Morpho'Logical. Progressive Restoration in Bayview Waterfront Shipyard

Page 110

At the beginning of my encounter with Bayview I instantly fell in love with the site. I started with a very secure position ad statement that defended the local community, and blamed everybody else. Through the evolution of my research I shifted my position (which I want to clarify and I am not ashamed of’), that consists in the following conclusion: I realize that the neighborhood of Hunters Point in order to be saved and enliven it needs to be confronted as a ‘Top-Down’ approach.

I greatly support the existing proposals for ‘mixed use high-rise’ in the northern side of the parcels, but I am also convinced that ‘redevelopment’ or ‘tabula raza’ is never the best approach. I encourage the reuse of the remaining structures and its adaptation for beneficial functionalities.

Although this project is representative and suggestive of an alternative strategy of construction, I am convinced that the ‘Urban Infill’ approach it is sensational for global warming and the protection of natural ecosystems. Cities need to shift and grow from the inside, not the outside. ‘After 20 years of beholding the urban expansion of Mexico City, I became more sensible in the topic of densification. I remember that the unification of Toluca and Mexico City (which used to be two different cities) made me question how rapidly this world is changing. Although the United States is far away to experience the urban and social problems that


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