CWU Observer Winter 2020 - Issue 3

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Newly constructed Pilot Flying J brings Cinnabon and more to Ellensburg Scene, Page 10

Stop ignoring climate change: It’s time to start taxing meat

Vol. 115 NO. 3 | Jan. 30 - Feb. 4, 2020

Opinion, Page 12

DIVERSITY ON DISPLAY Parade of Nations showcases variety of cultures on campus News, Page 8 | @CWUObserver

ASCWU holds public meeting to discuss issues Cassandra Hays Editor-in-Chief

Recently, several issues impacting CWU students have come to light, including CWU’s decision not to renew APOYO’s lease. During ASCWU’s public meeting on Jan. 27, student government addressed these issues and gave students and community members the opportunity to voice their concerns through public comment. Parking concerns, relocating the Wellness Center and sustainability funding were also discussed during the meeting.


CWU has recently made the decision not to renew its lease with APOYO, a non-profit food and clothing bank that serves students and the spanish-speaking community in the area. In response to this decision, students and faculty gathered in support of APOYO outside of their building on Saturday, Jan. 25. Student government called upon those who are impacted by APOYO to email about why the organization should be retained. They also said students should continue to utilize APOYO’s services until June to show support and build up the community. The resolution demanded that a new and adequate space be provided for APOYO by the end of June. It also stated the building should be maintained

Softball team to travel to Vegas

weekly in order to slow down the depreciation process and placed responsibility on the CWU administration for fixing this issue. One community member expressed that because CWU is a public institution, they should serve their community without the expectation of receiving something in return. “I think Central has an obligation to support the community in which Central is located and APOYO serves a very vital purpose in this communiMariah Valles/The Observer ty,” one community CWU’s decision to end their lease with APOYO was one of several issues dicussed at the public meeting held on Jan. 27. Some of member said. those in attendance made signs in support of the organization. She went on to say that APOYO not their support for APOYO and discussed Jessica Hernandez, vice president of only provides food, clothing and neces- the university’s decision to end the lease. equity and community affairs, stepped sary items to students, but also volunteer “There’s no shortage of food in this down from the podium in order to make opportunities. country, we all know that,” Garrison said. her comment “as a student.” She reflectPatricia Garrison, secretary and trea- “But you know what there is a shortage ed on the impact APOYO has made in surer of APOYO, is one of the found- of? Kindness. Compassion. Empathy. the community despite being in an inading members of the organization along And that’s what I see lacking here.” equate facility. with her husband, Philip Garrison. She Garrison said she hopes the CWU adthanked the students and community for ministration will reconsider their decision. News, Page 5

Muslim Student Association brings students together Harleen Kaur Staff Reporter

Phoebe Lai Staff Reporter

The CWU Softball team is starting their season with a tournament in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Montana State University Billings (MSUB) Desert Stinger tournament will give the team a chance to get some experience before the conference season starts. The tournament will run from Jan. 31 to Feb. 2. When it comes to preparing for the tournament, head coach Alison Mitchell feels confident in her team. “We have been working really hard, covering a lot of the game and just trying to get some new procedures and plays, so it’s been a lot thrown out on the team,” Mitchell said. “However, they did a really good job responding to it.” Sports, Page 14

Paneal Holland/The Observer

The Muslim Student Association, a new club on campus, brings Muslim students and allies together to create a sense of community.

It was the second club meeting in a small conference room at 2 p.m on a Tuesday, and only eight students were in the room. Within the next ten minutes, the room was packed with over 30 students. Students were leaning against the walls and sitting on the floor just to be part of this new club. CWU is home to over 130 different clubs. This month, a new club began in the halls of Farrell Hall. The Muslim Student Association is a club dedicated to students of the Muslim religion and allies. According to ScholarWorks, college is a place where students are trying to learn about themselves and their identities. Being away from home for the first time can be challenging. It can be hard to find a group of people that students can relate to and become friends with right off the bat. Scene, Page 7

News 2 January 30, 2020

Editor: Nicholas Tucker

Remembering Kobe Bryant Austin Lane Sports Editor

Ever since the Seattle SuperSonics left Seattle after the 2007-08 season, I haven’t been a huge fan of the NBA. As a sports fan who enjoys other sports like the NFL and MLB, the NBA has never given me a real reason to watch. My local team was basically ripped away from the city I grew up near. Outside of the occasional regular season game that has tons of headlines or the NBA Finals, I have little to no interest. The death of Kobe Bryant impacted me, despite all the reasons I don’t watch too much basketball. Kobe was someone who was important beyond the game of basketball or the NBA. Kobe was a leader who inspired multiple generations of not just basketball athletes, but all athletes. My generation, along with other generations, grew up shouting ‘Kobe!’ when we throw something in the trash. The deaths of Kobe Bryant, Gianna Bryant, John Altobelli, Keri Altobelli, Alyssa Altobelli, Christina Mauser, Ara Zobayan, Sarah Chester and Payton Chester will be remembered forever. In my opinion, it is the most impactful death in sports history. Kobe will leave behind an important legacy in Los Angeles, the United States and the world. The legacy of hard work, dedication and forgiveness. The courage to adapt and be strong. The wisdom of the game. The Mamba Mentality.

The Observer Staff Editor-in-Chief: Cassandra Hays Managing Editor: Mariah Valles News Editor: Nicholas Tucker Scene Editor: Amy Morris Sports Editor: Austin Lane Photo Editor: Téa Green Online & Opinion Editor: Nick Jahnke Graphic Designers: Aiden Knabel & Teagan Kimbro

Editorial Policy: The Observer is a public forum for student expression, in which student editors make policy and content decisions. The mission of The Observer is two-fold: to serve Central Washington University as a newspaper and to provide training for students who are seeking a career in journalism. The Observer seeks to provide complete, accurate, dependable information to the campus and community; to provide a public forum for the free debate of issues, ideas and problems facing the community at large; and to be the best source of information, education and entertainment news. As a training program, The Observer is the practical application of the theories and principles of journalism. It teaches students to analyze and communicate information that is vital to the decision making of the community at large. It provides a forum for students to learn the ethics, values and skills needed to succeed in their chosen career. If you have questions or concerns, email us at

Staff Reporters Della Babcock Taylor Clark Abigail Duchow Jake Freeman Harleen Kaur Photographers Riel Hanson Paneal Holland

Nikolai Kostka Phoebe Lai Tamara Sevao Bailey Tomlinson Copy Desk

Aeryn Kauffman

Faculty Adviser: Cynthia Mitchell Email: Advertising: Cait Dalton Email: Central Washington University 400 East University Way Lind Hall 109 Ellensburg, WA 98926

News January 30, 2020

Editor: Nicholas Tucker


‘Arts building’ controversy Abigail Duchow Staff Reporter

A survey on CWU Ideas has sparked controversy among students and professors. The survey, created by a choral music education student named Andrew Gompf, pitches for a new arts complex. The survey says the building would be beneficial for students of every arts program, including theatre, art and design, and music. However, the survey option was deemed by some students as misleading and not beneficial for the visual arts. The pitch for the new arts complex states the new art building would include additional performance space, rehearsal space, practice rooms, classrooms and offices. The survey creator mentioned with Hertz Hall being demolished for the new health sciences building, a new arts building would not only benefit music students, but all art students. The title of the survey option, “Arts Complex,” led some to believe the new building would accommodate the needs of the visual arts programs. The programs include art, studio art and graphic design. While the comments on the option consisted of many music students in favor of the building, there were a few visual arts students who were not so thrilled. One of those students is Sloane Miller, a student studying graphic design. Graphic design classes are held in Randall Hall, the current art building. “A majority of art students have many complaints about our current building, and all we talk about is when we’re ever getting a new building,” Miller said. Kathleen Anderson, a graphic design student, left a comment on the survey voicing her concerns. She said the way the survey is written makes it seem like a new building will benefit all students in the arts, but it would not benefit those in visual arts. “As an art student, I urge my fellow art students to go vote for the Randall-Michaelsen Hall Renovations

Graphic by Teagan Kimbro

project,” Anderson wrote. “As this one will not benefit the visual arts whatsoever and will deplete us of our already scarce resources, given our building has had approximately zero updates since it was built in 1969.” CWU approved a 10-year construction and maintenance plan in 2016 that includes Randall-Michaelsen renovations. The renovations listed include putting in new heating and ventilation systems and making changes to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The plan for Randall-Michaelsen is budgeted at $7.9 million. Art and design students are advocating for those who care about the visual arts programs to vote for the Randall-Michaelsen renovation survey on CWU Ideas. Comments on the survey express their concern about the conditions of Randall-Michaelsen. One comment left by Gregg Schlanger states the Randall-Michaelsen survey option is the only one that will benefit art and design students. Desirae Knight, an art student, left a comment on the Randall-Michaelsen

option explaining why she thinks Randall Hall could use some renovations. Knight said one of the biggest issues with Randall is the heating and cooling systems. “I’m probably not the only one who has been bundled up in heavy winter coats and sweaters in one class, then go to another room and find that it’s nearly a sauna,” Knight wrote. “In the summer, it gets ridiculously hot in the studios, with no real way to cool down or get good airflow through the building. Some studios get very humid, and others are ridiculously dry.” Knight also described how the building collects dust and doesn’t have proper ventilation for the amount of clay and plaster the art students use. She described the lack of air circulation and ventilation as being hazardous. She said the students try their best to keep the dust down by keeping areas clean, but it just isn’t enough. Knight also had many other suggestions for renovations in Randall. She said there are broken seats in lecture halls that need replaced and the lec-

All we talk about is when we’re ever getting a new building.

Kathleen Anderson, student

ture halls themselves are too small for class demand. She also explains that art students would benefit from handsfree faucets and soap dispensers. She describes how the walls that display student artwork do not have very good lighting, and could use more space. “In general, the space for hanging student work outside of the galleries could use better lighting, and better walls for hanging work, which would promote more displays of student work, and show off what the department is accomplishing,” Knight wrote. While the “Arts Complex” option says a new building will benefit those in all arts programs, people are concerned it will only benefit those in music. The survey mostly talks about students in the music program, so art and design students have turned to asking for Randall-Michaelsen to be renovated instead of relying on the new building for the accommodations they need. As time goes on, it will be revealed whether a new building will really benefit art and design students or if they will only be helped through renovations.

News 4 January 30, 2020

Editor: Nicholas Tucker

The push for a green ‘burg Bailey Tomlinson Staff Reporter

Ellensburg resident Paula McMinn, representing the environment and 459 people who signed a petition, proposed changes in front of the Ellensburg City Council that would put Ellensburg on track to “go green” by 2035. Several changes were suggested to the city council as part of a comprehensive plan. Some of the suggestions made were to alter building code to incentivise the inclusion of solar power when building and the formation of a climate change committee to manage these affairs. Particular emphasis was placed on building a solar-powered electric vehi-

We must not be shackled to energy sources of the past if there is to be a future. Paula McMinn, Community Member

cle charging station near the Safeway and the benefits it would provide. “It is a good time and place for both the county and the city to show foresight and strength,” McMinn said. “We must not be shackled to energy sources of the past if there is to be a future.” One of the long-term benefits of the

proposed charging station, which would be larger than conventional single-car stations, is the ability to power public transit vehicles. Ellensburg’s public transit systems could switch to electric busses, according to the presentation. When not in use, the system would contribute to the city’s power grid. Another reason listed to encourage these changes to take place in Ellensburg is because some forms of power generation and transportation are more susceptible to failure in the face of climate change. “It stands to reason that community resilience will be highly challenged by climate change,” McMinn said. The proposed changes would also support a secondary goal of increasing the community’s resilience to industry failure prior to it occurring by diversifying the city’s renewable energy sources. The presentation highlighted examples of damaging industry failure, such as hydroelectric dams failing in times of drought and gas pipelines bursting, causing harm to the communities around them. The proposed changes would not only seek to reduce Ellensburg’s contribution to a changing climate, but also increase its ability to withstand it. Clean power has a presence in Ellensburg already, with the city getting a majority of its power from hydroelectric systems according to the city council’s website. It’s also adjacent to Puget Sound Energy (PSE)’s Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility, which operates 149 wind turbines and 2,723 solar panels.

The wind turbines alone generate enough electricity to serve around 60,000 households, leading to some cases where “PSE sells any [of] the excess green-energy generated by our wind facilities to other entities across the nation,” according to their website. The U.S. Census Bureau reported the city of Ellensburg having 7,812 households as of 2018. Voices calling for change are not only found in city hall. Student groups on campus are also working to create environment-friendly change in Ellensburg. “I would like to see composting, that’s one of the bigger things I think, because there’s a lot of agricultural work here,” President of the CWU Environmental Club Erica MacKenzie said. “There’s a lot of yard waste and food scraps, and that accounts for a huge amount of what people throw out every day.” MacKenzie also said she would support public transit switching to electric, but conditionally. “Mostly because of where we are in the U.S., because all of our electricity for the most part comes from hydropower. If we were somewhere else, and

our electricity was coming from coal burning, it really wouldn’t matter if you were switching to an electrical vehicle.” The city council was not able to approve or deny changes during the meeting. However, following the presentation Ellensburg Mayor Bruce Tabb affirmed that conversations about energy efficiency have been happening and that the content was relevant at this point in time.

Graphic by Teagan Kimbro

ASCWU proposes constitution changes Cassandra Hays Editor-in-Chief

ASCWU is proposing changes to their constitution and bylaws. This is in order to increase student involvement with ASCWU, update their structure to align with peer institutions in the state and give the student body a larger voice. ASCWU is hopeful the changes to the constitution will be implemented before the 2020 campaign season at the end of winter quarter. According to Vice President for Student Life and Facilities Mickael Candelaria, ASCWU has operated under a board of directors model for almost 20 years. The changes proposed to the constitution would introduce a bicameral student model based on the system used by Western Washington University. Under the proposed constitution, there would be two main governing bodies: an executive board and a student senate. The executive board would be made up of six elected members: president, vice president, director for governmental affairs, director for student life and facilities, director for diversity and multicultural affairs, and the speaker of the senate. The speaker of the senate would replace the current position of vice president for academic affairs. According to Candelaria, there was some confusion from students over the title of “vice president” used in the current system, since there was no president elected to these specific areas for a vice president to fall un-

Photo by Nicholas Tucker/The Observer

VP for Student Life and Facilities Mickael Candelaria discusses the possibility of a sustainability senator.

der. This is one of the reasons for the change in title from “vice president for” to “director of.” The student senate would consist of a senate speaker, who would also hold the position of chair of the student senate, as well as a senate vice speaker and 21 student senators from various areas on campus. Elected student senators will include two senators each from the College of Business, College of Arts and Humanities, College of the Sciences and the College of Education and Professional Studies. Two senators will represent undergraduate transfer students, one from the graduate school

and five senators at large. There will also be one appointed senator each for disability services, international studies and the veterans center. Two senators will represent the Equity Services Council (ESC), but the electoral process would look different for them. According to a draft of the proposed constitution, each organization would have the opportunity to nominate a single member from ESC at large to represent them as a senator. The nominations will be voted on by ESC representatives, casting two votes on behalf of their respective organizations and parties.

The senate will perform checks and balances on the executive board, with the ability to override any decision made by the executive board with a two-thirds majority vote. Students had the opportunity to give their feedback on the changes at a public forum on Jan. 24. One graduate student expressed that he found it a “detriment” to not include the athletics department in the student senate structure, and recommended that senator positions be added for athletics. Several students also pointed out the importance of having a dedicated director of sustainability. Candelaria agreed that students could benefit from having an officer dedicated to sustainability on campus. Dean of Student Success Gregg Heinselman asked members of ASCWU why each college would have two elected senators, instead of electing a number of senators that reflect the population of each respective college. Candelaria said the student senate was modeled after the U.S. Senate with two representatives from each area. According to Candelaria, this is to ensure that each area has the same amount of voice. ASCWU emphasized the changes proposed at the forum are still in the “rough draft” stage. They hope to solidify the changes to the constitution before spring break, which is when campaign season starts for 2020-21 ASCWU candidates.

News January 30, 2020

Editor: Nicholas Tucker


ASCWU addresses APOYO and more Continued from Page 1

“APOYO has helped me, and other students as well, build a sense of community,” Hernandez said. Hernandez recalled meeting a local mother who had just moved to Ellensburg and didn’t speak English very well. “The first thing I told her to do was to go to APOYO,” Hernandez said. “That’s one of the many resources that Ellensburg can provide to marginalized groups and it would be a shame if it does go away.” Parking ASCWU presented both a draft for a resolution on parking issues and a letter addressed to CWU’s Vice President of Operations Andreas Bohman. The letter showed support for a new parking lot to be constructed using funds generated from parking passes. The new lot would be located along East University Way. According to ASCWU, a new parking lot is necessary to reflect the yearly increase in enrollment. “As our campus community and enrollment has continued to grow, we have not seen an increase in available parking space,” the letter said. “This new parking lot will allow more students, staff, and faculty to access campus.” ASCWU President Jasmin Washington explained to students parking is a self-sustaining system, with parking pass fees going towards repair and upkeep of the current lots. A draft of a resolution on parking issues, presented by ASCWU Vice President for Student Life and Facilities Mickael Candelaria, stated that CWU should stop selling more parking passes than there are

spots on campus. CWU’s 2019-29 Capital Master Plan states in 2018 there were 4,456 parking stalls on campus, but approximately 5,546 parking passes were sold in the 2017-18 academic year. The resolution stated people with a physical handicap or impairment should not be required to pay for parking in a parking stall dedicated to those with ADA needs. It also stated CWU Grounds and Maintenance need to better maintain the free lot (X-22) to ensure students’ safety. The final item in the resolution stated that CWU Chief of Police and CWU VP of Operations should work on solving these issues regarding parking. Wellness Center A draft of a resolution regarding the location of the Wellness Center was presented by Washington. According to the resolution, the Wellness Center asked to be placed inside the new health education building because of the intersectionality between their missions, goals and objectives, but they were denied the “only space available to serve CWU student appropriately.” The resolution states in order for the university to continue to build on their success as outlined in President James L. Gaudino’s five-year plan, students need resources to support their overall wellbeing and wellness. Washington noted that the walls inside the Wellness Center are thin enough to hear conversation through, which can make students feel uncomfortable when sharing personal information. “Students have no confidential space to discuss intimate partner violence, recovery, and mental health,” the resolution stated. The resolution requested CWU cease avoiding finding the Wellness Center a new

space and demanded the Wellness Center be placed in the new health education building. According to the resolution, this change in location has been requested by the student body “countless times” and ignored by CWU administration.

Sustainability Funding The final resolution presented at the forum focused on sustainability funding. The draft cited one of Gaudino’s five-year goals to reduce CWU’s carbon footprint by 5% within the next five years. The resolution said in order to achieve this goal, the new sustainability coordinator needs a budget to complete the initiative. According to the resolution, CWU has given no funding to students or faculty for research projects or sustainability goals, despite stating that sustainability is a top

priority for the university. “Without funding the university address is solely a promise and not an initiative,” the resolution stated. The resolution stated CWU should cease avoiding their search for funding for sustainability, and if there is no option for a budget that a green loan or green fee is placed to address sustainability concerns on campus. Executive Vice President Alejandro Alcantar said he would be abstaining from any voting on the introduction of a green fee because he believes campus sustainability should not be a responsibility placed on students. The resolution demands CWU administration take accountability for finding funding to make the campus an environmentally safe place for all students who attend.

Photo by Mariah Valles/The Observer

Todd Milton, board president for Central Washington Justice for our Neighbors, speaks on APOYO.

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6 Editor: Amy Morris

January 30, 2020

Brooklane will no longer be hopping with bunnies Nikolai Kostka Staff Reporter

Between the challenge course and the Brooklane student apartment complex there are three metal shipping containers. In and around the containers there was, until very recently, a family of bunnies living there. “Four years ago one of my tenants let a rabbit go,” said Jim Skibeness, a maintenance worker at CWU for Brooklane and Wahle student apartment complex. Skibeness said the rabbit, small and black, became known as Funny Bunny. Funny Bunny lived under the containers until summer 2019 when Funny Bunny found some romantic prospects. According to Kate Dallas Hilbert, a sociology and social service major, in the summer two larger brown female bunnies started living there. It wasn’t long before there was a whole family of bunnies. Hilbert’s latest account of the bunny population consisted of three babies, Funny Bunny, the two mother bunnies, two brown teenagers, and two big calico teenage bunnies. Skibeness has seen many of the children that attend the Early Education Center in Brooklane staring out of

car windows trying to catch a glimpse of the bunnies. “My four-year-old likes to feed them,” Hilbert said. “All of the rabbits will come right up to him and eat the carrots from his hands.” “I think they’re really special,” Hilbert said. “They are really sweet rabbits and they’re very friendly and I think they’d make a great pet for anyone.” The day after Hilbert’s interview, one person said they saw what seemed to be the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife capturing the bunnies with a net. Skibeness said early on Jan. 24, five of the rabbits were captured by animal control and brought to the Ellensburg Animal Shelter to be given a health check and put up for adoption. The bunnies were relocated because of a coyote sighting. “The campus police were concerned that the rabbits were attracting predators into the area that could potentially be a problem for some students,” Skibeness said. There are students in the Brooklane apartments that have emotional sup-

port animals (ESAs) and the bunnies were removed to prevent attracting predators that could potentially harm the ESAs. “It was kind of an act for the students’ and animals’ best interest as well as the rabbits’. This was sort of the consensus opinion,” Skibeness said. Heidi Monson, an animal control officer, said she was the one who relocated the rabbits. “Our plan is to remove all of them,” Monson said. They will hold them for five days in case an owner comes forward. She later said that the rabbits will be distributed to several shelters in the Seattle-Tacoma area and put up for adoption there. Some will stay in the Ellensburg Animal Shelter. Anyone wishing to adopt one of these bunnies can apply for adoption at the Ellensburg animal shelter. According to Monson, rabbit care is more involved than you would expect. If anyone is thinking of releasing their own pet rabbit into the wild, please don’t, call a shelter. “Domestic rabbits aren’t equipped to handle the wild,” Monson said.

Photos by Téa Green


Editor: Amy Morris

January 30, 2020


Uniting together: The beginning of the Muslim Student Association Continued from Page 1 According to EducationQuest Foundation, two of the biggest fears college students have are “how am I going to pay for college?” and “will I make friends?” Salam Awad, a political science professor, is the advisor of the Muslim Student Association. Awad started the club in hopes to create a safe environment for students to talk and feel at home. According to Semir Ibrahimovic, the president of the club, it started off as a group of friends talking with Awad. What they didn’t know was their friendship would soon lead to a club being formed. “All the Muslim students were coming to my office and I said, ‘ok, let’s make a club,” Awad said. Anwar Hassan, a student who recently joined the club, shared how he wants

to be part of a community where he can fit in. Hassan was born and raised in the U.S but has been practicing Islam from a young age. “When I came to Central, I figured I was the only Muslim. I never said anything about it and kept it to myself,” Hassan said. The club consists of students from all backgrounds. There are Muslim students from China, Turkey, Iran, Biran and Palestine. Some students wear hijabs and some don’t. Some have darker skin while others have light skin. None of the differences mattered to any of the students as they came together, according to Ibrahimovic. Islam is a very diverse religion, Awad saud. She said there are multiple different branches to Islam. Most of the branches and countries don’t get along, but that does not matter. All the students are a support to one another, according to Awad.

“[The club is a] basis of support for those people from whatever region they reside from,” Awad said. “Something else the club is focused on is it doesn’t take any specific religious stand, it doesn’t follow any sects of Islam. It is just a basis of support for students who identify as Muslim and their allies. No questions asked.” Awad hopes to create a safe environment for students to bring up racial concerns and discuss them. “If one student faces any sort of harassment or comes across any barriers, they can come to the club for support,” Awad said. The club also plans to put on events throughout the school year. Ramadan is an event in the Muslim community. It is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. According to Islamic Networks Group, Ramadan is a holy month. It is a month dedicated towards fasting, praying, and family or community.

Being away from family for college can be a very hard time for students. During Ramadan fasting, students must go all day without water or food and break the fast at the end of the day. For many students, they don’t have anyone to do that with, according to Ibrahimovic. Awad and the student officers are planning on putting together Ramadan for students during the months of April and May. “Throughout Ramadan [we will] have different locations, different centers, ways to make sure all the people practicing Ramadan on campus have a means of securing a nice meal after fasting for so many hours,” Awad said. The club of five quickly turned into a club of at least 30 students. “We tie into [the] CWU goal of creating an exclusive diverse and representative student body and anyone that wants to support that goal is welcome to participate in our club,” Ibrahimovic said.

Paneal Holland/The Observer

The Muslim Student Association helps create a platform for CWU students to practice the Muslim culture. This club helps students on campus come together and create a bond based on unity. All sudents are welcomed to join.



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Advisor: Salam Awad


Salam Awad


Parade of Nations showcases div

Story by Mariah Valles | Photos by Nicho

In 2020, where social media is a prevalent part of our lives, it’s easy to lose sight of where we come from. Not only do we sometimes lose sight, but we see cultures through filters and artificial lenses. That’s what makes the Parade of Nations an important event, according to Assistant Director at the Diversity and Equity Center (DEC) Katrina Whitney. “The beautiful part about Parade of Nations is you’re getting it directly from the people,” Whitney said. No filters or artificial lenses were present in the SURC Ballroom last Thursday. The 15th annual Parade of Nations event showcased 14 different cultures this year. Performances included traditional dancing, singing, presentations and even comedic trivia.

Vietnam Kim Nguyen, an international student from Vietnam and junior at CWU said performing at the Parade of Nations is important to keep culture alive on campus. “We get to showcase who we really are, what we do and what the best features from our culture [are],” Nguyen said. The group danced to a Vietnamese song titled “Hoàng Thuỳ Linh - Để Mị Nói Cho Mà Nghe.” According to Nguyen, the song is about a young girl with a free spirit who wants to, despite societal pressures, enjoy the springtime. Three of the five performers live together. Luckily, according to Nguyen, while they found the other two performers randomly, they were very interested in performing at the Parade of Nations. The group performed in traditional clothing, but in “different shapes and forms,” Nguyen said. “As a Vietnamese student and as an international student in general, we want to make sure that we are here and we are represented,” Nguyen said. When she first arrived at CWU, Nguyen said there was very little representation of Vietnamese culture on campus. “Outside of my group, we would hear nothing about our culture,” she said. Because of this, Nguyen began working at the Diversity and Equity Center as a program coordinator. Vy Dam, who before coming to CWU attended a school in Lynwood, said there wasn’t much representation of Vietnamese culture when she first started at CWU. Dam and her sister are in the safety and health management program, which according to her, is male dominant. “We were the only Asians in our class,” Dam said. For Dam, performing as a senior was something to help her remember her time at CWU. “I feel like we could embrace our culture and also feel like we were able to bring it out into order,” Dam said.

FASA The Filipino American Student Association (FASA) performed two dances, one traditional and another with a modern twist to it. The first and traditional dance was the “Magalalatik.” The dance symbolizes a battle between the Christians and the Muslims over coconut meat, a delicacy in the Philippines during the time, according to FASA member Chloe Manigo. While nervous to perform at first, Manigo said hearing friends cheer in the crowd alleviated the worries right away. Manigo described fellow FASA members as the “greatest pals.” FASA Vice President Toni Pridemore said she came to CWU “ready to be alone the entire time” and is thankful to have joined FASA. “FASA to me is like family on campus,” Pridemore said. “Coming here I didn’t really expect to make a lot of friends and the fact that I found this group was really great. It’s like a home away from home.” Even though the club is about Filipino culture, you don’t have to be Filipino to join. “This is about learning,” Pridemore said. “We love to share food. We just love to have fun and hang out and that’s not limited to Filipinos only.” “It’s wonderful to share a piece of my culture,” Manigo said.


versity of cultures on campus

olas Tucker and Mariah Valles | Design by Aiden Knabel


10 Editor: Amy Morris

January 30, 2020

Pilot Flying J brings new Arby’s and Cinnabon

Tamara Sevao Staff Reporter

If you are a fan of cinnamon rolls, then this new development will be the place for you. Pilot Flying J, a travel center company, just opened up on North Dolarway Road near the west I-90 roundabout. The truck stop includes a Cinnabon, Arby’s and typical convenience store. Truck drivers are able to park in one of the roughly 50 available parking spots. Overnight parking, laundry machines, five showers, a lounge room and gas fueling stations are also part of the center. The land was previously home to a local restaurant, Blue Grouse, before the roof collapsed leading them to close forever. Early last year, Pilot Flying J announced its plans to begin construction. Pilot Flying J officially opened Jan. 21. They had a ribbon cutting ceremony that included representatives from Pilot Flying J, Ellensburg School District and the Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce. Some people present were Pilot Flying J General Manager Scott Kennedy, Ellensburg School District Superintendent Jinger Haberer, Career and Technical Education Director Shannon Panattoni and Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce CEO Amy McGuffin. “The Chamber is excited for the addition of the travel center,” McGuffin said. “It is a state-of-the-art travel center.” According to McGuffin, representatives for the Chamber of Commerce received an impressive tour of the facility prior to its opening. At the ribbon cutting ceremony, Pilot Flying J gifted the Ellensburg School District a $2,500 check. According to McGuffin, Pilot Flying J always supports its local community. While the school district doesn’t have any definitive plans for the check at this time, McGuffin said it was a very kind gesture.

The start of a new business also means more job opportunities. Pilot Flying J brought Ellensburg about 50 new jobs, all of which have now been filled. CWU Student Input When students returned from winter break to another Arby’s, many were concerned and confused. Feelings primarily came from the fact that Ellensburg already has an Arby’s. Two CWU students, Sophomore Kendra Askevold and Senior Leilani Sheffey are among some of the students who are upset about the addition of a second Arby’s. “I think they could have put in something better than Arby’s,” Askevold said. “I don’t know, we just have a bunch of places already that are equivalent to an Arby’s.” Askevold said a Chick-fil-A would’ve been nice. However, while an additional Arby’s may have some people feeling uneasy, the brand-new Cinnabon seems to be a hit. “Cinnabon I like,” Askevold said. “I like Cinnabon because I am tired of having to go to Yakima if I want my Cinnabon.” It’s not only the saved commuting time that seems to hook people to the new bakery. “Cinnabon, yes,” Sheffey said. “Cinnabon is new, it’s variety. There’s not many places like that to go in Ellensburg.” Pilot Flying J is not the first truck stop in Ellensburg. The Flying J is located on the opposite side of town, near the I-90 Canyon Road exit. CWU student Paige Swartz works as a waitress in The Flying J restaurant. According to Swartz, Arby’s and Cinnabon are great additions to the city when it comes to thinking about truck drivers. Swartz sees many truck drivers pull up at the last minute to order food, so she said the additional truck stop will

be beneficial. “It’s easy food,” Swartz said. “I mean, at that point, they just want food because they are exhausted from driving. They don’t care what it is.” According to Swartz, many truck drivers pull into Ellensburg at night and they would rather go somewhere they can park overnight. So, the importance of this truck stop providing overnight space is high. Pilot Flying J knew what they were doing market-wise otherwise they would not have invested in that specific location, according to McGuffin. Swartz agreed, saying it will be easier for truck drivers to get off at the west I-90 exit if that is more convenient. “I personally think that the effect is going to alleviate the load of traffic from I-90,” McGuffin said. “I think it is going to help with the management of trucks that come in through Ellensburg on a regular basis.”

Paneal Holland/The Observer


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Paneal Holland/The Observer

The Pilot Flying J truck stop in Ellensburg has a convenience store and restaurants like Arby’s and Cinnabon. The truck stop also has a laundromat as well as showers for those who are on the road constantly.

CWU is an EEO/AA/Title IX Institution. For accommodation email:


Editor: Amy Morris 11

January 30, 2020

“Bad Boys for Life” “Bad Boys for Life” provides a refreshing storyline compared to “Bad Boys II” (2003) which tells a darker story. “Bad Boys for Life” is an exciting and tense action movie that also deals with family and friendship Jackson McMurray Staff Contributor

“Bad Boys II” (2003) is a story that comes from the darkest, most terrifying recesses of the mind of Michael Bay. The film is a nihilistic, misanthropic fever dream; it’s the loudest, fastest, and most violent film of the 21st century. “Bad Boys II” is a punishing 150-minute nightmare as visually beautiful as it is ideologically ugly, a garish monument built to the heavens for the gods of pornographic destruction and gay panic. And it kinda rules. In “Bad Boys II” Will Smith plays a police officer with a genuine lust for blood, who states in no uncertain terms, many times over, that he just loves to shoot people. Martin Lawrence, his costar, argues that maybe lethal force isn’t always the solution, and that police work should be more precise, less violent. At the end of the film, in an action sequence set outside Guantanamo Bay, Martin Lawrence shoots an MDMA kingpin square in the forehead, leaving his body eviscerated by a nearby landmine. Will Smith laughs and says I told you so, and his unique brand of police brutality wins the day. To quote Roger Ebert’s review: “Everybody involved in this project needs to

do some community service.” Imagine my surprise then, sitting in a theater in 2020 slowly realizing that Bad Boys three is... Thoughtful? Intelligently written? Sympathetic towards its characters? Dare I say... a wholesome film about family?? “Bad Boys for Life” (2020) is a genuinely well-made, well-written, exciting and tense action movie. Going in with low expectations I was pleasantly surprised in just about every possible way. It tells a story about a pair of police detectives who are reckoning with the consequences (a word that never crossed the page in a Bad Boys script previously) of their younger days, and pondering their legacies. It’s got strong theming around smart, non-lethal police work, and morality as it relates to the job, as well as friendship and family. When Will Smith’s character is nearly assassinated by a shadowy figure at the beginning of the film, he’s chagrined to find that the team heading up the investigation is an uber-modern team of agents working on the cutting edge of humane and non-lethal police work. The crew is led by Smith’s love interest: an appropriately aged female character played by a woman who was at no point in her career a Victoria’s Secret model. Obviously Michael Bay wouldn’t touch the script with a 10-foot pole, so the movie is directed by a pair of

young Belgian directors, who shoot the movie economically and reasonably, a first for the franchise. There are some attempts to recreate Bay’s nauseous spinning camera and his hyper-saturated color palette, but they’re not done with the same delirious glee as films that came before. The movie is in many ways indebted to the “Fast and Furious” franchise: it’s an exciting, POC-led ensemble action flick set in a tropical city, with a sincere tone and an emphasis on non-romantic relationships. “Bad Boys for Life” lacks the ballsto-the-wall action setpieces of “Fast and Furious”, but it makes up for it with exciting R-rated action, genuine, intelligent character work, and of course, Will Smith. But for what it’s worth, “Bad Boys” is following in F&F’s footsteps, complete with a sunset balcony family dinner and a post-credits teaser for a future sequel. If you, like me, were hoping for a hedonistic thrill ride that’s bad for you, I might suggest staying home and checking out 6 Underground (2019) on Netflix, which is almost as pure a reflection of Michael Bay as “Bad Boys II” is. But if you show up for “Bad Boys for Life” you’ll find it to be a surprisingly heartfelt and well-made flick, and a better movie than you can usually find in a theater in January.

Graphic by Teagan Kimbro


12 Editor: Nick Jahnke / Design: Teagan Kimbro

Meeting the meat tax Aeryn Kauffman Columnist

January 30, 2020

Don’t be

influenced by


Our planet is dying, and it has been for a very long Della Babcock time. The Arctic Ocean will be ice free in 30 years, Columnist according to NASA. It’s time to stop ignoring climate change. The very least we could do is stop contributing to Public opinions are formed and then broadcasted across variit. Stop paying for our planet to die. Let’s advocate for a tax ous social media platforms. The seed of public opinion starts with on meat. one person, typically someone who is higher up in the social hierarThe link between animal agriculture and climate chy. These people are known as opinion leaders, who are celebrities, change is clear. According to the Food and Agriculture influencers and professional athletes. These people have the stamp of Organization of the United Nations (FAO), animal approval to share their own opinions and start trends on a large scale. agriculture is “one of the driving forces behind deBecause of that, social media creates a sense of falsehood. If you forestation” leading to the extinction of multiple do not have the same opinions as to these opinion leaders who are species of plants and animals each year. setting the everyday trends, you do not have a safe environThis destruction of biodiversity “[releases] ment to share your personal thoughts and beliefs. enormous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmoSocial media forces people to put themselves in a sphere,” according to the FAO. box that has many limitations. So, people lose all If we’re talking numbers, Climate Nexus writes that beef sense of individualism. consumption creates roughly 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide Oftentimes young people on social meeach year. dia will alter their public opinions to coincide “Replacing beef with plants would reduce that figure 96 percent, with the public. I have contributed to this. Young bringing it down to just 73 pounds of CO2e,” according to Climate Nexus. adults are not only seeking approval online of Choosing a veggie burger instead of a beef burger saves a shocking amount people they see and talk to in person, but they are of water. One pound of beef requires 1,799 gallons of water, according to Naalso seeking the approval of people they have never tional Geographic (NatGeo). NatGeo found that out of dozens of foods, anispoken to. mal products were the highest in resource expenditure, except for coffee and The upkeeping of personal profiles on various chocolate. A tax on meat will push us all away from eating it, saving millions social media accounts causes an unhealthy amount of gallons of water for, you know, human use. Why are we using our precious of stress, and it starts to impact one’s mental and freshwater for food we don’t need to survive? physical health. An online article titled “Opinion Meat production takes up more resources than just water. Leadership and Negative Word-of-Mouth ComThe amount of land used to produce meat can’t be ignored. munication” discusses opinion leaders and how According to Global Agriculture, “nearly 60% of the they expect people to look a certain way, act world’s agricultural land is used for beef production, yet a certain way, use products that they endorse beef accounts for less than 2% of the calories that are conand believe specific things. This has always sumed throughout the world.” Taxing meat will save land revolved around the ratio of followers and for crops that we can feed to humans. likes you receive. Publicly, people have Yes, livestock are the “middle men” in this process; we decided that the more likes, comments feed our crops to the animals, then eat the animals when and followers you have, the more imwe could easily eat the crops instead. portant of a person you are. But since we won’t do that without being forced to, Furthermore, we can see people lose it’s time to be forced to. Taxing meat will lower meat signs of their individualism through demand, leading to less animals butchered for food. That many different factors. For myself permeans less strain on the environment. sonally, I was losing individualism The “sugar tax” implemented in various American cities primarily through pictures on Inand worldwide countries was successful in lowering sugary stagram due to them not getting beverage consumption and lowering adverse health effects enough likes to sustain the pubof sugar. A 2019 study conducted by the Annual Review of lic opinion of the more likes the Public Health found that one year after Berkeley, California better the content is. This implemented its sugary beverage tax, “sales dropped built insecurities within by 9.6%, whereas sales of untaxed beverages rose me, and it took a long by 3.5% and bottled water sales increased 15.6%.” time before I grew up I compare the meat tax to the sugar tax not just and realized other peobecause of the environmental benefits of reduced meat ple’s opinions, especonsumption, but the health benefits, too. The link becially on social media, tween meat consumption and cancer is undeniable. did not define my self“Processed meat—from hot dogs to bacon—increasworth in the slightest es the risk of colorectal cancer, cardiovascular disease, and way. even early death,” the Physicians Committee for Responsible I’ve also seen famiMedicine found. Bacon increases risk of cancer. Who knew? ly members and friends The conversation on climate change is only going to get struggling with the idea louder and more persistent. This is one way to nudge Amerthat we all must conicans into responsibility. Our choices make an impact; a hamform to the trends and burger today means one less day for our grandchildren. Stop choosing meat.

Our “choices

make an impact.

social norms. This has caused these key people in my life to be diagnosed with eating disorders and depression, simply based on insecurities from their online profiles and not getting the approval they were longing for. I observed this from the key people in my life. I can’t even fathom how many people have been affected by the pressure brought on by social media. Profiles through apps on your phone can dictate how happy and content you are with your life. Make the change, and focus on the more important elements in life. Exercise genuine communication face to face and watch your world change for the better substantially. Although the typical person would like to pride himself or herself on being an individual and differing from the conformity of the public, the thought is easier than the lifestyle. We, as people, feel pressured to conform to others in any way we can. This is oftentimes due to the fear of being isolated from differing from one another. Most people scroll through their social media accounts daily. It has become routine. It has become expected. On a daily basis, you’ll find yourself scrolling through miles of people conforming to the same ideas and looks. The worst part is, not only are we conforming to one another, but we constantly compare and pick ourselves apart for any way we differ from the majority of the public. I, as a young adult who is still building my own identity, feel constantly put into a box where if I make one move that is out of the routine of social norms, I am out of place. We have normalized the abnormal. If you do not have the perfect body type, you now must either alter it or you cannot share pictures of yourself. If you have acne, scars or blemishes, you feel as if you have to edit, apply filters and spend minutes altering what you truly look like before you even think about publicly sharing it. Moreover, we have created a social media-based world where we all have become accustomed to putting other people down for who they are. In the future, we as active social media users can start making more movements that inspire our peers, family, friends or even strangers to express their true selves. Stop comparing and stop altering. Be who you are and take a stand for what defines your own individualism.



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Editor: Austin Lane 13

January 30, 2020

Lucas contributing on court for Wildcats Taylor Clark Staff Reporter

Among his teammates, 6-foot-5-inch senior Jeryn Lucas is standing out and having a major impact this season. Lucas leads the Wildcats in overall points scored as well as averaging 11.1 points per game over an 18 game series. Not only is Lucas making a statement at CWU, but he also made an impact at his previous school. Lucas transferred from Yuba City Community College located in Marysville, California where he averaged 15.6 points per game. “Community college is more everyone-for-themselves and trying to get out to the next level,” Lucas said. “Where as DII is building a family and getting acclimated to the culture.” The Wildcats are led by head coach Brandon Rinta, who has coached Lucas since he transferred to CWU for last year’s season. Lucas was also the team’s highest scorer last year, averaging 12.5 points per game. “[Lucas] is a very fun-loving guy,” Rinta said. “Somebody [that], if we were the same age, I would love to hang out with.” Rinta said Lucas is a very gifted basketball player and has the ability to score

Photo courtesy of Jacob Thompson/Thompson Sports

the basketball in a lot of different ways. Rinta said especially with his size, he can be a mismatch depending on who they are going to put on him defensively game to game. “It’s very hard for guys to improve from their junior to senior year, offensive-

ly,” Rinta said. “He’s taken as big a step as anybody that I’ve seen offensively.” Lucas said one of his biggest improvements in the last couple years was his decision making. He also said he is a shooter but wants to continue to work on the defensive end of the ball.

For some athletes it’s about playing at their home court, but with Lucas that’s not the case. Lucas said he would rather play on the road than in Ellensburg. “You don’t have the pressure of the home crowd,” Lucas said. “When you win games away, it’s just a better feeling.” With his scoring ability, Lucas has made his mark at CWU on the basketball court. Rinta said the team will be losing a guy that keeps the team “loose off the court.” He also said Lucas has been a big part of what we have done over the past couple years. “He’s a player that the other team has to gameplan for,” Rinta said. “Because of that he makes the other players better.” On Jan. 23 the Wildcats battled against Concordia, resulting in a win 6556 for CWU. Lucas contributed majorly with 10 points, three rebounds and one assist. Lucas’s best game on the offensive side this season was against Linfield. Lucas had 30 points, five rebounds and four assists. Lucas, along with the rest of the Wildcats, will be playing in their next home game against Simon Fraser University on Thursday, Jan. 30 at 7 p.m. followed by another home game against Western Washington University on Saturday, Feb. 1 at 7:15 p.m.

Phiakhamngon... how do you pronounce that? Austin Lane

“I feel like what makes it special is cording to her coach. the fact that I’m half Laos and that’s my “She has the ability to shoot dad’s ethnicity so whenever people say, the three, which really stretches “She’s a super sweet young lady, ‘How do you pronounce that?’ it makes the floor, and the ability to have very intelligent and is just a fun person me grateful of where I came from and a really good change of speed family and it just reminds me of home,” and feet to get into the paint and to be around.” make good deciThat’s what CWU Women’s Bas- Phiakhamngnon said. For those that are wonsions,” Richardketball head coach Randi Richardson-Thornley had to say about the athlete dering, the first “h” is si- Whenever people say, son-Thornley said. that is fourth on her team in total minutes lent, the second “h” is si- ‘How do you pronounce “She’s just a really lent, the “m” is silent and that?’ it makes me grate- dynamic offensive played so far this season. ful of where I came from... player for us.” That athlete is sophomore guard Bri- the “g” is silent. What’s not silent is Brianna Phiakhamngon, Hitting threes anna Phiakhamngon. name isn’t PhiakhamnBeing top five in total minutes as a Phiakhamngon’s guard gon’s only strength. sophomore has its obvious perks, like being announced at home Senior guard Taybeing top five on the team in total points games by CWU public address announcer Caleb lor Shaw said scored, or being second in total assists. Phiakhamngon can It also results in people seeing the name Dunlop. Usually there’s a little more em- also drive into the lane and make Phiakhamngon and wondering… how do phasis when she hits a three, some- things happen under the rim, you pronounce that? thing she knows how to do well, ac- something that may be tough for an athlete standing 5 feet, 4 inches. “I think she’s a really strong Q&A with Brianna Phiakhamngon player and she’s not scared of anything. She knows she’s gonna get to the hoop,” Shaw said. “She’s Q: What goes through your head when you run out of the tunnel to gonna make a play. She’s either the court to get ready for a game to start? gonna get fouled or make the bucket. She’s not hesitant at all.” A: I’m trying to get pumped and focus on what I need to do to get Shaw is in her final season at this win. I also try to keep my composure warming up and take CWU, but Phiakhamngon still has warm-ups serious because that’s how I’m going to translate into the the rest of this season as well as her jugame so I just focus on my mindset. nior and senior year coming up to play ball as a Wildcat. With so much time to Q: Who’s your favorite team to play at home? improve while also already being a starter, Phiakhamngon said one of the things A: Western. They’re our rivals so it’s super big and it’s fun to see the she wants to do once college basketball is community come here and cheer us on. Being able to see everyone over is be the person her teammates can come here is nice. reach out to, even if they aren’t on the Sports Editor

“ ”

Men’s Basketball Schedule

Jan. 25

@ WOU L, 66-83

Jan. 30 SFU 7 p.m.

Téa Green/The Observer

same team anymore. “I wanna build that type of friendship with them, where they can count on me but also on the floor too as a teammate being able to always make that extra pass,” Phiakhamngon said. “I just wanna leave the legacy of giving and being a caring person because that’s what matters the most after basketball.”

Women’s Basketball Schedule

Feb. 1

WWU 7:15 p.m.

Feb. 4 NNU 7 p.m.

Jan. 28

@ NNU L, 63-72

Feb. 1 MSUB 5 p.m.

Feb. 6 UAF 2 p.m.

Feb. 8 UAA 6 p.m.

Sports January 30, 2020

14 Editor: Austin Lane

Ellensburg to Las Vegas: an early look at CWU Softball Continued from Page 1 Preparation Even though Mitchell has only coached the team for less than a month, the team has still been preparing for the tournament during the offseason. “I’m challenging [the team] a bit more mentally I think than what they are used to, so I’m excited to see how it plays out,” Mitchell said. Both junior infielders Sydney Brown and Mikayla Kopacz feel well-prepared for the tournament. According to Brown, the team has learned a lot of new things since fall quarter. She also said the team is putting more and more together every day, so she thinks the team is ready for the tournament. According to Mitchell, the team practices six days a week. She also said players get an individual practice time depending on positions once a week. Players have conditioning and lifting on alternate days. Kopacz said the team is going to be

well-prepared because they have been putting in a good amount of work on a weekly basis. She said the practices this month are going to be “pretty advanced.” Expectation As head coach, Mitchell has high expectations for the team and will challenge the team in every way she can. “I’m gonna take every moment I can as a coach to challenge them as athletes, and I expect them to push themselves,” Mitchell said. Kopacz said she also has expectations for the team going into the tournament. She thinks it’s going to be nice to have their coach there and that will make them comfortable. She also trusts that her teammates will get game experience while having fun. Competition Mitchell, Kopacz and Brown all agreed the tournament is important to them. “I think it’s very important because it shows us what we need to work on, what our strengths are and so we can come back and work harder,” Brown said.

Photo courtesy of Jacob Thompson/Thompson Sports

Kopacz mentioned it’s nice to see where the competition might be and what they need to prepare for in the future. The tournament can be a good opportunity for the team to see what their weaknesses are so they can try to eliminate them moving forward. Mitchell said the team will grow as they get more experience. “I think every game is important. It is an opportunity that you can learn a lot about yourself, about your team and

really just take an opportunity to grow,” Mitchell said. The team will take on five opponents in the span of three days. The opponents, in order, will be Oklahoma Christian University, San Francisco State University, California State University San Bernardino, Regis University and Colorado Christian University. The first two games are on Jan. 31, the third and fourth games are on Feb. 1 and the final game is on Feb. 2.


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Baseball Schedule

Jan. 31-Feb. 1 @ Stanislaus 3-game series

Feb. 7-8

@ Academy of Art 4-game series

Softball Schedule

Feb. 15-16

@ Corban 3-game series

Feb. 28-29

NNU 4-game series

Jan. 31

Oklahoma Christian 11:30 a.m.

Jan. 31

San Fran. State 2 p.m.

Feb. 1

CS San Bern. 11:30 p.m.

Feb. 1

Regis U 2 p.m.


Editor: Austin Lane 15

January 30, 2020

Opinion: Join an intramural team Della Babcock Staff Reporter

Many times as students, we feel overwhelmed, stressed and perhaps even a little lost at where we are in life. Not only do we feel that way, but it can be difficult to find ways to relieve all that pressure that comes with being a student. But don’t fret: there is a solution. Joining an intramural sport has the potential to maximize the overall enjoyment you have as a CWU student. If you are unaware of what the intramural sports program is, it can be defined as a program that allows people to join a competitive recreational sport of their choice. These intramural sports are organized events that are refereed and hosted by the school. There are a variety of sports to choose from, giving everyone an opportunity to find something they are great at. You can also choose between a women’s, men’s or co-recreational team. The CWU website says intramural sports provide “the opportunity to participate in enjoyable, safe, and organized leagues and tournaments with other

Wildcats across campus.” Participating in an intramural sport can bring forth a handful of benefits. You do not have to be a superstar athlete to join because intramurals are built for everyone. The idea of joining an intramural sports team can be intimidating at first, especially if you are a person who has never participated in sports prior to college. However, intramurals are the perfect place to start. Intramurals encourage you to get outside your comfort zone, focus on your health and connect with other students. An article titled “Six Reasons Why You Should Join Intramural Sports In College” listed exercise, relaxation, friends, college pride, team skills and fun all as reasons to be on an intramurals team. After reading all six of those reasons, I’ve come to find that there isn’t a good reason to not join a team. Pick a sport of your choice, sign up for a team and watch the stress of your everyday life melt away. It really is as easy as that. I joined an intramural soccer team fall quarter. Prior to joining, I was struggling with adapting to CWU since

I was a transfer student. I was unhappy with my daily routine and the weight of school was overbearing. I was even considering transferring somewhere else. However, the intramural soccer team I joined was a game-changer for my life at CWU. I not only met great new people but overall I was much happier and grateful I had taken this step in joining an intramural team. The article “What Are Intramural Sports?” said, “participation in intramural sports has the potential to positively affect a person physically, socially, and mentally.” Intramural sports bring forth endless opportunities for one’s own self-growth. Through joining a team of your choice you can better yourself while also connecting with your peers and having a great time. Even though sign-ups for intramurals for winter quarter have come to a close, you can count still on join in on the fun by signing up this coming spring quarter. Take a leap of faith and find a team that suits you, rally your friends or join a team solo! Either way, you cannot go wrong.

Editor’s Note: This opinion piece was intended to be a reported article about CWU sports clubs that spend time doing community service. When the reporter went to set up an interview, they were told to fill out a media request form. Sports Editor Austin Lane spoke to Dean of Student Success Gregg Heinselman about the matter. Heinselman said he would email the source, giving an “all-clear.” An interview was scheduled for Jan. 23 at 4:30 p.m. Three hours before the interview, the source emailed the reporter and asked if they had filled out the media request form. The reporter did not see the email until minutes before the interview was supposed to begin. The reporter went to where the interview was supposed to take place, but the source said, because there was no media request form filled out, an interview could not take place. The reporter stated Heinselman was supposed to send an email giving the all-clear but the source said they did not receive the email. The interview was cancelled. The article was then changed to be an opinion piece about intramural sports. Editor-in-Chief Cassandra Hays and Managing Editor Mariah Valles have a meeting scheduled with Heinselman on Feb. 3 to discuss recent conflicts. The Observer stands by its decision to be open and transparent about any administrative pushback involving interviews.

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Track and Field Schedule

Jan. 31-Feb. 1 @ UW 1 p.m.

Feb. 7-8 @ BSU 1:30 p.m.

Rugby Schedule Men’s

Feb. 14-15 @ UW 2 p.m.

Feb. 21-22

GNAC Champs. 9 a.m.

Jan. 25

@ WWU W, 66-3

Feb. 1 @ UA 1 p.m.


Jan. 25


Offering m

Seattle Saracens L, 20-43

Feb. 22

@ Lindenwood 11 a.m.

Opinion January 30, 2020

16 Design: Teagan Kimbro

SAT. FEB. 1 Late Night Dance Party 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. • Free, CWU Students Nicholson Pavilion Fieldhouse Join the Wellness Center for a late night dance party. MON. FEB. 3 Monday Movie: Doctor Sleep 6:30 & 9:30 p.m. • SURC Theatre Free CWU students with ID, $3 GA Years following the events of “The Shining,” a now-adult Dan Torrance must protect a young girl with similar powers from a cult known as The True Knot, who prey on children. TUES. FEB. 4 Tobacco-Free Campus Forum 5:30-6:30 p.m. • SURC Pit • Free Join ASCWU Student Government and professionals from the Health & Wellness Division as they discuss whether or not CWU should be a tobacco-free campus. Open to all. WED. FEB. 5 Showtime at Central Auditions 5-6:30 p.m. • SURC 131 Follow this link to sign up for an audition time to perform Feb. 21 at this annual event hosted by BSU and modeled after Showtime at the Apollo!



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FRI. JAN. 31 Laser Tag 8-11 p.m. • SURC Ballroom Free, CWU Students Grab your friends and get your Laser Tag on at this late night event! Sign up at 7 p.m. Battle begins at 8 p.m.

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Open Mic Night Sign-ups at 7:30 p.m., Show at 8 p.m. 1891 Bistro • Free Support and showcase your talent!

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THURS. JAN. 30 Facing Fire: A Roundtable Discussion About Wildland Fire 5:30 p.m. • Dean Hall Lobby • Free This roundtable will provide an opportunity for community members to understand how wildland fire crews see the world.


Call for Capital Submit your ideas for CWU’s next construction priorities. Visit to view, comment and vote on recommendations for future CWU capital and non-capital projects.

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Battle of the Bands Follow this link to sign up by Feb. 19. Notifications by Feb. 21; event is March 6.

Observed in February annually to recognize the achievements and historical roles of African Americans in the United States.

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Jeopardy - CWU style Sign up by Feb. 2, only 36 spots available! Love Jeopardy? Compete this February. Must be available Feb. 8, 9 (quarterfinals) and Feb. 22 (finals).

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SIGN-UPS OPEN: Indoor Ironman Recreation Center Front Desk • $15 Sign up by Feb. 1 for the annual Indoor Ironman held during the month of February.

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BLACK HISTORY HISTORY MONTH MONTH BLACK BLACK HISTORY MONTH BLACK HISTORY MONTH BLACK HISTORY MONTH BLACK HISTORY MONTH BLACK HISTORY MONTH BLACK HISTORY MONTH BLACK HISTORY MONTH D I V i s E HISTORY MONTH BLACK n how ot a RSI T we bouHISTORY Y BLACK MONTH t d iffe BLACK HISTORY MONTH Dive r. emb r s i t y BLACK HISTORY MONTH racin i s a g on b o u t BLACK MONTH uniq e anotheHISTORY r’s BLACK HISTORY MONTH uene Youcannot take your BLACK HISTORY MONTH s s What’s the . freedoms MONTH BLACK world for ifHISTORY for granted. you can’t make it up BLACK HISTORY MONTH come before you, you have to do your part to the way you preserve andMONTH protect BLACKwant HISTORY it? those freedoms BLACK HISTORY MONTH I have learned with a BLACKbeginsHISTORY over the years thatMONTH dreamer. BLACK HISTORY when one’s mindMONTH is made up, thisMONTH have within you the BLACK HISTORY strength, diminishes fear; BLACK HISTORY MONTH the patience, knowing what must and the passion be done does BLACK HISTORY MONTH to reach for the stars to change the world. away with fear. BLACK HISTORY MONTH We must never forget that Just like generations who have

Toni Morrison

Michelle Obama

Every great dream

Always remember, you

Rosa Parks

Harriet Tubman



The achievements of African Americans have contributed LIFE HACK

If you don’t have a spoon for you apply sauce, yogurt or pudding fold the tin lid into a spoon and enjoy! Yvette Clarke

to our nation’s greatness.

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