● Snacks should not be too large as time is limited and students want toplay.

Lunchtime starts at 12.10pm and lasts for 45 minutes. The students have a supervised 15-minute lunch break at 12.10pm, when they eat before going out to play. There is an option for students to purchase a hot or cold lunch from the Boardwalk Cafeteria. Parents can choose from a daily menu throughapre-paymentsystem.


Helpful Hints

● Hot lunches or lunches which are delivered must be brought on timeby12pm.

● If delivering lunches to school, please take them to the cafeteria, not to the students’ classrooms. Please note: the use of mobile phones is not permitted around the school grounds.

● Anicepackorinsulatedlunchboxcanhelpkeeplunchescool.

● We encourage all students to be environmentally friendly and bring alunchwithaslittlepackagingaspossible.

End of the School Day

The students will be dismissed by their teachers at the classroom door. The schooldayendsforPrimarystudentsat3.10pm.


Details about the correct school uniform requirements are set out on the Parent Hub. Please remember to label everything, including shoes, socks and water bottles, and show your child where the label is. Shoulder-length or longer hair must be tied up. Uniform items can be purchased from the school uniform shop, which is open during term times on Tuesdays and Thursdaysfrom8.15amto12pm.

School Sun Hat & Water

A sun hat is compulsory in the playground. No hat – No play. Drinking water is essential, so students should bring a reusable plastic water bottle from home,whichtheycanfillfromthechilledwaterfountainsintheplayground.

Physical Education Uniform

Correct uniform must be worn for PE sessions. Students should come to schoolwearingtheirPEkitonthedaysthattheyhavePElessons.


Necessary Equipment

The school provides Year 5 students with pencils, crayons, books and stationery.Parentsareaskedtoprovide:

● Anamedschoolbagthatfitsinsidetheirchild’slocker

● Areadingbookfolder(largeplasticzippedwallet)

● Alibrarybookfolder(largeplasticzippedwallet)

Students should be encouraged to be responsible for their own belongings andtopacktheirownschoolbag.

They must bring their reading folders to school every day as well as their studentdiary.Schoolbagsshouldbecollectedfromlockersathometimeby the students (not by parents or helpers). Please ensure all personal items are clearlylabelled.

Wet Playtimes

Light rain: Studentsgooutsidebutstayundercover.

Extreme conditions: Students are required to stay inside with staff supervision.


Toys must not be brought to school unless requested specifically by the class teacher for a topic. The teacher will then keep the toy safe in the classroom.

Please note that fidget toys are toys and are therefore not to be brought into school.



Clear communication between home and school is essential. Our communication system utilises the functionality of the following platforms tocommunicatewithourparentcommunity:

The Parent Hub

The Parent Hub is our main platform for communication between school and home. All communication to parents regarding upcoming events and information can be found on the Parent Hub. Any calendared event will have a parent bulletin on the Hub approximately two weeks prior to the event taking place. All bulletins are sent to parents in a consolidated email eachSaturdaysothatparentscanorganisetheforthcomingtwoweeks.The Parent Hub also contains the current DBIS school calendar, which details termdatesaswellasthedatesofupcomingschoolevents.

iSAMS Parent Portal & App

Parents can access all student-specific information via the iSAMS Parent Portal and app. This platform is used to communicate confidential information about your child, such as school reports and attendance data. The app can be downloaded free from the App Store and Google Play Store. The school code is DBIS, and you will need your personal iSAMS username andpasswordtologon.

SchoolsBuddy Activities & Trips Platform

All information about your child’s extracurricular activities (ECAs), fixtures, camps and trips can be found via the SchoolsBuddy platform. Parents can log in to SchoolsBuddy using their iSAMS login details to see all of the activitiestheirchildisinvolvedwith.


Contacting Teachers

If you wish to communicate with the teacher, please do so by writing in the student diary. Alternatively, you may put a letter in the reading folder or hand it to a staff member in your child’s class. You may also add a message to your child’s Seesaw portfolio or email the school office at dbis@dbis.edu.hk. The email will then be forwarded to the teacher directly. Asteachersareinclasswiththestudentsallday,pleaseallowupto24hours foraresponsetoemailsandSeesawmessages.

Please note: This Year 5 Transition Booklet should be read together with the Parent Handbook, which can be found via the Parent Hub.

Parent–Teacher Conferences (PTCs)

We have an open-door policy at DBIS. Therefore, parents are encouraged to make appointments with the teachers to discuss any concerns as and when theyarise.

In addition to the ongoing contact with class teachers that we encourage, we have three formal PTCs each year. These meetings give parents and teachers the opportunity to discuss the students’ progress and next-steps targets. There are two reporting points across the year: short reports are shared in November, and full end-of-year reports are shared in June. All reportsarepublishedinsoftcopythroughtheParentPortal.

In addition to this, celebrations of learning are held for the students to celebrate their learning with parents. These opportunities enable the students to develop their communication skills by articulating their learning journeythroughouttheyear.



As you will be aware, Hong Kong is subject to extreme weather conditions from time to time. The Education Bureau of the Hong Kong government stipulates that when certain rain warnings and typhoon signals are in place, wearetofollowtheirdirectives:

● Typhoon Signal Number 1

DBIS EYFS, Primary and Secondary Schools will operate as normal.

● Typhoon Signal Number 3 or Above

DBIS EYFS will be closed. DBIS Primary and Secondary Schools will operateasnormal.

● Typhoon Signal Number 8 or Above

DBIS EYFS, Primary and Secondary Schools will be closed. Static learning activities will be available for the students to access remotelyby10amonthemorningofaT8schoolclosure.

● Amber Rainstorm Warning

DBIS EYFS, Primary and Secondary Schools will operate as normal.

● Red or Black Rainstorm Warning

If a Red or Black Rainstorm Warning is issued before the start of the day, DBIS EYFS, Primary and Secondary Schools will be closed for children. Static learning activities will be available for the students to access remotely by 10am on the morning of a rainstorm school closure.

In the event of a Red or Black Rainstorm Warning being issued during the day, the school will continue until the end of normal hours and students will be retained until conditions are safe for themtoreturnhome.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.