Interview with lois lowry1 how would you say your view on the world today relates in the novel soni

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1. How would you say your view on the world today relates in the novel son I would say it relates because in Son they try to make the world perfect and end up making it worse and in the real world i would say people try to be so amazing even better than they are and that can lead to a lot of failures.

2.what character in son is your favorite and why Mine would be Claire because she never gives up and is very selfless and I'm not necessarily saying i'm the perfect example of that but what i am saying is the world needs more people like that to make the world a way better place

3.what of your nobles do you relate to the most and why The novel I relate to the most is probably giver because sometimes I feel like there should be certain rules that I set for myself until I realized that I'm barely living and in that book, the kids have so many rules there life is not that great.

5.why do you write books for different age groups The reason i do that is because when i write i try to connect with my fan base as much as i can but not all of my fans are one age and not all my fans like the same type of genre so i have to make it different and mix it up sometimes

6.What is your favorite age group to write for and why I like writing for all age groups and not really one in specific but obviously if i am waiting for a older age group i can express the message more if it i being said to older and more mature people who can be serious about a certain topics 7. Have you ever been afraid of how a book was going to impact or be liked or disliked As an individual, I do not control anything but myself and I cannot tell people how they should perceive the book that they are reading but what I can do is make it as clear and vivid as possible and i expect all my books to make a positive impact

4.what is the main message in your novels My main message is that you should give to get and be generous and don't let anything get in the way of what you want and also keep focused and know all of your priorities as an individual because at the end of the day that is what you need to be worried about.

8.what anthology do you most take pride in and why I most take pride in the giver anthology because of the simple fact that it has made the most noise and a lot of people know about it.that is a really big facor why i am who i am today and without that anthology i would definitely not be as well known. your eyes what do you think writing is about When you are an author writing is about spreading the message that you believe in you have a voice if you are a writer so you have to use it well and make sure that your message is positive and clear for people to understand. 10.what would you prefer writing happy book or mysterious books and why

It doesn't really mean alot to me what types of books i write it matters what my fan base mostly wants to read and what is selling the most and the reason i say that is because i want people to like my books and if it sells then that means people like it.

Empathic writing Montag

Holy cow we are at my house.Wait why are we at my this does not make sense. He said this was a case but he is at my house so i don't understand what we are doing here.Wait does he know about the bible,he should think im clean because i gave him the other book.How does he know has he been stalking me wait where is mili.NO WAY did she tell him no wonder she's gone.I am so mad right now.he won't burn down my house or will he.I don't see why he would do that i mean i do understand why but i am still wondering if milli told him and if she did then why.I am worried a little right now what about the rest of the guys at the station do they know oh they would be mad if so.My house is gone it i going to be burnt to the ground or they could have found the books in the bushes

mildred I think i did the right thing i mean it is against the rules to have books.But my house is going to be burnt down yeah that makes me a little sad.Montag has just been different now a days so maybe this is for the best because what firemen in their right mind would ever keep books in there house.Under no circumstance should anybody have a book in there house.I am just going to keep driving and doing my own thing me and montag did not even share love anymore he would always get in the way of me and the parlor walls.i want to live my own great life and not live under anybody else's rules especially someone who reads books he was just not the type of person i want to live with and be with he was just not a good person and he does deserve what i just gave him it's just unfortunate that the house has to suffer as well.

Beaty He deserves this he does not know what is coming for own fireman he is supposed to be loyal and ready to burn books to the ground but instead keeps them in his house.He is not a man if his wife needs to point out the flaws in his life.The fact that he not only tried to lie to me but the fact that he tried to bring me another book thinking i would not find out about the other books in his house.He probably does not even know that he is gonna have to burn his whole house down but he is going to pay for what he has done.I don't know what has happened to montag he used to take pride in his job as a joke.I can't believe it he takes the most real job for nothing well whatever i'm just going to have to take care of it and move on

Assignment 3

My name is ralph tucker I was on an island with a few other boys after we crashed landed on our way to evacuate our country and just us boys on that island.There was different variety of kids.There was twins an evil 12 year old boy who was way to dramatic and kind of barbaric but i will get to him later there was also an unathletic kid who i never caught the name of but called piggy and there was a kid name rodger who killed piggy by throwing a boulder at him and also a really good kid Simon was attacked by mainly all of us and in the attack he was killed.Back to jack he wanted to be a king but we were a bunch of kids and he wanted to kill animals all the time while I was thinking about shelter and he tried to kill me. Now my life is great I’m an author and I go around telling my story and I do not keep in touch with any of the other survivors and I have 4 kids and my published books are becoming better and better.I try not to keep in touch or get caught up with the other survivors because it brings back memories that i would not like to remember.Of course it is cool to talk about but it comes with a cost the problem with my past is that it brings back night terrors sometimes i can not even sleep in the same house as my kids because they get scared.On the other hand coming back from the island was a good feeling that i will never forget

editors note hi my name is D'Angelo Ortiz and this year has been a different type of year for me in English. The reason it has been different for me is that in both English and writing lab I have focused on more key aspects of those classes. The English classes that I attended this year were so helpful that it even helped me with the way I speak and carry myself. I have never had a class that helped me so much it changed me and I did experience that this year. through all the discussions and recipes we have had in lessons in English this year has taught me a lot about the true meaning of things and symbolism.An example of helping me both in the class and outside o it is when we realize the true meaning of things it helps me understand real things, not just books. Sometimes people and sometimes movies but the bottom line is that it helps me understand and perceive things in a different and better way

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