How Are The Cyberattackers Massively Lured By Honeypot?

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How Are The Cyberattackers Massively Lured By Honeypot?

If you have not yet heard about the Honeypot, you are largely missing out on something interesting. Have you ever wondered how good people go after the bad ones? Well, it is what called as ‘Honeypot’. Addition to the security measures, you might anticipate like making the computer network strong in the bid to keep out cybercriminals. But, the good people use honeypot tactics to just conduct the opposite, which is attracting bad people.e.

What is a Honeypot? A honeypot can be termed as a computer or computer system that is intended to mimic exactly like the targets of the cyberattacks. It can be widely used to detect the attacks or otherwise to deflect them from a legitimate target. Also, it can be used to achieve information on the operations of the cybercriminals. Honeypots have been around for decades now where the principle behind them is simply to not go looking for the attackers. Instead, preparing something that would heavily attract them and their interest and the wait for the attackers to respond. As the mice to the cheese-baited mousetraps, the cybercriminals are much attracted to the honeypots (not because they are just

honeypots). But because they think that the honeypot is a legitimate target and worthy of their time. Why so? Because the bait contains applications and the data that literally stimulate a real computer system. For example, in 2015, internet security experts had set up an online railway control system as a bait (honeypot). The aim was to study how the criminals would attack the projects where they might put the public at risk. In this case, the sole damage was done to a model train that had been set at the German Technology Conference. The so-called “HoneyTrain� had suffered 2.7 million attacks over two weeks.

The Working Method of Honeypots For instance, if you were in charge of IT security for a bank, you may set up a honeypot security system that would seem like the real bank’s network to the outsiders. The same thing applies to the ones in charge of or researching the other types of secure internet-connected systems. Through traffic monitoring to such systems, you can better understand where the cybercriminals are exactly coming from, their mode of operation and what do they want (motive). More crucial is that you can determine which of the security measures you have in place are working fine and which ones are in the need for improvement.

What Might Be At Stake? Stealing personal information from all or one online target is one thing while targeting public transportation systems is another thing. The researchers have used honeypots beyond the IoT devices and the HoneyTrain in the bid to expose the vulnerabilities with the medical devices, gas stations, industrial control systems that are used for such things like the electrical power grids and much more. Given all the attention that the bad people get their hacking data breach efforts, it is good to know that the good people have a few tricks in their sleeves in order to help protect against the cyber attacks. Since more and more systems and devices become connected to the internet, the importance of fighting back against them, who utilized the internet as a weapon will only increase. Although, honeypots can help.

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