Sat 5th march 2016 online

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Saturday, March 5, 2016

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Saturday, March 5, 2016

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016


South West xxx Mile

12 clash: Resident pleads adequate security to bury dead


resident of Agiliti Street in Mile 12, near Lagos, Mr Danjuma Jubril, yesterday pleaded with the police authorities to provide adequate security for the burial of people killed in the bloody clash in the area on Thursday. Jubril said that the tense security in the area was not conducive for proper interment of the dead. ‘’Some of the corpses are inside Agiliti river. We cannot bury or retrieve the bodies in

the river because of the security situation. The burial ground we use is at Agiliti. We have sent message to the DPO in charge of this area that we need police escort to bury them.’’ Jubril blamed the deadly clash on hoodlums extorting money from commercial motorcyclists and trucks carrying food items. He advised that armed security men should be stationed permanently in the area in view of the incessant clashes.

NMA calls for FG’s intervention in Osun/doctor’s rift Olusakin Babalola, Ibadan


L-R: Director, Vivian Fowler Memorial College for Girls, Mrs. Olufunke Fowler-Amba; Student of the College, Miss Kigibola Charles-Ambaiowei; Guest Speaker, Mr. Segun Dada; another student, Miss Olamide Akinyemi and Marketing Manager, Dublin International Foundation College/guest speaker, Mr. Ray Halpin, during the Annual Continuing Education and Counseling Fair, at the College premises in Lagos‌recently.

Buhari felicitates with Obasanjo at 79 Taiye Agbaje, Abuja


r e s i Â? e n t uha––aÂ?u Buhari has ÂŒongratu•ateÂ? Â?or–er PresiÂ?ent oÂ? igeria anÂ? e•Â?er states–anÇ° hieÂ? •usegun basanjo Çť ǟǰ as he turns Ĺ?Ĺ&#x; years o•Â? toÂ?ayÇŻ The PresiÂ?ent aÄœr–eÂ? that the Â?or–er ™resiÂ?entÇ° who is a™™roaÂŒhing the oÂŒtogenarian ÂŒyΥeÇ° has ÂŒontributeÂ? i––ense•y to the institutiona•isation oÂ? Â?e–oÂŒraÂŒy in igeria anÂ? AÂ?riÂŒa through

his ™ersona• saÂŒrięŒeÇ° eÂĄtensiÂ&#x;e •oÂŒa• anÂ? internationa• networ”sÇ° anÂ? oÂ?ČŹgiÂ&#x;en wisÂ?o–ǯ PresiÂ?ent BuhariÇ° in a state–ent –aÂ?e aÂ&#x;ai•ab•e by his ™eÂŒia• AÂ?Â&#x;iser on eÂ?ia anÂ? Pub•iÂŒityÇ° r e–i AÂ?esinaÇ° saiÂ? he be•ieÂ&#x;eÂ? that Č hieÂ? basanjoČ‚s ™•aÂŒe in g•oba• history is assureÂ? Â?or suŒŒessÂ?u••y hanÂ?ing oÂ&#x;er ™ower to a ÂŒiÂ&#x;i•ian goÂ&#x;ern–ent in Ĺ—Ĺ&#x;Ĺ?Ĺ&#x; aÂ?ter serÂ&#x;ing as a –i•itary

eaÂ? oÂ? tateÇ° anÂ? returning to ™ower in Ĺ—Ĺ&#x;Ĺ&#x;Ĺ&#x; through e•eÂŒtions to stabi•ise the ™o•ityÇ°

Â?uring whiÂŒh he –ost re–ar”ab•y negotiateÂ? a Â?ebt re•ieÂ? Â?or igeriaÇŻČ‚

e ÂŒo––enÂ?eÂ? basanjoČ‚s Â&#x;ision anÂ? ÂŒo––it–ent to the growth oÂ? igeria anÂ? AÂ?riÂŒaÇ° Č whiÂŒh trans•ateÂ? into a historiÂŒa• growth rate oÂ? Ĺœ ™erÂŒent Â?or the igerian eÂŒono–y aÂ?ter a •ong ™erioÂ? oÂ? s•ow growthÇ° anÂ? a•so ÂŒreateÂ? a ri™™•ing eÄ›eÂŒt that buoyeÂ? other AÂ?riÂŒan eÂŒono–iesÇŻČ„ ČƒAs he turns Ĺ?Ĺ&#x;Ç° the PresiÂ?ent aÂ&#x;ers that the Â?or–er PresiÂ?entČ‚s regu•ar shuĴ•es aÂŒross igeria anÂ?

AÂ?riÂŒa to ÂŒounse• on eÂŒono–iŒǰ soÂŒia• anÂ? ™o•itiÂŒa• issuesÇ° anÂ? his wi••ingness to heaÂ? e•eÂŒtion –onitoring tea–s that haÂ&#x;e hera•Â?eÂ? s–ooth transitions in –any ÂŒountries are •egaÂŒies whiÂŒh generations wi•• re–ain grateÂ?u•ǯ ČƒPresiÂ?ent Buhari ™rays that the A•–ighty oÂ? wi•• grant the Ba•ogun oÂ? the wu •ineageÇ° who is a•so the ”erin Ba•ogun oÂ? the gba ΥanÇ° •ong •iÂ?e anÂ? strength to continue his serÂ&#x;ice to hu–anityÇ°Č„ the state–ent stateÂ?ÇŻ

Braithwaite Vs Standard Bank: Witness accuses bank of non-compliance with building standard


Ayodele Olalere

witness in the ongoing ŗŖ‹ sžit ę•eÂ? by Dr Tunji Braithwaite against tanÂ?arÂ? hartereÂ? ban”ǰ rÇŻ a”inÂ?e gun•eyeÇ° has testiÄ™eÂ? that the Ĺ—Ĺš storey struÂŒture ereÂŒteÂ? by the Ban” in Ĺ—ĹšĹ˜ Ah–aÂ?u Be••o ayÇ° iÂŒtoria s•anÂ?Ç° agos Â?iÂ? not ÂŒo–™•y with the ™roÂ&#x;isions oÂ? •aw anÂ? rešuireÂ? stanÂ?arÂ?ÇŻ gun•eyeÇ° who is a retireÂ? Â?ireÂŒtor oÂ? Town •anner in the agos tate inistry oÂ? Town anÂ? rban •anningÇ° stateÂ? this beÂ?ore ustiÂŒe Doris ”uwobi oÂ? ”eja igh

ourtÇ° in his re™ort on the ™hysica• –easure–ents oÂ? setbac”s anÂ? airs™ace oÂ? the ban” structureÇ° whi•e testiÂ?ying in the suit ę•eÂ?ÇŻ Dr Braithwaite haÂ? Â?raggeÂ? the ban” to court Â?or erecting its Ĺ—Ĺš storey oÄœce bui•Â?ing Â?irect•y o™™osite his houseÇ° which he saiÂ? is obstructing Â?ree Äšow oÂ? air into his houseÇŻ

e a•so saiÂ? the ban”Ȃs generating set e–its Â?u–es into his houseÇŻ The witness testi–ony Â?o••oweÂ? an orÂ?er oÂ? the court which orÂ?ereÂ? the PresiÂ?ent oÂ? the igerian nstitute oÂ? Town P•anners Çť TPÇź to unÂ?erta”e the –easure–ent anÂ? ™re™are a co–™rehensiÂ&#x;e

re™ort oÂ? his Ä™nÂ?ingsÇŻ nab•e to Â?o so hi–se•Â?Ç° the TP PresiÂ?ent Â?irecteÂ? gun•eye who is a•so its •ega• aÂ?Â&#x;iser to carry out the assign–entÇŻ At the resu–eÂ? hearing oÂ? the –aÄ´erÇ° gun•eye to•Â? the court that his Ä™nÂ?ings inÂ?icateÂ? that the structure Â?iÂ? not co–™•y with conÂ?ition that Č no bui•Â?ing sha•• ™roject beyonÂ? the a™™roÂ&#x;eÂ? bui•Â?ing •ine anÂ? air s™acesČ‚ÇŻ ČƒThe set bac” is inaÂ?ešuate ÇťĹžÇŻĹœÂ–ǟǯ This shou•Â? haÂ&#x;e been Ĺ&#x;–eters Â?ro– the bui•Â?ing to the ™ro™erty •ineÇŻ The airs™aces a•so are inaÂ?ešuate ǝŚǯśĹ?– anÂ?

ĹšÇŻĹœĹ?–ǟ insteaÂ? oÂ? the statutory airs™ace oÂ? ĹœÂ–eters –ini–u– on both siÂ?es oÂ? the bui•Â?ingÇŻČ„ hi•e being crossČŹ eÂĄa–ineÂ? by Â?eÂ?ence counse•ǰ AÂ?eniyi AÂ?egbon–ire Çť A ǟǰ the witness saiÂ? that the custo–ers oÂ? the ban” are a•reaÂ?y causing heaÂ&#x;y traÄœc on the roaÂ? as they ™ar” their cars in ™•aces that obstruct traÄœcÇŻ

e –aintaineÂ? that the re™ort is co–™rehensiÂ&#x;e enough to state that the setbac” anÂ? airs™ace Â?ai•eÂ? rešuireÂ? stanÂ?arÂ?ÇŻ The –aÄ´er was aÂ?journeÂ? ti•• ay Ĺ—Ĺ&#x; Â?or aÂ?o™tion oÂ? wriÄ´en aÂ?Â?ressesÇŻ

he Nigeria M e d i c a l Association (NMA), Oyo State chapter has called for the intervention of parties outside the state and especially the Federal Government to halt the alleged ‘genocide of the people of Osun State’ by the state Governor, Rauf Aregbesola. At a press conference held at the NMA House, Ibadan, Dr. Muideen Olatunji, Chairman, NMA, Oyo State branch stressed that the entire South West caucus of the association also condemn in strong terms the dastard acts of the Osun State government, warning that the professional body will not hesitate to invoke all that is necessary within the ambit of the law to defend their colleagues in the state “There is need for intervention of parties outside the state and especially the Federal Government to halt the

genocide of the people of Osun State by His Excellency, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola,â€? he said. He added: “The entire South West caucus of the NMA and indeed the national body hereby condemn in strong terms these dastardly acts of the government of Osun state being supervised by Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola; acts which are capable of escalating the quiet instability in the state and caution him that we will not hesitate to invoke all that is necessary within the ambit of the law to defend our colleagues at the state of Osun in challenging the aÍżront on our noble profession and innocent citizens of the state.â€? He said one of the reasons for the outcry is that ‘this adamant government has become totally unreachable and inaccessible by individuals who have sought to resolve these issues and are becoming weary by the attitude of the government.’

Reconstruction of Daleko market begins


he reconstruction of a part of Daleko Market in Mushin local government area of Lagos has begun. The market was demolished on February 29 by the local council to pave way for the building of a modern market. It is being rebuilt by a construction Àrm, Rashfunk Nig. Ltd. Spokesman for the developer, Mr Alani Babatunde, said that the process to rebuild the market started in 2012 during the tenure of former Chairman of the Council, Mr Babatunde Adepitan. Babatunde said the agreement was to build a beÀtting and modern market in tandem with the mega city status of Lagos. ``The market is very dirty, especially in the area where the palm kernel oil dealers operate. The developer is not coming here to take over the

market nor sell goods, but to rebuild for those that have the shops. It is not the whole market, but only the portion built with key clamps. We would use solid and modern materials that would make it presentable,� he assured.

CHANGE OF NAME I, formerly known and addressed as ILESANMI SAMUEL SOGO, now wish to be known and addressed as IDOWU EMMANUEL SHINA. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME I, formerly known and addressed as MISS POPOOLA TEMITOPE ADEBISI, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. AFOLAYAN TEMITOPE ADEBISI. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.


Newswatch Times Saturday, March 5, 2016

South East

APGA expresses shock over Umeh’s ordeal


he All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) said it was shocked over the arrest and release of Chief Victor 8meh by o΀cials of the Department of State Security (DSS). The Chairman of the party, Mr Victor Oye, made the position of the party known in Awka, Anambra State, yesterday. Oye said APGA was bewildered that a citizen could be arrested and detained before investigation could be-

gin, describing the allegations against Umeh as unfounded, frivolous and empty. ``Chief Victor Umeh is a law-abiding citizen and his ordeal will not be unrelated to his senatorial ambition. It’s a great shock to us that the DSS came and moved him away without any reason known to us. It is illegal; the allegations are just unfounded, frivolous and empty. We should not allow intimidation in this country.” Oye said that the party would weigh options

on how to follow the matter, urging members and supporters of the party to remain calm. He said the party remained strong in Anambra and would not be distracted in their focus to deliver their candidate. Oye said that APGA and its members cannot undermine the country and would continue to support the Federal Government. “APGA is a lawful party, we are not opposed to the president, we are nation builders

but we appeal to the Federal Government not to allow this type of illegality to continue on Nigeria,” he said. Umeh, is a former National Chairman of APGA and a candidate in the postponed Anambra Central Senatorial re-run election. He was arrested on March 3 at his country home in Aguluzigbo in the Anaocha local government area of Anambra and moved to Abuja for undisclosed charges. He has since been released.

News Anambra: Accusations trail murder alleged in Nkpor Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


ccusations and counter accusations have continued to trail the alleged murder of one Tochukwu Enekebe and missing of Mr Kingsley Obi at Nkpor, Idemili North local government area, Anambra, between two warring factions in the Area. Enekebe was said to have been murdered in a bush at Nkpor -Uno about three years ago while Obi was allegedly arrested in his house at Nkpor-Agu on 17th January 2016 by policemen numbering about Àve who came with six pointers. Reacting to the murder and missing of the duo, Chibuzor Okeke who spoke to the press on behalf of one faction denied being among the policemen that Chika Obi, wife of the missing man, alleged came with.

‘’Chief Godwin Onwukwe, and others now at large including two that are presently in prison custody should be held responsible for the murder of Enekebe while the police should also be held responsible for the missing of Mr Obi. Since they were the ones that picked him from his house to Ogidi police station and later to Abuja according to the wife,” Okeke said. In his reaction, Chief Godwin Onwukwe said that ‘from police interim investigation report on 12th May 2014, those suspected to have carried out the murder of Enekebe included Christopher Aniemeka ,Arinze Ibe, Kingsley Anikpe, Hon Dr CC Okeke Chibuzor, Anikpe Samuel Ikenna, Sunday Udo and one Izuchukwu.’ He added that “the same people masterminded the arrest of Obi and disappearance and as such should tell his where about.”

I stabbed him because he touched my breast, woman tells court


L-R: Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Mrs. Modupe Bosede; Commissioner for Commerce and Industry, Otunba Bimbo Ashiru and the Managing Director, Lotus Plastics Ltd, Eric Thibault, during the Commissioner’s visit to the factory in Agbara, Ogun State.

Executive bungled 2016 budget –Ex-Rep member


Alphonsus Eze, Awka

ormer House of Representative Member, Dr. C.C Okeke, has blamed the executive arm of government of bungling the 2016 budget which has generated a lot of controversy between the legislature and the executive. Dr. Okeke who represented Idemili North and

South Federal Constituency in the Green chamber said that the executive did not do a thorough job in the budget which brought about the shortcomings noticed in the document which the National Assembly has been trying to correct. The over Six trillion naira budget ęrst suěered a setback when the International Momentary Fund

(IMF) President Christine Lagarde visited Nigeria and was said to have severely criticized the budget. This was said to have compelled some Presidency oĜcials to allegedly steal the budget from the Senate to rework it. However, Okeke said that the National Assembly should be lauded for working hard to ensure

a credible budget is produced for the country. “The National Assembly is in order in what they are doing. They are trying to do the right thing. The budget controversy is the problem of executive,” he said. He lamented that the government was too consumed with anti-corruption war while the economy is in a shamble.

NARTO wants Obiano to implement judgment against NURTW Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


he Nigerian Association of Road Transport Owners (NARTO) yesterday in Onitsha, Anambra State, urged Governor Willie Obiano to implement the June 2014 Enugu Federal Appeal court judgment against National Union of Road Transport Work-

ers (NURTW), over the control of government motor parks in the State. According to Head of Operation, NARTO, Abuja, Sir Steve Okafor who represented the Association’s National President, Alhaji Kassim Bataiya, he said that the judgment was crystal clear that Governor Willie Obiano who knows about the fragrance of

Appeal Court judgment has not implemented NARTO entry into management of all government owned motor parks in Anambra state. According to Nze Okosieme the administration of Governor Obiano should have respected and adopted the June 2014 Enugu Appeal Court order in the June 2014 judgment.

He described NARTO as an association of vehicle owners who once managed their vehicles in all motor parks with decency and respect for human transport services. He ęnally commended Governor Obiano for the security measures he put in place that has attracted huge investment in the state.

28-year-old woman, Ifeoma Okoroafor, yesterday told a Gudu Upper Area Court in the Federal Capital Territory that she inÁicted injuries on a man because he touched her breast. Okoroafor of Dutse Area of Apo pleaded not guilty to a two-count charge of joint act and causing hurt contrary to Section 79 and 245 of the Penal Code. “My Lord, the nominal complainant, Musa Goddy, touched me inappropriately and without my consent, while I was waiting for a commercial vehicle to take me home after work at

night. The complainant beat me up and tore my clothes when I queried him for his action,’’ Okoroafor told the court. According to her, the timely intervention of three other women saved her from being killed by the complainant. Okoroafor told the court that the cloth she wore to the court was given to her by a police o΀cer at the station to enable her appear decently in the court. The prosecutor, Urom Inah, told the court that Goddy of Police Barracks, Garki, reported the matter at the Garki Police Station on February 28.

Pray for Nigeria, cleric urges Nigerians


he Vicar General of the Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos, Msgr Bernard Okodua, has urged Nigerians to intensify prayers for the sanctity and progress of the country. Okodua gave the advice) in Lagos yesterday.According to him, prayer moves people nearer to God. “In Nigeria, there is a lot of evil in the country today; there is no security, there is no peace, there is no progress, the economy is down and we know as St. James says, the nearer we

go to God, so near does God come to us. We must go back to God in prayer and in submission, that God will heal our land God will forgive our sins and God will turn the heart of all those who are spoiling the country to have a change of heart too and know that God is the ultimate in our lives,” he said. He added: ``No matter how rich we become, no matter how much material things we acquire even through cheating other people, embezzling public funds we will not carry any with us when we die.”


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016

South South


Akwa Ibom govt tasks NDDC on quality projects


kwa Ibom State government has urged the management of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) to strengthen its project monitoring and evaluation unit to ensure quality projects delivery. The state Deputy Governor, Mr Moses Ekpo, gave the advice in Uyo yesterday, when the Senate Committee on NDDC and Amnesty Programme paid him a courtesy visit in Government House. Ekpo called on the commission to take stock of its projects in the state and ensure speedy completion of all ongoing and abandoned projects executed by the commission. “From NDDC records, we are told that 829 projects

Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike (left) laying foundation of Rumuoji Mile One Market Phase 2 in Port Harcourt, Rivers State…yesterday.

Oshiomhole replies Melaye over marriage comments ThankGod Ivere-Ijomah, Benin


overnor Adams Oshiomhole has described Senator Dino Melaye as ‘hollow’ for delving into a matter as private as his marriage issue. In a statement by the Chief Press Secretary, Mr Peter Okhiria, the governor said his attention was ‘drawn to the unprovoked verbal assault launched by one Senator Dino Melaye on the Governor of Edo State, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, while making a contribution on the Áoor of the Senate on the need to patronize made-in-Nigeria

goods.’ “As a ‘nephew’ of the governor and members of the same party, we expected Senator Melaye to tender an unreserved public apology to the Comrade Governor, to no avail,’ the statement stated. He also derided Melaye, whom he said cannot ‘maintain a decent matrimonial home, hence he could descend to this pedestrian level of using the hallowed chambers to ‘cargorise’ women as if they were pieces of items for purchase.’ “Any responsible individual that is truly worth to be called a Senator, a position that convokes respect, decorum and decent public

conduct, should know the limits of his verbal diarrhea. The liberty of free speech guaranteed in the hallowed chambers does not impose lunacy on anyone to disparage other Nigerians, let alone pry into their matrimony in a very derisive manner. We had intended to ignore this uncomplimentary comment as one of the several empty displays of the Senator, but the fact that it tends to reduce women to pieces of tissue calls for this response,” it added. It continues: “As we probed into Dino Melaye’s humanity, we were reminded that he is a man known for his vainglorious rodomontade and the childish display of his ostentatious

lifestyle complements his love for foreign items. Many of such euro-centric mentality he has persistently displayed on social media, to underscore his materialistic eccentricity, hence his dialectical opposition to made-in-Nigeria goods. But an attempt at making women wear the garb of goods to be picked oͿ the shelves was to take the issue to a ridiculous and irresponsible level. By delving into the private aͿair and marriage of the Comrade Governor, Senator Melaye has exposed himself as a simpleton and a court jester whose words and tactlessness cannot be taken seriously by matured people.”

Buhari extends condolences to Eskor Toyo’s family Taiye Agbaje, Abuja


resident Muhammadu Buhari has paid tribute to renowned scholar and elder statesman, Professor Eskor Toyo, describing him as a role model whose guiding principle was to live for the good of less privileged people. As Prof. Toyo is laid to

rest today, President Buhari said he believed that the deceased would be long remembered as a fearless advocate who never stopped confronting the problems of social injustice, discrimination and poverty in Nigeria. In a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr Femi Adesina, yesterday, the President a΀rmed that with his tire-

less eͿorts and advocacy on many issues central to the prosperity of Nigeria, including social justice, human rights and the war against corruption, Prof. Toyo has left a most worthy and commendable legacy for other patriotic Nigerians to build upon. “The President trusts that Prof. Toyo will be eternally honoured and celebrated for his life-long commit-

ment to a better Nigeria and Africa, and as a fountain of knowledge who was a great mentor and role model to his students and admirers. President Buhari extends heartfelt condolences to Prof. Toyo’s family, the government and people of Akwa Ibom State. He prays that God will grant Prof. Toyo’s soul eternal rest and comfort his family, friends and admirers,” it stated.

were listed for execution in Akwa Ibom since 2010. We should know where these projects are located; are they completed and what are their statuses? We think that NDDC should always crosscheck with the state government on projects execution, to avoid unnecessary duplication,” he said. He said that Akwa Ibom contributed 40 per cent of the oil wealth accruing to the country and as such, the state deserved beĴer treatment. Ekpo also requested proper integration of ex-militants from Akwa Ibom into the Amnesty Programme of the Federal Government. He thanked the Senate CommiĴee on NDDC for the tour of projects in the state and expressed the hope that after the visit, Akwa Ibom would be treated beĴer.

Urhobo leaders slam critics, praise Okowa, others


rominent Urhobo political leaders under the aegis of Delta Central Good Governance Forum (DCGGF) yesterday described as laughable, the story that some Urhobo sons in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) are interested in the governorship seat in 2019. Rising from an emergency meeting in Sapele, the leaders advised critics of the government and paid writers to contextualize their statements before rushing to the press. “These writers and those behind them are either ignorant of the cordial relationship existing between the top PDP leaders or have chosen to play to the gallery

for pecuniary gains,” the leaders said. In a statement issued by the Spokesperson of DCGGF, Chief Maxwell Agofure, the leaders said detractors were bent on creating crisis in the state. “It is obvious that some individuals in the state intend to expose top government functionaries to ridicule, hatred and contempt.” The leaders praised the Delta State House of Assembly Speaker for using his knowledge acquired through experience and education for the advancement of the state, and applauded Governor Ifeanyi Okowa for the rapid improvement in the state’s economic fortunes. .

PASAN did not seal up Delta Assembly –CPS


he Chief Press Secretary to the Speaker, Delta State House of Assembly, Mr. Henry Ebireri, yesterday urged journalists in the state to stop encouraging misinformation, rumours and lies. He also appealed to them to pay attention to facts and veracity. The appeal followed a report that the Parliamentary StaͿ Association of Nigeria (PASAN) sealed up the Delta State House of Assembly. “The Parliamentary StaͿ Association of Nigeria (PASAN) did not seal up the Delta State House of Assembly. Members were never chased

out by anybody. Nobody scuttled Tuesday’s sitting,” he said. In a statement issued in Asaba, Ebireri described the story as false. He also described the Speaker as a responsible leader. “If some journalists in Nigeria and abroad choose to go into the gutter, we will not do the same” the statement said. Meanwhile, the Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon Monday Igbuya on Tuesday criticized the Parliamentary StaͿ Association of Nigeria, Delta State Chapter for presenting incorrect information to the House.


Newswatch Times Saturday, March 5 , 2016


North East/West

Borno bans sale of dried meat in Maiduguri Emeka Ibemere


L-R: South West Chairman, Campaign for Democracy, Prince Goodluck Obi; lawyer to the victim of violent attack, Mr. Kolawole Love; President, Women Arise Initiative, Dr. Joe Okei-Odumakin; victim of violent attack by her husband, Gloria Izuakor and a member, Women Arise, Ayo Olohuntade, at the trial of Jude Izuakor over his violent attack on his wife Gloria, in Lagos…yesterday.

EFCC chairman visits Kano, solicits media support against corruption Ted Odogwu Bureau Chief, Kano


cting Executive Chairman of Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) Ibrahim Magu on Thursday solicited the unÁinching support of the Correspondent Chapel members in Kano to enable him succeed in his committed crusade to wipe out corruption in the country. During courtesy call he emphatically stated that he will succeed in his task as long as members of the Correspondent Chapel diligently support his noble cause of tackling corruption headlong.

According to him, the obligation of Àghting corruption is not the entire responsibility of oneman, but collective, insisting that this mindset informed his decision to seek the support and cooperation of members of the Fourth Estate of the Realm, so as to achieve his desired goals in accordance with the goals of the Muhammadu Buhar-led administration in checkmating corruption. He maintained that with the sincere support of the media and numerous stakeholders, the battle against corruption would be ferociously fought and won so as to restore the nation as a corruptionfree state.

While expressing the hope that Nigeria would overcome the war against corruption, he assured that a corruption-free environment would not only attract foreign investment, but create employment opportunities for unemployed youths as there would be su΀cient funds to create more employment. “This is the time to Àght corruption to standstill, but all Nigerians must be sincere in the Àght so as to wipe out this monster once and for all as I cannot Àght corruption alone, but can only succeed with your total support.’’ Responding, Chairman of the Kano State Council

of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Comrade Abduljalal Haruna, while thanking the Chairman for recognizing the role of the media in the Àght against corruption, promised the total support of his members in Kano to actualize his goals against corruption. Also, without mincing words, the Chairman of Kano State Correspondent Chapel, Edwin Olofo, promised the support of his members to the Executive Chairman that they would sincerely support his mission and vision in getting rid of corruption nation-wide in line with the current administration’s policy in wiping out corruption.

Dangote, Rhino Group to embark on joint solar power generation project, alternative energy in Kano Baba Negedu, Kaduna


angote Group of Companies and Black Rhino Group is to embark on generation of solar and alternative energy aimed at reviving ailing industries in Kano State. The joint venture project is expected to generate about 1,000 MW of solar energy and additional 100 MW of alternative energy which ostensibly will improve power supply in Kano metropolis. As soon as the project begins all closed factories and industries will roar back to life as well as generate employment opportunities for unemployed

youths. During a courtesy call of the consortium led by Chairman of Black Rhino and Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi 11, the Emir of Kano, to Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje at Government House, the monarch disclosed that both groups will contribute N5billion each to execute the project which will include the funding of its gas project from the South-East to South -West. Sanusi expressed optimism that the project would to a large extent improve power generation in the state for both the consumption of Kano residents and Dagote Group.

In his speech at the occasion, Chairman of Dangote Group, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, expressed optimism on the viability of the project and assured that it would not only improve power generation in the state, but also improve standard and quality of life of Kano residents. Among others, Dangote hinted that Rhino Group has for some time been involved in the development of infrastructure and energy generation to revive ailing and dead industries and factories particularly in Kano State. Furthermore, he hopes that Rhino Group would accelerate the pace of

work towards its determination and commitment to the project. Kano State Governor, Dr Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, who was overwhelmingly elated by the project, said the joint project is the most important stride in the state since the current administration in the state began. He expressed the hope that the project would bail Kano State out of its prevailing economic depression and uplift it to another level of economic prosperity and development. He assured that joint venture stakeholders that he would provide enabling environment for the execution of the project.

he Borno State government has banned the sale of dried meat to curtail the activities of Boko Haram terrorists currently engaged in cattle rusting to fund their operations. Governor Kashim Shettima announced the ban at the inauguration of a high powered committee for the management of the Maiduguri Cattle Market in Maiduguri. Shettima, represented by the Secretary to the State Government, Alhaji Jidda Shuwa, said the government had also suspended importation of cattle to the state capital for two weeks. He said only the Butchers Association and Cattle Traders Association were permitted to slaughter and sell cattle in the market. “Importation of cattle to the state capital through all routes and all sources other than the cattle traders association is hereby suspended for two weeks. “In the same vein, the sale

of dried meat is hereby banned, as it had been observed that criminal elements resort to this measure to legitimize their dubious activities ultimately aimed at funding activities of Boko Haram”, he said. Shettima said government had also suspended trading in four livestock markets - Gamboru, Dusuman, Shuwarin and Ngom to further ensure that only legitimate cattle were sold at the market. “All trading activities in Gamboru Cattle Market, Dusuman, Shuwari and Ngom have been suspended till further notice in line with government’s commitment to ensure that no public place is turned to avenue for funding activities of the terrorists”, he said. Shettima said government took the action after intelligence reports by security agencies indicated that the cattle market was being used by suspected Boko Haram terrorists to channel rustled cows for sale to unsuspecting members of the public.

Kano/Port-Harcourt bound passengers escape death, train disaster averted Ted Odogwu Bureau Chief, Kano


ragedy was averted in Kano on Thursday as passengers travelling aboard a train from Kano to Port Harcourt escaped death as a truck loaded with bags of cement while plying an illegal crossing line prompted the rail line to shift from its original position as the train approached. The incident occurred along Mungedi, a highly populated suburb in Madobi Local Government area of Kano State at about 4:16 pm, sixteen minutes after take-oͿ from the Kano terminal. It was learnt that villagers who noticed the unusual development helplessly watched the driver of the truck as he Áed and abandoned the vehicle, but made concerted eͿorts to caution the train driver, who was on speed. The train driver, identiÀed as Garba Garba, who promptly responded to the villagers’ caution however manoeuvred the

train to a halt. However, the frightened train driver confessed that “it would have been a dangerous adventure, particularly to the entire passengers, crew, coaches and the surrounding houses if the train had derailed because of shift of the rail line alignment.” An eye witness, Sullieman Abubakar, believes that “the shift of the rail line occurred as weight of the luggage conveyed by the truck overweighed the capacity of the rail line,” adding “that the truck also kept on surging backwards and forward while on the rail track due to a bend it attempted to negotiate beside the rail line.” In a swift reaction, a team of policemen were promptly mobilized and drafted by the Railway authority to the site of the incident to watch the truck whose driver escaped the scene because of fear of possible arrest, as well as to control the surging crowd from neighbouring settlements when news of the impending disaster spread.

Governor Ganduje loses mother


ano State Governor, Dr Abdullahi Umar Ganduje at about 7 am Friday lost his mother, Hajiya Fadimatu Umaru Ganduje, aged 95. Among others, the deceased is survived by six children, including Alhaji Sama’ila Umar, the Madaki of Ganduje, Dr.

Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, Kano State Governor and Alhaji Hussaini Umar Ganduje, the Executive Secretary of Kano State Teachers Board.. She was buried at Ganduje town by 2pm shortly after Friday prayers just as family members wished her soul Al-Jannatul Firdausi.

Saturday, March 5, 2016


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Saturday, March 5, 2016

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016



Rivers rerun: Another challenge before INEC Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


s the country is set to witness yet another acid test for the nation’s electoral umpire in Rivers State, specifically on March 19 when the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) organises and monitors the rerun of some State Houses of Assembly and the National Assembly elections, it has been counter blames and allegations bothering on plans to rig the elections. As a matter of fact, the situation has reached feverish pitch with Governor Nyesom Wike alleging a list of Returning Officers drawn by some chieftains of All Progressives Congress (APC) to compromise their constitutional roles in the said elections. Wike, who spoke at Government House, Port Harcourt, when he played host to the Vice Chancellor of University of Port Harcourt, Prof Ndowa Lale, and other top officers of the school, said he had already notified INEC of the alleged move. He however warned that anyone with intention to rig the re-run election in the state will be treated as an armed robber, stressing that they will not be allowed to go free. Just as Wike was raising the hope of his party and supporters, the APC too alleged him of attempts to use state machineries to bend the rules of the game towards ensuring that PDP candidates are favoured in the said election. Also, Wike on Wednesday warned that the state would resist any move by the Federal Government to manipulate the election in the state with soldiers and policemen. The governor, who said that his prolonged silence should not be mistaken for weakness, assured that all members of the party in the National Assembly whose elections were nullified that: “We shall return all our National Assembly members as a way of disgracing those who think they will snatch the mandate of the people,” he said. With the counter allegations now in the balance, the poser is how the electoral umpire plans to scheme through towards achieving a flawless, free and fair outing on March 19. That the PDP would have it



rough to return its candidates is an overstatement as the last governorship rerun in which the party and its candidate defeated the APC and its candidate in spite of the federal influence represented in the former governor, Chief Rotimi Amaechi aptly state that influence of the federal government may not have anything to do with the rerun election. The PDP should however be careful and tactical in the way it files out on the



said date as it is still fresh by the controversial way and manner its national chairman, Alli Modu Sherrif emerged, though against all odds. Certainly some party members and loyalists are still aggrieved with the party’s decision to field such a controversial figure and may thus vent their anger at the polls – talking about protest votes that may end up favouring the opposition. This suggests that the PDP new

We shall return all our National Assembly members as a way of disgracing those who think they will snatch the mandate of the people

helmsman has a lot to do with the performance of the party in all its reruns and subsequent future elections, as it shouldn’t be expected of any sound mind that some ministers in the cabinet of former president Goodluck Jonathan would support his administration as the PDP boss. These ministers include former boss of Aviation, Fani-Kayode. These ministers too have their supporters within the party and invariably and by interpretation have some influence on the ‘dying’ party. Or moderately put that the APC may have painstakingly studied the last outing and discovered its flaws and may wish to address them towards a brilliant outing on March 19. So far, the INEC has received more commendations than condemnations in all its outings, suggesting that it is a trusted umpire too. For instance, INEC, unperturbed by the might of the federal government and the ruling party reversed its decision in the declaration of the Kogi Central Senatorial rerun election as inconclusive, insisting that the PDP candidate, Ahmed Salau Ogembe was duly elected. It would be recalled that INEC had earlier declared the rerun election in two senatorial districts of Kogi East and Central inconclusive based on disruption of the exercise. Newswatch Times recalled that in the Kogi Central Senatorial rerun, Ahmed Salau Ogembe of the PDP scored 45,468, Sen. Nurudeen Abatemi of Progressive Peoples Alliance (PPA) 31,163, while Dr. Moses Wakili of Social Democratic Party (SDP) scored 9,962. INEC returning officer, Mr. Salihu James, declared that the election was inconclusive following the cancelation of over 20,000 votes, which affected the entire Otutu ward, two polling units at Upogoro in Okene local council and also in Karaworo, Eresuha and Inozomi wards in Adavi local council due to disruption of the process. The PDP candidate and his supporters who stormed INEC office in Lokoja were however told to return to Okene for his declaration as the winner. INEC’s presentation so far had argued favourably that the umpire is a friend of none and an enemy of none as well. It is just expected of the electoral body to again, as usual ensure another free and fair rerun election in Rivers State.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016


Abia North: Litmus test for INEC Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor

We, the youths of Abia have resolved to use today’s rerun as a lit¬mus test and we employ Nigerians to watch what the youths will do to pro¬tect their votes. We, hereby, send a stern warning to all concerned, and, we insist that we would stand our ground this time to protect and defend our votes no matter the cost. We advise Governor Okezie Ikpeazu to concentrate and look off the election in Abia North. Any attempt to force a can¬didate upon us could cause disaster...” This was part of the statement credited to a group of young Abians, Market Youth Congress of Nigeria (MYCN) while raising alarm over an alleged plot by a group of politicians to massively un¬dermine today’s Abia North sena¬torial district rerun. According to the group’s national coordinator, Chide¬bere Okoh, this group who has accused some people, some of whom had held public offices since 1999, have allegedly sworn that they would do everything necessary to ensure that Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu, candidate of the Progressive People’s Alliance (PPA) is not elect¬ed as senator. The group through Okoh may thus be speaking the minds of other electorate in the zone though, the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the state too is not leaving any stone unturned towards ensuring good outing today. No wonder Governor Ikpeazu, closely working with his predecessor, Chief Theodore Orji and other stakeholders are not sleeping with their two eyes closed. The counter claims were only meant to gear the electoral umpire-Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) up for action that may at the end favour any party or candidate. This may not be too elusive in Abia as a lot experiments had been carried out in other states like Kogi and neighbouring Rivers States where no discerning minds has faulted the exercises so far. So far, the INEC has received more commendations than condemnations in all its outings, suggesting that it is a trusted umpire too. For instance, INEC, unperturbed by the might of the federal government and the ruling party reversed its decision in the declaration of the Kogi Central Senatorial rerun election as inconclusive, insisting that the PDP candidate, Ahmed Salau Ogembe was duly elected. It would be recalled that INEC had earlier declared the


rerun election in two senatorial districts of Kogi East and Central inconclusive based on disruption of the exercise. Newswatch Times recalls that in the Kogi Central Senatorial rerun, Ahmed Salau Ogembe of the PDP scored 45,468, Sen. Nurudeen Abatemi of Progressive Peoples Alliance (PPA) 31,163, while Dr. Moses Wakili of Social Democratic Party (SDP) scored 9,962. INEC returning officer, Mr. Salihu James, declared that the election was inconclusive following the cancelation of over 20,000 votes, which affected the entire Otutu ward, two polling units at Upogoro in Okene local council and also in Karaworo, Eresuha and Inozomi wards in Adavi local council due to disruption of the process. INEC’s presentation so far had argued favourably that the umpire is a friend of none and an enemy of none as well. It is just expected of the electoral body to as usual, ensure another free and fair rerun election in Abia State. However, the pre-judgemental positions of the electorate may not augur well for the republican state where poverty is predominant. The danger here is that any politician especially



in the opposition camp can instigate/sponsor violence that may threaten the state and the entire geo-political zone. The statement further credited to Oko in a press statement that “In the 2011 elections, there were intimidations by the ruling party with the aid of security agents. There was fear and tension in the minds of Abians, and results were falsified and announced in favour of the then rul¬ing party. As the wind of change spreads in the na¬tion, Abians were not left behind because we had long prayed for change. We must quickly bring it on in the open that most Abians vot¬ed Buhari in the last elec¬tion, but, the strong hold of the likes of

We, the youths of Abia have resolved to use the forthcoming rerun as a litmus test and we employ Nigerians to watch what the youths will do to protect their votes. We, hereby, send a stern warning to all concerned, and, we insist that we would stand our ground this time to protect and defend our votes no matter the cost


former governor Theodore Orji frustrated our efforts,” is enough to elicit reaction from the ruling party. What this might end up calling for is a replay of arson and killings experienced in Rivers and Bayelsa States before the elections. “Abians will acknowl¬edge that, in the last elec¬tions, there was a battle between T.A. Orji, INEC, security agencies vs Abi¬ans . It was so sad that the elections was marred by so many irregularities that the choice of the people was denied because of the self¬ish desire of a man con¬trolled by his son, Chinedu Orji. “We, the youths of Abia have resolved to use the forthcoming rerun as a lit¬mus test and we employ Nigerians to watch what the youths will do to pro¬tect their votes. We, hereby, send a stern warning to all concerned, and, we insist that we would stand our ground this time to protect and defend our votes no matter the cost. We advise Governor Okezie Ikpeazu to concentrate and look off the election in Abia North. Any attempt to force a can¬didate upon us could cause disaster. “We advise T. A. Orji to retrace his steps and be as¬sured that we are well aware of the plans he wants to ex¬ecute on that day. We advise party members who have been given money to disrupt the polls to remain in their homes. From Arochukwu to Bende, down to Isuikwuato, Ohafia and Umunneochi, the youths will make their votes count that day”, he rounded off, thus justifying the federal government’s deployment of military to the fragile state. Meanwhile, INEC in Abia on Wednesday received sensitive materials for today’s re-run elections. The materials arrived as the Resident Electoral Commissioner, Sylvester Ezeani, was meeting with stakeholders in the election, heads of security agencies and chieftains of political parties. Continued on Page 35

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Amokachi: My Finland

sojour n ’ll open doors for African coaches Rooney set for war m-weather break in Dubai

Enyimba’s nightmare finally over –Anyansi >>Pg.33



Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016


Amokachi: My Finland sojourn ’ll open doors for African coaches



ormer Super Eagles Assistant coach, Daniel Amokachi, believes that his outstanding feat in Finland as a black tactician, could make a way for other African coaches, especially Nigerians in future. The Atlanta Olympic gold medallist is facing fresh challenges under a frozen environment in a Scandinavia country where he has taken up the managerial job of JS Hercules Amokachi is determined to make the best out of his one-year contract with the club: “I remember when I landed here, it was minus 32 Celsius, after Ěying from a country that is 35 to 38 degrees. “The most important thing (about this job) is the challenge. The challenge of being an African and you know why? Because we Africans, it’s very diĜcult to get jobs in Europe as coaches.

“Financially of course they cannot handle my wages [Hercules’ annual budget is believed to be between 80,000 to 120,000 Euros] so you have to sacrięce a lot. “But at the same time they are giving me more in my coaching career also. It’s a platform and that’s what I need, that’s what we African coaches need. “This is an opportunity to showcase (me) as an African and if I do well, deęnitely there will be an open door not for me alone, not for Nigerian coaches but for African coaches as well.” Former Everton striker, has swapped the sweltering heat of his native country, Nigeria for temperatures of minus 30 degrees to take a job as a coach of an amateur team in Finland. The ex-Blues favourite is the only salaried employee at newly-promoted Second Division outęt JS Hercules in the city

of Oulu, just south of the Arctic Circle. With the town’s pitches currently covered in snow, the 43-year-old has been taking training session on artięcial turf under a heated dome with a clutch of players while the rest of his squad do their regular jobs. Amokachi grew up in Nigeria, played his football across Europe and returned home to begin his coaching career. He has been coach of the Nigeria Under-23 team as well as the Super Eagles and most recently handled Nigeria Professional Football League side Ifeanyi Ubah FC. However, since moving to Finland where he is now head coach of second division side JS Hercules, he has begun to see a diěerent view of the beautiful game. In frozen Scandinavia, the football is played not on grass but on ice. And Amokachi is making himself at home.

Battle against Egypt: Siasia turns to God


uper Eagles coach, Samson Siaisa, has turned to God for miracle as he plans to tackle Egypt on home and away basis towards qualifying Nigeria for the AFCON 2017 fiesta. The former Under-20 coach says Gold spoke to him in 2 Corinthians 12:9 which says: But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you,

for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me’. Words that rest on the head and very likely in the mind of Super Eagles interim Coach. It is a clear admittance that the task of guiding Nigeria past Egypt is over his head but very much within

the powers of God to deliver the Pharaohs into ‘our hands’ in Kaduna. Siasia’s first stint with the team; in 2012, was a marriage that ended quite sorely and sour. It was the first time Nigeria played and failed to qualify for the competition in 24 years. The Eagles were edged out by Zambia 1-0 on aggregate; the hosts scored a solitary goal causing the defeat in Lusaka, it was the deadly blow. Once again, the 48-year-old puts his reputation – somewhat cleaned up now by his 2015 Afcon U-23 triumph- on the line, as he comes on a rescue mission to return Nigeria to the continental showpiece and perhaps by the biggest opposition Africa will see this calendar year.

Top Lagos FA member thumbs up NFF on Siasia’s appointment



top member of the Lagos State Football Federation {LASFA}, Adegbindin Mojeed, has thumbed up the way and maĴer the leadership of the Nigeria Football Federation quickly drafted coaches Samson Siasia and Emmanuel Amuneke to join forces with Salisu Yusuf and Alloy Agu to oversee proceedings in the crucial AFCON 2017 double header qualięer game against the ęre spiĴing Pharaohs of Egypt at the Ahmadu Bello Stadium, Kaduna March 25. “The prompt reaction once again showed the football house is not leaving anything for chance and all hands are equally on deck to ensure the Super Eagles get past Egypt. Mojeed urged Siasia and his crew to forget all the intrigues that brought us to this level and strictly focus on the task ahead. He said that all eyes are on them and as such they cannot aěord to fail. He further said that he was so convinced the NFF would give them all the support that would make their assignment worthwhile. Let me also use this opportunity to challenge them to bring their wealth of experience as players and their coaches to bear to turn back the over ambitious invading Pharaohs from Egypt. “It is obvious judging from past encounters between both countries that this will be another hard to crack clash

against the North African country, therefore this baĴle won’t be an exception. It would live up to bookmakers top on the bill encounter. Nigeria would have no excuse not to decisively rise to the occasion and make the Pharaohs taste the dose of convincing defeat before the last leg in their home soil. The Eagles knew what‘s at stake and must go for the broke. Preparations must total and approach to the game far from complacency in all fronts so as to eěectively neutralize the antics of the visitors who would stop at nothing to do whatever will be in their favour at the end of the day. What it means is that it won’t be a tea party,” he warns. He further called on the players to forget about their diěerences and play as a team. “The time to brace up is now. The Eagles should avoid anxiety and lackadaisical approach rather should

embrace hard work, vigilance, focus, zeal and determination to conquer. It is an assignment of urgent national importance that would be logically accomplish. He insists that Nigeria is greater than any individual’s ambition charging them to brace up and show that the Eagles have what it takes to pick the group sole ticket for Africa’s premier biannual football summit slated for the central African country of Gabon. “We have the capacity to do the needful if we really want without much hassle. Players and sundry should know that this game could safely be likened to the rough road travelled which the team must come out smarter and unscratched when the curtain of the proceedings for the ęrst leg is drawn. This implies that we must start on strong footing to enable us take it further with full conędence in the all -important return leg in the baĴle of Egypt.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Saturday, March 5, 2016

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Saturday, March 5, 2016

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Saturday, March 5, 2016

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016



Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016



Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016

Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016



Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016

Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016



Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016

Saturday, March 5, 2016

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Saturday, March 5, 2016


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Saturday, March 5, 2016

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Saturday, March 5, 2016

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sports/EURO League

Rooney set for warm-weather break in Dubai


ayne Rooney will Ěy to Dubai for a warm-weather break after being told he does not require knee surgery that could have jeopardised his chances of captaining England at Euro 2016. Rooney damaged ligaments in Manchester United’s defeat at Sunderland last month and will keep his right knee in a protective brace for another two weeks. But United boss Louis van Gaal has given his skipper permission to take wife Coleen to one of their favourite destinations for a week, having allowed Bastian Schweinsteiger and Phil Jones to spend time in Dubai recently during their recuperation from injury. Van Gaal also raised

the possibility of Rooney returning to action sooner than expected, although the 30-year-old striker is unlikely to be ęt for England’s friendlies against Germany and Holland at the end of this month. Roy Hodgson’s team kick oě their Euro 2016 campaign against Russia on June 11, and there were fears that Rooney could struggle to be ęt in time if he needed surgery. However, speaking ahead Wednesday’s match at home to Watford, Van Gaal said: ‘No, he does not need an operation. He may be back in March.’ Rooney’s continued absence remains a problem for United, although three wins in a week and the remarkable emergence of teenage striker Marcus Rashford

have helped cushion the blow. Rashford, 18, has scored four goals in his ęrst two games against Midtjylland and Arsenal, and Van Gaal must decide whether to let him lead the line against Watford or restore a ęt-again Anthony Martial. The Dutchman admits the teenager now faces an even greater level of expectation, but believes Rashford has the temperament to cope with it. ‘Now the pressure shall raise for him because all the people shall look at him in another way – after four goals, the fans are expecting the ęfth goal,’ said Van Gaal, who also conęrmed that another young striker Will Keane requires surgery on his groin injury.

Martial treats wife Samantha to birthday shopping spree


e’s treated Manchester United fans to a string of spectacular performances this season but it was Anthony Martial’s wife’s turn to be spoilt by the striker. The 20-year-old France forward, who has missed

United’s last two games due to a hamstring injury, treated partner Samantha to a birthday shopping spree in the city town centre. Celebrating her 23rd birthday, Martial went for lunch at Nando’s with his other half before heading to Selfridges

at The Traěord Centre where he bought three designer handbags. The couple appeared in high spirits as they wandered around the Manchester shopping centre as the striker prepares to make his return from injury. Martial felt a hamstring problem before last week’s Europa League clash against Midtjylland and was replaced by Marcus Rashford, who went on to net a spectacular brace. The Frenchman also sat out the club’s 3-2 victory over arch rivals Arsenal on Sunday but could make a return in Wednesday’s Barclays Premier League game with Watford. Manager Louis van Gaal suggested the striker, along with Chris Smalling and MaĴeo Darmian, could feature against the Hornets at Old Traěord.

Fellaini edging ‘hairly’ close to Man Utd return


arouane Fellaini and his twin brother Mansour enjoyed a hair-raising day out in Cheshire as the Manchester United midęelder continues his come back from injury. Fellaini has not featured for the Reds since their 1-1 with Chelsea at Stamford Bridge last month and it was reported the Belgian international had succumbed to a hamstring injury. As he awaits his return to the ęrst team set-up Fellaini decided he was in need of some brotherly love and took an afternoon stroll with

Hotspurs, Arsenal tango in EPL title race


he Premier League title race is set for yet another twist in Week 29 as second-placed ToĴenham Hotspur take on third-placed Arsenal in the north London derby. Table-toppers Leicester City will be looking to capitalise on at least one of their rivals dropping points when they travel to Vicarage Road on Saturday evening to face Watford. Manchester City will hope to get their fading challenge back on track at home to Aston Villa, while Villa’s relegation rivals Newcastle United are in desperate need of three points and host Bournemouth. Here is the full schedule for the weekend’s action, complete with score

predictions and ticket information for each game. After both sides failed to make ground on Leicester— who themselves dropped two points at home to West Bromwich Albion—picking up three points in the derby is even more vital. Particularly for Arsenal, who slipped six points

behind the Foxes and three behind the Lilywhites after back-to-back defeats to Manchester United and Swansea City. Though Spurs also lost to West Ham United on Wednesday, the defeat could well just be a blip among some otherwise excellent form having won the six league games prior. Indeed, football writer Iain Macintosh believes Arsenal’s setback to be far greater: Arsenal have now lost three successive matches in all competitions, and things could be set to get even worse for the north London outęt on Saturday as they will be without two key players. Per the club’s oĜcial TwiĴer feed, Wenger conęrmed Petr Cech will miss the derby:

So too will Laurent Koscielny, per their website. Without their two most important players at the back, Spurs—who have only been outscored by Leicester this season—stand an excellent chance of geĴing on the scoresheet. The Gunners may well ęnd it equally diĜcult at the other end, with Olivier Giroud enduring a lengthy goal drought: Theo WalcoĴ has been equally uninspiring, while even the likes of Mesut Ozil and Alexis Sanchez have failed to hit their usual heights of late. Barring a dramatic turnaround or a calamitous ToĴenham performance, the organised and defensively solid Spurs can all-but knock Arsenal out of the title race today.

his twin. The expansively coiěed pair look relaxed. Although the Belgian international was clearly feeling the cold, opting for a puěa jacket and scarf whilst his brother made do with only a light jacket. United boss Louis van Gaal described Fellaini as ‘close to being injured’ before the Sunderland game on February 13, and although nothing has been conęrmed by the club, reports suggested a hamstring injury has been the reason for his abence. Now van Gaal has said that the midęelder is close to a return. ‘Players are coming back in March, I think,’ van Gaal told MUTV. ‘[Marouane] Fellaini and [Antonio] Valencia are the ęrst ones to

come back, I think. ‘Except, of course, Martial and Smalling and [MaĴeo] Darmian - they are coming back, maybe already tomorrow. ‘Fellaini shall come into the last step of the process of team training, and also [Antonio] Valencia today has trained with the group, so they are coming back. ‘It depends how they feel tomorrow, but the chance is there that one of these three players already plays.’ The Belgian midęelder is a big part of van Gaal’s plans. Fellaini had started the previous seven games for the Reds before the Sunderland ęxture and had been included in every matchday selection going back to November.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

League Watch

Enyimba’s nightmare finally over –Anyansi


hairman of Enyimba FC, Felix Anyansi Agwu, has stressed that the People’s Elephants 2-0 win over Vipers SC which conęrmed their place in the ęrst round of the CAF Champions League has opened the way for more impressive results in the NPFL and subsequent matches in the continental competition. Enyimba have found goals scoring diĜcult since the beginning

of the season having lost three games out of the four competitive matches played this season thus far, but they found their magic wand at Ugandan outęt with Mfon Udoh’s brace sending them to the ęrst round 2-1 of the competition. And Anyansi pointed out that the victory in the CAF Champions League has ushered a new lease of life. “We are certain that this is new order with the victory and qualięcation for the

next round of the CAF Champions League and that from now henceforth, we shall get our bearing back in the league and in other competitions that we have entered for,” Anyansi told Goal. “It has been very tough for us and we are happy that we have kick-started our season with this win. “We expect the players to brace up and get a good victory against Ikorodu United and other subsequent games,” he concluded.

Gov. Emmanuel sacks Akwa Mgt, Dike returns as Heartland’s technical appoints Bassey adviser


lphonsus Dike has been named the new technical adviser of Nigeria Professional Football League outęt, Heartland FC of Owerri. Dike replaces Bethel Orji who was shown the exit door by the club management on Sunday after the team bowed at


ollowing the surprise ouster of Akwa United from this year’s CAF Confederation Cup competition, the State governor, Mr. Udom Emmanuel, has shown his displeasure by sacking the board and management of the club. It was learnt that the sack of the former board chairman, Mr. Nse Ube, was as a result of the abysmal ęrst round ouster from the CAF Confederation Cup in the hands of Congolese club, Vita Club Mukanda of Point Noire at Ibom International Stadium in Uyo on Saturday. According to the State Commissioner of Information and Communications, Mr. Aniekan Umana, in a statement in Uyo on Tuesday, stated that Emmanuel had appointed sports journalist and FIFA/CAF Match Commissioner, Mr. Paul Bassey, as the head of a three-month interim

board. The governor thanked the previous board for its eěorts that led to the club winning its ęrst major domestic trophy and qualięed to represent the country in the continent. The Akwa United FC, which only needed a draw to get to the next

home to Abia Warriors in a NPFL game at the Dan Anyiam Stadium. With three games played in the Nigerian topĚight, the Naze Millionaires are yet to record a win or score a goal, boasting of two draws and a defeat. Heartland were held to a 0-0 draw in their league opener against

Amaefule backs Abia Warriors to fight for title

stage of the game, could not convert a penalty kick as its marksman, Ubing Ekpai, missed a penalty in regulation time and after trailing to a second half goal missed their last penalty kick with aggregate score standing at 7-6 in favour of the Point Noire based side.


Ndem not surprised with Plateau United form


lateau United goalkeeper, Innocent Ndem said he is “not surprised” by his side’s brilliant start to the 2016 Nigeria Professional Football League season. Two wins out of three games, including a 2-1 victory over Warri Wolves in their last match put the Jos based team in sixth place on the NPFL log. Ndem believes that the hard work and commitment of the

players and coaching staě are being rewarded on the pitch.

Warri Wolves at their base before holding Wikki Tourist to the same score line in their Week 2 encounter. And before their home fans on Sunday, they crumbled to a 1-0 defeat against Abia Warriors with Michael Olaha handing the visitors a valuable three points. With the appointment of former youth international coach, Dike, the Owerri side would be hoping to bounce back to reckoning.

“(Looking at the table) motivates us to do more,” Ndem told

Goal. “I’m not surprised because of the eěort we put in during pre-season and the commitment of the players every day in training. “We’ve been working so hard and everybody is really focused - the young players and the experienced players. “The manager (Zachary Baraje) is doing a great job, all the staě are working really hard. We need to carry on doing that and the results will come.”

igeria Under-23 international, Chizoba Amaefule, has backed Abia Warriors to contend for this season’s league title. The former Al Markhiya of Qatar defender, Amaefule said the Umuahia club have the quality on the bench and on the pitch to challenge for the league crown this season. “I signed a year’s deal with Abia Warriors, I had oěers from other teams, but I chose Abia Warriors because they are a team who have quality and are capable of winning their ęrst league crown. “There are good players here with a good coach in Kennedy Boboye.” Abia Warriors ęnished 10th last season after they placed ninth on their debut in the 2013/14 season.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016


Abia north: Litmus test for INEC Continued from Page 14

Ezeani, who led the stakeholders to inspect the materials, assured them that he would ensure transparency in the distribution of the materials a day ahead of the polls. He said the commission would adopt continuous accreditation and voting, adding that the approach, which had been experimented in recent elections, helped to ensure timely conclusion of the exercise. Ezeani said apart from ensuring that the exercise did not spill into the night, it also ensured timely

declaration of the results. He expressed hope that some people would not be plotting to cause violence and electoral malpractices while the commission was working to ensure free, fair and credible elections. He, therefore, appealed to the political parties and the candidates to assist the commission to ensure a successful exercise. The REC warned that the commission would not allow more than one party agent at the polling units and the respective collation centres. He said that although the

commission collated results at the Local Government headquarters, the Transition Committee Chairmen were barred from being present during collation. He spoke against the backdrop of the complaints from a crosssection of the party chieftains that mutilation and rigging of election results were often carried out at the local government collation centres. They alleged that the security agencies always collaborated with the council chairmen to shut out agents of opposition parties from the collation centres, thus allowing the party in power to have a field day.

The security agencies at the meeting included the Police, Navy, Immigration, Prisons, Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps, Federal Road Safety Commission and the Department of State Service. The heads of the agencies assured the people of their readiness to maintain law and order in areas involved in the elections, adding that there would be adequate security for lives and property. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the re-run elections are scheduled to take place in Abia North Senatorial District and 10 state constituencies.

LP applauds Delta Speaker, says he’s a good human manager Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


upport for the Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Monday Igbuya recently increased as member representing Ethiope East Constituency in the State House of Assembly, Hon. Evance Ivwurie described him as “an inspiring and magnetic political Àgure”. “I will describe Igbuya as a democrat in our hallowed Chamber and in leadership. He is a team player. He is a very energetic, hard-working, disciplined, committed and very eͿective law-maker. Rather than deny any member of his or her right, he Àghts for and protects the rights of every member daily” he said. In a statement issued in Asaba, Ivwurie, a Labour Party (LP) member, described his relationship with Igbuya as “beautiful and cordial”. According to him, “My relationship with Speaker Igbuya as someone elected from a diͿerent political party from that the Speaker is bipartisan, friendly, mutually respectable and cordial. Mr. Speaker Ànds common ground through compromise in legislation with opposing political parties. “He does not adhere only to his political party interest. He does not advance his own political party agenda unduly in the exercise of his duty as Speaker at the expense of the other political party because of conÁicting ideologies. Speaker Igbuya especially, and every member of the Delta State House of Assembly has not

left anyone in doubt that he and we all have the interest of a united, indivisible and strong Delta State at heart, in ways that the interest of the State has overriding eͿect over and above Mr. Speaker and all members personal interests and considerations.” In a statement titled: “My Perspectives on Mister Speaker”, Ivwurie listed patience and persistence as two most useful character traits of Igbuya. “Mr. Speaker is completely bipartisan and this has reÁected in all of the bills, acts, resolutions and policies we have dealt with in the House in which the Speaker and all members have agreed about all or many parts of the choices by Ànding a common ground in bipartisanship and that is why there is no cynicism and gridlock in Delta State political and economic system. It has been a strong spirit of Delta State Àrst, bipartisanship and hard-work. I can assure you that Speaker Igbuya is always looking out for the best interests of Delta State”. Emphasizing that the speaker is an honest politician who has a clear vision for the House and the State, Ivwurie accused critics of Igbuya of pursuing selÀsh agenda. “My Assessment of his performance will start with his weakness. First thing I will like to talk about is the general weakness of Mr. Speaker which is well known to so many people because it continues to cause him problems regularly. He is considered highly and overtly too prudent, frugal and inexpensive, even journalists and those seeking services have this quarrel with him all the time. He always wants to make sure Delta State does not waste or spend money that she does not have. He is also considered


by many members to be too open and transparent especially on Ànance and funding. He has no reservation as to correcting his colleagues behind as he is unable to compromise or accept unethical conducts no matter who is involved”. The Labour Party member also oͿered some genuine insights on how the Delta State House of Assembly functions. “Mr. Speaker is quite spiritual. He possesses a vision of a strong, strengthened and united Delta State. He is not temperamental but very decisive. He is very unÁappable. His actions toward law making are matched with a political savvy that often includes a measure of expediency. Although he is consensus-seeking, he has always led the House by the House Rules as they exist, not as he would like them to exist. He is internet and Facebook friendly and has strong capacity to endure negative criticism. He believes that many criticisms are meant to keep him continuously on his toes. He thanked Mister Speaker for his service to the state. “Rt. Hon Igbuya is a leader who understands that our


Country and State is in a total mess. He knows the depth and enormity of the predicaments and task that lies ahead of the State and he is seriously working with the Executive Governor, His Excellency, Dr Ifeanyi Okowa to surmount the challenges. He has self-discipline and he is very persuasive. He taps into the authentic need of his colleagues and members easily. So far, Mr. Speaker has shown clearly that he is neither a dealer nor a transactional leader. The interest of the State has always superseded his personal interests”. He heaped praise on Igbuya for cherishing the mood of his colleagues. “The perspectives that I have shared above has resulted to many accomplishments and achievements of the Delta State House of Assembly under one year of Mr. Speaker’s passionate leadership and strong ability to mobilize members to attain goals as reÁected in the speed of work in the several pro-development debates, considerations, conÀrmations, policies, acts, resolutions and bills that the House has dealt with and passed” he added.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016


ECOWAS court sets March 15 for Dasuki’s case



Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


he Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Court of Justice is set to hear the case of former National Security Adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki, for the enforcement of his fundamental human rights. Records provided by the Registry Department of the Court shows that hearing in case no ECW/ CCJ/APP/01/16 filed

by Col. Dasuki has been fixed for 15th March 2016 Dasuki’s case is among the over 40 cases that the sub regional court scheduled for the first quarter of 2016. It will be recalled that former NSA to former President Goodluck Jonathan, is being detained by the Department of State Security (DSS) over his allegedly diverting $2.1 billion meant for arms procurement. According to the Court, most of the cases borders on human rights violation. The court will deliver

judgements in five of the cases, give rulings on three others while the rest of the cases are for hearing. Three of the judgements will be delivered on 16th February 2016. In another of the cases due to be heard during this first quarter, Dorothy Chioma Njemanze and three others are in suit no ECW/CCJ/APP/17/14 suing the government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, alleging that they were arbitrarily abducted, detained and assaulted sexually, verbally and physically at different times between

January 2010 and March 2013. They alleged that the agents of the government of Nigeria comprising the Abuja Environmental Protection Board (AEPB), the Nigerian Police, and the Nigerian Military subjected them to gender-based violence and inhuman and degrading treatment contrary to the provisions of various international legal instruments. They also cited the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) among the instruments violated by the government. The matter has been slated for continuation of hearing on 18th March 2016. In another case, a Nigerian, Mr Obioma C.O. Ogukwe whose 15 year old son died in a swimming incident on 15th October 2016 is suing the government of Ghana in suit number ECW/CCJ/APP/12/14 alleging the violation of his fundamental rights as enshrined in relevant sections of various international legal instruments by its

failure to carry out a proper investigation and prosecution of person(s) found guilty for the alleged murder of his son. The plaintiff submitted that the schoolmaster had taken his son in company of other students out for jogging that ended at the beach where the schoolmaster invited the students to swim. However, his son declined the schoolmaster ’s invitation to swim, opting instead to play a game on phone. The boy lost his life thereafter in controversial circumstances. Hearing in the case continues on 18th March 2016. The cases will be heard by different panel of judges drawn from the present Members of the Court, which include Hon. Justice Maria Do Céu Silva Monteiro (President), Hon. Justice Chijioke Friday Nwoke (Vice President), and Hon. Justice Jérôme Traoré (Dean). Other Members of the Court are Hon. Justice Micah Wilkins Wright, Hon. Justice Yaya Boiro, Hon. Justice Hameye Foune Mahalmadane, and Hon. Justice Alioune Sall.

Pardon Beko’s son, human rights group pleads Brigadier Kuti, son of Dr. Bekololari Mansur Oladunjoye, Ransome-Kuti national Asst. Politics Editor pardon over the case of mutiny against them group of following the decision human rights of the Military Court in activists January 2015 after the under the Baga massacre carried umbrella of Beko Rights out by Boko Haram Klub during the week insurgents. staged a peaceful “Today makes it protest to Lagos State a decade when Dr. House of Assembly to Bekololari Ransomeseek national pardon Kuti passed away as a for Brigadier Enitan crusader for democracy Ransome Kuti and his and we are strongly colleagues over the convinced that the case of mutiny by the revelations reeled military court. out from the arms Their spokesperson, procurement scandal Mr. Debo Adeniran, and the Dasukigate stated that they conÀrm their innocence want the Nigerian and patriotism; we Government to grant believe with these



expositions that the actions of Brig. Gen. Enitan and others are justiÀable, reasonable and dialectical,” he explained. He further stated, “We want unconditional release of Beko’s son and his colleagues because they were

of Representative for necessary actions.” The Majority Leader of the House, Hon. Sanai Agunbiade who represented the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Mudashiru Obasa, assured the protesters that justice will be done and the course they came for is humanitarian because they are here to seek Buratai justice. “A copy of your punished for Àghting petition will be to make others live; delivered to the Hon. we also appeal to the Speaker for necessary relevant authority to action and we will pardon, release and resolve the matter absorb them back into the Nigerian Army. Also, and make everything peaceful because we are we want this Assembly to submit our petition to here to serve members the Senate President and of the public,” he assured. the Speaker of House

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Saturday, March 5

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Stay Healthy

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Saturday, March 5, 2016

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Saturday, March 5

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Saturday, March 5,

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5 , 2016


North Central Be custodians of the rule of law, Arase warns Police Officers Godwin Agwam, /DÂżD


Managing Director, TV Enterprises, Mr. Maxwell Loko (left) Minister of Information, Mr. Lai Mohammed (2nd right) and other JRYHUQPHQW RIÂżFLDOV GXULQJ WKH 0LQLVWHUÂśV LQVSHFWLRQ RI 17$ 'LJLWLVDWLRQ IDFLOLWLHV LQ -RV 3ODWHDX 6WDWHÂŤ\HVWHUGD\

Och’Idoma didn’t eject IDPs from palace, says IDCMC *RGZLQ $NRU 0DNXUGL


doma Communal Crises Management Committee has condemned in strong terms, incessant attacks on the people of Agatu by suspected Fulani herdsmen. In a press statement signed by its secretary, Mr Adoka Adaji, after an emergency meeting held at the Och’Idoma Palace in Otukpo , the

committee said attacks on the defenceless Agatu people of Benue State by suspected Fulani herdsmen which resulted in the loss of over 300 lives and property worth billions of naira was unfortunate. The committee extended profound gratitude to individuals and organizations that have donated relief materials to the victims of the attack who are seriously

in need of assistance. It debunked the rumour that the Och’Idoma ejected victims of the crises from the palace, saying that the IDPs were taken to designated camps by the Benue State Emergency Management Agency, SEMA. The IDPs, the committee said, would be properly documented in the various camps to enable them beneÀt from the

relief materials and other items being provided. “The committee resolved that those with relief materials and other items for the IDPs should liaise with the Catholic Bishop of Otukp, Most Rev (Dr) Michael Apochi, who is the chairman of the rehabilitation subcommittee,� the Idoma Crises Management Committee said in the statement.

Politicians shouldn’t dictate creation of chiefdoms, districts- Group cautions Lalong *\DQJ %HUH -RV


lateau State Government has been advised not to allow self-seeking politicians to meddle into its laudable desire to review earlier creation of chiefdoms, districts and village areas currently under taken by the D. G. Fompun CommiÄ´ee set up by Governor Simon Lalong. A joint press statement signed by President, Berom Educational and Cultural Organisation (BECO), Ericson Fom and President, Anaguta Development Association, Mr. Yakubu Kankanni, was made available to

journalists in Jos after a stakeholders meeting of Anaguta and Berom in the State. The stakeholders bemoaned the clamour for the creation of an exclusive district in Jos to beneęt Hausas as currently clamoured by a section of self-seeking politicians. According to the statement, the stakeholders said their attention has been drawn to a recent statement credited to one Alh. Yahaya Kwande who hails from Kwande District in Quan’Pan Local Government Area, allegedly clamouring for the creation of an exclusive district in Jos for the beneęt of Hausas.

The stakeholders view such call as entirely unnecessary given the fact that a government commiĴee was already in place, adding that such zealous statements can serve as gunpowder to the Hausa who may be seeking extra governmental means of achieving a long held dream. Part of the statement reads, “What could be ęring the interest of Alhaji Yahaya Kwande who ordinarily should be concerned with pursuing his unrealized ambition of becoming the Long-kwo? From the cultural and traditional standpoint, Alh. Kwande has no locus standi to make such call. “We appreciate that

Government is aware that for the delineation of territories, creation of chiefdoms, districts and villages, land ownership and history have no substitutes. We believe in the capacity and impartiality of the commiĴee to carry out its assignment and should be allowed to carry it out to a logical conclusion. “It is in the candid opinion and advice of the Anaguta and Berom stakeholders that the relative peace currently being enjoying in Jos should not be ruptured by reckless statements of individuals or groups, no maĴer how highly placed� the statement reads.

he Inspector General of Police(IGP), Solomon Arase has admonished men of the Force to ensure strict adherence to the rule of law in carrying out their duties. The IGP gave the charge in LaĂ€a when he visited men of the Force in Nasarawa State as part of his statewide visits to improve welfare of the Force. Arase noted that for Police O΀cers to excel in their work, it must be intelligence driven. He frowned at a situation where civilians are kept in cells for long because of lack of substantial evidence for prosecution. “Before you invite anyone to the facility, you must have your facts on

ground because it will help to avoid unusual detention of suspects. “Remember that we were once civilians before we joined the Force and we will one day leave to become civilians. So, don’t treat people the way you will not like them to treat youâ€?, he said. The IGP also assured them of his readiness to initiate policies that would spur them to work saying his administration has introduced scholarship scheme for children of inspectors and rank and Ă€le. He added that two-bedroom Ă ats would also be built across all states of the federation for low ranking men of the Force to provide a place of abode after retirement.

Al-makura reads riot act on misuse of public schools *RGZLQ $JZDP /DÂżD


asarawa state Governor Umaru Tanko Al - Makura has warned that henceforth government will deal decisively with anybody caught using public schools across the state for unrelated educational activities. The governor issued the warning when he paid unscheduled visit to LGEA Primary School, LaÀa East, Yesterday, in LaÀa. He explained that government has incurred serious losses ranging from destruction of school windows, zincs and other facilities as result of using public

school premises as games arena after school hours. Al - Makura said his administration will not take it lightly with anyone or group of persons found destroying government properties adding that, anyone caught in any school premises after closing hours without genuine reasons will have him/herself to blame. He added that government will henceforth deploy security agencies to various schools across the state to safeguard government properties in schools. The governor, however, called on members of the public to assist in protecting government properties.

Och’Idoma expresses fear over Agatu/Fulani crisis Godwin Akor, Makurdi


ch’Idoma , Agabaidu Elias Ikoyi Obekpa, has expressed the fear that Agatu people of Benue state may be wiped out if urgent steps are not taken to check frequent aĴacks on them by Fulani herdsmen. The paramount ruler who spoke through Chief Samuel Onu at a stakeholders’ meeting held at the instance of the Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase, at the Police OĜcers’ Mess, Makurdi, maintained that the problem between Fulani herdsmen and Agatu people was beyond traditional rulers.

“If time is not taken, the people will be wiped out; they are not at home now, we need at least three units of Police so that the people may return home�, he emphasized. Chairman of Makurdi Local Government Traditional Council, Chief Sule Abenga, in his comment, said great sons of Benue are farmers, but they cannot farm because of interference from caĴle rearers. He said the IGP’s visit to Benue would shame those saying that Fulani would continue to kill farmers in Benue because the President of Nigeria is of the Fulani extraction and observed that IGP’s visit was timely.

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sports Update

Nigeria/Egypt cracker: Siasia wants Nigeria league midweek matches suspended


oach Samson Siasia has said he wants Nigeria league midweek matches suspended for him to work fully with the home-based players from Monday. Siasia has called up 22 players from the domestic league for a training camp in Abuja beginning on Monday ahead of AFCON qualięers against Egypt later this month. “I have spoken with

the federation and I would want midweek league matches suspended, that will help with my preparation,” Siasia told reporters at a press brieęng. The selected players from this training camp will move to Kaduna on March 21 to be joined by the foreign pros. Siasia also raised concerns over the sharply diěerent weather conditions the country’s Europe-based stars will baĴle when they Ěy in the AFCON qualięers. “It’s cold in Europe and it will be hot in Kaduna, so I am very concerned about this,” he admiĴed.

Mikel pledges support to Siasia


Why Eagles coach left out Ideye, Ajiboye, Success –Official


agles caretaker coach Samson Siasia 42-man squad list for a double-header against Egypt reĚected the current form of Nigeria players, but the likes of Brown Ideye, Dele Ajioboye and Isaac Success were some worthy omissions with reasons too. A top member of the NFF technical commiĴee, who pleaded anonymity, spoke specially on these players who should have made the team, but are not there. Here are the reasons Siasia proěered for omiĴing these players when he defended his list before the commiĴee. Success has been an ever-present in the Granada starting 11 this

season. He has played 28 times in all competitions for Granada this season scoring ęve goals with three assists. He was on target in Granada’s 2-0 defeat of Sporting Gijon in Spanish La Liga this week. Naturally a striker, he has been deployed more from the left Ěank this season. Why he is not on the list: Our source further explained: “Success was equally mentioned, but the main snag is his goal conversion rate. “His work rate is commendable but for a striker, he needs to score more goals. Against Egypt, we will need more potent strikers in front of goal. We will need strikers who will take the opportunities

when they come. “He is quite a young chap who will be very useful to the national team in future but such a crucial game might not actually be the right time to blood him. Remember he is yet to make his full international debut. “In future, it will be interesting to see how he links up with the likes of Ighalo in the aĴack”. Brown played 28 matches in all competitions for Greek champions Olympiacos this season (20 in Greek Super League, 6 in UEFA Champions League and 2 in Europa League). The last of these performances was against Anderlecht in the Europa league on February 25. On the whole, Olympiacos’s

number 99 scored eight goals with one assist. The move to Olympiacos saw a rejuvenation of his career after the lull at West Bromwich Albion. Why he is not on the list: Our source; “The idea of having Ideye serve as a foil for Ighalo is appetising. We all know what Troy Deneey does for Ighalo at Watford. He will need such a player in the national team. “But while you have to note that Brown also has a low goal conversion rate, his usefulness in a 4-4-2 situation cannot be ignored. “But we have players like Victor Moses returning to the national team. “Brown should return soon but not for this game. We cannot invite all the players at the same time”. Dele’s form at Warri Wolves has caught the aĴention of NPFL observers. Not a few believe he is the most in-form keeper in the domestic scene. He has started and ęnished all Wolves four games this season and kept three clean sheets. He was the stand-out keeper at the Super 4 and has kept a below-par Wolves side aĚoat this season. Why he is not on the list: Our source; “We invited two foreign-based keepers, Carl Ikeme and Dan Akpeyi. The three homebased keepers who should open the camp are national team ‘keepers at diěerent levels.

helsea star star, Mikel Obi, has called up Nigeria caretaker coach, Samson Siasia, to pledge his total support ahead of allimportant AFCON qualięers against Egypt later this month. A top source close to Siasia informed AfricanFootball. com that Mikel has already phoned the coach to vow his total support in the wake of the resignation of Sunday Oliseh. “Mikel called Siasia and pledged his full support,” disclosed the source. The 28-year-old Chelsea midęelder was sensationally dropped to the bench by Oliseh when Nigeria beat Swaziland 2-0 in a 2018 World Cup qualięer last year. As Eagles vice-captain, he was widely expected to be named Eagles coach by Oliseh after Vincent y Enyeama’s dramatic exit

from the Super Eagles, but in the end Ahmed Musa was handed the captain’s armband. Mikel’s relationship with Siasia has blown hot and cold. He was one of the stars when Siasia led the country to reach the ęnal of the 2005 FIFA U20 World Cup in the Netherlands. However, the coach overlooked him for the 2008 Beijing Olympics after he stayed away from the qualifying tournament for the summer games.

Alex Iwobi drums support for Nigeria against Egypt


he Arsenal midęelder has urged supporters to rally round the Super Eagles when they face the Pharaohs in two crucial Africa Cup of Nations qualięers later this month Arsenal’s Alex Iwobi has asked Nigeria fans to remain hopeful and continue to show their

love for the Super Eagles ahead of this month’s crucial pair of Africa Cup of Nations qualięers against Egypt. The Eagles trail the Pharaohs by two points in Group G and need at least four points over two legs to ensure they keep alive their hopes of reaching Gabon 2017. The fast emerging Arsenal star expressed his happiness at making interim coach Samson Siasia’s squad. “I call on all Nigerians to rally round the Super Eagles in the two crucial matches against Egypt. I am aware that historically matches between Egypt and Nigeria are very competitive, however, with the calibre of players both home and abroad I am conędent we shall triumph against a very diĜcult opponent,” Iwobi told Goal.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sports Update

2 0 1 6 COPA Co ca-Cola Football k icks of f


ootball fans across Nigeria will be treated to the best of amazing and unforgeĴable School Football in Nigeria, as the 2016 COPA Coca-Cola national championship kicks oě with registeration of participants. The world’s largest brand-supported grassroots football initiative COPA Coca-Cola, led by the global beverage giant, Coca-Cola, connects and engages teens with the prospect of aĴaining their football dreams, encouraging them to bond, form new friendships, and acquire signięcant social skills through team involvement. This year, the ‘Join in a Team’ emphasises team spirit, and will witness several matches payed in 32 cities across the country, with over 3000 schools participating in the 3000 matches that would bring together over 60, 000 players. This is a signięcant leap from last year, 2015, where matches were played in 10 cities, among 144 schools, and with about 2,160 players. The event has been divided into three stages, the grassroots, group and ęnal stage. At the grassroots stage, interested schools in each state will be allowed and encouraged to par-

ticipate, and 32 qualifying teams will represent each state of the federation at the group stage. In the Group stage, each region will be divided into groups from which a winner will emerge from the tournament sequential structure for the next round. The ęnal stage is the National Finals, which would be hosted in Lagos, and its grand ęnale will be played in a National Stadium. At the tournament, four female teams - two matches will be exhibited during the national ęnals. The players would also beneęt from coaching clinics at the group stage. Commenting on the initiative, Marketing Director, Coca-Cola, Patricia Jemibewon, said, “Coca-Cola like Football is enjoyed across the world, and creating an experience by bringing these two sources of inspiration together to beneęt players and help them mature into world-class players, is an important way to inĚuence the society. “This year, we have introduced an opportunity for the players not to only pursue their football dreams, but to also understand the importance of playing diěerent roles in a team, to inspire valuable life lessons like conędence, sociability and teamwork, on and oě the pitch.”

Siasia hands late call up to Leon Balogun


h M he Mainz i 05 defender had been sensationally left out of the Nigeria squad when it was announced on Thursday but has now been included by the interim coach Coach Samson Siasia has extended invitation to Mainz 05 defender Leon Balogun ahead of this month’s Africa Cup of Nations pair of qualięers against Egypt, bringing to 21 the number of overseas–based players, according to a release by the NFF.

The Super Th S Eagles E l boss b stated that there would be no sentiments or consideration of previous ability as only the training sessions in Kaduna and Alexandria would be used to decide the 18 players on the roll for each game. “These are two matches that we have to win. There would be no looking at what someone has done in the past, or current form at club level. If you are doing well at your club at the moment and you can’t show ferocious form in training

and to the d ability bili to adapt d h environment, then you would have no place,” Siasia said. “I am excited at the debate that has been generated by the team list. You can never satisfy everyone. The important thing is that we know the players we want for these big games and we have invited them, and we believe in them to deliver.” The 1994 Africa Cup of Nations gold medallist assured that he has been speaking with all the players on the list and has received assurance that

eeveryone e yo e iis ready eady to give i e his all in both games. “We continue to ask for the support of every Nigerian as we count down to the two matches. Our people should believe that we can do it, and we will do it.” Nigeria host Egypt in Kaduna on Friday, March 25 and visit the Pharaohs in Alexandria on Tuesday, March 29 in two crucial 2017 Cup of Nations qualięers. Egypt top the Group G table with six points, two more than the Eagles who are in second place.

Ezekiel, Amaefule to join Dream Team camp Iheanacho to pile more pressure on Aston Villa


anchester City striker Kelechi Iheanacho is hoping to be able to add more misery on Premier League strugglers Aston Villa at the Etihad Stadium today. The 19-year-old Nigeria international has found memories of their last meeting with the Villans, having scored a hat-trick in their 4-0 win at Villa Park

in the FA Cup in January. “It’s deęnitely one of my favourite performances of the season, scoring three goals and assisting another,” Iheanacho told mcfc. com. “I think it’s good to play a side you’ve done well against previously because it gives you added conędence so I hope to be involved this time as well. “Beating Villa is an absolute must for us now and we then need to back it up with three or four more wins on the bounce. “We know we have to get back on track starting on Saturday because there are still plenty of games to go and 33 points to be won.” Rock boĴom of the table on 16 points, Rémi Garde’s men will need a miracle to stay in the Premier League. However, the youngster is adamant that anything remains possible this season.


s the U-23 National Team, Dream Team, gets set to take on their Brazilian counterparts in an international friendly later this month, Coach Samson Siasia has been forced to make some changes to the team that will be travelling to the Samba land. Siasia, who is in charge of the Senior National Team, Super Eagles for this month’s 2017 Africa Cup of Nations qualifying double date against the Pharaohs of Egypt, has invited midfielder Imoh Ezekiel and defender Chizoba Amaefule, who will now take the place of both Peter Olayinka and Sergio Uyi. The latter have been forced out of the trip due to injury. The head coach expressed confidence

that with the calibre of players going to Brazil, he is confident that the team is on the right track in its preparation for the men’s football tournament of the Olympics coming up in Rio de Janeiro in August this year.

Last week, the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) and the Confederacao Brasileira de Futebol (CBF) confirmed that their U-23 squads would play an international friendly match in Brazil on Thursday, March 24.

“The CBF is happy to host the champions of Africa, Nigeria Olympic team on the 24th March FIFA date at 7pm at the stadium of Kleber Andrade in the city of Cariacica, Vitoria, Espirito Santo,” the statement read.

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