The People of Bible

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People of bible From the beginning of times to the finished work




• Separation of light from the darkness. • Division of waters in the clouds above from the waters in the oceans below • Dry ground with plants, mountains, hills, and valleys • Sun and the moon. • Fish and birds • Animals and Adam. • Rested on the seventh day

ADAM AND EVE GENESIS 2 • Adam and Eve lived in the garden of Eden and a sneaky snake made Eve to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge which would tell good and evil. • Sin started from there on • Dissatisfied god abolished them from garden of Eden.



• After Adam and Eve left the garden many were born and they forgot about God. • Noah was loved by god. • Noah was told to make an ark and to take all the flora and fauna along with his family. • Rain fell and earth was wiped out. • God made a promise not to flood the earth again and rainbow was created as covenant.



• After people multiplied over many years they thought that if they could work together they could succeed anything. • They started constructing a tall tower with an intention to reach Heaven with it. during the process God did not like the way they thought and mixed up everybody's languages and scattered them all round the world. • To er as alled Ba el .



• A raha a d “arah lo ed god a d o God’s orders they start o i g to their ho ela d. A raha ’s ephe Lot a d helpers e t alo g ith the . o the way people quarreled amongst themselves since there was less food for their animals. • Abraham asks Lot to choose a land for him to live in. God gives Abraham a blessing that all the land which he sees will be granted to him and his family would multiply with many children. • Abraham and Sarah were led to a place called Hebron by God and it was beautiful.



• Abraham meets three strangers and invites them to have meal at his house. • They tell him that Sarah will have a Son. • Sarah gives birth to a boy and names him Isaac. • After Isaac grew Abraham sends his servant to his homeland to search for a bride. • As the servant was praying at the well, god answered his prayers showing Rebekah. • Isaac and Rebekah got married.

ESAU & JACOB GENESIS 27 • Rebekah gave birth to Esau and Jacob. • Isaac was old and a little blind, he asked elder son Esau to make him good di er a d after that he ould gi e God’s lessi g. • Rebekah wanted Jacob to get the blessing so she ties goat skins to his hands and sends him to Isaac for the blessings. • Isaac gives blessings to Jacob and knowing this Esau goes to hurt Jacob. • Rebekah sends Jacob to his uncle Laban’s house.



• O the ay to La a ’s house as Ja o rested o a sto e he drea s stair ay to heaven and God saying him that one day all of this land will belong to you and your family. • Ja o s gets arried hile he is i La a ’s house. • God asks Jacob to return to the homeland but Jacob was scared of his rother Esau’s a ger. • Much to his surprise Esau will be very welcoming.




• One day as the wine taster dreamt of squeezing grapes into glass and giving it to pharaoh he asked Joseph hat it ea t. He replied you ill e pharaoh’s i e taster agai . • Pharaoh dreams of 7 heavy cows & 7 skinny ones and 7 healthy plants &7 dried up plants. As the wise men were confused wine taster tells about Joseph and as he explains he says that for 7 years plenty of food will grow and the next 7 yrs. would be famine. • From that day joseph was in charge of gathering extra food for Egypt. • As Joseph’s fa ily ra out of food his father se ds his rothers to get food from Egypt and finds joseph there and be united with him again. • Whole family moves to Egypt.



Jacobs family increased and they were called Israelites. Pharaoh dislikes Israelites and decides to get rid of their baby boys. Jocheheb puts her baby in a basket and places in a river. It reaches pharaoh’s daughter ho a es the a y, Moses.


• Jacob loved Joseph the most amongst his 12 sons and makes him a colorful robe of which his brothers will be jealous of. • Joseph dreams of bundles of grain bowing down to his and the second as the sun and moon and eleven starts bowing to him. • His brothers considered that all of their family was bowing to him so they threw him in a well and reported Jacob that he was killed by an animal. • Traders took Joseph to Egypt and put in jail. • He made friends with some prisoners and one of them was wine taster for pharaoh.



• Miriam, the a y’s ig sister at hes hi a d suggests pri ess that jocheheb could take care of the baby. • Moses grew up in a palace and when he was a man he tried to protect Israelites as a result of it pharaoh plans to kill him. • Moses escaped from Egypt and became a shepherded in a place called Midian. • O e day as Moses at hes o er his sheep God’s oi e fro the ur i g ush says Moses to bring his people out from Egypt to a new place called Canaan. • As Moses was afraid of pharaoh god asks Moses to drop his staff down which becomes snake and god asks him to catch it again which converts back to a staff. God says he would use such signs to show Pharaoh that god sent him.



• Since Moses could not talk well God sent his brother Aaron along with him. • They tell Israelites a out god’s pla a d also the pharaoh to free the ut he disagrees stating that he does not know God of Israelites. • Displeased god gave ten plagues to Egypt since pharaoh made Israelites to work hard. • God changes main river to blood, sends frogs, flies, hailstorms and finally when Moses told him that first born of each family would die, pharaoh refused to listen. But God kept his promise. Finally he asks them to go. RED SEA


• As Israelites were marching our the Egyptian army chased them there Moses takes the help of god and divides the Red sea to make a path, as soon as they rossed Moses agai raised his staff hi h s ept the pharaoh’s ar y ith the sea’s losi g i . • As the Israelites complained of no food Moses prays to god and answers him sending bird quail to eat and next day provided with manna which tasted like honey. Dissatisfied Israelites still complain of thirst. As Moses prayed to God, God asks him to strike on a rock with his staff through which cool fresh water flowed.

TEN COMMANDMENTS EXODUS 19-20 • Israelites continued to fall astray from gods ways so one day on mount Sanai thunders roared and lightning flashed with loud trumpet blast and god called Moses and gave ten commandments which were to be followed by the Israelites • God taught Israelites how to build a worship place which was called a tabernacle.



• Israelites reach near the promised land and Moses sends 12 spies to see if the land was good. • Spies return with a news that the land is very beautiful but the people there were very strong. • Joshua and Caleb trusted in god that they would make it through since God promised but the rest dint trust in God so they are punished for not to enter into the promised land for 40 years.



• After Moses died Joshua becomes leader and leads them to city Jericho. • Even if the city is protected with high walls two spies make it into the city and goes to Rahab’s house ho sa es the fro Jeri ho’s soldiers. • Israelites abide by god and walk around the fort blowing trumpets once a day for six days and on the seventh day they took over the place as the walls fell. • After a long time they fell apart from God asking for help against a bad king they were under. God sends a judge Deborah who loved God asks for a man Barak to take 10,000 soldiers against the bad king. Finally they win against them with her.



• As the Israelites fell apart from God again, he made their enemies to take away all their food but as they turned back to him again God chose Gideon to help his people. • Gideon tests himself if he was really chosen by god by placing wool on earth • God asks him to prepare an army of 300 and made them blow trumpets , smash clay jars and wave burning torches in the night doing which they won over the enemy.


JUDGES 13-16

• When Israelites were against philistines. God sends Samson whose strength was in his hair. Samson loved Delilah who was bribed by philistines to know the secret of Samson's strength. • First he replies his strength would be lost if he is tied with ropes. Delilah ties him up and calls philistines but he survives and after that she kisses him and asks what his strength was. He falls for her and replies correctly that it was his hair. Next day she shaves his hair off and Palestine's arrest him. • One day when Palestine's had big party making fun of Samson God gives him power one last time to destroy whole Palestine's and save Israelites. RUTH AND NAOMI

RUTH 1-4

• Naomi grew up in Israel but she moved away after getting married. She had 2 sons. One of them were married to Ruth. Suddenly husband and sons died. • Naomi wanted to go back to homeland, Ruth followed her. • Ruth collected leftover grain from the fields as food and the field owner Boaz helped her get more by leaving more grain on the ground since he loved her. • Ruth got married to Boaz and is blessed with a baby boy Obed having a brand new family.


1 SAMUEL 1-20

• Hannah and her husband loved God but had no children. She prayed to god that she ould gi e her so to the lord’s ser i e if God gi es her a a y. • Priest Eli heard her prayer and said Lord would certainly fulfill her need and likewise she has a baby boy soon and names him Samuel. • When Samuel was a boy he stayed with priest Eli serving lord and God started to speak to him and convey messages to people through him. • When Samuel was an old man Israelites wanted a king to rule over them. Even after God led Samuel to tell them what problems a king would get them.

SAUL & DAVID 1 SAMUEL 1-20 • God led “a uel to “aul ho as ade ki g o er God’s people. After 20 years Saul starts to disobey God. • Lord sends Samuel to man Jesse whose sons are very strong except one but God said to him that heart is what matters and anoints David to be the king. • As Goliath from philistines was on war with Israelites david speaks to Saul to fight against him and with the power of the lord he wins against him. • David started to live in the palace with Saul and made friends with Prince Jonathan and his sister Michal. He won many battles and this made Saul jealous since all the people praised that David was better than him. KING DAVID

2 SAMUEL 1-2 & 1 KINGS 2

• “aul tries to kill Da id ut he es apes fro the pala e upo Jo atha ’s instructions. • After king Saul and Jonathan were killed in a battle people wanted David to be the new king. • Ki g Da id ruled o er Israel for 40 years a d as al ays dear to God’s heart. • When King David was old he told his son Solomon to be the next king and follow the God with all his heart.

KING SOLOMON 1 KINGS 3-10 • King Solomon was a very wise king and asked for wisdom when God asked him what he wants. God also gives him riches and honor impressed with his answer. • People from all over the world came to see him and take advices. Queen Sheba came from far to ask questions. She praised God for giving him such wisdom. • Solomon built a temple of God for people to worship and glorify God.


1 KINGS 16-17

• After Solomon many kings ruled and one of them was idol worshiper Ahab who did not like God. • God had a prophet Elijah who told King Ahab that God is angry on him and there wont be rain for long time and people would go hungry. • God made Elijah to escape to a desert beside a brook where he lived until it dried. Then god asks him to go to a nearby town where he meets a widow women whom he asks for food and water. He has just a little sufficient for her and her son but Elijah assures that God will provide her if she takes cares of him. Likewise she feeds Elijah. Oil and flour never ran out in her house after. MOUNT CARMEL

1 KINGS 18

• Ahab worshipped an idol called Baal to bring rain even though Elijah warns him to worship the true god which he ignored. • On a challenge all the people went up the mount Carmel and set up different alter for idol Baal and god with separate offerings. • When priests of Ball prayed there was no result but when Elijah prays fire from heaven comes and burns up the offering and formed water around it.


1 KINGS 19-21, 2 KINGS 2-13

• Elisha as hose y god to help Elijah to take god’s lo e to people. • While travelling one day Elijah took his coat and struck the water with it. the river split into two and made clear ground in-between. • he Elijah as old he asked Elisha hat he a ted? He replied I a t dou le portio of the spirit God has gi e you . • A fiery chariot pulled by fiery horses came down from sky to take Elijah to heaven and dropped down his coat to Elisha as a sign for granting his wish. • He struck the water with it and the water parted through which he knew he was anointed.



• Elisha helped many people, one day he met a women who had a lot of debt and no money in hand. He asked her to collect jars from everyone and pour the little oil she had into all those. She obeyed him and god blessed her with all the jars filled. She clears the debt and saves for the days to come. • Elisha frequently travelled to a town named Shunem. There he became friends with a couple who made a separate room for him in their house over a period of time. Elisha blesses them with the power of God to have a baby boy within in a year.

NAAMAN & JOSIAH 2 KINGS 5 & 22 • Naaman was a great army commander but had a skin disease called leprosy. Upon his wife's instructions he goes to Elisha for him to heal. Elisha asks him to dip himself for 7 times in Jordan river and he would be healed. He does the same and gets healed. He comes back to thank Elisha and glorify God. • King Josiah became king of Judah at the age of 8. He loved God very much. He saw the temple in Jerusalem crumbling so he tries to restore it. During the pro ess he fi ds a s roll hi h stated god’s la s hi h e eryo e had to follow.. He reads it allowed and everyone accepts to abide by it.



• Esther and her older cousin Mordecai were Jewish which means Israelites. They lived in Persia. • King of Persia needed a queen and call for the most beautiful women in his kingdom. He chooses Esther and marries her. • Haman was the kings chief helper who hated Jewish people and wanted everyone to bow down for him which Mordechai denied of doing. • He made king to sign a law which will get rid of all the Jewish people. Since Esther realizes that she should save her people one day she calls king and Haman for a meal. Over the meal she asks king why Haman wanted to get rid of her. King signs a new law safeguarding them and put Haman in jail after that.

new TESTAMENT NEBUCHADNEZZER DANIEL 3 • King Nebuchadnezzar had defeated the Israelites and ruled over them. • He built a golden statue and made an law that when music plays everyone should bow down to it and worship it. Those who disobeyed would be put in fiery furnace. • Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to bow to it so as they were put in the fiery fire they did not burn but four images appeared in fire one being angel of god. King calls them out and says that their God had saved them and made them rulers in his kingdom. DANIEL


• Daniel became chief helper to the new king in Babylon whom the rest of the helpers disliked. • Other helpers trick king in creating a new law that everybody show worship only the king which Daniel dint follow but continually prayed to God. As a punishment Daniel will be put in a lions den. • Since King loved Daniel he rushed to the den next day morning and called out to Da iel if his God has sa ed hi ? Da iel eplied es God has se t his a gel to p ote t e . • From that day king ordered to honor and respect God.



• Jonah was a prophet of God. God instructs him to go to a big city Nineveh and tell them to stop doing bad things. • Jonah gets scared and instead of going to Nineveh he sails across the sea. On their way God sends a big storm, knowing that it was because of his disobedience he says his sailors to through him out of the boat. Soon after that the whole sea calms down and a fish swallows Jonah in which he prays to god for 3 days and 3 nights for forgiveness and gets saved. • He goes to Nineveh after that and everybody gets forgiveness upon his sayings

MARY JOSEPH LUKE 1 • God sends angel Gabriel to visit virgin Mary to tell her that she will give birth to a a a d she should a e hi Jesus. Ma o e s God s o de . • Mary loved Joseph and were soon getting married. He lived in Nazareth but family lived in Bethlehem. • Leader Caesar ordered all the people to leave to their homeland to count the people in his kingdom. Mary and Joseph started to Bethlehem..



• They searched for a room in all the inns but could not find any except for one man who offered a stable where Mary conceives and wraps Jesus in cloth and puts him in a manger. • Angel appears to the shepherds and say that the savior is born and angels sing choir of praise that Jesus would save the earth. • Shepherds rushed to Bethlehem to see Jesus and on their way back they share the good news with everyone. • Mary and Joseph meet Simeon in the temple and took blessing as he praised God for Jesus so did prophet Anna. She told everyone that the savior is born.



• When Jesus was born God puts a bright star in the sky which the Wise men Knew that it was a sign that a savior is born. They start to follow it. • On their way they stop in the city of Jerusalem to see king Herod and to ask him about the baby. Since King Herod was a mean king he told them to inform him too once they find him so that he could also worship him. • Wise men meet the baby and gives gifts of gold, and sweet smelling spices. • An angel appears to wise men and warns them not to meet king Herod again so they went home in a different road.

JESUS IS LOST! LUKE 2 • Jesus grew up in Nazareth and used to go to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover feast. Once when he was 12 he was lost from his parents in the crowd and on the 3rd day Mary and Joseph found him talking with the temple teachers. They were amazed with his intelligence. • Even though Jesus knew that God was his fathers he obeyed his parents and left along with them.


MIRACLES AND JOHN 2, MATHEW 5, 6, LUKE 6, 12, 22-31 TEACHINGS • Jesus went to a wedding with Mary and his disciples. As the servants were discussing that they were running out of wine Mary asks them to do what Jesus tells them to do. • Jesus asks them to fill up 6 jars with water and give a glass of it to the master. To the servants surprise when they filled up the glass, wine filled in it instead. • Once on a mountain when Jesus was teaching to all age groups he tells them if God has taken utmost care in safeguarding the nature, God will take care of you even better since he loves you the most.


• John was Jesus cousin and he lived in the desert eating honey and bugs. • He told people a out God s lo e a d a out a sa io that is to o e. • He used to tell people about what is right and wrong and told always to be good, kind and honest. He preached about forgiveness and baptized people in the Jordan river who believed in God. • One day Jesus approaches him and asks him to baptize. John knew Jesus was the savior of the world. He was surprised but Jesus tells him that it is right and so he did it. Holy spirit came down as a dove and landed on Jesus. • God said this is so , a d I lo e hi , I a e pleased ith hi .

JESUS & DISCIPLES MATHEW 4, 9, 10, MARK 1-3, LUKE 5-6 • Jesus began to tell about God and he knew he had a lot of work to do so he wanted to find some helpers. As Jesus was walking by the shore he found fishe e . Jesus asked the to o e follo e. I ill ake ou fishe s of people. Pete , A d e , Ja es, Joh i ediatel left e e thi g a d follo ed him. • Mathew was a tax collector but upon Jesus calling he left everything and followed him. • Among the other people their names were Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas. They were all together called disciples.



• An army captain asked Jesus to heal one of his servants so Jesus replied to him sa i g I ill go to ou house a d heal hi ut the aptai asked hi to just say a word. Jesus was impressed of his faith and asked to go to his house. as captain reached his house he sees his servant healed. • Jesus was at a house preaching. The house was overflowing with people. Down the road there was a sick man who could not walk. His friends believed Jesus could heal him. They carried him to the roof of the house and made a hole in it to send the man through it. Jesus impressed by their faith he heals the old man.

JESUS AND HIS MATHEW 8,9,MARK 5, LUKE 8 MIRACLES • Jesus and his disciples go into the boat and there was a huge storm when he took a nap. All the disciples were scared of it but as Jesus woke up he uestio ed the "do 't ou ha e faith at all? a d as he asked the sto to stop it was calm right away. The disciples were amazed and praised him. • one day Jarius came to Jesus asking him to come to his place to heal his dying daughter. On the way a diseased women believed that if she at least touches his clothes she would be healed. Likewise when she did she was healed. When he reached to Jarius house the daughter was already dead but Jesus said she was just sleeping and raised her up from the dead.

GODLY PEOPLE MATHEW 13 & MIRACLE • One day Jesus told a story about fisherman. Just the way fisher goes for fishing and catches fish in his net and separates good fish from the bad God will also separate good Godly people from the bad people. Godly people will live in heaven with Jesus forever. • Once as the disciples and Jesus were tired they moved from the shore to another place. Few people followed them in anxiety to meet Jesus as soon they reached Jesus teaches, blesses and heals them. MIRACULOUS JESUS


• As the disciples asked Jesus that all the 5000 people needed to be fed Jesus asked if anyone of those had any food to eat. A boy had 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. Jesus gave thanks to the God and asked the disciples to feed everyone. After feeding everyone there were 12 baskets remaining. • Jesus asked the disciples to move ahead of him and went up the mountain to pray. When he saw the storm clouds filling up the sky he knew that the disciples were in danger and Jesus walked on the stormy waters till the boat to rescue them.. Peter asked If you were really Jesus make me walk upon the waters. Jesus asked him to walk and he did slowly looking at the stormy waters he was afraid and called out for help from Jesus. Jesus saved him and all the disciples praised him.

MIRACULOUS JESUS JOHN 9, MATHEW 17 • Jesus and his disciples saw a blind beggar who was blind from his birth. The disciples asked if that man sinned or his parents? Jesus replied "no one si ed this happe ed so that God s o k ould e sho i his life . The Jesus spit on the ground and mixed it with mud and applied it on the eyes of the blind man and asked him to go and wash in the pool of Siloam. When the man did it he was healed. • It was time to pay the temple tax which was used to fix up temple. When tax collectors asked Peter if Jesus would pay the tax he said yes and even before Peter asks Jesus he asks Peter to go fishing and in the first fish caught he would find a coin which would pay both their taxes. It ensued.



• O e da a la e asks Jesus I k o the la sa s that ith all hea t I should lo e eigh o as self, ut ho is eigh o ? • Jesus told him a parable that a man gets robbed on his way to city of Jericho and left him beside the road. He needed help. • A priest and a church helper walk past beside him ignoring but a Samaritan man comes and put him on his donkey and takes him to an inn and takes care of him. Over that he pays the inn keeper 2 silver coins to take care of him until he returned back. Jesus asks the lawyer to be like good Samaritan. MARY AND MARTHA LUKE 10 • Mary, Martha and Lazarus were friends with Jesus. One day when Jesus visited them Mary sat down and listened to him while Martha was working hard cooking and cleaning. When Martha asked Mary to help her, Jesus eplied Ma has hose hat as ette liste i g to hi .



• “o e people asked Jesus ho as ost i po ta t to God? . Jesus told the a parable that a shepherd watches over his sheep giving them plenty of water and food and counts them in the night. Even if one of them is missing he searches for it everywhere and when he finds it he calls his friends for a celebration. Like wises God loves everyone, when one of them goes astray and turns back to him again he is well pleased with him. • Jesus told a othe pa a le a out God s lo e. a a o ed a ig fa a d had 2 sons. His youngest son wanted to his share in the family to travel the world. He spent the money very lavishly and runs out of it. he works at a pig farmer and he was so hungry that pigs food looked good for him. He was scared to go back home but when he reaches back home his father embraces him with joy and greets him. Like wise God will be full of love and joy when people who are lost come back to him.


LUKE 17, MATHEW 19, MARK 10, LUKE 18

• When Jesus was travelling he met ten lepers who believed that he would heal them. Jesus asks them to go and meet the priest and on their way amazingly they will be healed and one out of them comes back and thanks Jesus. • The children loved Jesus but the disciples asked them not to disturb him. Jesus tells the dis iples let the hild e o e to e. Do ot keep the a a . You ust e like the if ou a t to e te God s ki gdo .



• As people crowded the streets to see Jesus, Zacchaeus climbed on a tree to see him since he was a short man. Jesus saw him and called him down asking to accompany him to his house. Zacchaeus was a tax collector but Jesus wanted to go to his house. • Zacchaeus tells Jesus that he would return all the money which he took from cheating people in fact he give them a little more to the poor. Jesus was happy with him since was setting his things right.



• One day Jesus receives a mail stating that Lazarus is sick but Jesus stayed where he was for 2 days and traveled to the place where Mary and Martha lived. Martha approaches towards him crying that Lazarus is dead. She believed that if Jesus was there he would have healed him. • Jesus walks to the tomb and asks to move the stone away and prays to God fo hi to sho his glo th ough Jesus. The Jesus shouted Laza us, o e out!. Laza us a e out alki g a d li ed agai . • Many people believed in Jesus that day. • Afte that he Jesus as isiti g thei fa il agai Ma ashes Jesus s feet with expensive perfume. Judas complains that if she would have sold that perfume and gave that money to the poor it would have been nice but Jesus replies to him that what she did was right since poor would be amongst you always but he would not be here always.


MATHEW 21, MARK 11, LUKE 19, JOHN 12

• Jesus asked his disciples to get a donkey to go to Jerusalem for Passover feast. He told them where to find the donkey. Big crowd welcomed him waving palm branches and praised him Hosanna Hosanna blessed is the king of Israel. The leaders in Jerusalem were jealous looking at everyone following him. • POOR WIDOWS GIFT – MARK 12, LUKE 21 • Jesus and his disciples went to a temple area and watched people drop money in the offering box. The rich put a lot of money in the box but a poor widow puts just two small coins out of which she had. Jesus tells everyone that the women is greater than the others because she gave what all she had. DISCIPLES


• Jesus and his disciples gathered together for a special Passover meal since Jesus knew that he will be leaving them soon. After supper he washed and d ied the dis iples feet o e o e ut he it as Pete s tu he asked hi h ? Jesus a s e ed I ust ash ou feet fo ou to e pa t of ki gdo . a d he said afte o pleti g that e e o e should ash ea h others feet which signifies that you love and serve each other. • And then Jesus told them that one of them would betray him but the disciples denied of doing it so. But Jesus chooses Judas to do it.


MATHEW 26, MARK 14, LUKE 22, JOHN 13-14

• Jesus picked a loaf of bread and broke it into pieces and asks the disciples to eat it this ead is od . E e ti e ou do this, thi k of e . • In the same way he took a cup of wine and blessed it. he gave his disciples to d i k it This is lood. It is pou ed out to fo gi e the si s of a . • After that Jesus tells them that it is time for him to go to heaven in order to prepare a new home for them. He also tells them that it would be very sad at the moment but when you understand it you will be filled with joy.

JESUS ARRESTED MATHEW 26-27, MARK 14-15, LUKE 22-23, JOHN AND CRUCIFIED 18-19 • Judas went to the leaders and took 30 pieces of silver to help them capture Jesus. Whe Jesus as p a i g fathe , if it is th ill, I a ead to gi e life so that all the people ho t ust i e ill e sa ed f o thei si s . Judas arrives with some soldiers to arrest him. When Peter tries to protect Jesus he asks him to stand back as it is to happen. When he was took to the leader Pontius Pilate they condemn him for saying that he is the son of God and punish him severely ripping his back with whips and putting a thorns crown on his head. He is made to carry a wooden cross by himself to the top of the mountain of Golgotha. He is nailed to the cross. Jesus dies on the cross. JESUS IS RISEN

MATHEW 28, MARK 16, LUKE 24, JOHN 20

• After Jesus is dead his friends put him in a tomb and soldiers guarded the tomb. An angel descends from heaven and moves the tomb stone, soldiers looking at that angel fell on the ground. • Mary walked to the tomb with her friends and sees the angel on the way who said do ot e af aid Jesus is ise !. a gel asks the to go a d tell Pete a d other disciples. On their way back they see Jesus and worship him by prostrating on the ground



• The disciples locked themselves in a small room scared of the soldiers but Jesus appears to them. they think he is a ghost but he asks them to touch his hands and feet and see for themselves that he was really alive. The disciples were overwhelmed to see Jesus again. • He tells dis iples that I ga e life so that ou ould e ith e i hea e . I am going there to prepare a wonderful new home for you. When I come back the e t ti e. I ill take ou ith e. a d he also sa s God has gi e e complete power over heaven and earth. Go and tell everyone the good news. Make new disciples. Baptize them and teach them to obey my o a d e ts. Do t e e fo get, I ill al a s e ith ou. Go to Je usale a d ait the e, said Jesus. The hol spi it ill o e to ou. He ill gi e ou po e to tell people a out e. Do ot e af aid. a d as e ds into heaven.



• Thousand of people gathered from different countries to celebrate Jewish holiday called Pentecost at Jerusalem. All the people talked in different languages. Jesus disciples were praying together in a room and suddenly a noise filled the room and sounded like a strong wind blowing. The holy spirt appeared as tongues of fire on each of them and all of them started talking to each other in different languages which they dint understand. • The people in Jerusalem were amazed how they could talk their languages a d asked the hat to do? Pete said god s pla god se t Jesus to sa e e e o e f o the ad thi gs e ha e do e. He also said ask Jesus to fo gi e ou fo ou si s a d e aptized i the a e of Jesus Ch ist. o that day 300 people believed in Jesus and got baptized. FIRST CHURCH & LAME MAN ACTS 2 • The new believers studied with the disciples and prayed together. They sang so gs a d p aised god. The ate eals a d ele ated the Lo d s suppe together. God added more and more believers to the church every day. • One day Peter and John saw a man who was not able walk since his birth begging for money on their way to temple. Peter told him that he has no silver or gold but he asked him to stand up and walk in the name of Jesus. The man was able to walk from that moment. But Peter said that it is not him who made him walk but Jesus who did it. People were amazed and believed Jesus.



• Saul was against the followers of Jesus and wanted to put some of them in jail. O his a to do that a ight light appea ed to hi a d asked hi “aul h a e ou agai st e? “aul as af aid a d asked ho it as. The oi e eplied I a Jesus. Jesus asks hi to go to Da as us. “aul e o es li d f o that moment. Some men travelling with him guides him to the city. • Jesus also appears to Ananias and he leads him to Saul. Ananias lays his hands o “aul a d said ou a see agai . Be filled ith the Hol “pi it. “aul ould see f o the o . A a ias Baptized hi a d God ha ged “aul s a e to Paul. He lo ed God s people f o the e o a d follo ed the .

PAUL ACTS 9 • Paul travelled a lot sharing everyone his meet with Jesus and the good news about the forgiveness of Jesus. He baptized many people and started many new churches. • The followers of Jesus Christ were called Christians. • During his travel many people disliked him telling about Jesus and thrown him and Silas Into prison. But they knew God would save them. that night an earthquakes shook so hard that the prison doors and chains fell of them. As the guard were scared that they would escape, they meet the guard and say they are still here. After that they stayed in Guards house and continued their journey to tell more people. The guard believed in Jesus during their stay.


REVELATION 1, 21 • Many years later, the disciple John lived on an island. While he was there an angel came to him in a vision. • I the isio , a ight light su ou ded Jesus. He spoke to Joh . Do ot e af aid. W ite a ook a out hat ou see a d se d it to the hu hes. • In the vision, John saw God sitting on his throne. A rainbow sparkled all around him. John saw that everything bad on earth had come to an end. Then Joh sa a e hea e a d a e ea th. God said, the e ill e o o e death o sad ess o i g o pai . I ill li e ith people fo e e . the Jesus p o ised I a o i g a k soo .

“Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, As we also have forgiven out debtors, And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.” Amen.

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