RED – Danish Investment Atlas 2022 – English edition

Page 7

While the yield level continued to decrease

the risk premium for taking location risk and

for prime locations and for the most attrac-

for investing in different types of retail prop-

tive segments, the yield level remained sta-

erties has increased.


INCREASING YIELD SPREAD ble at the more secondary locations and for the less attractive segments. Therefore,

In the market for secondary office proper-

we saw price increases for both residential

ties, hotels and retail properties, there are

properties, logistics properties and well-lo-

thus good opportunities for first-movers to

cated office properties in 2021. The opposite

generate relatively high risk-adjusted returns

was true for secondary office properties,

by entering the cycle early before the yield

hotels and almost all types of retail proper-

spread narrows again.

As always, the interest rate development was a

After almost two years challenged by the pandemic, the stores

significant topic during 2021. While long-term

and restaurants are starting to look towards brighter times again.

interest rates both increased and decreased dur-

The two years with lockdowns, uncertainty and declining turno-

ing the year, short-term interest rates remained

ver have shown that the retail market neither was nor is dying. The

at a record low level throughout the year. How-

e-­commerce market got optimal conditions with employees work-

ever, the talk of a lasting increase in long-term

ing from home and closed physical stores, and e-commerce also

interest rates have become more entrenched and

got a boost. However, the physical stores are coming back strongly,

seems to be an expectation among most inves-

and we have experienced a limited number of bankruptcies and

tors. Although an increasing interest rate envi-

consumers that are on their way back to the stores – because for-

ronment seems like a realistic scenario, due to

tunately, we miss getting outside our homes and meeting other

expectations of increasing inflation, the yield


requirements for real estate decreased.






ties, where the stagnation continued. Thus,

Therefore, the total dominance of e-commerce has been cancelled and replaced by the right balance between physical experiences

large amounts of capital allocated for return-­

and online stores. Currently, several “pure” online stores choose to

giving assets and the limited supply of properties

open physical stores and thus show that there are synergies to be

in the Nordic countries, where a large part of the

gained between a strong online platform and presence on the right

capital is directed at.

locations in the cities.


In our opinion, this is an expression of both the

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