Annual Reportl 2016

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Celebrating 50 Years of preservation, education, and community

Annual Report

Goleta Valley Historical Society 2016

Thank You Dear Supporters, Thank you for a wonderful year! We are privileged to share, celebrate and make history with you. Rancho La Patera & Stow House, the historic heart of Goleta, is an essential component of our history here in the Goodland. Your support has provided the opportunity for us to share our unique history through education programs for youth, lectures for all, community events that showcase this magical property. This year we celebrated a major milestone - the 50th anniversary of the Goleta Valley Historical Society! While some things have changed, we remain committed to the vision of our founding directors – to preserve Goleta’s heritage for generations to come.

At our 50th anniversary exhibition opening Amanda De Lucia, Executive Director and Bob Muller, President, were presented with a proclamation from the City of Goleta.

We are grateful for those who paved the way and for those who continue make our rich history available every day – our members, board of directors, volunteers and patrons. With sincere appreciation, Amanda De Lucia Executive Director

By The Numbers

TwiBer: @stowlapatera Instagram: @stowhouse .



Musicians competed at Fiddlers’

Third Graders Participated in Pioneer Days




big exhibition


Guests shared dinner on the DAM


Facebook Friends

Appetizers served at Fiesta Ranchera


School Children Visitors

25,000 10,000 Attendees to Music at the Ranch


Children Sat on Santa’s Lap


Education – Preservation - Community OUR MISSION

To collect, preserve, interpret and foster research of Goleta Valley’s history through exhibits, programs, and stewardship of the historic Rancho La Patera, home to the Stow family.

Highlights of 2016

Lifetime Achievement There have been many changes to Rancho La Patera and the Society since Mary Medbery first showed up on a Saturday morning to volunteer. As a Society volunteer for more than twenty years, Mary had many different assignments, particularly gardening. She introduced the concept of mulching to the gardens and asked the board for mulch. She remembers that the old ranch irrigation system finally gave up and she and her young helper used long runs of hoses connected together to hand-water the far reaches of the gardens. For many years Stow descendant Maria Ealand arrived on Saturday mornings with her old blue station wagon loaded with hoses to contribute to the handwatering effort. One of Mary’s fondest garden memories was the wisteria and the rose garden. Christmas at Stow House was another favorite volunteer experience. For many years Mary assisted with decorating the house, giving tours, and making wreaths for each of the outside doors. She continued making wreaths until recent years. She and Joan Rakowski also decorated the house porch where Santa heard many a child’s Christmas wish list. She recalls that the volunteers always had a Christmas meeting where they brought “spiked” punch and sandwiches. Other volunteer opportunities extended to the 4th of July celebration, the Society’s biggest event. She also speaks fondly of her time as a docent, particularly after the discovery of the Goleta cannons (with men being the biggest audience!). Mary Medbery is very humble about her volunteer work at Rancho La Patera. She noted the monetary and time contributions of others such as Maria Ealand, Chuck Begg, David Bisol, and the Van Horne family as having a big impact on the success of the Society and Rancho La Patera. She says that her lifetime achievement has been her continued Society membership. Thank you Mary for your wonderful contribution to our history.

Volunteer of the Year In 2009 the Goleta Valley Historical Society created its Volunteer of the Year award to honor volunteers who contribute their time and talents so the Society is able to share local history through its education programs and events. This year’s recipient, Anne Jacobson, has been a dedicated volunteer for the past 30 years. In addition to her volunteer work she enjoys gardening, especially in her rose garden. Anne is also a member of P.E.O., a philanthropic women’s organization, which provides education scholarships for women. Anne was first introduced to the Goleta Valley Historical Society in the early 1970s by friends, Cathy Wengler and Joanne Treloar, who told her she would like volunteering at Stow House. And, right they were! Anne has volunteered in almost every aspect of the Society – as a board member, docent, event volunteer. Anne and Dick can often be found greeting our guests at festivals such as Fiesta Ranchera.

Anne was president of the Ladies League in 1978 which she remembers very clearly as a 5.2 magnitude earthquake occurred and cracked the walls in the Stow House Butler’s Pantry. The Ladies League put up wallpaper at the top of the walls in the pantry to hide the cracks that defied repair. The wallpaper is still in place today. Anne’s favorite volunteer job is to docent during Pioneer Days. When showing the Sexton Room to the young students she loves to explain that in the 1800s there was no indoor plumbing. She shows them the chamber pot and describes its purpose. On cue, the students raise their voices with an “eeeewww”. Then she poses this question to them: “If nature calls during the middle of the night which would you rather do? Use the chamber pot in your bedroom or trek outside in the cold and dark to the outhouse with only a lantern to light the way, the bushes rustling with critters, large and small.” Of course, the students always choose the chamber pot! That leads to questions about who cleans the chamber pot. Anne says she keeps coming back to volunteer because of her love for the Stow House and the people she works with and meets while volunteering. Thank you Anne!

Anniversary Exhibition Goleta Valley Historical Society Celebrates 50 Years The Society celebrated our anniversary with two exciting projects. The first was an exhibition that highlights the organization’s founding and first few years entitled, Good Land Gold: GVHS Celebrates 50 Years. The second project is a commemorative reprinting of Goleta: The Good Land (1966), by Walker Tompkins expected to print in 2017. The Society also took a moment to honor the vision of our founding members with a Pioneer Recognition.

Memorabilia on display includes early guest registers, photos of the dedication of Stow House, scrapbooks and much more. Photos and records preserved in our archives were also digitized for future generations. Â

Inspired by the book, Goleta: The Good Land, by Walker Tompkins, the Goleta Valley Historical Society was formed in 1966.

Pioneer Days Our major education program, Pioneer Days, was developed in collaboration with Goleta Union School District. Now in its seventh year, Pioneer Days is an integral part of Goleta Union School District’s 3rd grade curriculum, and is also offered to all public and private elementary schools on the South Coast on a first-come, first-served basis as funding permits. Pioneer Days gives 3rd grade students, who study local history as part of the state-mandated curriculum, an opportunity to explore firsthand early California ranch life. The multi-disciplinary program spans several weeks and addresses the California CORE curriculum in history, while weaving in lessons in the sciences, math, language arts, and physical activities.

Participation in 2016: 800 Students

“I really liked the train because it was electric. I really enjoyed my trip to the Stow House in December.” “I really liked all the things, mostly the old classroom because there was a horse in it.” “I like the old machines because I like them!”

Portfolio LecturesWalking &Walking Screenings Tours Tours WAY BACK WHEN:

Santa BarBara in 1915 By

Betsy J. Green

Tales of everyday life in Santa Barbara 100 years ago

Bringing Back The Wild Guests enjoyed a new documentary film by Michael & Tina Love which tells the inspiring story of how Coal Oil Point was restored back to healthy wetland and coastal habitat. Today, Coal Oil Point is protected as part of the 756,000-acre UC Natural Reserve System. Reserve director Cristina Sandoval, her staff, volunteers and docents have led the transformation of the reserve into a place where people and wildlife can coexist side by side


The Italian Renaissance Historian Erin Graffy told of the large number of Italian immigrants who played a significant role in transforming our sleepy little Hispanic village into an American town. The steady stream of Italian immigrants started from the Piedmont region of Italy in the late nineteenth century and continued to the Veneto area in the following mid-century, all seeking a new life in the new land of opportunity — and with these pioneering families came specific industries that distinguish Santa Barbara to this day.

Way Back When: Santa Barbara 100 Years Ago Author Betsy Green spoke about life in Santa Barbara just one hundred years ago with fun and wacky facts about our area. “The Lockheeds set up their seaplane business on the beach, and young ladies’ swimsuits caused a scandal. A Flying A Studio stuntman drove a car over an abyss, and a new speed record was set on San Marcos Pass. There was a major crime cover-up at the Potter Hotel. A ‘human fly’ climbed a clock tower on State Street…”

Community Festivals Our 42nd Annual Old Fashioned 4th of July was a day of fun at the Ranch for all ages. Local musicians entertained the crowd of 1200 people with Bluegrass and Country music while the hayrides, pony rides and display of old engines kept them moving through a wonderful Independence celebration.

Old Time Fiddlers’ Competition & Festival This year we were pleased to add a “downtown jam” to kick off the weekend with musicians playing on State Street and Casa de la Guerra. Over 1,000 people participated Thanks to all who attended, volunteered, and competed in the Old Time Music Competition, especially David Bragger, our new artistic director. Holiday at the Ranch Nearly 1000 people per day visited Santa Claus and his “rein-goats” and to see the Stow House decorated beautifully by our team of volunteers and staff.

Fiesta Ranchera The 9th annual Fiesta Ranchera opened Fiesta’s summer season with a sold-out crowd. This popular event, co-hosted by our friends at Old Spanish Days, offered a festive evening of fun, food, music, dancing and a rare opportunity to experience the magic of the Ranch after dark.

Spirit of Fiesta Alexis Simentales and Junior Spirit Sara Naretto performed during the evening and also at a Goleta City Council meeting proclaiming June 16 “Fiesta Ranchera Day.”

Music at the Ranch Building community. Our ninth summer of free concerts drew crowds of nearly 2000 guests per week thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and time and talent of our local bands. The small town feel, beautiful ambience and our friendly volunteers kept the crowds returning week after week. Gold Sponsor: Hollister Village

“Looking for an inexpensive family-friendly activity? Music buffs and fans alike are in for a treat at the annual Music at the Ranch featuring favorite local bands.” - Seasons Magazine

Volunteer Sienna Valentine, age 9, prepares to help children with cookies at Holiday at the Ranch

It takes a village Our sincere graUtude to our dedicated volunteers, community partners, sponsors, donors, board of directors and staff. Most of all, thank you to our visitors who inspire us with their wonder and keep us on a path to the future.

Thank You

Above: It was our pleasure to partner with the Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce on the inaugural Lemon Dinner, celebraUng the chefs and sustainability of the Goodland.

Strategic Partnerships This year the GVHS was proud to partner with, or offer support to, the following organizaGons: American Irish Society Casa del Hererro Environmental Defense Center Goleta Valley Art AssociaUon Ganna Walska Lotusland FermentaUon FesUval Old Spanish Days Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce Goleta NoonUme Rotary Partners In EducaUon Old Time Fiddlers’ AssociaUon PrimeUme Band Santa Barbara Downtown OrganizaUon Santa Barbara FermentaUon FesUval Santa Barbara Newcomers Santa Barbara Historical Museum Santa Barbara Genealogical Society Santa Barbara Trust For Historic PreservaUon Santa Barbara Sunrise Rotary TV Santa Barbara

Giving Goleta Valley Historical Society gratefully acknowledges the generosity of our supporters during the past year.

$100,00 City of Goleta $25,000+ Wood-­‐Claeyssens FoundaUon $5,000 -­‐ $9,999 Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce Towbes FoundaUon Williams-­‐CorbeB FoundaUon Marborg Industries $2,000 -­‐ $4,999 Bull FoundaUon Hollister Village Montecito Bank & Trust MOSHER? Venoco Bella Vista Designs Spark CreaUve

$1,000 – $1,999 Tim Taylor Goleta NoonUme Rotary Steve Golis Pat & Ron Caird Bocani Family Rose Ann Hill Joan & Larry Miller Catherine CavaleBo Robin & Reid Cederlof Michael CavaleBo Arlene Doty Ventura Party Rental

$251 -­‐ $999 Gallagher Property Management American Riviera Bank Karen Ramsdell Bobbi Giorgi Lisa Cushman $250-­‐$100 John Whitman Colleen & Stewart Whitman Jaime Kuczkowski Kathy & Ken Boomer Adrian Erler Paul Mocker Kris & Bob Muller Rollie CavaleB Charles Eckert Michel Nellis Josiah C. Jenkins Kristen & Tom Blabey

Sally Fouhse Albert Borgaro Laurie Hannah Charles Kimball Arlene & William Radasky Kevin ScoB Anne Petersen Cecila Villines Peter & Charis BraB Anonymous Robert Gronendyke David & Patricia Fainer Edward & JeaneBe Silva Carol Wilson Elenore Johnson ScoB & Sue Heinz Linda Pentz Michael & Brenda Gartzke Beverley Schwartzberg James Marchiando Virginia Smith C. Leora Willford Peter & Laura Goodell Mary Louise Days Charles Kimball McGowan Guntermann Patricia K. Krout Joseph & Margaret Connell Santa Barbara FoundaUon Ken Knight Robert Else Rich & Sue Ayling Peter & Charis BraB

Note that we are not able to list all donaUons however we are grateful for gifs of all sizes.

Looking Ahead As we look ahead our goals include: •  Completing our reprinting of Goleta: The Good Land by Walker Tompkins •  Continue the oral history program focused on community seniors and capture 5 personal histories •  Recruit and train new volunteers to conduct docent-led tours of Stow House and the History Education Center, work in the Visitor Center and Museum Store; assist with Pioneer Days; and help with our community celebrations and fundraising events •  Increase GVHS membership to garner support for Society programs and activities •  Continue producing signs identified in our Master Interpretive Signage Plan to enhance the visitor experience •  Remain fiscally solvent while continuing to offer the same level of programs, events and activities that we have in the past •  Expand the Pioneer Days program

Our Team Board of Directors Robert Muller, Ph.D. President Tom Blabey Vice President Peter Goodell Treasurer Dan Marchiando Secretary Catherine Cavaletto Historian Sally Fouhse Jacque Hilliard Cheryl Jimenez-Frei Jamie Kuczkowski Scott Menzel Karen Ramsdell Richard Wolf

Advisory Board Mike Edwards Gil Garcia, A.I.A. Kim Kimbell, Esq. Larry Miller, Jr. Fermina Murray Ron Nye, Ph.D. Ida Rickborn Jennifer Tice, Esq. David Van Horne, Esq. Katie Van Horne

Staff Amanda De Lucia, MA Executive Director

Lisa Scoggins Education Coordinator

Dacia Harwood Events & Marketing Coordinator

Wes Hensley Resident Caretaker

Visitor Service & Event Staff Tiffany Kishiyama Jennifer Gray Karen Maas Evan Yoder

Goleta Valley Historical Society Stewards of Rancho La Patera & Stow House 304 North Los Carneros, Goleta


805.681.7216 Â

Cheers to the next 50 years!

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