2023–24 | DBIS Year 2 Transition Booklet

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Welcome to Year 2 Transition Booklet 2023–24

Our Core Values

We respect the needs and rights of each member of our community.

● We show care, kindness and compassion to others.

● We are supportive of each other.

● We embrace diversity and celebrate individuality.

● We are responsible and honest in our actions.

● We value personal identity and a global mindset.

Our Mission

We provide an outstanding holistic international education to students in an inclusive and nurturing learning environment. We seek to inspire and empower students to succeed in fulfilling their individual potential as global citizens in a rapidly changing world.

Our Aims

● To promote a culture of excellence in teaching and learning.

● To provide a broad and balanced curriculum that reflects the international nature of the DBIS student community.

● To encourage internationalism, providing students with the skills, dispositions and knowledge to participate in an increasingly interconnected world.

● To ensure a supportive, happy and secure environment for learning.

● To develop leadership skills and a sense of service to others through a range of extracurricular opportunities locally and internationally.

● To encourage the physical and emotional wellbeing of each individual.

● To use innovative pedagogy and technology to enrich learning.

● To work in partnership with parents, alumni and the local and wider community in the ongoing development of the school.

● To foster a learning community where every student, teacher, staff member, parent and DBIS alumni has an ongoing passion for learning.



DearParents, Welcome to Year 2!

Wewouldliketoextendaverywarmwelcometoallparentsand students joining Year 2. At DBIS, Year 2 offers exciting new challenges and builds upon the skills developed throughout Year 1 as the children embark on their final year in Primary Key Stage1andlookaheadtoPrimaryKeyStage2.

OurYear1and2teachersworkcloselytoensurethatyourchild’s learning experiences prepare them for their transition to Year 2. The Year 2 team builds on the successful principles and learning approach in Year 1 in order that each child is able to make the progresstheyarecapableof.

We continue to place a great deal of importance on how our children learn, and we support them in the development of the Characteristics of Effective Learning and the attributes of the DBIS Learner Profile. Developing these attributes and dispositions will enable them to become lifelong learners who areconfidenttoexplore,persevereandthinkcritically.

In Year 2, our children continue to follow the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum of England, tailored towards our international context and enhanced by our Discovery units, whichenablethechildrentoexploreconceptsaswellasacquire keyknowledgeandskills.


The learning experience is complemented by specialist teaching in Music, Mandarin, Physical Education (PE) and Learning Technologies (LT). In addition, the children visit the library once a week. Experiential learning continues to be an important part of our programme. The children attend weekly Forest School and Carpenters’ Cabin (woodwork) sessions, providing them with authentic learning experiences and opportunities to develop and apply a range of skills, including problemsolvingandcriticalthinking.

Welookforwardtomeetingyourchildthisyearandsupporting themthroughtheirlearningjourneyinYear2.


Mrs Gina Clothier, Miss Mikayla Black, Miss Radhika Gidwani &MrsLauraTomlin

The Year 2 Teaching Team



Gina Clothier


Mikayla Black


Radhika Gidwani


Laura Tomlin


Jean Capito


Karen Mason


Brenda Dauz


Anna Hudak




The DBIS Learner Profile further supports the children to grow as learners and global citizens. In EYFS and Key Stage 1, our Learner Profile Characters support the children in becoming familiar with each attribute and with how the attributes support their growth as a learner. Our children are positively recognised as they develop competence and capability in the different attributes.


I am curious and motivated to learn. I am committed, adaptable and resilient, and I learn from my mistakes.

I am reflective and thoughtful and consider how my actions impact myself and others. I believe that more effort or a different approach will pay off.

I am empowered to lead others. I respectfully communicate with others and demonstrate flexibility. I value honesty, kindness and equality.

I am aware of my responsibilities, and I courageously make good choices to help other people, my community and the environment.


I enjoy finding out new things. I am a risk-taker and learn by trial and error. I set myself goals, and I plan to find solutions.

I am inquisitive and imaginative. I make connections to further my understanding, which helps me to create new ideas.

I can work independently. I can work collaboratively with others to achieve an end goal.

I organise and share my ideas clearly and confidently, and I show active listening to others.

Logos designed by our children



Throughout Year 2, the children will continue to focus on developing their basic number skills. This means securing a good understanding of place value and learning to apply this knowledge to help solve mathematical problems. Practising these skills frequently will help the children develop firm foundations that can be applied to complex mathematical concepts as theymovethroughourPrimarySchool.


Number & Place Value

● Count in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0, and in tens from any number, forwardsandbackwards

● Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones)

● Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations,includingthenumberline

● Compareandordernumbersfrom0upto100;use<,>and=signs

● Readandwritenumberstoatleast100innumeralsandinwords

● Useplacevalueandnumberfactstosolveproblems

Addition & Subtraction

● Solveproblemswithadditionandsubtraction:

○ using concrete objects and pictorial representations, including those involving numbers, quantities and measures

○ applying increasing knowledge of mental and written methods

● Recallanduseadditionandsubtractionfactsto20fluently,and deriveanduserelatedfactsupto100


● Show that addition of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative)andsubtractionofonenumberfromanothercannot

● Recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction, and use this to check calculations and solve missing numberproblems.

Multiplication & Division

● Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplicationtables,includingrecognisingoddandevennumbers

● Calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the multiplication(×),division(÷)andequals(=)signs

● Show that multiplication of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative)anddivisionofonenumberbyanothercannot

● Solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplicationanddivisionfacts,includingproblemsincontexts



● Recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3, 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4 of a length,shape,setofobjectsorquantity

● Writesimplefractions,e.g.1/2of6=3,andrecognisetheequivalence of2/4and1/2


● Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm); mass (kg/g); temperature (°C); capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, usingrulers,scales,thermometersandmeasuringvessels

● Compare and order lengths, mass, volume/capacity and record the resultsusing>,<and=

● Recognise and use Hong Kong coins and combine amounts to makeaparticularvalue

● Find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts ofmoney

● Solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtractionofmoneyofthesameunit,includinggivingchange

● Compareandsequenceintervalsoftime

● Tell and write the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour,anddrawthehandsonaclockfacetoshowthesetimes

● Knowthenumberofminutesinanhourandthenumberofhoursin aday

Geometry – Properties of Shape

● Identify and describe the properties of 2D shapes, including the numberofsidesandlinesymmetryinaverticalline

● Identify and describe the properties of 3D shapes, including the numberofedges,verticesandfaces

● Identify 2D shapes on the surface of 3D shapes (e.g. a circle on a cylinderandatriangleonapyramid)

● Compareandsortcommon2Dand3Dshapesandeverydayobjects


Geometry – Position & Direction

● Order and arrange combinations of mathematical objects in patternsandsequences

● Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement, including movement in a straight line, and distinguish between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, halfandthree-quarterturns(clockwiseandanticlockwise)


● Interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagramsandtables

● Ask and answer simple questions by counting the number of objectsineachcategoryandsortingthecategoriesbyquantity

● Ask and answer questions about totalling and comparing categoricaldata



Throughout Year 2, we focus on developing the children’s capabilities and confidence in spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary. We continuetofocusonsupportingaloveofreadingbyofferingarichvarietyof fiction and non-fiction texts within the environment, which also ensures the development of fluency. We place emphasis on helping the children learn that writing has purpose and supporting them to practise the skills they have acquired by applying them to different genres, including narratives, explanations, descriptions, comparisons, summaries and evaluations. Our environments continue to be places that are rich in language where the children can rehearse new vocabulary through their play and be supported in developing confidence in explaining, hypothesising, speculating and describing.

Spoken Language

The Spoken Language objectives are set out for the whole of the Primary School,andourteacherswillcovermanyofthemeveryyearasthechildren’s spoken language skills develop. In Year 2, some focuses will be for the childrento:

● Be able to participate in discussions about what they are reading, takingturns,listening,andconsideringwhatothershavetosay

● Provide well-structured explanations and narratives and express feelings

● Contributeconfidentlytowhole-classdiscussions

● Explain and discuss understanding, giving opinions and supporting reasons

● Develop further vocabulary, which can be rehearsed and applied throughplayandeverydayinteractions


Reading – Word Reading


● Continue to apply phonic knowledge and skills as the route to decode words until automatic decoding has become embedded andreadingisfluent

● Read accurately by blending the sounds in words that contain the graphemes taught so far, especially recognising alternative sounds forgraphemes

● Read accurately words of two or more syllables that contain the samegraphemesasabove

● Readwordscontainingcommonsuffixes

● Read further common exception words, noting unusual correspondences between spelling and sound and where these occurintheword

● Read most words quickly and accurately, without overt sounding andblending,whentheyhavebeenfrequentlyencountered

● Read aloud books closely matched to their improving phonic knowledge,soundingoutunfamiliarwordsaccurately,automatically andwithoutunduehesitation

● Rereadthesebookstobuilduptheirfluencyandconfidenceinword reading

Reading – Comprehension


● Develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understandingby:

○ listening to, discussing and expressing views about a wide range of contemporary and classic poetry, stories and non-fiction at a level beyond that at which they can read independently

○ discussing the sequence of events in books and how items ofinformationarerelated

○ becoming increasingly familiar with and retelling a wider rangeofstories,fairystoriesandtraditionaltales

○ being introduced to non-fiction books that are structured in differentways

○ recognisingsimplerecurringliterarylanguageinstoriesand poetry

○ discussing and clarifying the meanings of words, linking newmeaningstoknownvocabulary


○ discussingtheirfavouritewordsandphrases

○ continuing to build up a repertoire of poems learnt by heart, appreciating these and reciting some, with appropriate intonationtomakethemeaningclear

● Understand both the books that they can already read accurately andfluentlyandthosethattheylistentoby:

○ drawing on what they already know or on background informationandvocabularyprovidedbytheteacher

○ checking that the text makes sense to them as they read andcorrectinginaccuratereading

○ making inferences on the basis of what is being said and done

○ answeringandaskingquestions

○ predicting what might happen on the basis of what has beenreadsofar

● Participate in discussion about books, poems and other works that are read to them and those that they can read for themselves, takingturnsandlisteningtowhatotherssay

● Explain and discuss their understanding of books, poems and other material, both those that they listen to and those that they read for themselves

Writing – Transcription



● Spell,by:

○ segmentingspokenwordsintophonemesandrepresenting thesebygraphemes,spellingmanycorrectly

○ learning new ways of spelling phonemes for which one or more spellings are already known and learning some words witheachspelling,includingafewcommonhomophones

○ learningtospellcommonexceptionwords

○ learningtospellmorewordswithcontractedforms

○ learning the possessive apostrophe (singular, e.g. the girl’s book)

○ distinguishing between homophones and nearhomophones

○ adding suffixes to spell longer words, including –ment, –ness,–ful,–less,–ly


● Formlower-caselettersofthecorrectsizerelativetooneanother

● Start using some of the diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters and understand which letters, when adjacent to one another,arebestleftunjoined

● Write capital letters and digits of the correct size, orientation and relationshiptooneanotherandtolower-caseletters

● Usespacingbetweenwordsthatreflectsthesizeoftheletters




● Developpositiveattitudestowardsandstaminaforwritingby:

○ writing narratives about personal experiences and those of others(realandfictional)

○ writingaboutrealevents

○ writingpoetry

○ writingfordifferentpurposes

● Considerwhattheyaregoingtowritebeforebeginningby:

○ planning or saying out loud what they are going to write about

○ writing down ideas and/or keywords, including new vocabulary

○ encapsulatingwhattheywanttosay,sentencebysentence


● Make simple additions, revisions and corrections to their own writingby:

○ evaluatingtheirwritingwiththeteacherandotherpupils

○ rereading to check that their writing makes sense and that verbs to indicate time are used correctly and consistently, includingverbsinthecontinuousform

○ proofreading to check for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation(e.g.endsofsentencespunctuatedcorrectly)

● Read aloud what they have written, with appropriate intonation to makethemeaningclear

Writing – Vocabulary, Grammar & Punctuation


● How to use both familiar and new punctuation correctly, including full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks, question marks, commas for lists, and apostrophes for contracted forms and the possessive(singular)

● Howtouse:

○ sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation,command

○ expanded noun phrases to describe and specify (e.g. the bluebutterfly)

○ the present and past tenses correctly and consistently, includingtheprogressiveform

○ subordination (using when, if, that or because) and coordination(usingor,andorbut)

○ thegrammarforYear2

○ somefeaturesofwrittenstandardEnglish



By the end of Year 2, the children will have consolidated confidence in the followingareas:

● Askingtheirownquestionsaboutwhattheynotice

● Using different types of scientific inquiry to gather and record data, usingsimpleequipment,whereappropriate,toanswerquestions

● Observingchangesovertime

● Noticingpatterns

● Groupingandclassifyingthings

● Carrying out simple comparative tests, finding things out using secondarysourcesofinformation

● Communicating their ideas, what they do and what they find out in avarietyofways

Critical Scientific Content


● Name and locate parts of the human body, including those related to the senses, and describe the importance of exercise, a balanced dietandhygieneforhumans

● Describe the basic needs of animals for survival and the main changesasyounganimals,includinghumans,growintoadults

● Describe the basic needs of plants for survival, the impact of changing these, and the main changes as seeds and bulbs grow into matureplants

● Identifywhetherthingsarealive,deadorhaveneverlived

● Groupanimalsaccordingtowhattheyeat,describehowanimalsget their food from other animals and/or from plants, and use simple foodchainstodescribetheserelationships

● Name different plants and animals and describe how they are suited todifferenthabitats

● Distinguish objects from materials, describe their properties, identify and group everyday materials and compare their suitability for differentuses.



Discoveryisabespoke,inquiry-basedcurriculumthatDBIShasdevelopedto support our children in becoming independent, active learners and to cover the critical content of the Science curriculum and foundation subjects of History,Geography,ArtandDesign&Technology.

It is concept based, which means the learning is not locked in time or place; instead,itistransferable.Throughidentifiedsubjectmaterialandconceptual understandings, our children have opportunities to develop deeper conceptualthinking.

The Discovery units are underpinned by Learning Technologies and Internationalism and provide a contextual learning experience for the developmentofskillsinEnglishandMathematics.


Year 2 Unit of Inquiry


In this unit, the children develop their sense of self and belonging to their class and school community. They consider their place in their own family and the role they play in the class family. They explore where they belong in the world and the role they play in their community. They discuss the consequences of their actions andhowtheiractionsaffectothers.



Process,Learning, GrowthMindset,Beliefs, Values,Relationships, Psychology,Potential, Technology,Systems


English,Maths,Science, Geography,History


In this unit, the children study plants and their natural environment. They observe growth and change and look at art inspired by nature. They make observations about plants and living things aroundthemandstudylifecyclesofplants.



Evidence,Information,Art, LivingThings,Condition, Health,Habitat,Weather, Climate,Responsibility, Tone,Colour,Shade,Mood


English,Maths,Science, Geography,Art

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Year 2 Unit of Inquiry


In this unit, the children explore what it means to be an artist. They study different art forms, including music, dance, performance, painting, drawing,sculptureandpoetry.



Design,Process,Tone, Colour,Shade,Mood, Make,Genius,Innovation


English,Maths,Science, History,Art,Design &Technology


Inthisunit,thechildrenexplorefirstsintheirown life and experience as well as globally and historically. They look at significant events both in their own lives and beyond their living memory.



Engineering,Innovation, Design,Invention, Understanding,Conclusions, Improvements,Questions, Creativity,Design Process,Scientists, Inventors,Research, Problems,Development


English,Maths,Science, History,Design& Technology,Science, Geography


Year 2 Unit of Inquiry


In this unit, the children look at what lies beyond their locality. They start by making local observations, then observations about the wider world, leading to exploring what lies beyond. They focus on space and what lays below their feet (tectonic plates, the Earth’s core) and the depthsoftheocean.



Gravity,Planetary Bodies,SolarSystem, Constellations,Technology, Navigation,Curiosity, SpaceExploration, Survival,Environment, Adaptation,Sustainability


English,Maths,Science, History,Geography,Art


In this unit, the children look at history and timelines.Theyresearchandstudydifferentages such as the Iron Age, the Stone Age and the Bronze Age. They also learn about the Roman Empire and the Chinese Empire and some exciting invaders, such as the Vikings and the Saxons.




Change,Impact,Traditions, Communities,Culture, Influence,Origins,Conflict


English,Maths,Science, History,Geography,Art



Learning for Life is the title of our Personal, Social and Emotional Development programme (PSED). This programme includes learning about the attributes in our DBIS Learner Profile and about Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). Learning for Life is a planned programme of learning through which our children acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives. As part of a whole-school approach, the children develop the qualities and attributes they need to thrive as individuals,familymembersandmembersoftheirglobalsociety.


In Year 2, the children have Mandarin three times a week and Physical Education (PE) twice each week. They also have one Learning Technologies (LT) lesson and one Music lesson each week. In addition, LT specialist teachers work with class teachers to develop opportunities for the meaningful use of technology in the children’s classrooms to complement theirlearning.


Promoting a love of reading is a mindset we are dedicated to at DBIS, and our library plays an essential role in this. Year 2 children visit the library weekly with their teacher to borrow books and develop their library skills. The library is open from 8.15am until 3.45pm daily. Children can visit the library with parents before or after school. The library can also be accessed



The children take part in weekly assemblies, which introduce them to the attributes of our DBIS Learner Profile. We also celebrate exceptional achievements at our assemblies. The children will also plan and perform a class assembly to our wider Primary School, and there will be a special parentperformanceforyoutoenjoy.


A range of extracurricular activities (ECAs) is available to all children at DBIS. Further information about how to sign your child up for activities will be communicatedviatheParentHubeachterm.

From time to time, ECAs may need to be cancelled. The most common causeofthisisinclementweather.Intheeventofacancellation,parentswill benotifiedviaSchoolsBuddy.



Therearesomeaspectsofthecurriculumthatchildrenneedadditionaltime torehearseandpracticeinorderforlearningtobeembedded.

HomeworkinYear2willfocusondevelopingaloveofreading;therefore,the childrenwillbringhomereadingbooksonaregularbasisthatarepitchedat a level at which they are demonstrating confidence so they can share and celebratetheirreadingskills.Wealsoencourageyouasparentstoreadoften to your child to ensure they are exposed to a wide repertoire of vocabulary and literature as this will support their overall development in reading and writing.

We encourage you to read with your child in your home language if this is different to English as this supports children in reading for pleasure and listening to stories in a language in which they are confident. Your child will have a home–school link book where you can record the reading completed athome.

In addition, the children will be encouraged to practise spelling high-frequency and common exception words. Once your child has settled into Year 2, these will come home on a regular basis in a quantity suited to your child. The words will be repeated throughout the year in order to ensurelearningisembedded.Activitiesthatwillhelpengageyourchildwith spellingwillbesuggested.Acopyofthehigh-frequencywordsforYear2can befoundinyourchild’shome–schoollinkbook.



School Hours

Your child should be at school by 8.20am to organise their school belongings and have a few minutes to greet their friends. This will enable them to be ready to walk confidently into the class when the bell rings at 8.25am.

By Year 2, your child will have developed the ability to manage their belongingsindependently,sowekindlyaskyouoryourchild’scarertoallow them to pack and carry their own bags – they’re more than capable of this!

In Year 2, the children participate in opportunities to consolidate learning linked to previous weeks as soon as the school day begins; it is therefore imperative that they are punctual. This also ensures a smooth start to the day,whichisextremelyimportantfortheiremotionalwellbeing.

If children arrive at school after 8.30am, please ensure that they go to the Primaryofficetosignin.

Snack & Lunchtime

At the Main campus, morning break time is known as snack time. Morning breakstartsat10amandlastsfor30minutes.

Lunchtime starts at 11.55am and lasts for one hour. Children have a supervised lunch break before they go out to play. There is an option for children to purchase a hot or cold lunch from the cafeteria. Parents can choosefromadailymenuthroughapre-paymentsystem.


Helpful Hints

● Packasnackseparatelyfromlunch,andmakesureyourchildknows whichiswhich.

● Drinksshouldbeinaspill-proof,child-friendlycontainer.

● Snacksshouldnotbetoolargeastimeislimitedandwealsowant thechildrentohaveplentyofopportunityforplayingwithfriends fromacrosstheyeargroup.

● Anicepackorinsulatedlunchboxcanhelpkeeplunchescool.

● Weencourageallchildrentobeenvironmentallyfriendlyandbring alunchwithaslittlepackagingaspossible.

End of the School Day

The children will be dismissed by their teachers at the classroom door. The school day ends for Year 2 children at 3.10pm. All students in Year 2 are to be collected by an adult, who must show a parent/carer ID card for their child. Childrenwhohavenotbeencollectedby3.15pmwillbetakentothePrimary office,andaphonecallhomewillbemade.

Parent ID Cards

In order to maintain the highest standards in safeguarding and child protection, you will need to apply for DBIS photo identity cards for those who will pick up your child on a regular basis. The names of these adults should be communicated to your child’s class teacher. If you arrange for your child to go on a play date or to be picked up by someone who is not on theregularpick-uplist,youwillneedtoinformyourchild’sclassteacherand ensure you provide their full name as they will need to verify their identity whencollectingyourchild.

Anyone(includingthoseonthepick-uplist)whoarriveatschoolwithoutthe card will need to sign the child out with the class teacher once all other children have been safely dismissed. We will never release a child to someone who is not on the pick-up list without arrangements being made prior.


Our school uniform is compulsory and an important part of children feeling a sense of belonging and pride in our school. Details about the correct school uniform requirements are set out on the Parent Hub. Please remember to label everything, including shoes, socks and water bottles, and show your child where the label is. Shoulder-length or longer hair should be tied up. Uniform items can be purchased from the school uniform shop, located at the Main campus, which is open during term times on Tuesdays andThursdaysfrom8.15amto12pm.


School Sun Hat & Water

A sun hat is compulsory in the playground. Drinking water is essential, so children should bring a reusable plastic water bottle from home, which they canfillfromthechilledwaterfountainsintheplayground.

Physical Education Uniform

Correct uniform must be worn for PE sessions. Children should come to schoolwearingtheirPEkitonthedaysthattheyhavePElessons.

Necessary Equipment

The school provides Year 2 children with pencils, crayons, books and stationery.Parentsareaskedtoprovide:

● Anamedschoolbag(thiscanbepurchasedfromtheuniformshop)

● AnamedA4-sizereadingfolder(plasticzippedwallet)

Children should be encouraged to be responsible for their own belongings and to pack their own school bag. They must bring their reading folders to school on their reading days, as well as their reading journal. Please ensure all personalitemsareclearlylabelled.


We recognise the importance of engaging with the children’s interests in order to enhance the learning process, so please do keep us up to date with your child’s interests as they emerge so we can reflect these within the learningenvironment.

We kindly ask that unless requested specifically for a topic by your child’s teacher,personaltoysremainathome.



We view our parents as the children’s first teacher; therefore, clear communication between home and school is essential. Our communication system utilises the following platforms to communicate with our parent community:

The Parent Hub

The Parent Hub is our main platform for communication between school and home. All communication to parents regarding upcoming events and information can be found on the Parent Hub. Any calendared event will have a parent bulletin on the Hub approximately two weeks prior to the event taking place. All bulletins are sent to parents in a consolidated email eachSaturdaysothatparentscanorganisetheforthcomingtwoweeks.The Parent Hub also contains the current DBIS school calendar, which details termdatesaswellasthedatesofupcomingschoolevents.

iSAMS Parent Portal & App

Parents can access all student-specific information via the iSAMS Parent Portal and app. This platform is used to communicate confidential information about your child, such as school reports and attendance data. The app can be downloaded free from the App Store and Google Play Store. The school code is DBIS, and you will need your personal iSAMS username andpasswordtologon.

Contacting Teachers

If you wish to communicate with your child’s teacher, please email the school office at dbis@dbis.edu.hk, and the email will be forwarded to the teacherdirectly.


Parent–Teacher Conferences

We have an open-door policy at DBIS, and parents are welcome to pass on information at the door each morning and afternoon. For matters that require longer discussion, parents are encouraged to make appointments withtheteacherstoensurewecangiveyouthetimeandspacerequired.

In addition to the ongoing contact with class teachers, we have a number of formal times for parents and teachers to discuss the children’s progress and settargets.WealsoprovideashortreportattheendofTerm1detailingyour child’s attainment in each subject as well as a detailed report at the end of eachacademicyear.

Parent–Teacher Conferences occur three times a year (twice in Term 1 and once in Term 2). In addition, open mornings and celebrations of learning are held for the children to share their learning with parents. These opportunities enable our children to develop their communication skills by articulatingtheirlearningjourneythroughouttheyear.

Electronic Learning Journey (Seesaw)

Throughout your child’s time in Year 2, we will record their learning in an electronic learning journey (Seesaw) to celebrate their experiences. Over time, it will tell a story about your child and their learning, their friends and theactivitiestheyenjoyedsharingwithothers.


● Photographs and Videos – these capture moments and sequences ofyourchild’slearning,interestsandexplorations

● Your child’s creations – these could be photos of models, their role play,markstheyhavemade,writingorartwork–withacommentto explainwhatyourchilddidorsaid

In Year 2, the children use Seesaw independently to document aspects of theirlearningjourney.



As you will be aware, Hong Kong is subject to extreme weather conditions from time to time. The Education Bureau of the Hong Kong government stipulates that when certain rain warnings and typhoon signals are in place, wearetofollowtheirdirectives:

● Typhoon Signal Number 1

DBIS EYFS, Primary and Secondary Schools will operate as normal.

● Typhoon Signal Number 3 or Above

DBIS EYFS will be closed. DBIS Primary and Secondary Schools will operateasnormal.

● Typhoon Signal Number 8 or Above

DBIS EYFS and Secondary Schools will be closed. Static learning activities will be available for the students to access remotely by 10amonthemorningofaT8schoolclosure.

● Amber Rainstorm Warning

DBIS EYFS, Primary and Secondary Schools will operate as normal.

● Red or Black Rainstorm Warning

If a Red or Black Rainstorm Warning is issued before the start of the day, DBIS EYFS, Primary and Secondary Schools will be closed for students. Static learning activities will be available for the children to access remotely by 10am on the morning of a rainstorm school closure.

In the event of a Red or Black Rainstorm Warning being issued during the day, the school will continue until the end of normal hours and students will be retained until conditions are safe for themtoreturnhome.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.