Customer portfolio

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Customer Service

Virtual Portfolio María Daniela Cifuentes Morales 10th. Grade BCA “A” Key: 6

Index Improvement Analysis........................................................................................... 3-4 Ethic Presentation................................................................................................. 5-6 Not Everything Is What It Seems .......................................................................... 7 Undercover Products .............................................................................................. 8 Customer Service Reading ........................................................................................ 9 Customer Service in Banks ........................................................................... 9-10 Presentations ...................................................................................................... 11-22 The Ultimate Goal ........................................................................................... 111-13 Use of Behaviors that Encourage your Customers ...................................... 15-17 Word of Mouth ..................................................................................................19-22 Pictionary ................................................................................................................. 24

Improvement Analysis

Ethic Presentation

Not Everything Is What It Seems Sometimes we want to eat “healthy food” and we don’t know what the ingredients that the food contains are. The majority of restaurants used chemical food that cause diseases in the future.

Some example of restaurants that used chemical food is Subway. If you take a look at ingredients for some varieties of Subway's bread and you'll find a chemical that may seem unfamiliar and hard to pronounce: azodicarbonamide this chemical is also used to make soled shoes and yoga mat. (William Hudson, 2014)

One of the breakdown products, derived from the original substance, is called urethane, a recognized carcinogen, the organization says. Using azodicarbonamide at maximum allowable levels results in higher levels of urethane in bread "that pose a small risk to humans," CSPI said. (Elizabeth Landau, 2014)

According for (William Hudson, 2014) Subway said in a statement:” We are already in the process of removing azodicarbonamide as part of our bread improvement efforts despite the fact that it is an USDA and FDA approved ingredient," Grocery store breads and restaurant breads also contain this chemical. Other major fast food chains have products with the ingredient too, including McDonald's, Starbucks and Arby's. In conclusion we have to be careful with the food we eat, because in the present we don’t see the effects, but in the future the result can be worst.

Undercover Products The product that more called my attention was Taco Bell, because the majority of teenagers and kids like this type of food that our parents buy ignoring what is the process and how they make it. I asked myself why Taco bell is so cheap and “delicious” with the presentation of my friends I understand why. They used products that are undercover for example the oats, I never imagined that we eat more oats that meat. Another disadvantage of Taco Bell restaurants is the bad service and the lack of hygiene that the employees have.

Another product that was interesting for me was the Subway bread. Who could imagine that the bread was made of soles shoes or yoga tags? With luck in our city the bread is made of wheat (I hope). But like I said in the previous paragraph we eat unknowing what we really are eating, maybe “healthy food” can be worst that junk food in these case. The chemical product used in subway bread is also used in plastic things, and it is interesting that this chemical is approved the United States Department Agriculture to use in food.

In conclusion, for me it is better to eat homemade food because it is clean, with hygiene, my mom does the possible to buy natural vegetable, fruits, 100% meat and we are healthy. We have to be very careful with the food we buy and eat, because it can be dangerous for our body to eat something that is not and that they have more chemicals that nature process.

Customer Service Reading A Although people do not expect much from the internet these days, this will change in the future. B The managers recognize that customers find them impersonal and unnatural. C First National is also preparing to adopt this personal approach to its internet banking. D They have the attitude that some skills, such as keyboard skills and so on, can be taught, but a member of staff can’t be taught to be a nice person. E Telephones are very personal because staff are speaking to people on their own territory. F And if customers try to contact the bank by telephone, they are put through to a call center in another country where they have to speak slowly in order to be understood. G Not everyone wants a chatty, friendly service.

Customer Service in Banks The banking profession doesn’t have a very good reputation for customer service at the moment, and it’s not just due to loss of savings. High street branches are shutting down and where banks are available, their opening hours are inconvenient. Staff at the desks are surly, increasingly under-qualified and often unable to answer questions. F . Astonishingly, however, 86% of the customers at one bank are either ‘extremely satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with the service they receive. And what is even more surprising is that the bank in question has no High Street outlets at all.

First National bank is run entirely through the telephone and the internet. And its success shows that customer service is just about face-to-face contact with clients. The primary concern of the bank is recruiting the right people. D So they only recruit people who already exhibit good communication skills. And unlike other services that operate primarily over the telephone, the staff at First National do not use scripts. B What this bank asks for is that staff be themselves and establish a rapport with their customers. Part of this is recognizing people’s needs. G. Some want the process to be swift and efficient. The member of staff has to pick up on the caller’s mood and react accordingly. C. The idea that customer service can be improved on a medium where there is no actual

contact with a member of staff may seem strange at first. However, the website designers at First National spend a great deal of time understanding their customers and offering services which meet their needs. A First National is already taking steps to fill this demand. They already offer a service in which customers receive a text when funds are received or when their account falls below a certain level. In the future, online systems may pre-empt customers’ needs in even more sophisticated ways.




Branches Shutting down Staff

Division of business When the business don’t work good ; Close Employees, charged with carrying out the work of an establishment.

Subsidiary Close Personnel


A store, merchant, or agency selling the goods of a particul ar wholesaler or manufacturer.


Primary Recruiting Scripts

First in order in any series, sequence, etc. To enrol or obtain The letters, characters, or figures used in writing by hand.

Essential Enlist

Rapport Demand

A sympathetic relationship or understanding To make a formal legal claim to (property, esp. realty)

Relationship Plaint


To acquire in advance of or to the exclusion of others; appropriate



Customer Service is important in business, because it gives value to the company, also it is important because it can help a company from its competitors, and a good customer service determines the winners and losers. In conclusion Customer service is intrinsic to every successful business.

Presentations The Ultimate Goal

The ultimate goal is to crate customer loyalty. Customer- driven Service Quality Not Customer Loyalty: Customer satisfaction alone. Response to some offer or temporary special incentive. Large market share Repeated buying Customer Loyalty Driven by an Overall Satisfaction Involves Commitment ď‚— Customer service skill development provides the MOST significant way to find career success.

Use of Behaviors that Encourage your Customers

Behavior is what people do, transmitted in two ways: Verbal and Nonverbal -People see us doing something and they extract a meaning from our actions. Culture is generally the same and should be done with common sense. Variable that can have implication in Customer Service: -Proxemics: Related to space -Personal Space: people are accustomed to sitting close to each other.

Word of Mouth

Personal opinion based advertising Positive Word of Mouth keeps Customer: It costs five times as much to get a new customer as it does to keep an existing one. Some people think that is a good way to induce people to buy. -Advertising effectiveness to induce people to buy. *25% television advertising *15-13% newspaper -Advertising increases awareness of products and service, but personal referrals and recommendations lead to actual decisions to purchase those products and services. -Impact of E- Commerce on Word of Mouth *The use of electronic media -The good and bad news of Customer Service *The typical company will lose 10 to 30% of its customer per year. *Organization that initiate effective 25 to 100%


Internal Customer

External Customer

Word of mouth

Customer Service

All those who work inside the company.

All the internal customer of the company of my father are employees.

All those who are outside the company and with whom we do business Personal opinion or recommendati on given orally

My mom do business with the External customer of the company Plastilene.

Is the service provided to customers before, during and after purchasing and using goods and services.

The customer service in Tigo is bad.

When people like some place they use word of mouth to recommend.


Is a type of industry where the buying and selling of products or services is conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks Goodwill An intangible asset that arises as a result of the acquisition of one company by another for a premium value. Globalization Refers to processes of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. Assurance or probabili Durability ty that an equipment, machin e, or material will have a relatively long continu ous useful life, without requiring an inordinate degree of maintenance.

I like to buy on Ecommerce because the things are cheaper.

In the United Sates are a lot of goodwill stores.

Coca Cola is a globalizatio n company.

My father bought a durability machine from Texas.


In manufacturing, a measure of excellence or a state of being free from defects, deficiencies and significant variations.

This car from Japan have a lot of qualities.


The activity or profession of producing information for promoting the sale of commercial products or services.

The streets of Guatemala are full of claro´s advertising.


The ability of an apparatus, machi ne, or system to consistently perform its intended or required functi on or mission, on demand and without degradation or failure.

That machine is reliability to make product.

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