WATT drives China?

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LI [E] 'LMRIWI LERHPI XLIMV HE] XS HE] PMJI MW WXVSRKP] MR¾ YIRGIH F] XLIMV GYPXYVI M I the way of doing business, politics, habits and copying behavior.Therefore understanding XLI HMJJIVIRX IPIQIRXW SJ XLIMV GYPXYVI [LMGL MR¾ YIRGIW HIGMWMSR QEOMRK ERH FILEZMSV SJ Chinese, is essential for doing business in China. Business, Politics, Money and Gifts 8LI 'LMRIWI FYWMRIWW GYPXYVI MW WXVSRKP] MR¾ YIRGIH F] XLI TSPMXMGEP W]WXIQ (YI XS WXVSRK governmental control the focus of companies is heavily determined and can be quickly changed by government decree. It is all done with a strict top-down approach. Money is the driving force in all this process. Chinese are capitalists and see business opportunities in everything. Respect and status is very important in Chinese business.You only get to speak to the person that matches your own status and it takes multiple meetings to get acquainted and a contract signed. Business cards are essential to get the appreciation of the business partner or interlocutor. Again Western companies have a high status, but they are often obliged to work together with a Chinese partner on the Chinese market. Gifts are appreciated and should be given and received with two hands a sign of the dedication to achieve successful business with the potential partner. The same is true for money and business cards. Image and Chastity Chinese value their image and it is important not to lose face. Therefore friends will rather ignore than correct your mistake in public. The importance of keeping face can be seen in many situations, like asking directions where any answer is better than no answer for example. Not knowing the answer to question will be resolved by either not answering or KMZMRK E X[MWXIH VITP] XLEX WIIQW PSKMGEP EX ½ VWX FYX EJXIV E WIGSRH XLSYKL HSIW RSX QEOI sense at all. Western culture is still considered superior and anything English is cool. Therefore you see many examples of bad English spelling and it can be easy to get things done as a Western person. One has to consider their appearance in public to be decent. However strolling around in your silk pajamas is a symbol of wealth: “Look at me, I don’t need to work, I’m VMGL² 8LI 'LMRIWI EVI TVYHI ERH RYHMX] MW E FMK XEFSS [LMGL MW IZIR RSX EGGITXIH MR JEWLMSR Though, the women still dress up, wearing short skirts, high heels and tight shirts. Copying Due to the political system, the long history and strong tradition the Chinese have much trouble with creative thinking. Copying is still heavily integrated in the Chinese culture, as GER FI WIIR EQSRK XLI EZIVEKI 'LMRIWI 8LI [E] SJ XLMROMRK MW WXMPP ZIV] GSR½ RIH XS GIVXEMR


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patterns and traditions. The educational system seems to encourage copying culture and suppress creative thinking. However, the government is changing its policies. It will try to change its heading from being the world’s production facility to being the world’s frontrunner in high-tech, wind and solar power and electric transport industries. With the governQIRX GLERKMRK XLIMV TSPMG] E ½ VWX WXIT MW QEHI LS[IZIV QYGL WXMPP RIIHW XS GLERKI MR XLI EXXMXYHI SJ XLI EZIVEKI 'LMRIWI ERH XLI GSRWIVZEXMZI IHYGEXMSREP W]WXIQ 8LI HMJ½ GYPX] therein, lies in the fact that the fear of losing face, makes them less individually active, less creative and more conservative in that sense.

Gifts Language Copying Business Politics Chastity Money Image


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