Portfolio second Unit

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Customer Service

Virtual Portfolio María Daniela Cifuentes Morales 10th. Grade BCA “A” Key: 6

Index Burger Supreme .................................................................................. 29-4 Listening Habit……………………………………………………………………………………….5-6 Action Tips for Efficient Use of the Phone………………………………………………7-8 Summary of Key Ideas………………………………………………………………………………9 Case Study………………………………………………………………………………………………10 Points to Keep in Mind about Blogs…………………………………………………………11 Web Page and Electronic Communication Homework…………………………….12 Business Plan Presentation………………………………………………………………..13-14 Presentations…………………………………………………………………………………….15-28 Listen to Your Customer……………………………………………………………..15-19 Listening Habits………………………………………………………………………….20-22 Telephone Presentation………………………………………………………………23-24 Use Friendly Web Sites and Electronic Communication……………….25-27 Web Page and Electronic Communication………………………………………..28 Vocabulary………………………………………………………………………………………..29-30

Burger Supreme 1. What is Burger Supreme dedicated to? What do they sell?  Burgers Supreme Catering specializes in taking all of the responsibility of the food off of your plate (pun intended) and allowing you to actually enjoy the event you are in charge of. We have extensive experience in catering wedding dinners, wedding receptions, corporate events (lunches, dinners), church activities, family reunions and any other event that you want amazing food at.  For 20 years Burgers Supreme has served the residents of Utah County with their award winning charbroiled hamburgers, fantastic French fries and world renowned fry sauce and now you can enjoy this world class food without going to the restaurant!

2.          

How many items do they have in their menu? 16 Burgers 27 sandwiches 7 children saucers 12 combo meals 7 dinner saucers 6 baskets 7 salads 13 side orders 7 drinks 5 ice creams

3. Locate a link that mentions customer loyalty towards Burger Supreme  http://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/ShowUserReviews-g55229-d1931157r170489777-Taps_Tapas-Nashville_Tennessee.html

4. Analyze the link mentioning important information  In the link above the customer recommend Burger Supreme because they have varieties of products and the place in amazing. The customers say that when they go to Utah they always go to eat in Burger Supreme because they have a good service and the food have great flavor and one of best burgers they have eaten. One of the customers said “I refuse to eat at same place twice on vacation but I almost gave in on this one.”

5. Would you like to go to Burger Supreme or do you prefer going to fast food hamburger chain? Explain.

I would like to go to Burger Supreme because they use fresh and healthy nourishments, and they have varieties of hamburgers and delicious food that I want to taste. Also I read a lot of good comments about the place for example that is comfortable and the music is amazing, and the prices are fair.

6. Using the reading answer the following:


 

Who are the owners of BS? Are the actors active in the business? The owners of Burger Supreme are Steve and Debby K. Yes they are the actors active in the business because are always pendent of the customer service, the cleanliness restaurant, also costumers satisfaction and to have fair prices and make the place comfortable. Mention examples from the extract that help us understand that customers are loyal? The customers have an overall satisfaction of the product and they always buy that product. Involves a commitment on the part of the customer to make a sustained investment in an ongoing relationship with a company

The y always buy the product, recommend the company to others.

Listening Habits  What is the difference between hearing and listening? The difference between hearing and listening is that, hearing is the process of perceiving sound produced by any sound source in the environment while listening is a technique used in communication which requires a person to pay attention to the speaker and provide feedback.  Mention the three types of factors that complicate the listening process and pose potential barriers. Internal elements: The words or other sounds used by the message source must be receive by the hearer. Environmental elements: Our individual listening capacity, the presence of noise, the use or misuse of gatekeepers Interactional elements: self- centeredness and self-protection  What two things can generate communication problems? Information overload underuse of our listening capacity  What does CAA stand for and what does it mean? The objective of CAA is to reduce the degree to which a listener listens through his or her own biases, CAA forces you truly understand, rather than to listen only until you think of a response or counterargument. It means to take the other person’s position to advocate or express a point of view that runs counter to your own attitude.  Mention, describe, and explain in your own words the three Action Tips that you consider most important. Action Tip 3 – Avoid Faking Attention: During a conversation someone called the “wide-asleep listener”. Because the person doesn’t pay attention and respond saying yes and uh-huh. We have to do all our effort to listen and give all the attention in the conversation. Action Tip 6 – Bite Your Tongue before Interrupting: Interrupting in the middle of the message can damage a conversation. An interesting fact is that men interrupt more frequently than women. We interrupt conversations because we get bored or impatient. Action Tip 11– Take Notes: Taking notes shows that you are inserting in what someone is saying, don’t try to write word for word, write what you understand and is important.

 In your own words define the following: Faking attention: It is when you pretend that you are interesting, or to be polite to someone during a conversation and results in what someone called the “wide-asleep listener”. Gatekeepers: They act to prevent or discourage a purchase by controlling the flow of information. Listening capacity: It is to have the ability to listening and don’t interrupt the conversation. Wide asleep listener: Someone pretend listening the conversation and be polite. Noise: A loud or disturbing sound Habit: Usual practice or behavior.

Action Tips for Efficient Use of the Phone Action Tip 15-When Calling Others, ask: “Is This a Convenient Time to Talk?” When calling others first ask if this is a good time before you begin with the conversation, because can be a possibility that the person may be busy. If it is not a good moment to talk, let the caller know and arrange another time to talk that would be more convenient.

Action Tip 16-Take Messages Cheerfully and Accurately Be friendly to take messages, always try to keep paper and pencils or something to record key words and phrases, and read the message back to the caller to be sure it is accurate, and then be sure you pass the message to the right person.

Action Tip 17-Make Your Greeting Messages Efficient Make an efficient message so when the people call you and you are not available to answer them the answering machine or voice mail can give your message. The messages does not identify who you are and may provide security and privacy, and some other recorded messages may also ask for specific information from callers.

Action Tip 18-Learn to Use your phone’s Features Many people haven’t learned to use many tricks available through their phones system. Customer companies provide appropriate trained for all employees. The most frequently used features are hold bottom and call transfer. If you are going to putting someone on hold ask first “May I put you on hold for about three minutes while I gather that information”. When transferring a call to another person, take a moment to explain why.

Action Tip 19-Plan your Outgoing Calls for Efficiency When placing a business call, plan what you will say, preferably in writing that include the purpose of your call and a list of information you need to get or give. Be sure you identify yourself and the reason for the call. Be aware of probable lunch hours and long-distance time differences.

Action Tip 20-Don’t Let the Telephone Interrupt Important Live Conversation If you are talking live to someone, do not assume that the phone call is important or should be accorded priority. If you take the call always excuse yourself and tell the caller is not good moment to talk because you are in an important business conversation.

Summary of Key Ideas Homework

Problem 1: They didn’t answered with Professionalism The person who answered the phone did not Identify himself, and don’t gave a good business etiquette.

Problem 2: Car dealership preented didn't answer soon to convey efficiency and willingness to serve.

Problem 3: They hang up the call before the conversation was finished. They didn't have a polished way to signal the end of a conversation.

Problem 4: They use call screening needlessly. Mention six telephone tips in this chapter that could avoid these issues from happening. Ex. Action Tip 8 (Be sure the Conversation is Finished before You Hang Up) Hanging up before the conversation is over is rude and could upset the customer. 1. Action Tip 6 (Thank people for calling) “Thanks for calling” at the end of a conversation is also a strong customer satisfaction booster. 2. Action Tip 4 (Answer with professionalism) the appropriate way to answer a business call is to simply state your name or your department and your name. 3. Action Tip 5 (Use curtsey title) while calling yourself Mr. or Ms. May sound stuffy, don’t assume that a caller prefers to be called by his or her first name. 4. Action Tip 10 (Keep your Conversation Tactful and Businesslike) nothing turns off a customer or caller like poor or abruptness. 5. Action Tip 16 (Take Messages cheerfully and accurately) be wiling take messages for others. Be sure to pass the message to the right person. 6. Action Tip 17 (Make your Greeting Message Efficient) have an answering machine or voice mail to capture messages when you are not available.

Case Study 1. What was accomplished by Dallin´s greeting? That Kristine feels secure with who is taking to and in confidence. 2. What did Kristine fail to do in her opening remarks? That she didn’t response to the greeting, and she make many pauses when she was talking. 3. What information did Kristine need to make this a successful conversation? Information about the seminar schedule in different cities such as Cleveland, Buffalo, Denver and Biloxi and the pricing and everything. 4. How well did Dallin handle the call? Despite Kristine wanted the information in that precise moment, Dallin know how to handle this situation and she was patient and help Kristine with everything. 5. What would you do differently if you were Kristine? If I were Kristine I would be more patient and specific at explaining what I want. 6. What would you do differently if you were Dallin? Nothing, I think she really did a good joy answering the phone, she identifies herself and the company, talks with professionalism, tries to solve the caller’s problems and she is kind and helpful. 7. Did you notice the ways Dallin reassured the customer? Yes, she makes questions to have more information about what the customer needs and help them to have what they need, also she is confident and professional when she is talking and I think this helps the caller to be more relax. 8. Why is it important to reassure customers? It is important to reassure customers to make them feel good with our service and make them clear that we are there to help her solve their problem or concern, and to provide everything they need. 9. How was the overall efficiency of this call? The overall efficiency was excellent because Dalling handle very well the situation when the caller wasn’t really sure what precisely information she was asking for. Also she was calm and professional all the time and this helped her to give a good service. 10. Did the customer receive the treatment she expected? Explain. Yes, because she was calling directly to the marketing department where she probably thought there was someone who could help her, and Dallin treatment with all the respect possible and with tolerance.

Points to Keep in Mind About Blogs Read pg. 74 mentioning points to keep in mind about using blogs. Then, copy each, illustrate it and explain in your own words. 

Use blogs as a real-time online conversation. If there’s a conversation going on about your issue or organization, you need to be involved in the dialogue. Be involved in the dialogue if the conversation is about an issue or an organization, always use blogs as a real-time online conversation.

Remember the 80/20 rule; 20 percent of the people in the world have great influence on how the other 80 percent think. The 20 percent are actively reading blogs. 20 percent of the people read blogs and have influence on how the other 80 percent of people think.  Understand that almost one-third of all U.S. Internet users read online forums3 (according to respected source Forrester Research), so the potential for communicating about customer service (for good or ill) is high. Internet Users of the United State read online forums, the communication about customer service is high.  Reach out to bloggers who follow your issue. If possible, have conference calls with them. Engage them. Have conference calls with bloggers who follow your issue and try to engage them in the situation.

Submit posts/comments from your organization’s leaders on blogs. It establishes that you are willing and able to be part of the conversation. If you what to establish that you are able to be part of a conversation, submit comment from your organization leaders on blogs.

Homework 1. If, in fact, the Internet can provide many more ways that devices can communicate with each other, what are some implications for customer service? -Devices will be able to communicate with each other. Once the devices are able to communicate with each other, it means that third parties can build software that services those devisors, interacts with them and manage them, so this can add a whole new dimension to customer service. 2. What kinds of new expectations might customers hold regarding online repairs, adjustments, and new features? -That they can search up for better and more information, that they can do things by their cell phones, mobiles and other devices making its reach even greater and its impact quite profound. 3. Describe how such “futuristic� online services might possibly affect an organization you work in or are familiar with. Be creative. Futuristic online services can possibly affect and organization or a person, because it changes rapidly and not all the people can manage the new tendencies such as technology, and if the things are constantly changing we all need to learn how to manage them. Some disadvantages are that people will get used to technology only, that the relationships between people has been decreasing, they may find wrong information in web, they cannot have an immediate answer to their problem and also web sites can be plagiarized. Some advantages are that we can communicate easily, we can find quickly information, and that people that work in the department of customer service can help you promptly. I think that technology is important for all humans, the problem is that not all people manage technology in a good way, also the web sites can be plagiarized and is not secure at all because a hacker can take advantage and may steal important and personal information.

Listen to Your Customer

HEARING is purely physical activity by which sound waves are sent to the brain for understanding. LISTENING refers to the psychological processes that allows us to attach meaning to the patterns of energy we “”hear”. •

The words or other sounds used by the message source must be received by the hearer.

The listener must possess a set of meanings or referents for these sounds—the words need to make sense.

Internal elements affecting listening:   

Trying to hear in a noisy environment. Dealing with a static-filled phone line. Encountering people who speak too softly.

Listening Habits

Listening Habits Most of us did not become poor listeners overnight, we learned how over a period of time—we develop poor listening habits.         

Evaluate your talk ratio. Preparation to listen means you decide to set aside time and other activities so that you can focus on listening Automatically nodding responses, saying yes and uhhuh. Be patient Customers almost always make buying decisions based on feeling and emotion. We tend to interrupt people because we get impatient. When customers are being unclear, it is important that we tactfully let them know it. Gatekeepers do not always have the ability to communicate the customer`s request.

Telephone Presentation

Phone Responsiveness Can Enhance Customer Loyalty ď‚ž Always remember that people operating blind when on the phone.


ď‚ž Ironically, people who answer calls from customers are often among the lowest paid in the organization, yet they are the voice and image of the entire company to customers.

Use Friendly Web Sites and Electronic Communication

 The Internet has become the place for searching and shopping.  Every day millions of people access it worldwide.  We have come to assume that ALL companies have a Web presence.  The cost of creating and maintaining a Web site continues to come down. Although the telephone is still an important way for people to contact businesses – web sites, emails, and instant messaging are becoming much more commonplaces.  Low interaction communication (also known as selfservice) is when customers take care of themselves using knowledge bases.

Web Page and Electronic Communication

 Internet has provided a new avenue for delivering customer assistance.  Online knowledge bases make it possible for customers to answer their own questions. They should be dynamic constantly adapting.  Web chat is an adaptation of Internet chat room technology that allows customers and service representatives to carry on two-way communication. Blogs and SNSs serve similar functions.  Web analytics and benchmarking (comparing to others) provide data for constant improvement of your Web site´s effectiveness.



Meaning It is the process of comparing ones


business processes and performance metrics to industry bests or best practices from other industries


Discussion or informational sites published on the order typical displayed in reserve chronological


It is the sequence of hyperlinks one or more websites visitor’s follows on a given site, presented in the order viewed.


The use of information and communication technologies in different areas.


It is an online document that possess a series of common questions and answers on a specific topic.

Knowledge Base

It is a technology used to store complex structured information used by a computer system.

Live Chat

It is an online marketing, live support and web analytics applications for SMB and large enterprise.

Online Forum

Discussion board on the internet. It is a platform to build social networks or

Social Networking Sites

social relation among people who, share interests activities, background or real-life connections.


Remains economically variable because advertisers have no operating costs beyond the management of their mailing lists.

Web Chat

It is a system that allows users to communicate in real time using easily accessible web interfaces.


It is physical activity by which sounds waves are sent to the brain for understanding.


To give attention with the ear

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