Davidovich Par Baked Solution

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and NYC?s weather conditions. New Mexico is No exception.

Davidovich Baking Instructions STORAGE:

Max Works 16-17 Hour Work Days With Mixed Results To make matters worse Max is getting to work at 1AM to start the laborious process of creating his bagels. Bagels are labor intensive. He has the job of measuring, mixing, cutting the dough, hand rolling, boiling, baking, and selling all by himself. Some nights he stays until 7PM, or later, just to catch a few hours of sleep and start the whole process all over again. How long can one person, or one family, sustain that kind of a grueling schedule? What is an entrepreneur, like Max, to do? THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY.

Keep frozen at 0 degrees F or below until ready to use ? return unused box to freezer a.s.a.p. THAWING / SET-UP: 1. 2. 3.

Place desired number of pieces on a full sheet pan, lined with parchment paper (max 12 Lg). Defrost completely at room temperature for 30-45 minutes. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit (make sure oven is fully pre-heated prior to baking)

BAKING: 1. 2.

Bake Bagels at approx 425° F. Bake until golden brown in color, approx. 4-6 mins ? (Oven may vary).

(proper Temperature will achieve even coloring in the bake).

Well there is a real solution to give Max, and other Bagel Store owners, access to NYC?s finest bagels right in New Mexico, or anywhere in the world, and to give him back his life again. That answer is the Davidovich Par Baked Solution.


With Davidovich?s Par Baked Bagel program Max can eliminate all of the ingredient costs, as well as the mixing, the cutting, the rolling, the proofing, the boiling, the seeding and most of the baking. In a matter of less than one hour he can serve his customers the very best NYC has to offer-bagels made in NYC, with NYC?s water and in NYC?s environment but ?baked off? in his very own facility for just a few minutes. THIS IS A WIN-WIN!

2. Cycle Bake as needed. Batch baking 2x a day, or as needed, is best for freshest finished product.

Max?s customers get the authentic NYC Bagel and he gets to save himself the time and back breaking labor of real bagel making and even sleep for an additional 5 hours. With Davidovich as his partner Max can?t lose. Neither can you.

Davi dovi c h Bagel s '


When cool to touch remove from tray.

DISPLAYING 1. Place in Case- enclosed display is best to preserve freshness

To Find Out More www.davidovichbakery.com sales@allnp.com (212) 391- 2870

Par Baked Sol ut i on "All Other Bagels Wish They Were a Davidovich Bagel, Too" (TM)

Wh at is a Par Bak ed Bagel? The term Par Baked Bagel is simply short for a partially baked bagel. Bagels of all varieties are mixed, rolled, boiled, seeded, and baked to the point of being edible. They are then frozen to insure and preserve quality. They may be shipped to a location and "baked off" using simple instructions to provide a finished product..

Wh y is Davidovich t h e Best Ch oice f or Par Bak ed Bagel?

Wh y is a Par Bak ed Bagel Bet t er ?

Davidovich?s Par Baked Bagel program eliminates all of the ingredient costs, as well as the mixing, the cutting, the rolling, the proofing, the boiling, the seeding, and most of the baking. In a matter of less than one hour local resellers can serve their customers the very best NYC has to offer-bagels made in NYC, with NYC?s water and in NYC?s environment but ?baked off? in his very own facility for just a few minutes. THIS IS A WIN-WIN!

Par Baked Bagels allow retail shop owners to reduce their ingredient and labor costs and focus on the elements of what make their business a success. With less time devoted to the laborious product of producing bagels from scratch owners can focus their attention to customer satisfaction, menu development, and social matters.

Davidovich Par Baked Solution Customers get the authentic NYC Bagel and save themselves the time and back breaking labor of real bagel making. They even get to sleep for an additional 5 hours because they no longer have to bake from scratch. With Davidovich as their partner Resellers can?t lose. Neither can you.

The Par Baked Solution also allows for mitigation of waste by allowing retailers to control inventory effectively without worrying about shortages. Because the preparation time on Par Baked bagels is shorter than from scratch "pop-up" orders can be effectively managed.

Davidovich is known the world over for making the finest NYC Artisan Kosher Bagels in the world. With the Davidovich Par Baked Solution you get to sell real Davidovich Bagels, just like we sell in NYC, anywhere in the world. Don't believe me? Check out the story of Max the Baker..

TheStory of Max TheBaker

Max dreamed his whole life of owning his own business. It is as American a concept as Ice Cream on Apple Pie. Now Max has done it. After moving to Albuquerque, New Mexico he decided it?s time to open a real bagel store, like the one he worked for in New York City. His business plan- give people a touch of NYC in New Mexico. Max knew what he was doing. He knew how to mix the dough, how to roll the bagels, how to water boil, and bake them. ?People will flock to my little piece of the Big Apple in the West,? Max Boasted. What Max didn?t count on was that despite all of his knowledge and efforts the bagels just don?t come out like they did in NYC. They are good bagels. They are made right, but there is something missing. They don?t have that authentic crispness outside and chewy interior. Where did Max fail? HE DIDN?T. The truth is NYC is the King of Bagels for a reason. Even the best bagel makers, like Max, can?t duplicate NYC?s finest bagels in places where they don?t have access to NYC?s water

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