TTAKING AKING CCLAIMS LAIMS TTO O TTHE HE HHEIGHTS EIGHTS WEBSITE- HTTPS://DATAGENIX.COM/ EMAIL: INFO@DATAGENIX COM PHONE: 1-888-458-2033 FAX: 951-222-0212 Request a Demo Today! OUR SOLUTIONS BEST AND RELIABLE CLAIMS SOFTWARE Comprehensive view of your operations Speed, Integrity, and Quality Efficient TPA Claims Management Benefit Administration Software Claimscape Web Access Portal Claimscape TPA Dashboard System Customization And Integration Services Ad Hoc Reporting and Business Intelligence Expedites Claims Processing & Management Rapid Processing and Total Transparency More Security and Rapid Fraud Detection WHY CHOOSE OUR SOLUTIONS? Easy to use, Modern & Innovative Solution Friendly and Top Assistance around the Clock Effective and Affordable TPA Software DATAGENIX