Dangelo decades project

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Get with the trend The new trend is butterfly and banjo sleeves as well. people now a days over exaggerate the shoulder pads.They were woman and a mens trend not just a womans trend.when it comes to head clothing a big part of 1930s is the hat on the side of your head

sports Of course one of the biggest things in the 1930s is sports the main sports or at least one of them is baseball.It was the type of sport to bring people together.It was most likely like that because the atmosphere of sports was one that everyone liked and it did not matter what sport that was.At this time the sport was more of a white man’s sport. Jesse owens was a track star who won gold in the 1936 and back then there was so much going against him including racism


A big part of the 1930s was filmmaking,and a big aspect of that was clark gable an american film actor and very famous during the 80s also the are other famous people during the 30s were athletes.For example like joe louis a prize fighter that a lot of people knew in the 30s.In the 30s if you were a person who contributed in an activity that people knew about you were considered famous

Get your education Going to School in Rural America was a hard time in the 1930s. The value of farm land plummeted, and that meant that property taxes that supported schools fell as well. During the Great Depression, some school districts couldn't pay their teachers.Teachers wanted to stop working because of the no pay some did because they thought they could get a better job and it did not really workout for them. during the 1930s. Country schools

Government in charge The 1930s were dominated by the Great Depression, the biggest economic crisis the nation had ever known. Unlike economic crises of the past, the Great Depression was long lasting and touched almost every area of American life. Understandably, the government of the United States was driven between 1930 and 1939 by the need to end the crisis and to make sure it never happened again. Republicans and Democrats each had their own ideas about how to go about achieving those goals. The country also had small, vocal groups of socialists, communists, American fascists, and Nazi sympathizers, all of whom added to the debates. The sheer number of voices trying to be heard made the 1930s a dramatic decade in American politics.


The First Deal (a set of government programs launched between 1933 and 1935) was aimed at the immediate problems of nobody having jobs also people not having places to live , and the economy. Besides economic and political change, the 1930s also saw a change in attitude toward civil rights.

Foreign policies

American Isolationism in the 1930s. During the 1930s, the when both the great depression and also the effects of world war 1 contributed making people in america want isolationism. The leaders of the isolationist movement drew upon history to support their position.

film in the 30s

The 30s was also the decade of the sound and color revolutions and the advance of the 'talkies', and the further development of film genres (gangster films, musicals, .for the sound era were also demonstrated in the works of director Ernst Lubitsch, who advanced the action of his films with the integrated musical numbers

Celebrity gossip

Hollywood's first "it-girl" Clara Bow sued husband for his sex scandal. Later had a nervous breakdown and was diagnosed with schizophrenia columnist Elsa Maxwell was given her own free suite at the hotel because of her connections with the rich and fabulous. Source: The New Traditionalists. High Society Elsa Maxwell. Elsa Maxwell (center) pictured with Idina Peacock and Davina Portman. Elsa claimed poverty, with all of her parties ...

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