Advertising and holidays

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Advertising and Holidays The spirit of holidays is always exciting. Be it for the consumers or businesses, people love to spend more on holiday season than any other time. Consumers are not the only one who are in the generous festive spirit, businesses & brands also spend more to attract and engage the consumers. The prospect of exploring new avenues is very high and the seasonal spirit can work wonders for a brand significantly. Advertising on a holiday season is very essential for a brand to grow. Its not just about the revenue stream but also about promoting the company in general. But ad spendings during holidays is not that easy as it seems. Since each brand is vying to attract the eyes of consumers, standing out is a very daunting task. For a brand, anticipating a consumer buying behaviour with a strategic mind-blowing campaign and executing it with a planned approach can help deliver a tremendous growth. Its not just the holidays that have a notable spike in the shopping spree. Even the pre-holiday months are crucial for the business. The general pre-buzz surrounding the brands play a vital role in a brand’s operations. This is the time when brands can hit the sweet spot by executing unique advertisements about their products and help maximise their outcome. In retrospect, anticipating consumers needs and resonating with them, all the while driving the consumer sales online and offline is what defines a successful business.

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