Prague Leaders Magazine 01/2015

Page 29


It is not easy

TO BE A LEADER! Daniel Goleman, guru of emotional intelligence, wrote an interesting study which analyzes one of the most important aspects of leadership - the ability to concentrate, focus, and achieve objectives. If a leader can do that, he can effectively direct the attention of a team or company to achieve common goals. Concentration can be thought of as the ability to filter out and rid yourself of unwanted interference, not only sharpening your mental focus, but also physically altering the perception and behavior of others.

Concentration is a sort of “mental muscle” which we can train. And we often don’t recognize our own lack of it. We may listen to someone speak, but we don’t actually hear what they are saying. We focus more on our mobile phones than on people with whom we interact, as though on some sort of social autopilot. Mental concentration means being aware of what is happening within your body: the rhythm of your breath, of your heart, and your thoughts. Meditation is a great exercise for anyone wanting to achieve this art of self-control, the art of focusing attention in a particular direction, and maintaining that focus. As described in The Trias proposed by Goleman, concentration consists of: y cognitive empathy - the ability to understand how others think y emotional empathy - the ability to feel what your counterpart feels y interest - the ability to recognize what others require from you


Cognitive empathy allows us to interpret our own thoughts, so they can be understandably expressed to others. Emotional empathy allows us to identify with others, so that we can affectively mentor co-workwers, or understand customers. Interest allows us recognize the goals of others, and is necessary in strategies and creating “winwin” situations. These skills will help you avoid slipping into defensive positions, in which you may lose any leadership advantage, as well as lose valuable mental and physical energy. We can learn emotional empathy and we can manage it. One just needs to regulate the perception of harmful thoughts. If we are able to calm ourselves down in stressful situations, and prevent our own emotional outbursts, we can influence others with our calm, collected demeanor. Controlling others is related to social intelligence. It starts by improving yourself, by developing good manners. “What you yourself hate, do that to no one.” Respect others’ personal space. Try not to monopolize conversations; let others speak and express their opposing views.

Outward concentration refers to perceiving the world and all of its possibilities. You must accept that different people have different views, which may not agree with your own. This kind of acceptance leads to an open-minded approach, which then leads to searches, innovations, and discoveries. And yet we must also be careful about the amount of information

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that we take in. As the well-known economist Herbert Simon said: „In an information-rich world, the wealth of information means a dearth of attention.“ In conclusion, a brilliant leader is not one who focuses on the three biggest priorities of the year. Nor are they the best thinker, nor the one who perfectly controls corporate culture. It is the person who brilliantly manages internal concentration, focus on others, perceives the external world, and practices cognitive empathy, emotional empathy and interest. Extract from a new book “Máte na víc” published by Albatros Media By Ivan Pilný Member of the Parliament, ANO party President of Tuesday Business Network české znění naleznete na našich stránkách

Leaders Magazine I/2015 29

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