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Official Unit Log, “The Complex” Entry By Acting-Director, Dr Davies Thu, 16/07/09, 1030h 1. I have interviewed the House Mother and confirmed she did mention to Dr Ridge that all course attendees are given a sports drink whilst at The Complex. 2. She denies telling him the details of how frequently or when it is given. 3. She clearly has no knowledge as to the contents of the mixture; thus she has not compromised the Code Ochre classification. 4. She has no awareness of the The Complex being intensively monitored by audio and visual surveillance. 5. I have spoken directly with Commander, Operation PsyCoChemManip, by secure phone and appraised him of the above. 6. I await further directions. Transcript of Mobile Phone Call Norton & Co, Solicitors and Dr M Ridge Thu,16/07/09, 1842h “Dr Ridge, had a busy day?” “Yes, especially after the info you passed to my assistant at lunchtime!” “I wondered if it might stimulate your interest?” “Quite, with knobs on! So, it seems to me, well us here anyway, that three other kids who attended The Complex have died. Damien whilst there, the other three after, including your man Frank.” “And?” “That is a large proportion of the 100 or so people who have been through The Project in the three months it has been going. We estimate that statistically they should have about one death in every five to six years.” “What does that mean?” “Attendees at The Complex are some 80 times more likely to die than chance would imply.” “Could that simply be bad luck on all fronts?” “Yep, but very unlikely. Something is happening to the kids when they are there.” (LONG PAUSE)

“So my client is right then?” “Looks that way.” “Dr Ridge, what could it be?” “Has to be something they all have access to... and this energy drink has not been mentioned in any of the official papers... so?” “So we, I, need to find out about this drink?” “Yep, and whilst you do that we'll chase down the coroners reports on the four deceased, see if anything odd was found.” “They all had forensic post-mortems done...” “Yes, should make my job a lot easier!” “OK. I'll find a way to chivvy some information out of The Project... proper information that is.” “Freedom of Information Act disclosure?” “I'll try other routes first, but yes if needs be. Speak to you when I have,OK?” Commander, Spec Op Dir; FLASH SIGNAL FAO Operation PsyCoChemManip; alpha list only

Fri, 17/07/09, 1724h 1. I received a request from an MP, through the Culture Press Office for details of the contents in the energy drink given to attendees at The Complex. 2. All courses are suspended and a meeting of The Project Management Team will be held next week, details to follow. 3. Action as for emergency shut-down protocol. 4. Acknowledge. Personal E-Notebook Diary of Aileen B House Mother; The Complex Mon, 20/07/09, 0830h I got back last evening to be told that no further courses are planned at The Complex. I and most of the other resident staff are being given full paid gardening leave on the conditions that we live off site and do not speak to any news-people. No other explanation than that we will be paid for our full annual contract if The Project does not recommence. I haven't fully decided but I'll see about going to my mother's home and enjoy the sunshine as it's way too late to get a flight to Goa and watch the solar eclipse; shame!

TOP SECRET Operation PsyCoChemManip Need to know; list alpha Fri, 24/07/09, 1635h 1.Full minutes of today's Project Management Team meeting will be circulated in due course. 2.To summarize the principal conclusions; It is likely to become publicly known that there have been a disproportionate number of deaths amongst attendees at The Complex. There will be speculation that this is “caused� by the energy drink. Currently the precise content of the study mixture is known only to those with Code Ochre clearance. No evidence exists of compromise of the security level. The Project will continue to offer places for selection but no new courses will commence until after the inquest on subject M8, Frank Smith, currently scheduled for about 4 weeks time. Covert surveillance of the solicitor for the mother of M8 will continue and be commenced on Dr Ridge, the specialist medical adviser to them and Aileen Blaze, the House Mother. All public agencies involved with attendees at The Complex have been instructed to refer any and all enquiries to the Culture Press Office, where they will be stalled, pending. Acknowledge receipt.

Personal E-Notebook Diary of Aileen B House Mother; The Complex Thu, 30/07/09, 1647h How odd! Here I am in North Norfolk and who did I see at the local shop today but one of the security guards from The Complex in Cheshire! At least I think it was him? When I looked back out of the window he had gone; perhaps I imagined it? Anyway, mother is far more concerned about the possible impact of this damn Swine Flu on her free-range turkeys.

Spec Op Dir; FLASH SIGNAL FAO Operation PsyCoChemManip Thu, 30/07/09, 1945h All recipients are to be aware that covert surveillance on Aileen Blaze may have been blown. She may, correctly, have recognised one of The Complex staff. That operative has been withdrawn. Subsequent monitoring of her telecoms has not disclosed any evidence of breached security. No further action is indicated. Inquest on subject M8, Frank Smith, is scheduled for Thu, 20/08/09. We anticipate that his mother's solicitor will convene a case conference before this. All participants in The Project are to remain vigilant about media enquiries and continue to refer all to the Culture Dept. Press Office.

Transcript of Mobile Phone Call Norton & Co, Solicitors and Dr M Ridge Tue, 04/08/09, 0903h “Morning Will...” “You're starting early Mike, I haven't got coffee yet!” “Sorry, I just wanted to catch you before I go and see the Coroners Officer on the Damien Donald death...” “Ah, have things moved then?” “Yes, could say that. I had an email passed to me by a convoluted route in which this woman, a Sergeant Long, asks to speak directly, face to face, with me. My researcher spoke to her last week and she, Long, wanted to add to the information given.” “What does she want to say?” “If I knew that I wouldn't...” “Sorry, silly question! You want to ask me about the energy drink?” “Yes, Will, any progress with your enquiries?” “Our local MP keeps badgering The Project Team but their press office are stonewalling any question he puts to them. No, I'm afraid.” “Will you make a Freedom of Information enquiry?” “No, the barrister we've retained reckons we'll do better by asking difficult questions at the Inquest.” “OK, I'll phone you after I meet up with Sergeant Long...” Spec Op Dir; FLASH SIGNAL FAO Operation PsyCoChemManip Tue, 04/08/09, 1025h Following a telephone intercept, the Coroners Officer on Subject A27, Damien Donald, has been isolated and will remain so.

Transcript of Mobile Phone Call Norton & Co, Solicitors and Dr M Ridge Tue, 04/08/09, 1400h

“Will, it's Dr Ridge. Think about this will you, did you tell anyone about my meeting up with that police person?” “Erm, no, been at my bloody desk all morning. Why?” “When I got to her office she was said to be off-sick and not contactable.” “So?” “The desk clerk dealing with me was very nervous, sweating, wouldn't look me in the face... lying and badly so.” (LONG PAUSE)

“Are you suggesting that our phones are being tapped?” “Yes! No more calls on this line, get your office checked over and I'll obtain a different mobile, OK? Wait for me to contact you again. Right?” (Disconnect).

Commander, Spec Op Dir; FLASH SIGNAL FAO Operation PsyCoChemManip; alpha list only Wed, 05/08/09, 1430h 1. Telecommunication surveillance of both the solicitor and medical adviser on death of subject M8, Frank Smith, has been lost. Commander has not authorised covert re-instatement as detection of that would be very damaging. 2. House-Mother Aileen Blaze has also identified herself as being observed and monitored. She had not made any mobile phone or email contact for 6 hours before the roadside observer withdrew at which time she was making an animated telephone call from the home of her mother's vicar. 3. As the call was not to any phone line monitored by “The Project” we have to assume that it was to parties unfavourable to “The Project”. 4. Commander has authorised preventative elimination of Ms Blaze.

Press Agency Reports Tue, 11/08/09 from 0750h onwards “A47 dual carriageway blocked westbound near Tilney St Lawrence...A car swerved across the morning traffic and embedded in the central reservation, following vehicles crashed attempting to avoid the debris... major incident declared by police at scene of 10 car pile-up... fleet of ambulances and ambulance helicopter scrambled... driver of initial vehicle in coma as she is airlifted to intensive care at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge... A47 partially reopening at 1130 hours today... Mother of seriously injured driver given police-escort on mercy dash from home to hospital... The mother of 37 year old Aileen Blaze today thanked the emergency services for resuscitating her daughter on 3 occasions during the rescue... Neighbours of the Blaze family say Aileen had been very upset for a few days... local vicar offered prayers for Aileen who crashed whilst driving to an important meeting in Leicester...”

Part-transcript Secure Telephone Call Commander Spec.Ops.Dir to Acting-Director “The Complex” Tue, 11/08/09, 1830h “... I know, Dr Davies, I know... will you stop shouting!” “No I will not! How could your hit-squad make such a right fucking mess of knocking over one woman?” “She was prevented from reaching wherever she was going, presumably the solicitors office in Leicester for the damn caseconference about M8!” “But she may still recover enough to blurt out damaging gossip about my... well our, work here!” “I agree, but not until well after the coroners hearing next week!” (PAUSE) “OK, I accept that, but what about Sergeant Long, is that her name? The coroners officer for Damien Donald, what does she know?” “She is well out of the reach of anyone else for now!” “Maybe, but what did she want to speak with Dr Ridge about?” “She hasn't said much to her guardians and I'm reluctant to use any interrogation to force her...” “Why not give her a dose of IC69?” “Now, now Dr Davies, don't get hysterical! At the worst she knows that the original and accurate toxicology report on A27, Donald, found high levels of an unusual derivative of cannabis. That report was quickly withdrawn and replaced with a sanitised version not disclosing any substances...” “And you reckon we can still persuade any parties that it was just recreational cannabis, if it ever gets disclosed?” “Yes... and we will, OK”

email memorandum, for information only Dept of Justice to “The Project” Management Team Mon, 17/08/09, 1430h Our Minister has been advised by Permanent Secretary that the Coroner due to hear the matter of Mr Frank Smith on 20/08/09 is very reluctant to commence the hearing whilst an important witness, Sgt. Long, is unavailable due to ill-health. He, the Coroner has been reminded of his independence within the legal system but also “encouraged” not to delay the hearing because of the level of media interest anticipated. Also, that it is undesirable for the family of Mr Smith to protract proceedings.

Official Unit Log, “The Complex” Entry By Acting-Director, Dr Davies Thu, 19/08/09, 1530h 1. I have briefed all members of staff who are, in addition to myself, required to attend the Coroner' Inquest on Subject M8, Frank Smith. 2. In particular, I have emphasised that each witness must only answer questions relating to the time that Mr Smith was resident at “The Complex”. 3. No questions are to be replied to on ANY OTHER MATTER that might be raised by legal representatives at the hearing. 4. Only one other indicted staff member is Code Ochre cleared, the Watch Officer, Serial 2426, who witnessed the brawl during early hours Thursday 14/05/09. The fight was disclosed by Subject M8 to his mother when he returned home and as such cannot be denied. 5. After legal advice from “The Project” management team, we have ensured that none of the directing staff will be required to give evidence. 6. Watch Officer 2426, Paul Noble, has been specifically taught how to reply to questions concerning that incident. FREE TEXT COMMENT I am in no doubt that the inquest will be trying for us all but that The Project will be functioning again very soon after.

Part-Transcript of Coroner Court Proceedings Mr Frank Smith, deceased Fri, 20/08/09, from 0930h onwards (Coroner Speaking) “Mr King, as barrister representing the deceased's mother, do you wish to outline matters that you will especially wish me to consider?” (Mr King, QC) “Thank-you sir, there will be... but initially may I raise a point of law?” (Coroner) “Do I need to send the jury to recess?” (Mr King) “ Yes, sir, they may wish to make coffee as this will take some time?” (Jury retire, sound of chairs shuffling, background noise) (Mr King) “Sir, as you are aware, the death of my client's son has aroused considerable public concern. In order that the fullest account of his life and death can be presented, I requested that you issue witness notices to an number...” (Coroner) “Yes, Mr King... just the 15 I believe?” (Mr King) “All very important to assist the court... and that leads me to my submission, Sir. One witness, Sergeant Long, the coroners officer on another related death, Damien Donald, is said to be unavailable without any indication for how long...” (Coroner) “Yes, I have confirmed this regrettable matter. Your point is...” (Mr King) “I believe that she has essential information pertaining to the death of Mr Frank Smith, and 3 others, all of whom have links to “The Complex”, part of “The Project”...” (Coroner) “We are here to consider the death of Frank Smith!” (Mr King) “I am well aware of that, Sir! Which is why I must insist that Sergeant Long's whereabouts be made known to this court, as a matter of some urgency.” (Pause) (Coroner) “I will retire to seek advice on this matter.”

AND NOW FOR THE BORING STUFF 1. This work, which will be published over four parts in issuu format, has previously been posted at my blog; 2. The content, be it character names, places or the events described are all the product of my small brain; they do not exist. Nor should they be assumed to represent anywhere else; real or fictional. 3. As the content has been published on a blog it is free to copy for personal use. 4. However, if I find some arse-hole passing this off as their own work in any format or medium, without having obtained my written permission to so do, they will regret their temerity. 5. The images used are from my private collection and are not for copying without my wife's permission; she took the originals and tolerates cheats less well than I do.


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