Cyprus Mail newspaper 2013 February 8

Page 53

CYPRUS MAIL Friday, February 8, 2013








6 7






HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved, you solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic. With the ‘X’ sudoku, the shaded X must also contain the numbers 1-9.

13 14


16 17





22 23






1 Simple catch for her (5) 2 Australian cricketer has the edge (6) 3 £1 only (4) 4 Herbal tea is neat when brewed (6) 5 Thin sheets for wrapping can frustrate (7) 6 Twelve exercises done every morning (5,5) 9 Below which it is unsafe reeling and twisting (6-4) 11 More modern one we’re including (5) 12 Spring edition (5) 15 The definite item (7) 17 Back down? On the contrary raise one’s back (4,2) 18 Farm worker at the helm (6) 21 Fast-moving ships (5) 22 Came out top (4)

Rating EASY

1 In the discussion, one learner with sexappeal will weaken (10) 7 Spilt oil near wingflap (7) 8 Daisy no doubt included the council (5) 10 Amateur singers? (6) 12 It is natural for fluttering robin to go north (6) 13 Some more useful things to recycle (5) 14 Play without a drink (4) 16 Most of the 21 down escape (4) 17 Repel the wild brute (5) 19 Instrument from the Ritz he played (6) 20 Tour de Paris? (6) 23 Resort before midafternoon is more pleasant (5) 24 Paddy’s girl (7) 25 Mystery of the sea? (4,6)

Rating HARD






Answers to crossword 2305


CRYPTIC: Across – 1 Abraded; 7 Rhythm; 8 Rebecca; 10 Harem; 11 Relished; 13 Oar; 14 Sand; 15 Suit; 16 Phi; 18 Confront; 20 Needy; 22 Cardiac; 23 Sconce; 24 Donegal. Down – 1 Airdropping; 2 Rebel; 3 & 4 Ducks and drakes; 5 Myth; 6 Cheroot; 9 Impractical; 12 & 14 Suffer in silence; 17 Forced; 19 Owing; 21 Yank.

QUICK: Across – 1 Warbler; 7 Exhale; 8 Travail; 10 Meter; 11 Dominate; 13 Nun; 14 Zany; 15 Fret; 16 Woe; 18 Perverse; 20 Nylon; 22 Auditor; 23 Pulpit; 24 Ordered. Down – 1 Withdrawing; 2 Realm; 3 Learning; 4 Relate; 5 Chum; 6 Blatant; 9 Transferred; 12 Provided; 14 Zealous; 17 Legato; 19 Rotor; 21 Nape.

ARIES March 21 - April 20

LEO July 23 - August 22

SAGITTARIUS November 23 - December 21

Mercury begins to move away from Neptune, but now joins Mars. You may find that it is harder than usual to keep a lid on your emotions. Things you normally shrug off can affect your mood. You might find yourself blurting something out that actually is a bit random. Fortunately, a more forgiving Venus/Jupiter link can help to soften the day’s vibe.

Sometimes making snap decisions can pay off really well. And after a confusing couple of days, you may be in the mood to take decisive action, especially around a shared financial matter, property or buying a big ticket item. However, you’d be much better advised to bide your time, however exasperated you feel. A friend can be really protective.

Today can turn out to be very pleasant, or you can find yourself feeling quite grumpy. Why the contradiction? Well it’s because two very contrasting planetary angles or energies are competing with one another. What you can do, is determine that you will not take anything personally today, even if it seems someone means it that way. Rise above life’s fray.

TAURUS April 21 - May 21

VIRGO August 23 - September 23

CAPRICORN December 22 - January 20

You might find yourself being more direct and to the point today, and especially about your goals. If you hang out in a group of friends, here too you can find yourself more inclined to say it how it is, even if it does create a few waves. Any impatience you’re feeling with elements of life can seem more pronounced. Yet, a business link can prosper.

A nice tie up between Venus and Jupiter may see you attract good possibilities work wise through a friend or a social connection. However, you do need to be aware of the Mercury/Mars conjunction. This could make you more demanding, and more demanding of attention from those closest to you. Try not to put them off by being a diva.

Your mind can be nimble, and you can succinctly say what you need to. The downside is that someone may perceive you as being sharp, a bit acerbic or impatient, even if this is not how you mean to be. If you can, think carefully before giving an opinion about anything important. Slowing down like this can give you room to deal with situations better.

GEMINI May 22 - June 21

LIBRA September 24 - October 23

AQUARIUS January 21 - February 19

A fantastic link between Jupiter in your sign and Venus in Aquarius, could lead to some really super developments socially, perhaps even romantically. Work can be more challenging however. A boss can be blunt, make sudden demands, or seem more pushy than usual. If your own professional situation is up in the air, here too you can come under pressure.

There is a real paradox in the heavens today. Your ruler Venus in its link with Jupiter urges you to chill out, have fun and spend time kicking back. Mercury and Mars however ask you to do anything but. To clear up essential tasks, to be organised and to look after the details. It may be best to attend to necessities first, then have fun.

If you encounter an organisation that offers poor service, or you feel you buy something that turns out not to be value for money, you are unlikely to be impressed. Perhaps usually you might not worry about stuff like this, but today you can be more assertive. However, a delicious Venus/Jupiter link could see your popularity reach a new bright high.

CANCER June 22 - July 22

SCORPIO October 24 - November 22

PISCES February 20 - March 20

However much we like to be a free spirit, life’s constraints don’t always allow it. However, today you can find yourself feeling especially restless. Petty rules and red tape could irritate you. You’ll find yourself much more inclined towards philosophy, history and debating things you feel passionate about. But being hemmed in could be frustrating.

If you have things you want to do, you probably won’t appreciate being delayed or blocked. This is a day when you need to express yourself, and now. If anyone stops you from doing so, you mightn’t like it. You are in a hurry, and if you can harness this energy correctly, there is a fantastic amount you can get done. Yet others might not be so enamoured.

You might find yourself feeling more highly strung today. Sitting still may prove to be harder, as you can have more nervous and physical energy all bound together, and finding something satisfactory to use this upon, is going to be the challenge. Yet if you are very focused in what you want to get done, very little will stop you getting there.

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