Translocaciones2 c

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“Within ten short years the two Wright brothers did more for mankindby bringing men to their collective senses and to bringing men together around the world to witness one another’s way of life and one another’s individual integrity, thereby to understand each other-than all the politicians have been able to do for man in all the millenniums in history” R. Buckminster Fuller / Your private sky P. 274

The exhibition Translocaciones addresses the idea of mutation like a change agent. A mutation presents possibilities of adaptation to a given condition and the capacity of transmission to other individuals. Tranlocaciones, in this sense, refers to the movement of people, their interactions in local contexts and the different transfer mechanisms. It is the combination between subjects, experiences and incidents that occur between space and visitors (Ramon Parramón, Idensitat 2015). The project Translocaciones was originally created and presented in Barcelona by the collective Indensitat, whom propose a artistic practices from the theoretical consideration of forms of mobility, movement of people and their impact on the local territory. Idensitat, interested in creating synergies with different collectives from various regions of the world, Tijuana based collective Torolab, to be a part of the project as well as, Trinity Session, from South Africa. In the current version of the project, as Translocaciones: Mutación, Torolab collective starts its research on the concept of mobility and the consequences of mutations in different environments and situation, that can generate new dialogues, and that can present opportunities to expand artistic practices to territories ranging from political to practical and trans-

In this way the exhibition becomes a dynamic device, where different situations will be activated throughout the exhibition time. • Project Observatory: a selection of works previously developed by different artists presented in Barcelona, in parallel with works curated by Torolab, which in turn expand and investigate the processes of the projects and their contexts as evidence of transformations, from transnational to local nuances, and of participatory actions, linking mechanisms of translocations and mutations. • Incoherent Diagnostics: a roleplaying game that seeks to propose, from an economic stance point, solutions to the combination of three variables: welfare indicators, agents of disruption and agents of power. • Dialogues: contact and collaborations with cultural institutions, organizations and individuals active in the area, with the purpose of amplifying the functions of art and to connect it with social areas that usually aren´t tied to artistic practices. Each of the factors involved will mutate as the program develops, from the questioning of the role of the gallery itself, including the process of transformation of space through the inclusion of works by guest artists. The show will keep growing hand in hand with the conversations generated, starting with works that catalyze these dialogues and concluding with the total curatorial process that aims to generate a portfolio of projects to be subsequently executed, seeking allies, possible strategies and new initiatives.

Córdoba 100, colonia Roma. México D.F.

Can a commercial gallery mutate into a the producer of cities?



disciplinary field in the context of cities like Mexico City and Tijuana. The particular conditions are at times asphyxiating and the problems these cities face can enrich the dialogue that Translocaciones incites with the intention to re-determine citycitizen relations using aesthetic tools to visualize this knowledge.


INVITED ARTISTS Arturo Fito Rodríguez Bornaetxea Atelier van Lieshout

Pep Dardanyá Renée Green

Rubén Ortiz Torres Stephan Willats Torolab


Rogelio López Cuenca

Córdoba 100, colonia Roma. México D.F.

Rick Lowe



C贸rdoba 100, colonia Roma. M茅xico D.F.





C贸rdoba 100, colonia Roma. M茅xico D.F.

Table of Conversations Translocaciones workshop Material: bronze and wood & Geodesic dome / Bucky Fuller Plays recording by Buckminister Fuller




From the 1960s until today, Stephen Willats has situated his pioneering practice at the intersection between art and other disciplines such as cybernetics, systems research, learning theory, communications theory and computer technology. In so doing, he has constructed and developed a collaborative, interactive and participatory practice grounded in the variables of social relationships and settings. Willats’ creates multi-sensory, multi-dimensional environments to encourage viewers to engage with their own creative and cognitive processes. Using the everyday as a site of investigation, his work presents a vehicle of exchange through which viewers can re-examine and transform the way they perceive the fabric of existing reality.

Córdoba 100, colonia Roma. México D.F.

Homeostat Drawing NO.1 Mural that grows during the exhibition.



C贸rdoba 100, colonia Roma. M茅xico D.F.




Stephen Willats Democratic Grid No.14


C贸rdoba 100, colonia Roma. M茅xico D.F.

Stephen Willats Democratic Grid No.16


Stephen Willats Strange Attractor Series No. 11


Stephen Willats Data Stream Series No. 1

C贸rdoba 100, colonia Roma. M茅xico D.F.




The mission of Project Row Houses is to be the catalyst for transforming community through the celebration of art and African-American history and culture.


PRH was founded in 1993 by artist and community activist Rick Lowe along with James Bettison (19581997), Bert Long (1940-2013), Jesse Lott, Floyd Newsum, Bert Samples, and George Smith. They sought to establish a positive, creative and transformative presence in this historic community. Inspired by both American artist Dr. John Biggers and the German artist Josef Beuys, PRH is a unique experiment in activating the intersections between art, historic preservation, affordable and innovative housing, community relations and development, neighborhood revitalization, and human empowerment.

C贸rdoba 100, colonia Roma. M茅xico D.F.

Project Row Houses



se convierte en un sistema de agudeza visual, en una llave para la autocrítica de la mirada. Estamos ante un proceso de evacuación organizada de prejuicios, ante una caja de herramientas visuales para la higiene y la desinfección mediática”.


Las manifestaciones constituyen un modo de exhibición pública de la opinión. Son una herramienta activa para evidenciar un conflicto, una reivindicación, un determinado malestar, una confrontación con los poderes políticos, económicos o legislativos. Suelen ser convocadas desde la protesta, pero pueden ser también organizadas en forma de celebración. Son una manera de dar visibilidad a la euforia, al apoyo a algo con lo que se está de acuerdo, siempre lanzadas como mensaje que agrupa a una colectividad social. Manifestazioak III se ha creado a partir del collage y la ocultación. Imágenes de grupos de personas, a las que se ha intervenido cubriendo cualquier símbolo o texto que aparece en la escena. La composición de imágenes, sin los elementos que las identifican, se uniformiza, se descontextualiza y se globaliza. Lo concreto se generaliza de manera que un lugar puede ser cualquier lugar. Según Arturo Fito Rodríguez, “la ocultación

Córdoba 100, colonia Roma. México D.F.

Manifestazioak III, 20142015 Format: photo collage mural




El conjunto de piezas que forman parte de The Constellations explora los trayectos migratorios contemporáneos, el cruce de las fronteras y los sujetos que las transitan desde la clandestinidad. Trayectos unipersonales que forman parte de los procesos propios de la migración contemporánea y que se reproducen mediante imágenes que evocan las constelaciones estelares. Aquí las estrellas son ciudades que nos dejan entrever una suerte de mapa. Construcciones poéticas forjadas por sutiles trazos que unen cada una de las ciudades, que a la vez esconden el relato trágico y la intensidad de la experiencia vivida. Son imágenes en las que los territorios y las fronteras no existen, y es el propio trayecto el que toma forma.

Córdoba 100, colonia Roma. México D.F.

El Paraíso es de los extraños, proyecto en proceso desde 1999 Format: 2 photographs with wall intervention




A principios de 2001 se hizo muy visible en el espacio público de la ciudad de Barcelona una nueva comunidad de mujeres, generalmente de origen nigeriano, que ofrecían sus servicios sexuales con una actitud claramente impulsiva hacia los posibles clientes. En función de la hora del día, La Rambla se convierte en escaparate y reclamo de diversas formas de transacción. Turismo y sexo son un componente que define la intensidad que se vive en esta parte de la ciudad. Pep Dardanyà contrató a Estefany y le ofreció un trabajo que consistía en hacer de modelo en lugares de obligada visita para los turistas culturales. De noche, y con su consentimiento, realizaba grabaciones de los rituales de negociación que mantenía con los potenciales clientes de La Rambla. El conjunto de las imágenes define una nueva y ficticia realidad para Estefany, a la vez que se relaciona y contrasta con la realidad que viven día a día algunas mujeres procedentes de otros países y que, a partir de una determinada hora, ocupan como trabajadoras sexuales este espacio eminentemente turístico de la ciudad.

Córdoba 100, colonia Roma. México D.F.

Estefany, 2002/2015 Format: photograpy and vídeo


RENテ右 GREEN Begin Again, Begin Again Video


Cテウrdoba 100, colonia Roma. Mテゥxico D.F.

The film is a meditation on propulsive drives of live organisms, a probing passage through forms of inhabiting and occupying, as well as myriad sensations and perceptions that flow through the process of staying alive. Questions of configurations, architectures, and spaces emerge in relation to people and subjectivities that exist in the world: What is inherited and what is made, gained, lost, and transmuted through time, amid change and migrations, amid contestation, repetition, and difference? What efforts do live creatures exert to begin again?


RUBÉN ORTIZ TORRES The Scream (El grito), 2014 Uretano y pigmento termocromático sobre corafoam y circuitos electrónicos 122 x 122 x 4 cm (ROT 367 )


This particular work is a tribute to the creative relationship that existed between Siquieros and Pollock. It is an interactive work that can be transformed whten it comes into direct contact with the touch and with sound.

Córdoba 100, colonia Roma. México D.F.

Ruben Ortiz Torres works often deals with themes focused on the border regions of Mexico and the United States.




Autocrat is a survival car for living in remote places – far away from civilized society without being deprived of its comforts. There’s a large kitchen and a sleeping area on the inside and another kitchen outside for heavier culinary work, like slaughtering animals. The car was designed and manufactured with the utmost autocracy in mind. Every effort was made to use homemade items and to avoid ready-made products. The hardware, water taps, the locks and the stove were all made from scratch. Autocrat plays a key role in AVL’s evolution, since the vehicle gave rise to the slaughter project. For this project, pigs were slaughtered on a farm according to traditional methods. All the parts were immediately used or preserved by drying, salting, smoking, pickling and other methods. The guide book A Manual (1997) shows more about the slaughter process, specifically how to kill a pig at home.

Córdoba 100, colonia Roma. México D.F.

Autocrat, 1997

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