Goleta Valley Historical Society Annual Report 2015

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Annual Report

Goleta Valley Historical Society 2015

Thank You Dear Supporters, Thank you for a wonderful year! We are privileged to share, celebrate and make history with you. Rancho La Patera & Stow House, the historic heart of Goleta, is an essenHal component of our history here in the Goodland. Your support has provided the opportunity for us to share our unique history through educaHon programs for youth, lectures for all, community events that showcase this magical property. We are commiKed to preserving Goleta’s heritage for generaHons to come. As we move towards our 50th anniversary of the Goleta Valley Historical Society, we are grateful for those who came before us and paved the road for this organizaHon to make this rich history available to all. With thanks, Amanda De Lucia Execu&ve Director

By The Numbers

TwiKer: @stowlapatera Instagram: @stowhouse .


Musicians competed at Fiddlers’


Third Graders ParHcipated in Pioneer Days



Wedding Proposal


new interpre/ve signs


Guests shared dinner on the DAM


AKendees to Music at the Ranch


Facebook Friends


AppeHzers served at Fiesta Ranchera

School Children Visitors

25,000 1200

Children Sat on Santa’s Lap


Education – Preservation - Community OUR MISSION

To collect, preserve, interpret and foster research of Goleta Valley’s history through exhibits, programs, and stewardship of the historic Rancho La Patera, home to the Stow family.

Highlights of 2015

Honoring Our Volunteers At the annual meeHng the Goleta Valley Historical Society named Ronald L. Nye as the recipient of the honored Life&me Achievement Award. Dr. Nye has been associated with the organizaHon in many roles as a historian, volunteer, president and board member since 1988. His dedicaHon led to several accomplishments at Rancho La Patera, including the ConservaHon Assessment Program in 1999, a restoraHon of the buildings and securing the Stow House on the NaHonal Registry of Historic Places. Dr. Nye is a registered architectural historian and was recently appointed to the Historic Landmarks Advisory Commission. He currently serves on the Advisory Board for Gleta Valley Historical Society. The Society also recognized Carol Wilson as the recipient of the Volunteer of the Year Award. Mrs. Wilson has been volunteering for the organizaHon for over five years as a docent at Rancho La Patera & Stow House. She is acHve in the Society’s Pioneer Days Program, which brings local schoolchildren to the Ranch to experience life as it was in the early 1900s. When not volunteering, she spends her Hme with grandchildren and teaching swimming. The two individuals honored are an example of the dedicated core group of volunteers and board members who have been the lifeblood of our organizaHon since its founding in 1967.

Interpretive Sign Project In 2007 the Goleta Valley Historical Society embarked on an ambiHous project to research the history of Rancho La Patera’s arboretum and gardens, planted in the late 19th century and nurtured by four generaHons of Stow descendants. The goal of our $1 million dollar Arboretum RestoraHon Project was to recreate the naturalisHc landscape and gardens surrounding Stow House as they existed during State Senator Edgar Stow’s management of Rancho La Patera from 1915-­‐1949. Part of that goal was also to nominate the gardens and arboretum for inclusion on the NaHonal Register of Historic Places, a presHgious designaHon that Stow House has held since 2000. A key element of this project included developing a Master InterpreHve Signage Plan for the ranch that would enhance the visitor experience, providing informaHon about the property to the public every day of the week, in addiHon to our hours of operaHon. We are pleased to announce that we have designed, fabricated, and installed six new interpreHve signs at Rancho La Patera. The signs are designed to provide visitors informaHon about element of the ranch, ranging from the Arboretum to the Bunkhouse, Ranch Yard, Edgar Stow’s lab and Stow House. To compliment the signs, we have also developed a Walking Tour of Rancho La Patera (available on our website) that provides a more in depth discussion about each sign topic. You can access our website through your cell phone very easily when you click on the Pages navigaHon Menu and choose Walking Tour Rancho La Patera is a vital part of our community’s cultural landscape and suburban resources, enjoyed by over 25,000 people each year. Our hope is that these new signs and Walking Tour will enhance the experience for those who come to enjoy and appreciate the beauty, tranquility, and history that is Rancho La Patera.

Pioneer Days Our major educaHon program, Pioneer Days, was developed in collaboraHon with Goleta Union School District. Now in its seventh year, Pioneer Days is an integral part of Goleta Union School District’s 3rd grade curriculum, and is also offered to all public and private elementary schools on the South Coast on a first-­‐come, first-­‐served basis as funding permits. Pioneer Days gives 3rd grade students, who study local history as part of the state-­‐mandated curriculum, an opportunity to explore firsthand early California ranch life. The mulH-­‐disciplinary program spans several weeks and addresses the California CORE curriculum in history, while weaving in lessons in the sciences, math, language arts, and physical acHviHes.

Participation in 2015: 800 Students

“I really liked the train because it was electric. I really enjoyed my trip to the Stow House in December.” “I really liked all the things, mostly the old classroom because there was a horse in it.” “I like the old machines because I like them!”

homegrown Â

4-H Exhibition HomeGrown – Goleta’s 4-­‐H Legacy From gardening to growing livestock, and from home economics to fashion design, our local 4-­‐H program has made a significant impact on the lives and legacy in the Goodland. The exhibiHon, which included photos, projects, art and more, brings light upon the youth and leaders who’ve embraced the 4-­‐H program over the years. As the youth development program of the CooperaHve Extension System of land-­‐grant universiHes, 4-­‐H is the naHon’s largest youth development organizaHon, empowering six million young people throughout the United States. Our local Goleta 4-­‐H program began in the 1920s and conHnues today.

In 2015, the Goleta 4-­‐H Club was given the honor of “Pioneer RecogniHon” by Goleta Valley Historical Society in a ceremony held at the opening of HomeGrown. Members, community leaders and current Goleta 4-­‐H club members were in aKendance.

Portfolio LecturesWalking &Walking Screenings Tours Tours

Nicholas Den Film

Our community of history enthusiasts were able to learn more about Nicolas Den and the history of his beloved Dos Pueblos Ranch with an alernoon maHnee screening of Don Nicolas Den: Irish Pioneer. The filmmakers, Tina & Michael Love along with the president of the Irish American Historical Society, discussed the film which was based on Walker Tompkin’s Royal Rancho.


Hikers & History

At our Annual MeeHng, Urban Hikers Stacy and Peter Hartmann spoke about their experience walking every street in Santa Barbara (256 miles!). Their story paired with their outlook on historical preservaHon following a monumental trip to Cuba inspired our members to advocate and of course, get out and walk.

Naples: A Tale of Two Ci/es

Popular historian Neal Graffy hosted a lively lecture about the early history of the beauHful, and olen controversial, Gaviota Coast town. Guests enjoyed stories of “ Naples" -­‐ founded by John and Alice Williams in 1887, a 872-­‐acre "Exquisite Summer and Winter Resort” with a look at rare photos and maps.

Walking Tours Trees of Rancho La Patera

In collaboraHon with the Santa Barbara Public Garden Partnership, arborist Ken Knight led a “Tree Tour” of the Ranch.

Campbell Ranch Walk

Urban Hikers Stacy and Peter Hartmann, led an exploraHon of the old Campbell Ranch. The large group experienced history and learned more about the remaining buildings on current UCSB West Campus and the conservaHon efforts of Campbell Barn.

Community Festivals Our 41st Annual Old Fashioned 4th of July was a day of fun at the Ranch for

all ages. Local musicians entertained the crowds with Bluegrass and Country music while the hayrides, pony rides and display of old engines kept them moving through a wonderful Independence celebraHon.

Old Time Fiddlers’ Compe//on & Fes/val We loved hosHng the fesHval

this year following the handover of reins by the dedicated volunteers at the Santa Barbara Sunrise Rotary, who managed it for many years. Thanks to all who aKended, volunteered, and competed in the Old Time Music CompeHHon. Holiday at the Ranch Nearly 1000 people per day visited Santa Claus and his “rein-­‐goats” and to see the Stow House decorated beauHfully by our team of volunteers and staff.

Fiesta Ranchera The 8th annual Fiesta Ranchera opened Fiesta’s summer season with a sold-­‐out crowd. This popular event, co-­‐hosted by our friends at Old Spanish Days, offered a fesHve evening of fun, food, music, dancing and a rare opportunity to experience the magic of the Ranch aler dark.

“Rev. Larry Gosselin spoke to the crowd and gave a blessing, noHng that the theme of this year’s annual celebraHon is Fiesta RomanHca and that it is about community, love and appreciaHon for the beauty of the Santa Barbara area.” -­‐ Rochelle Rose, Noozhawk

Music at the Ranch Building community. Our eighth summer of free concerts drew crowds of nearly 2000 guests per week thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and Hme and talent of our local bands. The small town feel, beauHful ambience and our friendly volunteers kept the crowds returning week aler week. Gold Sponsor: Venoco

“Looking for an inexpensive family-­‐friendly acHvity? Music buffs and fans alike are in for a treat at the annual Music at the Ranch featuring favorite local bands.” -­‐ Seasons Magazine

Thoroughly enjoy the ac/vi/es at Stow Ranch… lovely place! -­‐ A Facebook Fan

It takes a village Our sincere graHtude to our dedicated volunteers, community partners, sponsors, donors, board of directors and staff. Most of all, thank you to our visitors who inspire us with their wonder and keep us on a path to the future.

Thank You

Above: It was our pleasure to partner with the Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce on the inaugural Lemon Dinner, celebraHng the chefs and sustainability of the Goodland.

Strategic Partnerships This year the GVHS was proud to partner with, or offer support to, the following organiza/ons: American Irish Society Casa del Hererro Environmental Defense Center Goleta Valley Art Assn Ganna Walska Lotusland FermentaHon FesHval Old Spanish Days


Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce Goleta NoonHme Rotary Partners In EducaHon Old Time Fiddlers’ AssociaHon PrimeHme Band Santa Barbara Genealogical Society Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Santa Barbara Sunrise Rotary TV Santa Barbara WWII AviaHon Museum in Camarillo


Giving Goleta Valley Historical Society gratefully acknowledges the generosity of our supporters during the past year:

$50,000+ City of Goleta $25,000+ Wood-­‐Claeyssens FoundaHon $10,000+ Ann Jackson Family FoundaHon $5,000 -­‐ $9,999 Marborg Industries Williams-­‐CorbeK FoundaHon Venoco Alice Tweed Tuohy FoundaHon Towbes FoundaHon $2,000 -­‐ $4,999 Catherine CavaleKo ATK Space Systems Montecito Bank & Trust Orflaea FoundaHon Barbara Giorgi Robin & Reid Cederlof Mildred W. Hill $1,000 – $1,999 Lisa Cushman Rose Ann Hill Karen Ramsdell Radius Investments -­‐ The Golis Team Goleta NoonHme Rotary

$251 -­‐ $999 Tom & Kristen Blabey Ron & Pat Caird Joseph & Margaret Connell Bob & Kris Muller Josiah Jenkins Charles Eckert $250-­‐$100 Rich & Sue Ayling Lawrence & Joan Bailard Jean Blois Barbara Cornish David & Patricia Fainer Michael & Brenda Gartzke David Stone & Beverly Schwartzberg JoAnne Treloar Cecilia Villines C. Leora Williford Santa Barbara FoundaHon Fermina & Stephen Murray Kathleen Boomer Peter & Charis BraK Michael & Mary Louise CavaleKo Paul Mocker Roger & Debbie Aceves Marjorie Boyle Judy Connors John & Patricia Coppejans

Oswald Da Ros EllioK & Linda Dell James & Marguerite Downing Barry & Charla Dufour Gil & MarH Garcia Peter Goodell Robert Groendyke Laurie Hannah ScoK & Sue Heinz Anne Jacobsen Charles Kimball Ken & Nancy Knight Dorothy Oksner Arlene & William Radasky Sharon Rumberger William & Janis Shinn John Shute Robert Sorich Anonymous McGowan Guntermann Mary Louise Days Rick Wolf & Elizabeth Brooks Connie & Randall Burns Nancy Sawyers Cole Arlene Doty James & Anne Elwell Patricia Krout Kim Schizas Note that we are not able to list all donaHons however we are grateful for gils of all sizes.

Looking Ahead As we look ahead our goals include: •  ConHnue the oral history program focused on community seniors and capture 5 personal histories •  Recruit and train new volunteers to conduct docent-­‐led tours of Stow House and the History EducaHon Center, work in the Visitor Center and Museum Store; assist with Pioneer Days; and help with our community celebraHons and fundraising events •  Increase GVHS membership to garner support for Society programs and acHviHes •  ConHnue producing signs idenHfied in our Master InterpreHve Signage Plan to enhance the visitor experience •  Remain fiscally solvent while conHnuing to offer the same level of programs, events and acHviHes that we have in the past •  Expand the Pioneer Days program •  Install an exhibiHon that will celebrate our 50th Anniversary

Our Team

Board of Directors

Karen Ramsdell (PRESIDENT) served as the Director of the Santa Barbara Airport from 1987 unHl her reHrement in 2013. Karen earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from UC Santa Barbara. In 1992 Karen was named Santa Barbara County’s Woman of the Year (Third District). In 2011 she was awarded the Heritage Oak Award for LifeHme Achievement by Santa Barbara BeauHful. Tom Blabey (VICE PRESIDENT), OperaHons Director for the Orfalea FoundaHon, brings his varied professional experience from the non-­‐profit and philanthropic sector, operaHons in the travel industry, local public policy and poliHcal consulHng, and as manager of an avocado ranch. Tom is a graduate of Middlebury College and he lives with his family on the ranch in Goleta. Peter Goodell (TREASURER) is a commercial real estate asset manager for both Goodell Investments and Investec Management CorporaHon and has experience in investment management, banking and small business development. He has raised two children in Goleta schools and brings a unique perspecHve as a close neighbor to Rancho La Patera. His community involvement also includes Santa Barbara Yacht Club, Mesa Neighborhood AssociaHon and Santa Barbara Downtown OrganizaHon. Dan Marchiando (SECRETARY), a Goleta naHve, is a mortgage loan professional with Paragon Mortgage Group. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Business AdministraHon and Finance at the University of Southern California. Dan was first elected to the GVHS Board in 2004 and served as Treasurer unHl 2013. He also serves on the board for the La Goleta Scholarship AssociaHon, and is a former Adjunct Instructor of Real Estate Finance at Santa Barbara City College. Catherine Cavaleco (HISTORIAN), a naHve of the Goleta Valley, is descended from grandparents who immigrated to the area in 1892. Catherine reHred from the University of Hawaii in 2003 where she was a researcher, department chair, and interim associate dean. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree at UC Davis and earned a Master of Science in Food Science at University of Hawaii at Manoa. Connie Burns worked as a teacher, as a restaurant owner and for 20 years as a property manager with Town’n Country Property Management. She reHred in 2011. In 2012 she was honored with the LifeHme Achievement Award by GVHS for her nearly 30 years of service. She is an acHve member and past president of the Rotary Club of Goleta NoonHme, the SB County Genealogical Society, and CALM (Child Abuse and Listening MediaHon.) She also serves as chairman of the Goleta Teen of the Year Community Service Award Program. In 1996 Connie was honored as Goleta Woman of the Year. Kathleen Boomer, Ed.D served as the Superintendent of the Goleta Union School District for seven years before recently reHring. During her 31-­‐year career in public educaHon she received numerous professional honors including Goleta’s Finest Educator of the Year and Superintendent of the Year 2004, ACSA Region VII. Kathy earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from UC Berkeley, and holds a Master’s degree in educaHon from St. Mary’s College. Kathy earned her Doctorate of EducaHon from the University of the Pacific.

Our Team

(Board of Directors conHnued)

Sally Fouhse has served as Associate Director for Business Affairs for the Santa Barbara Trust for Historic PreservaHon since 1999 where she is the administrator for operaHons with an annual budget of $2.5 million. Sally earned her Bachelor’s Degree in German with a minor in history from the University of California at Davis. She also earned a Professional Accountant CerHficate and TESOL CerHficate from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Sally is also acHve in community organizaHons such as the Santa Barbara Music Club and Santa Barbara Downtown OrganizaHon. She has many personal interests including hiking, wriHng, and travel. Scoc Menzel, AIA graduated with honors from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo with a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree. For ten years he worked as Associate Landscape Architect for Sydney Baumgartner Landscape Architect. In 2013 ScoK established his own landscape architecture firm. In 2004 ScoK was the winner of the Courtyard Design CompeHHon for the California State University Channel Islands President’s Courtyard presented by CSUCI and Sunset Magazine. ScoK’s personal interests include surfing and cycling. Robert “Bob” Muller, Ph.D received his doctorate in Ecology from Yale University. Bob served as the Director of Research at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, where he focused on California forest trees, chaparral, fire, and urban forestry. He also taught courses in the VegetaHon and Flora of California as well as Introductory Biology at UCSB. He is widely published in the areas of energy flow and nutrient dynamics, soil chemistry, and ecosystem relaHons in hardwood forests, having over 40 publicaHons in refereed journals from Ecology to Oecologia to Science. He co-­‐authored “Trees of Santa Barbara” with Garden Instructor Bob Haller. Richard Wolf is a history instructor at Santa Barbara City College. He earned his Bachelor of Arts and Masters degrees in history from UC Santa Barbara. Rick is in the UCSB doctoral program and his dissertaHon is enHtled, The War&me Bracero Program in Santa Barbara.

Advisory Board

Mike Edwards Gil Garcia, A.I.A. Kim Kimbell, Esq. Larry Miller, Jr. Fermina Murray Ron Nye, Ph.D. Ida Rickborn Jennifer Tice, Esq. David Van Horne, Esq. KaHe Van Horne


Amanda De Lucia, MA Execu&ve Director Dacia Harwood Events & Marke&ng Coordinator Visitor Service & Event Staff Tiffany Kishiyima Jennifer Gray Evan Yoder

Lisa Scoggins Educa&on Coordinator Wes Hensley Resident Caretaker

Goleta Valley Historical Society Stewards of Rancho La Patera & Stow House 304 North Los Carneros, Goleta goletahistory.org


805.681.7216 Â

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