My ELife Magazine Feb march 2016

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Does religion play a role in a voters decisions in the upcoming election? Submit your answer today. Your response or opinion can help someone that’s dealing with the above topic.


The importance of social media for businesses. With the advent of social networking, social scientists and media experts have wondered about the benefits social networking brings to communication. While some of these are obvious, some others have only become apparent as users have become familiar with social networking. The ability to increase our networking potential or work with others regardless of distance presents new ways for us to do business. Furthermore, the ability to stay in contact with friends and family allows us to maintain closer ties to our loved ones across long distances.



HANGE…….. is something we tend to fear and become anxious about because we do not feel in control of life. The fact of the matter is God has a plan for each of our lives that we may not always envision for ourselves. If we trust in God and allow the change to grow us to become more like Jesus Christ in how we respond and act, then we are promised that all things will work together for our good. Change can sometimes be difficult while at other times it can be comforting. Sometimes God can call us to make individual changes or promise future changes in our life; at other times, the ways of life change for large groups of people after dramatic events that may take place. Embracing change can be challenging for most people because it may force you to remove old habits and develop new ones. We as human beings are creatures of habit. Like a river flowing through a canyon, the longer a habit continues, the more deeply it becomes ingrained and the harder it is to change. This is true of all habits, good or bad. Knowing Derek Miller, Editor what changes to make is not & Michelle Miller enough. We also need to know how to make them. Before people are willing to act on anything, they must be motivated most times, even if that means writing out the things you would like changed in your life down on paper to revert back to as a reminder (modifying when deemed necessary) all the while facing each day one day at a time ( Matthew 6 :34). It is inevitable that change will always take place in one form or another in everyone lives. The Bible always offers us very clear reminders that we can always count on God no matter how dire our circumstance, no matter how uncertain everything may be. If we just ”choose” to use the means that God provides for us, your change…my change…our change can be enlightening and worked in our lives for the good because he gives us motivation, guidance and encouragement. ■




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ON THE COVER: Civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Who's the guide, the Holy Spirit or us? Many times, in the first Star Wars series, a "gold mine" for George Lucas, Obi-wan (the deceased Alec Guiness) says to Luke "trust your feelings", over & over again. Since we can be easily misled in our soul by satan & company, our feelings and emotions are the LAST thing we should trust, if ever! [Feelings & emotions were designed by God to come at the "END" of something to show us if we did the right thing or not, but NEVER "the caboose at the front of the train", so to speak, where feelings & emotions are our 'guide'.....the "engine", the H.S., of God's leading goes there, as any trainman will tell you. An "instinct" for something is better, but we should trust only the new spirit-nature indwelled by the Holy Spirit and soaked by His word from scripture! [We are not vulnerable to the enemy ONLY in our H.S. indwelled-spirit; our "soul", which IS vulnerable, contains: heart, mind, intelligence, thoughts, feelings, emotions, will, human-spirit {courage, intensity, etc.}, imagination and conscience.] The best defense is 2Corinthians 10:5-b "Hold EVERY thought captive and make it obedient to Christ", like putting an editor in your head, checking out everything before the thought continues to fantasy, or becomes a word or action that you can't take back. It's one of the main operational verses for a real Christian's spiritual growth, and with the practice of a few second's restraint Article Search, lets you also obey James 1:19 naturally! ¡

My E Life Magazine 336-323-8091 President / Editor Derek Miller Director of Marketing Mike James Contributing Writers Greg Baker Donna Nealy Rotimi Oluwaseyitan Mike James Skyler Spencer Michelle Miller Layout / Graphic Design DPI Graphic Design To Advertise Call 336-323-8091 Submissions are welcomed. Please send stories and ads to My E Life Magazine P.O. Box 13502 Greensboro, NC 27415

MY E LIFE magazine reserves the right to deny any or all advertisements that go against our standards. We are at no means connected or affiliated with any advertisements. No part of any publication may be reproduced without written permission from the authors. The opinions and articles not written by My E Life magazine staff do not necessarily represent our views. SAVING SOULS, MAKING DISCIPLES

FEBRUARY/MARCH 2016 â– 336-323-8091


Bishop Harold Farr, Jr. and First Lady


New Life Faith Outreach. 3114-B Corbett Rd. Pleasant Grove, NC 27302. 336-253-2121

How to become a christian

Faith is believing in something you can`t see You may be saying to yourself, “How can I believe in something I can`t see?” You believe in the wind, however you can`t see it. You simply see the effects of the wind and that’s enough to assure you that it is real. Faith allows us to believe that the invisible God can do what is physically impossible. In that sense, faith is built and grows on a spiritual plane, not a physical or scientific one. Only Jesus can set your heart/mind/soul free. Do you not know that when you present yourselves to

someone for obedience, you are a slave to the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness? (Romans 6:16) As long as you are alive, It’s never too late to turn your life around. Jesus came to give second chances. Will you receive him Today? Open up your heart and receive Him now by saying “Lord Jesus, my life is void without you. I do believe that you are the Son Of God, and that you died and rose from the dead just for me. I ask you to come into my heart and save me.” 

Congratulations! You are now a Christian (a follower of Jesus Christ) 2 Timothy 2:3 says, “You therefore must endure hardship as a Soldier of Jesus Christ.” No one said the Christian life would be easy or without challenges. God’s promises are forever established in Heaven. So even if our situations and circumstances are difficult, we must think “above the clouds” and know that God is still there.

Now therefore allow God to connect you with a Bible teaching ministry and let your light shine for Christ! 6


NOTE: Women’s rights is a worldwide issue that needs to be addressed and championed by the men and women of God. Only when we recognize the pervasiveness of the issues outlined below can we make any strides to eliminate the abuse and unfair treatment of women. We need to bring the word “feminism” back into the light of day and define it by its original meaning, which is the belief in the fair and equal treatment of women.


e can't ignore the facts any longer. Women are being treated abusively and unfairly all over the world. It's time for us to step in. 35 Reasons Why the Church Should Stand in the Gap for Women:  Because feminism is the radical notion that women are human.  Because, worldwide, more girls have been killed in the last 50 years, precisely because they were girls, than men were killed in all the wars of the 20th century.  Because nearly one in four American women between the ages of 18 and 65 has experienced domestic violence.

 Because the U.S. State Department estimates that between 600,000 and 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year, and 80 percent of them are women and girls trafficked for sexual exploitation.  Because girls like Malala Yousafzai deserve an education and should not be threatened with violence for pursuing one.  Because women make up 51 percent of the U.S. population, but comprise only 20 percent of congress.  Because Hardee’s can’t seem to sell a hamburger without objectifying a woman’s body in the process.

 Because 80 percent of 10-year-old American girls say they have been on a diet, and the number one magic wish for young girls age 11-17 is to be thinner.  Because pornography is a $57 billion industry worldwide.  Because in the time it took you to take a selfie with a sign declaring that the world doesn’t need feminism (about four minutes) two more American women were sexually assaulted, nearly 100 American women were abused, four women worldwide died giving birth, eight little girls were trafficked for sexual exploitation, and 6,781,920 people looked at naked women online. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE



35 Reasons


 Because women need look no further than the billboards on the highways, the magazine racks in the check-out aisle or the advertisements on TV to know that our worth in this culture is measured primarily by our appearance.  Because 20-25 percent of women in college in the U.S. reported experiencing an attempted or a completed rape in college.  Because 70 percent of women in the U.S. workforce are mothers; yet we have no national paid-leave child care or flex-time policy. The U.S is the only major industrialized nation without paid family leave.  Because in 2011, only 11 percent of protagonists in films were female.  Because fewer investors are willing to put their money behind a woman entrepreneur than a man, even when they share the very same idea, concept, business and sales pitch.  Because feminism celebrates the freedom of women to choose to enter the workforce or pursue homemaking and to make decisions that best suit the needs of themselves, their communities and their families. Feminism does not oppose homemaking, marriage and motherhood, but acknowledges them as among the many vocations of which women are capable.  Because every year, complications from pregnancy and childbirth claim the lives of nearly 300,000 women worldwide and permanently disable many more.  Because access to contraception would dramatically improve those maternal and infant mortality rates.  Because one-third of the world’s girls are married before the age of 18, and one in nine are married before the age of 15. Pregnancy is consistently among the leading causes of death for girls ages 15 to 19 worldwide.  Because over 135 million girls and women have undergone genital mutilation and 2 million more girls are at risk each year.  Because legalistic gender roles, and the objectification and marginalization of women, harm both women and men. Feminism isn’t about hating men. Feminism is about restoring the dignity of women for the betterment of society. And so both men and women, both parents of little boys and parents of little girls, can and should be feminists.  Because women who were raped are still asked, “What were you wearing?”  Because I can’t count the number of times I’ve been


called a feminize because of my theological or political views.  Because feminism has given women in the U.S. access to higher education, the voting booth, contraception and property rights, and is still so misunderstood that women themselves say they have no use for it.  Because the message that women who are not virgins are “damaged goods” persists.  Because the message that women are not capable or called to preach the gospel persists.

 Because the message that women must dress to please men persists.  Because the message that women should endure abuse persists.

 Because the message that women’s bodies are inherently problematic persists.  Because the message that women are to be “conquered and colonized” during sex persists.  Because the message that men who do housework are failures persists.  Because the message that men must out-earn their wives to be “real men” persists.  Because patriarchy is not God’s dream for the world.  Because we are no longer bound by the Curse but are compelled by the resurrection of Jesus Christ to build a kingdom in which the old power structures dividing Jew from Greek, male from female and slave from free are dismantled and replaced by mutual love, submission and grace.  Because feminism is the radical notion that women are human—equal in value and dignity to men—and that vision has yet to be fully realized. To read more on this topic from Rachel Held Evans, check out her new book, Searching for Sunday. ■


The Williams Group Insurance & Financial Services We are an Exclusive Allstate Agency with over 30 years of insurance experience. I’ve lived and worked in Greensboro for 33 years. This is where I met my wife and we are raising our two daughters. Living in Greensboro has afforded me the opportunity to meet many families. My knowledge and understanding of the people in this community help me provide many clients with an outstanding level of service. I’m committed to helping clients protect not only what they have today, but to also prepare them for tomorrow. I can help clients understand how insurance is a part of your “safety net” and a cornerstone to their financial security. Together, we’ll work to evaluate your coverages and select the best products that meet your protection and investment objectives. I’m proud to work with a company who has been satisfying customers for over 80 years. Clients count on outstanding financial strength and superior claims service to help protect what they value most. Allstate delivers on their promise. In fact, Allstate’s outstanding financial strength and superior claims service received an A+ (Superior) rating by A.M. Best. Quality service, strength and satisfaction – that’s something I’m proud to be a part of. You can contact me at (336) 282-0461 or at Terrence




My Story By Natalie Nicholson


t’s hard to pinpoint one thing that drew me into the life insurance profession. The Holy Spirit constantly directs our paths and guides us to our truths and passions if we are open to His nudging. As a young girl I loved to unpack my Dad’s insurance case. In it he had a reel to reel projector that played films for his prospective customers during an appointment. I watched those films over and over has it was the closest thing to a movie during those days in the late sixties. The movie always started out with a happy family and soon you would see the mother or father in an accident or something else happening to the family unexpected. I never would have thought that those films would somehow affect my professional choices one day. Likewise my mother was an executive assistant for a United States Senator in Washington, DC. I loved to go to her office and ramble through her desk and play in her office supplies. I still love to go the the office supply store and see what’s new. I’ve always has a desire to help people and love to share good news, ideas and ways to make things better. God blessed me with the ability to communicate well with others about specific concepts and details. This desire and skill set lead me to the travel industry. I lived abroad for a few years early in my career. I could work in an American owned company like the airlines and maintain my US citizenship while being a resident of a foreign county. Needless to say that when I returned home I began working in the travel industry. My father always pushed me to get my insurance license as he said that it was something I would always be able to use. Sure enough while I was expecting my fourth child and unable to work, I decided to get that license and I’ve never looked back.


I began to work for Blue Cross Blue Shield in Durham, NC in the State Health Plan for North Carolina Retirees. We moved back to Winston Salem and I began to work in the Marketing and Customer Service for Partners Health Plan. I moved from Partners to OualChoice in the Sales division then after QualChoice closed its doors I moved on to UnitedhealthCare in Sales. After a car accident in 2001, I could no longer drive the many miles that my sales position required. God in his way begin to lead me to open my own agency and urged me to step out in faith. After having the security of a corporate job, it was a stretch of faith- but because of God’s faithfulness that’s what I did. I always kept the verse Jerimiah 29:11 on my desk as Gods promise to me. It says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I find that helping people prepare for life’s events, whether it’s purchasing life insurance to help secure the future of their family or helping them decide which health insurance plan best fits their needs and budget is most rewarding. The service my company provides serves a vital need in planning for a family’s financial security. It began in 1988 and I have continued to gain expertise and added to my portfolio of offerings so that I would be able to help my clients with all of their life and health insurance needs. I have been the President and CEO of the Gilead Group since 2002 and God has been faithful to help me sustain and grow this business. This is truly a faith walk, BUT GOD always causes me to triumph and leads me by the still waters of His grace. I am forever humbled by his goodness and mercy towards me and will continue to give Him all praises for that which He alone has done in my life. 



appy New Year! It’s 2016 and the year of great things. As we all know if you have read these articles over the past year that I am an advocate for having multiple rivers of income. There are plenty of reasons to have a home based business. I am going to give you a couple right here. Tax benefits. If you are a wage earner or w2 employee then the best way to increase your income and reduce your taxes is to have a home based business. I am not a tax professional but Mary Ann Adams of T/E Taxes and Accounting can verify what I am saying. When done the right way you can start a home based business and receive $300 to $500 more in your monthly take you pay with your current job. Contact me direct at or contact Mary Ann Adams at T/E Taxes and Accounting 336 235 1912 Family this is the year to use every tool available to live in increase. Most people had one of these two New Year’s resolutions. Lose weight and make more money to get out of debt. In 2016 there is a way to accomplish all of these goals and increase your take home pay at your job by $300 to $500. Making money from home in 2016 is what I am encouraging everyone to do. If you would like to have more health and more wealth and take home more money in your current job contact me direct and I am going to show you how I am doing all three by working from home. Remember John 10:10. Like us on facebook at Get the inside information by texting the word “ increase” to 90407 Let’s keep the conversation going. Like us on facebook and comment at MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ FEBRUARY/MARCH 2016 ■ 336-323-8091



How about a different New Year’s Resolutions this year? Review your Estate Plan! The New Year is a great time to give some thought to whether you estate plan is in order. I know it not the most fun way to start the year, but it is a great way to give yourself peace of mind when thinking about your loved ones and making sure they are cared for if something should happen to you. So what should you do? Here’s a list of things you should review annually: Review the changes that have occurred in your life since you had your Estate documents prepared. Did any “major” life events occur in 2015? What’s major life event….. Did you get married or divorced? Did you have a child or adopt a child? Did you move to different state? Have a death in the family? Any of these events could have an effect on your estate plan. Review your Will and or your Revocable Living Trust. The following are some of the issues that should be considered when reviewing a Will or Revocable Living Trust: Do you still want the person selected to be the Executor or the Trustee to serve in that role? Is that person in good health? Do they still live in North Carolina? Do you want to change the beneficiaries of your Will or Trust? For example, you may need to add the name of a child or a grandchild. Is there a family heirloom that you want to give to a specific person that you haven’t provided for before?

Debra Ragin Jessup Estate Planning Attorney

Jessup & Probst 301 North Main Street, Suite 2222 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Telephone: 336-721-9090

Review your Power of Attorney. This document gives the person you have named the power to handle all of your financial affairs if you are unable to do so yourself. Do you still want the person named in this document to handle your affairs? Is this person still willing to act as your Power of Attorney? Review your Health Care Power of Attorney This document allows someone to make your health care decisions if you are unable to make those decisions yourself. You should review this document to make sure that you still trust this person to make those decisions your behalf. Make sure that person still has a copy and is still willing to serve in this capacity. Review the Beneficiary Designations on your bank accounts, insurance and retirement plans. This part of your Estate Plan is ruled by the documents that you signed when you named the beneficiary. So if you have named an ex-spouse as the beneficiary, the bank, the insurance company and the company managing your retirement plan will pay according to the original contact that you signed. This is easy thing to check on, give the individuals in charge of your accounts and your insurance agent a call and set up an appointment to review and discuss your beneficiaries. After you go through this list, you may find that everything is in order and that nothing needs to be changed. If so, great! However, if you discover that you need to make some changes, don’t put it off, take care of it right away so you can stop thinking about it until next year! Oh, by the way, this article assumes that you already have an Estate Plan, if you don’t have an Estate Plan, put getting one at the top of your list for 2016! ■




Evangelical Churches Working to Bridge Racial Divide by Toni Ridgaway


n some churches, the racial divide is beginning to erode, and it is fading fastest in one of American religion's most conservative precincts: evangelical Christianity. In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. famously declared that “11 o’clock Sunday morning is the most segregated hour of the week … And the Sunday school is still the most segregated school.”

Surveys from 2007 show that fewer than 8% of American congregations have a significant racial mix. But in some churches, the racial divide is beginning to erode, and it is fading fastest in one of American religion’s most conservative precincts: evangelical Christianity. According to Michael Emerson, a specialist on race and faith at Rice University, the proportion of American churches with 20% or more minority participation has languished at about 7.5% for the past nine years. But among evangelical churches with attendance of 1,000 people or more, the slice has more than quadrupled, from 6% in 1998 to 25% in 2007. Some of the country’s largest churches are involved: the very biggest, Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Community Church in Houston (43,500 members), is split evenly among blacks, Hispanics and a category containing whites and Asians. Bill Hybels’ Willow Creek is at 20% minority. Such rapid change in such big institution “blows my mind,” says Emerson. David Campbell, a political scientist at Notre Dame studying the trend, says that “if tens of millions of Americans start sharing faith across racial boundaries, it could be one of the final steps transcending race as our great divider”- and it could help smooth America’s transition into a truly rainbow nation. ■




Your character reflects His character There is more to exercise and a healthy lifestyle. When we think of these two elements the first thing that comes to mind is weight loss. But it is so much bigger than that. Not eating a healthy diet and the lack of exercise affects our entire perspective on life. One major characteristic, the lack of a healthy lifestyle, shows a lack of discipline. This characteristic shows up in every avenue of our lives on a daily basis and can make or break us at being productive individuals. We give in quickly to pressures to not eat healthy. We lack the authority to take control and tell ourselves as well as others that we are worth the effort to abstain from such things


that offer no known benefit. Emotionally we reach for the ice cream, cookies, candy, other junk foods and baked goods as well as sauces, unnatural preserved processed foods that are known to harm us. Not only food items but drinks as well, such as sweet tea, sodas and of course anything that causes a change in behavior. Usually we have set habits that dictate our day to day course. And it is extremely hard to change those behaviors. Those behaviors become habits. All habits according to the “Counseling through your Bible handbook” (2008), “occur with regularity, happen without thinking, reflect inner morals, tend to grow stronger and more ingrained over time, persist and become hard to change and provide some degree of pleasure”. These are good and bad habits, therefore evaluate your habits by applying this information and see if those habits are offering any proven productive benefits to your life. In reference to your health, assess and see if you are an emotional eater or if you don’t possess the moti-


vation or concern to add physical activity to your daily schedule. In these articles, I like for us to do self-checks on how we represent God as born-again believers. There is no way we can omit the fact that lifestyle (nutrition, exercise, mental stability, emotions) has everything to do with our spirituality or better yet our relationship with God. We have heard the scripture but only apply it to certain areas but if we really take the bible in its fullness we could see that Romans 13:14 applies to every segment. Romans 13:14 “Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature”. Remember, your character reflects His character. Does your lifestyle according to the example above reflect His character? Let’s Check yourself. Until next time… Donna Nealy MS CFT CNC ESI ESTEEM, A Total Transformation 336-345-3507 


ll Nations TV LLC is changing the way Christians view television around the world by introducing new and creative television networks that provides quality programming at reasonable prices for viewers and advertisers as well. At the present time, they have created two of these networks: All Nations and All Nations ( ), is a dynamic Christian broadcasting network that seeks to usher in the new era of religious television. All Nations can be seen on laptops, desktops, tablets and smart phones. With many people cutting their cable service in 2014 and even more people expected to cut their cable in 2015, internet television is becoming more and more popular. With the addition of a channel on ROKU, All Nations is reaching viewers across the globe. ROKU ( has the biggest selection of streaming channels combined with innovative features like unbiased search and the Roku Feed™ put choice and control back in the hands of people who love TV. In the United States, All Nations is available in over 19, 000 cities and the numbers are growing. Over 9 million active monthly accounts and the numbers are growing daily. All Nations provides quality programming 24 hours a day , 7 days a week. All the programming is not church services or preaching but also a mixture of informative talk shows, video countdowns and shows

that help you live successfully each day. Some established ministries are a part of All Nations TV but All Nations TV also highlights and provides a platform for ministries that are new to the TV arena. ( is the newest venture in internet television for the company. is not just a television network but it is a movement as well!! can be seen on all the devices like All Nations TV and it has a ROKU Channel as well. You can see some of the most creative and innovative videos on this network but they all focus on lifting the name of Jesus so that those viewing do not lose sight of the purpose of the network. The network has a weekly Top 50 Countdown that is driven by input from YOU, the viewer. Video on Demand is also a highlight of the All Nations TV Network. Min-

istries can archive their messages on All Nations TV and people can go and view special sermons or important messages they missed any time they get ready. Video on Demand provides so many different opportunities in the areas of preaching, teaching and educating. All Nations TV has taken advantage of VOD and created five additional networks. These networks address specific areas of ministry and reaches across the board. The five ministries are: The Woman Inspirational Network (TWIN) (www.thewomaninspirationalnetwork. com ) Preachville ( ) Press Play Gospel ( ) Anointed Hands ( ) En Española ( ) What can All Nations TV & CHHTV do for YOU and /or your ministry or organization? Broadcasting on All Nations TV or CHHTV will allow your ministry or organization to be local, regional, national and international all at the same time for the same price! What is that price? To broadcast your show of 28 1/2 minutes/ 4 times each week for less than $3.50 a day! How do I sign up? If you have a ministry that you want to take to the next level, call them at 855-WE-PRAISE. 




Has Dr. King's Dream Come True?


By Ed Stetzer

artin Luther King Jr. had a dream. We know the familiar refrain from his speech delivered 50 years ago in Washington D.C. The speech lives in American lore like few others. If there were a Mount Rushmore of speeches, it would likely join Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, FDR’s speech to Congress after the bombing of […] Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream. We know the familiar refrain from his speech delivered 50 years ago today in Washington D.C. The speech lives in American lore like few others. If there were a Mount Rushmore of speeches, it would likely join Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, FDR’s speech to Congress after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and JFK’s inauguration speech as the most heralded and familiar in American history. But has the dream come true? We have an African American President. We’ve had African-American cabinet members, Supreme Court Justices, Oscar winners, Nobel Peace Prize winners, star athletes, astronauts, and titans of business. These positions were likely pipe dreams for those participating in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on that his-


toric day 50 years ago. For many, Dr. King’s dream has come true. Unfortunately for many more, the dream has not come true. African Americans are still disadvantaged and discriminated against in many parts of the country. Churches and country clubs still have—spoken or unspoken—”Whitesonly” membership policies. African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites. If current trends continue, one in three black males born today can expect to spend time in prison during his lifetime (NAACP stats). That was not Dr. King’s dream. For many African Americans, Dr. King’s dream is still an elusive hope. There are a myriad of factors that contribute to the statistics I mentioned, but it does not miss the reality—we are still divided by race. The dream has not yet come true. That racial division was made evident again in the Trayvon Martin trial. For the third time in recent memory, a nationally politicized trial split the country almost along racial lines. In these trials, we learn about ourselves, our culture, and brokenness of our society. We are reminded that, although we have made great progress, our society remains divided.


Yes, we’ve made much progress in the past 50 years, and I do not intend to discount that. I want to celebrate it. Like the vast majority of Americans, even millions that did not vote for President Obama, I was proud that an African

American could be President of the United States just a few decades after African Americans could not use the same water fountain as whites. Yet, we simply cannot stop there. Racial reconciliation must continue to be a focus for us, for our churches, and for our future. In her reaction to the recent George Zimmerman verdict, Dr. Christena Cleveland wrote: Privileged people of the cross seek out, stand with, and stick their necks out for people who have problems that are nothing like their own. Privileged people of the cross resist the magnetic draw of our culturally-polarized society. Privileged people of the cross jump every societal hurdle in order to understand the perspective of, stand with and advocate for the other. Her words drip of a line in Dr. King’s speech: I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places plains, and the crooked places will be made straight, and before the Lord will be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. May we be a people who rise up and carry on Dr. King’s dream and make those crooked places straight for the glory of the Lord and the good of His people. All His people. 




Why Bet The Farm? Bet the Farm is written to help individuals build consistent personal development plans. The improvement of leader decisiveness and courage will reinforce individual goal attainment. Individuals can recreate themselves by infusing attitude, energy, and passion by leveraging their current talents and abilities! Unlike other personal development books, Bet the Farm will provide a unique perspective, as leveraging our relationships can help improve individual bravery.

Free Book Review: In order for individuals to capture off the rooftop opportunities new strategies will be needed to unlock individual potential. Bet the Farm can provide a roadmap to help individuals believe in their skills and shoot for the stars. The book seeks to enlighten individuals about their internal clocks and to leverage energy, attitude and passion. These elements will be needed drive through the fog of disappointments, failures, let downs, and miscues. The voyage will be a successful one as new and old relationship experiences support the journey. Finally, Bet the Farm will help future leaders by providing a unique vantage point to view client perspectives. Individual success, through personal development, can open the door to unique business opportunities.

BLOG: Now is the time to focus on your inner passion. The world is ready for new perspectives and individuals who have the courage to show case their developed talents. Reap the rewards and be confident in what you can do. Unleashing your productivity can be done if your passionate and share the gifts that were developed inside of you. That is to say that, letting go of the fear, past failures, uncertainty, doubt and dark areas will move you into preferred positioning. Get comfortable with “You” and people will want “You”! Achieving all the things you want in life can and will happen if you hone in your skill sets and apply new ones. Stay confident, stay determined, and be bold. I would love to hear from you! To contact me, write or email. Dr. Antwain Tate Goode P.O. Box 30231 Winston-Salem, NC. 27130 To order your copy of Bet The Farm visit Tate Consulting, which aims to use its acronym, “T-Tenacity, A-Attitude, T-Teamwork, and E-for Execution,” to help drive individual and corporate success. Our focus is on leader development strategies and organizational strategic transformation, with particular emphasis on leveraging scholarly literature to innovate leadership trends.




Pastor Tyrone E. Johnson


astor Tyrone E. Johnson is the Senior Pastor and Founder of Greater Praise of Deliverance Church of Worship. Pastor Johnson received his Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies on May 22, 2010 and Masters of Theology and Masters of Ministry on May 28, 2011, and will receive his doctorate degree in Ministry this year. “I have truly been blessed since I accepted my call into the ministry in September 2001. Under the leadership of my Pastor, Dr. James W. Flake, I accepted the call. I will always remember that day that I had gone over to my pastor’s house to tell him. I made a deal with the Lord that if Pastor Flake was at home then I would tell him, however, I was hoping that he wasn’t going to be home. I drove by his house and his car was home so I drove by rather quickly. I turned back around and made another deal with the Lord that if he was home I would tell him. I pulled in the driveway and knocked on the door and sure enough, Pastor Flake came to the door. I began to tell him that the Lord had called me into the ministry. He said that he had been waiting for me to tell him because the Lord had already revealed it to him.” God has continued to add to Greater Praise of Deliverance Church since our 1st service on Sunday, March 1, 2015 in which 26 people joined, and was at 40 members at the end of that month. On our first 5th Sunday morning service on March 29, 2015 there were almost 90 people in attendance. Greater (as we call it) installed its first Assistant Pastor in March 2015 and was able to give birth to our Outreach Ministry in August 2015 which we were blessed to feed and clothed 500 people. The church was able to have Sunday Morning Worship service at the local park and invited the community to come out and fellowship. In November 2015 we were able to give out turkeys to those that were in need. In January 2016, the Lord dropped in pastor’s spirit to have the church start a “fitness ministry” that would encourage our members to join a gym and the church would reimburse a certain portion of the membership fee. “God has allowed me to preach throughout the East Coast as far as the Wilmington, NC area. I believe that the Word of God must continue to go forth. Greater is a ministry that truly focusing on the word of God. We believe in embracing the city, our community, the saved, the unsaved, the hurting, and the lost. Our core values at Greater is to preach and teach the word of God and to be a center to discipline believers. We believe in an unchanging message while being committed to ever-changing methodologies. As Great Commission Christians, we desire to reach the world for

Jesus Christ!” Please feel free to come visit us at Greater Praise of Deliverance Church of Worship where God Provides Daily. Our Sunday school starts at 9:45am and morning worship starts at 11am. We are currently having services at the Quality Inn and Suites at 2008 S. Hawthorne Road in WinstonSalem, NC. The Lord is ready to do something awesome during this season of Unexpected Blessings and Increase! You can also view us live on Periscope, visit us on Facebook at Greater Praise Deliverance, on the website @, simply email us email @ Come follow me to Greater!!!! Save the Date: *1st Pastoral Anniversary Celebrating 15 years in Ministry Sunday February 21st @ 4pm with guest speaker Pastor Daryl Napper of First Baptist in Lexington, NC. *1st Church Anniversary Sunday March 6th @ 3pm with guest speaker Bishop John Parks of New Hope Baptist Church of Winston-Salem, NC. 



Q – Do we immediately go to heaven or hell when we die? A – Hebrews 9:7 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” In many scriptures death is considered sleep. The Apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 states, “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep (those who had died), that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.” People who have died are not awake in heaven! They are “sleeping” or resting; the body is in the grave but the soul is resting. St. John 3:13 states, “And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.” 1 Thessalonians 4:15, “For this we say unto you by word and of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the

dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” Q - Can we sin in our thoughts even if we don't put them into action? A – YES, let’s equip this question with scripture. Romans 12:2 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your MIND, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Philippians 2:5 “Let this MIND be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” I am a firm believer that SIN is what SIN does? If you thought about it or if you are thinking about it more than likely you will be exposed to it. Contact Information: (336) 525-6393 Sponsored by: Dot’s tax Services 336.457.3128 (c) 336.307.3948 (office) “Taxes made simple; filing done right!” Call us today!


ver since Eve saw the apple and the serpent tested her faith by having her question why God wouldn't let her or Adam eat from the tree, some women have had doubts about faith, whether they are little ones or humdingers that are life-changing, there has always been doubt. Angie Smith in "What Women Fear: Walking in Faith that Transforms" takes us into her life and her own doubts, right down to her treatment for anxiety as a teen because of her fears that God may not have existed. And, once she is cured of that anxiety she finds another to take its place, an idea that she may ruin something beautiful - life, marriage, children - and going further, once she realizes that she won't be ruining anything beautiful, she suddenly worries that God may not be allpowerful.




Viola Davis Makes History

What Leaders Can Learn From Her Powerful Emmy Speech By Ester Laurie Viola Davis won an Emmy for Lead Actress in a Drama Series for her starring role in “How to Get Away with Murder”. Although she has been nominated for several Oscars and has won two Tony awards, this is the first Emmy win and nomination for Davis. Winning an Emmy is thrilling for actors, but for Viola Davis the joy goes much deeper. She made history. Her acceptance speech is powerful. She gave a daring look into the challenges black women have faced in getting lead roles in films. “In my mind, I see a line. And over that line, I see green fields and lovely flowers and beautiful, white women with their arms stretched out to me over that line, but I can’t seem to get there no how. I can’t seem to get over that line. “That was Harriet Tubman in the 1800s. And let me tell you something, the only thing that separates women of color from anyone else is opportunity. You cannot win an Emmy for roles that are simply not there.” She thanked her peers – other black actresses, writers and directors who are redefining “what it means to be beautiful… to be a leading woman… to be black.” Her words were met with warm applause. I love her speech to my core. I’m white, so I can’t understand the line she speaks of, but I can stand up and cheer. I can also pave the way for others by erasing these lines we so often draw. I may not be a black woman in Hollywood fighting for lead roles, but I have felt that opposing line by being a woman in ministry – in an

environment traditionally male-led where leadership opportunities are often given to men first instead of the most qualified candidate. I understand this is not every church, but I also have seen others struggle with the line because they were “just” an admin and didn’t have a voice in the church. It was as if they were not qualified to lead or speak into situations because of their admin status. There should be no lines in church. Jesus came to destroy these lines and to give us life. We will not have full, vibrant and

fulfilling ministry, work and kingdom impact where there are lines and lack of opportunity. Friend, is there a line within your field of vision? Is there something within your ability where you could change the line and open the way for opportunity for someone? Note that I’m asking what is within your ability, not what is within your power or position. This is a battle and all people have a role to play. What role will you play in this battle to eradicate lines and give rise to opportunity? ■




HAPPY NEW YEAR: May God Continue To Bless You Real Good


God Wanted Me To Tell You….

verything that is going wrong in your life today shall be well with you this year. No matter how much your enemies try this year, “they will not” succeed. You have been destined to make it and you shall surely achieve all your goals this year. For the remaining months of this year (2016), all your agonies will be diverted and victory and prosperity will be incoming in abundance. Today God has confirmed the end of your sufferings, sorrows and pains because HE that sits on the throne has remembered you. He has taken away the hardships and given you JOY. Great Joy. He will never let you down. I knocked at heaven’s door this morning. God asked me; My child! What can I do for you? And I said, “Father, please protect and bless the person reading this message.” ...and God smiled and said, “Request granted.”


Remember, when you think you don’t have a friend or don’t have an answer to that problem, know that SOMEONE CARES.



Are Christians Worse Than Others at Relationships? in this way fulfill the law of Christ.” He has wired us to benefit from Christian encouragement and to “encourage one another as long as it called today so that none of you Countless Christians are experiencing either a decline in will be hardened by sin’s deceit.” the quality of their relationships or are living in constant In John 15:12-13, Jesus says, “This is My command: insecurity over those relationships. This is far from God’s Love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater design. love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his In the later part of 2014, LifeWay Research conducted a friends.” This reminds us that Christ proved His love for us poll of an ethnically and religiously diverse sampling of through His death for us. When our hearts are overAmericans. The research gauged each participant’s perwhelmed with His grace, we love one another. And this spective on his or her relationships through a series of compels us to sacrifice ourselves for one another. questions. The responses from Evangelical We may not die physical deaths for our Christians polled during the survey were friends, but we must die to ourselves for surprising. our friends. In the first part of his Bible Evangelicals were 14–21% more Studies for Life study Like Glue, Ben likely to strongly agree with this state“This is My Mandrell writes this passage: ment: “I am currently growing apart command: Love The little things we do matter in from someone I had been close to.” our relationships with others. We To decode the survey language a bit, one another as I probably won’t have the opportuniEvangelicals indicated they were ties to actually die for others, but a have loved you…” growing apart from someone close to willingness to sacrifice for those we them more than non-Evangelicals. love often translates into the daily Evangelical Christians were 16% John 15:12-13 need to stifle our own self-importance. more likely to say they were worried Viewing this research in light of about their closest relationship than nonBen’s words, I wonder if the decline of Evangelicals. In other words, these Evan(and insecurity over) our relationships is the gelicals articulated more volatility in the securesult of complacency, a posture that allows selfrity of their relationships than non-Evangelicals. ishness and self-importance to grow in even our most imJust from these two stats alone, we can glean that countportant relationships. Community is strong when we lay less Christians are experiencing either a decline in the qualdown ourselves, when we die to our self-importance and ity of their relationships or are living in constant insecurity our selfishness. We can recalibrate our relationships when over those relationships. This is far from God’s design, as we remember to love sacrificially just as Christ loved us.  He desires His people to “carry one another’s burdens and

By Eric Geiger




echanics and Farmers Bank, is a full service statechartered commercial bank that was founded in 1907. Its name was inspired by the founders and customers who worked in various trades and represented different social-economic backgrounds, hence the name, “Mechanics and “Farmers.” The Bank is headquartered in Durham, NC and has total assets of approximately $300 Million. We have seven branch locations in 5 major markets within North Carolina, including Winston- Salem and Greensboro. The ongoing success of M&F Bank is evident through its ability to continue operations for 109 years. This achievement is partly due to the Bank’s ability to help make their client’s dreams come true, according to James Sills, President and CEO for M&F Bank. In September of 2014, Mr. Sills was named the President and CEO of the M&F Bank and M&F Bancorp, Inc. Mr. Sills’ background includes a unique combination of executive experience within large-scale banking operations, community banks and government organizations. He has over 30 years of Banking and Technology Management experience. Prior to relocating to Durham, Mr. Sills served


James H. Sills, III President & CEO as the Cabinet Secretary and Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the State of Delaware. In the coming weeks, the branch locations in the Triad will undergo a rebranding effort which includes new colors and a new tag line. This is in an effort to attract a more diversecustomer base, while at the same time it continues to serve a very loyal customer base. It is a strategy designed to help the Bank remain current and prepare for the next generation of customers, community partners and investors. M&F Bank is the 2nd oldest minority


bank in the United States, the 8th largest and one of 22 minority owned banks still in existence today. It has kept up with the changing economy by customizing financial plans to the specific needs of its customers. Despite the downturn of the economy, M&F Bank continues to foster business partnerships and build upon its strengths. Although M&F Bank remains loyal to its customer base, it also wants reach a broader demographic as a provider of financial services to small and medium sized businesses in the Triad markets. The team behind M&F Bank understands the power of a broader customer base and its potential to flourish. M&F Bank plans to continue a legacy of helping people and communities achieve their Dreams. In closing, M &F Bank is a full service commercial bank that offers checking accounts, online banking, mobile banking, commercial loans, personal loans, mortgages, and wealth management. We want to earn your business in the Triad markets. We are proud of where we came from and excited about where we can go together…we want your business Triad! 


Russell Funeral Home, Inc. 822 Carl Russell Ave. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Phone: 336-722-3459

Pre-Planning Your Funeral


hen preplanning a funeral and making funeral arrangements you will find that in choosing all of the details, such as the funeral home, there are many other important items to take into consideration. It is becoming more common for people to engage in funeral preplanning- often referred to as Pre-Need Funerals- this makes their wishes clear to all family members and cuts down on confusion. Just as every family is different, so is every funeral. A funeral should reflect the deceased person, their wishes, and their family. Most funerals arrangements are planned according to religious and/or cultural traditions. A military veteran may wish to have a military presence at the funeral or be buried in a veteran’s cemetery. These factors are all very important, and as with any important decision, some items will be more important to you, than to others. By funeral preplanning, or planning your funeral arrangements in advance, you can involve the family members or friends who will be involved in the funeral details. For many, it is easier to express their wishes for their funeral arrangements in the form of a written document—such as a will. Using a guide or checklist to plan a funeral is essential. It is easy to forget smaller

details when planning ahead. In lieu of a checklist, you may want to consult with a funeral home in your area that will guide you through the funeral preplanning process. For many people, they not only plan the small details of their funeral arrangements, but also down to their funeral or burial plot or mausoleum. This can be done for a variety of reasons, but the most common is to be buried in a family plot or in the near vicinity of other family graves. Contrary to most first instincts, pre-planning your funeral is not morbid, but often offers comfort knowing that things will be as you desire, and knowing it will eliminate the stress off of your family members and loved ones. 




by Robert Driskell

t has happened again. Heartless mass shootings and the terrible aftermath in their wake. It seems like these types of things are happening with increasing frequency. An article in the Washington Post say that, as of December 3, 2015, "There have been more mass shootings than calendar days this year. News reports collected by a Reddit community show there have been 355 mass shootings in 2015" (1). Another article in the Washington Post says that the reason mass shooting will continue is simple, "Americans own more guns per-capita than people in literally any other country on earth" (2). However, is that true? Is the reason some people choose to kill others simply because guns exist? More often than not, someone will say that we need stricter gun laws to curb this kind of tragic behavior. However, stricter gun laws will only insure that law-abiding citizens will be unarmed and that criminals, who are lawbreakers by definition, will still be armed and dangerous. Only when the evil heart of humanity is changed by the love of God will these kinds of senseless and brutal acts cease. Jesus addressed this very issue, in one of His discourses recorded in the Gospels, when He said, "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders" (Matthew 15:19, see also Mark 7:21). A heart in rebellion against God is an evil heart, out of which come evil thoughts and oftentimes evil actions. Humanity's natural inclination is to selfishness and lust; without some sort of powerful restraint, our natural human condition will foster these types of tragic behavior. In the New Testament book of Romans, the Apostle Paul speaks of this 'heart condition': "What then? Are we better than they? Not at all; for we


have already charged that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin; as it is written, "There is none righteous, not even one; There is none who understands, There is none who seeks for God; All have turned aside, together they have become useless; There is none who does good, There is not even one. Their throat is an open grave, With their tongues they keep deceiving, The poison of asps is under their lips; Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness; Their feet are swift to shed blood, Destruction and misery are in their paths, And the path of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes." (Romans 3:9-18; see Psalm 14:1-3; 53:1-3). While this paints a bleak picture of the heart of humanity, we must remember that this is God declaring the truth about our condition. We tend to think that we "aren't so bad", but God gives us an accurate account. God has already judged the entire human race once; and what was the reason for this judgment? Genesis 6:5 tells us, "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually". Watching the evening news, one could get the idea that we aren't all that far from being in the same condition today as those folks were in Genesis just before God's judgment fell on them. "Transgression speaks to the ungodly within his heart; There is no fear of God before his eyes" (Psalm 36:1). The reason people act so terribly is that they are in rebellion against the Holy God who created them. When we refuse to live as God prescribes, the only result we can hope for is a dysfunctional, self-absorbed, lustful, violent culture much like the one in which we currently live. As long as we deny that the human heart is wicked and in need of radical change, the kind of change only Jesus Christ can provide, these mass shootings and other terrible evils, will continue. 



Actually Angie, who is one of a new breed of nonfiction action writer who seamlessly takes us through the work she is doing, boldly goes where no other writer has gone and points out that women are haunted by little fears that can build to a point where women have to take the path that Angie took as a youngster to conquer their fears and anxieties in general. And, even once those fears and anxieties are conquered, Smith points out that we are all governed by some type of fear whether it's a fear of flying or a fear of failure. Indeed, for many it's not even the fear of death that bothers them, it's a fear that they will fail in the tasks they have set for themselves. It's a very real fear, but one that is not insurmountable. To overcome them, Angie wants us to use our fears in unusual ways. As she asks us to look at ourselves and our

Top 10 Gospel

anxieties and then look into the Scriptures for men and women who may have suffered similarly? How did they handle then their anxiety? By using these examples, Angie has us open up to not only new experiences but also helps us to use the emotions that have been building for years in the ways those in the Scriptures have done so that women can overcome fears that may range from a simple non-starting car to the nagging fear that your mate may be abandoning you! You will find that as you get further into the well-written work that even your fears of betrayal or estrangement can be overcome by working with Scripture and just trusting that God actually has a plan for us Science Articles, though we can't know it as he is really unlikely to share it with us. We just have to trust in God and let the chips fall where they may. 

02 Worth Anthony Brown & group therAPy

03 Intentional

07 I’m Yours Casey J

08 Worth Fighting For Brian Courtney

Travis Greene

01 Wanna Be Happy? Kirk Franklin

04 I’m Good

09 123 Victory Kirk Franklin

Tim Bowman

05 I Luh God Erica Campbell featuring Big Shizz

10 You Love Me (Best of My Love) Anita Wilson

06 Yes You Can Marvin Sapp MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ FEBRUARY/MARCH 2016 ■ 336-323-8091


Spiritual Dr. Antwain Tate Goode

Creating a family leadership plan that sticks!


ave you ever thought about why certain organizations can overcome almost any crisis, setback, economic downturn, and yet remain incredibly profitable? The leaders of these firms anchor the organizational culture by infusing teamed commitment. It is to say that, crystal clear management objectives along with subordinates understanding the skills of the leader can create an environment where individuals welcome new innovative approaches (Natarajan & Nagar, 2011; Warrick, 2011). Examining organizational commitment can provide a dynamic lens for families to develop collective New Year’s plans that stick Transformational leadership theory can be used to help family leaders bring about positive changes in teamed commitment, as leaders can discuss mission influence, inspiration, and introduce open dialogue for individual needs ( Warrick, 2011). As a result of the open sharing of perspectives individuals will learn the importance of specific family goals, individual gaps, and fears. As families have planning sessions that are more open to teamed input, new ideas will surface to better evaluate alternatives to avoid family crisis. We can develop strong family leadership plans and we must “Stop” as a family and “Plan”. 2016 is a great year for leadership anchoring! Pray as a family before you start your planning session and know the man from Galilee will be committed to making it a reality. Creating a culture of relentless adaptation at home by developing family plans that stick!

Leadership thought for the month: Follower Focus Personal development is such a special topic and I am fortunate to share perspectives that help people grow! As we strive to become better leaders it is good to examine if a follower chooses to shadow a leader a dynamic process or if the leader presents themselves if a way to shape follower identity. It is important for families to evaluate potential contingency strategies such as selfreflection to frame dialogue (Liu, 2010). The use of framing can help family leaders to share their mistakes which in turn allows the follower the opportunity to view demonstrated courage, admit personal weaknesses, and to validate apologies (Avolio, 2007, Gardner, 2011, Liu, 2010). In short, evaluating the process of how followers view leader behaviors can create new insight for follower leadership development. Stay open and allow self-reflection to generate new swim lanes for authenticity as it will strengthen follower focus! Dr. Antwain Tate Goode

Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them”




Looking for a place to worship? Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Hebrews 10:25 LIST YOUR CHURCH IN OUR CHURCH DIRECTORY 336-323-8091 FOR DETAILS CONCORD, NC




New Life Baptist Church 1281 Biscayne Dr. Concord, NC 28027 (704) 782-6215

Bethel AME Church 518 Spur Rd, Greensboro, NC 27406 (336) 674-8431

Oak Grove AME Zion Church 300 Lawrence St, Greensboro, NC 27406 (336) 274-3166

Life Changing International Church 1217 E. Green Dr. High Point, NC 27260 (336) 882-1611

Contact us My E Life Magazine for details!

New Birth Sounds of Thunder Christian Center 2300 South Elm Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27406 (336) 324-7902

St Philip A M E Zion Church 1330 Ashe St, Greensboro, NC 27406 (336) 272-1301

Williams Memorial CME Church 3400 Triangle Lake Road High Point, NC 27260 (336) 883-7330





Calvary Baptist Church 808 Hilltop St, High Point, NC 27260 (336) 889-6441

Emmanuel Baptist Church 1075 Shalimar Dr, Winston Salem, NC 27107 (336) 788-7023

Bethania AME Zion 1705 Bethania Rural Hall Rd, Winston Salem, NC 27106 (336) 924-1706

Friendship Baptist Church 715 W Willis Ave, High Point, NC 27260 (336) 882-9429

Gospel Light Baptist Church 890 Walkertown Guthrie Rd, Winston Salem, NC 27101 (336) 722-9700

New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist 1705 1212 N Dunleith Ave, Winston-Salem, NC 27101 (336) 723-9743


Greater New Hope Baptist Church 906 Meredith St, High Point, NC 27260 (336) 887-6877 New Horizons Baptist Church 622 N. Hamilton Street High Point, NC 27260


Greater Faith Missionary Baptist Church 1354 N Trade St, Winston Salem, NC 27105 (336) 727-8844 Mount Zion Baptist Church 950 File St, Winston Salem, NC 27101 (336) 727-0117 Vessels of Honor Church Ministries, Inc. 3608 Ogburn Avenue Winston-Salem, NC 27105 (336) 624-2465 (336) 624-9351 MY ELIFE ■ MYELIFEMAG.COM ■ FEBRUARY/MARCH 2016 ■ 336-323-8091


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