Culturepulse november 2016

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10: Watch Movies; download films at your convenience

What was extraordinary about the World Wide Web is that Berners-Lee wanted to keep it free. He has fought ever since to keep the Web free despite opposition and indifference from people with private agendas. Tim Berners-Lee built the web with the conviction that ‘great things are possible when people can communicate freely, without barriers.’ Today, the Web is ‘ubiquitous’ and one can easily forget that it is part and parcel of our everyday values in this digital age. It is difficult to imagine life without the Web today and, though the Web is under scrutiny from Governments where we are under constant surveil and censor we owe a magnanimous gratitude to Tim Berners-Lee who gave us the World Wide Web.

11: Catch up Radio and TV; Never miss a TV or radio programme again. 12: Facebook; the Social Media network that is now a world phenomenon. 13: Google; giving us access to almost everything. 14: 24 hr Pornography; Online porn has become problematic 15: Video Calling; a technology that has helped many friends and family keep in touch. 16: eBay; here everyone became a expert. 17: Email addresses; without the WWW this would not exists.

25 Things we now have as a result of the World Wide Web

18: Street View; allowing us to see the world differently.

1: Online Banking; no more queuing in banks.

19: YouTube; bringing music, films and making personal videos available to all.

2: Online Dating; you no longer have to socialise to find a date.

20: Self Diagnosing; www has made us doctors, virtually

3: Booking Holidays; browsing 1000s of holidays from anywhere in the world

21: Selfies; a new phenomenon in egotism

4: Weather Information; accessing weather information the world over.

22: Smartphones; miniaturising the personal computer.

5: Live Streaming; Watch live events as they happen from anywhere.

23: Online Gambling; taking gambling to a new level.

6: Remote Access; allowing troubleshooting and repairs to be carried out online to PCs etc.

24: Virtual Travel; allowing us to virtually explore places. 25: Twitter; news sharing on the go 24/7

7: File Sharing; share huge complex files without waiting hours for it to upload or download.

There are hundreds of other products that we use daily because of the World Wide Web and as technology improves with super velocity the list will continue to grow.

8: Digital Photography; No more need for film and storage space for developed prints. 9: Blogging; many journalist and writers have gained fame through blogging. 11

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