Digital advertising – enriching experiences with progressive web apps

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Digital Advertising – Enriching Experiences with Progressive Web Apps The digital space is filled with brands and businesses attempting to deliver a rich brand experience to its consumers. In such age where everything is available instantaneously, that oomph factor gets missed out. To combat such disadvantage, mobile apps is what comes in handy. Mobile apps make it possible for brand to push its rich, personalised content directly onto the consumer’s smartphone. But the evolving technology never ceases to amaze. At present, the war is underway for the type of mobile apps: native apps and progressive web apps. Native apps are the ones developed for a specific operating system. Perfect examples of company’s central native app includes Facebook or Instagram. But a new trend is slowly emerging which is directly in competition against native apps. They are known as Progressive Web Apps (PWA). Technically, PWA is not an app in the true sense but rather a modified version of website that fits the display size of smartphone or tablet. One of the salient features of the PWA is it uses less data than the regular mobile app. This is particularly important for markets that suffer from poor internet connectivity. The PWAs have taken over the world for creating more seamless mobile experience for the consumers.

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