January 2017 The Daegu Compass

Page 1


January 2017

Colorful Daegu



Daegu Hanok Cafes and Restaurants Atelier Lucid

Chars Vlacks New School Hair in a Vintage-Cool Studio

Who Says You Can’t Rock in Daegu? Part 2: The Bands

Escape Daegu The Hahoe Village in Andong

Andy Warhol, Gold Book, 1957



Compass Sponsors for sponsorship rates Contact sales@daegucompass.com Tel 010.5386.0908 (Yuri Lee)

The Daegu Compass would like to dedicate this page to all of our SPONSORS who make this information guide possible. Without your support now and in the future, we couldn’t make the Daegu Compass. We’d also like to thank everyone in the community who takes time out of their day to enjoy the Daegu Compass. Our goal is to constantly improve to help your stay in Daegu be the best time of your life. Please visit our SPONSORS to show them appreciation for supporitng the Daegu Compass. Sincerely, The Daegu Compass Team



HOURS: Mon-Sat 11:30-10:30 (last call @ 9:30) Sun 11:30-9:30 (last call @8:30) Closed on 2nd & 4th Mondays




727-19, Daebongdong, Jung-gu (대구시 중구 대봉동 727-19번지) Tel. 070.4118.0188 instagram: @_surfandturf facebook: /surfandturfkorea




Daegu Compass에 광고나 기타 문의가 있으신 분들을 아래로 연락주시기 바랍니다. 전화 : 053-742-0392 팩스 : 053-742-0393 이메일 : hami@daegucompass.com 4

Compass Sponsors



Around Daegu



Thursday Party MIES Factory Go Go Vinyl Who’s Bob Caliente Mushroom Lounge Club THAT +More

Tilt Bar and Grill

Novotel Inter-burgo Exco Inter-burgo Manchon Daegu Grand Hotel +more coming soon

Camp Walker Camp Henry Camp Carroll Hami Mami’s Hagwons Universities Public Schools Daegu Banks +More

Busan All Thursday Party bars



Daegu is very spread out. We need your help with distribution. Email us at info@daegucompass.com to find out how you can help. Thanks!


Editor Notes

Hi Daegu, Happy New Year!! Welcome to the first issue of 2017! We are very excited to start off the new year with yet another great issue: Alex A-Che brings you the second installment of her hanok cafe and restaurant series; Kyle Decker tells you about some great local bands; and Gwendolyn DeSilva highlights a fantastic place to take a day trip.. A big thanks goes out to all our Compass readers who make this information guide such a great publication. If you have a special restaurant, cafe, or bar that you like to go to - and you think our readers should too - send an email to our Editor in Chief at lindsay@daegucompass. com. Also, if you are interested in learning how to be a writer, photographer or get involved with the Compass, send us an email at lindsay@daegucompass.com - we hope to hear from you soon. We also want to take a moment and thank all of our sponsors old and new for helping to keep the Compass a free publication. Best, Yuri Lee and The Daegu Compass Team

• Managing Editor Yuri Lee • Publisher Miyong Ha • Creative Director Scott McLaughlin • Editor-in-Chief Lindsay Mickles • Graphic Designers Eun Ji Lee • Translation Director Scott McLaughlin & Yujeong Lee • Event Director Yuri Lee • Writers, Proofreaders and Photographers Alex A-Che Bridgett Hernandez Daehanmindecline Douglas Vautour Gwendolyn DeSilva Hon Hoang John Golding John Yingling Jung MiJin Kyle Decker Lindsay Mickles Madeline Yochum Shannon Milojkovic Theil Stephen Schuit Yujeong Lee Zoon Zen Mayer • Sales & PR Yuri Lee

대구광역시 수성구 동대구로73길 14(범어동) 401호 Fax 053-742-0393 Tel 053-742-0392 Mob 010-5386-0908 E-Mail yuri@daegucompass.com • Cover photo submitted by Cover photo courtesy of Daegu Art Museum


Editor Notes



• Articles

• Useful Information

• Maps

• Daegu Hanok Cafes and Restaurants

p 008

• Han:sang

p 012

• Digital Hibernation

p 016

• Chars Vlacks

p 020

• A Healing Place

p 024

• Who Says You Can’t Rock in Daegu?

p 028

• In the Frame

p 032

• Escape Daegu

p 038

• Ho Chi Minh

p 042

• How To Order Food

p 046

• Event Calendar

p 047

• Useful Korean Expresssions

p 050

• Daegu Area Map

p 052

• Downtown Map

p 054

• Downtown Restaurants

p 056

• Downtown Bars and Clubs

p 060

• Downtown Shopping Spots

p 064

• Downtown Tourism

p 065

• Guest House Guide

p 066

• Hotel Guide

p 067

• Compass Connoisseur

p 068

• Yangyeongsi Area Map

p 070

• Bongsan Art Street and Daebong Library Area Map

p 072

• Seomun Market Map

p 074

• Exco Map

p 076

• Kyungpook National Univ. North Gate Map

p 078

• Suseong Lake Map

p 080

• Limosine Bus Schedule

p 081

• Subway Map

p 082

본 매거진 내 콘텐츠의 저작권은 저작권자 또는 제공처에 있으며,

이를 무단 이용하는 경우 저작권법 등에 따라 법적 책임을 질 수 있습니다. Copyright © 2016 Daegu Compass. All rights reserved.



Daegu Hanok Cafes and Restaurants

Atelier Lucid

Many of you may know of Cafe Lucid in the downtown area, located near Go Go’s on coffee street. What you many not know is that is has a secondary cafe a few steps away from the bustling city center, and is located near Kyongpook Hospital Station. This Atelier Lucid has been around for about 2 years and most notably occupies a renovated hanok that was once a personal home and later became a market. 독자들 중 많은 분들이 고고 근처 커피 거리에 있는 동성로의 카 페 루시드를 알고 있을 것이다. 또한 많은 분들이 루시드가 북적 거리는 도심을 조금 벗어나 경북대병원역 근처에 두번째 카페를 연 것을 모를 것이다. 이 아뜰리에 루시드는 약 2년 정도 되었으 며 한때 가정집이었다가 후에 가게로 변한 개조 한옥임을 가장 뚜렷이 드러내고 잇다.

The hanok itself opens its door to a small patio. The overhanging threshold space is expanded above to include outdoor seating for a few people who rather enjoy their iced coffees and bingsu out in the open air. As you walk into the building, the interior greets you with its large open space. The ceiling maintains its traditional build, with beams protruding from rest of the wall. You can almost imagine what it must have looked like once when a family lived here, with walls most likely torn down in the renovation process. Even in winter, the interior feels warm and inviting. This cafe, far from the noise, is a nice place to wind down.


Daegu Hanok Cafes and Restaurants

• Written and photographed by Alex A-Che Translated by Yujeong Lee


한옥 그 자체로 보면 문을 작은 마당을 향해 냈다. 툇마루 같 은 공간은 야외에서 아이스 커피나 빙수를 즐기고 싶어하는 소수의 사람들을 위해 야외 좌석을 포함하기 위해 위로 확장 되어 있다. 건물 안으로 들어서면 크게 오픈된 공간과 함께 실내장식이 손님을 맞이한다. 천장은 나머지 벽에서 튀어나 온 빔과 함께 예전에 건축된 대로 유지되고 있다. 어느 가족 이 이 곳에서 살았을 때 내부가 어땠을 지 개조과정에서 부 서져 없어진 벽을 포함해서 떠올려 볼 수 있다. 겨울에도 실 내장식은 따뜻함과 반겨주는 듯한 느낌을 선사해준다. 이 카 페는 소음과 멀리 떨어져 긴장을 풀기에 좋은 장소이다. The pastry chef, Youngju Lee, got her training from Le Cordon Bleu and that household name comes through in her pastries. The earl grey chocolate cake was superb, with the chocolate frosting not overpowering the soft earl grey cake. Speckles of edible gold decorated the top, adding a touch of class to the dish. With a menu that changes seasonally, it is something to look forward to. Strawberries are the main ingredient these days, with frappes and yogurts and even a tiramisu version currently available.


-continued on p10-


파티쉐인 이영주씨는 르 꼬르동 블루에서 실력을 쌓았고, 누구나 아는 그 이름은 그녀의 빵에서 드러난다. 부드러운 얼 그레이 케 이크를 압도하지 않는 초콜렛 프로스팅이 있는 얼 그레이 초콜렛 케이크는 더할 나위 없다. 먹을 수 있는 금이 점점이 뿌려져 윗면 을 장식하고 이는 케이크에 품격을 더한다. 계절별로 바뀌는 메 뉴가 있어 기대해 볼만 하다. 요즘은 딸기가 주재료인데 현재 프 라페와 요거트, 심지어 티라미수 버전까지 가능하다. Notable things straight from the menu? How about a raspberry rose lychee ade? Their tea selection include a blueberry and acai, an apple ginger and even a rooibos strawberry cream. As mentioned in the Hanok #1 edition, this cafe also has Mariage Freres’ Marco Polo and Wedding Imperial Tea, which is highly recommended for its fruity and soft flavor. Their coffee selection includes a cold brew, a salty caramel latte and the Vienna. Its Cafe Green Tea Latte comes in a delightful clear cup allowing us to see the bottom green half and the coffee brown top. Until 5pm, the brunch menu serves the popular Four Cheese Dutch Baby as well as the Basil Pesto and Tomato option.


Daegu Hanok Cafes and Restaurants

Expats tend to love their carrot cake, a lot of them claiming it tastes just like home. Locals love the green tea bingsu they can get year round, while the mango and strawberry bingsu is only available seasonally. 메뉴에서 바로 주목할 것이 있다면? 라즈베리 로즈 리치 에이드 는 어떠한가? 루시드의 티 셀렉션은 블루베이와 아사이베리, 애 플진저, 루이보스 스트로베리 크림까지 포함하고 있다. 한옥기사 1편에서 언급했듯이, 이 곳 역시 프루티하고 부르러운 풍미로 강 력하게 추천하는 마리아주 프레르의 마르코 폴로와 웨딩 임페리 얼을 보유하고 있다. 커피메뉴는 더치커피, 솔티 카라멜 라떼, 비 엔나 등이 있다. 카페 그린티 라떼는 멋진 투명한 컵에 서빙되는 데 아래쪽의 반은 녹색으로 위로는 커피의 갈색을 감상할 수 있 게끔 해준다. 오후 5시까지는 브런치 메뉴에서 바질 페스토와 토 마토 옵션뿐만 아니라 인기가 많은 네 가지 치즈 더치 베이비 를 제공한다. 외국인들은 이 곳의 당근 케이크를 좋아할 것이다. 많 은 사람들이 마치 집에서와 같은 맛이 난다고 했다. 한국사람들 은 1년 내내 주문 가능한 녹차 빙수를 매우 좋아하는데, 망고와 딸기 빙수는 오직 계절별로만 주문 가능하다.


To get to this cafe, get out at exit 3 at Kyungpook Hospital station, and walk straight towards the river(eastbound). When you hit the first corner, turn right and head down that small street. Walk 3 small blocks and you will see Cafe Lucid on your right. 아뜰리에 루시드로 가려면 경북대학교병원역 3번 출구로 나 와서 신천(동쪽)을 향해 계속 직진한다. 첫번째 모퉁이에서 오른쪽 골목으로 들어서고 계속 골목을 따라 걷는다. 세번째 블럭에서 오른쪽에 있는 루시드를 발견하게 될 것이다. Atelier Lucid 053-428-7020 중구 동덕로14길 7 Open 11:30 Close 23:00 https://www.facebook.com/atelierlucid Cafe Lucid (Downtown) https://www.facebook.com/lucidcafe



HOURS: Mon-Sat 11:30-10:30 (last call @ 9:30) Sun 11:30-9:30 (last call @8:30) Closed on 2nd & 4th Mondays



727-19, Daebongdong, Jung-gu (대구시 중구 대봉동 727-19번지) Tel. 070.4118.0188 instagram: @_surfandturf facebook: /surfandturfkorea







Han:sang Bulgogi on Hash Browns and Other Fusion Food Curiosities • Written and photographed by Bridgett Hernandez www.thenakedforeigner.com Translated by Park Jessica Haesook

Fusion cuisine has been a trend in Korea long before I first moved here in 2012. Flavors from around the world have found a welcome home in downtown Daegu — Italian pizza and pasta, Japanese sushi, British fish and chips, Turkish kebabs, Indian curries, American burgers and more. I would dare say that fusion and foreign-inspired restaurants far outnumber traditional Korean restaurants. 퓨전요리는 2012년 필자가 한국에 이사오기 오래 전부터 한국 에서 유행해 오고 있다. 전 세계에서 온 맛이 대구 번화가에 자리 를 잡았다-이탈리아의 피자와 파스타, 일본의 스시, 영국의 피쉬 앤 칩스, 터키의 케밥, 인도의 카레, 미국의 햄버거 등등. 퓨전음 식과 외국계의 레스토랑들이 전통적인 한국식 레스토랑들의 숫 자를 훨씬 넘어서고 있다고 감히 말할 수 있을 것 같다. Korean fusion cuisine can be defined as either 1) foreign dishes that incorporates Korean ingredients or flavors or 2) Korean dishes that incorporate foreign ingredients or flavors. It can be a hit (spicy short ribs dipped in melted cheese — Yes, please!) or a miss (bulgogi on hash browns — No thanks.). But before you turn your nose up at the hodgepodge that is Korean fusion cuisine, remember that it’s designed with the Korean palate in mind — not yours. 한국의 퓨전요리는 두 가지 중 하나로 정의될 수 있을 것이다. 한 국적인 재료나 맛과 결합한 외국 요리, 혹은 외국의 재료나 맛과 결합한 한국 요리. 그 것은 히트가 될 수도 (녹인 치즈에 찍어먹는 매운 등갈비-네 ,주세요!), 아니면 실패작품(해쉬 브라운 위의 불 고기-사양할게요)이 될 수도 있을 것이다. 그렇지만 한국의 퓨전 요리인 그 뒤죽박죽 요리에 퇴짜를 놓기 전에 그 것은 당신의 입 맛이 아닌 한국인의 입맛에 맞춰 만들어졌다는 것을 기억해라.




Han:sang or “one table” is a restaurant in downtown Daegu that is doing very interesting and unusual things with Korean food. Every month, the chefs brainstorm a new course menu, often inspired by the season. And every weekend, there is a line out the door of people waiting to see what they have thought up. 한상은 한국음식으로 매우 흥미롭고 흔하지 않은 요리를 만드는 대구 시내의 식당이다. 매달 주방장들은 종종 계절에서 영감을 받은 새로운 코스 메뉴에 대한 아이디어를 만들어 낸다. 그리고 매 주말마다 어떠한 아이디어를 냈는지 보기 위해 기다리는 사람 들의 줄이 문 밖에 늘어서 있다. The restaurant is located just up the road from Debec department store, across the street from Nine Road Pizzaria on the second floor. It offers a lovely view of 2.28 Memorial Park. The interior is modern and austere, calling more attention to the colorful and playfully reinvented Korean dishes. 한상은 대구백화점에서 시작하는 거리에 있는데, Nine Road Pizza 길 건너편 2층에 위치하고 있다. 2.28 공원을 볼 수 있는 멋 진 전망이 있고, 인테리어는 모던하고 간결하며, 다채롭고 장난 스럽게 고안된 한국 요리에 더 많은 관심을 주게 된다.


I have tried Han:sang three or four times. The course menu usually includes some kind of rice or noodles, a seasonal salad and various other dishes. My experience has ranged from the good to the bad to the ugly. A menu that I really enjoyed earlier this year included dak galbi (it tasted a bit like chicken curry) atop fried rice paper and cheesy potato croquettes. Meals that I didn’t particularly enjoy included the aforementioned bulgogi on hash browns and deep fried eel (I don’t really like seafood). However, my Korean friends enjoyed both of these! 필자는 한상에 3~4번 정도 가 보았다. 코스메뉴에는 대개 밥 또 는 면 종류, 계절 샐러드, 그 외 다양한 요리들이 포함되어 있다. 필자의 경험은 좋았던 것부터 나빴던 것, 그리고 최악이었던 것 까지 모두 해당된다. 올 해 초에 정말 좋아했던 메뉴는 튀긴 라이 스 페이퍼 위에 올려진 닭갈비(약간 치킨 카레와 같은 맛이 났다) 와 치즈가 들어간 감자크로켓이었다. 특히나 별로 즐기지 않았던 메뉴는 이미 언급되었던 해쉬브라운 위의 불고기와 장어 튀김이 었다(해산물을 정말 싫어한다.) 그러나 필자의 한국인 친구들은 그 둘 다를 좋아했다. -continued on p14-


In addition to the course menu, there is also an a la carte menu and drink specials. Their watermelon slushy was so yummy and refreshing! The course menu also includes dessert, my favorite part of the meal. So far, I’ve had “hammer ice cream” (they fill an ice cream cone with sugary cereal and sprinkles and smash it all together kind of like they do at Cold Stone), macaroon ice cream sandwiches and cream cheese rice cakes topped with red bean. 코스 메뉴에 더해서 일품요리와 음료도 있다. 수박 슬러쉬는 정 말 맛있고 상쾌했다. 코스 메뉴에는 식사에서 제일 좋아하는 부 분인 디저트도 포함되어 있다. 지금까지 “망치 아이스크림”(설탕 이 입혀진 시리얼과 스프링클로 아이스크림을 채우고 콜드 스톤 에서 하는 것처럼 모두 함께 부순다.), 마카롱 아이스크림 샌드위 치, 팥이 올려진 크림치즈 떡을 먹었다. The price is reasonable — only 11,000 KRW per person. The menu is in Korean, but the staff is accommodating, and it’s pretty easy to order since there’s really only one menu option. If you’re a party of two, simply say “이인분 주 세요 Ee een boon juseyo” or “Two servings, please.” The meal is served family style.



가격대는 적당한데 1인당 11,000원이다. 메뉴는 한국어로 되어 있지만, 직원들이 눈치 빠르게 맞춰 준다. 사실상 한가지 메뉴 선 택만이 있기 때문에 주문하기는 매우 쉽다. 일행이 두 명이라면 ” 이인분 주세요” 라고 말하기만 하면 된다. 식사는 각자 덜어서 먹는 식으로 제공된다. I will continue to check Han:sang’s menu from the sidewalk. It’s a fun and affordable place to feast your eyes, but not always your stomach! Check out my blog to see some of the other dishes I’ve tried at Han:sang: https:// thenakedforeigner.com 필자는 길거리에서 한상의 메뉴를 계속해서 확인해 볼 것이다. 눈을 즐겁게 해 줄 수 있는 재미있고 적당한 가격의 장소이지만 배를 항상 즐겁게 해 주지 않을 수도 있다. 필자가 한상에서 먹 어 본 다른 요리들을 보고 싶다면 블로그를 확인해보길 바란다. https://thenakedforeigner.com




Digital Hibernation An Essential Guide to Gaming in 2017 • Written by John Golding Translated by Yujeong Lee

Hello once again, it’s been nearly a year since the last edition of Digital Hibernation and quite a bit has changed. New versions of major consoles and news of more to come arrived in 2016, along with a richer catalogue of new games than the previous year. Even if 2016 was a terrible year in terms of politics and the loss of many beloved icons, at least the digital side for far more rewarding! 다시 한 번 인사를 드린다. 지난 번 ‘디지털적으로 동면하기’ 를 쓴 지 거 의 1년이 되었고 리스트에 꽤 변화가 있었다. 작년보다도 더 풍부 한 신작 게임의 카탈로그와 함께 2016년에는 주요 콘솔의 새로 운 버전과 더 많은 소식들이 찾아왔다. 바로 올해 말이다. 2016년 이 정치적인 면과 사랑받는 인물들의 죽음으로 인해 엉망진창인 해였지만, 적어도 디지털 적인 면에서는 훨씬 더 보람 있었다. As with last year’s edition I’m going to focus on the 3 main gaming consoles available and their best games too. 작년의 기사처럼 세 가지 주요 게임 콘솔과 각 콘솔의 최고 게임에 초점 을 맞추고자 한다.



This was the year that Nintendo finally said goodbye to the terrible console that was the Nintendo Wii U and they finally announced their next handheld/home console hybrid, Nintendo Switch. However, as the switch won’t be available until next March I will instead review the dominant handheld console: The Nintendo 3DS 올해는 닌텐 도가 끔찍한 콘솔인 닌텐도 위 U에 마침내 작별을 고한 해였다. 그리고 마침내 다음 핸드헬드/가정용 콘솔 하이브리드인 닌텐도 스위치를 발표했다. 그러나 스위치가 내년 3월까지는 사용이 불 가능해서 대신 시장을 지배하는 핸드헬드 콘솔인 닌텐도 3DS에 대한 리뷰를 하겠다. The 3DS has sold over 61.57 million units since it’s release in 2011 and remains the best loved handheld gaming device throughout the world. It has an extensive gaming 16

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library with even access to earlier DS and DSi titles. 2011년 출시된 이후로 닌텐도 3DS는 6천 157만 개가 팔렸고, 전세계적 으로 가장 사랑받은 핸드헬드형 게임기계로 남아 있다. 전작인 DS와 DSi 용 게임타이틀에도 접근이 가능한 대규모 게임 라이브 러리를 갖추고 있다.

Top 5 Nintendo 3DS titles 2016 2016년 닌텐도 3DS 타이틀 TOP 5

1. Pokemon Sun/Moon : The triumphant return of the monster taming/training series does not disappoint by introducing an interesting new pokedex of creatures to capture, but also shakes up the series formula by removing traditional gym leaders and adding different challenges. Post-game content plus online battles should also help keep the players hooked. 2. Monster Hunter Generations : The classic and popular monster hunting game returns. Except unlike Pokemon, these monsters are being used to upgrade your weapons and armor in order to take on even fiercer beasts! Past monsters return in more powerful forms and you can form 4 person hunter teams to help fight them. 3. Fire Emblem Fates : Once again you must help a kingdom in this turn based strategy game, with a deep story and deeper game play. The game also has online multiplayer so you match wits against another human player. 4. Rhythm Heaven Megamix : This is an addictive little game that makes you match the buttons on your controller to the music and prompts on the screen. The game has over 100 stages and features a story mode. 5.Bravely Second : Sequel to the popular Bravely Default, this will delight fans of more traditional JRPGs. 1. 포켓몬 썬 / 문 : 몬스터 길들이기/훈력 시리즈의 의기양양한 귀환은 잡아야 하는 포켓몬들의 흥미롭고 새로운 포켓덱스를 공 개함으로써 사람들을 실망시키지 않았다. 하지만 오래 전부터 http://www.daegucompass.com

있었던 체육관 리더를 없애고 다른 도전을 추가하여 시리즈의 포 뮬러를 흔들어 놓았다. 포스트 게임 내용과 온라인 배틀 역시 플 레이어들을 떠나지 않게끔 도움을 준다. 2. 몬스터 헌터 제네레이션 : 고전적이고 인기 있는 몬스터 사냥 게임이 돌아왔다. 포켓몬과 다른 것을 제외하고 이 몬스터들은 훨씬 더 사나운 몬스터를 잡기 위해 플레이어의 무기와 아머를 업그레이드 하는데 사용된다. 과거의 몬스터들은 어 강력한 형태 로 되돌아왔고 이들과 싸우는 것을 돕기 위해 네 명의 헌터로 구 성된 팀을 꾸릴 수도 있다. 3. 파이어 엠블렘 : 심오한 스토리와 더 심오한 게임 플레이와 함 께 턴 형식 전략 게임에서 다시 한 번 더 왕국을 도와야 한다. 온 라인 멀티플레이어 기능도 있어 다른 사람들과 맞붙을 수 있다. 4. 리듬 세상 메가믹스 : 스크린에 나타나는 프롬프트와 음악에 맞춰 컨트롤러의 버튼을 매치시키는 중독적인 미니 게임이다. 이 게임에는 종류가 100개 넘게 있으며 스토리 모드도 있다. 5. 브레이블리 세컨드 : 인기작인 브레이블리 디폴트의 후속작으 로 전통적인 일본 롤플레잉 게임의 팬들을 즐겁게 해줄 것이다.


regular version. 소니 플레이스테이션 4는 더 강력한 버전의 새 로운 콘솔, PS4 프로를 운영 및 출시하여 가정용 콘솔 시장을 한 해 더 장악했다. 이 콘솔은 4K 비주얼을 띄울 수 있고 보통 버전 보다 더 높은 퍼포먼스의 TV를 갖고 있는 사람들을 위해 4K 비주 얼이 가능하다.

Top 5 Playstation 4 games 플레이스테이션 4 게임 TOP 5

1. Uncharted 4: The emotional finale for Nathan Drake’s adventures arrived this year with phenomenal graphics and far more exciting set piece action than ever before! It also lets you a play a level of Crash Bandicoot as an Easter egg.

플레이 스테이션

The Sony Playstation 4 has maintained its dominance in the home console market for another year running and released a new more powerful version called: PS4 Pro. This console will allow for 4K visuals for those who possess a TV capable of viewing it and higher performance than the

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2. Overwatch: This year has been a dominant one for the extremely well balanced team based FPS. It has seen constant updates and care from the developer and special events are constantly being added

3. Dark Souls 3: Another emotional series finale as we all prepared to die for one more time, or at least until the final DLC is released to give us more of the challenges we expect in a FROM software title.

4. Final Fantasy XV: Square Enix took this beloved series in a bold and brave direction with this game by introducing a real time action/rpg battle system. Also by having 4 permanent party members who don’t not change during the entire game. 5. Doom: Anybody who is a fan of the FPS genre will have been heavily anticipating this title and it doesn’t disappoint. It’s a faster, more intense and violent experience than you will find on any other FPS this


Digital Hibernation

generation and remember…..keep moving! Uncharted 4: The emotional finale for Nathan Drake’s adventures arrived this year with phenomenal graphics and far more exciting set piece action than ever before! It also lets you a play a level of Crash Bandicoot as an Easter egg. 1. 언차티드 4 : 네이선 드레이크의 모험을 위함 감정적인 피날레 가 올해 뛰어난 그래픽과 그 어느 때보다 훨씬 더 익사이팅한 세 트 피스 액션과 함께 나왔다. 또한 플레이어가 크래쉬 밴디쿳을 이스터 에크의 수준에서 플레이 할 수 있게 해준다. 2. 오버워치 : 올해는 극도로 밸런스가 잘 잡힌 팀 기반의 1인칭 슈팅 게임이 장악한 한 해였다. 개발자의 지속적인 업데이트와 관리, 특별 이벤트 등이 계속 추가되었다. 3. 다크 소울 3 : 우리 모두 한 번 더 혹은 아니면 적어도 파이널 다운로드 컨텐츠까지는 죽을 준비가 되었기에, 또 다른 감정적인 시리즈의 피날레가 제목에서 기대를 하게 된 더 많은 도전과제를 주기 위해 출시되었다. 4. 파이널 판타지 XV: 스퀘어 에닉스가 리얼 타임액션/ RPG 배 틀 시스템을 넣어 이 사랑받는 시리즈를 대담하고 용감한 방향으 로 전개했다. 또한 전체 게임을 하는 동안 교체하지 않는 네 명의 영구적인 파티원을 가질 수도 있다. 5. 둠 : 1인칭 슈팅게임 장르의 팬이라면 누구든지 이 타이틀을 애타게 기다렸을 것이고 게임은 실망시키지 않았다. 이번 세대 의 그 어떤 1인칭 슈팅게임보다 더 빠르고 더 격렬하고 폭력적인 경험이 될 것이다. 그리고 기억하라. 멈추지 마라!



The Xbox One saw improved sales this year and a slim version was released this year that is more energy efficient than the original model, but it’s over sales are still far behind the Playstation 4. Next year Microsoft are planning to release a far more powerful Xbox One that is capable of true 4K gaming and will more powerful than the PS4 Pro. It’s currently called Project Scorpio and will release Holiday 2017 (December). 엑스박스 원은 올해 더 나은 판매량을 보여주 었고 원래보다 에너지 효율이 더 좋은 슬림버전도 출시되었다. 하지만 플레이스테이션 4보다는 훨씬 뒤처진 판매량이다. 마이 크로소프트는 내년에 더 파워풀한 엑스파스원을 출시할 계획인 데 진정한 4K 게임이 가능하고 PS4 프로보다 더 강력할 것이다. 현재는 프로젝트 스콜피오라고 부르고 있고 2017년 (12월) 연휴 에 발매될 것이다.

Top 5 Xbox One games

엑스박스 원 게임 TOP 5

1. Forza Horizon 3: The far more accessible open world racing game returns and you are now in charge of making the racing festival the greatest one in history by organizing racers and events.


2. Inside: This is the follow up game from respected indie developers Playdead who also created the dark Limbo. You control a young boy who must clear deadly obstacles to reach the final objective of this fiendishly difficult puzzle platform game 3. Overwatch: For all the same reasons listed in the PS4 section, this is a game that works on all platforms. 4. NBA 2k17: 2K Sports have dominated the basketball game sim market for a while and they show no sign of losing their quality or hunger to improve with each iteration. 5. Pro Evolution Soccer: While it doesn’t boast the same licensed teams as FIFA, this year the core gameplay has improved leaps and bounds to challenge and tempt FIFA players to change games. 1. 포르자 호라이즌 3: 훨씬 더 접근이 쉬운 오픈 월드 레이싱게 임이 돌아왔다. 이제 당신은 레이서들과 이벤트를 준비하여 이 레이싱 페스티벌을 역사에 남을 훌륭한 이벤트로 만들 책임이 있 다. 2. 인사이드 : 다크 림보를 만든 존경받는 인디 개발자, 플레이데 드의 후속작이다. 이 극도로 어려운 퍼즐 플랫폼 게임의 최종 목 표에 도달하기 위해 치명적인 장애물을 치워야만 하는 어린 소년 을 컨트롤하는 게임이다.


3. 오버워치 : 플레이스테이션 4 부분에서 언급한 내용관 같은 이유이다. 이 게임은 모든 플랫폼에서 작동한다. 4. NBA 2k17: 2K 스포츠는 농구 게임 시뮬레이션 시장을 한동 안 지배하고 있다. 그리고 퀄리티가 떨어지는 징조가 보이지 않 으며 각 신판을 개선하고자 하는 의욕을 계속해서 보이고 있다. 5. 프로 에볼루션 사커 : FIFA처럼 동일한 라이센스팀을 자랑하 지 않는 반면에, 주요 코어 게임플레이는FIFA플레이어가 게임을 바꾸게끔 유도하기 위해 도약과 바운드를 개선했다. Thanks for reading and I hope these suggestions help you with your post-Christmas purchases, but remember 2017 is already lining up to be a cracker! Resident Evil 7 releases in January returning to its survival horror roots and Horizon Zero Dawn, a robot dinosaur hunting action RPG releases in February. 이번 기사를 읽어주신 것에 감사드리며 필자의 추 천이 크리스마스 이후 게임 쇼핑에 도움이 되길 바란다. 하지만 2017년에 터트릴 축포가 이미 준비되어 있다. 서바이벌 호러 팬 들에게 돌아오는 레지던트 이블 7이 1월에 출시되며, 2월에는 공 룡로봇이 사냥을 하는 액션 RPG 게임인 호라이즌 제로 던이 출 시된다.


Chars Vlacks New School Hair in a Vintage -Cool Studio

• Written and Photographed by Shannon Milojkovic Theil Translated by Yujeong Lee

“But, they’re artists.” This is what a good friend of mine said in order to eliminate the idea of trying other hair shops before going to Chars. Convinced, she led us through the skinny streets of Banwoldang, and down some stairs into the tastefully night-club-esque attired purple, black and white studio that is Chars Vlacks. Antique style furniture and tiny details of eclectic, arty charm dazzled us before we were met by Taeung, a stylist with the most perfect vintage-French mustache, and some very well-done tattoo sleeves. “하지만 그 사람들은 예술가야.“ 친구 중 하나가 찰스에 가기 전 다른 헤어샵에 가보려는 생각을 말리고자 했던 말이다. 그 말에 설득당했고 반월당의 좁은 골목을 통과하여 어느 건물의 계단을 내려가 나이트 클럽 풍으로 고상하게 보라색, 검은색, 하얀색으 로 꾸며진 스튜디오, 찰스 블랙스로 들어섰다. 스타일리스트인 태응을 만나기 전까지 앤티크 스타일의 가구와 다양한 작은 디테 일, 예술 소품이 눈요기가 되어주었다. 태응은 가장 완벽한 빈티 지 프렌치 스타일의 콧수염과 팔 전체에 멋진 문신을 하고 있는 스타일리스트였다.


Chars Vlacks

Stepping into Chars and meeting the stylists feels like you just walked onto the set of LA Ink. What these people do though, reveals as much artistic talent, and they are also just as cool. The lighting, the music, the aesthetic details and mise en scène, all make it feel as if you should be served an expensive whiskey while the place transforms into a refined 1950’s club, with a dash of ultra-modern, pool being played between well-manicured men, whilst gorgeous women watch on from a fancy chaise lounge. Started in 2008, by Chars himself, owner and stylist extraordinaire, this hair shop is without a shadow of a doubt the most unique shop of its kind, or any kind for that matter. With their own style and skills equally impeccable, they can turn any oddly covered head, into a work of art, I’m sure. Within the shop, a large bookcase opens up to a secret little chamber, Vax-B, where Myolee, Chars’ wife, offers permanent make-up and waxing. Myolee is also part of the hair styling staff, along with Chars and Taeung.


Finally, a qualified barber with the hand of surgeon also spends his time working magic on men’s jawlines, and a gorgeous (and well-aware of it) feline staff member, A-yo, charms the clients at reception before they move on to the chair, although she does like to decorate various parts of the shop, and does so perfectly. 헤어샵으로 들어가서 스타일리스트를 만나는 것은 마치 LA 잉크 (역주 : 미국 문신 아티스트들의 서바이벌 리얼리티 쇼) 세트장에 들어서는 듯한 기분이었다. 그러나 매우 예술적인 재능으로 드러 난 이 사람들의 행동과 이 사람들 자체는 정말 멋진 것이었다. 조 명, 음악, 에스테틱한 디테일, 그리고 헤어샵 내부의 미장센까지. 이 모든 것들이 약간은 초현대적인 느낌과 손톱이 깔끔하게 손 질된 남자들이 당구를 치고 있는 세련된 1950년대 클럽으로 풍 경을 바꾼다. 그리고 다리를 뻗을 수 있는 샤즈롱 의자에 앉은 세 련된 여자들이 바라보는 가운데 값비싼 위스키를 서빙받고 있 어야 할 듯 하다. 찰스 블랙스는 오너이자 탁월한 스타일리스트 인 찰스가 2008년에 문을 열었으며, 이 헤어샵은 의심의 그림자 조차 없이 헤어샵 혹은 미용계에서 가장 특이한 곳이다. 찰스만 의 스타일과 기술은 모두 완전무결하다. 이 곳의 헤어 디자이너 들은 어떤 이상한 머리도 하나의 예술작품으로 바꿔놓는다고 장 담한다. 미용실 내에는 찰스의 아내인 묘리가 영구화장과 왁싱을 하는 비밀스러운 작은 방, Vax-B로 열려있는 커다란 책장이 있 다. 묘리 역시 찰스와 태응과 같이 헤어 스타일링 스탭이다. 외과 전문의처럼 섬세한 손을 가진 자격이 있는 이발사 역시 남자들의 턱선 위에서 마술을 부린다. 그리고 고양이 같이 우아한 (스스로 도 잘 알고 있는) 스탭인 에이요는 가게의 이곳저곳을 꾸미는 것 을 매우 좋아하지만 손님들이 의자로 발걸음을 옮기기 전에 리셉 션에서 손님을 맞이하는 일도 한다. 그리고 가게 장식 역시 완벽 하게 해낸다. After my first visit to Chars’ shop, I walked out actually loving just having my hair done, something that is rare for me. Taeung dealt with my husband who usually leaves it to the point when he is easily likened to a merino sheep before having his hair done. Taeung took his time dealing with my husband’s mop, the result of which is also due to a fear of bad haircut. In short, his fear was eliminated that day and we have been back several times since. For him though, it was what they did with his beard that really won him over. Another brilliant olden day quality, Chars Vlacks performs borderline plastic surgery when it comes to a man’s facial hair. Although not an official barber shop, they work with a straight razor, creating the chiseled line of movie stars. -continued on p22-



처음 찰스의 헤어샵을 다녀온 후 잘 손질된 헤어스타일을 갖게 된 것에 매우 만족하며 나섰는데 정말 드문 일이었다. 태응은 필 자의 남편을 맡았는데, 남편은 머리 손질 전에 보통 메리노 양과 비슷한 머리가 될 때면 그냥 내버려 둔다. 태응은 잘못 잘려진 머 리에 대한 두려움의 결과로 나온 남편의 밀대 같은 머리를 손질 하는데 시간을 들였다. 간단히 말하자면 남편의 그런 두려움은 그 날 바로 사라졌고 우리는 몇 번이고 재방문을 했다. 그러나 남 편에게 있어 남편을 완전히 사로잡은 것은 수염을 다루는 것이었 다. 옛 시절의 멋진 퀄리티였으며, 찰스 블랙스는 남자의 수염에 관해서는 거의 성형수술과도 같은 일을 해낸다. 비록 공식적인 바버샵은 아니지만 곧은 면도날을 사용해서 일을 하고 영화배우 의 반듯한 선을 만들어낸다. This shop’s true potential is reached with difficult hair and unique styles, so if either of these shoes fit, or you want to try something new, daring and special, I would seriously recommend Chars. Since joining their clientele, I have a come to know a few other more stylish foreigners who frequent Chars, and I am yet to hear of a negative thing about them. Still, having something wonderful done to your hair is only part of the experience. For me, the atmosphere of the place is enough to give you the sense that these people know exactly what they’re doingthe place oozes sophistication and you walk out feeling expensive.


Chars Vlacks

이 곳의 진짜 잠재력은 다루기 힘든 머리와 독특한 스타일에 있 다. 그래서 만약 그런 경우이거나 새롭고 대담하고 특별한 것을 시도해보고 싶다면 진지하게 찰스 블랙스를 추천한다. 이들의 고 객이 되고 나서 찰스에 자주 오는 다른 몇몇 스타일리쉬한 외국 인들을 알게 되었는데 아직 부정적인 피드백을 들어본 일이 없 다. 머리가 정말 멋지게 다듬어진다는 것만이 찰스에서 할 수 있 는 유일한 경험이다. 헤어샵의 분위기가 필자에게 이 사람들이 제대로 머리를 만질 줄 안다는 느낌을 충분히 주었다. 이 곳은 세 련미가 흘러 넘치며 나설 때는 매우 고급스러운 사람이 되었다는 느낌이 든다. To reach this oracle of all things well-cut hair, take the green line and get off at Banwoldang station and go out exit 10. Walk towards EtoH’s Drafthouse. Keep your eyes peeled because, just as all gems are hidden, this one is tucked away in the basement floor of the building almost next to Etoh’s Drafthouse. Look for the sign that will point you towards the black and white stairs. To make your appointment, call them on (053) 358-8980 or like their facebook page: charsvlacks. In the name of well-styled hair, do it.


헤어스타일의 신전과도 같은 이 헤어샵에 가려면 우선 지하 철 2호선을 타고 반월당역에서 내려 10번 출구로 나간다. 그 리고 EtoH’s 드래프트 하우스로 향해 간다. 다른 보물 같은 곳들이 어디엔가 숨겨져 있듯이, 이 곳도 Etoh’s 드래프트 하우스의 거의 바로 옆에 있는 건물의 지하에 위치해 있다. 흑백으로 된 계단을 가리키는 표지판을 찾으면 된다. 예약을 하려면 (053) 358-8980로 전화를 하거나 미용의 페이스북 페이지인 charsvlacks를 ‘좋아요’하면 된다. 잘 스타일링된 머리를 하고 싶다면 당장 예약해라.



A Healing Place The Kim Ki-ho Clinic • Written and Photographed by Stephen Schuit http://koreanbookends.blogspot.com Translated by Yujeong Lee

Heo Jun / 허준 (1537-1615)

Expats coming to Korea often revel in its cultural gifts ranging from kimchi to bibimbap, from its temples to old Korean villages, from traditional garb to its rich holidays, such as Chuseok. Yet when something ails us, or we encounter back pain, we usually overlook the benefits of Korean traditional medicine. Typically, we turn to what's familiar: the western medicine experience that is too often both impersonal and over-reliant on prescription drugs. Dr. Kim Ki-ho's clinic, nestled between the Suseong Office and Manchon subway stops on the Green Line, offers a refreshing healing alternative. 한국으로 오는 외국인들은 김치에서 비빔밥, 절에서 오래된 전통 마을, 추석과 같은 명절에 입는 전통의복 등 한국의 문화적 선물 을 종종 즐길 수 있다. 하지만 무엇인가 우리를 괴롭힐 때나 요통 등을 마주할 때면 보통 한국 전통 의학의 혜택을 간과한다. 일반 적으로 우리에게 익숙한 쪽으로 돌아서게 된다. 많은 경우에 인 간미가 없고 약을 처방하는 것에 과도하게 의존하는 서양 의학에 말이다. 김기호 의사의 병원은 수성구청과 지하철 2호선 만촌역 사이에 위치해 있으며 활기를 되찾아주는 대안치료법을 제공한 다.


A Healing Place

Considered the Father of Korean traditional medicine, Heo Jun is still highly regarded throughout East Asia
 from China and Vietnam, to Japan. He is famous for making treatment accessible and understandable to common people. 한국 한의학의 아버지로 추앙받는 허준은 여전히 중국에 서부터 베트남, 일본까지 동아시아 전체에서 높은 평가 를 받는다. 그는 의학을 대중이 좀 더 접근하기 쉽고 알기 쉽게 했다.

Over the last several decades chiropractic has acquired legitimacy and prominence in the U.S. It's no wonder. Eighty percent of Americans are affected by lower back or neck pain. Even though patients consistently express more satisfaction with chiropractic care then other forms of treatment, these positive reports often fly beneath the radar. 지난 수십년 동안 척추지압법은 미국에서 적합성과 중요성을 인 정받았다. 그럴 만도 하다. 미국인의 80%가 허리와 목 부분의 통 증으로 고생하고 있다. 환자들이 다른 어떤 치료법보다 척추지압 법에 지속적으로 만족을 표하고 있지만 이러한 긍정적인 보고는 잘 드러나지 않는다.


Dr. Kim, who also goes by "Peter," helping a patient with
lower back pain “피터”라고 불리기도 하는 김기호 한의사, 환자의 허리통증을 치료중이다.

I know Dr. Kim as Peter. I first discovered his huge smile and welcoming personality last spring having been referred to his practice by a colleague. I quickly benefitted from his expertise in chiropractic, acupuncture, and muscle relaxation. The latter, provided by a staff member, became the highlight of my visits. As she massaged my back, I mistook the office's treatment room for a highway stop in heaven. 필자는 김기호 의사를 피터로 알고 있다. 지난 봄에 처음으로 그 의 커다란 미소와 따뜻한 성격을 알게 되었으며 동료가 그의 시 술에 대해 알려주었다. 얼른 한의원을 찾아 척추지압법, 침, 근육 이완 등의 시술을 받았다. 병원의 스탭이 시술한 마지막 부분은 병원 방문의 하이라이트였다. 스탭이 등을 마사지 해 줄 때는 사 무실의 치료실을 천국의 휴게소라고 착각했다.


For more esoteric treatments, Peter is also expertly trained in body mapping, magnetic pen treatment, sound therapy, spinal adjustments and detoxification programs. Based on his training in traditional medicine, Peter believes that each patient has a unique body type. His treatments provide improved circulation, increased energy and pain cessation. 더 많은 비전의 치료법에 대해서 피터는 신체지도, 자석펜 치료 법, 소리 테라피, 척추 조정, 알콜중독치료 등을 전문적으로 공부 했다. 그는 한의학에 대한 수련을 바탕으로 각 환자가 독특한 체 질을 갖고 있다고 생각한다. 그의 치료법은 순환을 개선하고, 기 운을 북돋우고 통증을 완화시킨다. -continued on p26-


Natural herbal ingredients marked in Chinese characters 한자로 표기된 한약재

Both Peter and his capable assistant, Stella, speak English and are extremely warm and helpful. As with other medical services provided here in Korea, I was pleasantly surprised by the reasonable fees for treatment. Being an American, I am, of course, used to exorbitant prices for both medical care and prescription drugs. How refreshing it was to be seen as a whole person and, at the same time, avoid what often proves to be unnecessary medication. 피터와 보조인 스텔라는 모두 영어를 할 수 있으며 매우 온화하 고 주저없이 도움을 준다. 한국의 여타 의료서비스와 같이 적당 한 가격에 놀라기도 했다. 미국인으로써 물론 진료 및 치료비와 처방약의 과도한 가격에 익숙해져있다. 하나의 인간으로써 대우 받고 동시에 종종 받는 불필요한 약들을 피할 수 있어서 얼마나 신선한 경헌이었는지 모른다.


A Healing Place


Dr. Kim in his office explaining the meridians on a human sculpture 사무실에서 인체모형을 이용해 몸의 경혈을 설명하고 있는 김한의사

If wellness, pain reduction or healing are conditions you seek, I encourage you to consider Peter and his clinic. Traditional Korean medicine, like an old Korean village, can be a place of comfort and soothing hospitality. Dr. Kim's clinic is that, and much, much more. 만약 당신이 찾고 있는 것이 건강, 통증 경감 혹은 치료에 대한 것 이라면 김 한의사와 그의 한의원을 고려해보라고 이야기해주고 싶다. 오래된 한국의 전통 마을처럼 한의학은 안락하고 누그러지 게 하는 환대를 경험할 수 있는 것이다. 김기호한의원은 그 보다 훨씬 더 그러한 곳이다.


The Kim Ki-ho Clinic Kim Kee Ho Traditional Korean Clinic Daegu, Suseong-gu, Dalgubeol-daero 2470 Tel: 053-746-0074 Email: kh1578@hanmail.net 대구김기호한의원 대구광역시 수성구 달구벌대로 2470 Tel: 053-746-0074 Email: kh1578@hanmail.net


Who Says You Can’t Rock in Daegu? Part 2 : The Bands

• Written by Kyle Decker Photos by John Yingling, Jung MiJin, Douglas Vautour, Daehanmindecline, Zoon Zen Mayer Translated by Yujeong Lee

Bands in Korea can be a real fickle thing. Shelf lives for such things are short. Korean men find themselves doing two years of Army conscription in their early 20’s (prime “being in a band” years) and then, once out, typically move on to “real jobs” (whatever that means). And the expat community, consisting primarily of NETs and Military, comes and goes like the rolling of the tide. But those who rock short rock hardest, and while the majority of the Korean music scene is based in Seoul (mostly in or near Hongdae), Daegu has its share of killer bands. Here’s some of the ones that (I think) are still active. 한국의 밴드는 변화가 정말 변화가 심한 편이다. 상품성을 띠는 기간이 짧고, 한국남성 들이 20대 초반에(밴드활동으로써는 황금기인 때에) 2년간 군복 무를 하고, 한 번 탈퇴를 하면 “진짜 직업(이게 무슨 의미든 간에) 을 얻는 게 보통이다. 그리고 대부분 영어강사와 미군으로 이뤄 진 외국인들 커뮤니티 같은 경우에는 사람들이 파도처럼 들어왔 다 나간다. 하지만 짧은 시간에 타오르는 불이 더 강렬한 법, 잠시 활동하는 밴드들이 더 끝내주게 논다. 다수의 한국 밴드씬이 서 울에(대부분은 홍대 근처) 있지만 대구는 대구만의 끝내주는 밴 드들을 보유하고 있다. 그리고 여기, 아직 (필자가 생각하기에) 활 동중인 그들을 소개한다.

Food for Worms (푸드 포 웜즈)

Genre: hardcore-punk Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FoodForWormsSoKo/ Forming in 2014, and with members from Korea, The US, and Ireland, Food for Worms take heavy influence from bands like Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, and Minor Threat (except for the straight edge bit). They’re known for their frenetic performances and a vocalist who tends to climb on things and spend more time in the audience than on the stage. 장르 : 하드코어 펑크 페이스북 : http://www.facebook.com/FoodForWormsSoKo/ Food for Worms는 2014년에 결성되었으며 한국, 미국, 아 일랜드 출신의 멤버들이 모여있다. 이들을 Black Flag, Dead Kennedys, Minor Threat (스트레이트 에지 (역주 : 마약 복용과 알코올, 난잡한 섹스에 반대하는 하드코어 펑크의 하류 장르) 부 분을 제외하고)와 같은 밴드에게 강하게 영향을 받았다. 정신없 는 퍼포먼스와 함께 어디에 기어오르거나 무대 위보다는 관중들 사이에 있는 걸 좋아하는 보컬로 유명하다. Their “Daegu City” demo is available on bandcamp. And they’re releasing a full length album in early 2017. http:// foodforworms.bandcamp.com 이들의 “Daegu City” 데모는 밴드캠프 웹사이트에서 들을 수 있다. 그리고 2017년 초에 정규앨범을 발표한다. http:// foodforworms.bandcamp.com


Who Says You Can’t Rock in Daegu?


Drinking Boys and Girls Choir (드링킹소년소녀합창단)

Genre: melodic-punk Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/band.drinking/ Energetic and peppy is the name of the game with DBGC. Starting as a four piece in late 2012, and changing to a three-piece in 2015, this all Korean band plays upbeat melodic-punk. As the name suggests there are both male and female members (one and two, respectively). Their logo is a skateboard. I think that says a lot. 장르 : 멜로딕 펑크 페이스북 : http://www.facebook.com/band.drinking/ 에너지가 넘치고 기운이 넘치는 것이 드링킹소년소녀합창단의 본질이다. 2012년 후반에 네 명의 멤버로 시작해서 2015년에는 멤버가 세 명이 되었으며, 한국인으로만 이뤄진 이 밴드는 업비 트의 멜로디가 가미된 펑크를 연주한다. 밴드의 이름이 이야기해 주듯 밴드에는 남자와 여자멤버(남자 1명, 여자 2명) 모두 있다. 밴드의 로고는 스케이트보드이다. 필자의 생각에는 그 로고가 많 은 것을 알려준다.

The Plastic Kiz (더 플라스틱 키즈)

Genre: garage-rock Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ThePlasticKiz/ This is the band that got me into the local music scene. They play much less frequently now that one member has started a family, so any opportunity to see them should be seized. They fuse garage rock, punk, and indie into high energy tunes with a stage presence to match. Watch out for air splits and swinging guitar heads. An all Korean garage/punk cover of Earth, Wind, and Fire’s “September” ranks among one of the best things I’ve seen. 장르 : 개러지 록 페이스 북 : http://www.facebook.com/ThePlasticKiz/ 이 밴드 때문에 지역 음악씬에 빠져들게 되었다. 더 플라스틱 키 즈는 이전보다는 활동을 훨씬 더 적게 하고 있는데 밴드멤버 중 하나가 가정을 꾸렸기 때문이다. 그래서 이들을 볼 수 있는 기회 는 무조건 잡아야 한다. 개러지 록, 펑크, 인디를 하이 에너지 튠 으로 융합시키고 그에 맞는 무대를 펼친다. 공중다리찢기와 덜렁 거리는 기타 헤드를 조심하기 바란다. Earth, Wind, and Fire의 ”September”를 모두 한국어로 커버한 것은 이제껏 봤던 최고의 것들 중 하나이다.

Mountains (마운틴스)

Genre: emo/math-rock Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MountainsSK First you might ask “WTH is ‘math rock’?” Short answer: rock music with angular melodies, as well as atypical rhythms and time signatures. Mountains maintains a popsensibility and manages to be much more approachable than other math-rock bands. With lyrics in English, Korean, and even Farsi, Mountains draws heavily from their various heritages and homes. -continued on p30-



장르 : 이모/매쓰록 페이스북 : http://www.facebook.com/MountainsSK 먼저 “아 젠장, 매쓰록이 뭔데?” 라고 물을 지도 모르겠다. 짧게 대답하자 불규칙적인 리듬과 박자와 함께 각진 멜로디를 가진 락 음악이다. 마운틴스는 팝느낌을 유지하고 있어 다른 매쓰록 밴드 보다 훨씬 더 접근하기 쉽도록 하고 있다. 영어, 한국어 심지어 이 란어로 된 가사와 함께 마운틴스는 다양한 헤리티지와 발상지로 부터 영감을 아주 많이 끌어내고 있다. Check out their stuff on bandcamp. It’s easier than describing it: http://mountainssk.bandcamp.com/ 밴드 캠프 에서 이들의 음악을 들을 수 있다. 설명하는 것보다 훨씬 더 알기 쉬울 것이다. http://mountainssk.bandcamp.com/

Guerilla Radio (게릴라 라디오)

Genre: rap-metal Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ragedaegu/ As the name suggests the band takes heavy-influence from Rage Against the Machine. In fact, they started as a Rage cover band but have since started performing original material as well. It takes an impressive guitar player to pull it off, and they have one. Their vocalist is kind of gothy, and is also a ninja. 장 르 : 랩 메탈 페이스북: http://www.facebook.com/ragedaegu/ 이름이 말해주듯 이 밴드는 Rage Against the Machine으로부 터 매우 큰 영향을 받았다. 사실 Rage Against Machine 커버 밴 드로 시작했으나 오리지널 곡 역시 연주하기도 했다. 자체곡을 연주 하기 위해서는 꽤 하는 기타 연주자가 필요한데 이 밴드에 는 그런 기타리스트가 있다. 밴드의 보컬은 고스족 같은 느낌이 좀 있는데 닌자같기도 하다.

타리스트 모두에게 솔로연주를 하는 기회가 주어졌고 둘 다 꾸준 히 멋진 모습을 보여 주었다. 펑크, 매쓰록, 메탈 등이 조금 더 맞 는 쪽이지만 이 밴드는 보편적으로 어느 장르에나 잘 맞다. 더 투 나스는 어디에나 돌아다니며 연주를 하고 있다. 단지 제대로 된 사람들이 봐 줄 필요가 있다.

November on Earth (노벰버 온 어쓰)

Genre: post-rock Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SSIXTRINGS/ November on Earth, despite sounding like the name of a metal band, has been playing chill, instrumental soundscapes in the vein of Mogwai, This Will Destroy You and Explosions in the Sky since March of 2013. Despite not having lyrics the music is full of swelling emotions, and contains gradual builds starting subtle and hitting with a wave of music. 장르 : 포스트 록 페이스북 : http://www.facebook.com/SSIXTRINGS/ 메탈 밴드의 이름 같지만 노벰버 온 어쓰는 Mogwai 계열의 편 안한 기악곡적인 음악들을 연주한다. 2013년 3월부터 This Will Destroy You와 Explosions in the Sky로 시작을 했다. 가사가 없음에도 불구하고 그들의 음악은 부푼 감정으로 가득 차 있고, 음악의 물결과 함께 미묘하고 치고 나오는 느낌으로 시작하여 점 차 고조되는 구조를 담고 있다. Check them out on soundcloud if you need a soundtrack for an introspective stroll: http://soundcloud.com/ novemberonearth

The Tunas (더 투나스)

Genre: rock Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BandTheTunas/ I’ve had the pleasure of seeing these guys play about three or four times since they formed in spring of 2015 and I’ve never seen them fail to get a reaction. They’re insanely talented. Both guitarists are given opportunities to solo and both consistently nail it. While punk, math-rock, and metal are a bit more niche, these guys are more universally approachable. They’ve got a shot to go places. They just need to be seen by the right people. 장르 : 록 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/BandTheTunas/ 2015년 밴드가 결성되고 서너차례 정도 이 밴드가 연주하는 것 을 보는 즐거움을 누렸고 단 한 번도 반응을 끌어내지 못 하는 것 을 본 적이 없다. 더 투나스는 유별난 재능을 지니고 있다. 두 기


Who Says You Can’t Rock in Daegu?


자기성찰적인 산책을 위한 사운드트랙이 필요하다면 soundcloud에서 이들의 음악을 들어보길 바란다. http:// soundcloud.com/novemberonearth

Torn Self (톤 셀프)

Genre: metalcore Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tornself/ Egad, these guys are intense! There’s fast, hard, aggressive riffs; savage drum beats, and vocals switching from deep growls to high screams. The back and forth vocals are typical of metalcore, but more often than not it’s done by two singers. With Torn Self, it’s one guy hitting the whole range. Oh, and their motto is “All Human is Virus”. So there ya go. Seek out their “Desolation EP” on iTunes. 장르 : 메탈코어 페이스북 : http://www.facebook.com/tornself/ 이런, 이 밴드는 격렬하다! 빠르고 강하고 공격적인 리프, 끝내주 는 드럼비트, 깊은 으르렁거림에서부터 높은 비명까지 넘나드는 목소리가 담겨져 있다. 왔다갔다 하는 보컬은 메탈코어의 전형이 지만 대개는 두 명의 보컬이 노래를 한다. 하지만 톤 셀프에서는 한 명의 보컬이 모든 음역대를 소화한다.ㅜㅁ 아, 그리고 그들의 모토는 “모든 인간은 바이러스다” 이다. 그러니 여기 있다. 아이 튠에서 그들의 “Desolation EP”를 찾아 들어보아라.


For more information about where to see these bands, check out the list of venues in the December 2016 issue of The Compass! 이 밴드들을 만날 수 있는 장소에 대한 정보는 대구컴퍼스의 12 월호에 실린 클럽 리스트에 대한 기사에서 찾아보길 바란다.


In the Frame Hon Hoang

• Written by Madeline Yochum Photos by Hon Hoang Translated by Yujeong Lee

It’s a challenge to pull your eyes away from photographer Hon Hoang’s Instagram account. His photos are an engaging mix of neon-fused colors, strange figures, and amorous encounters: ordinary activities seem symbolic. The day to day rituals are illuminated in Hoang’s perspective: selective, emotive, and a bit mysterious. 사진 작가 혼 호앙의 인스타 계정에서 눈을 떼는 것은 도전이다. 그의 사진은 네온계열의 색채, 낯선 형태, 육욕적인 만남의 혼합 과 관계하고 있다. 정상적인 행동들은 상징적이다. 일상생활의 의식은 호앙의 관점에서는 환상이다. 선택적이며 감정을 자극하 며 조금은 미스테리어스하다. But photography wasn’t a clear path for the Los Angeles native. “I went to school at UCLA and graduated with a degree in psychology. After working in a rehab facility, I asked myself, ‘Is this going to be the rest of my life?’” says Hoang.


In the Frame

하지만 LA 토박이에게 사진이란 명확한 길이 아니었다. “저는 UCLA에 있는 학교에 다녔고 심리학을 전공했어요. 요양시설에 서 일을 하다가 스스로에게 물어봤죠. ‘이 일이 남은 인생의 전부 가 될 것인가?’” In the past several years, he left his pursuits to work in psychological services and dedicated himself towards a new outlet: fine art photography. Since moving to Changwon this year, Hoang has photographed all over Korea. His work is a variation of street and fashion, both decorous and revealing. And with nearly 10,000 Instagram followers, Hoang is gaining a strong social presence. 지난 몇년 간, 그는 심리학과 관련된 일에 종사하는 것을 그만두 고 새로운 발산수단을 향해 헌신하고 있다. 바로 순수 사진학이 다. 올해 창원으로 이사를 왔기 때문에 호앙은 한국 전역에서 사 진을 찍었다. 그의 작품은 거리와 패션의 바리에이션이며 점잖으 면서도 드러내는 사진이다. 인스타그램의 팔로워가 거의 만명에 육박해서 호안은 강력한 사회적 존재감을 드러내고 있다.


What motivated you to come to Korea? 어떻게 해서 한국에 오게 되었나요?

A lot of it was just following other photographers who were doing a deep dive: seeing travel photographers and the way they captured different people. I’ve seen less than one percent of the world and wanted to experience something new. Growing up in L.A., I learned to appreciate Korean culture, so that’s why I’m here. 몰두하는 다른 사진작가들을 따라한 것이었어요. 여행사진작가 들과 그 사람들이 다른 사람들을 포착하는 방법을 본 거죠. 저는 전세계의 1퍼센트도 보지 못했고 새로운 것을 경험해보고 싶어 요. LA에서 자라서 한국문화를 법을 알아요. 그게 제가 한국에 온 이유죠.

Who inspires you? 누가 영감을 주나요?

I have always loved film and television growing up, so most of my inspiration comes from film directors like Wong Karwai. It’s the colors and emotionality of the composition.


You just feel and understand what his characters are going through without them having to say much. I grew up watching Hong Kong cinema so I gravitate towards the style. 저는 자라면서 영화와 TV를 매우 사랑했어요. 그래서 제 영감의 대부분은 왕가위와 같은 영화감독에게 받아요. 그 구성의 색깔과 정서이죠. 당신은 그저 많은 대사 없이 그의 인물들이 무엇을 겪 는 지 느끼고 이해하는 거예요. 저는 홍콩 영화를 보면서 자라서 그런 스타일에 자연스럽게 끌려요. Some of my biggest [photographer] influences are Wing Shya, Gregory Crewdson, Daido Moriyama-artists who understand the creative aspect. Shya is the biggest one when it comes to fashion and creative photography work. He’s doing campaigns for Gucci and Chanel. His work is honest and gritty. Daido Moriyama is also one of my biggest influences. Beautiful photos aren’t always the clearest, but ones that carry emotional weight. And for me, Daido Moriyama’s work represents that. Some of his photos might be blurry, not in focus, but it’s about the subjects in the photos. -continued on p34-


사진작가로써 제게 큰 영향을 준 몇몇은 윙 샤, 그레고리 크루드 슨, 다이도 모리야마 창의적인 면을 잘 알고 있는 예술가들이죠. 윙 샤는 패션과 창의적인 사진작업에 대해서는 거물이고, 구찌와 샤넬의 캠페인을 진행하고 있어요. 윙 샤의 작품은 정직하고 모 든 것을 보여줘요. 다이도 모리야마 역시 내게 큰 영향을 미친 사 람들 중에 하나입니다. 아름다운 사진들은 항상 가장 명확한 것 만은 아니지만 감정적인 무게를 전달하는 것들이에요. 그리고 제 게는 다이도 모리야마의 작품이 그 것을 보여주죠. 그의 작품 중 몇몇은 초점이 벗어나 흐릿할 지도 모르지만 그 건 사진들 속의 대상에 대한 것이에요.

What makes a successful photographer? 어떤 것이 성공한 사진작가를 탄생시킬까요?

The only good answer to this is that it depends. A successful photographer might be a person that can work well with clients and makes a lot of money. A successful photographer can be someone who gets a lot of work published and has name recognition when it comes to their work. 여기에 대한 유일한 명답은 아마도에요. 성공적인 사진작가는 고 객들과 같이 일을 잘 하고 돈을 많이 버는 사람일 수도 있어요. 혹 은 많은 작품들이 출판되고 그 사람이 하는 일에 관해서 인지도 가 있는 경우일 수도 있어요.


Christmas in Korea

When I think of being a successful photographer, I think more about the image quality. Was the photographer able to capture the emotions of the moment? Can the audience tell who took this photo before they see the by line? Does the image tell some kind of story within the frame? Does the photograph make the viewer feel any kind of emotion? If a photographer can accomplish these things, I personally believe that they’re successful. 제가 성공한 사진작가가 되는 것에 대해 생각할 때는 이미지의 퀄리티에 대한 것이라고 생각해요. 사진작가가 그 순간의 감정들 을 포착할 수 있었을까요? 사람들이 이름표를 보기 전에 누가 그 사진을 찍었는지 알 수 있나요? 그 이미지가 그 프레임 안에서 어 떤 이야기를 해 주나요? 만약 사진작가가 이런 것들을 성취해 낼 수 있다면 개인적으로는 그 사람은 성공한 것이라고 생각해요.

Describe your work.

본인의 일을 설명해주세요. I like to incorporate human mistakes. Something that’s happening in the moment. My work is very dark, yet colorful. Something that is gritty but incorporates lots of coloration. There’s a sense of darkness to everything, but there’s hope through color. It’s not about telling someone to pose and look pretty. It’s capturing honesty and


humanity. The moments in between when you think no one is looking. The moments of contemplation and deep thought. You and the world and no one else. That’s when people are the most honest. 저는 사람들의 실수를 포함시키는 것을 좋아해요. 순간에 일 어나는 것들 말이죠. 제 일은 매우 어둡지만 다채롭기도 해요. 불쾌한 것을 그대로 보여주지만 많은 색을 포함하고 있죠. 모 든 것에 대해 어두운 감이 있지만 색깔을 통한 희망이 있어요. 누군가에게 포즈를 취하라거나 예쁘게 보이라고 말하는 것에 대한 게 아니에요. 정직과 인간성을 포착하는 것이죠. 아무도 보지 않는다고 생각하는 사이의 순간에요. 사색과 깊은 생각 의 순간들이고요. 당신과 세상이 있고 그 외엔 없어요. 그 때 가 사람들이 가장 정직한 때이죠.

Who are your clients? 고객은 누구인가요?

My clients range from concert venues to actors, models, and musicians. I did concert photography back in Los Angeles and was lucky enough to find some of the same work here in Korea. My typical commissions come from actor and models wishing to build their portfolios by having some diverse photos. It’s nice to work with musicians, to photograph their promo/



album art. It helps to have their music to listen to so I can better understand who they are and how to capture that in a photograph. 제 고객은 콘서트 장소에서부터 배우, 모델, 뮤지션 등을 어우리 고 있어요. LA에서 콘서트 사진촬영을 했는데 한국에서도 같은 일을 할 수 있어서 운이 좋은 것 같아요. 보통 제 수입은 다양한 사진을 찍어서 포트폴리오를 만들고 싶어하는 배우와 모델들에 게서 나와요. 뮤지션들과 일하는 건 좋은데 홍보용/앨범 자켓을 사진촬영하기 위해서예요.그들의 음악을 듣는 건 도움이 되요. 그래서 그 사람들이 누구인지, 그 것을 어떻게 사진에 포착할 수 있는지 더 잘 이해할 수 있어요.

If you could do a photoshoot with anyone… 누구든지 함께 사진촬영을 할 수 있다면요...

I would choose Mads Mikkelsen from Dr. Strange. Maybe Sam Rockwell. I feel like when it comes to photoshoots, it’s about getting to know each other. Our conversations would be great. 저는 닥터 스트레인지에 나온 매즈 미켈슨을 고르고 싶어요. 아 마 샘 락웰도요. 사진촬영을 할 때면 그건 서로를 알아가는 작업 인 것 같아요. 우리가 나누는 대화도 굉장할 거예요.


Souvenir Guide

What’s next? 다음 목표는요?

I want to explore street photography and capture the culture of change in Korea. The move from this traditional, conservative country and how it has shifted to an open culture that is about self-expression and individualism. A project that explores identity through subcultures: Tattoos, LGBTQ, cross-dressing. People who want to seek their own identity through self-expression. Trying to understand their own sexuality and gender. How their day to day struggle where many of these things are not as open. 거리 사진촬영 쪽을 탐구하고 한국에서 일어나는 변화의 문화를 포착해보고 싶어요. 이런 전통적이고 보수적인 나라에서의 움직 임과 그 것이 어떻게 자기 표현과 개인주의 같은 개방된 문화로 옮겨갔는지를요. 그리고 문신, LGBTQ, 크로스 드레싱 등의 하위 문화를 통해 정체성을 탐구하는 프로젝트가 있는데요. 자기표현 을 통해 스스로의 정체성을 찾고자 하는 사람들인거죠. 그들의 성적취향과 사회적 성별을 이해하고자 노력하는 거죠. 그런 것들 에 대해 열려 있지 않은 그들의 일상생활이 어떻게 고군분투하는 지요.


Eventually, I would love to move into cinema. The reason I got into photography was to tell stories, hoping it would evolve into film making. 최종적으로는 영화쪽으로 방향을 옮겨가고 싶어요. 사진촬영에 입문하게 된 이유가 이야기를 전달하기 위해서였거든요.

Top resolutions for 2017? 2017년 새해 계획이나 다짐은?

1. Make a short film/music video. I want to get more into cinematography by collaborating with other creatives such as musicians, writers, actors, models. 2. Get published in at least one new publication for each month of the new year. 3. Travel more. Explore and capture the varying societies that exist in the world. 1. 단편 영화 혹은 뮤직비디오 제작입니다. 뮤지션, 작가, 배우, 모 델 등 다른 창의적인 사람들과의 협동작업을 통해 영화촬영 쪽으 로 작업을 더 하고 싶어요. 2. 새해에는 적어도 매달마다 적어도 각기 다른 출판물에 나오고 싶어요. 3. 여행을 더 많이 할 거예요. 세상에 존재하는 다양한 사회들을 탐험하고 포착해보고 싶습니다. DAEGU COMPASS JANUARY 2017

For shoots and other inquiries: 다른 사진 작품과 기타문의 Hon Hoang hon@enflight.design Instagram: @honnnhoang websites: www.enflight.design www.honhoang.com


Escape Daegu

The Hahoe Village in Andong • Written and photographed by Gwendolyn DeSilva www.memoriesnotmaterialthings.com Translated by Yujeong Lee

There are a number of traditional walled villages in Korea where you can glimpse centuries old hanok homes; however, Hahoe Village in Andong is one of the most authentic and closest to Daegu. It’s also only one of two in the country that boasts UNESCO World Heritage status. It’s so historic that when Queen Elizabeth visited Korea in 1999, it was the only location outside of Seoul she toured. 한국에는 벽으로 둘러싸인 전통 마을이 다수 있는데 이 곳에서는 몇 백년이나 된 한옥을 볼 수 있다. 그러나 안동의 하회 마을은 가 장 제대로 되어 있고 대구에서 가장 가까운 곳 중 하나이다. 또한 한국에서 유네스코 세계유산임을 자랑하는 두 마을 중에 하나이 기도 하다. 하회마을은 매우 역사적인 곳이라 1999년 엘리자베 스 여왕이 한국을 방문했을 때 서울 이외에 여행을 한 유일한 장 소이기도 하다. One of the most special aspects about Hahoe is its isolation from any city. Nestled in quiet, countryside plain land and surrounded by Hwasan Mountain, it’s forty minutes by bus from Andong. The downside is that the journey from Daegu involves two buses and a total journey time of around 2.5hours, so it is advised to take a bus before 10.00am if you plan to have a full day there. 하회 마을에 대해 가장 특별한 면 중 하나는 다른 도시로부터 멀 리 떨어져 있다는 것이다. 화산에 둘러싸여 고요한 시골의 평지 에 자리를 잡고 있으며, 안동에서 버스로 40분 정도 소요된다. 대 구에서 오면 버스를 2번 타야 하고 총 2시간 반 정도가 소요된다 는 것이 단점이다. 그래서 하루를 꼬박 하회 마을에서 보내려면 오전 10시 이전에 버스를 타야한다는 조언이 있었다. 38

Escape Daegu


Stroll through the Winding Streets 꼬불꼬불한 길 걸어보기

Dotted throughout the still working village, where 250 people live, are a mixture of tile-roofed and straw thatched houses, the oldest dating back to the 16th century. During our trip, we came across an old man crouched on the packed dirt weaving a replacement roof by hand. Nearby was a stack of bound straw ready to be transformed. With the absence of cars and two story buildings, it really is like stepping back in time to a bygone era. 마을에는 아직 250여명의 사람들이 살고 있으며, 아직 생기가 있 는 마을 도처에는 기와집과 초가가 섞여 있어 드문드문 점이 찍 힌듯 하다. 가장 오래된 집은 16세기까지 거슬러 올라간다. 우 리가 여행을 하는 동안 손으로 교체할 지붕을 엮으며 다져진 흙 위에 쭈그리고 앉은 한 할아버지와 마주쳤다. 옆에는 지붕으로 바뀔 준비가 된 지푸라기가 한 무더기 묶여져 있었다. 자동자가 없고 이층건물들이 있어서 옛 시절로 시간일 되돌아간 듯 했다.

There are several key landmarks worth a look including a small relics museum near the Chunghyo Residence with artifacts from the Ryu family, the primary residents during the Joseon Dynasty. The Yangjin Residence nearby is one of the grandeur historic homes that you can step inside. And not to miss is the 600 year old zelkova tree located at the center of the village. There are several suggested walking routes provided in the tourist map, but I just recommend wandering aimlessly through the winding streets. 충효당 근처에 있는 조선 시대 동안 처음에 거주를 했던 류씨가 문의 유물이 있는 작은 유물박물관을 포함하여 둘러볼만한 주요 랜드마크가 여러 곳 있다. 근처의 양진당은 내부로 들어가 볼 수 있는 장엄한 역사적 가정집 중 하나이다. 그리고 놓치지 말아야 할 것은 마을 한 가운데에 있는 600년된 느티나무이다. 여행지도 에는 추천 도보코스가 몇 개 있다. 그러나 필자는 그냥 꼬불꼬불 한 골목을 따라 목적없이 돌아다녀보기를 권한다. -continued on p40-



Capture a Bird’s Eye View from Buyongdae Cliff

부용대에서 조망하기 To the right hand side of the village you can wander through lush ancient pine trees before being deposited out onto the sandy beachfront. Here you can board a rickety ferry to the grey outcrop of cliffs on the opposite side of the Nakdong River. It is leisurely 15 minute hike to the summit of Buyongdae Cliff where you take in panoramic views of the village and see clearly how it gets its name which translated means ‘Village Enveloped by Water.’ Highly recommended to venture here right before sunset. 마을의 오른쪽을 향하면 백사장 위로 발걸음을 옮기기 이전에 매 우 오래된 무성한 소나무들을 사이를 걸어볼 수 있다. 이 곳에서 낙동강 반대편쪽에 있는 회색으로 드러난 절벽을 향해 금방이라 도 부서질 듯한 배를 탈 수 있다. 부용대 정상까지 15분간 가볍게 등산을 하면 된다. 부용대에서는 마을의 파노라마틱한 광경을 감상할 수 있으며 왜 마을의 이름이 “물이 돌아가는 마을”인지 확실히 알 수 있다.

Explore the Mask Museum

하회탈 박물관 탐험해보기 Andong is known for its annual Mask Dance Festival held every Autumn, so a look into the mask museum is a must. Located back near the main ticket office, the bottom floor displays a large collection of Korean masks with descriptions in English of the symbolism behind each and the dances they are used in. The remaining collection covers masks from all over the world including Africa, Polynesia, China, and even Native Americans. There are even a few you can try on! A definite must. 안동은 매년 가을에 열리는 하회탈춤축제로 잘 알려져 있으니 하 회탈 박물관에는 반드시 가봐야 한다. 매표소 사무실 뒤쪽에 위 치해 있으며 1층에는 사람들이 사용했던 각각의 탈과 춤 뒤에 숨 겨진 상징성에 대해 적힌 영어로 된 설명과 함께 여러 한국의 탈 이 전시되어 있다. 나머지 전시는 아프리카, 폴리네시아, 중국, 미 국원주민 등 전세계에서 온 탈에 관한 것이었다. 그 중 몇 개는 심 지어 직접 써 볼 수도 있다. 정말 가봐야하는 곳이다.

Devour some Jjimdak

찜닭 맛보기 Whilst Andong offers a number of delectable local delicacies, I had my heart set on trying the region’s signature dish - Jjimdak. Jjimdak is basically a stew of slowly cooked chicken thighs, potatoes, carrots, green onions, cabbage, glass noodles all swimming in a delicately balanced rich soy and oyster sauce that was sweetened with rice syrup and brown sugar. There are a few tented restaurants near the Mask Museum where you can try this dish, but we decided to eat in town. I choose an establishment called Jonggajjimdak from Trip Advisor


Compass Classics

and we took a taxi there from the bus terminal (15,000W return). It is located in a covered market alley just for Jjimdak. My traveling companion and I order the medium sized portion with medium spice and it was HUGE! Plenty for two. Arguably the most mouthwatering meal I have had in Korea. The perfect end to a day trip from Daegu.


안동에 몇몇 맛있어보이는 지역의 음식점이 있지만 필자는 지역의 유명 음식인 찜닭을 먹어보기로 마음을 굳혔다. 찜닭 은 기본적으로 닭, 감자, 당근, 파, 양배추, 당면 등을 넣어천천 히 조리되어 나오는 일종의 스튜이며 모든 재료가 섬세하게 균형이 맞춰진 진한 간장과 굴소스에 담겨져 있는데 조정과 갈색 설탕을 넣어 달달한 맛도 있다. 하회탈 박물관 근처에 찜 닭을 먹어볼 수 있는 몇몇 천막집이 있지만 우리는 안동으로 돌아가 먹기로 했다. 트립 어드바이저에서 찾은 중앙찜닭이 라는 곳을 선택했고 버스 터미널에서 택시를 타고 갔다(왕복 15,000원). 이 곳은 시장에 있는 찜닭골목에 위치해 있다. 우 리는 중간 맵기를 선택하고 중간 사이즈를 주문했는데 양이 어마어마했다. 두명이 먹기에 충분했다. 한국에서 먹은 음식 중에 거의 틀림없이 가장 침이 고이게 하는 음식이었다. 대구 에서 온 당일치기 여행의 완벽한 마무리였다.

How to get to there: Go to the Dongdaegu Complex Transit Center (right next to the new Shinsegae Department store). The bus from Daegu takes 1 hour 40 minutes (9,700W). At Andong Bus Terminal, take bus 46 to Hahoe Village. It runs 10 times a day and takes 40 minutes (1,200W). Get off at the Hahoe Mask Museum (second to last stop). Here, buy your entrance tickets to the village (3,000W). You can walk to the village or take the free shuttle bus. (Note: The last bus from Hahoe to Andong Bus Terminal is around 18.30 and the last bus from Andong Bus Terminal back to Daegu is around 20.30.) 가는 방법 : 동대구복합환승센터(신세계 백화점 바로 옆)으로 가서 버스를 타는데 대구에서 출발하면 1시간 40분(9,700원) 이 걸린다. 안동버스터미널에서 하회마을로 가는 46번 버스 를 탄다. 하루에 10회 운행이 되고 40분이 소요된다(1,200원) 하회탈 박물관(종점에서 두번째 정류장)에서 내린다. 여기에 서 마을로 가는 입장료(3,000원)을 낸다. 마을까지 걸어가거 나 무료 셔틀 버스를 탈 수 있다(참고 : 하회마을에서 안동버 스 터미널로 돌아가는 마지막 버스는 오후 6시 30분쯤에 있 고 안동버스터미널에서 대구로 가는 마지막 버스는 오후 8시 30분쯤에 있다.)

Stay the night: If you fancy an overnight stay, consider Bukchondaek House, a 210 year old noble house in the center of the village, whose inner quarters boast the largest stand alone hanok structure in Hahoe. www.bukchondaek.com 숙박하기 : 하회마을에서 하룻밤 묵어가고 싶다면 하회마을 한 가운데에 있는 210년 된 양반집이며 하회마을에서 내부의 공간이 가장 큰 곳임을 자랑하는 한옥, 북촌댁을 고려해보길 바란다. (웹사이트 : www.bukchondaek.com)



Ho Chi Minh Exploring Vietnam’s Largest City

• Written and photographed by Lindsay Mickles http://theneverendingwanderlust.com Translated by Yujeong Lee

Vietnam is a wonderful place to visit over the winter holidays, especially if you are looking for some good food, good weather, and beautiful sights. A few friends of mine and I booked a week-long guided tour of Vietnam (2 days in Ho Chi Minh City / 3 in the Mekong Delta) and couldn’t have been happier with our choice. Immediately upon our arrival in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Bao, our amazing tour guide took us to the Reunification Palace. The palace was very nice, but the bunker was the most interesting part, especially since they still had some furniture, equipment, and maps used during the American War in Vietnam. After visiting the palace, we were whisked away to briefly see the Notre Dame Cathedral (it was closing) and then popped in to the Old Post Office. 베트남은 특히 맛있는 음식과 좋은 날씨, 아름다운 풍경을 찾고 있다면 겨울 휴가기간 동안 가기에 딱 좋은 곳이다. 몇몇 친구들 과 가이드와 함께 하는 1주일간의 베트남 여행을(2일은 호치민 시에서 3일은 메콩 삼각주에서) 예약했고, 이 선택에 대해 더 이 상 기쁠 수가 없었다. 호치민에 도착하자마자 우리를 담당한 멋 진 투어 가이드 바오씨가 통일궁으로 데려갔다. 성은 정말 멋졌 는데 지하 벙커가 가장 흥미로웠는데, 특히 베트남 전쟁 당시에


Ho Chi Minh

사용했던 가구, 장비, 지도 등이 여전히 있었기 때문이었다. 그 다 음으로는 간단히 노트르담 대성당을 보기 위해 급히 이동했고(문 이 닫혀있었다.), 중앙우체국에 갔다. We then went to the Ben Tanh Market and tried some market food which included Spring Rolls (with shrimp and pork) and Bloating Fern-shaped cake with pork baloney. We had some free time to do a bit of shopping before our 5 course welcome dinner. After dinner, we headed to our stunning hotel (Silverland Central Hotel and Spa), checked in, and were on our own to explore the outdoor portion of Ben Tanh Market. 다음으로는 벤탄시장으로 향했고 (새우, 돼지고기가 들어간) 스 프링롤과 돼지고기 소세지가 올라간 반 베오 등 길거리 음식을 먹어보았다. 5가지 코스요리가 나오는 환영만찬을 먹기 전에 쇼 핑을 할 수 있는 잠깐의 자유시간을 가졌다. 저녁을 먹고 난 뒤에 는 우리가 묶을 멋진 호텔(실버랜드 센트럴 호텔 앤 스파)로 가서 체크인을 하고, 우리끼리 벤탄시장을 탐험을 하며 바깥 나들이를 했다.


-continued on p44-



The next morning, we met up with Bao and set off of for the Cu Chi tunnels to see the tunnel system used in the American War in Vietnam. It took us 1.5hrs to get there and we arrived just in time to avoid the heavy crowds. I found it very interesting to see things 'a bit' from the Vietnamese point of view. I was quite impressed by the tunnel system, the traps they built, and their ability to repurpose all sorts of things they obtained after attacking US troops (shoes, bombs, etc.). I have never been a fan of war, so some parts (mainly the traps) were a bit difficult to see-but I knew what I was getting into. While there, we saw how traditional rice paper is made, got to taste some fresh tapioca (kinda like yucca), and I made a kitty cat friend. Visitors can pay to shoot some pretty heavy artillery if they so choose. 다음 날 아침, 우리는 바오씨와 만나서 베트남 전쟁 당시 사용되 었던 땅굴 시스템을 보기 위해 쿠치 터널로 떠났다. 터널까지 한 시간 반이 걸렸고 관광객이 몰리는 것을 피하기 위해 딱 제시간 에 도착했다. ‘어느 정도’ 베트남인의 시각에서 바라보게 된 것은 매우 흥미로웠다. 그리고 땅굴의 체계와 베트남인들이 만든 함 정, 미군의 공격 이후 얻게 된 것들을(신발, 폭탄 등등) 다시 다른 목적에 맞게끔 만들어 낸 능력은 꽤 인상적이었다. 전쟁을 좋아 하지 않아서 어떤 부분들은(주로 함정)은 보기가 좀 힘들었다. 하 지만 내가 무엇에 익숙해지고 있는지는 알고 있었다. 그 곳에 있는 동안 어떻게 전통 라이스 페이퍼가 만들어지는 지 보았고, 신선한 타피오카(유카와 비슷한 종류)를 시식했고, 고양 이 친구도 사귀었다. 방문객들에게는 유료로 꽤 무거운 대포를 쏴 볼 수 있는 기회도 있었다. After leaving the tunnels, we headed off on another 1.5hr drive to the Holy See of the Cao Dai religion. We arrived just in time to go inside and were able to catch a glimpse of the daily ceremony. We shot a few pictures and left quickly for lunch (to beat the crowds). I absolutely must go back there and spend some time shooting photos and looking around-the place was very crowded and full of inpatient visitors. 땅굴을 떠나 다시 한시간 반동안 차를 타고 까오 다이 사원으로 갔다. 도착했을 때는 마침 내부로 들어가서 일일 예배를 살짝 엿 볼 수 있는 시간이었다. 사진을 몇 장 찍고 (다른 사람들을 제치 기 위해) 점심을 먹으러 빨리 나섰다. 사원에는 반드시 다시 가서 사진을 찍으고 사원을 둘러보며 시간을 보낼 것이다. 사원에 갔 을 때는 너무 번잡하고 짜증난 방문객들로 가득했다.


Ho Chi Minh


After lunch, we drove a bit over an hour to get back to our hotel in HCMC. One of my travel companions asked our guide where to find the best Pho in the city and he led us to an AMAZING restaurant (Pho Hung)!! It was my first time eating Pho and I wanted to kick myself for not having it sooner. You can add herbs and spices to taste and although mine was a bit on the hot side, the broth was stunning. I chose the beef with egg and was not disappointed. I am absolutely hooked. I was warned that all Pho from then on will pale in comparison - they weren’t kidding! 점심을 먹고 다시 한 시간을 조금 넘게 달려서 호치민의 숙소로 돌아왔다. 친구들 중 하나가 호치민에서 가장 맛있는 쌀국수를 먹을 수 있는 곳이 어디냐고 가이드에게 물었고, 바오씨는 쌀국 수 맛집(포 헝, Pho Hung)에 데려다 주었다!! 처음으로 쌀국수를 먹어보았는데 좀 더 빨리 먹어보지 못한 자신이 원망스러웠다. 고수나 향신료를 더 넣을 수도 있고, 필자의 쌀국수는 조금 매운 편에 속했지만 국물이 끝내줬다. 계란과 쇠고기가 들어간 메뉴였 고 결코 실망스럽지 않았다. 정말 반해버렸다. 포 헝의 쌀국수를 먹고 나면 다른 모든 쌀국수는 별로일 것이라고 들었는데 절대 빈말이 아니었다!


On our way back to the hotel, we took in the sights of the foreigner street (bars, hostels, and brothels) and stopped off to have a beer and people-watch. It was our last night in HCMC, and we took advantage of the gorgeous views of the city from the 8th floor bar. The next day, we headed off to the Mekong Delta to continue our adventures with Bao. We had an amazing time in HCMC - if you get the opportunity to visit, try to see as much as you can, eat as much as you can, and soak up all the history. Read more about my trip on http://theneverendingwanderlust.com. 호텔로 오는 길에 외국인들의 거리(바, 호스텔, 브로텔 등)를 보게 되었고, 한 잔 하며 사람들을 구경하기 위해 들렀다. 그리고 8층 에 위치한 바에서 호치민의 근사한 풍경을 즐겼다. 다음날, 바오 씨와 함께 모험을 이어가기 위해 메콩강 삼각주로 떠났다. 우리는 호치민에서 즐거운 시간을 보냈다. 여러분도 호치민에 갈 기회가 있다면 가능한 한 많이 보고 먹고, 그 곳의 역사에 흠뻑 빠 져보길 바란다. 더 자세한 여행기는 이 곳에서 확인해보기 바란 다. http://theneverendingwanderlust.com.


Restaurant -

여보세요 ?


Street number + Building name + Apt Number

-인데요 (in-dae-yo)

Food 불고기 (bulgogi) 김치찌개 or 된장찌개 (kimchi or bean soup) 김밥 (kimbap) 떡볶이 (tteokpokki) 만두 (mandu) 돈까스 (tonkkatsu)

Quantity 하나랑 (1) hana rang 두개 (2) do gay 세개 (3) say gay 네개 (4) nay gay 다섯개 (5) daseot gay 여섯개 (6) yeoseot gay

yeobo say yo? [Hello?]

XX구 수성구 / 서구 달서구 / 동구 ect..

XX동 상동 / 중동 월성동 / 두류동 ect..

Beverage 콜라 (cola) 사이다 (cider) 맥주 (beer) 오렌지주스 (O.J.)

Restaurant -


pal-cheon-won imnida. [It’s 8,000 won.]


How To Order Food


the daegu compass JANUARY 2017






• This is an overview of our January events. For more information about events on our calendar, check out the next two pages or email us: events@daegucompass.com. If you have events you want to add for the February issue, please email us by January 16th. Thanks!



• Operetta <Die Fledermaus> _ Daegu Opera House



• New Year’s Concert • Anthony Browne’s 2017 Happy Museum _ Daegu Concert House _ M家 (@Daegu MBC) / 01.07~04.16

• Y+ Artist project 1 <BAE Jongheon: Naissance> • LEE Tae Ho- Shadows, Clouds, and ... • LIfe Best Photo Studio - Melancholia of Lee Tae Ho's paintings (photo studio rental) • Choe U-Ram; [stil laif] _ EXCO / ~01.22 • LIKE DINO (for children) _ Daegu Art Museum / ~02.12 (2017) _ EXCO / ~02.12



























JANUARY 2017 event calender

LIfe Best Photo Studio (photo studio rental) Time: ~01.22 (close on Mondays) 10:00~18:00 Ticket price: Adults 12,000w, Youths: 11,000w, Children 9,000 Place: EXCO (Grand Hall A, 3F) Information: 1544-1657

Y+ Artist project 1 <BAE Jongheon: Naissance> Time:~02.12 Ticket price:1,000w Place: Daegu Art Museum Information: 053-790-3000 www.daeguartmuseum.org

LEE Tae Ho- Shadows, Clouds, and ...- Melancholia of Lee Tae Ho's paintings Time: ~02.12 Ticket price:1,000w Place: Daegu Art Museum Information: 053-790-3000 www.daeguartmuseum.org

Choe U-Ram; [stil laif] Time: ~02.12 Ticket price:1,000w Place: Daegu Art Museum Information: 053-790-3000 www.daeguartmuseum.org


JANUARY 2017 Event Calendar


LIKE DINO (for children)

Anthony Browne’s Happy Museum

Time: ~02.12 10:00~18:00 Ticket price: Adults 14,000w, Children 18,000 Place: EXCO Information : 1666-7961 http://www.likedino.com

Time: 01.07~04.16 10:00~19:00 (close on Mondays) Ticket price: Adults 12,000w, Youths: 11,000w, Children 9,000 Place: M家 (@Daegu MBC) Information: 053-744-5400

New Year’s Concert 2017 Time: 01.06 19:30 Ticket price: A: 16,000w / B: 10,000w Place: Daegu Concert House Information: 053-250-1475 http://ticket.interpark.com/


Operetta <Die Fledermaus> Time: 01.01 19:30 Ticket price: VIP: 100,000w / R: 70,000w / S: 50,000w / A: 30,000w / B: 20,000w / C: 10,000w Place: Daegu Opera House Information: 053-666-6024 http://ticket.interpark.com/


Useful Korean Expressions Communicate with the Locals!

• Say, “An-nyeong-ha-se-yo.” to Koreans instead of “Hi.” It is the easiest way to be courteous. Here are some Useful Korean Expressions for you to communicate with Koreans easily!

Basic Expressions Did you know that Korean doesn't have a pronunciation of F and V? Instead, pronounce P and B.

• Hello


• No


• Yes

An-nyeong-ha-se-yo. • Good bye


An-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo. • Nice to meet you 반갑습니다 감사합니다


Ne. • I am sorry


• Thank you



Mi-ahn-ham-ni-da. • Excuse me



Emergency Contact List Daegu City Hall Daegu Citizen Happiness Call Center (Daegu City Hall): 053-120 (Weekdays: 08:30-18:30) EXCO : 053-601-5000 HICO : 054-777-3556

Hospitals Kyungpook National Univ. Hospital (053-200-5114) Keimyung Univ. Dongsan Medical Center (053-250-7114) Yeungnam Univ. Medical Center (053-623-8001)

Local Numbers Police 112 Fire 119 Emergency Room 120

Translation Services Korean Tourism Organization Travel Hotline: 1330 BBB Korea Translation Call Service: 1588-5644 (English, Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, German, Portuguese, Arabic, Polish, Turkish, Swedish, Thai, Vietnamese, Malay, Indonesian, Mongolian)


Useful Korean Expressions



Object Passport ID card Sanitary pad Water Fork Receipt

Pains/sore spots Cold Stomachache Headache Cramps Allergy Motion sickness Wound

Place Where is + ~? Toilet Entrance Exit Restaurant Hospital Phamacy

Transportation Bus Subway

Wifi What is the Wi-Fi name and the password?

In shops or restaurants How much is it? I’d like to have ~. Please give me a little discount.



신분증 생리대 물


영수증 감기 복통 두통


알레르기 멀미 상처 ~어디에요? 화장실 입구 출구 식당 병원 약국 버스

지하철 와이파이 이름과 비밀번호가 무엇인가요? 얼마에요? ~주세요.

깎아 주세요.

[Yeo ggun] [Shin bun jung] [Seng li dae] [Mul] [Po-ku] [Young su jung]

[Gam gi] [Bok tong] [Du tong] [Sengli tong] [Al le ru ki] [Mull mi] [Sang cheo]

[~ Uhdi eyo?] [Hwa jang shil] [Ip gu] [Chool gu] [Shik dang] [Byung won] [Yak guk]

[Bu-s] [Ji ha cheol]

[Wa-i Pa-i ireum, bibun mo eh yo? ]

[Earl ma eh yo?] [~ Ju seyo. (with pointing)] [Kka kka juseyo.]








downtown map Nightlife Directions taxi “she nay ga ju say yo. sam duk so bang seo.” Shopping and Cinemas taxi “she nay ga ju say yo. lotte young plajja CGB” ( Remember there is no true ‘Z’ sound in Korean.)







Jungang Police office

The Daegu Compass and its volunteers have come up with Namjeon Yeojeon Bra this comprehensive guide to the bring you the best places nd to Str ee t enjoy the night in beautiful downtown Daegu. 13



Lotte Young Plaza Who cares, hav’n funz

Millionaire Club

4 21

Kkotbat 6



Banwol dang Station

Sushi Neco


Dong A Department Store (main store) Lotte Young Plaza


Departm (main sto


Mo bil eS tre et

55 Dining Novotel 053.214.5521 Fashion Ambassador Jewelry Town Daegu 12:00-02:00 Fusion-style Food 94-19, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Daegu City Hall Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Samdeok Fire Station 1


Jungang Police office


Jungangno Station

2046 PAN STEAK 053.427.2046 Samarkand Mon-Thur 11:30-22:00, Break District time 15:0017:00, Fri & Sat 12:00-02:00 / Sun 12:00-22:00 Fashion Jewelry Town Great quality steak and pasta Lotte Young Plaza 63-1, Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu Dong A

2.28 H&M Samdeok Fire Station Brand Street Democratic 11 Lazy Diner Road Shop Street Movement Gaejeong X:uSamdeok Old Blue Daegu Memorial Park Jayeon Police office Department byeolgok Han Sang Club That Caliente Store Little Italia Flow Sanshiro er Road Nazar Kebab zione WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla 10 Yashijang Gukchae Mies Container Jeju 18 Selec bosang Doyaji t Shop ThursdayThursday Bus Hot Gossip, Park Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Party2 Who's Bob Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat 2.28 Democratic Café S Lazy Diner Jungang Library 55 Dining Movement treet Gaejeong X:u Memorial Park Youngdo Velvet HanStation Sang Club That Samdeok Fire Flow er Road Nazar Kebab zione WHAT 2046Blue Pan Steak Samdeok Godzilla Old Yashijang Police office Mies Container Selec Caliente La Luce Thursday t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Who's Bob Club Frog Gukchae Jeju 18 Pan Asia Kkotbat bosang Doyaji Café S Park 21 55 Dining treet

Novotel Ambassador Daegu



Caliente 053.426.2268 Everyday 11:00-4:00am Tex Mex Jungang Library 36-6, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

Daegu City Hall


Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Banwol dang Station

Mo bil eS tre et

Chungju Mushroom Restaurant 053.425.5668 11:00-21:30 Holidays: Seolnal & Chuseok Korean Food Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu

Doko 053.253.0331 Mon-Thur, Holidays 18:00-02:00 Fri-Sat 18:00~03:00 , Holidays: Mondays Japanese Pub 62, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu


Kyodong M

Dong A Department Store (main store)

Jungangno Sushi Neco Samdeok Old Blue 14 Joonghwa PoliceStati office on Youngdo Velvet Namjeon Daegu Banjeom Caliente 2 TGIF 12 5 Yeojeon 3 Bra 1 Lotte Young Plaza Kyobo 6 KoKoChon nd Book Store 4 Str 4 Jungang Gukchae Jung Jeju 18 McDonald's Yugane ee angno 13 t Police McDonald's office Dakgalbi La Luce bosang Doyaji Station Joonghwa Namjeon Park 2 TGIF Banjeom 7 12 5 YeojeonH&M Samarikand 3 Brand B Stree Kyobo Lotte Young Plaza t Lotte 8 ran 6 KoKoChon 11 Road Shop Street dS Book Store Daegu City Hall Gukil Bulgalbi Departmen tre McDonald's Yugane Store Daegu et Jayeon McDonald's Dakgalbi Department byeolgokJungang Library Store Little Italia Sanshiro7 H&M Youngdo Velvet Samarikand Chungju Mushroom Brand Street Kyodong Market Fashion Jewelry Town Havana 8 10 11 Restaurant Road Shop Street Daegu Dos Jayeon Dong A Department Tacos byeolgok Thursday International City Department Store Store Little Italia Party2 Sanshiro La Luce 9 Traverlers' Bar & Grill (main store) Chungju Mushroom Kyodong Mark Fashion Jewelry Town Dalbit Havana 2.28 10 Restaurant Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory Club THAT Dos Lazy Diner Movement Dong A X:u Tacos MemorialThursday Park International City Department Store Mushroom Gaejeong Party2 Traverlers' Bar &Han GrillSang (main store) Flow Novotel Dalbit 2.28 er Road Nazar Kebab District Ambassador Hanmogeum, WHAT Democratic Mies Factory 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Club THAT Bulzip Lazy Diner Movement Yashijang Monkey Doko X:u zione Memorial Park Selec Thursday Gaejeong t Shop Bus Hot Gossip,Mushroom Street Han Sang Party1 Flow Second Hotel Club Egg Novotel er Road Nazar Kebab District Ambassador Club Frog WHAT Pan Asia Kkotbat 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Gaejeong Bulzip Organ bar Yashijang O⁷P Monkey Je Doko zione C Samcho af Selec é StreeThursday 55 Dining Co t Shop Bus t Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog Samdeok Fire Station 3F Club That Pan Asia Kkotbat Organ bar 4F Horus Garge La Luce O⁷P Seoga n’Cook Samdeok Th Café S Old Blue Samcho 55 Dining treet Police office Pa Caliente Jeju 18 B1 Doyaji Samdeok Fire Station Godzilla B1 Who’s Bob Yashijang La Luce Gukchae Samdeok 3F MF Bar Old Blue bosang Police office AU Park Caliente Jeju 18 2F Pan Asia Doyaji Daegu City Hall Burger Gukchae & Pasta Jungang Library bosang Bombay Park Rounge Viniroo Youngdo Velvet 13

Mo bil eS tre et



Kyodong Marke

Fashion Jewelry Town


Joonghwa Namjeon 2 Banjeom Yeojeon Bra 2.28 Kyobo nd Yugane Book Store Democratic Str Dakgalbi McDonald's ee Lazy Diner Movement t McDonald's X:u Gaejeong Memorial Park 7 14 H&M Han Sang Club That Flow Brand Stree Novotel t er Ro 8 Nazar Kebab zione 11 ad Road Shop Street Ambassador WHAT 1 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Daegu Jayeon Yashijang 4 Department Mies Container Jungang byeolgok Jung angn S o 13 elect Store Little Italia officeThursday Sanshiro ShopPolice Hot Gossip, 9 Station Joonghwa Street Party1 Namjeon 2 Second Hotel Banjeom Yeojeon 10 3 Who's Bob Club Frog Pan Asia Bra Kyobo nd Yugane Book Store Str Thursday Dakgalbi McDonald's ee Café Str 55 Dining tParty2McDonald's eet 12

Mo bil eS tre et



Jungang Police office Thursday Party2



Banwol dang Station

Bus Club Egg 5


Little Italia


Road Shop Street Daegu Jayeon Department byeolgok Store







Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)


Banwol dang Station

Mo bil eS tre et



Brand Street




Kyobo Yugane Book Store Dakgalbi McDonald's




o Won’t Stationbreak the bank






Joonghwa Banjeom

Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)



Downtown Restaurants Youngdo Velvet

Jungang Library

Daegu City Hall http://www.daegucompass.com Commines

Ban Sta


Jungang Police office


Joonghwa Namjeon Banjeom Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's


5 6


Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Mo bil eS tre et

Banwol dang Station

Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Mo bil e S Banwol dang tre et Stat ion

Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Daegu City Hall

Jeju 18


Old Blue Go Go Vinyl Caliente

Sushi Neco



Youngdo Velvet


Jungang Luce PoliceLa office


Youngdo Velvet 7

Store Chungju Mushroom Restaurant Dos Tacos Thursday International City Party2 Traverlers' Bar & Grill Dalbit 2.28 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory Club THAT Lazy Diner Movement X:u Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Flow er Road Nazar Kebab WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Bulzip Yashijang Monkey Doko zione Selec Thursday t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat Organ bar O⁷P Café S Samcho 55 Dining treet Sanshiro

Little Italia Havana



Lazy Diner 070-4106-2882 Everyday 11:00-22:00 Burgers and Breakfast

Interesting interior

Daegu City Lotte Young Plaza




Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)




Labosang Luce Park Jungangno Station Joonghwa 053.606.0733 Namjeon TGIF Banjeom Yeojeon Bra Kyobo 12:00-22:00, Break Time 15:30-17:30 Jungang Library KoKoChon nd Book Store Str McDonald's Yugane ee t Holidays: McDonald'sSundays Dakgalbi& Holidays H&M Brand Street Italian Food Road Shop Street La Luce Daegu 2F, 141, Dongdeok-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu Jayeon Department 2



Daegu City Hall

Samdeok JungangPolice Libraryoffice


Jeju 18

Doyaji Samdeok Fire Station 13


Jeju 18 Doyaji 053.427.9399 17:00-02:00 Gukchae é Stree KoreanCafBBQ t bosang Park Samdeok Fire Station 28, Gongpyeongro8-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Burger 55 Dining & Pasta

Bombay Doyaji 21 Rounge Viniroo

Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Hi Thai 010.8611.0562 12:00-22:00 (break : 15:00-17:00) Holidays: Mon Thai Food 53, Gongpyeong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

Mo bil eS tre et

Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Jayeon byeolgok

Gukil Bulgalbi 053.424.5820 11:00-22:00 Holidays: The day and the next day of Seolnal and Chuseok Korea BBQ(Daegu’s local food) 172, Taepyeong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

ion tat uS eg Da

oom urant

Mo bil eS tre et




Kyobo Book Store McDonald's

EtOH’s Drafthouse 053.211.9385 Mon, Wed, Thu 16:00-01:00, Fri 16:00-02:00, Sat 11:00-02:00, Sat 11:00-01:00 Pizza and Craft Beer 2nd floor, 12-3, Dongseong-ro 3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Banwol dang Station

ne galbi

Lotte Youn

Road Shop Street Daegu Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia Sanshiro 9 Chungju Mushroom 22 Fashion Jewe Havana 10 Restaurant Sushi Neco Dos 14 Tacos Thursday International City Party2 Traverlers' Bar & Grill Dalbit 1 2.28 Hanmogeum, 4 Democratic Mies Factory 4 Jungang Jungangno Club THAT Lazy Diner 13 Restaurant Movement Police office X:u Station Joonghwa Memorial Park Namjeon 2 TGIF Mushroom Gaejeong Banjeom Pharmacy 12 5 Yeojeon 21 Han Sang Flow3 Novotel Bra Kyobo Shopping er Road Lotte Young Plaza Nazar Kebab 6 KoKoChon nd Dis Ambassador Book Store WHAT Str Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu McDonald's Yugane 2046 Pub Bulzip ee 22 t Yashijang McDonald's Monkey Dakgalbi Doko zione S Attraction elect S 4 Thursday 7 Bus Hot Gossip, hop Str H&M Samarikand Party1 14 eet Cafe Second Hotel Club Egg Brand Street 8 11 n Hall Road Shop Street Daegu Citizen Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat 3 Organ bar Daegu 1 Jayeon O⁷P Lotte Young Plaza Department byeolgok Café S Samcho 4 Dining Store treet 4 Jungang Little55Italia 21 Jungangno Sanshiro 9 13 Police office Chungju Mushroom StationJewelry Town Joonghwa Kyodong Market Fashion HavanaNamjeon 2 10 Restaurant Banjeom 12 Samdeok Fire Station 5 Yeojeon 22 3 Samarikand Bra Dos Lotte Young Plaza Kyobo La Luce 6 Dong A Lotte n Yugane Samdeok Tacos Thursday d Book Store Old Gukil Bulgalbi Department StrBlue Department Store Party2 14 International City 1 Police office Dakgalbi McDonald's ee Traverlers' Bar & Grill (main store) Store McDonald's Calientet Dalbit Jeju 18 2.28 Doyaji 7 2 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory H&M Samarkan 1 Club THAT Brand Lazy Diner Stree t Movement 8 Kyodong Market Fashion Jewelry Town Gukchae 11 4 Road Shop Street 4X:u Jungang Jungangno Memorial Park bosang 4 13 Mushroom Gaejeong Daegu Police office Park Jayeon Station Joonghwa Han Sang Department 2 FlowNamjeon byeolgok Novotel Dong A Banjeom 12 er Little 5 Yeojeon Nazar Kebab Store Road Italia 3 District Ambassador Sanshiro Department Store 9 3 WHAT Bra 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Lotte Young Kyobo Daegu (main store) Bulzip DaeguPC 6 Fashion Jewelry Town nd Yugane Yashijang Book Store Monkey 10 Doko Str zione Dakgalbi McDonald's e Selec Jungang Library e Thursday t t Shop Bus McDonald's Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Dong A Club Egg 7 YoungdoSecond Velvet Hotel Thursday Departm H&M Party2 Club Frog (main s Brand Street Pan Asia Kkotbat 8 11 Organ bar Road Shop Street 2.28 O⁷P Novotel Café S Samcho District Ambassador Democratic Daegu 55 Dining Jayeon tr ee t Lazy Diner Daegu Department Movement byeolgok Daegu Station Gaejeong X:u Little Italia Park Store Memorial Sanshiro 9 Samdeok Fire Station Fashion Jewelry T Han Sang Club That Flow 10 Novotel La Luce er Road Nazar Kebab zione S District Ambassador WHATSamdeok Old Blue 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Police office Gaejeong Thursday Yashijang Caliente Mies Container Jeju 18 Jeng-Yi Party2 Selec Thursday Doyaji t Shop Bus Collective Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Nazar Kebab 2.28 Second Hotel Club Egg Gukchae Democratic Who's Bob Club Frog bosang Pan Asia Lazy Diner 2046 Pan Steak Kkotbat 3F Club That Movement Park Gaejeong X:u Doko 4F Horus Garge Memorial Park C Seoga n’Cook af é 55 Dining Thursday Club That StreetHan Sang Flow Party1 Novotel er Road Nazar Kebab zione Daegu City Hall District Ambassador B1 Haberdashery WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Samdeok Fire Station Godzilla Daegu Jungang Library Godzilla Yashijang Mies Container B1 Who’s Bob Yashijang Sel Samdeok Hot Gossip, ect SBar Thursday Bus Youngdo Velvet hoOld 3F MF p SBlue tree Police officeSecond Hotel Party1 AUClub Egg Caliente t Hot Gossip, Second Hotel Who's Bob Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat 2F Pan Asia

Banwol dang Station

Jungangno Station


Kyobo Book Store McDonald's


Brand Street





Jungangno Station


Yugane Dakgalbi

7 8

Mo bil eS tre et



Fashion Jewelry Town

Novotel Ambassador Daegu

2F, 15, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Samdeok Fire Station La Luce Jeju 18 Doyaji


Old Blue Caliente

Samdeok Police office

Gukchae bosang Park



Banwol dang Station

Sushi Neco




Jungang Police office


Joonghwa Namjeon Banjeom Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's


5 6


Yugane Dakgalbi


Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Banwol dang Station



Brand Street


Kyobo Book Store McDonald's

Lotte Young Plaza

Little Italia Samarikand 053.426.3992 12:00-23:30 Holidays: The day and the next day of Seolnal and Chuseok. Italian Food / Chef studied in Italy 49-18, Dongserongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

G Road Shop Street Daegu Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia 21 Sanshiro Chungju Mushroom Kyodong Market Fashion Jewelry Town Havana 10 Restaurant 22 Dos Dong A Tacos Thursday International City Department Store Sushi Neco Party2 Traverlers' Bar & Grill 14 (main store) Dalbit 2.28 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory 1 Club THAT Lazy Diner Movement 4 X:u 4 Memorial Park Jungang Jungangno Mushroom Gaejeong 13 Police office Han Sang Stati Joonghwa Flow Namjeon 2 TGIF Novotel on Banjeom e Nazar Kebab 12 r 5 Yeojeon Road District 3 Ambassador WHAT 2046 Pan Steak B Bulzip Godzilla Daegu Kyobo Lotte Young Plaza ran 6 KoKoChon Yashijang Monkey dS Book Store Doko zione tre Selec McDonald's Yugane Thursday et t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, McDonald's Dakgalbi Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg 7 Club Frog H&M Samarikand Pan Asia Kkotbat Brand Street 8 11 Organ bar O⁷P Road Shop Street Café S Samcho 55 Dining Daegu treet Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia Sanshiro 9 Samdeok Fire Station Chungju Mushroom Kyodong Fashion Jewelry Town Havana 10 Restaurant La Luce Seoga n’Cook Samdeok Old Blue Dos Police office Dong A Tacos Thursday Caliente Jeju 18 International City Department Store Party2 DoyajiTraverlers' Bar & Grill (main store) God Dalbit 2.28 Yash Hanmogeum, Gukchae Democratic Mies Factory bosang Club THAT Lazy Diner AU Movement Park X:u Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Flow Daegu Novotel City Hall er Road Nazar Kebab District Ambassador WHAT Godzilla Daegu Jungang Library2046 Pan Steak Bomba Bulzip Yashijang Monkey Doko Roung zione Selec Youngdo Velvet Bus Thursday t Shop Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat Organ bar O⁷P Commine Café S Samcho 55 Dining treet 11

Mo bil eS tre et



Jungangno Station


Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Mo bil eS tre et

Mies Container 053-422-4484 Everyday 11:00-02:00 Pasta, Pizza, Salad One of the busiest restaurants downtown. 50-14, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Pan Asia 053.287.7940 12:00-23:00, Break 15:00-17:00 Holidays: Once a month(Tuesday) Asian Food 58-18, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Samdeok Fire Station La Luce

Samdeok Police office

Old Blue Caliente

Jeju 18 Doyaji

Gukchae bosang Park

Jungang Library Youngdo Velvet

hi Neco

Shopping Pub


Brand Street



Yugane Dakgalbi


Kyobo Book Store McDonald's




Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)




Banwol dang Station

Novotel Ambassador Daegu 4

Sushi Neco



Sushi Neco 053.252.7855 11:30-22:00 Japanese Food Daegu Station YMCA 1F, 375, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Jungangno Station Namjeon Daegu Joonghwa TGIF Banjeom Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's


5 6

7 8

Samdeok Police office


Gukchae bosang Park




Jungang Police office




Dong A Department Store (main store)


Samdeok Fire Station

Jeju 18 Doyaji

Kyodong Market

Fashion Jewelry Town

ion tat uS eg Da

Road Shop Street Daegu Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia Sanshiro Chungju Mushroom Havana Restaurant Dos Tacos Thursday International City Party2 Bar & Grill Dalbit 2.28 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory Club THAT Diner Movement X:u Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Flow er Road Nazar Kebab WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Bulzip Yashijang Doko zione ct Sho Thursday Hot Gossip, p Stree Party1 t Second Hotel og Pan Asia Organ bar Café S 55 Dining treet

Old Blue

Lotte Young Plaza

Brand Street



Downtown Restaurants Traverlers' Bar & Grill Daegu City Hall

Seoga n’Cook




Yugane Dakgalbi

Kyobo Jeng-Yi Book Store Collective McDonald's Nazar Kebab

3F Club That H&M 4F Horus Garge


Lotte Young Pla

2046 Pan Steak Doko

Road Shop Street Thursday Party1 Daegu Jayeon Department B1 Haberdashery byeolgok Store Little Italia Godzilla Chungju Mushroom B1 Who’s Bob Yashijang Havana Restaurant 3F MF Bar Hot Gossip, AU Dos http://www.daegucompass.com Second Hotel Tacos Thursday International City 2F Pan Asia Party2 Dalbit Burger 2.28 Hanmogeum, & Pasta

ndergr rimall) ound Arcade

Joonghwa Namjeon Banjeom Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's

Attraction Samarkand Cafe n Hall Daegu Citizen 053.252.4021 11.00-22:00 Holidays:Second & Fourth Sundays Russian & Uzbekistan food Gukil Bulgalbi Lotte Department Store 3F, 59, Dongseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu


Jungangno Station

Mo bil eS tre et

Jungang Police office


PANN 053.252.7529 Weekday 11:30-23:00 Daegu City Hall Weekends 11:30-24:00 Holidays: Second & Fourth Sundays Jazz, Guest house, Italian restaurantRestaurant Pharmacy 43-9, Gyeongsanggamyeong-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Fashion Jewelry To


Daegu Station 21



Banwol dang Station

Sushi Neco


Jeng-Yi Collective


13 Seoga n’Cook

Police office


5 6

Godzilla Yashijang

Mo bil eS tre et


Daegu City Hall

ran dS tre et

B1 Who’s Bob 3F MF Bar


7 8

Nazar Kebab

2046 Pan Steak Doko Thursday Party1 Namjeon Yeojeon B1 Haberdashery B

3F Club That 4F Horus Garge Jungang

Hot Gossip, Second Hotel Brand Stree


2F Pan Asia Burger & Pasta

1 4


Joonghwa Thursday & PastaStation Banjeom BurgerTGIF Kyobo Lotte Young Plaza KoKoChon 053.426.0384 Book Store McDonald's Yugane McDonald's Dakgalbi 11:00-01:00 H&M Sa Burger &Road Pub Shop Street Jayeon Jung-gu, Daegu 1F, 58-20,Daegu Dongseongro3-gil, Department byeolgok 2


Store Chungju Mushroom Restaurant Dos Go Go Vinyl Tacos Thursday International City Party2 Traverlers' Bar & Grill Commines Dalbit 2.28 Hanmogeum, Democratic Mies Factory Club THAT Lazy Diner Movement Samdeok FireX:u Station Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Flow er Road Nazar Kebab WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Bulzip Yashijang Monkey Doko zione Selec Thursday t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog Pan Asia Kkotbat Organ bar O⁷P Café S Samcho 55 Dining treet Viniroo

Little Italia


Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Bombay Rounge




Fashion Jewelry Town

D D (

What! 053-422-3789 Everyday 11:00-01:00 Novotel Ambassador Daegu Samgyeopsal - Korean BBQ Different flavored Samgyeopsal. 32-43, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Samdeok Fire Station La Luce

Old Blue

Jeju 18 Doyaji




Jungang Police office

Namjeon Yeojeon Bra KoKoChon nd Str ee t McDonald's


5 6



Mo bil eS tre et

7 8



Traverlers' Bar & Grill



Station Surf & Turf TGIF Kyobo Lotte Young Plaza 070.4118.0188 Book Store McDonald's Yugane Dakgalbi Mon-Sat 11:30-10:30 (last call @ 9:30) H&M Sa Brand Street Sun 11:30-9:30 (last call @8:30) Road Shop Street Daegu Closed on 2nd & 4th Mondays of every month Jayeon Department byeolgok Store Little Italia Lobster & Burger Chungju Mushroom Fashion Jewelry Town Havana Restaurant 188, leechunro-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Dos Joonghwa Banjeom

Thursday International City Party2 Dalbit Hanmogeum, Mies Factory Club THAT




Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)

Banwol dang Station

Sushi Neco


Youngdo Velvet 13

Yakjun Hanbang Samgyetang 053-253-2473 09:00-21:00 Gukchae bosang ParkHolidays: New Year’s Day, Seolnal(3days), Chuseok(3days) Daegu City Hall Korean Jungang Library Food 56, Dalgubeoldaero415-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Samdeok Police office




D D (

Zione 2.28 Democratic Lazy Diner Movement 053-424-9122 X:u Memorial Park Mushroom Gaejeong Han Sang Sun-Thur: 12pm-10pm (break 3pm-5pm) Flow Novotel er Road Nazar Kebab Ambassador WHAT 2046 Pan Steak Godzilla Daegu Fri-Sat:Bulzip 12pm-12am (break 4pm-5:30pm) Yashijang Monkey Doko zione Selec Thursday t Shop Bus Hot Gossip, Closed on Tuesdays Street Party1 Second Hotel Club Egg Club Frog 72-1, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Pan Asia Kkotbat O⁷P


Organ bar 55 Dining


Café S treet Samdeok Fire Station

La Luce Jeju 18 Doyaji

Old Blue Caliente

Samdeok Police office

Gukchae bosang Park Daegu City Hall Jungang Library Youngdo Velvet



DOWNTOWN BARS & CLUBS Won’t break the bank

Daegu thrives at night. Downtown is loaded with bars and clubs to meet everyone’s drinking and partying needs. Challenge yourself and try out places you’ve never been.

Restaurant Pharmacy Shopping

Jungangno Station


Yugane Dakgalbi

Kyobo Book Store McDonald's

Cafe n Hall Daegu Citizen 3

Lotte Young Plaza


Jungan gno Unde (Daehyeo n Primalrground Arcade l)


Gukil Bulgalbi Lotte Department Store

1 2

Kyodong Market

Fashion Jewelry Town

Dong A Department Store (main store)

Novotel Ambassador Daegu

ion tat uS eg Da

8 mocratic ovement emorial Park




oad Shop Street aegu Jayeon epartment byeolgok ore gju Mushroom Restaurant Dos acos

owe r Road

Millionaire Club




Who cares, hav’n funz



District Daegu Station


Seoga n’Cook

3F Club That 4F Horus Garge

Godzilla Yashijang AU

Jeng-Yi Collective

B1 Who’s Bob 3F MF Bar 2F Pan Asia

Daegu City Hall Bombay Rounge

Nazar Kebab

2046 Pan Steak Doko Thursday Party1 B1 Haberdashery

Hot Gossip, Second Hotel

Burger & Pasta Viniroo Go Go Vinyl

Bombay Lounge 010.9717.1118 Weekdays 18:00Weekends 12:00-05:00 Bar & IndianFood 3F, 57, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu


Samdeok Fire Station


Downtown Bars & Clubs


Club THAT 053.427.7171 19:00-03:00 Live bar

2F, 58-6, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Communes Everyday 20:00-04:00 Beer, Trivia Night, Sports Longest running bar in Daegu. A must go to. 85, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Flower Bar [Kkotbat 꽃밭] Everyday 18:00-04:00 Wine and Hooka Bar Apple is the best! 20-13, Dongseongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Go Go Party Everyday 19:00-04:00 Party , Hip-hop, Dance Everyone’s favorite bag drink! 58-19, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Retro City Everyday 15:00-04:00 Live Club & Music Lounge Live music concert on every Saturday! 1 5, Gyodong-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Hot Gossip Everyday 18:00-05:00 lounge bar, birthday party Classy bar with nice cocktail 62-6, Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu



MF Bar Everyday 19:00-04:00 Darts , Music Requests, Cheap Booze My Favorite bar ~ owners are cool! 58-10, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu Monkey Everyday 21:00-06:00 Dancing all night 62, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Mushroom 010.7527.4879 Everyday 20:00-04:00 Party , Hip-hop, Dance 23, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Organ Bar 053.421.5546 18:00-03:00 Beer and music 52-4, samdeokdong1 -ga, Jung-gu, Daegu

Old Blue 053.427.8447 17:00-02:00 Jazz Club Holidays: Sundays & Holidays

Second Hotel 22:00-06:00 Holidays: Every Thursday Lounge Bar & Club 62-6, Gongpyeong-dong, Jung-gu, Daegu


Downtown Bars & Clubs


Teum Lounge Everyday 19:00-03:00 Electronic Music 4F, 55, Dongseongro5-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Thursday Party I 053-422-6621 Everyday 19:00-04:00 Beer Pong, Darts, Danc’n The best of the best go here. B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Junggu, Daegu Thursday Party II 053-424-0824 Everyday 19:00-04:00 Beer Pong, Shuffle Puck, Darts 50-8, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Urban Club & Lounge Everyday 19:00-04:00 Live Music, Darts, Hip-hop 50-18, Dongseongro2-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Who’s Bob Everyday 20:00-04:00 Beer Pong, Dart Machine, Pool 58-10, Dongseongro3-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu



downtown shopping spots Chung Baek Won 053.253.1121 09:00-20:00 Holidays:Sundays Tea & Ceramics 25-1, Jong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

Glass Baba Optical Shop

053.423.9001 09:30-23:00 Eyewears 402, Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu See Channel

053.427.0033 10:00-22:00 Eyewear 604, Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu Tokyo & Pearl 053.253.9034 10:00-20:30 Jewelry Holidays:Wednesdays B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Junggu, Daegu Vanity London Haberdashery 053.422.7708 12:00-03:00 Men Clothing B1, 58-8, Dongseongro3-gil, Junggu, Daegu

Youngdodaum 053.710.3700 Weekdays 10:00-20:00 Weekends 10:00-21:00 Holidays:Seolnal(3days),Chuseok(3days) Velvet Gallery 39, Gongpyeongro4-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu


Downtown Shopping Spots


downtown Tourism Gukchae Bosang Park 국채보상운동기념공원

053-745-6753 670, Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu

This park was built to commemorate the National Debt Reparation Movement, which started in Daegu during the Japanese Occupation.

February 28 Democratic Movement Memorial Park 2.28기념중앙공원

053-254-9405 80, Dongseong-ro 2 gil Jung-Gu. Daegu

There are also three other fountains. You can enjoy a walking path or sit on one of the many benches. The outdoor stage hosts Daegu International Musical Festival’s fringe shows. Youngdo daum Velvet Gallery 영도다움

10:00~22:00 / No holiday / 053-710-3700 39, Gongpyeongro-4gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Run by Youngdo Velvet, it is the only exclusive velvet exhibition hall in the country. From the basement to the third floor, they have velvet clothes, Korean traditional costumes and other goods. Bongsan Cultural Street 봉산문화거리

77, Bongsanmoonhwas-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

As you walk along, you’ll see art galleries, studios and antique shops. You can stop in shops to buy art or just to browse through the incredible work of local artists. While you can enjoy exhibitions throughout the year, this street is particularly busy every October with the Bong-san Art Festival. Kim Kwang-suk Memorial Mural Road 김광석 거리

450 gil, Dalgubeol Daero, Jung-Gu, Daegu

The late Kim Kwang-suk, a famous Korean folk singer-songwriter who was popular in the 1980s, is still admired by many Korean music lovers today. him. The walls of this street are plastered with murals of Kim and you can hear his music faintly playing as you stroll along. DAEGU COMPASS JANUARY 2017


GUEST HOUSE GUIDE Welcome to the Daegu Compass guest house information guide. Guest houses offer a more personal experience while staying in Daegu. Many of the guest houses are located in what is considered "old Daegu" and still retain much their traditional charm. The owners are very helpful in setting up tours and guides around the city and offer activities for their guests to take part in during their stay. If you're just passing through, or looking to stay for an extended time, Daegu's guest houses are always open.

Downtown Area Guest Houses Near the nightlife

Pann Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 경상감영길 43-9 Tel: 053-252-7529 Website: pannguest.co.kr Email: pann2527529@naver.com Dormitory rates start at 25,000won Traditional Korean room and great food The Style Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 서성로14길 26 Tel: 053-214-6116 Website: thestyleguesthouse.modoo.at Email: styledaegu@gmail.com Dormitory rates start at 19,000won Cozy rooms and great location The Hanok Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 서성로14길 46-5 Tel: 053-214-6116 Website: thestyleguesthouse.modoo.at Email: styledaegu@gmail.com Rates start at 30,000won Korean traditional style house with a pool The Empathy Guest House Add: 대구광역시 중구 중앙대로79길 32 Tel: 070-8915-8991 Website: blog.naver.com/empathy215/50178074339 Dormitory rates start at 23,000won Great dorm rooms and helpful staff

Cheongra Eondeok Add: 대구광역시 중구 달구벌대로401길 22 Tel: 010-3823-9662 Website: www.daeguguesthouse.co.kr Email: dongsan16@hanmail.net Dormitory rates start at 23,000won Love the bunk beds


Guest House Guide


hotel guide Welcome to the Daegu Compass hotel information guide. We will also be adding a guide about motels soon. Daegu is very spread out, and not all the hotels will be convenient for you. We hope our hotel guide will help you with making your decision on where to rest your weary bones for the night. Downtown Area Hotels Near the nightlife

Nam Gu Area Hotels Near Camp Walker

Novotel Ambassador Daegu

Hotel the Palace

Eldis Regent Hotel

Prince Hotel

Add: 대구광역시 중구 국채보상로 611번지 Tel: 053- 664-1111 Website: www.accorhotels.com/7038 Email: rsvn@novoteldaegu.com Room rates start from 154,000+ won (10% VAT will be added) Fantastic all you can eat dinner buffet! Add: 대구광역시 중구 동산동 360번지 Tel: 053-253-7711 Website: http://www.eldishotel.com/ Email: eldishotel@hanmail.net Room rates start at 100,000won Close to Hyundai and Dongha Shopping

Add: 대구광역시 남구 봉덕3동 688-1번지 Tel: 053-471-9911 Website: http://www.hotelthepalace.co.kr/ Email: no online reservation system Room rates start at 99,000won Near Camp Walker Clean and Friendly Add: 대구광역시 남구 대명2동 1824-2번지 Tel: 053-628-1001 Website: http://www.princehotel.co.kr/ Email: prince@princehotel.co.kr Room rates start at 105,000won Western and Korean rooms available

Suseong Gu Area Hotels 10 min from Dongdaegu station Daegu Grand Hotel

Hotel Ariana

Hotel Inter-burgo

Hotel Suseong

Add: 대구광역시 수성구 범어1동 563-1번지 Tel: 053-742-0001 Website: http://www.taegugrand.co.kr Email: concierge@daegugrand.co.kr Room rates start at 240,000won One of the top hotels in Daegu

Add: 대구 수성구 만촌동 300번지 Tel: 053-6027-171, 173 Website: http://hotel.inter-burgo.com Email: feel20c@inter-burgo.com Room rates start at 330,000won Daegu Casino is open!

Add: 대구광역시 수성구 두산동 200-1번지 Tel: 053-765-7776 Website: http://www.ariana.co.kr Email: arianahotel@nate.com Room rates start at 110,000won Great all-you-can-eat buffet located in the basement Add: 대구광역시 수성구 용학로 106-7 Tel: 1899-1001 Website: www.hotelsusung.co.kr Room rates start at 270,000won Beautiful view of Suseong Lake

Buk Gu Area Hotels Inter-burgo EXCO

Add: 대구광역시 북구 유통단지로 80 Tel: 053-380-0114 Website: eng.ibexco.net Email: hotelexco@inter-burgo.com Room rates start at 19,000 won Great for conventions



Compass Connoisseur Check out these other great eats around town.

Suseoung-gu Ganga

A cuisine worthy of Shiva. This upscale Indian restaurant has great curries. Their naan is quite exquisite as well. You can even order samosas! Wash it down with a nice mango lassi and you have yourself an aroma massage for your stomach! Check out the Suseong Lake Map on p61 for directions. Open & Close: 11:30-22:00 / Break time: 15:00-17:30 Tel: 053-768-3610 Add: 35, Muhak-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu


Owner Giovanni Kim has lived and trained in Italy for 14 years. Mr. Kim can speak several languages including English and Italian. Trained as an Italian Chef. The menu is traditional Tuscan style cuisine; however special requests are available with 24 hour notice. Check out the Suseong Lake Map on p61 for directions. Open & Close: 11:30-00:30 / Last order: 23:30 Tel: 053-781-5655 Add: Suseongmot2-gil, Suseong-gu, Daegu

Bongdeok-dong Area HamiMami's


The best brunch restaurant in Daegu. HamiMami's has been in Bongdeok area since 2008. HamiMami's serves real western style breakfast, sandwiches, burritos, and other comfort food foreigners enjoy while living in Korea. Mr. Ha's friends shared special home-made recipes that they craved to eat in Korea, but couldn't find before; making HamiMami's an one of a kind restaurant. HamiMami's home-made biscuits, gravy, hash browns and sausages are the best in the country. They also have fresh bread delivered daily to make their sandwiches irresistible. Come on down to HamiMami's and experience a bit of home. Open & Close: 08:00-21:00 / Break time for weekdays: 15:00-17:00 / Closed on Mondays Tel: 053-475-5242 Add: 87, Samjeong-gil, Nam-gu, Daegu

Barazi Barazi brings Japanese flair to Daegu. Barazi specializes in great Japanese cuisine. The restaurant feels like a home away from home. The soothing atmosphere provides customers a chance to relax with a cup of tea or some warm saki! The owner of Barazi is also an expert florist and can help arrange all your floral needs. Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. Open & Close: 12:00-24:00 Tel: 010-4505-3396 Add: 13-16, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu


Gajok means 'family' in Korean. That's the feeling you get when you step inside this wonderful Korean restaurant. Now, before you start to get a mental picture of the food it serves, just know that most of the meat is from the thigh and not the actual foot. What??? Yes, Gajok serves pig's foot for dinner.. But it's not like you are eating the hoof of the pig. In Korea, the foot and leg seems to go hand in hand, so it is similar to eating drumsticks (chicken legs). Enjoy! Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. Open & Close: 13:00-01:00 Tel: 053-252-1481 Add: 7-16, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu

Daehan News / Two Ppul

Grilled over an open flame. That's the concept behind Daehan News and Two Ppul. After selecting your choice of steak or pork, a server really heats things up as it cooks your meat with a mini blowtorch. Sounds hot, right? The Korean sides provided compliment the meal perfectly. The interior of both restaurants is in true Korean 'pojang macha' style where dining around a stainless steel table with clear plastic walls sheltering you from the elements. So next time its Korean night, head on over to either of these meaty restaurants. Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. <Daeghan News> Open & Close: 12:00-00:00 / Tel: 053-423-3990 Add: 6, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu <Two Ppul> Open & Close: 12:00-00:00 / Tel: 053-422-1033 Add: 7-15, Dalgubeoldaeto446-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu 68

Compass Connoisseur



Percent is one of the newest pubs in the ever changing Daebong-dong (대봉동) neighborhood. With 7 craft beers on tap, a variety of delicious pub foods, excellent music to match the beers, and a fun English speaking owner, it’s one of the hottest places in Daegu. Friday and Saturday are their busiest nights with plenty of foreigners and Koreans both enjoying their delectable beers. Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. Open & Close: Mon - Fri: 17:00-02:00 / Sat: 15:00-02:00 / Sun: 15:00-01:30 Tel: 053-252-6224 Add: Jung-gu, Daebong-ro 206 (Daebong-dong 132-20) Daegu, 700-431


VIP treatment at Pic&iq is what you get when dining at this special restaurant. The owner and chef caters personally to your dinner party since you have to make a reservation before coming. Why, you might wonder? Pic&iq is only opened from 6-10pm, and you can call from 3pm to reserve one of four tables. The dinner is a set menu of grilled, marinated pork, tortilla bread, salad and grilled tomatoes and bananas. The chef also prepares a special ramyeon for the meal. VIP treatment without the VIP prices makes this a wonderful experience. Check the Bangcheon Market Compass Map on p56 for directions. Open & Close: 18:00-23:00 / Closed on Sundays Tel: 053-253-9782 Add: 2232-15, Dalgubeol-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu

Kim Kwang-suk Road

Kyungpook Uni. Area

Not far from bustling downtown next to the Bangcheon Marketplace, Kim Kwangsuk Road is a lengthy alleyway that displays several murals and other small works of art upon its walls, dedicated to the popular Korean folk singer in the late 80’s and early 90’s, Kim Kwang-suk (1964~1996). He was well loved by the younger generations at the time for his soulful vocals and contemplative lyrics which deeply reflected the transition of Korea in late 80s. The area is quite isolated, taking you away from the busy and hectic city life, and dropping you into a surrealistic wonderland of art where time seems to be still for a moment.

Indo Bangrangi

Sanjay welcomes you! Renovated and redesigned last year, this Indian restaurant is famous for its curries. The chef is from India and speaks English very well. Plus, he’s super friendly and will answer all your existential Indian food questions. The restaurant is located on the 3rd floor right across from Kyungdae Buk Moon (north gate). Check out the Kyungpook National University North Gate Area on p66 for directions. Open & Close: 11:00-22:00 / Closed major holidays Tel: 053-956-9940 Add: 81, Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu

New Saladdin

Apsan Area

Rashid Ahmed and his family strive for excellence in creating the most delicious and authentic dishes available. He and his brother, Shafiq, have more than 20 years of experience between the two of them in cooking raditional Indian-Pakistani food. Walking up the photo packed stairway will begin your journey into the atmosphere of India and Pakistan. And then the sweet and spicy aromas of curry and spices permeating the air will confirm that you have arrived. Come by and be engulfed by the aromas, sights, and tantalizing tastes of India and Pakistan! Check out the Kyungpook National University North Gate Area on p66 for directions. Open & Close: 11:00-23:00 Tel: 053-942-3535 Add: 3F, 79, Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu


Gooksu is known for its 'slow food' approach when preparing its delicious dishes for customers. Slow food doesn't mean it takes hours to cook, it just means everything is made from scratch. The restaurant has an Italian Firenze style atmosphere and serve fabulous pasta dishes. It is also famous for its T-bone steak and Ripieno pizza. Try it tonight! Your taste buds won't be disappointed. Check out the Apsan Area Map on p62 for directions. Open & Close: 12:00-00:00 Tel: 053-625-1365 Add: 2, Hyunchungro7-gil, Nam-gu, Daegu


Aficio is a casual, yet sophisticated Italian restaurant located at the base of Ap Mountain (앞산). Its second floor large glass windows overlook the city down below, and it offers a variety of delicious meals. You can enjoy dishes that are made from organic and high quality ingredients. If two people go and enjoy two main dishes, then they’ll get a FREE Gorgonzola Cheese Pizza! Also every customer who orders a main dish gets a free Americano (worth 3,800 won) from Drop Top downstairs. Having a fine dining experience in Aficio will definitely make you feel like you are on a vacation to Italy. Check out the Apsan Area Map on p62 for directions. Open & Close: 11:30-23:00 Tel: 053-621-3300 Add: 2, Hyunchungro5-gil, Nam-gu, Daegu DAEGU COMPASS JANUARY 2017


yangnyeongsi area TAKE A PICTURE AT EACH LOCATION AND SEND TO PHOTOS@DAEGUCOMPASS.COM TO WIN GIFT CERTIFICATES TO SOME OF OUR GREAT SPONSORS! Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 반월당역 가 주세요. (Please go to Banwoldang Station.) Eng ban-wol-dang-yeok ga-ju-se-yo. Kor 현대백화점 가 주세요. (Please go to Hyundai Department Store.) Eng hyun-dae-baek-hwa-jeom ga-ju-se-yo.o.


Yangnyeongsi Area Map




Bongsan Art Street and Daebong Library Area Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 봉산문화거리 가 주세요. (Please go to Bongsan Culture Street.) Eng bong-san-moon-hwa-go-ri ga-ju-se-yo.


Bongsan Art Street And Daebong Library Area Map


Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 김광석거리 가 주세요. (Please go to Kim Kwang-suk Memorial Mural Street.) Eng gim-gwang-seok-go-ri ga-ju-se-yo.

Bongsan Cultural Street 봉산문화거리

77, Bongsanmunhwa-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu, Korea

Think of this artsy street as the “Insa-dong” of Daegu. As you walk along, you’ll see art galleries, studios and antique shops. You can stop in shops to buy art or just to browse through the incredible work of local artists. While you can enjoy exhibitions throughout the year, this street is particularly busy every October with the Bongsan Art Festival. Another highlight of this area is the Bongsan Culture and Art Hall where you can catch some performances and small-scale exhibitions.


Bangcheon Market & Kim Kwang-suk Memorial Mural Road 방천시장 & 김광석거리

Dalgubeol-daero 450-gil, Jung-gu, Daegu, Korea

The late Kim Kwang-suk, a famous Korean folk singer-songwriter who was popular in the 1980s, is still admired by many Korean music lovers today. You can definitely feel the love for the late artist as you stroll down the 350 meter long street that was designed to remember and honor him. The walls of this street are plastered with murals of Kim and you can hear his music faintly playing as you stroll along. On the weekends, you can visit a flea market here and there are also several famous restaurants in the area such as Daehan News, Two Bbul, Pic&iq (picnic), Percent, Barazi, Gajok and Laura’s Mill. 73

Seomun Market Area Established in the Goryeo Dynasty, Seomun market was one of the three major markets during the Joseon dynasty. After the Korean War, a large linen and cotton wholesale and retail market was created. The textile industry is the traditional industry of Daegu. Seomun market is a lively place for locals and tourists alike that truly showcases an original part of Daegu culture. You can find an assortment of food as well as affordable, well-made market goods. Convenient Facilities Parking building The eight story parking ramp is located between Dong-san shopping district and sector two. There are two entrances and the ramp can hold 660 cars. It costs 500 won to park for 30 minutes with a 250 won charge for each additional ten minutes of parking. You can pay at an automated machine on the first floor. Credit cards and transportation cards are accepted. Parking lot There are two sections that hold up to 350 cars. It can hold 60 cars in the Dongsan shopping district and 50 cars in the basement of each of the five additional sectors. ATM You can find them at various places around Seomun market. There is also one located on the first floor of the parking ramp. Information Center It is located right next to the entrance of the parking ramp. You will see a sign that says, “Information Center”. Inside, you can collect all the information you need about tourist destinations in Daegu as well as more information about Seomun Market.

Things to remember while shopping


Transportation Subway (Sinnam Station of Green Line) To find “Yangmal alley (socks alley),” take subway line two to Sinnam station and take exit number one. Right after you exit, look for an alley on your right. Yangmal alley merges with a main road. Walk along this road or about seven minutes (350 meters) and you will see an arch that is the entrance to Seomun market. Bus Seomyuhoegwan Bus Stop : 425, 623, 724, 309, 508, 156, 400, 400-1, 420, 420-1, 939, 427, 521, 653, 북구3, 동구2, 급행1, 급행3 Dongsan Medical Center Bus Stop : 840, 300, 414, 600, 836 Seomun Market Bus Stop : 405, 402, 400, 323, 414-1, 600, 836, 808, 651, 성서2 Keunjang Negeori Bus Stop : 425, 623, 724, 156, 420-1, 909, 521, 808, 653, 405, 309, 402, 508, 400, 성서2, 급행1

1. Most stores close around six or seven p.m. (It varies by store and some may be open later) 2. Bring cash! These vendors do not accept credit cards. So hit the ATM before you shop here. 3. Compare prices at different shops. There are many vendors that sell similar products here so shop around and consider your options before buying. 4. Restrooms are located at the top of each sector or between floors.

Seomun Market Area Map


Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver

kor 서문시장 가 주세요. (Please go to Seomun Market.) Eng so-moon-she-jang ga-ju-se-yo.

Dongsan Shopping District You can find dishes and flatware in the basement. On the first floor, you can find baby goods, children’s clothing and many more household items. On the second floor and above, you’ll find cute clothing for a reasonable price.

District Five It’s located at the outer corner of Seomun market but is always packed with people. On the first floor, you’ll see shoppers buying dishes either for commercial use or for their own homes. The second floor sells clothing.

Distrcit One The first floor sells linen and silk fabrics, and the second floor sells Korean made clothing and luxury bedding. This spot is visited by Koreans of all ages taking a look at the colorful, luxurious fabrics.

AJin Shopping District This place is ideal for artists and designers, “Home-Fashion” crafts and it sells hand-made clothing. Along the streets of this district, you can find various tools and materials such as buttons, feathers, ribbons, zippers and laces. “Mending Street” is lined up and down with sewing machines and seamstresses and tailors who have been sewing for over ten years – another special feature of the Jin Shopping District.

District Two This building burned down in 2005 but was recently rebuilt and revived with a brand new facility. In the basement, you can grab a bite to eat. They sell things like strawberry cakes, pork belly, Jajangmyeon, Mon-na-ni Tteok-bokki and grilled bulgogi. The first floor is retail and clothing and the third and fourth floors sell fabric. This spot is always popular for Daegu locals, but receives an influx of foreign shoppers in October buying fabric for Halloween costumes. District Four District four is a general store. On the first floor, you will find a random mix of tuxedos, garments, crafts and traditional Korean souvenirs. You can buy silk fabrics and bedding on the second floor.


Myungpoom Plaza Myungpoom Plaza is a fashion center located in Seomun market. The first floor sells jewelry, accessories, imported goods, shoes, dishes and baby goods. The second and third floors sell underwear and women’s clothing. This is a one-stop shop plaza with a little bit of everything Dried Sea Food District The dried sea food district of Seomun Market sells dried fruits, nuts and (of course) an uncountable amount of dried sea food. In fact, 60 to 70 percent of all dried foods sold in Daegu are sold here. An added bonus is that you can buy the goods for about 20 or 30 percent cheaper here than you can at the market. To get here, walk past the arched structure and you will see it on your left.



Restaurant Shopping Hospital



Daegu Bank

Attraction Hanwoo Shidae Amijoung

k par ngi Shi


Hotel Inter-Burgo EXCO

Electron Zone


Yegrina, Aomaru, Hamillz

d foo

eet Str

NC Outlet Yeonhwajeong


Daebul park

EXCO Area EXCO (EXCO, Daegu Exhibition & Convention Center) EXCO was established in 2001 as the first exhibi-tion and convention center in Daegu. EXCO pro-motes exhibitions like the World Energy Congress 2013, the Fire & Safety Expo, the Daegu Interna-tional Optical Show, the International Textile Fair and the Daegu International Machinery Industry Expo and the International Green Energy Expo & Conference.


New Life R Hospital

Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver

96 76


T K ow Na yun ard tio gp s na oo lU k ni.

Kor 엑스코 가 주세요. (Please go to EXCO.) Eng EXCO ga-ju-se-yo.

Bokhyeon five-way Crossing


NC Outlet

Electron Zone



NC Outlet offers more than 200 premium brands of merchandise to choose from.

This is a electronics shopping mall in the form of a department store.

Mon-Fri_ 10:30-21:00 / Sat, Sun_ 10:30-21:30 Closed: 3rd Wed. of each month / 053-662-9000 22 Yutongdanji-ro 14-gilm Buk-gu, Daegu

09:30-20:30 Closed: 3rd Wed. of each month / 053-604-2000 45 Yutongdanji-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu

Daegu Catholic Universtiy Chilgok Catholic Medical Center

Daegu Shooting Range 대구사격장

Daegu Health College

Daegu Shooting Range

yellow line


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geumho IC

Maecheon Bridge

09:00-18:00 Closed: Jan 1, Seolnal and Chuseok / 053-312-0000 40 Geumho-dong, Buk-gu, Daegu Admission Fee Air Pistol Shooting 20 bullets, 2 target (4,000won) 10 bullets, 1 target (2,000won) Clay Shooting 25 Bullets, 25 Targets (24,000won) 10 Bullets, 10 Targets (11,000won) Handgun Shooting 10 bullets, 1 target 22 Caliber (13,000won) 9mm Beretta, 38 Special, 357 Magnum (16,000won)


Daegu Science University

With a scenic view, enjoy shooting clay targets, air pistol shooting, and a survival-shooting stadium.



Out Dark

There's Dalbit Sanyang

Pæl t

72nd Street ZZIM

Jeonchongmuga ssonda Sugar Joe's

KB Kookmin Bank

NH Nonghyup Bank

Indo Bangrangi New Saladdin Daegu Bank

New Saladdin 뉴살라딘

• Recommendations curry tandoori chicken


• Recommendations Jjimdak

ad Ro er

Indian & Pakistan 11:00-22:00 / No holidays / 053-942-3535 2F, 79 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu

You can taste authentic Indian and Pakistani food made by a foreign chef. Korean 11:00-23:00 / No holidays / 053-941-7272 61 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu

The best jjimdak in the area and also appeared on a famous Korean television program.

Pælet 팰럿

Western Fusion Tue-Sat 11:30~22:30 / Closed: Mon. / 053-943-0906 15 Daehak-ro 17-gil, Buk-gu, Daegu

• Recommendations red curry pizza gratin

It is hard to select the best dish because all the dishes are delicious. As the name of this restaurant is unique, so is the food.

Out Dark 아웃닭

Chicken & Beer 16:00 - 02:00 / No holidays / 053-955-4469 16 Sangyeok-ro 6-gil, Buk-gu, Daegu

• Recommendations fried chicken

You can feel as if you are in a pub while you enjoy various kinds of fried chicken.served with fried rice cake and potato chips




Kyungpook National University


knU north gate

Kyungpook National University North Gate Area Map


Bongdaebak Spaghetti

hyeon Towards Bok

ssing five-way Cro

B Turn

Restaurant Pharmacy

Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 경대북문 가 주세요. (Please go to the north gate of Kyungpook National Univ.) Eng gyeong-dae-buk-moon ga-ju-se-yo.


Pub Bank Cafe


Restaurant Pharmacy Pub Cafe

Flower Road



Suseong Lake



Suseongmot Station

Hwanggeum Station

77 Towards Beomeo Junctio n a

Suseong Lake (Suseong Amusement Park) Around Suseong Lake, there are plenty of activities to enjoy. Suseong Land is a tiny amusement park where children and couples come to enjoy carnival rides and games. You can ride duck boats or just walk around the lake. There are many restaurants and cafes to choose from as well. There are music fountain performances throughout the summer months that are sure to make your time at Suseong Lake memorable.

SUSEONG LAKE AREA Giving Directions to a Taxi Driver Kor 수성못 가 주세요. (Please go to Suseong Lake.) Eng su-seong-mot ga-ju-se-yo. Kor 수성호텔 가 주세요. (Please go to Hotel Suseong.) Eng su-seong-ho-tel ga-ju-se-yo. Kor 아리아나 호텔 가 주세요. (Please go to Hotel Ariana.) Eng ah-ri-ah-na-ho-tel ga-ju-se-yo. 수성못 (수성유원지)

053-666-2863 Dusan-dong, Suseong-gu, Daegu, Korea


Stadium and Concert Hall Map



3 2

Dondaegu <-> PUS, ICN Take the buses at the Hanjin Express Bus Terminal Eng Tell your taxi driver, “dongdaegu hanjin beo-su teo-mi-neol ga-ju-se-yo.”(한진고속) Kor 동대구 고속버스 터미널 한진고속에

Dongdaegu <-> Incheon International Airport Time: 3hr 50min Fare: Day Time (4am~4pm)-35,800won, Night Time (12pm~3:50am)-39,400won Departure

가 주세요


Gyeongsan, Dongdaegu, Gumi, Gimcheon, Sangju → Kimpo, Songdo, ICN Airport

ICN Airport, Songdo, Kimpo →Sangju, Gimcheon, Gumi, Dongdaegu, Gyeongsan

Gyeong Dong Gumi Gim Sangju Kimpo Songdo ICN Airport cheon san daegu

Dong Gyeong Gim ICN Airport Songdo Kimpo Sangju cheon Gumi daegu san

















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11:50 ---

12:40 13:20






16:30 17:30

20:40 21:10






0:30 1:00



14:00 14:50 15:40 16:10

----16:30 ---




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17:50 18:40 19:50 20:00

21:40 22:00 22:40 23:30



0:50 -------


1:20 --2:00 2:50

2:10 1:50 2:50 3:40




Daegu Subway Map 2

Munyang Paldal Market

Dasa Daesil


Inustrial Complex



Maecheon Market

Taejeon Maecheon



KNU Medical Center






Buk-gu Office

Keimyung University Seongseo Industrial Conplex

Dalseong Park

Igok Seomun Market

Yungsan Jukjeon


Bangogae Naedang




Daegu Station


Chilseong Dongdaegu Market Sincheon Station

Daegu Bank

Banwoldang Kyungpook

Beomeo Nat’l Univ Hospital



Suseong-go Office


Yonggye Bangchon


Sinhi Yulha

Gaksan Banyawol



Manchon Damti Yeongo

National Univ. of Education Yeongnam Univ.Hosp





Wolchon Sangin







Daegu Grand Park



Gosan Sinmae Sawol

Yeungnam University



Daebonggyo Suseong Market Sueong-gu Stadium

Children’s Hall

Hwanggeum Suseongmot


Yongji Beommul


Daegu Subway Line 1 subway Line 2 subway Line 3 subway







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