September/October 2024
Volume 56, No. 5
President’s Message
By Jack LaVigne President District 16
Intermediate/Newcomers Online Playing Opportunities
The online D16 Nite Club East games are still going strong. However, they have been relocated to the ACBL Clubhouse. Once there, click on Schedule to see the game times for all the Intermediate/ Newcomer (I/N) games, including Nite Club East. Alternatively, you can go directly to BBO and click on ACBL Clubhouse. There, you will find the 0-100 and 0-200 Nite Club East 7:00 p.m. games. Additionally, there are many other I/N games available to enjoy.
At the July 6 District 16 meeting, the Board of Directors approved the bylaws changes proposed by Rebecca Brown and her committee, which consisted of Scott Humphrey and Tomi Storey. A summary of the changes are:
1. References to Discipline and Appellate chairs were removed.
2. Enabling the D16 Board of
Directors to vote by email.
3. If a unit representative is unable to attend the board meeting, a voting substitute from the same unit may be designated to take their place.
4. The Executive Committee is authorized to spend up to $1,000 on district business between board meetings.
North American Pairs
Larry Davis will chair the North American Pairs 2025 district-level competition. The event will take place on Saturday and Sunday, January 11-12, 2025, at the Bridge Center of Austin, located at 6700 Middle Fiskville Road. Once you have qualified at the club level, you are automatically eligible to play at the district level NAP competition.
“There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.”
– Will Rogers
Upcoming D16 Tournaments
August 27-September 1 Dallas Labor Day Regional
September 5-8 New Braunfels Sectional
September 19-22 BCOH 499er Sectional
September 19-22 Austin Fall Sectional
September 24-29 Ajijic Tequila Land Regional
September 26-28 Beaumont Sabine Neches Fall Sectional
September 30-October 6 D16 STaC
October 8-10 Fort Western Sectional
October 12-13 Austin Fall 0-50 Sectional
October 16-19 San Antonio Diane Olson Electional Sectional
October 25-27 Galveston Halloween Sectional and I/N Regional
October 31-November 2 Denton Local Fall Sectional
November 2-3 Austin Fall NLM Sectional
November 4-10 Puerto Vallarta Regional
November 4-10 D16 STaC
November 6-9 Dallas Fall Sectional and I/N Regional
November 14-17 BCOH 499er Sectional
President Jack LaVigne
District 16 Officers
First Vice President Second Vice President
Jerry Harrington Kristen Onsgard
Secretary Executive Treasurer
BJ Sanders James Southerland
Immediate Past President Betty Starzec
Committee Chairs
Awards Charity
Jerry Harrington Karen Nussbaum
Membership Teacher of the Year
Lauri Laufman Sam Khayatt
Tournament Publications
Tomi Storey Ken Monzingo Coordinators
Education Grand National Teams
Patricia Herrera Scott Nason
Rachell Jackson Sam Khayatt
STaC North America Pairs
Daniel Jackson Larry Davis
Financial Verifier Recorder
Jim Woodward Larry Davis
Tournament / Sanction Applications
Scott Humphrey
Lecture Series
James Moody, Dolores Aquino (I/N) and Patricia Herrera (Spanish)
Ken Monzingo
District 16
Scorecard Editor
Evvie Gilbert
For Submissions, Omissions or Errors, send an email to:
Regional Director's Update
By Paul Cuneo Region 9 Director
Congratulations to Kyo Chen and his team that won Gold in the 8th World Youth Transnational Championships in Wroclaw, Poland in the Under 16 division! Kyo is 10 years old and is a Unit 174 member.
Summer NABC
Toronto, the Convention Center and the host hotels made for a wonderful venue for the Summer NACB and had the highest post-pandemic table count of 9560 ½, besting last summer’s Chicago NABC by over 1200 tables.
Congratulations to the D16 Grand National Teams Flight B Champions: Jessie Lee, Hao Deng (Sugar Land), Mark Pan (The Woodlands), Kalyan Venkat (Round Rock) and Jin Chu (Plano)!
ACBL Financial Status
ACBL continues to have a good year financially with net income over budget by about $900,000. This is a combination of increased revenue and slower than expected spending on activities during the first half of the year. While spending will increase in the second half of 2024, it will still be a very good year financially for ACBL.
Membership slightly decreased by 0.27% compared with 2023. I remain optimistic that our new initiatives will reverse the decline and bring ACBL into a growth period.
Masterpoints for NAP and GNT
The most significant ACBL board action was to change the masterpoint requirements for flights in the NAP and GNT. These changes to the masterpoint levels will begin September 1, 2024 as that is when club level qualifying for the 2025 GNT begins.
• The flights will be:
Championship – unlimited
A – 6000 maximum
B – 3000 maximum
C – 750 maximum
• The additional flight will be added to NAP for the qualification that begins June 1, 2025 with the finals at the Spring NABC in 2026.
• The board chose not to restrict the 0-750 flights
to Non-Life Masters as the previous requirements at 500 masterpoints did.
The Advisory Council has asked the board to reconsider this action and not allow Life Masters to play in the 0-750 flights. A special meeting is planned in late August to decide whether to restrict the C flight to Non-Life Masters. Watch for the decision in the next issue.
Online Bridge
The Online Provider Task Force continues to work to shape the future of online bridge. Our current contract with BBO expires on June 30, 2025, and BBO has been informed that ACBL does not view a contract with the current exclusivity provisions in the best interests of bridge. ACBL wants to foster innovation and to support teachers and platforms used for teaching by allowing them to award masterpoints. Having said that, I believe we will continue to have a strong partnership with BBO and that a high percentage of online tables will be played on BBO for many years to come.
ACBL has been using EDGAR, the computer based cheating detection system, since February. As of early July, more than 17,000 players have been screened with 242 players determined to be cheating. By now, all those players will have received their notice of charges.
The good news is that we are significantly less than 2% at 1.4%, but that number will grow as ACBL evaluates more players. The current estimate to complete screening for members who have played online is in early 2026. To learn more about EDGAR, there is an excellent article on page 28 of the August Bridge Bulletin
I hope all of you are enjoying the summer and the many tournaments available throughout District 16.
The Most Beautiful Game in the World ♠
By Patricia Herrera D16 Education Coordinator
Bridge is by large and far, still the most beautiful game in the world. In this beautiful game, sometimes we win, sometimes we don’t win and sometimes we just have what is called a bad day. A bad day is not only a day that might involve making bidding mistakes, failing to communicate effectively with your partner, or simply having poor card luck. It is a day that you think that you’re not meant to play this game and that probably all your wins have not been a result of you playing well and knowing how to play but rather luck – or something that you really can’t explain on that bad day. A bad day convinces you that no matter what, you are just not good and probably should quit.
You are Not Alone
If this has happened to you, let me tell you that you are not alone. World champions, national winners and everyone in between, eventually have a bad day. The secret is to just be aware that it’s only a bad day. It may not feel like that on the very same day it happened, but trust me, it is.
The Question: How do we overcome it?
Answer: Here are a few hints that I have applied and see others do.
Acknowledge that it is a bad day.
• Let the Day End. No need to do anything and try not to think about it too much. You will overcome
it, no doubt about it. You just need to realize it.
• Stay Positive.
• Take the Time to review and analyze your mistakes without being too hard on yourself.
• Ensure that you and your partner have a clear system of communication in place. This will help avoid misunderstandings and improve your overall performance
• Stay Calm.
• Talk to Your Partner. After a bad day, communi cate about what went wrong and how you can work together to avoid similar issues in the future.
• Talk to Yourself. Forgive yourself – let it go. Learn From Your Mistakes
Bridge, like any game, has its ups and downs. Stay positive, learn from your mistakes, and keep honing your skills to become a better player. And no matter what, be gentle with yourself. You are learning and things will always improve.
Patricia Herrera is a Mexican bridge teacher and player and the Education Coordinator for the ACBL's District 16. She is also the President of the Mexican Bridge Federation. When she is not playing bridge, she runs a nonprofit consulting firm based in Mexico City. You can reach her at:
The Summer Nationals Up North
By Scott Nason D16 NABC Correspondent
Forthose who ventured from Texas or Mexico up to Toronto for the Summer 2024 NABC, about the first thing you noticed was that it was about 25 degrees cooler than back home. If you made it on time, between heavy rain and flooding and then the widespread Internet outage that cancelled thousands of flights, getting to Toronto was not always a piece of cake. But once you arrived, you experienced a Nationals the way it should be: nice hotels, playing venues, restaurants and people.
The 12 day tournament opened on Wednesday, July 17 with the four flights of the Grand National Teams finals, each playing a Swiss qualifier to come down to 16 teams for Thursday’s round of KOs. D16 sent a team in each flight and all four qualified for the second round, led by the young Steele team of Christopher Steele (Pflugerville), Nora Fallon (Austin), Nathan Yee (Spring) and Mariah Stopper (Houston), which qualified 3rd in Flight C and the Lee team of Jessie Lee and Hao Deng (Sugar Land), Mark Pan (The Woodlands). Kalyan Venkat (Round Rock), and Jin Chu (Plano) that qualifed 4th in B. In Flight A, the King team of Tiger King (Plano), Ming Kung Yeh (Dallas), William and Donna Garrard (Irving) put together a big win in the final match to move up to the 14th spot. The Yang team of Hua Yang and Yan Song (Plano), James Zhan and Ying Peng (Sugar Land), and Lunhui Lin (Dickinson) placed 11th in a very strong Championship Flight field.
In the round of sixteen, our teams had some very exciting matches. Yang lost a heartbreaker by 1 IMP in the Championship Flight, while King, who led most of the way, lost by 7 in Flight A. Lee played a topsy
turvy Flight B match, coming out on top by a mere 1 IMP, while Steele led wire-to-wire, winning their Flight C match by 13.
Also on Thursday, the rest of the events got started. Benjamin Klauder (Austin) was the first D16 player to break through with a win in Bracket 1 of the seven bracket Swiss Teams, notching nearly 30 gold points to increase his masterpoint total by more than 3%. Yes, he had fewer than 900 at the start of the day.
In the afternoon side game, Kristen Onsgard (Dallas) finished 1st. Then, that evening Justin Lall was posthumously entered into the Hall of Fame.
On Friday, Nancy Passell (Plano) and Ellen Hessel (San Antonio) won the morning side game and Ira Hessel (San Antonio) finished 9th in the Open Pairs, but the D16 players were mostly shut out. Several Texans qualified for day two of the Von Zedwitz LM Pairs, with Sam Dinkin (Austin) qualifying highest in the 20th spot.
What a difference a day makes. On day three of the GNT, the Flight B Lee team, which won their previous match by a single IMP, breezed into the semi-finals. They led by a whopping162 IMPs after three quarters, when their opponents conceded the match. In Flight C, the Steele team was locked in a tight match, trailing by 6 IMPs at the half and 15 IMPs with a quarter to play. But while the final quarter was high-scoring, they tied the quarter 40-40 and lost by 15.
On day 4 the Lee team continued their run for the Flight B GNT title. They produced a great fourth quarter to win a close competitive match against a strong District 6 team, after trailing by 4 IMPs with one quarter play.
Mohnish Pabrai (Austin) played on the 2nd place team in Bracket 7 of the Swiss Teams, while the Steele team (from the Flight C GNT) finished 2nd in
Bracket 9. Also, Wiley McMinn III (Austin) and Rebecca Brown (Lakeway) were the sole D16 qualifiers for the third day of the 0-6000 Bruce LM Pairs.
On Sunday, the Lee team faced the D21 team in the finals of the Flight B GNT. They continued their run with a wire-to-wire victory to bring home the National Championship. It was a very impressive win for a mostly inexperienced team. As a sidebar to this column, I have included the story of their championship run and some of the critical hands that led to their big win.
Benjamin Klauder and Lilly Justman (Austin) took 6th place in the two-session Fast Pairs. Mike Passell (Plano) was 2nd in the Top Flight Swiss Teams. Mohnish Pabrai was 4th in the Mid-Flight Teams. And Dianne Kraft (Colllege Station) was 2nd in the B strat in the Sunday evening side game.
In the NABC+ events, Venkatrao Konero (San Antonio) took 9th place in the Open Pairs. And Eric Greco (Frisco) was 17th in the prestigious three day Von Zedwitz LM Pairs.
On Monday Betty Starzec and Jane Armstrong (Sugar Land) won the morning side game.
On Tuesday, Nancy Passell and Kristen Onsgard (Dallas) won the morning side game. And Betty Starzec and Jane Armstrong were 2nd in the afternoon.
The Chen family (Sarah, Steve, Andrew and Charlie from Austin) won the Top Flight Swiss Teams. And in Bracket 13 – yes, there were actually 14 brackets in addition to the Top Flight – Janice Rush (Houston) was 2nd, while Patricia Freeman and Mike Davis (Houston) were 3rd. The gold points she earned in this event were
enough to make Patricia a Life Master.
In Wednesday’s finals of the Wager Women’s Pairs, Shawn Quinn took the lead in the third session, but faded to 5th overall in the final session. Michael Penick (Dallas), who won his first national title in the spring, was on the 3rd place team in the Truscott Senior Swiss Teams.
Mike Passell (Plano) won the Top-Flight Swiss Teams. In the Bracketed Teams, Kathryn Papermaster (Horseshoe Bay) was 1st in Bracket 6. Deborah Armstrong and William Keys (Dallas) were 3rd in Bracket 8, while Patricia Freeman and Mike Davis were 3rd in Bracket 10.
Wednesday night featured a number of fun activities including Jeopardy, hosted by Jeopardy super champion James Holzhauer, and Family Feud, hosted by the Grossack brothers.
Thursday included the conclusion of two NABC+ events, plus the continuation of the Spingold Teams. Several D16 players scored high finishes in the Freeman Board-A-Match Mixed Teams, led by Greg Hinze (San Antonio) in 4th place. Joe and Shawn Quinn (Sugar Land) finished 8th. Ira and Ellen Hessel, Sally Wheeler and Buddy Hanby (The Woodlands) were tied for 12th, while Barbara Ferm (Dallas) tied for 16th. But there were no D16 finishers in the top 20 of the Wernher Open Pairs. Only Eric Greco reached the quarter finals of the Spingold.
In the Top Flight Teams, Finn Kolesnik (Austin) was 1st, while Sam Dinkin came in 4th. Harry Selldin and Sherry Withers (Houston) were 3rd in the MidFlight Pairs. Stefanie Scott (Carrollton) was 2nd in Bracket
GNT Flight B Winners Back Story
Winners of the Sheinwold
GNT Flight B from District 16: Kalyan Venkat, Jin Chu, Jessie Lee (pc) and Mark Pan Led throughout the day and finished 98-56.
TheLee team was the epitome of inexperience, composed of Captain Jessie Lee (with 92 masterpoints, all won this year!), Hao Deng (91 points), Mark Pan (1324 points), Kalyan Venkat (1900 poins), and Jin Chu (927 points), who was added to the District Finals champions team.
The squad got off to a slow start on the first day in the Swiss qualifying. They were below average at the half, but came on strong in the second half, which they attribute in part to arriving in Toronto in plenty of time, while several opponents were delayed getting in, due to the flooding in Toronto, and seemed tired by late in the day. Anyway, they had a good run in the afternoon and earned the right to pick their opponent for the first KO. They picked a team that they had blitzed in the Swiss – nearly a big mistake. It turned out they were actually quite a good team – probably the best team they would face – and nearly beat Lee, losing by a single IMP.
VI of the Bracketed Swiss. Kathryn Papermaster was 1st in Bracket VII.
On Friday, Steve and Sarah Chen (Austin) were 11th in the 0-10,000 Pairs. Steve and Nancy Kornegay (North Richland Hills) were 2nd in the Fast Pairs. Nancy Passell and Kristen Onsgard were 3rd in Bracket 1 of the Bracketed Teams. Kathryn Papermaster was 1st in Bracket 6.
But Eric Greco and the Nickell team was eliminated from the Spingolds, finishing in 5/8, leaving no D16 players remaining for the semis.
On the penultimate day of the tournament, there were no NABC+ events completing, and very little success for D16 players, athough several were in good position for Sunday’s finals. There was a continuation in the Youth Championships and the Chen brothers – Andrew and Charlie – broke through with a 3rd place in the National Youth Open Swiss Teams.
Also, in Bracketed Teams, Stefanie Scott finished 2nd in Bracket 3. And Harry Selldin and Sherry Withers (Houston) were 3rd in the
morning side game.
Sunday, July 28, concluded a great 12 days of competition. It wasn’t the most successful NABC for D16, but was not without its successes, including a strong finish.
In day three of the Roth Open Swiss Teams, Venkatrao Konero (San Antonio) and Eddie Wold (Houston) moved all the way from 15th place after day two to win an NABC+ national championship and 160 platinum points. Finn Kolesnik was 11th.
Gonzalo (Naucalpan, MX) and Patricia Herrera (Mexico City) turned in a strong second day in the 0-10,000 Swiss Teams to capture 2nd place. Mike Passell was tied for 6th in the Top Flight Swiss Teams. Janice Rush was 2nd in the C strat in the Fast Pairs.
Their win in the Roth made Venkatrao Konero and Eddie Wold the top point winners in the district. Congratulations to all of the players, especially those named here. And I look forward to seeing many of you in Las Vegas in November/December.
A key gain in that match – I guess any gain is key when you win by ONE – was a hand in which one opponent held AQJ10xxx opposite partner’s 1NT opener. When Lee competed to 5♥, their opponents couldn’t resist trying 5♠ Since both fail, this was a big swing to the good guys.
After this harrowing escape, they won the next two matches more handily and reached the finals. The Lee team led by only 5 IMPs after the first quarter and 11 at the half. They grew their lead to a more comfortable, but not safe lead of 28 at the three quarter mark before bringing it home.
Here are a couple of key boards from the finals. You hold ♠Jxx ♥J ♦AKxx ♣xxxxx and the auction goes:
1♥-Pass-2♥- you
Do you bid?
Well, Jin Chu “pre-balanced” with 2NT. It led to a 5♣ sacrifice, which would have only gone down for -300 against their vulnerable game, but led the opponents to try 5♥. When that failed, the game swing was 13 IMPs to Lee and this hand was a big part of their lead through much of the match.
The coup de grace came on a hand late in the match in which the Lee team bid to a shaky slam. The opening lead against 6♠ was the ♥7. Dummy tabled ♥AJ10 and third hand held ♥Qxxxxx. The trick went ♥7, ♥10, ♥Q, ♥K. When declarer went after trumps, his RHO somehow failed to work out to jump up with the ♠A and give partner a heart ruff. So the slam came home and the championship was assured.
Team Jack Wins Gold!
By Evvie Gilbert D16 Scorecard Editor
The World Youth Transnational Championships were held in Wroclaw, Poland from July 13 – 17. District 16 is proud of our World Championship Team that took the GOLD. Team Jack (USA) competed in the under 16 age group. The team was a full 10 IMPs ahead of the 2nd place team, The Vikings, a team from Sweden and Norway.
Team Jack:
Steve Chen (coach) – Unit 207 Austin, Charlie Chen (14) – Unit 207 Austin (pc), Andrew Chen (12) – Unit 207 Austin, Kyo Chen (10) – Unit 174 Sugar Land and Jeff Xiao (12) – District 25, Unit 113 Shrewsbury, Mass.
Also of note with this team win Kyo, at age 10, is the youngest World Champion!
Click here to read more.
172 Margaret E Altizer
172 Emily Sparks
172 Richard D Walker
173 Estibaliz Delgado Amaya
173 Claudia Morales
173 Cristina Webb
174 Tedra Black
174 Chris Davis
174 Junhui Du
174 Christine A Feng
174 Amy Schuh
Junior Master (5 MPs)
174 Dmitry Braverman
174 Mrs. Claire P Caudill
174 Mrs. Trish P Chambers
174 David J Connan
174 Sandy Lantz
174 Vicki Lyda
174 Chris L Manley
174 Melinda H Nickens
174 Debra Oakes
174 Wei Xu
174 Shuangxing Yu
174 Xiaoxing Yu
174 Deborah Zissman
176 Mrs. Alice C Collerain
183 Brad Book
183 Karin S Book
183 Alison McStravick
183 Laura Odom
187 Christy Linsley
207 Kim Bunch
New Members
June 2024 - July 2024
174 Dori Wind
174 Shuangxing Yu
174 Xiaoxing Yu
176 Vicki Behrend
176 Carol J Cox
176 Deborah Gunter
176 Christal Moomaw
183 Roxana Caero
183 Karen J Nichols
187 Carolyn Hansen
197 Judy Taylor
197 Sandra K Wallace
207 Sherry R Brown
207 Steven Emmerich
207 Terri Fann
207 Robert I Myers
207 Michael Nipper
207 Karen K Stotts
207 Karen Swenson
225 Sassy Crookshanks
225 Rand James
254 Timothy M Fisher
Masterpoint Milestones
June 2024 - July 2024
207 Steven Emmerich
207 Bruce Raven
207 Shanker Reddy
207 Tom R Smith
207 Nathan Thane
Club Master (20 MPs)
172 Courtney Mayer
172 David A Mayer
174 Shayne E Bell
174 Keith S Bozarth
174 Loretta N Cross
174 Ms. June M Cullum
174 George W Edwards
174 Lorraine Hart
174 Robert Krusemark
174 Sandy Krusemark
174 Joan Land
174 Patricia D Leavesley
174 Debra Oakes
174 Gunjan Singh
176 Cal W Chappell
183 Ann H Jaglowski
197 Sappho H Charney
201 Mrs. M Grant
207 Matt Claflin
207 Delta L Gahimer
207 Rebecca Lamar
207 Joyce K Mackay
209 Gwyndolyn J Sparks
225 Mrs. Bonnie Oberg
225 Sarah L Wages
Sectional Master (50 MPs)
174 Cherie M Baer
174 Ms. Sandy E Belsan
174 Randall Clements
174 Mr. Hao Deng
174 Betsy E Himmel
174 Noella Lambert
174 Jessie Y Lee
174 Kiran Oberoi
174 Joshua Roberts
174 Mrs. Bobbie J Sherrill
174 Jinrong Wang
174 Rita Zwartkruis
176 Richard Eshelbrenner
176 Yvonne Holman
176 Jose Portela
183 Julie R Dahlquist
183 Lynda Garrett
183 Mr. David B Hobson
183 John L Nairn
183 Jon R Sears
187 Ron G Coulston
187 Anita Moore
204 Troy D Harvey
204 Barry Jackson
204 Julie J Moorman
207 Mrs. Georgia Bea Eden
207 Joyce Francis
207 Mr. Philip Klempay
209 Mary K Burkholder
209 Thomas M Knox Jr.
209 Larry Pitts
Regional Master (100 MPs)
174 Penny Grassedonio
174 Lesley Kellet
176 Nancy Goble
176 Mrs. Mary Huck
176 Mrs. Paula E Schulz
176 Mr. Mike Zhu
183 Elizabeth C Furman
197 Rita K Lancet
201 Dean Domec
201 G Maxine M Moye
205 Frank H Colvett
207 Paul A Alford
207 Ms. Gaye A Campbell-Baker
207 Sheldon L Markowitz
207 Adele Pendergrass
207 Mr. Glenn Rudd
207 Mr. Charles H Welch
209 Mark R Beckstrom
NABC Master (200 MPs)
174 Beverly J Gebhart
174 Kathleen C Hubbard
174 Diane W O Neill
174 Paula L Towner
174 C J Tsai
174 Judi Whaling
176 Jyoti Boppana
176 Hanuman P Goel
176 Ms. Virginia A Hines
176 Eldon Joersz
176 Fran Shelton
176 Bonnie Sweat
176 Mr. Ming Kung Yeh
207 Kristin Andersen
207 Jody Westland
225 Mrs. Gail Cogbill
225 Selma R Dawson
225 Jane A Gerik
237 Mr. William D Hucker
Advanced NABC Master (300 MPs)
172 James F Sutter
176 Karim N Abuhamad
176 Paramjeet S Ahluwalia
176 James Bishop
176 Mrs. Jane Canning
176 Gari L Martin
176 Mark Meiches
176 Marcia B Messinger
187 Marion C Beeler
207 Steve Luning
207 Cindy McCauley
207 David Sechrest
207 Mr. Christopher B Steele
Life Master (500 MPs*)
174 Mrs. Ann L Bragg
174 Ken Russell
176 Mr. Wayne Evans
176 Margie Portela
176 Mrs. Louise E Shanley
183 Mrs. Judy B Crabtree
183 Mr. Robert R Dixon
183 Mr. Michael J Tiernan
187 Marjorie Norton
225 Mr. Charles T Spradlin
Bronze Life Master (750 MPs**)
172 Roxi L Raaf
174 174 Mrs. Ann L Bragg
174 Robert R Burridge
174 AJ James
176 Mr. Wayne Evans
176 Gail Wingfield
183 Mrs. Judy B Crabtree
183 Mr. Robert R Dixon
207 Mr. Michael T Chow
207 Tim Elsea
207 Judy I Alpert
207 Ms. Annetta L Hughson
207 Lois Kertesz
207 Rita Schaulat
207 Curt Wyman
225 Melba J Lee
225 Ms. Jackie M McElhaney
225 Mr. Charles T Spradlin
Silver Life Master (1000 MPs)
172 Ann McMullan
172 Dr. Jim McMullan
174 Jenelle W Chamberlain
174 Ms. Norma B Porter
174 Ms. Danuta Parzych
174 Mr. Victor P Tong
176 Mr. Dan Kahn
176 Patricia Stille
176 Nicolas L Weis
183 Mr. Douglas B Berke
183 Mr. David C Branch
204 Mrs. Marcie Perlman
207 Mrs. Sandy Jomini
207 June B Mattila
207 Mrs. Juanita G Painter
207 Ms. Patricia J Webb
225 Mr. Jeff C Brown
Ruby Life Master (1500 MPs)
173 Ninfa Sada
176 Dr. H S Norville
183 Mr. Neal E Shores
187 Mrs. Carita K Gould
207 Richard Day
207 Mr. John A Gauss
Gold Life Master (2500 MPs)
174 Nancy A Carlin
174 Ms. Lucy G Hofmann
174 Mrs. Kyle J Lueders
174 James C Sells
183 Mrs. Patricia A Sears
204 Dr. Carl D McGill
207 Mr. R Harry Akin
Sapphire Life Master (3500 MPs)
197 Mr. Gary Blaiss
174 Dana C Brown
209 Mrs. Sandra K Rhodes
Emerald Life Master (7,500 MPs)
207 Mr. Sam Dinkin
*Prior to January 1, 2010 - 300 MPs
**Prior to January 1, 2010- 500 MPs
D16 + Club
Gloria Rowland & Jimmy Parker 76.92%
Athens – Dottie Pirkle’s DBC
Gloria Rowland & Judy Adams 76.04%
Canton – Van Zandt DBC
Mike Graham & Ann Haynes
Longview – Longview DBC
Martha Sigler & Arlene Myers 75.5%
Beaumont – Beaumont Bridge Studio
Dotsy Miller & Jackie McElhaney 75%
Pittsburg – Pittsburg DBC
Gary Blaiss & Robbie Butts 73.51%
Lubbock – LLano Estacado
Marvin Simpson & Bonnie Beasley 73.27%
San Angelo – San Angelo Bridge Club
Dotsy Miller & Jackie McElhaney 73%
Pittsburg – Pittsburg DBC
Mike Graham & Shirley Shelton 73%
Longview – Longview DBC
Nancy & John Smalley 72.5%
Beaumont – Beaumont Bridge Studio
Will Anthony & Robbie Butts 72.45%
Lubbock – LLano Estacado
Steve Shirey - Kara Jean Hawthorne 72.22%
Arlington – Arlington DBC
Jane Turner & Marvin Harris 72.22%
College Station – Star Bridge Club
Max Walton & Gavin McGown 71.88%
Nacogdoches – Nacogdoches DBC
Mark Reynolds & Gay Roach 71.88%
Nacogdoches – Nacogdoches DBC
Stephen Kornegay & Nancy Kornegay 71.85%
Arlington – Arlington DBC
Bonnie Keough & Marvin Harris 71.37%
College Station – Star Bridge Club
Gary Blaiss & Greg Loran 71.33%
Lubbock – LLano Estacado
James Evans & Puddin Barnes 71.3%
College Station – Star Bridge Club
Fred Mueller & Richard Double 71.3%
College Station – Pebble Creek Bridge Club
Virginia Noelke & Judy Wilde 71.1%
San Angelo – San Angelo Bridge Club
Wayne Outlaw & Martha Oliver 70.64%
Beaumont – Beaumont Bridge Studio
Carl McGill & Neal Perlman 70.15%
San Angelo – San Angelo Bridge Club
Stephen Kornegay & Nancy Kornegay 70.9%
Arlington – Arlington DBC
Anne Halsell & Margaret Kirkland 70%
Wichita Falls – Bridge Club of Wichita Falls
Reporting D16 70% + Games
TheD16 70% + Club recognizes members who have scored 70% or higher scores in one of the district’s club masterpoint game that is open or non-restricted. (For example, masterpoint-restricted games or country club games restricted by membership do not qualify. Nor do cruise games, sectional or regional games.) At least four tables with at least 16 boards must be in play.
70% + Games must be reported to the Scorecard. These results are not automatically picked up from club files. The club director, manager or any player may send an email to: with the subject: D16 70% + Club.
Be sure to include the club’s name and location. Games will be reported on a first come, first served basis as space is available.
Unit 176 McKinney
By Nancy Connors
Salute Maj. General Al Joersz
The McKinney Duplicate Club has some fascinating members but none more so than Maj. General Al Joersz who is known as the “fastest man alive.” Most people remember the name Chuck Yeager who broke the sound barrier in 1947. But, not so many people know the names Al Joersz and his co-pilot George Morgan who obliterated that record in 1976 when they flew at an altitude of 80,600 feet at a speed of 2,193 mph-- more than three times the speed of sound or Mach 3. That’s more than 33 miles per minute or faster than a speeding bullet! Even more impressive, that 48-year-old record still stands today.
Eldon W. Joersz, known as Al, was born and raised in Hazen, North Dakota. He cultivated an interest in aviation when he was a teenager. After graduating from North Dakota State University in 1966 with a B.S, in math, he received an ROTC Air Force commission. He completed his pilot training at Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas. During the Viet Nam Conflict he flew 158 combat missions, completed more than 450 combat hours, and served as an instructor pilot. Over the next few decades his illustrious career earned him numerous citations and awards, such as the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit and Distinguished Flying Cross. He also held numerous positions at the Pentagon and served as
Chief of Staff at NATO’s Allied Air Forces Southern Europe (AIRSOUTH) as well as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs. After 31 years in the Air Force, Al retired in 1997 and went to work for Lockheed Martin where he remained until his permanent retirement in 2011. Since that time, he has been a featured guest speaker and honoree at various occasions related to his distinguished Air Force career. He even has an airfield named after him in North Dakota where his hometown holds him in high esteem as a “favored son” and icon.
Al has been married to his wife Carol for 53 years. She is a supportive and loving helpmate as they have moved 27 times since college graduation! They have three children and seven grandchildren and now reside in McKinney.
As for his bridge background, Al first learned to play bridge at his fraternity while attending North Dakota State. After graduation, he was too busy with family and career to continue playing the game. Like so many retirees, he put bridge on a back burner until his life allowed him more leisure.
It was in 2018 that he picked up the game again when he saw an online posting by the late Stu Nelan looking for bridge players in the Country Ridge Community. Al met Stu at their community club house and became his protegee as he learned all the changes and conventions that weren’t around when he first learned the game in the 1960s. Soon Al was playing bridge at a variety of venues
Al joined the McKinney Duplicate Club in 2018 and served on the board as director of equipment. He plays there weekly where he is known not for being the fastest man alive but for being a modest, kind, and caring gentleman.
Nancy Connors, Plano, is secretary of the McKinney Duplicate Bridge Club.
Clear Lake Bridge Club Bests Itself Again!
Unit 174 Houston
By Evvie Gilbert
The Clear Lake Bridge Club (CLBC) is in Unit 174 in the Bay Area of the Greater Houston Area. It is a member-owned club that survives because of its many volunteers and membership. Boy, what an understatement!
CLBC often participated in ACBL’s The Longest Day Fundraiser but all we did was hold two open and one point-limited games on the designated day and serve pizza between the morning and afternoon games. Many of our members donated more than the game fee but the club really didn’t make a big event out of our participation.
Then in 2018, something changed. Marsha Shortt took the cover of the ACBL Bridge Bulletin and had it made into a banner and put it up on a wall at the club. Just that step started an awareness in which most of us previously had not engaged.
The same year CLBC heard what Bert Onstott’s club (Westside Bridge Academy – no longer in existence due to the pandemic) did on The Longest Day. They had a silent auction where some of their top players agreed to play with the winning bidder. So, that gave us the idea that CLBC should do something similar and try to engage those who were almost unaware of the event and who played in the afternoon point-limited game to participate.
Nancy Guthrie was a member of CLBC and was also serving on the Unit 174 board so she had clout! She presented a proposal to the club’s board requesting that we adopt what Bert was doing and hold a "Bid for a Star" silent auction where all the proceeds would be donated to the Alzheimer’s Association.
This proposal was approved and so it began.
By the end of May 2018, we had what we liked to call our “Baker’s Dozen of Stars” who agreed to be auctioned. We only had an auction for the morning open game. We still had the usual pizza between the games and all proceeds were donated. CLBC raised just over $3,000.00. Paula Wissman agreed to direct the games and waived her director fees so they could be included in the donation. Tomi Porterfield (our resident game money taker) made the table assignments so our Stars and their bidders were evenly balanced at the tables. Evvie Gilbert prepared the bid sheets and made the calls to let the winners and their Star know the outcome. Nancy Guthrie in the meantime kept the bidding process lively by outbidding folks every time she walked by the sheets.
Planning started earlier for the 2019 event. We extended the Bid for a Star auction to include both the morning and the afternoon games. We raised $6001.00.
Due to the pandemic in 2020, we only had four online games that were dedicated to Cindy and Nicole Cox and Family in memory of their father, Dean Cox. Dean had recently died from Alzheimers’s disease. We did not hold an auction but our membership was still generous. We still raised $4,845.00.
Back on track for 2021, the Bid for a Star event raised $10,566.00 placing us 20th in the ACBL Top 40. Moving along to 2022, the club raised $6700.00 to stay in the ACBL Top 40. In 2023 it was $6885.00 still there! So now in 2024 we’re back on track with $10,538.00 due in part to this year’s Team Captain and Chair, Edna Rice. We hope to make the top 40 list but won’t know that until October. Ignore Edna’s eye make up, she was just trying to coordinate with her T-shirt!
Throughout the years besides our members and stars, Tomi Porterfield (past team captain and chair and always committee member), Paula Wissman (director of all The Longest Day games), CLBC our lunch provider handled by Yvonne Pierce and Darlyn Dusek) and our very generous membership have been our constants.
Enjoy our 2024 The Longest Day Event photos.
Unit 172 - San Antonio
By Ellen Hessel
Fifteen teams showed up for the July 27th Pro Am Team Unit Game.
The winners were:
Flight A – Bill McCarty, Daniel Jackson, Lelia Jackson and Deborah Jackson.
Flight B – Karen and George Fillis, Leigh Primerano, and Ann Perry.
Flight C – Gordon Hardin, Sally Sanders, Dick Powell, and Belo Kellam.
Hope you’re all planning to attend our sectional in New Braunfels September 5-8. This sectional is wellknown for its outstanding hospitality and its fabulous playing area at the New Braunfels Convention Center. There are quite a few restaurants near the convention center where you can grab a quick bite for lunch or enjoy a more leisurely dinner after the last set. Don’t tell everybody (well, I guess I am), there is a fabulous farmer’s market within walking distance of the Convention Center on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in case you’re an early bird. It’s located at 186 S. Castell, a close 5-6 minute walk from the playing site. For more tournament details, click here to view the flyer.
Our Diane Olson Election Sectional is set for October 16-19 at the St. Thomas Episcopal Church at 1416 North Loop 1604. Diane was a beloved longtime bridge teacher and bridge advocate for our unit. A Fairfield Inn & Suites is located just a block away from the playing church at 80 Trailcrest Street (210491-9595). More tournament details can be found here. Please come join us as we continue to keep our table count moving in a positive direction. Hope to see you all at both tournaments!
Unit 174 - Houston
By Jack LaVigne
TheFuture Life Masters (FLM) of Unit 174 is a board sponsored
program with the mission to support and develop the newest players (0-99 masterpoints) in Greater Houston Bridge. FLM is a resource center featuring information about classes, games and tournaments with a freestanding website.
FLM hosted its second Central Houston 99er game on August 18. We will report about this game in the next issue.
News from Unit 174 Clubs
Apple Duplicate Bridge Clubs
Weekly Game Schedule
Open games are held on Monday and Friday at 11:30 a.m. at the Tracy Gee Community Center, 3598 Westcenter.
299er Games
299er games are held on last Monday of the month. Next games will be on September 27 and October 25.
No game will be held on Friday, October 4. The club will also be closed October 21 - November 5 for early voting.
Bridge Academy of West Houston
The Longest Day Recap
The Longest Day is an annual fundraising event by the Alzheimer’s Association that supports the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. The Bridge Academy of West Houston supported this effort with an online auction to play with our better players such as Joe Quinn and Georgiana Gates, a raffle for 10 free plays and our generous membership made donations. We held The Longest Day game on Wednesday, June 19 and over $3800 was raised.
Thanks to all the volunteers and players who made this event a success.
Eddie Wold – 80,000 Masterpoint Milestone Party
On Wednesday, June 26, a celebration was held in honor of Eddie Wold, who achieved the incredible milestone of 80,000 masterpoints. Eddie's numerous students and partners organized a fantastic party filled with food and fun. A big thank you to everyone who joined in and played!
Dianna Gittelman, Steve Reichek, Barbara Grantham, Betty Starzec, Bobbi Kauffman Daily, Patti Mullendore, Jane Armstrong, Eddie Wold, Hallie (Peaches) Eads and Marsha Bernstein
James Sells – Gold Life Master & Kay Johnson – Birthday Party
On Wednesday, July 24, Sandy Clark and Audley Karrasch hosted a combination Gold Life Master party for James Sells and a Birthday party for Kay Johnson. Everyone had a great time.
Mentor/Mentee games are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. The next games are scheduled for Tuesday, September 3 and October 1. If you have not yet signed up, you can register online by clicking here. Mentees must have fewer than 300 masterpoints.
Eight is Enough Swiss Teams & Future Life Masters Pairs
The Eight is Enough Swiss Teams and Future Life Masters Pairs are held once a month on Sundays at
1:30 p.m. The upcoming games are September 29 and October 13.
Weekly Game Schedule
The Bridge Academy of West Houston has a combined Open and 0-299er Pairs every Wednesday and an Invitational Pairs every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. The games are held at the Arabia Shriners.
International Fund and Club Appreciation games are scheduled for September and October.
Bridge Club of Houston
Tuesday Tidbits
Build a solid foundation with Julie Halperin, Diamond Life Master and ACBL Teacher, and enjoy a free lesson from 9:30-10:10 a.m. The game to follow begins at 10:30 a.m. We will set up partnerships for those who need it. Text Julie at 713 857-8004 with questions or concerns. Lessons are open to all.
Mentor/Mentee F2F
Mentor/Mentee games are held the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 10:30 a.m. Sign up at club or contact Judy Cupps at or by phone 713 320-5592 or Bob Zeigler 713 829-6928 with any questions.
BBO Mentor/Mentee Games
BBO Mentor/Mentee games are held the first and third Mondays at 7:00 p.m. (The Mentee should invite and pay for the mentor). Contact Mike Linkins at if you have any questions.
Eight is Enough Swiss Teams Games
Swiss Teams games are held the first and third Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. Register at the club, check the website calendar for more information.
Saturday F2F 299er and Open Games
Saturday F2F 299er and open game are held every weekend with potlucks and points each week. Check the website for more information.
Special Games
The planned special games for September and October are:
• Labor Day Celebration – September 2. 50% Red and 50% Black points will be awarded. Hotdogs will be served at 11:00 a.m. (please bring a side to share) Open and 299er games begin at 11:55 a.m.
• Pizza Fridays – September 16 and October 11. Enjoy a free pizza lunch while you play.
• 499er Tournament – September 19-22. Check out the flyer for more details.
• 20 Table Saturday – October 19. Lunch will be provided, extra points will be awarded and a silent auction will be held. Don’t miss out on the fun check the
BCOH website for further details.
• Halloween Costume Party – October 30. Bring finger food or snacks to share. Costume judging will be held during the break.
Clear Lake Bridge Club
P r e v i o u s l y. . .
The Longest Day Recap
Many thanks to our extremely generous members who made our 2024 The Longest Day a huge success! Clear Lake Bridge Club donated $10,528.00 directly to the Alzheimer’s Association (plus $147.00 given to the ACBL for the table fees).
On Wednesday, June 19, we had 15 ½ tables in our morning game and 13 tables in our afternoon game; all proceeds were donated to the Alzheimer’s Association. We also had bidders for four games to be played at a later date, an online class and a play with a star at the 2025 Lone Star Regional.
This was truly a group effort by so many. Checkout the the article and photos in this issue.
Our Mentor/Mentee game was played on July 24, a week late due to hurricane Beryl. The overall winners were Russ and Sharon Hall. First place East/West were Klaas Tadema and Mark Incerto.
Local Milestone
Clear Lake Bridge Club closed to support the Unit 174 Awesome August Sectional August 8 -11. CONGRATULATIONS to Barb Sweeney for obtaining her Life Master during this tournament.
North American Pairs qualifying games continued in August. CLBC also had club championship games and Jr. Fund games.
U p c o m i n g. . .
Clear Lake Bridge Club plans to be open on Labor
Day. ACBL has designated September as International Fund month. These games help support North American participation in international events.
CLBC is located at 16614 Sea Lark, Houston 77062. We hold games every day of the week. We close for Unit 174 tournaments, Christmas and Easter. You can reach us at 281-480-1911.
Weekly Game Schedule
Open games are held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 10:00 a.m., and Thursday and Saturday afternoons at 1:00 p.m.
I/N games are offered four days per week as follows: 749er games are on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. and Thursday at 1:00 p.m.
299er games are on Monday and Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.
Swiss Teams games are on Sunday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. On the second Sunday of the month the game is an Eight is Enough Swiss Teams.
Mentor/Mentee Open games are on the third Wednesday each month.
Game Fees
Our game fees are $6.00 for members ($7.00 for guests). If you are a frequent guest, it is probably a good idea to become a member because our annual dues are only $25.00/year.
Come see us and play some bridge!
Fort Bend Bridge Club
Fort Bend Duplicate Bridge has a game on Tuesdays at:
Arabia Shriners Center
10510 Harwin Drive
Please arrive by 10:15 a.m. as the game starts at 10:30 a.m. We offer:
• Bridge Mate II Scoring
• At Least 36 Upgraded Games a Year
• Hand Records after Every Game
• A Nice Balance of Friendly A, B, & C Players
• Coffee and Substantive Snacks
• Fully Sanctioned ACBL Game
• Results Available Immediately
• Fully Qualified and Experienced Directors Due to rent expense entries are $7.00.
Please call 832-287-9170) or email (ewat2004@aol. com) John Eric Watson in advance so we can start on time.
Unit 176 - Dallas
By Bill Driscoll
We are excited about our running Dallas Labor Day Regional, August 27-September 1 at the Courtyard by Marriott in Allen. Please read on for more information.
News from Recent Events:
GNT Finals in Toronto
Kudos to Jin Chu, Plano, whose team won GNT Flight B, earning 70 gold points each! You can read the team’s back story in the NABC report in this issue. Thanks and congratulations to all. Unit 176 players who represented District 16 at the Grand National Teams Finals in Toronto included:
Championship Flight: Hua Yang and Yan Song
Flight A – Tiger King, MK Yeh, Donna Garrard, and William Garrard
Flight B – Jin Chu
All GNT results can be found on ACBL Live with the Toronto NABC results for July 18, Toronto NABC Results
The Longest Day Recap
Four of our unit clubs had The Longest Day games supporting 2024 ACBL Alzheimer’s fund-raising. Open Pairs games were held at Friendly BC (12 ½ tables), Lariat BC (2 ½ tables), McKinney DBC (12 ½ tables), and Valley View BC (3 games totaling 22 tables). VVBC also had two 499er Pairs games totaling 9 tables. Results can be found at the following links: Friendly BC, Lariat BC, McKinney DBC, Valley View BC (See games 6/17-6/21).
Unit Game Summaries
Our unit games are now being alternately hosted by Valley View BC and Friendly BC both held at the King of Glory Lutheran Church. Thanks to VVBC and FBC for conducting these events and to all who have been coming out to play. Turnout has been great!
The June 16 unit game by FBC had 20 Open Pairs and seven 499er Pairs tables.
Congratulations to Open Pairs winners Bob Hamman & Kristen Onsgard and John Luebkemann & Sharon Tomnitz, Click here for the results.
Also, congratulations 499er Pairs winners Susan Pharr & Carey Pharr and Fran Shelton & Liz Williams, Click here for the 499er Pairs Results.
The July 14 unit game by VVBC had 25 ½ Open Pairs and four 499er Pairs tables. Congratulations to
Open Pairs winners Jim Thurtell & Jim Bauer (Section A and overall) and Gerry McKim & Mike Hout (Section B), Click here for the Open Pairs Results. Also, congratulations to the 499er winners Bonnie Keene & Denise Patterson, Click here for the 499er Pairs Results.
The August 4 unit game by FBC had 21 ½ Open Pairs tables. Congratulations to winner Tiger King & Jianbo Chen (Section A) and Dale Remmers & Kashi Singh (Section B and overall). Click here for the Open Pairs Results.
Upcoming Events
The Dallas Labor Regional is just ending August 27 -September 1 at the Courtyard by Marriott Dallas-Allen at the Event Center, 210 E. Stacy Road, Allen, 75002. For more information, see the flyer.
Another 2024 Unit 176 tournament is the Dallas Fall Sectional and I/N Regional (November 6-9). More details about the events are available on the Unit 176 Website. Also check out the Intermediate/Newcomer's Corner on the unit website featuring opportunities for our newer players.
Unit 176 Bridge Clubs and Games
Please join us at any of the Dallas area bridge clubs games.
Unit 183 - Fort Western
By John Robbins Arlington DBC
TheArlington Duplicate Bridge Club reports a successful The Longest Day Event in June, with a total of $2065 raised for Alzheimer’s research, easily surpassing its goal of $1500. The club will be closed Labor Day weekend for the Dallas regional tournament.
Fort Worth Bridge Studio
Unit 183 has completed its relocation to 3417 Wellington Road, Suite 105 in Fort Worth, just across Wellington from our previous location. Games are running as usual. We landed the new space just as the lease on our former suite was running out and the owner of a larger space we had negotiated failed to sign our contract. Expansion within the building or elsewhere remains a possibility. For now, we are committed to only one month at a time, while our contract provides availability of the suite for up to two years. Currently we have eight tables set up, with space for one more, along with a small kitchenette area and
two bathrooms. Maintenance upgrades are underway and should be completed by the time this report is published.
New Sectional Location
The unit will hold its next sectional October 8-10 at the Arborlawn Methodist Church on Briarhaven Road in eastern Fort Worth.
Bridge Lessons
Of course we are always looking for new players. Diane Dillman’s new lesson series in Fort Worth is going well, and anyone wanting to begin playing bridge is invited to join at any time.
Dorothy Moore is offering bridge refresher lessons for people who have played bridge before, along with limited games Tuesday and Sunday in Arlington. Having re-started bridge myself in one of her games, I can guarantee you will learn and enjoy the process.
Unit 201 - Sabine Neches
By Florence Ferguson
We had a very busy summer in Beaumont!
The Longest Day Recap
Our The Longest Day game was a great success as always. It was organized by Linda Briggs with Cleo Martin and Lou Rising as hostesses. This year our club raised over $3,000 dollars. Our club is dedicated to the research and support provided by the Alzheimer’s Association, raising a total of over $65,000 since we began these games in 2013.
Board of Directors
Our board added three new members and elected Val Townley-Smith, president, Theresa Copper, secretary, and Paulete Schiwart, vice president as new officers. Along with Theresa, Judy Mattingly and Susan Pennington are also new members to the board. Thank you to these members, as well as returning members,
for their willingness to serve on the board and support Unit 201.
Local Milestone
In addition to assuming the demanding job of board president, Val achieved Life Master status last spring. A celebration with lunch and a game was held in her honor. It is evident that Val is an invaluable member of our bridge family and worked diligently to achieve this status. Congratulations, Val! And congratulations on receiving your director’s certification, along with your husband, Bob. Val now directs our Thursday night mentor game and Friday open games. Bob gives lessons before the mentor game. Can you tell how lucky we are to have them in our bridge family?
And, of course, we had our annual 4th of July celebration. This year Susan and Jerry Gore provided our hot links and members supplied all the fixings. The membership was a sea of red, white and blue, and we gave thanks for our liberties and freedoms.
Make plans now to attend the Sabine Neches Sectional, September 26 -28. Entry fee includes refreshments and lunch. As always, it’s a great time to play bridge in Southeast Texas.
In the next issue, results of our 499 Tournament will be reported. Hope to have seen you there!
Unit 204 - Fort Concho
By Troy Harvey
TheSan Angelo Bridge Club has continued participation in all the games with close to 37 games since last report in mid-June. What's even more exciting is numerous times there are eight tables. I'm sure that is because we have so many members who are passionate about bridge not to mention how super hot it is outside. We also want to thank Nancy Greer who brought fresh peaches to us all the way from Colorado.
Nancy Greer
Local Milestones
The club wants to recognize Carl McGill who has achieved Gold Life Master which is over 2500 MPs! Marcie Perlman earned Silver Life Master which is over 1000 MPs.
Congratulation to you both for these milestones!
While on the topic of milestones, John Osborne a “club personality” has recently retired after 41 years of AG teaching. John started at the age of 21 in Menard, then to Wall and finishing his last 11 years in Eldorado. If you do the math that is many students and livestock shows. He now has more time for bridge and tending to his ranch. John is also a Life Master and director.
Notable Scores
Now it’s time to mention some notable scores at the club. Originally, I was going to mention scores of 62% or higher, but that list is too long. Therefore, here are pairs in recent weeks with impressive scores >70%:
July 20: Bonnie Beasley and Marvin Simpson 73.27% (5 tables)
July 29: Carl McGill and Neal Perlman 70.15% (8 tables)
August 12: Virginia Noelke and Judy Wilde 71.1% (7 tables)
Our club has no shortage of monthly parties to celebrate birthdays and holidays. Here are few pictured the celebrations.
Labor Day this year falls on one of Marifrances Watson's games, and there are plans to have a celebration. If you're interested in helping with the festivities, please contact Joy Foster our activities director and club president.
Tournament Bound
Julie Moorman has the tournament bug and is promoting and recruiting members to join in the fun. Currently she is planning to go the one in New Braunfels early September, Las Vegas after Thanksgiving and a Cruise as well. Please reach out to Julie or Joy if interested. Our club continues to recruit new members. If there are any suggestions to further that recruitment, please let me know and I will take the lead. Make sure to check out our website for our weekly game schedule.
Unit 207 - Texas Capital Bridge
By Barbara Clements
We hope everyone’s summer is going well. We’ve had pretty good participation this summer in our clubs, and even welcomed some out-of-towners to join our games.
Our Austin Firecracker Regional had a great turnout July 1-7. We had 57 team winners over the course of the week. Click here for the winners.
We were especially excited and honored to have Margie Kintz from Waco (Unit 233) come with friends to help her make Life Master at our regional. Ann Denton from New Braunfels (Unit 172) also made the trip and earned Life Master at the regional. And we can’t forget our own Pam Beck who also earned her Life Master. Fantastic, Margie, Ann and Pam.
Upcoming Events
We have two events coming up in September and October. On September 19-22, the Bridge Center of Austin is hosting a sectional. On October 12-13, there is a 0-50 sectional at the Bridge Center of Austin (1:30 p.m. on both days)
Local Milestones
In July and August we had a number of members reach Life Master Milestones.
Emerald Master: Sam Dinkin
Ruby Master: John Gauss, Richard Day
Silver Master: Sandy Jomini, June Matilla
Gold Master: Harry Akin
Silver Master: Juanita Painter, Patty Webb
Bronze Master: Michael Chow, Tim Elsea, Annetta Hughson, Rita Schaulat, Judy Alpert, Lois Kertesz, Curt Wyman
Advanced NABC: Cindy McCauley, Christopher Steele, Steve Luning, David Sechrest
NABC Master: Jody Westland, Kristin Anderson
Sectional Master: Georgia Bea Eden, Joyce Francis, Philip Klempay
Club Master: Matt Claflin, Delta Gahimer, Rebecca Lamar, Joyce Mackay
Regional Master: Paul Alford, Glenn Rudd
Junior Master: Bruce Raven, Shanker Reddy, Kim Bunch, Steven Emmerich, Tom Smith, Nathan Thane
Lastly, we are sorry to note the passing of Ted Pontius and June Knaus.
Unit 209 - Great Permian Basin
By Ann Parish
Belated 4th of July Party
Unit 209 has had a quiet summer of bridge. We had a belated 4th of July Party with hotdogs and all the trimmings. Ann Servatius and Kay Sewell were first in A North/South. Cliff Hair and Joan Rice were first in A, B, and C (!) East/West.
Bridge Lessons
Director Belle Harris and friends hosted Goodwill Ambassador lessons with the local YMCA on July 1 and August 26. ACBL helped the club financially with these events. Belle is also giving lessons at Allison Bridge Center twice on Mondays.
NAP Player Recruitment
Lonnie Yee is our new NAP guru, and he is actively recruiting players who would like to play in NAP games beyond the club level.
We are planning a Halloween Party in October with costumes, prizes, and an evening breakfast. We celebrated the birthday of director Marlene Blumentritt.
Play bridge in the summer! It’s cool inside!
Unit 225 - East Texas
By Deb Pascoe Nacogdoches DBC
Congratulations to Suzanne Smith, Sanjay Santhanam, Gay Roach, and Melba Lee for their 2nd place finish in Bracket I Swiss Teams at the Shreveport Regional, which took place from June 26-28. As an added bonus, Melba Lee achieved Bronze Life Master as a result of points earned at the tournament – congrats, Melba! The Shreveport tournament attracts players from Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
Unit 233 - Central Texas
By George & Pam Holmes
Unit 233 would like to recognize our newest Life Master, Margie Kintz of Waco. She completed her quest to obtain the rank of Life Master at the Austin Firecracker Regional in July of this year. Congratulations, Margie on a job well done.
We’re sorry about Jack Yarbrough’s passing. Please see his tribute in the In Memoriam section of this issue.
Pittsburg DBC
The Longest Day Fundraising Exceeds Goal Pittsburg showed its commitment to Alzheimer’s research this year by holding not one, but two, fundraising events. The first event – The Longest Day game - occurred on Friday, June 21. Pittsburg DBC had 5 tables for a Mitchell movement and lots of fun for the players.
The second event – a silent auction and game – occurred Friday, July 19, with 6 tables and lots of competition. Linda Harrison, club manager, approached local merchants, who were happy to participate. Local players also donated interesting and unique items. This, along with The Longest Day game, enabled us to raise $2500 exceeding our fundraising goal by $1000.
Congrats to the Pittsburg DBC for their enthusiastic support for Alzheimer’s Association!
Local Milestones
Melba Lee, Pittsburg, Bronze Life Master
Tom Spradlin, Longview, Bronze Life Master
Make sure to check out the Unit 225 website for more details about our clubs and their game schedules.
Meanwhile Unit 233 continues to muddle along with its regularly scheduled games. The Waco 0 to 500 club has recently upped its top masterpoint level to 750 but has kept its name. Hope to see everyone at the bridge table.
Unit 353 - Wichita Falls
By Marsha May
InJune and July Unit 353 had several special event games: NAP, Grass Roots, two STaCs, The Longest Day and the ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint Game. A big Thank You goes out to David Herzog, owner of Bridge Club of Wichita Falls, for running all these special games for us.
The first STaC game was held on Tuesday, June 11. Anne Halsell and Margaret Kirkland came in 2nd in D16 with a 66.07% game winning 6.61 silver points. Marsha May, Faye Morrison, Nancy Purcell and Lois Roberson won 1.02 silver points and Pat Robinson and Cathy Zinn won .64 silver points.
The second STaC game was held on Saturday, June 18. Nancy Purcell and Bennie Young came in 1st in D16 with a 69.05 % game winning 12 silver points. Faye Morrison and Lois Roberson won 1.50 silver points, Anne Halsell and Margaret Kirkland won .85 silver points and Nell Lister and Suzanne Sosa won .64 silver points.
The ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint Game was held on July 9. The winners of the gold point were Tomie Johnson and David Hertzog (N/S) and Carolyn Bell and Suzanne Sosa (E/W). Carolyn Bell and Suzanne Sosa have been partners since they took lessons from Kathleen Brown in 2014, but Carolyn can only play once a week. This was Carolyn’s first gold point. Congratulations to all our winners.
Calling All District 16 Artists
D16 doesn't have a logo. As you know our district comprises most of Texas and all of Mexico.
Winner receives a free day at a D16 Tournament.
• All submissions should be emailed as attachments to in either pdf, png, jpg formats or all of the above.
• Submission deadline is October 15th.
• Entries will be identified by number only and submitted blind to the D16 Executive Committee who will decide the winner.
• Individuals may submit any number of potential logos.
• The winning logo will be unveiled in the November/December Scorecard and the eblast announcing it will include the attribution.
• Winner selects the tournament in which they want their freeplay day.
Games & Classes for Newer Players - Come Join us!
D16 0-50 Masterpoint Game: Every Monday at 4:00 p.m.
District 16 is offering to all 0-50 masterpoint players a 12-board game on BBO for $3.00 every Monday at 4:00 p.m. You can ask a partner to play, or sign in at the partnership desk and pick up a new partner. Practice, practice, practice. Your experiences at the table can be your best teacher. A director and assistants will be on hand to offer guidance during the game.
For more information email
0-99 Masterpoint Game: Every day at 6:00 p.m. (CT)
The 99er Nite Club East games are offered seven days a week at 6:00 p.m. If you are a 99er, ask your club if they are participating. Your club must “opt in.
0-199 Masterpoint Game: Every at 6:05 p.m. (CT)
The 199er Nite Club! games are offered seven days a week at 6:05 p.m.. If you are a 199er, ask your club if they are participating. Your club must “opt in.”
For more information email
Click here to see the flyers for the D16 0-50 and the Nite Club Games Lecture Series
Zoom® Spanish Lecture Series - Third Saturday of every month at 12:00 p.m. (México CT), 1:00 p.m. (CT)
September 21 – Santiago Semberoiz
October 19 –Alejandro Bianchedi
November 16 – Guera Belden
December 21 - Patricia Herrera sobre "Michales: Cuando y como usarlo"
Zoom® Intermediate/Newcomer Lecture Series - Fourth Saturday of every month at 12:30 p.m. (CT) 11:30 p.m. (Mexico CT)
September 28 – Scott Nason on “Bridge Ethics”
October 26 – Donna Compton on “Defender’s Number Rules”
November 20 – Thomas Rush on “Ogust, Feature or Both”
December 28 – Mary Jane Orock on TBD Click Zoom® Link for either lecture. Remember that if you are unable to attend the live lecture, all are recorded so you can watch when you have the time. Here is the link where they are located on the D16 website.
Sept 19th – 22nd, 2024
4688 Louetta Rd, Spring, TX | 281-651-6550 |
Need a Partner?
Contact Kas Rangan 539-210-1333
Ambassador available for all Pairs Sessions.
A (300 to 499) B (100-300) C (0-100)
* Strats may be modified by director
Entry Fees
(Per Session - Cash Only)
Current ACBL Members $10
Lapsed ACBL Members $14
ACBL number required to play. 120 day guest membership available free at
Snacks / Lunch
Free snacks and drinks all days. Lunch available for $7 Cash on Thurs, Fri., and Sat. if ordered by 10am. No Sunday meal.
Tournament Chair
Susan Domsalla 281-732-2508
Event Schedule
Thursday thru Saturday Sept 19th – 21st
499er Pairs 10am
499er Pairs 2pm
Sunday, Sept 22nd Swiss Teams
499er Swiss Team 1:30pm
Hand Review
On Sunday, Sept 22nd, from 12:30 to 1:15pm, an expert will answer your questions on tournament hands.
BCOH is a fragrance free facility. Life Masters less than 500 pts can play.
SpringHill Suites by Marriott 20303 Chasewood Park Dr., Houston, TX 77070 has a discount rate of $105 + tax per night, and free cancellation 24 hours before check-in. Contact hotel directly at 832-953-2228 and ask for Imagine Peels and mention BCOH Bridge Tournament.
By Ken Monzingo
Responding to an Opening Suit Bid for ♠ Intermediate/Newcomers ♣
This lesson begins when your partner is first to make a call and opens the auction by bidding
1♣, 1♦, 1♥, or 1♠. Following this, your position at the table can be defined as partner to the opening bidder or simply responder. Lately bridge jargon has added “advancer,” so you have any of three titles. I also refer to your position as “captain,” whose job is to steer us home. Now that’s a chore and a half, but a knowledgeable captain leads us to victory – hopefully.
Where are We Going?
After the opening bid by partner and assuming the opponents are silent throughout, the captain may be saddled with the huge responsibility of steering the partnership toward the best contract. Goals to aim for:
1. The correct suit to play in or to play notrump.
• An 8-card major suit fit between the partners is usually best: 4-4, or 5-3 work well.
2. What level is safe to not overbid.
• Bidding 2♠ and taking eight tricks to score +110 is usually good.
• Bidding 3♠ and taking eight tricks to score -50 or -100 is usually not good.
3. What level is too timid so you may miss a valuable game bonus.
• Bidding 3♠ and taking 10 tricks is usually not good. (Unless the opponents misdefended.)
Bidding 4♠, trying for a game bonus, and taking only 8-9 tricks is rarely good.
4. The strategy of match points versus IMPs.* Match points is more a game of plus scores, or minimum minus scores. IMPs is more about total points awarded for game bonuses. In match points I suggest you bid cautiously, at IMPs most experts will stretch a little to hopefully get game bonuses by bidding and making contracts worth +100: 3NT (100), 5♦/5♣ (100) or 4♠/4♥ (120).
System Agreements
The navigational tools you have in your arsenal are dependent on the general approach your partnership has agreed to abide by: standard bidding using the time tested AKQJ 4-3-2-1 honor card values, or 2-Over-1 (2/1) Game Force using the same high card values. Standard has all but disappeared and 2/1 is king, so we will assume that’s what you play.
2/1 System
The 2/1 system is very similar to standard bidding with two distinctive differences:
1. The bid of 1NT in response to 1♠ or 1♥ (major suits) by an unpassed advancer is limited and non-forcing in standard, and mostly limited but absolutely forcing in 2/1. Some partnerships extend that forcing rule to even passed hand responses.
Not my favorite treatment.
2. But the BIG difference in 2/1 versus standard is when an unpassed advancer responds with a non jump 2/1 response to an opening 1♠, 1♥, or 1♦ which in standard bridge is a hand of about 9-10 HCP+. In 2/1 that bid is unequivocally a game forcing bid and both opener and advancer must continue the auction until game is reached: 4♠/4♥, 3NT or 5♦/5♣
The response of 1NT to 1♦ or 1♣ openings like standard is 6-9 HCP, non-forcing, and denies four hearts or four spades.
2/1 Examples:
Partner Opp Advancer
1♠1/♥ Pass 2♦/2♣ – Natural and game forcing 1♦ Pass 2♣ – Also natural and game forcing
Forcing 1NT example:
Partner Opp Advancer
1♠1/♥ Pass 1NT – Artificial and forcing for one round
But ...
Advancer Opp Partner Opp Pass Pass 1♠/1♥ Pass 1NT(?) – Some play this is forcing. I don’t.
Experts and many regular partnerships have added fun quirks and whims to the 2/1 system, the most common of which is probably Inverted Minors. I suggest reading about them in either Max Hardy or Mike Lawrence books and writings on the subject.
District 16
Teacher of the Year
Is there a bridge teacher who has inspired you? Now is the time to reward that individual’s enthusiasm, passion and patience! Celebrate your teacher! Nominate your teacher for the D16 Teacher of the Year award.
The nomination process works like this:
1.You ask your teacher if he/she would like to be nominated.
2.Your teacher agrees.
3.You send an email to with your teacher’s contact information.
4.We take it from there.
Please submit nominations by November 30, 2024,so that your teacher has time to put together a portfolio by December 31, 2024.
The winner will be announced at the 2025 Lone Star Regional.
How the Captain Leads the Auction
Playing 2/1 the advancer (and sometime partner) should keep in mind that in its simplicity the unimpeded auction is elementary addition and a four step process: Opening, Response, Description, Placement.
1. Opening: The opening one bid: 12+ HCP
2. Response: The response by advancer: May be as low as 6 HCP or 5 HCP with a fit or long suit.
3. Description:Further description of opener’s holding as to distribution and strength with rebid.
4. Placement: Advancer now has enough information to pass, place the contract, or explore more.
Adding partner’s strength to advancer’s suggests where and what level to play the contract.
1. Play in a part score if partnership is limited to a combined 24 or less points.
2. Opener’s second bid often decides in what suit to play if we have a fit. If not, notrump.
3. Advancer should view their holdings as minimum, good, and very good and distributional.
a) Minimum: With 6-9 advancer should be looking for best part score.
b) Good: With 10-11 (or 12) advancer should be looking to invite a game.
c) Very Good: With 13 or more advancer will get the partnership to game in the best fit.
d) Distributional: Shortness or extra length is used in evaluating strength.
Bridge is often just simple arithmetic.
* I asked a friend and top player, Mitch Dunitz, why he preferred match points to IMPs since most experts choose IMPs. His answer: “In match points if the opponents bid and make a lucky low point slam, or if I go for -800 against a part score, I can still win the event – it’s just one board. But in IMPs if either happens I’m out of the event and my day is ruined.”
Nest Lesson: Flannery 2♦ Opening Bid
Thur s Sept 19th - Sat, Sept 21st
Stratified Swiss Teams, single session
10am, 2:30pm
Open Pairs, single session 10am, 2:30pm
299er Pairs, single session 10am, 2:30pm
Sun, Sept 22nd
Stratiflighted A/X & BCD Swiss Teams
10am & TBD
$140 per 4 per son team, includes lunch
Additional player s, $6 each
Entry Fees: $14/session
Students and players with 0-5 Masterpoints pay
$7 per session Thursday-Saturday
($4 additional per session for unpaid & non-ACBL members)
This is a CASHLESS ONLY Tourney
(Pair & team games based on average MPs)
Open Pairs & Stratified Swiss Teams: (Thursday – Saturday)
A: 3000+, B: 750-3000, C: 0-750
299er Pairs:
A: 200-300, B: 100-200, C: 0-100
No player may have over 300 MPs
Sunday Stratiflighted Swiss Teams:
A: 3000+, X: 0-3000
B: 1500-2500, C: 500-1500, D: 0-500
No player with over 2500 MPs can play in the BCD Swiss
All stratifications are at the director’s discretion
Basic Chart for 299ers
Basic+ Chart for BCD Swiss Open Chart for all other events
Mrs. Sue D. Freeman, Port Arthur
Clarence W. Hough, San Antonio
* Mrs. Susan J. Lafountain, Waco
* Dr. Robert L. Matcha, Sugar Land
Mrs. K. Mitchell, Wills Point
J. Jack Yarbrough 1937 | 2024
By Deb Pascoe
TheIn Memoriam
William H. Norvell, San Antonio
Joe D. Payne, Orange
* Stephen Popham, Tyler
Beth Rosener, Laredo
* Jean B. Yolish, Nantucket MA
*Life Master
Nacogdoches Club suffered a great loss with Jack Yarbrough’s passing. As a member of the Nacogdoches Duplicate Bridge Club since 1967 and a Gold Life Master, Jack accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge of the game of duplicate bridge.
His roles as a player, club director and certified director, along with his organization of 12 sectional tournaments in Nacogdoches further highlight his dedication to the bridge community.
Jack’s involvement and achievements span decades, reflecting a deep passion for the game and its community. He will be missed in many ways by all of us.
Joan Mayfield Hataway 1930 | 2024
By Florence Ferguson
Joan Mayfield Hataway was a Gold Life Master and a well respected and loved member of our Bridge Studio family in Beaumont. In addition to her love of duplicate bridge, she was also devoted to historic preservation. Joan served as president and chair of the board of the Texas Historical Foundation and chair of the Jefferson County Historical Commission. She also served as president of the Tyrrell Historical Library Commission, the Texas Gulf Historical Society, the Beaumont Heritage Society and served on the board of the Jefferson Theatre during its restoration.
She will be missed by us all.
Sabine Neches
Local Sectional
September 26-28, 2024
Local Director Ed Rasmussen
Tournament Location
Beaumont Bridge Studio
950 North Street, Beaumont, TX 77701
Host Hotels
MCM Eleganté Hotel and Convention Center
2355 I10S, Beaumont 77705 409-842-3600
**Ask for Beaumont Bridge Tournament** Free WiFi and Parking (8 minutes from BBS)
Fairfield Inn and Suites
2265 I10S, Beaumont 77705 409-840-5751
**Ask for Beaumont Bridge Tournament** Free WiFi, Breakfast, Parking (8 minutes from BBS)
Entry Fees
Sessions: $12 per person per session Note: $16 per session for unpaid ACBL member
Stratification and Awards
Open: A (2000+) B (750-2000) C (0-750)
499er: A (300-500) B (100-300) C (0-100)
**This is a Zero-Tolerance & No-Fragrance Tournament. **
Schedule of Events
Thursday, September 26th
Stratified Open Pairs (Single sessions) 9:30a & 1:30p
Stratified 499er Pairs (Single sessions) 9:30a & 1:30p
Friday, September 27th
Stratified Open Pairs (Single sessions) 9:30a & 1:30p
Stratified 499er Pairs (Single sessions) 9:30a & 1:30p
Saturday, September 27th
Stratified Open Pairs (Single sessions) 9:30a & 1:30p
Stratified 499er Pairs (Single sessions) 9:30a & 1:30p
Tournament Chairs
Paulette Schiwart 409-363-2259
Earl Pittman 409-291-3078
Partnership Chair
Lucille Armintor 409-893-1404
Join Us for a great time Playing Bridge in Southeast Texas !
As always, entry fee includes coffee, snacks and lunch !
Thursday AM - A
James La Fountain, Pat McMullin
♥ Awesome August Sectional Winners ♦ Unit 174
Thursday, August 8 - Saturday, August 10 - Open Pairs
Thursday PM - A
Susan Kaplan, Alfred Fortier III
Friday AM - A
Susan Kaplan, Alfred Fortier III
Saturday PM - A
Mark Howard, Clif Rice
Thursday, August 8 - Saturday, August 10 - 0-299 Pairs
Thursday AM - D
Lesley Kellet, Marci Keller
Thursday AM - F
Sally Ward, Kelly Harp
Saturday PM - D
Greta Etnyre, Bradley Etnyre
Saturday PM - C Fali Tamboly, Gunjan Singh
Thursday, August 8 - Sunday, August 11 -Bracketed Swiss Teams Games
Thursday - Bracket 2
Carol Lombardino, John Montgomery, Teresa Bolen, Zane Bolen
Saturday - Bracket 2
Joe Siqueira, Carol Jewett, Iris Siqueira, Daksha Adhia
Friday-Bracket 1
Timucin Erkoc, Shawn Quinn, Eddie Bass, Joe Quinn
Saturday - Bracket 3
Chloe Ella Fackenthall, Lesley Kellet, Thomas O'Donnell, Dennis Sucec
Friday -Bracket 2
Dianne Kraft, Mike Davis, David Wicks, Terry McGarrity (np)
Sunday - Bracket 1
Pat McMullin, James La Fountain, Susan Kaplan, Alfred Fortier III
Saturday - Bracket 1
Ralda St Pierre, John Erickson, John Zilic, Thomas Rush
Sunday - Bracket 2
Carol Wilson, Janice Sandberg, Sheryl Thomas, Eric Sandberg
Playing Site
New Braunfels Civic Center 380 Seguin Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130
Thursday, September 5, 2024 – Cost $14 / person / session
10:00 am Stratified Pairs
3:00 pm Stratified Teams
10:00 am & 3:00 pm 499er Stratified Pairs
Friday, September 6, 2024 – Cost $14 / person / session
10:00 am & 3:00 pm Stratified Pairs
10:00 am & 3:00 pm 499er Stratified Pairs
Saturday, September 7, 2024 – Cost $14 / person / session
10:00 am & 3:00 pm Stratified Pairs
10:00 am & 3:00 pm 499er Stratified Pairs
Sunday, September 8, 2024 – Cost $144 per team
10:00 & TBA Nell Morgan Stratified Swiss Teams Meal served between Sunday’s session
Tournament Chair: Ann Kuehler (830) 708-0001
499er Game (3 Table Minimum) Thursday-Saturday
$99 / Night
Comfort Suites, 1489 N IH 35 (830) 643-1100 Deadline Sept. 1
Thursday, Friday & Saturday are Single Sessions
Door Prizes
$7 Discount for Students
$4 additional per session for unpaid/lapsed ACBL members
Non-members: must sign up for a FREE 120-Day Guest Membership go to
Stratifications: A: 2500+ B: 0-2500 C: 0-750 All Events Average MP’s Strats changes at the discretion of the DIC Director: Kevin Perkins
Cashless Entry Only
Tournament Co Chair: Cindy Cummins (214) 695-2126
Guest Speaker on Saturday at 2:30 pm
Partnership Chair: Rita De Hoyos (830) 660-8370
Hospitality Chair: Elisabeth Kay (210) 482-9340
San Antonio TEXAS
Nearby Hotel
Playing Site
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Cost $14 per person per session
10:00 am Stratified Pairs
3:00 pm Stratified Teams
10:00 am & 3:00 pm 499er Stratified Pairs
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Cost $14 per person per session
10:00 am & 3:00 pm Stratified Pairs
10:00 am & 3:00 pm 499er Stratified Pairs
1 block away: Fairfield Inn & Suites-North/Stone Oak On exit ramp of N Loop 1604 E 80 Trailcrest St *** (210) 491-9595
St. Thomas Episcopal Church 1416 North Loop 1604 East San Antonio, TX
Friday, October 18, 2024
Cost $14 per person per session
10:00 am & 3:00 pm Stratified Pairs 10:00 am & 3:00 pm 499er Stratified Pairs
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Cost $144 per team
10:00 am & TBA Stratified Swiss Teams Includes Meal served between session
499er Game (3 Table Minimum)
Stratifications: A: 2500+ B: 0-2500 C: 0-750 All Events Average MP’s Strats may be changed at the discretion of the DIC
$7 Discount for Students
Cashless Entry Only
$4 additional per session for unpaid/lapsed ACBL members Non-members: must sign up for a FREE 120-Day Guest Membership-go to
Guest Speaker on Friday 2:30 pm
Tournament Chair: Karen Fillis (210) 884-5613 & Susan Hernandez (210) 710-8240
Partnership Chair: Jo Neesvig (210) 508-1448
Director in Charge: Melody Euler
Thursday October 31, 2024
9:30 AM Stratified Open Pairs
1:30 PM Stratified Open Pairs
Friday November 1, 2024
9:30 AM Stratified Open Pairs
1:30 PM Stratified Open Pairs
Saturday November 2, 2024
9:30 AM Stratified Open Pairs
$12/Person/Session Cash or check only. Lunch offered $6/day.
1:30 PM Stratified Open Pairs Open Stratifications Flight A Open Flight B 300-1500 Flight C 0-300
Tournament Chair
Ken Javor
Partnership Co Chair Lynda Bradley Virginia Boudreau
Pre-register by sending an email to dentonbridgestudio
at Denton Bridge Studio. The director reserves the right to change the stratifications, if needed for equity.
Austin Firecracker Regional Winners ♦
Unit 207
Tuesday, July 2 - Friday, July 5 - Open Pairs
Tuesday - X
Mark Craig, Brett Leach
Tuesday - Y Sue Breeding, Pravina Jani
Thursday - A
Rosemary Kelley, Jeff McKee
Tuesday, July 2 - Friday, July 5 - Gold Rush Pairs
Tuesday - B&C
Tuesday - Bracket 2
Joe Volanski, Ted Bain, Kas Rangan, Steve Bell
Thursday -
Friday - A Hal George, Ron LaCour
Friday - B
Monsday, July 1 - Sunday, July 7 - Swiss Teams
Monday - Bracket 3
Paula Towner, Penny Dougherty, Jeanie Stone, Laura Chandler
Tuesday - Bracket 3
Cindy Cummins, Ann Kuehler, Elisabeth Kay, Hazel Medellin
Wednesday - Bracket 2
Tuesday - Bracket 4
Mike Atchison, Tom Banet, Dian Atchison, Jo McDaniel
Wednesday - Bracket 4
Monday - Bracket 4
Mike Atchison, Tom Banet, Dian Atchison, Jo McDaniel
Tuesday - Bracket 5
Wilson Haddow, Sheldon Markowitz, Mike Edwards, Michael Schwimmer
Wednesday - Bracket 5
Thursday - Bracket 3
Brigitte Sandifer, Sarah Springer, Paddy Florino, Linda McReynolds
Friday - Bracket 2(Tie)
Kathy Rolfe, Sandy Stevens, Ray Franks, Sarah Sentman
Saturday - Bracket 1
Sally Wheeler, Budd Hanby, Ellen Hessel, Ira Hessel
Thursday - Bracket 4
Virginia Miller, John Olson, Jim Wallace(np), Mike Edwards(np)
Friday - Bracket 4
Sharon Dameron, Karen Dameron, Mary McCarron, David McCarron(np)
Saturday - Bracket 2
Tiger King, M. K. Yeh, Donna Garrard, William Garrard
Sunday - A/X/Y A
Phillip Grothus, Linda Drake, Jimmy Breihan, Judi Whaling
Thursday - Bracket 5
Bob Mendel, Tonya mcNabb, Tom Brown, Kathy McCougell
Friday - Bracket 5
Lauri Laufman, Johara Nour, Jim Woodward, Betty Westbrook
Saturday - Bracket 3
Rosalee Hacker, Karen Jennings, Jan Mogged, Chuck Mogged
Sunday - A/X/Y X&Y
Bill McIndoo, Tom Banet, Rita Wiegenstein, Jo McDaniel
Friday - Bracket 6
Mike Atchison, Dian Atchison, Pam Beck, Virginia Miller
Saturday - Bracket 4
Judy Whaling, Ed Cosman, Jackie King, Marcia Chambliss
Sunday - Bracket 2
Nora Fallon, Mark Alpert, Chris Steele, Judy Alpert