LCA Year in Review 2020-21

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INTRODUCTION The 2020-2021 school year has been unprecedented...a word used many times to describe our world during the COVID-19 pandemic. As believers, the pandemic has given us a chance to live out what we know to be true, that our only hope is in God and that He alone is sovereign. In addition, as a school, it has given us an opportunity to grow in new ways, using our God-given talents and abilities to meet new challenges with creativity, innovation, and resilience to lead our students and community well. As we prepared this year-in-review, we recognized all of the hard work put in place to allow our faculty, staff, and students to our campuses safely in August. All of the hard work and efforts were done to simply be able to fulfill our mission of equipping and nurturing students to fulfill God’s calling on their lives through Christ-centered education. In this review, you will read about many of the extraordinary efforts put forth so that LCA could meet in person throughout the school year, serve our at-home learners through new technology, and give our students the ability to experience many of the activities and traditions that make LCA so special.

Our Executive Leadership Team was excited to welcome everyone back to school on August 19, 2020.

The LCA Operations and Facilities staff installed new hallway signage, placed air filter systems in each classroom and office, and reconfigured lunchrooms to allow for social distancing.

Plexiglas® was installed in classrooms. Picnic tables served as outdoor classrooms, and water bottle filling stations replaced water fountains.



We were blessed with the addition of two full-time nurses to ensure the health and well-being of our campuses. Leslie Whitaker (pictured left) served the Immanuel Campus, and Nikki Gehring served the Rose Campus.

Mr. Merz connects with an SOI student in his AP Psychology class.

Mrs. Pettigrew greets one of her 5th grade students on a Monday morning.

Even though we tried to cover as many highlights of the school year as possible, we know we have not included everything. I hope you will see in the events that are included as the story of God’s faithfulness to our school during a time of great uncertainty. We are so so grateful to be part of this school community and to watch His continued blessing and provision for LCA. Join us in celebrating a successful 2020-2021 school year!











ACADEMICS IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION Except for a couple of brief interruptions (an executive order and a need for synchronous instruction at the Rose Campus,) OUR STUDENTS RECEIVED IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION THE ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR!! Even during those brief interruptions, our teachers provided high quality education through Synchronous Opt In. Although this new form of education not only served all of our students at one time or another, it also provided a means to offer realtime instruction to those families who opted to keep their children at home during the pandemic. We express our deepest appreciation to our principals, teachers, and technology team for making certain all of our students continued to grow academically – in person or through synchronous instruction. Even though it may have looked different from years before, our students were resilient and achieved numerous successes! We hope you will enjoy celebrating the ways in which our students created, explored, learned, and thrived academically during the 2020-2021 school year.

STEM and STEAM Curriculum in preschool and elementary Our preschool classes incorporated fun and educational STEM activities into their classrooms while our K-5th graders attended a weekly STEAM enrichment class taught by Mrs. Deana Kendall.

Preschool students learning about magnets.

Kindergarten students loved acting out different types of weather.

Second graders played a card game to help them learn to code a video game.

First graders combined science and art by making constellations.

Fourth grade students did an experiment about soundwaves.



white greer & maggard scholarship winners Two LCA elementary students were recognized as recipients of a White Greer & Maggard Orthodontics Scholarship. We celebrated the 2019-2020 recipient, Zion Gatewood (5th grade) in the fall of 2020 and then the 2020-2021 recipient, Luke Shannon (4th grade) in the spring of 2021.

Zion Gatewood

Luke Shannon

Scholastic reading counts! Scholastic Reading Counts! is the only Lexile-based independent reading management program for K-12 students that provides a fun and kid-friendly learning environment. After reading a book, a student takes a computer-generated comprehension quiz to assess the student’s understanding. Instantly-generated reports provide teachers with valuable information about students’ reading progress and help match students to the right level of reading challenge. This year, with the Scholastic Reading Counts! Program, our elementary students read 53,376,537 words!

5TH GRADE ENTREPRENEUR FAIR The students learned what it takes to be an entrepreneur. They collaborated with classmates to identify a product to develop, manufacture, market and then sell to their peers.

Q & U Weddings Our TK classes were so excited to be able to host their Q & U weddings!


6th Grade academy Our 6th graders embraced their new learning environment. For the first time, they rotated classrooms for seven class periods. They enjoyed having “ers” (lockers without locks,) PE every day, and a new standardized dress code. Highlights of their 6th grade year included 1-to-1 iPads, learning about different ancient cultures, studying Psalms and Proverbs, and exploring the solar system.

Junior high

8th grade laptops

Our junior high students excelled in the classroom and enjoyed new experiences such as dissecting frogs in science and programming sumobots in pre-engineering.

The 2020 Eagle Gala provided funding so that our junior high could purchase new laptops for all of our 8th graders. The existing laptops were still in great condition, and our 7th graders were able to use those devices. Now we are officially 1 to 1 in the 6th Grade Academy (iPads) and Junior High (laptops).


junior high beta club The LCA Junior High Beta Club inducted 61 seventh grade students on Friday morning, March 12, 2021. Josh Brand, Chloe Carroll, Ava Harrison, Avery Leach, Ethan Ratliff, and Luke Wood, the club's student leaders, led the ceremony.

new academic pathways On February 16, 2021, LCA announced the addition of three new academic pathways including Business – Accounting & Law, Christian Ministry & Leadership, and Fine Arts – Visual & Performing Arts. These graduation tracks will be available to students beginning with current rising freshmen who represent the class of 2025. “We are excited to add these additional academic pathways,” said Head of School Dr. Scott Wells. “They will offer personalized learning opportunities for our students ensuring they meet their goals and allow us, as a school, to continue to equip and nurture students to fulfill God’s calling on their lives through Christ-centered education.”

dual credit courses We partnered with Asbury University and Grand Canyon University to create dual credit courses.



high school beta club The LCA Chapter of the National Beta Club held its fall induction ceremony on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, where 22 new members were inducted. Robyn Iler, Club Advisor, and officers: Leah Massa, President; Andrew Dollus, Vice-President; Lexie Salvaterra, Service Project Chair; and Logan Martin, Secretary, led the ceremony.

The Beta Club held its spring induction ceremony on Monday, March 1, 2021, during which 61 freshmen were inducted. The induction ceremony featured guest speaker and LCA alum, Zac Barnhart.

governor's scholars program and governor's school for the arts In April, it was announced that five juniors have been selected to attend the Governor’s Scholars Program, and two have been selected to attend the Governor’s School for the Arts during the 2021 summer.

National honor society Fifty-six high school students were inducted into the National Honor Society for the 2020-21 school year.

On March 19, 2021, forty-eight 7th grade students were inducted in to the National Junior Honor Society.

ACADEMICS years of service recognition


5 Years: Laura Brown Jacquelyn Gawel Leanna Hensley Nikki Jackson Dorothy Panter Mary Beth Rickard Dr. Channon Horn Chris Ray Riley Perkins Alyse Treesh Mary Kay Phillips Carisa Chaney Kenny McVey 10 Years: Kathy Burroughs Jessica Clarke Sarah Scott Rebekah Straub Dr. Janna Fults Robyn Iler Steven Small Andrew Carlson Jennie Hurst

15 Years: Tasha Corum Addie Pulliam Meredyth Davis Kenna Jasper Lesley Sizemore-Hardin 20 Years: Jennifer Long Arianne Johnson Joan Maggard Brian Nickell 25 Years: Melissa Washing 30 Years: Shirley Asberry

2021 retirements

Reva Lavender TK Teacher 18 Years at LCA

Betty Vanderpool High School Math 21 Years at LCA

SPIRITUAL LIFE NEW ELEMENTARY SPIRITUAL LIFE DIRECTOR This year we welcomed Mr. Zac Barnhart as our Elementary Spiritual Life Director. In partnership with the principal, as well as the school’s other spiritual life directors, this individual is responsible for providing leadership and direction to the elementary spiritual life programs, including chapel, outreach, and missions. Zac is no stranger to LCA as he graduated from the school in 2016. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Education and will complete his Master's Degree in teaching this December. He is currently the LCA JV head coach and varsity assistant coach for boys’ soccer. He has also been LCA’s long-term substitute teacher for Biology and Anatomy. In addition, Zac has worked with elementary aged students through the North American Mission Board and Bluegrass Christian Camp.

CHAPEL Although a little different, we continued to host chapel programs each week. Our preschool-8th grade students, celebrated chapel with just their grade level. For high school, it meant attending chapel virtually. Regardless of the format, our Preschool Chaplain and Spiritual Life Directors continued to teach and pour into our students on a weekly basis.



DAYS OF PRAYER During the school year, our faculty, staff, and students participated in special days of prayer. The first of these two events occurred on February 23, 2021 when our team took part in ACSI’s Day of Prayer.

NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER On May 6, 2021, we celebrated the National Day of Prayer. Our preschool1st grades spent time outside in prayer, and our 2nd-5th graders made prayer chains. Students in 6th-8th grades spent special time in prayer during their morning chapels. Our high school teachers led students in prayers during their class time. Dr. Wells, LCA Head of School, ended the day with a special prayer for our school.

SERVICE The COVID-19 pandemic hindered many of LCA’s traditional outreach programs; however, our Administration, Spiritual Life Directors, and students found ways to give back to our communities

southland meal pack

kentucky food ministry

Members of the LCA Football Team helped pack meals during Southland Christian Church's Meal Pack 2021, where a million meals were packed for Haiti.

For nearly two years, the Kentucky Food Ministry, made up of LCA high school students, has delivered meals and prayed for those in need in downtown Lexington.

WELLINGTON WISHES During the 2020 Christmas season, LCA preschool and elementary students had the opportunity to show the love of Christ and share Christmas joy to Lexington's Wellington Elementary through our Wellington Wishes program. This program provides LCA students with the opportunity to shop for clothing and toys and then donate them to 64 Wellington Elementary students who were in need.

Students and teachers shopped virtually for the Wellington students.

Items were delivered to the school and sorted.

TK Students put together care packages On January 14, 2021, some of our TK students spent time putting together care packages for the homeless. Prior to this task, the students spent time learning about helping others in need. One of the students commented that putting together the bags "was like trick-or-treat except we're giving and not getting."

All items were then delivered to Wellington Elementary for distribution.



chick-fil-a leader academy (CLA) Before Christmas break, our high school students collected clothing and snack items for the ThomsonHood Veterans Center. Also in December, our students collected items for The Nest Center for Women, Children, and Families.

The CLA held a clothing drive for those affected by the devastating flooding in eastern Kentucky. Collected items were delivered to the Red Bird Mission Community Mission Center. Students, along with LCA parent and staff chaperones, also spent Saturday, April 17, 2021 in Rockcastle County with fellow volunteers from the Christian Appalachian Project helping with flood relief. One group of students and chaperones replaced insulation and drywall for a home, and another group helped restore a home from flood damage.

CLA students helped pack snack bags for students in Rockcastle County as part of LCA's partnership with Christian Appalachian Project.

collecting donations for eastern Kentucky flood victims Our students, teachers, and staff were encouraged to "show up and show out" to help our neighbors in eastern Kentucky affected by spring flooding. They did just that by donating an amazing amount water, socks, blankets and toiletries in just 48 hours.



WALK FOR WARMTH Led by junior, Tia Alchureiqi, a group of LCA high school students participated in the 2021 Virtual Walk for Warmth to benefit the Lexington Rescue Mission. Even though this year's event was a virtual one, our students completed a two-mile walk at Shilito Park. Through registrations and a Facebook fundraiser, the students raised nearly $1,000 for this year's event!

SOLES FOR JESUS On May 7, 2021 our preschool and elementary students donated 5,380 pairs of shoes to the organization Soles for Jesus, which sends shoes to those in need in Africa.

uk kentucky children's hospital Our 5th grade students donated proceeds of their Entrepreneur Fair to the UK Kentucky Children's Hospital.

FINE ARTS In 2020-21, our Fine Arts Department continued their rich tradition of using their God-given gifts and talents to provide wonderful performances even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

CABARET This was the first time, in more than a year, that our students were able to perform live on stage.



The LCA Treble and Chamber Choirs recorded their Kentucky Music Educators Association Assessment sets at the beautiful First United Methodist Church in downtown Lexington. These two choirs along with the LCA Men's Choir all received DISTINGUISHED ratings at the 2021 State Choral Performance Assessment.

In early May, each of the LCA choral ensembles presented individual spring concerts.



LCA BAND & ORCHESTRA - WINTER CONCERT It was wonderful to see the LCA Band & Orchestra give a live performance at their winter concert in early January.

LCA BAND & ORCHESTRA - SPRING CONCERT In May, our band and orchestra returned to the Rose Campus Gymnasium and shared their spring concert. Families and friends enjoyed seeing their students perform.

pop up concert Mr. Cranfill and members of the LCA Band performed a fun pop up concert during lunch.



ELEMENTARY MUSIC CLASS Not to be outdone, our elementary music class offered creative ways to learn music theory and rhythm, and techniques. Highlights from this year’s program include rhythm stick, bucket drumming, and learning about soundtracks.

VIRTUAL CHRISTMAS CONCERTS Although we were not able to host in-person Christmas concerts, our elementary music teacher, Mrs. Arianne Johnson, and our junior high fine arts teacher, Mrs. Micha Gehring, organized and recorded two amazing virtual performances.

JUNIOR HIGH DRAMA CLASS In our junior high program, students can select drama as one of their elective courses. Even in masks, our students displayed their theatrical talents and wrote and performed their own skits.



ELEMENTARY ART CLASS From chalk art to combining art and science, our preschool and elementary students had a great year of being creative.

JUNIOR HIGH ART CLASS Whether doing paper mache or studying a famous artist, junior high art class provided the perfect place for students to hone their artistic gifts.

HIGH SCHOOL ART CLASS Year after year, Mrs. Amy Cranfill’s students produce amazing pieces of art. Throughout the year, Mrs. Cranfill’s students produce both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional masterpieces ranging from tape sculptures, paintings, ceramics and so much more.

ATHLETICS Athletics, like all of our other programs, looked a little different in 2020-2021. Despite COVID-19 restrictions, our coaches and student-athletes persevered and provided us with many opportunities to celebrate.

LCA GIRLS GOLF In September, the LCA Girls Golf Team won the All "A" State Tournament and Carter Lankford (7th grade) won the Individual State Title. The team went on to win the Region 9 Tournament and participated in the Leachman Buick GMC Cadillac State Tournament. This was certainly an impressive accomplishment for a very young team!

LCA BOYS GOLF The LCA Boys Golf Team won their third straight Region 9 Tournament and senior Cameron Bassel won the Individual Region Championship.

LCA BOYS FRESHMEN BASKETBALL The LCA Freshmen Boys Basketball Team won the 11th Region Tournament on Saturday, February 27, 2021. Our boys defeated Lexington Catholic with a last second shot by Saxton Howard in overtime!

LCA BOYS SOCCER The LCA Boys Soccer Team defeated Frankfort 4-3 on September 20, 2020 to win the All "A" Region Championship.



CROSS COUNTRY The LCA Boys and Girls Cross Country had another successful season with the girls' team winning their 7th consecutive Class 1A Region Championship. Senior, Connor Hayes and junior, Anna Rupp also won individual region titles for the third year in a row. The teams went on to compete at the State Cross Country Meet where Connor Hayes was the 3rd place individual winner. The girls team finished fourth overall. The Kentucky Track Cross Country Coaches Association also recognized these award winners: Anna Rupp (1st Team), Connor Hayes (1st Team); Tia Alchureiqi (Honorable Mention); Tom Stickel (Coach of the Year); Annie Sewell (Junior High - Honorable Mention); and Anna Dawahare (6th Grade and Under Runner of the Year).

UNITED IN CHRIST In December LCA Athletics launched a program entitled “United in Christ.” The purpose is simple – to focus our studentathletes, coaches and school community on what brings us together – Jesus Christ. It is our belief that LCA’s athletic programs should be a means to encourage and unify the body of Christ. As we move forward, the program will include videos, events and other initiatives to remind us that, as Christ-followers, we are called to be one. Learn more on the United in Christ webpage at



FOOTBALL The LCA Football Team had an incredible season. Highlights included regular season victories over Lexington Catholic, Paul Laurence Dunbar, and Danville. The team defeated Somerset 42-35 to win the Class 2A 2020 UK Orthopaedics/KHSAA Commonwealth Gridiron Bowl District Championship. The team went on to defeat Metcalfe County and Murray in the playoffs to earn a spot in the Class 2A 2020 UK Orthopaedics State Football Finals. Our team fought hard but lost 24-23 in overtime.

Head Football Coach Doug Charles was named Class 2A Coach of the Year by the Kentucky Football Coaches Association. Charles guided LCA to a record of 10-2, which included wins against DeSales, Lexington Catholic, Pikeville, and Paul Laurence Dunbar.


LCA senior Gracie Royalty scored her 1,000th career point on March 2, 2021.

The LCA Boys Basketball Team were the All "A" Region Champs.

LCA junior Tanner Walton scored his 1,000th point on March 3, 2021.



ARCHERY The LCA Archery Team hosted its annual Eagle Archery Classic on January 29-30, 2021 at the Rose Campus gyms. This year's event featured 477 students from 29 schools. On March 13, 2021, LCA’s Archery Team had a great showing at the Kentucky NASP (National Archery in School Program) State Tournament in Louisville. For the first time in school history, archers from LCA’s elementary, middle school and high school made it to the state tournament!

DANCE The LCA Dance team participated in its first competition of the season at the Cheer Elite Invitational in Prestonsburg, Kentucky on March 6. The team won the following awards: 1st Place-Hip Hop; 1st Place-Pom; and 1st Place-Time Out routine. They also had the highest score of the competition earning them the Ultimate Champion Award with a paid bid to nationals.



BASEBALL The LCA Baseball Team defeated Frankfort on Saturday, April 10, 2021 to win the All "A" Region Championship. The team went on to defeat Danville on Friday, April 16, 2021 in a sectional game, which earned them a trip to the Kentucky All "A" State Baseball Classic in Owensboro.

The LCA Baseball team was also the 2021 43rd District Runner-Up. Cole Ginter (left) and Jaxson Davis (right) were named to the All-Tournament Team.

SOFTBALL The LCA Softball Team defeated Frankfort on Monday night, April 12, to win the All "A" Region Championship their fifth in a row! The win earned them a trip to the Kentucky All "A" State Softball Classic in Owensboro.

student-athletes who have signed to compete at the next level 11% of the Class of 2021 signed to compete at the next level. Greta Blakemore - Volleyball - Union University Gabe Byrne - Football - Eastern Kentucky University Cameron Bassel - Golf - Centre College Nathan Boggs - Football - Georgetown College Jaxson Davis - Baseball - University of Louisville Jacob Dixon - Lacrosse - Taylor University Cade Gudalis - Baseball - Kentucky Wesleyan College Connor Hayes - Cross Country/Track - University of Kentucky Gavin Howard - Soccer - Asbury University Mattie Lebryk - Football - University of Kentucky Josh Livengood - Baseball - College of Wooster Emilie Teall - Softball - Transylvania University Will Vernon - Football - North Central College



LACROSSE The LCA Lacrosse Team had a very successful season with a record of 15-7, the best season in the school's history. They also made it to the quarterfinals of the state championship. Jordan Moseley, Andy Sorrell, and Spencer Pruden were named to the Commonwealth Lacrosse All Star Team and played in the All-Star game for the South Region team at Lafayette High School on May 15, 2021. Jordan Moseley was also named to the 2021 Commonwealth Lacrosse League All State Team.

TENNIS The LCA Boys and Girls Tennis Teams had a successful season. Highlights include: LCA Boys Tennis Team was Regional Runner-Up as a team and won the 2021 KYHSTCA Team Championship Section 3 Boys Finalist. Isaiah Smith and Logan Blakemore made it as a doubles team to the semifinals of the regional tournament and played in the state tournament. Leo Fults and Will Howell made it to the quarterfinals of the doubles regional tournament by beating both teams 6-0, 6-0. Steven Young made it to the quarterfinals in the singles regional tournament by upsetting the #8 seed 2nd round with a 6-2, 6-2 win. Greta Blakemore and Cate Farley made it as a doubles team to the semifinals of the regional tournament and played in the state tournament. Sarah Waddles made it to the quarterfinals in the singles regional tournament.

TRACK & FIELD The LCA Girls Track & Field Team won the Class A Region 5 Track & Field Meet on May 31, 2021. The LCA Boys Track & Field Team were Class A Region 5 Runner-Up. Both teams will participate in the upcoming state championship at the University of Kentucky.

SPECIAL EVENTS As the year began, we wondered how we could continue to offer our traditional school events and celebrations. Would they be delayed or cancelled? What we discovered is that even though we were in the midst of a pandemic, we could find ways to celebrate, have community, and give glory to God! Our students, staff, and teachers went above and beyond to make sure this was a year full of fun memories.

GRANDPARENTS DAY The 2020 Grandparents Day featured a special video message from Dr. Scott Wells, LCA Head of School and Mrs. Terri White, LCA Preschool and Elementary Principal. Special gifts were also sent home with each preschool - elementary student so they could give them to their grandparents.

VETERANS DAY LCA hosted a virtual celebration for Veterans Day, which featured photos of LCA's family members who have served or are currently serving in the military. After our Veterans Day celebration, we were blessed to raise LCA's newest flag over our athletics complex.



SPIRIT WEEK Each fall, our students enjoy a fun-filled week to celebrate their school spirit. This year was no different. Our faculty, staff, and students enjoyed dressing up in themes from decade's day to camouflage.

TRUNK OR TREAT This year’s Trunk ‘n Treat looked a little different. Instead of hosting a school-wide, outdoor event at the Rose Campus, we hosted Trunk ‘n Treat in our preschool-elementary classrooms. We wish to extend a special thanks to our LCA Business Partners and parents who donated candy and small gifts for our students. The Admissions & Advancement team gathered the donated items and distributed them to each homeroom class. Behind those masks, you would find happy, smiling faces!

CELEBRATE TEACHERS & STAFF LCA has wonderful, nurturing, and talented teachers and staff. Each year, our school community comes together and donates to the Celebrate Teachers & Staff Christmas bonus program. Along with appreciation events, this program provides families with an opportunity to express their gratitude to our teachers and staff. This year, families generously contributed to the program through a Virtual Eagle Spirit 5K Run as well as the traditional campaign. The combined efforts raised more than $73,000 to provide LCA teachers and staff with a Christmas bonus. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this special program!



EAGLE GALA The 2021 Eagle Gala, hosted by emcee DeAnn Stephens, was a virtual event, which featured videos from our teachers, staff, students and families, an online auction, and the reveal of our Top 12 Eagle Dads. Nearly $150,000 was raised for needs in the following areas: iPads for our elementary students Classroom furniture for our junior high students Laptops for our COWS (Computer on Wheels stations) which serve our 6th12th grade students Classroom materials for our high school students

Congratulations to Mr. Todd Gooch, who was voted this year's #1 Eagle Dad!



Our preschool - elementary students, teachers, and staff always love celebrating the 50th and 100th Days of School!

“Doodle for Google” is an annual art contest open to K-12 students across the nation. Students are invited to create their own Google doodle for the chance to have it featured on, as well as win some great scholarships and tech packages for their schools. In early May, Milo Golding, an LCA junior, found out he was the Kentucky State Winner. It was amazing to see the entire school, city and even state rally together and support Milo by voting online so that he could make it to the next round of the competition. A few weeks later, Milo was notified that he was one of five national finalists and had won a $5,000 college scholarship! Final results of the competition will be shared in June. Congratulations to Milo, and thank you to the LCA community who rallied around him!



5TH GRADE CELEBRATION Each May, we take time to celebrate our 5th grade students as they complete their elementary school experience and prepare to move on to the 6th Grade Academy. This special event is filled with time to reflect on their elementary years and then pray over our students as they embark on this new chapter.

8TH GRADE DAY OF BLESSING The 8th Grade Day of Blessing is another special night of recognition and prayer. During this program, we celebrate our students as they close out their junior high experience and prepare to transition to high school.

KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION One of favorite year-end celebrations is our kindergarten graduation. What a special time to learn what our students want to be when they grow up (e.g. rock star, veterinarian, teacher, football player …) and reflect on how well they were loved by their teachers. We cannot wait to see what God has planned for this special group of kindergarten students.



CLASS OF 2021 - PAGE 29

CONVOCATION On Wednesday, September 9, the members of the Class of 2021 gathered in the gymnasium along with their families for the annual Senior Convocation. We look forward to this event each year, as it is a time for parents, teachers, and mentors to pray over the students for this coming year and beyond. Justan Borth, LCA High School Spiritual Life Director, and Dr. Cassondra Koett, LCA High School Principal, led this special event. They guided the families in prayer along with high school teachers, Jason Seamands and Aaron Merz. Dr. Scott Wells, LCA Head of School, gave the convocation address.

NATIONAL MERIT FINALISTS Seniors Joshua Lytle (left) and Zachary Feller (right) were recognized as National Merit Finalists. The National Merit Scholarship program recognizes students who score well on the PSAT. Those who score in the top 1% are deemed semi-finalists. Merit Scholarships are awarded to approximately 7,500 finalists between March and June. Congratulations to Joshua and Zachary on this wonderful accomplishment!


CLASS OF 2021 - PAGE 30



It was wonderful to see the senior tradition of parents decorating their seniors' cars.

Seniors celebrated College Decision Day by wearing the shirt representing their college choice and enjoyed some sweet treats during lunch.

SANDLOT TOURNAMENT The Sandlot Baseball Tournament is another fun tradition for our seniors. This year's champion was the Foog Fighters, coached by Coach Steve Fugmann.

CO-VALEDICTORIANS AND SALUTATORIAN Three seniors were surprised at different locations and learned they were named the LCA Class of 2021 Co-Valedictorians (Leah Massa and Brady Wortz) and the LCA Class of 2021 Salutatorian (Reese Lycan).

Brady Wortz (Co-Valedictorian)

Leah Massa (Co-Valedictorian)

Reese Lycan (Salutatorian)


CLASS OF 2021 - PAGE 31

BACCALAUREATE AND GRADUATION Our seniors ended the 2020-21 school year with our Baccalaureate Ceremony on Sunday, May 16 and our Commencement Service on Saturday, May 22. Reese Lycan summed the year up best in her senior reflection speech when she said, "We got the brunt of COVID’S impact. It feels like every time we’ve drawn the short stick. But the class of 2021 has time and time again proven ourselves with our resiliency, through the pandemic and all the other things thrown our way. Looking at my classmates, I can’t think of a group of people who could’ve handled the past year with more determination or dedication. With every obstacle, we made it work."

2020-21 Scripture Passage of the Year Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7


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