Friday e version 24 01 2014

Page 52


Daily Newswatch



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In Nigeria, for instance, many of these foreigners “are accorded big positions both in IT companies and oil and gas.” The whole exposition, according to various sources “was brought to light by George Collin, a professor of physics in the state of Illinois. The professor had published a critical article on Saint Regis University and started to receive threatening emails, supposedly from the Liberian embassy.” The ]~ } ^ª^ ^j } | j} `;_`{ ^ } ^} `;^j j} } {^} _} ^} ]_ |^} } discreet investigation. According to Collin, “around 200,000 fake university diplomas are sold annually in the United States. Some fake universities are so criminal that they hijack internet servers to send j|} } ^ ^}^ ` |} 7^_ j~} ^ _} diplomas. It really is big business. Complications. Further checks revealed that students who want to study online for a real diploma, have to check if the university |} ({ ` }`{{_^ ^ } }`}~ ª^_j ^j } “but you can recognize easily whether a university is fake or not. Usually the fake universities tell you that your previous diplomas, or your work experience, are enough to obtain a diploma, without any study, exams or having to write a Master’s or doctorate thesis. Just pay a few hundred or a few thousand dollars, and it is done. Nobody in Europe, the Middle East or China knows what Rutherford University is. To complicate things further, there are American universities like the j ª^_| } } ^j © } ` }`_^} ({ ` } accredited by some institutions but j } } ^_} ({ ` } `~^j{ ^|} j} ^ _} ^ } ` } `_^} _^} _ `j ¢} ^|^} universities are companies that want } ` ^} `} _ ¢} ^} j ª^_| } } Phoenix is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Apollo Group, a company publicly traded on NASDAQ, one of the American stock exchanges. It is the biggest university of America!” Europe, like America is not left out in the laxity that is fast becoming a tradition. “After paying tens of thousands of dollars to a real university, and sweat four to six years to obtain `} _^` } ` } `} ]_ ^`j} {`j} j } himself competing for a job with a sociologist or manager who wouldn’t be able to spell the words sociology of management properly. “In Holland European diplomas from “fully accredited universities” are for sale at “DBA Intermediair”, which claims European universities have a right to sell diplomas to anyone they think is good enough to have one’ Which is a blatant lie. “Another university in Holland dispensing diplomas is the Intercultural Open University, which is not a diploma factory but neither a normal university. This university is deeply engaged with religious issues, as are many fake universities, and on issues such as peace or the environment. It cooperates with a wide variety of similar institutes in Russia, India, Taiwan, Japan and other countries. Students from poor countries might pay 300 dollars, but Europeans over 10,000 dollars. When a journalist investigated the issue last year in Holland, he found out that it is not illegal for illiterates in Holland to put “MA” or “PhD” behind ^ _}j` ^¢} j } ]; j~}¸ _£} j} _ j } } ]_}j` ^} |}`}| ` }{_ ^ } _ }`} j^} of around 3000 dollar, but the Ministry of Justice confessed it is not actively prosecuting false Doctors. The Ministry of Higher Education has opened a website where students can ask the

‘Diploma factories where Nigerian politicians get their PhD’


ministry to check what the value of their diplomas is. But, probably because the Ministry is sceptical to be brought }{ ]_ } } ^} `È ` ` } } j¦ } | } _ ]{^} `} | } } ^} ` `¦|} many branches. Other governments are

In Hilla a “Holland University” is operating but the Dutch embassy has never heard of it. That doesn’t mean it is doing bad work, we don’t know, but for sure it has nothing to do with any real university in Holland

also afraid to do this. On the run “The fake universities, being more and more exposed, seem to be constantly on the run. For example “Trinity International University” has moved from the American state of Delaware to Illinois. Its website has ^^j}_^~ | ^_^ } j} 7^_^j }j` ^|} ª^_} time, the last one being “Helen’s Motor school” based in Blackpool, England. The same moving around the world with St. Clements University, Queens University of Brighton, the Advanced Studies Institute, and dozens of others. Helen is married with Anthony Gillick, who in 1991 wrote a small booklet called “Diplomas by the Mail”. It seems his wife Helen learned from this how to do it. Gillick now also has a fake church, in which he moves around in bishop’s clothes.” Both the Scepter magazine and Wikipedi sources stated that Iraq is at the pedestal of diploma factories (of course some people will say that Iraqi universities are diploma factories, not even teaching sometimes half of the obligatory curriculum, but they have never been designed as diploma mills, so they can be reformed and improved by the government). In Hilla a “Holland University” is operating but the Dutch embassy has never heard of it. That doesn’t mean it is doing bad work, we don’t know, but for sure it has nothing to do with any real university in Holland. I have met people claiming they are creating branches of British universities in Kurdistan. Let’s see. Iraqi students should also clearly be told that the project for a private new “American University” in Sulaymania `|} ; ^} } } } ^} ¸ ^_ {`j} University” in Cairo, Beirut, Sjarjah, Puerto Rico, Paris or Washington. These

are private universities founded by 7^_^j } ^ ^}`j } _~`j ¡` j| } } academic and non-academic diplomas. They are not diploma mills but some j¦ } 7^_}]j ª^_| } `|¢ The American University in Beirut says it has been “registered with and recognized by the Department of Education of New York State since 1863”. How is a student to know what this means? } |} ^;^_} } ] } j} ` ^_} ` } `} degree of any “American University” will be worth in Europe and on other continents. Where are these degrees accepted and recognised? – that is the question. The main link between American Universities is that they have been accredited recently or decades ago by the “Middle States Commission on Higher Education”, which is an American voluntary, non-governmental, membership association, with over 500 colleges and universities as members. It |} j^} }|^ª^j}|]{ } ({ ` }_^{ ~j ¡^ } regional organizations in the United ` ^|} |^} ({ ` } ` } |} } _ ª^} education on all levels. The Commission’s website does indeed mention among its members the American universities of Cairo, Beirut, Sjarjah, Paris, Puerto Rico and Washington as members. Sulaymania could only become one, if it wanted, after functioning for a few years. The bad news is that the diploma factories are confusing students by claiming that they are accredited by the “Middle States Accrediting Board”, a fraud. Who ever thought only Egyptian professors were selling diplomas for a ; ^} } | Í} ` ^} ] } ^ _^} ]} spend your money. The list of fake universities to be published on Monday.

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