2013-2014 Annual Report

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目錄 Table of Content 一、信息分享 I. Messages from the President


二、治理經營 II. Governance


三、重要成就與成長績效 III. Major Achievements and Progress


四、優教學與愛學習環境 IV. Excellent Instructing and Learning Environment


五、創新與務實之研究 V. Innovative and Practical Researches


六、信仰辦學打造公義社會 VI. Faith Oriented Education and Social Justice Promotion


七、103~107 學年度策略規劃 VII. Strategic Planning for 2014 to 2018


八、資料統計數字及財務資訊 VIII.Data, Statistics and Financial Information


信息分享 Messages from the President


一、 信息分享 隨著 105 學年度少子化海嘯向大學逼近, 高等教育市場已進入白熱化的競爭。本校近 三年的學生數持續成長,本學年度各學制學 生已達 10,474 名。為能充分符合全體教職員 生的教學研究服務需求,近一年半來,總務 處啟動各項整建與整修工程,包括 24 面籃球 場,排球場與網球場的鋪面整修,宿舍的漏 水,浴室,廁所的門板與搗板整修;第二教 學大樓廁所的門板與搗板整修,第二教學大 樓的屋頂漏水整修,第二教學大樓的地下室 停車場整修工程,提高地下停車品質與修護 原漏水與積水問題。同時,新建第二教學大 樓的殘障坡道,提高校園友善的連接介面, 方便通往宿舍與餐廳。二宿增加防鳥鋁窗, 讓鴿糞污染問題暫時舒緩,目前正針對第二 教學大樓評估增加防鳥網的施作,有效舒緩 鴿糞造成的污染。

I. Messages from the President With the expected steep decline in freshman enrolment approaching (as of 2016), the competition for university students has become steeper than ever. CJCU has seen its enrolment increase in the past three years, with the total number of students reaching now 10,474. In order to meet the needs of faculty and staff, over the last 18 months the Office of General Affairs has initiated several renovation projects on campus, such as repairing the leakage in the dormitories, renovation of the underground parking, and replacement of bathroom doors in the dormitories as well as the second teaching building. At the same time, the construction of a new wheelchair ramp in the second teaching building has facilitated access to the dormitory and the food hall. Screens have been installed in the second dormitory to prevent pigeons from entering and dirtying with their droppings. Assessments are being made for installing screens in the second teaching building, which would diminish the dirtying pigeons bring about.


此外,為服務同學的飲食課題,原三四宿地 下室的用餐區也增加 240 多席用餐座位,增加 殘障專用輪椅的升降設備,負擔公共冷氣電 費,並要求各攤商應有效提升餐飲服務品質與 回饋學生。本學年度更因應食品安全需要,配 合營養學系的實習,打造符合HACCP的認 證餐廳;同時,配合觀光與餐飲管理學系的實 習需求,打造符合未來教學需求的實驗實習與 觀摩教室,提升教學品質。毒物研究中心也轉 型為健康科學學院院級研究中心,支援環境與 食品安全學位學程教學實驗所需,並成為食品 認證實驗室,為食品安全把關。 為提高學校展演設施品質,演藝廳內廳 整修工程也將完工啟用,第二宿舍地下室 原研究中心空間拆除,並且重新整理作為 學生活動的新空間。圖書館地下室原長榮 藝 廊 空 間 經 調 整 與 裝 修 設 計 後,重 新 啟 用,為美術系、書畫藝術系與媒體設計學 系同學開拓新的展覽空間。同時,研發處 成立產學合作總中心,並將原 K 書中心空 間重新整合設計,作為研究中心進駐與產 業合作的共同平台,其中天氣風險公司也 進駐,提供南台灣更優異的天氣風險預測 服務。

Moreover, an additional 240 seats have been created in the dining area under the third and fourth dormitories to accommodate more diners. A wheelchair lift has been installed to make the area more accessible. Vendors in the food hall have also been requested to improve their service and the quality of their food. This year, in order to meet the food safety demands and to provide internship opportunities for the Department of Nutrition, HACCP certification for the restaurants is being made available. Laboratories and observation classrooms will also be created to meet the needs for student internships in the Department off Tourism, Food and Beverage Management. The Toxicological Research Center will be transformed into a research center for the College of Health Sciences and become a food certification laboratory. The renovation of the Performing Arts Auditorium, which will greatly improve the quality of performing arts, is nearing completion. The offices in the basement of the second dormitory have been converted into new spaces for student events and activities. Chang Jung Art Gallery in the basement of the library has also been redesigned to become an exhibition space for students in the Departments of Fine Art, Arts of Calligraphy and Painting, and Media Aided Design. The Study Hall has also been redesigned to accommodate the Research Center and the Industry-Academia Cooperation Center. Moreover, WeatherRisk has also set up office there to provide southern Taiwan with more accurate weather forecasting.


至於原有的 K 書中心經重新定位與加裝 燈具設計後,配合學務處與創新育成中心 的市集經營,重新打造連結星辰廣場與市 集的學生優質休閒展示空間,本學期新的 K 書中心更將配合弱勢牧羊計畫,提供各 項課程輔導與學習增能的計畫,希望能讓 同學有更優質的學習自修空間,透過自我 學習,持續提高競爭能力。 在校園的規劃方面,去年完成長大路台 鐵沙崙上方的「好牧人藝 術光雕」,白天與 黑夜分 別透射出不凡的藝術氣 息,也讓連接長榮大學站 的站前通道,展現長榮大 學不凡的特色。今年也完 成土地使用的地目編定,正式提出校門口 建築申請案,希望能儘速順利完成新校門 口興建案。近日已同時完成四十米路的入 口意象工程,嶄新的CJCU形成日夜清 晰可見的地標,創造入口的新氣象,引導 師生平安進出長大。行政大樓的前的萬福 之泉,經過調整維修也能定時扮演報時的 角色,最近又將鋪面清潔還原原先的鋪面 顏色,襯托出高雅的氣象。連

The Study Hall is now fitted with new lighting and is reassigned as a study hall and a market place for the Innovation Incubation Center and its students. As for campus planning, the pastorrepresenting, light installation on Changda Road, over Taiwan Railway Shalun Line, was completed last year. The installation emits light of different colors during day and night, thus lending an artistic quality to the CJCU Station. The land at the school gate has been rezoned and the application for a construction permit has also been submitted. New CJCU landmarks are now visible day and night, safely guiding all visitors to the campus. The Fountain of Fortune in front of the administrative building has been retuned and will be able to tell time. The tiles have also been cleaned and returned to their original colors. More lighting has been added to the two paths connecting the Student Activity Center and the third teaching building, while the artworks on display by students from the Department of Fine Arts have also been restored. The path in front of the eco pond and the connecting path in front of the gymnasium will be redesigned in the near future to make it easier for students to get around the campus.

接第三教學大樓與活動中心 的兩條步道都完成夜間燈光 加強與原來美術系同學的藝 術 創 作 品 維 修,重 新 粉 墨 登 場,散 發 長 大 學 生 的 藝 術 天 份。近日將生態池前的步道, 與 體 育 館 前 的 聯 通,重 新 規 劃 新 的 步 道,提 高 同 學 校 內 活動的方便性。 5

為能打造長大美學散步的藝術校園,由 黃副校長召集的工作團 隊,陸續規劃圖書館旁靈 性迷宮,提供師生的心靈 探索與靈性造就工程。第 一教學大樓旁,美術系同 學的藝術石雕,提供吸睛 的藝術作品,令人流連忘 返。2014 年暑假由美術系五位同學創作的 小羊系列,共 35 隻代表各學院的小羊,目 前也在校園內的各角落成為吸睛的景點, 同時也代表我們不放棄任何一隻羊的辦學

In order to transform CJCU into a more artistic campus, Vice-President Huang Poho planned the Spiritual Maze and had it constructed next to the library to provide students and teachers alike with a place for spiritual discovery. The sculptures by students from the Department of Fine Arts have also attracted much attention. In the summer of 2014, five students created a series of 35 sheep representing all the colleges in CJCU. These works have been placed in different corners of the campus, awaiting discovery. They also symbolize that no ‘sheep’ is left behind at CJCU. In

堅持。長榮小羊在羊年亦擔任親善大使, 在台南市愛國婦人館與台南市或車站展 演,未來還有永續教育學院的小羊將進駐 大潭社區,成為親善大使。 河川保育中心過去十多年為二仁溪的生態保育 盡力,洪慶宜主任獲教育部 2014 年環境教育獎的 殊榮,目前也擔任本校生態教育中心籌備主任, 扮演與珍古德博士根與芽 (Roots and Shoots)基金 會的協力介面,努力在本校以自力建屋方式,建 造珍古德國際生態教育中心,使成為根與芽的國 際學習的重要基地,也是本校與國際連結,善盡 社會責任,參與國際社區的積極行動。

the Year of the Sheep, these creations are also goodwill ambassadors of CJCU to the Hall of Patriotic Women in Tainan City and to train stations. In the future, the sheep from the College of Continual Education will make appearances in the Datan community as goodwill ambassadors. For more than a decade has the CJCU River Restoration Center has endeavored to restore and conserve the environment by the Er-ren River. Professor Hung ChingYi received the Environmental Education Award from the Ministry of Education in 2014. He was also instrumental in helping establish the Roots and Shoots Foundation of Dr. Jane Goodall. The ECO center at CJCU will become an important base for environmental education. This allows CJCU to join the international community of environmental protection supporters. 6

為能彰顯教會辦學的社會責 任,2014 年底,配合聖誕月的 各項 慶祝 活動,與 大潭 社區 結 合,辦 理 鐵 支 路 市 集,聯 合 點 燈,聖 誕 親 子 園 遊 會,社 區 報 佳 音,聖 誕 感 恩 禮 拜,充 分 的 社區營造與參與,將本校的辦學理念以行 動方式分享社區,並拉近彼此關係,讓社 區居民與本校的住民能相互交流學習,彼 此相互關心,創造良好的學習環境。 大學的高等教育必須落 實在教學品質的保證,教 務處教學品保中心努力建 立卓越的自我改進機制, 向世界的品質標準邁進, 希望能以自我克責的態 度,讓長大學生的學習可 以持續改進,並能達到學用合一的目標。 今年更積極轉型為校務研究中心,以科學 研究的精神,建立大數據的探索架構,以 學生學習為中心,整合投入與成果資訊, 作為教學自我改進的重要驅動力,希望能 成為卓越的高等教育典範。 在研究表現部份,有效整合校內研究資源,教 師積極投入跨領域研究,目前已獲得科技部補助 104 學年度「全球架構下的台灣發展:典範與挑 戰」跨學門二年期整合性計畫。

Fulfilling the social responsibility of a Christian university, at the end of 2014, CJCU organized a series of Christmas celebration events in association with the Datan community. These events included a railway bazaar, a tree light ceremony, a Christmas fun fair, caroling, and a Christmas service. CJCU invited the residents of the community to participate in these events and to share in the holiday joy, so the residents of Datan can get closer to those of CJCU. Institutions of higher education must guarantee the quality of education. The Quality Assurance Center of the Office of Academic Affairs has set up a self-improvement mechanism to ensure the quality of its instruction meets international criteria. It is hoped that, upon promoting an attitude of selfaccountability, students’ learning will continue to improve. An Institutional Research Center has been set up to collect data on students’ learning effectiveness. The result of this research is meant to motivate selfimprovement. Research resources have been expanded and faculty members are now actively engaged in cross-disciplinary research. In 2015-2016, CJCU has been awarded a research grant from the Ministry of Technology for the project ‘Taiwan’s development within the global structure.


同時,也獲得經濟部補助 103 及 104 年 度捐助公民營機構設置中小企業創新育成 中心計畫,本年度也招募 22 家進駐廠商。 此外,為輔導本校學生創業,除建置宿舍 創業基地(Eureka)外,更進一步於台南市 透過老屋欣力的補助,於台南市民生路原 大 圓 鐵 工 廠 舊 址 建 置 長 大 夢 想 空 間(Big O ),深入社會企業服務,創造學生新的創 業共同辦公室,提升產學合作動能。

為能有效扎根高中教育夥伴的關係,目 前入學服務中心服務超過全台

100 所高

At the same time, in 2014 and 2015 CJCU also received grants from the Ministry of Economics for setting up an entrepreneur incubation center. Twenty-two companies have joined this year. In addition to setting up Eureka, a dormitory-located startup base for young entrepreneurs, Big O has been established in an abandoned factory of Tainan City. It is part of an old house rejuvenation project. CJCU is working with the rest of society to create more entrepreneur opportunities for students. CJCU has worked with more than 100 high schools to strengthen the partnerships it forged with them. To share educational resources, CJCU has offered them many different types of assistance. Furthermore, the Office of International Affairs has been working tirelessly to establish channels for bringing in students from Malaysia, Macau, and Hong Kong. Over the years, more than 40 high schools from these regions have worked closely with CJCU. With even closer cooperation, it is hoped that more international students will have the opportunity to study at CJCU.

中,本校更扮演重要的教育資源分享的角 色,無論高中連接高等教育學習所需的各 項資源,我們都能盡力支援,創造合作學 習的共同平台,嘉惠更多學子。此外,國 際處更努力佈局馬來西亞與港澳學生的學 習管道,這一年來,當地已經超過 40 多所 高中與長大密切互動,希望透過更密切的 國際交流,長大校園可以成為國際友善校 園,提供更多國際學生來台的學習機會。


同 時,也 積 極 與 國 際 知 名 大 學 合 作, 2014 年資訊暨工程學院已經與澳洲昆士蘭 科技大學簽訂雙聯學制協議,同學可以透 過兩階段學習,取得兩校的學士學位,目 前管理學院也即將與該校商學院簽訂相同 雙聯學制協議,積極創造本校學生進入國 際學習的機會。更好的消息是,資工院各 學系此時全數取得 IEET 國際認證,更能強 化 國 際 交 流 的 實 力。而 管 理 學 院 也 做 好 ACCSB 華文商管學院認證準備,其他學院 系也都積極準備接受教育部高等教育評鑑 中心的評鑑訪視,我們深具信心,用最好 的辦學態度與品質,自我克責通過評鑑, 符合社會的期待。

In 2014, the College of Information and Engineering signed a dual degree agreement with Queensland University of Technology in Australia. Students can now obtain a dual bachelor’s degree through a two -step process. Presently, the College of Management is in the process of signing a dual-degree agreement with the Business College of QUT. Thus CJCU students will be given more opportunities in the international arena. Furthermore, all departments in the College of Information and Engineering have passed the IEET certification. The College of Management is also in preparation for the ACCSB certification. All other departments and colleges are actively preparing for the upcoming evaluation from the Ministry of Education. We believe that, by adopting the best attitude and providing education quality, CJCU will live up to the highest expectations.


為能因應未來高等教育的激烈競爭,本 校 103~107 中長程校務發展計畫,以學生 為學習中心,培養專業能力與正確態度, 並以六大策略目標,包括全人牧育,適性 揚才,教研精實,國際參與,校園永續, 社會責任來建立學生學習的優良環境。我 們透過策略規劃並尋求獨創的解決方案, 鼓勵教師致力教研精實,更著重基督教大 學的全人牧育,致力學生的國際移動力, 豐富本國與外國學生的交流環境,同時長 期對 30 公頃校園投入基礎建設,落實永續 校園的目標。最重要的是面對社會責任, 擴大師生社會參與,推動全體教職員生合 一整合與合作,落實大學的普世價值,我 們堅信長榮大學必能成為國際卓越的基督 教大學。

In response to the escalating competitiveness in higher education, the 20142018 development plan centers on the students, cultivating their professional abilities and correct attitudes. The six major strategic goals of the plan are: holistic education, appropriate materials, superior instruction and research, global participation, sustainable campus, and social responsibility. Through the strategic planning, we seek unique solutions apt to encourage teachers to work harder and to emphasize the holistic aspect of a Christian university education. We also encourage our students to set their eyes on the international arena and enrich the campus life with international exchanges. At the same time, we have been consistently investing in the infrastructure of our 30-hectare campus, thus nearing the goal of rendering it sustainable. Most importantly, we must meet our social responsibilities. CJCU is expanding the social involvement of faculty and students in order to live up to the name of the university. We believe CJCU will become an excellent international Christian university.


治理經營 Governance



二、 治理經營 面對全球化、經濟、科技、社 會及人 口 結構之迅速變遷,高等教育環境所形成的競 爭壓力日益增長,因此如何調整現有資源條 件,繼往開來、穩健務實的達成辦校之教育 宗旨、願景與使命,進而規劃出具前瞻性及 系統性的「校務發展計畫」,已成為目前大 學卓越營運及永續發展的必然趨勢。 長榮大學創校至今屆滿 21 年,在上帝的 恩典帶領和創校前輩的努力下,渡過蓽路藍 縷、萬種艱辛的日子。學生人數從一百三十 多人發展,到現在一萬餘人,計有 6 個學院 及 1 個學部,其中包含 44 個學系(學程)、 19 個碩士班、及 1 個博士班。本校財務健 全、辦學績效卓著,103 學年度新生註冊率 達 91.25%,不受少子化的衝擊與影響。而 在 畢 業 生 表 現 部 分,2013 年 商 業 週 刊 及 104 人力銀行調查全國私立大學就業率,本 校獲南部私立大學第 1 名、全國大學第 16 名; 2013 年 Cheers 雜誌調查企業最愛大學 生,本校名列南台灣私立大學第 2 名、全國 私立大學前 15 名。除了辦學績效在國內獲 得肯定外,本校更積極拓展國際交流,目前 已與 480 所國際知名高等教育學校締結姊妹 校,分布於美國、加拿大、法國、奧地利、 德 國、日 本、韓 國、泰 國、馬 來 西 亞、印 尼、印度、菲律賓、澳洲、中國及香港。

II. Governance The changes brought on by globalization in economy, technology, society, and demography have greatly increased the competition faced by institutions of higher education. How to allocate the existing resources following the direction envisioned by the founders while at the same time devising a forward-looking systematic development plan has become the managerial trend in universities searching for exceptional and sustainable measures. By the grace of God and the endeavors of the founders, Chang Jung Christian University is 21 years old this year. Its number of students rose from 130 to over ten thousand. There are six colleges and a school, consisting of 44 departments (programs), 19 master’s programs, and a doctoral program. The finances of CJCU are sound and enrolment remains high. In the fall of 2014, freshman enrolment reached 90.66%, unaffected by the country’s declining birth rate. In a survey conducted by Business Weekly and 104 Job Bank in 2013, CJCU ranked first among private universities in southern Taiwan and sixteenth among all private universities in Taiwan. In a separate survey conducted by Cheers Magazine on universities most favored by industries in Taiwan, CJCU ranked second among private universities in southern Taiwan and fifteenth among all private universities in the country. In addition to gaining recognition in Taiwan, CJCU is actively developing international exchanges. Currently, it has 48 sister schools in the US, Canada, France, Austria, Germany, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, the Philippines, Australia, China, and Hong Kong.


在校務治理部分,本校依據國家發展計 畫與教育部人才培育白皮書之規劃方向, 連結本校「效法耶穌濟世救人精神,成為 世界一流的基督教大學」之願景,以「敬 天、愛人、惜物與力行」為核心價值、及 「全人牧育,長榮永續」為校務 發展使命,並評估未來外部環境 趨勢,擬 定發 展 目 標包 含:(1) 促進各系所與業界實務接軌,廣 化學生畢業出路;(2)持續強化 學生輔導與關懷機制;(3)依國 家發展規劃調整系所、學院最適規模,將 學校資源有效規劃,培育國家產業所需之 人 才 ;(4)增 進 產 學、區 域 合 作 及 創 投 動 能;(5)精進卓越教與學環境;(6)活化資產 經營、規劃學校多元發展;(7)持續規劃教 與學分流機制;(8)結合社區整體發展,提 升 區 位 價 值 ;(9)推 動 社 會 公 義 與 產 業 服 務,彰顯辦學特色;(10)持續加強國際合作 與學生語文能力;(11)建構以培育產業所需 人才為特色之創新實務型大學;(12)擴展全 球教育與產學合作之網絡。希冀透過本校 行 政、學 術 單 位 及 全 體 同 仁 共 同 集 思 廣 益、群策群力,俾利在動盪的高等教育環 境中尋求多元發展利基。

In the directions pointed out by the National Development Plan and the White Paper on Human Resource Development of the Ministry of Education, CJCU has formulated development goals that promote a vision “emulating the spirit of Jesus to become a world class Christian university,” the core values of “respecting God, loving others, treasuring resources, and practicing,” and holistic education. The goals include: (1) facilitating theory and practice to put students on paths to good careers; (2) enhancing student counseling; (3) allocating school resources to cultivate talents capable of meeting the needs of national development; (4) enhancing industry-academia and regional cooperation; (5) creating an excellent instructing and learning environment; (6) activating asset management and planning a diversified development; (7) continuing a dual mechanism of teaching and learning; (8) integrating community development to raise the community’s status; (9) promoting social justice and industry service; (10) continuing international cooperation and raising students’ language abilities; (11) edifying an institution that cultivates innovative and creative talents capable of meeting industry demands; (12) broadening the global educational and industry-academia cooperation networks. It is hoped that, through the innovativeness and creativity of all its faculty and staff, CJCU will thrive in this age of tumult for institutions of higher education.


行政單位組織架構圖 Administrative organization chart


教學單位組織架構圖 Academic organization chart


重要成就與成長績效 Achivements and Progress





● 經管所會資組楊昆霖考取

2013 年普



● 會資系系友洪正哲等

1.公職 ● 土開系系友張志文錄取

103 公務人

員特種考試四等考試地政類科。 ● 土開系系友劉力嘉錄取

102 公務人

6 人考取 2013-

2014 年專技高考會計師。 ● 會資系通過中華民國品質學會(CSQ)2014

年各類資格鑑定考試共計 5 人。

員高等考試三級考試地政類科。 ● 財金系系友陳子鈞高中

103 年公務

人員普通考試會計類科。 ● 航管系畢業生暨系友

102 年共計 10

人及 103 年共計 2 人考取高普考交 通行政類科。 2.證照 ● 科管學程呂雅芬、王雅貞參加中華民國

品質學會(CSQ)2014 年品質技術師(CQT) 資格鑑定考試甲單元及格。 ● 土開系高慧純、戴千翔、系友劉蓓

渝通過 103 年不動產經紀人考試。 ● 科管學程共計

12 位通過 IPMA 之 D

級國際專案管理師考試。 ● 科管學程金俸安考取中國工業工程

學會生產與作業管理技術師證照。 ● 財金系

103 學年度金融市場職業道

德證照 101 人報名,100 位通過,合 格率達 99%。 ● 財金系

102 學年度林廷勳、黃偉誠、黃

韋豪、劉晏辰、劉美佳、李宮華等學生 取得高級業務人員證照。 ● 財金系

102 學年度金融市場職業道

德證照 187 人報名,174 位通過,合 格率達 94.57%。 ● 經管所會資組高懿柏考取

2013 年高 19

3.競賽 ● 本校橄欖球隊參加亞洲區大學

20122014 年橄欖球邀請賽榮獲連續三年 霸冠軍,以及 2012 年亞洲盃冠軍、 全國大專甲組 15 人制、7 人制雙料 冠軍。 ● 土開系學生涂楚雲等 4 人榮獲 2014 第五屆全國土地開發與管理畢業專 題/論文競賽聯合發表會第一名。 ● 土開系學生王姿云等 3 人榮獲 2013 第四屆全國土地開發與管理畢業專 題/論文競賽聯合發表會第一名。 ● 科管學程參加 2014 科管盃跨校際創 新創業邀請賽表現優異,聶奕程同 學為冠軍團隊成員、蔡佩蓁為亞軍 團隊團員及陳健何為季軍團隊成 員。 ● 運技系劉瑋婷同學榮獲 2015 年亞洲 青年暨青少年舉重錦標賽第四名。 ● 運技系江宗翰同學榮獲 2015 年亞洲 青年暨青少年舉重錦標賽抓舉第五 名。 ● 運技系唐啟中同學榮獲 2014 世界大 學舉重錦標賽第二名。 ● 運技系高展宏同學榮獲 2014 年世界 大學舉重錦標賽第三名。 ● 運技系邱珮瑜同學榮獲 2014 韓國仁 川亞洲運動會女子公開雙人雙槳第 四名。 ● 運技系邱珮瑜同學榮獲 2014 韓國仁 川亞洲運動會女子公開四人雙槳第 五名。 ● 運技系李孟馨同學及李嘉馨同學榮 獲第 20 屆亞洲青年划船錦標賽女子 雙人單槳第 1 名。 ● 運技系廖敏竣同學榮獲 2014 仁川亞 運會羽球團體第 3 名。 4.計畫申請 ● 國企系

101 與 102 學年度合計通過 4 個大專生之科技部計畫。


(二)健康科學學院 1.公職 ● 職安系所畢業生葉連韋等

10 人次高中 2012~2014 年工業安全技師、工礦衛生 技師、地方政府公務人員考試工業安全 類科與消防四等特考。

2.證照 ● 營養系

102 年度專技高考營養師錄 取率高於全國平均錄取率。 ● 營養系 101-102 學年度考取中餐丙 級技術士證照通過率 100%,畢業 生近九成具有中餐技術士證照。 ●營 養 系 101-102 學 年 度 考 取 HACCP 執照通過率 100%,畢業生 近九成具有 HACCP 執照認證。 ● 醫管系大學部學生於 2013 ~ 2014 年考取台灣醫學資訊學會醫學資訊 管理師證照計有 24 人。 ● 醫管系學生考取中華民國電腦技能 基金會-TQC 證照計有 20 人。 ● 醫管系學生考取行政院勞委會技術 士技能檢定-丙級會計檢定證照共 計 11 人。 ● 醫管系學生考取 TIMS 行銷專業能 力認證計有 5 人。 ● 醫管系考取臺灣病歷資訊管理師檢 定計有 4 人。 ● 護理系 2014 年考取護理師執照通 過率 90%。

盃學術競賽」共 14 位學生報名,7 位入圍海報,1 位口頭報告,佔全 國入圍五分之一名額。 ● 醫管系大學部學生於 2013 年~ 2014 年參加全國大專校院醫管盃分 別榮獲羽球比賽第一名、籃球比賽 第一名,男子排球第四名等佳績。 ● 生科三學生吳姿璿參加「2014 日本東京 國際扯鈴比賽」獲得單鈴挑戰賽第六 名、跳繩競速第二名、繞腳競速第二 名、個人舞台賽第五名及團體賽第六名 等佳績。 4.計畫申請 學年度健康產業發展學程張蕙 敏、廖婉鈞等人獲國健署 103 年度 「年 輕 族 群 場 域 菸 害 防 制 工 作 計 畫」落實年輕族群場域菸害防制工 作方案。 ● 醫管系大學部許淑咏同學通過 103 年度 科技部大專學生研究計畫 1 件。 ● 103

3.競賽 ● 醫管系碩士在職專班許佳雯榮獲

2013 年度張錦文基金會醫管論文獎 大獎。 ● 護理系一年級新生林晏如以作品 「綠能電力轉換裝置」參加世界發 明智慧財產聯盟總會「2014 IYIC 韓國國際青少年發明競賽」決賽, 榮獲銅獎。 ● 護理系四年級學生參加「全國大護 21

(三)人文社會學院 1.公職 ● 社 工 系 系 友 魏 文 梵、蔡 德 斌、劉 秋

伶、蔡維雅、蔡瓊珊考取 103 年高等 考試三級考試公職社會工作師。 ● 社工系系友吳玉梅、陶菁菁考取 102 年特種考試地方政府公務人員三等考 試公職社工師。 2.證照 ● 大傳系

101-103 學年度期間,行銷公 關與繪圖軟體證照取得共計 47 人。 ● 社 工 系 系 友 李 淑 慧、王 雅 麗、曾淑 菁、黃素貞、顏莉璟、陳藝帆、張智于、 許廷安、陳苑忍、陳安琦、陳佳琳、陳羿 霓、葉致寬、李玠烜、甘玲華、許維真、 淩瑄憶、邱悅貞、陳姿穎、方子杰、蘇雪 吟考取 103 年專門職業及技術人員高等考 試社會工作師。 ● 翻譯系通過專技普考華語、外語導遊、華 語、外語領隊人員考試為 35 人次。 ●翻 譯 系 碩 專 班 洪 建 和 同 學 考 取 TOEIC 滿分 990。 ● 翻譯系大學部曾鉢恩同學考取 TOEIC -935 分。 ● 翻譯系通過日文檢定一、二級 14 人次。 ● 翻譯系通過德文檢定 B1 級 3 人次。 ● 翻譯系通過法文檢定 B1-B2 級 13 人次。 ● 翻譯系李紫菁同學考取「會議展覽專 業人員初階認證考試」。 3.競賽 ● 大傳系

101-103 學年度期間,學生比 賽或競賽得獎共計 78 件。 ● 翻譯系賴勇任同學、沈雨珊同學獲得 『2012 雲嘉南區域大學 MyET 英語口 說競賽』第 3 名、第 4 名。 ● 翻譯系楊雅琪通過教育部口筆譯證照 姜明琦研究生榮獲「2013 第四屆海峽 兩岸口譯大賽總決賽」三等獎。


● 優秀的研究生校友林志勳代表台灣

參賽「美 國匹茲 堡 國際發明 展」~ 智慧電子水表,表現亮眼。 ● 媒體系劉韋麟榮獲 2012「TOYOTA 油電 效 CC KUSO 換獎金!」最佳導演獎及我 最 KUSO 獎。 ● 媒體系吳曉玫等二人榮獲 20124A Yahoo!創意獎-最佳學生網路廣告獎 金獎。 ● 媒體系林姝廷等三人榮獲 2012 4A Yahoo!創意獎-最佳學生電視廣告獎 金獎。 ● 媒體系洪峻逸榮獲 kolour 影片創作 大賽第二名。 ● 媒體系古芳瑜等六人榮獲 2012 台鹽 Beauty 桐花系列商品創意競賽(作品名 稱:一棵開花的樹) 第一名。 ● 媒體系蘇信瑋等六人榮獲 2013 青春 設計節/場地設計競賽(作品名稱:狀 聲詞) 金獎。 ● 媒體系林宛樺等六人榮獲 102 年交通安 全宣導影片創作比賽第一名。 ● 媒體系郭佳翰等四人榮獲 2013 青春 影展動畫類(作品名稱:七淘米仔) 優選。 ● 媒體系李依庭等二人榮獲第一屆不 織布設計大賽(作品名稱: Monster Sty) 第一名。 ● 媒體系黃靖婷等四人榮獲勞動部勞 動大發展署雲嘉南分署舉辦之第一

屆青年社會企業&社會創新大賞競 賽網路行銷組冠軍。 ● 美術系張廷任榮獲 2014 台南美展: 立體造型類第二名。 ● 美術系曾岩懌榮獲第 62 屆中部美展 雕塑類第二名。 ● 書畫藝術學系 102 學年度全國學生 美術比賽水墨畫大專組魏嘉瑩特優 (第一名)。 ● 書畫藝術學系 103 學年度全國學生美術 比賽水墨畫大專組顏安立特優(第一 名)、魏嘉瑩優等(第二名)、王珊佳 作、黃秋慈佳作。 ● 2013 年新竹生活美學館主辦「璞玉 發 光」全 國 徵 畫 比 賽 魏 嘉 瑩 特 優 (第 一 名)、黃 建 倫 優 等(第 二 名)。 ● 2014 年臺南市府城美展水墨畫類陳 彥蓉第一名、劉子君第二名、郭季 軒第三名、林志勳優選、黃建倫優 選。 ● 2012 年國立歷史博物館「劉延濤獎 學金」何昕儒。 ● 2014 年臺北扶輪社徵畫比賽李知瑩 第一名、連家妤第二名。 4.計畫申請 ● 翻譯系

102 學年度大專學生參與科 技部專題研究計畫獲得 4 案。


(四)資訊暨工程學院 1.證照 ● 資工系高立舉同學參加「2013

年國際計算 器協會程式競賽台灣協會大學程式能力檢 定」榮獲成績等級: A 級。 ● 資工系莊士賢、何褚益及蕭伊婷同學 考取「Oracle Certified Java Programmer (OCJP)」國際證照。 ● 資工系 94 位同學考取「TQC 雲端技 術及網路服務(雲端技術及網路服務 進階級)」證照。 ● 資工系溫傑名同學通過「數位邏輯設 計能力(實用級)認證」。 ● 資工系溫傑名同學考取「HP ExpertONE Servers & Storage」、「微軟 MSCS Big Data, Configuring 」及「Unity 4 Ce rtified User」國際證照。 ●資 工 系 32 位 同 學 考 取「MCTS (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist) SQL server database development 」國際證照。 ● 資 工 系 莊 友 豪 同 學 考 取「Microfsoft 070-347 Enabling Office 365 Services」及「Microsoft 070-346 Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements」國際證照。 ● 資工系林聰堯、林郁茜、林煥智、陳 奕傑及熊柏翰同學考取「TQC+ 程式 語言(C 專業級)」證照。 ●資 工 系 32 位 同 學 考 取「MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional)」國 際證照。

2.競賽 ● 103.11

資管系柯志鴻老師指導羅于 婷、鄭婉陵、劉巧涵、江宜庭同學參 加「2014 第 19 屆全國大專校院資訊 應用服務創新競賽」榮獲兩岸交流組 第 1 名。 ● 103.11 資管系蕭鉢老師指導謝書正同 學參加【TWNIC 第一屆發現網路宣 導 人 才-「金 域 獎」短 講 大 賽】榮 獲 第 3 名。 ● 103.09 資 管 系 張 智 超 老 師 參 加 「2014 台 北 國 際 發 明 暨 技 術 交 易 展」榮獲發明競賽銅牌獎。 ● 103.08 資管系大四同學周長慶、黃郁惠、 方雅嬋、莊文廷、李劭耘、洪燕燊參加鷹 揚千萬里墾丁賞鷹任我行 App 創意應用程 式徵選競賽獲得第 2 名。 ● 103.06 資管系王献章老師指導李劭 耘、周長慶、莊文廷、黃郁惠同學參 加「台南黑客松」比賽榮獲最佳台南 主題獎。 ● 103.06 資管系許舜欽教授所設計的 「EVG1.4」 程式在 TCGA2014 電腦對 局大賽迷你將棋組榮獲銀牌。 ● 103.06 資管所系友陳俊傑程式師所設計的 「Neko」程式在黑白棋組榮獲金牌。 ● 102.07 資管系許舜欽教授的「EVG」 程式在 TCGA2013 電腦對局大賽迷你 將棋組獲得冠軍。


2.競賽 ● 科工系學生陳信綸、姚辰泓、劉昌

楠參加 2014 TEMI 單晶片創意暨認 證技能國際競賽-無線電遙控車踢足 球競賽獲得佳作。 ● 科 工 系 學 生 蘇 新 皓、李 俊 毅 參 加 2014 TEMI 單晶片創意暨認證技能 國際競賽-數位邏輯設計競賽獲得佳 作。 ● 科工系學生彭以均、蔣易達、韓雪 娥參加 2014 GACHIA 循跡自走車競 賽獲得佳作。 ● 資 工 系 高 立 舉 同 學 參 加「Taiwan 2048 BOT 大賽」榮獲第 6 名佳作 獎。 ●資工系何褚益及莊士賢同學參加 「103 年度全國大專電腦軟體設計 競賽」榮獲佳作。

3.發表 ● 103.05

資管系孫惠民老師指導邱馨 儀同學參加第 25 屆國際資訊管理學 術研討會,榮獲最佳論文獎。 ● 101.11 資管系碩士班研究生何采珊 榮獲「2012 全國資訊管理前瞻技術 研討會」優等論文獎。


四、成長績效 年度獲教育部獎勵私立大學校 院校務發展經費為 59,667,784 元, 較前一年成長 16.65%。 ● 102 學年度大學部畢業生通過英文畢 業門檻人次為 2,102 人,較前一學年 度成長 16.65%;大學部在校生通過 英檢學生人次為 2,203 人,較前一學 年度成長 529.84%。 ● 102 學年度辦理 TQC 證照考照班, 輔導學生經由各科目的組合,取得 英文秘書人員、企劃人員、行銷人 員、專業 e-Office 人員等各項專業認 證資格,取得證照人次為 331 人, 較前一學年度成長 12.2%。 ● 配合台鐵沙崙支線的通車,與雲嘉 南區域教學資源中心合作(國立成功 大 學),創 立 全 台 唯 一「鐵 道 TA」,招募國立成功大學研究生(含 博 士 生)於 本 校 學 生 自 學 室 駐 點 服 務,提供基礎學科課業討論,並分 享學習經驗以及準備升學考試方 法,提升本校學生學習動機,改善 學習方法,提升學習成效,102 學年 度鐵道 TA 輔導學生人次為 300 人, 較前一學年度成長 7.14%。 ● 102 學年度畢業生通過公職考試人次 為 58 人,較 前 一 學 年 度 成 長 52.63%。 ● 2014

IV.Porgress ● In

2014, the development fund for private universities from the Ministry of Education was NT$59,667,784, up 16.65% from the year before. ● Of all the students graduating in June 2014, 2,102 students met the graduating requirement for English, up 16.65% from the previous year.Of all undergraduate students currently enrolled, 2,203 passed GEPT exams, up 529.84% from the previous year. ● In the 2013-14 TQC certification course, 331 certificates in various fields were obtained by students, a 12.2% increasefrom the year before. ● In cooperation with NCKU, Railroad TA program was launched. Graduate students, including doctorate candidates, come to CJCU to offer tutoring services for all students. In 2013-14, 300 services were rendered, a 7.14% increase fromthe previous year. ● 58 students from the class of 2014 passed the Civil Service Examination, a 52.63% increase from the previous year.


學年度學生參與國內競賽獲獎人 數 為 400 人,較 前 一 學 年 度 成 長 44.93%。 ● 配合經濟部社會企業育成計畫,103 年度培育企業共計 21 家進駐,較前 一年度成長 110%。 ● 102 學年度教師申請國外研討會論文 補助數為 25 件,較前一學年度成長 38.89%。 ● 產學合作計畫總金額於 102 學年度 突破 1 億元,總金額為 106,096,175 元,較前一年度成長 8.61%;產學合 作計畫總數為 92 件,較前一年度成 長 13.58%。 ● 推動企業家族體系、促成產學多元 合作,102 學年度簽約廠商數為 75 家,較前一年度成長 38.46%。 ● 103 學年度資訊暨工程學院之科技工 程與管理學系、資訊管理學系(所)、 資訊工程學系及數位內容創作學士 學位學程,全部通過由中華工程教 育學會辦理的「IEET 工程及科技教 育」專業認證。 ● 102 學年度本校計有 1095 位學生通 過「大 學 校 院 英 語 能 力 測 驗」 (CSEPT) 。 ● 102

● 400

students won awards from various domestic competitions in 201314, a 44.93% increase from the year before. ● In cooperation of Social Enterprise Cultivation Project by Ministry of Economics,21 enterprises set up in CJCU in 2014, a 110% increase from the previous year. ● In 2013-14, 25 applications were submitted for subsidy for international conferences, a 38.89% increase from the year before. ● The total sum of industry-academia cooperation in 2013-14 was NT$106,096,175, an 8.61% increase from the year before. The total number of cooperation projects was 92, a 13.58% increase from the year before. ● In 2013-14, 75 companies signed industry-academia cooperation diversified cooperation contracts, a 38.46% increase from the year before. ● In 2014-2015, Department of Engineering and Management of Advanced Technology, Department of Information Management, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, and Bachelor Degree Program in Digital Content Creation of the College of Information and Engineering all passed IEET Engineering and Technology Education certification by the Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET). ● 1,095 students passed the〝College Student English Proficiency Test〞 in 2013-14.


疲乏的,他賜能力;軟弱的,他加力量。就是少年人也要疲乏困倦; 強壯的也必全然跌倒。但那等候耶和華的必從新得力。他們必如鷹展 翅上騰;他們奔跑卻不困倦,行走卻不疲乏。 (以賽亞書 40 : 29~31)


優教學愛學習環境 Excellent Instructing and Learning



四、優教學與愛學習環境 本校以敬天、愛人、惜物與力行為教育 核心價值(Core Value),同時以「不放棄任 何一個學生(No one left behind)」為目標, 透 過完 備 教 學政 策 規 章與 充 實 軟硬 體 資 源,推動教師創新教學活動與學生自主學 習方案,活化與深化教師與 學生間的教學相長關係,逐 步落實與提升本校「優教學‧ 愛 學 習(U(You)Teaching,I (♥) Learning)」之教育政策。 (一)全方位學生資質培育 本校辦學宗旨以協助 學生發展全方位能力之養成,除重視 專業學術知能的培養外,並教導學生 為人處事之道、建立法治精神與發展 全人教育,以孕育學生高度責任感、 敬業態度以及社會關懷的行動力,進 而成為社會及職場上成功的基礎。

IV. Excellent Instructing and Learning Environment In keeping with the core value of “respecting God, loving others, treasuring resources, and practicing” and guided by the goal of leaving no one behind, CJCU actively promotes innovative styles of instruction on the part of its faculty and proactive learning on the part of its students in order to bring teachers and students closer to each other and to follow through on the policy of ‘U (You) Teaching,, I (♥) Learning”. A.Holistic teaching One of the educational goals of CJCU is to help students develop outstanding abilities. This means that in addition to their professional knowledge, students must also learn how to interact with others and respect the rule of law. Students are getting instilled with a sense of responsibility and concern for others, so that they can uphold the social edifice.


本校橄欖球隊三連霸 2015 年亞洲大學




2015 Asian University Rugby Invitational Champion CJCU rugby team three time champion.

Spiritual maze offers a space of meditation, thoughts, imagination, and rest.


在教學政策上落實「教學品保機制」的品 質管理,提升基礎學科能力,尊重個別差 異、適性適才,型塑學生就業即戰力,如英 文能力、資訊能力、專業實作能力等項,並 提供相關輔導補救措施。透過資訊平台整合 三級教育目標與核心能力,並追蹤開設課程 對應三級核心能力獲取情形;學生可自行檢 視各階段學習之累積歷程,同時導師亦可檢 視學生各階段校內、外學習成效及參與各項 活動情形,協助確認學生所學符合校、院、 系預期目標。學生從入學階段即啟動「長榮 大學學生英語能力追蹤計畫」、「長榮人築 夢 e 網」、TQC 資訊技能檢定、體適能檢測 等,將大學各階段學習活動成果彙整至學生 學習履歷系統。

Regarding course instruction, a quality control mechanism has been implemented in order to raise the students’ competence in basic science, to get them to respect individual differences, and to prepare them for their future workplace. Remedial courses are offered to ensure that they possess a satisfying ability in English, information technology, and practicum. Through a platform that integrates the educational goals and core abilities, students can check their own progress. Class mentors can also check a student’s learning progress and participation in different events to ensure that efforts are actually made toward reaching the learning target. From the moment a student is enrolled, he can start completing his learning résumé by recording his learning progress in activities like CJCU Student English Ability Tracking Project, CJCU Dream e-Net, Techficiency Quotient Certification (TQC), and fitness testing.

媒體系報名參與 2014 高雄青春設計展,包含影像設計、短片、 動畫、地方形象設計行銷以及遊戲設計,發表作品令人驚艷。其 中媒體系畢業製作團隊- 99%,設計的桌上遊戲「時辰」,讓許 多觀展學生印象深刻。 The students of the Department of Computer Aided Media Design entered the design festival with image designs, short films, animation, image design marketing, and game designs. Many of the works, such as the game “Time”, wowed the crowd.

未來事件交易所公布「2013 台灣最好的工學門評鑑」與 「2013 台灣工學門社會貢獻度評鑑」,長榮大學榮獲工學 院社會貢獻度亞軍。 XFuture announced the results for 2013 Best College of Engineering in Taiwan and 2013 College of Engineering Social Contribution in Taiwan. CJCU took second place in Social Contribution for engineering colleges.


在課程結構推動各教學單位以「課程三 化」進行課程改革,朝向模組化、學程 化及分流化。課程設計以專業導向彙整 相關一整套課程成為一專業的課程模 組,配合跨領域學分學程,導入實務課 程模組並分流出學術型與實務型模組, 以培育多元人才。在實務型課程模組擴 大教學單位辦理實習課程,並適切地引 進業師,提高學生對業界的了解,並促

In designing the curriculum, courses that pertain to a certain field or specialization are grouped together into a module. Students are then divided into two—practical module or academic module, depending on the crossdisciplinary curriculum they choose. In the practical curriculum, in addition to more internship programs, instructors who work in the industry are invited to lecture, so students can get a better understanding of the industry.


媒體設計系勇奪 2013 青春設計節雙大獎:場地設計競賽 金獎及青春影展動畫類優選獎。 Dual win for CJCU in 2013 Youth Innovative Design Festival.

媒體設計科技學系 102 級學生:郭 佳翰、陳建庭、陳巧偉、王嘉彬及 美術系學生賴柏寰,動畫作品「七


淘米仔」,榮獲「2013 青春影展


Youth Film Festival」動 畫 類 優 選




Class of 2013 students in the Department of Computer Aided Media Design, Kuo Jiahan, Chen Jianting, Chen Chaowei, and Wang Jiabin, and Lai Bohuan of the Department of Fine Arts won Honorable Mention in the animation category with “Chitaomizai”.


The Department of Computer Aided Media Design students with their advisor Prof. Chen Yungcheng, entered the 2014 Youth Social Enterprise & Social Innovation Competition and won the first prize in the web marketing category. 33

為強化學生學習氛圍,健全「以學生 為中心」的學習輔導機制,藉由深化課 程輔導,提升學習動機與效能,提供多 元化學生自主活動以提升競爭力,完備 e 化全方位課業輔導、職涯規劃與照護 機制,結合學務各項輔導與關懷行動, 對學生在 校課內外 學習進行 全

蹤、掌 握 與 照 顧, 規劃適切 之教學及 輔

制,激 發 學生學習動機,讓教育融於生活無形之 中,打造綠能環保校園、友善安全無障 礙空間、發展國際化雙語環境、水岸大

To improve the learning atmosphere, tutoring assistance is offered in order to raise the motivation and efficiency of learning. Digitized course assistance, career planning, and other counseling mechanisms allow the school to monitor and intervene in its students’ welfare inside and outside the campus. CJCU has worked hard to create an accessible environment on its ecofriendly, international, riverside-linked, and communityfostering campus centered on the students. The school also offers mentors, life coaches, instructors, pastors, psychologists, dietitians, nurses, and career counselors to assist students toward fructifying their available career opportunities.In the structure of the curricula, each department is reforming its curriculum toward modularization, curricularization, and specialization.

學、校園畫廊及校園社區化,營造特色 空間、建構多元學習環境。這個「以學 生為中心」的輔導機制將生活、課業與 職涯輔導系統整合八師護一生,即導 師、生活導師、任課老師、牧師、心理 師、健 康 師(護 理 師、營 養 師、體 育 老 師)、專業諮詢師、與職輔導師,提供 學生從入學到畢業,點到面完整的幫助 與關懷,達到學生未來職場就業能力並 創造更多元的發展機會。


B. Superior faculty


順應世界研究潮流-跨領域創新,鼓 勵教師發展第二專長,發展多元教師升 等,本校規劃引導跨領域的完善流程, 從教師研究發展社群推廣、跨域整合計 畫執行、研究生論文研究及儀器硬體設 施之獎勵補助,強化同儕 專業激盪、增進教師研究 能量,提升教學成效,引 領師生共同創造務實之 研發成果。本校教師專業 成長社群跨領域及跨校 社群持續成長,教師創作 獎助、學生獲獎獎勵及師 生參與國際研討會頻繁且踴躍,尤其 102 學年度教師參與國際研討會比率成 長 38.89%。另外,本校 101 學年度遴

Following the global trend of crossdisciplinary innovation, faculty members are encouraged to develop a second specialization. Faculty members are encouraged to develop research groups and cross-disciplinary projects, and apply for research and equipment grants. Cross disciplinary research groups are still growing in CJCU. Faculty members and students are encouraged to participate in international conferences. In 2013, the number of teachers taking part in international conferences rose by 38.89%. Moreover, in 2012-13, 18 teachers were awarded Excellence in Instruction, and 22 teachers were selected in 2013-14.

選出 15 名教學優良獎、2 名教學特優 獎、1 名教學卓越獎; 102 學年度則遴 選出 22 位教學優良教師。 致力河川整治與生 態教育十年有成

教學良師獲肯定 座談分享經驗談

職安系洪慶宜教授 榮獲國家環境教育 個人組優等獎。 River conservation successful Prof. ChingYi Hung a National Environmental Education Award winner .

媒體系蔡旭晟 老師以國際獎 培育本土動畫 人才。

Prof. Tsai Shiu Cheng cultivates domestic animation talents.

教學優良獎是教師改善教學,關注學生學 習情形,並有具體教學優良事證者;並致 力於教學方法之創新與創意,發展教授教 材內容、創意與功能,以增加學生多元學習 及強化其學習動機與興趣者。 Experiences-sharing seminars about excellence in instruction Excellence in Instruction Award affords teachers opportunities to improve instruction and focus on students’ progress. Excellence in instruction means creativity and innovation to inspire students’ interest and motivation in learning. 35

台灣研究所所長溫振華經由台灣所 碩士班學生劉天賦引薦,發現田寮 清代古地契與相關單據一批,總數 有 237 張,這批文獻史料的年代約 醫務管理學系林文德副教 授研究團隊,在最新一期的 《台灣公共衛生雜誌》分別 發表了「台灣急重症跨區就

二百四十年前。 Professor Wen ChenHua of the Institute of Taiwanese Studies discovered ancient land contract Professor Wen with the assistance of Mr. Liu TienFu discovered 237 ancient land contracts from Ching Dynasty. These artifacts are from 240 years ago.

醫之變化情形: 2001 至 2010 年」與「提早退休對 醫療費用之影響」之兩項研 究。 此 2 項研究發表充分反 映台灣醫療與社會發展現

資工學院吳永基院長榮獲教育部彈 性薪資特殊優秀人才獎補助。 Professor Wu Yung-Gi received flexible salary grant for excellent faculty.

況,分析問題所在,符合大 眾討論議題,獲得媒體熱烈 採用。 “Change in the CrossBoundary Flow of Emergent Care in Taiwan” and “The Effect of Early Retirement on Health Care Expenditure” published by Professor Lin WenDer in Taiwan Public Health reflected the development and current situation of Taiwan’s medical industry. His research analyzed the problems faced today and is the center of much discussion.

衝突中心主任陳校賢, 榮獲加拿大衝突學院 〈CICR〉頒發「特別激 勵獎」。

Steven Chen of the Conflict Study and Research Center awarded “ Special Reward Prize” from Canadian Institution of Conflict Resolution (CIRC) .


C. Innovative curriculum design


本校推動三創教育,活化三創概念, 深耕三創氛圍、培育本校教師植入三創 思維,領導學生具創業家精神;配合環 境保護、資源永續之環境政策,開設相 關課程,提升學生環境責任,另建立學 生核心能力雷達圖,並精進課程地圖與 職涯進路圖,課程設計符合時 代趨勢與就業市場需求,反映 相關領域核心能力之培養,讓 學生與職場無縫接軌,成為適 應全球市場的世界公民。 本校成立三創學分學程、聘 請 業 師 授 課,青 年 創 業 講 座、創 業 Coach 輔 導 制 度、辦 理 證 照 考 照 說 明 會、學生實習參訪,參訪單位有太陽能 產 業、光 電 產 業、生 技 公 司、南 科 園 區、運輸業、藥廠、傳播媒體、金融保 險、國訓中心、百貨業等,並開設


CJCU is promoting new ideas and new innovations in the new curriculum designs. It is aimed to instill the spirit of entrepreneurship into the students and to raise their awareness of issues such as environmental protection and resource sustainability. Courses are designed to follow the trends and meet the needs of current job markets, allowing students to be more praised once they graduate. A new degree program has been set up based on the fresh idea of curriculum design. Students are coached in entrepreneurship by mentors from the relevant industries. Field trips are taken to various facilities of the optoelectronic, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and financial industries. Courses related to environmental protection are also available.

門與環境議題相關之課程。 課程與職場無縫接軌, 長榮大學與平實策略 行銷公司產學合作,成



名額 150 名全部額滿, 辦學成果與理念

CJCU signed an industry-academia cooperation agreement whereby students get the chance to intern at Super Water Garden. It is an opportunity to cultivate talents for the sport industry and to promote community development.

獲得考生與家長的肯定。 The results of Star Plan college entrance application are out. All 150 vacancies are all filled, indicating that parents and students agree with the educational philosophy.

國企系為了強化學生的專業英語能力,請全體系上的老師一同編輯「國際企業專業英 語(基礎篇)」一書,並於 2013 年八月出版。這項新措施在學生間獲得好評。 To enhance the English ability of their students, the teachers at the Department of International Business banded together and published International Business Professional English (Introduction in August of 2013. The book was well received among students.


D. Broadening One’s Horizon


In order to assist with overseas learning and broadening of horizons, CJCU has been actively seeking academic cooperation with universities and academic institutions around the world. Intramurally, the International Culture Day has been celebrated by inviting exchange students at CJCU to share their cultures. To promote cultural interactions, CJCU also offers many summer camp programs, overseas volunteer programs, and overseas internship programs. Between 2013 and 2014, sister school agreements have been signed with over 80 universities and 59 students have gone on international exchange programs. A cultural exchange visit to BBS1+2 in Germany was also conducted.

為協助學生海外學習、增加國際視 野,積極拓展國際間學術交流合作,並 與外國大學或學術機構簽訂國際學術合 作協議書,締結姊妹學校關係;校內則 定期舉辦國際節慶文化日,邀請本校外 國交換生介紹異國節 慶,增進本校學生與外 國學生進行文化交流, 亦提供暑期遊學活動、 姊妹學校交換生、國際 志工服務與海外實習等 機會。本校 2013 年至 2014 年間,簽訂國際姊妹校超過


所、進行德國 BBS1+2 文化交流參訪、 59 位學生至海外進行國際交流學習。

翻譯系校友楊雅琪參加 102 年「中英文翻譯能力檢定考試」,是唯一同時 獲得口、筆譯證書的考生。 Ms. Yang passed both interpretation and translation certifications of the 2013 Chinese-English Interpretation Examination.

應日系校友孫逸珊 2013 年以著優





Cultural Exchange Summer Camp)」吸引了 10 名來


自加拿大、奧地利、泰國與韓國姊妹校學生,50 名

生。 Sun Yishan of the Department of Applied Japanese second Taiwanese student to receive Tsurukame Cooperation Scholarship in 2013.

長榮大學新鮮人共襄盛舉。 The Office of International Affairs organized the first Global Cultural Exchange Summer Camp, which attracted 10 participants from Canada, Austria, Thailand, and Korea. 50 CJCU freshman students also took part in the event. 38

一年一度的國際文化日於 2014 年 10 月 16 日舉行,共有 三百多位師生參加。有來自德國、奧地利、日本、韓 國,香港還有本校等交換學生一同共襄盛舉。 More than 300 students and faculty members took part in the annual CJCU International Culture Day festivity organized by the Office of International Affairs on October 16, 2014. Exchange students from Germany, Austria, Japan, Korean, and Hong Kong joined the fun.

To broaden students’ international horizon, the Office of International Affairs cooperated with Star Radio on a new program, “CJCU Naruwan.” The program shares international news with listeners every Saturday night from seven to eight. 本校邀請南韓駐台代表趙 百相先生擔任王子濱先生 管理講座嘉賓,以「韓國對 外政策和韓台關係」為主

為提升學生的國際觀,國際事務處與長榮之聲特別合作開發電 台新節目-「CJCU NARUWAN」,節目播出時間於每週六晚上 七點至八點,由校內的國際生在空中與大家分享國際大小事。

題,用中文分享韓國各個 方面的政策,介紹韓國與 台灣的歷史、合作。 CJCU invited South Korean representative in Taiwan Cho Baek Sang as the guest speaker of Wang Zibin Management Seminar to speak on the subject of Korean foreign policy and Korean Taiwan relationship. Mr. Cho used Chinese to share different policies of Korea and introduced the history and cooperation between Korea and Taiwan.

Globees International Exchange with students from Indonesian sister school.

2013 年長榮大學學生受邀到印 尼,參加 GLOBEES 印尼姐妹校 交流活動,為兩校學生建立良好 友誼。今年則輪到長榮大學主辦 GLOBEES 國際交流會,邀請印 尼姐妹校學生來台,接受長榮大 學校方招待,希望可以更加深兩 校情誼,增加未來合作交流機 會。

In 2013, CJCU students were invited to Indonesia by the Indonesian sister schools to participate in the Globees International Exchange. In 2014, CJCU is in charge of organizing Globees and invited students from Indonesian sister schools, further strengthening the bilateral relationship.

日本群馬縣水上町副町長鬼頭春二先生蒞臨長榮大學簽訂友好合 作協議,由副校長黃伯和代表簽約,希望雙方在人文、學術、觀 光…等發展建立多元合作關係,開拓學生海外學習與實習機會, 培養不同領域的專業人才。 Mr. Haruji Kito of Minakami-machi, Gunma Prefecture, Japan visited CJCU to sign a friendship cooperation agreement. He hopes to build up diverse cooperation with overseas students in the fields of humanity and culture, academics, and tourism.


本校首次與外交部合作舉辦【國際禮儀】講座,並邀請外交部杜聖觀處 長親自傳授正確資訊。杜處長表示,一個大學生應該擁有國際觀,才能 面對更多外來的挑戰。 CJCU cooperated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the “International Etiquette Seminar” and invited Mr. Du to spoke to students. Mr. Du told students that university students must have international views to be able to face more external challenges.

本校爭取到青年發展署海外僑校服務計畫補助,至泰國北部 清萊省「滿星疊大同中學」進行服務學習活動,藉此促進國際 交流,協助學生開拓國際視野,展現學校服務教育成果,並增 進海外僑校關係,參加此活動的同學都需自主進行教案與服 務內容規劃,培養學生學習團隊合作的精神與意義。 CJCU’s volunteer program to Da Tong Junior High School is partly funded by Youth Development Administration. This offers students opportunity to take part in international exchange and broaden horizon. of cooperation.

The content of the program was organized by students, which helps instilling in them the spirit and meaning of cooperation.

(五)畢業生的優秀表現 E. Excellent performance of graduates 第一屆傑出系友 Recipients of Notable Graduates 姓名





91 級




91 級




98 級


台灣糖業公司 總經理


98 級




88 級



第二屆傑出系友 Recipients of Notable Graduates 姓名





93 級



102 級




91 級




87 級


工業技術研究院 資訊與通訊研究所副經理

1.台灣中油公司油品行銷事業部嘉南營業處處長 2.長榮大學 EMBA 研究會理事長


創新與務實之研究 Innovative and Practical Researches




V. Innovative and Practical Researches

五、創新與務實之研究 為因應國家社會政經環境的急遽變遷與發展 趨勢,本校統合各項相關資源,推動跨學群之整 合型研究計畫,協辦各項學術研究活動,並促成 各相關專業研究中心的成立,以加強產業界與學 校之產學合作計畫,希冀追求創新與務實之研究 成果為目標。 (一)創新育成 本校育成中心以「社會責任」為主 軸,透過三創生態系統(前育成)及社企 育成計畫(後育成)之策略,達成「社會 觀察、社會參與、社會實踐及社會創 新」之目的。


keeping with the rapid economic changes and the related development of government policies, CJCU has consolidated different resources and promoted cross-disciplinary research projects. The school assists in academic research and facilitates the establishment of research centers, thus hoping to strengthen the industry-academia cooperation. A. Cultivating innovation The aim of the Innovation Incubation Center is social responsibility. The goals of the center are to observe, participate in, practice in, and innovate for society.

「TiC100 社會企業創 意競賽」開跑!將創意點 子實務化,創新育成中 心邀請國際創新創業發 展協會秘書長蔡適陽, 為同學們說明社會企業 創意競賽的內容。

長榮大學創新育成中心全新打造 創新與創意基地於 2014 年 11 月 2 號正式開幕!引進學生、廠商, 匯流創意與時尚,讓擁有想法與 點子的人可以來此一圓夢想。台 南市市長賴清德也到現場致詞, 祝福與勉勵夢想空間的開設。 Incubation Center officially opened on November 2, 2014. The site of Dayuan Machinery from 1965 was renovated and became Big O. It has attracted students and companies of creativity and fashion to set up shop there. Tainan Mayor William Lai was present at the opening to offer good wishes.

Innovation Incubation Center has invited the secretary of TiC Global Association Tsai ShiYang to speak to students about the details of the competition.

Mr. Liu Ching Tsong of Creativity Academy was invited to speak on the importance of innovation in the future by Wang Zibin Management Seminar. The 21st century is a century of knowledge economy.

The cultivation of professional knowledge is not enough. The cultivation of creativity and usage of system are more important. 本校王子濱先生管理講座邀請到「創造力學院」劉慶聰執行 長蒞校演講,講座內容在探討未來「創新」的重要性。二十 一世紀是知識經濟世代,現今不只是培養專業能力,而是要 培養創造與運用系統的能力。


因應三創相關課程與活動辦理使用 效 益,校 內 建 置「Σureka! 宿舍創業基地」及「動能創 意教室」實體空間,每周可 達成至少

100 人的使用人

次,且中心進駐新創廠商有 實 體 店 面 之 空 間 需 求,在 2014 年 11 月 1 日於校外建 置創業夢想聚落定調「BIG O長大夢想空間」,成為學生及培育 的新創廠商實戰場域,並於


學年度自主性提案辦理各項大型校園 活 動,包 括 聖 誕 路 跑、創 業 精 神 講 座、創意告白、「青年戰力培訓營」及 「影音工作坊」活動,吸引 65 位校內 外對三創有興趣的學員前來參與,並 於活動產出 6 件創業企劃書、1 部影音 紀錄短片。2014 年度培育企業目前共 21 家企業進駐,符合社企育成型共 5 家、符合文化創意產業共 6 家。另為推 動社會企業,以社企方舟專案建立 FB 粉絲團,持續連結外部社企公司活動 與影響民眾參與,並以此為主軸主/協 辦:社會企業工作坊 4 次、社會企業創 業相關講座 22 場(含 11 月社會企業創

‘Eureka! Entrepreneurship Base’ and ‘Creativity Classroom’ have been founded to facilitate creativity- and innovation-related classes, or relevant events. The demand for use of these spaces is great. The companies associated with the Center need physical space for their workshops. On November 1, 2014, Big O was built off-campus to meet the demands of students and innovating enterprises. Big O also helped organize many events, such as the Christmas marathon, entrepreneur seminars, and an audio-video workshop. These events have produced six entrepreneur proposals in addition to a short documentary. In 2014, 21 enterprises got stations in the center, five of which met the criteria of social incubation and six those of culture creativity industry. Several events and competitions have been organized to spur on innovation and creativity in entrepreneurship. Many seminars, workshops, talks, and exhibitions have also been organized to get more people involved.

業週)、社會企業競賽 2 場、SE(社會企 業) Talks 1 場、展覽活動 1 場。


財團法人小英教育基金會蔡英文董事長蒞臨長榮大學演講,以 『世界出發-走進世界.定位未來』作為這次的演講專題,現場 師長及學生參與踴躍。 The president of Thinking Taiwan Foundation Ms. Tsai Ying Wen visited CJCU. The topic of her speech was “Departure from the world—walk into the world and navigate the future.” Many faculty members and students attended to listen to the speech. 為鼓舞新世代青年展現創業動能, 提升未來參與創業競賽的可行性, 縮短成功創業的時程,創育中心舉 辦三創 workshop 課程,訓練讓學 生提早準備創業或就業能力,發揮 專長與產業接軌。

Young people are encouraged to demonstrate their entrepreneurial motivation and raise the possibility of increasing the feasibility. Creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship workshop courses allow students to connect with industry before graduation.

為鼓舞新世代青年展現創業動能,提升未來參與創業競賽的可行 性,縮短成功創業的時程,創育中心舉辦三創 workshop 課程,訓 練學生提早準備創業或就業能力,發揮專長與產業接軌。 Young people are encouraged to demonstrate their entrepreneurial motivation and raise the possibility of increasing the feasibility. Creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship workshop courses allow students to connect with industry before graduation.

研發處為推廣教師研發成 果與成熟技術,舉辦「食在 好蝦─創意料理」競賽。橫 跨不同院系,八組隊伍大展 廚藝,呈現健康、美味和創 意的料理。

李前總統登輝先生應本校「長 榮講堂」之邀於 2013 年 5 月 27 日蒞校演講,演講主題為 『領導能力的修練』。現場將 近有 250 位學生和師長,連走 道都坐滿聽眾。

A creative cooking competition was organized to showcase and promote the results of research and development on the part of faculty and students. Eight teams from different departments entered to display their delicious healthy cuisine.

Former president Lee Tenghui was invited to give a speech at Chang Jung Forum on May 27, 2013 on the topic of “The training of leadership ability”. Nearly 250 students filled the venue to listen to the former president.

長榮大學獲得「創新創業課 程開設與發展計畫」50 萬元 補助,積極推動三創學分學 程。 CJCU received NT$500,000 innovative entrepreneur courses and development plan.


B. Excellent Research

(二)卓越研究 為提升校內學術風氣、開闊師生視野, 並促進與外界學術交流,訂定教師「學術研 究獎(補)助辦法」、「學生學術研究獎補助 辦法」、「學術專題講座實施辦法」以鼓勵 教師參與國際合作研究、國際學術研討會並 發表論文。 本校 2013 年至 2014 年,發表期刊 論文 375 篇、I 級期刊 217 篇、教師研 究計畫獎勵 88 件、學生期刊論文獎助 13 件、教師創作獎助 34 件、學生獲獎 獎勵 11 件、教師參與國際研討會 43

In order to encourage faculty and students to take part in international research cooperation and academic conferences, many grants and subsidies have been made available. From 2013 to 2014, 375 papers were published in journals (of which 217 in high impact factor journals) and 88 research proposal grants, 13 student publication grants, 34 teacher creation awards, and 11 student awards were given. Faculty members attended 43 international conferences, and students attended 15 international conferences. 224 seminars and 21 academic events were held.

場、學生參與國際研討會 15 場、舉辦 224 場專題講座、21 場學術活動。


「擺 動 翼 片 式 液 體幫浦」於 2013 台北國際發明暨 技術交易展榮獲 銀牌獎。 Professor Wu Chun-Kai of the Department of Information and Technology won silver in 2013 International Invention Show & Technomart.

資管系張智超老師「晶片裝置」獲「2014 台 北國際發明展暨技術交易展發明競賽」銅牌 獎。 Professor Chang Chi-Chao won Bronze in 2014 International Invention Show & Technomart.

職安系洪慶宜老師以五件產學合作案以及所延伸的推廣教育和訓練榮獲本校 102 年度教師產學合作獎勵。 Professor Hung Ching Yi was given industry-academia award in 2013 for having five industry-academia cooperation agreements and associated training.


C. Industry-academia cooperation

(三)產學合作 本校辦理產學合作計畫總金額於 102 學 年度突破 1 億元,設置產學合作總中心負責 校內各研究中心之設立申請、評鑑、產學合 作計畫,協助校內教師之研發成果專利申 請、長大商標註冊,以及師生創作之設計圖 著作權公證。補助本校教師與學生參與發明 創作、申請專利,促進學用合一,加入南科 產學協會、高軟策進會等團體,於 2014 年 申請加入工研院辦理之「全國技轉聯盟促進 會」,亦透過企業家族體系,本校各系所與 產業界建立了多元互動模式,包括實習機 會、人才培訓計畫、校園徵才、企業參訪、 採購教學軟體提升教學成效、業師授課、講 座交流會、產學合作計畫、學術論文發表 等,辦理主題式競賽、鼓勵師生團隊合作, 並邀請產業界協助指導與評審,形塑區域發 展特色、展現在地關懷之精神。

The total value of the industryacademia cooperation in 2013-14 exceeded NT$100,000,000. An industryacademia cooperation center has been set up to assist faculty members apply for patents and register trademarks. Faculty and students can solicit grants for inventions and apply for patents. In 2014, CJCU joined the National Technology Transfer Promotion Association, so that the school can have diversified interactions with the industry in the way of internships, training, visits, and seminars. 本校與紫銧科 技公司簽訂產 學合作協議, 該公司同時捐 贈一部電動機 車予本校使用 用。 該部電動機車將投入「河 川巡守」的環境保育任務。 CJCU has signed cooperation agreement with Violet Tech. Upon signing, Violet donated an electric motorcycle to CJCU to be used in its river patrol operation. It is a gesture to show that everyone in the industry and academia has the responsibility to protect the environment.

本校「產學合作總中心」開 幕,打造多功能親產學空間 Industry-academia Cooperation Center opens. 增加實習機會 醫管系與台 南捐血中心產學合作。 Cooperation between Department of Health Care Administration and Tainan Blood Center.

實習即就業!長榮大學 護理學系積極推動產學 合作,「學用合一」讓 畢業生踏出校門具有臨 床專業能力,於 2011 年至 2013 年連續三年 就業率達百分百。 As a result of cooperating with industry, the Department of Nursing has been able to help all of its graduates from 2011 to 2013 find jobs upon graduation. The clinical training in school has been a success.


世人哪,耶和華已指示你何為善。他向你所要的是什麼 呢?只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心,與你的神同行。 (彌迦書 6 : 8)


信仰辦學打造公義 Faith Oriented Education and Social


nd Social


六、信仰辦學打造公義社會 本校是奉耶穌基督的聖名所設立的基督 教大學,綜合先進國家「全人教育」之理 念、國內「生命教育」之推行及本校「全人 牧育」之基督博愛精神,基督教大學的有限 性在於沒有財團作為經濟支持,也不像公 立大學有政府的幫助,但學校可以沒有壓 力的把經費用在學生身上。鑒於基督教教 育講求教育平權,視供應有心讀書的孩子 「求 學 的 權 利」為 一 項 很 重 要 的 辦 學 責 任。本校擬從教育本身肩負起社會責任,

VI. Faith Oriented Education and Social Justice Promotion CJCU is a Christian university founded in the name of Jesus Christ. It combines the principles of holistic education, life education, and Christian spirit of love. Although it receives no financial support from business groups or the government, the school can spend its budget on the students unreservedly. All students must have the same rights to receive an education. It is this social responsibility that CJCU has assumed in order to spread the seeds of a just society to every corner of the world.

希冀所牧育的每一位學生,均能成為打造 公義社會的種子,並將社會公義理念及行 為散播到社區、生態環境甚至國際上的每 一個角落。 李泳龍校長利用開學前夕率領校內行政與教 學主管參加二仁溪生態體驗之旅 Before the semester began, President Lee Yung Long visited the restored Er-ren River with other administrative supervisors.

長榮大學河川巡守隊結合服務教育課程認養 學校周圍水體每週進行監測,確保水質的安 全性。在世界地球日這一天結合學生河川巡 守隊活動,邀請國際師生到社區國中進行環 境教育,踏訪二仁溪的生態。 Every week, CJCU’s river patrol monitors the water quality of the waterways around the school to gauge the change. On Earth Day, international exchange students at CJCU were invited to learn about water quality monitoring in a junior high school in the community.

國際知名保育人士珍古德博士於 2014 年 11 月 5 日二度參訪二仁溪, 並與本校董事長 楊四海、校長李泳龍一起為在校園建立的 「國際珍古德根與芽生態教育中心」〈ECO -Center〉揭牌,共同種植「希望之樹」。 On November 5, 2014, Dr. Jane Goodall came to CJCU to see the restoration of the Erren River. She established the Shoots & Roots ECO-Center with CJCU president and director of the board Mr. Yang SiHai and planted the “Tree of Hope.”


(一)生態正義 本校重視二仁溪復育計畫,長年協助 推動民眾參與河川守護工作,並積極發 展「水岸大學」的構想。對內推行廚餘 與水資源回收,規劃校園自然保護區、 擴 大 綠 地,致 力 於 環 境 保 育,並 參 與 「國際珍古德協會」積極推動的「國際 珍古德根與芽生態教育中心」教育計 畫,以提倡保育觀念、落實保育計畫、 推 動 環 境 教 育「根 與 芽」(Roots & Shoots),規劃建立 ECO -Center(國際級 生態教育中心),使本校成為環境教育

A. Eco-Justice CJCU has been working with the local community on the conservation and restoration of the Er-ren River. On campus, the recycling of leftovers and water resources has been implemented, and a natural reserve on campus is also being planned. CJCU has also joined Roots & Shoots Program by Dr. Jane Goodall to promote and implement environmental conservation ideas and education. Through the establishment of an ECO Center, CJCU has become a base for environmental education and international exchanges.

的基地,促進國際經驗交流,連結世界 其他參與根與芽計畫的學校,增進學生 及流域居民的環境關懷與國際移動力。


B. Community building

(二)社區營造 社會責任是本校積極推動的校務發展 計畫,透過美化校園,並與當地社區結 合,讓學校及鄰近地區成為充滿人文氣 質的藝術社區,邁向具有人文、休閒、 環保特色的綠能大學城願景。 以藝術、人文導入社區,辦理多樣多元公 共合作活動。從校內外的公共藝術至尋找社 區的歷史人文故事,辦理大潭社區牆壁彩 繪、歸仁區彩繪圍籬活動;向市政府申請自 行車道延伸到二仁溪,建置二仁溪文物館, 與當地農民合作舉辦農夫市集,節慶活動規 劃,開設旅館英文班,協助建置國際民宿網 頁,打造背包客學習中心等。 公共藝術由學校師生一同聯手打造,

Fostering a sense of community has always been a policy at CJCU. By beautifying the campus and getting the local community involved, the areas around the school become more cultured, artistic, ecological, and convivial. Many different types of artistic and cultural events, such as painting/ drawing the walls that delimit the local highway, founding the Er-ren River Museum, organizing farmers markets, and planning festival events, have been organized with the cooperation of the community. Public art was created by CJCU students and faculty members. The event granted students and teachers an opportunity to freely express themselves, while bringing local flavors into their creation.

除提供學生發揮所學、激發創意的機會 外,亦深入在地文化風情,增添歸屬感 和師生情誼。

長榮大學站是全國唯一在校園的車站,除 了有交通便利的功能,也讓長榮大學校園 成為公共景觀的一部分。 高架天橋增加景觀設計,由媒體系林靜宜老師融合 牧羊圖意象,彰顯學校教育理念,為長榮大學校園美 化增添一處公共藝術作品,成為沙崙支線最有藝術 氣息的地標。

CJCU Station is the only train station to be located on any campus in Taiwan. It not only brings convenience but also allows CJCU to be part of landscape architecture. In addition to the landscape design on the overpass, Prof. Lin YiChing also included a Jesus and sheep shepherding artwork to illustrate CJCU’s educational philosophy. This installation of public art has become the most artistic spot along the Shalun Line. 53

服務教育是本校校園文化特色之一,除了身體力行 做清掃工作之外,透過專業老師指導,讓學生可以 找到適合的服務單位,利用自己的專長或興趣,服 務需要幫助的單位,充實大學生活。 Service learning is a part of CJCU culture. In addition to cleaning the campus, students must find suitable organizations to provide their volunteer service related to their expertise or interests. 本校推廣教育中心於 2014 年 9 月 11 日舉辦「產業人才 投資方案-勞工在職訓練成 果展」,最大賣點是「大潭小 農」的學員透過文化創意和 網路,將大潭里的農產品融 入農民的故事,設計 LOGO 及行銷產品,提升附加價值。

On September 11, 2014, an exhibition of the results from “Talent Investment” class showcased the creativity of the students. The stories of the farmers from Datan area are incorporated in the logo design and the marketing of their products.

長榮大學生根大潭社區今年邁入第 21 年, 為落實基督教大學的辦學理念,積極走進社 區,融入社會,承擔更多社會責任,於 2014 年 12 月 6 日偕同歸仁區、 大潭里以及台南企 業,首次共同舉辦聖誕聯合點燈暨鐵支路市 集活動系列活動。

In its 21st year in Datan District, CJCU organized a railway bazaar on December 6, 2014 to be closer to the people in its community and bring happiness during Christmas holiday.

新化街役場為台灣南部現存日治時期的街役場建築,因新化地下 停車場整建,原本面臨拆遷,而進行了「乾坤大挪移」的搬遷工 程,而這段齊心合力的歷史,在本校創新育成中心業師王文達老 師的指導及美術系同學的努力下,完成這幅具有意義又饒富趣味 的彩繪作品,希望參觀的朋友們,可透過這樣互動式的彩繪牆面, 感受當年街役場的搬遷情境。 The town hall building of Xinhua district during the Japanese colonial era was moved offsite during the construction of an underground parking lot. Mr. Wang Wen Da of Innovation Incubation Center worked with students from the Department of Fine Arts to recreate the move in a mural.


本校美術、書畫、媒體三系聯手彩繪大潭里,利用彩繪的時間停下腳 步重新認識社區的風土人情,拉近學生與居民的距離,並主動把藝術 導入社區,美學在地紮根,活絡校方與社區的關係。 Students from three different art departments worked with the community to bring colors into their lives and the community by painting scenes combining local culture and their creativity, thus brining art into the community.

本校學生會、 社團、大潭里聯合成果發表會於 2014 年 12 月 10 日舉行聯合成果發表會,會中系學會、社團 展現精彩表演,深獲好評。 On December 10, 2014, student association and student clubs put on performances in the Datan community center to entertain local residents.

本校來自管理學院、人文社會學院、健康科學學院、資訊工程學院、神學院 與永續教育學院的「陶藝小羊公仔」於 2014 年 9 月 24 日舉辦揭展典禮,由校 長以象徵牧羊人的權杖揭幕,首先於行政大樓迴廊旁展開 2 個禮拜的陳列展 覽,之後進駐校園各角落,成為校園裝置藝術新亮點,同時,永續教育學院 小羊更要進駐大潭里服務里民,希望藉由公共藝術的薰陶打造富有文化涵養 的校園,進而推廣至社區,點線面連結成長榮大學藝術村。 Pottery sheep from the College of Management, College of Humanity, College of Health Care Sciences, College of Engineering and Information, College of Theology, and College of Continuing Education were unveiled on September 24, 2014 by the president with a crook. After two weeks of exhibition on campus, the sheep will migrate into the community to bring art into residents’ lives.

本校營養系和大潭社區發展協會合作,替社區老人進行簡 單身體健康測量,同時也為長者們上衛生教育課程,使其 更了解如何預防慢性疾病。 The Department of Nutrition cooperated with Data Community Development Association to help community elders understand more about chronic diseases and how they can prevent them.


(三)弱勢關懷 本校教育秉持「牧羊人精神」,不放 棄任何一隻羊,有教無類之態度,特別 照顧弱勢及迷失的孩子。 為發展校園多元文化特色,尊重多元 文化以及照顧少數族群,設置『原住民 族學生資源中心』,落實服務於各原住 民族學生之工作,加強原住民學生在生 活與學習上的適應,達到提升學生的學 習成效、品質及發揮潛能,為社會、部 落培育優秀人才。 針對身心障礙學生個別需求,提供相 關資源以促進其學習及人際互動適應, 並辦理如混合障礙運動會等共融活動, 透過階段性的認識弱勢族群,加強校內 教職員生對身心障礙同學的認識與互動

C. Caring for the weak and disadvantaged CJCU adheres to the educational philosophy of “no one left behind,” caring for all students, especially the weak and the disadvantaged. Respecting diverse cultures and looking after minority groups, CJCU established the Indigenous Students Resource Center to provide services, such as academic and life adjustment, to indigenous students, so that they can live up to their potential and become productive members of the society. CJCU also provides the relevant resources for students with physical and mental disabilities for the purpose of facilitating their learning and social interactions. Staff members are encouraged to know more about the disabled students and to provide services actively rather than passively.

空間,將被動式服務體驗提升為主動性 服務,增加身心障礙學生對生命之關懷

On April 3, 2014, Love without Barrier of CJCU visited Datan Elementary School to promote equality for the disabled. 114 students from third to sixth grade were invited to experience what it is like to have physical disabilities. It is hoped that this would promote tolerance and acceptance.


本校愛無礙社為了讓未來的主人翁提早建立良好的 本校樂齡大學於 2014 年 12 月 17 日舉行結業典禮, 由黃伯和 副校長與永續教育學院孫國華院長主持,邀請樂齡學員分享 上課心得及收穫。 The graduation ceremony of CJCU “university for the elderly” was held on December 17, 2014. Vice President Huang Poho and Professor Sun KuoHua presided over the ceremony. The graduates were invited to share their stories.

觀念。2014 年 4 月 3 日於大潭國小,舉辦身心障

礙宣導-讓「礙」走動,邀請 3 至 6 年級的小朋 友,共 114 位,了解別人不同的地方,以包容與 接受來替代嘲笑與諷刺。

諮商中心資源教室辦理「有品小羊,讓愛飛揚」計畫,帶領身障生及協 助工讀生到屏東迦南療養院送物資、做志工。 “Let Love Fly” project of the Counseling Office took disabled students and students to Canaan Disability Home in Pingtung to bring donations and volunteer.


本校訂定「長榮大學以學代工牧羊 助學計畫」,請學生運用課餘時間到校 唸書並支給工讀金,不必花大量時間 跟體力在打工上,不但能提升學業表 現,也能紓解經濟壓力,另外亦提供清 寒救助、護羊計畫、與企業合作設立助 學獎助學金,為了讓更多弱勢學生受 到照顧,將於104學年度擴大鐵道 TA 課業輔導等,讓經濟弱勢學生得以 安心就學無後顧之憂。 最後,本校成立全台僅有的教職員 工 關 懷 網,提 供 教 職 同 仁(1)健 康 諮 詢、(2)家庭親子關係、(3)生活困擾、 (4)工作壓力、(5)職場衝突、(6)信仰靈

CJCU initiated a Study-for-Money Program to help students in need of financial support. Students who meet the criteria for such assistance would not need to find a part-time job. Instead, they just show up for tutoring at their appointed time and receive wages for studying. With this program, financially disadvantaged students would not have to worry about making ends meet while studying. Finally, CJCU established the only faculty-staff care network in Taiwan to provide counseling in health issues, family problems, work stress, conflict at the workplace, and faith. Professional counselors are available to assist faculty and staff in the latter’s time of need.

命等方面的關懷諮詢,藉由安排適當 的專業人員來提供需要協助的教職同 仁相關諮詢建議。

On November 27, 2014, CJCU organized “White Ribbon Movement” to promote gender equality by saying yes to peace and no to violence. In the fourth year of the move本校於 2014 年 11 月 27 ment, Mr. Shawn Tinkler of the Canadian Office in 日舉辦「白絲帶宣誓運 Taipei was invited to join 動」,提倡「不使用暴力、the event.

不容忍暴力、不對暴力 沉默」的兩性平等理念。

為支援偏遠鄉區兒童教育,讓偏鄉兒童度過充實愉快的 暑假,本校校牧室與學生團契開辦部落教育營,輔導部 落孩童的課業、教導品格教育以及宣傳福音。 CJCU Office of the Chaplin and student fellowship visited indigenous tribal settlements in rural mountainous areas to assist in childhood education and help kids have a happy and fulfilling summer. Each year, the fellowship visits settlements to help children with their studies and character education, while spreading the word of God.

此活動已邁入第四年,特地邀請了加拿大駐台辦 事處─丁家俊副處長蒞校共襄盛舉。 為感謝中華電信免收本校清寒學子使用宿舍網路費,校長李泳龍 頒發感謝狀,肯定中華電信關懷清寒學子,讓清寒學子能享用學 習資源優勢,由中華電信南部區經理吳坤泉接受本校感謝狀。 President Lee Yung Long presented a certificate of appreciation to the regional manager of CHT Wu KunChun, thanking him for providing free wifi to disadvantaged students in the dormitory.


M型化社會下,弱勢學生因家庭經濟問題必需利用課餘時 間打工,爭取生活費或學費,無法兼顧課業,為此本校訂 定『長榮大學以學代工牧羊助學計畫』,請學生撥出課餘 時間到校唸書並支給工讀金,不必花大量時間跟體力在打 工上,不但能提升學業表現,也能紓解經濟壓力,得以安 心就學無後顧之憂。 As some students must take on part-time jobs outside classes to help make ends meet, many of whom often neglect their studies in the process. CJCU’s “Study f or Money” pays students to study so they can focus on their studies and not be distracted by work.

在母親節前夕,本校會計資訊學系與台南市 智障者福利家長協進會攜手合作,推出甜 心‘愛’媽咪餅乾義賣,販售協進會的憨兒們親 手烘培的餅乾,並將販售所得全數捐給協會。 Before Mother’s Day, the Department of Accounting and Information Systems and the NGO Tainan Parent Association of the Mentally and Physically Disabled cooperated to hold a bake sale. The proceeds from the sale of cookies made by children with Down syndrome are donated to the association.

本校於 2014 年 11 月 14 日歡渡 21 歲生日,翌日由人事室舉辦創 校以來第一次教職員工「家庭日」,以健行活動的方式,鼓勵平 日埋首校務的同仁,帶著家人與同仁親近大自然,活動筋骨也活 絡彼此感情。 On November 14, 2014, the personnel office organized “Family Day” to invite faculty and staff to bring along their family members for a hike. Everyone can take the opportunity to bond with his or her family and become closer.

本校蘭大衛紀念圖書館於 2013 年 10 月 31 日贈予 800 餘本圖書至屏東 縣琉球鄉立圖書館及琉球國中,希望能為離島地區帶來更多的資源,也 讓圖書資源可以善加利用。 CJCU David Landsborough Memorial Library donated more than 800 books to Liuqiu County and Liuqiu Junior High School on October 31, 2013. This endowed isolated areas with more resources and allowed the resources themselves to be better utilized.

社會工作學系舉辦社工週之愛心義賣活動,販賣伊甸基金會小朋友製 作的手工餅乾,以及由系上同學親手設計的原住民紀念 T 恤,社工系 將發揮愛心,把義賣所得用於幫助弱勢團體。 The Department of Social Work organized a charity sale of cookies made by children of Eden Social Welfare Foundation and T-shirts designed by students of the department. All proceeds go to charities.


103~107 學年度策略 Strategic Planning for 2014 to 2018



to 2018


七、103~107 學年度策略規劃 本校依據 103~107 學年度中長程校務發展計 畫,以「效法耶穌濟世救人精神,成為世界一流 的基督教大學」為願景。其次,本校以「敬天、 愛人、惜物與力行」為核心價值(Core Value)。同 時以「全人牧育,長榮永續」為校務發展使命。 在 103~107 年度中長程校務發展目標設定方面為 「放眼世界,深耕在地,成為南臺灣最好的私立 大學」,期能在中長期內成為南台灣地區不論教 學品質、研究質量、國際化程度、產學合作規 模、畢業生就業率、學輔成果、校園永續等指標 均能名列前茅。最後在學校發展定位上,本校於 103 年 1 月 2 日,由第 7 任校長李泳龍教授召開 「校務推動討論會議」,會中決議,長榮大學之 自我定位為「以教學為主研究為輔之教學型大 學」。茲將本校願景、核心價值、使命、目標與 定位圖列示於下圖。

VII. Strategic Planning for 2014 to 2018 According to its mid- to long-range development plan, CJCU maintains the vision of “emulating the spirit of Jesus to become a world class Christian university,” in keeping with the core value of “respecting God, loving others, treasuring resources, and practicing.” Offering a holistic education continues the mission of CJCU. Between 2014 and 2018, CJCU hopes to become the best private school in southern Taiwan while eyeing the world stage. In terms of instruction quality, research quality, globalization, scale of industry-academia cooperation, job placement for graduates, and counseling, it is also hoped that CJCU can maintain its supremacy among the universities in southern Taiwan. On January 2, 2014, President Lee Yung Long convened a meeting on school development. On that occasion it was resolved that CJCU would position itself as a university focused primarily on instruction and secondarily on research. Its vision, core values, mission, goal, and position are expressed in the following figure.

未來發展願景、核心價值及使命圖 Vision, Core Values and Mission of future development 61

本 校「103-107 學 年 中 長 程 校 務 發 展 計 畫」之規劃,從計畫之擬訂、執行與管考, 乃依 PDCA 的管理模式次第進行。 在擬定過程方面,首先依據教育部人才 培育白皮書、國家發展計畫、及本校校務發 展願景、核心價值與使命,獲取 103-107 學 年中長程校務發展計畫之初步彙編資料方 向,同時召開校務諮詢會議,邀請校內外專 家及學者擬定出本校校務發展目標「南臺灣 最好的私立大學」。 再者經由本校校務推動委員會、主管共 識營及教師共識營擬定出本校未來五年之發 展六大策略,分別為「全人牧育」、「適性 揚 才」、「教 研 精 實」、「國 際 參 與」、 「校 園 永 續」、及「社 會 責 任」之 策 略 主 軸,策略規劃架構圖如下。 接續再藉由計畫時程分析、利害關係人 分析、TOWS 策略矩陣分析擬定本校 103-

The drafting, implementing, managing, and evaluating of the mid- to long-range development plan will be carried out according to the PDCA management model. In the drafting process, the direction of development planned was based on the White Paper on Human Resource Development by the Ministry of Education, National Development Plan, and the vision, core values and mission of the school. Then, a consultative meeting was held with experts and scholars from outside the university to formulate the development goal of becoming “the best private university in southern Taiwan.” Six major strategies were then formulated through a series of meetings with departmental supervisors and faculty. The strategies are: holistic education, appropriate materials, superior instruction and research, global participation, sustainable campus, and social responsibility. The strategies are presented in the following figure. Through project schedule analysis, stakeholder analysis, TOWS strategic matrix analysis, the 2014-2018 development execution proposal and plan is drafted. After the proposal is compiled and the key performance indicator drawn up, the development plan is implemented. Every year the plan is revised on a rolling basis according to the actual situation.

107 學年中長程校 務發展執行方案 與 計 畫。最 後 藉 由 編 列、擬 定 KPI(Key Performance Indicator)、執 行,並 經 每年實際狀況作 細部修正之管考 機 制,形 成 計 畫 之滾動式修正。

103-107 學年度策略規劃架構圖 Structure of 2014-2018 strategies 62

資料、統計數字與財務資訊 Data, Statistics and Financial Information


財務資訊 Information


八、資料、統計數字和財務資訊 VIII. Data, Statistics and Financial Information (一)學生人數(分大學部與研究所)與變動趨勢圖

A. Student number (undergraduate and graduate programs) and run chart 101-103 學年度學生人數表 2012-14 School Year Number of students 項目\學年度

















B. Number and change of faculty and staff run chart 101-103 學年度教職員人數 2012-14 School Year Number of faculty and staff 項目\學年度




專任教師 (人)




兼任教師 (人)




教師人數合計 (人)







專任職員、約聘僱人員、警衛、 工友與技工 (人)

101-103 學年度學生變動趨勢圖 2012-14 School Year Student run chart

101-103 學年度教職員變動趨勢圖 2012-14 School Year Change in faculty and staff



C. School land and building (floor) area (hectares)

項目\學年度 校地面積 樓地板面積

101-102 學年度校地及樓地板面積表 2012-13 School Year Land and floor area 101 公頃 平方公尺/每生 公頃 26.90 27.07 27.30 16.49 16.59 16.49

102 平方公尺/每生 27.13 16.39

101-102 學年度校地及樓地板面積變動趨勢圖 2012-13 School Year Land and floor area run chart


D. Library Resources 101-102 學年度學校圖書資源表 2012-13 School Year Library resources 項目\學年度


中文圖書 (冊)





























期刊現刊(種) 電子資料庫(種) 電子書(冊) 電子期刊(種) 合計



5. Facilities and Resources 101-102 學年度學校設備與資源表 2012-13 School Year Facilities and resources 項目\學年度
































田徑場(400 公尺標準跑道)























學生宿舍(床位) 單身教職員宿舍(床位)


(六)學校收入分析(學校經費來源) F.Revenue analysis (revenue sources) 101-102 學年度收入表 2012-13 School Year Revenue breakdown

項目\學年度 學雜費收入

101(2012) 元

102(2013) 元
































$ 1,276,473,142


$ 1,273,554,988



(七)學校支出分析(學校經費用途) G. Expenditure analysis (regular expenditures) 101-102 學年度經常支出表 2012-13 School Year Regular expenditures 項目\學年度 董事會支出

101(2012) 元

102(2013) %









































$ 1,194,431,313


$ 1,190,169,237




長榮大學 2013-2014 雙年報編輯委員會 發 行 人:李泳龍 出版單位:長榮大學

總 編 輯:黃伯和 副總編輯:謝季宏 執行編輯:孫惠民、藍月素、吳宗哲、艾倫、陳俊吉、邱東龍 柯愷音、郭庭芳、張鈺欣、陳俊傑、蔡忠林 美



話: 06-2785123

址: http://www.cjcu.edu.tw/zh_tw/

出版日期: 2015 年 4 月 11 日


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