Critical Root Zone - Measurement and Taking Best Preventive Steps

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Critical Root Zone - Measurement and Taking Best Preventive Steps Healthy roots always help a excellent development of the trees. The arborists have found that in most cases, trees have their origin below the ground level. Some trees are not rightly planted. You may have planted them very deeply in the soil or applied a high amount of mulch. Now, while talking about the tree root, it is essential to mention something about the protection of these roots.

Root Protection Zone- A clear idea of this term Root Protection Zone or the Critical Root Zone of a tree is an imaginary or invisible circle, running outside or along the tree drip line. However, it is not always easy to find out this tree drip line. This zone of the tree is highly significant. It is the site, where the critical roots of the tree are present below ground. For this reason, we call it the protection zone. You have to focus on protecting all these roots. The dripline helps you in the estimation of CRZ. However, you have to know the right ways of measuring it. Take a tape and paper for the measurements, and use your calculator for multiplying the numbers.

Tips for the calculation of CRZ For determining the CRZ of a tree precisely, you have to assess the trunk circumference. However, you have to measure this trunk part 4 ft. just above the ground. This will help you to get the right result from the measurement process. One of the primary rules is that with every 1 inch of the trunk portion, you may find an increase in the size of the radius by almost 1.5 ft. After getting the circumference size, you have to multiply the trunk diameter by the number 1.5. This will help you in figuring out the exact radius for CRZ of the tree. One of the notable things for you is that the depth of the root systems can differ for every tree. This difference is caused due to the variation in age, species and soil composition. For some of the trees (like oak), the root may reach a site beyond the dripline of the canopy. The root zone, in most cases, covers two to three times of the site beyond CRZ. Any potential disturbance in the zone may damage tree roots. The adjacent activities of paving, trenching and drainage alteration outside tree root protection zone cause an effect on the tree.

Mycorrhizae- Know about it to deal with tree roots At the tip of a tree's root, there is a complicated fungi network for collecting lots of nutrients. These fungi remain attached to tree roots. By availing the nutrients, the tree provides the fungi with sugar. In many instances, you can find fungi as a type of fruit body that comes up beyond the root zone, which has been calculated. The level up to which mycorrhizae has reached isn’t prominent.

The trees give high pressure to the underground root systems. The fungi and the roots supply water and nutrients to a tree. At the time of transpiration, a high amount of water is essential to the trees.

What to do to protect critical roots? You have to calculate the Critical Root Zone for the protection of the overall tree and also its roots. The special zone comprises a major part of the tree's roots. These roots keep up the vigor and health of the tree. While you have started construction work and the architectural structure intrudes into CRZ, the tree's structural consistency may have an adverse effect. The tree will be at risk. In a few instances, the construction process affects over 30% of the CRZ. You will not be able to recover the original condition of the tree. There are few steps for the prevention of all these issues. You can install a permanent metal-made fence around the tree root protection site at the time of starting the construction process. The fence must be in place until you have accomplished the construction process. Recently, lots of professionals have started using a type of root tomography or radar for finding out the old tree root condition. They try to make sure that there is a minimal impact on the tree root protection zone. A right amount of mulching is also another option for you for tree root protection. This process is highly valuable for the health of trees. Thus, find out the CRZ of all trees and prevent the adverse condition from affecting them. Land Vision South East Ltd. Balfron, Cockmount Lane, Wadhurst, East Sussex, United Kingdom - TN5 6UG Phone:- 01892 782200 Website: Social Network:Facebook - Twitter - Linkedin - Pinterest -

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