The Somali Link Newspaper Oct 27-Nov 3, 2016

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OCT. 27 - NOV. 3, 2016


News Brief Haweenay Soomaali Ah oo Dariskeedii Difaacay Pg. 2


FBI, Waad Mahadsan

Clinton slightly more trustworthy than Trump variety of issues, poll suggests Pg. 3 Qaramada Midoobay oo Ku Dhowaaqday in Doorashada Somaliya La Afduubay Pg. 5

Banaanbax Looga Soo Horjeedo Xukunkii dowlada India oo ka Dhacay Muqdisho Pg. 5

Photographer: James M. Dobson

Columbus City Council does condemn religious intolerance and the rise of Islamophobia Pg. 10

Curtis Wayne Allen, Gavin Wayne Wrightand and Patrick Eugene Stein

FBI, waad mahadsan tihiin. Muslimiiinta Soomaaliyeed ee ku

dhaqan gobolka Kansas, magaalada Garden caawa si fiican ayey u seexan

karaan ka dib markii ay FBI-du oo ay wehliyaan ciiddanka Boliisa qabteen saddex nin oo caddaan ah. Saddexdaan nin waxaa qorshahoodu ahaa in ay qarxiyaan dhismo ay ku jiraan dad Soomaali ah oo ka badan 120 qof. War aan ka soo xiganay FBI-da ayaa noo sheegay in Curtis Wayne Allen, Gavin Wayne Wright iyo Patrick Stein, ay qorshaynayeen in ay

qol qol u galaan guryaha Soomaalidu deggan tahay ee magaalada Garden, halkaana ku dilaan qof kasta oo guryahaas ku nool. Waxay kaloo damacsanaayeen in ay gawaariga Soomaalida bumbo kuwada xiraan, halkaasna ay ku gubaan baabuurta Soomaaliyeed. Waxay FBI-du kaloo noo sheegtay in ay doonayeen in qorshaha qaraxooda ku aadiyaan Continued on Pg. 3

Maxkamad Ku Taal Hindiya oo Dil ku Xukuntay

Waxaa magaaladan Columbus booqasho gaaban oo labo maalmood ah ku yimid Danjiraha Soomaaaliya u fadhiya dalkan (dhexda), wuxuuna ka hadlay shaqadiisu waxay tahay iyo baahida loo qabo in la mideeyo jaalliyadaha Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool dalkan. Wuxuu kaloo uu ka hadlay hadal kutiri ku teen ah oo sheegaya in Danjirahu doonayo in uu celiyo dadka Soomaaliyeed ee xabsiyada ku jira. Wuxuu sheegay in uusan waxba ka qaban Karin, sharciga Dalkan Maraykankana uusan jabin Karin.

Maxaabiis Somali ah oo Hindiya ku Xiran

Maxkamad ku taala dalka Hindiya ayaa dil ku xukuntay 50 ruux oo Soomaali ah, kuwaasoo ka mid ahaa 119 qof oo horay dowladda Hindiya u

sheegtay inay ahaayeen burcad badeed. Illaa afar howl gal oo ciidamada badda Hindiya ka Continued on Pg. 2

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Haweenay Soomaali Ah oo Dariskeedii Difaacay Naciima Cabdullahi oo ah Hooyo Somaliyeed ku nool magaalada Bristol ee wadanka UK ayaa warbaahinta wadanka Britain aad u hadal hayeen,iyadoo ay la soo darseen arin aad u yaab badan oo magaalada Bristol aan hore uga dhicin. Naciimo iyo qoyskeeda waxay ku noolaayeen magaalada Bristol 12 sanno,iyagoo ka soo guuray wadanka Holland,gurigii iyada iyo qoyskeeda ay ku noolayeen wuxuu u baahday dayactir, kaasoo markii ay ku wargelisay milkiilaha guriiga “landlord” uu ku gacan sayray ka dibna maxkamad u soo diray si qasab looga saaro guriga. Arintan waxaa ka war helay ururka ACORN oo u dooda xaquuqda dadka

Naimo Abdullahi

ku nool guryaha kirada ee magaalada Bristol,taasoo maalintii ay maxkamada guriga ka saari lahayd ay ka hortageen 30 qof oo ahaa deriska Naciima oo gebi ahaan aqalkooda si silsilad ah isugu wareejiyay. Arintan ayaa ku qasabtay

shaqaalaha maxkamada in ay gurigii ka saari waayaan Naciima iyo qoyskeeda. Nick Ballard oo ah afhayeenka Acorn Bristol ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in arintan uu ku dhaqaaqay milkiilaha guriga iyo maxkamada

baxay Safaarada Soomaaliya ee Hindiya. Xeerarka dilka ee Hindiya ayaa ah kuwa ugu dambeeya, iyadoo inta badan Maxkamadaha dalkaas ay ridaan xukun-

ada xabsi daa’inka, laakiin arrintan ayaa ka duwan xeerarkii hore ee lagu xukumayo jiray dadka dambiyada gala. •

ay tahay mid sharci daro ah oo aan la qaadan karin,qoyskan waa deriskeena sidaa awgeed waxaa nagu qasab ah inaan difaacno. Baraha social mediyaha ayaa si aad ah looga hadlay arintan la soo deristay Naciima iyo qoyskeeda

oo ka kooban 5 caruur. Sawirro kala duwan oo warbaahinta ay soo gudbiyeen ayaa lagu arkayaa in gurigga ay qoyska Somaliyeed ku noolyihiin uu u baahan yahay dayactir aad u farabdan,taasoo milkiilaha uu ku gacan sayray. Milkiilaha guriiga ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in qoyska Naciima lagu leeyahay lacag 3000 lacagta Ingiriiska oo kirada gurigga ah iyo in fursado badan la siiyay si ay uga baxaan gurigga. ACORN waxay ku qasbeen in maxkamada gadaal u dhigto dacwada lagu soo oogay qoyska Somaliyeed isla markaana loo helo guri munaasab ah oo ay ku noolaan karaan. ■

Maxkamad Continued from Pg. 1

By fax: 1-614-433-0694 © Copyright 2015 The Somali Link Newspaper

sameeyaan Xeebaha Badweynta Hindiya ayey intii u dhaxeysay 2011 iyo 2012 ku soo qabteen dhallinyaro Soomaali ah oo lagu eedeeyay inay burcad badeed ahaayeen. Qaar ka mid ah eedeysanayaasha ayaa qirtay dambiyadoodii, waxaana mid ka mid ah dhallinyaradaas qiratey danbigooda Bishaar Xuseen oo caddeeyay inuu dambiga galay, isla markaana uu og yahay qiraalkaas natiijada ka dhalan karta, una diyaar yahay inuu wax walba wajaho. Illaa 70 marqaatiyeyaal ah ayaa la sheegay inay ku markhaati kaceen eedeysanayaashan, halka qaarkood oo ajaaniib ahaa la sheegay inay maxkamadda ka maqnaayeen. Sanadihii u dambeeyay ayaa xabsiyo ku yaal Hindiya waxaa ku jiray dhallinyaro Soomaali ah oo lagu eedeeyay burcad badeed, waxaana qaar ka mid ah ay u dhinteen cuduro ay ka mid yihiin Qaaxadda. Tan ayaa noqoneysa tiradii ugu badnayd ee dhalinyaro Soomaali lagu eedeeyay burcad badeednimo laguna xukumo dil. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaan wali ka hadlin xukunkan ay riday Maxkamad ku taal Hindiya, sidoo kale ma jirto wax war ah oo ka soo

“Voting is the most precious right of every citizen, and we have a moral obligation to ensure the integrity of our voting process.” HILLARY CLINTON



Clinton slightly more trustworthy than Trump variety of issues, poll suggests

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton

By EMILY SWANSON Associated Press WASHINGTON Americans are more likely to trust Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump to handle a variety of issues facing the country, even when it comes to national secu-

rity topics that have been a major focus of his campaign, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. Trump is trusted slightly more than Clinton on just one key issue: job creation. Here's a closer look at the poll results: Clinton's advantages: According to the APGfK poll, American voters say they trust Clinton more than Trump by large margins to handle health care (42 percent to 29 percent) and race relations (48 percent to 20 percent). They also trust Clinton more to handle negotiating with Russia (40 percent to 33 percent). Clinton has slimmer edges on filling Su-

preme Court vacancies (39 percent to 34 percent) and handling international trade (40 percent to 34 percent). She is also slightly more trusted to handle immigration (42 percent to 38 percent). The poll shows immigration issues are particularly important to Trump's supporters. They're far more likely than Clinton's supporters to call immigration a very or extremely important issue, (79 percent to 51 percent). No Trump edge on security: Despite a focus on national security, Trump has no apparent edge over Clinton on the issue. Voters are closely split on which candidate

would better handle protecting the country, with 40 percent trusting Clinton more and 37 percent trusting Trump more. They're evenly divided on who would better handle the threat posed by the Islamic State group, with 38 percent saying they trust each candidate. Clinton has a big edge over Trump on who would do a better job handling the U.S. image abroad (47 percent to 27 percent). Trump's supporters are more likely than Clinton's to consider the threat posed by the Islamic State group to be very or extremely important to them person-

ally (87 percent to 65 percent). More generally, the two candidates' supporters are about equally likely to say the U.S. role in world affairs is very or extremely important, 71 percent for Clinton's supporters to 69 percent for Trump's. Who's a uniter? Americans are more likely to trust Clinton than Trump as the candidate who can unite the country (35 percent to 24 percent). But just as many say they don't trust either candidate as say they trust Clinton more. Clinton is also seen as better able to handle working with Congress (42 percent to 27 percent). •

Ohio State ranked 16th among public universities by U.S.

Ohio State University

Ohio State is among the top 20 public universities in America, according to the latest rankings by U.S. News and World Report. The magazine’s 2017 list of top schools was released Tuesday, and Ohio State is tied for 16th on the list of public universities, and tied for 54th among all U.S. schools. Number 1 among all U.S. schools is Princeton University, while the University of California at Berkeley is the top public university.

While Ohio State does well in the national rankings, it isn’t at the top among Big Ten schools. The University of Michigan leads that list, at number 4 for public universities and 27 overall. Illinois, Wisconsin and Penn State also placed above Ohio State in the rankings. The highest ranked school in Ohio is Case Western Reserve in Cleveland, which is number 37 among all U.S. universities. •

FBI, Waad Mahadsan Continued from Pg. 1

Ohio Black Caucus to hold statewide “Power of The Black Vote” voter action tour Lawmakers, faith and community leaders, candidates to register voters, get out the vote COLUMBUS— Ohio Legislative Black Caucus (OLBC) President and state Rep. Alicia Reece (D-Cincinnati) today announced black lawmakers, faith leaders, civic leaders and Statehouse candidates from across the state will come together for The Power of The Black Vote voter action tour. Beginning on National Voter Registration Day, Sept. 27, in Columbus and ending in Cincinnati on Wednesday, the tour is a two-day series of news conferences, and stops at barber and beauty shops, black-owned businesses, and public housing communities to engage and register black voters in Ohio’s major urban areas. “Everything from the White House to the Statehouse, to the courthouse is on the ballot this year—

meaning this election is about our fundamental freedom to vote, living wages, justice reform, and everything we as a community have fought and died for over the last 60 years,” said Reece. “That’s why we need to engage our black communities at every level to make sure we all understand: we had a great coach with President Obama, but this year we must ensure that we elect Hillary Clinton as well as a strong team by her side. That means voting for candidates up and down the ballot that are committed to economic opportunity, justice reform and ballot access as fundamental and inalienable American rights.” •

WHO: Ohio Legislative Black Caucus lawmakers, candidates, voters, black business, civic and faith leaders WHAT: Power of The Black Vote voter action statewide tour WHEN: Tuesday, Sept. 27 and Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016 WHERE: Columbus, Warren, Youngstown, Akron, Canton, Dayton, Cincinnati FULL DETAILS: TUESDAY, Sept. 27 COLUMBUS: 10:30 a.m. Kick-off Press Conference at Ohio Democratic Party Headquarters, 340 E. Fulton St., Columbus, Ohio 43215 WARREN: 3:00 p.m. Glenn Holmes for 63rd District Rep Campaign Office, 12 South State Street Girard, Ohio 44420 YOUNGSTOWN: 3:45 p.m. The Starting Line Up Barber & Beauty Shop, 47 Market Street, Youngstown, Ohio 44503

AKRON: 6:00 p.m. Legends Barber Shop, 854 Exchange Street, Akron, Ohio 44306 CANTON: 7:05 p.m. The Marques Restaurant, 111 Cleveland Ave. S. Canton, Ohio 44702 WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28 DAYTON: 11:30 a.m. Location TBD CINCINNATI: 2:00 p.m. The Maple Tower Apartments, 601 Maple Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229

waxqatiga salaada Jimcaha lagu jiro. Waxaa kaloo la sheegay in ay yiraahdeen “Muslimiinta kan ugu fiican waa kuwa aannu dili doono” Waxaana la yaab ah in aysan warkaas aysan qarsan oo ay u sheegeen FBIda. Waxay kaloo sheegeen in ay damacsanayeen in ay qof kasta madaxa ka toogtaan si aan loo arag wax dhaawac ah! Waxaa si wanaagsan FBIda uga caawiyey Mr Stine oo ah FBI si qarsoon ula shaqaynayey saddexdan nin. Stine wuxuu duubay dhammaan sheekooyinkii ay ku sheegaysanayeen 8dii bilood oo qorshahoodu socday. Waxay sidoo kale Soomaalida ugu y e e r i j i r e e n “Baranbarooyin”. Waxaa wax lagu qoslo ah in saddexdaas nin hadday Soomaali ahaan lahaayeen ay taleefishanada dadkan aan ku nool nahay maalin walba laga soo saari lahaa, kuna soo bixi lahaayeen joornaal kasta oo ka soo baxa magaalooyinka waaweyn ee dalkan. Waxay ka hadli lahaayeen masaajidyada ay tagi jireen, dukaamada ay wax ka gadan jireen iyo maqaayadaha ay wax ku cuni jireen. ■

Visit us online at 614.805.8630



Thank You, FBI, American Muslims Can Sleep Tight Tonight

Somali cab driver shot continues to recover

Photographer: James M. Dobson BY MAHMOUD EL-YOUSSEPH Thank You, FBI, A me r i c a n M u s l i m s can sleep tight tonight following the arrest of a sleeper cell of three men in Garden City, Kansas who was planning to murder Somali on the day following the Presidential election. Those are domestic terrorists who are part of a group called " the crusaders" who have the means, the desire and the capability to commit terrorist acts on US soil against Muslim refugees from Somali. According to the FBI, the three men (Curtis Wayne Allen, Gavin Wayne Wrightand Patrick Eugene Stein) were planning to murder their

victims by going room to room shooting everyone and then detonating several car bombs at the a p a r t me n t c o mp l e x where nearly 120 Somali live and worship. They also chose prayer time to execute their attack in an effort to maximize the number of their casualty. This is not about an entrapment attempt by the FBI to gain publicity. This is about a well calculated plan by evil doers who were targeting innocent people to instill fear in their hearts and minds. This was a result of an 8 months investigation by a vigilant law enforcement agency of a hate and fear mongering group. According to The Daily Stormer website story of October 15, one

of the three terrorists is on record saying, "The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim," Stine also reported in an undercover recorded conversation to have said, " If you're a Muslim I am going to enjoy shooting you in the head, " before telling the group: " When we go on operation, there is no leaving anyone behind, even if its's a one-year old, I am serious". Stine also used the term " cockroaches " when talking about the Somali immigrants. Had those three men been Muslim, they would have been 1) labeled as terrorists by US media and not as a " militia", 2) this would have been the lead story 24/7 by all TV networks for days to come, and 3) we would

have known by now where those men worked, where they lived, what mosque they attended, what charities they donated to, and where their favorite vacation spots were. This Muslim American and a retired veteran is grateful for the diligent work of the FBI and Garden City Police Department for foiling this terrorist attack, thus preventing a massacre of many innocent Muslims who call America their home. My message to my follow patriotic white Americans, next time, please remember the infamous slogan of Department of Homeland Security Awareness campaign, " If you see something, say something". •

Moment Neighbours Form a Human Chain Around a Mother's house

Kindhearted neighbours formed a human chain in front of Nimo Abdullahi's house in Bristol

By THOMAS BURROWS FOR MAILONLINE These picture shows the extraordinary moment a community rallied around a mother-offive - to prevent her being booted out of her house in a 'revenge eviction'. Nimo Abdullahi, 39, had been informed she and her family would be kicked out of their home of 12 years after she complained to her landlord about damp and the filthy carpets. But in an amazing show of support, residents and campaigners linked arms to prevent bailiffs

entering the property today. Around 30 people stood defiantly side-byside in front of the privately-rented house in Easton, Bristol. A newlywed couple living opposite kept the campaigners' spirits up by handing out slices of their wedding cake. When bailiffs turned up at the house at 11am on Tuesday they were met by the human wall. Ms Abdullahi, who has three sons and two daughters, said: 'I was shocked. I've had great support from Acorn [a local grass roots move-

ment which fights for renters' rights] and now to see my neighbours outside supporting me is amazing.' One of the campaigners, Jenny Ross, came out in support of her neighbour. She said: 'We don't want people in our community treated like this. It's a revenge eviction and people deserve decent rented accommodations. 'This landlord, and all landlords, need to know there are people in this community who won't ignore it. 'We live in this street and it's a close community. It's amazing

how many people have turned out.' Another neighbour, Kirsten Parton, added: 'I'm here because of the way she's been treated by her landlord. It is simply not on. 'She and her family are part of the community and have been here for quite some time.' Organiser Nick Ballard, from Acorn Bristol, said he wanted to send a 'strong message' that such evictions will not be tolerated. However, despite their efforts, she was evicted and is now being looked after in emergency sheltered accommodation. •

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- A Somali cab driver who was shot earlier this year in Louisville is continuing to recover. Community activist -- and family spokesperson -- Christopher 2X says Abdirahman Mohamed is being moved from Frazier Rehab to a more long-term rehab facility. The Yellow Cab driver was shot in June when he responded to a call for a ride near the intersection of 32nd Street and Hale Avenue. Mohamed's family says he is most likely paralyzed after suffering a severe injury to his spine. •

Restaurant Owner Displays ‘Muslims Get Out’ Sign

The sign outside the Treats Family Restaurant in Lonsdale, Minnesota Muslim families won’t be offered any treats at the Treats Family Restaurant in Lonsdale, southern Minnesota: Owner Dan Ruedinger has arranged the sign board outside to read “Muslims Get Out.” The sign says it is in “support” of St. Cloud, where a Somali-American man stabbed nine people in a mall last weekend. Despite what his sign says, Ruedinger says he’s not against all Muslims, only extremists. “It’s time that people started standing up, not worrying about the PC crowd and do what is right,” he tells CBS. “And I feel what we’re doing is right.” Ruedinger, whose Yelp page has been inundated with negative reviews, says putting up the sign is

his First Amendment right. Ruedinger says Islam is a “religion of hatred that preaches violence”—and the Muslims who are “good people” should “hold the others accountable.” The Lonsdale News-Review reports that Muslim leaders, including Jaylani Hussein of the state chapter of the Council on AmericanIslamic Relations, met Ruedinger for what Hussein describes as a “short conversation.” A witness says Ruedinger became agitated and started shouting about his son’s service in Iraq. Hussein says thousands of Muslims were “shocked and appalled” by the St. Cloud attack and they will continue to try to reach out to Ruedinger. •

“Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT



Banaanbax Looga Soo Horjeedo Xukunkii dowlada India oo ka Dhacay Muqdisho Banaanbax xoogan oo laga soo horjeedo xukunkii ay dowladda India ku riday dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed ayaa lagu qabtay Taalada daljirka dahsoon ee magaalada Muqdisho. Banaanbaxa ayaa waxaa dhigay qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada ku nool magaalada Muqdisho . Dadka banaanbaxa dhigayay ayaa ka soo horjeeday xukunka xaqdarada ah ee ay dowladda India ku riday 50 dhallinyaro Soomaaliyeed oo ay ku eedeeysay in ay yihiin burcadbadeed. Banaanbaxan ayaa waxaa ka qeyb galay Madax ka tirsan maamulka Gobolka Banaadir oo uu ka mid yahay gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir Mudane Sheekh Yuusuf Xuseen Jimcale. Gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir ayaa sheegay in ay ka xun yihiin xukunka xaqdarada ah ee lagu riday dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee aan waxba galabsan. Banaanbax midkaan la mid ah ayaa horay uga dhacay magaalooyinka Hobyo sidoo kale magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug. ■

Looga soo Horjeedo Xukunka Dilka Dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee Hindia

“Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country and this world.” SHARON SALZBERG

Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo Shaaciyey in Cabdullaahi Yuusuf iyo Geeddi Waqtigoodii Badda La Dhacay Ra’iisulwasaaraha Soomaaliya Cumar Cabdirashiid ayaa Xarunta Garoowe ka sheegay mar uu ka hadlayey xilaafka badda ee ka dhexeeye Soomaaliya iyo Kenya in xilligii badda Soomaaliya la kala wareegsadey uusan ahayn Ra’siisul Wasaare. Wuxuu kaloo sheegay in uusan waqtigaas wax jago ah Soomaaliya ka hayn. Wuxuuna intaas ku daray in waqtigii badda la kala wareegsadey ay ku beegnays waqtigii ay madaxda Soomaaiya ay ka ahaayeen Madaxwaynihii

Ra’iisul Wasaare Cumar Abdirashiid.

hore ee Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdullaahi Yuusuf iyo Cali Maxamed Geedi. Xeer Illaaliya Guud ee Soomaaliya

Madaxwayne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf

Mudane Axmed Daahir oo ka hadlaya maxkamadda Hague ee ku taal dalka Netherlands ayaa sheegay in ay

Kenya u qaadatey badda Soomaaliya maxaa yeelay waxay Soomaaaliya ka caawisaa la dagaalanka ciidamada Al

Qaramada Midoobay oo Ku Dhowaaqday in Doorashada Somaliya La Afduubay

Ra’iisul Wasaarhii Hore Cali Maxamed

Shabaab. Wuxuuna intaas ku daray taasi in aysan xaq u siinayn in ay badda Soomaaliya ku xadgudubto. Xeer Il-

laaliya Guud ee Soomaaliya wuxuu yiri “Kenya waxay ku soctaa gardaro aan geedna la isu soo gaban markaan” Waxaa sidoo kale maxkamada horteeda ka hadlay xeer illaaliyaha Guud ee dalka Kenya Mudane Muigai oo isna sheegay in Soomaaliya aysan xaq u lahayn in ay Kenya dacwayso. Soomaaliya ayaa waxay bilowday dacwadan sannadkii la soo dhaafey. •

Attack on Yahoo Hit 500 Million Users Yahoo says hackers stole information from about 500 million users in 2014 in what appears to be the largest publicly disclosed cyber-breach in history. The breach included swathes of personal information including names and emails as well as “unencrypted security questions and answers”. It did not include any credit card data, the site said, adding it believed the attack was state-sponsored. In July, Yahoo was sold to US telecoms giant Verizon for $4.8bn (£3.7bn). The FBI has confirmed it is investigating the attack. News of a possible major attack on the technology firm emerged in August when a hacker known as "Peace" was apparently attempting to sell information on 200 million Yahoo accounts. Yahoo on Thursday confirmed the breach was far bigger than first thought. The data taken includes names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth and encrypted passwords. Yahoo recommended all users should change their passwords if they had not done so since 2014. •

Micheal Keating, UN Special Envoy to Soomaaliya New York– Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan arrimaha Somaliya, Michael Keating ayaa golaha Ammaanka Jamciyadda Quruumaha ka dhaxaysa uga waramay xaalladda Somaliya iyo arrimihii ugu dambeeyay ee doorashada la filayo inay dhacdo 2016. Keating, ayaa sheegay in doorashada waqtigii loo asteeyay dib u dhac kale Ku yimid isagoo walaac ka muujiyay siyaasiyiin uu xusay inay afduubayaan hannaanka doorashada. “Dib u dhacii ugu dam-

beeyay waxaa uu keenay dhowr arrin oo cabsi leh, hadii aan magacaabo mid kamid ah; tan koowaad waa in hanaanka doorashada siyaasad lagu afduubo, tan kale dib u dhacan waxuu qeyb ka yahay dib u dhacyo horay u dhacay iyo kuwa wadada ku soo jira,” Ayuu wakiilku. Wuxuu sheegay inay aad u sarayso suurta galnimada ku aadan in la marin habaabiyo qorshayaashii lagu hishiiyay, “Suurta galnimada in hanaanka doorashada la afduubo waa mid aad u sareysa,”Ayuu ha-

dalkiisa ku daray Danjire Keating. Danjiraha, ayaa cadeeyay inay jirto walaac ku aadan waqti kordhintan cusub isagoo madasha ka sheegay in lagu tuntay sharcigii waddanka u yaallay gaar ahaan waqti joogista xafiiska ee Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh. Michael oo sii hadlayay ayaa ku nuux nuuxsaday in laga cabsi qabo fowdo siyaasadeed oo ay keento mudada hadda lagu daray doorashada. Wuxuu ka codsaday golaha ammaanka in laga shaqeeyo sidii So-

maliya uga dhici lahayd doorasho xor ah oo cadaalad Ku salaysan. Diyaargarowgii socday ayuu tilmaamay in la dhammaystiray islamarkaana dhawaan la bilaabi doono diinwaangalinta Ergooyin gaaraya 14 kun iyo murashaxiinta u taagan labada Aqal ee Barlamanka Somalia. Jadwalkii u dambeeyay ee Doorashada ayaa Guddigu sheegeen in Madaxweynaha la dooran doono 30-ka bisha November, halka doorashada Guddoonka labada aqal qabsoomi doonaan 23 November.

“Voting is a Constitutional right. Absent any evidence of fraud, all Americans have a protected right to vote, be they rich or poor, black, Hispanic or white, people who live in a big city or in remote rural areas.” JUAN WILLIAMS



Bariga Dhexe: Netanyahu oo Mohamud Abas Ku Casumay Knesset-ka

Madaxwayne Maxamed Cabaas

Mahdi Taakilo Somali Link Ra’iisal wasaaraha Israel Benjamin Netanyahu ayaa qaaday

RW Isreal Netanyahu

tillaabo taariikhi ah oo aan looga baran, ka dib markii uu ku casuumay Madaxweynaha Falastiin Maxamuud Abas in uu hadal ka jeediyo Bar-

lamaanka Israel ee Knesset-ka. Wuxuuna ku sheegay khudbad uu ka jeediyay fadhiga Golaha loo dhan yahay ee Qarammada Midoobay uga socday New York, isaga oo waliba ku daray in uu diyaar u yahay in uu Golaha Falastiin hortooda ka hadlo. Lama hubo wali in tillaabadani noqon karto isku day cusub oo dib loogu bilaabayo wada xaajoodkii Bariga Dhexe iyo in kale, iyada oo ay jirto diidmada Falastiin, in ay hor fariisato Israel inta ay sii waddo siyasaddeeda dhul ballaarsiga ah. Siyaasaddaas oo xitaa Madaxweyne Obama

wax badan ku dhaliilay Israel. Xaqiiqa ahaan ma ahan is ballaarinta Israel oo qur ah ee carqabadaha jira waxaa ka mid ah diidmada Netanyahu in uu aqoonsado xuduudihii 1967kii, iyo kala qaybinta Jerusalem. Madaxwayne Axmuud Abas oo hadalka uga horreeyay Netanyahu ayaa Beesha Caalamka u jeediyay baaq ku saabsan sidii loo soo afjari lahaa 50 sano oo gumaysiga Israel socday, wuxuuna caddeeyay taageeradiisa nabadda. “Nabad dhab ah, iyada oo Israel iska dhaafayso madax taagga

iyo gumaysiga” ayuu yiri Abu Mazen. Bilowgii bishan ayay ahayd markii hoggaamiyaha Ruushka Putin ku baaqay in uu shir ugu qaban doono Moskow madaxda labada dal ee Israel iyo Falastiin, taas oo ay wada oggolaadeen laakiin an wali wakhti loo qaban. Toddobaadyada soo socda ayaa la kala ogaan doonaa haddii Xarunta Q.M. noqonayso meesha looga amba qaadi doono is beddel cusub oo dhab ah iyo in kale. Ra’iisal wasaaraha Israel Benjamin Netanyahu ayaa qaaday tillaabo taariikhi ah oo aan looga baran, ka dib

markii uu ku casuumay Madaxweynaha Falastiin Maxamuud Abas in uu hadal ka jeediyo Barlamaanka Israel ee Knesset-ka. Wuxuuna ku sheegay khudbad uu ka jeediyay fadhiga Golaha loo dhan yahay ee Qarammada Midoobay uga socday New York, isaga oo waliba ku daray in uu diyaar u yahay in uu Golaha Falastiin hortooda ka hadlo. Lama hubo wali in tillaabadani noqon karto isku day cusub oo dib loogu bilaabayo wada xaajoodkii Bariga Dhexe iyo in kale, iyada oo ay Continued on Pg. 10



Somalia: General Da’ud Cup fixtures publicized

Somali Football Federation [SFF], has released the fixtures of the 2016 General Da’ud Cup and all event matches will be shown live on television

According to the unveiled fixtures, 16 football clubs will be competing inthe competition which will kick off on Sunday 25th of September. General Da’ud cup is the second most popular sporting event in Somalia after the elite National football league. “The event will involve the eight clubs who remained in the elite national league and as well as the top eight clubs in the second division league. This means that the four teams which finished bottom in the two leagues [two teams]

from each league will be out of the competition” SFF director of communications, Shafi’i Mohyaddin Abokar, said in a media release on Friday. This year’s General Da’ud Cup is expected to attract an increasing number of audience as it will be shown live on TV screens. “All matches of the competition will go live on television and it will be the first time that matches of this particular competition will all be shown on the screen since Somalia competitions started to go live late last year” the SFF

director of communications said in his press statement on Friday. “So far we can confirm that one local television has set up transmitting equipment at Stadium Banadir, but all other Somali language-broadcasting televisions are welcome. We are allowing them to show the matches for free, because we want to teach Somali media and business companies about the importance that football advertisements can help promote their businesses” Mr. Abokar explained. “I take this opportunity

to thank Access Sports TV and Mogadishu Cable which is now broadcasting live the ongoing Somali youth football league for putting much efforts in promoting Somali football competitions” SFF director of communications noted. He said that the interest for the Somali football competitions increased amongst the community since Somali football matches went live late in 2015. “In the last football season we had some of our matches shown on screens, but this football season something has

changed and all matches will be watched live, although we can so far confirm one local TV, but other Somali TVs which can show the matches outside the country are now showing much interest” he said. “The live coverage will make it easier for Somali fans who cannot make their way to the stadium get access to watch matches while at home” SFF director of communications, Shafi’i Mohyaddin Abokar, said in his media release on Friday.

General Da’ud was the founder of Somalia’s Armed Forces and he died in 1965, but in 1972 the Somali football federation began the organization of the General Da’ud cup which was named after the late father of Somali military and is held every year in his honour. However, the group stages of the competition will as scheduled conclude on October 28 and the Somali football federation will afterwards release the time table for those who qualified for the quarter finals. •

Somali Link Readers Choice:

Restaurant of the Month: Banadir Restaurant. The readers of the Somali Link was pleased to have chosen Banadir Restaurant on Cleveland Avenue as the number one Somali and African restaurant in Columbus Ohio. The review below was written by Paula M. Cohen, freelance writer for the Somali Link. This article and many others can be read on our website: Somali & East African Food.

By PAULA M. COHEN THE SOMALI LINK As you’ve probably guessed by my name, I am not an expert in Somali cuisine. But as a former award-winning restaurant owner and

reviewer, I do know something about food preparation, service, and décor. My delightful dining partner is Zahra Mire, who has agreed to accompany me to provide valuable input on traditional cuisine, and to-

gether we will visit the Somali restaurants of Columbus. Although the list continues to grow, we wanted begin our journey at the city’s best known restaurant—Banadir Restaurant. Established in 1999 to

serve Columbus’ growing African population, the restaurant offers a large selection of traditional dishes and reflects the influence of Middle Eastern and American cooking, too. From the outside, you would never

guess what lies beneath a nondescript exterior in a strip mall storefront just east of the old Banadir Mall. Recently remodeled and under new management, the restaurant is colorful, comfortable, and charming. On this visit, Zahra’s teenage daughters, Hawa and Habiba joined us. They are big fans of the restaurant. Hawa had a very astute comment about Banadir Restaurant. She said that one of the things she liked about the restaurant was that on every visit, the food consistently tasted the same. This is no surprise—the head chef has been there for almost for years! A

chef that has been at the same place for over many years is almost unheard of in the restaurant business. We started with Banadir soup—a hearty potato and vegetable soup spiced with fresh cilantro that really warmed us on a cold day. For the main course we tried the grilled fish, grilled chicken strips, and roasted lamb. All arrived hot with lettuce and tomato on the side. The fish was flakey, moist, and lightly seasoned. The roasted lamb was a real treat; the chunks of tender meat, some pieces still on the bone (bones Continued on Pg. 9



Waraysigii K”naan by Said Hade


naan waa fanaankii labadaan bari laga dabadhacay lana xiiseeyo heesahiisa caalamka oo dhan. Knaan wuxuu soo jiitay malyamaad qof oo taageera ah. Knaan waa fanaankii ugu horeeeyay oo Somali ah oo ku heesa luuqada af ingiriiska, heesaha uu qaadana waa heesaha loo yaqaan Rap, waxaana dhihi karnaa waa fanaanka kaliya ee Somaliyeed ee maanta ku jira Hollywood ka. Hadaba nasiib waxaan u yeelanay in aan waraysi la yeelano Knaan Cabdi Warsame.Somalilink_ Asalaamu Calaykum Knaan.. Knaan_ Wacalaykum wasalaam.. Somalilink_ Goorma ayaad fanka bilowday

knaan? Knaan_ waxaan bilaabay 1998. Somalilink_ meeqo sano ayaad jirtay markaas? Knaan_ waxaan jiray 20 sano. Somalilink_ Somaliya goormaa kuugu dambaysay? Knaan_ Dhamaadkii 1991 Somalilink_ maxaa kugu kalifay in aad heestid ama raper aad noqotid? Knaan_ waa waxaan yaraantaydii aan jeclaa. Somalilink_ yaa kuugu caawiyay in aad albumkaagii koowaad soo saartid yaana qoray heesaha? Knaan_ anigaa qoray waxaana soo saaray oo maalgaliyay Sony Records. Somalilink_ heesahaaga maxay uga duwan yihiin kuwa ay qaadaan fanaaniinta kale? Knaan_ heesahaygu waa heeso fartiin

xambaarsan, baraarujina leh oo aan badankood ugu tala galay in aan uga hadlo dhibaatada haysata wadankayga, laakiin fanaaniinta kale heesahooda waa heeso caadi ah. Somalilink_ heesaha Rapka waa la iscaayaa ama waxaa lagu heesaa wax xun marka Malaga yaabaa in aad badashid heesagaa fartiinta xambaarsan mise? Knaan_ ahh! maya maya, anigu ma isbadalin mana ka tagin dhaqankayga qaaliga ah, mana laga yaabo in aan ku heeso waxaas oo kale. Somalilink_ wax ma nooga sheegi kartaa albumkaa cusub oo soo bixi doono heesaha ku jiro? Knaan_ waa 14 hees, waxaa ku jira hees la yiraahdo So-

maliya oo aan ugu talo galay in aan kaga hadlo dhibaatada iyo xaaladaha ka jira maanta dalkeena iyo hees la yiraahdo America oo ka hadlaysa Somalida u soo qaxday maraykanka. Somalilink_ 2 bil ka hor ayaad BET awards show ka heestay, sida aad af ingiriis ugu heesaysay ayaad afsomali u badashay isla markiiba ayada oo aan jirin qof ku fahmayo markaas, marka maxaad ku keentay? Knaan_ ahhh! Ahh! run ahaantii waxaan jeclahay in aan suubiyo waxaan horay loo suubin, waxaana igu kalifay dadkii show-ga joogay iyo anigu kala dhaqan iyo luuqad ayaan ahayn, marka waxaan jeclaaday in aan soo bandhigo luu-

qadayda hooyo. Somalilink_ wali fanaan Somali ah mala shaqaysay mise mala heestay? Knaan_ maya wali lama heesin, laakiin fanaan Kooshin ayaa iga caawiyay albumkaygii koowaad ee the dust foot. Somalilink_ waxaa jira fanaaniin badan oo soo baxaya kuna soo biiraya heesaha Rap ka maxaad ku dhihi lahayd ama ku waanin lahayd? Knaan_ waa inay la soo galaan fanka waxay uga duwan yihiin dadka kale, sida dhaqankooda wanaagsan iyo in ay caqli isticmaalaan. Somalilink_ waa kuma fanaanka Somaliga aad xiiseesid heesahiisa? Knaan_ een waxaan xiiseeeyaa Zulfa in kasta uu fanka iska daayay.

Somali Link Interviews K’Naan

Somalilink_ sidee baad u aragtaa xaalada xun uu wadanka iyo ummada Somaliyeed ku jiraan maanta? Knaan_ waa xaalad xun, oo aan kadan qankaro markaan maqlo dhibaatada nahaysato. Somalilink_ sidee baad isdhihi kartaa waa looga bixi karaa masiibadaan? Knaan_ waan in aan ulaabano diinteenii iyo dhaqankeenii. Somalilink_ waxaad show ku leedahay Cincinnati iyo Cleveland Malaga yaabaa in aad Columbus show ku qabatid waayo Somali badan ayaa kunool? Knaan_ waalaga yaabaa laakiin hada kuma qabanayo, laakiin waxaan leeyahay Jaaliyada Somaliyeed ee kunool magaalada Columbus Ciid Wanaadsan. ■


The Voice of a Generation by Rishan G Habte “My music is born out of the necessity of justice, the requirement of it”, said K’nan an international Somali recording artist. K’nan and his family migrated to Toronto Canada in 1991 following the collapse of the Somali Government. While living in Canada, K’nan began writing poetry about the life he left behind. “I was inspired by my own experiences, melody, traditional poetry, war, living as a foreigner and longing for my home”, he said.

In 1999 K’nan was invited to speak before the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees where he performed a spoken word piece criticizing the UN for their failed aid mission to Somalia. One of the members in the audience was Senegalese singer Youssou N’Dour, who was so moved by K’nan’s performance that he invited him to contribute to his 2001 album Building Bridges. Working on this project allowed K’nan to tour the world to spread

his message. “I felt that it was my duty to tell my people’s story”, he said. In 2005 he released his debut album, titled The Dusty Foot Philosopher, which received critical acclaim. In 2006 K’nan received the coveted Juno Award for Rap Recording of the year. His style has been compared to that of Bob Marley and Eminem. Since his debut, K’nan has worked with Mos Def, Nelly Furtado, Damien Marley and Adam Levine of Maroon 5.

“If American women would increase their voting turnout by ten percent, I think we would see an end to all of the budget cuts in programs benefiting women and children.” CORETTA SCOTT KING

“Most of the world only knows about Black Hawk Down and piracy when it comes to Somalia, my duty is to show the whole picture” he said. “I want to take our story to the public and show the positive”, he added. In 2 years, K’nan

has played nearly 500 shows in 5 continents. “The response has been amazing”, he added. K’nan is set to release his follow-up album titled Troubadour in January 2009. His future plans also include film project and working on

production. “I will continue to be honest and I won’t stop until everyone has heard our story” he said. ■

“Young people need to vote. They need to get out there. Every vote counts. Educate yourself too. Don't just vote. Know what you're voting for, and stand by that.” NIKKI REED


Banadir Restaurant Continued from Pg. 7 add depth to flavor), were excellent and my favorite dish of our lunch. Zahra’s favorite of the day was the grilled chicken strips. Strips of white meat, piled high on the plate, had a lovely rosy color on the outside from the delicate spices. Lunch comes with a choice of sides—spaghetti tossed with a light tomato sauce or a fantastically fragrant curried rice, made even more colorful with the addition of peas. The curried rice could be a meal by itself. I had the hot, black, sweetened, spiced tea to wash my lunch down. Delicious!

According to the new manager, Mohamed, there are some new dishes on the menu: ugali, mufo Banadir with beef, and chicken kabobs.The service was pleasant and efficient. Prices are very reasonable, especially considering the generous portion sizes. Lunch with three main courses and drinks for four came to $36.00. This is a place to recommend to family, friends, and acquaintances. If you have not been to Banadir restuarant in a while, re-visit, you won’t be disappointed! •

3246 Cleveland Ave, Columbus, OH 43224 Tel: (614) 268-0933 ■ Open 7days: 9:30 a.m-11:00 p.m.




Columbus City Council does condemn religious intolerance and the rise of Islamophobia Councilman Micheal Stinziano said“Today, Columbus City Council took a stand against hate and passed a resolution to condemn religious intolerance and the rise of Islamophobia, and declare support for the Muslim community in the City of Columbus. “Columbus is home to thousands of Muslims who's faith inspires them to give back every day to contribute to our City as United States military personnel, police officers, doctors, nurses, caregivers, business owners (small and large!), teachers, and many other roles integral to our success of Columbus.” To Condemn Religious Intolerance and the Rise of Islamophobia, and Declare Support for the Muslim Community in the City of Columbus.

WHEREAS, this year marks the 1,400th anniversary of the Charter of Medina, a constitutional contract between the Prophet Muhammad and the people of Medina, which guaranteed religious liberty for all, regardless of faith; and WHEREAS, this year marks the 225th anniversary of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, which enshrined the principle of religious liberty into the jurisprudence of the country; and WHEREAS, Muslims, like members of all religious backgrounds, should be treated with the dignity, care, and compassion that every human being deserves, irrespective of faith; and WHEREAS, hatred, fear, and discrimination against individuals on the basis of race, religion, or national origin is detrimental to all people who cherish freedom

WHEREAS, the City of Columbus is proud to be a racially, ethnically, and religiously diverse city, and home to one-quarter of Ohio's foreign-born population; and WHEREAS, Columbus is home to thousands of Muslims whose faith inspires them to give back every day and to contribute to our City as United States military personnel, police officers, doctors, nurses, caregivers, business owners, teachers, and many other roles that are integral to the success of Columbus; and WHEREAS, the people of Columbus have a long history of opening their arms to all peoples and the increasing prevalence of anti-Muslim rhetoric is adverse to both our community's belief system, as well as our nation's founding principle of religious liberty; and

and equality; and WHEREAS, all residents of the City ought to confront all forms of religious bigotry, vilification, and denigration and stand with our sisters and brothers throughout the Muslim community; now, therefore

Bariga Dhexe Continued from Pg. 6

jirto diidmada Falastiin, in ay hor fariisato Israel inta ay sii waddo siyasaddeeda dhul ballaar-

siga ah. Siyaasaddaas oo x ita a Ma d a x w e yn e Obama wax badan ku dhaliilay Israel. Xaqiiqa ahaan ma ahan is ballaarinta Israel oo qur ah ee carqabadaha jira waxaa ka mid a h d iid ma d a

Netanyahu in uu aqoonsado xuduudihii 1967kii, iyo kala qaybinta Jerusalem. Madaxwayne Axmuud Abas oo hadalka uga horreeyay Netanyahu ayaa Beesha Caalamka u jeediyay baaq ku saabsan sidii loo

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBUS: That this Council does hereby condemn religious intolerance and the rise of Islamophobia, and declare support for the Muslim community in the City of Columbus on this day, October 24th, 2016. ■

soo afjari lahaa 50 sano oo gumaysiga Israel socday, wuxuuna caddeeyay taageeradiisa nabadda. “Nabad dhab ah, iyada oo Israel iska dhaafayso madax taagga iyo gumaysiga” ayuu yiri Abu Mazen.

Bilowgii bishan ayay ahayd markii hoggaamiyaha Ruushka Putin ku baaqay in uu shir ugu qaban doono Moskow madaxda labada dal ee Israel iyo Falastiin, taas oo ay wada oggolaadeen laakiin an wali wakhti

loo qaban. Toddobaadyada soo socda ayaa la kala ogaan doonaa haddii Xarunta Q.M. noqonayso meesha looga amba qaadi doono is beddel cusub oo dhab ah iyo in kale. ■

THE SOMALI LINK | OCT. 27 - NOV. 3, 2016




REPORTERS Abdirahman Yousuf (Eelay) Dough Rutledge Wilson Dizard Mike Lorz PHOTOGRAPHERS Terra Teschler Matt Lorz DESIGN Derek Payne, DPI Graphic Design ADVERTISING Mike Lorz

Published By The Somali Link 4889 Sinclair Rd. Suite 207 Columbus, Ohio 43229 Telephone: (614) 805-8630 Email:

Why I’m a SomaliAmerican for Hillary:

President Hassan Sheekh and Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton This month, Donald Trump directed his xenophobia and racism against my own community. In a recent speech, he said that Somali-Americans were “Creating an enclave of immigrants with high unemployment that is both stressing the state' net, and creating a rich pool of potential recruiting targets for Islamic terror groups.” While it should come as no surprise that Trump would insult a community of refugees, his comments clearly shows that he does not know the SomaliAmerican community. We are proud Americans that serve as police officers and in the armed services. We are business owners in town--making

important contributions to our community. Like so many immigrants before us, we share in the American Dream, coming in search of a better life for our families. We are not a danger to America—we are part of America. Right here in Ohio, there are 45,000 SomaliAmericans that are strengthening our economy and our communities’ cultural vibrancy. Mr. Trump would only have to visit the Banadir Mall on Cleveland Avenue to see the exciting small businesses run by Somali-American women. This small, two story shopping center embodies the American promise: that if you work hard and play by the rules, you and

your family can succeed. These entrepreneurs deserved to be praised--not vilified. This election is about a choice: we can either come together to tackle the big challenges facing our country or let Trump keep tearing us apart with his divisive rhetoric and dangerous ideas. I believe that Hillary Clinton is ready on day one to be commander in chief, while Donald Trump is simply temperamentally unfit and unqualified for the job. Between now and election day, I’ll be doing everything I can to ensure that Hillary Clinton because Donald Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric has no place in our society. •

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